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Principles of Biochemistry 

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Principles of Biochemistry 

Fifth Edition 

Laurence A. Moran 

University of Toronto 

H. Robert Horton 

North Carolina State University 

K. Gray Scrimgeour 

University of Toronto 

Marc D. Perry 

University of Toronto 


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 

Principles of biochemistry / H. Robert Horton ... [et al]. — 5th ed. 
p. cm. 

ISBN 0-321-70733-8 

1. Biochemistry. I. Horton, H. Robert, 1935- 
QP514.2.P745 2012 
612'. 015 — dc23 


ISBN 10: 0-321-70733-8 

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Science should be as simple as possible, 
but not simpler. 

- Albert Einstein 

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Brief Contents 

Part One 


1 Introduction to Biochemistry l 

2 Water 28 

Part Two 

Structure and Function 

3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 55 

4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 85 

5 Properties of Enzymes 134 

6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 162 

7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 196 

8 Carbohydrates 227 

9 Lipids and Membranes 256 

Part Three 

Metabolism and Bioenergetics 

10 Introduction to Metabolism 294 

11 Glycolysis 325 

12 Gluconeogenesis, the Pentose Phosphate 
Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 355 

13 The Citric Acid Cycle 385 

14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 417 

15 Photosynthesis 443 

16 Lipid Metabolism 475 

17 Amino Acid Metabolism 514 

18 Nucleotide Metabolism 550 

Part Four 

Biological Information Flow 

19 Nucleic Acids 573 

20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 601 

21 Transcription and RNA Processing 634 

22 Protein Synthesis 666 



To the Student xxiii 

Preface xxv 

About the Authors xxxiii 

Part One 


1 Introduction to Biochemistry 1 

1.1 Biochemistry Is a Modern Science 2 

1.2 The Chemical Elements of Life 3 

1.3 Many Important Macromolecules Are Polymers 4 

A. Proteins 6 

B. Polysaccharides 6 

C. Nucleic Acids 7 

D. Lipids and Membranes 9 

1.4 The Energetics of Life 10 

A. Reaction Rates and Equilibria 11 

B. Thermodynamics 12 

C. Equilibrium Constants and Standard Gibbs Free Energy Changes 13 

D. Gibbs Free Energy and Reaction Rates 14 

1.5 Biochemistry and Evolution 15 

1.6 The Cell Is the Basic Unit of Life 17 

1.7 Prokaryotic Cells: Structural Features 17 

1.8 Eukaryotic Cells: Structural Features 18 

A. The Nucleus 20 

B. The Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Apparatus 20 

C. Mitochondria and Chloroplasts 21 

D. Specialized Vesicles 22 

E. The Cytoskeleton 23 

1.9 A Picture of the Living Cell 23 

1.10 Biochemistry Is Multidisciplinary 26 

Appendix: The Special Terminology of Biochemistry 26 
Selected Readings 27 

2 Water 28 

2.1 The Water Molecule Is Polar 29 

2.2 Hydrogen Bonding in Water 30 
Box 2.1 Extreme Thermophiles 32 

2.3 Water Is an Excellent Solvent 32 

A. Ionic and Polar Substances Dissolve in Water 32 
Box 2.2 Blood Plasma and Seawater 33 

B. Cellular Concentrations and Diffusion 34 

C. Osmotic Pressure 34 

2.4 Nonpolar Substances Are Insoluble in Water 35 


2.5 Noncovalent Interactions 37 

A. Charge-Charge Interactions 37 

B. Hydrogen Bonds 37 

C. Van der Waals Forces 38 

D. Hydrophobic Interactions 39 

2.6 Water Is Nucleophilic 39 

Box 2.3 The Concentration of Water 41 

2.7 Ionization of Water 41 

2.8 The pH Scale 43 

Box 2.4 The Little “p” in pH 44 

2.9 Acid Dissociation Constants of Weak Acids 44 

Sample Calculation 2.1 Calculating the pH of Weak Acid Solutions 49 

2.10 Buffered Solutions Resist Changes in pH 50 
Sample Calculation 2.2 Buffer Preparation 50 
Summary 52 

Problems 52 
Selected Readings 54 


Structure and Function 

3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 55 

3.1 General Structure of Amino Acids 56 

3.2 Structures of the 20 Common Amino Acids 58 

Box 3.1 Fossil Dating by Amino Acid Racemization 58 

A. Aliphatic R Groups 59 

B. Aromatic R Groups 59 

C. R Groups Containing Sulfur 60 

D. Side Chains with Alcohol Groups 60 
Box 3.2 An Alternative Nomenclature 61 

E. Positively Charged R Groups 61 

F. Negatively Charged R Groups and Their Amide Derivatives 62 

G. The Hydrophobicity of Amino Acid Side Chains 62 

3.3 Other Amino Acids and Amino Acid Derivatives 62 

3.4 Ionization of Amino Acids 63 

Box 3.3 Common Names of Amino Acids 64 

3.5 Peptide Bonds Link Amino Acids in Proteins 67 

3.6 Protein Purification Techniques 68 

3.7 Analytical Techniques 70 

3.8 Amino Acid Composition of Proteins 73 

3.9 Determining the Sequence of Amino Acid Residues 74 

3.10 Protein Sequencing Strategies 76 

3.11 Comparisons of the Primary Structures of 
Proteins Reveal Evolutionary Relationships 79 
Summary 82 

Problems 82 
Selected Readings 84 

4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 85 

4.1 There Are Four Levels of Protein Structure 87 

4.2 Methods for Determining Protein Structure 88 


4.3 The Conformation of the Peptide Group 91 

Box 4.1 Flowering Is Controlled by Cis/Trans Switches 93 

4.4 The a Helix 94 

4.5 (3 Strands and f3 Sheets 97 

4.6 Loops and Turns 98 

4.7 Tertiary Structure of Proteins 99 

A. Supersecondary Structures 100 

B. Domains 101 

C. Domain Structure, Function, and Evolution 102 

D. Intrinsically Disordered Proteins 102 

4.8 Quaternary Structure 103 

4.9 Protein-Protein Interactions 109 

4.10 Protein Denaturation and Renaturation 110 

4.11 Protein Folding and Stability 114 

A. The Hydrophobic Effect 114 

B. Hydrogen Bonding 115 

Box 4.2 CASP: The Protein Folding Game 116 

C. Van der Waals Interactions and Charge-Charge Interactions 117 

D. Protein Folding Is Assisted by Molecular Chaperones 117 

4.12 Collagen, a Fibrous Protein 119 
Box 4.3 Stronger Than Steel 121 

4.13 Structure of Myoglobin and Hemoglobin 122 

4.14 Oxygen Binding to Myoglobin and Hemoglobin 123 

A. Oxygen Binds Reversibly to Heme 123 

B. Oxygen-Binding Curves of Myoglobin and Hemoglobin 124 
Box 4.4 Embryonic and Fetal Hemoglobins 126 

C. Hemoglobin Is an Allosteric Protein 127 

4.15 Antibodies Bind Specific Antigens 129 
Summary 130 

Problems 131 
Selected Readings 133 

5 Properties of Enzymes 134 

5.1 The Six Classes of Enzymes 136 

Box 5.1 Enzyme Classification Numbers 137 

5.2 Kinetic Experiments Reveal Enzyme Properties 138 

A. Chemical Kinetics 138 

B. Enzyme Kinetics 139 

5.3 The Michaelis-Menten Equation 140 

A. Derivation of the Michaelis-Menten Equation 141 

B. The Calalytic Constant K cat 143 

C. The Meanings of K m 144 

5.4 Kinetic Constants Indicate Enzyme Activity and Catalytic Proficiency 

5.5 Measurement of K m and l/ max 145 

Box 5.2 Hyperbolas Versus Straight Lines 146 

5.6 Kinetics of Multisubstrate Reactions 147 

5.7 Reversible Enzyme Inhibition 148 

A. Competitive Inhibition 149 

B. Uncompetitive Inhibition 150 



C. Noncompetitive Inhibition 150 

D. Uses of Enzyme Inhibition 151 

5.8 Irreversible Enzyme Inhibition 152 

5.9 Regulation of Enzyme Activity 153 

A. Phosphofructokinase Is an Allosteric Enzyme 154 

B. General Properties of Allosteric Enzymes 155 

C. Two Theories of Allosteric Regulation 156 

D. Regulation by Covalent Modification 158 

5.10 Multienzyme Complexes and Multifunctional Enzymes 158 
Summary 159 

Problems 159 
Selected Readings 161 

6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 162 

6.1 The Terminology of Mechanistic Chemistry 162 

A. Nucleophilic Substitutions 163 

B. Cleavage Reactions 163 

C. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 164 

6.2 Catalysts Stabilize Transition States 164 

6.3 Chemical Modes of Enzymatic Catalysis 166 

A. Polar Amino Acids Residues in Active Sites 166 

Box 6.1 Site-Directed Mutagenesis Modifies Enzymes 167 

B. Acid-Base Catalysis 168 

C. Covalent Catalysis 169 

D. pH Affects Enzymatic Rates 170 

6.4 Diffusion-Controlled Reactions 171 

A. Triose Phosphate Isomerase 172 

Box 6.2 The “Perfect Enzyme”? 174 

B. Superoxide Dismutase 175 

6.5 Modes of Enzymatic Catalysis 175 

A. The Proximity Effect 176 

B. Weak Binding of Substrates to Enzymes 178 

C. Induced Fit 179 

D. Transition State Stabilization 180 

6.6 Serine Proteases 183 

A. Zymogens Are Inactive Enzyme Precursors 183 
Box 6.3 Kornberg’s Ten Commandments 183 

B. Substrate Specificity of Serine Proteases 184 

C. Serine Proteases Use Both the Chemical 
and the Binding Modes of Catalysis 185 

Box 6.4 Clean Clothes 186 
Box 6.5 Convergent Evolution 187 

6.7 Lysozyme 187 

6.8 Arginine Kinase 190 
Summary 192 
Problems 193 
Selected Readings 194 



Coenzymes and Vitamins 196 

7.1 Many Enzymes Require Inorganic Cations 197 

7.2 Coenzyme Classification 197 

7.3 ATP and Other Nucleotide Cosubstrates 198 
Box 7.1 Missing Vitamins 200 

7.4 NAD© and NADP© 200 

Box 7.2 NAD Binding to Dehydrogenases 203 

7.5 FAD and FMN 204 

7.6 Coenzyme A and Acyl Carrier Protein 204 

7.7 Thiamine Diphosphate 206 

7.8 Pyridoxal Phosphate 207 

7.9 Vitamin C 209 

7.10 Biotin 211 

Box 7.3 One Gene: One Enzyme 212 

7.11 Tetrahydrofolate 213 

7.12 Cobalamin 215 

7.13 Lipoamide 216 

7.14 Lipid Vitamins 217 

A. Vitamin A 217 

B. Vitamin D 218 

C. Vitamin E 218 

D. Vitamin K 218 

7.15 Ubiquinone 219 

Box 7.4 Rat Poison 220 

7.16 Protein Coenzymes 221 

7.17 Cytochromes 221 

Box 7.5 Noble Prizes for Vitamins and Coenzymes 223 
Summary 223 
Problems 224 
Selected Readings 226 

8 Carbohydrates 227 

8.1 Most Monosaccharides Are Chiral Compounds 228 

8.2 Cyclization of Aldoses and Ketoses 230 

8.3 Conformations of Monosaccharides 234 

8.4 Derivatives of Monosaccharides 235 

A. Sugar Phosphates 235 

B. Deoxy Sugars 235 

C. Amino Sugars 235 

D. Sugar Alcohols 236 

E. Sugar Acids 236 

8.5 Disaccharides and Other Glycosides 236 

A. Structures of Disaccharides 237 

B. Reducing and Nonreducing Sugars 238 

C. Nucleosides and Other Glycosides 239 
Box 8.1 The Problem with Cats 240 

8.6 Polysaccharides 240 

A. Starch and Glycogen 240 

B. Cellulose 243 


C. Chitin 244 

8.7 Glycoconjugates 244 

A. Proteoglycans 244 

Box 8.2 Nodulation Factors Are Lipo-Oligosaccharides 246 

B. Peptidoglycans 246 

C. Glycoproteins 248 

Box 8.3 ABO Blood Group 250 
Summary 252 
Problems 253 
Selected Readings 254 

9 Lipids and Membranes 256 

9.1 Structural and Functional Diversity of Lipids 256 

9.2 Fatty Acids 256 

Box 9.1 Common Names of Fatty Acids 258 
Box 9.2 Trans Fatty Acids and Margarine 259 

9.3 Triacylglycerols 261 

9.4 Glycerophospholipids 262 

9.5 Sphingolipids 263 

9.6 Steroids 266 

9.7 Other Biologically Important Lipids 268 

9.8 Biological Membranes 269 

A. Lipid Bilayers 269 

Box 9.3 Gregor Mendel and Gibberellins 270 

B. Three Classes of Membrane Proteins 270 
Box 9.4 New Lipid Vesicles, or Liposomes 272 

Box 9.5 Some Species Have Unusual Lipids in Their Membranes 274 

C. The Fluid Mosaic Model of Biological Membranes 274 

9.9 Membranes Are Dynamic Structures 275 

9.10 Membrane Transport 277 

A. Thermodynamics of Membrane Transport 278 

B. Pores and Channels 279 

C. Passive Transport and Facilitated Diffusion 280 

D. Active Transport 282 

E. Endocytosis and Exocytosis 283 

9.11 Transduction of Extracellular Signals 283 

A. Receptors 283 

Box 9.6 The Hot Spice of Chili Peppers 284 

B. Signal Transducers 285 

C. The Adenylyl Cyclase Signaling Pathway 287 

D. The Inositol-Phospholipid Signaling Pathway 287 
Box 9.7 Bacterial Toxins and G Proteins 290 

E. Receptor Tyrosine Kinases 290 
Summary 291 

Problems 292 
Selected Readings 293 



Metabolism and Bioenergetics 

10 Introduction to Metabolism 294 

10.1 Metabolism Is a Network of Reactions 294 

10.2 Metabolic Pathways 297 

A. Pathways Are Sequences of Reactions 297 

B. Metabolism Proceeds by Discrete Steps 297 

C. Metabolic Pathways Are Regulated 297 

D. Evolution of Metabolic Pathways 301 

10.3 Major Pathways in Cells 302 

10.4 Compartmentation and Interorgan Metabolism 304 

10.5 Actual Gibbs Free Energy Change, Not Standard Free Energy Change, 
Determines the Direction of Metabolic Reactions 306 

Sample Calculation 10.1 Calculating Standard Gibbs Free Energy 
Change from Energies of Formation 308 

10.6 The Free Energy of ATP Hydrolysis 308 

10.7 The Metabolic Roles of ATP 311 

A. Phosphoryl Group Transfer 311 

Sample Calculation 10.2 Gibbs Free Energy Change 312 
Box 10.1 The Squiggle 312 

B. Production of ATP by Phosphoryl Group Transfer 314 

C. Nucleotidyl Group Transfer 315 

10.8 Thioesters Have High Free Energies of Hydrolysis 316 

10.9 Reduced Coenzymes Conserve Energy from Biological Oxidations 316 

A. Gibbs Free Energy Change Is Related to Reduction Potential 317 

B. Electron Transfer from NADH Provides Free Energy 319 

Box 10.2 NAD© and NADH Differ in Their Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra 

10.10 Experimental Methods for Studying Metabolism 321 
Summary 322 

Problems 323 
Selected Readings 324 

1 1 Glycolysis 325 

11.1 The Enzymatic Reactions of Glycolysis 326 

11.2 The Ten Steps of Glycolysis 326 

1. Hexokinase 326 

2. Glucose 6-Phosphate Isomerase 327 

3. Phosphofructokinase-1 330 

4. Aldolase 330 

Box 11.1 A Brief History of the Glycolysis Pathway 331 

5. Triose Phosphate Isomerase 332 

6. Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase 333 

7. Phosphoglycerate Kinase 335 

Box 11.2 Formation of 2,3-S/sphosphoglycerate in Red Blood Cells 335 
Box 11.3 Arsenate Poisoning 336 

8. Phosphoglycerate Mutase 336 

9. Enolase 338 

lO.Pryuvate Kinase 338 



11.3 The Fate of Pryuvate 338 

A. Metabolism of Pryuvate to Ethanol 339 

B. Reduction of Pyruvate to Lactate 340 

Box 11.4 The Lactate of the Long-Distance Runner 341 

11.4 Free Energy Changes in Glycolysis 341 

11.5 Regulation of Glycolysis 343 

A. Regulation of Hexose Transporters 344 

B. Regulation of Hexokinase 344 

Box 11.5 Glucose 6-Phosphate Has a Pivotal Metabolic Role in the Liver 345 

C. Regulation of Phosphofructokinase-1 345 

D. Regulation of Pyruvate Kinase 346 

E. The Pasteur Effect 347 

11.6 Other Sugars Can Enter Glycolysis 347 

A. Sucrose Is Cleaved to Monosaccharides 348 

B. Fructose Is Converted to Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate 348 

C. Galactose Is Converted to Glucose 1-Phosphate 349 
Box 11.6 A Secret Ingredient 349 

D. Mannose Is Converted to Fructose 6-Phosphate 351 

11.7 The Entner-Doudoroff Pathway in Bacteria 351 
Summary 352 

Problems 353 
Selected Readings 354 

12 Gluconeogenesis, the Pentose Phosphate Pathway, 
and Glycogen Metabolism 355 

12.1 Gluconeogenesis 356 

A. Pyruvate Carboxylase 357 

B. Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase 358 

C. Fructose 1,6-b/sphosphatase 358 
Box 12.1 Supermouse 359 

D. Glucose 6-Phosphatase 359 

12.2 Precursors for Gluconeogenesis 360 

A. Lactate 360 

B. Amino Acids 360 

C. Glycerol 361 

D. Propionate and Lactate 361 

E. Acetate 362 

Box 12.2 Glucose Is Sometimes Converted to Sorbitol 362 

12.3 Regulation of Gluconeogenesis 363 

Box 12.3 The Evolution of a Complex Enzyme 364 

12.4 The Pentose Phosphate Pathway 364 

A. Oxidative Stage 366 

B. Nonoxidative Stage 364 

Box 12.4 Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Humans 367 

C. Interconversions Catalyzed by Transketolase and Transaldolase 368 

12.5 Glycogen Metabolism 368 

A. Glycogen Synthesis 369 

B. Glycogen Degradation 370 

12.6 Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism in Mammals 372 

0 ? 




m • 






A. Regulation of Glycogen Phosphorylase 372 
Box 12.5 Head Growth and Tail Growth 373 

B. Hormones Regulate Glycogen Metabolism 375 

C. Hormones Regulate Gluconeogenesis and Glycolysis 376 

12.7 Maintenance of Glucose Levels in Mammals 378 

12.8 Glycogen Storage Diseases 381 
Summary 382 

Problems 382 
Selected Readings 383 

1 3 The Citric Acid Cycle 385 

Box 13.1 An Egregious Error 386 

13.1 Conversion of Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA 387 

Sample Calculation 13.1 390 

13.2 The Citric Acid Cycle Oxidizes Acetyl CoA 391 
Box 13.2 Where Do the Electrons Come From? 392 

13.3 The Citric Acid Cycle Enzymes 394 

1. Citrate Synthase 394 

Box 13.3 Citric Acid 396 

2. Aconitase 396 

Box 13.4 Three-Point Attachment of Prochiral Substrates to Enzymes 

3. Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 397 

4. The a-Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex 398 

5. Succinyl CoA Synthetase 398 

6. Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex 399 
Box 13.5 What’s in a Name? 399 

Box 13.6 On the Accuracy of the World Wide Web 401 

7 . Fumarase 401 

8. Malate Deydrogenase 401 

Box 13.7 Converting One Enzyme into Another 402 

13.4 Entry of Pyruvate Into Mitochondria 402 

13.5 Reduced Coenzymes Can Fuel the Production of ATP 405 

13.6 Regulation of the Citric Acid Cycle 406 

13.7 The Citric Acid Cycle Isn’t Always a "Cycle” 407 
Box 13.8 A Cheap Cancer Drug? 408 

13.8 The Glyoxylate Pathway 409 

13.9 Evolution of the Citric Acid Cycle 412 
Summary 414 

Problems 414 
Selected Readings 416 

14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 417 

14.1 Overview of Membrane-associated Electron Transport 

and ATP Synthesis 418 

14.2 The Mitochondrion 418 

Box 14.1 An Exception to Every Rule 420 

14.3 The Chemiosmotic Theory and the Protonmotive Force 420 

A. Historical Background: The Chemiosmotic Theory 420 

B. The Protonmotive Force 421 




14.4 Electron Transport 423 

A. Complexes I Through IV 423 

B. Cofactors in Electron Transport 425 

14.5 Complex I 426 

14.6 Complex II 427 

14.7 Complex III 428 

14.8 Complex IV 431 

14.9 Complex V: ATP Synthase 433 

Box 14.2 Proton Leaks and Heat Production 435 

14.10 Active Transport of ATP, ADP, and Pj Across 
the Mitochondrial Membrane 435 

14.11 The P/O Ratio 436 

14.12 NADH Shuttle Mechanisms in Eukaryotes 436 
Box 14.3 The High Cost of Living 439 

14.13 Other Terminal Electron Acceptors and Donors 439 

14.14 Superoxide Anions 440 
Summary 441 
Problems 441 
Selected Readings 442 

1 5 Photosynthesis 443 

15.1 Light-Gathering Pigments 444 

A. The Structures of Chlorophylls 444 

B. Light Energy 445 

C. The Special Pair and Antenna Chlorophylls 446 
Box 15.1 Mendel’s Seed Color Mutant 447 

D. Accessory Pigments 447 

15.2 Bacterial Photosystems 448 

A. Photosystem II 448 

B. Photosystem I 450 

C. Coupled Photosystems and Cytochrome bf 453 

D. Reduction Potentials and Gibbs Free Energy in Photosynthesis 455 

E. Photosynthesis Takes Place Within Internal Membranes 457 
Box 15.2 Oxygen “Pollution” of Earth’s Atmosphere 457 

15.3 Plant Photosynthesis 458 

A. Chloroplasts 458 

B. Plant Photosystems 459 

C. Organization of Cloroplast Photosystems 459 
Box 15.3 Bacteriorhodopsin 461 

15.4 Fixation of C0 2 : The Calvin Cycle 461 

A. The Calvin Cycle 462 

B. Rubisco: R ibu lose 1,5-b/sphosphate Carboxylase-oxygenase 462 

C. Oxygenation of Ribulose 1,5-b/sphosphate 465 
Box 15.4 Building a Better Rubisco 466 

D. Calvin Cycle: Reduction and Regeneration Stages 466 

15.5 Sucrose and Starch Metabolism in Plants 467 
Box 15.5 Gregor Mendel’s Wrinkled Peas 469 

15.6 Additional Carbon Fixation Pathways 469 
A. Compartmentalization in Bacteria 469 


B. The C 4 Pathway 469 

C. Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) 471 
Summary 472 

Problems 473 
Selected Readings 474 

16 Lipid Metabolism 475 

16.1 Fatty Acid Synthesis 475 

A. Synthesis of Malonyl ACP and Acetyl ACP 476 

B. The Initiation Reaction of Fatty Acid Synthesis 477 

C. The Elongation Reactions of Fatty Acid Synthesis 477 

D. Activation of Fatty Acids 479 

E. Fatty Acid Extension and Desaturation 479 

16.2 Synthesis of Triacylglycerols and Glycerophospholipids 481 

16.3 Synthesis of Eicosanoids 483 

Box 16.1 s/7-G lycerol 3-Phosphate 484 

Box 16.2 The Search for a Replacement for Asprin 486 

16.4 Synthesis of Ether Lipids 487 

16.5 Synthesis of Sphingolipids 488 

16.6 Synthesis of Cholesterol 488 

A. Stage 1: Acetyl CoA to Isopentenyl Diphosphate 488 

B. Stage 2: Isopentenyl Diphosphate to Squalene 488 

C. Stage 3: Squalene to Cholesterol 490 

D. Other Products of Isoprenoid Metabolism 490 
Box 16.3 Lysosomal Storage Diseases 492 

Box 16.4 Regulating Cholesterol Levels 493 

16.7 Fatty Acid Oxidation 494 

A. Activation of Fatty Acids 494 

B. The Reactions of p-Oxidation 494 

C. Fatty Acid Synthesis and p-Oxidation 497 

D. Transport of Fatty Acyl CoA into Mitochondria 497 
Box 16.5 A Trifunctional Enzyme for p-Oxidation 498 

E. ATP Generation from Fatty Acid Oxidation 498 

F. p-Oxidation of Odd-Chain and Unsaturated Fatty Acids 499 

16.8 Eukaryotic Lipids Are Made at a Variety of Sites 501 

16.9 Lipid Metabolism Is Regulated by Hormones in Mammals 502 

16.10 Absorption and Mobilization of Fuel Lipids in Mammals 505 

A. Absorption of Dietary Lipids 505 

B. Lipoproteins 505 

Box 16.6 Extra Virgin Olive Oil 506 

Box 16.7 Lipoprotein Lipase and Coronary Heart Disease 507 

C. Serum Albumin 508 

16.11 Ketone Bodies Are Fuel Molecules 508 

A. Ketone Bodies Are Synthesized in the Liver 509 

B. Ketone Bodies Are Oxidized in Mitochondria 510 
Box 16.8 Lipid Metabolism in Diabetes 511 
Summary 511 

Problems 511 
Selected Readings 513 


17 Amino Acid Metabolism 514 

17.1 The Nitrogen Cycle and Nitrogen Fixation 515 

17.2 Assimilation of Ammonia 518 

A. Ammonia Is Incorporated into Glutamate and Glutamine 518 

B. Transamination Reactions 518 

17.3 Synthesis of Amino Acids 520 

A. Aspartate and Asparagine 520 

B. Lysine, Methionine, Threonine 520 

C. Alanine, Valine, Leucine, and Isoleucine 521 

Box 17.1 Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Can Be Treated 
with Asparaginase 522 

D. Glutamate, Glutamine, Arginine, and Proline 523 

E. Serine, Glycine, and Cysteine 523 

F. Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, and Tryptophan 523 

G. Histidine 527 

Box 17.2 Genetically Modified Food 528 

Box 17.3 Essential and Nonessential Amino Acids in Animals 529 

17.4 Amino Acids as Metabolic Precursors 529 

A. Products Derived from Glutamate, Glutamine, and Aspartate 529 

B. Products Derived from Serine and Glycine 529 

C. Synthesis of Nitric Oxide from Arginine 530 

D. Synthesis of Lignin from Phenylalanine 531 

E. Melanin Is Made from Tyrosine 531 

17.5 Protein Turnover 531 

Box 17.4 Apoptosis-Programmed Cell Death 534 

17.6 Amino Acid Catabolism 534 

A. Alanine, Asparagine, Aspartate, Glutamate, and Glutamine 535 

B. Arginine, Histidine, and Proline 535 

C. Glycine and Serine 536 

D. Threonine 537 

E. The Branched Chain Amino Acids 537 

F. Methionine 539 

Box 17.5 Phenylketonuria, a Defect in Tyrosine Formation 540 

G. Cysteine 540 

H. Phenylalanine, Tryptophane, and Tyrosine 541 

I. Lysine 542 

17.7 The Urea Cycle Converts Ammonia into Urea 542 

A. Synthesis of Carbamoyl Phosphate 543 

B. The Reactions of the Urea Cycle 543 

Box 17.6 Diseases of Amino Acid Metabolism 544 

C. Ancillary Reactions of the Urea Cycle 547 

17.8 Renal Glutamine Metabolism Produces Bicarbonate 547 
Summary 548 

Problems 548 
Selected Readings 549 

18 Nucleotide Metabolism 550 

18.1 Synthesis of Purine Nucleotides 550 

Box 18.1 Common Names of the Bases 552 

18.2 Other Purine Nucleotides Are Synthesized from IMP 554 

18.3 Synthesis of Pyrimidine Nucleotides 555 


A. The Pathway for Pyrimidine Synthesis 556 

Box 18.2 How Some Enzymes Transfer Ammonia from Glutamate 558 

B. Regulation of Pyrimidine Synthesis 559 

18.4 CTP Is Synthesized from UMP 559 

18.5 Reduction of Ribonucleotides to Deoxyribonucleotides 560 

18.6 Methylation of dUMP Produces dTMP 560 

Box 18.3 Free Radicals in the Reduction of Ribonucleotides 562 
Box 18.4 Cancer Drugs Inhibit dTTP Synthesis 564 

18.7 Modified Nucleotides 564 

18.8 Salvage of Purines and Pyrimidines 564 

18.9 Purine Catabolism 565 

18.10 Pyrimidine Catabolism 568 

Box 18.5 Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome and Gout 569 
Summary 571 
Problems 571 
Selected Readings 572 


Biological Information Flow 

19 Nucleic Acids 573 

19.1 Nucleotides Are the Building Blocks of Nucleic Acids 574 

A. Ribose and Deoxyribose 574 

B. Purines and Pyrimidines 574 

C. Nucleosides 575 

D. Nucleotides 577 

19.2 DNA Is Double-Stranded 579 

A. Nucleotides Are Joined by 3'-5' Phosphodiester Linkages 580 

B. Two Antiparallel Strands Form a Double Helix 581 

C. Weak Forces Stabilize the Double Helix 583 

D. Conformations of Double-Stranded DNA 585 

19.3 DNA Can Be Supercoiled 586 

19.4 Cells Contain Several Kinds of RNA 587 
Box 19.1 Pulling DNA 588 

19.5 Nucleosomes and Chromatin 588 

A. Nucleosomes 588 

B. Higher Levels of Chromatin Structure 590 

C. Bacterial DNA Packaging 590 

19.6 Nucleases and Hydrolysis of Nucleic Acids 591 

A. Alkaline Hydrolysis of RNA 591 

B. Hydrolysis of RNA by Ribonuclease A 592 

C. Restriction Endonucleases 593 

D. EcoR\ Binds Tightly to DNA 595 

19.7 Uses of Restriction Endocucleases 596 

A. Restriction Maps 596 

B. DNA Fingerprints 596 

C. Recombinant DNA 597 
Summary 598 
Problems 599 

Selected Readings 599 


20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 601 

20.1 Chromosomal DNA Replication Is Bidirectional 602 

20.2 DNA Polymerase 603 

A. Chain Elongation Isa Nucleotidyl-Group-Transfer Reaction 604 

B. DNA Polymerase III Remains Bound to the Replication Fork 606 

C. Proofreading Corrects Polymerization Errors 607 

20.3 DNA Polymerase Synthesizes Two Strands Simultaneously 607 

A. Lagging Strand Synthesis Is Discontinuous 608 

B. Each Okazaki Fragment Begins with an RNA Primer 608 

C. Okazaki Fragments Are Joined by the Action of DNA Polymerase I 
and DNA Ligase 609 

20.4 Model of the Replisome 610 

20.5 Initiation and Termination of DNA Replication 615 

20.6 DNA Replication in Eukaryotes 615 

A. The Polymerase Chain Reaction Uses DNA Polymerase to 
Amplify Selected DNA Sequences 615 

B. Sequencing DNA Using Dideoxynucleotides 616 

C. Massively Parallel DNA Sequencing by Synthesis 618 

20.7 DNA Replication in Eukaryotes 619 

20.8 Repair of Damaged DNA 622 

A. Repair after Photodimerization: An Example of Direct Repair 622 

B. Excision Repair 624 

BOX 20.1 The Problem with Methylcytosine 626 

20.9 Homologous Recombination 626 

A. The Holliday Model of General Recombination 626 

B. Recombination in E. coli 627 

BOX 20.2 Molecular Links Between DNA Repair and Breast Cancer 630 

C. Recombination Can Be a Form of Repair 631 
Summary 631 

Problems 632 
Selected Readings 632 

21 Transcription and RNA Processing 633 

21.1 Types of RNA 634 

21.2 RNA Polymerase 635 

A. RNA Polymerase Is an Oligomeric Protein 635 

B. The Chain Elongation Reaction 636 

21.3 Transcription Initiation 638 

A. Genes Have a 5'^3' Orientation 638 

B. The Transcription Complex Assembles at a Promoter 639 

C. The a sigma Subunit Recognizes the Promoter 640 

D. RNA Polymerase Changes Conformation 641 

21.4 Transcription Termination 643 

21.5 Transcription in Eukaryotes 645 

A. Eukaryotic RNA Polymerases 645 

B. Eukaryotic Transcription Factors 647 

C. The Role of Chromatin in Eukaryotic Transcription 648 

21.6 Transcription of Genes Is Regulated 648 

21.7 The lac Operon, an Example of Negative and Positive Regulation 650 

A. lac Repressor Blocks Transcription 650 

B. The Structure of lac Repressor 651 


C. cAMP Regulatory Protein Activates Transcription 652 

21.8 Post-transcriptional Modification of RNA 654 

A. Transfer RNA Processing 654 

B. Ribosomal RNA Processing 655 

21.9 Eukaryotic mRNA Processing 655 

A. Eukaryotic mRNA Molecules Have Modified Ends 657 

B. Some Eukaryotic mRNA Precursors Are Spliced 657 
Summary 663 

Problems 663 
Selected Readings 664 

22 Protein Synthesis 665 

22.1 The Genetic Code 665 

22.2 Transfer RNA 668 

A. The Three-Dimensional Structure of tRNA 668 

B. tRNA Anticodons Base-Pair with mRNA Codons 669 

22.3 Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases 670 

A. The Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Reaction 671 

B. Specificity of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases 671 

C. Proofreading Activity of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases 673 

22.4 Ribosomes 673 

A. Ribosomes Are Composed of Both Ribosomal RNA and Protein 674 

B. Ribosomes Contain Two Aminoacyl-tRNA Binding Sites 675 

22.5 Initiation of Translation 675 

A. Initiator tRNA 675 

B. Initiation Complexes Assemble Only at Initiation Codons 676 

C. Initiation Factors Help Form the Initiation Complex 677 

D. Translation Initiation in Eukaryotes 679 

22.6 Chain Elongation During Protein Synthesis Is a Three-Step Microcycle 679 

A. Elongation Factors Dock an Aminoacyl-tRNA in the A Site 680 

B. Peptidyl Transferase Catalyzes Peptide Bond Formation 681 

C. Translocation Moves the Ribosome by One Codon 682 

22.7 Termination of Translation 684 

22.8 Protein Synthesis Is Energetically Expensive 684 

22.9 Regulation of Protein Synthesis 685 

A. Ribosomal Protein Synthesis Is Coupled to Ribosome 
Assembly in E. coli 685 

Box 22.1 Some Antibiotics Inhibit Protein Synthesis 686 

B. Globin Synthesis Depends on Heme Availability 687 

C. The E. coli trp Operon Is Regulated by Repression and Attenuation 687 

22.10 Post-translational Processing 689 

A. The Signal Hypothesis 691 

B. Glycosylation of Proteins 694 
Summary 694 

Problems 695 
Selected Readings 696 
Solutions 697 
Glossary 751 
Illustration Credits 767 
Index 769 

To the Student 

Welcome to biochemistry — the study of life at the molecular level. As you venture into 
this exciting and dynamic discipline, you’ll discover many new and wonderful things. 
You’ll learn how some enzymes can catalyze chemical reactions at speeds close to theo- 
retical limits — reactions that would otherwise occur only at imperceptibly low rates. 
You’ll learn about the forces that maintain biomolecular structure and how even some 
of the weakest of those forces make life possible. You’ll also learn how biochemistry has 
thousands of applications in day-to-day life — in medicine, drug design, nutrition, 
forensic science, agriculture, and manufacturing. In short, you’ll begin a journey of dis- 
covery about how biochemistry makes life both possible and better. 

Before we begin, we would like to offer a few words of advice: 

Don’t just memorize facts; instead, understand principles 

In this book, we have tried to identify the most important principles of biochemistry. 
Because the knowledge base of biochemistry is continuously expanding, we must grasp 
the underlying themes of this science in order to understand it. This textbook is de- 
signed to expand on the foundation you have acquired in your chemistry and biology 
courses and to provide you with a biochemical framework that will allow you to under- 
stand new phenomena as you meet them. 

Be prepared to learn a new vocabulary 

An understanding of biochemical facts requires that you learn a biochemical vocabu- 
lary. This vocabulary includes the chemical structures of a number of key molecules. 
These molecules are grouped into families based on their structures and functions. You 
will also learn how to distinguish among members of each family and how small mole- 
cules combine to form macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. 

Test your understanding 

True mastery of biochemistry lies with learning how to apply your knowledge and how 
to solve problems. Each chapter concludes with a set of carefully crafted problems that 
test your understanding of core principles. Many of these problems are mini case stud- 
ies that present the problem within the context of a real biochemical puzzle. 

For more practice, we are pleased to refer you to The Study Guide for Principles of 
Biochemistry by Scott Lefler and Allen Seism which presents a variety of supplementary 
questions that you may find helpful. You will also find additional problems on 
TheChemistryPlace® for Principles of Biochemistry ( 

Learn to visualize in 3-D 

Biochemicals are three-dimensional objects. Understanding what happens in a bio- 
chemical reaction at the molecular level requires that you be able to “see” what happens 
in three dimensions. We present the structures of simple molecules in several different 
ways in order to illustrate their three-dimensional conformation. In addition to the art 
in the book, you will find many animations and interactive molecular models on the 
website. We strongly suggest you look at these movies and do the exercises that accom- 
pany them as well as participate in the molecular visualization tutorials. 


Finally, please let us know of any errors or omissions you encounter as you use this text. 
Tell us what you would like to see in the next edition. With your help we will continue to 
evolve this work into an even more useful tool. Our e-mail addresses are at the end of 
the Preface. Good luck, and enjoy! 

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Given the breadth of coverage and diversity of ways to present topics in biochemistry, 
we have tried to make the text as modular as possible to allow for greater flexibility and 
organization. Each large topic resides in its own section. Reaction mechanisms are often 
separated from the main thread of the text and can be passed over by those who prefer 
not to cover this level of detail. The text is extensively cross-referenced to make it easier 
for you to reorganize the chapters and for students to see the interrelationships among 
various topics and to drill down to deeper levels of understanding. 

We built the book explicitly for the beginning student taking a first course in bio- 
chemistry with the aim of encouraging students to think critically and to appreciate 
scientific knowledge for its own sake. Parts One and Two lay a solid foundation of 
chemical knowledge that will help students understand, rather than merely memo- 
rize, the dynamics of metabolic and genetic processes. These sections assume that stu- 
dents have taken prerequisite courses in general and organic chemistry and have ac- 
quired a rudimentary knowledge of the organic chemistry of carboxylic acids, 
amines, alcohols, and aldehydes. Even so, key functional groups and chemical proper- 
ties of each type of biomolecule are carefully explained as their structures and func- 
tions are presented. 

We also assume that students have previously taken a course in biology where they 
have learned about evolution, cell biology, genetics, and the diversity of life on this 
planet. We offer brief refreshers on these topics wherever possible. 

New to this Edition 

We are grateful for all the input we received on the first four editions of this text. You’ll 
notice the following improvements in this fifth edition: 

• Key Concept margin notes are provided throughout to highlight key concepts and 
principles that students must know. 

• Interest Boxes have been updated and expanded, with 45% new to the fifth edition. 
We use interest boxes to explain some topics in more detail, to illustrate certain prin- 
ciples with specific examples, to stimulate students curiosity about science, to show 
applications of biochemistry, and to explain clinical relevance. We have also added a 
few interests boxes that warn students about misunderstanding and misapplications 
of biochemistry. Examples include Blood Plasma and Sea Water; Fossil Dating by 
Amino Acid Racemization; Embryonic and Fetal Hemoglobins; Clean Clothes; The 
Perfect Enzyme; Supermouse; The Evolution of a Complex Enzyme; An Egregious 
Error; Mendels Seed Color Mutant; Oxygen Pollution of Earth’s Atmosphere; Extra 
Virgin Olive Oil; Missing Vitamins; Pulling DNA; and much more. 

• New Material has been added throughout, including an improved explanation of 
early evolution (the Web of Life), more emphasis on protein protein interactions, a 
new section on intrinsically disordered proteins, and a better description of the dis- 
tinction between Gibbs free energy changes and reaction rates. We have removed 
the final chapter on Recombinant DNA Technology and integrated much of that 
material into earlier chapters. We have added descriptions of a number of new pro- 
tein structures and integrated them into two major themes: structure- function and 
multienzyme complexes. The best example is the fatty acid synthase complex in 
Chapter 16. 

In some cases new material was necessary because recent discoveries have 
changed our view of some reactions and processes. We now know, for example, that 
older versions of uric acid catabolism were incorrect, the correct pathway is shown in 
Figure 18.23. 


We have been careful not to add extra detail unless it supports and extends the 
basic concepts and principles that we have established over the past four editions. 
Similarly, we do not introduce new subjects unless they illustrate new concepts that 
were not covered in previous editions. The goal is to keep this textbook focused on 
the fundamentals that students need to know and prevent it from bloating up into 
an encyclopedia of mostly irrelevant information that detracts from the main 
pedagogical goals. 

• Selected Readings after each chapter reflect the most current literature and these 
have been updated and extended where necessary. We have added over 120 new 
references and deleted many that are no longer appropriate. Although we have al- 
ways included references to the pedagogical literature, you will note that we have 
added quite a few more references of this type. Students now have easy access to 
these papers and they are often more informative than advanced papers in the 
purely scientific literature. 

• Art is an important component of a good textbook. Our art program has been ex- 
tensively revised, with many new photos to illustrate concepts explained in the text; 
new and updated ribbon art, and improved versions of many figures. Many of the 
new photos are designed to attract and/or hold the students attention. They can be 
powerful memory aids and some of them are used to lighten up the subject in a 
way that is rarely seen in other textbooks (see page 204). We believe that the look 
and feel of the book has been much improved, making it more appealing to stu- 
dents without sacrificing any of the rigor and accuracy that has been a hallmark of 
previous editions. 

A focus on principles 

There are, in essence, two kinds of biochemistry textbooks: those for reference and 
those for teaching. It is difficult for one book to be both as it is those same thickets of 
detail sought by the professional that ensnare the struggling novice on his or her first 
trip through the forest. This text is unapologetically a text for teaching. It has been de- 
signed to foster student understanding and is not an encyclopedia of biochemistry. This 
book focuses unwaveringly on teaching basic principles and concepts, each principle 
supported by carefully chosen examples. We really do try to get students to see the forest 
and not the trees! 

Because of this focus, the material in this book can be covered in a two-semester 
course without having to tell students to skip certain chapters or certain sections. The 
book is also suitable for a one-semester course that concentrates on certain aspects of 
biochemistry where some subjects are not covered. Instructors can be confident that the 
core principles and concepts are explained thoroughly and correctly. 

A focus on chemistry 

When we first wrote this text, we decided to take the time to explain in chemical terms 
the principles that we want to emphasize. In fact, one of these principles is to show stu- 
dents that life obeys the fundamental laws of physics and chemistry. To that end, we 
offer chemical explanations of most biochemical reactions, including mechanisms that 
tell students how and why things happen. 

We are particularly proud of our explanations of oxidation-reduction reactions 
since these are extremely important in so many contexts. We describe electron move- 
ments in the early chapters, explain reduction potentials in Chapter 10 and use this un- 
derstanding to teach about chemiosmotic theory and protonmotive force in Chapter 14 
(Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis). The concept is reinforced in the chapter on 

A focus on biology 

While we emphasize chemistry, we also stress the bio in biochemistry. We point out that 
biochemical systems evolve and that the reactions that occur in some species are varia- 
tions on a larger theme. In this edition, we increase our emphasis on the similarities of 


prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems while we continue to avoid making generalizations 
about all organisms based on reactions that occur in a few. 

The evolutionary, or comparative, approach to teaching biochemistry focuses at- 
tention on fundamental concepts. The evolutionary approach differs in many ways 
from other pedagogical methods such as an emphasis on fuel metabolism. The evolu- 
tionary approach usually begins with a description of simple fundamental principles or 
pathways or processes. These are often the pathways found in bacteria. As the lesson 
proceeds, the increasing complexity seen in some other species is explained. At the end 
of a chapter we are ready to describe the unique features of the process found in com- 
plex multicellular species, such as humans. 

Our approach entails additional changes that distinguish us from other textbooks. 
When introducing a new chapter, such as lipid metabolism, amino acid metabolism, 
and nucleotide metabolism, most other textbooks begin by treating the molecules as 
potential food for humans. We start with the biosynthesis pathways since those are the 
ones fundamental to all organisms. Then we describe the degradation pathways and end 
with an explanation of how they realte to fuel metabolism. This biosynthesis first or- 
ganization applies to all the major components of a cell (proteins, nucleotides, nucleic 
acids, lipids, amino acids) except carbohydrates where we continue to describe glycoly- 
sis ahead of gluconeogenesis. We do, however, emphasize that gluconeogenesis is the 
original, primitive pathway and glycolysis evolved later. 

This has always been the way DNA replication, transcription, and translation have 
been taught. In this book we extend this successful strategy to all the other topics in bio- 
chemistry. The chapter on photosynthe sis is an excellent example of how it works in 

In some cases the emphasis on evolution can lead to a profound appreciation of 
how complex systems came to exist. Take the citric acid cycle as an example. Students 
are often told that such a process cannot be the product of evolution because all the 
parts are needed before the cycle can function. We explain in Section 13.9 how such a 
pathway can evolve in a stepwise manner. 

A focus on accuracy 

We are proud of the fact that this is the most scientifically accurate biochemistry text- 
book. We have gone to great lengths to ensure that our facts are correct and our explana- 
tions of basic concepts reflect the modern consensus among active researchers. Our suc- 
cess is due, in large part, to the dedication of our many reviewers and editors. 

The emphasis on accuracy means that we check our reactions and our nomencla- 
ture against the IUPAC/IUBMB databases. The result is balanced reactions with correct 
products and substrates and correct chemical nomenclature. For example, we are one of 
the very few textbooks that show all of the citric acid cycle reactions correctly. Previous 
editions of this textbook have always scored highly on the Biochemical Howlers website 
[] and we feel confident that this edition will achieve a per- 
fect score! 

We take the time and effort to accurately describe some difficult concepts such as 
Gibbs free energy change in a steady-state situation where most reactions are near- 
equlibirium reactions (AG = 0). We present correct definitions of the Central Dogma of 
Molecular Biology. We don’t avoid genuine areas of scientific controversy such as the 
validity of the Three Domain Hypothesis or the mechanism of lysozyme. 

A focus on structure-function 

Biochemistry is a three-dimensional science. Our inclusion of the latest computer gen- 
erated images is intended to clarify the shape and function of molecules and to leave 
students with an appreciation for the relationship between the structure and function. 
Many of the protein images in this edition are new; they have been skillfully prepared by 
Jonathan Parrish of the University of Alberta. 

We offer a number of other opportunities. For those students with access to a com- 
puter, we have included Protein Data Bank (PDB) reference numbers for the coordinates 

from which all protein images were derived. This allows students to further explore the 
structures on their own. In addition, we have a gallery of prepared PDB files that stu- 
dents can view using Chime or any other molecular viewer; these are posted on the 
text’s TheChemistryPlace® website [] as are animations of key dynamic 
processes as well as visualization tutorials using Chime. 

The emphasis on protein/enzyme structure is a key part of the theme of structure- 
function that is one of the most important concepts in biochemistry. At various places 
in this new edition we have added material to emphasize this relationship and to develop 
it to a greater extent than we have in the past. Some of the most important reactions in 
the cell, such as the Q- cycle, cannot be properly understood without understanding the 
structure of the enzyme that catalyzes them. Similarly, understanding the properties of 
double-stranded DNA is essential to understanding how it serves as the storehouse of 
biological information. 

Walkthrough of features with some visuals 


Biochemistry is at the root of a number of related sciences, including medicine, forensic 
science, biotechnology, and bioengineering; there are many interesting stories to tell. 
Throughout the text, you will find boxes that relate biochemistry to other topics. Some 
of them are intended to be humorous and help students relate to the material. 


One of the characteristics of sugars is that they taste sweet. 
You certainly know the taste of sucrose and you probably 
know that fructose and lactose also taste sweet. So do many 
of the other sugars and their derivatives, although we don’t 
recommend that you go into a biochemistry lab and start 
tasting all the carbohydrates in those white plastic bottles on 
the shelves. 

Sweetness is not a physical property of molecules. It’s a 
subjective interaction between a chemical and taste receptors 
in your mouth. There are five different kinds of taste recep- 
tors: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami (umami is like the 
taste of glutamate in monosodium glutamate). In order to 
trigger the sweet taste, a molecule like sucrose has to bind to 
the receptor and initiate a response that eventually makes it 
to your brain. Sucrose elicits a moderately strong response 
that serves as the standard for sweetness. The response to 
fructose is almost twice as strong and the response to lactose 
is only about one-fifth as strong as that of sucrose. Artificial 
sweeteners such as saccharin (Sweet’N Low®), sucralose 

(Splenda®), and aspartame (NutraSweet®) bind to the sweet- 
ness receptor and cause the sensation of sweetness. They are 
hundreds of times more sweet than sucrose. 

The sweetness receptor is encoded by two genes called 
Tasl r2 and Tasl r3. We don’t know how sucrose and the other 
ligands bind to this receptor even though this is a very active 
area of research. In the case of sucrose and the artifical sweet- 
eners, how can such different molecules elicit the taste of 

Cats, including lions, tigers and cheetahs, do not have a 
functional Taslr2 gene. It has been converted to a pseudo- 
gene because of a 247 bp deletion in exon 3. It’s very likely 
that your pet cat has never experienced the taste of sweetness. 
That explains a lot about cats. 


▲ Cats are carnivores. They probably can’t 
taste sweetness. 


Key Concepts 

To help guide students to the information important in each concept, Key Concept 
notes have been provided in the margin highlighting this information. 

Complete Explanations of the Chemistry 

There are thousands of metabolic reactions in a typical organism. You might try to 
memorize them all but eventually you will run out of memory. What’s more, memo- 
rization will not help you if you encounter something you haven’t seen before. In this 
book, we show you some of the basic mechanisms of enzyme -catalyzed reactions — an 
extension of what you learned in organic chemistry. If you understand the mechanism, 
you’ll understand the chemistry. You’ll have less to memorize, and you’ll retain the in- 
formation more effectively. 

Margin Notes 

There is a great deal of detail in biochemistry but we want you to see both the forest and 
the trees. When we need to cross-reference something discussed earlier in the book, or 
something that we will come back to later, we put it in the margin. Backward references 
offer a review of concepts you may have forgotten. Forward references will help you see 
the big picture. 


Biochemistry is a three-dimensional science and we have placed a great emphasis on help- 
ing you visualize abstract concepts and molecules too small to see. We have tried to make 
illustrative figures both informative and beautiful. 


The standard Gibbs free energy change 
(A G°') tells us the direction of a reaction 
when the concentrations of all products 
and reactants are at 1 M concentration. 
These conditions will never occur in living 
cells. Biochemists are only interested in 
actual Gibbs free energy changes (A G), 
which are usually close to zero. The 
standard Gibbs free energy change (AG°') 
tells us the relative concentrations of 
reactants and products when the reaction 
reaches equilibrium. 

The distinction between the normal 
flow of information and the Central 
Dogma of Molecular Biology is 
explained in Section 1.1 and the intro- 
duction to Chapter 21. 


e © V Ferredoxin 
^ or 


Cytochrome c 



Sample Calculations 

Sample Calculations are included throughout the text to provide a problem solving 
model and illustrate required calculations. 

SAMPLE CALCULATION 10.2 Gibbs Free Energy Change 

Q: In a rat hepatocyte, the concentrations of ATP, ADP, and the Gibbs free energy change for hydrolysis of ATP in this cell. 

Pj are 3.4 mM, 1.3 mM, and 4.8 mM, respectively. Calculate How does this compare to the standard free energy change? 

A: The actual Gibbs free energy change is calculated according to Equation 10.10. 

[ADP][Pi] [ADP][Pj] 

AG rea ction= AG°' reaction + RT In = AG° rea ction + 2.303 RT\og 

[ATP] [ATP] 

When known values and constants are substituted (with concentrations expressed as molar values), assuming pH7.0 and 25°C. 

, , , r (1.3 X 10 _3 )(4.8 X 10 -3 )1 

AG = -32000 ] mol” 1 + (8.31 JK“ 1 mol“ 1 )(298 K) 2.303 log 

L (3.4 X 10 ) J 

AG = -32000 ] mol” 1 + (2480 ] mol -1 ) [2.303 log (1.8 x 10“ 3 )] 

AG = -32000 ] mol” 1 - 16000 ] mol” 1 

AG = -48000 J mol -1 = -48 kj mol -1 

The actual free energy change is about 1 V2 times the standard free energy change. 

The Organization 

We adopt the metabolism-first strategy of organizing the topics in this book. This means 
we begin with proteins and enzymes then describe carbohydrates and lipids. This is fol- 
lowed by a description of intermediary metabolism and bioenergetics. The structure of 
nucleic acids follows the chapter on nucleotide metabolism and the information flow 
chapters are at the back of the book. 

While we believe there are significant advantages to teaching the subjects in this 
order, we recognize that some instructors prefer to teach information flow earlier in the 
course. We have tried to make the last four chapters on nucleic acids, DNA replication, 
transcription, and translation less dependant on the earlier chapters but they do discuss 
aspects of enzymes that rely on Chapters 4, 5 and 6. Instructors may choose to intro- 
duce these last four chapters after a description of enzymes if they wish. 

This book has a chapter on coenzymes unlike most other biochemistry textbooks. 
We believe that it is important to put more emphasis on the role of coenzymes (and 
vitamins) and that’s why we have placed this chapter right after the two chapters on en- 
zymes. We know that most instructors prefer to teach the individual coenzymes when 
specific examples come up in other contexts. We do that as well. This organization al- 
lows instructors to refer back to chapter 7 at whatever point they wish. 

Student Supplements 

The Study Guide for Principles of Biochemistry 

by Scott Lefler 

(Arizona State University) and 
Allen J. Seism 

(Central Missouri State University) 

No student should be without this helpful resource. Contents include the following: 

• carefully constructed drill problems for each chapter, including short-answer, multiple- 
choice, and challenge problems 

• comprehensive, step-by-step solutions and explanations for all problems 

• a remedial chapter that reviews the general and organic chemistry that students re- 
quire for biochemistry — topics are ingeniously presented in the context of a metabolic 

• tables of essential data 



Chemistry Place for Principles of Biochemistry 

An online student tool that includes 3-D modules to help visualize biochemistry and 
MediaLabs to investigate important issues related to its particular chapter. Please visit 
the site at 


We are grateful to our many talented and thoughtful reviewers who have helped shape this book. 

Reviewers who helped in the Fifth Edition: 

Accuracy Reviewers 

Barry Ganong, Mansfield University 

Scott Lefler, Arizona State 

Kathleen Nolta, University of Michigan 

Content Reviewers 

Michelle Chang, University of California, Berkeley 

Kathleen Comely, Providence College 

Ricky Cox, Murray State University 

Michel Goldschmidt- Clermont, University of Geneva 

Phil Klebba, University of Oklahoma, Norman 

Kristi McQuade, Bradley University 

Liz Roberts -Kirchoff, University of Detroit, Mercy 

Ashley Spies, University of Illinois 

Dylan Taatjes, University of Colorado, Boulder 

David Tu, Pennsylvania State University 

Jeff Wilkinson, Mississippi State University 

Lauren Zapanta, University of Pittsburgh 

Reviewers who helped in the Lourth Edition: 

Accuracy Reviewers 

Neil Haave, University of Alberta 
David Watt, University of Kentucky 

Content Reviewers 

Consuelo Alvarez, Longwood University 
Marilee Benore Parsons, University of Michigan 
Gary J. Blomquist, University of Nevada, Reno 
Albert M. Bobst, University of Cincinnati 
Kelly Drew, University of Alaska, Lairbanks 
Andrew Leig, Indiana University 
Giovanni Gadda, Georgia State University 
Donna L. Gosnell, Valdosta State University 
Charles Hardin, North Carolina State University 
Jane E. Hobson, Kwantlen University College 
Ramji L. Khandelwal, University of Saskatchewan 
Scott Lefler, Arizona State 
Kathleen Nolta, University of Michigan 

Jeffrey Schineller, Humboldt State University 

Richard Shingles, Johns Hopkins University 

Michael A. Sypes, Pennsylvania State University 

Martin T. Tuck, Ohio University 

Julio F. Turrens, University of South Alabama 

David Watt, University of Kentucky 

James Zimmerman, Clemson University 

Thank you to J. David Rawn who’s work laid the foundation 
for this text. We would also like to thank our colleagues who 
have previously contributed material for particular chapters 
and whose careful work still inhabits this book: 

Roy Baker, University of Toronto 
Roger W. Brownsey, University of British Columbia 
Willy Kalt, Agriculture Canada 
Robert K. Murray, University of Toronto 
Ray Ochs, St. John’s University 
Morgan Ryan, American Scientist 
Frances Sharom, University of Guelph 
Malcolm Watford, Rutgers, The State University of 
New Jersey 

Putting this book together was a collaborative effort, and 
we would like to thank various members of the team who have 
helped give this project life: Jonathan Parrish, Jay McElroy, Lisa 
Shoemaker, and the artists of Prentice Hall; Lisa Tarabokjia, 
Editorial Assistant, Jessica Neumann, Associate Editor, Lisa 
Pierce, Assistant Editor in charge of supplements, Lauren 
Layn, Media Editor, Erin Gardner, Marketing Manager; and 
Wendy Perez, Production Editor. We would also like to thank 
Jeanne Zalesky, our Executive Editor at Prentice Hall. 

Finally, we close with an invitation for feedback. Despite 
our best efforts (and a terrific track record in the previous edi- 
tions), there are bound to be mistakes in a work of this size. We 
are committed to making this the best biochemistry text avail- 
able; please know that all comments are welcome. 

Laurence A. Moran 
Marc D. Perry 

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About the Authors 

Laurence A. Moran 

After earning his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1974, 
Professor Moran spent four years at the Universite de Geneve 
in Switzerland. He has been a member of the Department of 
Biochemistry at the University of Toronto since 1978, special- 
izing in molecular biology and molecular evolution. His re- 
search findings on heat-shock genes have been published in 
many scholarly journals. ( 

H. Robert Horton 

Dr. Horton, who received his Ph.D. from the University of Mis- 
souri in 1962, is William Neal Reynolds Professor Emeritus and 
Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department 
of Biochemistry at North Carolina State University, where he 
served on the faculty for over 30 years. Most of Professor Horton s 
research was in protein and enzyme mechanisms. 

K. Gray Scrimgeour 

Professor Scrimgeour received his doctorate from the Univer- 
sity of Washington in 1961 and was a faculty member at the 
University of Toronto for over 30 years. He is the author of 
The Chemistry and Control of Enzymatic Reactions (1977, Aca- 
demic Press), and his work on enzymatic systems has been 
published in more than 50 professional journal articles during 
the past 40 years. From 1984 to 1992, he was editor of the 
journal Biochemistry and Cell Biology. ( 

Marc D. Perry 

After earning his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in 1988, 
Dr. Perry trained at the University of Colorado, where he stud- 
ied sex determination in the nematode C. elegans. In 1994 he 
returned to the University of Toronto as a faculty member in 
the Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics. His re- 
search has focused on developmental genetics, meiosis, and 
bioinformatics. In 2008 he joined the Ontario Institute for 
Cancer Research. ( 

New problems and solutions for the fifth edition were created by Laurence A. Moran, University of Toronto. The 
remaining problems were created by Drs. Robert N. Lindquist, San Francisco State University, Marc Perry, 
and Diane M. De Abreu of the University of Toronto. 


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Introduction to Biochemistry 

B iochemistry is the discipline that uses the principles and language of chemistry 
to explain biology. Over the past 100 years biochemists have discovered that the 
same chemical compounds and the same central metabolic processes are found 
in organisms as distantly related as bacteria, plants, and humans. It is now known that 
the basic principles of biochemistry are common to all living organisms. Although sci- 
entists usually concentrate their research efforts on particular organisms, their results 
can be applied to many other species. 

This book is called Principles of Biochemistry because we will focus on the most im- 
portant and fundamental concepts of biochemistry — those that are common to most 
species. Where appropriate, we will point out features that distinguish particular groups 
of organisms. 

Many students and researchers are primarily interested in the biochemistry of 
humans. The causes of disease and the importance of proper nutrition, for example, 
are fascinating topics in biochemistry. We share these interests and that’s why we in- 
clude many references to human biochemistry in this textbook. However, we will also 
try to interest you in the biochemistry of other species. As it turns out, it is often eas- 
ier to understand basic principles of biochemistry by studying many different species 
in order to recognize common themes and patterns but a knowledge and appreciation 
of other species will do more than help you learn biochemistry. It will also help you 
recognize the fundamental nature of life at the molecular level and the ways in which 
species are related through evolution from a common ancestor. Perhaps future edi- 
tions of this book will include chapters on the biochemistry of life on other planets. 
Until then, we will have to be satisfied with learning about the diverse life on our own 

We begin this introductory chapter with a few highlights of the history of biochem- 
istry, followed by short descriptions of the chemical groups and molecules you will en- 
counter throughout this book. The second half of the chapter is an overview of cell 
structure in preparation for your study of biochemistry. 

Anything found to be true of E. coli 
must also be true of elephants. 

— Jacques Monod 

Top: Adenovirus. Viruses consist of a nucleic acid molecule surrounded by a protein coat. 


2 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 

▲ Friedrich Wohler (1800-1882). Wohler was 
one of the founders of biochemistry. By synthe- 
sizing urea, Wohler showed that compounds 
found in living organisms could be made in 
the laboratory from inorganic substances. 

▲ Some of the apparatus used by Louis 
Pasteur in his Paris laboratory. 

▲ Eduard Buchner (1860-1917). Buchner 
was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 
1907 “for his biochemical researches and 
his discovery of cell-free fermentation.” 

1.1 Biochemistry Is a Modern Science 

Biochemistry has emerged as an independent science only within the past 100 years but 
the groundwork for the emergence of biochemistry as a modern science was prepared 
in earlier centuries. The period before 1900 saw rapid advances in the understanding of 
basic chemical principles such as reaction kinetics and the atomic composition of mol- 
ecules. Many chemicals produced in living organisms had been identified by the end of 
the 19th century. Since then, biochemistry has become an organized discipline and bio- 
chemists have elucidated many of the chemical processes of life. The growth of bio- 
chemistry and its influence on other disciplines will continue in the 21st century. 

In 1828, Friedrich Wohler synthesized the organic compound urea by heating the 
inorganic compound ammonium cyanate. 


NH 4 (OCN)-^ h 2 n — c — nh 2 

This experiment showed for the first time that compounds found exclusively in living or- 
ganisms could be synthesized from common inorganic substances. Today we understand 
that the synthesis and degradation of biological substances obey the same chemical and 
physical laws as those that predominate outside of biology. No special or “vitalistic” 
processes are required to explain life at the molecular level. Many scientists date the begin- 
nings of biochemistry to Wohlers synthesis of urea, although it would be another 75 years 
before the first biochemistry departments were established at universities. 

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) is best known as the founder of microbiology and an 
active promoter of germ theory. But Pasteur also made many contributions to biochem- 
istry including the discovery of stereoisomers. 

Two major breakthroughs in the history of biochemistry are especially notable — the 
discovery of the roles of enzymes as catalysts and the role of nucleic acids as informa- 
tion-carrying molecules. The very large size of proteins and nucleic acids made their ini- 
tial characterization difficult using the techniques available in the early part of the 20th 
century. With the development of modern technology we now know a great deal about 
how the structures of proteins and nucleic acids are related to their biological functions. 

The first breakthrough — identification of enzymes as the catalysts of biological re- 
actions — resulted in part from the research of Eduard Buchner. In 1897 Buchner 
showed that extracts of yeast cells could catalyze the fermentation of the sugar glucose 
to alcohol and carbon dioxide. Previously, scientists believed that only living cells could 
catalyze such complex biological reactions. 

The nature of biological catalysts was explored by Buchner’s contemporary, Emil 
Fischer. Fischer studied the catalytic effect of yeast enzymes on the hydrolysis (break- 
down by water) of sucrose (table sugar). He proposed that during catalysis an enzyme 
and its reactant, or substrate, combine to form an intermediate compound. He also pro- 
posed that only a molecule with a suitable structure can serve as a substrate for a given 
enzyme. Fischer described enzymes as rigid templates, or locks, and substrates as 
matching keys. Researchers soon realized that almost all the reactions of life are cat- 
alyzed by enzymes and a modified lock-and-key theory of enzyme action remains a 
central tenet of modern biochemistry. 

Another key property of enzyme catalysis is that biological reactions occur much 
faster than they would without a catalyst. In addition to speeding up the rates of reac- 
tions, enzyme catalysts produce very high yields with few, if any, by-products. In con- 
trast, many catalyzed reactions in organic chemistry are considered acceptable with 
yields of 50% to 60%. Biochemical reactions must be more efficient because by- 
products can be toxic to cells and their formation would waste precious energy. The 
mechanisms of catalysis are described in Chapter 5. 

The last half of the 20th century saw tremendous advances in the area of structural 
biology, especially the structure of proteins. The first protein structures were solved in 
the 1950s and 1960s by scientists at Cambridge University (United Kingdom) led by 

1.2 The Chemical Elements of Life 3 

John C. Kendrew and Max Perutz. Since then, the three-dimensional structures of several 
thousand different proteins have been determined and our understanding of the com- 
plex biochemistry of proteins has increased enormously. These rapid advances were 
made possible by the availability of larger and faster computers and new software that 
could carry out the many calculations that used to be done by hand using simple calcu- 
lators. Much of modern biochemistry relies on computers. 

The second major breakthrough in the history of biochemistry — identification of 
nucleic acids as information molecules — came a half-century after Buchner’s and Fis- 
cher’s experiments. In 1944 Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty ex- 
tracted deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from a pathogenic strain of the bacterium 
Streptococcus pneumoniae and mixed the DNA with a nonpathogenic strain of the same 
organism. The nonpathogenic strain was permanently transformed into a pathogenic 
strain. This experiment provided the first conclusive evidence that DNA is the genetic 
material. In 1953 James D. Watson and Francis H. C. Crick deduced the three-dimen- 
sional structure of DNA. The structure of DNA immediately suggested to Watson and 
Crick a method whereby DNA could reproduce itself, or replicate, and thus transmit bi- 
ological information to succeeding generations. Subsequent research showed that infor- 
mation encoded in DNA can be transcribed to ribonucleic acid (RNA) and then trans- 
lated into protein. 

The study of genetics at the level of nucleic acid molecules is part of the discipline 
of molecular biology and molecular biology is part of the discipline of biochemistry. In 
order to understand how nucleic acids store and transmit genetic information, you 
must understand the structure of nucleic acids and their role in information flow. You 
will find that much of your study of biochemistry is devoted to considering how en- 
zymes and nucleic acids are central to the chemistry of life. 

As Crick predicted in 1958, the normal flow of information from nucleic acid to 
protein is not reversible. He referred to this unidirectional information flow from nu- 
cleic acid to protein as the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology. The term “Central 
Dogma” is often misunderstood. Strictly speaking, it does not refer to the overall flow of 
information shown in the figure. Instead, it refers to the fact that once information in 
nucleic acids is transferred to protein it cannot flow backwards from protein to nucleic 





▲ Information flow in molecular biology. The 

flow of information is normally from DNA to 
RNA. Some RNAs (messenger RNAs) are 
translated. Some RNA can be reverse tran- 
scribed back to DNA but according Crick’s 
Central Dogma of Molecular Biology the 
transfer of information from nucleic acid 
(e.g., mRNA) to protein is irreversible. 

1.2 The Chemical Elements of Life 

Six nonmetallic elements — carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sul- 
fur — account for more than 97% of the weight of most organisms. All these elements 
can form stable covalent bonds. The relative amounts of these six elements vary among 
organisms. Water is a major component of cells and accounts for the high percentage 
(by weight) of oxygen. Carbon is much more abundant in living organisms than in the 
rest of the universe. On the other hand, some elements, such as silicon, aluminum, and 
iron, are very common in the Earth’s crust but are present only in trace amounts in 
cells. In addition to the standard six elements (CHNOPS), there are 23 other elements 
commonly found in living organisms (Figure 1.1). These include five ions that are essen- 
tial in all species: calcium (Ca©), potassium (K 0 ), sodium (Na 0 ), magnesium (Mg©), 
and chloride (Cl®) Note that the additional 23 elements account for only 3% of the 
weight of living organisms. 

Most of the solid material of cells consists of carbon-containing compounds. The 
study of such compounds falls into the domain of organic chemistry. A course in or- 
ganic chemistry is helpful in understanding biochemistry because there is considerable 
overlap between the two disciplines. Organic chemists are more interested in reactions 
that take place in the laboratory, whereas biochemists would like to understand how re- 
actions occur in living cells. 

Figure 1.2a shows the basic types of organic compounds commonly encountered in 
biochemistry. Make sure you are familiar with these terms because we will be using 
them repeatedly in the rest of this book. 

▲ Emil Fischer (1852-1919). Fischer made 
many contributions to our understanding of 
the structures and functions of biological 
molecules. He received the Nobel Prize in 
Chemistry in 1902 “in recognition of the 
extraordinary services he has rendered by 
his work on sugar and purine synthesis.” 

▲ DNA encodes most of the information 
required in living cells. 

4 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 

IA 0 




1 1 A 




VI 1 B 





























































































































































































































































































































































▲ Figure 1.1 

Periodic Table of the Elements. The important elements found in living cells are shown in color. The 
red elements (CHNOPS) are the six abundant elements. The five essential ions are purple. The 
trace elements are shown in dark blue (more common) and light blue (less common). 

The synthesis of RNA (transcription) 
and protein (translation) are described 
in Chapters 21 and 22, respectively. 


More than 97% of the weight of most 
organisms is made up of only six 
elements: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, 
oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur 


Living things obey the standard laws of 
physics and chemistry. No “vitalistic” 
force is required to explain life at the 
molecular level. 

Biochemical reactions involve specific chemical bonds or parts of molecules called 
functional groups (Figure 1.2b). We will encounter several common linkages in bio- 
chemistry (Figure 1.2c). Note that all these linkages consist of several different atoms 
and individual bonds between atoms. We will learn more about these compounds, 
functional groups, and linkages throughout this book. Ester and ether linkages are com- 
mon in fatty acids and lipids. Amide linkages are found in proteins. Phosphate ester and 
phosphoanhydride linkages occur in nucleotides. 

An important theme of biochemistry is that the chemical reactions occurring in- 
side cells are the same kinds of reactions that take place in a chemistry laboratory. The 
most important difference is that almost all reactions in living cells are catalyzed by en- 
zymes and thus proceed at very high rates. One of the main goals of this textbook is to 
explain how enzymes speed up reactions without violating the fundamental reaction 
mechanisms of organic chemistry. 

The catalytic efficiency of enzymes can be observed even when the enzymes and re- 
actants are isolated in a test tube. Researchers often find it useful to distinguish between 
biochemical reactions that take place in an organism (in vivo) and those that occur 
under laboratory conditions (in vitro). 

1.3 Many Important Macromolecules Are Polymers 

In addition to numerous small molecules, much of biochemistry deals with very large 
molecules that we refer to as macromolecules. Biological macromolecules are usually a 
form of polymer created by joining many smaller organic molecules, or monomers, via 
condensation (removal of the elements of water). In some cases, such as certain carbo- 
hydrates, a single monomer is repeated many times; in other cases, such as proteins and 
nucleic acids, a variety of different monomers is connected in a particular order. Each 
monomer of a given polymer is added by repeating the same enzyme -catalyzed reaction. 

1.3 Many Important Macromolecules Are Polymers 5 

(a) Organic compounds 


R — OH R— C — H 








R— C — OH 

◄ Figure 1.2 

General formulas of (a) organic compounds, 
(b) functional groups, and (c) linkages com- 
mon in biochemistry. R represents an alkyl 
group (CH 3 (CH 2 ) n ). 




Carboxylic acid 1 

i 1 

i 1 

R— SH 

R — NH 2 

R— NH 

R — N — R 2 





Tertiary ^ 

Amines 2 

(b) Functional groups 

— OH 



— C — R 



— c — 










— SH 


— NH 2 or — NH 3 


— O — P — o 0 






0 ® 




(c) Linkages in biochemical compounds 


— c— o— c— — c— o— c— 

I I I 

Ester Ether 




1 11 © 

— c— o — p— o u 

Phosphate ester 





o — 


1 Under most biological conditions, 
carboxylic acids exist as carboxylate 
anions: O 

R— C— O 0 

2 Under most biological conditions, 
amines exist as ammonium ions: 

Ri Ri 

© ©I ©I 

R — NH 3 , R — NH 2 and R — NH — R 2 

Thus, all of the monomers, or residues, in a macromolecule are aligned in the same di- 
rection and the ends of the macromolecule are chemically distinct. 

Macromolecules have properties that are very different from those of their con- 
stituent monomers. For example, starch is a polymer of the sugar glucose but it is not 
soluble in water and does not taste sweet. Observations such as this have led to the gen- 
eral principle of the hierarchical organization of life. Each new level of organization re- 
sults in properties that cannot be predicted solely from those of the previous level. The 
levels of complexity, in increasing order, are: atoms, molecules, macromolecules, or- 
ganelles, cells, tissues, organs, and whole organisms. (Note that many species lack one or 
more of these levels of complexity. Single-celled organisms, for example, do not have 
tissues and organs.) The following sections briefly describe the principal types of 
macromolecules and how their sequences of residues or three-dimensional shapes grant 
them unique properties. 

6 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 

The relative molecular mass ( M r ) of a 
molecule is a dimensionless quantity 
referring to the mass of a molecule rel- 
ative to one-twelfth (1/12) the mass of 
an atom of the carbon isotope 12 C. 
Molecular weight (M.W.) is another 
term for relative molecular mass. 

In discussing molecules and macromolecules we will often refer to the molecular 
weight of a compound. A more precise term for molecular weight is relative molecular mass 
(abbreviated M r ). It is the mass of a molecule relative to one-twelfth (1/12) the mass of an 
atom of the carbon isotope 12 C. (The atomic weight of this isotope has been defined as ex- 
actly 12 atomic mass units. Note that the atomic weight of carbon shown in the Periodic 
Table represents the average of several different isotopes, including 13 C and 14 C.) Because 
M r is a relative quantity, it is dimensionless and has no units associated with its value. The 
relative molecular mass of a typical protein, for example, is 38,000 (M r = 38,000). The 
absolute molecular mass of a compound has the same magnitude as the molecular 
weight except that it is expressed in units called daltons (1 dalton = 1 atomic mass unit). 
The molecular mass is also called the molar mass because it represents the mass (meas- 
ured in grams) of 1 mole, or 6.022 X 10 23 molecules. The molecular mass of a typical 
protein is 38,000 daltons, which means that 1 mole weighs 38 kilograms. The main source 
of confusion is that the term “molecular weight” has become common jargon in biochem- 
istry although it refers to relative molecular mass and not to weight. It is a common error 
to give a molecular weight in daltons when it should be dimensionless. In most cases, this 
isn’t a very important mistake but you should know the correct terminology. 


© I 

H 3 N — C — H 


(b) O 

© II o 

H 3 N — CH — C — N — CH — COO u 

I I I 


▲ Figure 1 .3 

Structure of an amino acid and a dipeptide. 

(a) Amino acids contain an amino group 
(blue) and a carboxylate group (red). Differ- 
ent amino acids contain different side chains 
(designated — R). (b) A dipeptide is pro- 
duced when the amino group of one amino 
acid reacts with the carboxylate group of an- 
other to form a peptide bond (red). 


Biochemical molecules are 
three-dimensional objects. 

A. Proteins 

Twenty common amino acids are incorporated into proteins in all cells. Each amino 
acid contains an amino group and a carboxylate group, as well as a side chain (R group) 
that is unique to each amino acid (Figure 1.3a). The amino group of one amino acid 
and the carboxylate group of another are condensed during protein synthesis to form 
an amide linkage, as shown in Figure 1.3b. The bond between the carbon atom of one 
amino acid residue and the nitrogen atom of the next residue is called a peptide bond. 
The end-to-end joining of many amino acids forms a linear polypeptide that may con- 
tain hundreds of amino acid residues. A functional protein can be a single polypeptide 
or it can consist of several distinct polypeptide chains that are tightly bound to form a 
more complex structure. 

Many proteins function as enzymes. Others are structural components of cells and 
organisms. Finear polypeptides fold into a distinct three-dimensional shape. This shape 
is determined largely by the sequence of its amino acid residues. This sequence infor- 
mation is encoded in the gene for the protein. The function of a protein depends on its 
three-dimensional structure, or conformation. 

The structures of many proteins have been determined and several principles gov- 
erning the relationship between structure and function have become clear. For example, 
many enzymes contain a cleft, or groove, that binds the substrates of a reaction. This 
cavity contains the active site of the enzyme — the region where the chemical reaction 
takes place. Figure 1.4a shows the structure of the enzyme lysozyme that catalyzes the 
hydrolysis of specific carbohydrate polymers. Figure 1.4b shows the structure of the en- 
zyme with the substrate bound in the cleft. We will discuss the relationship between 
protein structure and function in Chapters 4 and 6. 

There are many ways of representing the three-dimensional structures of biopoly- 
mers such as proteins. The lysozyme molecule in Figure 1.4 is shown as a cartoon where 
the conformation of the polypeptide chain is represented as a combination of wires, 
helical ribbons, and broad arrows. Other kinds of representations in the following chap- 
ters include images that show the position of every atom. Computer programs that cre- 
ate these images are freely available on the Internet and the structural data for proteins 
can be retrieved from a number of database sites. With a little practice, any student can 
view these molecules on a computer monitor. 

B. Polysaccharides 

Carbohydrates, or saccharides, are composed primarily of carbon, oxygen, and hydro- 
gen. This group of compounds includes simple sugars (monosaccharides) as well as 
their polymers (polysaccharides). All monosaccharides and all residues of polysaccha- 
rides contain several hydroxyl groups and are therefore polyalcohols. The most com- 
mon monosaccharides contain either five or six carbon atoms. 

1.3 Many Important Macromolecules Are Polymers 7 

Sugar structures can be represented in several ways. For example, ribose (the most 
common five-carbon sugar) can be shown as a linear molecule containing four hydroxyl 
groups and one aldehyde group (Figure 1.5a). This linear representation is called a Fis- 
cher projection (after Emil Fischer). In its usual biochemical form, however, the struc- 
ture of ribose is a ring with a covalent bond between the carbon of the aldehyde group 
(C-l) and the oxygen of the C-4 hydroxyl group, as shown in Figure 1.5b. The ring form 
is most commonly shown as a Haworth projection (Figure 1.5c). This representation is a 
more accurate way of depicting the actual structure of ribose. The Haworth projection is 
rotated 90° with respect to the Fischer projection and portrays the carbohydrate ring as a 
plane with one edge projecting out of the page (represented by the thick lines). However, 
the ring is not actually planar. It can adopt numerous conformations in which certain 
ring atoms are out-of-plane. In Figure 1.5d, for example, the C-2 atom of ribose lies 
above the plane formed by the rest of the ring atoms. 

Some conformations are more stable than others so the majority of ribose mole- 
cules can be represented by one or two of the many possible conformations. Neverthe- 
less, it’s important to note that most biochemical molecules exist as a collection of 
structures with different conformations. The change from one conformation to another 
does not require the breaking of any covalent bonds. In contrast, the two basic forms of 
carbohydrate structures, linear and ring forms, do require the breaking and forming of 
covalent bonds. 

Glucose is the most abundant six-carbon sugar (Figure 1.6a on page 8). It is the 
monomeric unit of cellulose, a structural polysaccharide, and of glycogen and starch, 
which are storage polysaccharides. In these polysaccharides, each glucose residue is 
joined covalently to the next by a covalent bond between C-l of one glucose molecule 
and one of the hydroxyl groups of another. This bond is called a glycosidic bond. In cel- 
lulose, C-l of each glucose residue is joined to the C-4 hydroxyl group of the next 
residue (Figure 1.6b). The hydroxyl groups on adjacent chains of cellulose interact non- 
covalently creating strong, insoluble fibers. Cellulose is probably the most abundant 
biopolymer on Earth because it is a major component of flowering plant stems includ- 
ing tree trunks. We will discuss carbohydrates further in Chapter 8. 

C. Nucleic Acids 

Nucleic acids are large macromolecules composed of monomers called nucleotides. The 
term polynucleotide is a more accurate description of a single molecule of nucleic acid, 
just as polypeptide is a more accurate term than protein for single molecules composed 
of amino acid residues. The term nucleic acid refers to the fact that these polynu- 
cleotides were first detected as acidic molecules in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. We 

▲ Figure 1.4 Chicken [Gallus gallus) eggwhite 
lysozyme, (a) Free lysozyme. Note the char- 
acteristic cleft that includes the active site 
of the enzyme, (b) Lysozyme with bound 
substrate. [PDB 1LZC]. 

The rules for drawing a molecule as a 
Fischer projection are described in 
Section 8.1. 

Conformations of monosaccharides are 
described in more detail in Section 8.3. 

Fischer projection Fischer projection 

(open-chain form) (ring form) 

Haworth projection Envelope conformation 

▲ Figure 1.5 

Representations of the structure of ribose. (a) In the Fischer projection, ribose is drawn as a linear molecule, (b) In its usual biochemical 
form, the ribose molecule is in a ring, shown here as a Fischer projection, (c) In a Haworth projection, the ring is depicted as lying per- 
pendicular to the page (as indicated by the thick lines, which represent the bonds closest to the viewer), (d) The ring of ribose is not 
actually planar but can adopt 20 possible conformations in which certain ring atoms are out-of-plane. In the conformation shown, C-2 lies 
above the plane formed by the rest of the ring atoms. 

8 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 

Figure 1.6 ► 

Glucose and cellulose, (a) Haworth projection 
of glucose, (b) Cellulose, a linear polymer of 
glucose residues. Each residue is joined to 
the next by a glycosidic bond (red). 

The structures of nucleic acids are 
described in Chapter 19. 



▲ Figure 1.7 

Deoxyribose, the sugar found in deoxyribonu- 
cleotides. Deoxyribose lacks a hydroxyl group 
at C-2. 

The role of ATP in biochemical reac- 
tions is described in Section 10.7. 

Figure 1.8 ► 

Structure of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The 

nitrogenous base adenine (blue) is attached 
to ribose (black). Three phosphoryl groups 
(red) are also bound to the ribose. 

now know that nucleic acids are not confined to the eukaryotic nucleus but are abun- 
dant in the cytoplasm and in prokaryotes that don’t have a nucleus. 

Nucleotides consist of a five-carbon sugar, a heterocyclic nitrogenous base, and at 
least one phosphate group. In ribonucleotides, the sugar is ribose; in deoxyribonu- 
cleotides, it is the derivative deoxyribose (Figure 1.7). The nitrogenous bases of nu- 
cleotides belong to two families known as purines and pyrimidines. The major purines 
are adenine (A) and guanine (G); the major pyrimidines are cytosine (C), thymine (T), 
and uracil (U). In a nucleotide, the base is joined to C-l of the sugar, and the phosphate 
group is attached to one of the other sugar carbons (usually C-5). 

The structure of the nucleotide adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is shown in Figure 1.8. 
ATP consists of an adenine moiety linked to ribose by a glycosidic bond. There are three 
phosphoryl groups (designated a , /3, and y) esterified to the C-5 hydroxyl group of the ri- 
bose. The linkage between ribose and the a-phosphoryl group is a phosphoester linkage 
because it includes a carbon and a phosphorus atom, whereas the /3 - and y-phosphoryl 
groups in ATP are connected by phosphoanhydride linkages that don’t involve carbon 
atoms (see Figure 1.2). All phosphoanhydrides possess considerable chemical potential 
energy and ATP is no exception. It is the central carrier of energy in living cells. The potential 
energy associated with the hydrolysis of ATP can be used directly in biochemical reactions or 
coupled to a reaction in a less obvious way. 

In polynucleotides, the phosphate group of one nucleotide is covalently linked to 
the C-3 oxygen atom of the sugar of another nucleotide creating a second phosphoester 
linkage. The entire linkage between the carbons of adjacent nucleotides is called a phos- 
phodiester linkage because it contains two phosphoester linkages (Figure 1.9). Nucleic 
acids contain many nucleotide residues and are characterized by a backbone consisting 
of alternating sugars and phosphates. In DNA, the bases of two different polynucleotide 
strands interact to form a helical structure. 

There are several ways of depicting nucleic acid structures depending on which fea- 
tures are being described. The ball-and-stick model shown in Figure 1.10 is ideal for show- 
ing the individual atoms and the ring structure of the sugars and the bases. In this case, the 


1.3 Many Important Macromolecules are Polymers 9 

two helices can be traced by following the sugar-phosphate backbone emphasized by 
the presence of the purple phosphorus atoms surrounded by four red oxygen atoms. 
The individual base pairs are viewed edge-on in the interior of the molecule. We will see 
several other DNA models in Chapter 19. 

RNA contains ribose rather than deoxyribose and it is usually a single-stranded 
polynucleotide. There are four different kinds of RNA molecules. Messenger RNA 
(mRNA) is involved directly in the transfer of information from DNA to protein. Transfer 
RNA (tRNA) is a smaller molecule required for protein synthesis. Ribosomal RNA 
(rRNA) is the major component of ribosomes. Cells also contain a heterogeneous class of 
small RNAs that carry out a variety of different functions. In Chapters 19 to 22, we will see 
how these RNA molecules differ and how their structures reflect their biological roles. 

D. Lipids and Membranes 

The term “lipid” refers to a diverse class of molecules that are rich in carbon and hydro- 
gen but contain relatively few oxygen atoms. Most lipids are not soluble in water but 
they do dissolve in some organic solvents. Lipids often have a polar, hydrophilic (water- 
loving) head and a nonpolar, hydrophobic (water- fearing) tail (Figure 1.11). In an aque- 
ous environment, the hydrophobic tails of such lipids associate while the hydrophobic 
heads are exposed to water, producing a sheet called a lipid bilayer. Lipid bilayers form the 
structural basis of all biological membranes. Membranes separate cells or compartments 
within cells from their environments by acting as barriers that are impermeable to most 
water-soluble compounds. Membranes are flexible because lipid bilayers are stabilized by 
noncovalent forces. 

The simplest lipids are fatty acids — these are long- chain hydrocarbons with a car- 
boxylate group at one end. Fatty acids are commonly found as part of larger molecules 
called glycerophospholipids consisting of glycerol 3 -phosphate and two fatty acyl groups 
(Figure 1.12 on the next page). Glycerophospholipids are major components of biological 

Other kinds of lipids include steroids and waxes. Steroids are molecules like choles- 
terol and many sex hormones. Waxes are common in plants and animals but perhaps 
the most familiar examples are beeswax and the wax that forms in your ears. 

Membranes are among the largest and most complex cellular structures. Strictly 
speaking, membranes are aggregates, not polymers. However, the association of lipid 
molecules with each other creates structures that exhibit properties not shown by indi- 
vidual component molecules. Their insolubility in water and the flexibility of lipid ag- 
gregates give biological membranes many of their characteristics. 

◄ Figure 1.9 

Structure of a dinucleotide. One deoxyribonu- 
cleotide residue contains the pyrimidine 
thymine (top), and the other contains the 
purine adenine (bottom). The residues are 
joined by a phosphodiester linkage between 
the two deoxyribose moieties. (The carbon 
atoms of deoxyribose are numbered with 
primes to distinguish them from the atoms 
of the bases thymine and adenine.) 

▲ Figure 1.10 

Short segment of a DNA molecule. Two differ- 
ent polynucleotides associate to form a 
double helix. The sequence of base pairs 
on the inside of the helix carries genetic 

▲ Figure 1 .1 1 

Model of a membrane lipid. The molecule 
consists of a polar head (blue) and a nonpo- 
lar tail (yellow). 

Hydrophobic interactions are discussed 
in Chapter 2. 

10 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 

Figure 1.12 ► 

Structures of glycerol 3-phosphate and a glyc- 
erophospholipid. (a) The phosphate group of 
glycerol 3-phosphate is polar, (b) In a glyc- 
erophospholipid, two nonpolar fatty acid 
chains are bound to glycerol 3-phosphate 
through ester linkages. X represents a sub- 
stituent of the phosphate group. 

a) 0° 

O = P — o e 



1 2 3 | 

h 2 c — ch — ch 2 


Glycerol 3-phosphate 

>- acyl 







0 = p- 

1 2 3 1 

h 2 c — ch — ch 2 

0 o 

1 I 

0= c c = o 


Most of the energy required for life is 
supplied by light from the sun. 

Biological membranes also contain proteins as shown in Figure 1.13. Some of these 
membrane proteins serve as channels for the entry of nutrients and the exit of wastes. 
Other proteins catalyze reactions that occur specifically at the membrane surface. They 
are the sites of many important biochemical reactions. We will discuss lipids and bio- 
logical membranes in greater detail in Chapter 9. 

1.4 The Energetics of Life 

The activities of living organisms do not depend solely on the biomolecules described 
in the preceding section and on the multitude of smaller molecules and ions found in 
cells. Life also requires the input of energy. Living organisms are constantly transform- 
ing energy into useful work to sustain themselves, to grow, and to reproduce. Almost all 
this energy is ultimately supplied by the sun. 



▲ Figure 1 .13 

General structure of a biological membrane. Biological membranes consist of a lipid bilayer with as- 
sociated proteins. The hydrophobic tails of individual lipid molecules associate to form the core of 
the membrane. The hydrophilic heads are in contact with the aqueous medium on either side of 
the membrane. Most membrane proteins span the lipid bilayer; others are attached to the mem- 
brane surface in various ways. 

1.4 The Energetics of Life 1 1 

Sunlight is captured by plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria and used for the 
synthesis of biological compounds. Photosynthetic organisms can be ingested as food 
and their component molecules used by organisms such as protozoa, fungi, nonphoto- 
synthetic bacteria, and animals. These organisms cannot directly convert sunlight into 
useful biochemical energy. The breakdown of organic compounds in both photosyn- 
thetic and nonphotosynthetic organisms releases energy that can be used to drive the 
synthesis of new molecules and macromolecules. 

Photosynthesis is one of the key biochemical processes that are essential for life, 
even though many species, including animals, benefit only indirectly. One of the by- 
products of photosynthesis is oxygen. It is likely that Earth’s atmosphere was trans- 
formed by oxygen-producing photosynthetic bacteria during the first several billion 
years of its history (a natural example of terraforming). In Chapter 15, we will discuss 
the amazing set of reactions that capture sunlight and use it to synthesize biopolymers. 

The term metabolism describes the myriad reactions in which organic compounds 
are synthesized and degraded and useful energy is extracted, stored, and used. The study 
of the changes in energy during metabolic reactions is called bio energetics. Bioenergetics 
is part of the field of thermodynamics, a branch of physical science that deals with en- 
ergy changes. Biochemists have discovered that the basic thermodynamic principles 
that apply to energy flow in nonliving systems also apply to the chemistry of life. 

Thermodynamics is a complex and highly sophisticated subject but we don’t need 
to master all of its complexities and subtleties in order to understand how it can con- 
tribute to an understanding of biochemistry. We will avoid some of the complications 
of thermodynamics in this book and concentrate instead on using it to describe some 
biochemical principles (discussed in Chapter 10). 

A. Reaction Rates and Equilibria 

The rate, or speed, of a chemical reaction depends on the concentration of the reac- 
tants. Consider a simple chemical reaction where molecule A collides with molecule B 
and undergoes a reaction that produces products C and D. 

A + B > C + D (1.2) 

The rate of this reaction is determined by the concentrations of A and B. At high 
concentrations, these reactants are more likely to collide with each other; at low concen- 
trations, the reaction might take a long time. We indicate the concentration of a reacting 
molecule by enclosing its symbol in square brackets. Thus, [A] means “the concentra- 
tion of A” — usually expressed in moles per liter (M). The rate of the reaction is directly 
proportional to the product of the concentrations of A and B. This rate can be described 
by a proportionality constant, k , that is more commonly called a rate constant. 

rate oc [A][B] rate = /c[A][B] (1.3) 

Almost all biochemical reactions are reversible. This means that C and D can col- 
lide and undergo a chemical reaction to produce A and B. The rate of the reverse reac- 
tion will depend on the concentrations of C and D and that rate can be described by a 
different rate constant. By convention, the forward rate constant is k\ and the reverse 
rate constant is k-\. Reaction 1.4 is a more accurate way of depicting the reaction 
shown in Reaction 1.2. 

A + B C + D (1.4) 


If we begin a test tube reaction by mixing high concentrations of A and B, then the 
initial concentrations of C and D will be zero and the reaction will only proceed from 
left to right. The rate of the initial reaction will depend on the beginning concentrations 
of A and B and the rate constant k\. As the reaction proceeds, the amount of A and B 
will decrease and the amount of C and D will increase. The reverse reaction will start to 
become significant as the products accumulate. The speed of the reverse reaction will 
depend on the concentrations of C and D and the rate constant k-\. 

▲ Sunlight on a tropical rain forest. Plants 
convert sunlight and inorganic nutrients into 
organic compounds. 

Inorganic nutrients 
(C0 2 , H 2 0) 

Light energy 




Organic compounds 


All organisms 

Waste Macromolecules 
(C0 2/ H 2 0) 

▲ Energy flow. Photosynthetic organisms 
capture the energy of sunlight and use it to 
synthesize organic compounds. The break- 
down of these compounds in both photosyn- 
thetic and nonphotosynthetic organisms 
generates energy needed for the synthesis of 
macromolecules and for other cellular re- 

12 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 


The rate of a chemical reaction depends 
on the concentrations of the reactants. 
The higher the concentration, the faster 
the reaction. 

At some point, the rates of the forward and reverse reactions will be equal and there 
will be no further change in the concentrations of A, B, C, and D. In other words, the re- 
action will have reached equilibrium. At equilibrium, 

*1 [A] [B] = /C—t [C] [D] (1.5) 


Almost all biochemical reactions are 
reversible. When the forward and reverse 
reactions are equal, the reaction is at 

In many cases we are interested in the final concentrations of the reactants and 
products once the reaction has reached equilibrium. The ratio of product concentra- 
tions to reactant concentrations defines the equilibrium constant, K eq . The equilibrium 
constant is also equal to the ratio of the forward and reverse rate constants and since Zq 
and k_i are constants, so is K eq . Rearranging Equation 1.5 gives, 

*1 [C][D] 

k - 1 [A][B] eq 

( 1 . 6 ) 

In theory, the concentrations of products and reactants could be identical once the 
reaction reaches equilibrium. In that case, K eq = 1 and the forward and reverse rate 
constants have the same values. In most cases the value of the equilibrium constant 
ranges from 10 -3 to 10 3 meaning that the rate of one of the reactions is much faster 
than the other. If K eq = 10 3 then the reaction will proceed mostly to the right and the 
final concentrations of C and D will be much higher than the concentrations of A and 
B. In this case, the forward rate constant (Zq) will be 1000 times greater than the reverse 
rate constant (k-i). This means that collisions between C and D are much less likely to 
produce a chemical reaction than collisions between A and B. 

▲ Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839-1903). Gibbs 
was one of the greatest American scientists 
of the 19th century. He founded the modern 
field of chemical thermodynamics. 

B. Thermodynamics 

If we know the energy changes associated with a reaction or process, we can predict the 
equilibrium concentrations. We can also predict the direction of a reaction provided we 
know the initial concentrations of reactants and products. The thermodynamic quan- 
tity that provides this information is the Gibbs free energy (G), named after J. Willard 
Gibbs who first described this quantity in 1878. 

It turns out that molecules in solution have a certain energy that depends on tem- 
perature, pressure, concentration, and other states. The Gibbs free energy change (AG) 
for a reaction is the difference between the free energy of the products and the free en- 
ergy of the reactants. The overall Gibbs free energy change has two components known 
as the enthalpy change (AH, the change in heat content) and the entropy change (AS, 
the change in randomness). A biochemical process may generate heat or absorb it from 
the surroundings. Similarly, a process may occur with an increase or a decrease in the 
degree of disorder, or randomness, of the reactants. 

Starting with an initial solution of reactants and products, if the reaction proceeds 
to produce more products, then AG must be less than zero (AG < 0). In chemistry 
terms, we say that the reaction is spontaneous and energy is released. When AG is 
greater than zero (AG > 0), the reaction requires external energy to proceed and it will 
not yield more products. In fact, more reactants will accumulate as the reverse reaction 
is favored. When AG equals zero (AG = 0), the reaction is at equilibrium; the rates of 
the forward and reverse reactions are identical and the concentrations of the products 
and reactants no longer change. 

We are mostly interested the overall Gibbs free energy change, expressed as 


The Gibbs free energy change (A G) is the 
difference between the free energy of the 
products of a reaction and that of the 
reactants (substrates). 

AG = AH - TAS (1.7) 

where T is the temperature in Kelvin. 

A series of linked processes, such as the reactions of a metabolic pathway in a cell, 
usually proceeds only when associated with an overall negative Gibbs free energy 
change. Biochemical reactions or processes are more likely to occur, both to a greater 
extent and more rapidly, when they are associated with an increase in entropy and a de- 
crease in enthalpy. 

1.4 The Energetics of Life 13 

If we knew the Gibbs free energy of every product and every reactant, it would be a 
simple matter to calculate the Gibbs free energy change for a reaction by using Equation 1.8. 

Abreaction = AGp roc |ucts — ^^reactants ( 1 - 8 ) 

Unfortunately, we don’t often know the absolute Gibbs free energies of every bio- 
chemical molecule. What we do know are the thermodynamic parameters associated 
with the synthesis of these molecules from simple precursors. For example, glucose can 
be formed from water and carbon dioxide. We don’t need to know the absolute values of 
the Gibbs free energy of water and carbon dioxide in order to calculate the amount of 
enthalpy and entropy that are required to bring them together to make glucose. In fact, 
the heat released by the reverse reaction (breakdown of glucose to carbon dioxide and 
water) can be measured using a calorimeter. This gives us a value for the change in en- 
thalpy of synthesis of glucose (AH). The entropy change (A S) for this reaction can also 
be determined. We can use these quantities to determine the Gibbs free energy of the re- 
action. The true Gibbs free energy of formation AfG is the difference between the ab- 
solute free energy of glucose and that of the elements carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. 

There are tables giving these Gibbs free energy values for the formation of most bi- 
ological molecules. They can be used to calculate the Gibbs free energy change for a re- 
action in the same way that we might use absolute values as in Equation 1.9. 

AG react j on = AfGp roc | uc t s — AfG reac t an t s (1.9) 

In this textbook we will often refer to the AfG value as the Gibbs free energy of a 
compound since it can be easily used in calculations as though it were an absolute value. 
It can also be called just “Gibbs energy” by dropping the word “free.” 

There’s an additional complication that hasn’t been mentioned. For any reaction, in- 
cluding the degradation of glucose, the actual free energy change depends on the concen- 
trations of reactants and products. Let’s consider the hypothetical reaction in Equation 1.2. 
If we begin with a certain amount of A and B and none of the products C and D, then it’s 
obvious that the reaction can only go in one direction, at least initially. In thermodynamic 
terms, AG react i on is favorable under these conditions. The higher the concentrations of A 
and B, the more likely the reaction will occur. This is an important point that we will re- 
turn to many times as we learn about biochemistry — the actual Gibbs free energy change 
in a reaction depends on the concentrations of the reactants and products. 

What we need are some standard values of AG that can be adjusted for concentra- 
tion. These standard values are the Gibbs free energy changes measured under certain 
conditions. By convention, the standard conditions are 25°C (298 K), 1 atm standard 
pressure, and 1.0 M concentration of all products and reactants. In most biochemical 
reactions, the concentration of H© is important, and this is indicated by the pH, as will 
be described in the next chapter. The standard condition for biochemistry reactions is 
pH = 7.0, which corresponds to 10 -7 M H© (rather than 1.0 M as for other reactants 
and products). The Gibbs free energy change under these standard conditions is indi- 
cated by the symbol AG°'. 

The actual Gibbs free energy is related to its standard free energy by 

AG a = A C% + R7"ln[A] (1.10) 

where R is the universal gas constant (8.315 kj -1 mol -1 ) and T is the temperature in 
Kelvin. Gibbs free energy is expressed in units of kj mol -1 . (An older unit is kcal mol -1 , 
which equals 4.184 kj mol -1 .) The term RT ln[A] is sometimes given as 2.303 RT 
log [A]. 

C. Equilibrium Constants and Standard Gibbs Free Energy Changes 

For a given reaction, such as that in Reaction 1.2, the actual Gibbs free energy change is 
related to the standard free energy change by 


AG reac tj on — AG° eac tj on + RT In ^ ^ (1.11) 







▲ The heat given off during a reaction can 
be determined by carrying out the reaction 
in a sensitive calorimeter. 

The importance of the relationship 
between A£ and concentration is 
explained in Section 10.5. 


The standard Gibbs free energy change 
(AG°') tells us the direction of a reaction 
when the concentrations of all products 
and reactants are at 1 M concentration. 
These conditions will never occur in 
living cells. Biochemists are only 
interested in actual Gibbs free energy 
changes (A£), which are usually close to 
zero. The standard Gibbs free energy 
change (AG°') tells us the relative 
concentrations of reactants and products 
when the reaction reaches equilibrium. 

14 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 



M=AG°' + R nn— 
at equilibrium AG°' + RT In /f eq = 0 


The rate of a reaction is not determined 
by the Gibbs free energy change. 

If the reaction has reached equilibrium, the ratio of concentrations in the last term of 
Equation 1.11 is, by definition, the equilibrium constant (K e q ). When the reaction is at 
equilibrium there is no net change in the concentrations of reactants and products, so 
the actual Gibbs free energy change is zero ( AG react i on = 0). This allows us to write an 
equation relating the standard Gibbs free energy change and the equilibrium constant. 
Thus, at equilibrium, 

Abreaction = -RT In /C eq = -2.303 RT log K eq (1.12) 

This important equation relates thermodynamics and reaction equilibria. Note that 
it is the equilibrium constant that is related to the Gibbs free energy change and not the 
individual rate constants described in Equations 1.6 and 1.7. It is the ratio of those indi- 
vidual rate constants that is important and not their absolute values. The forward and 
reverse rates might both be very slow or very fast and still give the same ratio. 

D. Gibbs Free Energy and Reaction Rates 

Thermodynamic considerations can tell us if a reaction is favored but do not tell how 
quickly a reaction will occur. We know, for example, that iron rusts and copper turns 
green, but these reactions may take only a few seconds or many years. That’s because, 
the rate of a reaction depends on other factors, such as the activation energy. 

Activation energies are usually depicted as a hump, or barrier, in diagrams that 
show the progress of a reaction from left to right. In Figure 1.14, we plot the Gibbs free 
energy at different stages of a reaction as it goes from reactants to products. This 
progress is called the reaction coordinate. 

The overall change in free energy (AG) can be negative, as shown on the left, or 
positive, as shown on the right. In either case, there’s an excess of energy required in 
order for the reaction to proceed. The difference between the top of the energy peak and 
the energy of the product or reactant with the highest Gibbs free energy is known as the 
activation energy ( AG$). 

The rate of this reaction depends on the nature of the reaction. Using our example 
from Equation 1.2, if every collision between A and B is effective, then the rate is likely 
to be fast. On the other hand, if the orientation of individual molecules has to be exactly 
right for a reaction to occur then many collisions will be nonproductive and the rate 
will be slower. In addition to orientation, the rate depends on the kinetic energy of the 
individual molecules. At any given temperature some will be moving slowly when they 
collide and they will not have enough energy to react. Others will be moving rapidly 
and will carry a lot of kinetic energy. 

The activation energy is meant to reflect these parameters. It is a measure of the prob- 
ability that a reaction will occur. The activation energy depends on the temperature — it 
is lower at higher temperatures. It also depends on the concentration of reactants — 
at high concentrations there will be more collisions and the rate of the reaction will be 

The important point is that the rate of a reaction is not predictable from the overall 
Gibbs free energy change. Some reactions, such as the oxidation of iron or copper, will 
proceed very slowly because their activation energies are high. 

Figure 1.14 ► 

The progress of a reaction is depicted from left 
(reactants) to right (products). In the first dia- 
gram, the overall Gibbs free energy change 
is negative since the Gibbs free energy of 
the products is lower than that of the reac- 
tants. In order for the reaction to proceed, 
the reactants have to overcome an activation 
energy barrier (A Gt). In the second dia- 
gram, the overall Gibbs free energy change 
for the reaction is positive and the minimum 
activation energy is smaller. This means that 
the reverse reaction will proceed faster than 
the forward reaction. 

Reaction coordinate 

1.5 Biochemistry and Evolution 15 

Most of the reactions that take place inside a cell are very slow in the test tube even 
though they are thermodynamically favored. Inside a cell the rates of the normally slow 
reactions are accelerated by enzymes. The rates of enzyme -catalyzed reactions can be 
10 20 times greater than the rates of the corresponding uncatalyzed reactions. We will 
spend some time describing how enzymes work — it is one of the most fascinating top- 
ics in biochemistry. 

1.5 Biochemistry and Evolution 

A famous geneticist, Theodosius Dobzhansky, once said, “Nothing in biology makes 
sense except in the light of evolution.” This is also true of biochemistry. Biochemists and 
molecular biologists have made major contributions to our understanding of evolution 
at the molecular level and the evidence they have uncovered confirms and extends the 
data from comparative anatomy, population genetics, and paleontology. We’ve come a 
long way from the original evidence of evolution first summarized by Charles Darwin 
in the middle of the 19th century. 

We now have a very reliable outline of the history of life and the relationships of the 
many diverse species in existence today. The first organisms were single cells that we would 
probably classify today as prokaryotes. Prokaryotes, or bacteria, do not have a membrane- 
bounded nucleus. Fossils of primitive bacteria-like organisms have been found in geologi- 
cal formations that are at least 3 billion years old. The modern species of bacteria belong to 
such diverse groups as the cyanobacteria, which are capable of photosynthesis, and the 
thermophiles, which inhabit hostile environments such as thermal hot springs. 

Eukaryotes have cells that possess complex internal architecture, including a promi- 
nent nucleus. In general, eukaryotic cells are more complex and much larger than prokary- 
otic cells. A typical eukaryotic tissue cell has a diameter of about 25 p, m (25,000 nm), 
whereas prokaryotic cells are typically about 1/10 that size. However, evolution has pro- 
duced tremendous diversity and extreme deviations from typical sizes are common. For 
example, some eukaryotic unicellular organisms are large enough to be visible to the 
naked eye and some nerve cells in the spinal columns of vertebrates can be several feet 
long. There are also megabacteria that are larger than most eukaryotic cells. 

All cells on Earth (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) appear to have evolved from a com- 
mon ancestor that existed more than 3 billion years ago. The evidence for common an- 
cestry includes the presence in all living organisms of common biochemical building 
blocks, the same general patterns of metabolism, and a common genetic code (with 
rare, slight variations). We will see many examples of this evidence throughout this 
book. The basic plan of the primitive cell has been elaborated on with spectacular in- 
ventiveness through billions of years of evolution. 

The importance of evolution for a thorough understanding of biochemistry cannot 
be overestimated. We will encounter many pathways and processes that only make sense 

▲ Charles Darwin (1809-1882). Darwin pub- 
lished The Origin of Species in 1859. His 
theory of evolution by natural selection ex- 
plains adaptive evolution. 

◄ Burgess Shale animals. Many transitional 
fossils support the basic history of life that 
has been worked out over the past few cen- 
turies. Pikia, (left) is a primitive chordate 
from the time of the Cambrian explosion 
about 530 million years ago. These primi- 
tive chordates are the ancestors of all mod- 
ern chordates, including humans. On the 
right is Opabinia, a primitive invertebrate. 

16 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 




Other Proteo- Cyano- positive Cren- Eury- 

bacteria bacteria bacteria bacteria archaeota archaeota Animals Fungi Plants Protists 

◄ Figure 1.15 

The web of life. The two main groups 
of prokaryotes are the Eubacteria 
(green) and the Archaea (red). 
(Adapted from Doolittle (2000).) 

when we appreciate that they have evolved from more primitive precursors. The evidence 
for evolution at the molecular level is preserved in the sequences of the genes and proteins 
that we will study as we learn about biochemistry. In order to fully understand the funda- 
mental principles of biochemistry we will need to examine pathways and processes in a 
variety of different species including bacteria and a host of eukaryotic model organisms 
such as yeast, fruit flies, flowering plants, mice, and humans. The importance of compara- 
tive biochemistry has been recognized for over 100 years but its value has increased enor- 
mously in the last decade with the publication of complete genome sequences. We are 
now able to compare the complete biochemical pathways of many different species. 

The relationship of the earliest forms of life can be determined by comparing the 
sequences of genes and proteins in modern species. The latest evidence shows that the 
early forms of unicellular life exchanged genes frequently giving rise to a complicated 
network of genetic relationships. Eventually, the various lineages of bacteria and archae- 
bacteria emerged, along with primitive eukaryotes. Further evolution of eukaryotes oc- 
curred when they formed a symbiotic union with bacteria, giving rise to mitochondria 
and chloroplasts. 

The new “web of life” view of evolution (Figure 1.15 ) replaces a more traditional view 
that separated prokaryotes into two entirely separate domains called Eubacteria and Ar- 
chaea. That distinction is not supported by the data from hundreds of sequenced genomes 
so we now see prokaryotes as a single large group with many diverse subgroups, some of 
which are shown in the figure. It is also clear that eukaryotes contain many genes that are 
more closely related to the old eubacterial groups as well as a minority of genes that are 
closer to the old achaeal groups. The early history of life seems to be dominated by rampant 
gene exchange between species and this has led to a web of life rather than a tree of life. 

Many students are interested in human biochemistry, particularly those aspects of 
biochemistry that relate to health and disease. That is an exciting part of biochemistry 
but in order to obtain a deep understanding of who we are, we need to know where we 
came from. An evolutionary perspective helps explain why we cant make some vitamins 

1.7 Prokaryotic Cells: Structural Features 


and amino acids and why we have different blood types and different tolerances for 
milk products. Evolution also explains the unique physiology of animals, which have 
adapted to using other organisms as a source of metabolic fuel. 

Every organism is either a single cell or is composed of many cells. Cells exist in a re- 
markable variety of sizes and shapes but they can usually be classified as either eukary- 
otic or prokaryotic, although some taxonomists continue to split prokaryotes into two 
groups: Eubacteria and Archaea. 

A simple cell can be pictured as a droplet of water surrounded by a plasma mem- 
brane. The water droplet contains dissolved and suspended material including proteins, 
polysaccharides, and nucleic acids. The high lipid content of membranes makes them 
flexible and self-sealing. Membranes present impermeable barriers to large molecules and 
charged species. This property of membranes allows for much higher concentrations of 
biomolecules within cells than in the surrounding medium. 

The material enclosed by the plasma membrane of a cell is called the cytoplasm. 
The cytoplasm may contain large macromolecular structures and subcellular mem- 
brane-bound organelles. The aqueous portion of the cytoplasm minus the subcellular 
structures is called the cytosol. Eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus and other internal 
membrane-bound organelles within the cytoplasm. 

Viruses are subcellular infectious particles. They consist of a nucleic acid molecule 
surrounded by a protein coat and, in some cases, a membrane. Virus nucleic acid can 
contain as few as three genes or as many as several hundred. Despite their biological im- 
portance, viruses are not truly cells because they cannot carry out independent meta- 
bolic reactions. They propagate by hijacking the reproductive machinery of a host cell 
and diverting it to the formation of new viruses. In a sense, viruses are genetic parasites. 

There are thousands of different viruses. Those that infect prokaryotic cells are 
usually called bacteriophages, or phages. Much of what we know about biochemistry is 
derived from the study of viruses and bacteriophages and their interaction with the cells 
they infect. For example, introns were first discovered in a human adenovirus like the 
one shown on the first page of this chapter and the detailed mapping of genes was first 
carried out with bacteriophage T4. 

In the following two sections we will explore the structural features of typical 
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 

Prokaryotes are usually single-celled organisms. The best studied of all living organisms 
is the bacterium Escherichia coli (Figure 1.16). This organism has served for half a cen- 
tury as a model biological system and many of the biochemical reactions described later 
in this book were first discovered in E. coli. E. coli is a fairly typical species of bacteria but 
some bacteria are as different from E. coli as we are from diatoms, daffodils and dragonflies. 

1.6 The Cell Is the Basic Unit of Life 

1.7 Prokaryotic Cells: Structural Features 

- Periplasmic space 

" Cell wall 
Outer membrane 

Plasma membrane 

◄ Figure 1 .16 

Escherichia coli. An E. coli cell is about 
0.5 jim in diameter and 1.5 jim long. 
Proteinaceous fibers called flagella rotate to 
propel the cell. The shorter pili aid in sexual 
conjugation and may help E. coli cells 
adhere to surfaces. The periplasmic space is 
an aqueous compartment separating the 
plasma membrane and the outer membrane. 


18 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 

► Bacteriophage T4. Much of our current un- 
derstanding of biochemistry comes from 
studies of bacterial viruses such as bacterio- 
phage T4. 

▲ Max Delbruck and Salvatore Luria. Max Del- 
bruck (seated) and Salvatore Luria at the 
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories in 1953. 
Delbruck and Luria founded the “phage 
group,” a group of scientists who worked on 
the genetics and biochemistry of bacteria 
and bacteriophage in the 1940s, 1950s, 
and 1960s. 

Much of this diversity is apparent only at the molecular level. (See Figure 1.15 for the 
names of some major groups of prokaryotes.) 

Prokaryotes have been found in almost every conceivable environment on Earth, 
from hot sulfur springs to beneath the ocean floor to the insides of larger cells. They ac- 
count for a significant amount of the biomass on Earth. 

Prokaryotes share a number of features in spite of their differences. They lack a nu- 
cleus — their DNA is packed in a region of the cytoplasm called the nucleoid region. 
Many bacterial species have only 1000 genes. From a biochemists perspective one of the 
most fascinating things about bacteria is that, although their chromosomes contain a 
relatively small number of genes, they carry out most of the fundamental biochemical 
reactions found in all cells, including our own. Hundreds of bacterial genomes have 
been completely sequenced and it is now possible to begin to define the minimum 
number of enzymes that are consistent with life. 

Most bacteria have no internal membrane compartments, although there are many 
exceptions. The plasma membrane is usually surrounded by a cell wall made of a rigid 
network of covalently linked carbohydrate and peptide chains. This cell wall confers the 
characteristic shape of an individual species of bacteria. Despite its mechanical strength, 
the cell wall is porous. In addition to the cell wall most bacteria, including E. coli , pos- 
sess an outer membrane consisting of lipids, proteins, and lipids linked to polysaccha- 
rides. The space between the inner plasma membrane and the outer membrane is called 
the periplasmic space. It is the major membrane-bound compartment in bacteria and 
plays a crucial role in some important biochemical processes. 

Many bacteria have protein fibers, called pili, on their outer surface. The pili serve 
as attachment sites for cell-cell interactions. Many species have one or more flagella. 
These are long, whip -like structures that can be rotated like the propeller on a boat thus 
driving the bacterium through its aqueous environment. 

The small size of prokaryotes provides a high ratio of surface area to volume. Sim- 
ple diffusion is therefore an adequate means for distributing nutrients throughout the 
cytoplasm. One of the prominent macromolecular structures in the cytoplasm is the ri- 
bosome — a large RNA-protein complex required for protein synthesis. All living cells 
have ribosomes but we will see later that bacterial ribosomes differ from eukaryotic ri- 
bosomes in significant details. 

1.8 Eukaryotic Cells: Structural Features 

Eukaryotes include plants, animals, fungi, and protists. Protists are mostly small, single- 
celled organisms that don’t fit into one of the other classes. Along with bacteria these 
four groups make up the five kingdoms of life according to one popular classification 
scheme. (Older schemes retain the four eukaryotic kingdoms but divide the bacteria 
into Eubacteria and Archaea.) 

As members of the animal kingdom we are mostly aware of other animals. As rela- 
tively large organisms we tend to focus on the large scale. Hence, we know about plants 
and mushrooms but not microscopic species. 

1.8 Eukaryotic Cells: Structural Features 19 

◄ Figure 1.17 

The eukaryotic tree of life. The traditional 
Plantae, Animalia, and Fungi kingdoms are 
branches within the much larger “kingdom” 
of Protists. 

The latest trees of eukaryotes help us understand the diversity of the protist king- 
dom. As shown in Figure 1.17, the animal, plant, and fungal “kingdoms” occupy rela- 
tively small branches on the eukaryotic tree of life. 

Eukaryotic cells are surrounded by a single plasma membrane unlike bacteria, 
which usually have a double membrane. The most obvious feature that distinguishes 
eukaryotes from prokaryotes is the presence of a membrane-bound nucleus in eukary- 
otes. In fact, eukaryotes are defined by the presence of a nucleus (from the Greek: eu -, 
“true” and karuon , “nut” or “kernel .”). 

As mentioned earlier, eukaryotic cells are almost always larger than bacterial cells, 
commonly 1000-fold greater in volume. Because of their large size complex internal 
structures and mechanisms are required for rapid transport and communication both 
inside the cell and to and from the external medium. A mesh of protein fibers called the 
cytoskeleton extends throughout the cell contributing to cell shape and to the manage- 
ment of intracellular traffic. 

Almost all eukaryotic cells contain additional internal membrane-bound compart- 
ments called organelles. The specific functions of organelles are often closely tied to their 
physical properties and structures. Nevertheless, a significant number of specific biochemi- 
cal processes occur in the cytosol and the cytosol, like organelles, is highly organized. 

The interior of a eukaryotic cell contains an intracellular membrane network. In- 
dependent organelles, including the nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts, are em- 
bedded in this membrane system that pervades the entire cell. Materials flow within 
paths defined by membrane walls and tubules. The intracellular traffic of materials be- 
tween compartments is rapid, highly selective, and closely regulated. 

Figure 1.18 on the next page shows typical animal and plant cells. Both types have a 
nucleus, mitochondria, and a cytoskeleton. Plant cells also contain chloroplasts and vac- 
uoles and are often surrounded by a rigid cell wall. Chloroplasts, also found in algae and 
some other protists, are the sites of photosynthesis. Plant cell walls are mostly composed 
of cellulose, one of the polysaccharides described in Section 1.3B. 

Most multicellular eukaryotes contain tissues. Groups of similarly specialized cells 
within tissues are surrounded by an extracellular matrix containing proteins and poly- 
saccharides. The matrix physically supports the tissue and in some cases directs cell 
growth and movement. 


Animals are a relatively small, highly 
specialized, branch on the tree of life. 

20 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 


















Cell wall 







▲ Figure 1.18 

Eukaryotic cells, (a) Composite animal cell. Animal cells are typical eukaryotic cells containing or- 
ganelles and structures also found in protists, fungi, and plants, (b) Composite plant cell. Most 
plant cells contain chloroplasts, the sites of photosynthesis in plants and algae; vacuoles, large, 
fluid-filled organelles containing solutes and cellular wastes; and rigid cell walls composed mostly 
of cellulose. 

A. The Nucleus 

The nucleus is usually the most obvious structure in a eukaryotic cell. It is structurally de- 
fined by the nuclear envelope, a membrane with two layers that join at protein-lined nu- 
clear pores. The nuclear envelope is connected to the endoplasmic reticulum (see below). 
The nucleus is the control center of the cell containing 95% of its DNA, which is tightly 
packed with positively charged proteins called histones and coiled into a dense mass called 
chromatin. Replication of DNA and transcription of DNA into RNA occur in the nucleus. 
Many eukaryotes have a dense mass in the nucleus called the nucleolus. The nucleolus is a 
major site of RNA synthesis and the site of assembly of ribosomes. 

Most eukaryotes contain far more DNA than do prokaryotes. Whereas the genetic 
material, or genome, of prokaryotes is usually a single circular molecule of DNA, the eu- 
karyotic genome is organized as multiple linear chromosomes. In eukaryotes new DNA 
and histones are synthesized in preparation for cell division and the chromosomal mate- 
rial condenses and separates into two identical sets of chromosomes. This process is 
called mitosis (Figure 1.19). The cell is then pinched in two to complete cell division. 

Most eukaryotes are diploid — they contain two complete sets of chromosomes. 
From time to time eukaryotic cells undergo meiosis resulting in the production of four 
haploid cells each with a single set of chromosomes. Two haploid cells — eggs and 
sperm, for example — can then fuse to regenerate a typical diploid cell. This process is 
one of the key features of sexual reproduction in eukaryotes. 

B. The Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Apparatus 

A network of membrane sheets and tubules called the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) ex- 
tends from the outer membrane of the nucleus. The aqueous region enclosed within the 
endoplasmic reticulum is called the lumen. In many cells part of the surface of the 
endoplasmic reticulum is coated with ribosomes that are actively synthesizing proteins. 

◄ Figure 1.19 

Mitosis. The five stages of mitosis are shown. Chromosomes (red) condense and line up in the center 
of the cell. Spindle fibers (green) are responsible for separating the recently duplicated chromosomes. 











As synthesis continues the protein is translocated through the membrane into the 
lumen. Proteins destined for export from the cell are completely extruded through the 
membrane into the lumen where they are packaged in membranous vesicles. These 
vesicles travel through the cell and fuse with the plasma membrane releasing their con- 
tents into the extracellular space. The synthesis of proteins destined to remain in the cy- 
tosol occurs at ribosomes that are not bound to the endoplasmic reticulum. 

A complex of flattened, fluid- filled, membranous sacs called the Golgi apparatus is 
often found close to the endoplasmic reticulum and the nucleus. Vesicles that bud off 
from the endoplasmic reticulum fuse with the Golgi apparatus. The proteins carried by 
the vesicles may be chemically modified as they pass through the layers of the Golgi ap- 
paratus. The modified proteins are then sorted, packaged in new vesicles, and trans- 
ported to specific destinations inside or outside the cell. The Golgi apparatus was discov- 
ered by Camillo Golgi in the 19th century (Nobel Laureate, 1906), although it wasn’t 
until many decades later that its role in protein secretion was established. 

C. Mitochondria and Chloroplasts 

Mitochondria and chloroplasts have central roles in energy transduction. Mitochondria 
are the main sites of oxidative energy metabolism. They are found in almost all eukary- 
otic cells. Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis in plants and algae. 

The mitochondrion has an inner and an outer membrane. The inner membrane is 
highly folded, resulting in a surface area three to five times that of the outer membrane. 
It is impermeable to ions and most metabolites. The aqueous phase enclosed by the 
inner membrane is called the mitochondrial matrix. Many of the enzymes involved in 
aerobic energy metabolism are found in the inner membrane and the matrix. 

Mitochondria come in many sizes and shapes. The standard jellybean-shaped mi- 
tochondrion shown here is found in many cell types but some mitochondria are spher- 
ical or have irregular shapes. 

The most important role of the mitochondrion is to oxidize organic acids, fatty 
acids, and amino acids to carbon dioxide and water. Much of the released energy is con- 
served in the form of a proton concentration gradient across the inner mitochondrial 
membrane. This stored energy is used to drive the conversion of adenosine diphosphate 
(ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pj) to the energy-rich molecule ATP in a phosphory- 
lation process that will be described in detail in Chapter 14. ATP is then used by the cell 
for such energy- requiring processes as biosynthesis, transport of certain molecules and 
ions against concentration and charge gradients, and generation of mechanical force for 
such purposes as locomotion and muscle contraction. The number of mitochondria 
found in cells varies widely. Some eukaryotic cells contain only a few mitochondria 
whereas others have thousands. 

.8 Eukaryotic Cells: Structural Features 21 

◄ Nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticu- 
lum (ER) of a eukaryotic cell. 

Protein synthesis, sorting, and 
secretion are described in Chapter 22. 

▲ Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus is re- 
sponsible for the modification and sorting of 
proteins that have been transported to the 
Golgi apparatus by vesicles from the ER. 
Vesicles budding off the Golgi apparatus 
carry modified material to destinations in- 
side and outside the cell. 

Outer membrane 


▲ Mitochondrion. Mitochondria are the main 
sites of energy transduction in aerobic eu- 
karyotic cells. Carbohydrates, fatty acids, 
and amino acids are metabolized in this 

22 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 

► Chloroplast. Chloroplasts are the sites of 
photosynthesis in plants and algae. Light 
energy is captured by pigments associated 
with the thylakoid membrane and used to 
convert carbon dioxide and water to carbo- 



Granum membrane 

▲ Micrographs of fluorescently labeled actin 
filaments and microtubules in mammalian 
cells. (Left) Actin filaments in rat muscle 
cells. (Right) Microtubules in human en- 
dothelial cells. 

Photosynthetic plant cells contain chloroplasts as well as mitochondria. Like mito- 
chondria, chloroplasts have an outer membrane and a complex, highly folded, inner 
membrane called the thylakoid membrane. Part of the inner membrane forms flattened 
sacs called grana (singular, granum). The thylakoid membrane, which is suspended in 
the aqueous stroma, contains chlorophyll and other pigments involved in the capture of 
light energy. Ribosomes and several circular DNA molecules are also suspended in the 
stroma. In chloroplasts the energy captured from light is used to drive the formation of 
carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. 

Mitochondria and chloroplasts are derived from bacteria that entered into internal 
symbiotic relationships with primitive eukaryotic cells more than 1 billion years ago. 
Evidence for the endosymbiotic ( endo -, “within”) origin of mitochondria and chloro- 
plasts includes the presence within these organelles of separate, small genomes and spe- 
cific ribosomes that resemble those of bacteria. In recent years scientists have compared 
the sequences of mitochondrial and chloroplast genes (and proteins) with those of 
many species of bacteria. These studies in molecular evolution have shown that mito- 
chondria are derived from primitive members of a particular group of bacteria called 
proteobacteria. Chloroplasts are descended from a distantly related class of photosyn- 
thetic bacteria called cyanobacteria. 

D. Specialized Vesicles 

Eukaryotic cells contain specialized digestive vesicles called lysosomes. These vesicles 
are surrounded by a single membrane that encloses a highly acidic interior. The acidity 
is maintained by proton pumps embedded in the membrane. Lysosomes contain a vari- 
ety of enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of cellular macromolecules such as proteins 
and nucleic acids. They can also digest large particles such as retired mitochondria and 
bacteria ingested by the cell. Lysosomal enzymes are much less active at the near- neutral 
pH of the cytosol than they are under the acidic conditions inside the lysosome. The 
compartmentalization of lysosomal enzymes keeps them from accidentally catalyzing 
the degradation of macromolecules in the cytosol. 

Peroxisomes are present in all animal cells and many plant cells. Like lysosomes, 
they are surrounded by a single membrane. Peroxisomes carry out oxidation reactions, 
some of which produce the toxic compound hydrogen peroxide, (H 2 0 2 ). Some hydro- 
gen peroxide is used for the oxidation of other compounds. Excess hydrogen peroxide is 
destroyed by the action of the peroxisomal enzyme catalase, which catalyzes the conver- 
sion of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. 

Vacuoles are fluid-filled vesicles surrounded by a single membrane. They are com- 
mon in mature plant cells and some protists. These vesicles are storage sites for water, 
ions, and nutrients such as glucose. Some vacuoles contain metabolic waste products 
and some contain enzymes that can catalyze the degradation of macromolecules no 
longer needed by the plant. 

1.9 A Picture of the Living Cell 23 

E. The Cytoskeleton 

The cytoskeleton is a protein scaffold required for support, internal organization, and even 
movement of the cell. Some types of animal cells contain a dense cytoskeleton but it is 
much less prominent in most other eukaryotic cells. The cytoskeleton consists of three 
types of protein filaments: actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments. All 
three types are built of individual protein molecules that combine to form threadlike fibers. 

Actin filaments (also called micro filaments) are the most abundant cytoskeletal 
component. They are composed of a protein called actin that forms ropelike threads 
with a diameter of about 7 nm. Actin has been found in all eukaryotic cells and is fre- 
quently the most abundant protein in the cell. It is also one of the most evolutionarily 
conserved proteins. This is evidence that actin filaments were present in the ancestral 
eukaryotic cell from which all modern eukaryotes are descended. 

Microtubules are strong, rigid fibers frequently packed in bundles. They have a di- 
ameter of about 22 nm — much thicker than actin filaments. Microtubules are com- 
posed of a protein called tubulin. Microtubules serve as a kind of internal skeleton in 
the cytoplasm, but they also form the mitotic spindle during mitosis. In addition, mi- 
crotubules can form structures capable of directed movement, such as cilia. The flagella 
that propel sperm cells are an example of very long cilia — they are not related to bacter- 
ial flagella. The waving motion of cilia is driven by energy from ATP. 

Intermediate filaments are found in the cytoplasm of most eukaryotic cells. These 
filaments have diameters of approximately 10 nm, which makes them intermediate in 
size compared to actin filaments and microtubules. Intermediate filaments line the in- 
side of the nuclear envelope and extend outward from the nucleus to the periphery of 
the cell. They help the cell resist external mechanical stresses. 

1.9 A Picture of the Living Cell 

We have now introduced the major structures found within cells and described their 
roles. These structures are immense compared to the molecules and polymers that will 
be our focus for the rest of this book. Cells contain thousands of different metabolites 
and many millions of molecules. In the cytosol of every cell there are hundreds of dif- 
ferent enzymes, each acting specifically on only one or possibly a few related metabo- 
lites. There may be 100,000 copies of some enzymes per cell but only a few copies of 
other enzymes. Each enzyme is bombarded with potential substrates. 

Molecular biologist and artist David S. Goodsell has produced captivating images 
showing the molecular contents of an E. coli cell magnified 1 million times (Figure 1.20 on 
page 26). Approximately 600 cubes of this size represent the volume of the E. coli cell. At 
this scale individual atoms are smaller than the dot in the letter i and small metabolites 
are barely visible. Proteins are the size of a grain of rice. 

A drawing of the molecules in a cell shows how densely packed the cytoplasm can be, 
but it cannot give a sense of activity at the atomic scale. All the molecules in a cell are moving 
and colliding with each other. The collisions between molecules are fully elastic — the energy 
of a collision is conserved in the energy of the rebound. As molecules bounce off each other 
they travel a wildly crooked path in space, called the random walk of diffusion. For a small 
molecule such as water, the mean distance traveled between collisions is less than the dimen- 
sions of the molecule and the path includes many reversals of direction. Despite its convo- 
luted path, a water molecule can diffuse the length of an E. coli cell in 1/10 second. 

An enzyme and a small molecule will collide 1 million times per second. Under 
these conditions, a rate of catalysis typical of many enzymes could be achieved even if 
only 1 in about 1000 collisions results in a reaction. Nevertheless, some enzymes cat- 
alyze reactions with an efficiency far greater than 1 reaction per 1000 collisions. In fact, 
a few enzymes catalyze reactions with almost every molecule of substrate their active 
sites encounter — an example of the astounding potency of enzyme- directed chemistry. 
The study of the reaction rates of enzymes, or enzyme kinetics, is one of the most fun- 
damental aspects of biochemistry. It will be covered in Chapter 6. 

Fipids in membranes also diffuse vigorously, though only within the two-dimen- 
sional plane of the lipid bilayer. Fipid molecules exchange places with neighboring 

▲ Actin. Actin filament showing the organi- 
zation in individual subunits of the protein 
actin. (Courtesy David S. Goodsell) 


= 200 nm 



100,000 nm 
(100 urn) 

25 nm 

2000 nm 



50 nm 

5500 nm 

Flagellum — 

15 nm diameter 
10,000 nm long 


= 4 nm 



25 nm 



6.0 nm 



1.5 nm 

0.4 nm 

2.4 nm 

0.8 nm 

6.4 nm 


1.5 nm 

26 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 

▲ Figure 1.20 

Portion of the cytosol of an E. coli cell. The 

top illustration, in which the contents are 
magnified 1 million times, represents a win- 
dow 100 x 100 nm. Proteins are in shades 
of blue and green. Nucleic acids are in 
shades of pink. The large structures are ri- 
bosomes. Water and small metabolites are 
not shown. The contents in the round inset 
are magnified 10 million times, showing 
water and other small molecules. 

molecules in membranes about 6 million times per second. Some membrane proteins 
can also diffuse rapidly within the membrane. 

Large molecules diffuse more slowly than small ones. In eukaryotic cells the diffu- 
sion of large molecules such as enzymes is retarded even further by the complex net- 
work of the cytoskeleton. Large molecules diffuse across a given distance as much as 
10 times more slowly in the cytosol than in pure water. 

The full extent of cytosolic organization is not yet known. A number of proteins 
and enzymes form large complexes that carry out a series of reactions. We will en- 
counter several such complexes in our study of metabolism. They are often referred to 
as protein machines. This arrangement has the advantage that metabolites pass directly 
from one enzyme to the next without diffusing away into the cytosol. Many researchers 
are sympathetic to the idea that the cytosol is not merely a random mixture of soluble 
molecules but is highly organized in contrast to the long-held impression that simple 
solution chemistry governs cytosolic activity. The concept of a highly organized cytosol 
is a relatively new idea in biochemistry. It may lead to important new insights about 
how cells work at the molecular level. 

1.10 Biochemistry Is Multidisciplinary 

One of the goals of biochemists is to integrate a large body of knowledge into a molecu- 
lar explanation of life. This has been, and continues to be, a challenging task but, in spite 
of the challenges, biochemists have made a great deal of progress toward defining and 
understanding the basic reactions common to all cells. 

The discipline of biochemistry does not exist in a vacuum. We have already seen 
how physics, chemistry, cell biology, and evolution contribute to an understanding of 
biochemistry. Related disciplines, such as physiology and genetics, are also important. 
In fact, many scientists no longer consider themselves to be just biochemists but are also 
knowledgeable in several related fields. 

Because all aspects of biochemistry are interrelated it is difficult to present one 
topic without referring to others. For example, function is intimately related to struc- 
ture and the regulation of individual enzyme activities can be appreciated only in the 
context of a series of linked reactions. The interrelationship of biochemistry topics is a 
problem for both students and teachers in an introductory biochemistry course. The 
material must be presented in a logical and sequential manner but there is no universal 
sequence of topics that suits every course, or every student. Fortunately, there is general 
agreement on the broad outline of an approach to understanding the basic principles of 
biochemistry and this textbook follows that outline. We begin with an introductory 
chapter on water. We will then describe the structures and functions of proteins and en- 
zymes, carbohydrates, and lipids. The third part of the book makes use of structural in- 
formation to describe metabolism and its regulation. Finally, we will examine nucleic 
acids and the storage and transmission of biological information. 

Some courses may cover the material in a slightly different order. For example, the 
structures of nucleic acids can be described before the metabolism section. Wherever 
possible, we have tried to write chapters so that they can be covered in different orders 
in a course depending on the particular needs and interests of the students. 

Appendix The Special Terminology of Biochemistry 

Most biochemical quantities are specified using Systeme International (SI) units. Some 
common SI units are listed in Table 1.1 Many biochemists still use more traditional 
units, although these are rapidly disappearing from the scientific literature. For exam- 
ple, protein chemists sometimes use the angstrom (A) to report interatomic distances; 
1 A is equal to 0.1 nm, the preferred SI unit. Calories (cal) are sometimes used instead of 
joules (J); 1 cal is equal to 4.184 J. 

The standard SI unit of temperature is the Kelvin, but temperature is most com- 
monly reported in degrees Celsius (°C). One degree Celsius is equal in magnitude to 
1 Kelvin, but the Celsius scale begins at the freezing point of water (0°C) and 100°C is 

Selected Readings 27 

TABLE 1.1 SI units commonly used in 



SI unit 












liter 0 





Electric potential 







Kelvin* 3 


°1 liter = 1 0OO cubic centimeters. 
b 273 K = 0° C. 

Table 1.2 Prefixes commonly used with 
SI units 







10 9 



10 6 



10 3 



10- 1 



10“ 2 



10“ 3 



10“ 6 



10“ 9 



icr 12 



io- 15 

the boiling point of water at 1 atm. This scale is often referred to as the centigrade scale 
( centi - = 1/100). Absolute zero is —273 °C, which is equal to 0 K. In warm-blooded 
mammals biochemical reactions occur at body temperature (37°C in humans). 

Very large or very small numerical values for some SI units can be indicated by 
an appropriate prefix. The commonly used prefixes and their symbols are listed in 
Table 1.2. In addition to the standard SI units employed in all fields, biochemistry has 
its own special terminology; for example, biochemists use convenient abbreviations for 
biochemicals that have long names. 

The terms RNA and DNA are good examples. They are shorthand versions of the 
long names ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid. Abbreviations such as these are 
very convenient, and learning to associate them with their corresponding chemical 
structures is a necessary step in mastering biochemistry. In this book, we will describe 
common abbreviations as each new class of compounds is introduced. 

Selected Readings 


Bruice, R Y. (2011). Organic Chemistry , 6th ed. 
(Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall). 

Tinoco, I., Sauer, K., Wang, J. C., and Puglisi, J. D. 
(2002). Physical Chemistry: Principles and Applica- 
tions in Biological Sciences , 4th ed. (Upper Saddle 
River, NJ: Prentice Hall). 

van Holde, K. E., Johnson, W. C., and Ho, P.S. 
(2005). Principles of Physical Biochemistry 2nd ed. 
(Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall). 


Alberts, B., Bray, D., Hopkin, K., Johnson, A., Lewis, 
J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., and Walter, P. (2004). 
Essential Cell Biology (New York: Garland). 

Lodish, H., Berk, A., Matsudaira, P., Kaiser, 

C. A., Kreiger, M., Scott, M. P., Zipursky, L., 
and Darnell, J. (2003). Molecular Cell 
Biology , 5th ed. (New York: Scientific 
American Books). 

Goodsell, D. S. (1993). The Machinery of Life (New 
York: Springer- Verlag). 

Evolution and the Diversity of Life 

Doolittle, W. F. (2000). Uprooting the tree of life. 
Sci. Am. 282(2):90-95. 

Doolittle, W. F. (2009). Eradicating topological 
thinking in prokaryotic systematics and evolution. 
Cold Spr. Hbr. Symp. Quant. Biol. 

Margulis, L., and Schwartz, K.V. (1998). 

Five Kingdoms , 3rd ed. (New York: W.H. 


Graur, D., and Li, W.-H. (2000). Fundamentals 
of Molecular Evolution (Sunderland, MA: 


Sapp, J. (Ed.) (2005). Microbial Phylogeny and Evo- 
lution: Concepts and Controversies. (Oxford, UK: 
Oxford University Press). 

Sapp, J. (2009) The New Foundations of Evolution. 
(Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press). 

History of Science 

Kohler, R. E. (1975). The History of Biochemistry, 
a Survey. /. Hist. Biol 8:275-318. 

o o 


L ife on Earth is often described as a carbon-based phenomenon but it would be 
equally correct to refer to it as a water-based phenomenon. Life probably orig- 
inated in water more than three billion years ago and all living cells still de- 
pend on water for their existence. Water is the most abundant molecule in most cells 
accounting for 60% to 90% of the mass of the cell. The exceptions are cells from which 
water is expelled such as those in seeds and spores. Seeds and spores can lie dormant 
for long periods of time until they are revived by the reintroduction of water. 

Life spread from the oceans to the continents about 500 million years ago. This 
major transition in the history of life required special adaptations to enable terrestrial 
life to survive in an environment where water was less plentiful. You will encounter 
many of these adaptations in the rest of this book. 

An understanding of water and its properties is important to the study of biochem- 
istry. The macromolecular components of cells — proteins, polysaccharides, nucleic 
acids, and lipids — assume their characteristic shapes in response to water. Lor example, 
some types of molecules interact extensively with water and, as a result, are very soluble 
while other molecules do not dissolve easily in water and tend to associate with each 
other in order to avoid water. Much of the metabolic machinery of cells has to operate 
in an aqueous environment because water is an essential solvent. 

We begin our detailed study of the chemistry of life by examining the properties 
of water. The physical properties of water allow it to act as a solvent for ionic and 
other polar substances, and the chemical properties of water allow it to form weak 
bonds with other compounds, including other water molecules. The chemical proper- 
ties of water are also related to the functions of macromolecules, entire cells, and or- 
ganisms. These interactions are important sources of structural stability in macro- 
molecules and large cellular structures. We will see how water affects the interactions 
of substances that have low solubility in water. We will examine the ionization of 
water and discuss acid-base chemistry — topics that are the foundation for under- 
standing the molecules and processes that we will encounter in subsequent chapters. 
It’s important to keep in mind that water is not just an inert solvent; it is also a sub- 
strate for many cellular reactions. 

There is nothing softer and weaker 
than water, And yet there is nothing 
better for attacking hard and strong 
things. For this reason there is no 
substitute for it. 

—Lao-Tzu (c. 550 BCE) 

▲ Eureka Dunes evening primrose ( Oenothera 
californica ) This species only grows in the 
sand dunes of Death Valley National Park in 
California. It has evolved special mecha- 
nisms for conserving water. 

Top: Earth from space. The earth is a watery planet and water plays a central role in the chemistry of all life. 


2.1 The Water Molecule Is Polar 


2.1 The Water Molecule Is Polar 

A water molecule (H 2 0) is V-shaped (Figure 2.1a) and the angle between the two co- 
valent (O — H) bonds is 104.5°. Some important properties of water arise from its 
angled shape and the intermolecular bonds that it can form. An oxygen atom has 
eight electrons and its nucleus has eight protons and eight neutrons. There are two 
electrons in the inner shell and six electrons in the outer shell. The outer shell can 
potentially accommodate four pairs of electrons in one s orbital and three p orbitals. 
However, the structure of water and its properties can be better explained by assum- 
ing that the electrons in the outer shell occupy four sp 3 hybrid orbitals. Think of 
these four orbitals as occupying the four corners of a tetrahedron that surrounds the 
central atom of oxygen. Two of the sp 3 hybrid orbitals contain a pair of electrons and 
the other two each contain a single electron. This means that oxygen can form cova- 
lent bonds with other atoms by sharing electrons to fill these single electron orbitals. 
In water the covalent bonds involve two different hydrogen atoms each of which 
shares its single electron with the oxygen atom. In Figure 2.1b each electron is indi- 
cated by a blue dot showing that each sp 3 hybrid orbital of the oxygen atom is occu- 
pied by two electrons including those shared with the hydrogen atoms. The inner 
shell of the hydrogen atom is also filled because of these two shared electrons in the 
covalent bond. 

The H — O — H bond angle in free water molecules is 104.5° but if the electron or- 
bitals were really pointing to the four corners of a tetrahedron, the angle would be 
109.5°. The usual explanation for this difference is that there is strong repulsion be- 
tween the lone electron pairs and this repulsion pushes the covalent bond orbitals closer 
together, reducing the angle from 109.5° to 104.5°. 

Oxygen atoms are more electronegative than hydrogen atoms because an oxygen 
nucleus attracts electrons more strongly than the single proton in the hydrogen nucleus. 
As a result, an uneven distribution of charge occurs within each O — H bond of the 
water molecule with oxygen bearing a partial negative charge (8®) and hydrogen bear- 
ing a partial positive charge (8®). This uneven distribution of charge within a bond is 
known as a dipole and the bond is said to be polar. 

The polarity of a molecule depends both on the polarity of its covalent bonds and 
its geometry. The angled arrangement of the polar O — H bonds of water creates a per- 
manent dipole for the molecule as a whole as shown in Figure 2.2a. A molecule of am- 
monia also contains a permanent dipole (Figure 2.2b) Thus, even though water and 
gaseous ammonia are electrically neutral, both molecules are polar. The high solubility 
of the polar ammonia molecules in water is facilitated by strong interactions with the 
polar water molecules. The solubility of ammonia in water demonstrates the principle 
that “like dissolves like.” 

Not all molecules are polar; for example, carbon dioxide also contains polar cova- 
lent bonds but the bonds are aligned with each other and oppositely oriented so the po- 
larities cancel each other (Figure 2.2c). As a result, carbon dioxide has no net dipole and 
is much less soluble in water than ammonia. 


2 8° 


H H 




Bond polarities 



i-r ti 

5® H 5 




Bond polarities 

8° 2 5 ® 8° 

0 < =C = 0 
Bond polarities 


Net dipole 

Net dipole 

0 = C=0 
No net dipole 


O Hydrogen 
9 Oxygen 


a Figure 2.1 A water molecule, (a) Space- 
filling structure of a water molecule. 

(b) Angle between the covalent bonds of a 
water molecule. Two of the sp 3 hybrid 
orbitals of the oxygen atom participate in 
covalent bonds with s orbitals of hydrogen 
atoms. The other two sp 3 orbitals are 
occupied by lone pairs of electrons. 


Polar molecules are molecules with an 
unequal distribution of charge so that one 
end of the molecules is more negative 
and another end is more positive. 

◄ Figure 2.2 

Polarity of small molecules, (a) The geometry 
of the polar covalent bonds of water creates 
a permanent dipole for the molecule with 
the oxygen bearing a partial negative charge 
(symbolized by 28®) and each hydrogen 
bearing a partial positive charge (symbolized 
by 8®). (b) The pyramidal shape of a mole- 
cule of ammonia also creates a permanent 
dipole, (c) The polarities of the collinear 
bonds in carbon dioxide cancel each other. 
Therefore, C0 2 is not polar. (Arrows depict- 
ing dipoles point toward the negative charge 
with a cross at the positive end.) 

30 CHAPTER 2 Water 


Hydrogen bonds form when a hydrogen 
atom with a partially positive charge (5®) 
is shared between two electronegative 
atoms (25®). Hydrogen bonds are much 
weaker than covalent bonds. 

2.2 Hydrogen Bonding in Water 

One of the important consequences of the polarity of the water molecule is that water 
molecules attract one another. The attraction between one of the slightly positive hy- 
drogen atoms of one water molecule and the slightly negative electron pairs in one of 
the sp 3 hybrid orbitals produces a hydrogen bond (Figure 2.3). In a hydrogen bond 
between two water molecules the hydrogen atom remains covalently bonded to its oxy- 
gen atom, the hydrogen donor. At the same time, it is attracted to another oxygen atom, 
called the hydrogen acceptor. In effect, the hydrogen atom is being shared (unequally) 
between the two oxygen atoms. The distance from the hydrogen atom to the acceptor 
oxygen atom is about twice the length of the covalent bond. 

Water is not the only molecule capable of forming hydrogen bonds; these interac- 
tions can occur between any electronegative atom and a hydrogen atom attached to an- 
other electronegative atom. (We will examine other examples of hydrogen bonding in 
Section 2.5B.) Hydrogen bonds are much weaker than typical covalent bonds. The 
strength of hydrogen bonds in water and in solutions is difficult to measure directly but 
it is estimated to be about 20 kj mol -1 . 

H — O — H + H — O — H 

O — H 






AH f = -20 kJ mol -1 (2J) 

About 20 kj mol -1 of heat is given off when hydrogen-bonded water molecules 
form in water under standard conditions. (Recall that standard conditions are 1 atm 
pressure and a temperature of 25°C.) This value is the standard enthalpy of formation 
(AHf). It means that the change in enthalpy when hydrogen bonds form is about -20 kj 
per mole of water. This is equivalent to saying that +20 kj mol -1 of heat energy is re- 
quired to disrupt hydrogen bonds between water molecules — the reverse of the reaction 
shown in Reaction 2.1. This value depends on the type of hydrogen bond. In contrast, 
the energy required to break a covalent O — H bond in water is about 460 kj mol -1 , and 
the energy required to break a covalent C — H bond is about 410 kj mol -1 . Thus, the 
strength of hydrogen bonds is less than 5% of the strength of typical covalent bonds. 
Hydrogen bonds are weak interactions compared to covalent bonds. 

Orientation is important in hydrogen bonding. A hydrogen bond is most stable when 
the hydrogen atom and the two electronegative atoms associated with it (the two oxygen 
atoms, in the case of water) are aligned, or nearly in line, as shown in Figure 2.3. Water 
molecules are unusual because they can form four O — H — O aligned hydrogen bonds 
with up to four other water molecules (Figure 2.4). They can donate each of their two hy- 
drogen atoms to two other water molecules and accept two hydrogen atoms from two 
other water molecules. Each hydrogen atom can participate in only one hydrogen bond. 

The three-dimensional interactions of liquid water are difficult to study but much 
has been learned by examining the structure of ice crystals (Figure 2.5). In the common 
form of ice, every molecule of water participates in four hydrogen bonds, as expected. 
Each of the hydrogen bonds points to the oxygen atom of an adjacent water molecule 
and these four adjacent hydrogen-bonded oxygen atoms occupy the vertices of a tetra- 
hedron. This arrangement is consistent with the structure of water shown in Figure 2.1 

Figure 2.3 ► 

Hydrogen bonding between two water mole- 
cules. A partially positive (8®) hydrogen 
atom of one water molecule attracts the par- 
tially negative (25®) oxygen atom of a sec- 
ond water molecule, forming a hydrogen 
bond. The distances between atoms of two 
water molecules in ice are shown. Hydrogen 
bonds are indicated by dashed lines high- 
lighted in yellow, as shown here and 
throughout the book. 

0.28 nm 

2.2 Hydrogen Bonding in Water 


except that the bond angles are all equal (109.5°). This is because the polarity of individual 
water molecules, which distorts the bond angles, is canceled by the presence of hydrogen 
bonds. The average energy required to break each hydrogen bond in ice has been esti- 
mated to be 23 kj mol -1 , making those bonds a bit stronger than those formed in water. 

The ability of water molecules in ice to form four hydrogen bonds and the strength 
of these hydrogen bonds give ice an unusually high melting point because a large 
amount of energy, in the form of heat, is required to disrupt the hydrogen-bonded lat- 
tice of ice. When ice melts most of the hydrogen bonds are retained by liquid water. 
Each molecule of liquid water can form up to four hydrogen bonds with its neighbors 
but most participate in only two or three at any given moment. This means that the 
structure of liquid water is less ordered than that of ice. The fluidity of liquid water is 
primarily a consequence of the constantly fluctuating pattern of hydrogen bonding as 
hydrogen bonds break and re-form. At any given time there will be many water mole- 
cules participating in two, three, or four hydrogen bonds with other water molecules. 
There will also be many that participate in only one hydrogen bond or none at all. This 
is a dynamic structure — the average hydrogen bond lifetime in water is only 10 picosec- 
onds (10 -11 s). 

The density of most substances increases upon freezing as molecular motion slows 
and tightly packed crystals form. The density of water also increases as it cools — until it 
reaches a maximum of 1.000 g ml -1 at 4°C (277 K). (This value is not a coincidence. 
Grams are defined as the weight of 1 milliliter of water at 4°C.) Water expands as the 
temperature drops below 4°C. This expansion is caused by the formation of the more 
open hydrogen-bonded ice crystal in which each water molecule is hydrogen-bonded 
rigidly to four others. As a result ice is slightly less dense (0.924 g ml -1 ) than liquid 
water whose molecules can move enough to pack more closely. Because ice is less dense 
than liquid water it floats and water freezes from the top down. This has important bio- 
logical implications since a layer of ice on a pond insulates the creatures below from ex- 
treme cold. 

Two additional properties of water are related to its hydrogen-bonding characteris- 
tics — its specific heat and its heat of vaporization. The specific heat of a substance is the 
amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of the substance by 1°C. This 
property is also called the heat capacity. In the case of water, a relatively large amount of 
heat is required to raise the temperature because each water molecule participates in 
multiple hydrogen bonds that must be broken in order for the kinetic energy of the 
water molecules to increase. The abundance of water in the cells and tissues of all large 
multicellular organisms means that temperature fluctuations within cells are minimized. 

▲ Figure 2.4 

Hydrogen bonding by a water molecule. A 

water molecule can form up to four hydro- 
gen bonds: the oxygen atom of a water mol- 
ecule is the hydrogen acceptor for two hy- 
drogen atoms, and each 0 — H group serves 
as a hydrogen donor. 

▲ Icebergs. Ice floats because it is less 
dense than water. However, it is only slightly 
less dense than water so most of the mass 
of floating ice lies underwater. 

◄ Figure 2.5 

Structure of ice. Water molecules in ice form 
an open hexagonal lattice in which every 
water molecule is hydrogen-bonded to four 
others. The geometrical regularity of these 
hydrogen bonds contributes to the strength 
of the ice crystal. The hydrogen-bonding 
pattern of ice is more regular than that of 
water. The absolute structure of liquid water 
has not been determined. 

32 CHAPTER 2 Water 


Some species can grow and reproduce at temperatures very 
close to 0°C, or even lower. There are cold-blooded fish, for 
example, that survive at ocean temperatures below 0°C (salt 
lowers the freezing point of water). 

At the other extreme are bacteria that live in hot springs 
where the average temperature is above 80°C. Some bacteria 
inhabit the environment around deep ocean thermal vents 
(black smokers) where the average temperature is more than 
100°C. (The high pressure at the bottom of the ocean raises 
the boiling point of water.) 

The record for extreme thermophiles is Strain 121, a 
species of archaebacteria that grows and reproduces at 
121°C! These extreme thermophiles are among the earliest 
branching lineages on the web of life. It’s possible that the 
first living cells arose near deep ocean vents. 

Deep ocean 
vent. ► 

(a) NaCI crystal 

O Chlorine 



X if 

▲ Figure 2.6 

Dissolution of sodium chloride (NaCI) in water. 

(a) The ions of crystalline sodium chloride 
are held together by electrostatic forces, (b) 
Water weakens the interactions between the 
positive and negative ions and the crystal 
dissolves. Each dissolved Na® and Cl® is 
surrounded by a solvation sphere. Only one 
layer of solvent molecules is shown. Interac- 
tions between ions and water molecules are 
indicated by dashed lines. 

This feature is of critical biological importance since the rates of most biochemical reac- 
tions are sensitive to temperature. 

The heat of vaporization of water (-2260 J g -1 ) is also much higher than that of 
many other liquids. A large amount of heat is required to convert water from a liquid 
to a gas because hydrogen bonds must be broken to permit water molecules to dissoci- 
ate from one another and enter the gas phase. Because the evaporation of water 
absorbs so much heat, perspiration is an effective mechanism for decreasing body 

2.3 Water Is an Excellent Solvent 

The physical properties of water combine to make it an excellent solvent. We have al- 
ready seen that water molecules are polar and this property has important conse- 
quences, as we will see below. In addition, water has a low intrinsic viscosity that does 
not greatly impede the movement of dissolved molecules. Finally, water molecules 
themselves are small compared to some other solvents such as ethanol and benzene. 
The small size of water molecules means that many of them can associate with solute 
particles to make them more soluble. 

A. Ionic and Polar Substances Dissolve in Water 

Water can interact with and dissolve other polar compounds and compounds that ion- 
ize. Ionization is associated with the gain or loss of an electron, or an H + ion, giving rise 
to an atom or a molecule that carries a net charge. Molecules that can dissociate to form 
ions are called electrolytes. Substances that readily dissolve in water are said to be 
hydrophilic, or water loving. (We will discuss hydrophobic, or water fearing, substances 
in the next section.) 

Why are electrolytes soluble in water? Recall that water molecules are polar. This 
means they can align themselves around electrolytes so that the negative oxygen atoms 
of the water molecules are oriented toward the cations (positively charged ions) of the 
electrolytes and the positive hydrogen atoms are oriented toward the anions (negatively 
charged ions). Consider what happens when a crystal of sodium chloride (NaCI) dis- 
solves in water (Figure 2.6) The polar water molecules are attracted to the charged ions 
in the crystal. The attractions result in sodium and chloride ions on the surface of the 

2.3 Water Is an Excellent Solvent 33 

crystal dissociating from one another and the crystal begins to dissolve. Because there 
are many polar water molecules surrounding each dissolved sodium and chloride ion, 
the interactions between the opposite electric charges of these ions become much weaker 
than they are in the intact crystal. As a result of its interactions with water molecules, the 
ions of the crystal continue to dissociate until the solution becomes saturated. At this 
point, the ions of the dissolved electrolyte are present at high enough concentrations for 
them to again attach to the solid electrolyte, or crystallize, and an equilibrium is estab- 
lished between dissociation and crystallization. 


There was a time when people believed that the ionic compo- 
sition of blood plasma resembled that of seawater. This was 
supposed to be evidence that primitive organisms lived in the 
ocean and land animals evolved a system of retaining the 
ocean-like composition of salts. 

Careful studies of salt concentrations in the early 20th 
century revealed that the concentration of salts in the ocean 
were much higher than in blood plasma. Some biochemists 
tried to explain this discrepancy by postulating that the com- 
position of blood plasma didn’t resemble the seawater of 
today but it did resemble the composition of ancient seawa- 
ter from several hundred million years ago when multicellu- 
lar animals arose. 

We now know that the saltiness of the ocean hasn’t 
changed very much from the time it first formed over three 
billion years ago. There is no direct connection between the 
saltiness of blood plasma and seawater. Not only are the overall 

v The concentrations of various ions in seawater (blue) and human 
blood plasma (red) are compared. Seawater is much saltier and 
contains much higher proportions of magnesium and sulfates. Blood 
plasma is enriched in bicarbonate (see Section 2.10). 







H Seawater 
H Blood plasma 


L □ , 

l H H 

Na + K + Mg 2+ Ca + CP SO^f HCO“ 3 

concentrations of the major ions (Na + , K + , and CP) very dif- 
ferent but the relative concentrations of various other ionic 
species are even more different. 

The ionic composition of blood plasma is closely mim- 
icked by Ringer’s solution, which also contains lactate as a 
carbon source. Ringer’s solution can be used as a temporary 
substitute for blood plasma when a patient has suffered 
blood loss or dehydration. 

Blood plasma Ringer's 

Na + 

140 mM 

130 mM 

K + 

4 mM 

4 mM 


103 mM 

109 mM 

Ca + 

2 mM 

2 mM 


5 mM 

28 mM 

34 CHAPTER 2 Water 

▲ Figure 2.7 

Structure of glucose. Glucose contains five 
hydroxyl groups and a ring oxygen, each of 
which can form hydrogen bonds with water. 

▲ Figure 2.8 

Diffusion, (a) If the cytoplasm were simply 
made up of water, a small molecule (red) 
would diffuse from one end of a cell to the 
other via a random walk, (b) The average time 
could be about 10 times longer in a crowded 
cytoplasm, with larger molecules (green). 

Each dissolved Na® attracts the negative ends of several water molecules whereas 
each dissolved Cl® attracts the positive ends of several water molecules (Figure 2.6b). 
The shell of water molecules that surrounds each ion is called a solvation sphere and it 
usually contains several layers of solvent molecules. A molecule or ion surrounded by 
solvent molecules is said to be solvated. When the solvent is water, such molecules or 
ions are said to be hydrated. 

Electrolytes are not the only hydrophilic substances that are soluble in water. Any 
polar molecule will have a tendency to become solvated by water molecules. In addi- 
tion, the solubility of many organic molecules is enhanced by formation of hydrogen 
bonds with water molecules. Ionic organic compounds such as carboxylates and proto - 
nated amines owe their solubility in water to their polar functional groups. Other 
groups that confer water solubility include amino, hydroxyl, and carbonyl groups. Mol- 
ecules containing such groups disperse among water molecules with their polar groups 
forming hydrogen bonds with water. 

An increase in the number of polar groups in an organic molecule increases its sol- 
ubility in water. The carbohydrate glucose contains five hydroxyl groups and a ring oxy- 
gen (Figure 2.7) and is very soluble in water (up to 83 grams of glucose can dissolve in 
100 milliliters of water at 17.5°C). Each oxygen atom of glucose can form hydrogen 
bonds with water. We will see in other chapters that the attachment of carbohydrates to 
some otherwise poorly soluble molecules, including lipids and the bases of nucleosides, 
increases their solubility. 

B. Cellular Concentrations and Diffusion 

The inside of a cell can be very crowded as suggested by David GoodselEs drawings 
(Figure 1.17). Consequently, the behavior of solutes in the cytoplasm will be different 
from their behavior in a simple solution of water. One of the most important differ- 
ences is reduction of the diffusion rate inside cells. 

There are three reasons why solutes diffuse more slowly in cytoplasm. 

1. The viscosity of cytoplasm is higher than that of water due to the presence of many 
solutes such as sugars. This is not an important factor because recent measure- 
ments suggest that the viscosity of cytoplasm is only slightly greater than water 
even in densely packed organelles. 

2. Charged molecules bind transiently to each other inside cells and this restricts their 
mobility. These binding effects have a small but significant effect on diffusion rates. 

3. Collisions with other molecules inhibit diffusion due to an effect called molecular 
crowding. This is the main reason why diffusion is slowed in the cytoplasm. 

For small molecules, the diffusion rate inside cells is never more than one-quarter 
the rate in pure water. For large molecules, such as proteins, the diffusion rate in the cy- 
toplasm may be slowed to about 5% to 10% of the rate in water. This slowdown is due 
largely to molecular crowding. 

For an individual molecule, the rate of diffusion in water at 20°C is described by 
the diffusion coefficient (D 2 o jW ). F° r the protein myoglobin, D 2 o jW = 1 1.3 X 1CT 7 cm 2 s -1 . 
From this value we can calculate that the average time to diffuse from one end of a cell 
to the other (~10 /mm) is about 0.44 seconds. 

But this diffusion time represents the diffusion time in pure water. In the crowed 
environment of a typical cell it could take about 10 times longer (4 s). The slower rate is 
due to the fact that a protein like myoglobin will be constantly bumping into other large 
molecules. Nevertheless, 4 seconds is still a short time. It means that most molecules, in- 
cluding smaller metabolites and ions, will encounter each other frequently inside a typ- 
ical cell (Figure 2.8). Recent direct measurements of diffusion inside cells reveal that the 
effects of molecular crowding are less significant than we used to believe. 

C. Osmotic Pressure 

If a solvent-permeable membrane separates two solutions that contain different con- 
centrations of dissolved substances, or solutes, then molecules of solvent will diffuse 
from the less concentrated solution to the more concentrated solution in a process 

2.4 Nonpolar Substances Are Insoluble in Water 35 

called osmosis. The pressure required to prevent the flow of solvent is called osmotic 
pressure. The osmotic pressure of a solution depends on the total molar concentration 
of solute, not on its chemical nature. 

Water- permeable membranes separate the cytosol from the external medium. The 
compositions of intracellular solutions are quite different from those of extracellular 
solutions with some compounds being more concentrated and some less concentrated 
inside cells. In general, the concentrations of solutes inside the cell are much higher 
than their concentrations in the aqueous environment outside the cell. Water molecules 
tend to move across the cell membrane in order to enter the cell and dilute the solution 
inside the cell. The influx of water causes the cell’s volume to increase but this expan- 
sion is limited by the cell membrane. In extreme cases, such as when red blood cells are 
diluted in pure water, the internal pressure causes the cells to burst. Some species (e.g., 
plants and bacteria) have rigid cell walls that prevent the membrane expansion. These 
cells can develop high internal pressures. 

Most cells use several strategies to keep the osmotic pressure from becoming too 
great and bursting the cell. One strategy involves condensing many individual mole- 
cules into a macromolecule. For example, animal cells that store glucose package it as a 
polymer called glycogen which contains about 50,000 glucose residues. If the glucose 
molecules were not condensed into a single glycogen molecule the influx of water nec- 
essary to dissolve each glucose molecule would cause the cell to swell and burst. Another 
strategy is to surround cells with an isotonic solution that negates a net efflux or influx 
of water. Blood plasma, for example, contains salts and other molecules that mimic the 
osmolarity inside red blood cells (see Box 2.2). 

2.4 Nonpolar Substances Are Insoluble in Water 

Hydrocarbons and other nonpolar substances have very low solubility in water because 
water molecules tend to interact with other water molecules rather than with nonpolar 
molecules. As a result, water molecules exclude nonpolar substances forcing them to as- 
sociate with each other. For example, tiny oil droplets that are vigorously dispersed in 
water tend to coalesce to form a single drop thereby minimizing the area of contact be- 
tween the two substances. This is why the oil in a salad dressing separates if you let it sit 
for any length of time before putting it on your salad. 

Nonpolar molecules are said to be hydrophobic, or water fearing, and this phenome- 
non of exclusion of nonpolar substances by water is called the hydrophobic effect. The 
hydrophobic effect is critical for the folding of proteins and the self-assembly of biolog- 
ical membranes. 

The number of polar groups in a molecule affects its solubility in water. Solubility 
also depends on the ratio of polar to nonpolar groups in a molecule. For example, one-, 
two-, and three-carbon alcohols are miscible with water but larger hydrocarbons 
with single hydroxyl groups are much less soluble in water (Table 2.1). In the larger 

Table 2.1 Solubilities of short-chain alcohols in water 



Solubility in water 
(mol/100 g H 2 0 
at 20°C) fl 


CH 3 OH 



ch 3 ch 2 oh 



CH 3 (CH 2 ) 2 OH 



CH 3 (CH 2 ) 3 OH 



CH 3 (CH 2 ) 4 OH 



CH 3 (CH 2 ) 5 OH 



CH 3 (CH 2 ) 6 OH 


a Infinity (oo) indicates that there is no limit to the solubility of the alcohol in water. 

(a) Hypertonic 

(c) Hypotonic 

▲ Hypertonic (a), isotonic (b) and 
hypotonic (c) red blood cells. 


CHAPTER 2 Water 







/ CH2 



ch 2 

/ CHi 

CH 2 

/ CH2 

CH 2 

ch 2 


▲ Figure 2.9 

Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), a synthetic 

molecules, the properties of the nonpolar hydrocarbon portion of the molecule over- 
ride those of the polar alcohol group and limit solubility. 

Detergents, sometimes called surfactants, are molecules that are both hydrophilic 
and hydrophobic. They usually have a hydrophobic chain at least 12 carbon atoms long 
and an ionic or polar end. Such molecules are said to be am phi path ic. Soaps, which are 
alkali metal salts of long- chain fatty acids are one type of detergent. The soap sodium 
palmitate (CH 3 (CH 2 ) 14 COO®Na©), for example, contains a hydrophilic carboxylate 
group and a hydrophobic tail. One of the synthetic detergents most commonly used in 
biochemistry is sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) which contains a 12-carbon tail and a 
polar sulfate group (Figure 2.9). 

The hydrocarbon portion of a detergent is soluble in nonpolar organic sub- 
stances and its polar group is soluble in water. When a detergent is spread on the sur- 
face of water a monolayer forms in which the hydrophobic, nonpolar tails of the de- 
tergent molecules extend into the air groups of detergent molecules aggregate into 
micelles while the hydrophilic, ionic heads are hydrated, extending into the water 
(Figure 2.10). When a sufficiently high concentration of detergent is dispersed in 
water rather than layered on the surface. In one common form of micelle, the nonpo- 
lar tails of the detergent molecules associate with one another in the center of the 
structure minimizing contact with water molecules. Because the tails are flexible, the 
core of a micelle is liquid hydrocarbon. The ionic heads project into the aqueous solu- 
tion and are therefore hydrated. Small, compact micelles may contain about 80 to 100 
detergent molecules. 

The cleansing action of soaps and other detergents derives from their ability to trap 
water- insoluble grease and oils within the hydrophobic interiors of micelles. SDS and 
similar synthetic detergents are common active ingredients in laundry detergents. The 
suspension of nonpolar compounds in water by their incorporation into micelles is 
termed solubilization. Solubilizing nonpolar molecules is a different process than dis- 
solving a polar compound. A number of the structures that we will encounter later in 
this book, including proteins and biological membranes, resemble micelles in having 
hydrophobic interiors and hydrophilic surfaces. 

Some dissolved ions such as SCN® (thiocyanate) and C10 4 ® (perchlorate) are 
called chaotropes. These ions are poorly solvated compared to ions such as NH4®, 
S0 4 2 ®, and H 2 P0 4 ^. Chaotropes enhance the solubility of nonpolar compounds in 
water by disordering the water molecules (there is no general agreement on how 
chaotropes do this). We will encounter other examples of chaotropic agents such as the 
guanidinium ion and the nonionic compound urea when we discuss denaturation and 
the three-dimensional structures of proteins and nucleic acids. 

▲ Figure 2.10 

Cross-sectional views of structures formed by detergents in water. Detergents can form mono- 
layers at the air-water interface. They can also form micelles, aggregates of detergent mol- 
ecules in which the hydrocarbon tails (yellow) associate in the water-free interior and the 
polar head groups (blue) are hydrated. 

2.5 Noncovalent Interactions 37 

2.5 Noncovalent Interactions < a ) 

So far in this chapter we have introduced two types of noncovalent interactions — 
hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions. Weak interactions such as these play ex- 
tremely important roles in determining the structures and functions of macromole- 
cules. Weak forces are also involved in the recognition of one macromolecule by 
another and in the binding of reactants to enzymes. 

There are actually four major noncovalent bonds or forces. In addition to hydrogen 
bonds and hydrophobicity there are also charge-charge interactions and van der Waals 
forces. Charge-charge interactions, hydrogen bonds, and van der Waals forces are varia- 
tions of a more general type of force called electrostatic interactions. 

A. Charge-Charge Interactions 

Charge-charge interactions are electrostatic interactions between two charged particles. 
These interactions are potentially the strongest noncovalent forces and can extend over 
greater distances than other noncovalent interactions. The stabilization of NaCl crystals 
by interionic attraction between the sodium (Na©) and chloride (Cl©) ions is an ex- 
ample of a charge-charge interaction. The strength of such interactions in solution de- 
pends on the nature of the solvent. Since water greatly weakens these interactions, the 
stability of macromolecules in an aqueous environment is not strongly dependent on ( b ) 
charge-charge interactions but they do occur. An example of charge-charge interactions 
in proteins is when oppositely charged functional groups attract one another. The inter- 
action is sometimes called a salt bridge and it’s usually buried deep within the hy- 
drophobic interior of a protein where it cant be disrupted by water molecules. The 
most accurate term for such interactions is ion pairing. 

Charge-charge interactions are also responsible for the mutual repulsion of simi- 
larly charged ionic groups. Charge repulsion can influence the structures of individual 
biomolecules as well as their interactions with other, like- charged molecules. 

In addition to their relatively minor contribution to the stabilization of large mole- 
cules, charge-charge interactions play a role in the recognition of one molecule by an- 
other. For example, most enzymes have either anionic or cationic sites that bind oppo- 
sitely charged reactants. 

B. Hydrogen Bonds 

Hydrogen bonds, which are also a type of electrostatic interaction, occur in many 
macromolecules and are among the strongest noncovalent forces in biological systems. 

The strengths of hydrogen bonds such as those between substrates and enzymes and 
those between the bases of DNA are estimated to be about 25-30 kj mol -1 . These hydro- 
gen bonds are a bit stronger than those formed between water molecules (Section 2.2). 
Hydrogen bonds in biochemical molecules are strong enough to confer structural sta- 
bility but weak enough to be broken readily. 

In general, when a hydrogen atom is covalently bonded to a strongly elec- 
tronegative atom, such as nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, a hydrogen bond can only 
form when the hydrogen atom lies approximately 0.2 nm from another strongly 
electronegative atom with an unshared electron pair. As previously described in 
the case of hydrogen bonds between water molecules the covalently bonded atom 
(designated D in Figure 2.11a) is the hydrogen donor and the atom that attracts the 
proton (designated A in Figure 2.1 la) is the hydrogen acceptor. The total distance be- 
tween the two electronegative atoms participating in a hydrogen bond is typically be- 
tween 0.27 nm and 0.30 nm. Some common examples of hydrogen bonds are shown 
in Figure 2.11b. 

A hydrogen bond has many of the characteristics of a covalent bond but it is much 
weaker. You can think of a hydrogen bond as a partial sharing of electrons. (Recall that 
in a true covalent bond a pair of electrons is shared between two atoms.) The three atoms 
involved in a hydrogen bond are usually aligned to form a straight line where the center 
of the hydrogen atoms falls directly on a line drawn between the two electronegative 

▲ Salt bridges, (a) One kind of salt bridge, 
(b) Another kind of salt bridge. 

38 CHAPTER 2 Water 


<EHa) ®= 

Covalent Hydrogen 
bond bond 

-0.1 nm -0.2 nm 



,0 — H 

-0=C V 



N // \ / 

c — c c — c 

// \ // \ 

-c N — H-—N c — H 

\ / \ / 

N=C C— N 

\ // \ 

N — H O R 


Guanine H 


Figure 2.12 ▲ 

Hydrogen bonding between the complementary bases guanine and cytosine in DNA. 

/O-H — \ 

\ / 

N _ Ha ____ l0 =c 

/ \ 

\ / 

IN, — H a — 1 0 

/ \ 

\ S 

IN, — H ■ — ■ N 

/ \ 

▲ Figure 2.1 1 

Hydrogen bonds, (a) Hydrogen bonding be- 
tween a — D — H group (the hydrogen donor) 
and an electronegative atom A — (the hydro- 
gen acceptor). A typical hydrogen bond is ap- 
proximately 0.2 nm long, roughly twice the 
length of the covalent bond between hydrogen 
and nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur. The total dis- 
tance between the two electronegative atoms 
participating in a hydrogen bond is therefore 
approximately 0.3 nm. (b) Examples of bio- 
logically important hydrogen bonds. 

Hydrogen bonding between base pairs 
in double-stranded DNA makes only a 
small contribution to the stability of 
DNA, as described in Section 19.2C. 


Hydrogen bonds between and within 
biological molecules are easily disrupted 
by competition with water molecules. 

atoms. Small deviations from this alignment are permitted but such hydrogen bonds are 
weaker than the standard form. 

All of the functional groups shown in Figure 2.11 are also capable of forming hy- 
drogen bonds with water molecules. In fact, when they are exposed to water they are far 
more likely to interact with water molecules because the concentration of water is so 
high. In order for hydrogen bonds to form between, or within, biochemical macromol- 
ecules the donor and acceptor groups have to be shielded from water. In most cases, this 
shielding occurs because the groups are buried in the hydrophobic interior of the 
macromolecule where water cant penetrate. In DNA, for example, the hydrogen bonds 
between complementary base pairs are in the middle of the double helix (Figure 2.12). 

C. Van der Waals Forces 

The third weak force involves the interactions between permanent or transient dipoles 
of two molecules. These forces are of short range and small magnitude, about 13 kj 
mol -1 and 0.8 kj mol -1 , respectively. 

These electrostatic interactions are called van der Waals forces named after the 
Dutch physicist Johannes Diderik van der Waals. They only occur when atoms are very 
close together. Van der Waals forces involve both attraction and repulsion. The attrac- 
tive forces, also known as London dispersion forces, originate from the infinitesimal di- 
pole generated in atoms by the random movement of the negatively charged electrons 
around the positively charged nucleus. Thus, van der Waals forces are dipolar, or elec- 
trostatic, attractions between the nuclei of atoms or molecules and the electrons of 
other atoms or molecules. The strength of the interaction between the transiently in- 
duced dipoles of nonpolar molecules such as methane is about 0.4 kj mol -1 at an inter- 
nuclear separation of 0.3 nm. Although they operate over similar distances, van der 
Waals forces are much weaker than hydrogen bonds. 

There is also a repulsive component to van der Waals forces. When two atoms are 
squeezed together the electrons in their orbitals repel each other. The repulsion in- 
creases exponentially as the atoms are pressed together and at very close distances it be- 
comes prohibitive. 

The sum of the attractive and repulsive components of van der Waals forces yields 
an energy profile like that in Figure 2.13. At large intermolecular distances the two atoms 
do not interact and there are no attractive or repulsive forces between them. As the atoms 
approach each other (moving toward the left in the diagram) the attractive force in- 
creases. This attractive force is due to the delocalization of the electron cloud around the 
atoms. You can picture this as a shift in electrons around one of the atoms such that the 
electrons tend to localize on the side opposite that of the other approaching atom. This 
shift creates a local dipole where one side of the atom has a slight positive charge and the 
other side has a slight negative charge. The side with the small positive charge attracts the 
other negatively charged atom. As the atoms move even closer together the effect of this 
dipole diminishes and the overall influence of the negatively charged electron cloud be- 
comes more important. At short distances the atoms repel each other. 

2.6 Water is Nucleophilic 39 

The optimal packing distance is the point at which the attractive forces are maxi- 
mized. This distance corresponds to the energy trough in Figure 2.13 and it is equal to 
the sum of the van der Waals radii of the two atoms. When the atoms are separated by 
the sum of their two van der Waals radii they are said to be in van der Waals contact, p 
Typical van der Waals radii of several atoms are shown in Table 2.2. £ 

In some cases, the shift in electrons is influenced by the approach of another atom. m 
This is an induced dipole. In other cases, the delocalization of electrons is a permanent 
feature of the molecule as we saw in the case of water (Section 2.1). These permanent 
dipoles also give rise to van der Waals forces. 

Although individual van der Waals forces are weak, the clustering of atoms 
within a protein, nucleic acid, or biological membrane permits formation of a large 
number of these weak interactions. Once formed, these cumulative weak forces play 
important roles in maintaining the structures of the molecules. For example, the het- 
erocyclic bases of nucleic acids are stacked one above another in double-stranded 
DNA. This arrangement is stabilized by a variety of noncovalent interactions, espe- 
cially van der Waals forces. These forces are collectively known as stacking interac- 
tions (see Chapter 19). 

D. Hydrophobic Interactions 

The association of a relatively nonpolar molecule or group with other nonpolar molecules 
is termed a hydrophobic interaction. Although hydrophobic interactions are sometimes 
called hydrophobic “bonds? this description is incorrect. Nonpolar molecules don’t aggre- 
gate because of mutual attraction but because the polar water molecules surrounding them 
tend to associate with each other rather than with the nonpolar molecules (Section 2.4). 
For example, micelles (Figure 2.10) are stabilized by hydrophobic interactions. 

The hydrogen-bonding pattern of water is disrupted by the presence of a nonpolar 
molecule. Thus, water molecules surrounding a less polar molecule in solution are more 
restricted in their interactions with other water molecules. These restricted water mole- 
cules are relatively immobile, or ordered, in the same way that molecules at the surface 
of water are ordered in the familiar phenomenon of surface tension. However, water 
molecules in the bulk solvent phase are much more mobile, or disordered. In thermo- 
dynamic terms, there is a net gain in the combined entropy of the solvent and the non- 
polar solute when the nonpolar groups aggregate and water is freed from its ordered 
state surrounding the nonpolar groups. 

Hydrophobic interactions, like hydrogen bonds, are much weaker than covalent bonds 
but stronger than van der Waals interactions. For example, the energy required to transfer a 
— CH 2 — group from a hydrophobic to an aqueous environment is about 3 kj mol -1 . 

Although individual hydrophobic interactions are weak, the cumulative effect of 
many hydrophobic interactions can have a significant effect on the stability of a macro - 
molecule. The three-dimensional structure of most proteins, for example, is largely de- 
termined by hydrophobic interactions formed during the spontaneous folding of the 
polypeptide chain. Water molecules are bound to the outside surface of the protein but 
can’t penetrate the interior where most of the nonpolar groups are located. 

All four of the interactions covered here are individually weak compared to cova- 
lent bonds but the combined effect of many such weak interactions can be quite 
strong. The most important noncovalent interactions in biomolecules are shown in 
Figure 2.14. 

▲ Figure 2.13 

Effect of internuclear separation on van der 
Waals forces. Van der Waals forces are 
strongly repulsive at short internuclear dis- 
tances and very weak at long internuclear 
distances. When two atoms are separated by 
the sum of their van der Waals radii, the van 
der Waals attraction is maximal. 

Table 2.2 Van der Waals radii of several 


Radius (nm) 














Weak interactions are individually weak 
but the combined effect of a large number 
of weak interactions is a significant 
organizing force. 

2.6 Water Is Nucleophilic 

In addition to its physical properties, the chemical properties of water are also impor- 
tant in biochemistry because water molecules can react with biological molecules. The 
electron- rich oxygen atom determines much of water’s reactivity in chemical reactions. 
Electron-rich chemicals are called nucleophiles (nucleus lovers) because they seek posi- 
tively charged (electron-deficient) species called electrophiles (electron lovers). Nucle- 
ophiles are either negatively charged or have unshared pairs of electrons. They attack 

40 CHAPTER 2 Water 


/; © 

— C;G H 3 N — 

Charge-charge interaction 
~40 to 200 kJ moH 

\ / 

C=0 H— N 

/ \ 

Hydrogen bond 
~25 to 30 kJ mol -1 

H H 

I I 

— C— H H — C — 

I I 

H H 



H H 

I I 

— C— H H — C — 

van der Waals interaction 
~0.4 to 4kJ mol -1 

\ / 

ch 2 h 2 c 

Hydrophobic interaction 
-3 to 1 0 kJ mol -1 

▲ Figure 2.14 

Typical noncovalent interactions in biomole- 
cules. Charge-charge interactions, hydrogen 
bonds, and van der Waals interactions are 
electrostatic interactions. Hydrophobic inter- 
actions depend on the increased entropy of 
the surrounding water molecules rather than 
on direct attraction between nonpolar 
groups. For comparison, the dissociation en- 
ergy for a covalent bond such as C — H or 
C — C is approximately 340-450 kJ mol -1 . 

R O 

CO 1 11 

^h 3 n — ch— c — nh— ch — c 


+ H,0 





I /° /° 

@ H 3 N — CH — C X + @ H 3 N — CH — C 7 





Figure 2.15 ▲ 

Hydrolysis of a peptide. In the presence of water the peptide bonds in proteins and peptides are 
hydrolyzed. Condensation, the reverse of hydrolysis, is not thermodynamically favored. 

electrophiles during substitution or addition reactions. The most common nucleophilic 
atoms in biology are oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon. 

The oxygen atom of water has two unshared pairs of electrons making it nucle- 
ophilic. Water is a relatively weak nucleophile but its cellular concentration is so high 
that one might reasonably expect it to be very reactive. Many macromolecules should be 
easily degraded by nucleophilic attack by water. This is, in fact, a correct expectation. 
Proteins, for example, are hydrolyzed, or degraded, by water to release their monomeric 
units, amino acids (Figure 2.15). The equilibrium for complete hydrolysis of a protein 
lies far in the direction of degradation; in other words, the ultimate fate of all proteins is 
destruction by hydrolysis! 

If there is so much water in cells then why aren’t all biopolymers rapidly degraded? 
Similarly, if the equilibrium lies toward breakdown, how does biosynthesis occur in an 
aqueous environment? Cells avoid these problems in several ways. For example, the 
linkages between the monomeric units of macromolecules, such as the peptide bonds in 
proteins and the ester linkages in DNA, are relatively stable in solution at cellular pH 
and temperature in spite of the presence of water. In this case, the stability of linkages 
refers to their rate of hydrolysis in water and not their thermodynamic stability. 

The chemical properties of water combined with its high concentration mean that 
the Gibbs free energy change for hydrolysis (AG) is negative. This means that all hydrol- 
ysis reactions are thermodynamically favorable. However, the rate of the reactions in- 
side the cell is so slow that macromolecules are not appreciably degraded by sponta- 
neous hydrolysis during the average lifetime of a cell. It is important to keep in mind the 
distinction between the preferred direction of a reaction, as indicated by the Gibbs free 
energy change, and the rate of the reaction, as indicated by the rate constant (Section 
1.4D). The key concept is that because of the activation energy there is no direct corre- 
lation between the rate of a reaction and the final equilibrium values of the reactants 
and products. 

Cells can synthesize macromolecules in an aqueous environment even though 
condensation reactions — the reverse of hydrolysis — are thermodynamically unfavor- 
able. They do this by using the chemical potential energy of ATP to overcome an unfa- 
vorable thermodynamic barrier. Furthermore, the enzymes that catalyze such reactions 
exclude water from the active site where the synthesis reactions occur. These reactions 
usually follow two-step chemical pathways that differ from the reversal of hydrolysis. 
For example, the simple condensation pathway shown in Figure 2.15 is not the path- 
way that is used in living cells because the presence of high concentrations of water 
makes the direct condensation reaction extremely unfavorable. In the first synthetic 
step, which is thermodynamically uphill, the molecule to be transferred reacts with 
ATP to form a reactive intermediate. In the second step, the activated group is readily 

2.7 Ionization of Water 41 


The density of water varies with tempera- 
ture. It is defined as 1.00000 g/ml at 
3.98°C. The density is 0.99987 at 0°C and 
0.99707 at 25°C. 

The molecular mass of the most 
common form of water is M r =18.01056. 
The concentration of pure water at 
3.98°C is 55.5 M (1000 | 18.01). 

Many biochemical reactions in- 
volve water as either a reactant or a 
product and the high concentration of 
water will affect the equilibrium of the 


There is a difference between the rate of 
a reaction and whether it is 
thermodynamically favorable. Biological 
molecules are stable because the rate of 
spontaneous hydrolysis is slow. 

transferred to the attacking nucleophile. In Chapter 22 we will see that the reactive in- 
termediate in protein synthesis is an amino acyl -tRNA that is formed in a reaction in- 
volving ATP. The net result of the biosynthesis reaction is to couple the condensation 
to the hydrolysis of ATP. 

The role of ATP in coupled reactions is 
described in Section 10.7. 

2.7 Ionization of Water 

One of the important properties of water is its slight tendency to ionize. Pure water 
contains a low concentration of hydronium ions (H 3 0®) and an equal concentration of 
hydroxide ions (OH®). The hydronium and hydroxide ions are formed by a nucleophilic 
attack of oxygen on one of the protons in an adjacent water molecule. 


o— H <- 

H,0 + H,0 


1 © 

. O . + ^o — H 


H 3 0® + OH° 

( 2 . 2 ) 

The red arrows in Reaction 2.2 show the movement of pairs of electrons. These ar- 
rows are used to depict reaction mechanisms and we will encounter many such dia- 
grams throughout this book. One of the free pairs of electrons on the oxygen will con- 
tribute to formation of a new O — H covalent bond between the oxygen atom of the 
hydronium ion and a proton (H®) abstracted from a water molecule. An O — H cova- 
lent bond is broken in this reaction and the electron pair from that bond remains asso- 
ciated with the oxygen atom of the hydroxide ion. 

Note that the atoms in the hydronium ion contain eleven positively charged pro- 
tons (eight in the oxygen atom and three hydrogen protons) and ten negatively charged 
electrons (a pair of electrons in the inner orbital of the oxygen atom, one free electron 
pair associated with the oxygen atom, and three pairs in the covalent bonds). This results 
in a net positive charge which is why we refer to it as an ion (cation). The positive charge 
is usually depicted as if it were associated with the oxygen atom but, in fact, it is distrib- 
uted partially over the hydrogen atoms as well. Similarly, the hydroxide ion (anion) 
bears a net negative charge because it contains ten electrons whereas the nuclei of the 
oxygen and hydrogen atoms have a total of only nine positively charged protons. 


CHAPTER 2 Water 

The density of water varies with the 
temperature (Box 2.2) and so does the 
ion product. The differences aren’t sig- 
nificant in the temperature ranges that 
we normally encounter in living cells, 
so we assume that the value 10" 14 
applies at all temperatures. (See 
Problem 17 at the end of this chapter.) 

The ionization reaction is a typical reversible reaction. The protonation and depro- 
tonation reactions take place very quickly. Hydroxide ions have a short lifetime in water 
and so do hydronium ions. Even water molecules themselves have only a transient exis- 
tence. The average water molecule is thought to exist for about one millisecond (10 _3 s) 
before losing a proton to become a hydroxide ion or gaining a proton to become a hy- 
dronium ion. Note that the lifetime of a water molecule is still eight orders of magni- 
tude (10 8 ) greater than the lifetime of a hydrogen bond. 

Hydronium ( H 3 0©) ions are capable of donating a proton to another ion. Such 
proton donors are referred to as acids according to the Bronsted-Lowry concept of 
acids and bases. In order to simplify chemical equations we often represent the hydro- 
nium ion as simply H© (free proton or hydrogen ion) to reflect the fact that it is a major 
source of protons in biochemical reactions. The ionization of water can then be de- 
picted as a simple dissociation of a proton from a single water molecule. 

H 2 0 H© + OH© (2.3) 

Reaction 2.3 is a convenient way to show the ionization of water but it does not re- 
flect the true structure of the proton donor which is actually the hydronium ion. Reac- 
tion 2.3 also obscures the fact that the ionization of water is actually a bimolecular reac- 
tion involving two separate water molecules as shown in Reaction 2.2. Fortunately, the 
dissociation of water is a reasonable approximation that does not affect our calculations 
or our understanding of the properties of water. We will make use of this assumption in 
the rest of the book. 

Hydroxide ions can accept a proton and be converted back into water molecules. 
Proton acceptors are called bases. Water can function as either an acid or a base as Reac- 
tion 2.2 demonstrates. 

The ionization of water can be analyzed quantitatively. Recall that the concentra- 
tions of reactants and products in a reaction will eventually reach an equilibrium where 
there is no net change in concentration. The ratio of these equilibrium concentrations 
defines the equilibrium constant (K eq ). In the case of ionization of water, 

Keq = [H « K eq [H 2 0] = [H@][OH©] (2.4) 

The equilibrium constant for the ionization of water has been determined under stan- 
dard conditions of pressure (1 atm) and temperature (25°C). Its value is 1.8 X 1(T 16 M. We 
are interested in knowing the concentrations of protons and hydroxide ions in a solu- 
tion of pure water since these ions participate in many biochemical reactions. These 
values can be calculated from Equation 2.4 if we know the concentration of water 
( [H 2 0]) at equilibrium. Pure water at 25°C has a concentration of approximately 55.5 M 
(see Box 2.2). A very small percentage of water molecules will dissociate to form H© 
and OH© when the ionization reaction reaches equilibrium. This will have a very small 
effect on the final concentration of water molecules at equilibrium. We can simplify our 
calculations by assuming that the concentration of water in Equation 2.4 is 55.5 M. 
Substituting this value, and that of the equilibrium constant, gives 

(1.8 X 10“ 16 M)(55.5 M) = 1.0 X 10“ 14 M 2 = [H©][OH e ] (2.5) 

The product obtained by multiplying the proton and hydroxide ion concentrations 
([H©] [OH©]) is called the ion product for water. This is a constant designated K w (the 
ion product constant for water). At 25°C the value of K w is 

K w = [H©][OH©] = 1.0 X 10“ 14 M 2 (2.6) 

It is a fortunate coincidence that this is a nice round number rather than some awkward 
fraction because it makes calculations of ion concentrations much easier. Pure water is 

2.8 The pH Scale 43 

electrically neutral, so its ionization produces an equal number of protons and hydroxide 
ions [H©] = [OH] . In the case of pure water, Equation 2.6 can therefore be rewritten as 

K w = [H©] 2 = 1.0 X 1(T 14 M 2 (2.7) 

Taking the square root of the terms in Equation 2.7 gives 

[H©] = 1.0X1 O -7 M (2.8) 

Since [H©] = [OH©], the ionization of pure water produces 1CT 7 M H© and 1(T 7 M 
OH©. Pure water and aqueous solutions that contain equal concentrations of H© and 
OH© are said to be neutral. Of course, not all aqueous solutions have equal concentra- 
tions of H© and OH©. When an acid is dissolved in water [H©] increases and the solu- 
tion is described as acidic. Note that when an acid is dissolved in water the concentra- 
tion of protons increases while the concentration of hydroxide ions decreases. This is 
because the ion product constant for water (K w ) is unchanged (i.e., constant) and the 
product of the concentrations of H© and OH© must always be 1.0 X 10 -14 M 2 under 
standard conditions (Equation 2.5). Dissolving a base in water decreases [H©] and in- 
creases [OH©] above 1.0 X 10 7 M producing a basic, or alkaline, solution. 

2.8 The pH Scale 

Many biochemical processes — including the transport of oxygen in the blood, the catal- 
ysis of reactions by enzymes, and the generation of metabolic energy during respiration 
or photosynthesis — are strongly affected by the concentration of protons. Although the 
concentration of H® (or H 3 0©) in cells is small relative to the concentration of water, 
the range of [H©] in aqueous solutions is enormous so it is convenient to use a loga- 
rithmic quantity called pH as a measure of the concentration of H©. pH is defined as the 
negative logarithm of the concentration of H©. 

pH = -log[H@] = log^T_ (2.9) 

In pure water [H©] = [OH©] = 1.0 X 10 -7 M (Equations 2.7 and 2.8). As men- 
tioned earlier, pure water is said to be “neutral” with respect to total ionic charge since 
the concentrations of the positively charged hydrogen ions and the negatively charged 
hydroxide ions are equal. Neutral solutions have a pH value of 7.0 (the negative value of 
log 10 -7 is 7.0). Acidic solutions have an excess of H© due to the presence of dissolved 
solute that supplies H© ions. In a solution of 0.01 M HC1, for example, the concentra- 
tion of H© is 0.01 M (10 -2 M) because HC1 dissociates completely to H© and Cl©. The 
pH of such a solution is -log 10 -2 = 2.0. Thus, the higher the concentration of H©, the 
lower the pH of the solution. The pH scale is logarithmic, so a change in pH of one unit 
corresponds to a 10-fold change in the concentration of H©. 

Aqueous solutions can also contain fewer H© ions than pure water resulting in a 
pH above 7. In a solution of 0.01 M NaOH, for example, the concentration of OH© is 
0.01 M (10 -2 M) because NaOH, like HC1, is 100% dissociated in water. The H© ions 
derived from the ionization of water will combine with the hydroxide ions from NaOH 
to re-form water molecules. This affects the equilibrium for the ionization of water 
(Reaction 2.3). The resulting solution is very basic because of the low concentration of 
protons. The actual pH can be determined from the ion product of water, K w (Equa- 
tion 2.6), by substituting the concentration of hydroxide ions. Since the product of the 
OH© and H© concentrations is 10 -14 M it follows that the H© concentration in a solution 
of 1(T 2 M OH© is 10 -12 M. The pH of the solution is 12. Table 2.3 shows this relationship 
between pH and the concentrations of H© and OH©. 

Basic solutions have pH values greater than 7.0 and acidic solutions have lower 
pH values. Figure 2.16 illustrates the pH values of various common solutions. 

Figure 2.16 ► 

pH values for various fluids at 25°C. Lower values correspond to acidic fluids; higher values corre- 
spond to basic fluids. 

Table 2.3 Relation of [H©] and [0H @ ] to pH 








IO -14 


10 _1 

IO" 13 


10“ 2 

io- 12 


1(T 3 

IO -11 


10 4 

IQ- 10 


10 5 

10 9 


10“ 6 

10“ 8 


io- 7 

io- 7 


10“ 8 

10“ 6 


IO" 9 

10 5 


10~ 10 

IO 4 


10 H1 

IO 3 


10- 12 

10“ 2 


io- 13 

10 _1 


IO -14 



hydroxide (1 M) 


Ammonia (1 M) 

Milk of Magnesia 

















Cow's milk 

Coffee (black) 




Lemon juice 


acid (1 M) 

44 CHAPTER 2 Water 

tOO Slr ips 

pH indicator attipa ntm-btoilinB 

pH pH o - 14 

▲ pH strips. The approximate pH of solutions 
can be determined in the lab by placing a 
drop on a pH strip. Various indicators are 
bound to a matrix that is affixed to a plastic 
strip. The indicators change color at different 
concentrations of H®, and the combination of 
various colors gives a more or less accurate 
reading of the pH. The strips shown here cover 
all pH readings from 0 to 14 but other pH 
strips can be used to cover narrower ranges. 


pH is the negative logarithm of the proton 
(H©) concentration. 


The term pH was first used in 1909 by S 0 ren 
Peter Lauritz Sorensen, director of the Carls- 
berg Laboratories in Denmark. Sorensen never 
mentioned what the little “p” stood for (the ££ H” 
is obviously hydrogen). Many years later, some 
of the scientists who write chemistry textbooks 
began to associate the little “p” with the words 
power or potential. This association, as it turns 
out, is based on a rather tenuous connection in 
some of Sorensens early papers. A recent inves- 
tigation of the historical records by Jens G. 
Noby suggests that the little “p” was an arbitrary 
choice based on Sorensen’s use of p and q to 
stand for unknown variables in much the same 
way that we might use x and y today. 

No matter what the historical origin, it’s 
important to remember that the symbol pH 
now stands for the negative logarithm of the 
hydrogen ion concentration. 

▲ Spren Peter Lauritz Sprensen 
( 1868 - 1939 ) 

Accurate measurements of pH are routinely made using a pH meter, an instrument 
that incorporates a selectively permeable glass electrode that is sensitive to [H©]. 
Measurement of pH sometimes facilitates the diagnosis of disease. The normal pH of 
human blood is 7.4 — frequently referred to as physiological pH. The blood of pa- 
tients suffering from certain diseases, such as diabetes, can have a lower pH, a condi- 
tion called acidosis. The condition in which the pH of the blood is higher than 7.4, 
called alkalosis, can result from persistent, prolonged vomiting (loss of hydrochloric 
acid from the stomach) or from hyperventilation (excessive loss of carbonic acid as 
carbon dioxide). 


Weak acids and weak bases are 
compounds that only partially dissociate 
in water. 

2.9 Acid Dissociation Constants of Weak Acids 

Acids and bases that dissociate completely in water, such as hydrochloric acid and 
sodium hydroxide, are called strong acids and strong bases. Many other acids and bases, 
such as the amino acids from which proteins are made and the purines and pyrimidines 
from DNA and RNA, do not dissociate completely in water. These substances are 
known as weak acids and weak bases. 

In order to understand the relationship between acids and bases let us consider the 
dissociation of HC1 in water. Recall from Section 2.7 that we define an acid as a mole- 
cule that can donate a proton and a base as a proton acceptor. Acids and bases always 
come in pairs since for every proton donor there must be a proton acceptor. Both sides 
of the dissociation reaction will contain an acid and a base. Thus, the equilibrium reac- 
tion for the complete dissociation of HC1 is 

HCI + H 2 0 Cl 0 + H 3 0® (2.10) 

acid base base acid 

HCI is an acid because it can donate a proton. In this case, the proton acceptor is 
water which is the base in this equilibrium reaction. On the other side of the equilib- 
rium are Cl© and the hydronium ion, H 3 0©. The chloride ion is the base that corre- 
sponds to HCI after it has given up its proton. Cl© is called the conjugate base of HCI 
which indicates that it is a base (i.e., can accept a proton) and is part of an acid-base 
pair (i.e., HC1/C1©). Similarly, H 3 0© is the acid on the right-hand side of the equi- 
librium because it can donate a proton. H 3 0© is the conjugate acid of H 2 0. Every base 

2.9 Acid Dissociation Constants of Weak Acids 


has a corresponding conjugate acid and every acid has a corresponding conjugate 
base. Thus, HC1 is the conjugate acid of Cl® and H 2 0 is the conjugate base of H 3 0®. 
Note that H 2 0 is the conjugate acid of OH® if we are referring to the H 2 0/0H® 
acid-base pair. 

In most cases throughout this book we will simplify reactions by ignoring the con- 
tribution of water and representing the hydronium ion as a simple proton. 

HCI H© + Cl© ( 2 . 11 ) 

This is a standard convention in biochemistry but, on the surface, it seems to violate the 
rule that both sides of the equilibrium reaction should contain a proton donor and a 
proton acceptor. Students should keep in mind that in such reactions the contributions 
of water molecules as proton acceptors and hydronium ions as the true proton donors 
are implied. In almost all cases we can safely ignore the contribution of water. This is the 
same principle that we applied to the reaction for the dissociation of water (Section 2.7) 
which we simplified by ignoring the contribution of one of the water molecules. 

The reason why HC1 is such a strong acid is because the equilibrium shown in Re- 
action 2.11 is shifted so far to the right that HC1 is completely dissociated in water. In 
other words, HC1 has a strong tendency to donate a proton when dissolved in water. 
This also means that the conjugate base, Cl®, is a very weak base because it will rarely 
accept a proton. 

Acetic acid is the weak acid present in vinegar. The equilibrium reaction for the 
ionization of acetic acid is 


The contribution of water is implied in 
most acid/base dissociation reactions. 

CH 3 COOH H© + CH 3 COO© ( 2 . 12 ) 

Acetic acid Acetate anion 

(weak acid) (conjugate base) 

We have left out the contribution of water molecules in order to simplify the reaction. 
We see that the acetate ion is the conjugate base of acetic acid. (We can also refer to acetic 
acid as the conjugate acid of the acetate ion.) 

The equilibrium constant for the dissociation of a proton from an acid in water is 
called the acid dissociation constant, K a . When the reaction reaches equilibrium, which 
happens very rapidly, the acid dissociation constant is equal to the concentration of the 
products divided by the concentration of the reactants. For Reaction 2.12 the acid dis- 
sociation constant is 

[H©][CH 3 COO©] 
a [CH 3 COOH] 

The K a value for acetic acid at 25°C is 1.76 x 10 -5 M. Because K a values are numeri- 
cally small and inconvenient in calculations it is useful to place them on a logarithmic 
scale. The parameter p K a is defined by analogy with pH. 

P K a = -log K a = log - 7 - (2.14) 

K a 

A pH value is a measure of the acidity of a solution and a p K a value is a measure of 
the acid strength of a particular compound. The p K a of acetic acid is 4.8. 

When dealing with bases we need to consider their protonated forms in order to 
use Equation 2.13. These conjugate acids are very weak acids. In order to simplify calcu- 
lations and make easy comparisons we measure the equilibrium constant (K a ) for the 
dissociation of a proton from the conjugate acid of a weak base. For example, the am- 
monium ion (NH 4 ®) can dissociate to form the base ammonia (NH 3 ) and H®. 

NH 4 ® NH 3 + H® 


The acid dissociation constant (K a ) for this equilibrium is a measure of the strength of 
the base (ammonia, NH 3 ) in aqueous solution. The K a values for several common sub- 
stances are listed in Table 2.4. 


CHAPTER 2 Water 

Table 2.4 Dissociation constants and pK a values of weak acids in aqueous 
solutions at 25°C 


K a(M) 

pK a 

HCOOH (Formic acid) 

1.77 X 10 “ 4 


CH 3 COOH (Acetic acid) 

1.76 X 1(T 5 


CH 3 CHOHCOOH (Lactic acid) 

1.37 X 10 “ 4 


H 3 PO 4 (Phosphoric acid) 

7.52 X 10 “ 3 


H 2 P0 4 ® (Dihydrogen phosphate ion) 


HPO 4 (Monohydrogen phosphate ion) 

6.23 X 1(T 8 


2.20 X 10 “ 13 


H 2 C0 3 (Carbonic acid) 

4.30 X 10 “ 7 


HCO 3 0 (Bicarbonate ion) 

5.61 X 10~ n 


NH 4 © (Ammonium ion) 

5.62 X 10 “ 10 


CH 3 NH 3 © (Methylammonium ion) 

2.70 X 10 -11 


From Equation 2.13 we see that the FC a for acetic acid is related to the concentra- 
tion of H® and to the ratio of the concentrations of the acetate ion and undissociated 
acetic acid. If we represent the conjugate acid as HA and the conjugate base as A® then 
taking the logarithm of such equations gives the general equation for any acid-base 

HA H© + A© log K a = log 

[H©][A 0 ] 



Since log(xy) = log x + logy, Equation 2.16 can be rewritten as 


log K a = log[H©] + log 



Rearranging Equation 2.17 gives 

-log[H©] = -log K a + log 

[A Q ] 




The pH of a solution of a weak acid or 
base at equilibrium can be calculated by 
combining the p K a of the ionization 
reaction and the final concentrations of 
the proton acceptor and proton donor 

The negative logarithms in Equation 2.18 have already been defined as pH and p K a 
(Equations 2.9 and 2.14, respectively). Thus, 

, [A e ] 

pH - pK ‘ + Io 3 IhaI 



PH = p K a 

+ log 

[Proton acceptor] 
[Proton donor] 

( 2 . 20 ) 

Equation 2.20 is one version of the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. It defines the 
pH of a solution in terms of the pFC a of the weak acid form of the acid-base pair and 
the logarithm of the ratio of concentrations of the dissociated species (conjugate base) 
to the protonated species (weak acid). Note that the greater the concentration of the 
proton acceptor (conjugate base) relative to that of the proton donor (weak acid), 
the lower the concentration of H® and the higher the pH. (Remember that pH is the 
negative log of H® concentration. A high concentration of H® means low pH.) This 

2.9 Acid Dissociation Constants of Weak Acids 47 

makes intuitive sense since the concentration of A© is identical to the concentration of 
H© in simple dissociation reactions. If more HA dissociates the concentration of A© 
will be higher and so will the concentration of H©. When the concentrations of a weak 
acid and its conjugate base are exactly the same the pH of the solution is equal to the 
p K a of the acid (since the ratio of concentrations equals 1.0, and the logarithm of 1.0 
equals zero). 

The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation is used to determine the final pH of a weak 
acid solution once the dissociation reaction reaches equilibrium as illustrated in Sample 
Calculation 2.1 for acetic acid. These calculations are more complicated than those in- 
volving strong acids such as HC1. As noted in Section 2.8, the pH of an HC1 solution is 
easily determined from the amount of HC1 that is present since the final concentration 
of H© is equal to the initial concentration of HC1 when the solution is made up. In con- 
trast, weak acids are only partially dissociated in water so it makes sense that the pH de- 
pends on the acid dissociation constant. The pH decreases (more H©) as more weak 
acid is added to water but the increase in H© is not linear with initial HA concentra- 
tion. This is because the numerator in Equation 2.16 is the product of the H© and A© 

The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation applies to other acid-base combinations as 
well and not just to those involving weak acids. When dealing with a weak base, for ex- 
ample, the numerator and denominator of Equation 2.20 become [weak base] and 
[conjugate acid], respectively. The important point to remember is that the equation 
refers to the concentration of the proton acceptor divided by the concentration of the 
proton donor. 

The pK a values of weak acids are determined by titration. Figure 2.17 shows the 
titration curve for acetic acid. In this example, a solution of acetic acid is titrated by 
adding small aliquots of a strong base of known concentration. The pH of the solution 
is measured and plotted versus the number of molar equivalents of strong base added 
during the titration. Note that since acetic acid has only one ionizable group (its car- 
boxyl group) only one equivalent of a strong base is needed to completely titrate acetic 
acid to its conjugate base, the acetate anion. When the acid has been titrated with one- 
half an equivalent of base the concentration of undissociated acetic acid exactly equals 
the concentration of the acetate anion. The resulting pH, 4.8, is thus the experimentally 
determined p for acetic acid. 

Constructing an ideal titration curve is a useful exercise for reinforcing the rela- 
tionship between pH and the ionization state of a weak acid. You can use the Hender- 
son-Hasselbalch equation to calculate the pH that results from adding increasing amounts 
of a strong base such as NaOH to a weak acid such as the imidazolium ion p K a = 7.0. 
Adding base converts the imidazolium ion to its conjugate base, imidazole (Figure 2.18). 
The shape of the titration curve is easy to visualize if you calculate the pH when the 
ratio of conjugate base to acid is 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100. Calculate pH values at other 
ratios until you are satisfied that the curve is relatively flat near the midpoint and 
steeper at the ends. 

Similarly shaped titration curves can be obtained for each of the five monoprotic 
acids (acids having only one ionizable group) listed in Table 2.4. All would exhibit the 
same general shape as Figure 2.17 but the inflection point representing the midpoint of 
titration (one-half an equivalent titrated) would fall lower on the pH scale for a 
stronger acid (such as formic acid or lactic acid) and higher for a weaker acid (such as 
ammonium ion or methylammonium ion). 

Titration curves of weak acids illustrate a second important use of the Henderson- 
Hasselbalch equation. In this case, the final pH is the result of mixing the weak acid 
(HA) and a strong base (OH©). The base combines with H© ions to form water mole- 
cules, H 2 0. This reduces the concentration of H© and raises the pH. As the titration of 
the weak acid proceeds it dissociates in order to restore its equilibrium with OH© and 
H 2 0. The net result is that the final concentration of A© is much higher, and the con- 
centration of HA is much lower, than when we are dealing with the simple case where 
the pH is determined only by the dissociation of the weak acid in water (i.e., a solution 
of HA in H 2 0). 

▲ Figure 2.17 

Titration of acetic acid (CH 3 C00H) with aque- 
ous base (OH®). There is an inflection point 
(a point of minimum slope) at the midpoint 
of the titration, when 0.5 equivalent of base 
has been added to the solution of acetic 
acid. This is the point at which 
[CH 3 COOH] = [CH 3 C00 e ] and pH = pK a . 
The p K a of acetic acid is thus 4.8. At the 
endpoint, all the molecules of acetic acid 
have been titrated to the conjugate base, 

— H 



Imidazolium ion 


H © 

P K a = 7.0 


▲ Figure 2.18 

Titration of the imidazolium ion. 

48 CHAPTER 2 Water 

Figure 2.19 ► 

Titration curve for H 3 P0 4 . Three inflection 
points (at 0.5, 1.5, and 2.5 equivalents of 
strong base added) correspond to the three 
p K a values for phosphoric acid (2.2, 7.2, 
and 12.7). 

▲ Cola beverages contain phosphoric acid 
in order to make the drink more acidic. The 
concentration of phosphoric acid is about 
1 mM. This concentration should make the 
pH about 3 in the absence of any other 
ingredients that may contribute to acidity. 

Third midpoint 

[hpo 4 ®] = [po 4 ®] 

Phosphoric acid (H 3 PO 4 ) is a polyprotic acid. It contains three different hydrogen 
atoms that can dissociate to form H© ions and corresponding conjugate bases with one, 
two, or three negative charges. The dissociation of the first proton occurs readily and is 
associated with a large acid dissociation constant of 7.53 x 10 -3 M and a pl<f a of 2.2 in 
aqueous solution. The dissociations of the second and third protons occur progressively 
less readily because they have to dissociate from a molecule that is already negatively 

Phosphoric acid requires three equivalents of strong base for complete titration 
and three p FC a values are evident from its titration curve (Figure 2.19). The three pFC a 
values reflect the three equilibrium constants and thus the existence of four possible 
ionic species (conjugate acids and bases) of inorganic phosphate. At physiological pH 
(7.4) the predominant species of inorganic phosphate are H 2 P0 4 © and HP0 4 ©. At 
pH 7.2 these two species exist in equal concentrations. The concentrations of H 3 P0 4 
and P0 4 © are so low at pH 7.4 that they can be ignored. This is generally the case for a 
minor species when the pH is more than two units away from its p K a . 



HO— P— OH 





II 0 

HO— P—O 

p k 2 




© II © 

o— p— o 







H © 

p/C 3 



( 2 . 21 ) 


© II © 

O— P— o 



H © 

Many biologically important acids and bases, including the amino acids described 
in Chapter 3, have two or more ionizable groups. The number of p K a values for such 
substances is equal to the number of ionizable groups. The p K a values can be experi- 
mentally determined by titration. 

2.9 Acid Dissociation Constants of Weak Acids 


Sample Calculation 2.1 CALCULATING THE pH OF WEAK ACID 


Q: What is the pH of a solution of 0.1 M acetic acid? 

A: The acid dissociation constant of acetic acid is 1.76 X 10 -5 M. Acetic acid disso- 
ciates in water to form acetate and H® . We need to determine [H® ] when the reaction 
reaches equilibrium. 

Let the final H® concentration be represented by the unknown quantity x. At equi- 
librium the concentration of acetate ion will also be x and the final concentration of 
acetic acid will be [0.1 M — x]. Thus, 

, 7 , x 1(r s . [H e ][CH 3 C00 9 ] _ 

[CHjCOOH] (0.1 - x) 

rearranging gives 

1 .76 X 1 0“ 6 - 1 .76 X 1 0“ 5 x = x 2 
x 2 + 1 .76 X 1 0“ 5 x - 1 .76 X 1 0“ 6 = 0 

This equation is a typical quadratic equation of the form ax 2 + bx + c = 0, where 
a = 1, b = 1.76 X 10 -5 , and c = —1.76 X 10 -6 . Solve for x using the standard 

-b ± V(b 2 - 4oc) 

-1.76 X 10“ 5 ± V((1 .76 X 10“ 5 ) 2 - 4(1.76 X 10“ 6 )) 

- 2 
x = 0.001 32 or -0.001 35 (reject the negative answer) 

The hydrogen ion concentration is 0.00132 M and the pH is 

pH = -log[H®] = -log(0.001 32) = -(-2.88) = 2.9 

Note that the contribution of hydrogen ions from the dissociation of water 110 7 2 is 
several orders of magnitude lower than the concentration of hydrogen ions from 
acetic acid. It is standard practice to ignore the ionization of water in most calcula- 
tions as long as the initial concentration of weak acid is greater than 0.001 M. 

The amount of acetic acid that dissociates to form H® and CH 3 COO® is 0.0013 M 
when the initial concentration is 0.1 M. This means that only 1.3% of the acetic acid 
molecules dissociate and the final concentration of acetic acid l[CH 3 COOH]2 is 
98.7% of the initial concentration. In general, the percent dissociation of dilute 
solutions of weak acids is less than 10% and it is a reasonable approximation to 
assume that the final concentration of the acid form is the same as its initial concen- 
tration. This approximation has very little effect on the calculated pH and it has the 
advantage of avoiding quadratic equations. 

Assuming that the concentration of CH3COOH at equilibrium is 0.1 M and the con- 
centration of H® is x, 

x 2 

K a = 1.76 X 1CT 5 = — x = 1 .33 X 1 0 -3 
pH = — log( 1 .33 X 1CT 3 ) = 2.88 = 2.9 

CH 2 OH 

hoh 2 c — c — NH, 


ch 2 oh 

▲ Tris buffers. Tris, or tris (hydroxymethyl) 
aminomethane, is a common buffer in 
biochemistry labs. Its p K a of 8.06 makes 
it ideal for preparation of buffers in the 
physiological range. 

50 CHAPTER 2 Water 

2.10 Buffered Solutions Resist Changes in pH 

▲ Figure 2.20 

Buffer range of acetic acid. For CH 3 COOH + 
CH 3 COO 0 the p K a is 4.8 and the most ef- 
fective buffer range is from pH 3.8 to pH 

If the pH of a solution remains nearly constant when small amounts of strong acid or 
strong base are added the solution is said to be buffered. The ability of a solution to resist 
changes in pH is known as its buffer capacity. Inspection of the titration curves of acetic 
acid (Figure 2.17) and phosphoric acid (Figure 2.19) reveals that the most effective 
buffering, indicated by the region of minimum slope on the curve, occurs when the 
concentrations of a weak acid and its conjugate base are equal — in other words, when 
the pH equals the p K a . The effective range of buffering by a mixture of a weak acid and 
its conjugate base is usually considered to be from one pH unit below to one pH unit 
above the p K a . 

Most in vitro biochemical experiments involving purified molecules, cell extracts, 
or intact cells are performed in the presence of a suitable buffer to ensure a stable pH. A 
number of synthetic compounds with a variety of p K a values are often used to prepare 
buffered solutions but naturally occurring compounds can also be used as buffers. For 
example, mixtures of acetic acid and sodium acetate (p K a = 4.8) can be used for the pH 
range from 4 to 6 (Figure 2.20) and mixtures of KH 2 P0 4 and K 2 HP0 4 (pFC a = 7.2) can be 
used in the range from 6 to 8. The amino acid glycine (p K a = 9.8) is often used in the 
range from 9 to 11. 

When preparing buffers the acid solution (e.g., acetic acid) supplies the protons 
and some of the protons are taken up by combining with the conjugate base (e.g., ac- 
etate). The conjugate base is added as a solution of a salt (e.g., sodium acetate). The salt 
dissociates completely in solution providing free conjugate base and no protons. 
Sample Calculation 2.2 illustrates one way to prepare a buffer solution. 

Sample Calculation 2.2 BUFFER PREPARATION 

Q: Acetic acid has a p K a of 4.8. How many milliliters of 0.1 M acetic acid and 0.1 M 
sodium acetate are required to prepare 1 liter of 0.1 M buffer solution having a pH 
of 5.8? 

A: Substitute the values for the p K a and the desired pH into the Henderson-Hassel- 
balch equation (Equation 2.20). 


4.8 + 


[Acetic acid] 

Solve for the ratio of acetate to acetic acid. 


[Acetic acid] 

= 5.8 - 4.8 = 1.0 

[Acetate] = 1 0 [Acetic acid] 

For each volume of acetic acid, 10 volumes of acetate must be added (making a total 
of 1 1 volumes of the two ionic species). Multiply the proportion of each component 
by the desired volume. 

Acetic acid needed: A x 1000 ml = 91 ml 



Acetate needed: — x 1000 ml = 909 ml 


Note that when the ratio of [conjugate base] to [conjugate acid] is 10:1, the pH is ex- 
actly one unit above the p/v a . If the ratio were. 1:10, the pH would be one unit below 
the p K a . 

2.10 Buffered Solutions Resist Changes in pH 51 

► Figure 2.21 

Percentages of carbonic acid and its conjugate 
base as a function of pH. In an aqueous 
solution at pH 7.4 (the pH of blood) the 
concentrations of carbonic acid (H 2 C0 3 ) and 
bicarbonate (HCO 3 0 ) are substantial, but 
the concentration of carbonate (C0 3 ©) is 

An excellent example of buffer capacity is found in the blood plasma of mammals, 
which has a remarkably constant pH. Consider the results of an experiment that compares 
the addition of an aliquot of strong acid to a volume of blood plasma with a similar addi- 
tion of strong acid to either physiological saline (0.15 M NaCl) or water. When 1 milliliter 
of 10 M HC1 (hydrochloric acid) is added to 1 liter of physiological saline or water that 
is initially at pH 7.0 the pH is lowered to 2.0 (in other words, [H©] from HC1 is diluted 
to 10 -2 M). However, when 1 milliliter of 10 M HC1 is added to 1 liter of human blood 
plasma at pH 7.4 the pH is lowered to only 7.2 — impressive evidence for the effective- 
ness of physiological buffering. 

The pH of blood is primarily regulated by the carbon dioxide-carbonic acid-bicar- 
bonate buffer system. A plot of the percentages of carbonic acid (H 2 C0 3 ) and its conju- 
gate base as a function of pH is shown in Figure 2.21. Note that the major components 
at pH 7.4 are carbonic acid and the bicarbonate anion (HC0 3 ©). 

The buffer capacity of blood depends on equilibria between gaseous carbon diox- 
ide (which is present in the air spaces of the lungs), aqueous carbon dioxide (which is 
produced by respiring tissues and dissolved in blood), carbonic acid, and bicarbonate. 
As shown in Figure 2.21, the equilibrium between bicarbonate and its conjugate base, 
carbonate (C0 3 ©), does not contribute significantly to the buffer capacity of blood be- 
cause the p K a of bicarbonate is 10.2 — too far from physiological pH to have an effect on 
the buffering of blood. 

The first of the three relevant equilibria of the carbon dioxide-carbonic acid-bicar- 
bonate buffer system is the dissociation of carbonic acid to bicarbonate. 

H 2 C0 3 H© + HCO 3 0 ( 2 . 22 ) 

This equilibrium is affected by a second equilibrium in which dissolved carbon dioxide 
is in equilibrium with its hydrated form, carbonic acid. 

C0 2 (aqueous) + H 2 0 H 2 C0 3 (2.23) 

These two reactions can be combined into a single equilibrium reaction where the acid 
is represented as C0 2 dissolved in water: 

C0 2 (aqueous) + H 2 Q H© + HC0 3 © (2.24) 

Aqueous phase 
of blood cells 
passing through 
in lung 

hco 3 ° 



h 2 c 

:o 3 

h 2 o^ 


C0 2 


C0 2 


Air space 
in lung 

The p K a of the acid is 6.4. 

Finally, C0 2 (gaseous) is in equilibrium with C0 2 (aqueous). 

C0 2 (gaseous) C0 2 (aqueous) (2.25) 

The regulation of the pH of blood afforded by these three equilibria is shown 
schematically in Figure 2.22. When the pH of blood falls due to a metabolic process that 
produces excess H© the concentration of H 2 C0 3 increases momentarily but H 2 C0 3 

▲ Figure 2.22 

Regulation of the pH of blood in mammals. The 

pH of blood is controlled by the ratio of 
[HC0 3 ®] topC0 2 in the air spaces of the 
lungs. When the pH of blood decreases due 
to excess H®, pC0 2 increases in the lungs, 
restoring the equilibrium. When the concen- 
tration of HCO 3 0 rises because the pH of 
blood increases, C0 2 (gaseous) dissolves in 
the blood, again restoring the equilibrium. 

52 CHAPTER 2 Water 

rapidly loses water to form dissolved C0 2 (aqueous) which enters the gaseous phase in 
the lungs and is expired as C0 2 (gaseous). An increase in the partial pressure of C0 2 
( pC0 2 ) in the air expired from the lungs thus compensates for the increased hydrogen 
ions. Conversely, when the pH of the blood rises the concentration of HC0 3 ® increases 
transiently but the pH is rapidly restored as the breathing rate changes and the C0 2 
(gaseous) in the lungs is converted to C0 2 (aqueous) and then to H 2 C0 3 in the capillar- 
ies of the lungs. Again, the equilibrium of the blood buffer system is rapidly restored by 
changing the partial pressure of C0 2 in the lungs. 

Within cells, both proteins and inorganic phosphate contribute to intracellular 
buffering. Hemoglobin is the strongest buffer in blood cells other than the carbon diox- 
ide-carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer. As mentioned earlier, the major species of inor- 
ganic phosphate present at physiological pH are H 2 P0 4 ® and HP0 4 © reflecting the 
second p K a (p K 2 ) value for phosphoric acid, 7.2. 


1. The water molecule has a permanent dipole because of the un- 
even distribution of charge in O — H bonds and their angled 

2. Water molecules can form hydrogen bonds with each other. Hy- 
drogen bonding contributes to the high specific heat and heat of 
vaporization of water. 

3. Because it is polar, water can dissolve ions. Water molecules form 
a solvation sphere around each dissolved ion. Organic molecules 
may be soluble in water if they contain ionic or polar functional 
groups that can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules. 

4. The hydrophobic effect is the exclusion of nonpolar substances by 
water molecules. Detergents, which contain both hydrophobic and 
hydrophilic portions, form micelles when suspended in water; these 
micelles can trap insoluble substances in a hydrophobic interior. 
Chaotropes enhance the solubility of nonpolar compounds in water. 

5. The major noncovalent interactions that determine the structure and 
function of biomolecules are electrostatic interactions and hydropho- 
bic interactions. Electrostatic interactions include charge-charge 
interactions, hydrogen bonds, and van der Waals forces. 

6. Under cellular conditions, macromolecules do not spontaneously 
hydrolyze, despite the presence of high concentrations of water. 
Specific enzymes catalyze their hydrolysis, and other enzymes cat- 
alyze their energy- requiring biosynthesis. 

7. At 25°C, the product of the proton concentration ( [H®] ) and the 
hydroxide concentration ([OH®]) is 1.0 x 1CT 14 M 2 , a constant 
designated K w (the ion-product constant for water). Pure water 
ionizes to produce 1(T 7 M H® and 1(T 7 M OH®. 

8. The acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution depends on the 
concentration of H® and is described by a pH value, where pH is 
the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. 

9. The strength of a weak acid is indicated by its pK a value. The 
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation defines the pH of a solution of 
weak acid in terms of the p K a and the concentrations of the weak 
acid and its conjugate base. 

10. Buffered solutions resist changes in pH. In human blood, a con- 
stant pH of 7.4 is maintained by the carbon dioxide-carbonic 
acid-bicarbonate buffer system. 


1. The side chains of some amino acids possess functional groups 
that readily form hydrogen bonds in aqueous solution. Draw the 
hydrogen bonds likely to form between water and the following 
amino acid side chains: 




ch 2 oh 

CH 2 C(0)NH 2 

— CH- 

N = 

V-N — H 

2. State whether each of the following compounds is polar, whether 
it is amphipathic, and whether it readily dissolves in water. 

(a) HO — CH 2 — CH — CH 2 — OH 





(b) ch 3 ich 2 2 14 — ch 2 — opo 3 

Hexadecanyl phosphate 

(c) CH 3 — 1CH 2 2 10 — COO 0 


(d) h 3 n — ch 2 — coo g 


3. Osmotic lysis is a gentle method of breaking open animal cells to 
free intracellular proteins. In this technique, cells are suspended 
in a solution that has a total molar concentration of solutes much 
less than that found naturally inside cells. Explain why this tech- 
nique might cause cells to burst. 

4. Each of the following molecules is dissolved in buffered solutions 
of: (a) pH = 2 and (b) pH = 11. For each molecule, indicate the 
solution in which the charged species will predominate. (Assume 
that the added molecules do not appreciably change the pH of the 

(a) Phenyl lactic acid pK a = 4 


Problems 53 

(b) Imidazole pK a = 1 


(c) O-methyl-y-aminobutyrate pK a = 9.5 


ii © 

ch 3 occh 2 ch 2 ch 2 — nh 3 

(d) Phenyl salicylate pK a = 9.6 

5. Use Figure 2. 16 to determine the concentration of H® and OH® in: 

(a) tomato juice 

(b) human blood plasma 

(c) 1 M ammonia 

6. The interaction between two (or more) molecules in solution can 
be mediated by specific hydrogen bond interactions. Phorbol es- 
ters can act as a tumor promoter by binding to certain amino 
acids that are part of the enzyme protein kinase C (PKC). Draw 
the hydrogen bonds expected in the complex formed between the 
tumor promoter phorbol and the glycine portion of PKC: 
— NHCH 2 C(0)— 

The nitrogen atom of MOPS can be protonated (pK a = 7.2). The 
carboxyl group of SHS can be ionized (pK a = 5.5). Calculate the 
ratio of basic to acidic species for each buffer at pH 6.5. 

10 . Many phosphorylated sugars (phosphate esters of sugars) are 
metabolic intermediates. The two ionizable — OH groups of the 
phosphate group of the monophosphate ester of ribose (ribose 5- 
phosphate) have pK a values of 1.2 and 6.6. The fully protonated 
form of a-D-ribose 5 -phosphate has the structure shown below. 



(a) Draw, in order, the ionic species formed upon titration of 
this phosphorylated sugar from pH 0.0 to pH 10.0. 

(b) Sketch the titration curve for ribose 5-phosphate. 

11. Normally, gaseous C0 2 is efficiently expired in the lungs. Under 
certain conditions, such as obstructive lung disease or emphy- 
sema, expiration is impaired. The resulting excess of C0 2 in the 
body may lead to respiratory acidosis, a condition in which excess 
acid accumulates in bodily fluids. How does excess C0 2 lead to 
respiratory acidosis? 

12. Organic compounds in the diets of animals are a source of basic 
ions and may help combat nonrespiratory types of acidosis. Many 
fruits and vegetables contain salts of organic acids that can be me- 
tabolized, as shown below for sodium lactate. Explain how the 
salts of dietary acids may help alleviate metabolic acidosis. 



7 . What is the concentration of a lactic acid buffer (pK a = 3.9) that 
contains 0.25 M CH 3 CH(OH)COOH and 0.15 M CH 3 CH(OH) 
COO®? What is the pH of this buffer? 

8. You are instructed to prepare 100 ml of a 0.02 M sodium phos- 
phate buffer, pH 7.2, by mixing 50 ml of solution A (0.02M 
Na 2 HP0 4 ) and 50 ml of solution B (0.02 M NaH 2 P0 4 ). Refer to 
Table 2.4 to explain why this procedure provides an effective 
buffer at the desired pH and concentration. 

9. What are the effective buffering ranges of MOPS (3-(N-mor- 
pholino)propanesulfonic acid) and SHS (sodium hydrogen succi- 


HOOC — CH 2 — CH 2 — COO® Na® 


CH 3 — CH — COO®Na® + 30 2 » 

Na® + 2 C0 2 + HC0 3 ® + 2H 2 0 

13. Absorption of food in the stomach and intestine depends on the 
ability of molecules to penetrate the cell membranes and pass into 
the bloodstream. Because hydrophobic molecules are more likely 
to be absorbed than hydrophilic or charged molecules, the ab- 
sorption of orally administered drugs may depend on their pK a 
values and the pH in the digestive organs. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic 
acid) has an ionizable carboxyl group (pK a = 3.5). Calculate the 
percentage of the protonated form of aspirin available for absorp- 
tion in the stomach (pH = 2.0) and in the intestine (pH = 5.0). 




14 . What percent of glycinamide, ®H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 (pK a = 8.20) is 
unprotonated at (a) pH 7.5, (b) pH 8.2, and (c) pH 9.0? 

54 CHAPTER 2 Water 

15 . Refer to the following table and titration curve to determine which 
compound from the table is illustrated by the titration curve. 




pK 3 

Phosphoric acid 




Acetic acid 


Succinic acid 



Boric acid 






16 . Predict which of the following substances are soluble in water. 

CH 2 OH 

about 4.0 x 10 13 . What is the actual neutral pH for extremophiles 
living at 0°C and 100°C? 

18. What is the approximate pH of a solution of 6 M HC1? Why doesn’t 
the scale in Figure 2.16 accommodate the pH of such a solution? 

Selected Readings 


Chaplin, M. F. (2001). Water, its importance 
to life. Biochem. and Mol. Biol. Education 

Dix, J. A. and Verkman, A. S. (2008). Crowding ef- 
fects on diffusion in solutions and cells. Annu. Rev. 
Biophys. 37:247-263. 

Stillinger, F. H. (1980). Water revisited. Science 

Verkman, A. S. (2001). Solute and macromolecular 
diffusion in cellular aqueous compartments. 

Trends Biochem Sci. 27:27-33. 

Noncovalent Interactions 

Fersht, A. R. (1987). The hydrogen bond in molec- 
ular recognition. Trends Biochem. Sci. 12:301-304. 

Frieden, E. (1975). Non-covalent interactions. 

J. Chem. Educ. 52:754-761. 

Tanford, C. (1980). The Hydrophobic Effect: 
Formation of Micelles and Biological Membranes, 
2nd ed. (New York: John Wiley & Sons). 

Biochemical Calculations 

Montgomery, R., and Swenson, C. A. (1976). 
Quantitative Problems in Biochemical Sciences, 2nd 
ed. (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman). 

Segel, I. H. (1976). Biochemical Calculations: 
How to Solve Mathematical Problems in General 
Biochemistry, 2nd ed. (New York: John Wiley 
& Sons). 

pH and Buffers 

Stoll, V. S., and Blanchard, J. S. (1990). Buffers: 
principles and practice. Methods Enzymol. 

Norby, J. G. (2000). The origin and 
meaning of the little p in pH. 

Trends Biochem. Sci. 25:36-3 7. 

Amino Acids and the Primary 
Structures of Proteins 

T he relationship between structure and function is a fundamental part of biochem- 
istry. In spite of its importance, we sometimes forget to mention structure -func- 
tion relationships, thinking that the concept is obvious from the examples. In this 
book we will try and remind you from time to time how the study of structure leads to a 
better understanding of function. This is especially important when studying proteins. 

In this chapter and the next one we will cover the basic rules of protein structure. In 
Chapters 5 and 6, we will learn how enzymes work and how their structure contributes 
to the mechanisms of enzyme action. 

Before beginning, let’s review the various kinds of proteins. The following list, al- 
though not exhaustive, covers most of the important biological functions of proteins: 

1. Many proteins function as enzymes, the biochemical catalysts. Enzymes catalyze 
nearly all reactions that occur in living organisms. 

2. Some proteins bind other molecules for storage and transport. For example, hemo- 
globin binds and transports 0 2 and C0 2 in red blood cells and other proteins bind 
fatty acids and lipids. 

3. Several types of proteins serve as pores and channels in membranes, allowing for 
the passage of small, charged molecules. 

4. Some proteins, such as tubulin, actin, and collagen, provide support and shape to 
cells and hence to tissues and organisms. 

5. Assemblies of proteins can do mechanical work, such as the movement of flagella, 
the separation of chromosomes at mitosis, and the contraction of muscles. 

6. Many proteins play a role in information flow in the cell. Some are involved in 
translation whereas others play a role in regulating gene expression by binding to 
nucleic acids. 

7. Some proteins are hormones, which regulate biochemical activities in target cells or 
tissues; other proteins serve as receptors for hormones. 

"Amino acids are literally raining 
down from the sky and if that's 
not a big deal then I don't know 
what is. " 

Max Bernstein, 
SETI Institute 


The functions of biochemical molecules 
can only be understood by knowing their 

Top: L-Arginine, one of the 20 common amino acids. 


56 CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 


There are many different kinds of proteins 
with many different roles in metabolism 
and cell structure. 

8. Proteins on the cell surface can act as receptors for various ligands and as modifiers 
of cell-cell interactions. 

9 . Some proteins have highly specialized functions. For example, antibodies defend 
vertebrates against bacterial and viral infections, and toxins, produced by bacteria, 
can kill larger organisms. 

We begin our study of proteins by exploring the structures and chemical properties 
of their constituent amino acids. In this chapter we will also discuss the purification, 
analysis, and sequencing of polypeptides. 

▲ Spindle fibers. Spindle fibers (green) help 
separate chromosomes at mitosis. The fibers 
are microtubules formed from the structural 
protein tubulin. 


© I <=, 

h 3 n — ch — coo u 


© I q 

h 3 n — ch — coo u 

5 2 1 

▲ Numbering conventions for amino acids. In 

traditional names, the carbon atoms adjacent 
to the carboxyl group are identified by the 
Greek letters a, /3, y, etc. In the official 
IUPAC/IUBMB chemical names or systematic 
names, the carbon atom in the carboxyl group 
is number 1 and the adjacent carbons are 
numbered sequentially. Thus, the a-carbon 
atom in traditional names is the carbon 2 
atom in systematic names. 

The IUPAC-IUBMB website for 
Nomenclature and Symbolism for 
Amino Acids and Peptides is: www. 

3.1 General Structure of Amino Acids 

All organisms use the same 20 amino acids as building blocks for the assembly of protein 
molecules. These 20 amino acids are called the common , or standard , amino acids. De- 
spite the limited number of amino acids, an enormous variety of different polypeptides 
can be produced by connecting the 20 common amino acids in various combinations. 

Amino acids are called amino acids because they are amino derivatives of car- 
boxylic acids. In the 20 common amino acids the amino group and the carboxyl group 
are bonded to the same carbon atom: the ct-carbon atom. Thus, all of the standard 
amino acids found in proteins are a-amino acids. Two other substituents are bound to 
the a- carbon — a hydrogen atom and a side chain (R) that is distinctive for each amino 
acid. In the chemical names of amino acids, carbon atoms are identified by numbers, 
beginning with the carbon atom of the carboxyl group. [The correct chemical name, or 
systematic name, follows rules established by the International Union of Pure and Ap- 
plied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular 
Biology (IUBMB).] If the R group is — CH 3 then the systematic name for that amino 
acid would be 2-aminopropanoic acid. (Propanoic acid is CH 3 — CH 2 — COOH.) The 
trivial name for CH 3 — CH(NH 2 ) — COOH is alanine. The old nomenclature uses Greek 
letters to identify the a-carbon atom and the carbon atoms of the side chain. This 
nomenclature identifies the carbon atom relative to the carboxyl group so the carbon 
atom of the carboxyl group is not specified, unlike in the systematic nomenclature, 
where this carbon atom is number 1 in the numbering system. Biochemists have tradi- 
tionally used the old, alternate nomenclature. 

Inside a cell, under normal physiological conditions, the amino group is protonated 
( — NH 3 ©) because the p K a of this group is close to 9. The carboxyl group is ionized 
( — COO®) because the p K a of that group is below 3, as we saw in Section 2.9. Thus, in 
the physiological pH range of 6.8 to 7.4, amino acids are zwitterions, or dipolar ions, even 
though their net charge may be zero. We will see in Section 3.4 that some side chains can 
also ionize. Biochemists always represent the structures of amino acids in the form that is 
biologically relevant which is why you will see the zwitterions in the following figures. 

Figure 3.1a shows the general three-dimensional structure of an amino acid. Figure 
3.1b shows a ball-and-stick model of a representative amino acid, serine, whose side 
chain is — CH 2 OH. The first carbon atom that’s directly bound to the carboxylate car- 
bon is the a - carbon so the other carbon atoms of a side chain are sequentially labeled /3, 
y, 8 , and s, referring to carbons 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively, in the newer convention. The 
systematic name for serine is 2-amino-3-hydroxypropanoic acid. 

In 19 of the 20 common amino acids the a-carbon atom is chiral, or asymmetric, 
since it has four different groups bonded to it. The exception is glycine, whose R group 
is simply a hydrogen atom. The molecule is not chiral because the a-carbon atom is 
bonded to two identical hydrogen atoms. The 19 chiral amino acids can therefore exist 
as stereoisomers. Stereoisomers are compounds that have the same molecular formula 
but differ in the arrangement, or configuration, of their atoms in space. The two 
stereoisomers are distinct molecules that can’t be easily converted from one form to the 
other since a change in configuration requires the breaking of one or more bonds. 
Amino acid stereoisomers are nonsuperimposable mirror images called enantiomers. 
Two of the 19 chiral amino acids, isoleucine and threonine, have two chiral carbon 
atoms each. Isoleucine and threonine can each form four different stereoisomers. 

3.1 General Structure of Amino Acids 57 




H 3 N' 





u-Carboxylate group 


-Side chain 

# u-Carbon O Nitrogen 

O Carbon O Oxygen 

O Hydrogen 




By convention, the mirror-image pairs of amino acids are designated D (for dextro, 
from the Latin dexter , “right”) and L (for levo, from the Latin laevus , “left”). The config- 
uration of the amino acid in Figure 3.1a is L and that of its mirror image is D. To assign 
the stereochemical designation, one draws the amino acid vertically with its a-carboxy- 
late group at the top and its side chain at the bottom, both pointing away from the 
viewer. In this orientation, the a-amino group of the L isomer is on the left of the a-car- 
bon, and that of the D isomer is on the right, as shown in Figure 3.2. (The four atoms at- 
tached to the a - carbon occupy the four corners of a tetrahedron much like the bonding 
of hydrogen atoms to oxygen in water, as shown in Figure 2.4.) 

The 19 chiral amino acids used in the assembly of proteins are all of the L configu- 
ration, although a few D-amino acids occur in nature. By convention, amino acids are 
assumed to be in the L configuration unless specifically designated D. Often it is conven- 
ient to draw the structures of L- amino acids in a form that is stereochemically uncom- 
mitted, especially when a correct stereochemical representation is not critical to a given 

The fact that all living organisms use the same standard amino acids in protein 
synthesis is evidence that all species on Earth are descended from a common ancestor. 
Like modern organisms, the last common ancestor (LCA) must have used L-amino 

(a) (b) 

Mirror plane Mirror plane 

◄ Figure 3.1 

Two representations of an L-amino acid at neu- 
tral pH. (a) General structure. An amino acid 
has a carboxylate group (whose carbon atom 
is designated C-l), an amino group, a hydro- 
gen atom, and a side chain (or R group), all 
attached to C-2 (the a-carbon). Solid 
wedges indicate bonds above the plane of 
the paper; dashed wedges indicate bonds 
below the plane of the paper. The blunt 
ends of wedges are nearer the viewer than 
the pointed ends, (b) Ball-and-stick model 
of serine (whose R group is ( — CH 2 OH). 

▲ Meteorites and amino acids. The Murchi- 
son meteorite fell in 1969 near Murchison, 
Australia. There are many similar carbona- 
ceous meteorites and many of them contain 
spontaneously formed amino acids, includ- 
ing some of the common amino acids found 
in proteins. These amino acids are found in 
the meteorites as almost equal mixtures of 
the l and d configurations. 



0 u-Carbon O Nitrogen 

O Carbon O Oxygen 

O Hydrogen 


© ? 

H 3 N — C — H 


See Section 8.1 for a more complete 
description of the convention for 
displaying stereoisomers (Fischer 

ch 2 oh 

ch 2 oh 



◄ Figure 3.2 

Mirror-image pairs of amino acids, (a) Ball- 
and-stick models of L-serine and D-serine. 
Note that the two molecules are not identi- 
cal; they cannot be superimposed, (b) L-Ser- 
ine and D-serine. The common amino acids 
all have the l configuration. 


CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 

acids and not D-amino acids. Mixtures of L- and D-amino acids are formed under con- 
ditions that mimic those present when life first arose on Earth 4 billion years ago and 
both enantiomers are found in meteorites and in the vicinity of stars. It is not known 
how or why primitive life forms selected L- amino acids from the presumed mixture of 
the enantiomers present when life first arose. It’s likely that the first proteins were com- 
posed of a small number of simple amino acids and selection of L-amino acids over 
D-amino acids was a chance event. Modern living organisms do not select L-amino acids 
from a mixture because only the L-amino acids are synthesized in sufficient quantities. 
Thus, the predominance of L-amino acids in modern species is due to the evolution of 
metabolic pathways that produce L-amino acids and not D-amino acids (Chapter 17). 

3.2 Structures of the 20 Common Amino Acids 

The structures of the 20 amino acids commonly found in proteins are shown in the fol- 
lowing figures as Fischer projections. In Fischer projections, horizontal bonds at a chiral 
center extend toward the viewer and vertical bonds extend away (as in Figures 3.1 and 3.2). 
Examination of the structures reveals considerable variation in the side chains of the 20 
amino acids. Some side chains are nonpolar and thus hydrophobic whereas others are 
polar or ionized at neutral pH and are therefore hydrophilic. The properties of the side 
Some nonstandard amino acids are chains greatly influence the overall three-dimensional shape, or conformation, of a pro- 

described in Section 3.3. tein. F° r example, most of the hydrophobic side chains of a water-soluble protein fold 

into the interior giving the protein a compact, globular shape. 

Both the three-letter and one-letter abbreviations for each amino acid are shown in 
the figures. The three-letter abbreviations are self-evident but the one-letter abbreviations 
are less obvious. Several amino acids begin with the same letter so other letters of the 
alphabet have to be used in order to provide a unique label; for example, threonine = T, 
tyrosine = Y, and tryptophan = W. These labels have to be memorized. 


Amino acids can spontaneously convert from the D configu- 
ration to the L configuration and vice versa. This is a chemical 
reaction that usually proceeds through a carbanion interme- 

The racemization reaction is normally very slow but it 
can be sped up at high temperatures. For example, the half- 
life for conversion of L-aspartate to D-aspartate is about 30 
days at 100°C. The half-life of this reaction at 37°C is about 
350 years and at 18°C its about 50,000 years. 

The amino acid composition of mammalian tooth 
enamel can be used to determine the age of a fossil if the av- 
erage temperature of the environment is known or can be es- 
timated. When the amino acids are first synthesized they are 
exclusively of the L configuration. Over time, the amount of 
the D enantiomer increases and the d/l ratio can be measured 
very precisely. 

Fossil dating by measuring amino acid racemization has 
been superceded by more reliable methods but it’s an inter- 
esting example of a slow chemical reaction. Some organisms 
contain specific racemases that catalyze the interconversion 
of an L-amino acid and a D-amino acid; for example, bacteria 
have alanine racemase for converting L- alanine to D- alanine 
(see Section 8.7B). These enzymes catalyze thousands of re- 
actions per second. 


© 1 

H 3 N — C — H 

° c 0 


— > i 

h«-c—nh 3 © 




L-Amino acid 


D-Amino acid 

▲ The Badegoule Jaw from a stone age juvenile. Homo sapiens 
(Natural History Museum, Lyon, France) 

3.2 Structures of the 20 Common Amino Acids 59 

It is important to learn the structures of the standard amino acids because we refer 
to them frequently in the chapters on protein structure, enzymes, and protein synthesis. 
In the following sections we have grouped the standard amino acids by their general 
properties and the chemical structures of their side chains. The side chains fall into the 
following chemical classes: aliphatic, aromatic, sulfur-containing, alcohols, positively 
charged, negatively charged, and amides. Of the 20 amino acids five are further classi- 
fied as highly hydrophobic (blue) and seven are classified as highly hydrophilic (red). 
Understanding the classification of the R groups will simplify memorizing the struc- 
tures and names. 

A. Aliphatic R Groups 

Glycine (Gly, G) is the smallest amino acid. Since its R group is simply a hydrogen atom, 
the a-carbon of glycine is not chiral. The two hydrogen atoms of the a-carbon of 
glycine impart little hydrophobic character to the molecule. We will see that glycine 
plays a unique role in the structure of many proteins because its side chain is small 
enough to fit into niches that cannot accommodate any other amino acid. 

Four amino acids — alanine (Ala, A), valine (Val, V), leucine (Leu, L), and the struc- 
tural isomer of leucine, isoleucine (lie, I) — have saturated aliphatic side chains. The side 
chain of alanine is a methyl group whereas valine has a three-carbon branched side 
chain and leucine and isoleucine each contain a four-carbon branched side chain. Both 
the a- and /3-carbon atoms of isoleucine are asymmetric. Because isoleucine has two 
chiral centers, it has four possible stereoisomers. The stereoisomer used in proteins 
is called L-isoleucine and the amino acid that differs at the /3-carbon is called 
L-alloisoleucine (Figure 3.3). The other two stereoisomers are D-isoleucine and 

Alanine, valine, leucine, and isoleucine play an important role in establishing and 
maintaining the three-dimensional structures of proteins because of their tendency to 
cluster away from water. Valine, leucine, and isoleucine are known collectively as the 
branched chain amino acids because their side chains of carbon atoms contain 
branches. All three amino acids are highly hydrophobic and they share biosynthesis and 
degradation pathways (Chapter 17). 

Proline (Pro, P) differs from the other 19 amino acids because its three-carbon side 
chain is bonded to the nitrogen of its a-amino group as well as to the a-carbon creating 
a cyclic molecule. As a result, proline contains a secondary rather than a primary amino 
group. The heterocyclic pyrrolidine ring of proline restricts the geometry of polypep- 
tides sometimes introducing abrupt changes in the direction of the peptide chain. The 
cyclic structure of proline makes it much less hydrophobic than valine, leucine, and 

B. Aromatic R Groups 

Phenylalanine (Phe, F), tyrosine (Tyr, Y), and tryptophan (Trp, W) have side chains 
with aromatic groups. Phenylalanine has a hydrophobic benzyl side chain. Tyrosine is 
structurally similar to phenylalanine except that the para hydrogen of phenylalanine is 
replaced in tyrosine by a hydroxyl group ( — OH) making tyrosine a phenol. The hy- 
droxyl group of tyrosine is ionizable but retains its hydrogen under normal physiological 
conditions. The side chain of tryptophan contains a bicyclic indole group. Tyrosine and 





© 1 

1 © 

© 1 


H 3 N— C — H 

H^c — NH 3 

H 3 N»- C-*H 

H^c — NH 3 

h 3 c — c— h 

H — C — CH 3 

H — C — CH 3 

HjC — C — H 

oh 2 

CH 2 

CH 2 

oh 2 

ch 3 

ch 3 

ch 3 

ch 3 






k © 




H 3 N — C — H 


H 3 N — C — F 


ch 3 

Glycine [G] 

Alanine [A] 



coo 0 

COO 0 

© 1 

H 3 N— C — H 

© 1 

H 3 N — C — H 


cn 2 


h 3 c / \h 3 


h 3 c / \h 3 

Valine [V] 

Leucine [L] 



COO 0 

COO 0 

© 1 

H 3 N — C — H 

© 1 

H 3 N — C — H 

H 3 C — C — H 

ch 2 



ch 3 

Isoleucine [I] 

Phenylalanine [F] 


Tyrosine [Y] 

Tryptophan [W] 

coo 0 

© I 

H,N — C — H 

/ \ 

H 2 C x x CH 2 

ch 2 

Proline [P] 

◄ Figure 3.3 

Stereoisomers of isoleucine. Isoleucine and 
threonine are the only two common amino 
acids with more than one chiral center. The 
other DL pair of isoleucine isomers is called 
alloleucine. Note that in L-isoleucine the 
— NH 3 © and — CH 3 groups are both on the 
left in this projection, while in D-isoleucine 
they are both on the right, so that 
D-isoleucine and L-isoleucine are 
mirror images. 


CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 

Wavelength (nm) 

▲ UV absorbance of proteins. The peak of ab 
sorbance of most proteins peaks at 280 nm. 
Most of the absorbance is due to the pres- 
ence of tryptophan and tyrosine residues in 
the protein. 

© 1 

H 3 N — C — H 


© 1 

H 3 N — C — H 







ch 3 

Methionine [M] 

Cysteine [C] 


© 1 

H,N — C — H 


coo 0 

© 1 

H 3 N — C — H 


H — C — OH 



Serine [S] 

ch 3 

Threonine [T] 

▲ A sulfur bridge. Natural stone bridge, 
Puente del Inca, in Mendoza, Argentina. 
Over the years the bridge has been covered 
with sulfur deposits. 

tryptophan are not as hydrophobic as phenylalanine because their side chains include 
polar groups (Table 3.1, page 62). 

All three aromatic amino acids absorb ultraviolet (UV) light because, unlike 
the saturated aliphatic amino acids, the aromatic amino acids contain delocalized 
7r-electrons. At neutral pH both tryptophan and tyrosine absorb light at a wavelength 
of 280 nm whereas phenylalanine is almost transparent at 280 nm and absorbs light 
weakly at 260 nm. Since most proteins contain tryptophan and tyrosine they will absorb 
light at 280 nm. Absorbance at 280 nm is routinely used to estimate the concentration 
of proteins in solutions. 

C. R Groups Containing Sulfur 

Methionine (Met, M) and cysteine (Cys, C) are the two amino acids whose side chains 
contain a sulfur atom. Methionine contains a nonpolar methyl thioether group in its 
side chain and this makes it one of the more hydrophobic amino acids. Methionine 
plays a special role in protein synthesis because it is almost always the first amino acid in 
a growing polypeptide chain. The structure of cysteine resembles that of alanine with a 
hydrogen atom replaced by a sulfhydryl group ( — SH). 

Although the side chain of cysteine is somewhat hydrophobic, it is also highly reac- 
tive. Because the sulfur atom is polarizable the sulfhydryl group of cysteine can form 
weak hydrogen bonds with oxygen and nitrogen. Moreover, the sulfhydryl group of cys- 
teine residues in proteins can be a weak acid which allows it to lose its proton to become 
a negatively charged thiolate ion. (The p iC a of the sulfhydryl group of the free amino 
acid is 8.3 but this can range from 5-10 in proteins.) 

A compound called cystine can be isolated when some proteins are hydrolyzed. 
Cystine is formed from two oxidized cysteine molecules linked by a disulfide bond 
(Figure 3.4). Oxidation of the sulfhydryl groups of cysteine molecules proceeds most 
readily at slightly alkaline pH values because the sulfhydryl groups are ionized at high pH. 
The two cysteine side chains must be adjacent in three-dimensional space in order to form 
a disulfide bond but they don’t have to be close together in the amino acid sequence of the 
polypeptide chain. They may even be found in different polypeptide chains. Disulfide 
bonds, or disulfide bridges, may stabilize the three-dimensional structures of some pro- 
teins by covalently cross-linking cysteine residues in peptide chains. Most proteins do not 
contain disulfide bridges because conditions inside the cell do not favor oxidation; 
however, many secreted, or extracellular, proteins contain disulfide bridges. 

D. Side Chains with Alcohol Groups 

Serine (Ser, S) and threonine (Thr, T) have uncharged polar side chains containing 
/3-hydroxyl groups. These alcohol groups give a hydrophilic character to the aliphatic 

©NH 3 

© i © 

^OOC — CH — CH 2 — SH + HS — CH 2 — CH — COO^ 
©NH 3 

Cysteine Cysteine 




©nh 3 

G OOC — CH — CH 2 — s — s — CH 2 — CH — COO 0 + 2 H® 

©NH 3 


▲ Figure 3.4 

Formation of cystine. When oxidation links the sulfhydryl groups of two cysteine molecules, the re- 
sulting compound is a disulfide called cystine. 

3.2 Structures of the 20 Common Amino Acids 61 


The RS system of configurational nomenclature is also some- 
times used to describe the chiral centers of amino acids. The 
RS system is based on the assignment of a priority sequence 
to the four groups bound to a chiral carbon atom. Once as- 
signed, the group priorities are used to establish the configu- 
ration of the molecule. Priorities are numbered 1 through 
4 and are assigned to groups according to the following rules: 

1. For atoms directly attached to the chiral carbon, the one 
with the lowest atomic mass is assigned the lowest prior- 
ity (number 4). 

2. If there are two identical atoms bound to the chiral car- 
bon, the priority is decided by the atomic mass of the 
next atoms bound. For example, a — CH 3 group has a 
lower priority than a — CH 2 Br group because hydrogen 
has a lower atomic mass than bromine. 

3. If an atom is bound by a double or triple bond, the atom 
is counted once for each formal bond. Thus, — CHO, 
with a double-bonded oxygen, has a higher priority than 

— CH 2 OH. The order of priority for the most common 
groups, from lowest to highest, is — H, — CH 3 , 
— C 6 H 5 , — CH 2 OH, —CHO, — COOH, — COOR, 
— NH 2 , — NHR, —OH, —OR, and — SH. 

With these rules in mind, imagine the molecule as the 
steering wheel of a car, with the group of lowest priority 
(numbered 4) pointing away from you (like the steering col- 
umn) and the other three groups arrayed around the rim of 
the steering wheel. Trace the rim of the wheel, moving from 
the group of highest priority to the group of lowest priority 
(1, 2, 3). If the movement is clockwise, the configuration is R 
(from the Latin rectus , “right-handed”). If the movement is 
counterclockwise, the configuration is S (from the Latin, 
sinister , “left-handed”). The figure demonstrates the assign- 
ment of S configuration to L-serine by the RS system. 
l- Cysteine has the opposite configuration, R. The dl system 
is used more often in biochemistry because not all amino 
acids found in proteins have the same RS designation. 

◄ Assignment of configuration by the RS 
system, (a) Each group attached to a chiral 
carbon is assigned a priority based on atomic 
mass, 4 being the lowest priority, (b) By orient- 
ing the molecule with the priority 4 group 
pointing away (behind the chiral carbon) and 
tracing the path from the highest priority group 
to the lowest, the absolute configuration can 
be established. If the sequence 1, 2, 3 is 
clockwise, the configuration is R. If the se- 
quence 1, 2, 3 is counterclockwise, the config- 
uration is S. L-Serine has the S configuration. 

side chains. Unlike the more acidic phenolic side chain of tyrosine the hydroxyl groups 
of serine and threonine have the weak ionization properties of primary and secondary 
alcohols. The hydroxymethyl group of serine ( — CH 2 OH) does not appreciably ionize 
in aqueous solutions; nevertheless, this alcohol can react within the active sites of a 
number of enzymes as though it were ionized. Threonine, like isoleucine, has two chiral 
centers — the a- and /3-carbon atoms. L-Threonine is the only one of the four stereoiso- 
mers that commonly occurs in proteins. (The other stereoisomers are called D-threo- 
nine, L-allothreonine, and D-allothreonine.) 

E. Positively Charged R Groups 

Histidine (His, H), lysine (Lys, K), and arginine (Arg, R) have hydrophilic side chains 
that are nitrogenous bases. The side chains can be positively charged at physiological 

The side chain of histidine contains an imidazole ring substituent. The proto- 
nated form of this ring is called an imidazolium ion (Section 3.4). At pH 7 most his- 
tidines are neutral (base form) as shown in the accompanying figure but the form 
with a positively charged side chain is present and it becomes more common at 
slightly lower pH. 

Lysine is a diamino acid with both a- and e-amino groups. The e-amino group 
exists as an alkylammonium ion ( — CH 2 — NH 3 ©) at neutral pH and confers a posi- 
tive charge on proteins. Arginine is the most basic of the 20 amino acids because its 


© 1 

H 3 N — C — H 







Histidine [H] 

H 3 N — C — H 



ch 2 



ch 2 


H 3 N — C — H 


ch 2 


ch 2 

cn 2 

©nh 3 

ch 2 

Lysine [K] 




/ c %© 

h 2 n nh 2 

Arginine [R] 

62 CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 



© 1 

H 3 N— c — H 

© 1 

H,N— C — H 


ch 2 

cn 2 

cn 2 



coo u 

Aspartate [D] 

Glutamate [E] 



COO 0 

COO 0 

© 1 

H 3 N — C — H 

© I 



/ \ 

/ % 

H 2 N 0 

H 2 N 0 

Asparagine [N] 

Glutamine [Q] 



Table 3.1 Hydropathy scale 

Amino acid 

Free energy 
change of transfer" 
(kj mol 1 ) 

Highly hydrophobic 











Less hydrophobic 


^.S h 















Highly hydrophilic 















°The free-energy change is for transfer of an 
amino acid residue from the interior of a lipid bi- 
layer to water. 

b On other scales, tryptophan has a lower hy- 
dropathy value. 

[Adapted from Eisenberg, D., Weiss, R. M., Ter- 
williger, T. C., Wilcox, W. (1982). Hydrophobic 
moments in protein structure. Faraday Symp. 
Chem. Soc. 17:109-120.] 

side-chain guanidinium ion is protonated under all conditions normally found within a 
cell. Arginine side chains also contribute positive charges in proteins. 

F. Negatively Charged R Groups and Their Amide Derivatives 

Aspartate (Asp, D) and glutamate (Glu, E) are dicarboxylic amino acids and have nega- 
tively charged hydrophilic side chains at pH 7. In addition to a-carboxyl groups, aspar- 
tate possesses a /3-carboxyl group and glutamate possesses a y-carboxyl group. Aspar- 
tate and glutamate confer negative charges on proteins because their side chains are 
ionized at pH 7. Aspartate and glutamate are sometimes called aspartic acid and glu- 
tamic acid but under most physiological conditions they are found as the conjugate 
bases and, like other carboxylates, have the suffix -ate. Glutamate is probably familiar as 
its monosodium salt, monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is used in food as a flavor 

Asparagine (Asn, N) and glutamine (Gin, Q) are the amides of aspartic acid and 
glutamic acid, respectively. Although the side chains of asparagine and glutamine are 
uncharged these amino acids are highly polar and are often found on the surfaces of 
proteins where they can interact with water molecules. The polar amide groups of as- 
paragine and glutamine can also form hydrogen bonds with atoms in the side chains of 
other polar amino acids. 

G. The Hydrophobicity of Amino Acid Side Chains 

The various side chains of amino acids range from highly hydrophobic, through weakly 
polar, to highly hydrophilic. The relative hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity of each 
amino acid is called its hydropathy. 

There are several ways of measuring hydropathy, but most of them rely on calculat- 
ing the tendency of an amino acid to prefer a hydrophobic environment over a hy- 
drophilic environment. A commonly used hydropathy scale is shown in Table 3.1. 
Amino acids with highly positive hydropathy values are considered hydrophobic 
whereas those with the largest negative values are hydrophilic. It is difficult to determine 
the hydropathy values of some amino acid residues that lie near the center of the scale. 
For example, there is disagreement over the hydropathy of the indole group of trypto- 
phan and in some tables tryptophan has a much lower hydropathy value. Conversely, 
cysteine can have a higher hydropathy value in some tables. 

Hydropathy is an important determinant of protein folding because hydrophobic 
side chains tend to be clustered in the interior of a protein and hydrophilic residues 
are usually found on the surface (Section 4.10). However, it is not yet possible to pre- 
dict accurately whether a given residue will be found in the nonaqueous interior of a 
protein or on the solvent-exposed surface. On the other hand, hydropathy measure- 
ments of free amino acids can be successfully used to predict which segments of 
membrane-spanning proteins are likely to be embedded in a hydrophobic lipid 
bilayer (Chapter 9). 

3.3 Other Amino Acids and Amino Acid Derivatives 

More than 200 different amino acids are found in living organisms. In addition to 
the 20 common amino acids covered in the previous section there are three others 
that are incorporated into proteins during protein synthesis. The 21st amino acid is 
N-formylmethionine which serves as the initial amino acid during protein synthesis in 
bacteria (Section 22.5). The 22nd amino acid is selenocysteine which contains selenium 
in place of the sulfur of cysteine. It is incorporated into a few proteins in almost every 
species. Selenocysteine is formed from serine during protein synthesis. The 23rd amino 
acid is pyrrolysine, found in some species of archaebacteria. Pyrrolysine is a modified 
form of lysine that is synthesized before being added to a growing polypeptide chain by 
the translation machinery. 

N-formylmethionine, selenocysteine, and pyrrolysine are incorporated at specific 
codons and that’s why they are considered additions to the standard repertoire of pro- 
tein precursors. Because of post-translational modifications many complete proteins 
have more than the standard 23 amino acids used in protein synthesis (see below). 

3.4 Ionization of Amino Acids 63 


u ooc— ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 2 — nh 3 

y-Ami nobutyrate 

(b) © 






i © 

CH — CH 2 — NH 2 — CH 3 



Thyroxine / Triiodothyronine 

▲ Figure 3.5 

Compounds derived from common amino acids, (a) y-Ami nobutyrate. a derivative of glutamate, 
(b) Histamine, a derivative of histidine, (c) Epinephrine, a derivative of tyrosine, (d) Thyroxine 
and triiodothyronine, derivatives of tyrosine. Thyroxine contains one more atom of iodine (in 
parentheses) than does triiodothyronine. 

In addition to the common 23 amino acids that are incorporated into proteins, all 
species contain a variety of L-amino acids that are either precursors of the common 
amino acids or intermediates in other biochemical pathways. Examples are homocys- 
teine, homoserine, ornithine, and citrulline (see Chapter 17). S-Adenosylmethionine 
(SAM) is a common methyl donor in many biochemical pathways (Section 7.2). Many 
species of bacteria and fungi synthesize D-amino acids that are used in cell walls and in 
complex peptide antibiotics such as actinomycin. 

Several common amino acids are chemically modified to produce biologically im- 
portant amines. These are synthesized by enzyme -catalyzed reactions that include de- 
carboxylation and deamination. In the mammalian brain, for example, glutamate is 
converted to the neurotransmitter y-aminobutyrate (GABA) (Figure 3.5a). Mammals 
can also synthesize histamine (Figure 3.5b) from histidine. Histamine controls the con- 
striction of certain blood vessels and also the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the 
stomach. In the adrenal medulla, tyrosine is metabolized to epinephrine, also known as 
adrenaline (Figure 3.5c). Epinephrine and its precursor, norepinephrine (a compound 
whose amino group lacks a methyl substituent), are hormones that help regulate me- 
tabolism in mammals. Tyrosine is also the precursor of the thyroid hormones thyroxine 
and triiodothyronine (Figure 3.5d). Biosynthesis of the thyroid hormones requires io- 
dide. Small amounts of sodium iodide are commonly added to table salt to prevent goi- 
ter, a condition of hypothyroidism caused by a lack of iodide in the diet. 

Some amino acids are chemically modified after they have been incorporated into 
polypeptides. In fact, there are hundreds of known post-translational modifications. 
For example, some proline residues in the protein collagen are oxidized to form hydrox- 
yproline residues (Section 4.1 1). Another common modification is the addition of com- 
plex carbohydrate chains — a process known as glycosylation (Chapters 8 and 22). Many 
proteins are phosphorylated, usually by the addition of phosphoryl groups to the side 
chains of serine, threonine, or tyrosine (histidine, lysine, cysteine, aspartate, and gluta- 
mate can also be phosphorylated). The oxidation of pairs of cysteine residues to form 
cystine also occurs after a polypeptide has been synthesized. 

3.4 Ionization of Amino Acids 

The physical properties of amino acids are influenced by the ionic states of the a-carboxyl 
and a-amino groups and of any ionizable groups in the side chains. Each ionizable 
group is associated with a specific p K a value that corresponds to the pH at which the 



C— N— C— H 

A {„, 



ch 3 



© I 

H 3 N — C — H 



coo 0 

© I 

H 3 N — C — H 


64 CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 



probably from aldehyde + “an” (for con- 
venience) + amine (1849) 


side chain is a sulfur (Greek theion ) atom 
with a methyl group (1928) 


crystallizes as a silver salt, from Latin 


alanine with a phenyl group (1883) 

argentum (silver) (1886) 


a corrupted form of “pyrrolidine” because 


first isolated from asparagus (1813) 

it forms a pyrrolidine ring (1904) 


similar to asparagine (1836) 


from the Latin sericum (silk), serine is com- 


first identified in the plant protein gluten 

mon in silk (1865) 



similar to the four- carbon sugar threose 


similar to glutamate (1866) 



from the Greek glykys (sweet), tastes sweet 


isolated from a tryptic digest of protein 1 
Greek phanein (to appear) (1890) 


from the Greek kystis (bladder), discovered 
in bladder stones (1882) 


found in cheese, from the Greek tyros 
(cheese) (1890) 


first isolated from sturgeon sperm, named 
for the Greek histidin (tissue) (1896) 


derivative of valeric acid from the plant 
genus Valeriana (1906) 


isomer of leucine 

Sources: Oxford English Dictionary 2nd ed., and Leung, S.H. (2000) Amino 



from the Greek leukos (white), forms white 
crystals (1820) 

product of protein hydrolysis, from the 
Greek lysis (loosening) (1891) 

acids, aromatic compounds, and carboxylic acids: how did they get their 
common names? /. Chem. Educ. 77: 48-49. 


For every acid-base pair the p/fa is the pH 
at which the concentrations of the two 
forms are equal. 

concentrations of the protonated and unprotonated forms are equal (Section 2.9). 
When the pH of the solution is below the p K a the protonated form predominates and 
the amino acid is then a true acid that is capable of donating a proton. When the pH of 
the solution is above the p K a of the ionizable group the unprotonated form of that 
group predominates and the amino acid exists as the conjugate base, which is a proton 
acceptor. Every amino acid has at least two p K a values corresponding to the ionization 
of the ct-carboxyl and a-amino groups. In addition, seven of the common amino acids 
have ionizable side chains with additional, measurable p K a values. These values differ 
among the amino acids. Thus, at a given pH, amino acids frequently have different net 
charges. Many of the modified amino acids have additional ionizable groups contribut- 
ing to the diversity of charged amino acid side chains in proteins. Phosphoserine and 
phosphotyrosine, for example, will be negatively charged. 

Knowing the ionic states of amino acid side chains is important for two reasons. 
First, the charged state influences protein folding and the three-dimensional structure of 
proteins (Section 4.10). Second, an understanding of the ionic properties of amino acids 
in the active site of an enzyme helps one understand enzyme mechanisms (Chapter 6). 

The pK a values of amino acids are determined from titration curves such as those 
we saw in the previous chapter. The titration of alanine is shown in Figure 3.6. Alanine 
has two ionizable groups — the a -carboxyl and the protonated a -amino group. As more 
base is added to the solution of acid, the titration curve exhibits two pK a values, at pH 
2.4 and pH 9.9. Each pK a value is associated with a buffering zone where the pH of the 
solution changes relatively little when more base is added. 

The pK a of an ionizable group corresponds to a midpoint of its titration curve. It is 
the pH at which the concentration of the acid form (proton donor) exactly equals the 
concentration of its conjugate base (proton acceptor). In the example shown in Figure 3.6 
the concentrations of the positively charged form of alanine and of the zwitterion are 
equal at pH 2.4. 

CH 3 ch 3 

i i 

©nh 3 — ch— cooh^^©nh 3 — ch— COO 0 + H© 

( 3 . 1 ) 

3.4 Ionization of Amino Acids 65 


H 2 N — CH — COO 


H © 

H © 



H 3 N — CH — COO 


H © 

H © 

CH 3 

© I 

H 3 N — CH — COOH 


◄ Figure 3.6 

Titration curve for alanine. The first p K a value 
is 2.4; the second is 9.9. pl A i a represents 
the isoelectric point of alanine. 

At pH 9.9 the concentration of the zwitterion equals the concentration of the nega- 
tively charged form. 

CH 3 ch 3 

i I 

©NH3 — CH — COO© NH 2 — CH — COO© + H© 



The ionic state of a particular amino acid 
side chain is determined by its p K a value 
and the pH of the local environment. 

Note that in the acid-base pair shown in the first equilibrium (Reaction 3.1) the 
zwitterion is the conjugate base of the acid form of alanine. In the second acid-base pair 
(Reaction 3.2) the zwitterion is the proton donor, or conjugate acid, of the more basic 
form that predominates at higher pH. 

One can deduce that the net charge on alanine molecules at pH 2.4 averages +0.5 
because there are equal amounts of neutral zwitterion (+/-) and cation (+). The net 
charge at pH 9.9 averages -0.5. Midway between pH 2.4 and pH 9.9, at pH 6.15, the av- 
erage net charge on alanine molecules in solution is zero. For this reason, pH 6.15 is re- 
ferred to as the isoelectric point (pi), or isoelectric pH, of alanine. If alanine were placed 
in an electric field at a pH below its pi it would carry a net positive charge (in other 
words, its cationic form would predominate), and it would therefore migrate toward the 
cathode (the negative electrode). At a pH higher than its pi alanine would carry a net 
negative charge and would migrate toward the anode (the positive electrode). At its iso- 
electric point (pH = 6.15) alanine would not migrate in either direction. 

Histidine contains an ionizable side chain. The titration curve for histidine contains 
an additional inflection point that corresponds to the p K a of its side chain (Figure 3.7a). 

v Figure 3.7 

Ionization of histidine, (a) Titration curve for 
histidine. The three p K a values are 1.8, 6.0, 
and 9.3. pi H ii S represents the isoelectric 
point of histidine, (b) Deprotonation of the 
imidazolium ring of the side chain of 



© I 

H 3 N — C — H 



Imidazolium ion 
(protonated form) 
of histidine side chain 


H © 


© I 

H 3 N — C — H 

CH 2 

<+ n: 


(deprotonated form) 
of histidine side chain 

66 CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 

Table 3.2 p K a values of acidic and basic 
constituents of free amino acids 
at 25°C 

Amino acid 

p/fa value 






















































Aspartic acid 




Glutamic acid 
















As is the case with alanine, the first p (1.8) represents the ionization of the a-COOH 
carboxyl group and the most basic pi^ a value (9.3) represents the ionization of the a- 
amino group. The middle p K a (6.0) corresponds to the deprotonation of the imida- 
zolium ion of the side chain of histidine (Figure 3.7b). At pH 7.0 the ratio of imidazole 
(conjugate base) to imidazolium ion (conjugate acid) is 10:1. Thus, the protonated and 
neutral forms of the side chain of histidine are both present in significant concentra- 
tions near physiological pH. A given histidine side chain in a protein may be either pro- 
tonated or unprotonated depending on its immediate environment within the protein. 
In other words, the actual p K a value of the side-chain group may not be the same as its 
value for the free amino acid in solution. This property makes the side chain of histidine 
ideal for the transfer of protons within the catalytic sites of enzymes. (A famous exam- 
ple is described in Section 6.7c.) 

The isoelectric point of an amino acid that contains only two ionizable groups (the 
a-amino and the a-carboxyl groups) is the arithmetic mean of its two pfC a values (i.e., 
pi = (pKi + pK 2 )/2). However, for an amino acid that contains three ionizable groups, 
such as histidine, one must assess the net charge of each ionic species. The isoelectric 
point for histidine lies between the pFC a values on either side of the species with no net 
charge, that is, midway between 6.0 and 9.3, or 7.65. 

As shown in Table 3.2 the p fC a values of the a-carboxyl groups of free amino acids 
range from 1.8 to 2.5. These values are lower than those of typical carboxylic acids such 
as acetic acid (p K a = 4.8) because the neighboring — NH 3 © group withdraws electrons 
from the carboxylic acid group and this favors the loss of a proton from the ct-carboxyl 
group. The side chains, or R groups, also influence the piC a value of the a - carboxyl 
group which is why different amino acids have different p K a values. (We have just seen 
that the values for histidine and alanine are not the same.) 

The a-COOH group of an amino acid is a weak acid. We can use the 
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation (Section 2.9) to calculate the fraction of the group 
that is ionized at any given pH. 

pH = p K a + log 

[proton acceptor] 
[proton donor] 


For a typical amino acid whose cr-COOH group has a p K a of 2.0, the ratio of pro- 
ton acceptor (carboxylate anion) to proton donor (carboxylic acid) at pH 7.0 can be 
calculated using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. 

7.0 = 2.0 + 

[RCOO 0 ] 
° 9 [RCOOH] 


In this case, the ratio of carboxylate anion to carboxylic acid is 100,000:1. This 
means that under the conditions normally found inside a cell the carboxylate anion is 
the predominant species. 

The a-amino group of a free amino acid can exist as a free amine, — NH 2 (proton ac- 
ceptor) or as a protonated amine, — NH 3 © (proton donor). The p fC a values range from 
8.7 to 10.7 as shown in Table 3.2. For an amino acid whose a-amino group has a p K a value 
of 10.0 the ratio of proton acceptor to proton donor is 1:1000 at pH 7.0. In other words, 
under physiological conditions the a - amino group is mostly protonated and positively 
charged. These calculations verify our earlier statement that free amino acids exist pre- 
dominantly as zwitterions at neutral pH. They also show that it is inappropriate to draw 
the structure of an amino acid with both — CO OH and — NH groups since there is no 
pH at which a significant number of molecules contain a protonated carboxyl group and 
an unprotonated amino group (see Problem 19). Note that the secondary amino group of 
proline (p K a = 10.6) is also protonated at neutral pH so proline — despite the bonding of 
the side chain to the a -amino group — is also zwitter ionic at pH 7. 

The seven standard amino acids with readily ionizable groups in their side chains 
are aspartate, glutamate, histidine, cysteine, tyrosine, lysine, and arginine. Ionization of 
these groups obeys the same principles as ionization of the ct-carboxyl and a-amino 
groups and the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation can be applied to each ionization. The 
ionization of the y-carboxyl group of glutamate (p K a = 4.1) is shown in Figure 3.8a. 

3.5 Peptide Bonds Link Amino Acids in Proteins 67 




h 3 n- 




p ch 2 


?ch 2 

cU ^OH 


pK a = 4.1 


Carboxylic acid 
(protonated form) 
of glutamate side chain 




H 3 N — C — H 


0ch 2 


y ch 2 


Carboxylate ion 
(deprotonated form) 
of glutamate side chain 



H 2 N — C — H 

H 2 N — C — H 


cn 2 

H © 



cn 2 

|h 2 

-Z — > 

p/C a = 12.5 

|h 2 

l H2 

‘ ^ 

cn 2 






H 2 N ' © ' nh 2 

HN^ NH 2 

Guanidinium ion 

Guanidine group 

(protonated form) 

(deprotonated form) 

of arginine side chain 

of arginine side chain 

▲ Figure 3.8 

Ionization of amino acid side chains, (a) Ionization of the protonated y-carboxyl group of glutamate. 
The negative charge of the carboxylate anion is delocalized, (b) Deprotonation of the guanidinium 
group of the side chain of arginine. The positive charge is delocalized. 

Note that the y-carboxyl group is further removed from the influence of the a-ammo- 
nium ion and behaves as a weak acid with a piC a of 4.1. This makes it similar in strength 
to acetic acid (pFC a = 4.8) whereas the ct-carboxyl group is a stronger acid (pFC a = 2.1). 
Figure 3.8b shows the deprotonation of the guanidinium group of the side chain of argi- 
nine in a strongly basic solution. Charge delocalization stabilizes the guanidinium ion 
contributing to its high p iC a value of 12.5. 

As mentioned earlier, the pFC a values of ionizable side chains in proteins can differ 
from those of the free amino acids. Two factors cause this perturbation of ionization 
constants. First, a-amino and a-carboxyl groups lose their charges once they are linked 
by peptide bonds in proteins — consequently, they exert weaker inductive effects on 
their neighboring side chains. Second, the position of an ionizable side chain within the 
three dimensional structure of a protein can affect its p K a . For example, the enzyme 
ribonuclease A has four histidine residues but the side chain of each residue has 
a slightly different p K a as a result of differences in their immediate surroundings, or 

3.5 Peptide Bonds Link Amino Acids in Proteins 

The linear sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain is called the primary structure 
of a protein. Higher levels of structure are referred to as secondary, tertiary, and quater- 
nary. The structure of proteins is covered more thoroughly in the next chapter but it’s 
important to understand peptide bonds and primary structure before discussing some 
of the remaining topics in this chapter. 

The linkage formed between amino acids is an amide bond called a peptide bond 
(Figure 3.9). This linkage can be thought of as the product of a simple condensation re- 
action between the ct-carboxyl group of one amino acid and the a-amino group of an- 
other. A water molecule is lost from the condensing amino acids in the reaction. (Recall 
from Section 2.6 that such simple condensation reactions are extremely unfavorable in 
aqueous solutions due to the huge excess of water molecules. The actual pathway of 
protein synthesis involves reactive intermediates that overcome this limitation.) Unlike 
the carboxyl and amino groups of free amino acids in solution the groups involved in 
peptide bonds carry no ionic charges. 

Linked amino acids in a polypeptide chain are called amino acid residues. The 
names of residues are formed by replacing the ending -ine or -ate with -yl. For example, 
a glycine residue in a polypeptide is called glycyl and a glutamate residue is called glutamyl. 

The structure of peptide bonds is 
described in Section 4.3. 

Protein synthesis (translation) is 
described in Chapter 22. 

68 CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 

Figure 3.9 ► 

Peptide bond between two amino acids. The 

structure of the peptide linkage can be 
viewed as the product of a condensation 
reaction in which the a-carboxyl group of 
one amino acid condenses with the a-amino 
group of another amino acid. The result is a 
dipeptide in which the amino acids are 
linked by a peptide bond. Here, alanine is 
condensed with serine to form alanylserine. 


ch 2 oh 


H 3 N — CH — COO° + H 3 N — CH — COO' 




ch 3 o 



N -terminus H 3 N — CH — C — N — CH — COO° C- terminus 


Peptide bond 


NH 3 

H — C— CH 2 — COO° 

c =o 




ch 3 

▲ Figure 3.10 

Aspartame (aspartylphenylalanine methyl 

In the cases of asparagine, glutamine, and cysteine, -yl replaces the final -e to form as- 
paraginyl, glutaminyl, and cysteinyl, respectively. The -yl ending indicates that the 
residue is an acyl unit (a structure that lacks the hydroxyl of the carboxyl group). The 
dipeptide in Figure 3.9 is called alanylserine because alanine is converted to an acyl unit 
but the amino acid serine retains its carboxyl group. 

The free amino group and free carboxyl group at the opposite ends of a peptide 
chain are called the N- terminus (amino terminus) and the C-terminus (carboxyl termi- 
nus), respectively. At neutral pH each terminus carries an ionic charge. By convention, 
amino acid residues in a peptide chain are numbered from the N-terminus to the 
C-terminus and are usually written from left to right. This convention corresponds to 
the direction of protein synthesis (Section 22.6). Synthesis begins with the N-terminal 
amino acid — almost always methionine (Section 22.5) — and proceeds sequentially to- 
ward the C-terminus by adding one residue at a time. 

Both the standard three-letter abbreviations for the amino acids (e.g., 
Gly-Arg-Phe-Ala-Lys) and the one-letter abbreviations (e.g., GRFAK) are used to de- 
scribe the sequence of amino acid residues in peptides and polypeptides. It’s important 
to know both abbreviation systems. The terms dipeptide , tripeptide , oligopeptide , and 
polypeptide refer to chains of two, three, several (up to about 20), and many (usually 
more than 20) amino acid residues, respectively. A dipeptide contains one peptide 
bond, a tripeptide contains two peptide bonds, and so on. As a general rule, each 
peptide chain, whatever its length, possesses one free a-amino group and one free 
a-carboxyl group. (Exceptions include covalently modified terminal residues and circu- 
lar peptide chains.) Note that the formation of a peptide bond eliminates the ioniz- 
able a-carboxyl and a-amino groups found in free amino acids. As a result, most of the 
ionic charges associated with a protein molecule are contributed by the side chains of 
the amino acids. This means that the solubility and ionic properties of a protein are 
largely determined by its amino acid composition. Furthermore, the side chains 
of the residues interact with each other and these interactions contribute to the three 
dimensional shape and stability of a protein molecule (Chapter 4). 

Some peptides are important biological compounds and the chemistry of peptides 
is an active area of research. Several hormones are peptides; for example, endorphins 
are the naturally occurring molecules that modulate pain in vertebrates. Some very sim- 
ple peptides are useful as food additives; for example, the sweetening agent aspartame is 
the methyl ester of aspartylphenylalanine (Figure 3.10). Aspartame is about 200 times 
sweeter than table sugar and is widely used in diet drinks. There are also many peptide 
toxins such as those found in snake venom and poisonous mushrooms. 

3.6 Protein Purification Techniques 

In order to study a particular protein in the laboratory it must be separated from all other 
cell components including other, similar proteins. Few analytical techniques will work 
with crude mixtures of cellular proteins because they contain hundreds (or thousands) of 
different proteins. The purification steps are different for each protein. They are worked 

3.6 Protein Purification Techniques 69 

out by trying a number of different techniques until a procedure is developed that repro- 
ducibly yields highly purified protein that is still biologically active. Purification steps usu- 
ally exploit minor differences in the solubilities, net charges, sizes, and binding specificities 
of proteins. In this section, we consider some of the common methods of protein purifica- 
tion. Most purification techniques are performed at 0°C to 4°C to minimize temperature- 
dependent processes such as protein degradation and denaturation (unfolding). 

The first step in protein purification is to prepare a solution of proteins. The source 
of a protein is often whole cells in which the target protein accounts for less than 0.1% 
of the total dry weight. Isolation of an intracellular protein requires that cells be sus- 
pended in a buffer solution and homogenized, or disrupted into cell fragments. Under 
these conditions most proteins dissolve. (Major exceptions include membrane proteins 
which require special purification procedures.) Let’s assume that the desired protein is 
one of many proteins in this solution. 

One of the first steps in protein purification is often a relatively crude separation 
that makes use of the different solubilities of proteins in salt solutions. Ammonium sul- 
fate is frequently used in such fractionations. Enough ammonium sulfate is mixed with 
the solution of proteins to precipitate the less soluble impurities, which are removed by 
centrifugation. The target protein and other more soluble proteins remain in the fluid 
called the supernatant fraction. Next, more ammonium sulfate is added to the super- 
natant fraction until the desired protein is precipitated. The mixture is centrifuged, the 
fluid removed, and the precipitate dissolved in a minimal volume of buffer solution. 
Typically, fractionation using ammonium sulfate gives a two- to threefold purification 
(i.e., one-half to two-thirds of the unwanted proteins have been removed from the re- 
sulting enriched protein fraction). At this point the solvent containing residual ammo- 
nium sulfate is exchanged by dialysis for a buffer solution suitable for chromatography. 

In dialysis, a protein solution is sealed in a cylinder of cellophane tubing and sus- 
pended in a large volume of buffer. The cellophane membrane is semipermeable — high 
molecular weight proteins are too large to pass through the pores of the membrane so 
proteins remain inside the tubing while low molecular weight solutes (including, in this 
case, ammonium and sulfate ions) diffuse out and are replaced by solutes in the buffer. 

Column chromatography is often used to separate a mixture of proteins. A cylindrical 
column is filled with an insoluble material such as substituted cellulose fibers or syn- 
thetic beads. The protein mixture is applied to the column and washed through the ma- 
trix of insoluble material by the addition of solvent. As solvent flows through the col- 
umn the eluate (the liquid emerging from the bottom of the column) is collected in 
many fractions, a few of which are represented in Figure 3.1 la. The rate at which pro- 
teins travel through the matrix depends on interactions between matrix and protein. 
For a given column different proteins are eluted at different rates. The concentration of 
protein in each fraction can be determined by measuring the absorbance of the eluate at 
a wavelength of 280 nm (Figure 3.11b). (Recall from Section 3.2B that at neutral pH, 
tyrosine and tryptophan absorb UV light at 280 nm.) To locate the target protein the 
fractions containing protein must then be assayed, or tested, for biological activity or 
some other characteristic property. Column chromatography may be performed under 
high pressure using small, tightly packed columns with solvent flow controlled by a 
computer. This technique is called HPLC, for high-performance liquid chromatography. 

Chromatographic techniques are classified according to the type of matrix. In ion- 
exchange chromatography the matrix carries positive charges (anion -exchange resins) or 
negative charges (cation -exchange resins). Anion- exchange matrices bind negatively 
charged proteins retaining them in the matrix for subsequent elution. Conversely, cation- 
exchange materials bind positively charged proteins. The bound proteins can be serially 
eluted by gradually increasing the salt concentration in the solvent. As the salt concentra- 
tion is increased it eventually reaches a concentration where the salt ions outcompete pro- 
teins in binding to the matrix. At this concentration the protein is released and is collected 
in the eluate. Individual bound proteins are eluted at different salt concentrations and this 
fractionation makes ion-exchange chromatography a powerful tool in protein purification. 

Gel-filtration chromatography separates proteins on the basis of molecular size. The 
gel is a matrix of porous beads. Proteins that are smaller than the average pore size 

▲ There is only one correct way to write the 
sequence of a polypeptide- from N-teminus 
to C-terminus. 

▲ Green mamba ( Dendroapsis angusticeps). 

One of the toxins in the venom of this poi- 
sonous snake is a large peptide with the 
CCRSDKCNE [Viljoen and Botes (1974). 
J.Biol.Chem. 249:366] 

70 CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 

Figure 3.1 1 ► 

Column chromatography, (a) A mixture of 
proteins is added to a column containing a 
solid matrix. Solvent then flows into the col- 
umn from a reservoir. Washed by solvent, 
different proteins (represented by red and 
blue bands) travel through the column at 
different rates, depending on their interac- 
tions with the matrix. Eluate is collected in 
a series of fractions, a few of which are 
shown, (b) The protein concentration of 
each fraction is determined by measuring 
the absorbance at 280 nm. The peaks corre- 
spond to the elution of the protein bands 
shown in (a). The fractions are then tested 
for the presence of the target protein. 




Fractions collected sequentially 

▲ Atypical high-performance liquid chro- 
matography (HPLC) system in a research lab 
(left). The large instrument on the right is a 
mass spectrometer (Istituto di Ricerche 
Farmacologiche, Milan, Italy) 

penetrate much of the internal volume of the beads and are therefore retarded by the 
matrix as the buffer solution flows through the column. The smaller the protein, the 
later it elutes from the column. Fewer of the pores are accessible to larger protein mole- 
cules. Consequently, the largest proteins flow past the beads and elute first. 

Affinity chromatography is the most selective type of column chromatography. It re- 
lies on specific binding interactions between the target protein and some other mole- 
cule that is covalently bound to the matrix of the column. The molecule bound to the 
matrix may be a substance or a ligand that binds to a protein in vivo , an antibody that 
recognizes the target protein, or another protein that is known to interact with the tar- 
get protein inside the cell. As a mixture of proteins passes through the column only the 
target protein specifically binds to the matrix. The column is then washed with buffer 
several times to rid it of nonspecifically bound proteins. Finally, the target protein can 
be eluted by washing the column with a solvent containing a high concentration of salt 
that disrupts the interaction between the protein and column matrix. In some cases, 
bound protein can be selectively released from the affinity column by adding excess lig- 
and to the elution buffer. The target protein preferentially binds to the ligand in solu- 
tion instead of the lower concentration of ligand that is attached to the insoluble matrix 
of the column. This method is most effective when the ligand is a small molecule. Affin- 
ity chromatography alone can sometimes purify a protein 1000- to 10,000-fold. 

3.7 Analytical Techniques 

Electrophoresis separates proteins based on their migration in an electric field. In 
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) protein samples are placed on a highly cross- 
linked gel matrix of polyacrylamide and an electric field is applied. The matrix is 

3.7 Analytical Techniques 71 

buffered to a mildly alkaline pH so that most proteins are anionic and migrate toward 
the anode. Typically, several samples are run at once together with a reference sample. 
The gel matrix retards the migration of large molecules as they move in the electric 
field. Hence, proteins are fractionated on the basis of both charge and mass. 

A modification of the standard electrophoresis technique uses the negatively 
charged detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to overwhelm the native charge on 
proteins so that they are separated on the basis of mass only. SDS-polyacrylamide gel 
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is used to assess the purity and to estimate the molecular 
weight of a protein. In SDS-PAGE the detergent is added to the polyacrylamide gel as 
well as to the protein samples. A reducing agent is also added to the samples to reduce 
any disulfide bonds. The dodecyl sulfate anion, which has a long hydrophobic tail 
(CH 3 (CH 2 )ii 0 S 03 ( ^ ) , Figure 2.8) binds to hydrophobic side chains of amino acid 
residues in the polypeptide chain. SDS binds at a ratio of approximately one molecule 
for every two residues of a typical protein. Since larger proteins bind proportionately 
more SDS the charge-to-mass ratios of all treated proteins are approximately the same. 
All the SDS-protein complexes are highly negatively charged and move toward the 
anode as diagrammed in Figure 3.12a. However, their rate of migration through the gel 
is inversely proportional to the logarithm of their mass — larger proteins encounter 
more resistance and therefore migrate more slowly than smaller proteins. This sieving 
effect differs from gel-filtration chromatography because in gel filtration larger mole- 
cules are excluded from the pores of the gel and hence travel faster. In SDS-PAGE all 
molecules penetrate the pores of the gel so the largest proteins travel most slowly. The 
protein bands that result from this differential migration (Figure 3.13) can be visualized 
by staining. Molecular weights of unknown proteins can be estimated by comparing 
their migration to the migration of reference proteins on the same gel. 

Although SDS-PAGE is primarily an analytical tool, it can be adapted for purifying 
proteins. Denatured proteins can be recovered from SDS-PAGE by cutting out the 
bands of a gel. The protein is then electroeluted by applying an electric current to allow 
the protein to migrate into a buffer solution. After concentration and the removal of 
salts such protein preparations can be used for structural analysis, preparation of anti- 
bodies, or other purposes. 



Bovine serum albumin 


Carbonic anhydrase 
Soybean trypsin inhibitor 

I Aprotinin* 

5 - 

~\ 1 1 1 1 1 

1 2 3 4 5 

Distance migrated (cm) 

▲ Figure 3.13 

Proteins separated on an SDS-polyacrylamide 
gel. (a) Stained proteins after separation. The 
high molecular weight proteins are at the top 
of the gel. (b) Graph showing the relationship 
between the molecular weight of a protein 
and the distance it migrates in the gel. 

◄ Figure 3.12 

SDS-PAGE. (a) An electrophoresis apparatus 
includes an SDS-polyacrylamide gel between 
two glass plates and buffer in the upper and 
lower reservoirs. Samples are loaded into the 
wells of the gel, and voltage is applied. Be- 
cause proteins complexed with SDS are neg- 
atively charged, they migrate toward the 
anode, (b) The banding pattern of the pro- 
teins after electrophoresis can be visualized 
by staining. The smallest proteins migrate 
fastest, so the proteins of lowest molecular 
weight are at the bottom of the gel. 


CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 

Mass spectrometry, as the name implies, is a technique that determines the mass of a 
molecule. The most basic type of mass spectrometer measures the time that it takes for 
a charged gas phase molecule to travel from the point of injection to a sensitive detector. 
This time depends on the charge of a molecule and its mass and the result is reported as 
the mass/charge ratio. The technique has been used in chemistry for almost 100 years 
but its application to proteins was limited because, until recently, it was not possible to 
disperse charged protein molecules into a gaseous stream of particles. 

This problem was solved in the late 1980s with the development of two new types 
of mass spectrometry. In electrospray mass spectrometry the protein solution is pumped 
through a metal needle at high voltage to create tiny droplets. The liquid rapidly evapo- 
rates in a vacuum and the charged proteins are focused on a detector by a magnetic 
field. The second new technique is called matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization 
(MALDI). In this method the protein is mixed with a chemical matrix and the mixture is 
precipitated on a metal substrate. The matrix is a small organic molecule that absorbs 
light at a particular wavelength. A laser pulse at the absorption wavelength imparts en- 
ergy to the protein molecules via the matrix. The proteins are instantly released from 
the substrate (desorbed) and directed to the detector (Figure 3.14). When time-of- flight 
(TOF) is measured, the technique is called MALDI-TOF. 

Figure 3.14 ► 

MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, (a) A burst 
of light releases proteins from the matrix. 

(b) Charged proteins are directed toward the 
detector by an electric field, (c) The time of 
arrival at the detector depends on the mass 
and the charge of the protein. 


Metal - 





° m 

On ,■ 




° o 



Oi 0° 





3.8 Amino Acid Composition of Proteins 73 

The raw data from a mass spectrometry experiment can be quite simple as shown 
in Figure 3.14. There, a single species with one positive charge is detected so the 
mass/charge ratio gives the mass directly. In other cases the spectra can be more com- 
plicated, especially in electrospray mass spectrometry. Often there are several different 
charged species and the correct mass has to be calculated by analyzing a collection of 
molecules with charges of +1, +2, +3, etc. The spectrum can be daunting when the 
source is a mixture of different proteins. Fortunately, there are sophisticated computer 
programs that can analyze the data and calculate the correct masses. The current popu- 
larity of mass spectrometry owes as much to the development of this software as it does 
to the new hardware and new methods of sample preparation. 

Mass spectrometry is very sensitive and highly accurate. Often the mass of a protein 
can be obtained from picomole (NT 12 mol) quantities that are isolated from an 
SDS-PAGE gel. The correct mass can be determined with an accuracy of less than the 
mass of a single proton. 

3.8 Amino Acid Composition of Proteins 

Once a protein has been isolated its amino acid composition can be determined. First, 
the peptide bonds of the protein are cleaved by acid hydrolysis, typically using 6 M HC1 
(Figure 3.15). Next, the hydrolyzed mixture, or hydrolysate, is subjected to a chromato- 
graphic procedure in which each of the amino acids is separated and quantitated, a 
process called amino acid analysis. One method of amino acid analysis involves treat- 
ment of the protein hydrolysate with phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) at pH 9.0 to generate 
phenylthiocarbamoyl (PTC)-amino acid derivatives (Figure 3.16). The PTC-amino 
acid mixture is then subjected to HPLC in a column of fine silica beads to which short 
hydrocarbon chains have been attached. The amino acids are separated by the hy- 
drophobic properties of their side chains. As each PTC-amino acid derivative is eluted 
it is detected and its concentration is determined by measuring the absorbance of the 
eluate at 254 nm (the peak absorbance of the PTC moiety). Since different PTC-amino 
acid derivatives are eluted at different rates the time at which an amino acid derivative 
elutes from the column identifies the amino acid relative to known standards. The 
amount of each amino acid in the hydrolysate is proportional to the area under its peak. 
With this method, amino acid analysis can be performed on samples as small as 1 pico- 
mole of a protein that contains approximately 200 residues. 

Despite its usefulness, acid hydrolysis cannot yield a complete amino acid analysis. 
Since the side chains of asparagine and glutamine contain amide bonds the acid used to 
cleave the peptide bonds of the protein also converts asparagine to aspartic acid and 
glutamine to glutamic acid. Other limitations of the acid hydrolysis method include 
small losses of serine, threonine, and tyrosine. In addition, the side chain of tryptophan 
is almost totally destroyed by acid hydrolysis. There are several ways of overcoming 
these limitations. For example, proteins can be hydrolyzed to amino acids by enzymes 

John B. Fenn (1917-) 

Koichi Tanaka (1959-) 

▲ John B. Fenn and Koichi Tanaka were 
awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 
2002 “for their development of soft 
desorption ionisation methods for mass 
spectrometric analyses of biological 




H R 



R-, O R 2 O R 3 

0 I II I II I 

H 3 N — CH — C — N — CH — C — N — CH — COOH 

H H 

2 H 2 0 

6 M HCI 

pH = 9.0 






H 3 N— CH — COOH + H 3 N — CH — COOH + H 3 N — CH — COOH 
▲ Figure 3.15 

Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of a peptide. Incubation with 6 M HCI at 110°C for 16 to 72 hours releases 
the constituent amino acids of a peptide. 

PTC-amino acid 
▲ Figure 3.16 

Amino acid treated with phenylisothiocyanate 
(PITC). The a-amino group of an amino acid 
reacts with phenylisothiocyanate to give a 
phenylthiocarbamoyl-amino acid 
(PTC-amino acid). 

74 CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 

Figure 3.17 ► 

HPLC separation of amino acids. Amino acids 
obtained from the enzymatic hydrolysis of a 
protein are treated with o-phthalaldehyde 
and separated by HPLC. 

The frequency of amino acids in pro- 
teins is correlated with the number of 
codons for each amino acid (Section 
22 . 1 ) 

Table 3.3 Amino acid compositions of 

Amino acid 

Frequency in 
proteins (%) 

Highly hydrophobic 

lie (1) 


Val (V) 


Leu (L) 


Phe (F) 


Met (M) 


Less hydrophobic 

Ala (A) 


Cly (C) 


Cys (C) 


Trp (W) 




Pro (P) 


Thr (T) 


Ser (S) 


Highly hydrophilic 

Asn (N) 


Gin (Q) 



Asp (D) 


Glu (E) 



His (H) 


Lys (K) 




Time (mm:ss) 

instead of using acid hydrolysis. The free amino acids are then attached to a chemical 
that absorbs light in the ultraviolet and the derivatized amino acids are analyzed by 
HPLC (Figure 3.17). 

Using various analytical techniques the complete amino acid compositions of 
many proteins have been determined. Dramatic differences in composition have been 
found, illustrating the tremendous potential for diversity based on different combina- 
tions of the 20 amino acids. 

The amino acid composition (and sequence) of proteins can also be determined 
from the sequence of its gene. In fact, these days it is often much easier to clone and se- 
quence DNA than it is to purify and sequence a protein. Table 3.3 shows the average fre- 
quency of amino acid residues in more than 1000 different proteins whose sequences 
are deposited in protein databases. The most common amino acids are leucine, alanine, 
and glycine, followed by serine, valine, and glutamate. Tryptophan, cysteine, and histi- 
dine are the least abundant amino acids in typical proteins. 

If you know the amino acid composition of a protein you can calculate the molec- 
ular weight using the molecular weights of the amino acids in Table 3.4. Be sure to sub- 
tract the molecular weight of one water molecule for each peptide bond (Section 3.5). You 
can get a rough estimate of the molecular weight of a protein by using the average mo- 
lecular weight of a residue (= 110). Thus, a protein of 650 amino acid residues has an 
approximate relative molecular mass of 71,500 (M r = 71,500). 

3.9 Determining the Sequence of Amino Acid Residues 

Amino acid analysis provides information on the composition of a protein but not its 
primary structure (sequence of residues). In 1950, Pehr Edman developed a technique 
that permits removal and identification of one residue at a time from the N-terminus of 
a protein. The Edman degradation procedure involves treating a protein at pH 9.0 with 
PITC, also known as the Edman reagent. (Recall that PITC can also be used in the meas- 
urement of free amino acids as shown in Figure 3.16.) PITC reacts with the free N-termi- 
nus of the chain to form a phenylthiocarbamoyl derivative, or PTC-peptide (Figure 3.18, 
on the next page). When the PTC-peptide is treated with an anhydrous acid, such as tri- 
fluoroacetic acid the peptide bond of the N-terminal residue is selectively cleaved re- 
leasing an anilinothiazolinone derivative of the residue. This derivative can be extracted 
with an organic solvent, such as butyl chloride, leaving the remaining peptide in the 
aqueous phase. The unstable anilinothiazolinone derivative is then treated with aque- 
ous acid which converts it to a stable phenylthiohydantoin derivative of the amino acid 
that had been the N-terminal residue (PTH-amino acid). The polypeptide chain in the 
aqueous phase, now one residue shorter (residue 2 of the original protein is now the N- 
terminus), can be adjusted back to pH 9.0 and treated again with PITC. The entire pro- 
cedure can be repeated serially using an automated instrument known as a sequenator. 
Each cycle yields a PTH-amino acid that can be identified chromatographically, usually 
by HPLC. 

3.9 Determining the Sequence of Amino Acid Residues 75 

The yield of the Edman degradation procedure under carefully controlled condi- 
tions approaches 100% and a few picomoles of sample protein can yield sequences of 
30 residues or more before further measurement is obscured by the increasing concen- 
tration of unrecovered sample from previous cycles of the procedure. For example, 
if the Edman degradation procedure had an efficiency of 98% the cumulative yield at 
the 30th cycle would be 0.98 30 , or 0.55. In other words, only about half of the 
PTH-amino acids generated in the 30th cycle would be derived from the 30th residue 
from the N- terminus. 

Rt O 

N = C = S + H 2 N — C — C— N 


H H 

Phenylisothiocyanate ^ Y J 

(Edman reagent) N-terminal residue 

of polypeptide 

pH = 9.0 

S Rt O O 


N — C — N — C — C — N — CH — C — N' wx ' 

I I I I I I 

H H H H R 2 H 


Table 3.4 Molecular weights of 
amino acids 

Amino acid 

M r 









































f 3 ccooh 



\ / 

S -C 

R i 


Anilinothiazolinone derivative 



H 3 N — CH — C — 

|\| WA, 

r 2 h 

Polypeptide chain with 
n-1 amino acid residues 

Aqueous acid 



Phenylthiohydantoin derivative 
of extracted N-terminal amino acid 

Amino acid identified 

Returned to alkaline conditions 
for reaction with additional 
phenylisothiocyanate in the 
next cycle of Edman degradation 

◄ Figure 3.18 

Edman degradation procedure. The N-terminal 
residue of a polypeptide chain reacts with 
phenylisothiocyanate to give a phenylthio- 
carbamoyl-peptide. Treating this derivative 
with trifluoroacetic acid (F 3 CC00H) releases 
an anilinothiazolinone derivative of the 
N-terminal amino acid residue. The 
anilinothiazolinone is extracted and treated 
with aqueous acid, which rearranges the 
derivative to a stable phenylthiohydantoin 
derivative that can then be identified 
chromatographically. The remainder of the 
polypeptide chain, whose new N-terminal 
residue was formerly in the second position, 
is subjected to the next cycle of Edman 


CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 

t Figure 3.19 

Protein cleavage by cyanogen bromide (CNBr). 

Cyanogen bromide cleaves polypeptide 
chains at the C-terminal side of methionine 
residues. The reaction produces a peptidyl 
homoserine lactone and generates a new 

3.10 Protein Sequencing Strategies 

Most proteins contain too many residues to be completely sequenced by Edman degra- 
dation proceeding only from the N-terminus. Therefore, proteases (enzymes that cat- 
alyze the hydrolysis of peptide bonds in proteins) or certain chemical reagents are used 
to selectively cleave some of the peptide bonds of a protein. The smaller peptides formed 
are then isolated and subjected to sequencing by the Edman degradation procedure. 

The chemical reagent cyanogen bromide (CNBr) reacts specifically with methionine 
residues to produce peptides with C-terminal homoserine lactone residues and new 
N-terminal residues (Figure 3.19). Since most proteins contain relatively few methion- 
ine residues treatment with CNBr usually produces only a few peptide fragments. For 
example, reaction of CNBr with a polypeptide chain containing three internal methion- 
ine residues should generate four peptide fragments. Each fragment can then be se- 
quenced from its N-terminus. 

Many different proteases can be used to generate fragments for protein sequenc- 
ing. For example, trypsin specifically catalyzes the hydrolysis of peptide bonds on the 
carbonyl side of lysine and arginine residues both of which bear positively charged side 
chains (Figure 3.20a). Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease catalyzes the cleavage of pep- 
tide bonds on the carbonyl side of negatively charged residues (glutamate and aspar- 
tate); under appropriate conditions (50 mM ammonium bicarbonate), it cleaves only 
glutamyl bonds. Chymotrypsin, a less specific protease, preferentially catalyzes the hy- 
drolysis of peptide bonds on the carbonyl side of uncharged residues with aromatic or 
bulky hydrophobic side chains, such as phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan 
(Figure 3.20b). 

By judicious application of cyanogen bromide, trypsin, S. aureus V8 protease, and 
chymotrypsin to individual samples of a large protein one can generate many peptide 
fragments of various sizes. These fragments can then be separated and sequenced by 
Edman degradation. In the final stage of sequence determination the amino acid se- 
quence of a large polypeptide chain can be deduced by lining up matching sequences of 
overlapping peptide fragments as illustrated in Figure 3.20c. When referring to an 
amino acid residue whose position in the sequence is known it is customary to follow 
the residue abbreviation with its sequence number. For example, the third residue of the 
peptide shown in Figure 3.20 is called Ala-3. 

The process of generating and sequencing peptide fragments is especially impor- 
tant in obtaining information about the sequences of proteins whose N-termini are 
blocked. For example, the N-terminal a-amino groups of many bacterial proteins are 
formylated and do not react at all when subjected to the Edman degradation procedure. 
Peptide fragments with unblocked N-termini can be produced by selective cleavage and 
then separated and sequenced so that at least some of the internal sequence of the pro- 
tein can be obtained. 

For proteins that contain disulfide bonds, the complete covalent structure is not 
fully resolved until the positions of the disulfide bonds have been established. The posi- 
tions of the disulfide cross-links can be determined by fragmenting the intact protein, 
isolating the peptide fragments, and determining which fragments contain cystine 
residues. The task of determining the positions of the cross-links becomes quite compli- 
cated when the protein contains several disulfide bonds. 

© ^ (p, 

H 3 N — Gly— Arg— Phe— Ala— Lys — Met— Trp— Val— COO u 

BrCN (+ H 2 0) 

© H H 0 n n 

H 3 N — Gly— Arg— Phe— Ala — Lys— N — C x + H 3 N — Trp — Val— COO u + H 3 CSCN + + Br e 

H 2 C 

\ / 

h 2 c — o 

Peptidyl homoserine lactone 

3.10 Protein Sequencing Strategies 77 

(a) H 3 N— Gly— Arg— Ala— Ser — Phe— Gly— Asn — Lys — Trp— Glu— Val— COO° 



© (p\ © (p\ © 

H 3 N— Gly — Arg— COO^ + H 3 N — Ala — Ser — Phe — Gly — Asn — Lys — COCr^ + H 3 N — Trp — Glu — Val — COCr^ 

(b) H 3 N — Gly — Arg— Ala —Ser— Phe — Gly — Asn— Lys —Trp— Glu — Val— COO° 



© p) © (p) ® (p) 

H 3 N— Gly— Arg — Ala — Ser— Phe— COO u + H 3 N — ly — Asn — Lys — Trp— COO u + H 3 N— Glu— Val— COO u 


Gly— Arg 

Ala — Ser — Phe — Gly — Asn — Lys 

Trp — Glu — Val 

Gly— Arg— Ala— Ser— Phe 

Gly — Asn — Lys — Trp 

Glu— Val 

Deducing the amino acid sequence of a particular protein from the sequence of its 
gene (Figure 3.21) overcomes some of the technical limitations of direct analytical tech- 
niques. For example, the amount of tryptophan can be determined and aspartate and 
asparagine residues can be distinguished because they are encoded by different codons. 
However, direct sequencing of proteins is still important since it is the only way of de- 
termining whether modified amino acids are present or whether amino acid residues 
have been removed after protein synthesis is complete. 

Researchers frequently want to identify a particular unknown protein. Let’s say you 
have displayed human serum proteins on an SDS gel and you note the presence of a 
protein band at 67 KDa. What is that protein? Two recent developments have made the 
job of identifying unknown proteins much easier — sensitive mass spectrometry and 
genome sequences. Let’s see how they work. 

First, you isolate the protein by cutting out the unknown protein band and eluting 
the 67 KD protein. The next step is to digest the protein with a protease that cuts at spe- 
cific sites. Let’s say you choose trypsin, an enzyme that cleaves the peptide bond follow- 
ing arginine (R) or lysine (K) residues. After digestion with trypsin you end up with 
several dozen peptide fragments all of which end with arginine or lysine. 

Next, you subject the peptide mixture to mass spectrometry choosing a method 
such as MALDI-TOF where the precise molecular weights of the peptides can be deter- 
mined. The resulting spectrum is shown in Figure 3.22. You now have a “fingerprint” of 
the unknown protein corresponding to the molecular weights of all the trypsin diges- 
tion products. 

In many labs the technique of chemical sequencing using Edman degradation has 
been replaced by methods using the mass spectrometer. If you wanted to determine the 
sequences of each peptide shown in Figure 3.22 your next step would be to fragment 
each peptide into various sized pieces and measure the precise molecular weight of each 
fragment in the mass spectrometer. 

The data can be used to determine the sequence of the peptide. For example, take 
the tryptic peptide of M r = 1226.59 shown in Figure 3.22. One of the large pieces 
produced by fragmenting this peptide has a molecular weight of 1079.5. The difference 



i r 

i r 

n r 

^ Lys — Ser — Glu — Pro — Val^ 

▲ Figure 3.20 

Cleavage and sequencing of an oligopeptide. 

(a) Trypsin catalyzes cleavage of peptides on 
the carbonyl side of the basic residues argi- 
nine and lysine, (b) Chymotrypsin catalyzes 
cleavage of peptides on the carbonyl side of 
uncharged residues with aromatic or bulky 
hydrophobic side chains, including pheny- 
lalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, (c) By 
using the Edman degradation procedure to 
determine the sequence of each fragment 
(highlighted in boxes) and then lining up the 
matching sequences of overlapping frag- 
ments, one can determine the order of the 
fragments and thus deduce the sequence of 
the entire oligopeptide. 

◄ Figure 3.21 

Sequences of DNA and protein. The amino acid 
sequence of a protein can be deduced from 
the sequence of nucleotides in the correspon- 
ding gene. A sequence of three nucleotides 
specifies one amino acid. A, C, G, and T rep- 
resent the nucleotide residues of DNA. 

78 CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 

1657.74 1853.89 

118-130 509-524 

M r 

▲ Figure 3.22 

Tryptic fingerprint of a 67 kDa serum protein. The numbers over each peak are the mass of the 
fragment. The number below each mass refer to the residues in Figure 3.23 (Adapted from 
Detlevuvkaw, Wikipedia entry on peptide mass fingerprinting) 

▲ Frederick Sanger (191 8-) Sanger won the 
Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1958 for his work 
on sequencing proteins. He was awarded a 
second Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1980 for 
developing methods of sequencing DNA. 

corresponds to a Phe (F) residue (1226.6 — 1079.5 = 147.1), meaning that Phe (F) is the 
residue at one end of the tryptic peptide. Another large fragment might have a molecu- 
lar weight of 1098.5 and the difference (1226.6 — 1098.1) is the exact molecular weight 
of a Lys (K) residue. Thus, Lys (K) is the residue at the other end of the peptide. This has 
to be the C-terminal end since you know that trypsin cleaves after lysine or arginine 
residues. You can get the exact sequence of the peptide by analyzing the masses of all 
fragments in this manner. One of them will have a molecular weight of 258.0 and that is 
almost certainly the dipeptide Glu-Glu (EE). (The actual analysis is a bit more compli- 
cated than this but the principle is the same.) 

But it’s often not necessary to do the second mass spectrometry analysis in order to 
identify an unknown protein. Since your unkown protein is from a species whose 
genome has been sequenced you can simply compare the tryptic fingerprint to the pre- 
dicted fingerprints of all the proteins encoded by all the genes in the genome. The data- 
base consists of a collection of hypothetical peptides produced by analyzing the amino 
acid sequence of each protein including proteins of unknown function that are known 
only from their sequence. In most cases your collection of peptide masses from the 
unknown protein will match only one protein from one of the genes in the database. 

In this case, the match is to human serum albumin, a well known serum protein 
(Figure 3.23). The masses of several of the peptides correspond to the predicted masses 
of the peptides identified in red in the sequence. Take, for example, the peptide of M r = 
1226.59 in the output from the tryptic fingerprint. This is exactly the predicted mass of 
the peptide from residues 35-44 (FKDLGEENFK). (Note that the first trypsin cleavage 
site follows the arginine residue at position 34 and the second cleavage site is after the 
lysine residue at position 44.) 

A single match is not sufficient to identify an unknown protein. In the example 
shown here there are 21 peptide fragments that match the amino acid sequence of 
human serum albumin and this is more than sufficient to uniquely identify the protein. 

In 1953, Frederick Sanger was the first scientist to determine the complete sequence 
of a protein (insulin). In 1958, he was awarded a Nobel Prize for this work. Twenty- two 
years later, Sanger won a second Nobel Prize for pioneering the sequencing of nucleic 
acids. Today we know the amino acid sequences of thousands of different proteins. 
These sequences not only reveal details of the structure of individual proteins but 
also allow researchers to identify families of related proteins and to predict the three- 
dimensional structure, and sometimes the function, of newly discovered proteins. 

3.1 1 Comparisons of the Primary Structures of Proteins Reveal Evolutionary Relationships 79 


























































































































▲ Figure 3.23 

The sequence of human serum albumin. Red residues highlight predicted tryptic peptides and the 
ones identified in the tryptic fingerprint (Figure 3.22) are underlined. 

3.11 Comparisons of the Primary Structures of 
Proteins Reveal Evolutionary Relationships 

In many cases workers have obtained sequences of the same protein from a number of dif- 
ferent species. The results show that closely related species contain proteins with very simi- 
lar amino acid sequences and that proteins from distantly related species are much less sim- 
ilar in sequence. The differences reflect evolutionary change from a common ancestral 
protein sequence. As more and more sequences were determined it soon became clear that 
one could construct a tree of similarities and this tree closely resembled the phylogenetic 
trees constructed from morphological comparisons and the fossil record. The evidence 
from molecular data was producing independent confirmation of the history of life. 

The first sequence-based trees were published almost 50 years ago. One of the earli- 
est examples was the tree for cytochrome c — a single polypeptide chain of approxi- 
mately 104 residues. It provides us with an excellent example of evolution at the molec- 
ular level. Cytochrome c is found in all aerobic organisms and the protein sequences 
from distantly related species, such as mammals and bacteria, are similar enough to 
confidently conclude that the proteins are homologous. (Different proteins and genes are 
defined as homologues if they have descended from a common ancestor. The evidence 
for homology is based on sequence similarity.) 

The first step in revealing evolutionary relationships is to align the amino acid se- 
quences of proteins from a number of species. Figure 3.24 shows an example of such an 
alignment for cytochrome c. The alignment reveals a remarkable conservation of 
residues at certain positions. For example, every sequence contains a proline at position 
30 and a methionine at position 80. In general, conserved residues contribute to the 
structural stability of the protein or are essential for its function. 

There is selection against any amino acid substitutions at these invariant posi- 
tions. A limited number of substitutions are observed at other sites. In most cases, the 
allowed substitutions are amino acid residues with similar properties. For example, 
position 20 can be occupied by leucine, isoleucine, or valine — these are all hydropho- 
bic residues. Similarly, many sites can be occupied by a number of different polar 
residues. Some positions are highly variable — residues at these sites contribute very 
little to the structure and function of the protein. The majority of observed amino 
acid substitutions in homologous proteins are neutral with respect to natural selection. 
The fixation of substitutions at such positions during evolution is due to random ge- 
netic drift and the phylogenetic tree represents proteins that have the same fuction 
even though they have different amino acid sequences. 

The function of cytochrome c is 
described in Section 14.7. 


Homology is a conclusion that is based 
on evidence such as sequence similarity. 
Homologous proteins descend from a 
common ancestor. There are degrees of 
sequence similarity (e.g., 75% identity), 
but homology is an all-or-nothing 
conclusion. Something is either 
homologous or it isn’t. 


CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 

Figure 3.24 ► 

Cytochrome c sequences. The sequences of cytochrome c proteins from various species are aligned 
to show their similarities. In some cases, gaps (signified by hyphens) have been introduced to im- 
prove the alignment. The gaps represent deletions and insertions in the genes that encode these 
proteins. For some species, additional residues at the ends of the sequence have been omitted. 
Hydrophobic residues are blue and polar residues are red. 

The cytochrome c sequences of humans and chimpanzees are identical. This is a re- 
flection of their close evolutionary relationship. The monkey and macaque sequences 
are very similar to the human and chimpanzee sequences as expected since all four 
species are primates. Similarly, the sequences of the plant cytochrome c molecules re- 
semble each other much more than they resemble any of the other sequences. 

Figure 3.25 illustrates the similarities between cytochrome c sequences in different 
species by depicting them as a tree whose branches are proportional in length to the 
number of differences in the amino acid sequences of the protein. Species that are closely 
related cluster together on the same branches of the tree because their proteins are very 
similar. At great evolutionary distances the number of differences may be very large. For 
example, the bacterial sequences differ substantially from the eukaryotic sequences 
reflecting divergence from a common ancestor that lived several billion years ago. The 
tree clearly reveals the three main kingdoms of eukaryotes — fungi, animals, and plants. 
(Protist sequences are not included in this tree in order to make it less complicated.) 

Note that every species has changed since divurging from their common ancastor. 

Candida kloeckeri 


Zebra, chimpanzee 
horse v Macaquej Monkey 

RabbitK Penguin 

Gray /-Chicken, turkey 


xoo/ Pl 9 eon . 

^-Snapping turtle 




► Figure 3.25 

Phylogenetic tree for cytochrome c. The 

length of the branches reflects the number 
of differences between the sequences of 
many cytochrome c proteins. [Adapted from 
Schwartz, R. M., and Dayhoff, M. 0. 
(1978). Origins of prokaryotes, eukaryotes, 
mitochondria, and chloroplasts. Science 










50 60 























Spider monkey 




















































Gray whale 





















































































































King penguin 













Snapping turtle 


























Bull frog 



















































Fruit fly 
































































Mung bean 













































































































































3.1 1 Comparisons of the Primary Structures of Proteins Reveal Evolutionary Relationships 

82 CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 


1. Proteins are made from 20 standard amino acids each of which 
contains an amino group, a carboxyl group, and a side chain, or 
R group. Except for glycine, which has no chiral carbon, all amino 
acids in proteins are of the L configuration. 

2. The side chains of amino acids can be classified according to their 
chemical structures — aliphatic, aromatic, sulfur containing, alco- 
hols, bases, acids, and amides. Some amino acids are further clas- 
sified as having highly hydrophobic or highly hydrophilic side 
chains. The properties of the side chains of amino acids are im- 
portant determinants of protein structure and function. 

3. Cells contain additional amino acids that are not used in protein 
synthesis. Some amino acids can be chemically modified to pro- 
duce compounds that act as hormones or neurotransmitters. Some 
amino acids are modified after incorporation into polypeptides. 

4. At pH 7, the o;-carboxyl group of an amino acid is negatively 
charged ( — COO®) and the a-amino group is positively charged 
( — NH 3 ®). The charges of ionizable side chains depend on both 
the pH and their p K a values. 

5. Amino acid residues in proteins are linked by peptide bonds. The 
sequence of residues is called the primary structure of the protein. 

6. Proteins are purified by methods that take advantage of the differ- 
ences in solubility, net charge, size, and binding properties of in- 
dividual proteins. 

7. Analytical techniques such as SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry 
reveal properties of proteins such as molecular weight. 

8. The amino acid composition of a protein can be determined 
quantitatively by hydrolyzing the peptide bonds and analyzing the 
hydrolysate chromatographically. 

9. The sequence of a polypeptide chain can be determined by the 
Edman degradation procedure in which the N-terminal residues 
are successively cleaved and identified. 

10. Proteins with very similar amino acid sequences are homolo- 
gous — they descend from a common ancestor. 

11. A comparison of sequences from different species reveals evolu- 
tionary relationships. 


1. Draw and label the stereochemical structure of L-cysteine. Indi- 
cate whether it is R or S by referring to Box 3.2 on page 61. 

2. Show that the Fischer projection of the common form of threo- 
nine (page 60) corresponds to 2 S, 3R-threonine. Draw and name 
the three other isomers of threonine. 

3. Histamine dihydrochloride is administered to melanoma (skin 
cancer) patients in combination with anticancer drugs because it 
makes the cancer cells more receptive to the drugs. Draw the 
chemical structure of histamine dihydrochloride. 

4. Dried fish treated with salt and nitrite has been found to contain 
the mutagen 2-chloro-4-methylthiobutanoic acid (CMBA). From 
what amino acid is CMBA derived? 


H 3 c — .CH 

CH 2 

3V “ , ^ n 2\ _ , \ 





5. For each of the following modified amino acid side chains, iden- 
tify the amino acid from which it was derived and the type of 
chemical modification that has occurred. 

(a) — CH 2 0P0 3 ® 

(b) — CH 2 CH1COO 0 2 2 

(c) — 1 CH 2 24 — NH — C102CH 3 

6. The tripeptide glutathione (GSH) (y-Glu-Cys-Gly) serves a pro- 
tective function in animals by destroying toxic peroxides that are 
generated during aerobic metabolic processes. Draw the chemical 
structure of glutathione. Note: The y symbol indicates that the 
peptide bond between Glu and Cys is formed between the 
y-carboxyl of Glu and the amino group of Cys. 

7. Melittin is a 26-residue polypeptide found in bee venom. In its 
monomeric form, melittin is thought to insert into lipid-rich 
membrane structures. Explain how the amino acid sequence of 
melittin accounts for this property. 

0 1 

H 3 N-Gly-Ile-Gly-Ala-Val-Leu-Lys-Val-Leu-Thr-Gly-Leu 

Pro-Ala-Leu-Ile-Ser-Trp-Ile-Lys-Arg-Lys-Arg-Gln-Gln-NH 2 


8. Calculate the isoelectric points of (a) arginine and (b) glutamate. 

9. Oxytocin is a nonapeptide (a nine-residue peptide) hormone in- 
volved in the milk- releasing response in lactating mammals. The 
sequence of a synthetic version of oxytocin is shown below. What 
is the net charge of this peptide at (a) pH 2.0, (b) pH 8.5, and 
(c) pH 10.7? Assume that the ionizable groups have the pK a val- 
ues listed in Table 3.2. The disulfide bond is stable at pH 2.0, pH 
8.5, and pH 10.7. Note that the C-terminus is amidated. 

Cys— Phe— lie — Glu— Asn— Cys — Pro— His — Gly — NH 2 

10. Draw the following structures for compounds that would occur 
during the Edman degradation procedure: (a) PTC-Leu-Ala, 

(b) PTH-Ser, (c) PTH-Pro. 

11. Predict the fragments that will be generated from the treatment 
of the following peptide with (a) trypsin, (b) chymotrypsin, and 

(c) S. aureusYS protease. 


Problems 83 

12. The titration curve for histidine is shown below. The p K a values 
are 1.8 ( — COOH), 6.0 (side chain), and 9.3 ( — NH 3 ®). 

(a) Draw the structure of histidine at each stage of ionization. 

(b) Identify the points on the titration curve that correspond to 
the four ionic species. 

(c) Identify the points at which the average net charge is +2, +0.5 
and —1. 

(d) Identify the point at which the pH equals the ipK a of the side 

(e) Identify the point that indicates complete titration of the side 

(f ) In what pH ranges would histidine be a good buffer? 

13 . You have isolated a decapeptide (a 10-residue peptide) called FP, 
which has anticancer activity. Determine the sequence of the pep- 
tide from the following information. (Note that amino acids are 
separated by commas when their sequence is not known.) 

(a) One cycle of Edman degradation of intact FP yields 2 mol of 
PTH- aspartate per mole of FP. 

(b) Treatment of a solution of FP with 2-mercaptoethanol fol- 
lowed by the addition of trypsin yields three peptides with 
the composition (Ala, Cys, Phe), (Arg, Asp), and (Asp, Cys, 
Gly, Met, Phe). The intact (Ala, Cys, Phe) peptide yields 
PTH-cysteine in the first cycle of Edman degradation. 

(c) Treatment of 1 mol of FP with carboxypeptidase (which 
cleaves the C-terminal residue from peptides) yields 2 mol of 

(d) Treatment of the intact pentapeptide (Asp, Cys, Gly, Met, 
Phe) with CNBr yields two peptides with the composition 
(homoserine lactone, Asp) and (Cys, Gly, Phe). The (Cys, Gly, 
Phe) peptide yields PTH-glycine in the first cycle of Edman 

14 . A portion of the amino acid sequences for cytochrome c from the 
alligator and bullfrog are given (from Figure 3.24). 

Amino acids 31-50 



(a) Give an example of a substitution involving similar amino 

(b) Give an example of a more radical substitution. 

15 . Several common amino acids are modified to produce biologi- 
cally important amines. Serotonin is a biologically important 
neurotransmitter synthesized in the brain. Low levels of serotonin 
in the brain have been linked to conditions such as depression, 
aggression, and hyperactivity. From what amino acid is serotonin 
derived? Identify the differences in structure between the amino 
acid and serotonin. 


16 . The structure of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is shown 
below. TRH is a peptide hormone originally isolated from the ex- 
tracts of hypothalamus. 

(a) How many peptide bonds are present in TRH? 

(b) From what tripeptide is TRH derived? 

(c) What result do the modifications have on the charges of the 
amino and carboxyl-terminal groups? 

CK +h 2 ch 2 

ch 2 o o h 2 C +H 2 o 

\ /II II \ / // 

N— HC c— NH — CH — C N— HC— C 

H | \ 

h 2 c nh 2 


\ / 


17 . Chirality plays a major role in the development of new pharma- 
ceuticals. People with Parkinsons disease have depleted amounts 
of dopamine in their brains. In an effort to increase the amount 
of dopamine in patients, they are given the drug L-dopa which is 
converted to dopamine in the brain. L-Dopa is marketed in an 
enantiomerically pure form, (a) Give the RS designation for 
L-dopa. (b) From which amino acid are both L-dopa and dopamine 


co 2 

84 CHAPTER 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 

18. Generations of biochemistry students have encountered a ques- 
tion like the one below on their final exam. 

Calculate the approximate concentration of the uncharged form 
of alanine (see below) in a 0.01 M solution of alanine at (a) pH 2.4 
(b) pH 6.15 and (c) pH 9.9. 

H 2 N — CH— COOH 

Can you answer the question without peeking at the solution? 

19. A solution of 0.0 1M alanine is adjusted to pH 2.4 by adding 
NaOH. What is the concentration of the zwitterion in this solu- 
tion? What would it be if the pH was 4.0? 

Selected Readings 


Creighton, T. E. (1993). Proteins: Structures and 
Molecular Principles , 2nd ed. (New York: W. H. 
Freeman), pp. 1-48. 

Greenstein, J. P., and Winitz, M. (1961). Chemistry 
of the Amino Acids (New York: John Wiley 8c 

Kreil, G. (1997). D-Amino Acids in Animal Pep- 
tides. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 66:337-345. 

Meister, A. (1965). Biochemistry of the Amino 
Acids , 2nd ed. (New York: Academic Press). 

Protein Purification and Analysis 

Hearn, M. T. W. (1987). General strategies in the 
separation of proteins by high-performance liquid 
chromatographic methods./. Chromatogr. 418:3-26. 

Mann, M., Hendrickson, R.C., and Pandry, A. 
(2001) Analysis of Proteins and Proteomes by 
Mass Spectrometry. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Sherman, L. S., and Goodrich, J. A. (1985). The 
historical development of sodium dodecyl 
sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. 
Chem. Soc. Rev. 14:225-236. 

Stellwagen, E. (1990). Gel filtration. Methods Enzy- 
mol. 182:317-328. 

Amino Acid Analysis and Sequencing 

Doolittle, R. F. (1989). Similar amino acid se- 
quences revisited. Trends Biochem. Sci. 


Han, K. -K., Belaiche, D., Moreau, O., and Briand, 
G. (1985). Current developments in stepwise 
Edman degradation of peptides and proteins. Int. 

J. Biochem. 17:429-445. 

Hunkapiller, M. W., Strickler, J. E., and Wilson, K. J. 
(1984). Contemporary methodology for protein 
structure determination. Science 226:304-31 1. 

Ozols, J. (1990). Amino acid analysis. Methods 
Enzymol. 182:587-601. 

Sanger, F. (1988). Sequences, sequences, and se- 
quences. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 57:1-28. 

Proteins: Three-Dimensional 
Structure and Function 

W e saw in the previous chapter that a protein can be described as a chain of 
amino acids joined by peptide bonds in a specific sequence. However, 
polypeptide chains are not simply linear but are also folded into compact 
shapes that contain coils, zigzags, turns, and loops. Over the last 50 years the three- 
dimensional shapes, or conformations, of thousands of proteins have been determined. A 
conformation is a spatial arrangement of atoms that depends on the rotation of a bond or 
bonds. The conformation of a molecule, such as a protein, can change without breaking 
covalent bonds whereas the various configurations of a molecule can be changed only by 
breaking and re-forming covalent bonds. (Recall that the L and D forms of amino acids 
represent different configurations.) Each protein has an astronomical number of poten- 
tial conformations. Since every amino acid residue has a number of possible conforma- 
tions and since there are many residues in a protein. Nevertheless, under physiological 
conditions most proteins fold into a single stable shape known as its native conforma- 
tion. A number of factors constrain rotation around the covalent bonds in a polypep- 
tide chain in its native conformation. These include the presence of hydrogen bonds 
and other weak interactions between amino acid residues. The biological function of a 
protein depends on its native three-dimensional conformation. 

A protein may be a single polypeptide chain or it may be composed of several 
polypeptide chains bound to each other by weak interactions. As a general rule, each 
polypeptide chain is encoded by a single gene although there are some interesting ex- 
ceptions to this rule. The size of genes and the polypeptides they encode can vary by 
more than an order of magnitude. Some polypeptides contain only 100 amino acid 
residues with a relative molecular mass of about 11,000 (M r = 11,000) (Recall that the 
average relative molecular mass of an amino acid residue of a protein is 110.) On the 
other hand, some very large polypeptide chains contain more than 2000 amino acid 
residues (M r = 220,000). 

From the intensity of the spots near 
the centre , we can infer that the pro- 
tein molecules are relatively dense 
globular bodies , perhaps joined to- 
gether by valency bridges , but in any 
event separated by relatively large 
spaces which contain water. From the 
intensity of the more distant spots , it 
can be inferred that the arrangement 
of atoms inside the protein molecule is 
also of a perfectly definite kind , al- 
though without the periodicities char- 
acterising the fibrous proteins. The ob- 
servations are compatible with oblate 
spheroidal molecules of diameters about 
25 A. and 35 A., arranged in hexago- 
nal screw-axis. ... At this stage , such 
ideas are merely speculative , but now 
that a crystalline protein has been 
made to give X-ray photographs , it is 
clear that we have the means of check- 
ing them and, by examining the struc- 
ture of all crystalline proteins , arriving 
at a far more detailed conclusion about 
protein structure than previous physi- 
cal or chemical methods have been 
able to give. 

— Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (1 934) 

Top: Bighorn sheep. The skin, wool, and horns are composed largely of fibrous proteins. 


86 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

Classes of proteins are described in 
the introduction to Chapter 3, and the 
various classes of enzymes are 
described in Section 5.1. 

The terms globular proteins and fibrous 
proteins are rarely used in modern sci- 
entific publications. There are many 
proteins that don’t fit into either category. 

In some species, the size and sequence of every polypeptide can be determined 
from the sequence of the genome. There are about 4000 different polypeptides in the 
bacterium Escherichia coli with an average size of about 300 amino acid residues 
(M r = 33,000). The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster contains about 14,000 different 
polypeptides with an average size about the same as that in bacteria. Humans and other 
mammals have about 20,000 different polypeptides. The study of large sets of proteins, 
such as the entire complement of proteins produced by a cell, is part of a field of study 
called proteomics. 

Proteins come in a variety of shapes. Many are water-soluble, compact, roughly 
spherical macromolecules whose polypeptide chains are tightly folded. Such proteins — 
traditionally called globular proteins — characteristically have a hydrophobic interior and 
a hydrophilic surface. They possess indentations or clefts that specifically recognize and 
transiently bind other compounds. By selectively binding other molecules these pro- 
teins serve as dynamic agents of biological action. Many globular proteins are 
enzymes — the biochemical catalysts of cells. About 31% of the polypeptides in E. coli are 
classical metabolic enzymes such as those described in the next few chapters. Other pro- 
teins include various factors, carrier proteins, and regulatory proteins; 12% of the 
known proteins in E. coli fall into these categories. 

Polypeptides can also be components of large subcellular or extracellular structures 
such as ribosomes, flagella and cilia, muscle, and chromatin. Fibrous proteins are a partic- 
ular class of structural proteins that provide mechanical support to cells or organisms. 
Fibrous proteins are typically assembled into large cables or threads. Examples of 
fibrous proteins are a-keratin, the major component of hair and nails, and collagen, the 
major protein component of tendons, skin, bones, and teeth. Other examples of structural 
proteins include the protein components of viruses, bacteriophages, spores, and pollen. 

► Escherichia coli proteins. Proteins from 
E. coli cells are separated by two-dimensional 
gel electrophoresis. In the first dimension, 
the proteins are separated by a pH gradient 
where each protein migrates to its isoelec- 
tric point. The second dimension separates 
proteins by size on an SDS-polyacrylamide 
gel. Each spot corresponds to a single 
polypeptide. There are about 4000 different 
proteins in E. coli, but some of them are 
present in very small quantities and can’t be 
seen on this 2-D gel. This figure is from the 
Swiss-2D PAGE database. You can visit this 
site and click on any one of the spots to find 
out more about a particular protein. 

4.1 There Are Four Levels of Protein Structure 87 

Many proteins are either integral components of membranes or membrane-associated 
proteins. Membrane proteins account for at least 16% of the polypeptides in E. coli and 
a much higher percentage in eukaryotic cells. 

This chapter describes the molecular architecture of proteins. We will explore the 
conformation of the peptide bond and see that two simple shapes, the a helix and the 
/ 3 sheet, are common structural elements in all classes of proteins. We will describe 
higher levels of protein structure and discuss protein folding and stabilization. Finally, 
we will examine how protein structure is related to function using collagen, hemoglo- 
bin, and antibodies as examples. Above all, we will learn that proteins have properties 
beyond those of free amino acids. Chapters 5 and 6 describe the role of proteins as en- 
zymes. The structures of membrane proteins are examined in more detail in Chapter 9 
and proteins that bind nucleic acids are covered in Chapters 20 to 22. 

4.1 There Are Four Levels of Protein Structure 

Individual protein molecules have up to four levels of structure (Figure 4.1). As noted in 
Chapter 3, primary structure describes the linear sequence of amino acid residues in a 
protein. The three-dimensional structure of a protein is described by three additional 
levels: secondary structure, tertiary structure, and quaternary structure. The forces re- 
sponsible for maintaining, or stabilizing, these three levels are primarily noncovalent. 

Secondary structure refers to regularities in local conformations maintained by hy- 
drogen bonds between amide hydrogens and carbonyl oxygens of the peptide back- 
bone. The major secondary structures are a helices, /3 strands, and turns. Cartoons 
showing the structures of folded proteins usually represent ct-helical regions by helices 
and (3 strands by broad arrows pointing in the N-terminal to C- terminal direction. 

Tertiary structure describes the completely folded and compacted polypeptide chain. 
Many folded polypeptides consist of several distinct globular units linked by a short 
stretch of amino acid residues as shown in Figure 4.1c. Such units are called domains. 
Tertiary structures are stabilized by the interactions of amino acid side chains in non- 
neighboring regions of the polypeptide chain. The formation of tertiary structure 
brings distant portions of the primary and secondary structures close together. 

(a) Primary structure 

(c) Tertiary structure 


(b) Secondary structure 

a helix 

/3 sheet 

(d) Quaternary structure 

◄ Figure 4.1 

Levels of protein structure, (a) The linear 
sequence of amino acid residues defines the 
primary structure, (b) Secondary structure 
consists of regions of regularly repeating 
conformations of the peptide chain such as 
a helices and /3 sheets, (c) Tertiary structure 
describes the shape of the fully folded 
polypeptide chain. The example shown has 
two domains, (d) Quaternary structure refers 
to the arrangement of two or more polypep- 
tide chains into a multisubunit molecule. 


CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

Some proteins possess quaternary structure — the association of two or more 
polypeptide chains into a multisubunit, or oligomeric, protein. The polypeptide chains 
of an oligomeric protein may be identical or different. 

4.2 Methods for Determining Protein Structure 

As we saw in Chapter 3, the amino acid sequence of polypeptides (i.e., primary struc- 
ture) can be determined directly by sequencing the protein or indirectly by sequencing 
the gene. The usual technique for determining the three-dimensional conformation of a 
protein is X-ray crystallography. In this technique, a beam of collimated (parallel) 
X rays is aimed at a crystal of protein molecules. Electrons in the crystal diffract the 
X rays that are then recorded on film or by an electronic detector (Figure 4.2). Mathe- 
matical analysis of the diffraction pattern produces an image of the electron clouds sur- 
rounding atoms in the crystal. This electron density map reveals the overall shape of the 
molecule and the positions of each of the atoms in three-dimensional space. By com- 
bining these data with the principles of chemical bonding it is possible to deduce the lo- 
cation of all the bonds in a molecule and hence its overall structure. The technique of 
X-ray crystallography has developed to the point where it is possible to determine the 
structure of a protein without precise knowledge of the amino acid sequence. In prac- 
tice, knowledge of the primary structure makes fitting of the electron density map 
much easier at the stage where chemical bonds between atoms are determined. 

Initially, X-ray crystallography was used to study the simple repeating units of fibrous 
proteins and the structures of small biological molecules. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin was 
one of the early pioneers in the application of X-ray crystallography to biological mole- 
cules. She solved the structure of penicillin in 1947 and developed many of the techniques 
used in the study of large proteins. Hodgkin received the Nobel Prize in 1964 for deter- 
mining the structure of vitamin B 12 and she later published the structure of insulin. 

The chief impediment to determining the three-dimensional structure of an entire 
protein was the difficulty of calculating atomic positions from the positions and inten- 
sities of diffracted X-ray beams. Not surprisingly, the development of X-ray crystallog- 
raphy of macromolecules closely followed the development of computers. By 1962, 
John C. Kendrew and Max Perutz had elucidated the structures of the proteins myo- 
globin and hemoglobin, respectively, using large and very expensive computers at 
Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. Their results provided the first insights 
into the nature of the tertiary structures of proteins and earned them a Nobel Prize in 
1962. Since then, the structures of many proteins have been revealed by X-ray crystal- 
lography. In recent years, there have been significant advances in the technology due to 
the availability of inexpensive high-speed computers and improvements in producing 
focused beams of X rays. The determination of protein structures is now limited mainly 

Figure 4.2 ► 

X-ray crystallography, (a) Diagram of X rays 
diffracted by a protein crystal, (b) X-ray dif- 
fraction pattern of a crystal of adult human 
deoxyhemoglobin. The location and intensity 
of the spots are used to determine the three- 
dimensional structure of the protein. 


of X rays 


Beam of 
X rays 



4.2 Methods for Determining Protein Structure 89 

◄ Bioinformatics in the 1950s. Bror Strand- 
berg (left) and Dick Dickerson (right) carry- 
ing computer tapes from the EDSAC II 
computer center in Cambridge, UK. The 
tapes contain X-ray diffraction data from 
crystals of myoglobin. 

by the difficulty of preparing crystals of a quality suitable for X-ray diffraction and even 
that step is mostly carried out by computer- driven robots. 

A protein crystal contains a large number of water molecules and it is often possi- 
ble to diffuse small ligands such as substrate or inhibitor molecules into the crystal. In 
many cases, the proteins within the crystal retain their ability to bind these ligands and 
they often exhibit catalytic activity. The catalytic activity of enzymes in the crystalline 
state demonstrates that the proteins crystallize in their in vivo native conformations. 
Thus, the protein structures solved by X-ray crystallography are accurate representa- 
tions of the structures that exist inside cells. 

Once the three-dimensional coordinates of the atoms of a macromolecule have 
been determined, they are deposited in a data bank where they are available to other 
scientists. Biochemists were among the early pioneers in exploiting the Internet to 
share data with researchers around the world — the first public domain databases of 
biomolecular structures and sequences were established in the late 1970s. Many of the 
images in this text were created using data files from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). 

Visit the website for information on how 
to view three-dimensional structures 
and retrieve data files. 

◄ Max Perutz (1914-2002) (left) and John 
C. Kendrew (1917-1997) (right). Kendrew 
determined the structure of myoglobin and 
Perutz determined the structure of hemoglo- 
bin. They shared the Nobel Prize in 1962. 

90 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 


▲ Figure 4.3 

Bovine ( Bos taurus ) ribonuclease A. Ribonu- 
clease A is a secreted enzyme that hydrolyzes 
RNA during digestion, (a) Space-filling model 
showing a bound substrate analog in black, 
(b) Cartoon ribbon model of the polypeptide 
chain showing secondary structure, (c) View 
of the substrate-binding site. The substrate 
analog (5'-diphosphoadenine-3'-phosphate) 
is depicted as a space-filling model, and the 
side chains of amino acid residues are shown 
as ball-and-stick models. [PDB 1AFK] 

Figure 4.4 ► 

Bovine ribonuclease A NMR structure. The 

figure combines a set of very similar struc- 
tures that satisfy the data on atomic interac- 
tions. Only the backbone of the polypeptide 
chain is shown. Compare this structure with 
that in Figure 4.3b. Note the presence of 
disulfide bridges (yellow), which are not 
shown in the images derived from the X-ray 
crystal structure. [PDB 2AAS]. 

We will list the PDB filename, or accession number, for every protein structure shown in 
this text so that you can view the three-dimensional structure on your own computer. 

There are many ways of depicting the three-dimensional structure of proteins. 
Space-filling models (Figure 4.3a) depict each atom as a solid sphere. Such images re- 
veal the dense, closely packed nature of folded polypeptide chains. Space-filling models 
of structures are used to illustrate the overall shape of a protein and the surface exposed 
to aqueous solvent. One can easily appreciate that the interior of folded proteins is 
nearly impenetrable, even by small molecules such as water. 

The structure of a protein can also be depicted as a simplified cartoon that empha- 
sizes the backbone of the polypeptide chain (Figure 4.3b). In these models, the amino 
acid side chains have been eliminated, making it easier to see how the polypeptide folds 
into a three-dimensional shape. Such models have the advantage of allowing us to see 
into the interior of the protein, and they also reveal elements of secondary structure such 
as a helices and / 3 strands. By comparing the structures of different proteins, it is possible 
to recognize common folds and patterns that can t be seen in space-filling models. 

The most detailed models are those that emphasize the structures of the amino 
acid side chains and the various covalent bonds and weak interactions between atoms 
(Figure 4.3c). Such detailed models are especially important in understanding how a 
substrate binds in the active site of an enzyme. In Figure 4.3c, the backbone is shown in 
the same orientation as in Figure 4.3b. 

Another technique for analyzing the macromolecular structure of proteins is nu- 
clear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. This method permits the study of pro- 
teins in solution and therefore does not require the painstaking preparation of crystals. 
In NMR spectroscopy, a sample of protein is placed in a magnetic field. Certain atomic 
nuclei absorb electromagnetic radiation as the applied magnetic field is varied. Because 
absorbance is influenced by neighboring atoms, interactions between atoms that are 
close together can be recorded. By combining these results with the amino acid se- 
quence and known structural constraints it is possible to calculate a number of struc- 
tures that satisfy the observed interactions. 

Figure 4.4 depicts the complete set of structures for bovine ribonuclease A — the 
same protein whose X-ray crystal structure is shown in Figure 4.3. Note that the possible 
structures are very similar and the overall shape of the molecule is easily seen. In some 
cases, the set of NMR structures may represent fluctuations, or “breathing,” of the pro- 
tein in solution. The similarity of the NMR and X-ray crystal structures indicates that the 
protein structures found in crystals accurately represent the structure of the protein in 
solution but in some cases the structures do not agree. Often this is due to disordered 
regions that do not show up in the X-ray crystal structure (Section 4.7D). On very rare 
occasions the protein crystallyzes in a conformation that is not the true native form. The 
NMR structure is thought to be more accurate. 

In general, the NMR spectra for small proteins such as ribonuclease A can be easily 
solved but the spectrum of a large molecule can be extremely complex. For this reason, it 
is very difficult to determine the structure of larger proteins but the technique is very 
powerful for smaller proteins. 

4.3 The Conformation of the Peptide Group 91 

4.3 The Conformation of the Peptide Group 

Our detailed study of protein structure begins with the structure of the peptide bonds 
that link amino acids in a polypeptide chain. The two atoms involved in the peptide 
bond, along with their four substituents (the carbonyl oxygen atom, the amide hydro- 
gen atom, and the two adjacent a-carbon atoms), constitute the peptide group. X-ray 
crystallographic analyses of small peptides reveal that the bond between the carbonyl 
carbon and the nitrogen is shorter than typical C — N single bonds but longer than typ- 
ical C=N double bonds. In addition, the bond between the carbonyl carbon and the 
oxygen is slightly longer than typical C=0 double bonds. These measurements reveal 
that peptide bonds have some double-bond properties and can best be represented as a 
resonance hybrid (Figure 4.5). 

Note that the peptide group is polar. The carbonyl oxygen has a partial negative 
charge and can serve as a hydrogen acceptor in hydrogen bonds. The nitrogen has a par- 
tial positive charge, and the — NH group can serve as a hydrogen donor in hydrogen 
bonds. Electron delocalization and the partial double-bond character of the peptide 
bond prevent unrestricted free rotation around the C — N bond. As a result, the atoms 
of the peptide group lie in the same plane (Figure 4.6). Rotation is still possible around 
each N — C a bond and each C a — C bond in the repeating N — C a — C backbone of 
proteins. As we will see, restrictions on free rotation around these two additional bonds 
ultimately determine the three-dimensional conformation of a protein. 

Because of the double-bond nature of the peptide bond, the conformation of the 
peptide group is restricted to one of two possible conformations, either trans or cis 
(Figure 4.7). In the trans conformation, the two a-carbons of adjacent amino acid 
residues are on opposite sides of the peptide bond and at opposite corners of the rectan- 
gle formed by the planar peptide group. In the cis conformation, the two a-carbons are 
on the same side of the peptide bond and are closer together. The cis and trans confor- 
mations arise during protein synthesis when the peptide bond is formed by joining 
amino acids to the growing polypeptide chain. The two conformations are not easily 
interconverted by free rotation around the peptide bond once it has formed. 

The cis conformation is less favorable than the extended trans conformation be- 
cause of steric interference between the side chains attached to the two a-carbon atoms. 
Consequently, nearly all peptide groups in proteins are in the trans conformation. Rare 
exceptions occur, usually at bonds involving the amide nitrogen of proline. Because of 
the unusual ring structure of proline, the cis conformation creates only slightly more 
steric interference than the trans conformation. 

Remember that even though the atoms of the peptide group lie in a plane, rotation is 
still possible about the N — C a and C a — C bonds in the repeating N — C a — C backbone. 
This rotation is restricted by steric interference between main-chain and side-chain atoms 
of adjacent residues. One of the most important restrictions on free rotation is steric in- 
terference between carbonyl oxygens on adjacent amino acid residues in the polypeptide 







a 2 



— C 


1 V/ 






II V/ 

-ft I 


▲ Figure 4.5 

Resonance structure of the peptide bond. 

(a) In this resonance form, the peptide bond 
is shown as a single C — N bond, (b) In this 
resonance form, the peptide bond is shown 
as a double bond, (c) The actual structure is 
best represented as a hybrid of the two reso- 
nance forms in which electrons are delocal- 
ized over the carbonyl oxygen, the carbonyl 
carbon, and the amide nitrogen. Rotation 
around the C — N bond is restricted due to 
the double-bond nature of the resonance 
hybrid form. 


H /R2 

JC «2 





R, H 


i, ft 

O R 3 H 

▲ Figure 4.6 

Planar peptide groups in a polypeptide chain. 

A peptide group consists of the N — H and 
C=0 groups involved in formation of the 
peptide bond, as well as the a-carbons on 
each side of the peptide bond. Two peptide 
groups are highlighted in this diagram. 

◄ Figure 4.7 

Trans and cis conformations of a peptide group. 

Nearly all peptide groups in proteins are in 
the trans conformation, which minimizes 
steric interference between adjacent side 
chains. The arrows indicate the direction 
from the N- to the C-terminus. 

# u-carbon O Hydrogen Q Oxygen 

O Carbonyl carbon O Nitrogen O Side chain 

92 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

Figure 4.8 ► 

Rotation around the N — C a and C a — C bonds 
that link peptide groups in a polypeptide chain. 

(a) Peptide groups in an extended conforma- 
tion. (b) Peptide groups in an unstable confor- 
mation caused by steric interference between 
carbonyl oxygens of adjacent residues. The 
van der Waals radii of the carbonyl oxygen 
atoms are shown by the dashed lines. The 
rotation angle around the N — C a bond is 
called (p (phi), and that around the C a — C 
bond is called if/ (psi). The substituents of 
the outer a-carbons have been omitted for 

# u-carbon O Hydrogen 

O Carbonyl carbon O Nitrogen 

Side chain 

chain (Figure 4.8). The presence of bulky side chains also restricts free rotation around 
the N — C a and C a — C bonds. Proline is a special case — rotation around the N — C a 
bond is constrained because it is part of the pyrrolidine ring structure of proline. 

The rotation angle around the N — C a bond of a peptide group is designated cp (phi), 
and that around the C a — C bond is designated ip (psi). The peptide bond angle is co 
(omega). Because rotation around peptide bonds is hindered by their double-bond char- 
acter, most of the conformation of the backbone of a polypeptide can be described by cp 
and ip. Each of these angles is defined by the relative positions of four atoms of the back- 
bone. Clockwise angles are positive, and counterclockwise angles are negative, with each 
having a 180° sweep. Thus, each of the rotation angles can range from —180° to +180°. 

The biophysicist G. N. Ramachandran and his colleagues constructed space-filling 
models of peptides and made calculations to determine which values of and ip are 
sterically permitted in a polypeptide chain. Permissible angles are shown as shaded re- 
gions in Ramachandran plots of cp versus ip. Figure 4.9a shows the results of theoretical 
calculations — the dark, shaded regions represent permissible angles for most residues, 
and the lighter areas cover the cp and ip values for smaller amino acid residues where the 



▲ Figure 4.9 

Ramachandran plot, (a) Solid lines indicate the range of permissible cp and if/ values based on molecular models. Dashed lines give the outer limits for 
an alanine residue. Large blue dots correspond to values of cp and if/ that produce recognizable conformations such as the a helix and /3 sheets. The 
positions shown for the type II turn are for the second and third residues. The white portions of the plot correspond to values of <p and if/ that were 
predicted to occur rarely, (b) Observed cp and if/ values in known structures. Crosses indicate values for typical residues in a single protein. Residues in 
an a helix are shown in red, /3-strand residues are blue, and others are green. 

4.3 The Conformation of the Peptide Group 93 

R groups don’t restrict rotation. Blank areas on a Ramachandran plot are nonpermissi- 
ble areas, due largely to steric hindrance. The conformations of several types of ideal 
secondary structure fall within the shaded areas, as expected. 

Another version of a Ramachandran plot is shown in Figure 4.9b. This plot is based 
on the observed cp and i/s angles of hundreds of proteins whose structures are known. 
The enclosed inner regions represent angles that are found very frequently, and the 
outer enclosed regions represent angles that are less frequent. Typical observed angles 
for a helices, /3 sheets, and other structures in a protein are plotted. The most important 
difference between the theoretical and observed Ramachandran plots is in the region 
around 0 °cp and —90°i/j. This region should not be permitted according to the modeling 
studies but there are many examples of residues with these angles. It turns out that 
steric clashes are prevented in these regions by allowing a small amount of rotation 
around the peptide bond. The peptide group does not have to be exactly planar — a little 
bit of wiggle is permitted! 

Some bulky amino acid residues have smaller permitted areas. Proline is restricted 
to a cp value of about —60° to —77° because its N — C a bond is constrained by inclusion 
in the pyrrolidine ring of the side chain. In contrast, glycine is exempt from many steric 
restrictions because it lacks a /3-carbon. Thus, glycine residues have greater conforma- 
tional freedom than other residues and have cp and i/s values that often fall outside the 
shaded regions of the Ramachandran plot. 


The three-dimensional conformation of a 
polypeptide backbone is defined by the 
cp (phi) and i/j (psi) angles of rotation 
around each peptide group. 


Almost all peptide groups adopt the trans conformation since 
that is the one favored during protein synthesis. It is much 
more stable than the cis conformation (with one exception). 
Spontaneous switching to the cis conformation is very rare 
and it is almost always accompanied by loss of function since 
the structure of the protein is severely affected. 

However, the activity of some proteins is actually 
regulated by conformation changes due to cis/trans isomer- 
ization. The change in peptide group conformation invari- 
ably takes place at proline residues because the cis conforma- 
tion is almost as stable as the trans conformation. This is the 
one exception to the rule. 

Specific enzymes, called peptidyl prolyl cis/trans iso- 
merases, catalyze the interconversion of cis and trans confor- 
mation at proline residues by transiently destabilizing the 
resonance hybrid structure of the peptide bond and allowing 
rotation. One important class of these enzymes recognizes 
Ser-Pro and Thr-Pro bonds whenever the serine and threo- 
nine residues are phosphorylated. Phosphorylation of amino 
acid residues is an important mechanism of regulation by co- 
valent modification (see Section 5.9D). The gene for this type 
of peptidyl prolyl cis/trans isomerase is called Pinl and it is 
present in all eukaryotes. 

In the small flowering plant, Arabidopsis thalianna , Pinl 
protein acts on some transcription factors that control the tim- 
ing of flowering. When threonine residues are phosphorylated, 
the transcription factors are recognized by Pinl and the confor- 
mation of the Thr-Pro bond is switched from trans to cis. The 
resulting conformational change in the structure of the protein 
leads to activation of the transcription factors and transcription 
of the genes required for producing flowers. Flowering is con- 
siderably delayed when the synthesis of peptidyl prolyl cis/trans 
isomerase is inhibited by mutations in the Pinl gene. 

In humans the cis/trans isomerase encoded by Pinl plays 
a role in regulating gene expression by modifying RNA poly- 
merase, transcription factors, and other proteins. Mutations in 
this gene have been implicated in several hereditary diseases. 
The structure of human peptidyl prolyl cis/trans isomerase is 
shown in Figure 4.23e. 

a Arabidopsis thalianna, also known as thale cress or mouse-ear 
cress, is a relative of mustard. It is a favorite model organism in plant 
biology because it is easy to grow in the laboratory. 

94 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

▲ Linus Pauling (1901-1994), winner of 
the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954 and 
the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962. 

4.4 The « Helix 

The a-helical conformation was proposed in 1950 by Linus Pauling and Robert Corey. 
They considered the dimensions of peptide groups, possible steric constraints, and op- 
portunities for stabilization by formation of hydrogen bonds. Their model accounted 
for the major repeat observed in the structure of the fibrous protein a-keratin. This repeat 
of 0.50 to 0.55 nm turned out to be the pitch (the axial distance per turn) of the a helix. 
Max Perutz added additional support for the structure when he observed a secondary 
repeating unit of 0.15 nm in the X-ray diffraction pattern of a-keratin. The 0.15 nm 
repeat corresponds to the rise of the a helix (the distance each residue advances the 
helix along its axis). Perutz also showed that the a helix was present in hemoglobin, 
confirming that this conformation was present in more complex globular proteins. 

In theory, an a helix can be either a right- or a left-handed screw. The a helices 
found in proteins are almost always right-handed, as shown in Figure 4.10. In an ideal a 
helix, the pitch is 0.54 nm, the rise is 0.15 nm, and the number of amino acid residues 
required for one complete turn is 3.6 (i.e., approximately 3 2/3 residues: one carbonyl 
group, three N — C a — C units, and one nitrogen). Most a helices are slightly distorted 
in proteins but they generally have between 3.5 and 3.7 residues per turn. 

Right-handed a helix 


(advance 0.54 nm 
per turn) 

Rise (advance per 
amino acid residue) 

% u-carbon 
O Carbonyl carbon 
O Hydrogen 
O Nitrogen 

O Oxygen 


O Side chain 

▲ Figure 4.10 

a Helix. A region of a-helical secondary structure is shown with the N-terminus at the bottom and the C-terminus at the top of the figure. Each 
carbonyl oxygen forms a hydrogen bond with the amide hydrogen of the fourth residue further toward the C-terminus of the polypeptide chain. 

The hydrogen bonds are approximately parallel to the long axis of the helix. Note that all the carbonyl groups point toward the C-terminus. In an ideal 
a helix, equivalent positions recur every 0.54 nm (the pitch of the helix), each amino acid residue advances the helix by 0.15 nm along the long axis of 
the helix (the rise), and there are 3.6 amino acid residues per turn. In a right-handed helix the backbone turns in a clockwise direction when viewed 
along the axis from its N-terminus. If you imagine that the right-handed helix is a spiral staircase, you will be turning to the right as you walk down the 

4.4 The a Helix 95 

Within an a helix, each carbonyl oxygen (residue n) of the polypeptide backbone is 
hydrogen-bonded to the backbone amide hydrogen of the fourth residue further to- 
ward the C-terminus (residue n + 4). (The three amino groups at one end of the helix 
and the three carbonyl groups at the other end lack hydrogen-bonding partners within 
the helix.) Each hydrogen bond closes a loop containing 13 atoms — the carbonyl oxy- 
gen, 1 1 backbone atoms, and the amide hydrogen. Thus, an a helix can also be called a 
3.6 13 helix based on its pitch and hydrogen-bonded loop size. The hydrogen bonds 
that stabilize the helix are nearly parallel to the long axis of the helix. 

The ip and ip angles of each residue in an a helix are similar. They cluster around 
a stable region of the Ramachandran plot centered at a cp value of —57° and a ip value of 
—47° (Figure 4.9). The similarity of these values is what gives the a helix a regular, re- 
peating structure. The intramolecular hydrogen bonds between residues n and n + 4 
tend to “lock in” rotation around the N — C a and C a — C bonds restricting the ip and ip 
angles to a relatively narrow range. 

A single intrahelical hydrogen bond would not provide appreciable structural sta- 
bility but the cumulative effect of many hydrogen bonds within an a helix stabilizes this 
conformation. Hydrogen bonds between amino acid residues are especially stable in the 
hydrophobic interior of a protein where water molecules do not enter and therefore 
cannot compete for hydrogen bonding. In an a helix, all the carbonyl groups point to- 
ward the C-terminus. The entire helix is a dipole with a positive N-terminus and a neg- 
ative C-terminus since each peptide group is polar and all the hydrogen bonds point in 
the same direction. 

The side chains of the amino acids in an a helix point outward from the cylinder 
of the helix and they are not involved in the hydrogen bonds that stabilize the a helix 
(Figure 4.11). However, the identity of the side chains affects the stability in other 
ways. Because of this, some amino acid residues are found in a-helical conformations 
more often than others. For example, alanine has a small, uncharged side chain and 
fits well into the ct-helical conformation. Alanine residues are prevalent in the a he- 
lices of all classes of proteins. In contrast, tyrosine and asparagine with their bulky 
side chains are less common in a helices. Glycine, whose side chain is a single hydro- 
gen atom, destabilizes a-helical structures since rotation around its a-carbon is so 
unconstrained. For this reason, many a helices begin or end with glycine residues. 
Proline is the least common residue in an a helix because its rigid cyclic side chain 
disrupts the right-handed helical conformation by occupying space that a neighbor- 
ing residue of the helix would otherwise occupy. In addition, because it lacks a hydro- 
gen atom on its amide nitrogen, proline cannot fully participate in intrahelical hydrogen 
bonding. For these reasons, proline residues are found more often at the ends of a helices 
than in the interior. 

Proteins vary in their a-helical content. In some proteins most of the residues are in 
a helices, whereas other proteins contain very little a-helical structure. The average 
content of a helix in the proteins that have been examined is 26%. The length of a 
helix in a protein can range from about 4 or 5 residues to more than 40 — the average is 
about 12. 

Many a helices have hydrophilic amino acids on one face of the helix cylinder and 
hydrophobic amino acids on the opposite face. The amphipathic nature of the helix is 
easy to see when the amino acid sequence is drawn as a spiral called a helical wheel. The 
a helix shown in Figure 4.11 can be drawn as a helical wheel representing the helix 
viewed along its axis. Because there are 3.6 residues per turn of the helix, the residues 
are plotted every 100° along the spiral (Figure 4.12). Note that the helix is a right-handed 
screw and it is terminated by a glycine residue at the C-terminal end. The hydrophilic 
residues (asparagine, glutamate, aspartate, and arginine) tend to cluster on one side of 
the helical wheel. 

Amphipathic helices are often located on the surface of a protein with the hy- 
drophilic side chains facing outward (toward the aqueous solvent) and the hydropho- 
bic side chains facing inward (toward the hydrophobic interior). For example, the helix 
shown in Figures 4.1 1 and 4.12 is on the surface of the water-soluble liver enzyme alco- 
hol dehydrogenase with the side chains of the first, fifth, and eighth residues 

▲ Figure 4.1 1 

View of a right-handed a helix. The blue rib- 
bon indicates the shape of the polypeptide 
backbone. All the side chains, shown as 
bal l-and-stick models, project outward from 
the helix axis. This example is from residues 
lle-355 (bottom) to Gly-365 (top) of horse 
liver alcohol dehydrogenase. Some hydrogen 
atoms are not shown. [PDB 1ADF]. 

▲ A right-handed a helix. This helix was 
created by Julian Voss-Andreae. It stands 
outside Linus Panling’s childhood home in 
Portland, Oregon, United States. 

96 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

Figure 4.12 ► 

a helix in horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase. 

Highly hydrophobic residues are blue, less 
hydrophobic residues are green, and highly 
hydrophilic residues are red. (a) Sequence of 
amino acids, (b) Helical wheel diagram. 

The known frequencies of various 
amino acid residues in a helices are 
used to predict the secondary structure 
based on the primary sequence alone. 

▲ Figure 4.14 

Leucine zipper region of yeast 
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae). GCN4 protein 
bound to DNA. GCN4 is a transcription reg- 
ulatory protein that binds to specific DNA 
sequences. The DNA-binding region consists 
of two amphipathic a helices, one from each 
of the two subunits of the protein. The side 
chains of leucine residues are shown in 
a darker blue than the ribbon. Only the 
leucine zipper region of the protein is shown 
in the figure. [PDB 1YSA]. 

(isoleucine, phenylalanine, and leucine, respectively) buried in the protein interior 
(Figure 4.13). 

There are many examples of two amphipathic a helices that interact to produce an 
extended coiled-coil structure where the two a helices wrap around each other with 
their hydrophobic faces in contact and their hydrophilic faces exposed to solvent. A 
common structure in DNA-binding proteins is called a leucine zipper (Figure 4.14). The 
name refers to the fact that two a helices are “zippered” together by the hydrophobic 
interactions of leucine residues (and other hydrophobic residues) on one side of an 
amphipathic helix. The ends of the helices form the DNA-binding region of the protein. 

Some proteins contain a few short regions of a 3 10 helix. Like the a helix, the 3 10 
helix is right-handed. The carbonyl oxygen of a 3io helix forms a hydrogen bond with the 
amide hydrogen of residue n + 3 (as opposed to residue n + 4 in an a helix) so the 3io helix 
has a tighter hydrogen-bonded ring structure than the a helix — 10 atoms rather than 
13 — and has fewer residues per turn (3.0) and a longer pitch (0.60 nm) (Figure 4.15). 

▲ Figure 4.13 

Horse ( Equns ferns) liver alcohol dehydrogenase. The amphipathic a helix is highlighted. The side 
chains of highly hydrophobic residues are shown in blue, less hydrophobic residues are green, and 
charged residues are shown in red. Note that the side chains of the hydrophobic residues are di- 
rected toward the interior of the protein and that the side chains of charged residues are exposed to 
the surface. [PDB 1ADF]. 

4.5 (3 Strands and (3 Sheets 97 

The 3 10 helix is slightly less stable than the a helix because of steric hindrances and the 
awkward geometry of its hydrogen bonds. When a 3 10 helix occurs, it is usually only a 
few residues in length and often is the last turn at the C-terminal end of an a helix. 
Because of its different geometry, the ip and ip angles of residues in a 3 10 helix occupy a 
different region of the Ramachandran plot than the residues of an a helix (Figure 4.9). 

4.5 (3 Strands and (3 Sheets 

The other common secondary structure is called p structure, a class that includes 
/ 3 strands and (3 sheets, p Strands are portions of the polypeptide chain that are almost 
fully extended. Each residue in a /3 strand accounts for about 0.32 to 0.34 nm of the 
overall length in contrast to the compact coil of an a helix where each residue corre- 
sponds to 0.15 nm of the overall length. When multiple P strands are arranged side-by- 
side they form p sheets, a structure originally proposed by Pauling and Corey at the 
same time they developed a theoretical model of the a helix. 

Proteins rarely contain isolated P strands because the structure by itself is not sig- 
nificantly more stable than other conformations. However, /3 sheets are stabilized by hy- 
drogen bonds between carbonyl oxygens and amide hydrogens on adjacent p strands. 
Thus, in proteins, the regions of p structure are almost always found in sheets. 

The hydrogen-bonded P strands can be on separate polypeptide chains or on dif- 
ferent segments of the same chain. The P strands in a sheet can be either parallel (run- 
ning in the same N- to C-terminal direction) (Figure 4.16a) or antiparallel (running in 
opposite N- to C-terminal directions) (Figure 4.16b). When the P strands are antiparallel, 
the hydrogen bonds are nearly perpendicular to the extended polypeptide chains. Note 
that in the antiparallel p sheet, the carbonyl oxygen and the amide hydrogen atoms of 
one residue form hydrogen bonds with the amide hydrogen and carbonyl oxygen of a 
single residue in the other strand. In the parallel arrangement, the hydrogen bonds are 
not perpendicular to the extended chains and each residue forms hydrogen bonds with 
the carbonyl and amide groups of two different residues on the adjacent strand. 

Parallel sheets are less stable than antiparallel sheets, possibly because the hydrogen 
bonds are distorted in the parallel arrangement. The P sheet is sometimes called a 
p pleated sheet since the planar peptide groups meet each other at angles, like the folds 
of an accordion. As a result of the bond angles between peptide groups, the amino acid 

▲ Figure 4.15 

The 3 10 helix. In the 3i 0 helix (left) hydrogen 
bonds (pink) form between the amide group 
of one residue and the carbonyl oxygen of a 
residue three positions away. In an a helix 
(right) the carbonyl group bonds to an amino 
acid residue four positions away. 

v Figure 4.16 

p Sheets. Arrows indicate the N- to C-terminal 
direction of the peptide chain, (a) Parallel (3 
sheet. The hydrogen bonds are evenly spaced 
but slanted, (b) Antiparallel (3 sheet. The 
hydrogen bonds are essentially perpendicular 
to the (3 strands, and the space between 
hydrogen -bonded pairs is alternately wide 
and narrow. 






- c x. 



































H Y\ 


/ \ 

































/ \ 

\ H 






H Y\ 



R H 

I \ H 

H V. I 


/ \ 

i — I ^ c ^ „ 
^ C N 







H O 

I H l\ 

c/ C N 


n w 

I I 

O H 

" H I 

-x' c \ I /N . 

^ I N C \C 

Hi I ;| 

H R O 

O R 

H I; I 

i — I X C X.- 

^ C N I C/ 
I I H |i 

R H O 

I I 









I I 






C N 

I I 

R H 











CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

▲ Figure 4.17 

View of two strands of an antiparallel (3 sheet 
from influenza virus A neuraminidase. Only the 
side chains of the front (3 strand are shown. 
The side chains alternate from one side of 
the (3 strand to the other side. Both strands 
have a right-handed twist. [PDB 1BJI] 


There are only three different kinds of 
common secondary structure: a helix, 
p strand, and turns. 

▲ U-turns are allowed in proteins. 

side chains point alternately above and below the plane of the sheet. A typical /3 sheet 
contains from two to as many as 15 individual (3 strands. Each strand has an average of 
six amino acid residues. 

The (3 strands that make up [3 sheets are often twisted and the sheet is usually dis- 
torted and buckled. The three-dimensional view of the (3 sheet of ribonuclease A 
(Figure 4.3) shows a more realistic view of (3 sheets than the idealized structures in 
Figure 4.16. 

A view of two strands of a small (3 sheet is shown in Figure 4.17. The side chains of 
the amino acid residues in the front strand alternately project to the left and to the right of 
(i.e., above and below) the (3 strand, as described above. Typically, (3 strands twist slightly 
in a right-hand direction; that is, they twist clockwise as you look along one strand. 

The <p and if/ angles of the bonds in a [3 strand are restricted to a broad range of val- 
ues occupying a large, stable region in the upper left-hand corner of the Ramachandran 
plot. The typical angles for residues in parallel and antiparallel strands are not identical 
(see Figure 4.9). Because most (3 strands are twisted, the <p and if/ angles exhibit a 
broader range of values than those seen in the more regular a helix. 

Although we usually think of (3 sheets as examples of secondary structure this is 
not, strictly speaking, correct. In many cases, the individual (3 strands are located in dif- 
ferent regions of the protein and only come together to form the (3 sheet when the pro- 
tein adopts its final tertiary conformation. Sometimes the quaternary structure of a 
protein gives rise to a large f3 sheet. Some proteins are almost entirely f3 sheets but most 
proteins have a much lower (3 - strand content. 

In the previous section we noted that amphipathic a helices have hydrophobic 
side chains that project outward on one side of the helix. This is the side that interacts 
with the rest of the protein creating a series of hydrophobic interactions that help sta- 
bilize the tertiary structure. The side chains of / 3 sheets project alternately above and 
below the plane of the (3 strands. One surface may consist of hydrophobic side chains 
that allow the (3 sheet to lie on top of other hydrophobic residues in the interior of the 

An example of such hydrophobic interactions between two (3 sheets is seen in the 
structure of the coat protein of grass pollen grains (Figure 4.18a). This protein is the 
major allergen affecting people who are allergic to grass pollen. One surface of each 
/ 3 sheet contains hydrophobic side chains and the opposite surface has hydrophilic 
side chains. The two hydrophobic surfaces interact to form the hydrophobic core of 
the protein and the hydrophilic surfaces are exposed to solvent as shown in Figure 
4.18b. This is an example of a (3 sandwich, one of several arrangements of secondary 
structural elements that are covered in more detail in the section on tertiary structure 
(Section 4.7). 

4.6 Loops and Turns 

In both an a helix and a (3 strand there are consecutive residues with a similar confor- 
mation that is repeated throughout the structure. Proteins also contain stretches of non- 
repeating three-dimensional structure. Most of these non-repeating regions of secondary 
structure can be characterized as loops or turns since they cause directional changes in the 
polypeptide backbone. The conformations of peptide groups in nonrepetitive regions 
are constrained just as they are in repetitive regions. They have <p and i[/ values that are 
usually well within the permitted regions of the Ramachandran plot and often close 
to the values of residues that form a helices or [3 strands. 

Foops and turns connect a helices and (3 strands and allow the polypeptide chain 
to fold back on itself producing the compact three-dimensional shape seen in the native 
structure. As much as one-third of the amino acid residues in a typical protein are 
found in such nonrepetitive structures. Loops often contain hydrophilic residues and are 
usually found on the surfaces of proteins where they are exposed to solvent and form 
hydrogen bonds with water. Some loops consist of many residues of extended nonrepet- 
itive structure. About 10% of the residues can be found in such regions. 

4.7 Tertiary Structure of Proteins 99 

Loops containing only a few (up to five) residues are referred to as turns if they 
cause an abrupt change in the direction of a polypeptide chain. The most common 
types of tight turns are called reverse turns. They are also called p turns because they 
often connect different antiparallel P strands. (Recall that in order to create a P sheet 
the polypeptide must fold so that two or more regions of P strand are adjacent to one 
another as shown in Figure 4.17.) This terminology is misleading since p turns can also 
connect a helices or an a helix and a P strand. 

There are two common types of p turn, designated type I and type II. Both types 
of turn contain four amino acid residues and are stabilized by hydrogen bonding be- 
tween the carbonyl oxygen of the first residue and the amide hydrogen of the fourth 
residue (Figure 4.19). Both type I and type II turns produce an abrupt (usually about 
180°) change in the direction of the polypeptide chain. In type II turns, the third 
residue is glycine about 60% of the time. Proline is often the second residue in both 
types of turns. 

Proteins contain many turn structures. They all have internal hydrogen bonds that 
stabilize the structure and that’s why they can be considered a form of secondary struc- 
ture. Turns make up a significant proportion of the structure in many proteins. Some of 
the bonds in turn residues have cp and i/j angles that lie outside the “permitted” regions of 
a typical Ramachandran plot (Figure 4.9). This is especially true of residues in the third 
position of type II turns where there is an abrupt change in the direction of the backbone. 
This residue is often glycine so the bond angles can adopt a wider range of values without 
causing steric clashes between the side-chain atoms and the backbone atoms. Ramachandran 
plots usually show only the permitted regions for all residues except glycine — this is why 
the rotation angles of type II turns appear to lie in a restricted area. 



4.7 Tertiary Structure of Proteins 



1 ) 

Tertiary structure results from the folding of a polypeptide (which may already possess 
some regions of a helix and P structure) into a closely packed three-dimensional struc- 
ture. An important feature of tertiary structure is that amino acid residues that are far 
apart in the primary structure are brought together permitting interactions among 
their side chains. Whereas secondary structure is stabilized by hydrogen bonding 
between amide hydrogens and carbonyl oxygens of the polypeptide backbone, tertiary 

▲ Figure 4.18 

Structure of PHL P2 from Timothy grass 
( Phleum pratense ) pollen, (a) The two short, 
two-stranded, antiparallel (3 sheets are high- 
lighted in blue and purple to show their ori- 
entation within the protein, (b) View of the 
/3-sandwich structure in a different orienta- 
tion showing hydrophobic residues (blue) 
and polar residues (red). A number of 
hydrophobic interactions connect the two 
(3 sheets. [PDB 1BMW]. 

(n + 2) 

# u-carbon 
O p- carbon 

O Hydrogen 
O Nitrogen 

O Oxygen 
O Carbon 

▲ Figure 4.19 

Reverse turns, (a) Type I (3 turn. The structure is stabilized by a hydrogen bond between the carbonyl oxygen of the first N-terminal residue (Phe) and 
the amide hydrogen of the fourth residue (Gly). Note the proline residue at position n + 1. (b) Type II (3 turn. This turn is also stabilized by a hydrogen 
bond between the carbonyl oxygen of the first N-terminal residue (Val) and the amide hydrogen of the fourth residue (Asn). Note the glycine residue at 
position n + 2. [PDB 1AHL (giant sea anemone neurotoxin)]. 


CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

structure is stabilized primarily by nonco valent interactions (mostly the hydrophobic 
effect) between the side chains of amino acid residues. Disulfide bridges, though cova- 
lent, are also elements of tertiary structure they are not part of the primary structure 
since they form only after the protein folds. 

A. Supersecondary Structures 

Supersecondary structures, or motifs, are recognizable combinations of a helices, 
/3 strands, and loops that appear in a number of different proteins. Sometimes motifs 
are associated with a particular function although structurally similar motifs may have 
different functions in different proteins. Some common motifs are shown in Figure 4.20. 

One of the simplest motifs is the helix-loop-helix (Figure 4.20a). This structure 
occurs in a number of calcium-binding proteins. Glutamate and aspartate residues in 
the loop of these proteins form part of the calcium-binding site. In certain DNA-binding 
proteins a version of this supersecondary structure is called a helix-turn-helix motif 
since the residues that connect the helices form a reverse turn. In these proteins, the 
residues of the a helices bind DNA. 

The coiled-coil motif consists of two amphipathic a helices that interact through their 
hydrophobic edges (Figure 4.20b) as in the leucine zipper example (Figure 4.14). Several 
a helices can associate to form a helix bundle (Figure 4.20c). In this case, the individual 
a helices have opposite orientations, whereas they are parallel in the coiled-coil motif. 

The /3af3 unit consists of two parallel /3 strands linked to an intervening a helix by 
two loops (Figure 4.20d). The helix connects the C-terminal end of one (3 strand to the 
N-terminal end of the next and often runs parallel to the two strands. A hairpin consists 
of two adjacent antiparallel / 3 strands connected by a [3 turn (Figure 4.20e). (One exam- 
ple of a hairpin motif is shown in Figure 4.16.) 

Figure 4.20 ► 

Common motifs. In folded proteins a helices 
and strands are commonly connected by 
loops and turns to form supersecondary 
structures, shown here as two-dimensional 
representations. Arrows indicate the N- to 
C-terminal direction of the peptide chain. 

(a) Helix-loop-helix (b) Coiled coil (c) Helix bundle 

(g) Greek key 

(h) /3-sandwich 

4.7 Tertiary Structure of Proteins 


The [3 meander motif (Figure 4.20f) is an antiparallel [3 sheet composed of sequen- 
tial (3 strands connected by loops or turns. The order of strands in the (3 sheet is the 
same as their order in the sequence of the polypeptide chain. The (3 meander sheet may 
contain one or more hairpins but, more typically, the strands are joined by larger loops. 
The Greek key motif takes its name from a design found on classical Greek pottery. This 
is a [3 sheet motif linking four antiparallel (3 strands such that strands 3 and 4 form the 
outer edges of the sheet and strands 1 and 2 are in the middle of the sheet. The (3 sandwich 
motif is formed when / 3 strands or sheets stack on top of one another (Figure 4.20h). The 
figure shows an example of a (3 sandwich where the (3 strands are connected by short 
loops and turns, but (3 sandwiches can also be formed by the interaction of two (3 sheets 
in different regions of the polypeptide chain, as seen in Figure 4.18. 

B. Domains 

Many proteins are composed of several discrete, independently folded, compact units 
called domains. Domains may consist of combinations of motifs. The size of a domain 
varies from as few as 25 to 30 amino acid residues to more than 300. An example of a pro- 
tein with multiple domains is shown in Figure 4.21. Note that each domain is a distinct 
compact unit consisting of various elements of secondary structure. Domains are usually 
connected by loops but they are also bound to each other through weak interactions 
formed by the amino acid side chains on the surface of each domain. The top domain of 
pyruvate kinase in Figure 4.21 contains residues 1 16 to 219, the central domain contains 
residues 1 to 1 15 plus 220 to 388, and the bottom domain contains residues 389 to 530. In 
general, domains consist of a contiguous stretch of amino acid residues as in the top and 
bottom domains of pyruvate kinase but in some cases a single domain may contain two or 
more different regions of the polypeptide chain as in the middle domain. 

The evolutionary conservation of protein structure is one of the most important 
observations that has emerged from the study of proteins in the past few decades. This 
conservation is most easily seen in the case of single-domain homologous proteins from 
different species. For example, in Chapter 3 we examined the sequence similarity of cy- 
tochrome c and showed that the similarities in primary structure could be used to con- 
struct a phylogenetic tree that reveals the evolutionary relationships of the proteins 
from different species (Section 3.11). As you might expect, the tertiary structures of cy- 
tochrome c proteins are also highly conserved (Figure 4.22). Cytochrome c is an exam- 
ple of a protein that contains a heme prosthetic group. The conservation of protein 
structure is a reflection of its interaction with heme and its conserved function as an 
electron transport protein in diverse species. 

Some domain structures occur in many different proteins whereas others are unique. In 
general, proteins can be grouped into families according to similarities in domain structures 
and amino acid sequence. All of the members of a family have descended from a common 
ancestral protein. Some biochemists believe that there may be only a few thousand families 

▲ Figure 4.21 

Pyruvate kinase from cat ( Felis domesticus). 

The main polypeptide chain of this common 
enzyme folds into three distinct domains as 
indicated by brackets. [PDB 1PKM]. 

◄ Figure 4.22 

Conservation of cytochrome c structure. 

(a) Tuna ( Thunnus alalunga ) cytochrome 
c bound to heme [PDB 5CYT]. (b) Tuna 
cytochrome c polypeptide chain, (c) Rice 
( Oryza sativa ) cytochrome c [PDB 1CCR]. 
(d) Yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ) 
cytochrome c [PDB 1YCC]. (e) Bacterial 
{Rhodopila globiformis) cytochrome c 
[PDB 1HR0]. 

102 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 


▲ Figure 4.23 

Structural similarity of lactate and malate de- 
hydrogenase. (a) Bacillus stereothermophilus 
lactate dehydrogenase [PDB 1LDN]. 

(b) Escherichia coli malate dehydrogenase 
[PDB 1EMD]. 

suggesting that all modern proteins are descended from only a few thousand proteins that 
were present in the most primitive organisms living 3 billion years ago. 

Lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase are different enzymes that belong 
to the same family of proteins. Their structures are very similar as shown in Figure 4.23. 
The sequences of the proteins are only 23% identical. In spite of the obvious similarity 
in structure, Nevertheless, this level of sequence similarity is significant enough to con- 
clude that the two proteins are homologous. They descend from a common ancestral 
gene that duplicated billions of years ago before the last common ancestor of all extant 
species of bacteria. Both lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase are present in 
the same species which is why they are members of a family of related proteins. Protein 
families contain related proteins that are present in the same species. The cytochrome c 
proteins shown in Figure 4.22 are evolutionarily related but strictly speaking they are 
not members of a protein family because there is only one of them in each species. Pro- 
tein familes arise from gene duplication events. 

Protein domains can be classified by their structures. One commonly used classifi- 
cation scheme groups these domains into four categories. The “all- a” category contains 
domains that consist almost entirely of a helices and loops. “A11-/3” domains contain only 
[3 sheets and nonrepetitive structures that link (3 strands. The other two categories con- 
tain domains that have a mixture of a helices and /3 strands. Domains in the u a/f3 ” class 
have supersecondary structures such as the (3a(3 motif and others in which regions of 
a helix and [3 strand alternate in the polypeptide chain. In the “a + [3 ” category, the do- 
mains consist of local clusters of a helices and /3 sheet where each type of secondary 
structure arises from separate contiguous regions of the polypeptide chain. 

Protein domains can be further classified by the presence of characteristic folds 
within each of the four main structural categories. A fold is a combination of secondary 
structures that form the core of a domain. Figure 4.24 on pages 103-104 shows selected 
examples of proteins from each of the main categories and illustrates a number of com- 
mon domain folds. Some domains have easily recognizable folds, such as the / 3 meander 
that contains antiparallel [3 strands connected by hairpin loops (Figure 4.20f), or helix 
bundles (Figure 4.19c). Other folds are more complex (Figure 4.25). 

The important point about Figure 4.24 is not to memorize the structures of com- 
mon proteins and folds. The key concept is that proteins can adopt an amazing variety 
of different sizes and shapes (tertiary structure) even though they contain only three 
basic forms of secondary structure. 

The enzymatic activities of lactate 
dehydrogenase and malate dehydroge- 
nase are compared in Box 7.1. 

C. Domain Structure, Function, and Evolution 

The relationship between domain structure and function is complex. Often a single do- 
main has a particular function such as binding small molecules or catalyzing a single re- 
action. In multifunctional enzymes, each catalytic activity can be associated with one of 
several domains found in a single polypeptide chain (Figure 4.24j). However, in many 
cases the binding of small molecules and the formation of the active site of an enzyme 
take place at the interface between two separate domains. These interfaces often form 
crevices, grooves, and pockets that are accessible on the surface of the protein. The ex- 
tent of contact between domains varies from protein to protein. 

The unique shapes of proteins, with their indentations, interdomain interfaces, and 
other crevices, allow them to fulfill dynamic functions by selectively and transiently 
binding other molecules. This property is best illustrated by the highly specific binding 
of reactants (substrates) to substrate -binding sites, or active sites, of enzymes. Because 
many binding sites are positioned toward the interior of a protein, they are relatively 
free of water. When substrates bind, they fit so well that some of the few remaining 
water molecules in the binding site are displaced. 

D. Intrinsically Disordered Proteins 

This section on tertiary structure wouldn’t be complete without mentioning those pro- 
teins and domains that have no stable three-dimensional structure. These intrinsically 
disordered proteins (and domains) are quite common and the lack of secondary and 
tertiary structure is encoded in the amino acid sequences. There has been selection for 

4.8 Quaternary Structure 103 

clusters of charged residues (positive or negative) and proline residues that maintain 
the polypeptide chain in a disordered state. 

Many of these proteins interact with other proteins. They contain short amino acid 
sequences that serve as binding sites and these binding sites are within the intrinsically 
disordered regions. This allows easy access to the binding site. If a protein contains two 
different binding sites for other proteins then the disordered polypeptide chain acts as a 
tether to bring the two binding proteins closer together. Several transcription factors 
also contain disordered regions when they are not bound to DNA. These regions be- 
come ordered when the proteins interact with DNA. 

4.8 Quaternary Structure 

Many proteins exhibit an additional level of organization called quaternary structure. 
Quaternary structure refers to the organization and arrangement of subunits in a pro- 
tein with multiple subunits. Each subunit is a separate polypeptide chain. A multisub- 
unit protein is referred to as an oligomer (proteins with only one polypeptide chain are 
monomers). The subunits of a multisubunit protein may be identical or different. 
When the subunits are identical, dimers and tetramers predominate. When the subunits 
differ, each type often has a different function. A common shorthand method for de- 
scribing oligomeric proteins uses Greek letters to identify types of subunits and sub- 
script numerals to indicate numbers of subunits. For example, an cv 2 /3y protein contains 
two subunits designated a and one each of subunits designated /3 and y. 

The subunits within an oligomeric protein always have a defined stoichiometry and 
the arrangement of the subunits gives rise to a stable structure where subunits are usu- 
ally held together by weak noncovalent interactions. Hydrophobic interactions are the 
principal forces involved although electrostatic forces may contribute to the proper 
alignment of the subunits. Because intersubunit forces are usually rather weak, the sub- 
units of an oligomeric protein can often be separated in the laboratory. In vivo , however, 
the subunits usually remain tightly associated. 

Examples of several multisubunit proteins are shown in Figure 4.26. In the case of 
triose phosphate isomerase (Figure 4.26a) and HIV protease (Figure 4.26b), the identical 
subunits associate through weak interactions between the side chains found mainly in 
loop regions. Similar interactions are responsible for the formation of the MS2 capsid 
protein that consists of a trimer of identical subunits (Figure 4.26d). In this case, the 
trimer units assemble into a more complex structure — the bacteriophage particle. The 
enzyme HGPRT (Figure 4.26e) is a tetramer formed from the association of two pairs of 
nonidentical subunits. Each of the subunits is a recognizable domain. 

The potassium channel protein (Figure 4.26c) is an example of a tetramer of iden- 
tical subunits where the subunits interact to form a membrane-spanning region con- 
sisting of an eight-helix bundle. The subunits do not form separate domains within the 
protein but instead come together to form a single channel. The bacterial photosystem 
shown in Figure 4.26f is a complex example of quaternary structure. Three of the sub- 
units contribute to a large membrane-bound helix bundle while a fourth subunit (a cy- 
tochrome) sits on the exterior surface of the membrane. 

Determination of the subunit composition of an oligomeric protein is an essential 
step in the physical description of a protein. Typically, the molecular weight of the native 
oligomer is estimated by gel- filtration chromatography and then the molecular weight 
of each chain is determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Section 3.6). 
For a protein having only one type of chain, the ratio of the two values provides the 
number of chains per oligomer. 

The fact that a large proportion of proteins consist of multiple subunits is probably 
related to several factors: 

1. Oligomers are usually more stable than their dissociated subunits suggesting that 
quaternary structure prolongs the life of a protein in vivo. 

2. The active sites of some oligomeric enzymes are formed by residues from adjacent 
polypeptide chains. 


There are only three basic types of 
secondary structure but thousands of 
tertiary folds and domains. 

Speculations on the possible relation- 
ship between protein domains and 
gene organization will be presented 
in Chapter 21. 

The structures and functions of bacteri- 
al and plant photosystems are 
described in Chapter 15. 

104 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 


E. coli cytochrome b 562 

E. coli UDP A/-acetylglucosamine 
acyl transferase 

Human serum albumin 

Human peptidylprolyl 
cis/trans isomerase Cow gamma crystallin 

Jack bean concanavalin A 

Jellyfish green flourescent 

▲ Figure 4.24 

Examples of tertiary structure in selected proteins, (a) Human {Homo sapiens) serum albumin [PDB 1BJ5] (class: all-a). This protein has several do- 
mains consisting of layered a helices and helix bundles, (b) Escherichia coli cytochrome b 5 62 [PDB 1QPU] (class: all-a). This is a heme-binding pro- 
tein consisting of a single four-helix bundle domain, (c) Escherichia coli UDP N-acetylglucosamine acyl transferase [PDB 1LXA] (class: a\\-(3). The 
structure of this enzyme shows a classic example of a £ helix domain, (d) Jack bean ( Canavalia ensiformis ) concanavalin A [PDB ICON] (class: all -f3). 
This carbohydrate-binding protein (lectin) is a single-domain protein made up of a large [3 sandwich fold, (e) Human {Homo sapiens) peptidylprolyl 
cis/trans isomerase [PDB 1VBS] (class: a\\-(3). The dominant feature of the structure is a f3 sandwich fold, (f) Cow {Bos taurus) y-crystallin 
[PDB 1A45] (class: a 11-/3) This protein contains two (3 barrel domains, (g) Jellyfish {Aequorea victoria) green fluorescent protein [PDB 1GFL] (class: 
all -(3). This is a [3 barrel structure with a central a helix. The strands of the sheet are antiparallel, (h) Pig {Sus scrota) retinol-binding protein [PDB 
1AQB] (class: a\\-(3). Retinol binds in the interior of a (3 barrel fold. (I) Brewer’s yeast {Saccharomyces carlsburgensis) old yellow enzyme (FMN oxi- 
doreductase) [PDB 10YA] (class: alp). The central fold is an al(3 barrel with parallel (3 strands connected by a helices. Two of the connecting a heli- 
cal regions are highlighted in yellow, (j) Escherichia colie nzyme required for tryptophan biosynthesis [PDB 1 PI I ] (class: alp). This is a bifunctional 
enzyme containing two distinct domains. Each domain is an example of an a/(3 barrel. The left-hand domain contains the indolglycerol phosphate 

4.8 Quaternary Structure 105 

Yeast FMN oxidoreductase 
(old yellow enzyme) 

E. coli flavodoxin 

Human thioredoxin 

Pig adenylyl kinase 

E. coli thiol-disulfide 

E. coli L-arabinose-binding 

Neisseria gonorrhea pilin 

▲ Figure 4.24 ( continued ) 

synthetase activity, and the right-hand domain contains the phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase activity, (k) Pig {Sus scrofa) adenylyl kinase 
[PDB 3ADK] (class: alp). This single-domain protein consists of a five-stranded parallel (3 sheet with layers of a helices above and below the sheet. 
The substrate binds in the prominent groove between a helices. (I) Escherichia coli flavodoxin [PDB 1AHN] (class: alp). The fold is a five-stranded 
parallel twisted sheet surrounded by a helices, (m) Human ( Homo sapiens ) thioredoxin [PDB 1ERU] (class: alp). The structure of this protein is 
very similar to that of E. coli flavodoxin except that the five-stranded twisted sheet in the thioredoxin fold contains a single antiparallel strand, 
(n) Escherichia coli L-arabinose-binding protein [PDB 1ABE] (class: alp). This is a two-domain protein where each domain is similar to that in E. coli 
flavodoxin. The sugar L-arabinose binds in the cavity between the two domains, (o) Escherichia coli DsbA (thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase/disulfide iso- 
merase) [PDB 1A23] (class: alp). The predominant feature of this structure is a (mostly) antiparallel (3 sheet sandwiched between a helices. Cysteine 
side chains at the end of one of the a helices are shown (sulfur atoms are yellow), (p) Neisseria gonorrhea pilin [PDB 2PIL] (class: a + p). This 
polypeptide is one of the subunits of the pili on the surface of the bacteria responsible for gonorrhea. There are two distinct regions of the structure: a 
1 3 sheet and a long a helix. 

106 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

Figure 4.25 ► 

Common domain folds. 

(a) Parallel twisted sheet 

(b) p barrel 

(c) a/j B barrel (d) ft helix 

3. The three-dimensional structures of many oligomeric proteins change when the pro- 
teins bind ligands. Both the tertiary structures of the subunits and the quaternary 
structures (i.e., the contacts between subunits) may be altered. Such changes are key 
elements in the regulation of the biological activity of certain oligomeric proteins. 

4. Different proteins can share the same subunits. Since many subunits have a defined 
function (e.g., ligand binding), evolution has favored selection for different combi- 
nations of subunits to carry out related functions. This is more efficient than selec- 
tion for an entirely new monomeric protein that duplicates part of the function. 

5. A multisubunit protein may bring together two sequential enzymatic steps where 
the product of the first reaction becomes the substrate of the second reaction. This 
gives rise to an effect known as channeling (Section 5.11). 

As shown in Figure 4.26, the variety of multisubunit proteins ranges from simple 
homodimers such as triose phosphate isomerase to large complexes such as the photo- 
systems in bacteria and plants. We would like to know how many proteins are 
monomers and how many are oligomers but studies of cell proteomes — the complete 
complement of proteins — have only begun. 

Table 4.1 on page 108 shows the results of a survey of E. coli proteins in the SWISS- 
PROT database. Of those polypeptides that have been analyzed, only about 19% are in 
monomers. Dimers are the largest class among the oligomers, and homodimers — where 
the two subunits are identical — represent 31% of all proteins. The next largest class is 
tetramers of identical subunits. Note that trimers are relatively rare. Most proteins exhibit 
dyad symmetry meaning that you can usually draw a line through a protein dividing it 
into two halves that are symmetrical about this axis. This dyad symmetry is seen even in 

4.8 Quaternary Structure 


Human hypoxanthine-guanine 
phosphoribosyl transferase 



▲ Figure 4.26 

Quaternary structure, (a) Chicken {Gallus gal I us) triose phosphate isomerase [PDB 1TIM]. This protein has two identical subunits with a/p barrel folds, 
(b) HIV-1 aspartic protease [PDB 1DIF]. This protein has two identical all-/3 subunits that bind symmetrically. HIV protease is the target of many new 
drugs designed to treat AIDS patients, (c) Streptomyces lividans potassium channel protein [PDB 1BL8]. This membrane-bound protein has four 
identical subunits, each of which contributes to a membrane-spanning eight-helix bundle, (d) Bacteriophage MS2 capsid protein [PDB 2MS2]. The 
basic unit of the MS2 capsid is a trimer of identical subunits with a large p sheet, (e) Human ( Homo sapiens) hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl 
transferase (HGPRT) [PDB 1BZY]. HGPRT is a tetrameric protein containing two different types of subunit, (f) Rhodopseudomonas viridis photosys- 
tem [PDB 1PRC]. This complex, membrane-bound protein has two identical subunits (orange, blue) and two other subunits (purple, green) bound to 
several molecules of photosynthetic pigments. 

108 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

Table 4.1 Natural occurrence of oligomeric proteins in Escherichia coli 



Number of 

Number of 

heterooligomers Percent 
















































Higher oligomers 






Figure 4.27 ► 

Large protein complexes in the bacterium 
Mycoplasma pneumoniae. M. pneumoniae 
causes some forms of pneumonia in hu- 
mans. This species has one of the smallest 
genomes known (689 protein-encoding 
genes). Most of those genes are likely to 
represent the minimum proteome of a living 
cell. The cell contains several large com- 
plexes found in all cells: pyruvate dehygro- 
genase (purple), ribosome (yellow), GroEL 
(red), and RNA polymerase (orange). It also 
contains a rod (green) found only in some 
bacteria. [Adapted from Kuhner et al. (2009). 
Proteome organization in a genome-reduced 
bacterium. Science 326:1235-1240] 

heterooligomers such as hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT, 
Figure 4.26e) and hemoglobin (Section 4.14). Of course, there are many exceptions, es- 
pecially when the oligomers are large complexes. 

We will encounter many other examples of multisubunit proteins throughout this 
textbook, especially in the chapters on information flow (Chapters 20-22). DNA poly- 
merase, RNA polymerase, and the ribosome are excellent examples. Other examples in- 
clude GroEL (Section 4.1 ID) and pyruvate dehydrogenase (Section 13.1). Many of 
these large proteins are easily seen in electron micrographs, as illustrated in Figure 4.27. 

Large complexes are referred to, metaphorically, as protein machines since the vari- 
ous polypeptide components work together to carry out a complex reaction. The term 

structural core 



4.9 Protein-Protein Interactions 109 

was originally coined to describe complexes such as the replisome (Figure 20.15) 
but there are many other examples, including those shown in Figure 4.27. 

The bacterial flagellum (Figure 4.28) is a spectacular example of a protein 
machine. The complex drives the rotation of a long flagellum using protonmo- 
tive force as an energy source (Section 14.3). More than 50 genes are required to 
build the flagellum in E. coli but surveys of other bacteria reveal that there are 
only about 2 1 core proteins required to build a functional flagellum. The evolu- 
tionary history of this protein machine is being actively investigated and it appears 
that it was built up by combining simpler components involved in ATP synthesis 
and membrane secretion. 

4.9 Protein-Protein Interactions 

The various subunits in multisubunit proteins bind to each other so strongly that 
they rarely dissociate inside the cell. These protein-protein contacts are character- 
ized by a number of weak interactions. We have already become familiar with the 
type of interactions involved: hydrogen bonds, charge-charge interactions, van der ^ 

Waals forces, and hydrophobic interactions (Section 2.5). In some cases the contact 
areas between two subunits are localized to small patches on the surface of the 
polypeptides but while in other cases there can be extensive contact spread over 
large portions of the polypeptides. The distinguishing feature of subunit contacts 
is the cumulative effect of a large number of individual weak interactions giving a 
binding strength that is sufficient to keep the subunits together. 

In addition to subunit-subunit contacts, there are many other types of protein- 
protein interactions that are less stable. These range from transient contacts between 
external proteins and receptors on the cell surface to weak interactions between various 
enzymes in metabolic pathways. These weak interactions are much more difficult to detect 
but they are essential components of many biochemical reactions. 

Consider a simple interaction between two proteins, PI and P2, to give a complex 
P1:P2. The equilibrium between the free and bound molecules can be described by either 
an association constant (IQ) or a dissociation constant (IQ) (IQ = 1/IQ). 

ament cap 

F, 9 L ] Hooh-lilament 
FWCl iunrtxn 

PI + P2 PI :P2 

K a = 

[PI :P2] 



PI :P2 PI + P2 

Kd = 



[PI :P2] 

FliK 1 


*[ FlgG [ Dislalrod 

-j FlgH | L ring 

■j Flgl J P ring 

- FliE FlgB 

FlgG Proximal rod 

F ItF 

MS ring 

3 FUG 

r— FliM 

1 C ring 

“} ' FUN 





▲ Figure 4.28 

Bacterial flagellum. The bacterial flagellum is 
a protein machine composed of 21 core 
subunits found in all species (blue boxes). 
Two additional subunits are missing in 
Firmicutes (white boxes) and five others are 
sporadically distributed. The flagellum (hook 
+ filament + cap) spins as the motor complex 
rotates. The three layers represent the outer 
membrane (top), the peptidoglycan layer 
(middle), and the cytoplasmic membrane 
(bottom). (Courtesy of Howard Ochman.) 

Typical association constants for the binding of subunits in a multimeric protein are 
greater than 10 8 M -1 (IQ > 10 8 M -1 ) and can range as high as 10 14 M -1 for very tight 
interactions. At the other extreme are protein-protein interactions that are so weak they 
have no biological significance. These can be fortuitous interactions that arise from time 
to time because any two polypeptides will almost always form some kind of weak con- 
tact. The lower limit of relevant association constants is about 10 4 M -1 (IQ < 10 4 M -1 ). The 
really interesting cases are those with association constants between these two values. 

The binding of transcription factors to RNA polymerase is one example of weak 
protein-protein interactions that are very important. The association constants range 
from about 10 5 M -1 to 10 7 M -1 . The interactions between proteins in signaling pathways 
also fall into this range as do the interactions between enzymes in metabolic pathways. 

Let’s look at what these association constants mean in terms of protein concen- 
trations. As the concentrations of PI and P2 increase it becomes more and more 
likely that they will interact and bind to each other. At some concentration, the rate of 
binding (a second-order reaction) becomes comparable to the rate of dissociation (a 
first-order reaction) and complexes will be present in appreciable amounts. Using the 
association constant, we can calculate the ratio of free polypeptide (PI or P2) as a 
fraction of the total concentration of either one (PQ or P2 T ). This ratio [free] /[total] 
tells us how much of the complex will be present at a given protein concentration. 

110 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

Figure 4.29 ► 

Association constants and protein concentration. 

The ratio of free unbound protein to total 
protein is shown for a protein-protein inter- 
action at three different association constants. 
Assuming that the concentration of the other 
component is in excess, the concentrations 
at which half the molecules are in complex 
and half are free corresponds to the recip- 
rocal of the association constant. [Adapted 
from van Holde, Johnson, and Ho, Principles 
of Physical Biochemistry, Prentice Hall.] 



The curves in Figure 4.29 show these ratios for three different association constants 
corresponding to very weak (X a = 10 4 M _1 ), moderate (X a = 10 6 M _1 ), and very strong 
(FC a = 10 8 M -1 ) protein-protein interactions. If we assume that one of the components 
is present in excess, then the curves represent the concentrations of only the rate-limit- 
ing polypeptide. One can demonstrate mathematically that for simple systems the point 
at which half of the polypeptide is free and half is in a complex corresponds to the re- 
ciprocal of the association constant. For example, if K a = 10 8 M -1 then most of the 
polypeptide will be bound at any concentration over 1CT 8 M. 

What does this mean in terms of molecules per cell? For an E. coli cell whose 
volume is about 2 x 10 -15 1 it means that as long as there are more than a dozen mole- 
cules per cell the complex will be stable if K a > 10 8 M _1 . This is why large oligomeric 
complexes can exist in E. coli even if there are only a few dozen per cell. Most eukaryotic 
cells are 1000 times larger and there must be 12,000 molecules in order to achieve a con- 
centration of 10 -8 M. Figure 4.29 also shows why it is impossible for weak interactions 
to produce significant numbers of P1:P2 complexes. The protein concentration has to 
be greater than 10~ 4 M in order for the complex to be present in significant quantity 
and this concentration corresponds to 120,000 molecules in an E. coli cell or 120 million 
molecules in a eukaryotic cell. There are no free polypeptides present at such concentra- 
tions so weak interactions of this magnitude are biologically meaningless. 

There are many techniques for detecting moderate binding. These include direct 
techniques such as affinity chromatopraphy, immunoprecipitation, and chemical cross- 
linking. Newer techniques rely on more sophisticated manipulations such as phage dis- 
play, two-hybrid analysis, and genetic methods. Many workers are attempting to map 
the interactions of every protein in the cell using these techniques. An example of such 
an “interactome” for many E. coli proteins is shown in Figure 4.30. Note that strong in- 
teractions between the subunits of oligomers are easily detected as shown by lines con- 
necting the subunits of RNA polymerase, the ribosome, and DNA polymerase. Other 
lines connect RNA polymerase to various transcription factors — these represent mod- 
erate interactions. Further studies of the “interactome” in various species should give us 
a much better picture of the complex protein-protein interactions in living cells. 

4.10 Protein Denaturation and Renaturation 

Environmental changes or chemical treatments may disrupt the native conformation of 
a protein causing loss of biological activity. Such a disruption is called denaturation. The 
amount of energy needed to cause denaturation is often small, perhaps equivalent to 
that needed for the disruption of three or four hydrogen bonds. Some proteins may unfold 
completely when denatured to form a random coil (a fluctuating chain considered to be 
totally disordered) but most denatured proteins retain considerable internal structure. 
It is sometimes possible to find conditions under which small denatured proteins can 
spontaneously renature, or refold, following denaturation. 

4.10 Protein Denaturation and Renaturation 111 

◄ Figure 4.30 

E. coli interactome. Each point on the dia- 
gram represents a single E. coli protein. Red 
dots are essential proteins and blue dots are 
nonessential proteins. Lines joining the 
points indicate experimentally determined 
protein-protein interactions. Five large com- 
plexes are shown: RNA polymerase, DNA 
polymerase, ribosome and associated pro- 
teins, proteins interacting with cysteine 
desulfurase (IscS), and proteins associated 
with acyl carrier protein (ACP). (The role of 
ACP is described in Section 16.1.) 

[Adapted from Butland et al. (2005)] 

Proteins are commonly denatured by heating. Under the appropriate conditions, 
a modest increase in temperature will result in unfolding and loss of secondary and 
tertiary structure. An example of thermal denaturation is shown in Figure 4.31. In this 
experiment, a solution containing bovine ribonuclease A is heated slowly and the struc- 
ture of the protein is monitored by various techniques that measure changes in confor- 
mation. All of these techniques detect a change when denaturation occurs. In the case of 
bovine ribonuclease A, thermal denaturation also requires a reducing agent that dis- 
rupts internal disulfide bridges allowing the protein to unfold. 

Denaturation takes place over a relatively small range of temperature. This indi- 
cates that unfolding is a cooperative process where the destabilization of just a few weak 
interactions leads to almost complete loss of native conformation. Most proteins have a 
characteristic “melting” temperature (T m ) that corresponds to the temperature at the 
midpoint of the transition between the native and denatured forms. The T m depends on 
pH and the ionic strength of the solution. 

Most proteins are stable at temperatures up to 50°C to 60°C under physiological 
conditions. Some species of bacteria, such as those that inhabit hot springs and the 
vicinity of deep ocean thermal vents, thrive at temperatures well above this range. Pro- 
teins in these species denature at much higher temperatures as expected. Biochemists 
are actively studying these proteins in order to determine how they resist denaturation. 

Proteins can also be denatured by two types of chemicals — chaotropic agents and 
detergents (Section 2.4). High concentrations of chaotropic agents, such as urea and 
guanidinium salts (Figure 4.32), denature proteins by allowing water molecules to solvate 
nonpolar groups in the interior of proteins. The water molecules disrupt the hydrophobic 
interactions that normally stabilize the native conformation. The hydrophobic tails of 

Figure 4.31 ► 

Heat denaturation of ribonuclease A. A solution of ribonuclease A in 0.02 M KOI at pH 2.1 was 
heated. Unfolding was monitored by changes in ultraviolet absorbance (blue), viscosity (red), and 
optical rotation (green). The y-axis is the fraction of the molecule unfolded at each temperature. 
[Adapted from Ginsburg, A., and Carroll, W. R. (1965). Some specific ion effects on the conformation 
and thermal stability of ribonuclease. Biochemistry 4:2159-2174. 

- i ■ i ■ i ■ I 

0 10 20 30 40 50 

Temperature (°C) 

112 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 



h 2 n nh 2 



NH 2 c| © 

h 2 n nh 2 

Guanidinium chloride 
▲ Figure 4.32 

Urea and guanidinium chloride. 

▲ Figure 4.33 

Disulfide bridges in bovine ribonuclease A. (a) Location of disulfide bridges in the native protein, 
(b) View of the disulfide bridge between Cys-26 and Cys-84 [PDB 2AAS]. 

The numbering convention for amino 
acid residues in a polypeptide starts at 
the N-terminal end (Section 3.5). Cys-26 
is the 26th residue from the N-terminus. 

detergents, such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (Figure 2.8), also denature proteins by pene- 
trating the protein interior and disrupting hydrophobic interactions. 

The native conformation of some proteins (e.g., ribonuclease A) is stabilized by 
disulfide bonds. Disulfide bonds are not generally found in intracellular proteins but are 
sometimes found in proteins that are secreted from cells. The presence of disulfide bonds 
stabilizes proteins by making them less susceptible to unfolding and subsequent degra- 
dation when they are exposed to the external environment. Disulfide bond formation 
does not drive protein folding; instead, the bonds form where two cysteine residues are 
appropriately located once the protein has folded. Formation of a disulfide bond requires 
oxidation of the thiol groups of the cysteine residues (Figure 3.4), probably by disulfide- 
exchange reactions involving oxidized glutathione, a cysteine -containing tripeptide. 

Figure 4.33a shows the locations of the disulfide bridges in ribonuclease A. (Com- 
pare this orientation of the protein with that shown in Figure 4.3.) There are four disul- 
fide bridges. They can link adjacent (3 strands, (3 strands to a helices, or (3 strands to 
loops. Figure 4.33b is a view of the disulfide bridge between a cysteine residue in an 
a helix (Cys-26) and a cysteine residue in a (3 strand (Cys-84). Note that the S — S bond 
does not align with the cysteine side chains. Disulfide bridges will form whenever the 
two cysteine sulfhydryl groups are in close proximity in the native conformation. 

Complete denaturation of proteins containing disulfide bonds requires cleavage of 
these bonds in addition to disruption of hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds. 
2-Mercaptoethanol or other thiol reagents can be added to a denaturing medium in 
order to reduce any disulfide bonds to sulfhydryl groups (Figure 4.34). Reduction of the 
disulfide bonds of a protein is accompanied by oxidation of the thiol reagent. 

In a series of classic experiments, Christian B. Anfinsen and his coworkers studied 
the renaturation pathway of ribonuclease A that had been denatured in the presence of 
thiol reducing agents. Since ribonuclease A is a relatively small protein (124 amino acid 

Figure 4.34 ► 

Cleaving disulfide bonds. When a protein 
is treated with excess 2-mercaptoethanol 
(HSCH 2 CH 2 OH), a disulfide-exchange reac- 
tion occurs in which each cystine residue 
is reduced to two cysteine residues and 
2-mercaptoethanol is oxidized to a disulfide. 

H O 

W/V N — CH — C WV 

H O 

w/v N — CH — C WV 

2 HSCH 2 CH 2 OH^ 


s — CH 2 CH 2 OH 
s — ch 2 ch 2 oh 

WV N — CH — C 'xrx/xr 

H O 

WV |\| £ |— | £ WV 

H O 

Cystine residue 

Cysteine residues 

4.10 Protein Denaturation and Renaturation 113 

residues), it refolds (renatures) quickly once it is returned to conditions where the native 
form is stable (e.g., cooled below the melting temperature or removed from a solution 
containing chaotropic agents). Anfinsen was among the first to show that denatured 
proteins can refold spontaneously to their native conformation indicating that the in- 
formation required for the native three-dimensional conformation is contained in the 
amino acid sequence of the polypeptide chain. In other words, the primary structure 
determines the tertiary structure. 

Denaturation of ribonuclease A with 8 M urea containing 2-mercaptoethanol re- 
sults in complete loss of tertiary structure and enzymatic activity and yields a polypep- 
tide chain containing eight sulfhydryl groups (Figure 4.35). When 2-mercaptoethanol is 
removed and oxidation is allowed to occur in the presence of urea, the sulfhydryl groups 
pair randomly so that only about 1% of the protein population forms the correct four 
disulfide bonds recovering original enzymatic activity. (If the eight sulfhydryl groups 
pair randomly, 105 disulfide-bonded structures are possible — 7 possible pairings for the 
first bond, 5 for the second, 3 for the third, and 1 for the fourth (7x5x3xl = 105) — 
but only one of these structures is correct.) However, when urea and 2-mercaptoethanol 
are removed simultaneously and dilute solutions of the reduced protein are then exposed 
to air, ribonuclease A spontaneously regains its native conformation, its correct set of 
disulfide bonds, and its full enzymatic activity. The inactive proteins containing ran- 
domly formed disulfide bonds can be renatured if urea is removed, a small amount of 2- 
mercaptoethanol is added, and the solution gently warmed. Anfinsens experiments 
demonstrate that the correct disulfide bonds can form only after the protein folds into its 
native conformation. Anfinsen concluded that the renaturation of ribonuclease A is 
spontaneous, driven entirely by the free energy gained in changing to the stable physio- 
logical conformation. This conformation is determined by the primary structure. 

Proteins occasionally adopt a nonnative conformation and form inappropriate 
disulfide bridges when they fold inside a cell. Anfinsen discovered an enzyme, called 
protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), that catalyzes reduction of these incorrect bonds. All 

▲ Christian B. Anfinsen (1916-1995). 

Anfinsen was awarded the Nobel Prize 
in Chemistry in 1972 for his work on the 
refolding of proteins. 

disulfide bonds have been reduced 

◄ Figure 4.35 

Denaturation and renaturation of ribonuclease A. 

Treatment of native ribonuclease A (top) with 
urea in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol 
unfolds the protein and disrupts disulfide 
bonds to produce reduced, reversibly dena- 
tured ribonuclease A (bottom). When the 
denatured protein is returned to physiological 
conditions in the absence of 2-mercap- 
toethanol, it refolds into its native conforma- 
tion and the correct disulfide bonds form. 
However, when 2-mercaptoethanol alone is 
removed, ribonuclease A reoxidizes in the 
presence of air, but the disulfide bonds form 
randomly, producing inactive protein (such 
as the form shown on the right). When urea 
is removed, a trace of 2-mercaptoethanol 
is added to the randomly reoxidized protein, 
and the solution is warmed gently, the disul- 
fide bonds break and re-form correctly to 
produce native ribonuclease A. 

114 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 






▲ Figure 4.36 

Energy well of protein folding. The funnels 
represent the free-energy potential of folding 
proteins, (a) A simplified funnel showing 
two possible pathways to the low-energy 
native protein. In path B, the polypeptide 
enters a local low-energy minimum as it 
folds, (b) A more realistic version of the pos- 
sible free-energy forms of a folding protein 
with many local peaks and dips. 


Most proteins fold spontaneously into a 
conformation with the lowest energy. 

living cells contain such an activity. The enzyme contains two reduced cysteine residues 
positioned in the active site. When the misfolded protein binds, the enzyme catalyzes a 
disulfide -exchange reaction whereby the disulfide in the misfolded protein is reduced 
and a new disulfide bridge is created between the two cysteine residues in the enzyme. 
The misfolded protein is then released and it can refold into the low-energy native 
conformation. The structure of the reduced form of E. coli disulfide isomerase (DsbA) 
is shown in Figure 4.24o. 

4.11 Protein Folding and Stability 

New polypeptides are synthesized in the cell by a translation complex that includes 
ribosomes, mRNA, and various factors (Chapter 21). As the newly synthesized polypep- 
tide emerges from the ribosome, it folds into its characteristic three-dimensional shape. 
Folded proteins occupy a low-energy well that makes the native structure much more 
stable than alternative conformations (Figure 4.36). The in vitro experiments of Anfmsen 
and many other biochemists demonstrate that many proteins can fold spontaneously to 
reach this low-energy conformation. In this section we discuss the characteristics of 
those proteins that fold into a stable three-dimensional structure. 

It is thought that as a protein folds the first few interactions trigger subsequent 
interactions. This is an example of cooperative effects in protein folding — the phenom- 
enon whereby the formation of one part of a structure leads to the formation of the 
remaining parts of the structure. As the protein begins to fold, it adopts lower and lower 
energies and begins to fall into the energy well shown in Figure 4.36. The protein may 
become temporarily trapped in a local energy well (shown as small dips in the energy 
diagram) but eventually it reaches the energy minimum at the bottom of the well. In its 
final, stable, conformation, the native protein is much less sensitive to degradation than 
an extended, unfolded polypeptide chain. Thus, native proteins can have half-lives of 
many cell generations and some molecules may last for decades. 

Folding is extremely rapid — in most cases the native conformation is reached in 
less than a second. Protein folding and stabilization depend on several noncovalent 
forces including the hydrophobic effect, hydrogen bonding, van der Waals interactions, 
and charge-charge interactions. Although noncovalent interactions are weak individu- 
ally, collectively they account for the stability of the native conformations of proteins. 
The weakness of each noncovalent interaction gives proteins the resilience and flexibil- 
ity to undergo small conformational changes. (Covalent disulfide bonds also contribute 
to the stability of certain proteins.) 

In multidomain proteins the different domains fold independently of one another 
as much as possible. One of the reasons for limitations on the size of a domain (usually 
< 200 residues) is that large domains would fold too slowly if domains were larger than 
300 residues. The rate of spontaneous folding would be too slow to be useful. 

No actual protein-folding pathway has yet been described in detail but current re- 
search is focused on intermediates in the folding pathways of a number of proteins. Sev- 
eral hypothetical folding pathways are shown in Figure 4.37. During protein folding, the 
polypeptide collapses upon itself due to the hydrophobic effect and elements of second- 
ary structure begin to form. This intermediate is called a molten globule. Subsequent 
steps involve rearrangement of the backbone chain to form characteristic motifs and, fi- 
nally, the stable native conformation. 

The mechanism of protein folding is one of the most challenging problems in bio- 
chemistry. The process is spontaneous and must be largely determined by the primary 
structure (sequence) of the polypeptide. It should be possible, therefore, to predict the 
structure of a protein from knowledge of its amino acid sequence. Much progress has 
been made in recent years by modeling the folding process using fast computers. 

In the remainder of this section, we examine the forces that stabilize protein struc- 
ture in more detail. We will also describe the role of chaperones in protein folding. 

A. The Hydrophobic Effect 

Proteins are more stable in water when their hydrophobic side chains are aggregated in 
the protein interior rather than exposed on the surface to the aqueous medium. Because 

4.11 Protein Folding and Stability 115 

◄ Figure 4.37 

Hypothetical protein-folding pathways. The 

initially extended polypeptide chains form 
partial secondary structures, then approxi- 
mate tertiary structures, and finally the 
unique native conformations. The arrows 
within the structures indicate the direction 
from the N- to the C-terminus. 

water molecules interact more strongly with each other than with the nonpolar side 
chains of a protein, the side chains are forced to associate with one another causing 
the polypeptide chain to collapse into a more compact molten globule. The entropy 
of the polypeptide decreases as it becomes more ordered. This decrease is more than 
offset by the increase in solvent entropy as water molecules that were previously bound 
to the protein are released. (Folding also disrupts extended cages of water molecules 
surrounding hydrophobic groups.) This overall increase in the entropy of the system 
provides the major driving force for protein folding. 

Whereas nonpolar side chains are driven into the interior of the protein, most 
polar side chains remain in contact with water on the surface of the protein. The sec- 
tions of the polar backbone that are forced into the interior of a protein neutralize their 
polarity by hydrogen bonding to each other, often generating secondary structures. 
Thus, the hydrophobic nature of the interior not only accounts for the association of 
hydrophobic residues but also contributes to the stability of helices and sheets. Studies 
of folding pathways indicate that hydrophobic collapse and formation of secondary 
structures occur simultaneously 

Localized examples of this hydrophobic effect are the interactions of the hydropho- 
bic side of an amphipathic a helix with the protein core (Section 4.4) and the hy- 
drophobic region between (3 sheets in the /3-sandwich structure (Section 4.5). Most of 
the examples shown in Figures 4.25 and 4.26 contain juxtaposed regions of secondary 
structure that are stabilized by hydrophobic interactions between the side chains of 
hydrophobic amino acid residues. 

B. Hydrogen Bonding 

Hydrogen bonds contribute to the cooperativity of folding and help stabilize the native 
conformations of proteins. The hydrogen bonds in a helices, (3 sheets, and turns are the 
first to form, giving rise to defined regions of secondary structure. The final native 
structure also contains hydrogen bonds between the polypeptide backbone and water, 
between the polypeptide backbone and polar side chains, between two polar side 
chains, and between polar side chains and water. Table 4.2 shows some of the many 
types of hydrogen bonds found in proteins along with their typical bond lengths. Most 
hydrogen bonds in proteins are of the N — H — O type. The distance between the donor 
and acceptor atoms varies from 0.26 to 0.34 nm and the bonds may deviate from linear- 
ity by up to 40°. Recall that hydrogen bonds within the hydrophobic core of a protein 
are much more stable than those that form near the surface because the internal hydro- 
gen bonds don’t compete with water molecules. 


Entropically driven reactions are reactions 
where the most important thermodynamic 
change is an increase in entropy of the 
system. We can say that the system is 
much more disordered at the end of the 
reaction than at the beginning. In the case 
of hydrophobic interactions, the change 
in entropy is mostly due to the release 
of ordered water molecules that shield 
hydrophobic groups (Section 2.5D). 


CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

Table 4.2 Examples of hydrogen bonds in proteins 

Type of 

hydrogen bond 

Typical distance between 
donor and acceptor 
atom (nm) 

Hydroxyl -hydroxyl 

— O— H 

— o— 




— O— H 


o = c 





N— H- 





/ \ 




N— H- 




Amide-imidazole nitrogen 


N— H- 






The basic principles of protein folding are reasonably well 
understood and it seems certain that if a protein has a sta- 
ble three-dimensional structure it will be determined largely 
by the primary structure (sequence). This has led to efforts to 
predict tertiary structure from knowing the amino acid 
sequence. Biochemists have made huge advances in this the- 
oretical work in the last 30 years. 

The value of such work has to be assessed by making 
predictions of the structure of unknown proteins. This led in 
1996 to the beginning of CASP-Critical Assessment of 
Methods of Protein Structure Prediction. This is a sort of 
game with no prizes other than the honor of being success- 
ful. Protein folding groups are given the amino acid se- 
quences of a number of targets and asked to predict the 
three-dimensional structure. The targets are drawn from 

those proteins whose structures have just been determined 
but the data haven’t yet been published. Contestants have 
only a few weeks to send in their predictions before the actual 
structures become known. 

The results of the 2008 CASP round are shown in the 
figure. There were 121 targets and thousands of predictions 
were submitted. Success ranged from nearly 100% for easy 
proteins to only about 30% for difficult ones. (“Easy” targets 
are those where the Protein Data Bank (PDB) already con- 
tains the structures of several homologous proteins. “Diffi- 
cult” targets are proteins with new folds that have never been 
solved.) The success rate for moderately difficult targets has 
climbed over the years as the prediction methods improved, 
but there’s plenty of opportunity to make winning predic- 
tions at the very difficult end of the scale. 


Target difficulty 


4.11 Protein Folding and Stability 


C. Van der Waals Interactions and Charge-Charge Interactions 

Van der Waals contacts between nonpolar side chains also contribute to the stability of 
proteins. The extent of stabilization due to optimized van der Waals interactions is dif- 
ficult to determine. The cumulative effect of many van der Waals interactions probably 
makes a significant contribution to stability because nonpolar side chains in the interior 
of a protein are densely packed. 

Charge-charge interactions between oppositely charged side chains may make a small 
contribution to the stability of proteins but most ionic side chains are found on the surfaces 
where they are solvated and can contribute only minimally to the overall stabilization of 
the protein. Nevertheless, two oppositely charged ions occasionally form an ion pair in the 
interior of a protein. Such ion pairs are much stronger than those exposed to water. 

D. Protein Folding Is Assisted by Molecular Chaperones 

Studies of protein folding have led to two general observations regarding the folding of 
polypeptide chains into biologically active proteins. First, protein folding does not in- 
volve a random search in three-dimensional space for the native conformation. Instead, 
protein folding appears to be a cooperative, sequential process in which formation of 
the first few structural elements assists in the alignment of subsequent structural fea- 
tures. [The need for cooperativity is illustrated by a calculation made by Cyrus 
Levinthal. Consider a polypeptide of 100 residues. If each residue had three possible 
conformations that could interconvert on a picosecond time scale then a random search 
of all possible conformations for the complete polypeptide would take 10 87 seconds — 
many times the estimated age of the universe (6 x 10 17 seconds)!] 

Second, to a first approximation the folding pattern and the final conformation of a 
protein depend on its primary structure. (Many proteins bind metal ions and coenzymes 
as described in Chapter 7. These external ligands are also required for proper folding.) As 
we saw in the case of ribonuclease A, simple proteins may fold spontaneously into their 
native conformations in a test tube without any energy input or assistance. Larger proteins 
will also fold spontaneously into their native structures since the final conformation rep- 
resents the minimal free energy form. However, larger proteins are more likely to become 
temporarily trapped in a local energy well of the type illustrated in Figure 4.36b. The pres- 
ence of such metastable incorrect conformations at best slows the rate of protein folding 
and at worst causes the folding intermediates to aggregate and fall out of solution. In 
order to overcome this problem inside the cell, the rate of correct protein folding is en- 
hanced by a group of ubiquitous special proteins called molecular chaperones. 

Chaperones increase the rate of correct folding of some proteins by binding newly 
synthesized polypeptides before they are completely folded. They prevent the formation 
of incorrectly folded intermediates that may trap the polypeptide in an aberrant form. 
Chaperones can also bind to unassembled protein subunits to prevent them from ag- 
gregating incorrectly and precipitating before they are assembled into a complete multi- 
subunit protein. 

There are many different chaperones. Most of them are heat shock proteins — pro- 
teins that are synthesized in response to temperature increases (heat shock) or other changes 
that cause protein denaturation in vivo. The role of heat shock proteins — now recognized 
as chaperones — is to repair the damage caused by temperature increases by binding to dena- 
tured proteins and helping them to refold rapidly into their native conformation. 

The major heat shock protein is Hsp70 (heat shock protein, M r = 70,000). This 
protein is present in all species except for some species of archaebacteria. In bacteria, it 
is also called DnaK. The normal role of the chaperone Hsp70 is to bind to nascent 

► Heat shock proteins. Proteins were synthesized for a short time in the presence of radioactive 
amino acids then run on an SDS-polyacrylamide gel. The gel was exposed to film to detect radioactive 
proteins. The resulting autoradiograph shows only those proteins that were labeled during the time 
of exposure to radioactive amino acids. Lanes “C” are proteins synthesized at normal growth tem- 
peratures, and lanes “H” are proteins synthesized during a short heat shock where cells are shifted 
to a temperature a few degrees above their normal growth temperature. The induction of heat 
shock proteins (chaperones) in four different species is shown. Red dots indicate major heat shock 
proteins: top = Hsp90, middle = Hsp70, bottom = Hsp60(GroEL). 

i i 

C H 


118 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

► Figure 4.38 

Escherichia coli chaperonin (GroE). The core 
structure consists of two identical rings 
composed of seven GroEL subunits. Un- 
folded proteins bind to the central cavity. 
Bound ATP molecules can be identified by 
their red oxygen atoms, (a) Side view, (b) 
Top view showing the central cavity. [PDB 
1DER]. (c) During folding the size of the 
central cavity of one of the rings increases 
and the end is capped by a protein contain- 
ing seven GroES subunits. [PDB 1AON]. 

proteins while they are being synthesized in order to prevent aggregation or entrapment 
in a local low-energy well. The binding and release of nascent polypeptides is coupled to 
the hydrolysis of ATP and usually requires additional accessory proteins. Hsp70/DnaK 
is one of the most highly conserved proteins known in all of biology. This indicates that 
chaperone-assisted protein folding is an ancient and essential requirement for efficient 
synthesis of proteins with the correct three-dimensional structure. 

Another important and ubiquitous chaperone is called chaperonin (also called 
GroE in bacteria). Chaperonin is also a heat shock protein (Hsp60) that plays an impor- 
tant and essential role in assisting normal protein folding inside the cell. 

E. coli chaperonin is a complex multisubunit protein. The core structure consists of 
two rings containing seven identical GroEL subunits. Each subunit can bind a molecule 
of ATP (Figure 4.38a). A simplified version of chaperonin-assisted folding is shown in 
Figure 4.39 . Unfolded proteins bind to the hydrophobic central cavity enclosed by the 
rings. When folding is complete, the protein is released by hydrolysis of the bound ATP 
molecules. The actual pathway is more complicated and requires an additional component 
that serves as a cap sealing one end of the central cavity while the folding process takes place. 

Figure 4.39 ► 

Chaperonin-assisted protein folding. The un- 
folded polypeptide enters the central cavity 
of chaperonin, where it folds. The hydrolysis 
of several ATP molecules is required for 
chaperonin function. 


4.12 Collagen, a Fibrous Protein 


The cap contains seven GroES subunits forming an additional ring (Figure 4.38c). The 
conformation of the GroEL ring can be altered during folding to increase the size of the 
cavity and the role of the cap is to prevent the unfolded protein from being released 

As mentioned earlier, some proteins tend to aggregate during folding in the absence 
of chaperones. Aggregation is probably due to temporary formation of hydrophobic sur- 
faces on folding intermediates. The intermediates bind to each other and the result is that 
they are taken out of solution and are no longer able to explore the conformations repre- 
sented by the energy funnel shown in Figure 4.36. Chaperonins isolate polypeptide 
chains in the folding cavity and thus prevent folding intermediates from aggregating. 
The folding cavity serves as an “Anfinsen cage” that allows the chain to reach the correct 
low-energy conformation without interference from other folding intermediates. 

The central cavity of chaperonin is large enough to accommodate a polypeptide 
chain of about 630 amino acid residues (M r = 70,000). Thus, the folding of most small 
and medium-sized proteins can be assisted by chaperonin. However, only about 5% to 
10% of E. coli proteins (i.e., about 300 different proteins) appear to interact with chap- 
eronin during protein synthesis. Medium-sized proteins and those of the a/ (3 structural 
class are more likely to require chaperonin-assisted folding. Smaller proteins are able to 
fold quickly on their own. Many of the remaining proteins in the cell require other 
chaperones, such as HSP70/DnaK. 

Chaperones appear to inhibit incorrect folding and assembly pathways by forming 
stable complexes with surfaces on polypeptide chains that are exposed only during syn- 
thesis, folding, and assembly. Even in the presence of chaperones, protein folding is 
spontaneous; for this reason, chaperone-assisted protein folding has been described as 
assisted self-assembly. 

4.12 Collagen, a Fibrous Protein 

To conclude our examination of the three-dimensional structure of proteins, we exam- 
ine several proteins to see how their structures are related to their biological functions. 
The proteins selected for more detailed study are the structural protein collagen, the 
oxygen-binding proteins myoglobin and hemoglobin (Sections 4.12 to 4.13), and anti- 
bodies (Section 4.14). 

Collagen is the major protein component of the connective tissue of vertebrates. It 
makes up about 30% of the total protein in mammals. Collagen molecules have 
remarkably diverse forms and functions. For example, collagen in tendons forms stiff, 
ropelike fibers of tremendous tensile strength whereas in skin, collagen takes the form 
of loosely woven fibers permitting expansion in all directions. 

The structure of collagen was worked out by G. N. Ramachandran (famous for his 
Ramachandran plots, Section 4.3). The molecule consists of three left-handed heli- 
cal chains coiled around each other to form a right-handed supercoil (Figure 4.40). 

▲ Figure 4.40 

The human type III collagen triple helix. The 

extended region of collagen contains three 
identical subunits (purple, light blue, and 
green). Three left-handed collagen helices 
are coiled around one another to form a 
right-handed supercoil. [PDB 1BKV] 

◄ G.N. Ramachandran (1922-2001). In this 
photograph he is illustrating the difference 
between an a helix and the left-handed 
triple helix of collagen. Note that he has de- 
liberately drawn the a helix as a left-handed 
helix and not the standard right-handed 
form found in most proteins. 

120 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 


'wv, |\| — Q\-\ — Q 'wv 

/ \ 

h 2 c. .ch 2 


X 0H 

▲ Figure 4.41 

4-Hydroxyproline residue. 4-Hydroxyproline 
residues are formed by enzyme-catalyzed 
hydroxylation of proline residues. 

The requirement for vitamin C is 
explained in Section 7.9. 

Figure 4.43 ► 

5-Hydroxylysine residue. 5-Hydroxylysine 
residues are formed by enzyme-catalyzed 
hydroxylation of lysine residues. 




H?C - 






S N 

/h 2 h 

'CH 2 

◄ Figure 4.42 

Interchain hydrogen bonding in collagen. The 

amide hydrogen of a glycine residue in one 
chain is hydrogen-bonded to the carbonyl 
oxygen of a residue, often proline, in an 
adjacent chain. 

Each left-handed helix in collagen has 3.0 amino acid residues per turn and a pitch of 
0.94 nm giving a rise of 0.31 nm per residue. Consequently, a collagen helix is more ex- 
tended than an a helix and the coiled-coil structure of collagen is not the same as the 
coiled-coil motif discussed in Section 4.7. (Several proteins unrelated to collagen also 
form similar three-chain supercoils.) 

The collagen triple helix is stabilized by interchain hydrogen bonds. The sequence of 
the protein in the helical region consists of multiple repeats of the form -Gly-X-Y-, where 
X is often proline and Y is often a modified proline called 4-hydroxyproline (Figure 4.41). 
The glycine residues are located along the central axis of the triple helix, where tight pack- 
ing of the protein strands can accommodate no other residue. For each -Gly-X-Y- triplet, 
one hydrogen bond forms between the amide hydrogen atom of glycine in one chain and 
the carbonyl oxygen atom of residue X in an adjacent chain (Figure 4.42). Hydrogen bonds 
involving the hydroxyl group of hydroxyproline may also stabilize the collagen triple helix. 
Unlike the more common a helix, the collagen helix has no intrachain hydrogen bonds. 

In addition to hydroxyproline, collagen contains an additional modified amino 
acid residue called 5-hydroxylysine (Figure 4.43). Some hydroxylysine residues are co- 
valently bonded to carbohydrate residues, making collagen a glycoprotein. The role of 
this glycosylation is not known. 

Hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine residues are formed when specific proline and 
lysine residues are hydroxylated after incorporation into the polypeptide chains of col- 
lagen. The hydroxylation reactions are catalyzed by enzymes and require ascorbic acid 
(vitamin C). Hydroxylation is impaired in the absence of vitamin C, and the triple helix 
of collagen is not assembled properly. 

The limited conformational flexibility of proline and hydroxyproline residues pre- 
vents the formation of a helices in collagen chains and also makes collagen somewhat 
rigid. (Recall that proline is almost never found in a helices.) The presence of glycine 
residues at every third position allows collagen chains to form a tightly wound left- 
handed helix that accommodates the proline residues. (Recall that the flexibility of 
glycine residues tends to disrupt the right-handed a helix.) 

Collagen triple helices aggregate in a staggered fashion to form strong, insoluble 
fibers. The strength and rigidity of collagen fibers result in part from covalent 


'N — CH — C — 

i i 

H CH 2 

oh 2 

CH — OH 


T 2 


4.12 Collagen, a Fibrous Protein 121 

( a ) ^ 

0 = C 

\a p 7 

CH — CH, — CH, 





+ H,N — CH, 






-ch 2 - 


Allysine residue 

Lysine residue 







0 = C C = 0 

la /3 7 8 e e 8 7 Pa I 

CH — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH = N — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH 




0 = C 

Schiff base 

H O 



c = o 

la P 7 8 s Is 7 Pa I 

CH — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH = C — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH 



cross-links. The — CH 2 NH 3 + groups of the side chains of some lysine and hydroxyly- 
sine residues are converted enzymatically to aldehyde groups ( — CHO), producing ally- 
sine and hydroxyallysine residues. Allysine residues (and their hydroxy derivatives) react 
with the side chains of lysine and hydroxylysine residues to form Schiff bases, complexes 
formed between carbonyl groups and amines (Figure 4.44a). These Schiff bases usually 
form between collagen molecules. Allysine residues also react with other allysine 
residues by aldol condensation to form cross-links, usually between the individual 
strands of the triple helix (Figure 4.44b). Both types of cross-links are converted to 
more stable bonds during the maturation of tissues, but the chemistry of these conver- 
sions is unknown. 


Not all fibrous proteins are composed of a helices. Silk is composed of a number of 
proteins that are predominantly / 3 strands. The dragline silk of the spider, Nephila 
clavipes , for example, contains two proteins called spidroin 1 and spidroin 2. Both 
proteins contain multiple stretches of alanine residues separated by residues that 
are mostly glycine. The structure of this silk is not known in spite of major efforts 
by many laboratories. However, it is known that the proteins contain extensive 
regions of / 3 strands. 

There are many different kinds of spider silk and spiders have specialized 
glands for each type. The silk fiber produced by the major ampulate gland is 
called dragline silk; it is the fiber that spiders use to drop out of danger or anchor 
their webs. This silk fiber is quite literally stronger than steel cable. Materials 
manufactured from dragline silk would be very useful in a number of applica- 
tions, one of which would be personal armor because dragline silk is stronger 
than Kevlar. So far it has not been possible to make significant amounts of silk in 
the laboratory without relying on spiders. 

Nephila clavipes , the golden silk spider. ► 

◄ Figure 4.44 

Covalent cross-links in collagen, (a) An ally- 
sine residue condenses with a lysine residue 
to form an intermolecular Schiff-base cross- 
link. (b) Two allysine residues condense to 
form an intramolecular cross-link. 

122 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

▲ Figure 4.45 

Chemical structure of the Fe(ll)-protoporphyrin 
IX heme group in myoglobin and hemoglobin. 

The porphyrin ring provides four of the six 
ligands that surround the iron atom. 

▲ Figure 4.46 

Sperm whale (Physeter catodon) oxymyoglobin. 

Myoglobin consists of eight a helices. The 
heme prosthetic group binds oxygen (red). 
His-64 (green) forms a hydrogen bond with 
oxygen, and His-93 (green) is complexed to 
the iron atom of the heme. [PDB 1A6M]. 

▲ John Kendrew’s original model of myoglo- 
bin determined from his X-ray diffraction 
data in the 1950s. The model is made of 
plasticine. It was the first three-dimensional 
model of a protein. 

4.13 Structures of Myoglobin and Hemoglobin 

Like most proteins, myoglobin (Mb) and the related protein hemoglobin (Hb) carry 
out their biological functions by selectively and reversibly binding other molecules — in 
this case, molecular oxygen (0 2 ). Myoglobin is a relatively small monomeric protein 
that facilitates the diffusion of oxygen in vertebrates. It is responsible for supplying oxy- 
gen to muscle tissue in reptiles, birds, and mammals. Hemoglobin is a larger tetrameric 
protein that carries oxygen in blood. 

The red color associated with the oxygenated forms of myoglobin and hemoglobin 
(e.g., the red color of oxygenated blood) is due to a heme prosthetic group (Figure 4.45). 
(A prosthetic group is a protein-bound organic molecule essential for the activity of the 
protein.) Heme consists of a tetrapyrrole ring system (protoporphyrin IX) complexed 
with iron. The four pyrrole rings of this system are linked by methene ( — CH=) 
bridges so that the unsaturated porphyrin is highly conjugated and planar. The bound 
iron is in the ferrous, or Fe®, oxidation state; it forms a complex with six ligands, four 
of which are the nitrogen atoms of protoporphyrin IX. (Other proteins, such as cy- 
tochrome a and cytochrome c, contain different porphyrin/heme groups.) 

Myoglobin is a member of a family of proteins called globins. The tertiary structure 
of sperm whale myoglobin shows that the protein consists of a bundle of eight a helices 
(Figure 4.46). It is a member of the all -a structural category. The globin fold has several 
groups of a helices that form a layered structure. Adjacent helices in each layer are tilted 
at an angle that allows the side chains of the amino acid residues to interdigitate. 

The interior of myoglobin is made up almost exclusively of hydrophobic amino 
acid residues, particularly those that are highly hydrophobic — valine, leucine, isoleucine, 
phenylalanine, and methionine. The surface of the protein contains both hydrophilic 
and hydrophobic residues. As is the case with most proteins, the tertiary structure of 
myoglobin is stabilized by hydrophobic interactions within the core. Folding of the 
polypeptide chain is driven by the energy minimization that results from formation of 
this hydrophobic core. 

The heme prosthetic group of myoglobin occupies a hydrophobic cleft formed by 
three a helices and two loops. The binding of the porphyrin moiety to the polypeptide is 
due to a number of weak interactions including hydrophobic interactions, van der Waals 
contacts, and hydrogen bonds. There are no covalent bonds between the porphyrin and 
the amino acid side chains of myoglobin. The iron atom of heme is the site of oxygen 
binding as shown in Figure 4.46. Two histidine residues interact with the iron atom and 
the bound oxygen. Accessibility of the heme group to molecular oxygen depends on 
slight movement of nearby amino acid side chains. We will see later that the hydrophobic 
crevices of myoglobin and hemoglobin are essential for the reversible binding of oxygen. 

In vertebrates, 0 2 is bound to molecules of hemoglobin for transport in red blood 
cells, or erythrocytes. Viewed under a microscope, a mature mammalian erythrocyte is a 
biconcave disk that lacks a nucleus or other internal membrane-enclosed compart- 
ments (Figure 4.47). A typical human erythrocyte is filled with approximately 3 X 10 8 
hemoglobin molecules. 

Hemoglobin is more complex than myoglobin because it is a multisubunit protein. 
In adult mammals, hemoglobin contains two different globin subunits called a-globin 
and (3-globin . Hemoglobin is an a 2 /3 2 tetramer — it contains two a chains and two 
/ 3 chains. Each of these globin subunits is similar in structure and sequence to myoglobin 
reflecting their evolution from a common ancestral globin gene in primitive chordates. 

Each of the four globin subunits contains a heme prosthetic group identical to that 
found in myoglobin. The a and [3 subunits face each other across a central cavity 
(Figure 4.48). The tertiary structure of each of the four chains is almost identical to that 
of myoglobin (Figure 4.49). The a chain has seven a helices, and the [3 chain has eight. 
(Two short a helices found in (3 - globin and myoglobin are fused into one larger one in 
a-globin) Hemoglobin, however, is not simply a tetramer of myoglobin molecules. Each 
a chain interacts extensively with a / 3 chain so hemoglobin is actually a dimer of a(3 sub- 
units. We will see in the following section that the presence of multiple subunits is respon- 
sible for oxygen-binding properties that are not possible with single- chain myoglobin. 

4.14 Oxygen Binding to Myoglobin and Hemoglobin 123 

▲ Figure 4.48 

Human {Homo sapiens) oxyhemoglobin, (a) Structure of human oxyhemoglobin showing two a and two 
/3 subunits. Heme groups are shown as stick models. [PDB 1HND]. (b) Schematic diagram of the 
hemoglobin tetramer. The heme groups are red. 

4.14 Oxygen Binding to Myoglobin and Hemoglobin 

The oxygen-binding activities of myoglobin and hemoglobin provide an excellent ex- 
ample of how protein structure relates to physiological function. These proteins are 
among the most intensely studied proteins in biochemistry. They were the first complex 
proteins whose structure was determined by X-ray crystallography (Section 4.2). A 
number of the principles described here for oxygen-binding proteins also hold true for 
the enzymes that we will study in Chapters 5 and 6. In this section we examine the 
chemistry of oxygen binding to heme, the physiology of oxygen binding to myoglobin 
and hemoglobin, and the regulatory properties of hemoglobin. 

A. Oxygen Binds Reversibly to Heme 

We will use myoglobin as an example of oxygen binding to the heme prosthetic group 
but the same principles apply to hemoglobin. The reversible binding of oxygen is called 
oxygenation. Oxygen- free myoglobin is called deoxy myoglobin and the oxygen-bearing 
molecule is called oxymyoglobin. (The two forms of hemoglobin are called deoxyhemoglobin 
and oxyhemoglobin.) 

Some substituents of the heme prosthetic group are hydrophobic — this feature 
allows the prosthetic group to be partially buried in the hydrophobic interior of the 
myoglobin molecule. Recall from Figure 4.46 that there are two polar residues, His-64 
and His -93, situated near the heme group. In oxymyoglobin, six ligands are coordinated 
to the ferrous iron, with the ligands in octahedral geometry around the metal cation 
(Figures 4.50 and 4.51). Four of the ligands are the nitrogen atoms of the tetrapyrrole ring 
system; the fifth ligand is an imidazole nitrogen from His- 93 (called the proximal histidine); 
and the sixth ligand is molecular oxygen bound between the iron and the imidazole side 
chain of His-64 (called the distal histidine). In deoxymyoglobin, the iron is coordinated to 
only five ligands because oxygen is not present. The nonpolar side chains of Val-68 and 
Phe-43, shown in Figure 4.51, contribute to the hydrophobicity of the oxygen-binding 
pocket and help hold the heme group in place. Several side chains block the entrance to the 
heme-containing pocket in both oxymyoglobin and deoxymyoglobin. The protein struc- 
ture in this region must vibrate, or breathe, rapidly to allow oxygen to bind and dissociate. 

The hydrophobic crevice of the globin polypeptide holds the key to the ability of myo- 
globin and hemoglobin to suitably bind and release oxygen. Free heme does not reversibly 
bind oxygen in aqueous solution; instead, the Fe© of the heme is almost instantly ox- 
idized to Fe©. (Oxidation is equivalent to the loss 

of an electron, as described in Section 6. 1C. Reduction is the gain of an electron. Oxida- 
tion and reduction refer to the transfer of electrons and not to the presence or absence of 
oxygen molecules.) 

v Figure 4.47 

Scanning electron micrograph of mammalian 
erythrocytes. Each cell contains approxi- 
mately 300 million hemoglobin molecules. 
The cells have been artificially colored. 

▲ Figure 4.49 

Tertiary structure of myoglobin, a-globin, and 
/Fglobin. The orientations of the individual 
a-globin and /3-globin subunits of hemoglo- 
bin have been shifted in order to reveal the 
similarities in tertiary structure. The three 
structures have been superimposed. All 
of the structures are from the oxygenated 
forms shown in Figures 4.46 and 4.48. 
Color code: a-globin (blue), /3-globin 
(purple), myoglobin (green). 

124 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 



▲ Figure 4.50 

Oxygen-binding site of sperm whale oxymyo- 
globin. The heme prosthetic group is repre- 
sented by a parallelogram with a nitrogen 
atom at each corner. The blue dashed lines 
illustrate the octahedral geometry of the 
coordination complex. 

▲ Figure 4.51 

The oxygen-binding site in sperm whale myo- 
globin. Fed I) (orange) lies in the plane of 
the heme group. Oxygen (green) is bound to 
the iron atom and the amino acid side chain 
of His-64. Val-68 and Phe-43 contribute to 
the hydrophobic environment of the oxygen- 
binding site. [PDB 1AGM]. 

The structure of myoglobin and hemoglobin prevents the permanent transfer of an 
electron or irreversible oxidation thereby ensuring the reversible binding of molecular 
oxygen for transport. The ferrous iron atom of heme in hemoglobin is partially oxi- 
dized when 0 2 is bound. An electron is temporarily transferred toward the oxygen atom 
that is attached to the iron so that the molecule of dioxygen is partially reduced. If the 
electron were transferred completely to the oxygen, the complex would be Fe 3+ — 0 2 ® 
(a superoxide anion attached to ferric iron). The globin crevice prevents complete elec- 
tron transfer and enforces return of the electron to the iron atom when 0 2 dissociates. 

B. Oxygen-Binding Curves of Myoglobin and Hemoglobin 

Oxygen binds reversibly to myoglobin and hemoglobin. The extent of binding at equi- 
librium depends on the concentration of the protein and the concentration of oxygen. 
This relationship is depicted in oxygen-binding curves (Figure 4.52). In these figures, 
the fractional saturation ( Y ) of a fixed amount of protein is plotted against the concen- 
tration of oxygen (measured as the partial pressure of gaseous oxygen, p0 2 ). The frac- 
tional saturation of myoglobin or hemoglobin is the fraction of the total number of 
molecules that are oxygenated. 

[Mb0 2 ] 

[Mb0 2 ] + [Mb] 


The oxygen-binding curve of myoglobin is hyperbolic (Figure 4.52), indicating that there 
is a single equilibrium constant for the binding of 0 2 to the macromolecule. In con- 
trast, the curve depicting the relationship between oxygen concentrations and binding 
to hemoglobin is sigmoidal. Sigmoidal (S-shaped) binding curves indicate that more 
than one molecule of ligand is binding to each protein. In this case, up to four mole- 
cules of 0 2 bind to hemoglobin, one per heme group of the tetrameric protein. The 
shape of the curve indicates that the oxygen-binding sites of hemoglobin interact such 
that the binding of one molecule of oxygen to one heme group facilitates binding of 
oxygen molecules to the other hemes. The oxygen affinity of hemoglobin increases as 
each oxygen molecule is bound. This interactive binding phenomenon is termed 
positive cooperativity of binding. 

The partial pressure at half- saturation (P 50 ) is a measure of the affinity of the pro- 
tein for 0 2 . A low P 50 indicates a high affinity for oxygen since the protein is half-satu- 
rated with oxygen at a low oxygen concentration; similarly, a high P 50 signifies a low 
affinity. Myoglobin molecules are half- saturated at a p0 2 of 2.8 torr (1 atmosphere = 
760 torr). The P 50 for hemoglobin is much higher (26 torr) reflecting its lower affinity 
for oxygen. The heme prosthetic groups of myoglobin and hemoglobin are identical but 
the affinities of these groups for oxygen differ because the microenvironments provided 
by the proteins are slightly different. Oxygen affinity is an intrinsic property of the pro- 
tein. It is similar to the equilibrium binding/dissociation constants that are commonly 
used to describe the binding of ligands to other proteins and enzymes (Section 4.9). 

As Figure 4.52 shows, at the highp0 2 found in the lungs (about 100 torr) both myo- 
globin and hemoglobin are nearly saturated. However, at p0 2 values below about 50 torr, 
myoglobin is still almost fully saturated whereas hemoglobin is only partially saturated. 
Much of the oxygen carried by hemoglobin in erythrocytes is released within the capillar- 
ies of tissues where p0 2 is low (20 to 40 torr). Myoglobin in muscle tissue then binds oxy- 
gen released from hemoglobin. The differential affinities of myoglobin and hemoglobin 
for oxygen thus lead to an efficient system for oxygen delivery from the lungs to muscle. 

The cooperative binding of oxygen by hemoglobin can be related to changes in the 
protein conformation that occur on oxygenation. Deoxyhemoglobin is stabilized by 
several intra- and intersubunit ion pairs. When oxygen binds to one of the subunits, 
it causes a movement that disrupts these ion pairs and favors a slightly different conforma- 
tion. The movement is triggered by the reactivity of the heme iron atom (Figure 4.53). 
In deoxyhemoglobin, the iron atom is bound to only five ligands (as in myoglobin). It is 
slightly larger than the cavity within the porphyrin ring and lies below the plane of the ring. 
When 0 2 — the sixth ligand — binds to the iron atom, the electronic structure of the iron 

4.14 Oxygen Binding to Myoglobin and Hemoglobin 125 

(a) (b) 

p0 2 (torr) p0 2 (torr) 

▲ Figure 4.52 

Oxygen-binding curves of myoglobin and hemoglobin, (a) Comparison of myoglobin and hemoglobin. The fractional saturation (VO of each protein is 
plotted against the partial pressure of oxygen (p02). The oxygen-binding curve of myoglobin is hyperbolic, with half-saturation {Y = 0.5) at an oxygen 
pressure of 2.8 torr. The oxygen-binding curve of hemoglobin in whole blood is sigmoidal, with half-saturation at an oxygen pressure of 26 torr. 
Myoglobin has a greater affinity than hemoglobin for oxygen at all oxygen pressures. In the lungs, where the partial pressure of oxygen is high, hemo- 
globin is nearly saturated with oxygen. In tissues, where the partial pressure of oxygen is low, oxygen is released from oxygenated hemoglobin and 
transferred to myoglobin, (b) O 2 binding by the different states of hemoglobin. The oxy (R, or high-affinity) state of hemoglobin has a hyperbolic 
binding curve. The deoxy (T, or low-affinity) state of hemoglobin would also have a hyperbolic binding curve but with a much higher concentration for 
half-saturation. Solutions of hemoglobin containing mixtures of low- and high-affinity forms show sigmoidal binding curves with intermediate oxygen 




Porphyrin plane Fe 

▲ Figure 4.53 

Conformational changes in a hemoglobin chain induced by oxygenation. When the heme iron of a he- 
moglobin subunit is oxygenated (red), the proximal histidine residue is pulled toward the porphyrin 
ring. The helix containing the histidine also shifts position, disrupting ion pairs that cross-link the 
subunits of deoxyhemoglobin (blue). 


CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

changes, its diameter decreases, and it moves into the plane of the porphyrin ring 
pulling the helix that contains the proximal histidine. The change in tertiary structure 
results in a slight change in quaternary structure and this allows the remaining subunits 
to bind oxygen more readily. The entire tetramer appears to shift from the deoxy to the 
oxy conformation only after at least one oxygen molecule binds to each a(3 dimer. (For 
further discussion, see Section 5.9C.) 

The conformational change of hemoglobin is responsible for the positive cooperativ- 
ity of binding seen in the binding curve (Figure 4.52a). The shape of the curve is due to 
the combined effect of the two conformations (Figure 4.52b). The completely deoxy- 
genated form of hemoglobin has a low affinity for oxygen and thus exhibits a hyperbolic 
binding curve with a very high concentration of half- saturation. Only a small amount of 
hemoglobin is saturated at low oxygen concentrations. As the concentration of oxygen in- 
creases, some of the hemoglobin molecules bind a molecule of oxygen and this increases 
their affinity for oxygen so that they are more likely to bind additional oxygen. This causes 
the sigmoidal curve and also a sharp rise in binding. More molecules of hemoglobin are in 
the oxy conformation. If all of the hemoglobin molecules were in the oxy conformation, a 
solution would exhibit a hyperbolic binding curve. Release of the oxygen molecules allows 
the hemoglobin molecule to re-form the ion pairs and resume the deoxy conformation. 

The two conformations of hemoglobin are called the T (tense) and R (relaxed) 
states, using the standard terminology for such conformational changes. In hemoglo- 
bin, the deoxy conformation, which resists oxygen binding, is considered the inactive 
(T) state, and the oxy conformation, which facilitates oxygen binding, is considered the 
active (R) state. The R and T states are in dynamic equilibrium. 


The human a globin genes are located on chromosome 16 in 
a cluster of related members of the globin gene family. There 
are two different genes encoding a globin: aq and a 2 Up- 
stream of these genes there is another functional gene called 
£ (zeta). The locus includes two nonfunctional pseudogenes, 
one related to £ and the other derived from a duplicated 
a globin gene 

The f3 globin gene is on chromosome 1 1 and it is also lo- 
cated at a locus where there are other members of the globin 
gene family. The functional genes are d, two related y globin 
genes (y A and y G ), and an s (epsilon) gene. This locus also 
contains a pseudogene related to [3 (if/p). 

The other globin genes encode hemoglobin subunits that 
are expressed in the early embryo and in the fetus. The embry- 
onic hemoglobins are called Gower 1 (£ 2 s 2 ), Gower 2 (a 2 s 2 ), 
and Portland (£ 272 )- The fetal hemoglobin has the subunit 
composition a 2 y 2 . The adult hemoglobins are a 2 f 3 2 and a 2 8 2 . 

During early embryogenesis, the growing embryo gets 
oxygen from the mother’s blood through the placenta. 
The concentration of oxygen in the embryo is much lower 
than the concentration of oxygen in adult blood. The embry- 

onic hemoglobins compensate by binding oxygen much more 
tightly, their P 50 values range from 4 to 12 torr — much lower 
than the value of adult hemoglobin (26 torr). The fetal hemo- 
globins bind oxygen less tightly than the embryonic hemoglo- 
bin but tighter than the adult hemoglobins (P 50 = 20 torr). 

Expression of the various globin genes is carefully regu- 
lated so that the right genes are transcribed at the right time. 
Sometimes mutations arise where the fetal y globin genes are 
inappropriately expressed in adults. The result is a phenotype 
known as Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin 
(HPFH). This is just one of hundreds of hemoglobin variants 
that have been detected in humans. You can read about them 
on a database called Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man 
(OMIM), the most complete and accurate database of 
human genetic diseases ( 

► Human fetus. 

Chromosome 16 

◄ Globin genes, 
cq a 2 

y G ? A 

s P 

Chromosome 1 1 

4.14 Oxygen Binding to Myoglobin and Hemoglobin 127 

▲ Julian Voss-Andreae created a sculpture called “Heart of Steel (Hemoglobin)” in 2005 in the City of Lake Oswego, Oregon. The sculpture is a 
depiction of a hemoglobin molecule with a bound oxygen atom. The original sculpture was shiny steel (left). After 10 days (middle) it had started 
to rust as the iron in the steel reacted with oxygen in the atmosphere. After several months (right) the sculpture was completely rust colored. 

C. Hemoglobin Is an Allosteric Protein 

The binding and release of oxygen by hemoglobin are regulated by allosteric interactions 
(from the Greek alios , “other”). In this respect, hemoglobin — a carrier protein, not an 
enzyme — resembles certain regulatory enzymes (Section 5.9). Allosteric interactions 
occur when a specific small molecule, called an allosteric modulator, or allosteric effector, 
binds to a protein (usually an enzyme) and modulates its activity. The allosteric modu- 
lator binds reversibly at a site separate from the functional binding site of the protein. 
An effector molecule may be an activator or an inhibitor. A protein whose activity is 
modulated by allosteric effectors is called an allosteric protein. 

Allosteric modulation is accomplished by small but significant changes in the con- 
formations of allosteric proteins. It involves cooperativity of binding that is regulated by 
binding of the allosteric effector to a distinct site that doesn’t overlap the normal bind- 
ing site of a substrate, product, or transported molecule such as oxygen. An allosteric 
protein is in an equilibrium in which its active shape (R state) and its inactive shape 
(T state) are rapidly interconverting. A substrate, which obviously binds at the active 
site (to heme in hemoglobin), binds most avidly when the protein is in the R state. An 
allosteric inhibitor, which binds at an allosteric or regulatory site, binds most avidly to 
the T state. The binding of an allosteric inhibitor to its own site causes the allosteric 
protein to change rapidly from the R state to the T state. The binding of a substrate to 
the active site (or an allosteric activator to the allosteric site) causes the reverse change. 
The change in conformation of an allosteric protein caused by binding or release of an 
effector extends from the allosteric site to the functional binding site (the active site). 
The activity level of an allosteric protein depends on the relative proportions of mole- 
cules in the R and T forms and these, in turn, depend on the relative concentrations of 
the substrates and modulators that bind to each form. 

The molecule 2,3-frisphospho-D-glycerate (2,3BPG) is an allosteric effector of 
mammalian hemoglobin. The presence of 2,3BPG in erythrocytes raises the P 50 for 
binding of oxygen to adult hemoglobin to about 26 torr — much higher than the P 50 for 
oxygen binding to purified hemoglobin in aqueous solution (about 12 torr). In other 
words, 2,3BPG in erythrocytes substantially lowers the affinity of deoxyhemoglobin for 
oxygen. The concentrations of 2,3BPG and hemoglobin within erythrocytes are nearly 
equal (about 4.7 mM). 





H — C — OPO 


1 © 

ch 2 opo 3 ^ 

▲ 2,3-Bisphospho-D-glycerate (2,3BPG). 

The synthesis of 2,3BPG in red blood 
cells is described in Box 11.2 
(Chapter 11). 

128 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

Figure 4.54 ► 

Binding of 2,3BPG to deoxyhemoglobin. The 

central cavity of deoxyhemoglobin is lined 
with positively charged groups that are com- 
plementary to the carboxylate and phos- 
phate groups of 2,3BPG. Both 2,3BPG and 
the ion pairs shown help stabilize the deoxy 
conformation. The a subunits are shown in 
pink, the (3 subunits in blue, and the heme 
prosthetic groups in red. 

R and T conformations are explained 
more thoroughly in Section 5.10, 
“Theory of Allostery.” 

▲ Figure 4.55 

Bohr effect. Lowering the pH decreases the 
affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen. 

The effector 2,3BPG binds in the central cavity of hemoglobin between the two 
[3 subunits. In this binding pocket there are six positively charged side chains and the 
N-terminal a-amino group of each / 3 chain forming a cationic binding site (Figure 4.54). 
In deoxyhemoglobin, these positively charged groups can interact electrostatically with 
the five negative charges of 2,3BPG. When 2,3BPG is bound, the deoxy conformation 
(the T state, which has a low affinity for 0 2 ) is stabilized and conversion to the oxy con- 
formation (the R or high-affinity state) is inhibited. In oxyhemoglobin, the [3 chains are 
closer together and the allosteric binding site is too small to accommodate 2,3BPG. The 
reversibly bound ligands 0 2 and 2,3BPG have opposite effects on the R T equilib- 
rium. Oxygen binding increases the proportion of hemoglobin molecules in the oxy (R) 
conformation and 2,3BPG binding increases the proportion of hemoglobin molecules 
in the deoxy (T) conformation. Because oxygen and 2,3BPG have different binding 
sites, 2,3BPG is a true allosteric effector. 

In the absence of 2,3BPG, hemoglobin is nearly saturated at an oxygen pressure of 
about 20 torn Thus, at the low partial pressure of oxygen that prevails in the tissues (20 to 
40 torr), hemoglobin without 2,3BPG would not unload its oxygen. In the presence of 
equimolar 2,3BPG, however, hemoglobin is only about one-third saturated at 20 torr. The 
allosteric effect of 2,3BPG causes hemoglobin to release oxygen at the low partial pressures 
of oxygen in the tissues. In muscle, myoglobin can bind some of the oxygen that is released. 

Additional regulation of the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin involves carbon 
dioxide and protons, both of which are products of aerobic metabolism. C0 2 decreases 
the affinity of hemoglobin for 0 2 by lowering the pH inside red blood cells. Enzyme- 
catalyzed hydration of C0 2 in erythrocytes produces carbonic acid, H 2 C0 3 , which dis- 
sociates to form bicarbonate and a proton thereby lowering the pH. 

C0 2 + H 2 0 H 2 C0 3 H© + HC0 3 © (4.4) 

The lower pH leads to protonation of several groups in hemoglobin. These groups then 
form ion pairs that help stabilize the deoxy conformation. The increase in the concentration 
of C0 2 and the concomitant decrease in pH raise the P 50 of hemoglobin (Figure 4.55). 
This phenomenon, called the Bohr effect, increases the efficiency of the oxygen delivery 
system. In inhaling lungs, where the C0 2 level is low, 0 2 is readily picked up by 
hemoglobin; in metabolizing tissues, where the C0 2 level is relatively high and the pH is 
relatively low, 0 2 is readily unloaded from oxyhemoglobin. 

4.15 Antibodies Bind Specific Antigens 129 

Carbon dioxide is transported from the tissues to the lungs in two ways. Most C0 2 
produced by metabolism is transported as dissolved bicarbonate ions but some carbon 
dioxide is carried by hemoglobin itself the form of carbamate adducts (Figure 4.56). At 
the pH of red blood cells (7.2) and at high concentrations of C0 2 , the unprotonated 
amino groups of the four N- terminal residues of deoxyhemoglobin (pFC a values between 7 
and 8) can react reversibly with C0 2 to form carbamate adducts. The carbamates of oxy- 
hemoglobin are less stable than those of deoxyhemoglobin. When hemoglobin reaches 
the lungs, where the partial pressure of C0 2 is low and the partial pressure of 0 2 is high, 
hemoglobin is converted to its oxygenated state and the C0 2 that was bound is released. 

4.15 Antibodies Bind Specific Antigens 

Vertebrates possess a complex immune system that eliminates foreign substances includ- 
ing infectious bacteria and viruses. As part of this defense system, vertebrates synthesize 
proteins called antibodies (also known as immunoglobulins) that specifically recognize 
and bind antigens. Many different types of foreign compounds can serve as antigens that 
produce an immune response. Antibodies are synthesized by white blood cells called 
lymphocytes — each lymphocyte and its descendants synthesize the same antibody. Be- 
cause animals are exposed to many foreign substances over their lifetimes, they develop a 
huge array of antibody-producing lymphocytes that persist at low levels for many years 
and can later respond to the antigen during reinfection. The memory of the immune sys- 
tem is the reason certain infections do not recur in an individual despite repeated expo- 
sure. Vaccines (inactivated pathogens or analogs of toxins) administered to children are 
effective because immunity established in childhood lasts through adulthood. 

When an antigen — either novel or previously encountered — binds to the surface of 
lymphocytes, these cells are stimulated to proliferate and produce soluble antibodies for 
secretion into the bloodstream. The soluble antibodies bind to the foreign organism or 
substance forming antibody-antigen complexes that precipitate and mark the antigen 
for destruction by a series of interacting proteases or by lymphocytes that engulf the 
antigen and digest it intracellularly. 

The most abundant antibodies in the bloodstream are of the immunoglobulin 
G class (IgG). These are Y-shaped oligomers composed of two identical light chains and 
two identical heavy chains connected by disulfide bonds (Figure 4.57). Immunoglobulins 
are glycoproteins containing covalently bound carbohydrates attached to the heavy 
chains. The N-termini of pairs of light and heavy chains are close together. Light chains contain 
two domains and heavy chains contain four domains. Each of the domains consists of 






o — 



c — N — R 


▲ Figure 4.56 

Carbamate adduct. Carbon dioxide produced 
by metabolizing tissues can react reversibly 
with the N-terminal residues of the globin 
chains of hemoglobin, converting them to 
carbamate adducts. 







◄ Figure 4.57 

Human antibody structure, (a) Structure. 

I I (b) Diagram. Two heavy chains (blue) and 

two light chains (red) of antibodies of the 
immunoglobulin G class are joined by disul- 
fide bonds (yellow). The variable domains of 
I | both the light and heavy chains (where 

®OOC COO® antigen binds) are colored more darkly. 

130 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

▲ Figure 4.58 

The immunoglobulin fold. The domain con- 
sists of a sandwich of two antiparallel 
/ 3 sheets. [PDB 1REI]. 

about 110 residues assembled into a common motif called the immunoglobulin fold whose 
characteristic feature is a sandwich composed of two antiparallel /3 sheets (Figure 4.58). 
This domain structure is found in many other proteins of the immune system. 

The N-terminal domains of antibodies are called the variable domains because 
of their sequence diversity. They determine the specificity of antigen binding. X-ray 
crystallographic studies have shown that the antigen-binding site of a variable do- 
main consists of three loops, called hypervariable regions, that differ widely in size 
and sequence. The loops from a light chain and a heavy chain combine to form a 
barrel, the upper surface of which is complementary to the shape and polarity of a 
specific antigen. The match between the antigen and antibody is so close that there 
is no space for water molecules between the two. The forces that stabilize the inter- 
action of antigen with antibody are primarily hydrogen bonds and electrostatic in- 
teractions. An example of the interaction of antibodies with a protein antigen is 
shown in Figure 4.59. 

Antibodies are used in the laboratory for the detection of small quantities of vari- 
ous substances because of their remarkable antigen-binding specificity. In a common 
type of immunoassay, fluid containing an unknown amount of antigen is mixed with a 
solution of labeled antibody and the amount of antibody-antigen complex formed is 
measured. The sensitivity of these assays can be enhanced in a variety of ways to make 
them suitable for diagnostic tests. 

▲ Figure 4.59 

Binding of three different antibodies to an antigen (the protein lysozyme). The structures of the three 
antigen-antibody complexes have been determined by X-ray crystallography. This composite view, 
in which the antigen and antibodies have been separated, shows the surfaces of the antigen and 
antibodies that interact. Only parts of the three antibodies are shown. 


1. Proteins fold into many different shapes, or conformations. Many 
proteins are water-soluble, roughly spherical, and tightly folded. 
Others form long filaments that provide mechanical support to 
cells and tissues. Membrane proteins are integral components of 
membranes or are associated with membranes. 

2. There are four levels of protein structure: primary (sequence of 
amino acid residues), secondary (regular local conformation, 
stabilized by hydrogen bonds), tertiary (compacted shape of the 
entire polypeptide chain), and quaternary (assembly of two or 
more polypeptide chains into a multisubunit protein). 

3. The three-dimensional structures of biopolymers, such as 
proteins can be determined by X-ray crystallography and NMR 

4. The peptide group is polar and planar. Rotation around the 
N — C a and C a — C bonds is described by <p and if/. 

5. The a helix, a common secondary structure, is a coil containing 
approximately 3.6 amino acid residues per turn. Hydrogen bonds 
between amide hydrogens and carbonyl oxygens are roughly par- 
allel to the helix axis. 

Problems 131 

6. The other common type of secondary structure, /3 structure, 
often consists of either parallel or antiparallel /3 strands that are 
hydrogen-bonded to each other to form /3 sheets. 

7. Most proteins include stretches of nonrepeating conformation, 
including turns and loops that connect a helices and (3 strands. 

8. Recognizable combinations of secondary structural elements are 
called motifs. 

9. The tertiary structure of proteins consists of one or more do- 
mains, which may have recognizable structures and may be asso- 
ciated with particular functions. 

10 . In proteins that possess quaternary structure, subunits are usually 
held together by noncovalent interactions. 

11. The native conformation of a protein can be disrupted by the ad- 
dition of denaturing agents. Renaturation may be possible under 
certain conditions. 

12 . Folding of a protein into its biologically active state is a sequen- 
tial, cooperative process driven primarily by the hydrophobic ef- 
fect. Folding can be assisted by chaperones. 

13 . Collagen is the major fibrous protein of connective tissues. The 
three left-handed helical chains of collagen form a right-handed 

14. The compact, folded structures of proteins allow them to selectively 
bind other molecules. The heme-containing proteins myoglobin 
and hemoglobin bind and release oxygen. Oxygen binding to he- 
moglobin is characterized by positive cooperativity and allosteric 

15 . Antibodies are multidomain proteins that bind foreign substances, 
or antigens, marking them for destruction. The variable domains 
at the ends of the heavy and light chains interact with the antigen. 


1. Examine the following tripeptide: 


H 3 N 





r 3 h 


(a) Label the a-carbon atoms and draw boxes around the atoms 
of each peptide group. 

(b) What do the R groups represent? 

(c) Why is there limited free rotation around the carbonyl C = O 
to N amide bonds? 

(d) Assuming that the chemical structure represents the correct 
conformation of the peptide linkage, are the peptide groups 
in the cis or the trans conformation? 

(e) Which bonds allow rotation of peptide groups with respect 
to each other? 

2. (a) Characterize the hydrogen-bonding pattern of (1) an a helix 

and (2) a collagen triple helix. 

(b) Explain how the amino acid side chains are arranged in each 
of these helices. 

3. Explain why (1) glycine and (2) proline residues are not com- 
monly found in a helices. 

4. A synthetic 20 amino acid polypeptide named Betanova was de- 
signed as a small soluble molecule that would theoretically form 
stable /3-sheet structures in the absence of disulfide bonds. NMR 
of Betanova in solution indicates that it does, in fact, form a 
three-stranded antiparallel /3 sheet. Given the sequence of Be- 
tanova below: 

(a) Draw a ribbon diagram for Betanova indicating likely 
residues for each hairpin turn between the /3 strands. 

(b) Show the interactions that are expected to stabilize this 
/3-sheet structure. 


5 . Each member of an important family of 250 different DNA-binding 
proteins is composed of a dimer with a common protein motif. 
This motif permits each DNA-binding protein to recognize and 
bind to specific DNA sequences. What is the common protein 
motif in the structure below? 

6. Refer to Figure 4.21 to answer the following questions. 

(a) To which of the four major domain categories does the middle 
domain of pyruvate kinase (PK) belong (all a all / 3 , a//3, a + /3)? 

(b) Describe any characteristic domain “fold” that is prominent 
in this middle domain of PK. 

(c) Identify two other proteins that have the same fold as the 
middle domain of pyruvate kinase. 

7. Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) markedly increases the rate of 
correct refolding of the inactive ribonuclease form with random 
disulfide bonds (Figure 4.35). Show the mechanism for the PDI- 
catalyzed rearrangement of a nonnative (inactive) protein with 
incorrect disulfide bonds to the native (active) protein with cor- 
rect disulfide bonds. 

132 CHAPTER 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 





8. Myoglobin contains eight a helices, one of which has the follow- 
ing sequence: 



Which side chains are likely to be on the side of the helix that faces 
the interior of the protein? Which are likely to be facing the aqueous 
solvent? Account for the spacing of the residues facing the interior. 

9. Homocysteine is an a-amino acid containing one more methylene 
group in its side chain than cysteine (side chain = — CH 2 CH 2 SH). 
Homocysteinuria is a genetic disease characterized by elevated 
levels of homocysteine in plasma and urine, as well as skeletal de- 
formities due to defects in collagen structure. Homocysteine re- 
acts readily with allysine under physiological conditions. Show 
this reaction and suggest how it might lead to defective cross- 
linking in collagen. 

10. The larval form of the parasite Schistosoma mansoni infects hu- 
mans by penetrating the skin. The larva secretes enzymes that 
catalyze the cleavage of peptide bonds between residues X and Y 
in the sequence -Gly-Pro-X-Y- (X and Y can be any of several 
amino acids). Why is this enzyme activity important for the parasite? 

11 . (a) How does the reaction of carbon dioxide with water help ex- 

plain the Bohr effect? Include the equation for the formation 
of bicarbonate ion from C0 2 and water, and explain the ef- 
fects of H® and C0 2 on hemoglobin oxygenation. 

(b) Explain the physiological basis for the intravenous adminis- 
tration of bicarbonate to shock victims. 

12 . Fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) contains serine in place of the cationic 
histidine at position 143 of the p chains of adult hemoglobin (Hb A). 
Residue 143 faces the central cavity between the ft chains. 

(a) Why does 2,3BPG bind more tightly to deoxy Hb A than to 
deoxy Hb F? 

(b) How does the decreased affinity of Hb F for 2,3BPG affect the 
affinity of Hb F for 0 2 ? 

(c) The P 50 for Hb F is 18 torr, and the P 50 for Hb A is 26 torr. 
How do these values explain the efficient transfer of oxygen 
from maternal blood to the fetus? 

13 . Amino acid substitutions at the aft subunit interfaces of hemo- 
globin may interfere with the R v T quaternary structural 
changes that take place on oxygen binding. In the hemoglobin 
variant Hb Ya kima> the R form is stabilized relative to the T form, 
and P 50 =12 torr. Explain why the mutant hemoglobin is less effi- 
cient than normal hemoglobin (P 50 = 26 torr) in delivering oxy- 
gen to working muscle, where 0 2 may be as low as 10 to 20 torr. 

14 . The spider venom from the Chilean Rose Tarantula ( Grammostola 
spatulata) contains a toxin that is a 34-amino acid protein. It is 
thought to be a globular protein that partitions into the lipid 
membrane to exert its effect. The sequence of the protein is: 


(a) Identify the hydrophobic and highly hydrophilic amino acids 
in the protein. 

(b) The protein is thought to have a hydrophobic face that interacts 
with the lipid membrane. How can the hydrophobic amino 
acids far apart in sequence interact to form a hydrophobic face? 

[Adapted from Fee, S. and MacKinnon, R. (2004). Nature 430: 

15 . Selenoprotein P is an unusual extracellular protein that contains 
8-10 selenocysteine residues and has a high content of cysteine 
and histidine residues. Selenoprotein P is found both as a plasma 
protein and as a protein strongly associated with the surface 
of cells. The association of selenoprotein P with cells is pro- 
posed to occur through the interaction of selenoprotein P 
with high-molecular-weight carbohydrate compounds classi- 
fied as glycosaminoglycans. One such compound is heparin 
(see structure on next page). Binding studies of selenoprotein P 
to heparin were carried out under different pH conditions. The 
results are shown in the graph on next page. 

(a) How is the binding of selenoprotein P to heparin dependent 
upon pH? 

(b) Give possible structural reasons for the binding dependence. 

(Hint: Use the information about which amino acids are 
abundant in selenoprotein P in your answer) . 

[Adapted from Arteel, G. E., Franken, S., Kappler, J., and Sies, H. 
(2000). Biol Chem. 381:265-268.] 

Selected Readings 133 

16 . Gelatin is processed collagen that comes from the joints of ani- 
mals. When gelatin is mixed with hot water, the triple helix struc- 
ture unwinds and the chains separate, becoming random coils 
that dissolve in the water. As the dissolved gelatin mixture cools, 
the collagen forms a matrix that traps water; as a result, the mix- 
ture turns into the jiggling semisolid mass that is recognizable as 
Jell-O™. The directions on a box of gelatin include the following: 
“Chill until slightly thickened, then add 1 to 2 cups cooked or raw 
fruits or vegetables. Fresh or frozen pineapple must be cooked be- 
fore adding.” If the pineapple is not cooked, the gelatin will not 
set properly. Pineapple belongs to a group of plants called 
Bromeliads and contains a protease called bromelain. Explain 
why pineapple must be cooked before adding to gelatin. 

17 . Hb Helsinki (HbH) is a hemoglobin mutant in which the lysine 
residue at position 82 has been replaced with methionine. The 
mutation is in the beta chain, and residue 82 is found in the central 
cavity of hemoglobin. The oxygen binding curves for normal adult 
hemoglobin (HbA, •) and HbH (■) at pH 7.4 in the presence of a 
physiological concentration of 2,3BPG are shown in the graph. 

[Adapted from Ikkala, E., Koskela, J., Pikkarainen, P., Rahiala, E.L., 
El-Hazmi, M. A., Nagai, K., Lang, A., and Lehmann, H. Acta Haematol. 
(1976). 56:257-275.] 

Explain why the curve for HbH is shifted from the curve for HbA. 
Does this mutation stabilize the R or T state? What result does this 
mutation have on oxygen affinity? 

Selected Readings 


Clothia, C., and Gough, J. (2009). Genomic and 
structural aspects of protein evolution. Biochem. J. 
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Creighton, T. E. (1993). Proteins: Structures and 
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Fersht, A. (1998). Structure and Mechanism in Pro- 
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Goodsell, D., and Olson, A. J. (1993). Soluble pro- 
teins: size, shape, and function. Trends Biochem. 

Sci. 18:65-68. 

Goodsell, D. S., and Olson, A. J. (2000). Structural 
symmetry and protein function. Annu. Rev. Biophys, 
Biomolec. Struct. 29:105-153. 

Kyte, J. (1995). Structure in Protein Chemistry 
(New York: Garland) . 

Protein Structure 

Branden, C., and Tooze, J. (1991). Introduction to 
Protein Structure 2nd ed. (New York: Garland). 

Chothia, C., Hubbard, T., Brenner, S., Barns, H., 
and Murzin, A. (1997). Protein folds in the all-yS 
and all-u classes. Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. 

Edison, A. S. (2001). Linus Pauling and the planar 
peptide bond. Nat. Struct. Biol. 8:201-202. 

Harper, E. T., and Rose, G. D. (1993). Helix stop sig- 
nals in proteins and peptides: the capping box. 
Biochemistry 32:7605-7609. 

Phizicky, E., and Fields, S. (1995). Protein-protein 
interactions: methods for detection and analysis. 
Microbiol. Rev. 59:94-123. 

Rhodes, G. (1993). Crystallography Made Crystal 
Clear (San Diego: Academic Press). 

Richardson, J. S., and Richardson, D. C. (1989). 
Principles and patterns of protein conformation. In 
Prediction of Protein Structure and the Principles of 
Protein Conformation, G. D. Fasman, ed. (New 
York: Plenum), pp. 1-98. 

Wang, Y., Liu, C., Yang, D., and Yu, H. (2010). 
PinlAt encoding a peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans iso- 
merase regulates flowering time in arabidopsis. 
Molec. Cell. 37:112-122. 

Uversky, V. N., and Dunker, A. K. (2010). Under- 
standing protein non-folding. Biochim. Biophys. 
Acta. 1804:1231-1264. 

Protein Folding and Stability 

Daggett, V., and Fersht, A. R. (2003). Is there a uni- 
fying mechanism for protein folding? Trends 
Biochem. Sci. 28:18-25. 

Dill, K. A. Ozkan, S. B., Shell, M. S., and Weik, T. R. 
(2008). The protein folding problem. Annu. Rev. 
Biophys. 37:289-316. 

Feldman, D. E., and Frydman, J. (2000). Protein 
folding in vivo: the importance of molecular chap- 
erones. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 10:26-33. 

Kryshtafovych, A., Fidelis, K., and Moult, J. (2009). 
CASP8 results in context of previous experiments. 
Proteins. 77(suppl 9):217-228. 

Matthews, B. W. (1993). Structural and genetic 
analysis of protein stability. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Saibil, H. R. and Ranson, N. A. (2002). The chaper- 
onin folding machine. Trends Biochem. Sci. 

Sigler, P. B., Xu, Z., Rye, H. S., Burston, S. G., Fen- 
ton, W. A., and Horwich, A. L. (1998). Structure 
and function in GroEL- mediated protein folding. 
Annu. Rev. Biochem. 67:581-608. 

Smith, C. A. (2000). How do proteins fold? 
Biochem. Ed. 28:76-79. 

Specific Proteins 

Ackers, G. K., Doyle, M. L., Myers, D., and Daugh- 
erty, M. A. (1992). Molecular code for cooperativ- 
ity in hemoglobin. Science 255:54-63. 

Brittain, T. (2002). Molecular aspects of embry- 
onic hemogloin function. Molec. Aspects Med. 

Davies, D. R., Padlan, E. A., and Sheriff, S. (1990). 
Antibody-antigen complexes. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Eaton, W. A., Henry, E. R., Hofrichter, J., and Moz- 
zarelli, A. (1999). Is cooperative binding by hemo- 
globin really understood? Nature Struct. Biol. 
6(4):351-3 57. 

Kadler, K. (1994). Extracellular matrix 1: 
fibril-forming collagens. Protein Profile 

Liu, R., and Ochman, H. (2007). Stepwise forma- 
tion of the bacterial flagellar system. Proc. Natl. 
Acad. Sci. (USA). 104:7116-7121. 

Perutz, M. F. (1978). Hemoglobin structure and 
respiratory transport. Sci. Am. 239(6):92-125. 

Perutz, M. F., Wilkinson, A. J., Paoli, M., and 
Dodson, G. G. (1998). The stereochemical 
mechanism of the cooperative effects in 
hemoglobin revisited. Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. 
Struct. 27:1-34. 

Properties of Enzymes 

W e have seen how the three-dimensional shapes of proteins allow them to 
serve structural and transport roles. We now discuss their functions as en- 
zymes. Enzymes are extraordinarily efficient, selective, biological catalysts. 
Every living cell has hundreds of different enzymes catalyzing the reactions essential for 
life — even the simplest living organisms contain hundreds of different enzymes. In 
multicellular organisms, the complement of enzymes differentiates one cell type from 
another but most of the enzymes we discuss in this book are among the several hundred 
common to all cells. These enzymes catalyze the reactions of the central metabolic path- 
ways necessary for the maintenance of life. 

In the absence of the enzymes, metabolic reactions will not proceed at significant 
rates under physiological conditions. The primary role of enzymes is to enhance the 
rates of these reactions to make life possible. Enzyme -catalyzed reactions are 10 3 to 10 20 
times faster than the corresponding uncatalyzed reactions. A catalyst is defined as a 
substance that speeds up the attainment of equilibrium. It may be temporarily changed 
during the reaction but it is unchanged in the overall process since it recycles to partici- 
pate in multiple reactions. Reactants bind to a catalyst and products dissociate from it. 
Note that a catalyst does not change the position of the reactions equilibrium (i.e., it 
does not make an unfavorable reaction favorable). Instead, it lowers the amount of en- 
ergy needed in order for the reaction to proceed. Catalysts speed up both the forward 
and reverse reactions by converting a one- or two-step process into several smaller steps 
each needing less energy than the uncatalyzed reaction. 

Enzymes are highly specific for the reactants, or substrates, they act on, but the de- 
gree of substrate specificity varies. Some enzymes act on a group of related substrates, 
and others on only a single compound. Many enzymes exhibit stereospecificity meaning 

I was awed by enzymes and fell 
instantly in love with them. I have 
since had love affairs with many 
enzymes (none as enduring as with 
DNA polymerase ), but I have never 
met a dull or disappointing one. 

—Arthur Kornberg (2001) 


Catalysts speed up the rate of 
forward and reverse reactions but 
they don’t change the equilibrium 

Top:The enzyme acetylcholinesterase with the reversible inhibitor donepezil hydrochloride (Aricept; shown in red) occupy- 
ing the active site. Aricept is used to improve mental functioning in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. It is thought to act 
by inhibiting the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain, thus prolonging the neurotransmitter ef- 
fects. (It does not, however, affect the course of the disease.) [PDB 1EVE] 


Properties of Enzymes 


▲ Enzyme reaction. This is a large-scale enzyme reaction where milk is being curdled to make 
Appenzeller cheese. The reaction is catalyzed by rennet (rennin), which was originally derived from 
cow stomach. Rennet contains the enzyme chymosin, a protease that cleaves the milk protein 
casein between phenylalanine and methionine residues. The reaction releases a hydrophobic 
fragment of casein that aggregates and precipitates forming curd. 

that they act on only a single stereoisomer of the substrate. Perhaps the most important 
aspect of enzyme specificity is reaction specificity — that is, the lack of formation of 
wasteful by-products. Reaction specificity is reflected in the exceptional purity of prod- 
uct (essentially 100%) — much higher than the purity of products of typical catalyzed 
reactions in organic chemistry. The specificity of enzymes not only saves energy for cells 
but also precludes the buildup of potentially toxic metabolic by-products. 

Enzymes can do more than simply increase the rate of a single, highly specific reac- 
tion. Some can also combine, or couple, two reactions that would normally occur sepa- 
rately. This property allows the energy gained from one reaction to be used in a second 
reaction. Coupled reactions are a common feature of many enzymes — the hydrolysis of 
ATP, for example, is often coupled to less favorable metabolic reactions. 

Some enzymatic reactions function as control points in metabolism. As we will see, 
metabolism is regulated in a variety of ways including alterations in the concentrations 
of enzymes, substrates, and enzyme inhibitors and modulation of the activity levels of 
certain enzymes. Enzymes whose activity is regulated generally have a more complex 
structure than unregulated enzymes. With few exceptions, regulated enzymes are 
oligomeric molecules that have separate binding sites for substrates and effectors, the 
compounds that act as regulatory signals. The fact that enzyme activity can be regulated 
is an important property that distinguishes biological catalysts from those encountered 
in a chemistry lab. 

The word enzyme is derived from a Greek word meaning “in yeast.” It indicates that 
these catalysts are present inside cells. In the late 1800s, scientists studied the fermentation 
of sugars by yeast cells. Vitalists (who maintained that organic compounds could be 
made only by living cells) said that intact cells were needed for fermentation. Mechanists 
claimed that enzymes in yeast cells catalyze the reactions of fermentation. The latter 
conclusion was supported by the observation that cell- free extracts of yeast can catalyze 
fermentation. This finding was soon followed by the identification of individual reactions 
and the enzymes that catalyze them. 

A generation later, in 1926, James B. Sumner crystallized the first enzyme (urease) 
and proved that it is a protein. Five more enzymes were purified in the next decade and 
also found to be proteins: pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, and Old 
Yellow Enzyme (a flavoprotein NADPH oxidase). Since then, almost all enzymes have 
been shown to be proteins or proteins plus cofactors. Certain RNA molecules also ex- 
hibit catalytic activity but they are not usually referred to as enzymes. 

Some of the first biochemistry depart- 
ments in universities were called 
Departments of Zymology. 

Catalytic RNA molecules are discussed 
in Chapters 21 and 22. 

136 CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 

▲ Crystals of a bacterial ( Shewanella 
oneidensis ) homologue of Old Yellow Enzyme. 

(Courtesy of J. Elegheert and S. N. 

We begin this chapter with a description of enzyme classification and nomencla- 
ture. Next, we discuss kinetic analysis (measurements of reaction rates) emphasizing 
how kinetic experiments can reveal the properties of an enzyme and the nature of the 
complexes it forms with substrates and inhibitors. Finally, we describe the principles of 
inhibition and activation of regulatory enzymes. Chapter 6 explains how enzymes work 
at the chemical level and uses serine proteases to illustrate the relationship between pro- 
tein structure and enzymatic function. Chapter 7 is devoted to the biochemistry of 
coenzymes, the organic molecules that assist some enzymes in their catalytic roles by 
providing reactive groups not found on amino acid side chains. In the remaining chapters 
we will present many other examples illustrating the four main properties of enzymes: 
(1) they function as catalysts, (2) they catalyze highly specific reactions, (3) they can 
couple reactions, and (4) their activity can be regulated. 

5.1 The Six Classes of Enzymes 

Most of the classical metabolic enzymes are named by adding the suffix -ase to the 
name of their substrates or to a descriptive term for the reactions they catalyze. For ex- 
ample, urease has urea as a substrate. Alcohol dehydrogenase catalyzes the removal of 
hydrogen from alcohols (i.e., the oxidation of alcohols). A few enzymes, such as trypsin 
and amylase, are known by their historic names. Many newly discovered enzymes are 
named after their genes or for some nondescriptive characteristic. For example, RecA is 
named after the recA gene and HSP70 is a heat shock protein — both enzymes catalyze 
the hydrolysis of ATR 

A committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
(IUBMB) maintains a classification scheme that categorizes enzymes according to the 
general class of organic chemical reaction that is catalyzed. The six categories — 
oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, and ligases — are defined 
below with an example of each type of enzyme. The IUBMB classification scheme as- 
signs a unique number, called the enzyme classification number, or EC number, to 
each enzyme. IUBMB also assigns a unique systematic name to each enzyme; it may be 
different from the common name of an enzyme. This book usually refers to enzymes 
by their common names. 

1. Oxidoreductases catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions. Most of these enzymes are 
commonly referred to as dehydrogenases. Other enzymes in this class are called oxi- 
dases, peroxidases, oxygenases, or reductases. There is a trend in biochemistry to 
refer to more and more of these enzymes by their systematic name, oxidoreduc- 
tases, rather than the more common names in the older biochemical literature. 
One example of an oxidoreductase is lactate dehydrogenase (EC also 
called lactate:NAD oxidoreductase. This enzyme catalyzes the reversible conversion 
of L-lactate to pyruvate. The oxidation of L-lactate is coupled to the reduction of 
the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD®). 



HO — C — H + NAD 


ch 3 





C = 0 + NADH + H 



CH 3 


2. Transferases catalyze group transfer reactions and many require the presence of 
coenzymes. In group transfer reactions a portion of the substrate molecule usually 
binds covalently to the enzyme or its coenzyme. This group includes kinases, 
enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a phosphoryl group from ATP. Alanine 
transaminase, whose systematic name is L- alanine: 2 -oxyglutarate aminotransferase 

5.1 The Six Classes of Enzymes 137 


The enzyme classification number for malate dehydrogenase 
is EC This enzyme has an activity similar to that of 
lactate dehydrogenase described under oxidoreductases (see 
Figure 4.23, Box 13.3). 

The first number identifies this enzyme as a member of the 
first class of enzymes (oxidoreductases). The second number 
identifies the substrate group that malate dehydrogenase recog- 
nizes. Subclass 1.1 means that the substrate is a HC — OH 
group. The third number specifies the electron acceptor for 
this class of enzymes. Subclass 1.1.1 is for enzymes that use 
NAD + or NADP + as an acceptor. The final number means that 
malate dehydrogenase is the 37th enzyme in this category. 

Compare the EC number 
of malate dehydrogenase with 
that of lactate dehydrogenase to 
see how similar enzymes have 
similar classification numbers. 

Accurate enzyme identifi- 
cation and classification is an 
important and essential part of 
modern biological databases. 
The entire classification data- 
base can be seen at www.chem. 

(EC 2.6. 1.2), is a typical transferase. It transfers an amino group from L-alanine to 
a-ketoglutarate (2-oxoglutarate) . 


Hz»N - 


i i 

-c — H + C=0 

Alanine transaminase 

< =± 


I © 

C = 0 + H,N- 


ch 3 


(CH 2 ) 2 


CH 3 




-c — H 


(CH 2 ) 2 





3. Hydrolases catalyze hydrolysis. They are a special class of transferases with water 
serving as the acceptor of the group transferred. Pyrophosphatase is a simple exam- 
ple of a hydrolase. The systematic name of this enzyme is diphosphate phosphohy- 
drolase (EC 3. 6. 1.1). 


0 . 



-o— p— o + h 2 o 



°o o'- 




2 HO — P — O 





4. Lyases catalyze lysis of a substrate generating a double bond in nonhydrolytic, 
nonoxidative, elimination reactions. In the reverse direction, lyases catalyze the ad- 
dition of one substrate to the double bond of a second substrate. Pyruvate decar- 
boxylase belongs to this class of enzymes since it splits pyruvate into acetaldehyde 
and carbon dioxide. The systematic name for pyruvate decarboxylase, 2-oxo-acid 
carboxy-lyase (EC 4. 1.1.1), is rarely used. 

C = 0 + H 


CH 3 


Pyruvate H O 

decarboxylase \ # 

> C + 


CH 3 


0 = C=0 




5. Isomerases catalyze structural change within a single molecule (isomerization reac- 
tions). Because these reactions have only one substrate and one product, they are 
among the simplest enzymatic reactions. Alanine racemase (EC 5. 1.1.1) is an 

▲ Distribution of all known enzymes by EC 
classification number. 1. oxidoreductases; 
2. transferases; 3. hydrolases; 4. lyases; 
5. isomerases; 6. ligases. 

138 CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 

isomerase that catalyzes the interconversion of L-alanine and D-alanine. The com- 
mon name is the same as the systematic name. 

coo 0 

© I 

H 3 N — C — H 

ch 3 




coo 0 

I © 

H — C — NH 3 

ch 3 



6. Ligases catalyze ligation, or joining, of two substrates. These reactions require the 
input of chemical potential energy in the form of a nucleoside triphosphate 
such as ATP. Ligases are usually referred to as synthetases. Glutamine synthetase, or 
L- glutamate: ammonia ligase (ADP-forming) (EC 6.3. 1.2), uses the energy of ATP 
hydrolysis to join glutamate and ammonia to produce glutamine. 

The human genome contains genes for 
about 1000 different enzymes catalyz- 
ing reactions in several hundred meta- 
bolic pathways ( Since 
many enzymes have multiple subunits 
there are about 3000 different genes 
devoted to making enzymes. We have 
about 20,000 genes so most of the 
genes in our genome do not encode 
enzymes or enzyme subunits. 

coo 0 

© I 

H 3 N — C — H 

I + ATP + NH 4 @ 
(CH 2 ) 2 





© I 

H 3 N — C — H 

I + ADP + P| 

(CH 2 ) 2 (5.6) 



S \ 



From the examples given above we see that most enzymes have more than one sub- 
strate although the second substrate may be only a molecule of water or a proton. Al- 
though enzymes catalyze both forward and reverse reactions, one-way arrows are often 
used when the equilibrium favors a great excess of product over substrate. Remember 
that when a reaction reaches equilibrium the enzyme must be catalyzing both the for- 
ward and reverse reactions at the same rate. 

Recall that concentrations are indicat- 
ed by square brackets: [P] signifies the 
concentration of product, [E] the con- 
centration of enzyme, and [S] the con- 
centration of the substrate. 

5.2 Kinetic Experiments Reveal Enzyme Properties 

We begin our study of enzyme properties by examining the rates of enzyme -catalyzed 
reactions. Such studies fall under the category of enzyme kinetics (from the Greek 
kinetikos , “moving”). This is an appropriate place to begin since the most important 
property of enzymes is that they act as catalysts, speeding up the rates of reactions. En- 
zyme kinetics provides indirect information about the specificities and catalytic mecha- 
nisms of enzymes. Kinetic experiments also reveal whether an enzyme is regulated. 

Most enzyme research in the first half of the 20th century was limited to kinetic ex- 
periments. This research revealed how the rates of reactions are affected by variations in 
experimental conditions or changes in the concentration of enzyme or substrate. Before 
discussing enzyme kinetics in depth, let’s review the principles of kinetics for 
nonenzymatic chemical systems. These principles are then applied to enzymatic reactions. 

A. Chemical Kinetics 

Kinetic experiments examine the relationship between the amount of product (P) 
formed in a unit of time (A[P]/At) and the experimental conditions under which the re- 
action takes place. The basis of most kinetic measurements is the observation that the 
rate, or velocity (v), of a reaction varies directly with the concentration of each reactant 
(Section 1.4). This observation is expressed in a rate equation. For example, the rate 
equation for the nonenzymatic conversion of substrate (S) to product in an isomeriza- 
tion reaction is written as 



v = k[S] 


5.2 Kinetic Experiments Reveal Enzyme Properties 139 

The rate equation reflects the fact that the velocity of a reaction depends on the concen- 
tration of the substrate ([S]). The symbol k is the rate constant and indicates the speed 
or efficiency of a reaction. Each reaction has a different rate constant. The units of the 
rate constant for a simple reaction are s _1 . 

As a reaction proceeds, the amount of product ([P]) increases and the amount of 
substrate ([S]) decreases. An example of the progress of several reactions is shown in 
Figure 5.1a. The velocity is the slope of the progress curve over a particular interval of time. 
The shape of the curves indicates that the velocity is decreasing over time as expected 
since the substrate is being depleted. 

In this hypothetical example, the velocity of the reaction might eventually become 
zero when the substrate is used up. This would explain why the curve flattens out at ex- 
tended time points. (See below for another explanation.) We are interested in the rela- 
tionship between substrate concentration and the velocity of a reaction since if we 
know these two values we can use Equation 5.7 to calculate the rate constant. The only 
accurate substrate concentration is the one we prepare at the beginning of the experi- 
ment because the concentration changes during the experiment. The velocity of the re- 
action at the very beginning is the value that we want to know. This value represents the 
rate of the reaction at a known substrate concentration before it changes. 

The initial velocity (v 0 ) can be determined from the slope of the progress curves 
(Figure 5.1a) or from the derivatives of the curves. A graph of initial velocity versus sub- 
strate concentration at the beginning of the experiment gives a straight line as shown in 
Figure 5.1b. The slope of the curve in Figure 5.1b is the rate constant. 

The experiment shown in Figure 5.1 will only determine the forward rate constant 
since the data were collected under conditions where there was no reverse reaction. This 
is another important reason for calculating initial velocity (v 0 ) rather than the rate at 
later time points. In a reversible reaction, the flattening of the progress curves does not 
represent zero velocity. Instead, it simply indicates that there is no net increase in prod- 
uct over time because the reaction has reached equilibrium. 

A better description of our simple reaction would be 

S P (5.8) 


For a more complicated single-step reaction, such as the reaction S x + S 2 — » Pi + P 2 > the 
rate is determined by the concentrations of both substrates. If both substrates are pres- 
ent at similar concentrations, the rate equation is 

v= /c[S n ][S 2 ] (5.9) 

The rate constant for reactions involving two substrates has the units M -1 s -1 . These 
rate constants can be easily determined by setting up conditions where the concentra- 
tion of one substrate is very high and the other is varied. The rate of the reaction will 
depend on the concentration of the rate-limiting substrate. 

B. Enzyme Kinetics 

One of the first great advances in biochemistry was the discovery that enzymes bind 
substrates transiently. In 1894, Emil Fischer proposed that an enzyme is a rigid tem- 
plate, or lock, and that the substrate is a matching key. Only specific substrates can fit 
into a given enzyme. Early studies of enzyme kinetics confirmed that an enzyme (E) 
binds a substrate to form an enzyme-substrate complex (ES). ES complexes are formed 
when ligands bind noncovalently in their proper places in the active site. The substrate 
interacts transiently with the protein catalyst (and with other substrates in a multisub- 
strate reaction) on its way to forming the product of the reaction. 

Lets consider a simple enzymatic reaction; namely, the conversion of a single sub- 
strate to a product. Although most enzymatic reactions have two or more substrates, the 
general principles of enzyme kinetics can be described by assuming the simple case of 
one substrate and one product. 

E + S > ES > E + P (5.10) 

0.05 M 0.1 M 0.2 M 


▲ Figure 5.1 

Rate of a simple chemical reaction, (a) The 

amount of product produced over time is 
plotted for several different initial substrate 
concentrations. The initial velocity i/ 0 is the 
slope of the progress curve at the beginning 
of the reaction, (b) The initial velocity as a 
function of initial substrate concentration. 
The slope of the curve is the rate constant. 


The rate or velocity of a reaction depends 
on the concentration of substrate. 

140 CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 


The enzyme-substrate complex (ES) is a 
transient intermediate in an enzyme 
catalyzed reaction. 


▲ Figure 5.2 

Effect of enzyme concentration ([E]), on the 
initial velocity (v) of an enzyme-catalyzed 
reaction at a fixed, saturating [S]. The 

reaction rate is affected by the concentra- 
tion of enzyme but not by the concentration 
of the other reactant, S. 

Time (t) 

▲ Figure 5.3 Progress curve for an enzyme- 
catalyzed reaction. [P], the concentration of 
product, increases as the reaction proceeds. 
The initial velocity of the reaction, i/ 0 , is the 
slope of the initial linear portion of the 
curve. Note that the rate of the reaction 
doubles when twice as much enzyme 
(2E, upper curve) is added to an otherwise 
identical reaction mixture. 

This reaction takes place in two distinct steps — the formation of the enzyme-substrate 
complex and the actual chemical reaction accompanied by the dissociation of the en- 
zyme and product. Each step has a characteristic rate. The overall rate of an enzymatic 
reaction depends on the concentrations of both the substrate and the catalyst (enzyme). 
When the amount of enzyme is much less than the amount of substrate the reaction 
will depend on the amount of enzyme. 

The straight line in Figure 5.2 illustrates the effect of enzyme concentration on the 
reaction velocity in a pseudo first-order reaction. The more enzyme present, the faster 
the reaction. These conditions are used in enzyme assays to determine the concentra- 
tions of enzymes. The concentration of enzyme in a test sample can be easily deter- 
mined by comparing its activity to a reference curve similar to the model curve in 
Figure 5.2. Under these experimental conditions, there are sufficient numbers of sub- 
strate molecules so that every enzyme molecule binds a molecule of substrate to form 
an ES complex, a condition called saturation of E with S. Enzyme assays measure the 
amount of product formed in a given time period. In some assay methods, a recording 
spectrophotometer can be used to record data continuously; in other methods, samples 
are removed and analyzed at intervals. The assay is performed at a constant pH and 
temperature, generally chosen for optimal enzyme activity or for approximation to 
physiological conditions. 

If we begin an enzyme-catalyzed reaction by mixing substrate and enzyme then 
there is no product present during the initial stages of the reaction. Under these condi- 
tions we can ignore the reverse reaction where P binds to E and is converted to S. The 
reaction can be described by 

k-\ k? 

E + S ES — ^ E + P (5.11) 


The rate constants k\ and k- X in Reaction 5.1 1 govern the rates of association of S with E 
and dissociation of S from ES, respectively. This first step is an equilibrium binding in- 
teraction similar to the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin. The rate constant for the sec- 
ond step is k 2 , the rate of formation of product from ES. Note that conversion of the ES 
complex to free enzyme and product is shown by a one-way arrow because the rate of 
the reverse reaction (E + P — » EP) is negligible at the start of a reaction. The velocity 
measured during this short period is the initial velocity (v 0 ) described in the previous 
section. The formation and dissociation of ES complexes are usually very rapid reac- 
tions because only noncovalent bonds are being formed and broken. In contrast, the 
conversion of substrate to product is usually rate limiting. It is during this step that the 
substrate is chemically altered. 

Enzyme kinetics differs from simple chemical kinetics because the rates of enzyme- 
catalyzed reactions depend on the concentration of enzyme and the enzyme is neither a 
product nor a substrate of the reaction. The rates also differ because substrate has to 
bind to enzyme before it can be converted to product. In an enzyme -catalyzed reaction, 
the initial velocities are obtained from progress curves, just as they are in chemical reac- 
tions. Figure 5.3 shows the progress curves at two different enzyme concentrations in 
the presence of a high initial concentration of substrate ([S] » [E] ). In this case, the 
rate of product formation depends on enzyme concentration and not on the substrate 
concentration. Data from experiments such as those shown in Figure 5.3 can be used to 
plot the curve shown in Figure 5.2. 

5.3 The Michaelis-Menten Equation 

Enzyme- catalyzed reactions, like any chemical reaction, can be described mathemati- 
cally by rate equations. Several constants in the equations indicate the efficiency and 
specificity of an enzyme and are therefore useful for comparing the activities of several 
enzymes or for assessing the physiological importance of a given enzyme. The first rate 
equations were derived in the early 1900s by examining the effects of variations in sub- 
strate concentration. Figure 5.4 a shows a typical result where the initial velocity (v 0 ) of 
a reaction is plotted against the substrate concentration ( [S] ). 

5.3 The Michael is-Menten Equation 141 

The data can be explained by the reaction shown in Reaction 5.1 1. The first step is a 
bimolecular interaction between the enzyme and substrate to form an ES complex. At 
high substrate concentrations (right-hand side of the curve in Figure 5.4) the initial ve- 
locity doesn’t change very much as more S is added. This indicates that the amount of 
enzyme has become rate-limiting in the reaction. The concentration of enzyme is an 
important component of the overall reaction as expected for formation of an ES 
complex. At low substrate concentrations (left-hand side of the curve in Figure 5.4), the 
initial velocity is very sensitive to changes in the substrate concentration. Under these 
conditions most enzyme molecules have not yet bound substrate and the formation of 
the ES complex depends on the substrate concentration. 

The shape of the v 0 vs. [S] curve is that of a rectangular hyperbola. Hyperbolic 
curves indicate processes involving simple dissociation as we saw for the dissociation of 
oxygen from oxymyoglobin (Section 4.13B). This is further evidence that the simple re- 
action under study is bimolecular involving the association of E and S to form an ES 
complex. The equation for a rectangular hyperbola is 


y = VT~ x 


where a is the asymptote of the curve (the value of y at an infinite value of x) and b is 
the point on the x axis corresponding to a value of a/2. In enzyme kinetic experiments, 
y - v 0 and x = [S]. The asymptote value (a) is called l/ max . It’s the maximum velocity of 
the reaction at infinitely large substrate concentrations. We often show the V max value 
on v 0 vs. [S] plots but if you look at the figure it’s not obvious why this particular as- 
ymptote was chosen. One of the characteristics of hyperbolic curves is that the curve 
seems to flatten out at moderate substrate concentrations at a level that seems far less 
than the V^ax value. The true Vm ax is n °t determined by trying to estimate the position 
of the asymptote from the shape of the curve; instead, it is precisely and correctly deter- 
mined by fitting the data to the general equation for a rectangular hyperbola. 

The b term in the general equation for a rectangular hyperbola is called the 
Michaelis constant (K m ) defined as the concentration of substrate when v 0 is equal to 
one -half Vm ax (Figure 5.4b). The complete rate equation is 


/C m + [S] 


This is called the Michaelis-Menten equation, named after Leonor Michaelis and Maud 
Menten. Note how the general form of the equation compares to Equation 5.12. The 
Michaelis-Menten equation describes the relationship between the initial velocity of a 
reaction and the substrate concentration. In the following section we derive the 
Michaelis-Menten equation by a kinetic approach and then consider the meaning of 
the various constants. 

A. Derivation of the Michaelis-Menten Equation 

One common derivation of the Michaelis-Menten equation is termed the steady state 
derivation. It was proposed by George E. Briggs and J. B. S. Haldane. This derivation 
postulates a period of time (called the steady state) during which the ES complex is 
formed at the same rate that it decomposes so that the concentration of ES is constant. 
The initial velocity is used in the steady state derivation because we assume that the 
concentration of product ( [P] ) is negligible. The steady state is a common condition for 
metabolic reactions in cells. 

If we assume a constant steady state concentration of ES then the rate of formation 
of product depends on the rate of the chemical reaction and the rate of dissociation of P 
from the enzyme. The rate limiting step is the right-hand side of Reaction 5.11 and the 
velocity depends on the rate constant k 2 and the concentration of ES. 

ES — E + P v 0 = k 2 [ES] (5.14) 


0 [Si 


▲ Figure 5.4 

Plots of initial velocity (v 0 ) versus substrate 
concentration ([S]) for an enzyme-catalyzed 
reaction, (a) Each experimental point is 
obtained from a separate progress curve 
using the same concentration of enzyme. 
The shape of the curve is hyperbolic. At 
low substrate concentrations, the curve ap- 
proximates a straight line that rises steeply. 
In this region of the curve, the reaction is 
highly dependent on the concentration of 
substrate. At high concentrations of sub- 
strate, the enzyme is almost saturated, and 
the initial rate of the reaction does not 
change much when substrate concentration 
is further increased, (b) The concentration 
of substrate that corresponds to half-maxi- 
mum velocity is called the Michaelis con- 
stant (K m ). The enzyme is half-saturated 
when S = K m . 

142 CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 

▲ Leonor Michaelis (1875-1949). 

The steady-state derivation solves Equation 5.14 for [ES] using terms that can be meas- 
ured such as the rate constant, the total enzyme concentration ([E] tota i), and the sub- 
strate concentration ([S]). [S] is assumed to be greater than [E] tota i but not necessarily 
saturating. For example, soon after a small amount of enzyme is mixed with substrate [ES] 
becomes constant because the overall rate of decomposition of ES (the sum of the rates 
of conversion of ES to E + S and to E + P) is equal to the rate of formation of the ES 
complex from E + S. The rate of formation of ES from E + S depends on the concentra- 
tion of free enzyme (enzyme molecules not in the form of ES) which is [E] tota i — [ES]. 
The concentration of the ES complex remains constant until consumption of S causes 
[S] to approach [E] tota p We can express these statements as a mathematical equation. 

Rate of ES formation = Rate of ES decomposition 

*l([E]total - [ES])[S] = (*_, + * 2 )[ES] 

Equation 5.15 is rearranged to collect the rate constants. 

k-i+k 2 _ _ l[E]totai - [ES]2[S] 

_ ki " m ” [ES f 



The ratio of rate constants on the left-hand side of Equation 5.16 is the Michaelis con- 
stant, K m . Next, this equation is solved for [ES] in several steps. 

[ES ]K m = ([E] tota | - [ES])[S] (5.17) 


[ES]K m = ([E] tota |[S]) - ([ES][S]) (5.18) 

Collecting [ES] terms, 


[ES](K m + [S]) = [E] tota |[S] 

K m + [S] 



▼ Maud Menten (1879-1960). 


J An outstanding medical scientist. Maud Menten was born in 
Port Lamb ton. She graduated in medicine from the University 
of Toronto in 1907 and four years later he came one of (he first 
Canadian women to receive a medical doctorate. In 19T5 in 

! Germany collaboration with Leonor Michaelis on the' behaviour 
ot enzymes resulted in the Michaelis -Menten equation, a basic 
biochemical concept which brought them international rccog- 

! nition. Menten continued her brilliant career as a pathologist 
at the University of Pittsburgh from 19 18* publishing exten- 
sively on medical and biochemical subjects. Her many achieve- 
ments included important co-discoveries relating to blood sugar, 
I haemoglobin, and kidney functions. Between 1951 pud 1954 
I she conducted cancer research in British Columbia and re- 
I turned to Ontario six years before she died. 

br .Sp 0**19 H., Twxfafc* Kitirtu =1 C*l«w i*t O'**"* 

5.3 The Michael is-Menten Equation 


Equation 5.20 describes the steady-state ES concentration using terms that can be 
measured in an experiment. Substituting the value of [ES] into the velocity equation 
(Equation 5.14) gives 

V'o = MES] = 


K m + [S] 


As indicated by Figure 5.4a, when the concentration of S is very high the enzyme is 
saturated and essentially all the molecules of E are present as ES. Adding more S has al- 
most no effect on the reaction velocity. The only way to increase the velocity is to add 
more enzyme. Under these conditions the velocity is at its maximum rate (Umax) and 
this velocity is determined by the total enzyme concentration and the rate constant k 2 . 
Thus, by definition, 

Knax ^2[E]total 


Substituting this in Equation 5.21 gives the most familiar form of the 
Michaelis-Menten equation. 

^0 = 


/C m + [S] 



The constant /r cat is the number of moles 
of substrate converted to product per 
second per mole of enzyme. 

We’ve already seen that this form of the Michaelis-Menten equation adequately de- 
scribes the data from kinetic experiments. In this section we’ve shown that the same 
equation can be derived from a theoretical consideration of the implications of Reac- 
tion 5.11, the equation for an enzyme -catalyzed reaction. The agreement between the- 
ory and data gives us confidence that the theoretical basis of enzyme kinetics is sound. 

B. The Catalytic Constant /r cat 

At high substrate concentration, the overall velocity of the reaction is V max and the rate 
is determined by the enzyme concentration. The rate constant observed under these 
conditions is called the catalytic constant, /r cat , defined as 

Knax = ^cat[E]total ^cat = ^ ~ (5.24) 

where fc cat represents the number of moles of substrate converted to product per second 
per mole of enzyme (or per mole of active site for a multisubunit enzyme) under satu- 
rating conditions. In other words, fc cat indicates the maximum number of substrate 
molecules converted to product each second by each active site. This is often called 
the turnover number. The catalytic constant measures how quickly a given enzyme can 
catalyze a specific reaction — it’s a very useful way of describing the effectiveness of 
an enzyme. The unit for fc cat is s _1 and the reciprocal of fc cat is the time required for 
one catalytic event. Note that the enzyme concentration must be known in order to 
calculate fc cat . 

For a simple reaction, such as Reaction 5.1 1, the rate-limiting step is the conversion 
of substrate to product and the dissociation of product from the enzyme (ES — > E + P). 
Under these conditions fc cat is equal to k 2 (Equation 5.14). Many enzyme reactions are 
more complex. If one step is clearly rate-limiting then its rate constant is the fc cat for that 
reaction. If the mechanism is more complex then fc cat may be a combination of several 
different rate constants. This is why we need a different rate constant (fc cat ) to describe 
the overall rate of the enzyme -catalyzed reaction. In most cases you can assume that fc cat 
is a good approximation of k 2 . 

Representative values of fc cat are listed in Table 5.1. Most enzymes are potent catalysts 
with fc cat values of 10 2 to 10 3 s _1 . This means that at high substrate concentrations a single 

Table 5.1 Examples of catalytic constants 


*cat(s V 




10 2 


10 2 


10 2 (to 10 3 ) 


10 3 


10 3 


10 3 


10 3 

Carbonic anhydrase 

10 6 

Superoxide dismutase 

10 6 


10 7 

*The catalytic constants are given only as orders 
of magnitude. 

144 CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 

▲ Substrate binding. Pyruvate carboxylase 
binds pyruvate, HC0 3 “ and ATP. The 
structure of the active site of the yeast 
( Saccharomyces cerevisiae) enzyme is 
shown here with a bound molecule of 
pyruvate (space-filling representation) and 
the cofactor biotin (bal l-and-stick). The K m 
value for pyruvate binding is 4 x 1CT 4 M. 
The K m values for HC 03 ~ and ATP binding 
are 1 x 1CT 3 M and 6 x 1CT 5 M. 

[PDB 2VK1] 

enzyme molecule will convert 100-1000 molecules of substrate to product every second. 
This rate is limited by a number of factors that will be discussed in the next chapter 
(Chapter 6: Mechanisms of Enzymes). 

Some enzymes are extremely rapid catalysts with k cat values of 10 6 s _1 or greater. 
Mammalian carbonic anhydrase, for example, must act very rapidly in order to main- 
tain equilibrium between aqueous C0 2 and bicarbonate (Section 2.10). As we will see in 
Section 6.4B, superoxide dismutase and catalase are responsible for rapid decomposi- 
tion of the toxic oxygen metabolites superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide, respec- 
tively. Enzymes that catalyze a million reactions per second often act on small substrate 
molecules that diffuse rapidly inside the cell. 

C. The Meanings of K m 

The Michaelis constant has a number of meanings. Equation 5.16 defined K m as the 
ratio of the combined rate constants for the breakdown of ES divided by the constant 
for its formation. If the rate constant for product formation ( k 2 ) is much smaller than 
either k x or k- X , as is often the case, k 2 can be neglected and K m is equivalent to k-i/k x . 
In this case K m is the same as the equilibrium constant for dissociation of the ES com- 
plex to E +S. Thus, K m becomes a measure of the affinity of E for S. The lower the value 
of K m , the more tightly the substrate is bound. K m is also one of the parameters that 
determines the shape of the v 0 vs. [S] curve shown in Figure 5.4b. It is the substrate con- 
centration when the initial velocity is one-half the V max value. This meaning follows 
directly from the general equation for a rectangular hyperbola. 

K m values are sometimes used to distinguish between different enzymes that cat- 
alyze the same reaction. For example, mammals have several different forms of lactate 
dehydrogenase, each with a distinct K m value. Although it is useful to think of K m 
as representing the equilibrium dissociation constant for ES, this is not always valid. 
For many enzymes K m is a more complex function of the rate constants. This is espe- 
cially true when the reaction occurs in more than two steps. 

Typical K m values for enzymes range from 10 -2 to 10 -5 M. Since these values often 
represent apparent dissociation constants their reciprocal is an apparent association 
(binding) constant. You can see by comparison with protein-protein interactions 
(Section 4.9) that the binding of enzymes to substrates is much weaker. 


K m is the substrate concentration when 
the rate of the reaction is one-half the 
I/max value. It is often an approximation of 
the equilibrium dissociation constant of 
the reaction ES E + S. 

5.4 Kinetic Constants Indicate Enzyme Activity 
and Catalytic Proficiency 

We’ve seen that the kinetic constants K m and k CdLt can be used to gauge the relative activ- 
ities of enzymes and substrates. In most cases, K m is a measure of the stability of the ES 
complex and k Q2X is similar to the rate constant for the conversion of ES to E + P when 
the substrate is not limiting (region A in Figure 5.5). Recall that k cat is a measure of the 
catalytic activity of an enzyme indicating how many reactions a molecule of enzyme 
can catalyze per second. 

Examine region B of the hyperbolic curve in Figure 5.5. The concentration of S is 
very low and the curve approximates a straight line. Under these conditions, the reac- 
tion rate depends on the concentrations of both substrate and enzyme. In chemical 
terms, this is a second-order reaction and the velocity depends on a second-order rate 
constant defined by 

v 0 = *[E][S] (5.25) 

We are interested in knowing how to determine this second- order rate constant since it 
tells us the rate of the enzyme -catalyzed reaction under physiological conditions. When 
Michaelis and Menten first wrote the full rate equation they used the form that included 
k cat [E\ total rather than U max (Equation 5.24). Now that we understand the meaning of /c cat 

5.5 Measurement of K m and k max 145 

▲ Figure 5.5 Meanings of /r cat and k ca ^/K m . The catalytic constant (/r cat ) is the rate constant for con- 
version of the ES complex to E + P. It is measured most easily when the enzyme is saturated with 
substrate (region A on the Michael is-Menten curve shown). The ratio k cat /K m is the rate constant 
for the conversion of E + S to E + P at very low concentrations of substrate (region B). The reac- 
tions measured by these rate constants are summarized below the graph. 

we can substitute fc cat [E] total i n the Michaelis-Menten equation (Equation 5.23) in place 
of V max . If we consider only the region of the Michaelis-Menten curve at a very low [S] 
then this equation can be simplified by neglecting the [S] in the denominator since [S] 
is much less than K m . 

+ [S] 




Comparing Equations 5.25 and 5.26 reveals that the second-order rate constant is 
closely approximated by k cat /K m . Thus, the ratio k cat /K m is an apparent second-order 
rate constant for the formation of E + P from E + S when the overall reaction is limited 
by the encounter of S with E. This ratio approaches 10 8 to 10 9 M -1 s _1 , the fastest rate at 
which two uncharged solutes can approach each other by diffusion at physiological 
temperature. Enzymes that can catalyze reactions at this extremely rapid rate are dis- 
cussed in Section 6.4. 

The k cat /K m ratio is useful for comparing the activities of different enzymes. It is 
also possible to assess the efficiency of an enzyme by measuring its catalytic proficiency. 
This value is equal to the rate constants for a reaction in the presence of the enzyme 
( k cat /K m ) divided by the rate constant for the same reaction in the absence of the en- 
zyme (fc n ). Surprisingly few catalytic proficiency values are known because most chemi- 
cal reactions occur extremely slowly in the absence of enzymes — so slowly that their 
nonenzymatic rates are very difficult to measure. The reaction rates are often measured 
in special steel-enclosed glass vessels at temperatures in excess of 300°C. 

Table 5.2 lists several examples of known catalytic proficiencies. Typical values 
range from 10 14 to 10 20 but some are quite a bit higher (up to 10 24 ). The current record 
holder is uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, an enzyme required for a step in the por- 
phyrin synthesis pathway. The difficulty in obtaining rate constants for nonenzymatic 
reactions is illustrated by the half-life for the uncatalyzed reaction — about 2 billion 
years! The catalytic proficiency values in Table 5.2 emphasize one of the main properties 
of enzymes, namely, their ability to increase the rates of reactions that would normally 
occur too slowly to be useful. 

5.5 Measurement of K m and V max 

The kinetic parameters of an enzymatic reaction can provide valuable information about 
the specificity and mechanism of the reaction. The key parameters are K m and V max 
because fc cat can be calculated if V max is known. 

146 CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 

Table 5.2 Catalytic proficiencies of some enzymes 

rate constant 
(fc„ in s' 1 ) 

Enzymatic rate 
constant ( k cat /K m 
in M 's 1 ) 



Carbonic anhydrase 

10" 1 

7 X 10 6 

7 X 10 7 


4 x icr 9 

9 X 10 7 

2 X 10 16 

Chorismate mutase 

1(T 5 

2 X 10 6 

2 X 10 11 

Triose phosphate isomerase 

4 x icr 6 

4 X 10 8 

10 14 

Cytidine deaminase 

10 -i° 

3 X 10 6 

3 X 10 16 

Adenosine deaminase 

2 X 1(T 10 

10 7 

5 X 10 16 

Mandelate racemase 

3 x icr 13 

10 6 

3 X 10 18 


7 X 1(T 14 

10 7 

10 20 


icr 13 

1 0 9 

10 21 

Arginine decarboxylase 

9 x icr 16 

10 6 

10 21 

Alkaline phosphatase 

icr 15 

3 X 10 7 

3 X 10 22 

Orotidine 5'-phosphate 

3 x icr 16 

6 x 10 7 

2 X 10 23 



1 o -17 

2 X 10 7 

2 X 10 24 

K m and V max for an enzyme -catalyzed reaction can be determined in several ways. 
Both values can be obtained by the analysis of initial velocities at a series of substrate 
concentrations and a fixed concentration of enzyme. In order to obtain reliable values 
for the kinetic constants the [S] points must be spread out both below and above K m to 
produce a hyperbola. It is difficult to determine either K m or V max directly from a graph 

▲ Maximum catalytic proficiency. Uropor- 
phyrinogen decarboxylase is the current 
record holder for maximum catalytic profi- 
ciency. It catalyzes a step in the heme syn- 
thesis pathway. The enzyme shown here is a 
human (Homo sapiens) variant with a bound 
porphoryrin molecule at the active site of 
each monomer. [PDB 2Q71] 


We have seen that a plot of substrate concentration ([S]) 
versus the initial velocity of a reaction (v 0 ) produces a hy- 
perbolic curve as shown in Figures 5.4 and 5.5. The general 
equation for a rectangular hyperbola (Equation 5.12) and 
the Michaelis-Menten equation have the same form 
(Equation 5.13). 

Its very difficult to determine V max from a plot of enzyme 
kinetic data since the hyperbolic curve that shows the relation- 
ship between substrate concentration and initial velocity is as- 
ymptotic to V max and it is experimentally difficult to achieve 
the concentration of substrate required to estimate V max . For 
these reasons, it is often easier to convert the hyperbolic curve 
to a linear form that matches the general formula y - mx + b, 
where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-axis intercept. 
The first step in transforming the original Michaelis-Menten 
equation to this general form of a linear equation is to invert 
the terms so that the K m + [S] term is on top of the right-hand 
side. This is done by taking the reciprocal of each side — a 
transformation that will be familiar to many who are familiar 
with hyperbolic curves. 

The next two steps involve separating terms and cancel- 
ing [S] in the second term on the right-hand side of the 
equation. This form of the Michaelis-Menten equation is 
called the Lineweaver-Burk equation and it resembles the 
general form of a linear equation, y - mx + b , where y is the 
reciprocal of v 0 and x values are the reciprocal of [S]. A plot 
of data in this form is referred to as a double-reciprocal plot. 
The slope of the line will be K m /V max and the y-axis intercept 
will be W max . 

The original reason for this sort of transformation was 
to calculate K m and V max from experimental data. It was eas- 
ier to plot the reciprocal values of v 0 and [S] and draw a 
straight line through the points in order to calculate the ki- 
netic constants. Nowadays, there are computer programs that 
can accurately fit the data to a hyperbolic curve and calculate 
the constants so the Lineweaver-Burk plot is no longer nec- 
essary for this type of analysis. In this book we will still use 
the Lineweaver-Burk plots to illustrate some general features 
of enzyme kinetics but they are rarely used for their original 
purpose of data analysis. 

1 = K m + [S] ^ = K m + [S] = ^ I< m b 1 + 

v o y max [s] v 0 y max [s] v max [S] v 0 kmax [S] V m 

5.6 Kinetics of Multisubstrate Reactions 147 

of initial velocity versus concentration because the curve approaches V max asymptoti- 
cally. However, accurate values can be determined by using a suitable computer pro- 
gram to fit the experimental results to the equation for the hyperbola. 

The Michaelis-Menten equation can be rewritten in order to obtain values for V max 
and K m from straight lines on graphs. The most commonly used transformation is the 
double-reciprocal, or Lineweaver-Burk, plot in which the values of l/v 0 are plotted 
against 1/[S] (Figure 5.6 ). The absolute value of 1 /K m is obtained from the intercept of 
the line at the x axis, and the value of 1/V max is obtained from the y intercept. Although 
double-reciprocal plots are not the most accurate methods for determining kinetic con- 
stants, they are easily understood and provide recognizable patterns for the study of en- 
zyme inhibition, an extremely important aspect of enzymology that we will examine 

Values of fc cat can be obtained from measurements of V max only when the absolute 
concentration of the enzyme is known. Values of K m can be determined even when en- 
zymes have not been purified provided that only one enzyme in the impure preparation 
can catalyze the observed reaction. 

Lineweaver-Burk equation: 

J_ = (^m|l + _J_ 

5.6 Kinetics of Multisubstrate Reactions 

Until now, we have only been considering reactions where a single substrate is con- 
verted to a single product. Let’s consider a reaction in which two substrates, A and B, are 
converted to products P and Q. 

▲ Figure 5.6 

Double-reciprocal (Lineweaver-Burk) plot. 

This plot is derived from a linear transforma- 
tion of the Michaelis-Menten equation. 
Values of 1/vq are plotted as a function of 
1/[S] values. 

E + A + B (EAB) -> E + P + Q (5.27) 

Kinetic measurements for such multisubstrate reactions are a little more complicated 
than simple one-substrate enzyme kinetics. For many purposes, such as designing an 
enzyme assay, it’s sufficient simply to determine the K m for each substrate in the pres- 
ence of saturating amounts of each of the other substrates as we described for chemi- 
cal reactions (Section 5.2A). The simple enzyme kinetics discussed in this chapter can 
be extended to distinguish among several mechanistic possibilities for multisubstrate 
reactions, such as group transfer reactions. This is done by measuring the effect of 
variations in the concentration of one substrate on the kinetic results obtained for the 

Multisubstrate reactions can occur by several different kinetic schemes. These 
schemes are called kinetic mechanisms because they are derived entirely from kinetic 
experiments. Kinetic mechanisms are commonly represented using the notation intro- 
duced by W. W. Cleland. The sequence of steps proceeds from left to right (Figure 5.7). 
The addition of substrate molecules (A, B, C, . . .) to the enzyme and the release of 
products (P, Q, R, . . .) from the enzyme are indicated by arrows pointing toward 
(substrate binding) or from (product release) the line. The various forms of the en- 
zyme (free E, ES complexes, or EP complexes) are written under a horizontal line. The 
ES complexes that undergo chemical transformation when the active site is filled are 
shown in parentheses. 

Sequential reactions (Figure 5.7a) require all the substrates to be present before any 
product is released. Sequential reactions can be either ordered, with an obligatory order 
for the addition of substrates and release of products, or random. In ping-pong reactions 
(Figure 5.7b), a product is released before all the substrates are bound. In a bisubstrate 
ping-pong reaction, the first substrate is bound, the enzyme is altered by substitution, 
and the first product is released. Then the second substrate is bound, the altered enzyme 
is restored to its original form, and the second product is released. A ping-pong mecha- 
nism is sometimes called a substituted-enzyme mechanism because of the covalent 
binding of a portion of a substrate to the enzyme. The binding and release of ligands in 
a ping-pong mechanism are usually indicated by slanted lines. The two forms of the en- 
zyme are represented by E (unsubstituted) and F (substituted). 


CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 

Irreversible inhibitors are described in 
Section 5.8. 


Reversible inhibitors bind to enzymes 
and either prevent substrate binding or 
block the reaction leading to formation 
of product. 

(a) Sequential reactions 

A B P Q 

A A 

V T 



A B P Q 

i eb i i ep i 



(b) Ping-pong reaction 

E (EA)(FP) F (FB)(EQ) E 

▲ Figure 5.7 

Notation for bisubstrate reactions, (a) In sequential reactions, all substrates are bound before a product 
is released. The binding of substrates may be either ordered or random, (b) In ping-pong reactions, 
one substrate is bound and a product is released, leaving a substituted enzyme. A second substrate 
is then bound and a second product released, restoring the enzyme to its original form. 

5.7 Reversible Enzyme Inhibition 

An enzyme inhibitor (I) is a compound that binds to an enzyme and interferes with its 
activity. Inhibitors can act by preventing the formation of the ES complex or by block- 
ing the chemical reaction that leads to the formation of product. As a general rule, 
inhibitors are small molecules that bind reversibly to the enzyme they inhibit. Cells 
contain many natural enzyme inhibitors that play important roles in regulating me- 
tabolism. Artificial inhibitors are used experimentally to investigate enzyme mecha- 
nisms and decipher metabolic pathways. Some drugs, and many poisons, are enzyme 

Some inhibitors bind covalently to enzymes causing irreversible inhibition but 
most biologically relevant inhibition is reversible. Reversible inhibitors are bound to 
enzymes by the same weak, noncovalent forces that bind substrates and products. 
The equilibrium between free enzyme (E) plus inhibitor (I) and the El complex is 
characterized by a dissociation constant. In this case, the constant is called the 
inhibition constant,^. 

E + | — El K d = K; = ^ (5.28) 

The basic types of reversible inhibition are competitive, uncompetitive, noncom- 
petitive and mixed. These can be distinguished experimentally by their effects on the ki- 
netic behavior of enzymes (Table 5.3). Figure 5.8 shows diagrams representing modes 
of reversible enzyme inhibition. 

5.7 Reversible Enzyme Inhibition 149 

Table 5.3 Effects of reversible inhibitors on kinetic constants 

Type of inhibitor 


Competitive (1 binds to E only) 

Raises K m 

V max remains unchanged 

Uncompetitive (1 binds to ES only) 

Lowers V max and K m 

Ratio of V max /K m remains unchanged 

Noncompetitive (1 binds to E or ES) 

Lowers V max 
K m remains unchanged 

A. Competitive Inhibition 

Competitive inhibitors are the most commonly encountered inhibitors in biochem- 
istry. In competitive inhibition, the inhibitor can bind only to free enzyme molecules 
that have not bound any substrate. Competitive inhibition is illustrated in Figure 5.8 
and by the kinetic scheme in Figure 5.9a. In this scheme only ES can lead to the for- 
mation of product. The formation of an El complex removes enzyme from the nor- 
mal pathway. 

Once a competitive inhibitor is bound to an enzyme molecule, a substrate mole- 
cule cannot bind to that enzyme molecule. Conversely, the binding of substrate to an 
enzyme molecule prevents the binding of an inhibitor. In other words, S and I compete 
for binding to the enzyme molecule. Most commonly, S and I bind at the same site on 
the enzyme, the active site. This type of inhibition is termed classical competitive inhi- 
bition (Figure 5.8). This is not the only kind of competitive inhibition (see Figure 5.8). 
In some cases, such as allosteric enzymes (Section 5.10), the inhibitor binds at a differ- 
ent site and this alters the substrate binding site preventing substrate binding. This 
type of inhibition is called nonclassical competitive inhibition. When both I and S are 

(a) Classical competitive inhibition (b) Nonclassical competitive inhibition 

co = db - p- 1 *! 

▲ Competitive inhibition. The active 
ingredient in the weed killer Roundup® is 
glyphosate, a competitive inhibitor of the 
plant enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3- 
phosphate synthase. (See Box 17.2 in 
Chapter 17.) 

The substrate (S) and the inhibitor The binding of substrate (S) at the active 

(I) compete for the same site on site prevents the binding of inhibitor (I) 

the enzyme. at a separate site and vice versa. 

(c) Uncompetitive inhibition 


(d) Noncompetitive inhibition 


The inhibitor (I) binds only to the 
enzyme substrate (ES) complex 
preventing the conversion of 
substrate (S) to product. 

The inhibitor (I) can bind to either E or 
ES. The enzyme becomes inactive when 
I binds. Substrate (S) can still bind to 
the El complex but conversion to 
product is inhibited. 

◄ Figure 5.8 

Diagrams of reversible enzyme inhibition. In 

this scheme, catalytically competent enzymes 
are green and inactive enzymes are red. 


CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 


k i 

E + S < » ES 

+ ^-i 


E + P 



▲ Figure 5.9 

Competitive inhibition, (a) Kinetic scheme illustrating the binding of I to E. Note that this is an ex- 
pansion of Equation 5.11 that includes formation of the El complex, (b) Double-reciprocal plot. In 
competitive inhibition, l/ max remains unchanged and K m increases. The black line labeled “Control” 
is the result in the absence of inhibitor. The red lines are the results in the presence of inhibitor, 
with the arrow showing the direction of increasing [I]. 

▲ Ibuprofen, the active ingredient in many 
over-the-counter painkillers, is a competitive 
inhibitor of the enzyme cyclooxygenase 
(COX). (See Box 16.1 Chapter 16.) 

coo e 


C H2 

CH 2 

COO 0 



< f H2 , 




present in a solution, the proportion of the enzyme that is able to form ES complexes 
depends on the concentrations of substrate and inhibitor and their relative affinities 
for the enzyme. 

The amount of El can be reduced by increasing the concentration of S. At suffi- 
ciently high concentrations the enzyme can still be saturated with substrate. Therefore, 
the maximum velocity is the same in the presence or in the absence of an inhibitor. 
The more competitive inhibitor present, the more substrate needed for half- saturation. 
We have shown that the concentration of substrate at half- saturation is K m . In the pres- 
ence of increasing concentrations of a competitive inhibitor, K m increases. The new 
value is usually referred to as the apparent (X^ p ). On a double-reciprocal plot, 
adding a competitive inhibitor shows as a decrease in the absolute value of the intercept 
at the x axis 1 /K m , whereas the y intercept VV max remains the same (Figure 5.9b). 

Many classical competitive inhibitors are substrate analogs — compounds that are 
structurally similar to substrates. The analogs bind to the enzyme but do not react. 
For example, the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase converts succinate to fumarate 
(Section 13.3#6). Malonate resembles succinate and acts as a competitive inhibitor of 
the enzyme. 

B. Uncompetitive Inhibition 

Uncompetitive inhibitors bind only to ES and not to free enzyme (Figure 5.10a). In 
uncompetitive inhibition, V max is decreased (W max is increased) by the conversion of some 
molecules of E to the inactive form ESI. Since it is the ES complex that binds I, the de- 
crease in V max is not reversed by the addition of more substrate. Uncompetitive in- 
hibitors also decrease the K m (seen as an increase in the absolute value of 1 /K m on a 
double- reciprocal plot) because the equilibria for the formation of both ES and ESI are 
shifted toward the complexes by the binding of I. Experimentally, the lines on a double- 
reciprocal plot representing varying concentrations of an uncompetitive inhibitor all 
have the same slope indicating proportionally decreased values for K m and U max (Figure 
5.10b). This type of inhibition usually occurs only with multisubstrate reactions. 

C. Noncompetitive Inhibition 

Noncompetitive inhibitors can bind to E or ES forming inactive El or ESI complexes, re- 
spectively (Figure 5.11a). These inhibitors are not substrate analogs and do not bind at 
the same site as S. The classic case of noncompetitive inhibition is characterized by an 

5.7 Reversible Enzyme Inhibition 151 


E + S < > ES > E + P 




K i 




E + S ES 

+ + 

I I 




El + S ESI 

E + P 

apparent decrease in V max ( W max appears to increase) with no change in K m . On a 
double-reciprocal plot, the lines for classic noncompetitive inhibition intersect at the 
point on the x axis corresponding to 1 /K m (Figure 5.1 lb). The common x-axis intercept 
indicates that K m isn’t affected. The effect of noncompetitive inhibition is to reversibly 
titrate E and ES with I removing active enzyme molecules from solution. This inhibi- 
tion cannot be overcome by the addition of S. Classic noncompetitive inhibition is rare 
but examples are known among allosteric enzymes. In these cases, the noncompetitive 
inhibitor probably alters the conformation of the enzyme to a shape that can still bind S 
but cannot catalyze any reaction. 

Most enzymes do not conform to the classic form of noncompetitive inhibition 
where K m is unchanged. In most cases, both K m and V max are affected because the affin- 
ity of the inhibitor for E is different than its affinity for ES. These cases are often referred 
to as mixed inhibition (Figure 5.12). 

D. Uses of Enzyme Inhibition 

Reversible enzyme inhibition provides a powerful tool for probing enzyme activity. In- 
formation about the shape and chemical reactivity of the active site of an enzyme can be 
obtained from experiments involving a series of competitive inhibitors with systemati- 
cally altered structures. 

The pharmaceutical industry uses enzyme inhibition studies to design clinically 
useful drugs. In many cases, a naturally occurring enzyme inhibitor is used as the start- 
ing point for drug design. Instead of using random synthesis and testing of potential in- 
hibitors, some investigators are turning to a more efficient approach known as rational 
drug design. Theoretically, with the greatly expanded bank of knowledge about enzyme 
structure, inhibitors can now be rationally designed to fit the active site of a target 
enzyme. The effects of a synthetic compound are tested first on isolated enzymes and 
then in biological systems. However, even if a compound has suitable inhibitory activ- 
ity, other problems may be encountered. For example, the drug may not enter the target 
cells, may be rapidly metabolized to an inactive compound, may be toxic to the host or- 
ganism, or the target cell may develop resistance to the drug. 

◄ Figure 5.10 

Uncompetitive inhibition, (a) Kinetic scheme 
illustrating the binding of I to ES. 

(b) Double-reciprocal plot. In uncompetitive 
inhibition, both l/ max and K m decrease (i.e., 
the absolute values of both l/l/ max and 1/K m 
obtained from they and x intercepts, 
respectively, increase). The ratio KJ l/ max , 
the slope of the lines, remains unchanged. 

◄ Figure 5.1 1 

Classic noncompetitive inhibition, (a) Kinetic 
scheme illustrating the binding of I to E 
or ES. (b) Double-reciprocal plot. F max 
decreases, but K m remains the same. 


▲ Figure 5.12 

Double-reciprocal plot showing mixed Inhibi- 
tion. Both y max and K m are affected when 
the inhibitor binds with different affinities to 
E and ES. 

152 CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 



h 2 n 

▲ Figure 5.13 

Comparison of a substrate and a designed in- 
hibitor of purine nucleoside phosphorylase. 

The two substrates of this enzyme are 
guanosine and inorganic phosphate, (a) 
Guanosine. (b) A potent inhibitor of the en- 
zyme. N-9 of guanosine has been replaced 
by a carbon atom. The chlorinated benzene 
ring binds to the sugar-binding site of the 
enzyme, and the acetate side chain binds to 
the phosphate-binding site. 

The advances made in drug synthesis are exemplified by the design of a series of in- 
hibitors of the enzyme purine nucleoside phosphorylase. This enzyme catalyzes a 
degradative reaction between phosphate and the nucleoside guanosine whose structure 
is shown in Figure 5.13a. With computer modeling, the structures of potential in- 
hibitors were designed and fit into the active site of the enzyme. One such compound 
(Figure 5.13b) was synthesized and found to be 100 times more inhibitory than any 
compound made by the traditional trial- and-error approach. Researchers hope that the 
rational design approach will produce a drug suitable for treating autoimmune disor- 
ders such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. 

5.8 Irreversible Enzyme Inhibition 

In contrast to a reversible enzyme inhibitor, an irreversible enzyme inhibitor forms a 
stable covalent bond with an enzyme molecule thus removing active molecules from 
the enzyme population. Irreversible inhibition typically occurs by alkylation or acylation 
of the side chain of an active-site amino acid residue. There are many naturally occur- 
ring irreversible inhibitors as well as the synthetic examples described here. 

An important use of irreversible inhibitors is the identification of amino acid 
residues at the active site by specific substitution of their reactive side chains. In this 
process, an irreversible inhibitor that reacts with only one type of amino acid is in- 
cubated with a solution of enzyme that is then tested for loss of activity. Ionizable 
side chains are modified by acylation or alkylation reactions. For example, free 
amino groups such as the e-amino group of lysine react with an aldehyde to form a 
Schiff base that can be stabilized by reduction with sodium borohydride (NaBH 4 ) 
(Figure 5.14). 

The nerve gas diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) is one of a group of organic 
phosphorus compounds that inactivate hydrolases with a reactive serine as part of the 
active site. These enzymes are called serine proteases or serine esterases, depending on 
their reaction specificity. The serine protease chymotrypsin, an important digestive 
enzyme, is inhibited irreversibly by DFP (Figure 5.15). DFP reacts with the serine 
residue at chymotrypsin’s active site (Ser-195) to produce diisopropylphosphoryl- 

Some organophosphorus inhibitors are used in agriculture as insecticides; others, 
such as DFP, are useful reagents for enzyme research. The original organophosphorus 
nerve gases are extremely toxic poisons developed for military use. The major biological 
action of these poisons is irreversible inhibition of the serine esterase acetyl- 
cholinesterase that catalyzes hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. When 
acetylcholine released from an activated nerve cell binds to its receptor on a second 
nerve cell, it triggers a nerve impulse. The action of acetylcholinesterase restores the cell 
to its resting state. Inhibition of this enzyme can cause paralysis. 


(CH 2 ) 4 

h 2 o 


(CH 2 ) 4 


(CH 2 ) 4 


nh 2 






NaBH 4 





h 2 o 

Schiff base 


▲ Figure 5.14 

Reaction of the e-amino group of a lysine residue with an aldehyde. Reduction of the Schiff base with 
sodium borohydride (NaBH 4 ) forms a stable substituted enzyme. 

5.9 Regulation of Enzyme Activity 153 

Figure 5.15 ► 

Irreversible Inhibition by DFP. Diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) reacts with a single, highly nucle- 
ophilic serine residue (Ser-195) at the active site of chymotrypsin, producing inactive diisopropyl- 
phosphoryl-chymotrypsin. DFP inactivates serine proteases and serine esterases. 


5.9 Regulation of Enzyme Activity 

At the beginning of this chapter, we listed several advantages to using enzymes as catalysts 
in biochemical reactions. Clearly, the most important advantage is to speed up reactions 
that would otherwise take place too slowly to sustain life. One of the other advantages of 
enzymes is that their catalytic activity can be regulated in various ways. The amount of 
an enzyme can be controlled by regulating the rate of its synthesis or degradation. This 
mode of control occurs in all species but it often takes many minutes or hours to 
synthesize new enzymes or to degrade existing enzymes. 

In all organisms, rapid control — on the scale of seconds or less — can be accom- 
plished through reversible modulation of the activity of regulated enzymes. In this con- 
text, we define regulated enzymes as those enzymes whose activity can be modified in a 
manner that affects the rate of an enzyme -catalyzed reaction. In many cases, these regu- 
lated enzymes control a key step in a metabolic pathway. The activity of a regulated en- 
zyme changes in response to environmental signals, allowing the cell to respond to 
changing conditions by adjusting the rates of its metabolic processes. 

In general, regulated enzymes become more active catalysts when the concentra- 
tions of their substrates increase or when the concentrations of the products of their 
metabolic pathways decrease. They become less active when the concentrations of their 
substrates decrease or when the products of their metabolic pathways accumulate. Inhi- 
bition of the first enzyme unique to a pathway conserves both material and energy by 
preventing the accumulation of intermediates and the ultimate end product. The activity 
of regulated enzymes can be controlled by noncovalent allosteric modulation or covalent 

Allosteric enzymes are enzymes whose properties are affected by changes in struc- 
ture. The structural changes are mediated by interaction with small molecules. We saw 
an example of allostery in the previous chapter when we examined the binding of oxygen 
to hemoglobin. Allosteric enzymes often do not exhibit typical Michaelis-Menten kinet- 
ics due to cooperative binding of substrate, as is the case with hemoglobin. 

Figure 5.16 shows a v 0 versus [S] curve for an allosteric enzyme with cooperative 
binding of substrate. Sigmoidal curves result from the transition between two states of 
the enzyme. In the absence of substrate, the enzyme is in the T state. The conformation 
of each subunit is in a shape that binds substrate inefficiently and the rate of the reac- 
tion is slow. As substrate concentration is increased, enzyme molecules begin to bind 
substrate even though the affinity of the enzyme in the T state is low. When a subunit 
binds substrate, the enzyme undergoes a conformational change that converts the en- 
zyme to the R state and the reaction takes place. The kinetic properties of the enzyme 
subunit in the T state and the R state are quite different — each conformation by itself 
could exhibit standard Michaelis-Menten kinetics. 

The conformational change in the subunit that initially binds a substrate molecule 
affects the other subunits in the multisubunit enzyme. The conformations of these 
other subunits are shifted toward the R state where their affinity for substrate is much 
higher. They can now bind substrate at a much lower concentration than when they 
were in the T state. 

Allosteric phenomena are responsible for the reversible control of many regulated 
enzymes. In Section 4.13C, we saw how the conformation of hemoglobin and its affinity 
for oxygen change when 2,3-frisphosphoglycerate is bound. Many regulated enzymes 
also undergo allosteric transitions between active (R) states and inactive (T) states. 
These enzymes have a second ligand-binding site away from their catalytic centers 
called the regulatory site or allosteric site. An allosteric inhibitor or activator, also called an 
allosteric modulator or allosteric effector, binds to the regulatory site and causes a con- 
formational change in the regulated enzyme. This conformational change is transmitted 

h 3 C 

H — C — O 


H 3 C 



C H 3 

o — c — H 


ch 3 

Diisopropyl fluorophosphate 



CH 2 

h 3 c O ch 3 

I \ /-> I 

H— C— O— P— O— C— H 


CH 3 


H 3 C O ch 3 

I I I 

H— C— O— P— O— C— H 

H 3 C O ch 3 

Aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase), 
another well-characterized allosteric 
enzyme, is described in Chapter 18. 


▲ Figure 5.16 

Cooperativity. Plot of initial velocity as a 
function of substrate concentration for an 
allosteric enzyme exhibiting cooperative 
binding of substrate. 

154 CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 


Allosteric enzymes often have multiple 
subunits and substrate binding is 
cooperative. This produces a sigmoidal 
curve when velocity is plotted against 
substrate concentration. 

ch 2 oh 



HO — C — H 


H — C — OH 


H — C — OH 

I © 

ch 2 opo 3 ^ 

Fructose 6-phosphate 


Phosphofructokinase - 1 

ch 2 opo 3 ® 



HO — C — H 

+ H® 

H — C — OH + M 


H — C — OH 

I © 

ch 2 opo 3 ^ 

Fructose 1,6-b/sphosphate 

▲ Figure 5.17 

Reaction catalyzed by phosphofructokinase-1. 

to the active site of the enzyme, which changes shape sufficiently to alter its activity. The 
regulatory and catalytic sites are physically distinct regions of the protein — usually lo- 
cated on separate domains and sometimes on separate subunits. Allosterically regulated 
enzymes are often larger than other enzymes. 

First, we examine an enzyme that undergoes allosteric (noncovalent) regulation 
and then we list some general properties of such enzymes. Next, we describe two models 
that explain allosteric regulation in terms of changes in the conformation of regulated 
enzymes. Finally, we discuss a closely related group of regulatory enzymes — those subject 
to covalent modification. 


C — OPO,® 


ch 2 

▲ Figure 5.18 

Phosphoenolpyruvate. This intermediate of 
glycolysis is an allosteric inhibitor of phos- 
phofructokinase- 1 from Escherichia coli. 

A. Phosphofructokinase Is an Allosteric Enzyme 

Bacterial phosphofructokinase-1 ( Escherichia coli) provides a good example of allosteric 
inhibition and activation. Phosphofructokinase-1 catalyzes the ATP-dependent phos- 
phorylation of fructose 6-phosphate to produce fructose 1,6-frzsphosphate and ADP 
(Figure 5.17). This reaction is one of the first steps of glycolysis, an ATP-generating 
pathway for glucose degradation described in detail in Chapter 11. Phosphoenolpyruvate 
(Figure 5.18), an intermediate near the end of the glycolytic pathway, is an allosteric 
inhibitor of E. coli phosphofructokinase-1. When the concentration of phospho- 
enolpyruvate rises, it indicates that the pathway is blocked beyond that point. Further 
production of phosphoenolpyruvate is prevented by inhibiting phosphofructokinase- 1 
(see feedback inhibition, Section 10.2C). 

ADP is an allosteric activator of phosphofructokinase-1. This may seem strange from 
looking at Figure 5.17 but keep in mind that the overall pathway of glycolysis results in net 
synthesis of ATP from ADR Rising ADP levels indicate a deficiency of ATP and glycolysis 
needs to be stimulated. Thus, ADP activates phosphofructokinase-1 in spite of the fact 
that ADP is a product in this particular reaction. 

Phosphoenolpyruvate and ADP affect the binding of the substrate fructose 6-phos- 
phate to phosphofructokinase-1. Kinetic experiments have shown that there are four 
binding sites on phosphofructokinase-1 for fructose 6-phosphate and structural experi- 
ments have confirmed that E. coli phosphofructokinase-1 (M r 140,000) is a tetramer 
consisting of four identical subunits. Figure 5.19 shows the structure of the enzyme 
complexed with its products, fructose 1,6-fcphosphate and ADP, and a second mole- 
cule of ADP, an allosteric activator. Two of the subunits shown in Figure 5.19a associate 
to form a dimer. The two products are bound in the active site located between two do- 
mains of each chain — ADP is bound to the large domain and fructose 1,6-frisphosphate 
is bound mostly to the small domain. Two of these dimers interact to form the complete 
tetrameric enzyme. 

A notable feature of the structure of phosphofructokinase-1 (and a general feature 
of regulated enzymes) is the physical separation of the active site and the regulatory 

5.9 Regulation of Enzyme Activity 155 

site on each subunit. (In some regulated enzymes the active sites and regulatory sites 
are on different subunits.) The activator ADP binds at a distance from the active site in 
a deep hole between the subunits. When ADP is bound to the regulatory site, phospho- 
fructokinase-1 assumes the R conformation, which has a high affinity for fructose 6- 
phosphate. When the smaller compound phosphoenolpyruvate is bound to the same 
regulatory site the enzyme assumes a different conformation, the T conformation, 
which has a lower affinity for fructose 6-phosphate. The transition between conforma- 
tions is accomplished by a slight rotation of one rigid dimer relative to the other. The 
cooperativity of substrate binding is tied to the concerted movement of an arginine 
residue in each of the four fructose 6-phosphate binding sites located near the inter- 
face between the dimers. Movement of the side chain of this arginine from the active 
site lowers the affinity for fructose 6-phosphate. In many organisms, phosphofructoki- 
nase-1 is larger and is subject to more complex allosteric regulation than in E. coli as 
you will see in Chapter 1 1 . 

Activators can affect either V max or K m or both. Its important to recognize that the 
binding of an activator alters the structure of an enzyme and this alteration converts it 
to a different form that may have quite different kinetic properties. In most cases, the 
differences between the kinetic properties of the R and T forms are more complex than 
the differences we saw with enzyme inhibitors in Section 5.7. 

B. General Properties of Allosteric Enzymes 

Examination of the kinetic and physical properties of allosteric enzymes has shown that 
they have the following general features: 

1. The activities of allosteric enzymes are changed by metabolic inhibitors and activa- 
tors. Often these allosteric effectors do not resemble the substrates or products of 
the enzyme. For example, phosphoenolpyruvate (Figure 5.18) resembles neither 
the substrate nor the product (Figure 5.17) of phosphofructokinase. Consideration 
of the structural differences between substrates and metabolic inhibitors originally 
led to the conclusion that allosteric effectors are bound to regulatory sites separate 
from catalytic sites. 

2. Allosteric effectors bind noncovalently to the enzymes they regulate. (There is a 
special group of regulated enzymes whose activities are controlled by covalent 
modification, described in Section 5.10D.) Many effectors alter the K m of the en- 
zyme for a substrate; but some alter the V max . Allosteric effectors themselves are not 
altered chemically by the enzyme. 

3. With few exceptions, regulated enzymes are multisubunit proteins. (But not all 
multisubunit enzymes are regulated.) The individual polypeptide chains of a 
regulated enzyme may be identical or different. For those with identical sub- 
units (such as phosphofructokinase- 1 from E. coli), each polypeptide chain can 
contain both the catalytic and regulatory sites and the oligomer is a symmetric 
complex, most often possessing two or four protein chains. Regulated enzymes 
composed of nonidentical subunits have more complex, but usually symmetric, 

4. An allosterically regulated enzyme usually has at least one substrate for which the 
v 0 versus [S] curve is sigmoidal rather than hyperbolic (Section 5.9). Phospho- 
fructokinase- 1 exhibits Michaelis-Menten (hyperbolic) kinetics with respect to 
one substrate, ATP, but sigmoidal kinetics with respect to its other substrate, fruc- 
tose 6-phosphate. A sigmoidal curve is caused by positive cooperativity of sub- 
strate binding and this is made possible by the presence of multiple substrate 
binding sites in the enzyme — four binding sites in the case of tetrameric phospho- 
fructokinase- 1. 

The allosteric R v T transition between the active and the inactive conformations 
of a regulatory enzyme is rapid. The ratio of R to T is controlled by the concentrations of 
the various ligands and the relative affinities of each conformation for these ligands. In 
the simplest cases, substrate and activator molecules bind only to enzyme in the R state 
(Er) and inhibitor molecules bind only to enzyme in the T state (E T ). 


Allosteric effectors shift the concentra- 
tions of the R and T forms of an allosteric 


▲ Figure 5.19 

The R conformation of phosphofructokinase-1 
from E. coli. The enzyme is a tetramer of 
identical chains, (a) Single subunit, shown 
as a ribbon. The products, fructose 1,6- 
b/sphosphate (yellow) and ADP (green), are 
bound in the active site. The allosteric acti- 
vator ADP (red) is bound in the regulatory 
site, (b) Tetramer. Two are blue, and two are 
purple. The products, fructose 1,6- 
b/'sphosphate (yellow) and ADP (green), are 
bound in the four active sites. The allosteric 
activator ADP (red) is bound in the four reg- 
ulatory sites, at the interface of the sub- 
units. [PDB 1PFK]. 

The relationship between the regula- 
tion of an individual enzyme and a 
pathway is discussed in Section 10.2B, 
where we encounter terms such as 
feedback inhibition and feedforward 

156 CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 

Figure 5.20 ► 

Role of cooperativity of binding in regulation. 

The activity of an allosteric enzyme with a 
sigmoidal binding curve can be altered 
markedly when either an activator or an in- 
hibitor is bound to the enzyme. Addition of 
an activator can lower the apparent K m rais- 
ing the activity at a given [S]. Conversely, 
addition of an inhibitor can raise the appar- 
ent K m producing less activity at a given [S]. 





; > 


E t 


These simplified examples illustrate the main property of allosteric effectors — they shift 
the steady- state concentrations of free Ej and E R . 

Figure 5.20 illustrates the regulatory role that cooperative binding can play. Addi- 
tion of an activator can shift the sigmoidal curve toward a hyperbolic shape, lowering 
the apparent K m (the concentration of substrate required for half- saturation) and rais- 
ing the activity at a given [S]. The addition of an inhibitor can raise the apparent K m of 
the enzyme and lower its activity at any particular concentration of substrate. 

The addition of S leads to an increase in the concentration of enzyme in the R con- 
formation. Conversely, the addition of inhibitor increases the proportion of the T 
species. Activator molecules bind preferentially to the R conformation leading to an 
increase in the R/T ratio. Note that this simplified scheme does not show that there are 
multiple interacting binding sites for both S and I. 

Some allosteric inhibitors are nonclassical competitive inhibitors (Figure 5.8). For 
example, Figure 5.20 describes an enzyme that has a higher apparent K m for its sub- 
strate in the presence of the allosteric inhibitor but an unaltered V max . Therefore, the 
allosteric modulator is a competitive inhibitor. 

Some regulatory enzymes exhibit noncompetitive inhibition patterns where bind- 
ing of a modulator at the regulatory site does not prevent substrate from binding but 
appears to distort the conformation of the active site sufficiently to decrease the activity 
of the enzyme. 

C. Two Theories of Allosteric Regulation 

Recall that most proteins are made up of two or more polypeptide chains (Section 4.8). 
Enzymes are typical proteins — most of them have multiple subunits. This complicates 
our understanding of regulation. There are two general models that explain the cooper- 
ative binding of ligands to multimeric proteins. Both models describe the cooperative 
transitions in simple quantitative terms. 

The concerted model, or symmetry model, was devised to explain the cooperative 
binding of identical ligands, such as substrates. It was first proposed in 1965 by 

5.9 Regulation of Enzyme Activity 


▲ Figure 5.21 

Two models for cooperativity of binding of substrate (S) to a tetrameric protein. A two-subunit protein is shown for simplicity. In all cases, the enzymati- 
cally active subunit (R) is colored green and the inactive conformation (T) is colored red. (a) In the simplified concerted model, both subunits are ei- 
ther in the R conformation or the T conformation. Substrate (S) can bind to subunits in either conformation but binding to T is assumed to be weaker 
than binding to R. Cooperativity is explained by postulating that when substrate binds to a subunit in the T conformation (red), it shifts the protein 
into a conformation where both subunits are in the R conformation, (b) In the sequential model, one subunit may be in the R conformation while an- 
other is in the T conformation. As in the concerted model, both conformations can bind substrate. Cooperativity is achieved by postulating that sub- 
strate binding causes the subunit to shift to the R conformation and that when one subunit has adopted the R conformation, the other one is more 
likely to bind substrate and undergo a conformation change (diagonal lines). 

Jacques Monod, Jeffries Wyman, and Jean-Pierre Changeux and it’s sometimes known 
as the MWC model. The concerted model assumes there is one substrate binding site 
on each subunit. According to the concerted model, the conformation of each subunit 
is constrained by its association with other subunits and when the protein changes 
conformation it retains its molecular symmetry (Figure 5.21a). Thus, there are two 
conformations in equilibrium, R and T. When a subunit is in the R conformation it 
has a high affinity for the substrate. Subunits in the T conformation have a low affin- 
ity for the substrate. The binding of substrate to one subunit shifts the equilibrium 
since it “locks” the other subunits in the R conformation making it more likely that 
the other subunits will bind substrate. This explains the cooperativity of substrate 

When the conformation of the protein changes, the affinity of its substrate binding 
sites also changes. The concerted model was extended to include the binding of al- 
losteric effectors and it can be simplified by assuming that the substrate binds only to 
the R conformation and the allosteric effectors bind preferentially to one of the confor- 
mations — inhibitors bind only to subunits in the T conformation and activators bind 
only to subunits in the R conformation. The concerted model is based on the observed 
structural symmetry of regulatory enzymes. It suggests that all subunits of a given pro- 
tein molecule have the same conformation, either all R or all T. 

When the enzyme shifts from one conformation to the other, all subunits change 
conformation in a concerted manner. Experimental data obtained with a number of en- 
zymes can be explained by this simple theory. For example, many of the properties of 
phosphofructokinase- 1 from E. coli fit the concerted theory. In most cases, however, the 
concerted theory does not adequately account for all of the observations concerning a 
particular enzyme. Their behavior is more complex than that suggested by this simple 
all-or-nothing model. 

The sequential model was first proposed by Daniel Koshland, George Nemethy, and 
David Filmer (KNF model). It is a more general model because it allows for both 
subunits to exist in two different conformations within the same multimeric protein. 
The specific induced- fit version or the model is based on the idea that a ligand may in- 
duce a change in the tertiary structure of each subunit to which it binds. This subunit-ligand 


CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 

complex may change the conformations of neighboring subunits to varying extents. 
Like the concerted model, the sequential model assumes that only one shape has a high 
affinity for the ligand but it differs from the concerted model in allowing for the exis- 
tence of both high- and low- affinity subunits in a multisubunit protein (Figure 5.21b). 

Hundreds of allosteric proteins have been studied and the majority show coopera- 
tive binding of substrates and/or effector molecules. It has proven to be very difficult to 
distinguish between the concerted and sequential models. Many proteins exhibit bind- 
ing behavior that can best be explained as a mixture of the all-or-nothing shift of the 
concerted model and the stepwise shift of the sequential model. 

D. Regulation by Covalent Modification 

▲ Figure 5.22 

Regulation of mammalian pyruvate dehydroge- 
nase. Pyruvate dehydrogenase, an intercon- 
vertible enzyme, is inactivated by 
phosphorylation catalyzed by pyruvate 
dehydrogenase kinase. It is reactivated by 
hydrolysis of its phosphoserine residue, 
catalyzed by an allosteric hydrolase called 
pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase. 

The activity of an enzyme can be modified by the covalent attachment and removal of 
groups on the polypeptide chain. Regulation by covalent modification is usually slower 
than the allosteric regulation described above. It’s important to note that the covalent 
modification of regulated enzymes must be reversible, otherwise it wouldn’t be a form 
of regulation. The modifications usually require additional modifying enzymes for acti- 
vation and inactivation. The activities of these modifying enzymes may themselves be 
allosterically regulated or regulated by covalent modification. Enzymes controlled by 
covalent modification are believed to generally undergo R v T transitions but they 
may be frozen in one conformation or the other by a covalent substitution. 

The most common type of covalent modification is phosphorylation of one or 
more specific serine residues, although in some cases threonine, tyrosine, or histidine 
residues are phosphorylated. An enzyme called a protein kinase catalyzes the transfer of 
the terminal phosphoryl group from ATP to the appropriate serine residue of the regu- 
lated enzyme. The phosphoserine of the regulated enzyme is hydrolyzed by the activity 
of a protein phosphatase, releasing phosphate and returning the enzyme to its dephos- 
phorylated state. Individual enzymes differ as to whether it is their phosphorylated or 
dephosphorylated forms that are active. 

The reactions involved in the regulation of mammalian pyruvate dehydrogenase by 
covalent modification are shown in Figure 5.22. Pyruvate dehydrogenase catalyzes a re- 
action that connects the pathway of glycolysis to the citric acid cycle. Phosphorylation 
of pyruvate dehydrogenase, catalyzed by the allosteric enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase 
kinase, inactivates the dehydrogenase. The kinase can be activated by any of several 
metabolites. Phosphorylated pyruvate dehydrogenase is reactivated under different 
metabolic conditions by hydrolysis of its phosphoserine residue, catalyzed by pyruvate 
dehydrogenase phosphatase. 

5.10 Multienzyme Complexes and 
Multifunctional Enzymes 

In some cases, different enzymes that catalyze sequential reactions in the same pathway 
are bound together in a multienzyme complex. In other cases, different activities may be 
found on a single multifunctional polypeptide chain. The presence of multiple activities 
on a single polypeptide chain is usually the result of a gene fusion event. 

Some multienzyme complexes are quite stable. We will encounter several of these 
complexes in other chapters. In other multienzyme complexes the proteins may be 
associated more weakly (Section 4.9). Because these complexes dissociate easily it has 
been difficult to demonstrate their existence and importance. Attachment to mem- 
branes or cytoskeletal components is another way that enzymes may be associated. 

The metabolic advantages of multienzyme complexes and multifunctional en- 
zymes include the possibility of metabolite channeling. Channeling of reactants between 
active sites can occur when the product of one reaction is transferred directly to the 
next active site without entering the bulk solvent. This can vastly increase the rate of a 
reaction by decreasing transit times for intermediates between enzymes and by produc- 
ing local high concentrations of intermediates. Channeling can also protect chemically 
labile intermediates from degradation by the solvent. Metabolic channeling is one way 
in which enzymes can effectively couple separate reactions. 

Problems 159 

One of the best- characterized examples of channeling involves the enzyme trypto- 
phan synthase that catalyzes the last two steps in the biosynthesis of tryptophan (Sec- 
tion 17.3F). Tryptophan synthase has a tunnel that conducts a reactant between its two 
active sites. The structure of the enzyme not only prevents the loss of the reactant to the 
bulk solvent but also provides allosteric control to keep the reactions occurring at the 
two active sites in phase. 

Several other enzymes have two or three active sites connected by a molecular tun- 
nel. Another mechanism for metabolite channeling involves guiding the reactant along 
a path of basic amino acid side chains on the surface of coupled enzymes. The metabo- 
lites (most of which are negatively charged) are directed between active sites by the elec- 
trostatically positive surface path. The fatty acid synthase complex catalyzes a sequence 
of seven reactions required for the synthesis of fatty acids. The structure of this complex 
is described in Chapter 16 (Section 16.1). 

The search for enzyme complexes and the evaluation of their catalytic and regula- 
tory roles is an extremely active area of research. 

The regulation of pyruvate dehydroge- 
nase activity is explained in Section 
13.5. An example of a signal transduc- 
tion pathway involving covalent modifi- 
cation is described in Section 12.6. 


1. Enzymes, the catalysts of living organisms, are remarkable for 
their catalytic efficiency and their substrate and reaction speci- 
ficity. With few exceptions, enzymes are proteins or proteins plus 
cofactors. Enzymes are grouped into six classes (oxidoreductases, 
transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, and ligases) according 
to the nature of the reactions they catalyze. 

2. The kinetics of a chemical reaction can be described by a rate 

3. Enzymes and substrates form noncovalent enzyme-substrate 
complexes. Consequently, enzymatic reactions are characteris- 
tically first order with respect to enzyme concentration and 
typically show hyperbolic dependence on substrate concentra- 
tion. The hyperbola is described by the Michaelis-Menten 

4. Maximum velocity (Vmax) is reached when the substrate concen- 
tration is saturating. The Michaelis constant (K m ) is equal to the 
substrate concentration at half-maximal reaction velocity — that 
is, at half- saturation of E with S. 

5. The catalytic constant (fc cat ), or turnover number, for an enzyme 
is the maximum number of molecules of substrate that can be 
transformed into product per molecule of enzyme (or per active 
site) per second. The ratio k cat /K m is an apparent second-order 

rate constant that governs the reaction of an enzyme when the 
substrate is dilute and nonsaturating. k cat /K m provides a measure 
of the catalytic efficiency of an enzyme. 

6. K m and V max can be obtained from plots of initial velocity at a series 
of substrate concentrations and at a fixed enzyme concentration. 

7. Multisubstrate reactions may follow a sequential mechanism with 
binding and release events being ordered or random, or a ping- 
pong mechanism. 

8. Inhibitors decrease the rates of enzyme- catalyzed reactions. Re- 
versible inhibitors may be competitive (increasing the apparent 
value of K m without changing V max ), uncompetitive (appearing 
to decrease K m and V max proportionally), noncompetitive 
(appearing to decrease V max without changing K m ), or mixed. 
Irreversible enzyme inhibitors form covalent bonds with the 

9. Allosteric modulators bind to enzymes at a site other than the ac- 
tive site and alter enzyme activity. Two models, the concerted 
model and the sequential model, describe the cooperativity of al- 
losteric enzymes. Covalent modification, usually phosphorylation, 
of certain regulatory enzymes can also regulate enzyme activity. 

Multienzyme complexes and multifunctional enzymes are very 
common. They can channel metabolites between active sites. 


1. Initial velocities have been measured for the reaction of a-chy- 
motrypsin with tyrosine benzyl ester [S] at six different substrate 
concentrations. Use the data below to make a reasonable estimate 
of the V max and K m value for this substrate. 

mM[S] 0.00125 0.01 0.04 0.10 2.0 10 

(mM/min) 14 35 56 66 69 70 

2. Why is the k cat /K m value used to measure the catalytic proficiency 
of an enzyme? 

(a) What are the upper limits for k cat /K m values for enzymes? 

(b) Enzymes with k CSit /K m values approaching these upper limits 
are said to have reached “catalytic perfection.” Explain. 

3. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) has a 25,000-fold higher activity (fc cat = 
10 6 s -1 ) than orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase (OMPD) 
(fccat = 40 s -1 ). However, OMPD provides more than a 10 10 higher 
“rate acceleration” than CA (Table 5.2). Explain how this is possible. 

4. An enzyme that follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics has a K m of 
1 ^M. The initial velocity is 0.1 ^M min -1 at a substrate concen- 
tration of 100 jdM. What is the initial velocity when [S] is equal to 
(a) 1 mM, (b) 1 ^M, or (c) 2 ^M? 

5. Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) encodes a protease 
(M r 21,500) that is essential for the assembly and maturation of 
the virus. The protease catalyzes the hydrolysis of a heptapeptide 
substrate with a /c cat of 1000 s -1 and a K m of 0.075 M. 

160 CHAPTER 5 Properties of Enzymes 

(a) Calculate V max for substrate hydrolysis when HIV- 1 protease 
is present at 0.2 mg ml -1 . 

(b) When — C(0)NH — of the heptapeptide is replaced by 
— CH 2 NH — , the resulting derivative cannot be cleaved by 
HIV- 1 protease and acts as an inhibitor. Under the same ex- 
perimental conditions as in part (a), but in the presence of 
2.5 n M inhibitor, V max is 9.3 x 10 -3 M s -1 . What kind of inhi- 
bition is occurring? Is this type of inhibition expected for a 
molecule of this structure? 

6. Draw a graph of v 0 versus [S] for a typical enzyme reaction (a) in 
the absence of an inhibitor, (b) in the presence of a competitive 
inhibitor, and (c) in the presence of a noncompetitive inhibitor. 

7. Sulfonamides (sulfa drugs) such as sulfanilamide are antibacterial 
drugs that inhibit the enzyme dihydropteroate synthase (DS) that 
is required for the synthesis of folic acid in bacteria. There is no 
corresponding enzyme inhibition in animals because folic acid is 
a required vitamin and cannot be synthesized. If p aminobenzoic 
acid (PABA) is a substrate for DS, what type of inhibition can be 
predicted for the bacterial synthase enzyme in the presence of sul- 
fonamides? Draw a double reciprocal plot for this type of inhibi- 
tion with correctly labeled axes and identify the uninhibited and 
inhibited lines. 

O O 


Sulfonamides p- Aminobenzoic acid 

(R = H, sulfanilamide) 

8. (a) Fumarase is an enzyme in the citric acid cycle that catalyzes 
the conversion of fumarate to L-malate. Given the fumarate 
(substrate) concentrations and initial velocities below, 
construct a Lineweaver-Burk plot and determine the V max 

and K m values for the fumarase-catalyzed reaction. 

Fumarate (mM) 

Rate (mmol 1 1 min 









(b) Fumarase has a molecular weight of 194,000 and is composed of 
four identical subunits, each with an active site. If the enzyme 
concentration is 1 X 10~ 2 M for the experiment in part (a), 
calculate the k cat value for the reaction of fumarase with 
fumarate. Note : The units for k cat are reciprocal seconds (s -1 ). 

9. Covalent enzyme regulation plays an important role in the 
metabolism of muscle glycogen, an energy storage molecule. The 
active phosphorylated form of glycogen phosphorylase (GP) cat- 
alyzes the degradation of glycogen to glucose 1 -phosphate. Using 
pyruvate dehydrogenase as a model (Figure 5.23), fill in the boxes 
below for the activation and inactivation of muscle glycogen 

10 . Regulatory enzymes in metabolic pathways are often found at the 
first step that is unique to that pathway. How does regulation at 
this point improve metabolic efficiency? 

11. ATCase is a regulatory enzyme at the beginning of the pathway 
for the biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides. ATCase exhibits 
positive cooperativity and is activated in vitro by ATP and inhib- 
ited by the pyrimidine nucleotide cytidine triphosphate (CTP). 
Both ATP and CTP affect the K m for the substrate aspartate but 
not V max . In the absence of ATP or CTP, the concentration of as- 
partate required for half-maximal velocity is about 5 mM at satu- 
rating concentrations of the second substrate, carbamoyl phos- 
phate. Draw a v 0 versus [aspartate] plot for ATCase, and indicate 
how CTP and ATP affect v 0 when [aspartate] = 5 mM. 

12. The cytochrome P450 family of monooxygenase enzymes are in- 
volved in the clearance of foreign compounds (including drugs) 
from our body. P450s are found in many tissues, including the 
liver, intestine, nasal tissues, and lung. For every drug that is ap- 
proved for human use the pharmaceutical company must investi- 
gate the metabolism of the drug by cytochrome P450. Many of the 
adverse drug-drug interactions known to occur are a result of inter- 
actions with the cytochrome P450 enzymes. A significant portion of 
drugs are metabolized by one of the P450 enzymes, P450 3A4. 
Human intestinal P450 3A4 is known to metabolize midazolam, a 
sedative, to a hydroxylated product, U-hydroxymidazolam. The ki- 
netic data given below are for the reaction catalyzed by P450 3A4. 

(a) Focusing on the first two columns, determine the K m and 
Umax for the enzyme using a Lineweaver-Burk plot. 

(b) Ketoconazole, an antifungal, is known to cause adverse 
drug-drug interactions when administered with midazolam. 
Using the data in the table, determine the type of inhibition 
that ketoconazole exerts on the P450-catalyzed hydroxyla- 
tion of midazolam. 

Rate of product 
formation in the 

Rate of product presence of 0.1 pM 
formation ketoconazole 

Midazolam(^M) (pmol 1 1 min -1 ) (pmol 1 1 min 1 ) 













[Adapted from Gibbs, M. A., Thummel, K. E., Shen, D. D., and 
Kunze, K. L. DrugMetab. Dispos. (1999). 27:180-187] 

Selected Readings 161 

13. Patients who are taking certain medications are warned by their 
physicians to avoid taking these medications with grapefruit 
juice, which contains many compounds including bergamottin. 
Cytochrome P450 3A4 is a monooxygenase that is known to me- 
tabolize drugs to their inactive forms. The following results were 
obtained when P450 3A4 activity was measured in the absence or 
presence of bergamottin. 

Bergamottin (^M) 

(a) What is the effect of adding bergamottin to the P450-cat- 
alyzed reaction? 

(b) Why could it be dangerous for a patient to take certain 
medications with grapefruit juice? 

[Adapted from Wen, Y. H., Sahi, J., Urda, E., Kalkarni, S., 
Rose, K., Zheng, X., Sinclair, J. F., Cai, H., Strom, S. C., and 
Kostrubsky, V. E. Drug Metab. Dispos. (2002). 30:977-984.] 

14 . Use the Michaelis-Menten equation (Equation 5.14) to 
demonstrate the following: 

(a) v 0 becomes independent of [S] when [S]»X m . 

(b) The reaction is first order with respect to S when [S] «K m . 

(c) [S] »K m when v 0 is one-half U max - 

Selected Readings 

Enzyme Catalysis 

Fersht, A. (1985). Enzyme Structure and Mecha- 
nism , 2nd ed. (New York: W. H. Freeman). 

Lewis, C. A., and Wolfenden, R. (2008). Uropor- 
phyrinogen decarboxylation as a benchmark for 
the catalytic proficiency of enzymes. Proc. Natl 
Acad. Sci. (USA). 105:17328-17333. 

Miller, B. G., and Wolfenden, R. (2002). Catalytic 
proficiency: the unusual case of OMP decarboxy- 
lase. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 71, 847-885. 

Sigman, D. S., and Boyer, P. D., eds. (1990-1992). 
The Enzymes , Vols. 19 and 20, 3rd ed. (San Diego: 
Academic Press). 

Webb, E. C., ed. (1992). Enzyme Nomenclature 
1992: Recommendations of the Nomenclature Com- 
mittee of the International Union of Biochemistry 
and Molecular Biology on the Nomenclature and 
Classification of Enzymes (San Diego; Academic 

Enzyme Kinetics and Inhibition 

Bugg, C. E., Carson, W. M., and Montgomery, J. A. 
(1993). Drugs by design. Sci. Am. 269(6):92-98. 

Chandrasekhar, S. (2002). Thermodynamic analy- 
sis of enzyme catalysed reactions: new insights 
into the Michaelis-Menten equation. Res. Cehm. 
Intermed. 28:265-2 75. 

Cleland, W. W. (1970). Steady State Kinetics. The 
Enzymes , Vol. 2, 3rd ed., P. D. Boyer, ed. (New York: 
Academic Press), pp. 1-65. 

Cornish- Bowden, A. (1999). Enzyme kinetics from 
a metabolic perspective. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 

Northrop, D. B. (1998). On the meaning of K m 
and V/K in enzyme Kinetics. /. Chem. Ed. 

Radzicka, A., and Wolfenden, R. (1995). A profi- 
cient enzyme. Science 267:90-93. 

Segel, I. H. (1975) Enzyme Kinetics: Behavior and 
Analysis of Rapid Equilibrium and Steady State 
Enzyme Systems (New York: Wiley-Interscience). 

Regulated Enzymes 

Ackers, G. K., Doyle, M. L., Myers, D., and Daugh- 
erty, M. A. (1992). Molecular code for cooperativ- 
ity in hemoglobin. Science 255:54-63. 

Barford, D. (1991). Molecular mechanisms for the 
control of enzymic activity by protein phosphory- 
lation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1133:55-62. 

Hilser, V. J. (2010). An ensemble view of allostery. 
Science 327:653-654. 

Hurley, J. H., Dean, A. M., Sohl, J. L., Koshland, D. 
E., Jr., and Stroud, R. M. (1990). Regulation of an 
enzyme by phosphorylation at the active site. 
Science 249:1012-1016. 

Schirmer, T., and Evans, P. R. (1990). Structural 
basis of the allosteric behavior of phosphofructok- 
inase. Nature 343:140-145. 

Metabolite Channeling 

Pan, P., Woehl, E., and Dunn, M. F. (1997). Protein 
architecture, dynamics and allostery in tryptophan 
synthase channeling. Trends Biochem. Sci. 


Velot, C., Mixon, M. B., Teige, M., and Srere, P. A. 
(1997). Model of a quinary structure between 
Krebs TCA cycle enzymes: a model for the 
metabolon. Biochemistry 36:14271-14276. 


Mechanisms of Enzymes 

T he previous chapter described some general properties of enzymes with an 
emphasis on enzyme kinetics. In this chapter, we see how enzymes catalyze reactions 
by studying the molecular details of catalyzed reactions. Individual enzyme 
mechanisms have been deduced by a variety of methods including kinetic experiments, 
protein structural studies, and studies of nonenzymatic model reactions. The results of 
such studies show that the extraordinary catalytic ability of enzymes results from simple 
physical and chemical properties, especially the binding and proper positioning of reac- 
tants in the active sites of enzymes. Chemistry, physics, and biochemistry have combined 
to take much of the mystery out of enzymes and recombinant DNA technology now 
allows us to test the theories proposed by enzyme chemists. Observations for which 
there were no explanations just a half-century ago are now thoroughly understood. 

The mechanisms of many enzymes are well established and they give us a general pic- 
ture of how enzymes function as catalysts. We begin this chapter with a review of simple 
chemical mechanisms, followed by a brief discussion of catalysis. We then examine the 
major modes of enzymatic catalysis: acid-base and covalent catalysis (classified as chemi- 
cal effects) and substrate binding and transition state stabilization (classified as binding 
effects). We end the chapter with some specific examples of enzyme mechanisms. 

I think that enzymes are molecules 
that are complementary in structure 
to the activated complexes of the 
reactions that they catalyze. 

—Linus Pauling (1948) 

6.1 The Terminology of Mechanistic Chemistry 

The mechanism of a reaction is a detailed description of the molecular, atomic, and 
even subatomic events that occur during the reaction. Reactants, products, and any in- 
termediates must be identified. A number of laboratory techniques are used to deter- 
mine the mechanism of a reaction. For example, the use of isotopically labeled reactants 
can trace the path of individual atoms and kinetic techniques can measure the changes in 
chemical bonds of a reactant or solvent during the reaction. Study of the stereochemical 
changes that occur during the reaction can give a three-dimensional view of the process. 
For any proposed enzyme mechanism, the mechanistic information about the reactants 
and intermediates must be coordinated with the three-dimensional structure of the en- 
zyme. This is an important part of understanding structure-function relationships — 
one of the main themes in biochemistry. 

Top: A step from the mechanism of the triose phosphate isomerase reaction. 


6.1 The Terminology of Mechanistic Chemistry 


Enzymatic mechanisms are described using the same symbolism developed in or- 
ganic chemistry to represent the breaking and forming of chemical bonds. The move- 
ment of electrons is the key to understanding chemical (and enzymatic) reactions. We 
will review chemical mechanisms in this section and in the following sections we will 
discuss catalysis and present several specific enzyme mechanisms. This discussion 
should provide sufficient background for you to understand all the enzyme -catalyzed 
reactions presented in this book. 

A. Nucleophilic Substitutions 

Many chemical reactions have ionic substrate, intermediates, or products. There are two 
types of ionic molecules: one species is electron rich, or nucleophilic, and the other species 
is electron poor, or electrophilic (Section 2.6). A nucleophile has a negative charge or an 
unshared electron pair. We usually think of the nucleophile as attacking the electrophile 
and call the mechanism a nucleophilic attack or a nucleophilic substitution. In mechanistic 
chemistry, the movement of a pair of electrons is represented by a curved arrow pointing 
from the available electrons of the nucleophile to the electrophilic center. These “electron 
pushing” diagrams depict the breaking of an existing covalent bond or the formation of a 
new covalent bond. The reaction mechanism usually involves an intermediate. 

Many biochemical reactions are group transfer reactions where a group is moved 
from one molecule to another. Many of these reactions involve a charged intermediate. 
The transfer of an acyl group, for example, can be written as the general mechanism 


x 0 

( 6 . 1 ) 

The nucleophile Y® attacks the carbonyl carbon (i.e., adds to the carbonyl carbon atom) 
to form a tetrahedral addition intermediate from which is eliminated. is called 
the leaving group — the group displaced by the attacking nucleophile. This is an example 

of a nucleophilic substitution reaction. 

Another type of nucleophilic substitution involves direct displacement. In this 
mechanism, the attacking group, or molecule, adds to the face of the central atom op- 
posite the leaving group to form a transition state having five groups associated with the 
central atom. This transition state is unstable. It has a structure between that of the re- 
actant and that of the product. (Transition states are shown in square brackets to 
identify them as unstable, transient entities.) 

i \j 

L r 3 J 

Transition state 

R 2 R, 

\ / 


/ \ 

X Rq 

+ Y 


( 6 . 2 ) 

Note that both types of nucleophilic substitution mechanisms involve a transitory 
state. In the first type (Reaction 6.1), the reaction proceeds in a stepwise manner form- 
ing an intermediate molecule that may be stable enough to be detected. In the second 
type of mechanism (Reaction 6.2), the addition of the attacking nucleophile and the 
displacement of the leaving group occur simultaneously. The transition state is not a 
stable intermediate. 

B. Cleavage Reactions 

We will also encounter cleavage reactions. Covalent bonds can be cleaved in two ways: ei- 
ther both electrons can stay with one atom or one electron can remain with each atom. 

Transition states are discussed further 
in Section 6.2. 


CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 

The two electrons will stay with one atom in most reactions so that an ionic intermediate 
and a leaving group are formed. For example, cleavage of a C — H bond almost always 
produces two ions. If the carbon atom retains both electrons then the carbon- containing 
compound becomes a carbanion and the other product is a proton. 

R 3 — c— H > R 3 — O e + H© 

Carbanion Proton (6-3) 

If the carbon atom loses both electrons, the carbon-containing compound becomes a 
cationic ion called a carbocation and the hydride ion carries a pair of electrons. 

R 3 — c — H ■* R 3 — C© + H© 

Carbocation Hydride ^ 

In the second, less common, type of bond cleavage, one electron remains with each 
product to form two free radicals that are usually very unstable. (A free radical, or radi- 
cal, is a molecule or atom with an unpaired electron.) 

RtO — OR 2 > RiO + -OR 2 (6.5) 

Loss of Electrons = Oxidation (LEO) 
Gain of Electrons = Reduction (GER) 

Remember the phrase: LEO (the lion) 
says GER 

Oxidation is Loss (OIL) 

Reduction is Gain (RIG) 

Remember the phrase: OIL RIG 

C. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 

Oxidation-reduction reactions are central to the supply of biological energy. In an 
oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction, electrons from one molecule are transferred to 
another. The terminology here can be a bit confusing so it’s important to master the 
meaning of the words oxidation and reduction — they will come up repeatedly in the rest 
of the book. Oxidation is the loss of electrons: a substance that is oxidized will have fewer 
electrons when the reaction is complete. Reduction is the gain of electrons: a substance 
that gains electrons in a reaction is reduced. Oxidation and reduction reactions always 
occur together. One substrate is oxidized and the other is reduced. An oxidizing agent is 
a substance that causes an oxidation — it takes electrons from the substrate that is oxi- 
dized. Thus, oxidizing agents gain electrons (i.e., they are reduced). A reducing agent is 
a substance that donates electrons (and is oxidized in the process). 

Oxidations can take several forms, such as removal of hydrogen (dehydrogena- 
tion), addition of oxygen, or removal of electrons. Dehydrogenation is the most com- 
mon form of biological oxidation. Recall that oxidoreductases (enzymes that catalyze 
oxidation-reduction reactions) represent a large class of enzymes and dehydrogenases 
(enzymes that catalyze removal of hydrogen) are a major subclass of oxidoreductases 
(Section 5.1). 

Most dehydrogenations occur by C — H bond cleavage producing a hydride ion 
(H®). The substrate is oxidized because it loses the electrons associated with the 
hydride ion. Such reactions will be accompanied by a corresponding reduction where 
another substrate gains electrons by reacting with the hydride ion. The dehydrogena- 
tion of lactate (Equation 5.1) is an example of the removal of hydrogen. In this case, the 
oxidation of lactate is coupled to the reduction of the coenzyme NAD®. The role of 
cofactors in oxidation-reduction reactions will be discussed in the next chapter 
(Section 7.3) and the free energy of these reactions is described in Section 10.9. 

6.2 Catalysts Stabilize Transition States 

In order to understand catalysis it’s necessary to appreciate the importance of transition 
states and intermediates in chemical reactions. The rate of a chemical reaction depends 
on how often reacting molecules collide in such a way that a reaction is favored. The col- 
liding substances must be in the correct orientation and must possess sufficient energy to 
approach the physical configuration of the atoms and bonds of the final product. 

As mentioned above, the transition state is an unstable arrangement of atoms in 
which chemical bonds are in the process of being formed or broken. Transition states 

6.2 Catalysts Stabilize Transition States 165 

◄ Figure 6.1 

Energy diagram for a single-step reaction. The 

upper arrow shows the activation energy for 
the forward reaction. Molecules of substrate 
that have more free energy than the activa- 
tion energy pass over the activation barrier 
and become molecules of product. For reac- 
tions with a high activation barrier, energy in 
the form of heat must be provided in order 
for the reaction to proceed. 

Course of the reaction > 

(Reaction coordinate) 

have extremely short lifetimes of about 10 -14 to 10 -13 second, the time of one bond vi- 
bration. Although they are very difficult to detect, their structures can be predicted. The 
energy required to reach the transition state from the ground state of the reactants is called 
the activation energy of the reaction and is often referred to as the activation barrier. 

The progress of a reaction can be represented by an energy diagram, or energy pro- 
file. Figure 6.1 is an example that shows the conversion of a substrate (reactant) to a 
product in a single step. The y axis shows the free energies of the reacting species. The 
x axis, called the reaction coordinate , measures the progress of the reaction, beginning 
with the substrate on the left and proceeding to the product on the right. This axis is not 
time but rather the progress of bond breaking and bond formation of a particular mol- 
ecule. The transition state occurs at the peak of the activation barrier — this is the energy 
level that must be exceeded for the reaction to proceed. The lower the barrier the more 
stable the transition state and the more often the reaction proceeds. 

Intermediates, unlike transition states, can be sufficiently stable to be detected or iso- 
lated. When there is an intermediate in a reaction, the energy diagram has a trough that 
represents the free energy of the intermediate as shown in Figure 6.2. This reaction has two 
transition states, one preceding formation of the intermediate and one preceding its con- 
version to product. The slowest step, the rate- determining or rate-limiting step, is the step 
with the highest energy transition state. In Figure 6.2, the rate-determining step is the for- 
mation of the intermediate. The intermediate is metastable because relatively little energy is 
required for the intermediate either to continue to product or to revert to the original reac- 
tant. Proposed intermediates that are too short-lived to be isolated or detected are often en- 
closed in square brackets like transition states, which they presumably closely resemble. 

Catalysts create reaction pathways that have lower activation energies than those of 
uncatalyzed reactions. Catalysts participate directly in reactions by stabilizing the tran- 
sition states along the reaction pathways. Enzymes are catalysts that accelerate reactions 
by lowering the overall activation energy. They achieve rate enhancement by providing 
a multistep pathway (with one or several intermediates) in which each of the steps has 
lower activation energy than the corresponding stages in the nonenzymatic reaction. 

The first step in an enzymatic reaction is the formation of a noncovalent 
enzyme-substrate complex, ES. In a reaction between A and B, formation of the EAB 
complex collects and positions the reactants making the probability of reaction much 
higher for the enzyme -catalyzed reaction than for the uncatalyzed reaction. Figures 6.3a 
and 6.3b show a hypothetical case in which substrate binding is the only mode of 
catalysis by an enzyme. In this example, the activation energy is lowered by bringing the 
reactants together in the substrate binding site. Correct substrate binding accounts for a 
large part of the catalytic power of enzymes. 

The active sites of enzymes bind substrates and products. They also bind transition 
states. In fact, transition states are likely to bind to active sites much more tightly than 


Transition states are unstable molecules 
with free energies higher than either the 
substrate or the product. 

The meaning of activation energy is 
described in Section 1.4D. 

▲ Figure 6.2 

Energy diagram for a reaction with an interme- 
diate. The intermediate occurs in the trough 
between the two transition states. The rate- 
determining step in the forward direction is 
formation of the first transition state, the 
step with the higher energy transition state. 
S represents the substrate, and P represents 
the product. 

166 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 

(a) Uncatalyzed reaction (b) Effect of reactants being bound 

by enzyme 

(c) Effect of reactants and transition 
state being bound by enzyme 

▲ Figure 6.3 

Enzymatic catalysis of the reaction A + B — * A — B. (a) Energy diagram for an uncatalyzed reaction, (b) Effect of reactant binding. Collection of the two 
reactants in the EAB complex properly positions them for reaction, makes formation of the transition state more frequent, and hence lowers the 
activation energy, (c) Effect of transition-state stabilization. An enzyme binds the transition state more tightly than it binds substrates, further lower- 
ing the activation energy. Thus, an enzymatic reaction has a much lower activation energy than an uncatalyzed reaction. (The breaks in the reaction 
curves indicate that the enzymes provide multistep pathways.) 

substrates do. The extra binding interactions stabilize the transition state, further lowering 
the activation energy (Figure 6.3c). We will see that the binding of substrates followed by 
the binding of transition states provides the greatest rate acceleration in enzyme catalysis. 

We return to binding phenomena later in this chapter after we examine the chemi- 
cal processes that underlie enzyme function. (Note that enzyme -catalyzed reactions are 
usually reversible. The same principles apply to the reverse reaction. The activation en- 
ergy is lowered by binding the “products” and stabilizing the transition state.) 

In addition to reactive amino acid 
residues, there may be metal ions or 
coenzymes in the active site. The role 
of these cofactors in enzyme catalysis 
is described in Chapter 7. 

6.3 Chemical Modes of Enzymatic Catalysis 

The formation of an ES complex places reactants in proximity to reactive amino acid 
residues in the enzyme active site. Ionizable side chains participate in two kinds of 
chemical catalysis; acid-base catalysis and covalent catalysis. These are the two major 
chemical modes of catalysis. 

A. Polar Amino Acid Residues in Active Sites 

The active site cavity of an enzyme is generally lined with hydrophobic amino acid 
residues. However, a few polar, ionizable residues (and a few molecules of water) may 
also be present in the active site. Polar amino acid residues (or sometimes coenzymes) 
undergo chemical changes during enzymatic catalysis. These residues make up much of 
the catalytic center of the enzyme. 

Table 6.1 lists the ionizable residues found in the active sites of enzymes. Histidine, 
which has a p K a of about 6 to 7 in proteins, is often an acceptor or a donor of protons. 
Aspartate, glutamate, and occasionally lysine can also participate in proton transfer. 
Certain amino acids, such as serine and cysteine, are commonly involved in group- 
transfer reactions. At neutral pH, aspartate and glutamate usually have negative charges, 
and lysine and arginine have positive charges. These anions and cations can serve as 
sites for electrostatic binding of oppositely charged groups on substrates. 

6.3 Chemical Modes of Enzymatic Catalysis 167 


It is possible to test the functions of the amino acid side 
chains of an enzyme using the technique of site-directed mu- 
tagenesis (see Section 23.10). This technique has had a huge 
impact on our understanding of structure-function relation- 
ships of enzymes. 

In site-directed mutagenesis, a desired mutation is engi- 
neered directly into a gene by synthesizing an oligonucleotide 
that contains the mutation flanked by sequences identical to 
the target gene. When this oligonucleotide is used as a primer 
for DNA replication in vitro , the new copy of the gene contains 
the desired mutation. Since alterations can be made at any 
position in a gene, specific changes in proteins can be engineered 
allowing direct testing of hypotheses about the functional 
role of key amino acid residues. Site-directed mutagenesis is 

commonly used to introduce single codon mutations into 
genes, resulting in single amino acid substitutions. 

The mutated gene can be introduced into bacterial cells 
where modified enzymes are synthesized from the gene. The 
structure and activity of the mutant protein can then be ana- 
lyzed to see the effect of changing an individual amino acid. 





i jmM 

'ff iPfjr 

i A ' 

'v, *.• 


f NO 



Michael Smith h Nobel Laureate 



Eric Darner e- Carol i no Astell 

▲ Michael Smith (1932-2000), received 
the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 for 
inventing site-directed mutagenesis. 

Single-stranded vector 
containing sequence to 
be altered 






◄ Oligonucleotide-directed, site-specific 
mutagenesis. A synthetic oligonucleotide 
containing the desired change (3 bp) is 
annealed to the single-stranded vector 
containing the sequence to be altered. The 
synthetic oligonucleotide serves as a primer 
for the synthesis of a complementary strand. 
The double-stranded, circular heteroduplex 
is transformed into E. coli cells where repli- 
cation produces mutant and wild-type DNA 

Transform cells 



Wild type 

168 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 

Table 6.1 Catalytic functions of reactive groups of ionizable amino acids 

Amino acid 



Net charge 
at pH 7 

Principal functions 




Cation binding; proton transfer 




Cation binding; proton transfer 



Near 0 

Proton transfer 


— CH 2 SH 

Near 0 

Covalent binding of acyl groups 




Hydrogen bonding to ligands 



+ 1 

Anion binding; proton transfer 



+ 1 

Anion binding 


— CH 2 OH 


Covalent binding of acyl groups 

Table 6.2 Typical p K a values of ionizable 
groups of amino acids in proteins 



Terminal a-carboxyl 


Side-chain carboxyl 




Terminal a-amino 












Table 6.3 Frequency distribution of 

catalytic residues in enzymes 

% of catalytic 

% of all 































The piC a values of the ionizable groups of amino acid residues in proteins may dif- 
fer from the values of the same groups in free amino acids (Section 3.4). Table 6.2 lists 
the typical p K a values of ionizable groups of amino acid residues in proteins. Compare 
these ranges to the exact values for free amino acids in Table 3.2. A given ionizable 
group can have different p K a values within a protein because of differing microenviron- 
ments. These differences are usually small but can be significant. 

Occasionally, the side chain of a catalytic amino acid residue exhibits a p K a quite 
different from the one shown in Table 6.2. Bearing in mind that p K a values may be per- 
turbed, one can test whether particular amino acids participate in a reaction by exam- 
ining the effect of pH on the reaction rate. If the change in rate correlates with the p K a 
of a certain ionic amino acid (Section 6. 3D), a residue of that amino acid may take 
part in catalysis. 

Only a small number of amino acid residues participate directly in catalyzing reac- 
tions. Most residues contribute in an indirect way by helping to maintain the correct 
three-dimensional structure of a protein. As we saw in Chapter 4, the majority of amino 
acid residues are not evolutionarily conserved. 

In vitro mutagenesis studies of enzymes have confirmed that most amino acid sub- 
stitutions have little effect on enzyme activity. Nevertheless, every enzyme has a few key 
residues that are absolutely essential for catalysis. Some of these residues are directly in- 
volved in the catalytic mechanism, often by acting as an acid or base catalyst or a nucle- 
ophile. Other residues act indirectly to assist or enhance the role of a key residue. Other 
roles for key catalytic residues include substrate binding, stabilization of the transition 
state, and interacting with essential cofactors. 

Enzymes usually have between two and six key catalytic residues. The top ten cat- 
alytic residues are listed in Table 6.3. The charged residues, His, Asp, Arg, Glu, and Lys 
account for almost two-thirds of all catalytic residues. This makes sense since charged 
side chains are more likely to act as acids, bases, and nucleophiles. They are also more 
likely to play a role in binding substrates or transition states. The number one catalytic 
residue is histidine. Histidine is 6 times more likely to be involved in catalysis than its 
abundance in proteins would suggest. 

B. Acid-Base Catalysis 

In acid-base catalysis, the acceleration of a reaction is achieved by catalytic transfer of a 
proton. Acid-base catalysis is the most common form of catalysis in organic chemistry 
and it’s also common in enzymatic reactions. Enzymes that employ acid-base catalysis 
rely on amino acid side chains that can donate and accept protons under the nearly neu- 
tral pH conditions of cells. This type of acid-base catalysis, involving proton-transferring 
agents, is termed general acid-base catalysis. (Catalysis by H® or OH® is termed specific 
acid or specific base catalysis.) In effect, the active sites of these enzymes provide the bio- 
logical equivalent of a solution of acid or base. 

It is convenient to use B: to represent a base, or proton acceptor, and BH® to repre- 
sent its conjugate acid, a proton donor. (This acid-base pair can also be written as 

6.3 Chemical Modes of Enzymatic Catalysis 


HA/A©.) a proton acceptor can assist reactions in two ways: (1) it can cleave 
O — H, N — H, or even some C — H bonds by removing a proton 

S' 'A • © 

— X^-pH :B < > — H — B (6.6) 

and (2) the general base B: can participate in the cleavage of other bonds involving car- 
bon, such as a C — N bond, by generating the equivalent of OH© in neutral solution 
through removal of a proton from a molecule of water. 



— C — N 


H. © 

C B J 



— c — OH + 




( 6 . 7 ) 

The general acid BH© can also assist in bond cleavage. A covalent bond may break 
more easily if one of its atoms is protonated. For example, 

R © + OH© R-OH 



H © 

R — onf R @ + h 2 o 

( 6 . 8 ) 

BH© catalyzes bond cleavage by donating a proton to an atom (such as the oxygen of 
R — OH in Equation 6.8), thereby making bonds to that atom more labile. In all reac- 
tions involving BH© the reverse reaction is catalyzed by B:, and vice versa. 

Histidine is an ideal group for proton transfer at neutral pH values because the 
imidazole/imidazolium of the side chain has a p X a of about 6 to 7 in most proteins. We 
have seen that histidine is a common catalytic residue. In the following sections, we will 
examine some specific roles of histidine side chains. 


In acid-base catalysis, the reaction 
requires specific amino acid side chains 
that can donate and accept protons. 

C. Covalent Catalysis 

In covalent catalysis, a substrate is bound covalently to the enzyme to form a reactive in- 
termediate. The reacting side chain of the enzyme can be either a nucleophile or an 
electrophile. Nucleophilic catalysis is more common. In the second step of the reaction, 
a portion of the substrate is transferred from the intermediate to a second substrate. For 
example, the group X can be transferred from molecule A — X to molecule B in the fol- 
lowing two steps via the covalent ES complex X — E: 

A— X + E X — E + A 

( 6 . 9 ) 


X — E + B B — X + E (6.10) 

This is a common mechanism for coupling two different reactions in biochemistry. 
Recall that the ability to couple reactions is one of the important properties of enzymes 
(Chapter 5; “Introduction”). Transferases, one of the six classes of enzymes (Section 5.1), 
catalyze group -transfer reactions in this manner and hydrolases catalyze a special kind 
of group-transfer reaction where water is the acceptor. Transferases and hydrolases 
together make up more than half of known enzymes. 

The reaction catalyzed by bacterial sucrose phosphorylase is an example of group 
transfer by covalent catalysis. (Sucrose is composed of one glucose residue and one 
fructose residue.) 

Sucrose + Pj Glucose 1 -phosphate + Fructose 

( 6 . 11 ) 

170 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 

Figure 6.4 ► 

Covalent catalysis. The enzyme A/-acetyl- 
D-neuraminic acid lyase from Escherichia 
coli catalyzes the condensation of pyruvate 
and A/-acetyl-D-mannosamine to form 
A/-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid (see Section 
8.7C). One of the intermediates in the reac- 
tion is a Schiff base (see Fig. 5.15) between 
pyruvate (black carbon atoms) and a lysine 
reside. The intermediate is stabilized by 
hydrogen bonds with other amino acid side 
chains. [PDB 2WKJ] 


In covalent catalysis mechanisms, the 
enzyme participates directly in the 
reaction. It reacts with a substrate and 
an intermediate containing the enzyme is 
produced. The reaction is not complete 
until free enzyme is regenerated. 

23456789 10 11 

The first chemical step in the reaction is formation of a covalent glucosyl-enzyme inter- 
mediate. In this case, sucrose is equivalent to A — X and glucose is equivalent to X in 
Reaction 6.9. 

Sucrose + Enzyme G I ucosyl- Enzyme + Fructose (6.12) 

The covalent ES intermediate can donate the glucose unit either to another mole- 
cule of fructose, in the reverse of Reaction 6.12, or to phosphate (which is equivalent to 
B in Reaction 6.10). 

Glucosyl-Enzyme + ^ = - Glucose 1 -phosphate + Enzyme (6.13) 

Proof that an enzyme mechanism relies on covalent catalysis often requires the iso- 
lation or detection of an intermediate and demonstration that it is sufficiently reactive. 
In some cases, the covalently bound intermediate is seen in the crystal structure of an 
enzyme, and this is direct proof of covalent catalysis (Figure 6.4 ). 

D. pH Affects Enzymatic Rates 

The effect of pH on the reaction rate of an enzyme can suggest which ionizable amino 
acid residues are in its active site. Sensitivity to pH usually reflects an alteration in the 
ionization state of one or more residues involved in catalysis, although occasionally substrate 
binding is affected. A plot of reaction velocity versus pH most often yields a bell-shaped 
curve provided the enzyme is not denatured when the pH is altered. 

A good example is the pH versus rate profile for papain, a protease isolated from 
papaya fruit (Figure 6.5). The bell- shaped pH profile can be explained by assuming that 
the ascending portion of the curve represents the deprotonation of an active-site amino 
acid residue (B) and the descending portion represents the deprotonation of a second 
active-site amino acid residue (A). The two inflection points approximate the pX a values of 
the two ionizable residues. A simple bell-shaped curve is the result of two overlapping 

◄ Figure 6.5 

pH vs rate profile for papain. The left and right segments of the bell-shaped curve represent the titra- 
tions of the side chains of active-site amino acids. The inflection point at pH 4.2 reflects the p K a of 
Cys-25, and the inflection point at pH 8.2 reflects the p K a of His-159. The enzyme is active only 
when these ionic groups are present as the thiolate-imidazolium ion pair. 

6.4 Diffusion-Controlled Reactions 171 

titrations. The side chain of A (R A ) must be protonated for activity and the side chain of 
B (R b ) must be unprotonated. 

H® H® H® 

Ra Rb 




Ra Rb 

n — 



n — 



1 1 

-c a -c a - 



n — 



n — 







At the pH optimum, midway between the two pK a values, the greatest number of 
enzyme molecules is in the active form with residue A protonated. Not all pH profiles 
are bell-shaped. A pH profile is a sigmoidal curve if only one ionizable amino acid 
residue participates in catalysis and it can have a more complicated shape if more than 
two ionizable groups participate. Enzymes are routinely assayed near their optimal pH, 
which is maintained using appropriate buffers. 

The pH versus rate graph for papain has inflection points at pH 4.2 and pH 8.2, 
suggesting that the activity of papain depends on two active-site amino acid residues 
with p K a values of about 4 and 8. These ionizable residues are a nucleophilic cysteine 
(Cys-25) and a proton-donating imidazolium group of histidine (His- 159) (Figure 6.6). 
The side chain of cysteine normally has a p K a value of 8 to 9.5 but in the active site of 
papain the piC a of Cys-25 is greatly perturbed to 3.4. The p K a of the His- 159 residue is 
perturbed to 8.3. The inflection points on the pH profile do not correspond exactly to the 
piC a values of Cys-25 and His- 159 because the ionization of additional groups contributes 
slightly to the overall shape of the curve. Three ionic forms of the catalytic center of papain 
are shown in Figure 6.7. The enzyme is active only when the thiolate group and the im- 
idazolium group form an ion pair (as in the upper tautomer of the middle pair). 

▲ Figure 6.6 Ionizable residues in papain. 

Model of papain, showing bal l-and-stick 
models of the active-site histidine and 
cysteine side chain. The imidazole nitrogen 
atoms are blue, and the sulfur atom is 

6.4 Diffusion-Controlled Reactions 

A few enzymes catalyze reactions at rates approaching the upper physical limit of reac- 
tions in solution. This theoretical upper limit is the rate of diffusion of reactants into 
the active site. A reaction that occurs with every collision between reactant molecules is 
termed a diffusion controlled reaction or a diffusion-limited reaction. Under physiological 
conditions the diffusion- controlled rate is about 10 8 to 10 9 M -1 s _1 . Compare this theo- 
retical maximum to the apparent second- order rate constants (k cat /K m ) for five very fast 
enzymes listed in Table 6.4. 

The binding of a substrate to an enzyme is a rapid reaction. If the rest of the reac- 
tion is simple and fast, the binding step may be the rate-determining step and the over- 
all rate of the reaction may approach the upper limit for catalysis. Only a few types of 
chemical reactions can proceed this quickly. These include association reactions, some 
proton transfers, and electron transfers. The reactions catalyzed by all the enzymes 
listed in Table 6.4 are so simple that the rate- determining steps are roughly as fast as 

Table 6.4 Enzymes with second-order rate constants near the upper limit 



*cat/Km(M 1 S V 


h 2 o 2 

4 X 10 7 



2 X 10 8 

Triose phosphate isomerase 

D-Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 

4 X 10 8 



10 9 

Superoxide dismutase 


2 X 10 9 

*The ratio k cat /K m is the apparent second-order rate constant for the enzyme-catalyzed reaction E + S — » E + P. 
For these enzymes, the formation of the ES complex can be the slowest step. 

172 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 



pK a = 3.4 

binding of substrates to the enzymes. They catalyze diffusion- controlled reactions. We will 
now look at two of these enzymes in detail: triose phosphate isomerase and superoxide 

A. Triose Phosphate Isomerase 

Triose phosphate isomerase catalyzes the rapid interconversion of dihydroxyacetone 
phosphate (DHAP) and glycer aldehyde 3 -phosphate (G3P) in the glycolysis and gluco- 
neogenesis pathways (Chapters 11 and 12). 




~T ch 2 

izC \ f=( 

s — H — :N^NH 

H ©^ 

p/C a = 8.3 


1 CH 2 OH 

2 C=0 

3 ch 2 opo 3 ® 




phosphate (DHAP) 

H O 


H — C — OH 








The reaction proceeds by shifting protons from the carbon atom 1 of DHAP to the 
carbon atom 2 (Figure 6.8). Triose phosphate isomerase has two ionizable active-site 
residues: glutamate that acts as a general acid-base catalyst, and histidine that shuttles a 
proton between oxygen atoms of an enzyme-bound intermediate. When dihydroxyace- 
tone phosphate (DHAP) binds, the carbonyl oxygen forms a hydrogen bond with the 
imidazole group of His-95. The carboxylate group of Glu-165 removes a proton from 
C-l of the substrate to form an enoldiolate transition state (Figure 6.8, top). The tran- 
sition-state molecule is rapidly converted to a stable enediol intermediate (middle, 
Figure 6.8). This intermediate is then converted via a second enediolate transition state 
to D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P). 

In this reaction, the proton-donating form of histidine appears to be the neutral 
species and the proton-accepting species appears to be the imidazolate. The hydrogen 
bonds formed between histidine and the intermediates in this mechanism appear to be 
unusually strong. 

▲ Figure 6.7 The activity of papain depends 
on two ionizable residues, histidine (His-159) 
and cysteine (Cys-25), in the active site. Three 
ionic forms of these residues are shown. 

Only the upper tautomer of the middle pair 
is active. 



NH — CH £ v/vnyvo 


CH 2 





-NH — CH — C 

ch 2 


:N'P/N: Imidazolate 

The imidazolate form of a histidine residue is unusual; the triose phosphate isomerase 
mechanism was the first enzymatic mechanism in which this form was implicated. 

The enediol intermediate is stable and in order to prevent it from diffusing out of 
the active site, triose phosphate isomerase has evolved a “locking” mechanism to seal the 
active site until the reaction is complete. When substrate binds, a flexible loop of the 
protein moves to cover the active site and prevent release of the enediol intermediate 
(Figure 6.9). 

The rate constants of all four kinetically measurable enzymatic steps have been 

(1) (2) (3) 

E + DHAP E-DHAP E-Intermediate 


E-G3P E + G3P 


6.4 Diffusion-Controlled Reactions 173 





▲ Figure 6.8 

General acid-base catalysis mechanism proposed for the 
reaction catalyzed by triose phosphate isomerase. 

▲ Figure 6.9 

Structure of yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae) triose phosphate isomerase. The location of the substrate is indicated by the space-filling model of a sub- 
strate analog, (a) The structure of the “open loop” form of the enzyme when the active site is unoccupied, (b) The structure when the loop has closed 
over the active site to prevent release of the enediol intermediate before the reaction is completed. 

174 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 

Figure 6.10 ► 

Energy diagram for the reaction catalyzed by 
triose phosphate isomerase. [Adapted from 
Raines, R. T., Sutton, E. L., Strauss, D. R., 
Gilbert, W., and Knowles, J. R. (1986). 
Reaction energetics of a mutant triose 
phosphate isomerase in which the active- 
site glutamate has been changed to 
aspartate. Biochem. 25:7142-7154.] 

The energy diagram constructed from these rate constants is shown in Figure 6.10. 
Note that all the barriers for the enzyme are approximately the same height. This means 
that the steps are balanced, and no single step is rate-limiting. The physical step of S 
binding to E is rapid but not much faster than the subsequent chemical steps in the re- 
action sequence. The value of the second- order rate constant k cat /K m for the conversion 
of glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate to dihydroxyacetone phosphate is 4 X 10 8 M -1 s _1 , 
which is close to the theoretical rate of a diffusion-controlled reaction. It appears that 
this isomerase has achieved its maximum possible efficiency as a catalyst. 


Much of our understanding of the mechanism of triose 
phosphate isomerase (TPI) comes from the lab of Jeremy 
Knowles at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, USA). He 
points out that the enzyme has achieved catalytic perfection 
because the overall rate of the reaction is limited only by the 
rate of diffusion of substrate into the active site. TPI cant 
work any faster than this! 

This has led many people to declare that TPI is the 
“perfect enzyme” because it has evolved to be so efficient. 
However, as Knowles and his coworkers have explained, the 
“perfect enzyme” isn’t necessarily one that has evolved the 
maximum reaction rate. Most enzymes are not under selec- 
tive pressure to increase their rate of reaction because they 
are part of a metabolic pathway that meets the cell’s needs at 
less than optimal rates. 

Even if it would be beneficial to increase the overall flux in 
a pathway (i.e., produce more of the end product per second), 
an individual enzyme need only keep up with the slowest 
enzyme in the pathway in order to achieve “perfection.” The 
slowest enzyme might be catalyzing a very complicated reac- 
tion and might be very efficient. In this case, there will be no 
selective pressure on the other enzymes to evolve faster 
mechanisms and they are all “perfect enzymes.” 

In all species, triose phosphate isomerase is part of the 
gluconeogenesis pathway leading to the synthesis of glucose. 
In most species, it also plays a role in the reverse pathway 
where glucose is degraded (glycolysis). The enzyme is very 
ancient, and all versions — bacterial and eukaryotic — have 
achieved catalytic perfection. The two enzymes on either side of 
the reaction pathway, aldolase and glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate 

dehydrogenase (Section 11.2), are much slower. Thus, it is by 
no means obvious why TPI works as fast as it does. 

The important point to keep in mind is that the vast majority 
of enzymes have not evolved catalytic perfection because their 
in vivo rates are “perfectly” adequate for the needs of the cell. 

▲ The Perfect Game. New York Yankees 
catcher Yogi Berra congratulates Don Larson 
for pitching a perfect game in the 1956 
World Series against the Brooklyn Dodgers. 
Perfect games are rare in baseball but there 
are many “perfect enzymes.” 

6.5 Modes of Enzymatic Catalysis 175 

B. Superoxide Dismutase 

Superoxide dismutase is an even faster catalyst than triose phosphate isomerase. Super- 
oxide dismutase catalyzes the very rapid removal of the toxic superoxide radical anion, 
•0 2 ®, a by-product of oxidative metabolism. The enzyme catalyzes the conversion of 
superoxide to molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, which is rapidly removed by 
the subsequent action of enzymes such as catalase. 

4 H 




2 Superoxide 

2 0 2 

» 2 H 2 0 2 


2 H 2 0 + 0 2 


The reaction proceeds in two steps during which an atom of copper bound to the en- 
zyme is reduced and then oxidized. 

E-Cir + -Op * E-Cu© + o 2 


E-Cu© + -OP + 2H© -> E-ClT + H 2 0 2 (6.20) 

▲ Figure 6.1 1 

Surface charge on human superoxide dismu- 
tase. The structure of the enzyme is shown 
as a model that emphasizes the surface of 
the protein. Positively charged regions are 
colored blue and negatively charged regions 
are colored red. The copper atom at the 
active site is green. Note that the channel 
leading to the binding site is lined with 
positively charged residues. [PDB 1HL5] 

The overall reaction includes binding of the anionic substrate 
molecules, transfer of electrons and protons, and release of the 
uncharged products — all very rapid reactions with this en- 
zyme. The k cat /K m value for superoxide dismutase at 25°C is 
near 2 x 10 9 M -1 s -1 (Table 6.4). This rate is even faster than 
that expected for association of the substrate with the enzyme 
based on typical diffusion rates. 

How can the rate exceed the rate of diffusion? The expla- 
nation was revealed when the structure of the enzyme was ex- 
amined. An electric field around the superoxide dismutase 
active site enhances the rate of formation of the ES complex 
about 30-fold. As shown in Figure 6.11, the active-site copper 
atom lies at the bottom of a deep channel in the protein. Hy- 
drophilic amino acid residues at the rim of the active-site 
pocket guide negatively charged *oP to the positively 
charged region surrounding the active site. Electrostatic ef- 
fects allow superoxide dismutase to bind and remove super- 
oxide (radicals) much faster than expected from random 
collisions of enzyme and substrate. 

There are probably many enzymes with enhanced rates of 
binding due to electrostatic effects. In most cases, the rate-lim- 
iting step is catalysis so the overall rate ( k cat /K m ) is slower than 
the maximum for a diffusion-controlled reaction. For those 
enzymes with fast catalytic reactions, natural selection might favor rapid binding to en- 
hance the overall rate. Similarly, an enzyme with rapid binding might evolve a mecha- 
nism that favored a faster reaction. However, most biochemical reactions proceed at 
rates that are more than sufficient to meet the needs of the cell. 

6.5 Modes of Enzymatic Catalysis 

The quantitative effects of various catalytic mechanisms are difficult to assess. We have 
already seen two chemical mechanisms of enzymatic catalysis, acid-base catalysis and 
covalent catalysis. From studies of nonenzymatic catalysts it is estimated that acid-base 
catalysis can accelerate a typical enzymatic reaction by a factor of 10 to 100. Covalent 
catalysis can provide about the same rate acceleration. 

176 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 

▲ Figure 6.12 

Substrate binding. Di hydrofolate reductase 
binds NADP + (left) and folate (right), posi- 
tioning them in the active site in preparation 
for the reductase reaction. Most of the 
catalytic rate enhancement is due to binding 
effects. [PDB 7DFR] 

▲ Figure 6.13 

The proximity effect. The enzyme fructose-1, 6- 
b/sphosphate aldolase catalyzes the biosyn- 
thesis of fructose-1, 6-b/sphosphate from 
DHAP and G3P during gluconeogenesis and 
the cleavage of fructose-1, 6-b/sphosphate to 
dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and 
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) during 
glycolysis (see Section 11.2#4). In the 
biosynthesis reaction, the two substrates 
DHAP and G3P must be positioned close 
together in the active site in an orientation 
that promotes their joining to form the larger 
fructose-1, 6-b/'sphosphate. This proximity 
effect is illustrated for the aldolase from 
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. [PDB 2EKZ] 

As important as these chemical modes are, they account for only a small portion 
of the observed rate accelerations achieved by enzymes (typically 10 8 to 10 12 ). The 
ability of proteins to specifically bind and orient ligands explains the remainder. 
The proper binding of reactants in the active sites of enzymes provides not only sub- 
strate and reaction specificity but also most of the catalytic power of enzymes 
(Figure 6.12). 

There are two catalytic modes based on binding phenomena. First, for multisub- 
strate reactions the collecting and correct positioning of substrate molecules in the 
active site raises their effective concentrations over their concentrations in free solution. 
In the same way, binding of a substrate near a catalytic active-site residue decreases the 
activation energy by reducing the entropy while increasing the effective concentrations 
of these two reactants. High effective concentrations favor the more frequent formation 
of transition states. This phenomenon is called the proximity effect. Efficient catalysis re- 
quires fairly weak binding of reactants to enzymes since extremely tight binding would 
inhibit the reaction. 

The second major catalytic mode arising from the ligand-enzyme interaction is the 
increased binding of transition states to enzymes compared to the binding of substrates 
or products. This catalytic mode is called transition state stabilization. There is an equi- 
librium (not the reaction equilibrium) between ES and the enzymatic transition state, 
ES*. Interaction between the enzyme and its ligands in the transition state shifts this 
equilibrium toward ES* and lowers the activation energy. 

The effects of proximity and transition- state stabilization were illustrated in Figure 6.3. 
Experiments suggest that proximity can increase reaction rates more than 10,000-fold, 
and transition-state stabilization can increase reaction rates at least that much. Enzymes 
can achieve extraordinary rate accelerations when both of these effects are multiplied by 
chemical catalytic effects. 

The binding forces responsible for formation of ES complexes and for stabilization 
of ES* are familiar from Chapters 2 and 4. These weak forces are charge-charge interac- 
tions, hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and van der Waals forces. Charge-charge 
interactions are stronger in nonpolar environments than in water. Because active sites 
are largely nonpolar, charge-charge interactions in the active sites of enzymes can be 
quite strong. The side chains of aspartate, glutamate, histidine, lysine, and arginine 
residues provide negative and positive groups that form ion pairs with substrates in 
active sites. Next in bond strength are hydrogen bonds that often form between 
substrates and enzymes. The peptide backbone and the side chains of many amino 
acids can form hydrogen bonds. Highly hydrophobic amino acids, as well as alanine, 
proline, tryptophan, and tyrosine, can participate in hydrophobic interactions with 
the nonpolar groups of ligands. Many weak van der Waals interactions also help bind 
substrates. Keep in mind that both the chemical properties of the amino acid residues 
and the shape of the active site of an enzyme determine which substrates will bind. 

A. The Proximity Effect 

Enzymes are frequently described as entropy traps — agents that collect highly mobile 
reactants from dilute solution thereby decreasing their entropy and increasing the prob- 
ability of their interaction. You can think of the reaction of two molecules positioned at 
the active site as an intramolecular (unimolecular) reaction. The correct positioning of 
two reacting groups in the active site reduces their degrees of freedom and produces a 
large loss of entropy sufficient to account for a large rate acceleration (Figure 6.13). The 
acceleration is expressed in terms of the enhanced relative concentration, called the 
effective molarity , of the reacting groups in the unimolecular reaction. The effective mo- 
larity can be obtained from the ratio 

Effective molarity 

Ms" 1 ) 

k 2 ( M _1 s' 1 ) 

( 6 . 21 ) 

6.5 Modes of Enzymatic Catalysis 177 

where k x is the rate constant when the reactants are preassembled into a single molecule 
and k 2 is the rate constant of the corresponding bimolecular reaction. All the units in this 
equation cancel except M, so the ratio is expressed in molar units. Effective molarities are 
not real concentrations; in fact, for some reactions the values are impossibly high. Never- 
theless, effective molarities indicate how favorably reactive groups are oriented. 

The importance of the proximity effect is illustrated by experiments comparing 
a nonenzymatic bimolecular reaction to a series of chemically similar intramolecular 
reactions (Figure 6.14). The bimolecular reaction was the two-step hydrolysis of 
p-bromophenyl acetate, catalyzed by acetate and proceeding via the formation of 
acetic anhydride. (The second step, hydrolysis of acetic anhydride, is not shown in 
Figure 6.14.) In the unimolecular version, reacting groups were connected by a bridge 
with progressively greater restriction of rotation. With each restriction placed on 
the substrate molecules, the relative rate constant (ki/k 2 ) increased markedly. The glu- 
tarate ester (compound 2) has two bonds that allow rotational freedom whereas the 
succinate ester (compound 3) has only one. The most restricted compound, the rigid 
bicyclic compound 4, has no rotational freedom. In this compound, the carboxylate is 

v Figure 6.14 

Reactions of a series of carboxylates with 
substituted phenyl esters. The proximity 
effect is illustrated by the increase in rate 
observed when the reactants are held more 
rigidly in proximity. Reaction 4 is 50 million 
times faster than Reaction 1, the bimolecu- 
lar reaction. [Based on Bruice and Pandit 
(1960). Intramolecular models depicting 
the kinetic importance of “fit” in enzymatic 
catalysis. Biochem. 46:402-404.] 


hUC — Cc~0 




h 3 c — c — o 


Relative rate 

2 . 

H 2 C 

H 2 C — C — O u 




h 2 c — c 
7 \ 

h 2 c o 

\ / 

h 2 c — c 


1 x 10 3 






h 2 c^ c \ 

h 2 L c / C 



2 x 10 5 


178 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 


The correct binding and positioning of 
specific substrates in the active site of an 
enzyme produces a large acceleration in 
the rate of a reaction. 

close to the ester and the reacting groups are properly aligned. The effective molarity of 
the carboxylate group is 5 x 10 7 M. Compound 4 has an extremely high probability of 
reaction because very little entropy must be lost to reach the transition state. Theoreti- 
cal considerations suggest that the greatest rate acceleration that can be expected from 
the proximity effect is about 10 8 . This entire rate acceleration can be attributed to the 
loss of entropy that occurs when two reactants are properly positioned for reaction. 
These intramolecular reactions can serve as a model of the positioning of two substrates 
bound in the active site of an enzyme. 

B. Weak Binding of Substrates to Enzymes 

Reactions of ES complexes are analogous to unimolecular reactions even when two 
substrates are involved. Although the correct positioning of substrates in an active site 
produces a large rate acceleration, enzymes do not achieve the maximum 10 8 accelera- 
tion theoretically generated by the proximity effect. Typically, the loss in entropy on 
binding of the substrate allows an acceleration of only 10 4 . That’s because in ES com- 
plexes the reactants are brought toward, but not extremely close to, the transition state. 
This conclusion is based on both mechanistic reasoning and measurements of the 
tightness of binding of substrates and inhibitors to enzymes. One major limitation is 
that binding of substrates to enzymes cannot be extremely tight; that is, K m values can- 
not be extremely low. 

Figure 6.15 shows energy diagrams for a nonenzymatic unimolecular reaction and 
the corresponding multistep enzyme -catalyzed reaction. As we will see in the next sec- 
tion, an enzyme increases the rate of a reaction by stabilizing (i.e., tightly binding) the 
transition state. Therefore, the energy required for ES to reach the transition state (ES*) 
in the enzymatic reaction is less than the energy required for S to reach S*, the transition 
state in the nonenzymatic reaction. 

Recall that the substrate must be bound fairly weakly in the ES complex. If a sub- 
strate were bound extremely tightly, it could take just as much energy to reach ES* from 
ES (the arrow labeled 2) as is required to reach S* from S in the nonenzymatic reaction 
(the arrow labeled 1). In other words, extremely tight binding of the substrate would 
mean little or no catalysis. Excessive ES stability is a thermodynamic pit. The role of en- 
zymes is to bind and position substrates before the transition state is reached but not so 
tightly that the ES complex is too stable. 

The K m values (representing dissociation constants) of enzymes for their substrates 
show that enzymes avoid the thermodynamic pit. Most K m values are on the order of 
10 -4 M, a number that indicates weak binding of the substrate. Enzymes specific for 
small substrates, such as urea, carbon dioxide, and superoxide anion, exhibit relatively 
high K m values for these compounds (10 -3 to 10 -4 M) because these molecules can 
form few noncovalent bonds with enzymes. Enzymes typically have low K m values 

Figure 6.15 ► 

Energy of substrate binding. In this hypotheti- 
cal reaction, the enzyme accelerates the 
rate of the reaction by stabilizing the transi- 
tion state. In addition, the activation barrier 
for formation of the transition state ES* 
from ES must be relatively low. If the en- 
zyme bound the substrate too tightly 
(dashed profile), the activation barrier (2) 
would be comparable to the activation bar- 
rier of the nonenzymatic reaction (1). 

Reaction coordinates 

6.5 Modes of Enzymatic Catalysis 179 

(10 -6 to 10 -5 M) for coenzymes, which are bulkier than many substrates. The K m values 
for the binding of ATP to most ATP- requiring enzymes are about 1(T 4 M or greater but 
the muscle-fiber protein myosin (which is not an enzyme) binds ATP a billionfold more 
avidly. This large difference in binding reflects the fact that in an ES complex not all 
parts of the substrate are bound. 

When the concentration of a substrate inside a cell is below the K m value of its corre- 
sponding enzyme, the equilibrium of the binding reaction E + S v ES favors E + S. In 
other words, the formation of the ES complex is slightly uphill energetically (Figures 6.3 
and 6.15), and the ES complex is closer to the energy of the transition state than the 
ground state is. This weak binding of substrates accelerates reactions. K m values ap- 
pear to be optimized by evolution for effective catalysis — low enough that proximity is 
achieved, but high enough that the ES complex is not too stable. The weak binding of 
substrates is an important feature of another major force that drives enzymatic catalysis — 
increased binding of reactants in the ES^ transition state. 

C. Induced Fit 

Enzymes resemble solid catalysts by having limited flexibility but they are not entirely 
rigid molecules. The atoms of proteins are constantly making small, rapid motions, and 
small conformational adjustments occur on binding of ligands. An enzyme is most 
effective if it is in the active form initially so no binding energy is consumed in convert- 
ing it to an active conformation. In some cases, however, enzymes undergo major shape 
alterations when substrate molecules bind. The enzyme shifts from an inactive to an 
active form. Activation of an enzyme by a substrate-initiated conformation change is 
called induced fit. Induced fit is not a catalytic mode but primarily a substrate specificity 

One example of induced fit is seen with hexokinase, an enzyme that catalyzes the 
phosphorylation of glucose by ATP: 

Glucose + ATP Glucose 6-phosphate + ADP (6.22) 

Water (HOH), which resembles the alcoholic group at C-6 of glucose (ROH), is small 
enough and of the proper shape to fit into the active site of hexokinase and therefore it 
should be a good substrate. If water entered the active site, hexokinase would quickly 
catalyze the hydrolysis of ATP. However, hexokinase -catalyzed hydrolysis of ATP was 
shown to be 40,000 times slower than phosphorylation of glucose. 

How does the enzyme avoid nonproductive hydrolysis of ATP in the absence of 
glucose? Structural experiments with hexokinase show that the enzyme exists in two 
conformations: an open form when glucose is absent, and a closed form when glucose is 
bound. The angle between the two domains of hexokinase changes considerably when 
glucose binds, closing the cleft in the enzyme-glucose complex (Figure 6.16). Produc- 
tive hydrolysis of ATP can only take place in the closed form of the enzyme where the 
newly formed active site is already occupied by glucose. Water is not a large enough sub- 
strate to induce a change in the conformation of hexokinase and this explains why 
water does not stimulate ATP hydrolysis. Thus, sugar- induced closure of the hexokinase 
active site prevents wasteful hydrolysis of ATP. A number of other kinases follow 
induced fit mechanisms. 

The substrate specificity that occurs with the induced fit mechanism of hexokinase 
economizes cellular ATP but exacts a catalytic price. The binding energy consumed in 
moving the protein molecule into the closed shape — a less-favored conformation — is 
energy that cannot be used for catalysis. Consequently, an enzyme that uses an induced 
fit mechanism is less effective as a catalyst than a hypothetical enzyme that is always in 
an active shape and catalyzes the same reaction. The catalytic cost of induced fit slows 
kinases so that their /c cat values are approximately 10 3 s -1 (Table 5.1). We will see an- 
other example of induced fit and how it economizes metabolic energy in Section 13.3#1 
when we describe citrate synthase. The loop-closing reaction of triose phosphate iso- 
merase is also an example of an induced fit binding mechanism. 

The meaning of K m is discussed in 
Section 5.3C. In most cases, it repre- 
sents a good approximation of the 
dissociation constant for the reaction 
E + S ES. Thus, a K m of 10” 4 M 
means that at equilibrium the concen- 
tration of ES will be approximately 
10,000-fold higher than the concentra- 
tion of free substrate. 

▲ Figure 6.16 

Yeast hexokinase. Yeast hexokinase contains 
two structural domains connected by a 
hinge region. On binding of glucose, these 
domains close, shielding the active site from 
water, (a) Open conformation, (b) Closed 
conformation. [PDB 2YHX and 1HKG]. 

180 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 


Most enzymes exhibit some form of 
induced fit binding mechanism. 

Hexokinase, citrate synthase, and triose phosphate isomerase are extreme exam- 
ples of induced fit mechanisms. Recent advances in the study of enzyme structures re- 
veal that almost all enzymes undergo some conformational change when substrate 
binds. The simple concept of a rigid lock and a rigid key is being replaced by a more dy- 
namic interaction where both the “lock” (enzyme) and the “key” (substrate) adjust to 
each other to form a perfect match. 


The catalytic power of enzymes is 
explained by binding effects (positioning 
the substrates together in the correct 
orientation) and stabilization of the 
transition state. The result is a lower 
activation energy and an increased rate 
of reaction. 

The role of adenosine deaminase is 
described in Section 18.8. 

D. Transition-State Stabilization 

Enzymes catalyze reactions by physically or electronically distorting the structures of 
substrates making them similar to the transition state of the reaction. Transition- state 
stabilization — the increased interaction of the enzyme with the substrate in the transi- 
tion state — explains a large part of the rate acceleration of enzymes. 

Recall Emil Fischer’s lock-and-key theory of enzyme specificity described in Sec- 
tion 5.2B. Fischer proposed that enzymes were rigid templates that accepted only cer- 
tain substrates as keys. This idea has been replaced by a more dynamic model where 
both enzyme and substrate change conformations when they interact. Furthermore, 
the classic lock-and-key model dealt with the interaction between enzyme and sub- 
strate but we now think of it in terms of enzyme and transition state — the “key” in the 
“lock” is the transition state and not the substrate molecule. When a substrate binds to 
an enzyme the enzyme distorts the structure of the substrate forcing it toward the 
transition state. Maximal interaction with the substrate molecule occurs only in ES^. A 
portion of this binding in ES^ can be between the enzyme and nonreacting portions of 
the substrate. 

An enzyme must be complementary to the transition state in shape and in chemi- 
cal character. The graph in Figure 6.15 shows that tight binding of the transition state to 
an enzyme can lower the activation energy. Because the energy difference between E + S 
and ES^ is significantly less than the energy difference between S and S*, fc cat is greater 
than k n (the rate constant for the nonenzymatic reaction). The enzyme-substrate tran- 
sition state (ES*) is lower in absolute energy — and therefore more stable — than the tran- 
sition state of the reactant in the uncatalyzed reaction. Some transition states may bind 
to their enzymes 10 10 to 10 15 times more tightly than their substrates do. The affinity of 
other enzymes for their transition states need not be that extreme. A major task for bio- 
chemists is to show how transition state stabilization occurs. 

The comparative stabilization of ES^ could occur if an enzyme has an active site 
with a shape and an electrostatic structure that more closely fits the transition state than 
the substrate. An undistorted substrate molecule would not be fully bound. For exam- 
ple, an enzyme could have sites that bind the partial charges present only in the unstable 
transition state. 

Transition- state molecules are ephemeral — they have very short half-lives and are 
difficult to detect. One way in which biochemists can study transition states is to create 
stable analogs that can bind to the enzyme. These transition-state analogs are molecules 
whose structures resemble presumed transition states. If enzymes prefer to bind to tran- 
sition states, then a transition- state analog should bind extremely tightly to the appro- 
priate enzyme — much more tightly than substrate — and thus be a potent inhibitor. The 
dissociation constant for a transition state analog should be about 10 -13 M or less. 

One of the first examples of a transition-state analog was 2-phosphoglycolate 
(Figure 6.17), whose structure resembles the first enediolate transition state in the reac- 
tion catalyzed by triose phosphate isomerase (Section 6.4A). This transition- state ana- 
log binds to the isomerase at least 100 times more tightly than either of the substrates of 
the enzyme (Figure 6.18). Tighter binding results from a partially negative oxygen atom 
in the carboxylate group of 2-phosphoglycolate, a feature shared with the transition 
state but not with the substrates. 

Experiments with adenosine deaminase have identified a transition- state analog 
that binds to the enzyme with amazing affinity because it resembles the transition state 
very closely. Adenosine deaminase catalyzes the hydrolytic conversion of the purine nu- 
cleoside adenosine to inosine. The first step of this reaction is the addition of a molecule 

6.5 Modes of Enzymatic Catalysis 181 


H0 \ /Opo 3 © 

C CH2 

H H 


H0 \^ c \ /OPo 3 © 
C CH2 




Transition state 

opo 3 © 

O CH2 

(transition-state analog) 


I ^ 

HO^ ^0P0 3 © 



Enediol intermediate 

◄ Figure 6.17 

2-Phosphoglycolate, a transition-state 
analog for the enzyme triose phosphate 
isomerase. 2-Phosphoglycolate is pre- 
sumed to be an analog of C-2 and C-3 
of the transition state (center) between 
dihydroxyacetone phosphate (right) and 
the initial enediolate intermediate in 
the reaction. 

of water (Figure 6.19a). The complex with water, called a covalent hydrate, forms as soon 
as adenosine is bound to the enzyme and quickly decomposes to products. Adenosine 
deaminase has broad substrate specificity and catalyzes the hydrolytic removal of vari- 
ous groups from position 6 of purine nucleosides. However, the inhibitor purine ri- 
bonucleoside (Figure 6.19b) has just hydrogen at position 6 and undergoes only the first 
enzymatic step of hydrolysis, addition of the water molecule. The covalent hydrate that’s 
formed is a transition- state analog, a competitive inhibitor having a FQ of 3 X 10 -13 M. 
(For comparison, the affinity constant of adenosine deaminase for its true transition 
state is expected to be 3 X 10 -17 M.). The binding of this analog exceeds the binding of 
either the substrate or the product by a factor of more than 10 8 . A very similar reduced 
inhibitor, 1,6-dihydropurine ribonucleoside (Figure 6.19c), lacks the hydroxyl group at 
C-6, and it has a K x of only 5 x 10~ 6 M. We can conclude from these studies that adenosine 

◄ Figure 6.18 

Binding of 2-phosphoglycolate to triose phos- 
phate isomerase. The transition state ana- 
logue, 2-phosphoglycolate is bound at the 
active site of Plasmodium falciparum triose 
phosphate isomerase. The molecule is held 
in position by many hydrogen bonds between 
the phosphate group and surrounding amino 
acid side chains. Some of the hydrogen 
bonds are formed through bridged “frozen” 
water molecules in the active site. The 
catalytic residues, Glu-165 and His-95, 
form hydrogen bonds with the carboxylate 
group of 2-phosphoglycolate as expected in 
the transition state. [PDB 1LYZ] 

Glu 165 

182 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 

H 2 N OH 







Adenosine Covalent hydrate 






Purine ribonucleoside 
(substrate analog) 



1,6-Dihydropurine ribonucleoside 
(competitive inhibitor) 

▲ Figure 6.20 

Adenosine deaminase with bound transition- 
state analog. 

▲ Figure 6.19 

Inhibition of adenosine deaminase by a transition-state analog, (a) In the deamination 
of adenosine, a proton is added to N-l and a hydroxide ion is added to C-6 to form 
an unstable covalent hydrate, which decomposes to produce inosine and ammonia, 
(b) The inhibitor purine ribonucleoside also rapidly forms a covalent hydrate, 6-hy- 
droxy-l,6-dihydropurine ribonucleoside. This covalent hydrate is a transition-state 
analog that binds more than a million times more avidly than another competitive 
inhibitor, 1,6-dihydropurine ribonucleoside (c), which differs from the transition- 
state analog only by the absence of the 6-hydroxyl group. 

deaminase must specifically and avidly bind the transition-state analog — 
and also the transition state — through interaction with the hydroxyl 
group at C-6. 

The structure of adenosine deaminase with the bound transition- 
state analog is shown in Figure 6.20 and the interactions between the 
analog and amino acid side chains in the active site are depicted in Figure 
6.21. Notice the hydrogen bonds between Asp-292 and the hydroxyl 
group on C-6 of 6-hydroxy- 1,6-dihydropurine and the interaction be- 
tween this hydroxyl group and a bound zinc ion in the active site. This 
confirms the hypothesis that the enzyme specifically binds the transition 
state in the normal reaction. 






His12 Hisl 5 

Asp296 \ / H j s2 1 1 




^ Zn 2 T. 


N HO— - 

\ NH-__ 












\ / NH^ 

Wat 569 G ^ 81 ^ 

▲ Figure 6.21 

Transition-state analog binding to adenosime deaminase. The interactions between the transition state 
analog, 6-hydroxy-l,6-dihydropurine, and amino acid side chains in the active site of adenosine 
deaminase confirms that the enyme recognizes the hydroxyl group at C-6. [PDB 1KRM] 

6.6 Serine Proteases 


6.6 Serine Proteases 

Serine proteases are a class of enzymes that cleave the peptide bond of proteins. As the 
name implies, they are characterized by the presence of a catalytic serine residue in their 
active sites. The best-studied serine proteases are the related enzymes trypsin, chy- 
motrypsin, and elastase. These enzymes provide an excellent opportunity to explore the 
relationship between protein structure and catalytic function. They have been inten- 
sively studied for 50 years and form an important part of the history of biochemistry 
and the elucidation of enzyme mechanisms. In this section, we see how the activity of 
serine proteases is regulated by zymogen activation and examine a structural basis for 
the substrate specificity of different serine proteases. 

A. Zymogens Are Inactive Enzyme Precursors 

Mammals digest food in the stomach and intestines. During this process, food pro- 
teins undergo a series of hydrolytic reactions as they pass through the digestive tract. 
Following mechanical disruption by chewing and moistening with saliva, foods are 
swallowed and mixed with hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The acid denatures pro- 
teins and pepsin (a protease that functions optimally in an acidic environment) cat- 
alyzes hydrolysis of these denatured proteins to a mixture of peptides. The mixture 
passes into the intestine where it is neutralized by sodium bicarbonate and digested 
by the action of several proteases to amino acids and small peptides that can be ab- 
sorbed into the bloodstream. 

Pepsin is initially secreted as an inactive precursor called pepsinogen. When 
pepsinogen encounters HC1 in the stomach it is activated to cleave itself forming the 
more active protease, pepsin. The stomach secretions are stimulated by food — or even 
the anticipation of food — as shown by Ivan Pavlov in his experiments with dogs over 
100 years ago. (Pavlov was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1904.) The inactive precursor is 
called a zymogen. Pavlov was the first to show that zymogens could be converted to ac- 
tive proteases in the stomach and intestines. 

The main serine proteases are trypsin, chymotrypsin, and elastase. Together, they 
catalyze much of the digestion of proteins in the intestine. Like pepsin, these enzymes are 
also synthesized and stored as inactive precursors called zymogens. The zymogens, are called 
trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, and proelastase. They are synthesized in the pancreas. 
Its important to store these hydrolytic enzymes as inactive precursors within the cell since 
the active proteases would kill the pancreatic cells by cleaving cytoplasmic proteins. 


1. Rely on enzymology to clarify biologic questions 

2. Trust the universality of biochemistry and the power of microbiology 

3. Do not believe something because you can explain it 

4. Do not waste clean thinking on dirty enzymes 

5. Do not waste clean enzymes on dirty substrates 

6. Depend on viruses to open windows 

7. Correct for extract dilution with molecular crowding 

8. Respect the personality of DNA 

9. Use reverse genetics and genomics 

10. Employ enzymes as unique reagents 

Arthur Kornberg, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 1959 

Kornberg, A. (2000). Ten commandments: lessons from the enzymology of DNA replication. 
/. Bacteriol. 182:3613-3618. 

Kornberg, A. (2003). Ten commandments of enzymology, amended. Trends Biochem. Sci. 

184 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 



Trypsin ^ 



V + 


i Proelastase 


◄ x v — ► 

+ + 


▲ Figure 6.22 

Activation of some pancreatic zymogens. 

Initially, enteropeptidase catalyzes the acti- 
vation of trypsinogen to trypsin. Trypsin then 
activates chymotrypsinogen, proelastase, 
and additional trypsinogen molecules. 



▲ Figure 6.23 

Polypeptide chains of chymotrypsinogen (left) 
[PDB 2CGA] and a-chymotrypsin (right) [PDB 
5CHA]. lle-16 and Asp-194 in both zymogen 
and the active enzyme are shown in yellow. 
The catalytic-site residues (Asp-102, His- 
57, and Ser-195) are shown in red. The 
residues that are removed by processing the 
zymogen are colored green. 

The enzymes are activated by selective proteolysis — enzymatic cleavage of one or a 
few specific peptide bonds — when they are secreted from the pancreas into the small in- 
testine. A protease called enteropeptidase specifically activates trypsinogen to trypsin by 
catalyzing cleavage of the bond between Lys-6 and Ile-7. Once activated by the removal of 
its N-terminal hexapeptide, trypsin proteolytically cleaves the other pancreatic zymogens, 
including additional trypsinogen molecules (Figure 6.22). 

The activation of chymotrypsinogen to chymotrypsin is catalyzed by trypsin and 
by chymotrypsin itself. Four peptide bonds (between residues 13 and 14, 15 and 16, 146 
and 147, and 148 and 149) are cleaved resulting in the release of two dipeptides. The result- 
ing chymotrypsin retains its three-dimensional shape, despite two breaks in its back- 
bone. This stability is partly due to the presence of five disulfide bonds in the protein. 

X-ray crystallography has revealed one major difference between the conformation 
of chymotrypsinogen and chymotrypsin — the lack of a hydrophobic substrate-binding 
pocket in the zymogen. The differences are shown in Figure 6.23 where the structures of 
chymotrypsinogen and chymotrypsin are compared. On zymogen activation, the newly 
generated a-amino group of lie- 16 turns inward and interacts with the /3 -carboxyl 
group of Asp- 194 to form an ion pair. This local conformational change generates a rel- 
atively hydrophobic substrate-binding pocket near the three catalytic residues with ion- 
izable side chains (Asp- 102, His- 57, and Ser-195). 

B. Substrate Specificity of Serine Proteases 

Chymotrypsin, trypsin, and elastase are similar enzymes that share a common ancestor; 
in other words, they are homologous. Each enzyme has a two-lobed structure with the 
active site located in a cleft between the two domains. The positions of the catalytically 
active side chains of the serine, histidine, and aspartate residues in the active sites are 
almost identical in the three enzymes (Figure 6.24). 

The substrate specificities of chymotrypsin, trypsin, and elastase have been 
explained by relatively small structural differences in the enzymes. Recall that trypsin 
catalyzes the hydrolysis of peptide bonds whose carbonyl groups are contributed by 
arginine or lysine (Section 3.10). Both chymotrypsin and trypsin contain a binding 
pocket that correctly positions the substrates for nucleophilic attack by an active-site 
serine residue. Each protease has a similar extended region into which polypeptides fit 
but the so-called specificity pocket near the active- site serine is markedly different for 
each enzyme. Trypsin differs from chymotrypsin because in chymotrypsin there is an 
uncharged serine residue at the base of the hydrophobic binding pocket. In trypsin this 
residue is an aspartate residue (Figure 6.25). This negatively charged aspartate residue 
forms an ion pair with the positively charged side chain of an arginine or lysine residue 
of the substrate in the ES complex. Experiments with specifically mutated trypsin indicate 
that the aspartate residue at the base of its specificity pocket is a major factor in sub- 
strate specificity but other parts of the molecule also affect specificity. 

Elastase catalyzes the degradation of elastin, a fibrous protein that is rich in glycine 
and alanine residues. Elastase is similar in tertiary structure to chymotrypsin except that 

(a) (b) (c) 

▲ Figure 6.24 

Serine proteases. Comparison of the polypeptide backbones of (a) chymotrypsin [PDB 5CHA], (b) trypsin 
[PDB 1TLD], and (c) elastase [PDB 3EST]. Residues at the catalytic center are shown in red. 

6.6 Serine Proteases 185 

(a) Chymotrypsin 


(b) Trypsin 

• Carbon 
O Nitrogen 

# Oxygen 

◄ Figure 6.25 

Binding sites of chymotrypsin, trypsin, and 
elastase. The differing binding sites of these 
three serine proteases are primary determinants 
of their substrate specificities, (a) Chymotrypsin 
has a hydrophobic pocket that binds the side 
chains of aromatic or bulky hydrophobic amino 
acid residues, (b) A negatively charged as- 
partate residue at the bottom of the binding 
pocket of trypsin allows trypsin to bind the 
positively charged side chains of lysine and 
arginine residues, (c) In elastase, the side 
chains of a valine and a threonine residue at 
the binding site create a shallow binding 
pocket. Elastase binds only amino acid 
residues with small side chains, especially 
glycine and alanine residues. 

its binding pocket is much shallower. Two glycine residues found at the entrance of the 
binding site of chymotrypsin and trypsin are replaced in elastase by much larger valine 
and threonine residues (Figure 6.25c). These residues keep potential substrates with 
large side chains away from the catalytic center. Thus, elastase specifically cleaves pro- 
teins that have small residues such as glycine and alanine. 

C. Serine Proteases Use Both the Chemical 
and the Binding Modes of Catalysis 

Let s examine the mechanism of chymotrypsin and the roles of three catalytic residues: 
His-57, Asp- 102, and Ser- 195. Many enzymes catalyze the cleavage of amide or ester 
bonds by the same process so study of the chymotrypsin mechanism can be applied to a 
large family of hydrolases. 

Asp- 102 is buried in a rather hydrophobic environment. It is hydrogen-bonded to 
His-57 that in turn is hydrogen-bonded to Ser- 195 (Figure 6.26 ). This group of amino acid 
residues is called the catalytic triad. The reaction cycle begins when His-57 abstracts a pro- 
ton from Ser-195 (Figure 6.27). This creates a powerful nucleophile (Ser-195) that will 
eventually attack the peptide bond. Initiation of this part of the reaction is favored because 
Asp- 102 stabilizes the histidine promoting its ability to deprotonate the serine residue. 

The discovery that Ser-195 is a catalytic residue of chymotrypsin was surprising be- 
cause the side chain of serine is usually not sufficiently acidic to undergo deprotonation 
in order to serve as a strong nucleophile. The hydroxymethyl group of a serine residue 
generally has a p K a of about 16 and is similar in reactivity to the hydroxyl group of 
ethanol. You may recall from organic chemistry that although ethanol can ionize to 

▲ Figure 6.26 

The catalytic site of chymotrypsin. The active- 
site residues Asp-102, His-57, and Ser-195 
are arrayed in a hydrogen-bonded network. 
The conformation of these three residues is 
stabilized by a hydrogen bond between the 
carbonyl oxygen of the carboxylate side 
chain of Asp-102 and the peptide-bond 
nitrogen of His-57. Oxygen atoms of the 
active-site residues are red, and nitrogen 
atoms are dark blue. [PDB 5CHA]. 








ch 2 







-ch 2 


, 0 + 

.H^ ^ ^H| 




ch 2 

▲ Figure 6.27 

Catalytic triad of chymotrypsin. The imidazole ring of His-57 removes the proton from the hydroxymethyl side chain of Ser-195 (to 
which it is hydrogen-bonded), thereby making Ser-195 a powerful nucleophile. This interaction is facilitated by interaction of the 
imidazolium ion with its other hydrogen-bonded partner, the buried /3-carboxylate group of Asp-102. The residues of the triad are 
drawn in an arrangement similar to that shown in Figure 6.24. 

186 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 


Its a little-known fact that 75% of all laundry detergents contain 
proteases that are used in helping to remove stubborn protein- 
based stains from dirty clothes. 

All protease additives are based on serine proteases iso- 
lated from various Bacillus species. These enzymes have been 
extensively modified in order to be active under the harsh 
conditions of a detergent solution at high temperature. A 
successful example of site-directed mutagenesis is the alter- 
ation of the serine protease subtilisin from Bacillus subtilis 
(Box 6.4) to make it more resistant to chemical oxidation. It 
has a methionine residue in the active-site cleft (Met-222) 
that is readily oxidized leading to inactivation of the enzyme. 
Resistance to oxidation increases the suitability of subtilisin 
as a detergent additive. Met-222 was systematically replaced 
by each of the other common amino acids in a series of mu- 
tagenic experiments. All 19 possible mutant subtilisins were 
isolated and tested and most had greatly diminished peptidase 
activity. The Cys-222 mutant had high activity but was also 
subject to oxidation. The Ala-222 and Ser-222 mutants, with 
nonoxidizable side chains, were not inactivated by oxidation 
and had relatively high activity. They were the only active, 
oxygen- stable mutant subtilisin variants. 

Site-directed mutagenesis has been performed to alter 
eight of the 319 amino acid residues of a bacterial protease. 

The wild-type protease is moderately stable when heated but 
the suitably mutated enzyme is stable and can function at 
100°C. Its denaturation in detergent is prevented by groups, 
such as a disulfide bridge, that stabilize its conformation. 

Recently there has been a trend to lower wash tempera- 
tures in order to save energy. The older group of enzymes are 
not effective at lower wash temperatures so a whole new 
round of bioengineering has begun creating modified en- 
zymes that can be effective in a modern energy-conscious 

form an ethoxide this reaction requires the presence of an extremely strong base or 
treatment with an alkali metal. We see below how the active site of chymotrypsin, 
achieves this ionization in the presence of a substrate. 

A proposed mechanism for chymotrypsin and related serine proteases includes co- 
valent catalysis (by a nucleophilic oxygen) and general acid-base catalysis (donation of 
a proton to form a leaving group). The steps of the proposed mechanism are illustrated 
in Figure 6.28. 

Binding of the peptide substrate causes a slight conformation change in chy- 
motrypsin, sterically compressing Asp- 102 and His-57. A low-barrier hydrogen bond is 
formed between these side chains and the p K a of His-57 rises from about 7 to about 11. 
(Formation of this strong, almost covalent, bond drives electrons toward the second N 
atom of the imidazole ring of His-57 making it more basic.) This increase in basicity 
makes His-57 an effective general base for abstracting a proton from the — CH 2 OH of 
Ser-195. This mechanism explains how the normally unreactive alcohol group of serine 
becomes a potent nucleophile. 

All the catalytic modes described in this chapter are used in the mechanisms of ser- 
ine proteases. In the reaction scheme shown in Figure 6.28, steps 1 and 4 in the forward 
direction use the proximity effect, the gathering of reactants. For example, when a water 
molecule replaces the amine (Pi) in step 4, it is held by histidine, providing a proximity 
effect. Acid-base catalysis by histidine lowers the energy barriers for steps 2 and 4. Co- 
valent catalysis using the — CH 2 OH of serine occurs in steps 2 through 5. The unstable 
tetrahedral intermediates at steps 2 and 4 (E-TIi and E-TI 2 ) are believed to be similar to 
the transition states for these steps. Hydrogen bonds in the oxyanion hole stabilize these 
intermediates, which are oxyanion forms of the substrate, by binding them more tightly 
to the enzyme than the substrate was bound. The chemical modes of catalysis 
(acid-base and covalent catalysis) and the binding modes of catalysis (the proximity ef- 
fect and transition-state stabilization) all contribute to the enzymatic activity of serine 

6.6 Serine Proteases 187 


The protease subtilisin from the bacterium Bacillus subtilis is 
another example of a serine protease. It possesses a catalytic 
triad consisting of Asp-32, His-64, and Ser-221 at its active 
site. These are arranged in an alignment similar to the Asp- 102, 
His-57, and Ser-195 residues in chymotrypsin (Figure 6.27). 
However, as you might deduce from the residue numbers, 
the structures of subtilisin and chymotrypsin are very differ- 
ent and there is no significant sequence similarity. 

This is a remarkable example of convergent evolution. 
The mammalian intestinal serine proteases and the bacterial 
subtilisins have independently discovered the catalytic Asp- 
His-Ser triad. 

► Subtilisin from Bacillus 
subtilis. The structure 
of this enzyme is very 
different from that of 
serine proteases shown in 
Figure 6.24. [PDB 1SBC] 

6.7 Lysozyme 

Lysozyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of some polysaccharides, especially those that make 
up the cell walls of bacteria. It is the first enzyme whose structure was solved and for 
this reason there has been a long-term interest in working out its precise mechanism of 
action. Many secretions, such as tears, saliva, and nasal mucus, contain lysozyme activ- 
ity to help prevent bacterial infection. (Lysozyme causes lysis , or disruption, of bacterial 
cells.) The best-studied lysozyme is from chicken egg white. 

The substrate of lysozyme is a polysaccharide composed of alternating residues 
of N-acetylghicosamine (GlcNAc) and N-acetylmuramic acid (MurNAc) connected y^g structure of bacterial cell walls is 

by glycosidic bonds (Figure 6.29). Lysozyme specifically catalyzes hydrolysis of the described in Seciton 8 7B 

glycosidic bond between C-l of a MurNAc residue and the oxygen atom at C-4 of a 
GlcNAc residue. 

Models of lysozyme and its complexes with saccharides have been obtained by 
X-ray crystallographic analysis (Figure 6.30). The substrate-binding cleft of lysozyme 
accommodates six saccharide residues. Each of the residues binds to a particular part of 
the active cleft at sites A through E. 

Sugar molecules fit easily into all but one site of the structural model. At site D a 
sugar molecule such as MurNAc does not fit into the model unless it is distorted into a 


◄ Figure 6.29 

Structure of a four-residue portion of a bacter- 
ial cell-wall polysaccharide. Lysozyme cat- 
alyzes hydrolytic cleavage of the glycosidic 
bond between C-l of MurNAc and the oxy- 
gen atom involved in the glycosidic bond. 

cn 3 

c = o 



CH 2 OH 





188 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 

The noncovalent enzyme-substrate 
complex is formed, orienting the 
substrate for reaction. Interactions 
holding the substrate in place 
include binding of the R ^ group in 
the specificity pocket (shaded). The 
binding interactions position the 
carbonyl carbon of the scissile 
peptide bond (the bond 
susceptible to cleavage) next to 
the oxygen of Ser-195. 

Binding of the substrate compresses 
Asp-102 and His-57. This strain is 
relieved by formation of a low-barrier 
hydrogen bond. The raised pK a of 
His-57 enables the imidazole ring to 
remove a proton from the hydroxyl 
group of Ser-195. The nucleophilic 
oxygen of Ser-195 attacks the 
carbonyl carbon of the peptide bond 
to form a tetrahedral intermediate 
(E-Th), which is believed to resemble 
the transition state. 

When the tetrahedral intermediate is 
formed, the substrate C — O bond 
changes from a double bond to a longer 
single bond. This allows the negatively 
charged oxygen (the oxyanion) of the 
tetrahedral intermediate to move to a E-T^ 
previously vacant position, called the 
oxyanion hole, where it can form 
hydrogen bonds with the peptide-chain 
— NH groups of Gly-193 and Ser-195. 

The imidazolium ring of His-57 acts as 
an acid catalyst, donating a proton to 
the nitrogen of the scissile peptide 
bond, thus facilitating its cleavage. 

The carbonyl group from the peptide 
forms a covalent bond with the 
enzyme, producing an acyl-enzyme Acyl E 

intermediate. After the peptide + 

product (Pt) with the new amino 
terminus leaves the active site, water 





▲ Figure 6.28 

Mechanism of chymotrypsin-catalyzed cleavage of a peptide bond. 

6.7 Lysozyme 



Carboxylate product (P 2 ) 

The carboxylate product is released from 
the active site, and free chymotrypsin is 

The second product (P 2 ) — a polypeptide 
with a new carboxy terminus — is formed. 

His-57, once again an imidazolium ion, 
donates a proton, leading to the collapse 
of the second tetrahedral intermediate. 

A second tetrahedral intermediate (E-TI 2 ) 
is formed and stabilized by the oxyanion 

Hydrolysis (deacylation) of the acyl- 
enzyme intermediate starts when 
Asp-102 and His-57 again form a low- 
barrier hydrogen bond and His-57 
removes a proton from the water 
molecule to provide an OH^group to 
attack the carbonyl group of the ester. 

▲ Figure 6.28 ( continued ) 

190 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 

▲ Figure 6.30 

Lysozyme from chicken with a pentasaccharide 
molecule (pink). The ligand is bound in sites 
A, B, C, D and E. Site F is not occupied 
in this structure. The active site for bond 
cleavage is between sites D and E. 

[PDB 1SFB]. 

(a) Chair conformation 

H | H 



ch 3 

(b) Half-chair conformation 




ch 3 

▲ Figure 6.31 

Conformations of /V-acetylmuramic acid. 

(a) Chair conformation, (b) Half-chair con- 
formation proposed for the sugar bound in 
site D of lysozyme. R represents the lactyl 
group of MurNAc. 

half-chair conformation (Figure 6.31). Two ionic amino acid residues, Glu-35 and 
Asp-52, are located close to C-l of the distorted sugar molecule in the D binding site. 
Glu-35 is in a nonpolar region of the cleft and has a perturbed piC a near 6.5. Asp-52, in 
a more polar environment, has a piC a near 3.5. The pH optimum of lysozyme is near 
5 — between these two p K a values. Recall that the piC a value of individual amino acid 
side chains may not be the same as the piC a value of the free amino acid in solution 
(Section 3.4). 

The proposed mechanism of lysozyme is shown in Figure 6.32. When a molecule of 
polysaccharide binds to lysozyme, MurNAc residues bind to sites B, D, and F (there is 
no cavity for the lactyl side chain of MurNAc in site A, C, or E). The extensive binding of 
the oligosaccharide forces the MurNAc residue in the D site into the half- chair confor- 
mation. A near covalent bond forms between Asp-52 and the postulated intermediate 
(an unstable oxocarbocation). Recent evidence suggests that this interaction might be 
more like a covalent bond than a strong ion pair but there is much controversy over this 
point. Its interesting that there are still details of the lysozyme mechanism to be worked 
out after almost 50 years of effort. 

Lysozyme is only one representative of a large group of glycoside hydrolases. Re- 
cently, the structures of a bacterial cellulase and its complexes with substrate, intermediate, 
and product have been determined. This glycosidase has a slightly different mecha- 
nism than lysozyme — it forms a covalent glycosyl-enzyme intermediate rather than 
the strong ion pair postulated for lysozyme. Other aspects of its mechanism, such 
as distortion of a sugar residue and interaction with active-site — COOH and 
— COO^ side chains, resemble those of the lysozyme mechanism. The structures 
of the enzyme complexes show that distortion of the substrate forces it toward the 
transition state. 

6.8 Arginine Kinase 

Most enzymatic reactions for which detailed mechanisms have been elucidated involve 
fairly simple reactions, such as isomerizations, cleavage reactions, or reactions with 
water as the second reactant. Therefore, in order to assess proximity effects and the ex- 
tent of transition state stabilization, it’s worthwhile looking at a more complicated reac- 
tion, such as that catalyzed by arginine kinase: 

Arginine + MgATP Arginine Phosphate + MgADP + H® 

The structure of a transition- state analog-enzyme complex of arginine kinase has 
been determined at high resolution (Figure 6.33). However, rather than studying the 
usual type of transition-state analog in which reactants are fused by covalent bonds, the 
scientists used three separate components: arginine, nitrate (to model the phosphoryl 
group transferred between arginine and ADP), and ADP. X-ray crystallographic exami- 
nation of the active site containing these three compounds led to the proposal of a 
structure for the transition state and a mechanism for the reaction (see Figure 6.33). 
The crystallographic results showed that the enzyme has greatly restricted the move- 
ment of the bound species (and presumably also of the transition state). For example, 
the terminal pyrophosphoryl group of ATP is held in place by four arginine side chains 
and a bound Mg 2+ ion and the guanidinium group of the arginine substrate molecule is 
held firmly by two glutamate side chains. The components are precisely and properly 
aligned by the enzyme. 

Arginine kinase, like other kinases, is an induced-fit enzyme (Section 6.5C). It as- 
sumes the closed shape when it is crystallized in the presence of arginine, nitrate, and 
ADP. This enzyme has a k cat of about 2 x 10 2 s -1 and K m values above 10 -4 M for both 
arginine and ATP — values that are quite typical for kinases. The movement that occurs 
during the induced-fit binding of substrates has precisely aligned the substrates, which 
had previously been bound fairly weakly, as shown by their moderate K m values. At least 
four interrelated catalytic effects participate in this enzymatic reaction: proximity 

6.8 Arginine Kinase 191 

A MurNAc residue of the 
substrate is distorted when 
it binds to the D site. 

Glu-35, which is protonated at pH 5, 
acts as an acid catalyst, donating a proton 
to the oxygen involved in the glycosidic 
bond between the the D and E residues. 

The portion of the substrate bound 

Asp-52, which is negatively 
charged at pH 5, forms a strong 
ion pair with the unstable 
oxocarbocation intermediate. 
This interaction is close to a 
covalent bond. 

A proton from the water molecule is 

▲ Figure 6.32 

Mechanism of lysozyme. Ri represents the lactyl group, and R 2 represents the A/-acetyl group of MurNAc. 

192 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 

Figure 6.33 ► 

Proposed structure of the active site of arginine 
kinase in the presence of ATP and arginine. 

The substrate molecules are held firmly and 
aligned toward the transition state, as shown 
by the dashed lines. The asterisks (*) show 
that either Glu-225 or Glu-314 could act as 
a general acid-base catalyst. 

{Adapted from Zhov, G., Somasundaram, T., Blanc, 
E., Parthasarathy, G., Ellington, W. R., and Chapman, 
M. S. (1998). Transition state structure of arginine 
kinase: implications for catalysis of bimolecular 
reactions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 95:8453.) 

\ Thr-273 <-/Cys-271 

O — H -"' 1 2 3 4 S 6 0 


0-— . 




/ N 


. N - 




Arg-229N® . 



Arg-126 7 N — H 


N u 

H 2 N H / 

— N 



: O 


N— H- 





H "" 0* 


© ' H — Arg-309 

.© H 



/ °— - 





(collection and alignment of substrate molecules), fairly weak initial binding of sub- 
strates, acid-base catalysis, and transition-state stabilization (strain of substrates toward 
the shape of the transition state). 

Having gained insight into the general mechanisms of enzymes, we can now go on 
to examine reactions that include coenzymes. These reactions require groups not sup- 
plied by the side chains of amino acids. 


1. The four major modes of enzymatic catalysis are acid-base catalysis 
and covalent catalysis (chemical modes) and proximity and tran- 
sition-state stabilization (binding modes). The atomic details of 
reactions are described by reaction mechanisms, which are based 
on the analysis of kinetic experiments and protein structures. 

2. For each step in a reaction, the reactants pass through a transition 
state. The energy difference between stable reactants and the tran- 
sition state is the activation energy. Catalysts allow faster reactions 
by lowering the activation energy. 

3. Ionizable amino acid residues in active sites form catalytic cen- 
ters. These residues may participate in acid-base catalysis (proton 
addition or removal) or covalent catalysis (covalent attachment of 
a portion of the substrate to the enzyme). The effects of pH on 
the rate of an enzymatic reaction can suggest which residues par- 
ticipate in catalysis. 

4. The catalytic rates for a few enzymes are so high that they ap- 
proach the upper physical limit of reactions in solution, the rate 
at which reactants approach each other by diffusion. 

5. Most of the rate acceleration achieved by an enzyme arises from 
the binding of substrates to the enzyme. 

6. The proximity effect is acceleration of the reaction rate due to the 
formation of a noncovalent ES complex that collects and orients 
reactants resulting in a decrease in entropy. 

7. An enzyme binds its substrates fairly weakly. Excessively strong 
binding would stabilize the ES complex and slow the reaction. 

8. An enzyme binds a transition state with greater affinity than it 
binds substrates. Evidence for transition state stabilization is pro- 
vided by transition-state analogs that are enzyme inhibitors. 

9. Some enzymes use induced fit (substrate-induced activation that 
involves a conformation change) to prevent wasteful hydrolysis of 
a reactive substrate. 

10. Many serine proteases are synthesized as inactive zymogens that 
are activated extracellularly under appropriate conditions by se- 
lective proteolysis. The examination of serine proteases by X-ray 
crystallography shows how the three-dimensional structures of 
proteins can reveal information about the active sites, including 
the binding of specific substrates. 

11. The active sites of serine proteases contain a hydrogen-bonded 
Ser-His-Asp catalytic triad. The serine residue serves as a cova- 
lent catalyst, and the histidine residue serves as an acid-base cata- 
lyst. Anionic tetrahedral intermediates are stabilized by hydrogen 
bonds with the enzyme. 

12. The proposed mechanism for lysozyme, an enzyme that catalyzes 
the hydrolysis of bacterial cell walls, includes substrate distortion 
and stabilization of an unstable oxocarbocation intermediate. 

Problems 193 


1. (a) What forces are involved in binding substrates and interme- 

diates to the active sites of enzymes? 

(b) Explain why very tight binding of a substrate to an enzyme is 
not desirable for enzyme catalysis, whereas tight binding of 
the transition state is desirable. 

2. The enzyme orotodine 5-phosphate decarboxylase is one of the 
most proficient enzymes known, accelerating the rate of decarboxy- 
lation of orotidine 5' monophosphate by a factor of 10 23 (Section 
5.4). Nitrogen- 15 isotope effect studies have shown that two major 
participating mechanisms are (1) destabilization of the ground state 
ES complex by electrostatic repulsion between the enzyme and sub- 
strate, and (2) stabilization of the transition state by favorable elec- 
trostatic interactions between the enzyme and ES*. Draw an energy 
diagram that shows how these two effects promote catalysis. 

3. The energy diagrams for two multistep reactions are shown below. 
What is the rate- determining step in each of these reactions? 

4. Reaction 2 below occurs 2.5 X 10 11 times faster than Reaction 1. 
What is likely to be a major reason for this enormous rate increase 
in Reaction 2? How is this model relevant for interpreting possi- 
ble mechanisms for enzyme rate increases? 


5. List three major catalytic effects for lysozyme and explain how 
each is used during the enzyme- catalyzed hydrolysis of a glyco- 
sidic bond. 

6. There are multiple serine residues in a- chymotrypsin but only ser- 
ine 195 reacts rapidly when the enzyme is treated with active phos- 
phate inhibitors such as diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP). Explain. 

7. (a) Identify the residues in the catalytic triad of a-chymotrypsin 

and indicate the type of catalysis mediated by each residue. 

(b) What additional amino acid groups are found in the oxy an- 
ion hole and what role do they play in catalysis? 

(c) Explain why site-directed mutagenesis of aspartate to as- 
paragine in the active site of trypsin decreases the catalytic 
activity 10,000-fold. 

8. Catalytic triad groupings of amino acid residues increase the nu- 
cleophilic character of active-site serine, threonine, or cysteine 
residues present in many enzymes involved in catalyzing the cleav- 
age of substrate amide or ester bonds. Using a- chymotrypsin as a 
model system, diagram the expected arrangements of the catalytic 
triads in the enzymes below. 

(a) Human cytomegalovirus protease: His, His, Ser 

(b) /3- lactamase: Glu, Lys, Ser 

(c) Asparaginase: Asp, Lys, Thr 

(d) Hepatitis A protease: Asp, (H 2 0), His, Cys (a water molecule 
is situated between the Asp and His residues) 

9 . Human dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DDP-IV) is a serine protease 
that catalyzes hydrolysis of prolyl peptide bonds at the next- 
to-last position at the N terminus of a protein. Many physiologi- 
cal peptides have been identified as substrates, including proteins 
involved in the regulation of glucose metabolism. DDP-IV con- 
tains a catalytic triad at the active site (Glu-His-Ser) and a tyrosine 
residue in the oxyanion hole. Site-directed mutagenesis of this 
tyrosine residue in DPP-IV was performed, and the ability of 
the enzyme to cleave a peptide substrate was compared to that of the 
wild-type enzyme. The tyrosine residue found in the oxyanion 
hole was changed to a phenylalanine. The phenylalanine mutant 
had less than 1% of the activity of the wild-type enzyme (Bjelke, 
J. R., Christensen, J., Branner, S., Wagtmann, N., Olsen, C. 
Kanstrup, A. B., and Rasmussen, H. B. (2004). Tyrosine 547 con- 
stitutes an essential part of the catalytic mechanism of dipeptidyl 
peptidase IV. /. Biol Chem. 279:34691-34697). Is this tyrosine 
required for activity of DDP-IV? Why does the replacement of a 
tyrosine with a phenylalanine abolish the enzyme activity? 

10 . Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) catalyzes the breakdown of the neu- 
rotransmitter acetylcholine to acetate and choline. This enzyme 
contains a catalytic triad with the residues His, Glu, and Ser. The 
catalytic triad enhances the nucleophilicity of the serine residue. 
The nucleophilic oxygen of serine attacks the carbonyl carbon of 
acetylcholine to form a tetrahedral intermediate. 



H 3 CA ^Cr 


(CH 2 ) 2 + h 2 o 

N©(CH 3 ) 3 

AChE ? 



h 3 c^coo 0 

^(CH 2 ) 2 

HO— CH 2 ""N© 

The nerve agent sarin is an extremely potent inactivator of AChE. 
Sarin is an irreversible inhibitor that covalently modifies the ser- 
ine residue in the active site of AChE. 



/ \ 




(a) Diagram the expected arrangement of the amino acids in the 
catalytic triad. 

(b) Propose a mechanism for the covalent modification of AChE 
by sarin. 

194 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 

11. Catalytic antibodies are potential therapeutic agents for drug 
overdose and addiction. For example, a catalytic antibody that 
catalyzes the breakdown of cocaine before it reached the brain 
would be an effective detoxification treatment for drug abuse and 
addiction. The phosphonate analog below was used to raise an 
anticocaine antibody that catalyzes the rapid hydrolysis of co- 
caine. Explain why this phosphonate ester was chosen to produce 
a catalytic antibody. 

Phosphonate analog 


(-) - Cocaine 

Ecgonine Benzoic acid 

methyl ester 

12. In the chronic lung disease emphysema, the lung s air sacs (alve- 
oli), where oxygen from the air is exchanged for carbon dioxide in 
the blood, degenerate. a \ -Proteinase inhibitor deficiency is a 
genetic condition that runs in certain families and results from 
mutations in critical amino acids in the sequence of a 1 -proteinase 
inhibitor. The individuals with mutations are more likely to de- 
velop emphysema, a 1 -Proteinase inhibitor is produced by the 
liver and then circulates in the blood, al -Proteinase inhibitor is a 
protein that serves as the major inhibitor of neutrophil elastase, 
a serine protease present in the lung. Neutrophil elastase cleaves 
the protein elastin, which is an important component for lung 
function. The increased rate of elastin breakdown in lung tissue is 
believed to cause emphysema. One treatment for a 1 -proteinase 
inhibitor deficiency is to give the patient human wild-type 
a 1 -proteinase inhibitor (derived from large pools of human 
plasma) intravenously by injecting the protein directly into the 

(a) Explain the rational for the treatment with wild-type 
a 1 -proteinase inhibitor. 

(b) This treatment involves the intravenous administration 
of the wild- type a 1 -proteinase inhibitor. Explain why 
a 1 -proteinase inhibitor cannot be taken orally. 

Selected Readings 


Fersht, A. (1985). Enzyme Structure and Mechanism , 
2nd ed. (New York: W. H. Freeman). 

Binding and Catalysis 

Bartlett, G. J., Porter, C. T., Borkakoti, N. and 
Thornton, J. M. (2002). Analysis of catalytic 
residues in enzyme active sites. /. Mol. Biol. 

Bruice, T. C. and Pandrit, U. K. (1960). Intramole- 
cular models depicting the kinetic importance of 
“fit” in enzymatic catalysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 
USA. 46:402-404. 

Hackney, D. D. (1990). Binding energy and catalysis. 
In The Enzymes , Vol. 19, 3rd ed., D. S. Sigman and P. 
D. Boyer, eds. (San Diego: Academic Press), pp. 1-36. 

Jencks, W. P. (1987). Economics of enzyme catalysis. 
Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 52:65-73. 

Kraut, J. (1988). How do enzymes work? Science 

Neet, K. E. (1998). Enzyme catalytic power mini- 
review series./. Biol. Chem. 273:25527-25528, and 
related papers on pages 25529-25532, 26257-26260, 
and 27035-27038. 

Pauling, L. (1948) Nature of forces between large 
molecules of biological interest. Nature 

Schiott, B., Iversen, B. B., Madsen, G. K. H., Larsen, 
F. K., and Bruice, T. C. (1998). On the electronic 
nature of low-barrier hydrogen bonds in 
enzymatic reactions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 

Shan, S.-U., and Herschlag, D. (1996). The change 
in hydrogen bond strength accompanying charge 
rearrangement: implications for enzymatic cataly- 
sis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:14474-14479. 

Transition-State Analogs 

Schramm, V. L. (1998). Enzymatic transition states 
and transition state analog design. Annu. Rev. 
Biochem. 67:693-720. 

Wolfenden, R., and Radzicka, A. (1991). Transi- 
tion-state analogues. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 

Specific Enzymes 

Cassidy, C. S., Lin, J., and Frey, P. A. (1997). A new 
concept for the mechanism of action of chymo- 
typsin: the role of the low-barrier hydrogen bond. 
Biochem. 36:4576-4584. 

Blacklow, S. C., Raines, R. T., Lim, W. A., Zamore, 
P. D., and Lnowles, J. R. (1988). Triosephosphate 
isomerase catalysis is diffusion controlled. 
Biochem. 27:1158-1167. 

Selected Readings 195 

Davies, G. J., Mackenzie, L., Varrot, A., Dauter, M., 
Brzozowski, A. M., Schiilein, M., and Withers, S. G. 
(1998). Snapshots along an enzymatic reaction 
coordinate: analysis of a retaining (3 -glycoside 
hydrolase. Biochem. 37:11707-11713. 

Dodson, G., and Wlodawer, A. (1998). Catalytic 
triads and their relatives. Trends Biochem. Sci. 

Frey, P. A., Whitt, S. A., and Tobin, J. B. (1994). A 
low-barrier hydrogen bond in the catalytic triad of 
serine proteases. Science. 264:1927-1930. 

Getzoff, E. D., Cabelli, D. E., Fisher, C. L., Parge, 

H. E., Viezzoli, M. S., Banci, L., and Hallewell, R. A. 
(1992). Faster superoxide dismutase mutants de- 
signed by enhancing electrostatic guidance. Nature. 

Harris, T. K., Abeygunawardana, C., and Mildvan, 
A. S. (1997). NMR studies of the role of hydrogen 
bonding in the mechanism of triosephosphate iso- 
merase. Biochem. 36:14661-14675. 

Huber, R., and Bode, W. (1978). Structural basis of 
the activation and action of trypsin. Ace. Chem. Res. 

Kinoshita, T., Nishio, N., Nakanishi, I., Sato, A., 
and Fujii, T. (2003). Structure of bovine adeno- 
sine deaminase complexed with 6-hydroxy- 1,6- 
dihydropurine riboside. Acta Cryst. D59:299-303. 

Kirby, A. J. (2001). The lysozyme mechanism sorted — 
after 50 years. Nature Struct. Biol. 8:737-739. 

Knolwes, J. R. (1991) Enzyme catalysis: not differ- 
ent, just better. Nature. 350:121-124. 

Knowles, J. R., and Albery, W. J. (1977). Perfection 
in enzyme catalysis: the energetics of triosephos- 
phate isomerase. Ace. Chem. Res. 10:105-111. 

Kuser, P., Cupri, F., Bleicher, L., and Polikarpov, I. 
(2008). Crystal structure of yeast hexokinase PI in 
complex with glucose: a classical “induced fit” ex- 
ample revisited. Proteins. 72:731-740. 

Lin, J., Cassidy, C. S., and Frey, P. A. (1998). Corre- 
lations of the basicity of His-57 with transition 
state analogue binding, substrate reactivity, and 
the strength of the low-barrier hydrogen bond in 
chymotrypsin. Biochem. 37:11940-11948. 

Lodi, P. J., and Knowles, J. R. (1991). Neutral 
imidazole is the electrophile in the reaction cat- 
alyzed by triosephosphate isomerase: structural 
origins and catalytic implications. Biochem. 

Parthasarathy, S., Ravinda, G., Balaram, H., 
Balaram, P., and Murthy, M. R. N. (2002). Struc- 
ture of the plasmodium falciparum triosephos- 
phate isomerase — phosphoglycolate complex in 
two crystal forms: characterization of catalytic 
open and closed conformations in the ligand- 
bound state. Biochem. 41:13178-13188. 

Paetzel, M., and Dalbey, R. E. (1997). Catalytic 
hydroxyl/amine dyads within serine proteases. 
Trends Biochem. Sci. 22:28-31. 

Perona, J. J., and Craik, C. S. (1997). Evolutionary 
divergence of substrate specificity within the 
chymotrypsin-like serine protease fold. /. Biol. 
Chem. 272:29987-29990. 

Schafer T., Borchert T. W., Nielsen V. S., Skager- 
lind P., Gibson K., Wenger K., Hatzack F., Nilsson 
L. D., Salmon S., Pedersen S., Heldt-Hansen H. P., 
Poulsen P. B., Lund H., Oxenboll K. M., Wu, 

G. F., Pedersen H. H., Xu, H. (2007). Industrial 
enzymes. Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol. 2007 

Steitz, T. A., and Shulman, R. G. (1982). Crystallo- 
graphic and NMR studies of the serine proteases. 
Annu. Rev. Biophys. Bioeng. 11:419-444. 

Von Dreele, R. B. (2005). Binding of N-acetylglu- 
cosamine oligosaccharides to hen egg-white 
lysozyme: a powder diffraction study. Acta 
Crystallographic. D6 1:22-32. 

Zhou, G., Somasundaram, T., Blanc, E., Parthasarathy, 
G., Ellington, W. R., and Chapman, M. S. (1998). 
Transition state structure of arginine kinase: im- 
plications for catalysis of bimolecular reactions. 
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95:8449-8454. 









o c 










_ o 

° o o o 

° o 


o o 


° c 



o o 

Coenzymes and Vitamins 

E volution has produced a spectacular array of protein catalysts but the catalytic 
repertoire of an organism is not limited by the reactivity of amino acid side 
chains. Other chemical species, called cofactors, often participate in catalysis. 
Cofactors are required by inactive apoenzymes (proteins only) to convert them to active 
holoenzymes. There are two types of cofactors: essential ions (mostly metal ions) and 
organic compounds known as coenzymes (Figure 7.1). Both inorganic and organic co- 
factors become essential portions of the active sites of certain enzymes. 

Many of the minerals required by all organisms are essential because they are cofac- 
tors. Some essential ions, called activator ions , are reversibly bound and often participate 
in the binding of substrates. In contrast, some cations are tightly bound and frequently 
participate directly in catalytic reactions. 

Coenzymes act as group -transfer reagents. They accept and donate specific chemi- 
cal groups. For some coenzymes, the group is simply hydrogen or an electron but other 
coenzymes carry larger, covalently attached chemical groups. These mobile metabolic 
groups are attached at the reactive center of the coenzyme. (Either the mobile metabolic 
group or the reactive center is shown in red in the structures presented in this chapter.) 
We can simplify our study of coenzymes by focusing on the chemical properties of their 
reactive centers. The two classes of coenzymes are described in Section 7.2. 

We begin this chapter with a discussion of essentialion cofactors. Much of the rest 
of the chapter is devoted to the more complex organic cofactors. In mammals, many of 
these coenzymes are derived from dietary precursors called vitamins. We therefore dis- 
cuss vitamins in this chapter. We conclude with a look at a few proteins that are coen- 
zymes. Most of the structures and reactions presented here will be encountered in later 
chapters when we discuss particular metabolic pathways. 


Essential ions Coenzymes 

Activator ions Metal ions of Cosubstrates Prosthetic groups 

(loosely bound) metalloenzymes (loosely bound) (tightly bound) 
(tightly bound) 

Finally, we come to a group of com- 
pounds which have only been known 
for a relatively short time ; but which 
during this short time have attracted 
very considerable attention ; both from 
chemists and from the public at 
large. Who today is unacquainted 
with vitamins, these mysterious sub- 
stances which are of such immense 
significance for life, vita, itself and 
which have thus justifiably taken 
their name from it? 

— H.G. Soderbaum Presentation 
speech for the Nobel Prize in 
chemistry to Adolf Windaus, 1 928 

◄ Figure 7.1 

Types of cofactors. Essential ions and coen- 
zymes can be further distinguished by the 
strength of interaction with their apoenzymes. 

Top: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD®), a coenzyme derived from the vitamin nicotinic acid (niacin). NAD® is 
an oxidizing agent. 


7.2 Coenzyme Classification 197 

7.1 Many Enzymes Require Inorganic Cations 

Over a quarter of all known enzymes require metallic cations to achieve full catalytic ac- 
tivity. These enzymes can be divided into two groups: metal-activated enzymes and 
metalloenzymes. Metal-activated enzymes either have an absolute requirement for added 
metal ions or are stimulated by the addition of metal ions. Some of these enzymes re- 
quire monovalent cations such as K® and others require divalent cations such as Ca® or 
Mg®. Kinases, for example, require magnesium ions for the magnesium- ATP complex 
they use as a phosphoryl group donating substrate. Magnesium shields the negatively 
charged phosphate groups of ATP making them more susceptible to nucleophilic attack 
(Section 10.6). 

Metalloenzymes contain firmly bound metal ions at their active sites. The ions 
most commonly found in metalloenzymes are the transition metals, iron and zinc, and 
less often, copper and cobalt. Metal ions that bind tightly to enzymes are usually re- 
quired for catalysis. The cations of some metalloenzymes can act as electrophilic cata- 
lysts by polarizing bonds. For example, the cofactor for the enzyme carbonic anhydrase 
is an electrophilic zinc atom bound to the side chains of three histidine residues and to 
a molecule of water. Binding to Zn® causes the water to ionize more readily. A basic 
carboxylate group of the enzyme removes a proton from the bound water molecule, 
producing a nucleophilic hydroxide ion that attacks the substrate (Figure 7.2). This en- 
zyme has a very high catalytic rate partly because of the simplicity of its mechanism 
(Section 6.4). Many other zinc metalloenzymes activate bound water molecules in this 

The ions of other metalloenzymes can undergo reversible oxidation and reduction 
by transferring electrons from a reduced substrate to an oxidized substrate. For example, 
iron is part of the heme group of catalase, an enzyme that catalyzes the degradation of 
H 2 0 2 . Similar heme groups also occur in cytochromes, electron-transferring proteins 
found associated with specific metalloenzymes in mitochondria and chloroplasts. Non- 
heme iron is often found in metalloenzymes in the form of iron-sulfur clusters (Figure 7.3). 
The most common iron-sulfur clusters are the [2 Fe-2 S] and [4 Fe-4 S] clusters in 
which the iron atoms are complexed with an equal number of sulfide ions from H 2 S 
and — S® groups from cysteine residues. Iron-sulfur clusters mediate some oxidation- 
reduction reactions. Each cluster, whether it contains two or four iron atoms, can accept 
only one electron in an oxidation reaction. 

7.2 Coenzyme Classification 

Coenzymes can be classified into two types based on how they interact with the apoen- 
zyme (Figure 7.1). Coenzymes of one type — often called cosubstrates — are actually sub- 
strates in enzyme-catalyzed reactions. A cosubstrate is altered in the course of the reac- 
tion and dissociates from the active site. The original structure of the cosubstrate is 
regenerated in a subsequent reaction catalyzed by another enzyme. The cosubstrate is 
recycled repeatedly within the cell, unlike an ordinary substrate whose product typically 
undergoes further transformation. Cosubstrates shuttle mobile metabolic groups 
among different enzyme -catalyzed reactions. 

The second type of coenzyme is called a prosthetic group. A prosthetic group re- 
mains bound to the enzyme during the course of the reaction. In some cases the pros- 
thetic group is covalently attached to its apoenzyme, while in other cases it is tightly 
bound to the active site by many weak interactions. Like the ionic amino acid residues 
of the active site, a prosthetic group must return to its original form during each full 
catalytic event or the holoenzyme will not remain catalytically active. Cosubstrates and 
prosthetic groups are part of the active site of enzymes. They supply reactive groups 
that are not available on the side chains of amino acid residues. 

Every living species uses coenzymes in a diverse number of important enzyme- 
catalyzed reactions. Most of these species are capable of synthesizing their coenzymes 
from simple precursors. This is especially true in four of the five kingdoms — prokary- 
otes, protists, fungi, and plants — but animals have lost the ability to synthesize some 

Refer to Figure 1.1 for a table of the 
essential elements. 


co 2 -^ ^co 2 


h 2 o^ ^h 2 o 

▲ Figure 7.2 

Mechanism of carbonic anhydrase. The zinc 
ion in the active site promotes the ionization 
of a bound water molecule. The resulting 
hydroxide ion attacks the carbon atom of 
carbon dioxide, producing bicarbonate, 
which is released from the enzyme. 

Review Section 4.12 for the structure 
of heme. 

Cytochromes will be discussed in 
Section 7.16. 

198 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 

▲ Figure 7.3 

Iron-sulfur clusters. In each type of iron- 
sulfur cluster, the iron atoms are complexed 
with an equal number of sulfide ions (S 2- ) 
and with the thiolate groups of the side 
chains of cysteine residues. 

Table 7.1 Some vitamins and their 

associated deficiency diseases 



Ascorbate (C) 


Thiamine (B-|) 


Riboflavin (B 2 ) 

Growth retardation 

Nicotinic acid (B 3 ) Pellagra 

Pantothenate (B 5 ) 

Dermatitis in chickens 

Pyridoxal (B 6 ) 

Dermatitis in rats 

Biotin (B 7 ) 
Folate (B 9 ) 

Dermatitis in humans 

Cobalamin (B 12 ) 

Pernicious anemia 

The structure and chemistry of 
nucleotides is discussed in more detail 
in Chapter 19. 

coenzymes. Mammals (including humans) need a source of coenzymes in order to sur- 
vive. The ones they cant synthesize are supplied by nutrients, usually in small amounts 
(micrograms or milligrams per day). These essential compounds are called vitamins and 
animals rely on other organisms to supply these micronutrients. The ultimate sources 
of vitamins are usually plants and microorganisms. Most vitamins are coenzyme 
precursors — they must be enzymatically transformed to their corresponding coenzymes. 

A vitamin-deficiency disease can result when a vitamin is deficient or absent in the 
diet of an animal. Such diseases can be overcome or prevented by consuming the appro- 
priate vitamin. Table 7. 1 lists nine vitamins and the diseases associated with their defi- 
ciencies. Each of these vitamins and their metabolic roles are discussed below. Most of 
them are converted to coenzymes, sometimes after a reaction with ATP. 

The word vitamin (originally spelled “vitamine”) was coined by Casimir Funk in 
1912 to describe a “vital amine” from brown rice that cured beriberi, a nutritional-defi- 
ciency disease that results in neural degeneration. The term vitamin has been retained 
even though many vitamins proved not to be amines. Beriberi was first described in 
birds and then in humans whose diets consisted largely of polished rice. Christiaan Eijk- 
man, a Dutch physician working in what was then the Dutch East Indies (now Indone- 
sia), was the first to notice that chickens fed polished rice leftover from the local hospital 
developed beriberi but they recovered when they were fed brown rice. This discovery 
led eventually to isolation of an antiberiberi substance from the skin that covers brown 
rice. This substance became known as vitamin B x (thiamine). 

Two broad classes of vitamins have since been identified: water-soluble (such as B 
vitamins) and fat-soluble (also called lipid vitamins). Water-soluble vitamins are 
required daily in small amounts because they are readily excreted in the urine and the 
cellular stores of their coenzymes are not stable. Conversely, lipid vitamins such as vita- 
mins A, D, E, and K, are stored by animals and excessive intakes can result in toxic con- 
ditions known as hypervitaminoses. It’s important to note that not all vitamins are 
coenzymes or their precursors (see Box 7.4 and Section 7.14). 

The most common coenzymes are listed in Table 7.2 along with their metabolic 
role and their vitamin source. The following sections describe the structures and func- 
tions of these common coenzymes. 

7.3 ATP and Other Nucleotide Cosubstrates 

A number of nucleosides and nucleotides are coenzymes. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is 
by far the most abundant. Other common examples are GTP, S-adenosylmethionine, and 
nucleotide sugars such as uridine diphosphate glucose (UDP-glucose). ATP (Figure 7.4) 
is a versatile reactant that can donate its phosphoryl, pyrophosphoryl, adenylyl (AMP), 
or adenosyl groups in group -transfer reactions. 

The most common reaction involving ATP is phosphoryl group transfer. In reac- 
tions catalyzed by kinases, for example, the y-phosphoryl group of ATP is transferred to 
a nucleophile leaving ADP. The second most common reaction is nucleotidyl group 
transfer (transfer of the AMP moiety) leaving pyrophosphate (PPj). ATP plays a central 
role in metabolism. Its role as a “high energy” cofactor is described in more detail in 
Chapter 10, “Introduction to Metabolism.” 

ATP is also the source of several other metabolite coenzymes. One, S-adenosylme- 
thionine (Figure 7.5), is synthesized by the reaction of methionine with ATP. 

Methionine + ATP > S-Adenosylmethionine + Pj + PPj (7.1) 

The normal thiomethyl group of methionine ( — S — CH 3 ) is not very reactive but the posi- 
tively charged sulfonium of 5 - adenosylmethionine is highly reactive. S-adenosylmethionine 

◄ Brown rice and white rice. Brown rice (top left) has been processed to remove the outer husks but it 
retains part of the outer skin or “bran.” This skin contains thiamine (vitamin B^. Further processing 
of the grain yields white rice (middle left), which lacks thiamine. 

7.3 ATP and Other Nucleotide Cosubstrates 199 

Table 7.2 Major coenzymes 


Vitamin source 

Major metabolic roles 

Mechanistic role 

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 


Transfer of phosphoryl or 
nucleotidyl groups 




Transfer of methyl groups 


Uridine diphosphate glucose 


Transfer of glycosyl groups 


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD®) 
and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 
phosphate (NADP®) 

Niacin (B 3 ) 

Oxidation-reduction reactions 
involving two-electron transfer 


Flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin 
adenine dinucleotide (FAD) 

Riboflavin (B 2 ) 

Oxidation-reduction reactions involving 
one- and two-electron transfers 

Prosthetic group 

Coenzyme A (CoA) 

Pantothenate (B 5 ) 

Transfer of acyl groups 


Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) 

Thiamine (B^ 

Transfer of multi-carbon fragments contain- 
ing a carbonyl group 

Prosthetic group 

Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) 

Pyridoxine (B 6 ) 

Transfer of groups to and from amino acids 

Prosthetic group 


Biotin (B 7 ) 

ATP-dependent carboxylation of substrates or 
carboxyl-group transfer between substrates 

Prosthetic group 



Transfer of one-carbon substituents, especially 
formyl and hydroxymethyl groups; provides 
the methyl group for thymine in DNA 



Cobalamin (B 12 ) 

Intramolecular rearrangements, 
transfer of methyl groups. 

Prosthetic group 



Oxidation of a hydroxyalkyl group from TPP 
and subsequent transfer as an acyl group 

Prosthetic group 


Vitamin A 


Prosthetic group 

Vitamin K 

Vitamin K 

Carboxylation of some glutamate residues 

Prosthetic group 

Ubiquinone (Q) 


Lipid-soluble electron carrier 


Heme Group 


Electron transfer 

Prosthetic group 

reacts readily with nucleophilic acceptors and is the donor of almost all the methyl y^g thermodynamics of reactions involv- 

groups used in biosynthetic reactions. For example, it is required for conversion of the j n g ^yp j s explained in Section 10.6. 

hormone norepinephrine to epinephrine. 



Epinephrine (7.2) 

O O 

0 O— P— O— P — 





▲ Figure 7.4 

ATP. The nitrogenous base adenine is linked to a ribose bearing three phosphoryl groups. Transfer of 
a phosphoryl group (red) generates ADP, and transfer of a nucleotidyl group (AMP, blue) generates 

▲ Figure 7.5 

S-Adenosylmethionine. The activated methyl 
group of this coenzyme is shown in red. 

200 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 


Whatever happened to vitamin B 4 and vitamin B 8 ? They are 
never listed in the textbooks but you’ll often find them sold 
in stores that cater to the demand for supplements that might 
make you feel better and live longer. 

Vitamin B 4 was adenine, the base found in DNA and 
RNA. We now know that it’s not a vitamin. All species, in- 
cluding humans, can make copious quantities of adenine 
whenever it’s needed (Sections 18.1 and 18.2). Vitamin B 8 
was inositol, a precursor of several important lipids 
(Figure 8.16 and Section 9.12C). It’s no longer considered a 

If you know anyone who is paying money for vitamin B 4 
and B 8 supplements then here’s your chance to be helpful. 
Tell them why they’re wasting their money. 

▲ P.T. Barnum. P.T. Barnum was a famous American showman. 
He’s credited with saying, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” 
It’s likely that the memorable phrase was coined by one of his 
rivals and later attributed to Barnum in order to discredit him. 

Methylation reactions that require S-adenosylmethionine include methylation of phos- 
pholipids, proteins, DNA, and RNA. In plants, S-adenosylmethionine — as a precursor 
of the plant hormone ethylene — is involved in regulating the ripening of fruit. 

Nucleotide-sugar coenzymes are involved in carbohydrate metabolism. The most 
common nucleotide sugar, uridine diphosphate glucose (UDP-glucose), is formed by 
the reaction of glucose 1 -phosphate with uridine triphosphate (UTP) (Figure 7.6 ). 
UDP-glucose can donate its glycosyl group (shown in red) to a suitable acceptor, releas- 
ing UDP. UDP-glucose is regenerated when UDP accepts a phosphoryl group from ATP 
and the resulting UTP reacts with another molecule of glucose 1 -phosphate. 

Both the sugar and the nucleoside of nucleotide-sugar coenzymes may vary. Later 
on, we will encounter CDP, GDP, and ADP variants of this coenzyme. 

7.4 NAD© and NADP© 

The nicotinamide coenzymes are nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD®) and the 
closely related nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP®). These were the 
first coenzymes to be recognized. Both contain nicotinamide, the amide of nicotinic 
acid (Figure 7.7 ). Nicotinic acid (also called niacin) is the factor missing in the disease 
pellagra. Nicotinic acid or nicotinamide is essential as a precursor of NAD® and 
NADP®. (In many species, tryptophan is degraded to nicotinic acid. Dietary trypto- 
phan can therefore spare some of the requirement for niacin or nicotinamide.) 

The nicotinamide coenzymes play a role in many oxidation-reduction reactions. 
They assist in the transfer of electrons to and from metabolites (Section 10.9). The oxi- 
dized forms, NAD® and NADP®, are electron deficient and the reduced forms, NADH 
and NADPH, carry an extra pair of electrons in the form of a covalently bound hydride 
ion. The structures of these coenzymes are shown in Figure 7.8 . Both coenzymes con- 
tain a phosphoanhydride linkage that joins two 5' -nucleotides: AMP and the ribonu- 
cleotide of nicotinamide, called nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) (formed from 
nicotinic acid). In the case of NADP®, a phosphoryl group is present on the 2 '-oxygen 
atom of the adenylate moiety. 

Note that the ® sign in NAD® simply indicates that the nitrogen atom carries a 
positive charge. This does not mean that the entire molecule is a positively charged ion; 
in fact, it is negatively charged due to the phosphates. A nitrogen atom normally has 

7.4 NAD© and NADP© 201 

a-D-Glucose 1 -phosphate 

◄ Figure 7.6 

Formation of UDP-glucose catalyzed by UDP- 
glucose pyrophosphorylase. An oxygen of the 
phosphate group of a-D-glucose 1-phosphate 
attacks the a-phosphorus of UTP. The PPj 
released is rapidly hydrolyzed to 2Pj by the 
action of pyrophosphatase. This hydrolysis 
helps drive the pyrophosphorylase-catalyzed 
reaction toward completion. The mobile gly- 
cosyl group of UDP-glucose is shown in red. 

seven protons and seven electrons. The outer shell has five electrons that can participate 
in bond formation. In the oxidized form of the coenzyme (NAD® and NADP®) 
the nicotinamide nitrogen is missing one of its electrons. It has only four electrons in 
the outer shell and those are shared with adjacent carbon atoms to form a total of four 
covalent bonds. (Each bond has a pair of electrons so the outer shell of the nitrogen 
atom is filled with eight shared electrons.) This is why we normally associate the posi- 
tive charge with the ring nitrogen atom as shown in Figure 7.8. In fact, the charge is 
distributed over the entire aromatic ring. 

The reduced form of the nitrogen atom has its normal, full complement of elec- 
trons. In particular, the nitrogen atom has five electrons in its outer shell. Two of these 
electrons (represented by dots in Figure 7.8) are a free pair of electrons. The other three 
electrons participate in three covalent bonds. 

NAD® and NADP® almost always act as cosubstrates for dehydrogenases. Pyri- 
dine nucleotide-dependent dehydrogenases catalyze the oxidation of their substrates by 
transferring two electrons and a proton in the form of a hydride ion (H®) to C-4 of the 
nicotinamide group of NAD® or NADP®. This generates the reduced form, NADH or 
NADPH, where a new C — H bond has formed at C-4 (one pair of electrons) and the 
electron previously associated with the ring double bond has delocalized to the ring ni- 
trogen atom. Thus, oxidation by pyridine nucleotides (or reduction, the reverse reac- 
tion) always occurs two electrons at a time. 

NADH and NADPH are said to possess reducing power (i.e., they are biological 
reducing agents). The stability of reduced pyridine nucleotides allows them to carry 
their reducing power from one enzyme to another, a property not shared by flavin 


Nicotinic acid 


^nh 2 


▲ Figure 7.7 

Nicotinic acid (niacin) and nicotinamide. 

NADH and NADPH exhibit a peak of 
ultraviolet absorbance at 340 nm due 
to the dihydropyridine ring, whereas 
NAD® and NADP® do not absorb light 
at this wavelength. The appearance 
and disappearance of absorbance at 
340 nm are useful for measuring the 
rates of oxidation and reduction reac- 
tions if they involve NAD® or NADP®. 
(see Box 10.1). 


CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 

Oxidized form 

Reduced form 







H O 

H H O 



▲ Figure 7.8 

Oxidized and reduced forms of NAD (and 
NADP). The pyridine ring of NAD© is re- 
duced by the addition of a hydride ion to C-4 
when NAD© is converted to NADH (and when 
NADP© is converted to NADPH). In NADP©, 
the 2'-hydroxyl group of the sugar ring of 
adenosine is phosphorylated. The reactive 
center of these coenzymes is shown in red. 

coenzymes (Section 7.5). Most reactions forming NADH and NADPH are catabolic re- 
actions and the subsequent oxidation of NADH by the membrane- associated electron 
transport system is coupled to the synthesis of ATP. Most NADPH is used as a reducing 
agent in biosynthetic reactions. The concentration of NADH is about ten times higher 
than that of NADPH. 

Lactate dehydrogenase is an oxidoreductase that catalyzes the reversible oxidation 
of lactate. The enzyme is a typical NAD-dependent dehydrogenase. A proton is released 
from lactate when NAD® is reduced. 


H 3 c — CH— COO© + NAD® H 3 C— C —COO© + NADH + H® 

Lactate Pyruvate (7.3) 

NADH is a cosubtrate, like ATP. When the reaction is complete, the structure of the co- 
substrate is altered and the original form must be regenerated in a separate reaction. In 
this example, NAD® is reduced to NADH and the reaction will soon reach equilibrium 
unless NADH is used up in a separate reaction where NAD® is regenerated. We de- 
scribe one example of how this is accomplished in Section 11. 3B. 

Figure 7.9 shows how both the enzyme and the coenzyme participate in the oxida- 
tion of lactate to pyruvate catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase. In this mechanism, the 
coenzyme accepts a hydride ion at C-4 in the nicotinamide group. This leads to a re- 
arrangement of bonds in the ring as electrons are shuffled to the positively charged 
nitrogen atom. The enzyme provides an acid-base catalyst and suitable binding sites for 
both the coenzyme and the substrate. Note that two hydrogens are removed from lac- 
tate to produce pyruvate (Equation 7.3). One of these hydrogens is transferred to 
NAD® as a hydride ion carrying two electrons and the other is transferred to His- 195 
as a proton. The second hydrogen is subsequently released as H® in order to regenerate 
the base catalyst (His- 195). There are many examples of NAD-dependent reactions 
where the reduction of NAD® is accompanied by release of a proton so its quite common 
to see NADH + H® on one side of the equation. 

7.4 NAD© and NADP© 203 

◄ Figure 7.9 

Mechanism of lactate dehydrogenase. His-195, 
a base catalyst in the active site, abstracts 
a proton from the C-2 hydroxyl group of lac- 
tate, facilitating transfer of the hydride ion 
(H©) from C-2 of the substrate to C-4 
of the bound NAD©. Arg-171 forms an ion 
pair with the carboxylate group of the sub- 
strate. In the reverse reaction, H© is trans- 
ferred from the reduced coenzyme, NADH, 
to C-2 of the oxidized substrate, pyruvate. 


In the 1970s, structures were determined for four NAD- 
dependent dehydrogenases: lactate dehydrogenase, malate 
dehydrogenase, alcohol dehydrogenase, and glyceraldehyde 
3 -phosphate dehydrogenase. Each of these enzymes is 
oligomeric, with a chain length of about 350 amino acid 
residues. These chains all fold into two distinct domains — 
one to bind the coenzyme and one to bind the specific sub- 
strate. For each enzyme, the active site is in the cleft between 
the two domains. 

As structures of more dehydrogenases were determined, 
several conformations of the coenzyme-binding motif were ob- 
served. Many of them possess one or more similar NAD- or 
NADP-binding structures consisting of a pair of papaf} units 

known as the Rossman fold after Michael Rossman, who first 
observed them in nucleotide-binding proteins (see figure). Each 
of the Rossman fold motifs binds to one half of the NAD® din- 
ucleotide. All of these enzymes bind the coenzyme in the same 
orientation and in a similar extended conformation. 

Although many different dehydrogenases contain the 
Rossman fold motif, the rest of the structures may be very 
different and the dehydrogenases may not share significant 
sequence similarity. It’s possible that all Rossman fold- 
containing enzymes descend from a common ancestor, but 
its also possible that the motifs evolved independently in dif- 
ferent dehydrogenases. That would be another example of 
convergent evolution. 

◄ NAD-binding region of some dehydrogenases. 

(a) The coenzyme is bound in an extended 
conformation through interaction with two 
side-by-side motifs known as Rossman folds. 
The extended protein motifs form a p sheet of 
six parallel p strands. The arrow indicates the 
site where the hydride ion is added to C-4 of 
the nicotinamide group, (b) NADH bound to a 
Rossmann fold motif in rat lactate dehydroge- 
nase [PDB 3H3F]. 

[Adapted from Rossman et al. (1975). The Enzymes, 
Vol. 11, Part A, 3rd ed., P. D., Boyer, ed. (New York: 
Academic Press), pp. 61-102.] 

204 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 

▲ These yellow FADs are not flavins but 
Fish Aggregating Devices. They are buoys 
tethered to the sea floor in order to attract 
fish. This one has been deployed by the gov- 
ernment of New South Wales off the east 
coast of Australia. The strong ocean current 
is threatening to carry it off. 

7.5 FAD and FMN 

The coenzymes flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN) 
are derived from riboflavin, or vitamin B 2 . Riboflavin is synthesized by bacteria, pro- 
tists, fungi, plants, and some animals. Mammals obtain riboflavin from food. Riboflavin 
consists of the five-carbon alcohol ribitol linked to the N-10 atom of a heterocyclic ring 
system called isoalloxazine (Figure 7.10a). The riboflavin-derived coenzymes are shown in 
Figure 7.1 lb. Like NAD® and NADP® , FAD contains AMP and a diphosphate linkage. 

Many oxidoreductases require FAD or FMN as a prosthetic group. Such enzymes 
are called flavoenzymes or flavoproteins. The prosthetic group is very tightly bound, 
usually noncovalently. By binding the prosthetic groups tightly, the apoenzymes protect 
the reduced forms from wasteful reoxidation. 

FAD and FMN are reduced to FADH 2 and FMNH 2 by taking up a proton and two 
electrons in the form of a hydride ion (Figure 7.11). The oxidized enzymes are bright 
yellow as a result of the conjugated double-bond system of the isoalloxazine ring sys- 
tem. The color is lost when the coenzymes are reduced to FMNH 2 and FADH 2 . 

FMNH 2 and FADH 2 donate electrons either one or two at a time, unlike NADH 
and NADPH that participate exclusively in two-electron transfers. A partially oxidized 
compound, FAD Ft* or FMNH-, is formed when one electron is donated. These interme- 
diates are relatively stable free radicals called semiquinones. The oxidation ofFADH 2 
and FMNH 2 is often coupled to reduction of a metalloprotein containing Fe^ (in an 
[Fe-S] cluster). Because an iron-sulfur cluster can accept only one electron, the reduced 
flavin must be oxidized in two one-electron steps via the semiquinone intermediate. 
The ability of FMN to couple two-electron transfers with one-electron transfers is im- 
portant in many electron transfer systems. 

Crystals of Old Yellow Enzyme, a typi- 

cal fiavoprotein, are shown in the 7.6 Coenzyme A and Acyl Carrier Protein 

introduction to Chapter 5. Many metabolic processes depend on coenzyme A (CoA, or HS-CoA) including the 

oxidation of fuel molecules and the biosynthesis of some carbohydrates and lipids. 
This coenzyme is involved in acyl- group-transfer reactions in which simple carboxylic 
acids and fatty acids are the mobile metabolic groups. Coenzyme A has three major 
components: a 2-mercaptoethylamine unit that bears a free — SH group, the vitamin 
pantothenate (vitamin B 5 , an amide of ( 3 - alanine and pantoate), and an ADP moiety 

Figure 7.10 ► 

Riboflavin and its coenzymes. (a) Riboflavin. 
Ribitol is linked to the isoalloxazine ring sys- 
tem. (b) Flavin mononucleotide (FMN, black) 
and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD, black 
and blue). The reactive center is shown in red. 


h 3 c 




ch 2 







ch 2 oh 












7.6 Coenzyme A and Acyl Carrier Protein 205 


(semiquinone form) 

◄ Figure 7.1 1 

Reduction and reoxidation of FMN or FAD. The 

conjugated double bonds between N-l and 
N-5 are reduced by addition of a hydride ion 
and a proton to form FMNH 2 or FADH 2 , re- 
spectively, the hydroquinone form of each 
coenzyme. Oxidation occurs in two steps. 

A single electron is removed by a one- 
electron oxidizing agent, with loss of a pro- 
ton, to form a relatively stable free-radical 
intermediate. This semiquinone is then oxi- 
dized by removal of a proton and an electron 
to form fully oxidized FMN or FAD. These 
reactions are reversible. 

FMNH 2 or FADH 2 
(hydroquinone form) 

whose 3' -hydroxyl group is esterified with a third phosphate group (Figure 7.12a). 
The reactive center of CoA is the — SH group. Acyl groups covalently attach to the 
— SH group to form thioesters. A common example is acetyl CoA (Figure 7.13), where 
the acyl group is an acetyl moiety. Acetyl CoA is a “high energy” compound due to the 
thioester linkage (Section 19.8). Coenzyme A was originally named for its role as the 

v Figure 7.12 

Coenzyme A and acyl carrier protein (ACP). 

(a) In coenzyme A, 2-mercaptoethylamine 
is bound to the vitamin pantothenate, which 
in turn is bound via a phosphoester linkage 
to an ADP group that has an additional 
3'-phosphate group. The reactive center is 
the thiol group (red), (b) In acyl carrier 
protein, the phosphopantetheine prosthetic 
group, which consists of the 2-mercap- 
toethylamine and pantothenate moieties of 
coenzyme A, is esterified to a serine residue 
of the protein. 




HS — CH 2 — CH 2 — N — C — CH 2 — CH 2 — N — C — CH 
H H | 


CH 3 O 


C — CH 2 — O — P — O — CH 2 — CH Serine 

1 e 1 

ch 3 

Phosphopantetheine prosthetic group 


206 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 



H 3 c — c — S — CoA 
Acetyl CoA 

▲ Figure 7.13 
Acetyl CoA 

acetylation coenzyme. We will see acetyl CoA frequently when we discuss the metabo- 
lism of carbohydrates, fatty acids, and amino acids. 

Phosphopantetheine, a phosphate ester containing the 2-mercaptoethylamine and 
pantothenate moieties of coenzyme A, is the prosthetic group of a small protein (77 
amino acid residues) known as the acyl carrier protein (ACP). The prosthetic group is 
esterified to ACP via the side-chain oxygen of a serine residue (Figure 7.12b). The — SH 
of the prosthetic group of ACP is acylated by intermediates in the biosynthesis of fatty 
acids (Chapter 16). 

The metabolic role of pyruvate decar- 
boxylase will be encountered in 
Section 1 1.3. Transketolases are dis- 
cussed in Section 12.9. The role of 
TDP as a coenzyme in pyruvate dehy- 
drogenase is described in Section 13.2. 

7.7 Thiamine Diphosphate 

Thiamine (or vitamin BJ contains a pyrimidine ring and a positively charged thia- 
zolium ring (Figure 7.14a). The coenzyme is thiamine diphosphate (TDP), also called 
thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) in the older literature (Figure 7.14b). TDP is synthe- 
sized from thiamine by enzymatic transfer of a pyrophosphoryl group from ATP. 

About half a dozen decarboxylases (carboxylases) are known to require TDP as a 
coenzyme. For example, TDP is the prosthetic group of yeast pyruvate decarboxylase 
whose mechanism is shown in Figure 7.15. TDP is also a coenzyme involved in the 
oxidative decarboxylation of a-keto acids other than pyruvate. The first steps in those 
reactions proceed by the mechanism shown in Figure 7.15. In addition, TDP is a pros- 
thetic group for enzymes known as transketolases that catalyze transfer between sugar 
molecules of two -carbon groups that contain a keto group. 

Figure 7.14 ► 

Thiamine diphosphate (TDP). (a) Thiamine 
(vitamin Bi). (b) Thiamine diphosphate 
(TDP). The thiazolium ring of the coenzyme 
contains the reactive center (red). 



H 3 C ch 2 — ch 2 — OH 

© / 

CH? — N 




Thiamine (vitamin 

(b) O O 

Thiamine diphosphate 

7.8 Pyridoxal Phosphate 207 






© '* 5 

R - N ^/ 


Enz — B: 

/ e 
h3C \ ( 

q — q Pyruvate 
O \ 0° 

© f 

Enz — B — H 







R — N x S 

I ^ 

h 3 c — ch t o v 


Enz — B: 



Hz»C — C v 





R — N x /S 

H 3 c — c — OH 



Enz— B — H ' 



Enz— B -pH 





n // 

H 3 c-c-c v ^ 


Enz — B: 


R — S 


H 3 c — c — OH 



Enz — B: 

◄ Figure 7.15 

Mechanism of yeast pyruvate decarboxylase. 

The positive charge of the thiazolium ring of 
TDP attracts electrons, weakening the bond 
between C-2 and hydrogen. This proton is pre- 
sumably removed by a basic residue of the 
enzyme. Ionization generates a dipolar car- 
banion known as an ylid (a molecule with 
opposite charges on adjacent atoms). The 
negatively charged C-2 attacks the electron- 
deficient carbonyl carbon of the substrate 
pyruvate and the first product (C0 2 ) is re- 
leased. Two carbons of pyruvate are now at- 
tached to the thiazole ring as part of a reso- 
nance-stabilized carbanion. In the following 
step, protonation of the carbanion produces 
hydroxyethylthiamine diphosphate (HETDP). 
HETDP is cleaved, releasing acetaldehyde 
(the second product) and regenerating the 
ylid form of the enzyme-TDP complex. TDP 
re-forms when the ylid is protonated by the 

The thiazolium ring of the coenzyme contains the reactive center. C-2 of TDP has 
unusual reactivity; it is acidic despite its extremely high p K a in aqueous solution. Similarly, 
recent experiments indicate that the p K a value for the ionization of hydroxyethylthiamine 
diphosphate (HETDP) (i.e., formation of the dipolar carbanion) is changed from 15 in 
water to 6 at the active site of pyruvate decarboxylase. This increased acidity is attributed 
to low polarity of the active site, which also accounts for the reactivity of TDP. 

7.8 Pyridoxal Phosphate 

The B 6 family of water-soluble vitamins consists of three closely related molecules that 
differ only in the state of oxidation or amination of the carbon bound to position 4 of 
the pyridine ring (Figure 7.16a). Vitamin B 6 — most often pyridoxal or pyridoxamine — 
is widely available from plant and animal sources. Induced B 6 deficiencies in rats result 
in dermatitis and various disorders related to protein metabolism but actual vitamin 

▲ Thiamine diphosphate bound to pyruvate 
dehydrogenase. The coenzyme is bound in 
an extended conformation and the diphos- 
phate group is chelated to a magnesium 
ion (green). [PDB 1PYD] 

208 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 

Figure 7.16 ► 

Bg vitamins and pyridoxal phosphate, (a) Vita- 
mins of the B 6 family: pyridoxine, pyridoxal, 
and pyridoxamine. (b) Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate 
(PLP). The reactive center of PLP is the 
aldehyde group (red). 






Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) 

Figure 7.17 ► 

Binding of substrate to a PLP-dependent 
enzyme. The Schiff base linking PLP to a 
lysine residue of the enzyme is replaced by 
reaction of the substrate molecule with PLP. 
The transimination reaction passes through 
a geminal-diamine intermediate, resulting 
in a Schiff base composed of PLP and the 

Internal aldimine 

B 6 deficiencies in humans are rare. Enzymatic transfer of the y-phosphoryl group from 
ATP forms the coenzyme pyridoxal 5 '-phosphate (PLP) once vitamin B 6 enters a cell 
(Figure 7.16b). 

Pyridoxal phosphate is the prosthetic group for many enzymes that catalyze a vari- 
ety of reactions involving amino acids such as isomerizations, decarboxylations, and 
side-chain eliminations or replacements. In PLP-dependent enzymes, the carbonyl 
group of the prosthetic group is bound as a Schiff base (imine) to the £- amino group of 
a lysine residue at the active site. (A Schiff base results from condensation of a primary 
amine with an aldehyde or ketone.) The enzyme-coenzyme Schiff base, shown on the 
left in Figure 7.17, is sometimes referred to as an internal aldimine. PLP is tightly bound 
to the enzyme by many weak noncovalent interactions; the additional covalent linkage 
of the internal aldimine helps prevent loss of the scarce coenzyme when the enzyme is 
not functioning. 


7.9 Vitamin C 209 


▲ Figure 7.18 

Mechanism of transaminases. An amino acid displaces lysine from the internal aldimine that links PLP to the enzyme, generating an external 
aldimine. Subsequent steps lead to the transfer of the amino group to PLP yielding an a-keto acid, which dissociates, and PMP, which remains 
bound to the enzyme. If another a-keto acid enters, each step proceeds in reverse. The amino group is transferred to the a-keto acid producing a 
new amino acid and regenerating the original PLP form of the enzyme. 

The initial step in all PLP-dependent enzymatic reactions with amino acids is the 
linkage of PLP to the a-amino group of the amino acid (formation of an external 
aldimine). When an amino acid binds to a PLP-enzyme, a transimination reaction takes 
place (Figure 7.17). This transfer reaction proceeds via a geminal- diamine intermediate 
rather than via formation of the free-aldehyde form of PLP. Note that the Schiff bases 
contain a system of conjugated double bonds in the pyridine ring ending with the posi- 
tive charge on N-l. Similar ring structures with positively charged nitrogen atoms are 
present in NAD®. The prosthetic group serves as an electron sink during subsequent 
steps in the reactions catalyzed by PLP-enzymes. Once an a- amino acid forms a Schiff 
base with PLP, electron withdrawal toward N-l weakens the three bonds to the a-carbon. 
In other words, the Schiff base with PLP stabilizes a carbanion formed when one of the 
three groups attached to the a- carbon of the amino acid is removed. Which group is 
lost depends on the chemical environment of the enzyme active site. 

Removal of the a- amino group from amino acids is catalyzed by transaminases 
that participate in both the biosynthesis and degradation of amino acids (Chapter 17). 
Transamination is the most frequently encountered PLP-dependent reaction. The 
mechanism involves formation of an external aldimine (Figure 17.17) followed by re- 
lease of the a-keto acid. The amino group remains bound to PLP forming pyridoxamine 
phosphate (PMP) (Figure 7.18). The next step in transaminase reactions is the reverse 
of the reaction shown in Figure 7.18 using a different a-keto acid as a substrate. 

7.9 Vitamin C 

The simplest vitamin is the antiscurvy agent ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Scurvy is a dis- 
ease whose symptoms include skin lesions, fragile blood vessels, loose teeth, and bleed- 
ing gums. The link between scurvy and nutrition was recognized four centuries ago 
when British navy physicians discovered that citrus juice in limes and lemons were a 
remedy for scurvy in sailors whose diet lacked fresh fruits and vegetables. It was not 
until 1919, however, that ascorbic acid was isolated and shown to be the essential di- 
etary component supplied by citrus juices. 

► Limeys is the story of Dr. James Lind and his attempt to promote citrus fruit as a cure for scurvy 
in the 1700s. 

A specific transaminase is described 
in Section 17.2B. 

The Conquest of 

sc u RVY 


■ ' 

210 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 

Chromosome 8 





p21 .3 



pi 1.21 


ql 1 .21 
ql 1 .20 

q 1 2. 1 




ql 5.0 
q21 .1 1 

q21 .80 

q21 .9 














▲ The human GULO pseudogene is located 
on the short arm of chromosome 8. 

-2H @ , -2e° 

▲ Figure 7.19 

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and its dehydro, oxidized form. 


Dehydroascorbic acid 

Back in the 18th century it was not easy to convince authorities that a simple solu- 
tion like citrus fruit would solve the problem of scurvy because there were many com- 
peting theories. The story of Dr. James Lind and his efforts to convince the British navy 
is just one of many stories associated with vitamin C. It shows us that scientific evidence 
is not all that’s required in order to make changes in the way we do things. Eventually, 
British sailors began to eat lemons and limes on a regular basis when they were at sea. 
Not only did this reduce the incidences of scurvy but it also gave rise to a famous nick- 
name for British sailors. They were called “limeys” although lemons were much more 
effective than limes. 

Ascorbic acid is a lactone, an internal ester in which the C-l carboxylate group is 
condensed with the C-4 hydroxyl group, forming a ring structure. We now know that 
ascorbic acid is not a coenzyme but acts as a reducing agent in several different enzy- 
matic reactions (Figure 7.19). The most important of these reactions is the hydroxyla- 
tion of collagen (Section 4.12). Most mammals can synthesize ascorbic acid but guinea 
pigs, bats, and some primates (including humans) lack this ability and must therefore 
rely on dietary sources. 

In most cases, we don’t know very much about how certain enzymes disappeared 
from some species leading to a reliance on external sources for some essential metabo- 
lites. Most of the presumed gene disruption events happened so far in the distant past 
that few traces remain in modern genomes. The loss of ability to make vitamin C is an 
exception to that rule and serves as an instructive example of evolution. 

Ascorbic acid is synthesized from D-glucose in a five-step pathway involving four 
enzymes (the last step is spontaneous). The last enzyme in the pathway is L-glucono- 



H — C — OH 

H — C — OH 


HO — C — H 

Enz r HO-C-H 

H — C — OH 

H — C — OH 

H — C — OH 

H — C — OH 

CH 2 OH 






acid lactone 



CH 2 OH 

ch 2 oh 








oxidase (GULO) 

▲ Figure 7.20 

Biosynthesis of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). 

L-ascorbic acid is synthesized from D-glu- 
cose. The last enzymatic step is catalyzed by 
L-glucono-gamma-lactone oxidase (GULO), 
an enzyme that is missing in most primates. 

7.10 Biotin 211 

Rat GULO gene 


-I I 







Human GULO pseudogene 

◄ Figure 7.21 

Comparison of the intact rat GULO gene and the 
human pseudogene. The human pseudogene 
is missing the first six exons and exon 11. 

In addition, there are many mutations in the 
remaining exons that prevent them from pro- 
ducing protein product. 

gamma-lactone oxidase (GULO) (Figure 7.20). GULO (the enzyme) is not present in 
primates of the haplorrhini family (monkeys and apes), but it is present in the strepsir- 
rhini (lemurs, lorises etc.). These groups diverged about 80 million years ago. This led to 
the prediction that the GULO gene would be absent or defective in the monkeys and 
apes but intact in the other primates. 

The prediction was confirmed with the discovery of a human GULO pseudogene 
on chromosome 8 in a block of genes that contains an active GULO gene in other ani- 
mals. A comparison of the human pseudogene and a functional rat gene reveals many 
differences (Figure 7.21). The human pseudogene is missing the first six exons of the 
normal gene plus exon 11. The pseduogene in other apes is also missing these exons in- 
dicating that the ancestor of all apes had a similar defective GULO gene. 

The original mutation that made the GULO gene inactive isn’t known. Once inac- 
tivated, the pseudogene accumulated additional mutations that became fixed by 
random genetic drift. We can assume that lack of ability to synthesize vitamin C was 
not detrimental in these species because they obtained sufficient quantities in their 
normal diet. 

7.10 Biotin 

Biotin is a prosthetic group for enzymes that catalyze carboxyl group transfer reactions 
and ATP-dependent carboxylation reactions. Biotin is covalently linked to the active 
site of its host enzyme by an amide bond to the £-amino group of a lysine residue 
(Figure 7.22). 


“i r 


HNi bNH * 

\ / 


/ \ II I 

H 2 C x ^ch — ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 2 — c — N — ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 2 — CH 


Enzyme-bound biotin 


◄ Figure 7.22 

Enzyme-bound biotin. The carboxylate group 
of biotin is covalently bound via amide link- 
age to the £-amino group of a lysine residue 
(blue). The reactive center of the biotin 
moiety is N-l (red). 

The pyruvate carboxylase reaction demonstrates the role of biotin as a carrier of 
carbon dioxide (Figure 7.23). In this ATP-dependent reaction, pyruvate, a three-carbon 
acid, reacts with bicarbonate forming the four-carbon acid oxaloacetate. Enzyme- 
bound biotin is the intermediate carrier of the mobile carboxyl metabolic group. The 
pyruvate carboxylase reaction is an important C0 2 fixation reaction. It is required in 
the gluconeogenesis pathway (Chapter 11). 

Biotin was first identified as an essential factor for the growth of yeast. Biotin defi- 
ciency is rare in humans or animals on normal diets because biotin is synthesized by 
intestinal bacteria and is required only in very small amounts (micrograms per day). A 
biotin deficiency can be induced, however, by ingesting raw egg whites that contain a 
protein called avidin. Avidin binds tightly to biotin making it unavailable for absorption 

212 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 







Enol pyruvate | 

C — 0° 

Biotin Carboxybiotin 



C = 0 


▲ Figure 7.23 

Reaction catalyzed by pyruvate carboxylase. First, biotin, bicarbonate, and ATP react to form carboxybiotin. The carboxybiotinyl-enzyme complex provides 
a stable, activated form of CO 2 that can be transferred to pyruvate. Next, the enolate form of pyruvate attacks the carboxyl group of carboxybiotin, 
forming oxaloacetate and regenerating biotin. 

from the intestinal tract. Avidin is denatured when eggs are cooked and it loses its affin- 
ity for biotin. 

A variety of laboratory techniques take advantage of the high affinity of avidin for 
biotin. For example, a substance to which biotin is covalently attached can be extracted 
from a complex mixture by affinity chromatography (Section 3.6) on a column of im- 
mobilized avidin. The association constant for biotin and avidin is about 10 15 M -1 — 
one of the tightest binding interactions known in biochemistry (see Section 4.9). 


George Beadle and Edward Tatum wanted to test the idea 
that each gene encoded a single enzyme in a metabolic path- 
way. It was back in the late 1930s and this correspondence, 
which we now take for granted, was still a hypothesis. Re- 
member, this was a time when it wasn’t even clear whether 
genes were proteins or some other kind of chemical. 

Beadle and Tatum chose the fungus Neurospora crassa 
for their experiments. Neurospora grows on a well-defined 
medium needing only sugar and biotin (vitamin B 7 ) as sup- 
plements. They reasoned that by irradiating Neurospora 
spores with X rays they could find mutants that would grow 
on rich supplemented medium but not on the simple defined 
medium. All they had to do next was identify the one supple- 
ment that needed to be added to the minimal medium to 
correct the defect. This would identify a gene for an enzyme 
that synthesized the now- essential supplement. 

The 299th mutant required vitamin B 6 and the 1085th 
mutant required vitamin B x . The B 6 and B x biosynthesis 
pathways were the first two pathways to be identified in this 
set of experiments. Later on, they worked out the genes/en- 
zymes used in the tryptophan pathway. The results were pub- 
lished in 1941 and Beadle and Tatum received the Nobel 
Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1958. 

▲ Neurospora crassa growing on defined medium in a test tube. The 

strains on the right are producing orange carotenoid and the ones on 
the left are nonproducing strains. 

(Source: Courtesy of Manchester University, United Kingdom). 

7.11 Tetrahydrofolate 


7.11 Tetrahydrofolate 

The vitamin folate was first isolated in the early 1940s from green leaves, liver, and yeast. 
Folate has three main components: pterin (2-amino-4-oxopteridine), ap-aminobenzoic 
acid moiety, and a glutamate residue. The structures of pterin and folate are shown in 
Figures 7.24a and 7.24b. Humans require folate in their diets because we cannot synthe- 
size the pterin-p-aminobenzoic acid intermediate (PABA) and we cannot add glutamate 
to exogenous PABA. 

The coenzyme forms of folate, known collectively as tetrahydrofolate, differ from 
the vitamin in two respects: they are reduced compounds (5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterins), 
and they are modified by the addition of glutamate residues bound to one another 
through y- glutamyl amide linkages (Figure 7.24c). The anionic polyglutamyl moiety, 
usually five to six residues long, participates in the binding of the coenzymes to en- 
zymes. When using the term tetrahydrofolate , keep in mind that it refers to compounds 
that have polyglutamate tails of varying lengths. 

Tetrahydrofolate is formed from folate by adding hydrogen to positions 5, 6, 7, and 
8 of the pterin ring system. Folate is reduced in two NADPH-dependent steps in a reac- 
tion catalyzed by dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). 

NADPH + H @ NADPH + H @ 

Folate 7,8-Dihydrofolate 5,6,7,8-Tetrahydrofolate 


The primary metabolic function of dihydrofolate reductase is the reduction of di- 
hydrofolate produced during the formation of the methyl group of thymidylate 
(dTMP) (Chapter 18). This reaction, which uses a derivative of tetrahydrofolate, is an 
essential step in the biosynthesis of DNA. Because cell division cannot occur when DNA 
synthesis is interrupted, dihydrofolate reductase has been extensively studied as a target 
for chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer (Box 18.4). In most species, dihydrofolate 
reductase is a relatively small monomeric enzyme that has evolved efficient binding sites 
for the two large substrates (folate and NADPH) (Figure 6.12). 

▼ Figure 7.24 

Pterin, folate, and tetrahydrofolate. Pterin 
(a) is part of folate (b), a molecule contain- 
ing p-ami nobenzoate (red) and glutamate 
(blue), (c) The polyglutamate forms of 
tetrahydrofolate usually contain five or six 
glutamate residues. The reactive centers 
of the coenzyme, N-5 and N-10, are shown 
in red. 

Tetrahydrofolate (Tetrahydrofolyl polyglutamate) 

214 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 

Figure 7.25 ► 

One-carbon derivatives of tetra hydrofolate. 

The derivatives can be interconverted enzy- 
matically by the routes shown. (R represents 
the benzoyl polyglutamate portion of 

H 9 N 

C — N — R 


5-Methyltetrahydrofolate 5 # 10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate 

▲ Many fruits and vegetables contain adequate 
supplies of folate. Yeast and liver products 
are also excellent sources of folate. 

H 7 N 

CH — CH — CH q 


▲ Figure 7.26 

5,6,7,8-Tetrahydrobiopterin. The hydrogen 
atoms lost on oxidation are shown in red. 


'f"CH 2 

O / 

u HC — N — R 


5 # 10-Methenyltetrahydrofolate 



1 0-Formyltetrahydrofolate 

5,6,7,8-Tetrahydrofolate is required by enzymes that catalyze biochemical transfers 
of several one-carbon units. The groups bound to tetrahydrofolate are methyl, methylene, 
or formyl groups. Figure 7.25 shows the structures of several one-carbon derivatives of 
tetrahydrofolate and the enzymatic interconversions that occur among them. The one- 
carbon metabolic groups are covalently bound to the secondary amine N-5orN-10of 
tetrahydrofolate, or to both in a ring form. 10-Formyltetrahydro folate is the donor of 
formyl groups and 5, 10-methylenetetrahydro folate is the donor of hydroxymethyl 

Another pterin coenzyme, 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin, has a three-carbon side 
chain at C-6 of the pterin moiety in place of the large side chain found in tetrahydrofo- 
late (Figure 7.26). This coenzyme is not derived from a vitamin but is synthesized by 
animals and other organisms. Tetrahydrobiopterin is the cofactor for several hydroxy- 
lases and will be encountered as a reducing agent in the conversion of phenylalanine to 
tyrosine (Chapter 17). It also is required by the enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of 
nitric oxide from arginine (Section 17.12). 

The sale of vitamins and supplements is big business in developed nations. It’s 
often difficult to decide whether an extra supply of vitamins is necessary for good health 
because the scientific evidence is often missing or contradictory. Folate (vitamin B 9 ) 
deficiency is uncommon in normal, healthy adults and children in developed nations 
but there are documented cases of folate deficiency in pregnant women. A lack of 
tetrahydrofolate can lead to anemia and to severe defects in the developing fetus. 
While there are many fruits and vegetables that contain folate, it’s a good idea for preg- 
nant women to supplement their diet with folate in order to ensure their own health 
and that of the baby. 

7.12 Cobalamin 215 

7.12 Cobalamin 

Cobalamin (vitamin B 12 ) is the largest B vitamin and was the last to be isolated. The 
structure of cobalamin (Figure 7.27a) includes a corrin ring system that resembles the 
porphyrin ring system of heme (Figure 4.37). Note that cobalamin contains cobalt 
rather than the iron found in heme. The abbreviated structure shown in Figure 7.27b 
emphasizes the positions of two axial ligands bound to the cobalt, a benzimida- 
zole ribonucleotide below the corrin ring and an R group above it. In the coenzyme 
forms of cobalamin, the R group is either a methyl group (in methylcobalamin) or a 
5'-deoxyadenosyl group (in adenosylcobalamin). 

Cobalamin is synthesized by only a few microorganisms. It is required as a mi- 
cronutrient by all animals and by some bacteria and algae. Humans obtain cobalamin 
from foods of animal origin. A deficiency of cobalamin can lead to pernicious anemia, a 
potentially fatal disease in which there is a decrease in the production of blood cells by 
bone marrow. Pernicious anemia can also cause neurological disorders. Most victims of 
pernicious anemia do not secrete a necessary glycoprotein (called intrinsic factor) from 
the stomach mucosa. This protein specifically binds cobalamin and the complex is ab- 
sorbed by cells of the small intestine. Impaired absorption of cobalamin is now treated 
by regular injections of the vitamin. 

The role of adenosylcobalamin reflects the reactivity of its C — Co bond. The coen- 
zyme participates in several enzyme-catalyzed intramolecular rearrangements in which a 
hydrogen atom and a second group, bound to adjacent carbon atoms within a substrate, 
exchange places (Figure 7.28a). An example is the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase reaction 
(Figure 7.28b) that is important in the metabolism of odd-chain fatty acids (Chapter 16) 
and leads to the formation of succinyl CoA, an intermediate of the citric acid cycle. 

Methylcobalamin participates in the transfer of methyl groups, as in the regenera- 
tion of methionine from homocysteine in mammals. 

▲ Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (1910-1994). 

Hodgkin received the Nobel Prize in 1964 
for determining the structure of vitamin B 12 
(cobalamin). The structure of insulin, shown 
in the photograph, was published in 1969. 

▲ Figure 7.27 

Cobalamin (vitamin B 12 ) and its coenzymes, (a) Detailed structure of cobalamin showing the corrin ring system (black) and 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole 
ribonucleotide (blue). The metal coordinated by corrin is cobalt (red). The benzimidazole ribonucleotide is coordinated with the cobalt of the corrin ring 
and is also bound via a phosphoester linkage to a side chain of the corrin ring system, (b) Abbreviated structure of cobalamin coenzymes. A benzimida- 
zole ribonucleotide lies below the corrin ring, and an R group lies above the ring. 

216 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 

Figure 7.28 ► 

Intramolecular rearrangements catalyzed 
by adenosylcobalamin-dependent enzymes. 

(a) Rearrangement in which a hydrogen 
atom and a substituent on an adjacent carbon 
atom exchange places, (b) Rearrangement 
of methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl CoA, 
catalyzed by methylmalonyl-CoA mutase. 

▲ Intestinal bacteria. Normal, healthy hu- 
mans harbor billions of bacteria in their in- 
testines. There are at least several dozen 
different species. The one shown here is 
Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach 
ulcers when it invades the stomach. The 
bacteria are sitting on the surface of the 
intestine that has many projections for ab- 
sorbing nutrients. Other common species 
are Escherichia coli and various species of 
Actinomyces and Streptococcus. These bac- 
teria help break down ingested food and 
they supply many of the essential vitamins 
and amino acids that humans need, espe- 
cially cobalamin. 

Figure 7.29 ► 

Lipoamide. Lipoic acid is bound in amide 
linkage to the e-amino group of a lysine 
residue (blue) of dihydrolipoamide acyltrans- 
ferases. The dithiolane ring of the lipoyllysyl 
groups is extended 1.5 nm from the 
polypeptide backbone. The reactive center 
of the coenzyme is shown in red. 


b — c— ; 


e — C — H 

b— C — H 

e — c— : 


H 0 

o 1 11 

°ooc— c — c- 








OOC— c — H 



H — C — H 




h — c— : — s- 

1 II 


Methylmalonyl CoA 

H 0 

Succinyl CoA 




coo 0 


h 3 n — ch 



H 3 N — CH 


cn 2 

w > 

ch 2 

oh 2 



ch 2 






s — ch 3 



In this reaction, the methyl group of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate is passed to a reactive, 
reduced form of cobalamin to form methylcobalamin that can transfer the methyl 
group to the thiol side chain of homocysteine. 

7.13 Lipoamide 

The lipoamide coenzyme is the protein-bound form of lipoic acid. Lipoic acid is some- 
times described as a vitamin but animals appear to be able to synthesize it. It is required 
by certain bacteria and protozoa for growth. Lipoic acid is an eight- carbon carboxylic 
acid (octanoic acid) in which two hydrogen atoms, on C-6 and C-8, have been replaced 
by sulfhydryl groups in disulfide linkage. Lipoic acid does not occur free — it is cova- 
lently attached via an amide linkage through its carboxyl group to the e- amino group of 
a lysine residue of a protein (Figure 7.29). This structure is found in dihydrolipoamide 
acyltransferases that are components of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and 
related enzymes. 

Lipoamide carries acyl groups between active sites in multienzyme complexes. For 
example, in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (Section 12.2), the disulfide ring of 

Lipoyllysyl group 

1.5 nm 

O C =0 

8/ C H2 6 || 

h 2 c ch — ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 2 — c— n— ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 

\ / 

s — S NH 


Lysine side chain 

7.14 Lipid Vitamins 


the lipoamide prosthetic group reacts with HETDP (Figure 7.15) binding its acetyl 
group to the sulfur atom attached to C-8 of lipoamide and forming a thioester. The acyl 
group is then transferred to the sulfur atom of a coenzyme A molecule generating the 
reduced (dihydrolipoamide) form of the prosthetic group. 

CH 2 

X X 

h 2 c ch— r 

h 3 c — c — s 



ch 2 

X X 

h 2 c ch 




The final step catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is the oxidation of 
dihydrolipoamide. In this reaction, NADH is formed by the action of a flavoprotein 
component of the complex. The actions of the multiple coenzymes of the pyruvate de- 
hydrogenase complex show how coenzymes, by supplying reactive groups that augment 
the catalytic versatility of proteins, are used to conserve both energy and carbon building 

7.14 Lipid Vitamins 

The structures of the four lipid vitamins (A, D, E, and K) contain rings and long 
aliphatic side chains. The lipid vitamins are highly hydrophobic although each possesses 
at least one polar group. In humans and other mammals, ingested lipid vitamins are ab- 
sorbed in the intestine by a process similar to the absorption of other lipid nutrients 
(Section 16.1a). After digestion of any proteins that may bind them, they are carried to 
the cellular interface of the intestine as micelles formed with bile salts. The study of 
these hydrophobic molecules has presented several technical difficulties so research on 
their mechanisms has progressed more slowly than that on their water-soluble counter- 
parts. Lipid vitamins differ widely in their functions, as we will see below. 

A. Vitamin A 

Vitamin A, or retinol, is a 20-carbon lipid molecule obtained in the diet either directly or 
indirectly from /?- carotene. Carrots and other yellow vegetables are rich in /3- carotene, a 
40-carbon plant lipid whose enzymatic oxidative cleavage yields vitamin A (Figure 7.30). 
Vitamin A exists in three forms that differ in the oxidation state of the terminal func- 
tional group: the stable alcohol retinol, the aldehyde retinal, and retinoic acid. Their hy- 
drophobic side chain is formed from repeated isoprene units (Section 9.6). 

All three vitamin A derivatives have important biological functions. Retinoic acid is 
a signal compound that binds to receptor proteins inside cells; the ligand-receptor 

◄ Figure 7.30 

Formation of vitamin A from /2-carotene. 

Vitamin A 
(retinol form) 

CH 2 OH 

218 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 

Vitamin D 3 

▲ Figure 7.31 

Vitamin D 3 (cholecalciferol) and 1,25- 
dihydroxycholecalciferol. (Vitamin D 2 has an 
additional methyl group at C-24 and a trans 
double bond between C-22 and C-23.) 1,25- 
Dihydroxycholecalciferol is produced from 
vitamin D 3 by two separate hydroxylations. 

complexes then bind to chromosomes and can regulate gene expression during cell 
differentiation. The aldehyde retinal is a light-sensitive compound with an important 
role in vision. Retinal is the prosthetic group of the protein rhodopsin; absorption of a 
photon of light by retinal triggers a neural impulse. 

B. Vitamin D 

Vitamin D is the collective name for a group of related lipids. Vitamin D 3 (cholecalcif- 
erol) is formed nonenzymatically in the skin from the steroid 7-dehydrocholesterol 
when humans are exposed to sufficient sunlight. Vitamin D 2 , a compound related to 
vitamin D 3 (D 2 has an additional methyl group), is the additive in fortified milk. The 
active form of vitamin D 3 , 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, is formed from vitamin D 3 by 
two hydroxylation reactions (Figure 7.31 ); vitamin D 2 is similarly activated. The active 
compounds are hormones that help control Ca® utilization in humans — vitamin D 
regulates both intestinal absorption of calcium and its deposition in bones. In vitamin D- 
deficiency diseases, such as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, bones are 
weak because calcium phosphate does not properly crystallize on the collagen matrix of 
the bones. 

C. Vitamin E 

Vitamin E, or a- tocopherol (Figure 7.32), is one of several closely related tocopherols, 
compounds having a bicyclic oxygen-containing ring system with a hydrophobic side 
chain. The phenol group of vitamin E can undergo oxidation to a stable free radical. 
Vitamin E is believed to function as a reducing agent that scavenges oxygen and free 
radicals. This antioxidant action may prevent damage to fatty acids in biological 
membranes. A deficiency of vitamin E is rare but may lead to fragile red blood cells 
and neurological damage. The deficiency is almost always caused by genetic defects in 
absorption of fat molecules. There is currently no scientific evidence to support claims 
that vitamin E supplements in the diet of normal, healthy individuals will improve 

Phylloquinone (vitamin K) are impor- 
tant components of photosynthesis 
reaction centers in bacteria, algae, 
and plants. 

D. Vitamin K 

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) (Figure 7.32) is a lipid vitamin from plants that is required 
for the synthesis of some of the proteins involved in blood coagulation. It is a coenzyme 
for a mammalian carboxylase that catalyzes the conversion of specific glutamate 
residues to y-carboxyglutamate residues (Equation 7.7). The reduced (hydroquinone) 
form of vitamin K participates in the carboxylation as a reducing agent. Oxidized 
vitamin K has to be regenerated in order to support further modifications of clotting 
factors. This is accomplished by vitamin K reductase. 

Vitamin E 

Figure 7.32 ► 

Structures of vitamin E and vitamin K. 

7.15 Ubiquinone 219 

▲ Vitamin D and the evolution of skin color. Black skin protects cells from damage by sunlight but it may inhibit formation of vitamin D. This isn’t a 
problem in Nairobi, Kenya (left) but it might be in Stockholm, Sweden (right). One hypothesis for the evolution of skin color suggests that light- 
colored skin evolved in northern climates in order to increase vitamin D production. 

Glutamate residue 

y-Carboxyglutamate residue 

'WV |\| 


Vitamin K reductase 


When calcium binds to the y-carboxyglutamate residues of the coagulation pro- 
teins, the proteins adhere to platelet surfaces where many steps of the coagulation 
process take place. 

7.15 Ubiquinone 

Ubiquinone — also called coenzyme Q and therefore abbreviated a Q” — is a lipid-soluble 
coenzyme synthesized by almost all species. Ubiquinone is a benzoquinone with four sub- 
stituents, one of which is a long hydrophobic chain. This chain of 6 to 10 isoprenoid units 
allows ubiquinone to dissolve in lipid membranes. In the membrane, ubiquinone trans- 
ports electrons between enzyme complexes. Some bacteria use menaquinone instead of 
ubiquinone (Figure 7.33 a). An analog of ubiquinone, plastoquinone (Figure 7.33b), serves 
a similar function in photosynthetic electron transport in chloroplasts (Chapter 15). 

Ubiquinone is a stronger oxidizing agent than either NAD® or the flavin coen- 
zymes. Consequently, it can be reduced by NADH or FADH 2 . Like FMN and FAD, 
ubiquinone can accept or donate two electrons one at a time because it has three oxidation 
states: oxidized Q, a partially reduced semiquinone free radical, and fully reduced QH 2 , 
called ubiquinol (Figure 7.34 ). Coenzyme Q plays a major role in membrane-associated 
electron transport. It is responsible for moving protons from one side of the membrane 
to the other by a process known as the Q cycle. (Chapter 14). The resulting proton 
gradient contributes to ATP synthesis. 

220 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 


Warfarin is an effective rat poison that has been used for 
many decades. It’s a competitive inhibitor of vitamin K reduc- 
tase, the enzyme that regenerates the reduced form of vitamin 
K (Equation 7.7). Blocking the formation of blood clotting 
factors leads to death in the rodents by internal bleeding. Ro- 
dents are very sensitive to inhibition of vitamin K reductase. 

Later on it was discovered that low concentrations of 
warfarin were effective in individuals who suffer from excessive 
blood clotting. The drug was renamed (e.g., Coumadin®) for 
use in humans since its association with rat poison had a 
somewhat negative connotation. 

Vitamin K analogs are widely used as anticoagulants in 
patients who are prone to thrombosis where they can prevent 
strokes and other embolisms. Like all medications, the dosage 
must be carefully regulated and controlled in order to prevent 
adverse effects, but in this case the dosage is even more critical. 

Since the drugs only affect the synthesis of new clotting fac- 
tors, they often take several days to have an effect.This is why 
patients will often be started at low dosages of these analogs 
and the amount of drug will be increased slowly over the 
course of many months. 

▲ Warfarin. a A rat [Rattus norvegicus). 

Figure 7.33 ► 

Structures of (a) 
menaquinone and (b) plasto- 
quinone. The hydrophobic 
tail of each molecule is 
composed of 6 to 10 five- 
carbon isoprenoid units. 





H 3 C 




h H 1 

h 3 c 



(CH 2 -C = C-CH 2 ) 6 _ 10 H 

Figure 7.34 ► 

Three oxidation states of ubiquinone. 

Ubiquinone is reduced in two one-electron 
steps via a semiquinone free-radical inter- 
mediate. The reactive center of ubiquinone 
is shown in red. 

Ubiquinone (Q) 

CH 3 

H I 

_c = c-ch 2 ) 6 _ 10 


+ e 


- pO 

Semiquinone anion (*Q 0 ) 



(ch 2 — c = c — ch 2 ) 6 _ 10 h 

+ 2H 0 

+ e 0 

- 2 H 0 

Ubiquinol (QH 2 ) 

cn 3 


-C = C-CH 2 ) 6 _ 10 H 

7.17 Cytochromes 221 

Unlike FAD or FMN, ubiquinone and its derivatives cannot accept or donate a pair 
of electrons in a single step. 

7.16 Protein Coenzymes 

Some proteins act as coenzymes. They do not catalyze reactions by themselves but are 
required by certain other enzymes. These coenzymes are called either group transfer 
proteins or protein coenzymes. They contain a functional group either as part of their 
protein backbone or as a prosthetic group. Protein coenzymes are generally smaller 
and more heat-stable than most enzymes. They are called coenzymes because they par- 
ticipate in many different reactions and associate with a variety of different enzymes. 

Some protein coenzymes participate in group transfer reactions or in oxidation- 
reduction reactions in which the transferred group is hydrogen or an electron. Metal 
ions, iron-sulfur clusters, and heme groups are reactive centers commonly found in 
these protein coenzymes. (Cytochromes are an important class of protein coenzymes 
that contain heme prosthetic groups. See Section 7.17.) Several protein coenzymes have 
two reactive thiol side chains that cycle between their dithiol and disulfide forms. For 
example, thioredoxins have cysteines three residues apart ( — Cys — X — X — Cys — ). The 
thiol side chains of these cysteine residues undergo reversible oxidation to form the 
disulfide bond of a cystine unit. We will encounter thioredoxins as reducing agents 
when we examine the citric acid cycle (Chapter 13), photosynthesis (Chapter 15), and 
deoxyribonucleotide synthesis (Chapter 18). The disulfide reactive center of thiore- 
doxin is on the surface of the protein where it is accessible to the active sites of appro- 
priate enzymes (Figure 7.35 ). 

Ferredoxin is another common oxidation-reduction coenzyme. It contains two 
iron-sulfur clusters that can accept or donate electrons (Figure 7.36 ). 

Some other protein coenzymes contain firmly bound coenzymes or portions of 
coenzymes. In Escherichia coli , a carboxyl carrier protein containing covalently bound 
biotin is one of three protein components of acetyl CoA carboxylase that catalyzes the 
first committed step of fatty acid synthesis. (In animal acetyl CoA carboxylases, the 
three protein components are fused into one protein chain.) ACP, introduced in Section 7.6, 
contains a phosphopantetheine moiety as its reactive center. The reactions of ACP 
therefore resemble those of coenzyme A. ACP is a component of all fatty acid synthases 
that have been tested. A protein coenzyme necessary for the degradation of glycine in 
mammals, plants, and bacteria (Chapter 17) contains a molecule of covalently bound 
lipoamide as a prosthetic group. 

7.17 Cytochromes 

Cytochromes are heme-containing protein coenzymes whose Fe(III) atoms undergo 
reversible one-electron reduction. Some structures of cytochromes were shown 
in Figures 4.21 and 4.24b. Cytochromes are classified as a, b , and c on the basis of 
their visible absorption spectra. The absorption spectra of reduced and oxidized 
cytochrome c are shown in Figure 7.37. Although the most strongly absorbing band is 
the Soret (or y) band, the band labeled a is used to characterize cytochromes as either 
a, b , or c. Cytochromes in the same class may have slightly different spectra; therefore, 
a subscript number denoting the peak wavelength of the a absorption band of the 
reduced cytochrome often differentiates the cytochromes of a given class (e.g., 
cytochrome fr 56 o). Wavelengths of maximum absorption for reduced cytochromes are 
given in Table 7.3. 

Figure 7.37 ► 

Comparison of the absorption spectra of oxidized (red) and reduced (blue) horse cytochrome c. The re- 
duced cytochrome has three absorbance peaks, designated a, ft, and y On oxidation, the Soret (or y) 
band decreases in intensity and shifts to a slightly shorter wavelength, whereas the a and p peaks 
disappear, leaving a single broad band of absorbance. 

The strength of coenzyme oxidizing 
agents (standard reduction potential) 
is described in Section 10.9. 

▲ Figure 7.35 

Oxidized thioredoxin. Note that the cystine 
group is on the exposed surface of the pro- 
tein. The sulfur atoms are shown in yellow. 
See Figure 4.24m for another view of thiore- 
doxin. [PDB 1ERU]. 

▲ Figure 7.36 

Ferredoxin. This ferredoxin from Pseudomonas 
aeruginosa contains two [4 Fe-4 S] iron- 
sulfur clusters that can be oxidized and re- 
duced. Ferredoxin is a common cosubstrate 
in many oxidation-reduction reactions. 

[PDB 2FG0] 


Soret band (or y) 

220 300 400 500 600 

Wavelength (nm) 


CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 

Table 7.3 Absorption maxima (in nm) of major spectral bands in the visible 
absorption spectra of the reduced cytochromes 

Absorption band 

Heme protein 




Cytochrome c 




Cytochrome b 




Cytochrome a 




The classes have slightly different heme prosthetic groups (Figure 7.38 ). The heme 
of fr-type cytochromes is the same as that of hemoglobin and myoglobin (Figure 4.44). 
The heme of cytochrome a has a 17-carbon hydrophobic chain at C-2 of the porphyrin 
ring and a formyl group at C-8, whereas the fr-type heme has a vinyl group attached to 
C-2 and a methyl group at C-8. In c-type cytochromes, the heme is covalently attached 
to the apoprotein by two thioether linkages formed by addition of the thiol groups of 
two cysteine residues to vinyl groups of the heme. 

The tendency to transfer an electron to another substance, measured as a reduction 
potential, varies among individual cytochromes. The differences arise from the different 
environment each apoprotein provides for its heme prosthetic group. The reduction 
potentials of iron-sulfur clusters also vary widely depending on the chemical and physi- 
cal environment provided by the apoprotein. The range of reduction potentials among 
prosthetic groups is an important feature of membrane- associated electron transport 
pathways (Chapter 14) and photosynthesis (Chapter 15). 

CH 3 

Figure 7.38 ► l_l | 

Heme groups of (a) cytochrome a, (a) CH 2 — (CH 2 — C = C — CH 2 ) 3 — H 

(b) cytochrome b, and (c) cytochrome c. 

Summary 223 


The discovery of vitamins in the first part of the 20th century 
stimulated an enormous amount of biochemistry research. 
What were these mysterious chemicals that seemed essential 
for life? Why were they essential? 

We now take vitamins and coenzymes for granted but 
that doesn’t do justice to the workers who discovered their 
role in metabolism. Here’s a list of the scientists who received 
Nobel Prizes for their work on vitamins and coenzymes. 

Chemistry 1928: Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus “for the serv- 
ices rendered through his research into the constitution of the 
sterols and their connection with the vitamins.” 

Physiology or Medicine 1929: Christiaan Eijkman “for his 
discovery of the antineuritic vitamin.” Sir Frederick Gow- 
land Hopkins “for his discovery of the growth-stimulating 

Chemistry 1937: Paul Karrer “for his investigations on 
carotenoids, flavins and vitamins A and B 2 .” Walter Norman 
Haworth “for his investigations on carbohydrates and vita- 
min C.” 

Physiology or Medicine 1937: Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi 
Nagyrapolt “for his discoveries in connection with the bio- 
logical combustion processes, with special reference to vita- 
min C and the catalysis of fumaric acid.” 

Chemistry 1938: Richard Kuhn “for his work on carotenoids 
and vitamins.” 

Physiology or Medicine 1943: Henrik Carl Peter Dam “for 
his discovery of vitamin K.” Edward Adelbert Doisy “for his 
discovery of the chemical nature of vitamin K.” 

Physiology or Medicine 1953: Fritz Albert Lipmann “for his 
discovery of co-enzyme A and its importance for intermedi- 
ary metabolism.” 

Chemistry 1964: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin “for her deter- 
minations by X-ray techniques of the structures of important 
biochemical substances.” 

Chemistry 1970: Luis F. Leloir “for his discovery of sugar nu- 
cleotides and their role in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates.” 

Chemistry 1997: Paul D. Boyer and John E. Walker “for their 
elucidation of the enzymatic mechanism underlying the syn- 
thesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).” 

▲ Nobel Medals. Chemistry (left), Physiology or Medicine (right). 


1. Many enzyme- catalyzed reactions require cofactors. Cofactors in- 
clude essential inorganic ions and group-transfer reagents called 
coenzymes. Coenzymes can either function as cosubstrates or re- 
main bound to enzymes as prosthetic groups. 

2. Inorganic ions, such as K®, Mg®, Ca®, Zn®, and Fe®, may 
participate in substrate binding or in catalysis. 

3. Some coenzymes are synthesized from common metabolites; oth- 
ers are derived from vitamins. Vitamins are organic compounds 
that must be supplied in small amounts in the diets of humans 
and other animals. 

4. The pyridine nucleotides, NAD© and NADP©, are coenzymes 
for dehydrogenases. Transfer of a hydride ion (H®) from a spe- 
cific substrate reduces NAD© or NADP© to NADH or NADPH, 
respectively, and releases a proton. 

5. The coenzyme forms of riboflavin — FAD and FMN — are tightly 
bound as prosthetic groups. FAD and FMN are reduced by 
hydride (two-electron) transfers to form FADH 2 and FMNH 2 , re- 
spectively. The reduced flavin coenzymes donate electrons one or 
two at a time. 

6. Coenzyme A, a derivative of pantothenate, participates in acyl- 
group-transfer reactions. Acyl carrier protein is required in the 
synthesis of fatty acids. 

7. The coenzyme form of thiamine is thiamine diphosphate (TDP), 
whose thiazolium ring binds the aldehyde generated on decar- 
boxylation of an a-keto acid substrate. 

8. Pyridoxal 5 '-phosphate is a prosthetic group for many enzymes 
in amino acid metabolism. The aldehyde group at C-4 of PLP 
forms a Schiff base with an amino acid substrate, through which 
it stabilizes a carbanion intermediate. 

9. Vitamin C is a vitamin but not a coenzyme. It’s a substrate in 
several reactions including those required in the synthesis of 
collagen. Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy. Primates need an 
external source of vitamin C because they have lost one of the 
key enzymes required for its synthesis. The gene for this enzyme 
is a pseudogene in certain primate genomes. 

10. Biotin, a prosthetic group for several carboxylases and carboxyl- 
transferases, is covalently linked to a lysine residue at the enzyme 
active site. 

11. Tetrahydrofolate is a reduced derivative of folate and participates 
in the transfer of one-carbon units at the oxidation levels of 
methanol, formaldehyde, and formic acid. Tetrahydrobiopterin is 
a reducing agent in some hydroxylation reactions. 

12. The coenzyme forms of cobalamin — adenosylcobalamin and 
methylcobalamin — contain cobalt and a corrin ring system. 
These coenzymes participate in a few intramolecular rearrange- 
ments and methylation reactions. 

13. Lipoamide, a prosthetic group for a-keto acid dehydrogenase 
multienzyme complexes, accepts an acyl group, forming a thioester. 

14. The four fat-soluble, or lipid, vitamins are A, D, E, and K. These 
vitamins have diverse functions. 

224 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 

15. Ubiquinone is a lipid- soluble electron carrier that transfers elec- 
trons one or two at a time. 

16. Some proteins, such as acyl carrier protein and thioredoxin, act as 
coenzymes in group-transfer reactions or in oxidation-reduction 
reactions in which the transferred group is hydrogen or an electron. 


1. For each of the following enzyme-catalyzed reactions, determine 
the type of reaction and the coenzyme that is likely to participate. 


(a) CH 3 — CH— COO© » CH 3 — C— COO© 

17. Cytochromes are small, heme- containing protein coenzymes that 
participate in electron transport. They are differentiated by their 
absorption spectra. 

O O 

ii n ii 

(b) ch 3 — ch 2 — c— coo© » ch 3 — ch 2 — C — H + co 2 

o o 

11 n n 11 

(c) CH 3 — C— S-CoA + HC0 3 © + ATP > ©OOC — CH 2 — C — S-CoA + ADP + P, 

CH 3 O O 

(d) ©OOC— CH — C— S-CoA > ©OOC— CH 2 — CH 2 — C —S-CoA 



(e) CH 3 — CH— TPP + HS-CoA » CH 3 — C — S-CoA + TPP 

2. List the coenzymes that 

(a) participate as oxidation-reduction reagents. 

(b) act as acyl carriers. 

(c) transfer methyl groups. 

(d) transfer groups to and from amino acids. 

(e) are involved in carboxylation or decarboxylation reactions. 

3. In the oxidation of lactate to pyruvate by lactate dehydrogenase 
(LDH), NAD® is reduced in a two-electron transfer process from 
lactate. Since two protons are removed from lactate as well, is it cor- 
rect to write the reduced form of the coenzyme as NADH 2 ? Explain. 




h 3 c— c— coo© 

h 3 c— c— coo© 




4. Succinate dehydrogenase requires FAD to catalyze the oxidation 
of succinate to fumarate in the citric acid cycle. Draw the isoalloxazine 
ring system of the cofactor resulting from the oxidation of succi- 
nate to fumarate and indicate which hydrogens in FADH 2 are 
lacking in FAD. 

©ooc— ch 2 — ch 2 — coo© 



©OOC — CH = CH — COO© 

5. What is the common structural feature of NAD®, FAD, and 
coenzyme A? 

6. Certain nucleophiles can add to C-4 of the nicotinamide ring of 
NAD®, in a manner similar to the addition of a hydride in the re- 
duction of NAD® to NADH. Isoniazid is the most widely used 
drug for the treatment of tuberculosis. X-ray studies have shown 
that isoniazid inhibits a crucial enzyme in the tuberculosis bac- 
terium where a covalent adduct is formed between the carbonyl 
of isoniazid and the 4' position of the nicotinamide ring of a 
bound NAD® molecule. Draw the structure of this NAD-isoni- 
azid inhibitory adduct. 




7. A vitamin B 6 deficiency in humans can result in irritability, 
nervousness, depression, and sometimes convulsions. These 
symptoms may result from decreased levels of the neurotrans- 
mitters serotonin and norepinephrine, which are metabolic de- 
rivatives of tryptophan and tyrosine, respectively. How could a 
deficiency of vitamin B 6 result in decreased levels of serotonin 
and norepinephrine? 

Problems 225 



8. Macrocytic anemia is a disease in which red blood cells mature 
slowly due to a decreased rate of DNA synthesis. The red blood cells 
are abnormally large (macrocytic) and are more easily ruptured. 
How could the anemia be caused by a deficiency of folic acid? 

9 . A patient suffering from methylmalonic aciduria (high levels of 
methylmalonic acid) has high levels of homocysteine and low 
levels of methionine in the blood and tissues. Folic acid levels are 

(a) What vitamin is likely to be deficient? 

(b) How could the deficiency produce the symptoms listed above? 

(c) Why is this vitamin deficiency more likely to occur in a per- 
son who follows a strict vegetarian diet? 

10 . Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) from yeast is a metalloenzyme 
that catalyzes the NAD® -dependent oxidation of ethanol to ac- 
etaldehyde. The mechanism of yeast ADH is similar to that of 
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (Figure 7.9) except that the zinc 
ion of ADH occupies the place of His- 195 in LDH. 

(a) Draw a mechanism for the oxidation of ethanol to acetalde- 
hyde by yeast ADH. 

(b) Does ADH require a residue analogous to Arg-171 in LDH? 

11. In biotin- dependent transcarboxylase reactions, an enzyme trans- 
fers a carboxyl group between substrates in a two-step process 
without the need for ATP or bicarbonate. The reaction catalyzed 
by the enzyme methylmalonyl CoA- pyruvate transcarboxylase is 
shown below. Draw the structures of the products expected from 
the first step of the reaction. 

ch 3 o o 

o 1 11 11 

©OOC— CH— C— S-CoA + CH 3 — C— COO© 

Methylmalonyl CoA Pyruvate 


CH 3 — CH 2 — C— S-CoA 
Propionyl CoA 

©OOC— ch 2 — c — coo© 

12 . (a) Histamine is produced from histidine by the action of a de- 
carboxylase. Draw the external aldimine produced by the re- 
action of histidine and pyridoxal phosphate at the active site 
of histidine decarboxylase. 

(b) Since racemization of amino acids by PLP-dependent en- 
zymes proceeds via Schiff base formation, would racemiza- 
tion of L-histidine to D-histidine occur during the histidine 
decarboxylase reaction? 

13 . (a) Thiamine pyrophosphate is a coenzyme for oxidative decar- 
boxylation reactions in which the keto carbonyl carbon is ox- 
idized to an acid or an acid derivative. Oxidation occurs by 
removal of two electrons from a resonance- stabilized carban- 
ion intermediate. What is the mechanism for the reaction 
pyruvate + HS-CoA —> acetyl CoA + C0 2 , beginning from 
the resonance-stabilized carbanion intermediate formed after 
decarboxylation (Figure 7.15) (such as a thioester in the case 

(b) Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is an enzyme complex that 
catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl 
CoA and C0 2 in a multistep reaction. The oxidation and 
acetyl-group transfer steps require TDP and lipoic acid in 
addition to other coenzymes. Draw the chemical structures 
for the molecules in the following two steps in the PDH 

HETDP + lipoamide » acetyl-TDP + dihydrolipoamide » 

TDP + acetyl-dihydrolipoamide 

(c) In a transketolase enzyme TDP-dependent reaction, the 
resonance-stabilized carbanion intermediate shown adjacent 
is generated as an intermediate. This intermediate is then in- 
volved in a condensation reaction (resulting in C — C bond 
formation) with the aldehyde group of erythrose 4-phos- 
phate (E4P) to form fructose 6-phosphate (F6P). Starting 
from the carbanion intermediate, show a mechanism for this 
transketolase reaction. (Fischer projections of carbohydrate 
structures are sometimes drawn as shown here.) 


H— C— OH 




H— C— OH 

hoch 2 — c — oh 


ch 2 opo 3 © 

Intermediate Erythrose 


CH 2 OH 
C = 0 


HO— C — H 


H— C— OH 


H— C— OH 

CH 2 0P0 3 © 



226 CHAPTER 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 

Selected Readings 

Metal Ions 

Berg, J. M. (1987). Metal ions in proteins: struc- 
tural and functional roles. Cold Spring Harbor 
Symp. Quant. Biol 52:579-585. 

Rees, D. C. (2002). Great metalloclusters in enzy- 
mology. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 71: 221-246. 

Specific Cofactors 

Banerjee, R., and Ragsdale, S.W. (2003). The many 
faces of vitamin B 12 : catalysis by cobalmin- 
dependent enzymes. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Bellamacina, C. R. (1996). The nicotinamide 
dinucleotide binding motif: a comparison of 
nucleotide binding proteins. FASEB J. 

Blakley, R. L., and Benkovic, S. J., eds. (1985). 
Folates and Pterins, Vol. 1 andVol. 2. (New York: 
John Wiley 8c Sons). 

Chiang, R K., Gordon, R. K., Tal, J., Zeng, G. C., 
Doctor, B. P., Pardhasaradhi, K., and McCann, 

P. P. (1996). S-Adenosylmethionine and methylation. 
FASEB J. 10:471-480. 

Coleman, J. E. (1992). Zinc proteins: enzymes, stor- 
age proteins, transcription factors, and replication 
proteins. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 61:897-946. 

Ghisla, S., and Massey, V. (1989). Mechanisms of 
flavoprotein-catalyzed reactions. Eur. J. Biochem. 

Hayashi, H., Wada, H., Yoshimura, T., Esaki, N., 
and Soda, K. (1990). Recent topics in pyridoxal 
5 '-phosphate enzyme studies. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Jordan, F. (1999). Interplay of organic and biologi- 
cal chemistry in understanding coenzyme mecha- 
nisms: example of thiamin diphosphate-dependent 
decarboxylations of 2-oxo acids. FEBS Lett. 

Jordan, F., Li, EL, and Brown, A. (1999). Remark- 
able stabilization of zwitterionic intermediates 
may account for a billion-fold rate acceleration by 
thiamin diphosphate- dependent decarboxylases. 
Biochem. 38:6369-6373. 

Jurgenson, C. T., Begley, T. P. and Ealick, S. E. 
(2009). The structural and biochemical founda- 
tions of thiamin biosynthesis. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 

Knowles, J. R. (1989). The mechanism of biotin- 
dependent enzymes .Annu. Rev. Biochem. 58:195-221. 

Ludwig, M. L., and Matthews, R. G. (1997). 
Structure-based perspectives on B 12 -dependent 
enzymes .Annu. Rev. Biochem. 66:269-313. 

Palfey, B. A., Moran, G. R., Entsch, B., Ballou, D. P., 
and Massey, V. (1999). Substrate recognition by 
“password” in p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase. 
Biochem. 38:1153-1158. 

NAD-Binding Motifs 

Bellamacina, C. R. (1996). The nictotinamide 
d inucleotide binding motif: a comparison of nu- 
cleotide binding proteins. FASEB /. 10:1257-1269. 

Rossman, M. G., Liljas, A., Branden, C.-L, and 
Banaszak, L. J. (1975). Evolutionary and structural 
relationships among dehydrogenases. In The Enzymes. 
Vol. 11, Part A, 3rd ed., P. D., Boyer, ed. (New York: 
Academic Press), pp. 61-102. 

Wilks, H. M., Hart, K. W., Feeney, R., Dunn, C. R., 
Muirhead, H., Chia, W. N., Barstow, D. A., Atkin- 
son, T., Clarke, A. R., and Holbrook, J. J. (1988). 

A specific, highly active malate dehydrogenase by 
redesign of a lactate dehydrogenase framework. 
Science 242:1541-1544. 









o c 










_ o 

° o o o 

° o 


o o 


° c 



o o 


C arbohydrates (also called saccharides) are — on the basis of mass — the most 
abundant class of biological molecules on Earth. Although all organisms can 
synthesize carbohydrate, much of it is produced by photosynthetic organ- 
isms, including bacteria, algae, and plants. These organisms convert solar energy to 
chemical energy that is then used to make carbohydrate from carbon dioxide. Carbo- 
hydrates play several crucial roles in living organisms. In animals and plants, carbohy- 
drate polymers act as energy storage molecules. Animals can ingest carbohydrates 
that can then be oxidized to yield energy for metabolic processes. Polymeric carbohy- 
drates are also found in cell walls and in the protective coatings of many organisms. 
Other carbohydrate polymers are marker molecules that allow one type of cell to rec- 
ognize and interact with another type. Carbohydrate derivatives are found in a num- 
ber of biological molecules, including some coenzymes (Chapter 7) and the nucleic 
acids (Chapter 19). 

The name carbohydrate , “hydrate of carbon,” refers to their empirical formula 
(CH 2 0) n , where n is 3 or greater ( n is usually 5 or 6 but can be up to 9). Carbohydrates 
can be described by the number of monomeric units they contain. Monosaccharides are 
the smallest units of carbohydrate structure. Oligosaccharides are polymers of two to 
about 20 monosaccharide residues. The most common oligosaccharides are disaccha- 
rides, which consist of two linked monosaccharide residues. Polysaccharides are 
polymers that contain many (usually more than 20) monosaccharide residues. 
Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides do not have the empirical formula (CH 2 0) n be- 
cause water is eliminated during polymer formation. The term glycan is a more general 
term for carbohydrate polymers. It can refer to a polymer of identical sugars (homoglycan) 
or of different sugars (heteroglycan). 

Glycoconjugates are carbohydrate derivatives in which one or more carbohydrate 
chains are linked covalently to a peptide, protein, or lipid. These derivatives include pro- 
teoglycans, peptidoglycans, glycoproteins, and glycolipids. 

In this chapter, we discuss nomenclature, structure, and function of monosaccha- 
rides, disaccharides, and the major homoglycans — starch, glycogen, cellulose, and 

Molecular biology has dealt largely 
on the triad of DNA , RNA and pro- 
tein. Biochemistry is concerned with 
all the molecules of the cell. Excluded 
from the province of molecular biol- 
ogy have been most of the structures 
and functions essential for growth 
and maintenance: carbohydrates , 
coenzymes ; lipids , and membranes. 

— Arthur Korn berg 
"For the love of enzymes: the 
odyssey of a biochemist" (1 989) 

Photosynthesis is described in detail in 
Chapter 15. 

Top: Darkling beetle. The exoskeletons of insects contain chitin, a homoglycan. 


228 CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 


A Fischer projection is a convention 
designed to convey information about the 
stereochemistry of a molecule. It does not 
resemble the actual conformation of the 
molecule in solution. 






H — C — OH 



For each chiral carbon atom in a 
Fischer projection the vertical bonds 
project into the plane of the page and 
the horizontal bonds project upward 
toward the viewer. 

Mirror plane 

L-Glyceraldehyde D-Glyceraldehyde 
▲ Figure 8.2 

View of L-glyceraldehyde (left) and o-glycer- 
aldehyde (right). These molecules are drawn 
in a conformation that corresponds to the 
Fischer projections in Figure 8.1. 

chitin. We then consider proteoglycans, peptidoglycans, and glycoproteins, all of which 
contain heteroglycan chains. 

8.1 Most Monosaccharides Are Chiral Compounds 

Monosaccharides are water-soluble, white, crystalline solids that have a sweet taste. Ex- 
amples include glucose and fructose. Chemically, monosaccharides are polyhydroxy 
aldehydes, or aldoses, or polyhydroxy ketones, or ketoses. They are classified by their 
type of carbonyl group and their number of carbon atoms. As a rule, the suffix -ose is 
used in naming carbohydrates, although there are a number of exceptions. All mono- 
saccharides contain at least three carbon atoms. One of these is the carbonyl carbon, 
and each of the remaining carbon atoms bears a hydroxyl group. In aldoses, the most 
oxidized carbon atom is designated C-l and is drawn at the top of a Fischer projection. 
In ketoses, the most oxidized carbon atom is usually C-2. 

We’ve encountered Fischer projections before but now it’s time to present the con- 
vention in more detail. A Fischer projection is a two-dimensional representation of a 
three-dimensional molecule. It is designed to preserve information about the stereo- 
chemistry of a molecule. In a Fischer projection of sugars, the C-l atom is always at 
the top of the figure. For each separate chiral carbon atom, the two horizontal bonds 
project upward from the page toward you. The two vertical bonds project downward 
into the page. Remember, this applies to each chiral carbon atom, so in a carbohydrate 
with multiple carbon atoms the Fischer projection represents a molecule that curls back 
into the page. For longer molecules, the top and bottom groups may even come in vir- 
tual contact, forming a loop. The Fischer projection is a convention for preserving 
stereochemical information; it does not represent a realistic model of how a molecule 
might look in solution. 

The smallest monosaccharides are trioses, or three-carbon sugars. One- or two-carbon 
compounds having the general formula (CH 2 0)„ do not have properties typical of car- 
bohydrates (such as sweet taste and the ability to crystallize). The aldehydic triose, or 
aldotriose, is glyceraldehyde (Figure 8.1a). Glyceraldehyde is chiral because its central 
carbon, C-2, has four different groups attached to it, (Section 3.1). The ketonic triose, or 
ketotriose, is dihydroxyacetone (Figure 8.1b). It is achiral because it has no asymmetric 
carbon atom. All other monosaccharides, longer- chain versions of these two sugars, are 

The stereoisomers d- and L-glyceraldehyde are shown as ball-and-stick models in 
Figure 8.2. Chiral molecules are optically active; that is, they rotate the plane of polar- 
ized light. The convention for designating D and L isomers was originally based on the 
optical properties of glyceraldehyde. The form of glyceraldehyde that caused rotation to 
the right (dextrorotatory) was designated d and the form that caused rotation to the left 
(levorotatory) was designated l. Structural knowledge was limited when this conven- 
tion was established in the late 19th century so the configurations for the enantiomers 
of glyceraldehyde were assigned arbitrarily, with a 50% probability of error. X-ray 
crystallographic experiments later proved that the original structural assignments were 

H /O 

\ f 

H /O 

\ S 




CH 2 OH 


HO — C — H 

H — C — OH 



CH 2 OH 

CH 2 OH 

ch 2 oh 




▲ Figure 8.1 

Fischer projections of (a) glyceraldehyde and (b) dihydroxyacetone. The designations l (for left) and d 
(for right) for glyceraldehyde refer to the configuration of the hydroxyl group of the chiral carbon 
(C-2). Dihydroxyacetone is achiral. 

8.1 Most Monosaccharides Are Chiral Compounds 229 


H — C — OH 

3 CH 2 OH 


H — C — OH 


H — C — OH 


4 ch 2 oh 



H s 

HO— C — H 


H — C — OH 


ch 2 oh 



H ",c 

H ^° 


H ^° 


H “l 

— OH 


HO — c — H 

H — C — OH 

HO — C — H 


— OH 

H — C — OH 

HO — C — H 

HO — C — H 


H — C 

4 i 

— OH 

H — C — OH 

H — C — OH 

H — C — OH 

5 ch 2 oh 

CH 2 OH 

CH 2 OH 

CH 2 OH 











i i i i 


i i 





H ^° 

H ^° 

H ^° 




— u- 



HO— C — H 

1 1 

h— c— oh ho— c — h 

i i 

H — C— OH HO— C — H 


H — C— OH HO— C— H 

H — C— OH 

3 | 

H — C— OH 

HO— c — H HO— c— H 

H — C— OH H — C— OH 

HO— C — H 

H — C— OH 

4 | 

H — C— OH 

H — C— OH H — C— OH 

HO— C— H HO— C— H 

HO— C— H 

H — C— OH 

5 | 

H — C— OH 

H — C— OH H — C— OH 

H — C— OH H — C— OH 

H — C— OH 

ch 2 oh 

ch 2 oh 

ch 2 oh ch 2 oh 

ch 2 oh ch 2 oh 

CH 2 OH 



D-Glucose D-Mannose 

D-Gulose D-ldose 

D-Galactose D-Talose 

▲ Figure 8.3 

Fischer projections of the three- to six-carbon D-aldoses. The aldoses shown in blue are the most important in our study of biochemistry. 

Longer aldoses and ketoses can be regarded as extensions of glyceraldehyde and di- 
hydroxyacetone, respectively, with chiral H — C — OH groups inserted between the car- 
bonyl carbon and the primary alcohol group. Figure 8.3 shows the complete list of the 
names and structures of the tetroses (four-carbon aldoses), pentoses (five-carbon al- 
doses), and hexoses (six-carbon aldoses) related to D- glyceraldehyde. Many of these 
monosaccharides are not synthesized by most organisms and we will not encounter 
them again in this book. 

Note that the carbon atoms are numbered from the carbon of the aldehyde group 
that is assigned the number 1. By convention, sugars are said to have the D configuration 
when the configuration of the chiral carbon with the highest number — the chiral carbon 
most distant from the carbonyl carbon — is the same as that of C-2 of D- glyceraldehyde 

230 CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 

Figure 8.4 ► 

l- and o-glucose. Fischer projections (left) 
showing that l- and D-glucose are mirror 
images. Conformation of the extended form 
of D-glucose in solution. 

(i.e., the — OH group attached to this carbon atom is on the right side in a Fischer pro- 
jection). The arrangement of asymmetric carbon atoms is unique for each monosac- 
charide, giving each its distinctive properties. Except for glyceraldehyde (which was 
used as the standard), there is no predictable association between the absolute configu- 
ration of a sugar and whether it is dextrorotatory or levorotatory. 

It is mostly the D enantiomers that are synthesized in living cells — just as the 
L enantiomers of amino acids are more common. The L enantiomers of the 15 aldoses in 
Figure 8.3 are not shown. Recall that pairs of enantiomers are mirror images; in other 
words, the configuration at each chiral carbon is opposite. For example, the hydroxyl 
groups bound to carbon atoms 2, 3, 4, and 5 of D-glucose point right, left, right, and 
right, respectively, in the Fischer projection; those of L- glucose point left, right, left, and 
left (Figure 8.4). 

The three-carbon aldose, glyceraldehyde, has only a single chiral atom (C-2) and 
therefore only two stereoisomers. There are four stereoisomers for aldotetroses (d- and 
L-erythrose and D- and L-threose) because erythrose and threose each possess two chiral 
carbon atoms. In general, there are 2 n possible stereoisomers for a compound with n 
chiral carbons. Aldohexoses, which possess four chiral carbons, have a total of 2 4 , or 16, 
stereoisomers (the eight D aldohexoses in Figure 8.3 and their L enantiomers). 

Sugar molecules that differ in configuration at only one of several chiral centers are 
called epimers. For example, D-mannose and D-galactose are epimers of D-glucose (at C-2 
and C-4, respectively), although they are not epimers of each other (Figure 8.3). 

Longer- chain ketoses (Figure 8.5) are related to dihydroxyacetone in the same way 
that longer-chain aldoses are related to glyceraldehyde. Note that a ketose has one fewer 
chiral carbon atom than the aldose of the same empirical formula. For example, there 
are only two stereoisomers for the one ketotetrose (d- and L-erythrulose), and four 
stereoisomers for ketopentoses (d- and L-xylulose and d- and L-ribulose). Ketotetrose 
and ketopentoses are named by inserting -ul- in the name of the corresponding aldose. 
For example, the ketose xylulose corresponds to the aldose xylose. This nomenclature 
does not apply to the ketohexoses (tagatose, sorbose, psicose, and fructose) because they 
have traditional (trivial) names. 



H /O 

H ,0 

\ f 

\ s 









H— 2 C— OH 





- u- 




- u- 






- u- 



H— 4 C— OH 














CH 2 OH 

6 ch 2 oh 








8.2 Cyclization of Aldoses and Ketoses 

The optical behavior of some monosaccharides suggests they have one more chiral 
carbon atom than is evident from the structures shown in Figures 8.3 and 8.5. 
D-Glucose, for example, exists in two forms that contain five (not four) asymmetric carbons. 
The source of this additional asymmetry is an intramolecular cyclization reaction that 
produces a new chiral center at the carbon atom of the carbonyl group. This cyclization 
resembles the reaction of an alcohol with an aldehyde to form a hemiacetal or with a 
ketone to form a hemiketal (Figure 8.7). 

The carbonyl carbon of an aldose containing at least five carbon atoms or of a ke- 
tose containing at least six carbon atoms can react with an intramolecular hydroxyl 

8.2 Cyclization of Aldoses and Ketoses 231 


CH 2 OH 
C =0 


ch 2 oh 


Ketotetrose CH 2 OH 


C = 0 

H — C — OH 


ch 2 oh 



CH 2 OH 




H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 


ch 2 oh 


CH 2 OH 


HO — C — H 

CH 2 OH 








* * 

£ * 

▲ Who am I? The structures of the d sugars 
are shown in Figures 8.3 and 8.5. You can 
deduce the structures of the l configurations. 
Knowing the convention for Fischer projec- 
tions, you should have no trouble identifying 
these molecules. 

ch 2 oh 




H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 


ch 2 oh 


CH 2 OH 



HO — C — H 


H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 


ch 2 oh 


CH 2 OH 



HO — C — H 


HO — C — H 


H — C— OH 


ch 2 oh 


CH 2 OH 


HO — C — H 

H — C— OH 


ch 2 oh 


◄ Figure 8.5 

Fischer projections of the three- to six-carbon 
o-ketoses. The ketoses shown in blue are the 
most important in our study of biochemistry. 

group to form a cyclic hemiacetal or cyclic hemiketal, respectively. The oxygen atom 
from the reacting hydroxyl group becomes a member of the five- or six-membered ring 
structures (Figure 8.8). 

Because it resembles the six-membered heterocyclic compound pyran (Figure 8.6a), 
the six-membered ring of a monosaccharide is called a pyranose. Similarly, because the 
five-membered ring of a monosaccharide resembles furan (Figure 8.6b), it is called a 
furanose. Note that, unlike pyran and furan, the rings of carbohydrates do not contain 
double bonds. 

The most oxidized carbon of a cyclized monosaccharide, the one attached to two 
oxygen atoms, is referred to as the anomeric carbon. In ring structures, the anomeric car- 
bon is chiral. Thus, the cyclized aldose or ketose can adopt either of two configurations 
(designated a or /J), as illustrated for D-glucose in Figure 8.8. The a and (3 isomers are 
called anomers. 

In solution, aldoses and ketoses that form ring structures equilibrate among their vari- 
ous cyclic and open-chain forms. At 31°C, for example, D-glucose exists in an equilibrium 

▲ Figure 8.6 

(a) Pyran and (b) furan. 


CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 

(a) |_j© 

y O Aldehyde 







R— C — H 

H © 







▲ Figure 8.7 

Hemiacetal and hemiketal. (a) Reaction of an 
alcohol with an aldehyde to form a hemi- 
acetal. (b) Reaction of an alcohol with a 
ketone to form a hemiketal. The asterisks 
indicate the newly formed chiral centers. 

mixture of approximately 64% /J- D - glucopyr anose and 36% a-D-glucopyranose, with very 
small amounts of the furanose (Figure 8.9 ) and open-chain (Figure 8.4) forms. Similarly, 
D-ribose exists as a mixture of approximately 58.5% /3-D-ribopyranose, 21.5% a-D-ribopy- 
ranose, 13.5% /3-D-ribofuranose, and 6.5% a-D-ribofuranose, with a tiny fraction in the 
open-chain form (Figure 8.10). The relative abundance of the various forms of monosac- 
charides at equilibrium reflects the relative stabilities of each form. Although unsubstituted 
D-ribose is most stable as the /3- pyranose, its structure in nucleotides (Section 8.5c) is the 
( 3 - furanose form. 

The ring drawings shown in these figures are called Haworth projections, after 
Norman Haworth who worked on the cyclization reactions of carbohydrates and first 

Figure 8.8 ► 

Cyclization of o-glucose to form glucopyranose. 

The Fischer projection (top left) is rearranged 
into a three-dimensional representation 
(top right). Rotation of the bond between C-4 
and C-5 brings the C-5 hydroxyl group close 
to the C-l aldehyde group. Reaction of the 
C-5 hydroxyl group with one side of C-l gives 
a-D-glucopyranose; reaction of the hydroxyl 
group with the other side gives /kD-glucopy- 
ranose. The glucopyranose products are shown 
as Haworth projections in which the lower 
edges of the ring (thick lines) project in front 
of the plane of the paper and the upper 
edges project behind the plane of the paper. 
In the a-D-anomer of glucose, the hydroxyl 
group at C-l points down; in the /TD-anomer, 
it points up. 


(Fischer projection) 




(Haworth projection) 


(Haworth projection) 

8.2 Cyclization of Aldoses and Ketoses 233 

proposed these representations. He received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1937 for 
his work on carbohydrate structure and the synthesis of vitamin C. 

A Haworth projection adequately indicates stereochemistry and can be easily re- 
lated to a Fischer projection: groups on the right in a Fischer projection point downwards 
in a Haworth projection. Because rotation around carbon-carbon bonds is constrained 
in the ring structure, the Haworth projection is a much more faithful representation of 
the actual conformation of sugars. 

By convention, a cyclic monosaccharide is drawn so the anomeric carbon is on the 
right and the other carbons are numbered in a clockwise direction. In a Haworth pro- 
jection, the configuration of the anomeric carbon atom is designated a if its hydroxyl 
group is cis to (on the same side of the ring as) the oxygen atom of the highest-numbered 
chiral carbon atom. It is /3 if its hydroxyl group is trans to (on the opposite side 
of the ring from) the oxygen attached to the highest-numbered chiral carbon. With 
a-D-glucopyranose, the hydroxyl group at the anomeric carbon points down; with 
/3-D-glucopyranose, it points up. 

Monosaccharides are often drawn in either the a- or /3-D-furanose or the a- or 
/3-D-pyranose form. However, you should remember that the anomeric forms of five- 
and six- carbon sugars are in rapid equilibrium. Throughout this chapter and the rest 
of the book, we draw sugars in the correct anomeric form if it is known. We refer to 
sugars in a nonspecific way (e.g., glucose) when we are discussing an equilibrium 

▲ Figure 8.9 

a-o-glucofuranose (top) and /3-o-glucofuranose 





5 CH 2 OH 

◄ Figure 8.10 

Cyclization of o-ribose to form a- and /3-d- 
ribopyranose and a- and /3-o-ribofuranose. 


(Fischer projection) 

a-D-Ribopyranose /3-D-Ribopyranose 

(Haworth projection) (Haworth projection) 

a-D-Ribofuranose /3-D-Ribofuranose 

(Haworth projection) (Haworth projection) 

234 CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 

▲ Galactose mutarotase. Mutarotases are en- 
zymes that catalyze the interconversion of a 
and /3 configurations. This interconversion 
involves the breaking and remaking of cova- 
lent bonds, which is why they are different 
configurations. The enzyme shown here is 
galactose mutarotase from Lactococcus 
lactis with a molecule of a-D-galactose 
in the acitve site. The bottom figure shows 
the conformation of this molecule. Can you 
identify this conformation? [PDB 1L7K] 

mixture of the various anomeric forms as well as the open-chain forms. When we 
are discussing a specific form of a sugar, however, we will refer to it precisely (e.g., 
/3-D-gluco pyranose). Also, since the d enantiomers of carbohydrates predominate in 
nature, we always assume that a carbohydrate has the D configuration unless specified 

8.3 Conformations of Monosaccharides 

Haworth projections are commonly used in biochemistry because they accurately 
depict the configuration of the atoms and groups at each carbon atom of the sugar’s 
backbone. However, the geometry of the carbon atoms of a monosaccharide ring is 
tetrahedral (bond angles near 110°), so monosaccharide rings are not actually planar. 
Cyclic monosaccharides can exist in a variety of conformations (three-dimensional 
shapes having the same configuration). Furanose rings adopt envelope conformations 
in which one of the five ring atoms (either C-2 or C-3) is out-of-plane and the remaining 
four are approximately coplanar (Figure 8.11). Furanoses can also form twist conformations 
where two of the five ring atoms are out-of-plane — one on either side of the plane 
formed by the other three atoms. The relative stability of each conformer depends on 
the degree of steric interference between the hydroxyl groups. The various conformers 
of unsubstituted monosaccharides can rapidly interconvert. 

Pyranose rings tend to assume one of two conformations, the chair conformation 
or the boat conformation (Figure 8.12). There are two distinct chair conformers and six 
distinct boat conformers for each pyranose. The chair conformations minimize steric 
repulsion among the ring substituents and are generally more stable than boat confor- 
mations. The — H, — OH, and — CH 2 OH substituents of a pyranose ring in the chair 
conformation may occupy two different positions. In the axial position the substituent 
is above or below the plane of the ring, while in the equatorial position the substituent 
lies in the plane of the ring. In pyranoses, five substituents are axial and five are equatorial. 
Whether a group is axial or equatorial depends on which carbon atom (C-l or C-4) ex- 
tends above the plane of the ring when the ring is in the chair conformation. Figure 8.13 
shows the two different chair conformers of /3-D-glucopyranose. The more stable 
conformation is the one in which the bulkiest ring substituents are equatorial (top 
structure). In fact, this conformation of /3-D-glucose has the least steric strain of any aldo- 
hexose. Pyranose rings are occasionally forced to adopt slightly different conformations, 
such as the unstable half- chair adopted by a polysaccharide residue in the active site of 
lysozyme (Section 6.6). 


Different configurations can only be 
formed by breaking and reforming 
covalent bonds. Molecules can adopt 
different conformations without breaking 
covalent bonds. 

Figure 8.1 1 ► 

Conformations of /J-o-ribofuranose. (a) Haworth 
projection, (b) C 2 -endo envelope conformation, 
(c) C 3 -endo envelope conformation, (d) Twist 
conformation. In the C 2 -endo conformation, 
C-2 lies above the plane defined by C-l, C-3, 
C-4, and the ring oxygen. In the C 3 -endo 
conformation, C-3 lies above the plane de- 
fined by C-l, C-2, C-4, and the ring oxygen. 
In the twist conformation shown, C-3 lies 
above and C-2 lies below the plane defined 
by C-l, C-4, and the ring oxygen. The planes 
are shown in yellow. 




Haworth projection 


C 2 -endo envelope conformation 

5 H 


C 3 -endo envelope conformation 


Twist conformation 

8.4 Derivatives of Monosaccharides 235 



Haworth projection 

Chair conformation 

Boat conformation 


◄ Figure 8.12 

Conformations of /J-o-glucopyranose. 

(a) Haworth projection, a chair conformation, 
and a boat conformation, (b) Bal l-and-stick 
model of a chair (left) and a boat (right) 

8.4 Derivatives of Monosaccharides 

There are many known derivatives of the basic monosaccharides. They include poly- 
merized monosaccharides, such as oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, as well as sev- 
eral classes of nonpolymerized compounds. In this section, we introduce a few mono- 
saccharide derivatives, including sugar phosphates, deoxy and amino sugars, sugar 
alcohols, and sugar acids. 

Like other polymer-forming biomolecules, monosaccharides and their derivatives 
have abbreviations used in describing more complex polysaccharides. The accepted ab- 
breviations contain three letters, with suffixes added in some cases. The abbreviations 
for some pentoses and hexoses and their major derivatives are listed in Table 8.1. We use 
these abbreviations later in this chapter. 

A. Sugar Phosphates 

Monosaccharides are often converted to phosphate esters. Figure 8.14 shows the struc- 
tures of several of the sugar phosphates we will encounter in our study of carbohydrate 
metabolism. The triose phosphates, ribose 5-phosphate, and glucose 6-phosphate are 
simple alcohol-phosphate esters. Glucose 1 -phosphate is a hemiacetal phosphate, which 
is more reactive than an alcohol phosphate. The ability of UDP- glucose to act as a glu- 
cosyl donor (Section 7.3) is evidence of this reactivity. 


▲ Figure 8.13 

The two chair conformers of /?-D-glucopyranose. 

The top conformer is more stable. 

B. Deoxy Sugars 

The structures of two deoxy sugars are shown in Figure 8.15. In these derivatives, a 
hydrogen atom replaces one of the hydroxyl groups in the parent monosaccharide. 
2-Deoxy-D-ribose is an important building block for DNA. L-Fucose (6-deoxy-L-galac- 
tose) is widely distributed in plants, animals, and microorganisms. Despite its unusual 
L configuration, fucose is derived metabolically from D-mannose. 

C. Amino Sugars 

In a number of sugars, an amino group replaces one of the hydroxyl groups in the parent 
monosaccharide. Sometimes the amino group is acetylated. Three examples of amino 

236 CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 

Table 8.1 Abbreviations for some monosac- 
charides and their derivatives 


or derivative Abbreviation 















Deoxy sugars 





Amino sugars 







N- Acetylgalactosamine 
N-Acetylneuraminic acid 



N-Acetyl mu ramie acid 


Sugar acids 

Glucuronic acid 


Iduronic acid 


ch 2 oh 

c = o 

1 © 

ch 2 opo 3 ^ 





-c — OH 


ch 2 opo 







▲ Figure 8.14 

Structures of several metabolically important sugar phosphates. 

sugars are shown in Figure 8.16. Amino sugars formed from glucose and galactose 
commonly occur in glycoconjugates. N-Acetylneuraminic acid (NeuNAc) is an acid 
formed from N-acetylmannosamine and pyruvate. When this compound cyclizes to 
form a pyranose, the carbonyl group at C-2 (from the pyruvate moiety) reacts with the 
hydroxyl group of C-6. NeuNAc is an important constituent of many glycoproteins and 
of a family of lipids called gangliosides (Section 9.5). Neuraminic acid and its deriva- 
tives, including NeuNAc, are collectively known as sialic acids. 






▲ Figure 8.15 

Structures of the deoxy sugars 2-deoxy-o-ribose 
and L-fucose. 

D. Sugar Alcohols 

In a sugar alcohol, the carbonyl oxygen of the parent monosaccharide has been reduced, 
producing a polyhydroxy alcohol. Figure 8.17 shows three examples of sugar alcohols. 
Glycerol and rayo-inositol are important components of lipids (Section 10.4). Ribitol is 
a component of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) 
(Section 7.4). In general, sugar alcohols are named by replacing the suffix -ose of the 
parent monosaccharides with -itol. 

E. Sugar Acids 

Sugar acids are carboxylic acids derived from aldoses, either by oxidation of C- 1 (the 
aldehydic carbon) to yield an aldonic acid or by oxidation of the highest-numbered 
carbon (the carbon bearing the primary alcohol) to yield an alduronic acid. The struc- 
tures of the aldonic and alduronic derivatives of glucose — gluconate and glucuronate — 
are shown in Figure 8.18. Aldonic acids exist in the open-chain form in alkaline solution 
and form lactones (intramolecular esters) on acidification. Alduronic acids can exist as 
pyranoses and therefore possess an anomeric carbon. Note that N-acetylneuraminic 
acid (Figure 8.16) is a sugar acid as well as an amino sugar. Sugar acids are important 
components of many polysaccharides. L-Ascorbic acid or vitamin C, is an enediol of a 
lactone derived from D-glucuronate (Section 7.9). 

8.5 Disaccharides and Other Glycosides 

The glycosidic bond is the primary structural linkage in all polymers of monosaccha- 
rides. A glycosidic bond is an acetal linkage in which the anomeric carbon of a sugar is 
condensed with an alcohol, an amine, or a thiol. As a simple example, glucopyranose 

8.5 Disaccharides and Other Glycosides 237 


ch 3 



/V-Acetyl-u-D-neuraminic acid 

H— 8 C— OH 
9 CH 2 OH 

A/-Acetyl-D-neuraminic acid 
(open-chain form) 

▲ Figure 8.16 

can react with methanol in an acidic solution to form an acetal (Figure 8.19). Com- structures of several amino sugars. The amino 

pounds containing glycosidic bonds are called glycosides; if glucose supplies the and acetylamino groups are shown in red. 

anomeric carbon, they are specifically termed glue os ides. The glycosides include disac- 
charides, polysaccharides, and some carbohydrate derivatives. 

A. Structures of Disaccharides 

Disaccharides are formed when the anomeric carbon of one sugar molecule interacts 
with one of several hydroxyl groups in the other sugar molecule. For disaccharides and 
other carbohydrate polymers, we must note both the types of monosaccharide residues 
that are present and the atoms that form the glycosidic bonds. In the systematic descrip- 
tion of a disaccharide we must specify the linking atoms, the configuration of the glyco- 
sidic bond, and the name of each monosaccharide residue (including its designation as 
a pyranose or furanose). Figure 8.20 presents the structures and nomenclature for four 
common disaccharides. 

Maltose (Figure 8.20a) is a disaccharide released during the hydrolysis of starch, 
which is a polymer of glucose residues. It is present in malt, a mixture obtained from 
corn or grain that is used in malted milk and in brewing. Maltose is composed of two D- 
glucose residues joined by an a-glycosidic bond. The glycosidic bond links C-l of one 
residue (on the left in Figure 8.20a) to the oxygen atom attached to C-4 of the second 
residue (on the right). Maltose is therefore a-D-glucopyranosyl-(l — > 4)-D-glucose. 

Note that the glucose residue on the left, whose anomeric carbon is involved in the gly- 
cosidic bond, is fixed in the a configuration, whereas the glucose residue on the right 
(the reducing end, as explained in Section 8.5B) freely equilibrates among the a, /3, and 
open-chain structures. (The open-chain form is present in very small amounts). The 
structure shown in Figure 8.20a is the /3-pyranose anomer of maltose (the anomer 
whose reducing end is in the /3 configuration, the predominant anomeric form). 

Cellobiose [/3-D-glucopyranosyl-(l — » 4)-D-glucose] is another glucose dimer 
(Figure 8.20b). Cellobiose is the repeating disaccharide in the structure of cellulose, a 

CH 2 OH 
HO — C — H 


ch 2 oh 



CH 2 OH 
H — C — OH 


H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 


ch 2 oh 


◄ Figure 8.17 

Structures of several sugar alcohols. Glycerol 
(a reduced form of glyceraldehyde) and myo- 
inositol (metabolically derived from glucose) 
are important constituents of many lipids. 
Ribitol (a reduced form of ribose) is a 
constituent of the vitamin riboflavin and 
its coenzymes. 

238 CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 



H— 2 C— OH 


HO— 3 C — H 


H— 4 C— OH 


H— 5 C— OH 


6 ch 2 oh 

(open-chain form) 


D-Glucuronate D-Glucuronate 

(open-chain form) (/3 pyranose anomer) 

▲ Figure 8.18 

Structures of sugar acids derived from 
o-glucose. (a) Gluconate and its 5-lactone, 
(b) The open-chain and pyranose forms 
of glucuronate. 

plant polysaccharide, and is released during cellulose degradation. The only difference 
between cellobiose and maltose is that the glycosidic linkage in cellobiose is (3 (it is a in 
maltose). The glucose residue on the right in Figure 8.20b, like the residue on the right 
in Figure 8.20a, equilibrates among the a, /3, and open-chain structures. 

Lactose [/3-D-galactopyranosyl-(l — » 4)-D-glucose], a major carbohydrate in milk, 
is a disaccharide synthesized only in lactating mammary glands (Figure 8.20c). Note 
that lactose is an epimer of cellobiose. The naturally occurring a anomer of lactose is 
sweeter and more soluble than the (3 anomer. The (3 anomer can be found in stale ice cream, 
where it has crystallized during storage and given a gritty texture to the ice cream. 

Sucrose [a-D-glucopyranosyl-(l — » 2)-/3-D-fructofuranoside], or table sugar, is the 
most abundant disaccharide found in nature (Figure 8.20d). Sucrose is synthesized only in 
plants. Sucrose is distinguished from the other three disaccharides in Figure 8.20 because 
its glycosidic bond links the anomeric carbon atoms of two monosaccharide residues. 
Therefore, the configurations of both the glucopyranose and fructofuranose residues in 
sucrose are fixed, and neither residue is free to equilibrate between a and (3 anomers. 

B. Reducing and Nonreducing Sugars 

Monosaccharides, and most disaccharides, are hemiacetals with a reactive carbonyl 
group. They are readily oxidized to diverse products, a property often used in their analy- 
sis. Such carbohydrates, including glucose, maltose, cellobiose, and lactose, are some- 
times called reducing sugars. Historically, reducing sugars were detected by their ability 

Figure 8.19 ► 

Reaction of glucopyranose with methanol 
produces a glycoside. In this acid-catalyzed 
condensation reaction, the anomeric — OH 
group of the hemiacetal is replaced by an 
— 0CH 3 group, forming methyl glucoside, 
an acetal. The product is a mixture of the 
a and ft anomers of methyl glucopyranoside. 

u-D-Glucopyranose Methanol 

Methyl u-D-glucopyranoside 

Methyl /3-D-glucopyranoside 

8.5 Disaccharides and Other Glycosides 


/ 3 anomer of maltose 


/ 3 anomer of cellobiose 



a anomer of lactose 




to reduce metal ions such as Cu® or Ag® to insoluble products. Carbohydrates that are 
not hemiacetals, such as sucrose, are not readily oxidized because both anomeric carbon 
atoms are fixed in a glycosidic linkage. These are classified as nonreducing sugars. 

The reducing ability of a sugar polymer is of more than analytical interest. The poly- 
meric chains of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides show directionality based on their 
reducing and nonreducing ends. There is usually one reducing end (the residue contain- 
ing the free anomeric carbon) and one nonreducing end in a linear polymer. All the in- 
ternal glycosidic bonds of a polysaccharide involve acetals. The internal residues are not 
in equilibrium with open-chain forms and thus cannot reduce metal ions. A branched 
polysaccharide has a number of nonreducing ends but only one reducing end. 

C. Nucleosides and Other Glycosides 

The anomeric carbons of sugars form glycosidic linkages not only with other sugars but 
also with a variety of alcohols, amines, and thiols. The most commonly encountered gly- 
cosides, other than oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, are the nucleosides, in which a 
purine or pyrimidine is attached by its secondary amino group to a /3-D-ribofuranose or 
/3-D-deoxyribofuranose moiety. Nucleosides are called N-glycosides because a nitrogen 
atom participates in the glycosidic linkage. Guanosine (/3-D-ribofuranosylguanine) is a 
typical nucleoside (Figure 8.21). We have already discussed ATP and other nucleotides 
that are metabolite coenzymes (Section 7.3). NAD and FAD also are nucleotides. 

Two other examples of naturally occurring glycosides are shown in Figure 8.21. 
Vanillin glucoside (Figure 8.21b) is the flavored compound in natural vanilla extract. 
/3-Galactosides constitute an abundant class of glycosides. In these compounds, a variety 
of nonsugar molecules are joined in (3 linkage to galactose. For example, galactocerebro- 
sides (see Section 9.5) are glycolipids common in eukaryotic cell membranes and can be 
hydrolyzed readily by the action of enzymes called /3-galactosidases. 

▲ Figure 8.20 

Structures of (a) maltose, (b) cellobiose, 

(c) lactose, and (d) sucrose. The oxygen atom 
of each glycosidic bond is shown in red. 

▲ Sugar cane is a major source of commercial 

There is a more complete discussion 
of nucleosides and nucleotides in 
Chapter 19. 

240 CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 


One of the characteristics of sugars is that they taste sweet. 
You certainly know the taste of sucrose and you probably 
know that fructose and lactose also taste sweet. So do many 
of the other sugars and their derivatives, although we don’t 
recommend that you go into a biochemistry lab and start 
tasting all the carbohydrates in those white plastic bottles on 
the shelves. 

Sweetness is not a physical property of molecules. It’s a 
subjective interaction between a chemical and taste receptors 
in your mouth. There are five different kinds of taste recep- 
tors: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami (umami is like the 
taste of glutamate in monosodium glutamate). In order to 
trigger the sweet taste, a molecule like sucrose has to bind to 
the receptor and initiate a response that eventually makes it 
to your brain. Sucrose elicits a moderately strong response 
that serves as the standard for sweetness. The response to 
fructose is almost twice as strong and the response to lactose 
is only about one-fifth as strong as that of sucrose. Artificial 
sweeteners such as saccharin (Sweet’N Low®), sucralose 

(Splenda®), and aspartame (NutraSweet®) bind to the sweet- 
ness receptor and cause the sensation of sweetness. They are 
hundreds of times more sweet than sucrose. 

The sweetness receptor is encoded by two genes called 
Taslr2 and Taslr3. We don’t know how sucrose and the other 
ligands bind to this receptor even though this is a very active 
area of research. In the case of sucrose and the artifical sweet- 
eners, how can such different molecules elicit the taste of 

Cats, including lions, tigers and cheetahs, do not have a 
functional Taslr2 gene. It has been converted to a pseudo- 
gene because of a 247 bp deletion in exon 3. It’s very likely 
that your pet cat has never experienced the taste of sweetness. 
That explains a lot about cats. 

▲ Cats are carnivores. They probably can’t 
taste sweetness. 

8.6 Polysaccharides 

Polysaccharides are frequently divided into two broad classes. Homoglycans, or ho- 
mopolysaccharides, are polymers containing residues of only one type of monosaccha- 
ride. Heteroglycans, or heteropolysaccharides, are polymers containing residues of 
more than one type of monosaccharide. Polysaccharides are created without a tem- 
plate by the addition of particular monosaccharide and oligosaccharide residues. As a 
result, the lengths and compositions of polysaccharide molecules may vary within 
a population of these molecules. Some common polysaccharides and their structures 
are listed in Table 8.2. 

Most polysaccharides can also be classified according to their biological roles. For 
example, starch and glycogen are storage polysaccharides while cellulose and chitin are 
structural polysaccharides. We will see additional examples of the variety and versatility 
of carbohydrates when we discuss the heteroglycans in the next section.” 

A. Starch and Glycogen 

D-Glucose is synthesized in all species. Excess glucose can be broken down to produce 
metabolic energy. Glucose residues are stored as polysaccharides until they are needed for 
energy production. The most common storage homoglycan of glucose in plants and fungi 
is starch and in animals it is glycogen. Both types of polysaccharides occur in bacteria. 

8.6 Polysaccharides 241 

Table 8.2 Structures of some common polysaccharides 




Storage homoglycans 




a-( 1 —* 4) 



a-(1 — » 4), a-(1 — » 6) (branches) 


Structural homoglycans 


a-(1 — » 4), cx- ( 1 — >6) (branches) 



0 ( 1 - 4 ) 







(amino sugars, sugar acids) 


Hyaluronic acid 

GlcUA and GIcNAc 

0(1 -3), 0(1 -*4) 

°Polysaccharides are unbranched unless otherwise indicated. 
fa Glc, Glucose; GIcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; GlclIA, D-glucuronate. 


Vanillin /3-D-glucoside 

Starch is present in plant cells as a mixture of amylose and amylopectin and is 
stored in granules whose diameters range from 3 to 100 /mm. Amylose is an unbranched 
polymer of about 100 to 1000 D-glucose residues connected by a-(l — » 4) glycosidic 
linkages, specifically termed a- (l — > 4) glucosidic bonds because the anomeric carbons 
belong to glucose residues (Figure 8.22a). The same type of linkage connects glucose 
monomers in the disaccharide maltose (Figure 8.20a). Although it is not truly soluble in 
water, amylose forms hydrated micelles in water and can assume a helical structure 
under some conditions (Figure 8.22b). 

Amylopectin is a branched version of amylose (Figure 8.23). Branches, or poly- 
meric side chains, are attached via a-(l — >6) glucosidic bonds to linear chains of 
residues linked by a- (l — » 4) glucosidic bonds. Branching occurs, on average, once 
every 25 residues and the side chains contain about 15 to 25 glucose residues. Some side 
chains themselves are branched. Amylopectin molecules isolated from living cells may 
contain 300 to 6000 glucose residues. 

An adult human consumes about 300 g of carbohydrate daily, much of which is in 
the form of starch. Raw starch granules resist enzymatic hydrolysis but cooking causes 
them to absorb water and swell. The swollen starch is a substrate for two different gly- 
cosidases. Dietary starch is degraded in the gastrointestinal tract by the actions of a- 
amylase and a debranching enzyme, a- Amylase, which is present in both animals and 

/3-D-Galactosyl 1 -glycerol 
▲ Figure 8.21 

Structures of three glycosides. The nonsugar 
components are shown in blue, (a) Guano- 
sine. (b) Vanillin glucoside, the flavored com- 
pound in vanilla extract, (c) /3-D-Galactosyl 
1-glycerol, derivatives of which are common 
in eukaryotic cell membranes. 

Starch metabolism is described in 
Chapter 15. 



CH 2 OH 

CH 7 OH 

CH 2 OH 

▲ Figure 8.22 

Amylose. (a) Structure of amylose. Amylose, one form of starch, is a linear polymer of glucose 
residues linked by a-( 1 -^4)-D-glucosidic bonds, (b) Amylose can assume a left-handed helical 
conformation, which is hydrated on the inside as well as on the outer surface. 

242 CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 

Figure 8.23 ► 

Structure of amylopectin. Amylopectin, a 
second form of starch, is a branched polymer. 
The linear glucose residues of the main 
chain and the side chains of amylopectin 
are linked by a- (l -^4)-D-glucosidic bonds, 
and the side chains are linked to the main 
chain by a-( 1 —> 6)-D-glucosidic bonds. 


plants, is an endoglycosidase (it acts on internal glycosidic bonds). The enzyme catalyzes 
random hydrolysis of the a- (l — » 4) glucosidic bonds of amylose and amylopectin. 

Another hydrolase, /3- amylase, is found in the seeds and tubers of some plants. 
/3- Amylase is an exoglycosidase (it acts on terminal glycosidic bonds). It catalyzes se- 
quential hydrolytic release of maltose from the free, nonreducing ends of amylopectin. 

Despite their a and /3 designations, both types of amylases act only ona-(1^4)-D- 
glycosidic bonds. Figure 8.24 shows the action of a- amylase and /3-amylase on amy- 
lopectin. The a- (l — > 6) linkages at branch points are not substrates for either a- or 
/3- amylase. After amylase-catalyzed hydrolysis of amylopectin, highly branched cores re- 
sistant to further hydrolysis, called limit dextrins, remain. Limit dextrins can be further 
degraded only after debranching enzymes have catalyzed hydrolysis of the a- (l —> 6) 
linkages at branch points. 

Glycogen is also a branched polymer of glucose residues. Glycogen contains the 
same types of linkages found in amylopectin but the branches in glycogen are smaller 
and more frequent, occurring every 8-12 residues. In general, glycogen molecules are 
larger than starch molecules, Glycogen up to contains 50,000 glucose residues. In mammals, 

Figure 8.24 ► 

Action of a-amylase and /3-amylase on 
amylopectin. a-Amylase catalyzes random 
hydrolysis of internal a-( 1 — >4) glucosidic 
bonds; /3-amylase acts on the nonreducing 
ends. Each hexagon represents a glucose 
residue; the single reducing end of the 
branched polymer is red. (An actual amy- 
lopectin molecule contains many more 
glucose residues than shown here.) 

8.6 Polysaccharides 243 

depending on the nutritional state, glycogen can account for up to 10% of the mass of 
the liver and 2% of the mass of muscle. 

The branched structures of amylopectin and glycogen possess only one reducing 
end but many nonreducing ends. The reducing end of glycogen is covalently attached to 
a protein called glycogenin (Section 12. 5 A). Enzymatic lengthening and degradation of 
polysaccharide chains occurs at the nonreducing ends. 

Enzymes that catalyze the intracellular 
synthesis and breakdown of glycogen 
are described in Chapter 12. 

B. Cellulose 

Cellulose is a structural polysaccharide. It is a major component of the rigid cell walls 
that surround many plant cells. The stems and branches of many plants consist largely 
of cellulose. This single polysaccharide accounts for a significant percentage of all or- 
ganic matter on Earth. Like amylose, cellulose is a linear polymer of glucose residues, 
but in cellulose the glucose residues are joined by /?-( 1 — >4) linkages rather than 
a-( 1 — > 4) linkages. The two glucose residues of the disaccharide cellobiose also are 
connected by a /3-( 1 — » 4) linkage (Figure 8.20b). Cellulose molecules vary greatly in 
size, ranging from about 300 to more than 15,000 glucose residues. 

The (3 linkages of cellulose result in a rigid extended conformation in which each 
glucose residue is rotated 180° relative to its neighbors (Figure 8.25). Extensive hydro- 
gen bonding within and between cellulose chains leads to the formation of bundles, or 
fibrils (Figure 8.26). Cellulose fibrils are insoluble in water and are quite strong and 
rigid. Cotton fibers are almost entirely cellulose and wood is about half cellulose. Be- 
cause of its strength, cellulose is used for a variety of purposes and is a component of a 
number of synthetic materials including cellophane and the fabric rayon. We are most 
familiar with cellulose as the main component of paper. 

Enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of a-D-glucosidic bonds (a-glucosidases, such 
as a- and /3- amylase) do not catalyze the hydrolysis of /3-D-glucosidic bonds. Similarly, 
/3-glucosidases (such as cellulase) do not catalyze the hydrolysis of a-D-glucosidic 
bonds. Humans and other mammals can metabolize starch, glycogen, lactose, and su- 
crose and use the monosaccharide products in a variety of metabolic pathways. Mam- 
mals cannot metabolize cellulose because they lack enzymes capable of catalyzing the 
hydrolysis of /3-glucosidic linkages. Ruminants such as cows and sheep have microor- 
ganisms in their rumen (a compartment in their multichambered stomachs) that 
produce /3-glucosidases. Thus, ruminants can obtain glucose from grass and other 
plants that are rich in cellulose. Because they have cellulase-producing bacteria in their 
digestive tracts, termites also can obtain glucose from dietary cellulose. 


▲ Figure 8.25 

Structure of cellulose. Note the alternating orientation of successive glucose residues in the cellu- 
lose chain, (a) Chair conformation, (b) Modified Haworth projection. 

▲ Figure 8.26 

Cellulose fibrils. Intra-and interchain hydro- 
gen bonding gives cellulose its strength and 

244 CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 

Figure 8.27 ► 

Structure of chitin. The linear homoglycan 
chitin consists of repeating units of 
P~( 1 — > 4)-l i nked GIcNAc residues. Each 
residue is rotated 180° relative to its 

▲ The giant redwood trees of California con- 
tains tons of cellulose. 

▲ Cellulose fibers. Plants make large cellu- 
lose fibers that serve as structural support. 
A scanning electron micrograph of these 
fibers shows how they overlap to form a 
large net-like sheet. These cellulose fibers 
are about 253 million years old. They were 
recovered from deep within a salt mine in 
New Mexico. 


ch 3 ch 3 

C. Chitin 

Chitin, probably the second most abundant organic compound on Earth, is a structural 
homoglycan found in the exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans and also in the cell 
walls of most fungi and red algae. Chitin is a linear polymer similar to cellulose. It is 
made up of /3-( 1 —> 4) -linked GIcNAc residues rather than glucose residues (Figure 8.27). 
Each GIcNAc residue is rotated 180° relative to its neighbors. The GIcNAc residues in 
adjacent strands of chitin form hydrogen bonds with each other resulting in linear 
fibrils of great strength. Chitin is often closely associated with nonpolysaccharide 
compounds, such as proteins and inorganic material. 

8.7 Glycoconjugates 

Glycoconjugates consist of polysaccharides linked to (conjugated with) proteins or 
peptides. In most cases, the polysaccharides are composed of several different mono- 
saccharide units. Thus, they are heteroglycans. (Starch, glycogen, cellulose, and chitin are 
homoglycans.) Heteroglycans appear in three types of glycoconjugates — proteoglycans, 
peptidoglycans, and glycoproteins. In this section, we see how the chemical and physi- 
cal properties of the heteroglycans in glycoconjugates are suited to various biological 

A. Proteoglycans 

Proteoglycans are complexes of proteins and a class of polysaccharides called glycos- 
aminoglycans. These glycoconjugates occur predominately in the extracellular matrix 
(connective tissue) of multicellular animals. 

Glycosaminoglycans are unbranched heteroglycans of repeating disaccharide units. 
As the name gly cos amino gly can indicates, one component of the disaccharide is an 
amino sugar, either D-galactosamine (GalN) or D-glucosamine (GlcN). The amino 
group of the amino -sugar component can be acetylated forming N- acetylgalactosamine 
(GalNAc) or GIcNAc. The other component of the repeating disaccharide is usually an 
alduronic acid. Specific hydroxyl and amino groups of many glycosaminoglycans are 
sulfated. These sulfate groups and the carboxylate groups of alduronic acids make gly- 
cosaminoglycans polyanionic. 

Several types of glycosaminoglycans have been isolated and characterized. Each 
type has its own sugar composition, linkages, tissue distribution, and function and each 
is attached to a characteristic protein. Hyaluronic acid is an example of a glycosamino- 
glycan composed of the repeating disaccharide unit shown in Figure 8.28. It is found in 
the fluid of joints where it forms a viscous solution that is an excellent lubricant. 
Hyaluronic acid is also a major component of cartilage. 

Up to 100 glycosaminoglycan chains can be attached to the protein of a proteogly- 
can. These heteroglycan chains are usually covalently bound by a glycosidic linkage to 

8.7 Glycoconjugates 245 


◄ Figure 8.28 

Structure of the repeating disaccharide of 
hyaluronic acid. The repeating disaccharide 
of this glycosaminoglycan contains D-glu- 
curonate (GlcLIA) and GIcNAc. Each GlcLIA 
residue is linked to a GIcNAc residue 
through p-( 1 — >3) linkage; each GIcNAc 
residue is in turn linked to the next GlcLIA 
residue through a /3-(l — >4) linkage. 

the hydroxyl oxygens of serine residues. (Not all glycosaminoglycans are covalently 
linked to proteins.) Glycosaminoglycans can account for up to 95% of the mass of a 

Proteoglycans are highly hydrated and occupy a large volume because their gly- 
cosaminoglycan component contains polar and ionic groups. These features confer 
elasticity and resistance to compression — important properties of connective tissue. For 
example, the flexibility of cartilage allows it to absorb shocks. Some of the water can be 
pressed out when cartilage is compressed but relief from pressure allows cartilage to re- 
hydrate. In addition to maintaining the shapes of tissues, proteoglycans can also act as 
extracellular sieves and help direct cell growth and migration. 

Examination of the structure of cartilage shows how proteoglycans are organized 
in this tissue. Cartilage is a mesh of collagen fibers (Section 4.1 1) interspersed with large 
proteoglycan aggregates (M r ~2 x 10 8 ). Each aggregate assumes a characteristic shape 
that resembles a bottle brush (Figure 8.29). These aggregates contain hyaluronic acid 
and several other glycosaminoglycans, as well as two types of proteins — core proteins 
and link proteins. A central strand of hyaluronic acid runs through the aggregate and 
many proteoglycans — core proteins with glycosaminoglycan chains attached — branch 
from its sides. The core proteins interact noncovalently with the hyaluronic acid 
strand, mostly by electrostatic interactions. Link proteins stabilize the core protein- 
hyaluronic acid interactions. 

The major proteoglycan of cartilage is called aggrecan. The protein core of aggrecan 
(M r ~ 220,000) carries approximately 30 molecules of keratan sulfate (a glycosamino- 
glycan composed chiefly of alternating N-acetylglucosamine 6-sulfate and galactose 
residues) and approximately 100 molecules of chondroitin sulfate (a glycosaminoglycan 

Proteoglycans (core 
proteins with 

glycosaminoglycan Central strand of 

chains attached) hyaluronic acid 

▲ Lobsters have an exoskeleton made of chitin. 

The color of the exoskeleton is determined 
by the foods that the lobster eats. When 
it ingests p- carotene derivatives they are 
converted to a complex mixture of protein- 
bound carotenes called crustacayanin 
that has a greenish-brown color. When 
lobsters are cooked, the crustacyanin breaks 
down, releasing free /1-carotene derivatives 
that are red in color, like the red color of 
maple leaves in autumn (see Section 15.1). 

◄ Figure 8.29 

Proteoglycan aggregate of cartilage. Core pro- 
teins carrying glycosaminoglycan chains are 
associated with a central strand of a single 
hyaluronic acid molecule. These proteins 
have many covalently attached glycosamino- 
glycan chains (keratan sulfate and chon- 
droitin sulfate molecules). The interactions 
of the core proteins with hyaluronic acid are 
stabilized by link proteins, which interact 
noncovalently with both types of molecules. 
The aggregate has the appearance of a bottle 

246 CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 


Legumes such as alfalfa, peas, and soybeans develop organs 
called nodules on their roots. Certain soil bacteria (rhizobia) 
infect the nodules and, in a symbiosis with the plants, carry 
out nitrogen fixation (reduction of atmospheric nitrogen to 
ammonia). The symbiosis is highly species-specific: only cer- 
tain combinations of legumes and bacteria can cooperate and 
therefore these organisms must recognize each other. Rhizobia 
produce extracellular signal molecules that are oligosaccha- 
rides called nodulation factors. Extremely low concentrations 
of these compounds can induce their plant hosts to develop 
the nodules that the rhizobia can infect. A host plant responds 
only to a nodulation factor of a characteristic composition. 

Infection begins when the plant root hair recognizes the 
nodulation factor via surface Nod-factor receptors. This results 
in a response that allows the bacteria to enter the root hair and 
migrate down to the cells in the root where the nodule forms. 

All the nodulation factors studied to date are oligosac- 
charides that have a linear chain of /3-(l —> 4) N-acetylglu- 
cosamine (GlcNAc) — the same repeating structure as in 
chitin (Section 8.6b). Most nodulation factors are sugar pen- 
tamers although the number of residues can vary between 
three and six (see figure below). Species specificity is pro- 
vided by variation in polymer length and potential substitu- 
tion on five sites at the nonreducing end (R1 to R5) and two 
sites at the reducing end (R6 and R7). Rl, an acyl group sub- 
stituting the nitrogen atom at C-2 of the nonreducing end, is 
a fatty acid, usually 18 carbons long. Thus, the nodulation 
factors are lipo-oligosaccharides. R6, bound to the alcohol at 
C-6 of the reducing end, can have a wide variety of struc- 
tures, including sulfate or methyl fucose. Research on these 
growth regulators for legumes has stimulated the search for 
biological activities of other oligosaccharides. 

See Section 17.1 for details about 
nitrogen fixation. 

▲ General structure of nodulation factors, lipo-oligosaccharides with an 
/V-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) backbone. The number of internal residues of 
A/-acetylglucosamine is shown by n, which is usually 3 but can sometimes 
be 1, 2, or 4. Rl is a fatty acyl substituent, usually 18 carbons long. 

▲ Formation of nodules in the legume Lotus 
japonicus. Rhizobia (blue) have secreted nodula- 
tion factor leading to endocytosis by root hair 
cells and formation of an infection thread con- 
necting the point of uptake (top) to the root 
nodule cells (below). 

composed of alternating N-acetylgalactosamine sulfate and glucuronate residues). Ag- 
grecan is a member of a small family of hyalectans, proteoglycans that bind to 
hyaluronic acid. Other hyalectans provide elasticity to blood vessel walls and modulate 
cell-cell interactions in the brain. 

B. Peptidoglycans 

Peptidoglycans are polysaccharides linked to small peptides. The cell walls of many bac- 
teria contain a special class of peptidoglycan with a heteroglycan component attached 
to a four or five residue peptide. The heteroglycan component is composed of alternating 
residues of GlcNAc and N-acetylmuramic acid (MurNAc) joined by /3-(l — > 4) link- 
ages (Figure 8.30). MurNAc is a nine-carbon sugar found only in bacteria. MurNAc 
consists of the three-carbon acid D-lactate joined by an ether linkage to C-3 of GlcNAc. 

8.7 Glycoconjugates 247 

oh 3 

oh 3 

◄ Figure 8.30 

Structure of the polysaccharide in bacterial cell 

C = 0 


C = 0 


wall peptidoglycan. The glycan is a polymer 
of alternating GIcNAc and A/-acetyl mu ramie 


ch 2 oh 



ch 2 oh 

acid (MurNAc) residues. 


The polysaccharide moiety of peptidoglycans resembles chitin except that every second 
GIcNAc residue is modified by addition of lactate to form MurNAc. The antibacterial 
action of lysozyme (Section 6.6) results from its ability to catalyze hydrolysis of the 
polysaccharide chains of peptidoglycans. 

The peptide component of peptidoglycans varies among bacteria. The peptide 
component in Staphylococcus aureus is a tetrapeptide with alternating l and d amino 
acids: L-Ala-D-Isoglu-L-Lys-D-Ala. (Isoglu represents isoglutamate, a form of gluta- 
mate in which the y-c arboxyl group — not the a-carboxyl group — is linked to the next 
residue.) Other species have a different amino acid at the third position. An amide bond 
links the amino group of the L-alanine residue to the lactyl carboxylate group of a 
MurNAc residue of the glycan polymer (Figure 8.31). The tetrapeptide is cross-linked to 
another tetrapeptide on a neighboring peptidoglycan molecule by a chain of five glycine 
residues (pentaglycine). Pentaglycine joins the L-lysine residue of one tetrapeptide to 
the carboxyl group of the D-alanine residue of the other tetrapeptide. Extensive cross- 
linking essentially converts the peptidoglycan to one huge, rigid, macromolecule that 
defines the shape of the bacterium by covering its plasma membrane and protecting the 
cell from fluctuations in osmotic pressure. 

Most bacteria have an additional exterior layer of dense polysaccharide called the 
capsule. The capsule is made up of chains of polysaccharide composed mainly of 
N-acetylglucosamine (GIcNAc) residues but various other amino sugars are present. 
The capsule protects the bacterial cell from injury. The capsule in pathogenic bacteria 
help cells avoid destruction by the immune system. 

In gram-negative bacteria, the peptidoglycan cell wall lies between the inner plasma 
membrane and the outer membrane. In gram-positive bacteria, there is no outer mem- 
brane and the cell wall is much thicker. This is one of the reasons why the Gram stain 
(named after Christian Gram) will color the surfaces of some bacteria (gram positive) 
and not others (gram negative). 

During peptidoglycan biosynthesis, a five-residue peptide — L-Ala-D-Isoglu-L- 
Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala — is attached to a MurNAc residue. In subsequent steps, five glycine 
residues are added sequentially to the £- amino group of the lysine residue forming the 
pentaglycine bridge. In the final step of synthesis, a transpeptidase catalyzes formation 
of a peptide linkage between the penultimate alanine residue and a terminal glycine 
residue of a pentaglycine bridge of a neighboring peptidoglycan strand. This reaction is 
driven by release of the terminal D-alanine residue. 

The structure of the antibiotic penicillin (Figure 8.32) resembles the terminal 
D-Ala-D-Ala residues of the immature peptidoglycan. Penicillin binds, probably irre- 
versibly, to the transpeptidase active site inhibiting the activity of the enzyme and 
thereby blocking further peptidoglycan synthesis. The antibiotic prevents growth and 
proliferation of bacteria. Penicillin is selectively toxic to bacteria because the reaction it 
affects occurs only in certain bacteria, not in eukaryotic cells. 

▲ Staphylococcus aureus cells. These bacter- 
ial cells have extensive polysaccharide 
capsules that protect them from their host’s 
immune system. 

▲ The Gram stain. The Gram staining proce- 
dure distinguishes between gram-positive 
bacteria (left, purple) and gram-negative 
bacteria (right, pink). 

248 CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 

(a) MurNAc GIcNAc CH 3 



(b) Polysaccharide 



CH — CH 3 



: i 


1 0 

CH — COO u 


(CH 2 ) 2 

▲ Figure 8.31 

Structure of the peptidoglycan of Staphylococcus aureus, (a) Repeating disaccharide unit, tetrapeptide, 
and pentaglycine components. The tetrapeptide (blue) is linked to a MurNAc residue of the glycan 
moiety (black). The e-amino group of the L-lysine residue of one tetrapeptide is cross-linked to the 
a-carboxyl group of the D-alanine residue of another tetrapeptide on a neighboring peptidoglycan 
molecule via a pentaglycine bridge (red), (b) Cross-linking of the peptidoglycan macromolecule. 




L-Lysine CH — (CH 2 ) 4 — N — C — CH 2 — N — C — CH 2 — N — C — CH 2 — N — C — CH 2 — N — C — CH 2 — N — 

H H H H H 

c=o 1 1 



Pentaglycine bridge 


CH — CH 3 










H^S X / 




CH 3 




II H /CH 3 

C — N — C 

H I H 

</” N “ 

ch 3 




C. Glycoproteins 

Glycoproteins, like proteoglycans, are proteins that contain covalently bound oligosac- 
charides (i.e., proteins that are glycosylated). In fact, proteoglycans are a type of glyco- 
protein. The carbohydrate chains of a glycoprotein vary in length from one to more 
than 30 residues and can account for as much as 80% of the total mass of the molecule. 
Glycoproteins are an extraordinarily diverse group of proteins that includes enzymes, 
hormones, structural proteins, and transport proteins. 

The oligosaccharide chains of different glycoproteins exhibit great variability in com- 
position. The composition of oligosaccharide chains can vary even among molecules of 
the same protein, a phenomenon called microheterogeneity. 

Several factors contribute to the structural diversity of the oligosaccharide chains of 

1. An oligosaccharide chain can contain several different sugars. Eight sugars predomi- 
nate in eukaryotic glycoproteins: the hexoses L-fucose, D-galactose, D-glucose, and 
D-mannose; the hexosamines N-acetyl-D-galactosamine and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine; 
the nine-carbon sialic acids (usually N-acetylneuraminic acid); and the pentose 
D-xylose. Many different combinations of these sugars are possible. 

2. The sugars can be joined by either a- or /J-glycosidic linkages. 


▲ Figure 8.32 

Structures of penicillin and -D-Ala-D-Ala. The 

portion of penicillin that resembles the 
dipeptide is shown in red. R can be a variety 
of substituents. 

3. The linkages can also join various carbon atoms in the sugars. In hexoses and hex- 
osamines, the glycosidic linkages always involve C- 1 of one sugar but can involve C-2, 
C-3, C-4, or C-6 of another hexose or C-3, C-4, or C-6 of an amino sugar (C-2 is 
usually N-acetylated in this class of sugar). C-2 of sialic acid, not C-l, is linked to 
other sugars. 

4. Oligosaccharide chains of glycoproteins can contain up to four branches. 

8.7 Glycoconjugates 249 



ch 3 


o c 



ch 3 




◄ Figure 8.33 

0-Glycosidic and /V-glycosidic linkages. 

(a) /V-Acetylgalactosamine-serine linkage, the 
major O-glycosidic linkage found in glycopro- 
teins. (b) /V-Acetylglucosamine-asparagine 
linkage, which characterizes N-linked glyco- 
proteins. The O-glycosidic linkage is a, 
whereas the A/-glycosidic linkage is p. 

The astronomical number of possible oligosaccharide structures afforded by these 
four factors is not realized in cells because cells do not possess specific glycosyltrans- 
ferases to catalyze the formation of all possible glycosidic linkages. In addition, individual 
glycoproteins — through their unique conformations — modulate their own interactions 
with the glycosylating enzymes so that most glycoproteins possess a heterogeneous but 
reproducible oligosaccharide structure. 

The oligosaccharide chains of most glycoproteins are either O- or N-linked. In 
0-linked oligosaccharides, a GalNAc residue is typically linked to the side chain of a ser- 
ine or threonine residue. In W-linked oligosaccharides, a GlcNAc residue is linked to the 
amide nitrogen of an asparagine residue. The structures of an O-glycosidic and an 
N-glycosidic linkage are compared in Figure 8.33. Additional sugar residues can be 
attached to the GalNAc or the GlcNAc residue. An individual glycoprotein can contain 
both O- and N-linked oligosaccharides and some glycoproteins contain a third type of 
linkage. In these glycoproteins, the protein is attached to ethanolamine that is linked to 
a branched oligosaccharide to which lipid is also attached (Section 9.10). 

There are four important subclasses of O-glycosidic linkages in glycoproteins. 

1. The most common O-glycosidic linkage is the GalNAc- Ser/Thr linkage mentioned 
above. Other sugars — for example, galactose and sialic acid — are frequently linked 
to the GalNAc residue (Figure 8.34a). 

2. Some of the 5-hydroxylysine (Hyl) residues of collagen (Figure 4.35) are joined to 
D-galactose via an O-glycosidic linkage (Figure 8.34b). This structure is unique to 

3. The glycosaminoglycans of certain proteoglycans are joined to the core protein via 
a Gal-Gal-Xyl-Ser structure (Figure 8.34c). 

4. In some proteins, a single residue of GlcNAc is linked to serine or threonine 
(Figure 8.34d). 


NeuNAc a-(2 — > 3) GalNAc /3-(l -^3) 

^GalNAc — er/Thr 
NeuNAc a-( 2^6)/ 




— Gal— lyl 



— Gal — Gal — Xyl — >er 


GlcNAc — Ser/Thr 

◄ Figure 8.34 

Four subclasses of O-glycosidic linkages. 

(a) Example of a typical linkage in which N- 
acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) with attached 
residues is linked to a serine or threonine 
residue, (b) Linkage found in collagen, 
where a galactose residue, usually attached 
to a glucose residue, is linked to hydroxyly- 
sine (Hyl). (c) Trisaccharide linkage found in 
certain proteoglycans, (d) GlcNAc linkage 
found in some proteins. 

250 CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 


The ABO blood group was first discovered in 1901 by Karl 
Landsteiner, who received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or 
Medicine in 1930. Most primates display three different kinds 
of O- or N-linked oligosaccharides on their cell surfaces. The 
core structure of these oligosaccharides is called H antigen. It 
consists of various combinations of galactose (Gal), fucose 
(Fuc), N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNac), and N-acetylneuraminic 
acid (sialic acid, NeuNAc). These monosaccharides are linked 
in various ways to form a short branched structure that ex- 
hibits considerable microheterogeneity. One of the most com- 
mon H antigen structures is shown in the figure. 

The core structure (H antigen) can be modified in various 
ways. The addition of a GalNAc residue in a- (l — > 3) linkage 
forms A antigen. This reaction is catalyzed by A enzyme. The 
addition of Gal in a- (l — > 3) linkage is catalyzed by B enzyme. 

If only A antigen is present, a person will have A blood 
type. If only B antigen is present, the blood type will be B. 
The AB blood type indicates that both A antigen and B anti- 

gen are present on cell surfaces. If neither GalNAc or Gal 
have been added to the H antigen structure, then neither A 
antigen nor B antigen will be present and the blood type is O. 

The ABO blood group is determined by a single gene on 
chromosome 9. Human (and other primate) populations 
contain many alleles of this gene. The original gene encoded 
A enzyme, which transfers GalNAc. Variants of this gene have 
altered the specificity of the enzyme so that it no longer rec- 
ognizes GalNAc but, instead, transfers Gal. These B enzymes 
differ by several amino acid residues from the allele that en- 
codes the A enzyme. The structures of both types of glycosyl- 
transferase enzymes have been solved and they reveal that 
only a single amino acid substitution is required to change 
the specificity from iV-acetylaminogalactosyltransferase to 

The chromosome 9 locus can also contain several alleles 
that encode nonfunctional proteins. One of the most common 
mutations is a single base pair deletion near the N-terminus 

FUC a-(1 — >2) Hanti9en 


Gal /3-(1 3)- GIcNAc /3... 

A enzyme^^ B enzyme 

Fuc a-{ 1 ->2) Fuc a-( 1 -^2) 

\ \ 

Gal j3-(1-» 3)- GIcNAc p... Gal /3-(1 3)- GIcNAc /3... 

GalNAc a-0 Gal a-{ 1^3^ 

A antigen B antigen 

O-Linked oligosaccharides may account for 80% of the mass of mucins. These 
large glycoproteins are found in mucus, the viscous fluid that protects and lubricates 
the epithelium of the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and respiratory tracts. The 
oligosaccharide chains of mucins contain an abundance of NeuNAc residues and sul- 
fated sugars. The negative charges of these residues are responsible in part for the 
extended shape of mucins, which contributes to the viscosity of solutions containing 

The biosynthesis of the oligosaccharide chains of glycoproteins requires a battery 
of specific enzymes in distinct compartments of the cell. In the stepwise synthesis of 
O-linked oligosaccharides, glycosyltransferases catalyze the addition of glycosyl groups 
donated by nucleotide-sugar coenzymes. The oligosaccharide chains are assembled by 
addition of the first sugar molecule to the protein, followed by subsequent single-sugar 
additions to the nonreducing end. 

N-Linked oligosaccharides, like O-linked oligosaccharides, exhibit great variety in 
sugar sequence and composition. Most N-linked oligosaccharides can be divided into 

8.7 Glycoconjugates 251 

of the coding region. This deletion shifts the reading frame 
for translation (Section 22.1) making it impossible to synthe- 
size a functional enzyme of either type. This is another ex- 
ample of a human pseudogene. People who are homozygous 
for these nonfunctional O alleles will not synthesize either A 
antigen or B antigen and their blood type will be O. (See the 
Online Medelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM: ncbi.nlm.nih. 
gov/omim) database entry 1 10300 for an excellent and complete 
summary of all ABO variants.) 

All of your blood cells display some of the unmodified 
core oligosaccharide (H antigen) even if your blood type is A, 
B, or AB. This is because not all of the H antigen structures 
are modified. Under normal circumstances, human plasma 
will not contain antibodies against H antigen. However, 
O-type individuals will have antibodies against A antigen and 
B antigen because these structures are recognized as nonself. 
If O-type individuals receive a blood transfusion from some- 
one with A, B, or AB blood, they will mount an immune re- 
sponse and reject it. Similarly, if you have A- type blood you 
will have anti-B antibodies and cannot receive a transfusion 
from someone with B or AB blood type. 

The O allele (pseudogene) is the most common allele in 
most human populations and the B allele is the most rare. 
Some Native American populations are homogeneous for the 
O allele and everyone has type O blood. Type O individuals 
are perfectly normal, indicating that the absence of the A and 
B oligosaccharide structures has no effect on normal growth 
and development (i.e., the allele is neutral in most environ- 
ments). However, there are some correlations between blood 
type and disease. People with type O blood, for example, are 
more susceptible to cholera caused by infections of the bac- 
terium Vibrio cholerae. Such selective pressures may be re- 
sponsible for maintaining the frequencies of A and B alleles 
in some populations. 

Percent of 
that has the 
O blood type 

□ 50-60 

□ 60-70 

□ 70-80 

□ 80-90 
H 90-100 

▲ ABO blood group: distribution of alleles in humans. 

three subclasses: high mannose, complex, and hybrid (Figure 8.35). The appearance of a 
common core pentasaccharide (GlcNAc 2 Man 3 ) in each class reflects a common initial 
pathway for biosynthesis. The synthesis of N-linked oligosaccharides begins with the as- 
sembly of a compound consisting of a branched oligosaccharide with 14 residues (nine 
of which are mannose residues) linked to the lipid dolichol. The entire oligosaccharide 
chain is transferred to an asparagine residue of a newly synthesized protein, after which 
the chain is trimmed by the action of glycosidases. High-mannose chains represent an 
early stage in the biosynthesis of N-linked oligosaccharides. Complex oligosaccharide 
chains result from further removal of sugar residues from high-mannose chains and the 
addition of other sugar residues, such as fucose, galactose, GlcNAc, and sialic acid (a 
phenomenon called oligosaccharide processing). These additional sugar residues are 
donated by nucleotide sugars in reactions catalyzed by glycosyltransferases as in the 
synthesis of O-linked oligosaccharides. In certain cases, a glycoprotein can contain a hy- 
brid oligosaccharide chain, a branched oligosaccharide in which one branch is of the 
high-mannose type and the other is of the complex type. 


CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 


Man o;-(i — > 2) Man a-( 1^2) Man «-(i -^3) 

Man a-(i -> 2) Man a-( 1 -> 3) 

Man /3-(l^4) GIcNAc /3-(i-»4) GIcNAc - Asn 

Man a-(i -> 2) Man a-( 1 -> 6)' 

X M 


an «-(i^6) 

(b) SA a-(2 ->3,6) Gal jS-(l 4) GIcNAc /3-(l^ 2) Man «-(i -^3) 


Man /3-(i-»4) GIcNAc /3-(l->4) GIcNAc 



▲ Figure 8.35 

Structures of /V-linked oligosaccharides, (a) 

High-mannose chain, (b) Complex chain. 

(c) Hybrid chain. The pentasaccharide core 
common to all A/-linked structures is shown 
in red. SA represents sialic acid, usually 

▲ Mucins. Mucins are heavily glycosylated 
proteins secreted by the epithelial cells of 
animals. You are probably familiar with the 
mucins secreted by cells lining your mouth 
(saliva), nasal cavity (“snot”), and intestine. 
The mucin shown here is being secreted by 
a hagfish. 

The synthesis of glycoproteins is dis- 
cussed in Section 22.10. 

Gal /3-(l 4) GIcNAc /3-(l^2) Man a-(l -^3) 

Man ck-(1 — > 3) 

Man /3-(i — > 4) GIcNAc j3-(i->4) GIcNAc - Asn 

Man 0-0^6)' 


Man «-(i -> 6) 

Most glycoproteins are secreted from the cell or are bound to the outer surface of 
the plasma membrane. There are very few glycoproteins in the cytoplasm. With rare ex- 
ceptions, none of the basic metabolic enzymes are glycosylated. The addition of 
oligosaccharide chains is tightly coupled to sorting and secretion in eukaryotic cells. 
The oligosaccharides are attached to specific proteins in the lumen of the endoplasmic 
reticulum and the groups are modified by various glycosyltransferase enzymes as the 
proteins move from the ER through the Golgi to the cell surface. The structure of the 
linked oligosaccharide serves as a marker for sorting proteins into various compart- 
ments. For example, some proteins are targeted to the lysosomes, depending on the 
structure of the oligosaccharide, while others are marked for secretion. 

In addition to their roles as markers in sorting and secretion, the presence of one or 
more oligosaccharide chains on a protein can alter its physical properties, including its 
size, shape, solubility, electric charge, and stability. Biological properties that can be 
altered include rate of secretion, rate of folding, and immunogenicity. In a few cases, 
specific roles for the oligosaccharide chains of glycoproteins have been identified. For 
example, a number of mammalian hormones are dimeric glycoproteins whose oligosac- 
charide chains facilitate assembly of the dimer and confer resistance to proteolysis. Also, 
the recognition of one cell by another that occurs during cell migration or oocyte fertil- 
ization can depend in part on the binding of proteins on the surface of one cell to the 
carbohydrate portions of certain glycoproteins on the surface of the other cell. 


1. Carbohydrates include monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, and 
polysaccharides. Monosaccharides are classified as aldoses or ke- 
toses or their derivatives. 

2. A monosaccharide is designated D or L, according to the configu- 
ration of the chiral carbon farthest from the carbonyl carbon 
atom. Each monosaccharide has 2” possible stereoisomers, 
where n is the number of chiral carbon atoms. Enantiomers are 
nonsuperimposable mirror images of each other. Epimers differ 
in configuration at only one of several chiral centers. 

3. Aldoses with at least five carbon atoms and ketoses with at least 
six carbon atoms exist principally as cyclic hemiacetals or 
hemiketals known as furanoses and pyranoses. In these ring 
structures, the configuration of the anomeric (carbonyl) carbon 
is designated either a or (3 . Furanoses and pyranoses can adopt 
several conformations. 

4. Derivatives of monosaccharides include sugar phosphates, deoxy 
sugars, amino sugars, sugar alcohols, and sugar acids. 

Problems 253 

5. Glycosides are formed when the anomeric carbon of a sugar forms 
a glycosidic linkage with another molecule. Glycosides include dis- 
accharides, polysaccharides, and some carbohydrate derivatives. 

6. Homoglycans are polymers containing a single type of sugar 
residue. Examples of homoglycans include the storage polysac- 
charides starch and glycogen and the structural polysaccharides 
cellulose and chitin. 

7. Hetero glycans contain more than one type of sugar residue. They 
are found in glycoconjugates such as proteoglycans, peptidogly- 
cans, and glycoproteins. 

8. Proteoglycans are proteins linked to chains of repeating disaccha- 
rides. Proteoglycans are prominent in the extracellular matrix and 
in connective tissues such as cartilage. 

9. The cell walls of many bacteria are made of peptidoglycans that are 
heteroglycan chains linked to peptides. Peptidoglycan molecules 
are extensively cross-linked, essentially converting peptidoglycan 
into a rigid macromolecule that defines the shape of a bacterium 
and protects the plasma membrane. 

10. Glycoproteins are proteins containing covalently bound oligosac- 
charides. The oligosaccharide chains of most glycoproteins are 
either O-linked to serine or threonine residues or TV-linked to 
asparagine residues and exhibit great variety in structure and 
sugar composition. 


1. Identify each of the following: 

(a) Two aldoses whose configuration at carbons 3, 4, and 5 
matches that of D-fmctose. 

(b) The enantiomer of D-galactose. 

(c) An epimer of D-galactose that is also an epimer of D-mannose. 

(d) A ketose that has no chiral centers. 

(e) A ketose that has only one chiral center. 

(f) Monosaccharide residues of cellulose, amylose, and glycogen. 

(g) Monosaccharide residues of chitin. 

2. Draw Fischer projections for (a) L-mannose, (b) L-fucose 
(6-deoxy-L-galactose), (c) D-xylitol, and (d) D-iduronate. 

3. Describe the general structural features of glycosaminoglycans. 

4. Honey is an emulsion of microcrystalline D-fructose and D- 
glucose. Although D-fructose in polysaccharides exists mainly in 
the furanose form, solution or crystalline D-fructose (as in honey) 
is a mixture of several forms with /3-D-fructopyranose (67%) and 
/3-D-fructofuranose (25%) predominating. Draw the Fischer pro- 
jection for D-fructose and show how it can cyclize to form both of 
the cyclized forms above. 

5. Sialic acid (W-acetyl-a-D-neuraminic acid) is often found in 
TV-linked oligosaccharides that are involved in cell-cell interactions. 
Cancer cells synthesize much greater amounts of sialic acid than 
normal cells. Derivatives of sialic acid have been proposed as anti- 
cancer agents to block cell-surface interactions between normal 
and cancerous cells. Answer the following questions about the 
structure of sialic acid. 

(a) Is it an a or a P anomeric form? 

(b) Will sialic acid mutorotate between a and p anomeric forms? 

(c) Is this a “deoxy” sugar? 

(d) Will the open-chain form of sialic acid be an aldehyde or a 

(e) How many chiral carbons are there in the sugar ring? 

Sialic acid 

6. How many stereoisomers are possible for glucopyranose and for 
fructofuranose? How many are D sugars in each case, and how 
many are L sugars? 

7. Draw the structure of each of the following molecules and label 
each chiral carbon with an asterisk: 

(a) cr-D-Glucose 1 -phosphate. 

(b) 2-Deoxy-/3-D-ribose 5-phosphate. 

(c) D-Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. 

(d) L-Glucuronate. 

8. In aqueous solution, almost all D-glucose molecules (>99%) are 
in the pyranose form. Other aldoses have a greater proportion of 
molecules in the open-chain form. D-Glucose may have evolved 
to be the predominant hexose because it is less likely than its iso- 
mers to react with and damage cellular proteins. Explain why D- 
glucose reacts less than other aldoses with the amino groups of 

9. Why is the /3-D-glucopyranose form of glucose more abundant 
than a-D-glucopyranose in aqueous solution? 

10. The relative orientations of substituents on ribose rings are deter- 
mined by the conformation of the ring itself. If the ribose is part 
of a polymeric molecule, then ring conformation will affect over- 
all polymer structure. For example, the orientation of ribose 
phosphate substituents connecting monomeric nucleoside units 
is important in determining the overall structure of nucleic acid 
molecules. In one major form of DNA (B-DNA), the ribofura- 
nose rings adopt an envelope conformation in which C-2' carbon 
is above the plane defined by C-l, C-3, C-4, and the ring oxygen 
(C-2' endo conformation). Draw the envelope structure of D- 
ribose 5-phosphate with a nucleoside base (B) attached in a 
P -anomeric position at the C-l carbon. 

11. In a procedure for testing blood glucose, a drop of blood is placed 
on a paper strip impregnated with the enzyme glucose oxidase 
and all the reagents necessary for the reaction 

(3-D-G lucose + 0 2 » D-Gluconolactone + H 2 0 2 

The H 2 0 2 produced causes a color change on the paper that indi- 
cates how much glucose is present. Since glucose oxidase is spe- 
cific for the p anomer of glucose, why can the total blood glucose 
be measured? 

12. Sucralose (registered under the brand name Splenda®) is a non- 
nutritive (noncaloric) sweetener that is approximately 600 times 
sweeter than sugar. Since sucralose is heat stable, it can be used in 
cooking and baking. The structure of sucralose is shown below. 

254 CHAPTER 8 Carbohydrates 

Name the disaccharide that is used as a starting substrate for the 
synthesis of sucralose. What chemical modifications have been 
made to the starting disaccharide? 

13 . Draw Haworth projections for the following glycosides: 

(a) Isomaltose [ct-D-glucopyranosyl- ( 1 — » 6 ) -a-D-glucopyranose] . 

(b) Amygdalin, a compound in the pits of certain fruits, which 
has a — CH(CN)C 6 H 5 group attached to C-l of /3 -d- 
glucopyranosyl-(l — > 6)-/3-D-glucopyranose. 

(c) The O-linked oligosaccharide in collagen (/3-D-galactose at- 
tached to a 5-hydroxylysine residue) 

14 . Keratan sulfate is a glycosaminoglycan composed primarily of the 
following repeating disaccharide unit: — Gal /3(1 — » 4) GlcNAc6S 
/3( 1 — » 3) — . The acetylated sugar has a sulfate ester on C-6. Ker- 
atan sulfate is found in cornea, bone, and cartilage aggregated 
with other glycosaminoglycans such as chondroitin sulfate. Draw 
a Haworth projection of the repeating disaccharide unit found in 
keratan sulfate. 

15 . A number of diseases result from hereditary deficiencies in spe- 
cific glycosidases. In these diseases, certain glycoproteins are in- 
completely degraded and oligosaccharides accumulate in tissues. 
Which of the XT-linked oligosaccharides in Figure 8.35 would be 
affected by deficiencies of the following enzymes? 

(a) iV-Acetyl-/3-glucosaminyl asparagine amidase 

(b) /3-Galactosidase 

(c) Sialidase 

(d) Fucosidase 

16 . A carbohydrate-amino acid polymer that is a potent inhibitor of 
influenza virus has been synthesized. The virus is thought to be 
inactivated when multiple sialyl groups bind to viral surface pro- 
teins. Draw the chemical structure of the carbohydrate portion of 
this polymer (below, where X represents the rest of the polymer). 

NeuNAc a -( 2 -> 3) Gal /3-(l -> 4) Glu /3-(l -> )-X 

17 . Imagine that you could take a pill containing /3-glucosidase. If, 
after taking this pill, you ate this textbook, what would it taste 
like? Would it taste any different if you could marinate it 
overnight in a solution containing /3-glucosidase? Should pub- 
lishers use flavored ink in order to encourage students to eat their 

Selected Readings 


Collins, R M., ed. (1987). Carbohydrates (London 
and New York: Chapman and Hall). 

El Khadem, H. S. (1988). Carbohydrate Chemistry: 
Monosaccharides and Their Derivatives (Orlando, 
FL: Academic Press). 

Li, X., Glaser, D., Li, W., Johnson, W. E., O’Brien, 

S. J., Beauchamp, G. K., and Brand, J. G. (2009). 
Analyses of sweet receptor gene (Taslr2) and pref- 
erence for sweet stimuli in species of Carnivora. 

/. Hered. 100 (Supplement 1):S90-S100. 

Li, X., Li, W., Wang, H., Cao, J., Maehashi, K., 
Huang, L., Bachmanov, A. A., Reed, D. R., 
Legrand-Defretin, V., Beauchamp, G. K., and 
Brand, J. G. (2005). Pseudogenization of a sweet- 
receptor gene accounts for cats’ indifference to- 
ward sugar. PloS Genet. 1(1): e3. DOL10.1371/ 

Nodulation Factors 

Denarie, J., and Debelle, L. (1996). Rhizobium 
lipo-chitooligosaccharide nodulation factors: 
signaling molecules mediating recognition 
and morphogenesis. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Madsen, L. H., Tirichine, L., Jurkiewicz, A., Sullivan, 
J. T., Heckmann, A. B., Bek, A. S., Ronson, C. W., 
James, E. K., and Stougaard, J. (2010). The molec- 
ular network governing nodule organogenesis and 
infection in the model legume Lotus jap onicus. 
Nature Communications. 

DOI: 10. 1038/ncommsl009 

Mergaert, P., Van Montagu, M., and Holsters, M. 
(1997). Molecular mechanisms of Nod factor 
diversity. Mol. Microbiol. 25:81 1-817. 

Thoden, J. B., Kim, J., Raushel, L. M., and 
Holden, H. M. (2002). Structural and kinetic 
studies of sugar binding to galactose mutarotase 
from Lactococcus lactis. J. Biol. Chem. 


Heinegard, D., and Oldberg, A. (1989). Structure 
and biology of cartilage and bone matrix 
noncollagenous macromolecules. FASEB J. 

Iozzo, R. V. (1999). The biology of the small 
leucine-rich proteoglycans: functional network 
of interactive proteins. /. Biol. Chem. 

Iozzo, R. V., and Murdoch, A. D. (1996). Proteo- 
glycans of the extracellular environment: clues 
from the gene and protein side offer novel per- 
spectives in molecular diversity and function. 
FASEB J. 10:598-614. 

Kjellen, L., and Lindahl, U. (1991). Proteoglycans: 
structures and interactions. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Whitfield, C. (2006) Biosynthesis and assembly of 
capsular polysaccharides in Escherichia coli. Annu. 
Rev. Biochem. 75:39-68. 


Drickamer, K., and Taylor, M. E. (1998). Evolving 
views of protein glycosylation. Trends Biochem. 

Sci. 23:321-324. 

Dwek, R. A., Edge, C. J., Harvey, D. J., Wormald, 
M. R., and Parekh, R. B. (1993). Analysis of 
glycoprotein-associated oligosaccharides. 

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 62:65-100. 

Fudge, D. S., Levy, N., Chiu, S., and Gosline, 

J. M. (2005). Composition, morphology and 
mechanics of hagfish slime. /. Exp. Biol. 

Selected Readings 255 

Lairson, L. L., Henrissat, B., Davies, G., and With- 
ers, S. G. (2008). Glycosyltransferases: structures, 
functions, and mechanisms. Annu Rev Biochem. 
77:5 21-555. 

Lechner, J., and Wieland, F. (1989). Structure and 
biosynthesis of prokaryotic glycoproteins. Annu. 
Rev. Biochem. 58:173-194. 

Marionneau, S., Caileau-Thomas, A., Rocher, 

J., Le Moullac-Vaidye, B. Ruvoen, N., Clement, M., 
and Le Pendu, J. (2001). ABH and Lewis histo- 

blood group antigens, a model for the meaning of 
oligosaccharide diversity in the face of a changing 
world. Biochimie. 83:565-573. 

Patenaude, S. I., Seto, N. O. L., Borisova, S. N., 
Szpacenko, A., Marcus, S. L., Palcic, M. M., and 
Evans, S. V. (2002). The structural basis for speci- 
ficity in human ABO(H) blood group biosynthe- 
sis. Nat. Struct. Biol. 9:685-690. 

Rademacher, T. W., Parekh, R. B., and Dwek, R. A. 
(1988). Glycobiology. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Rudd, P. M., and Dwek, R. A. (1997). Glycosyla- 
tion: heterogeneity and the 3D structure of pro- 
teins. Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. 32:1-100. 

Strous, G. J., and Dekker, J. (1992). Mucin-type 
glycoproteins. Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. 














o c 







_ o 

° o o o 

° o 


o o 


° c 



o o 

Lipids and Membranes 

I n this chapter, we consider lipids, ( lipo -, fat) a third major class of biomolecules. 
Lipids — like proteins and carbohydrates — are essential components of all living 
organisms. However, unlike these other types of biomolecules, lipids have widely 
varied structures. They are often defined as water- insoluble (or only sparingly soluble) 
organic compounds found in biological systems but that’s a very broad definition. 
Lipids are very soluble in nonpolar organic solvents. They are either hydrophobic (non- 
polar) or amphipathic (containing both nonpolar and polar regions). 

We begin this chapter with a discussion of the structures and functions of the dif- 
ferent classes of lipids. In the second part of the chapter, we examine the structures of 
biological membranes whose properties as cellular barriers depend on the properties of 
their lipids. Finally, we describe the principles of membrane transport and transmem- 
brane signaling pathways. 

In this article , we therefore present 
and discuss a fluid mosaic model of 
membrane structure ; and propose 
that it is applicable to most biologi- 
cal membranes ; such as plasmalem- 
mal and intracellular membranes , 
including the membranes of different 
cell organelles such as mitochondria 
and chloroplasts . 

— S.J. Singer and 
G.L. Nicholson (1972) 

9.1 Structural and Functional Diversity 
of Lipids 

Figure 9.1 shows the major types of lipids and their structural relationships to one 
another. The simplest lipids are the fatty acids that have the general formula R — 
COOH, where R represents a hydrocarbon chain composed of various lengths of 
— CH 2 - (methylene) units. Fatty acids are components of many more complex types of 
lipids, including triacylglycerols, glycerophospholipids, and sphingolipids. Lipids con- 
taining phosphate groups are called phospholipids and lipids containing both sphingo- 
sine and carbohydrate groups are called glycosphingolipids. Steroids, lipid vitamins, and 
terpenes are related to the five-carbon molecule isoprene and are therefore called 
isoprenoids. The name terpenes has been applied to all isoprenoids but usually is re- 
stricted to those that occur in plants. 

Lipids have diverse biological functions as well as diverse structures. Biological 
membranes contain a variety of amphipathic lipids including glycerophospholipids and 

Top: Ribbon structure of the transmembrane portion of porin FhuA from Escherichia coli (see Figure 9.28). 


9.2 Fatty Acids 257 


Fatty acids 


Triacylglycerols Waxes Sphingolipids 



Plasmalogens Phosphatidates Sphingomyelins 

Phosphatidyl- Phosphatidyl- Phosphatidyl- Phosphatidyl- Other 

ethanolamines serines cholines inositols phospholipids 


sphingolipids. In some organisms, triacylglycerols (fats and oils) function as intracellu- 
lar storage molecules for metabolic energy. Fats also provide animals with thermal insu- 
lation and padding. Waxes in cell walls, exoskeletons, and skins protect the surfaces of 
some organisms. Some lipids have highly specialized functions. For example, steroid 
hormones regulate and integrate a host of metabolic activities in animals and 
eicosanoids participate in the regulation of blood pressure, body temperature, and 
smooth-muscle contraction in mammals. Gangliosides and other glycosphingolipids 
are located at the cell surface and can participate in cellular recognition. 

9.2 Fatty Acids 

More than 100 different fatty acids have been identified in various species. Fatty 
acids differ from one another in the length of their hydrocarbon tails, the number of 
carbon-carbon double bonds, the positions of the double bonds in the chains, and the 
number of branches. Some of the fatty acids commonly found in mammals are shown 
in Table 9.1. 

All fatty acids have a carboxyl group ( — CO OH) at their “head ” This is why they 
are acids. The p K a of this group is about 4.5 to 5.0 so it is ionized at physiological pH 
( — COO - ). Fatty acids are a form of detergent because they have a long hydrophobic 
tail and a polar head (Section 2.4). As expected, the concentration of free fatty acid in 
cells is quite low because high concentrations of free fatty acids could disrupt mem- 
branes. Most fatty acids are components of more complex lipids. They are joined to 
other molecules by an ester linkage at the terminal carboxyl group. 

Fatty acids can be referred to by either International Union of Pure and Applied 
Chemistry (IUPAC) names or common names. Common names are used for the most 
frequently encountered fatty acids. 

The number of carbon atoms in the most abundant fatty acids ranges from 12 to 20 
and is almost always an even number since fatty acids are synthesized by the sequen- 
tial addition of two-carbon units. In IUPAC nomenclature, the carboxyl carbon is la- 
beled C-l and the remaining carbon atoms are numbered sequentially. In common 

Steroids Lipid Terpenes 







▲ Figure 9.1 

Structural relationships of the major classes 
of lipids. Fatty acids are the simplest lipids. 
Many other types of lipids either contain or 
are derived from fatty acids. Glycerophospho- 
lipids and sphingomyelins contain phosphate 
and are classified as phospholipids. Cerebro- 
sides and gangliosides contain sphingosine 
and carbohydrate and are classified as gly- 
cosphingolipids. Steroids, lipid vitamins, 
and terpenes are called isoprenoids because 
they are related to the five-carbon molecule 
isoprene rather than to fatty acids. 

Fatty acid biosynthesis is discussed in 
Chapter 16. 

258 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 

Table 9.1 Some common fatty acids (anionic forms) 

Number of 

Number of 
double bonds 



IUPAC name 

Molecular formula 

point, °C 





CH 3 (CH 2 ) 10 COO© 






CH 3 1(CH 2 1) 12 COO e 






CH 3 1(CH 2 1) 14 COO e 






CH 3 (CH 2 ) 16 COO© 






CH 3 (CH 2 ) 18 COO© 






CH 3 (CH 2 ) 20 COO e 






CH 3 (CH 2 ) 22 COO e 





cis- A 9 -Hexadecenoate 

CH 3 (CH 2 ) 5 CH = CH(CH 2 ) 7 COO© 





c/s- A 9 -Octadecenoate 

CH 3 (CH 2 ) 7 CH = CH(CH 2 ) 7 COO e 





cis, c/s- A 9,1 2 -Octadecadienoate 

CH 3 (CH 2 ) 4 (CH = CHCH 2 ) 2 (CH 2 ) 6 COO e 





all c/s- A 9/1 2/1 5 -Octadecatrienoate 

CH 3 CH 2 (CH = CHCH 2 ) 3 (CH 2 ) 6 COO e 





all c/s- A 5,8,1 1 ^ 4 -Eicosatetraenoate 

CH 3 (CH 2 ) 4 (CH = CHCH 2 ) 4 (CH 2 ) 2 COO® 


nomenclature, Greek letters are used to identify the carbon atoms. The carbon adjacent 
to the carboxyl carbon (C-2 in IUPAC nomenclature) is designated a, and the other 
carbons are lettered /?, y, <5, and £ and so on (Figure 9.2). The Greek letter co (omega) 
specifies the carbon atom farthest from the carboxyl group, whatever the length of the 
hydrocarbon tail, (co is the last letter in the Greek alphabet.) 

Fatty acids without a carbon-carbon double bond are classified as saturated, 
whereas those with at least one carbon-carbon double bond are classified as unsaturated. 
Unsaturated fatty acids with only one carbon-carbon double bond are called 
monounsaturated and those with two or more are called polyunsaturated. The configuration 
of the double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids can be either cis or trans . The configura- 
tion is usually cis in naturally occurring fatty acids (see Box. 9.2). 

The positions of double bonds are indicated by the symbol A n in IUPAC nomen- 
clature, where the superscript n indicates the lower-numbered carbon atom of each 











present in oil from the laurel plant ( Laurus 
nobilis) (1873) 

oil from nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (1848) 
from palm oil (1857) 

from French stearique referring to fat from 
steers, or tallow (1831) 

present in oil from peanuts ( Arachis hypogaea ) 

a corruption of “ben” from ben- nut = seeds of 

the Horseradish tree (1873) 

probably from Latin lignum (“wood”) (-1900) 

from Latin oleum (“oil”) (1899) 

found in linseed oil ( lin + oleate ) (1857) 

▲ The African oil palm tree, Elaeis guineensis. Palm oil is a complex 
mixture of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids but palmitate 
makes up 44% of the total. The presence of such a large amount of 
saturated fatty acid means that palm oil is a semisolid at room tem- 
perature. It can never be “virgin” or “extra virgin” (see Box 16.6). 

9.2 Fatty Acids 259 



0= c 


a CH 

/ 2 



3 \ 


rCH 2 

/ 4 

5 ch 2 

5 \ 



7 \ 



/ 8 



9 \ 







« CH 














◄ Figure 9.2 

Structure and nomenclature of fatty acids. Fatty 
acids consist of a long hydrocarbon tail ter- 
minating with a carboxyl group. Since the 
p K a of the carboxyl group is approximately 
4.5 to 5.0, fatty acids are anionic at physio- 
logical pH. In IUPAC nomenclature, carbons 
are numbered beginning with the carboxyl 
carbon. In common nomenclature, the car- 
bon atom adjacent to the carboxyl carbon is 
designated a, and the remaining carbons 
are lettered p, y S, and so on. The carbon 
atom farthest from the carboxyl carbon is 
designated the co carbon, whatever the length 
of the tail. The fatty acid shown, laurate 
(or dodecanoate), has 12 carbon atoms and 
contains no carbon-carbon double bonds. 

double-bonded pair (Table 9.1). The double bonds of most polyunsaturated fatty acids 
are separated by a methylene group and are therefore not conjugated. 

A shorthand notation for identifying fatty acids uses two numbers separated by 
a colon — the first refers to the number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid and the second 
refers to the number of carbon-carbon double bonds, with their positions indicated 
as superscripts following a Greek symbol, A. In this notation, palmitate is written as 
16:0, oleate as 18:1 A 9 , and arachidonate as 20:4 A 5,8,11,14 . Unsaturated fatty acids can 


The configuration of most double bonds in unsaturated fatty 
acids is cis but some fatty acids in the human diet have the 
trans configuration. Trans fatty acids can come from animal 
sources such as dairy products and ruminant meats. However, 
most of the edible trans fatty acids consumed in Western in- 
dustrialized countries are present as hydrogenated vegetable 
oils in some margarines or shortenings. Dietary trans 
monounsaturated fatty acids can increase plasma levels of 
cholesterol and triglycerides and their ingestion may increase 
the risk of cardiovascular disease. More work is required to 
establish the exact level of risk. 

Plant oils such as corn oil and sunflower oil can be converted 
to “spreadable” semisolid substances known as margarines. 
Margarines can be produced by the partial or complete hy- 
drogenation of double bonds in plant oils. The hydrogenation 
process itself not only saturates the carbon-carbon double 
bonds of fatty acid esters but can also change the configuration 
of the remaining double bonds from cis to trans. The physical 
properties of these trans fatty acids are similar to those of sat- 
urated fatty acids. 

In order to reduce consumption of trans fatty acids, 
many margarines are now produced from plant oils without 
hydrogenation by adding other edible components such as 
skim milk powder. 





▲ Cis and transforms of A 9 -octadecanoate. (Left) Oleate (c/'s- A 9 -octade- 
canoate). (Right) the trans configuration after hydrogenation. 


CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 

t Figure 9.3 

Structures of three C 18 fatty acids, (a) Stearate 
(octadecanoate), a saturated fatty acid, (b) 
Oleate (c/s- A 9 -octadecenoate) a monounsat- 
urated fatty acid, (c) Linolenate (all-c/'s- 
A 9 ,i2T5_ oc t ac j eca t r j enoa t e ) a polyunsaturated 
fatty acid. The cis double bonds produce 
kinks in the tails of the unsaturated fatty 
acids. Linolenate is a very flexible molecule 
that can assume a variety of conformations. 

also be described by the location of the last double bond in the chain. This double bond 
is usually found three, six, or nine carbon atoms from the end of the chain. Such fatty 
acids are called co - 3 (e.g., 18:3 A 9,12,15 ), co - 6 (e.g., 18:2 A 9,12 ), or co - 9 (e.g., 18:1 A 9 ). 

The physical properties of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids differ considerably. 
Typically, saturated fatty acids are waxy solids at room temperature (22°C) whereas un- 
saturated fatty acids are liquids at this temperature. The length of the hydrocarbon 
chain of a fatty acid and its degree of unsaturation influence the melting point. Com- 
pare the melting points listed in Table 9.1 for the saturated fatty acids laurate (12:0), 
myristate (14:0), and palmitate (16:0). As the lengths of the hydrocarbon tails increase, 
the melting points of the saturated fatty acids also increase. The number of van der 
Waals interactions among neighboring hydrocarbon tails increases as the tails get longer 
so more energy is required to disrupt the interactions. 

Compare the structures of stearate (18:0), oleate (18:1), and linolenate (18:3) in 
Figures 9.3 and 9.4. The saturated hydrocarbon tail of stearate is flexible since rotation 
can occur around every carbon-carbon bond. In a crystal of stearic acid, the hydrocar- 
bon chains are extended and pack together closely. The presence of cis double bonds in 
oleate and linolenate produces pronounced bends in the hydrocarbon chains since rota- 
tion around double bonds is hindered. These bends prevent close packing and extensive 
van der Waals interactions among the hydrocarbon chains. Consequently, cis unsatu- 
rated fatty acids have lower melting points than saturated fatty acids. As the degree of 
unsaturation increases, fatty acids become more fluid. Note that stearic acid (melting 
point 70°C) is a solid at body temperature but oleic acid (melting point 13°C) and 
linolenic acid (melting point — 17°C) are both liquids. 

As mentioned earlier, free fatty acids occur only in trace amounts in living cells. 
Most fatty acids are esterified to glycerol or other backbone compounds to form more 
complex lipid molecules. In esters and other derivatives of carboxylic acids, the RC = O 
moiety contributed by the acid is called the acyl group. In common nomenclature, 



0 G 


= c 


2CH 2 


3CH 2 


4CH 2 


5CH 2 


6CH 2 


7CH 2 


8CH 2 


9CH 2 


10CH 2 


"CH 2 


12CH 2 


'3CH 2 


14CH 2 


'5CH 2 


16CH 2 


17CH 2 


18CH 3 



0 G 


0 = C 


2CH 2 


3CH 2 


4CH 2 


3CH 2 


6CH 2 


7CH 2 


8CH 2 



H— 9 C 

^ 11 

10 C— ch 2 

/ \ 13 

H H 2 C— CH 2 

12 \ z 

\ 15 

h 2 c — ch 2 

^ 14 \ 

\ 17 

h 2 c— ch 2 

z i6 y z 



0 G 


0= c 


2CH 2 


3CH 2 


4CH 2 


5CH 2 


6CH 2 


7CH 2 

.ch 2 

1 oC=C 9 

/ \ 

H H 

;ch 2 


17 16 // 

h 2 c — c 

/ \ 




9.3 Triacylglycerols 261 

◄ Figure 9.4 

Stearate (left), oleate (center), and linolenate 
(right). Color key: carbon, grey; hydrogen, 
white; oxygen, red. 




1 2 I 3 

h 2 c — c — ch 2 

1 I I 

H 2 C — ch — ch 2 

complex lipids that contain specific fatty acyl groups are named after the parent fatty 
acid. For example, esters of the fatty acid laurate are called lauroyl esters, and esters of 
linoleate are called linoleoyl esters. (A lauryl group is the alcohol analog of the lauroyl 
acyl group). The relative abundance of particular fatty acids varies with the type of or- 
ganism, type of organ (in multicellular organisms), and food source. The most abundant 
fatty acids in animals are usually oleate (18:1), palmitate (16:0), and stearate (18:0). 

Mammals require certain dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids that they cannot syn- 
thesize, such as linoleate (18:2 A 9,12 ) and linolenate (18:3 A 9,12,15 ). These fatty acids are 
called essential fatty acids. Mammals can synthesize other polyunsaturated fatty acids 
from an adequate supply of linoleate and linolenate. (Recall that many vitamins are also 
essential components of the mammalian diet because mammals cannot synthesize 
them. In addition to vitamins and essential fatty acids, we will see in Chapter 17 that 
many amino acids cannot be synthesized in mammals.) 

Linolenate is an omega- 3 (ft) - 3) fatty acid since the last double bond is three carbon 
atoms from the tail end of the molecule. Omega-3 fatty acids are very popular dietary 
supplements. They are enriched in fish oils, which is why many people recommend that 
you include fish and fish oils in your diet. Linolenate is an essential fatty acid so your diet 
must include an adequate supply of this omega-3 fatty acid. This adequate amount is 
readily supplied in the typical diet of people all over the world, which is why essential 
fatty acid deficiency is rare. The market for supplemental omega-3 fatty acids is driven by 
other factors. The most important benefit is protection against cardiovascular disease. 
The scientific evidence indicates that extra amounts of omega- 3 fatty acids provide a 
small benefit in terms of reducing the risk of heart attacks, particularly a second heart at- 
tack. None of the other claims are based on reproducible double-blind test results after 
controlling for other factors. Eating fish, for example, will not make you smarter. 

Many fatty acids besides those listed in Table 9.1 are present in nature. For example, 
fatty acids containing cyclopropane rings are found in bacteria. Branched-chain fatty 
acids are common components of bacterial membranes and also occur on the feathers 
of ducks. Many other fatty acids are rare and have highly specialized functions. 

9.3 Triacylglycerols 

As their name implies, triacylglycerols (historically called triglycerides) are composed of 
three fatty acyl residues esterified to glycerol, a three-carbon sugar alcohol (Figure 9.5). 
Triacylglycerols are very hydrophobic. 

▲ Figure 9.5 

Structure of a triacylglycerol. Glycerol (a) is 
the backbone to which three fatty acyl residues 
are esterified (b). Although glycerol is not 
chiral, C-2 of a triacylglycerol is chiral when 
the acyl groups bound to C-l and C-3 (Ri and 
R 3 ) differ. The general structure of a triacyl- 
glycerol is shown in (c), oriented for compar- 
ison with the structure of L-glyceraldehyde 
(Figure 8.1). This orientation allows stere- 
ospecific numbering of glycerol derivatives 
with C-l at the top and C-3 at the bottom. 

262 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 

▲ Figure 9.6 

Adipocytes. This is a colorized scanning 
electron micrograph of clusters of adipocytes. 
A fat droplet occupies most of the volume of 
each adipocyte. 

The structures and functions of lipopro- 
teins are discussed in Section 16.1B. 


Glycerophospholipids have polar heads 
and long, hydrophobic fatty acid tails. 


Many important lipids are derivatives of 
glycerol (see Box 16.1). 

▲ Yellow jacket wasp. The venom of wasps, 
bees, and snakes contains phospholipases. 

Fats and oils are mixtures of triacylglycerols. They can be solids (fats) or liquids 
(oils), depending on their fatty acid compositions and on the temperature. Triacylglyc- 
erols containing only saturated long chain fatty acyl groups tend to be solids at body 
temperature and those containing unsaturated or short chain fatty acyl groups tend to 
be liquids. A sample of naturally occurring triacylglycerols can contain as many as 20 to 
30 molecular species that differ in their fatty acid constituents. Tripalmitin, found in 
animal fat, contains three residues of palmitic acid. Triolein, which contains three oleic 
acid residues, is the principal triacylglycerol in olive oil. 

In most cells, triacylglycerols coalesce as fat droplets. These droplets are sometimes 
seen near mitochondria in cells that rely on fatty acids for metabolic energy. In mam- 
mals, most fat is stored in adipose tissue that is composed of specialized cells known as 
adipocytes. Each adipocyte contains a large fat droplet that accounts for nearly the en- 
tire volume of the cell (Figure 9.6). Although distributed throughout the bodies of 
mammals, most adipose tissue occurs just under the skin and in the abdominal cavity. 
Extensive subcutaneous fat serves both as a storage depot for energy and as thermal in- 
sulation and is especially pronounced in aquatic mammals. 

9.4 Glycerophospholipids 

Triacylglycerols are not found in biological membranes. The most abundant lipids in 
most membranes are glycerophospholipids (also called phosphoglycerides). Glyc- 
erophospholipids, like triacylglycerols, have a glycerol backbone. The simplest glyc- 
erophospholipids are the, phosphatidates — they consist of two fatty acyl groups 
esterified to C-l and C-2 of glycerol 3-phosphate (Table 9.2). Note that there are three 
fatty acyl groups esterified to glycerol in triacylglycerols whereas there are only two fatty 
acyl groups (R x and R 2 ) in the glycerophospholipids. The distinguishing feature of 
the glycerophospholipids is the presence of a phosphate group on C-3 of the glycerol 
backbone. The structures of glycerophospholipids can be drawn as derivatives of 
L-glycerol 3-phosphate with the C-2 substituent on the left in a Fischer projection, as in 
Table 9.2. For simplicity, we usually show these compounds as stereochemically uncom- 
mitted structures. 

Phosphatidates are present in small amounts as intermediates in the biosynthe- 
sis or breakdown of more complex glycerophospholipids. In most glycerophospho- 
lipids, the phosphate group is esterified to both glycerol and another compound 
bearing an — OH group. Table 9.2 lists some common types of glycerophospho- 
lipids. Note that glycerophospholipids are amphipathic molecules with a polar head 
and long, nonpolar tails. The structures of three types of glycerophospholipids — 
phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidylcholine — are shown 
in Figure 9.7. 

Each type of glycerophospholipid consists of a family of molecules with the same 
polar head group and different fatty acyl chains. For example, human red blood cell 
membranes contain at least 21 different species of phosphatidylcholine that differ from 
one another in the fatty acyl chains esterified at C-l and C-2 of the glycerol backbone. 
In general, glycerophospholipids have saturated fatty acids esterified to C-l and unsatu- 
rated fatty acids esterified to C-2. The major membrane glycerophospholipids in 
Escherichia coli are phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol. 

A variety of phospholipases can be used to dissect glycerophospholipid structures 
and determine the identities of their individual fatty acids. The specific positions of 
fatty acids in glycerophospholipids can be determined by using phospholipase A x and 
phospholipase A 2 that specifically catalyze the hydrolysis of the ester bonds at C- 1 and 
C-2, respectively (Figure 9.8). Phospholipase A 2 is the major phospholipase in pancre- 
atic juice and it is responsible for the digestion of membrane phospholipids in the diet. 
It is also present in snake, bee, and wasp venom. High concentrations of the products of 
the action of phospholipase A 2 can disrupt cell membranes. Thus, injection of snake 
venom into the blood can result in life-threatening lysis of the membranes of red blood 
cells. Phospholipase C catalyzes hydrolysis of the P — O bond between glycerol and 

9.5 Sphingolipids 263 

Table 9.2 Some common types of glycerophospholipids 



c— o— ch 2 

X = rest of polar head 

(R 2 ) 

o — X 

Precursor of X 
(HO — X) 

Formulas of — O 


Name of resulting 


— H 




— CH 2 CH 2 N(CH 3 ) 3 




— ch 2 ch 2 nh 3 






— CH 2 — CH 

\oo 0 



— ch 2 ch — ch 2 oh 




0 CH 2 OCR 3 




r 4 coch 



— ch 2 ch — ch 2 — 0 


— p- 

o e 

-o— ch 2 



myo- Inositol 


1/ DH H\j 

1 |C OH HO A 

Phosphatidyl inositol 

H 0H 
H H 

phosphate to liberate diacylglycerol. Phospholipase D converts glycerophospholipids to 

Plasma logens are the other major type of glycerophospholipids. They differ from phos- 
phatidates because the hydrocarbon substituent on the C- 1 hydroxyl group of glycerol 
is attached by a vinyl ether linkage rather than an ester linkage (Figure 9.9). Ethanolamine 
or choline is commonly esterified to the phosphate group of plasmalogens. Plasmalogens 
account for about 23% of the glycerophospholipids in the human central nervous system 
and are also found in the membranes of peripheral nerve and muscle tissue. 

9.5 Sphingolipids 

Sphingolipids are the second most abundant lipids in plant and animal membranes. In 
mammals, sphingolipids are particularly abundant in tissues of the central nervous sys- 
tem. Most bacteria do not have sphingolipids. The structural backbone of sphingolipids 
is sphingosine (trans- 4-sphingenine), an unbranched C 18 alcohol with a trans double 

264 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 

(R,) (R 2 ) 

(R,) (R 2 ) 



(Ri) (R 2 ) 


^ Polar heads 

^ Nonpolar tails 

▲ Figure 9.7 

Structures of (a) phosphatidylethanolamine, 
(b) phosphatidylserine, and (c) phosphatidyl- 
choline. Functional groups derived from es- 
terified alcohols are shown in blue. Since 
each of these lipids can contain many com- 
binations of fatty acyl groups, the general 
name refers to a family of compounds, not 
to a single molecule. 

bond between C-4 and C-5, an amino group at C-2, and hydroxyl groups at C-l and C-3 
(Figure 9.10a). Ceramide consists of a fatty acyl group linked to the C-2 amino group of 
sphingosine by an amide bond (Figure 9.10b). Ceramides are the metabolic precursors 
of all sphingolipids. The three major families of sphingolipids are the sphingomyelins, 
the cerebrosides, and the gangliosides. Of these, only sphingomyelins contain phosphate 
and are classified as phospholipids; cerebrosides and gangliosides contain carbohydrate 
residues and are classified as glycosphingolipids (Figure 9.1). 

In sphingomyelins, phosphocholine is attached to the C-l hydroxyl group of a ce- 
ramide (Figure 9.10c). Note the resemblance of sphingomyelin to phosphatidylcholine 
(Figure 9.7c) — both molecules are zwitterions containing choline, phosphate, and two 
long hydrophobic tails. Sphingomyelins are present in the plasma membranes of most 
mammalian cells and are a major component of the myelin sheaths that surround cer- 
tain nerve cells. 

Figure 9.8 ► 

Action of four phospholipases. Phospholipases 
A 1? A 2 , C, and D can be used to dissect glyc- 
erophospholipid structure. Phospholipases 
catalyze the selective removal of fatty acids 
from C-l or C-2 or convert glycerophospho- 
lipids to diacylglycerols or phosphatidates. 

H 2 C— CH— CH 2 
O O 

Phospholipase A ^ -| |- Phospholipase A 2 

0 = c c = o 




Phospholipase D 

0 o— P = 0 

I- Phospholipase C 


Ri R 2 Rt 

9.5 Sphingolipids 265 

Cerebrosides are glycosphingolipids that contain one monosaccharide residue 
attached by a /3-glycosidic linkage to C-l of a ceramide. Galactocerebrosides, also 
known as galactosylceramides, have a single /3 -d - galactosyl residue as a polar head 
group (Figure 9.11). Galactocerebrosides are abundant in nerve tissue and account for 
about 15% of the lipids of myelin sheaths. Many other mammalian tissues contain glu- 
cocerebrosides, ceramides with a /3-D-glucosyl head group. In some glycosphingolipids, 
a linear chain of up to three more monosaccharide residues is attached to the galactosyl 
or glucosyl moiety of a cerebroside. 

Gangliosides are more complex glycosphingolipids in which oligosaccharide chains 
containing N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuNAc) are attached to a ceramide. NeuNAc 
(Figure 8.15), an acetylated derivative of neuraminic acid, makes the head groups of 
gangliosides anionic. The structure of a representative ganglioside, G M2 , is shown in 
Figure 9.12. The M in G M2 stands for monosialo (i.e., one NeuNAc residue); G M2 was 
the second monosialo ganglioside characterized, thus the subscript 2. 

More than 60 varieties of gangliosides have been characterized. Their structural di- 
versity results from variations in the composition and sequence of sugar residues. Gan- 
glioside G M1 , for example, is similar to ganglioside G M2 shown in Figure 9.12 except 
that it has an additional /3 -d- galactose residue attached to the terminal N-acetyl-/3-D- 
galactosamine residue via a /3-( 1 —> 4) linkage. In all gangliosides, the ceramide is linked 
through its C-l to a /3-glucosyl residue, which in turn is bound to a /3-galactosyl residue. 

Gangliosides are present on cell surfaces with the two hydrocarbon chains of the 
ceramide moiety embedded in the plasma membrane and the oligosaccharides on the 


(trans- 4-Sphingenine) 



CH q 



h 3 c — n — ch 3 
oh 2 
oh 2 


0=P— 0° 

©nh 3 

ch 2 


oh 2 


0= P— o 0 

ether -< 


1 2 3 I 

h 2 c — ch — ch 2 



c = o 

(Ri) (R 2 ) 

▲ Figure 9.9 

Structure of an ethanolamine plasmalogen. A 

hydrocarbon is linked to the C-l hydroxyl 
group of glycerol to form a vinyl ether. 


I i 2 3 I 

h 2 c — ch — ch 

© nh 3 


HC 5 


/ CHl 

C \ 2 

/ CH 2 


ch 2 

/ CH2 

C h 2 

/ CHi 

C \ 2 

/ c " 2 

c „ 2 

18CH 3 


I 1 2 3 I 

H 2 c — CH — CH 


0 = c 




HC 5 


/ CH2 

c x h 2 

/ CH 2 

c x h 2 

/CH 2 

c x h 2 

/ CH 2 

c x h 2 

c x h 2 

/CH 2 

ch 2 

18CH 3 

H,c — CH — CH 







HC 5 


/ CH2 

ch 2 

/ CH 2 

ch 2 


ch 2 

/ CH 2 

ch 2 

/ CH 2 

ch 2 

/ Hj 

ch 2 

i8 C H 3 

Genetic defects associated with lipid 
metabolism are described in Chapter 16. 

◄ Figure 9.10 

Structures of sphingosine, ceramide, and 
sphingomyelin, (a) Sphingosine, the back- 
bone for sphingolipids, is a long-chain alcohol 
with an amino group at C-2. (b) Ceramides 
have a long-chain fatty acyl group attached 
to the amino group of sphingosine. (c) Sphin- 
gomyelins have a phosphate group (red) at- 
tached to the C-l hydroxyl group of a ceramide 
and a choline group (blue) attached to the 

266 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 


▲ Figure 9.1 1 

Structure of a galactocerebroside. j8-D-Ga lactose 
(blue) is attached to the C-l hydroxyl group of a 
ceramide (black). 


H sC x /H 2 

A C \ 

h 2 c h 

▲ Figure 9.13 

Isoprene (2-methyl-1 ,3-butadiene), the basic 
structural unit of isoprenoids. (a) Chemical 
structure, (b) Carbon backbone, (c) Isoprene 
unit where dashed lines represent covalent 
bonds to a adjacent units. 

I /3-D-Galactose 

H 3 C /C ^0 


extracellular surface. Gangliosides and other glycosphingolipids are part of the cell sur- 
face repertoire of diverse oligosaccharide chains along with glycoproteins. Collectively, 
these markers provide cells with distinguishing surface markers that can serve in cellular 
recognition and cell-to-cell communication. Structures similar to the ABO blood group 
antigens on the surface of human cells (Box. 8.3) can be oligosaccharide components of 
glycosphingolipids in addition to being linked to proteins to form glycoproteins. 

Genetically inherited defects in ganglioside metabolism are responsible for a 
number of debilitating and often lethal diseases, such as Tay-Sachs disease and gener- 
alized gangliosidosis. Certain rare genetic defects lead to deficiencies of enzymes re- 
sponsible for the degradation of sphingolipids in the lysosomes of cells. In Tay-Sachs 
disease, there is a deficiency of a hydrolase that catalyzes removal of N- acetylgalac- 
tosamine from G M2 . Accumulation of G M2 causes lysosomes to swell leading to tissue 
enlargement. In the central nervous tissue, where there is little room for expansion, 
nerve cells die causing blindness, mental retardation, and death. 

The exposed carbohydrates on the cell surface also provide convenient receptors 
for bacteria, viruses, and toxins. For example, cholera toxin, produced by the bac- 
terium Vibrio cholerae , binds to the ganglioside G M1 of intestinal epithelial cells. Bind- 
ing stimulates entry of the toxin into the cells where it interferes with normal signaling 
pathways leading to massive efflux of fluid into the intestine. This often produces 
death by dehydration. 

9.6 Steroids 

Steroids are a third class of lipids found in the membranes of eukaryotes and, very rarely, 
in bacteria. Steroids, along with lipid vitamins and terpenes, are classified as isoprenoids 
because their structures are related to the five-carbon molecule isoprene (Figure 9.13). 
Steroids contain four fused rings: three six- carbon rings designated A, B, and C and a five- 
carbon D ring. The characteristic ring structure is derived from squalene (Figure 9.14a). 
Substituents of the nearly planar ring system can point either down (the a configuration) 
or up (the /3 configuration). The structures of several steroids are shown in Figure 9.14. 

The steroid cholesterol is an important component of animal plasma membranes 
but is less common in plants and absent from prokaryotes, protists, and fungi. These 
species have other steroids (e.g., stigmasterol, ergosterol) that are very similar to choles- 
terol. Cholesterol is actually a sterol because it has a hydroxyl group at C-3. Other 
steroids include the sterols of plants, fungi, and yeast (which also have a hydroxyl group 
at C-3); mammalian steroid hormones (such as estrogens, androgens, progestins, and 

9.6 Steroids 267 

◄ Figure 9.14 

Structures of several steroids. Squalene (a) is 
the precursor of most steroids. Steroids 
contain four fused rings (lettered A, B, C, 
and D). (b) Cholesterol, (c) Stigmasterol, a 
common component of plant membranes. 

(d) Testosterone, a steroid hormone involved 
in male development in animals, (e) Sodium 
cholate, a bile salt, which aids in the diges- 
tion of lipids, (f) Ergosterol, a compound 
from fungi and yeast. 

Stigmasterol Testosterone 

(a plant sterol) (a steroid hormone) 

Sodium cholate Ergosterol 

(a bile salt) (a sterol from fungi and yeast) 

adrenal corticosteroids); and bile salts. These steroids differ in the length of the side chain 
attached to C-17 and in the number and placement of methyl groups, double bonds, hy- 
droxyl groups, and in some cases, keto groups. Prokaryotes use squalene and some re- 
lated nonsteroid lipids that do not have the complete ring structure of the steroids. 

Cholesterol plays an essential role in mammalian biochemistry. It is not only a 
component of certain membranes but is also a precursor of steroid hormones and bile 
salts. The fused ring system of cholesterol, shown from the side in Figure 9.15, makes it 
less flexible than most other lipids. As a result, cholesterol modulates the fluidity of 
mammalian cell membranes, as we will see later in this chapter. 

Steroids are far more hydrophobic than glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids. 
For example, free cholesteroPs maximal concentration in water is only 10 -8 M. Esterifi- 
cation of a fatty acid to the C-3 hydroxyl group forms a cholesteryl ester (Figure 9.16). 

▲ Figure 9.15 

Cholesterol, (a) Bal l-and-stick model with 
the oxygen atom (red) at the top. Hydrogen 
atoms are not shown. The fused ring system 
of cholestrol is almost planar, (b) Space- 
filling model. 

268 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 

Because the 3-acyl group of the ester is nonpolar, a cholesteryl ester is even more 
hydrophobic than cholesterol itself. Cholesterol is converted to cholesteryl esters for 
storage in cells or for transport through the bloodstream. Because they are essentially 
insoluble in water, cholesterol and its esters must be complexed with phospholipids and 
amphipathic proteins in lipoproteins for transport (Section 16. IB). 



H 3 C - (CH 2 ) 14 — C - O - (CH 2 ) 29 CH 3 

▲ Figure 9.17 
Myricyl palmitate, a wax. 

9.7 Other Biologically Important Lipids 

There are many kinds of lipids not found in membranes. These include diverse com- 
pounds such as waxes, eicosanoids, and some isoprenoids. Non-membrane lipids have a 
variety of specialized functions — some of which we have already encountered (e.g., 
lipid vitamins). 

Waxes are nonpolar esters of long-chain fatty acids and long chain monohydrox- 
ylic alcohols. For example, myricyl palmitate, a major component of beeswax, is the 
ester of palmitate (16:0) and the 30-carbon myricyl alcohol (Figure 9.17). The hy- 
drophobicity of myricyl palmitate makes beeswax very insoluble and its high melt- 
ing point (due to the long, saturated hydrocarbon chains) makes beeswax hard and 
solid at typical outdoor temperatures. Waxes are widely distributed in nature. They 
provide protective waterproof coatings on the leaves and fruits of certain plants and 
on animal skin, fur, feathers, and exoskeletons. Ear wax, also known as cerumen 
(from the Latin word cera , “wax”), is secreted by cells lining the auditory canal. It 
serves to lubricate the canal and trap particles that could damage the eardrum. Ear 
wax is a complex mixture made up mostly of long chain fatty acids, cholesterol, and 
ceramides. It also contains squalene, triacylglycerols, and true waxes (about 10% of 
the weight). 

Eicosanoids are oxygenated derivatives of C 2 o polyunsaturated fatty acids such as 
arachidonic acid. Some examples of eicosanoids are shown in Figure 9.18. Eicosanoids 
participate in a variety of physiological processes and can also mediate many potentially 
pathological responses. Prostaglandins are eicosanoids that have a cyclopentane ring. 

▲ Earwax and beeswax are two examples of 
naturally occurring waxes. 


Prostaglandin E 2 

▲ Figure 9.18 

Structures of arachidonic acid (a) and three eicosanoids derived from it. Arachidonate is a C 2 o polyun- 
saturated fatty acid with four c/'s double bonds. 

9.8 Biological Membranes 269 



Prostaglandin E 2 can cause constriction of blood vessels, and thromboxane A 2 is in- (a) 
volved in the formation of blood clots that in some cases can block the flow of 
blood to the heart or brain. Leukotriene D 4 , a mediator of smooth-muscle con- 
traction, also provokes the bronchial constriction seen in asthmatics. Aspirin 
(acetylsalicylic acid) alleviates pain, fever, swelling, and inflammation by inhibiting 
the synthesis of prostaglandins (Box. 16.1). 

Some nonmembrane lipids are related to isoprene (Figure 9.13) but they are (b) 
not steroids. We encountered several of these lipids in Chapter 7. The lipid vitamins 
A, E, and K are isoprenoids that contain long hydrocarbon chains or fused rings 
(Section 7.14). Vitamin D is an isoprenoid derivative of cholesterol. There are sev- 
eral carotenes related to retinol (vitamin A). The hydrophobic chain of ubiquinone 
contains 6-10 isoprenoid units (Section 7.15). 

Simple isoprenoids are often called terpenes. They have structures that reveal 
their formation from isoprene units. Citral is a good example: it is present in many 
plants and imparts a strong lemon odor (Figure 19.19a). Other isoprenoids are bac- 
toprenol (undecaprenyl alcohol) (Figure 9.19b) and juvenile hormone I (Figure 
9.19c) that regulates the expression of genes required for development in insects. 
Isoprenoids similar to bactoprenol are important lipids in archaebacteria, where 
they replace fatty acids in most membrane phospholipids (see Box 9.5). 

Terpenes can be extensively modified to form a more complex class of lipid 
called terpenoids. Many of these are cyclic compounds like limonene, which is re- 
sponsible for the smell of oranges (Figure 19.19d). Gibberellins are multi-ring ter- 
penoids that function as growth hormones in plants (Figure 19.19e). 

9.8 Biological Membranes 

Biological membranes define the external boundaries of cells and separate com- 
partments within cells. They are essential components of all living cells. A typical 
membrane consists of two layers of lipid molecules and many embedded proteins. 

Biological membranes are not merely passive barriers to diffusion. They have a 
wide variety of complex functions. Some membrane proteins serve as selective 
pumps controlling the transport of ions and small molecules into and out of the 
cell. Membranes are also responsible for generating and maintaining the proton 
concentration gradients essential for the production of ATP. Receptors in mem- 
branes recognize extracellular signals and communicate them to the cell interior. 

Many cells have membranes with specialized structures. For example, many bac- 
teria have double membranes: an outer membrane and an inner plasma membrane. 
The liquid in the periplasmic space between these two membranes contains proteins 
that carry specific solutes to transport proteins in the inner membrane. The solutes 
then pass through the inner membrane by an ATP-dependent process. A mitochon- 
drion’s smooth outer membrane has proteins that form aqueous channels while its 
convoluted inner membrane is selectively permeable and has many membrane- 
bound enzymes. The nucleus also has a double membrane — nuclear contents inter- 
act with the cytosol through nuclear pores. The single membrane of the endoplasmic 
reticulum is highly convoluted. Its extensive network in eukaryotic cells is involved 
in the synthesis of transmembrane and secreted proteins and of lipids for many 

In this section, we explore the structure of biological membranes. In the remaining 
sections of this chapter, we discuss the properties and functions of biological membranes. 


CH 2 OH 

(Undecaprenyl alcohol) 

Juvenile hormone I 



▲ Figure 9.19 

Some isoprenoids. Note the isoprene unit 
(red) in bactoprenol. 

A. Lipid Bilayers 

We saw earlier that detergents in aqueous solutions can spontaneously form monolay- 
ers or micelles (Section 2.4). Like detergents, amphipathic glycerophospholipids and 
glycosphingolipids can form monolayers under some conditions. In cells, these lipids do 
not pack well into micelles but rather tend to form lipid bilayers (Figure 9.20). Lipid bi- 
layers are the main structural component of all biological membranes, including 
plasma membranes and the internal membranes of eukaryotic cells. The noncovalent 

270 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 


Gregor Mendel studied seven traits in order to come up with 
the basic laws of heredity. One of the traits was stem length 
(. Le/le ). The Le gene has been cloned and sequenced (Lester et 
al., 1997). It encodes the enzyme gibberellin 3/3- hydroxylase, 
an enzyme required for the synthesis of the terpenoid gib- 
berellin GA1. The production of gibbberellin GA1 by the 
normal gene stimulates growth producing a tall pea plant. 

The mutant gene produces a less active enzyme that synthe- 
sizes less hormone and plants homozygous for the mutant al- 
lele (le) are short. 

The mutation is a single nucleotide substitution that 
converts an alanine codon into a threonine codon (A229T). 

Another one of Mendel’s seven traits is described in Box. 15.3. 

► The stem length mutation. Tall plants (left) are 
normal. Mutations in the stem length gene ( Le ) 
produce short plants (right). 

▲ Figure 9.20 

Membrane lipid and bilayer, (a) An amphipathic 
membrane lipid, (b) Cross-section of a lipid 
bilayer. The hydrophilic head groups (blue) 
of each leaflet face the aqueous medium, 
and the hydrophobic tails (yellow) pack 
together in the interior of the bilayer. 

interactions among lipid molecules in bilayers make membranes flexible and allow 
them to self-seal. Triacylglycerols, which are very hydrophobic rather than amphipathic, 
cannot form bilayers and cholesterol, although slightly amphipathic, does not form 
bilayers by itself. 

A lipid bilayer is typically about 5 to 6 nm thick and consists of two sheets, or 
monolayers (also called leaflets). In each sheet, the polar head groups of amphipathic 
lipids are in contact with the aqueous medium and the nonpolar hydrocarbon tails 
point toward the interior of the bilayer (Figure 9.20). 

The spontaneous formation of lipid bilayers is driven by the hydrophobic interac- 
tions (Section 2.5D). When lipid molecules associate, the entropy of the solvent mole- 
cules increases and this favors formation of the lipid bilayer. 

B. Three Classes of Membrane Proteins 

Cellular and intracellular membranes contain specialized membrane-bound proteins. 
These proteins are divided into three classes based on their mode of association with the 
lipid bilayer: integral membrane proteins, peripheral membrane proteins, and lipid 
anchored membrane proteins (Figure 9.21). 

Integral membrane proteins , also referred to as transmembrane proteins, contain 
hydrophobic regions embedded in the hydrophobic core of the lipid bilayer. Integral 
membrane proteins usually span the bilayer completely, with one part of the protein ex- 
posed on the outer surface and one part exposed on the inner surface. Some integral 
membrane proteins are anchored by only a single membrane-spanning portion of the 
polypeptide chain, whereas other membrane proteins have several transmembrane seg- 
ments connected by loops at the membrane surface. The membrane-spanning segment 
is often an a helix containing approximately 20 amino acid residues. 

One of the best characterized integral membrane proteins is bacteriorhodopsin 
(Figure 9.22a). This protein is found in the cytoplasmic membrane of the halophilic 
(salt-loving) bacterium Halobacterium halobium , where it helps harness light energy 
used in the synthesis of ATP. Bacteriorhodopsin consists of a bundle of seven a helices. 
The exterior surface of the helical bundle is hydrophobic and interacts directly with 
lipid molecules in the membrane. The interior surface contains charged amino acid side 
chains that bind the pigment molecule. Bacteriorhodopsin is one of several a-helical 
membrane proteins whose structures are known in detail. These a-helix bundle 

9.8 Biological Membranes 271 

protein protein 

▲ Figure 9.21 

Structure of a typical eukaryotic plasma 

membrane. A lipid bilayer forms the basic matrix of biological membranes, and proteins (some of which are glycoproteins) are associated with it in 
various ways. The oligosaccharides of glycoproteins and glycolipids face the extracellular space. 

proteins make up one of the two major classes of integral membrane proteins. The 
other class is the /3-barrel proteins (see below). 

In the absence of data on three-dimensional structure, the presence of transmem- 
brane a-helical regions in membrane proteins can often be predicted by searching 
amino acid sequences for regions that are hydrophobic (i.e., that have high hydropathy 
values) (Section 3.2G) and a tendency to be present in a-helices (Section 4.4). Various 
prediction algorithms have been developed over the years and they are currently able to 
detect 70% of known transmembrane a-helices. These predictions are important be- 
cause it is still very difficult to crystallize membrane proteins in order to determine their 
true structure. 

v Figure 9.22 

Integral membrane proteins, (a) Bacteri- 
orhodopsin: seven membrane-spanning a 
helices, connected by loops, form a bundle 
that spans the bilayer. The light-harvesting 
prosthetic group is shown in yellow. [PDB 
1FBB]. (b) Porin FhuA from Escherichia 
coli\ this porin forms a channel for the pas- 
sage of protein-bound iron into the bac- 
terium. The channel is formed from 22 
antiparallel ft strands that form a /3-barrel. 
[PDB 1BY3]. 

272 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 

Protein folding is another example of 
an entropically driven assembly reac- 
tion (Section 4.1 1 A). 

We consider the functions of some of 
these membrane proteins later in this 
chapter. We will also encounter mem- 
brane proteins in other chapters, 
including those on membrane-associated 
electron transport (Chapter 14), photo- 
synthesis (Chapter 15), and protein 
synthesis (Chapter 22). 

The function of bacteriorhodopsin is 
described in Section 15.2. 

Some prenyl-decorated proteins will be 
encountered in the discussion of signal 
transduction (Section 9.12). 

Many integral membrane proteins have a (3 barrel fold (Figure 4.23b). The exterior 
surface of the /3 strands contacts the membrane lipids and the center of the barrel often 
serves as a pore or channel for passing molecules from one side of the membrane to the 
other. The E. coli porin, FhuA, is a typical example of this type of integral membrane 
protein (Figure 9.22b). 

Peripheral membrane proteins are associated with one face of the membrane 
through charge-charge interactions and hydrogen bonding with integral membrane 
proteins or with the polar head groups of membrane lipids. Peripheral membrane pro- 
teins are more readily dissociated from membranes by changes in pH or ionic strength. 

Lipid anchored membrane proteins are tethered to a membrane through a covalent 
bond to a lipid anchor. In the simplest lipid anchored membrane proteins, an amino 
acid side chain is linked by an amide or ester bond to a fatty acyl group, often from 
myristate or palmitate. The fatty acid is inserted into the cytoplasmic leaflet of the bi- 
layer, anchoring the protein to the membrane (Figure 9.23a). Proteins of this type are 
found in viruses and eukaryotic cells. 

Other lipid anchored membrane proteins are covalently linked to an isoprenoid 
chain (either 15- or 20-carbon) through the sulfur atom of a cysteine residue at or near 
the C-terminus of the protein (Figure 9.23b). These prenylated proteins are found on the 
cytoplasmic face of both plasma membranes and intracellular membranes. 

Many eukaryotic lipid anchored proteins are linked to a molecule of glycosylphos- 
phatidylinositol (Figure 9.23c). The membrane anchor is the 1,2-diacylglycerol portion 
of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol. A glycan of varied composition is attached to the 
inositol by a glucosamine residue, a mannose residue links the glycan to a phospho- 
ethanolamine residue, and the C-terminal a-carboxyl group of the protein is linked to the 
ethanolamine by an amide bond. Over 100 different proteins are known to be associated 
with membranes by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. These proteins have a variety 
of functions and they are present only in the outer monolayer of the plasma membrane. 
They are found in the cholesterol-sphingolipid raffs described in Section 9.9. 

All three types of lipid anchors are covalently linked to amino acid residues post- 
translationally, that is, after the protein has been synthesized. Like integral membrane 
proteins, most lipid anchored proteins are permanently associated with the membrane, 
although the proteins themselves do not interact with the membrane. Once released by 
treatment with phospholipases, the proteins behave like soluble proteins. 


Synthetic vesicles (often called liposomes) consisting of phos- 
pholipid bilayers that enclose an aqueous compartment can 
be formed in the laboratory. In order to minimize unfavorable 
contact between the hydrophobic edge of the bilayer and the 
aqueous solution, lipid bilayers tend to close up to form these 
spherical structures. The vesicles are generally quite stable and 
impermeable to many substances. Liposomes whose aqueous 
inner compartment contains drug molecules can be used to 
deliver drugs to particular tissues in the body, provided that 
specific targeting proteins are present in the liposome mem- 
brane. Synthetic bilayers are an important experimental tool 
in the investigation of cellular membranes. An example of 
such an experiment is described in Box. 15.3. 





1 V 

► Schematic cross-section of a lipid vesicle, or liposome. The bilayer is 
made up of two leaflets. In each leaflet, the polar head groups of the 
amphipathic lipids extend into the aqueous medium and the nonpolar 
hydrocarbon tails point inward and are in van der Waals contact with 
each other. 




9.8 Biological Membranes 273 








◄ Figure 9.23 

Lipid anchored membrane proteins attached to the plasma membrane. The three 
types of anchors can be found in the same membrane, but they do not form a 
complex as shown here, (a) A fatty acyl anchored protein, (b) A prenyl 
anchored membrane protein. Note that fatty acyl and prenyl anchored mem- 
brane proteins can also occur on the cytoplasmic (outer) leaflet of intracellular 
membranes, (c) Protein anchored by glycosy I phosphatidyl i nositol . Shown here 
is the variant surface glycoprotein of the parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma 
brucei. The protein is covalently bound to a phosphoethanolamine residue, 
which in turn is bound to a glycan. The glycan (blue) includes a mannose 
residue to which the phosphoethanolamine residue is attached and a glu- 
cosamine residue that is attached to the phosphoinositol group (red) of 
phosphatidylinositol. Abbreviations: GlcN, glucosamine; Ins, inositol; Man, 

The total number of membrane proteins in a typical cell isn’t known for certain 
but they are likely to represent a significant fraction of the proteome. In E. coli , for ex- 
ample, there appear to be roughly 1000 membrane proteins of all types. Since the total 
number of proteins is about 4000 (Chapter 4), membrane proteins account for about 
25% of the total. This fraction is probably higher in multicellular eukaryotes because 
there are many more membrane proteins involved in cell-cell interactions and intracel- 
lular signaling. 

Different membranes have different proteins (and lipids). In some cases a cell or 
compartment is enclosed by a double membrane consisting of two separate lipid bilayers 
(Figure 9.24). In the case of mitochondria and E. coli , the inner membranes have many 
more membrane proteins than the outer membranes. 

Figure 9.24 ► 

Double membrane of mitochondria and many bacteria. The plasma membrane of most eukaryotic cells 
is a single lipid bilayer. Within eukaryotic cells the nucleus and major organelles such as mitochon- 
dria (top right) are bounded by double membranes. In bacteria, the gram-negative bacteria have a 
double membrane consisting of an inner and outer lipid bilayer as shown for E. coli (bottom right). 
It’s not surprising that mitochondria (and chloroplasts) have a double membrane since they are de- 
rived from gram-negative bacteria that use the double membrane as part of the energy-producing 
mechanism of electron transport and ATP synthesis (Chapter 14). 

274 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 


Many species have unusual lipids in some of their mem- 
branes. The unusual lipids are sometimes confined to genera 
or families and sometimes entire orders share some distinc- 
tive lipid compositions. Within the eukaryotes, there are 
some lipids found only in some classes of animals and not 
others or in some classes of plants and not others. There are 
even distinctive lipid compositions in some entire kingdoms 
such as plants, animals, or fungi. 

Prokaryotes are a very diverse group with many varieties 
of lipids. Major groups such as cyanobacteria, mycoplasma, 
and gram positive bacteria, can have quite characteristic lipid 
compositions in their membranes. 

The archaebacteria (or Archaea) have glycerophospholipids 
that are quite unusual and distinctive. The glycerol phosphate 

backbone in archaebacterial glycerophospholipids is sn-glycerol- 
1 -phosphate, a stereoisomer of the one found in other species 
(sn-glycerol-3-phosphate). (see Box 16.1) The hydrocarbon 
chains are attached to the glycerol backbone via ether linkages, 
not ester linkages, and the hydrocarbon chains in archaebacteria 
are often isoprenoid derivatives, not fatty acid derivatives. 

There are a few species of gram-negative bacteria that 
have mixtures of ether and ester linkages in their lipids but 
unusual lipid composition of archaebacteria argues strongly 
in favor of classifying them as a distinctive monophyletic 
group. As mentioned earlier (Section 1.5), some scientists 
argue that the distinctiveness of archaebacteria justifies creat- 
ing a third domain of life but the current view favors a more 
complex web of life perspective. 

Ether linkage 

sn-G-3-P backbone 

Ester linkage Fatty acid chain 

◄ Comparison of typical bacterial 
and archaebacterial glycero phos- 



C. The Fluid Mosaic Model of Biological Membranes 

A typical biological membrane contains about 25% to 50% lipid and 50% to 75% protein 
by mass. Carbohydrates are present as components of glycolipids and glycoproteins. 
The lipids are a complex mixture of phospholipids, glycosphingolipids (in ani- 
mals), and cholesterol (in some eukaryotes). Cholesterol and some other lipids that do 
not form bilayers by themselves (about 30% of the total) are stabilized in a bilayer 
arrangement by the other 70% of lipids in the membrane (see next section). 

The compositions of biological membranes vary considerably among species and 
even among different cell types in multicellular organisms. For example, the myelin 
membrane that insulates nerve fibers contains relatively little protein. In contrast, the 
inner mitochondrial membrane is rich in proteins reflecting its high level of meta- 
bolic activity. The plasma membrane of red blood cells is also exceptionally rich in 

Each biological membrane has a characteristic lipid composition, in addition to 
having a characteristic lipid to protein ratio. Membranes in brain tissue, for example, 
have a relatively high content of phosphatidylserines whereas membranes in heart and 
lung cells have high levels of phosphatidylglycerols and sphingomyelins, respectively. 
Phosphatidylethanolamines constitute nearly 70% of the inner membrane lipids of 
E. coli cells. The outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria contain lipopolysaccharides. 

9.9 Membranes Are Dynamic Structures 


In addition to being distributed differentially among different tissues, phospho- 
lipids are also distributed asymmetrically between the inner and outer monolayers of a 
single biological membrane. In mammalian cells, for example, 90% of the sphingomyelin 
molecules are in the outer surface of the plasma membrane. Phosphatidylserines are 
also asymmetrically distributed in many cells, with 90% of the molecules in the cyto- 
plasmic monolayer. 

A biological membrane is thicker than a lipid bilayer — typically 6 to 10 nm thick. 
The fluid mosaic model proposed in 1972 by S. Jonathan Singer and Garth L. Nicolson is 
still generally valid for describing the arrangement of lipid and protein within a mem- 
brane. According to the fluid mosaic model, the membrane is a dynamic structure in 
which both proteins and lipids can rapidly and randomly diffuse laterally or rotate 
within the bilayer. Membrane proteins are visualized as icebergs floating in a highly 
fluid lipid bilayer sea (Figure 9.21). (Actually, some proteins are immobile and some 
lipids have restricted movement.) 


Membranes consist of a lipid bilayer and 
embedded proteins. Lipids and proteins 
can diffuse rapidly within the membrane. 

9.9 Membranes Are Dynamic Structures 

The lipids in a bilayer are in constant motion giving lipid bilayers many of the proper- 
ties of fluids. A lipid bilayer can therefore be regarded as a two-dimensional solution. 
Lipids undergo several types of molecular motion within bilayers. The rapid movement 
of lipids within the plane of one monolayer is an example of two-dimensional lateral 
diffusion. A phospholipid molecule can diffuse from one end of a bacterial cell to the 
other (a distance of about 2 \x m) in about 1 second at 37°C. 

In contrast, transverse diffusion (or flip-flop) is the passage of lipids from one 
monolayer of the bilayer to the other. Transverse diffusion is much slower than lateral 
diffusion (Figure 9.25). The polar head of a phospholipid molecule is highly solvated 
and must shed its solvation sphere and penetrate the hydrocarbon interior of the bilayer 
in order to move from one leaflet to the other. The energy barrier associated with this 
movement is so high that transverse diffusion of phospholipids in a bilayer occurs at 
about one-billionth the rate of lateral diffusion. The very slow rate of transverse diffu- 
sion of membrane lipids is what allows the inner and outer layers of biological mem- 
branes to maintain different lipid compositions. 

All cells synthesize new membrane by adding lipids and protein to preexisting 
membranes. As the plasma membrane is extended, the cell increases in size. Eventually 
the cell will divide and each daughter cell will inherit a portion (usually half) of the 
parental membranes. Internal membranes are extended and divide in the same manner. 

In bacteria, lipid molecules are usually added to the cytoplasmic side of the lipid bi- 
layer. Lipid asymmetry is generated by preferentially adding newly synthesized lipids to 

You might have inherited lipid mole- 
cules from your grandmother! (see 
Problem 18). 

(a) Lateral diffusion 


(b) Transverse diffusion 

◄ Figure 9.25 

Diffusion of lipids within a bilayer, (a) Lateral 
diffusion of lipids is relatively rapid. 

(b) Transverse diffusion, or flip-flop, of lipids 
is very slow. 

276 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 

Human cell Mouse cell 

Red fluorescent Green fluorescent 
markers markers 

Immediately after fusion, 
fluorescent markers remain localized. 

Within 40 minutes, fluorescent 
markers appear to be randomly 
distributed over the entire surface. 

▲ Figure 9.26 

Diffusion of membrane proteins. Human cells 
whose membrane proteins had been labeled 
with a red fluorescent marker were fused 
with mouse cells whose membrane proteins 
had been labeled with a green fluorescent 
marker. The initially localized markers be- 
came dispersed over the entire surface of 
the fused cell within 40 minutes. 

only one of the monolayers. Since transverse diffusion is so slow, these newly synthesized 
molecules will not spread to the outer layer of the plasma membrane. This accounts for 
the enrichment of some types of lipids in the inner layer. Lipid asymmetry can also be 
generated and maintained by the activity of membrane-bound flipases and flopases — en- 
zymes that use the energy of ATP to move specific phospholipids from one monolayer to 
the other. The activity of these enzymes accounts for the enrichment of certain types of 
phospholipid in the outer layer. Eukaryotic cells make their membrane lipids in an asym- 
metric arrangement in the endoplasmic reticulum or the Golgi apparatus. The membrane 
fragments flow from these organelles — retaining the asymmetry — to other membranes. 

In 1970, L. D. Frye and Michael A. Edidin devised an elegant experiment to 
test whether membrane proteins diffuse within the lipid bilayer. Frye and Edidin 
fused mouse cells with human cells to form heterokaryons (hybrid cells). By using red 
fluorescence-labeled antibodies that specifically bind to certain proteins in human 
plasma membranes and green fluorescence-labeled antibodies that specifically bind to 
certain proteins in mouse plasma membranes, they observed the changes in the distri- 
bution of membrane proteins over time by immunofluorescence microscopy. The 
labeled proteins were intermixed within 40 minutes after cell fusion (Figure 9.26). 
This experiment demonstrated that at least some membrane proteins diffuse freely 
within biological membranes. 

A few membrane proteins move laterally very rapidly but the majority of mem- 
brane proteins diffuse about 100 to 500 times more slowly than membrane lipids. 
The diffusion of some proteins is severely restricted by aggregation or by attach- 
ment to the cytoskeleton just beneath the membrane surface. Relatively immobile 
membrane proteins may act as fences or cages, restricting the movement of other 
proteins. The limited diffusion of membrane proteins produces protein patches, 
or domains — areas of membrane whose composition differs from that of the 
surrounding membrane. 

The distribution of membrane proteins can be visualized by freeze- fracture elec- 
tron microscopy. In this technique, a membrane sample is rapidly frozen to the temper- 
ature of liquid nitrogen and then fractured with a knife. The membrane splits between 
the leaflets of the lipid bilayer where the intermolecular interactions are weakest 
(Figure 9.27a). Ice is evaporated in a vacuum and the exposed internal surface of the 
membrane is then coated with a thin film of platinum to make a metal replica for ex- 
amination in an electron microscope. Membranes that are rich in membrane proteins 
contain pits and bumps indicating the presence of proteins. In contrast, membranes 
that contain no proteins are smooth. Figure 9.27b shows the bumpy surface of the 
inner monolayer of a red blood cell membrane exposed by removal of the outer layer. 

The fluid properties of lipid bilayers depend on the flexibility of their fatty acyl 
chains. Saturated acyl chains are fully extended at low temperatures forming a crystalline 
array with maximal van der Waals contact between the chains. When the lipid bilayer is 
heated, a phase transition analogous to the melting of a crystalline solid occurs. The acyl 
chains of lipids in the resulting liquid crystalline phase are relatively disordered and 
loosely packed. During the phase transition, the thickness of the bilayer decreases 
by about 15% as the hydrocarbon tails become less extended because of rotation around 
C — C bonds (Figure 9.28). Bilayers composed of a single type of lipid undergo phase 
transition at a distinct temperature called the phase-transition temperature. When the 
lipids contain unsaturated acyl chains, the hydrophobic core of the bilayer is fluid well 
below room temperature (23°C). Biological membranes, which contain a heterogeneous 
mixture of lipids, change gradually from the gel to the liquid crystalline phase, typically 
over a temperature range of 10° to 40°C. Phase transitions in biological membranes can 
be localized so fluid- and gel-phase regions can coexist at certain temperatures. 

The structure of a phospholipid has dramatic effects on its fluidity and phase-transition 
temperature. As we saw in Section 9.2, the hydrocarbon chain of a fatty acid with a cis 
double bond has a kink that disrupts packing and increases fluidity. Incorporating an un- 
saturated fatty acyl group into a phospholipid lowers the phase-transition temperature. 
Changes in membrane fluidity affect the membrane transport and catalytic functions of 
membrane proteins so many organisms maintain membrane fluidity under different con- 
ditions by adjusting the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acyl groups in membrane 

9.10 Membrane Transport 277 







Outer Inner 
surface leaflet 

▲ Figure 9.27 

Freeze fracturing a biological membrane. 

(a) Splitting the lipid bilayer along the interface of the two leaflets. A platinum replica of the exposed internal surface is examined in an electron mi- 
croscope. Membrane proteins appear as protrusions or cavities in the replica, (b) Electron micrograph of a freeze-fractured erythrocyte membrane. 
The bumps on the inner membrane surface show the locations of membrane proteins. 

lipids. For example, when bacteria are grown at low temperatures, the proportion of un- 
saturated fatty acyl groups in membranes increases. Goldfish adapt to the temperature of 
the water in which they swim: as the environmental temperature drops, there is a rise in 
unsaturated fatty acids in goldfish intestinal membranes and whole brain. The lower 
melting point and greater fluidity of unsaturated fatty acyl groups preserve membrane 
fluidity allowing membrane processes to continue at colder temperatures. 

Cholesterol accounts for 20% to 25% of the mass of lipids in a typical mammalian 
plasma membrane and significantly affects membrane fluidity. When the rigid choles- 
terol molecules intercalate between the hydrocarbon chains of the membrane lipids, the 
mobility of fatty acyl chains in the membrane is restricted and fluidity decreases at high 
temperatures (Figure 9.29). Cholesterol disrupts the ordered packing of the extended 
fatty acyl chains and thereby increases fluidity at low temperatures. Cholesterol in ani- 
mal cell membranes thus helps maintain fairly constant fluidity despite fluctuations in 
temperature or degree of fatty acid saturation. 

Cholesterol tends to associate with sphingolipids because they have long saturated 
fatty acid chains. The unsaturated chains of most glycerophospholipids produce kinks 
that don’t easily accommodate cholesterol molecules in the membrane. Because of this 
preferential association, mammalian membranes consist of patches of cholesterol/ 
sphingolipids regions surrounded by regions that have very little cholesterol. These 
patches are called lipid rafts. Certain membrane proteins may preferentially associate 
with lipid rafts. Thus, some membrane proteins may also have a patch-like distribution 
on the cell surface. Membrane proteins are thought to play an important role in main- 
taining the integrity of lipid rafts. 

Ordered gel Disordered liquid 

phase crystalline phase 

▲ Figure 9.28 

Phase transition of a lipid bilayer. In the or- 
dered gel state, the hydrocarbon chains are 
extended. Above the phase-transition temper- 
ature, rotation around C — C bonds disorders 
the chains in the liquid crystalline phase. 

9.10 Membrane Transport 

Plasma membranes physically separate a living cell from its environment. In addition, 
within both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells there are membrane-bound compartments. 
The nucleus and mitochondria are obvious examples in eukaryotes. 

278 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 


▲ Goldfish adapt to water temperature, (a) These 
goldfish (carp, Carassius auratus ) have 
adapted to the water temperature in Kyoto, 
Japan, by adjusting the lipid composition of 
their membranes, (b) These Goldfish® do 
not adapt well to any water temperature. 

▲ Figure 9.29 

Model of a lipid membrane. Cholesterol mole- 
cules (green) are packed between phospholipid 
fatty acid chains (grey). 

Membranes are selectively permeable barriers that restrict the free passage of 
most molecules. As a general rule, the permeability of molecules is related to their hy- 
drophobicity and their tendency to dissolve in organic solvents. Thus, hexanoic acid, 
acetic acid, and ethanol are able to move across membranes quite readily. They have 
high permeability coefficients (Figure 9.30). Water, despite its strong polar character, 
is able to diffuse freely across lipid bilayers although, as the permeability coefficient 
indicates, its movement is still greatly restricted compared to organic solvents like 
hexanoic acid. 

Small ions like Na + , K + , and CP have very low permeability coefficients. They are 
unable to diffuse across a membrane because the hydrophobic core of the lipid bilayer 
presents an almost impenetrable barrier to most polar or charged species. H + ions have 
a much higher permeability coefficient although membranes still act as an effective 
barrier to protons. 

As mentioned above, very hydrophobic molecules and some small uncharged mol- 
ecules can move through biological membranes. Water, oxygen, and other small mole- 
cules must also be able to enter all cells and move freely between compartments inside 
eukaryotic cells even if they are not able to diffuse as quickly across membranes. Larger 
molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids, have to be transported across mem- 
branes, including the membranes between compartments. Living cells move molecules 
across membranes using transport proteins (sometimes called pores, carriers, perme- 
ases, or pumps) and they transport macromolecules by endocytosis or exocytosis. 

Nonpolar gases, such as 0 2 and C0 2 , and hydrophobic molecules, such as steroid 
hormones, lipid vitamins, and some drugs, enter and leave the cell by diffusing through 
the membrane moving from the side with the higher concentration to the side with the 
lower concentration. The rate of movement depends on the difference in concentra- 
tions, or the concentration gradient, between the two sides. Diffusion down a concen- 
tration gradient (i.e., downhill diffusion) is a spontaneous process driven by an increase 
in entropy and therefore a decrease in free energy (see below). 

The traffic of other molecules and ions across membranes is mediated by three 
types of integral membrane proteins: channels and pores, passive transporters, and ac- 
tive transporters. These transport systems differ in their kinetic properties and energy 
requirements. For example, the rate of solute movement through pores and channels 
may increase with increasing solute concentration but the rate of movement through 
passive and active transporters may approach a maximum as the solute concentration 
increases (i.e., the transport protein becomes saturated). Some types of transport re- 
quire a source of energy (Section C). The characteristics of membrane transport are 
summarized in Table 9.3. In this section, we describe the different membrane transport 
systems, as well as endocytosis and exocytosis. 

A. Thermodynamics of Membrane Transport 

Recall from Chapter 1 (Section 1.4C) that the actual Gibbs free energy change of a reac- 
tion is related to the standard Gibbs free energy change by the equation 


A ^reaction — reaction + RT In jgj (9.1) 

where AG°' react i on represents the standard Gibbs free energy change for the reaction, 
[C] [D] represents the concentrations of the products, and [A] [B] represents the con- 
centration of the reactants. The Gibbs free energy change associated with membrane 
transport depends only on the concentrations of the molecules on either side of the 

For any molecule, A, the concentration on the inside of the membrane is [ Aj n ] and 
the concentration outside is [A out ] . The Gibbs free energy change associated with trans- 
porting molecules of A is 

[A in ] [A in ] 

AG transport = RT In-^A = 2.303 RT (9.2) 

l/VDUtJ l/VDUtJ 

9.10 Membrane Transport 279 

Table 9.3 Characteristics of different types of membrane transport 






relative to 

Energy input 

Simple diffusion 





Channels and pores 





Passive transport 





Active transport 





Yes (direct source) 





Yes (ion gradient) 

If the concentration of A inside the cell is much less than the concentration of A out- 
side the cell then AG transport will be negative and the flow of A into the cell will be ther- 
modynamically favored. For exmple, if [A an ] = 1 mM and [A out ] = 100 mM, then at 25°C 

TA- 1 

AGtransport = 2.303 RT \ogj-^ = 2.303 X 8.325 X 298 X (-2) 

L oud (9 . 3) 

= -1 1 .4 kj mol -1 

Under these conditions, molecules of solute A will tend to flow into the cell in order to 
reduce the concentration gradient. Flow in the opposite direction is thermodynamically 
unfavorable since it is associated with a positive Gibbs free energy change (AG transport = 
+ 1 1.4 kj mol -1 for molecules moving from the inside of the cell to the outside). 

Equation 9.2 only applies to uncharged molecules. In the case of ions, the Gibbs free 
energy change has to include a factor that takes into account the charge difference across 
a biological membrane. Most cells selectively export cations so the inside of a cell is neg- 
atively charged with respect to the outside. The charge difference across the membrane is 

AT' = T' in - T'out (9.4) 

where AT' is called the membrane potential (in volts). The Gibbs free energy change 
due to this electric potential is 

AG = zFAT' (9.5) 

where z is the charge on the molecule being transported (e.g., +1,-1, +2, —2, etc.) and F 
is Faradays’s constant (96,485 JV -1 mol -1 ). Since the inside of the cell is negatively 
charged, the import of cations such as Na© and K© is thermodynamically favored by 
the membrane potential. The export of cations must be coupled to an energy-producing 
reaction since it is associated with a positive Gibbs free energy change. 

Both the chemical (concentration) and electric (charge) effects have to be consid- 
ered, for any transport process involving charged molecules. Thus, 

AG transport = 2.303 RT log + zFW (9 . 6) 

B. Pores and Channels 

Pores and channels are transmembrane proteins with a central passage for ions and 
small molecules. (Usually, the term pore is used for bacteria and channel for animals.) 
Solutes of the appropriate size, charge, and molecular structure can move rapidly 

(cm s 1 ) 

= ^ Hexanoic acid 

10- 1 - 

10- 2 

10 3 

Acetic acid 



10“ 4 

10 5 - 

10“ 6 - 


H + 

Glycerol, Urea 

10- 7 

10- 8 



10- 9 -= 

10- 11 -E 

10- 12 -= — Na + 

1 0 -!3 J 

▲ Figure 9.30 

Permeability coefficients of various molecules. 

Molecules with high permeability coeffi- 
cients (top) are able to diffuse unaided 
across a membrane. 


For a given solute, the Gibbs free energy 
change of transport depends on both the 
membrane potential and solute concen- 
trations on either side of the membrane. 

The importance of Equation 9.6 will 
become apparent when we describe 
chemiosmotic theory (Section 14.3). 

280 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 







a Membrane potential. In most cases the in- 
side of a cell or membrane compartment is 
negative with respect to the outside and the 
membrane potential (A\| /) is negative. 


O o° Q o 



▲ Figure 9.31 

Membrane transport through a pore or channel. 

A central passage allows molecules and ions 
of the appropriate size, charge, and geometry 
to traverse the membrane in either direction. 

through the passage in either direction by diffusing down a concentration gradient 
(Figure 9.31). This process requires no energy. In general, the rate of movement of 
solute through a pore or channel is not saturable at high concentrations. For some 
channels, the rate may approach the diffusion controlled limit. 

The outer membranes of some bacteria are rich in porins, a family of pore proteins 
that allow ions and many small molecules to gain access to specific transporters in the 
plasma membrane. Similar channels are found in the outer membranes of mitochon- 
dria. Porins are usually only weakly solute-selective. They can act as sieves that are per- 
manently open or they can be regulated by the concentration of solutes. In contrast, 
plasma membranes also contain many channel proteins that are highly specific for cer- 
tain ions and they open or close in response to a specific signal. 

Aquaporin is an integral membrane protein that acts as a pore for water molecules. 
The channel through the middle of the protein will allow for passage of water molecules 
and other small uncharged molecules but it blocks passage of any charged molecules or 
large molecules. This channel is larger on the outside surface but narrows to a much 
smaller channel on the cytoplasmic side as shown for yeast aquaporin in Figure 9.32. 
Aquaporins are common in all species. They are required in cells where the rapid uptake 
of water is necessary because the rate of diffusion of water across the membrane is too 
slow. This is an example of a simple, somewhat specific, porin. It was discovered by 
Peter Agre, who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2003. 

Cor A is the primary Mg 2+ pump in prokaryotic cells. It is highly selective for Mg 2+ 
and permits the import of Mg 2+ against a concentration gradient in response to the 
membrane potential. Positively charged ions “want” to flow into cells and the CorA pore 
allows passage of Mg 2+ but not other ions. Mg 2+ is essential for many cell functions. The 
rate of influx is regulated by the large cytoplasmic domain of CorA (Figure 9.33). It 
binds Mg 2+ ions and when a sufficient number have bound, the pore is closed. Thus, in- 
flux of Mg 2+ is controlled by the cytoplasmic concentration. 

Membranes of nerve tissues have gated (i.e., controlled) potassium channels that 
selectively allow rapid outward transport of potassium ions. These channels permit 
K© ions to pass through the membrane at least 10,000 times faster than the smaller 
Na© ions. Crystallographic studies have shown that the potassium channel has a wide 
mouth (like a funnel) containing negatively charged amino acids to attract cations and 
repel anions. Hydrated cations are directed electrostatically to an electrically neutral 
constriction of the pore called the selectivity filter. Potassium ions rapidly lose some of 
their water of hydration and pass through the selectivity filter. Sodium ions apparently 
retain more water of hydration and therefore transit the filter much more slowly. The 
remainder of the channel has a hydrophobic lining. Based on comparisons of amino 
acid sequences, the general structural properties of the potassium channel seem to also 
apply to other types of channels and pores. Roderick MacKinnon shared the 2003 
Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Peter Agre. MacKinnnons work focused mainly on 
potassium channels. 

C. Passive Transport and Facilitated Diffusion 

Pore and channel proteins are examples of passive transport where the Gibbs free energy 
change for transport is negative and transport from one side of the membrane to the 
other is a spontaneous process. In active transport (see below), the solute moves against 
a concentration gradient and/or a charge difference. Active transport must be coupled 
to an energy-producing reaction in order to overcome the unfavorable Gibbs free en- 
ergy change for unassisted transport. The simplest membrane transporters — whether 
active or passive — carry out uni port; that is, they carry only a single type of solute across 
the membrane (Figure 9.34a). Many transporters carry out the simultaneous transport 
of two different solute molecules. The process is called symport if both solutes are 

◄ Figure 9.32 

Fungal aquaporin. Aquaporin is an integral membrane protein with an a-helix bundle domain. The 
water channel (green dots) is open on the exterior surface and narrows to a tiny passage on the 
cytoplasmic side. [Pichia pastoris PDB 2W2E] 

9.10 Membrane Transport 


Figure 9.33 ▲ 

CorA, a magnesium pump. CorA is the prokaryotic magnesium pump. Mg 2+ ions bind on the exterior 
surface and are transported through a highly selective channel in response to the membrane po- 
tential. The cytoplasmic domain binds Mg 2+ ions and closes the pore in response to high internal 
concentrations of Mg 2+ . This is the Thermotoga maritima version with each of the fire subunits in 
a different color. [PDB 2HN2] 

transported in the same direction, (Figure 9.34b). If they are transported in opposite di- 
rections, the process is anti port (Figure 9.34c). 

Passive transport includes simple diffusion across a membrane. When pores, chan- 
nels, and transporters are involved, we call the process facilitated diffusion. Facilitated 
diffusion is still an example of passive transport since it does not require an energy source. 
The transport protein accelerates the movement of solute down its concentration gradi- 
ent, or charge gradient, a process that would occur very slowly by diffusion alone. In this 
case, transport proteins are similar to enzymes because they increase the rate of a process 
that is thermodynamically favorable. For a simple passive uniport system, the initial rate 
of inward transport, like the initial rate of an enzyme- catalyzed reaction, depends on the 
external concentration of substrate. The equation describing this dependence is analogous 
to the Michaelis-Menten equation for enzyme catalysis (Equation 5.14). 


= K , rcn ( 9 - 7 > 

Ktr + LMout 

where v 0 is the initial rate of inward transport of the substrate at an external concentra- 
tion [S] out , V mSK is the maximum rate of transport of the substrate, and K tr is a constant 
analogous to the Michaelis constant (K m ) (i.e., K tr is the substrate concentration at 
which the transporter is half-saturated). The lower the value of K tr , the higher the affin- 
ity of the transporter for the substrate. The rate of transport is saturable, approaching a 
maximum value at a high substrate concentration (Figure 9.35). 

As substrate accumulates inside the cell, the rate of outward transport increases 
until it equals the rate of inward transport, and [S]j n equals [S] out . At this point, there is 
no net change in the concentration of substrate on either side of the membrane, al- 
though substrate continues to move across the membrane in both directions. 

Models of transport protein operation suggest that some transporters undergo a 
conformational change after they bind their substrates. This conformational change al- 
lows the substrate to be released on the other side of the membrane; the transporter 

v o 

▲ Figure 9.34 

Types of passive and active transport. Although 
the transport proteins are depicted as having 
an open central pore, passive and active 
transporters actually undergo conformational 
changes when transporting their solutes. 

(a) Uniport, (b) Symport. (c) Antiport. 

282 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 

▲ Figure 9.35 

Kinetics of passive transport. The initial rate of 
transport increases with substrate concentration 
until a maximum is reached. K tr is the concen- 
tration of substrate at which the rate of trans- 
port is half-maximal. 


then reverts to its original state (Figure 9.36). The conformational change in the trans- 
porter is often triggered by binding of the transported species, as in the induced fit of 
certain enzymes to their substrates (Section 6.9). In active transport, the conforma- 
tional change can be driven by ATP or other sources of energy. Like enzymes, trans- 
port proteins can be susceptible to reversible and irreversible inhibition. 

D. Active Transport 

Active transport resembles passive transport in overall mechanism and kinetic proper- 
ties. However, active transport requires energy to move a solute up its concentration 
gradient. In some cases, active transport of charged molecules or ions also results in a 
charge gradient across the membrane and active transport moves ions against the 
membrane potential. 

Active transporters use a variety of energy sources, most commonly ATP. Ion- 
transporting ATPases are found in all organisms. These active transporters, which in- 
clude Na©-K© ATPase, and Ca® ATPase, create and maintain ion concentration gradients 
across the plasma membrane and across the membranes of internal organelles. 

Primary active transport is powered by a direct source of energy such as ATP or 
light. For example, bacteriorhodopsin (Figure 9.22) uses light energy to generate a 
transmembrane proton concentration gradient that can be used for ATP formation. 
One primary active transport protein, P- glycoprotein, appears to play a major role in 
the resistance of tumor cells to multiple chemotherapeutic drugs. Multidrug resist- 
ance is a leading cause of failure in the clinical treatment of human cancers. P- Glyco- 
protein is an integral membrane glycoprotein (M r 170,000) that is abundant in the 
plasma membrane of drug-resistant cells. Using ATP as an energy source, P-glycopro- 
tein pumps a large variety of structurally unrelated nonpolar compounds, such as 
drugs, out of the cell up a concentration gradient. In this way, the cytosolic drug con- 
centration is maintained at a level low enough to avoid cell death. The normal physi- 
ological function of P- glycoprotein appears to be removal of toxic hydrophobic com- 
pounds in the diet. 

Secondary active transport is driven by an ion concentration gradient. The active 
uphill transport of one solute is coupled to the downhill transport of a second solute 
that was concentrated by primary active transport. For example, in E. coli , electron 
flow through a series of membrane-bound oxidation-reduction enzymes generates a 
higher extracellular concentration of protons. As protons flow back into the cell down 
their concentration gradient, lactose is also transported in, against its concentration 
gradient (Figure 9.37). The energy of the proton concentration gradient drives the sec- 
ondary active transport of lactose. The symport of H© and lactose is mediated by the 
transmembrane protein lactose permease. 

In large multicellular animals, secondary active transport is often powered by a 
sodium ion gradient. Most cells maintain an intracellular potassium ion concentra- 
tion of about 140 mM in the presence of an extracellular concentration of about 5 
mM. The cytosolic concentration of sodium ions is maintained at about 5 to 15 mM 
in the presence of an extracellular concentration of about 145 mM. These ion con- 
centration gradients are maintained by Na©-K© ATPase, an ATP-driven antiport 
system that pumps two K© into the cell and ejects three Na© for every molecule of 
ATP hydrolyzed (Figure 9.38). Each Na©-K© ATPase can catalyze the hydrolysis of 
about 100 molecules of ATP per minute, a significant portion (up to one-third) of the 
total energy consumption of a typical animal cell. The Na© gradient that is generated 
by Na©-K© ATPase is the major source of energy for secondary active transport of 
glucose in intestinal cells. One glucose molecule is imported with each sodium ion 
that enters the cell. The energy released by the downhill movement of Na© powers 
the uphill transport of glucose. 

◄ Figure 9.36 

Passive and active transport protein function. The protein binds its specific substrate and then under- 
goes a conformational change, allowing the molecule or ion to be released on the other side of the 
membrane. Cotransporters have specific binding sites for each transported species. 

9.11 Transduction of Extracellular Signals 283 

E. Endocytosis and Exocytosis 

The transport we have discussed so far occurs by the flow of molecules or ions across an 
intact membrane. Cells also need to import and export molecules too large to be trans- 
ported via pores, channels, or transport proteins. Prokaryotes possess specialized multi- 
component export systems in their plasma and outer membranes that allow them to se- 
crete certain proteins (often toxins or enzymes) into the extracellular medium. In 
eukaryotic cells, many — but not all — proteins (and certain other large substances) are 
moved into and out of the cell by endocytosis and exocytosis, respectively. In both cases, 
transport involves formation of a specialized type of lipid vesicle. 

Endocytosis is the process by which macromolecules are engulfed by the plasma 
membrane and brought into the cell inside a lipid vesicle. Receptor- mediated endo- 
cytosis begins with the binding of macromolecules to specific receptor proteins in 
the plasma membrane of the cell. The membrane then invaginates, forming a vesicle 
that contains the bound molecules. As shown in Figure 9.39, the inside of such a 
membrane vesicle is equivalent to the outside of a cell; thus, substances inside the 
vesicle have not actually crossed the plasma membrane. Once inside the cell, the 
vesicle can fuse with an endosome (another type of vesicle) and then with a lyso- 
some. Inside a lysosome, the endocytosed material and the receptor itself can be 
degraded. Alternatively, the ligand, the receptor, or both, can be recycled from the 
endosome back to the plasma membrane. 

Exocytosis is similar to endocytosis except that the direction of transport is re- 
versed. During exocytosis, materials destined for secretion from the cell are enclosed 
in vesicles by the Golgi apparatus (Section 1.8B). The vesicles then fuse with the 
plasma membrane releasing the vesicle contents into the extracellular space. The 
zymogens of digestive enzymes are exported from pancreatic cells in this manner 
(Section 6.7A). 

Lactose H 


▲ Figure 9.37 

Secondary active transport in Escherichia coli. The 

oxidation of reduced substrates (S rec j) generates a 
transmembrane proton concentration gradient. 

The energy released by protons moving down their 
concentration gradient drives the transport of lac- 
tose into the cell by lactose permease. 

The secretory pathway in eukaryotic 
cells is described in Section 22.10. 

9.11 Transduction of Extracellular Signals 

In order for a cell to interact with its external environment, it must detect molecules 
outside of the plasma membrane and convey that information to the inside of the cell. 
This process is called signal transduction and it is a very active field of research. In this 
section we’ll cover the basic mechanism of the most common signaling pathways. As 
you learn more biochemistry, you’ll encounter many variations of these themes. 

A. Receptors 

The plasma membranes of all cells contain specific receptors that allow the cell to 
respond to external chemical stimuli that cannot cross the membrane. For example, 


[K©] = 5mM 

3Na© 2 K© 

Na© Glucose 

◄ Figure 9.38 

Secondary active transport in animals. The 

Na©-K© ATPase generates a sodium ion 
gradient that drives secondary active trans- 
port of glucose in intestinal cells. 


CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 

▲ Figure 9.39 

Electron micrographs of endocytosis. Endocytosis 
begins with the binding of macromolecules 
to the plasma membrane of the cell. The 
membrane then invaginates forming a vesi- 
cle that contains the bound molecules. The 
inside of the vesicle is topologically equiva- 
lent to the outside of the cell. 

bacteria can detect certain chemicals in their environment. A signal is passed via a 
cell surface receptor to the flagella, causing the bacterium to swim toward a potential 
food source. This is called positive chemotaxis. In negative chemotaxis, the bacteria 
swim away from toxic chemicals. 

In multicellular organisms, stimuli such as hormones , neurotransmitters (sub- 
stances that transmit nerve messages at synapses), and growth factors (proteins that 
regulate cell proliferation) are produced by specialized cells. These ligands can travel to 
other tissues where they bind to and produce specific responses in cells with the appro- 
priate receptors on their surfaces. In this section, we see how the binding of water- 
soluble ligands to receptors elicits intracellular responses in mammals. These signal 
transduction pathways involve adenylyl cyclase, inositol phospholipids, and receptor 
tyrosine kinases. 


Biochemists now know the mechanism by which spice from 
“hot” peppers exerts its action, causing a burning pain. The 
active factor in capsaicin peppers is a lipophilic vanilloid 
compound called capsaicin. 



A nerve cell protein receptor that responds to cap- 
saicin has been identified and characterized. It is an ion 
channel and its amino acid sequence suggests that it has 
six transmembrane domains. Activation of the receptor 
by capsaicin causes the channel to open so that calcium 
and sodium ions can flow into the nerve cell and send an 

Chili peppers ► 

impulse to the brain. The receptor is activated not only by 
vanilloid spices but also by rapid increases in temperature. In 
fact, the main function of the receptor is detection of heat. 

9.11 Transduction of Extracellular Signals 285 

External stimulus 





Second messenger 

JJ^DNA binding 

Cytoplasmic and nuclear effectors 


Cellular response 

◄ Figure 9.40 

General mechanism of signal transduction 
across the plasma membrane of a cell. 

A general mechanism for signal transduction is shown in Figure 9.40. A ligand 
binds to its specific receptor on the surface of the target cell. This interaction generates a 
signal that is passed through a membrane protein transducer to a membrane-bound 
effector enzyme. The action of the effector enzyme generates an intracellular second 
messenger that is usually a small molecule or ion. The diffusible second messenger car- 
ries the signal to its ultimate destination which may be in the nucleus, an intracellular 
compartment, or the cytosol. Ligand binding to a cell-surface receptor almost invari- 
ably results in the activation of protein kinases. These enzymes catalyze the transfer 
of a phosphoryl group from ATP to various protein substrates, many of which help 
regulate metabolism, cell growth, and cell division. Some proteins are activated by 
phosphorylation, whereas others are inactivated. A vast diversity of ligands, receptors, 
and transducers exists but only a few second messengers and types of effector enzymes 
are known. 

Receptor tyrosine kinases have a simpler mechanism for signal transduction. With 
these enzymes, the membrane receptor, transducer, and effector enzyme are combined 
in one enzyme. A receptor domain on the extracellular side of the membrane is con- 
nected to the cytosolic active site by a transmembrane segment. The active site catalyzes 
phosphorylation of its target proteins. 

Amplification is an important feature of signaling pathways. A single ligand receptor 
complex can interact with a number of transducer molecules, each of which can acti- 
vate several molecules of effector enzyme. Similarly, the production of many second 
messenger molecules can activate many kinase molecules that catalyze the phosphoryla- 
tion of many target proteins. This series of amplification events is called a cascade. The 
cascade mechanism means that small amounts of an extracellular compound can affect 
large numbers of intracellular enzymes without crossing the plasma membrane or 
binding to each target protein. 

Not all chemical stimuli follow the general mechanism of signal transduction 
shown in Figure 9.40. For example, because steroid hormones are hydrophobic, they 
can diffuse across the plasma membrane into the cell where they can bind to specific re- 
ceptor proteins in the cytoplasm. The steroid receptor complexes are then transferred to 
the nucleus. The complexes bind to specific regions of DNA called hormone response el- 
ements and thereby enhance or suppress the expression of adjacent genes. 

Kinases were introduced in Section 6.9. 


Membrane receptors are the primary step in 
carrying information across a membrane. 

The actions of the hormones insulin, 
glucagon, and epinephrine and the 
roles of transmembrane signaling path- 
ways in the regulation of carbohydrate 
and lipid metabolism are described in 
Sections 11.5, 13.3, 13.7, 13.10, 

16. 1C, 16.4 (Box), and 16.7. 

B. Signal Transducers 

There are many kinds of receptors and many different transducers. Bacterial transduc- 
ers are different than eukaryotic ones. There are some eukaryotic transducers found in 
most species. In this section, we’ll concentrate on those general transducers. 

Many membrane receptors interact with a family of guanine nucleotide binding 
proteins called G proteins. G proteins act as transducers — the agents that transmit external 

286 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 

Figure 9.41 ► 

Hydrolysis of guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) 
to guanosine 5 '-diphosphate (GDP) and phos- 
phate (Pj). 

Hormone receptor 




▲ Figure 9.42 

G-protein cycle. G proteins undergo activation after binding to a 
receptor ligand complex and are slowly inactivated by their own 
GTPase activity. Both G^-GTP/GDP and G^are membrane- 

stimuli to effector enzymes. G proteins have GTPase activity; that is, they 
slowly catalyze hydrolysis of bound guanosine 5 '-triphosphate (GTP, the 
guanine analog of ATP) to guanosine 5 '-diphosphate (GDP) (Figure 9.41). 
When GTP is bound to G protein it is active in signal tranduction and 
when G protein is bound to GDP it is inactive. The cyclic activation and 
deactivation of G proteins is shown in Figure 9.42. The G proteins in- 
volved in signaling by hormone receptors are peripheral membrane pro- 
teins located on the inner surface of the plasma membrane. Each protein 
consists of an a, a /3, and a / subunit. The a and /subunits are lipid an- 
chored membrane proteins; the a subunit is a fatty acyl anchored pro- 
tein and the /subunit is a prenyl anchored protein. The complex of G a py 
and GDP is inactive. 

When a hormone receptor complex diffusing laterally in the mem- 
brane encounters and binds G a p r it induces the G protein to change to 
an active conformation. Bound GDP is rapidly exchanged for GTP pro- 
moting the dissociation of G^-GTP from Gpy. Activated G^-GTP then 
interacts with the effector enzyme. The GTPase activity of the G protein 
acts as a built-in timer since G proteins slowly catalyze the hydrolysis of 
GTP to GDP. When GTP is hydrolyzed the G^-GDP complex reassoci- 
ates with G^and the G^^-GDP complex is regenerated. G proteins 
have evolved into good switches because they are very slow catalysts, 
typically having a fc cat of only about 3 min -1 . 

G proteins are found in dozens of signaling pathways including the 
adenylyl cyclase and the inositol-phospholipid pathways discussed 
below. An effector enzyme can respond to stimulatory G proteins (Gs) 
or inhibitory G proteins (Gi). The a subunits of different G proteins are 
distinct providing varying specificity but the /3 and /subunits are similar 
and often interchangeable. Humans have two dozen a proteins, five /? 
proteins, and six / proteins. 

9.11 Transduction of Extracellular Signals 287 

C. The Adenylyl Cyclase Signaling Pathway 

The cyclic nucleotides 3 ',5 '-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and its guanine 
analog, 3 ',5 '-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), are second messengers that 
help transmit signals from external sources to intracellular enzymes. cAMP is produced 
from ATP by the action of adenylyl cyclase (Figure 9.43) and cGMP is formed from 
GTP in a similar reaction. 

Many hormones that regulate intracellular metabolism exert their effects on target 
cells by activating the adenylyl cyclase signaling pathway. Binding of a hormone to a 
stimulatory receptor causes the conformation of the receptor to change promoting in- 
teraction between the receptor and a stimulatory G protein, G s . The receptor ligand 
complex activates G s that, in turn, binds the effector enzyme adenylyl cyclase and acti- 
vates it by allosterically inducing a conformational change at its active site. 

Adenylyl cyclase is an integral membrane enzyme whose active site faces the cy- 
tosol. It catalyzes the formation of cAMP from ATP. cAMP then diffuses from the mem- 
brane surface through the cytosol and activates an enzyme known as protein kinase A. 
This kinase is made up of a dimeric regulatory subunit and two catalytic subunits and is 
inactive in its fully assembled state. When the cytosolic concentration of cAMP in- 
creases as a result of signal transduction through adenylyl cyclase, four molecules of 
cAMP bind to the regulatory subunit of the kinase releasing the two catalytic subunits, 
which are enzymatically active (Figure 9.44). Protein kinase A, a serine-threonine pro- 
tein kinase, catalyzes phosphorylation of the hydroxyl groups of specific serine and 
threonine residues in target enzymes. Phosphorylation of amino acid side chains on the 
target enzymes is reversed by the action of protein phosphatases that catalyze hydrolytic 
removal of the phosphoryl groups. 

The ability to turn off a signal transduction pathway is an essential element of all 
signaling processes. For example, the cAMP concentration in the cytosol increases only 
transiently. A soluble cAMP phosphodiesterase catalyzes the hydrolysis of cAMP to 
AMP (Figure 9.43) limiting the lifetime of the second messenger. At high concentra- 
tions, the methylated purines caffeine and theophylline (Figure 9.45) inhibit cAMP 
phosphodiesterase, thereby decreasing the rate of conversion of cAMP to AMR These 
inhibitors prolong and intensify the effects of cAMP and hence the activating effects of 
the stimulatory hormones. 

Hormones that bind to stimulatory receptors activate adenylyl cyclase and raise in- 
tracellular cAMP levels. Hormones that bind to inhibitory receptors inhibit adenylyl cy- 
clase activity via receptor interaction with the transducer G|. The ultimate response of a 
cell to a hormone depends on the type of receptors present and the type of G protein to 
which they are coupled. The main features of the adenylyl cyclase signaling pathway, in- 
cluding G proteins, are summarized in Figure 9.46. 

D. The Inositol-Phospholipid Signaling Pathway 

Another major signal transduction pathway produces two different second messengers, 
both derived from a plasma membrane phospholipid called phosphatidylinositol 4,5- 
Hsphosphate (PIP 2 ) (Figure 9.47). PIP 2 is a minor component of plasma membranes 
located in the inner monolayer. It is synthesized from phosphatidylinositol by two suc- 
cessive phosphorylation steps catalyzed by ATP- dependent kinases. 

Following binding of a ligand to a specific receptor, the signal is transduced 
through the G protein G q . The active GTP-bound form of G q activates the effector en- 
zyme phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C that is bound to the cytoplasmic 
face of the plasma membrane. Phospholipase C catalyzes the hydrolysis of PIP 2 to in- 
ositol 1,4,5-tnsphosphate (IP 3 ) and diacylglycerol (Figure 9.47). Both IP 3 and diacyl- 
glycerol are second messengers that transmit the original signal to the interior of 
the cell. 

IP 3 diffuses through the cytosol and binds to a calcium channel in the membrane 
of the endoplasmic reticulum. This causes the calcium channel to open for a short time, 
releasing Ca ® from the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum into the cytosol. Calcium 
is also an intracellular messenger because it activates calcium-dependent protein 




o— P — 



G 0 — P = 


e o — P = 




H® <r^ 

\ / 



▲ Figure 9.43 

Production and inactivation of cAMP. ATP is 

converted to cAMP by the transmembrane 
enzyme adenylyl cyclase. The second mes- 
senger is subsequently converted to 5'-AMP 
by the action of a cytosolic cAMP phospho- 

The response of E. coli to changes in 
glucose concentrations, modulated by 
cAMP, is described in Section 21. 7B. 

288 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 

R R 

Inactive complex 

c ^ 

Active catalytic subunits 

▲ Figure 9.44 

Activation of protein kinase A. The assembled 
complex is inactive. When four molecules of 
cAMP bind to the regulatory subunit (R) dimer, 
the catalytic subunits (C) are released. 


ch 3 


▲ Figure 9.45 
Caffeine and theophylline. 

kinases that catalyze phosphorylation of various protein targets. The calcium signal is 
short-lived since Ca^ is pumped back into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum 
when the channel closes. 

The other product of PIP 2 hydrolysis, diacylglycerol, remains in the plasma mem- 
brane. Protein kinase C, which exists in equilibrium between a soluble cytosolic form 
and a peripheral membrane form, moves to the inner face of the plasma membrane 
where it binds transiently and is activated by diacylglycerol and Ca . Protein kinase C 
catalyzes phosphorylation of many target proteins altering their catalytic activity. 
Several protein kinase C isozymes exist, each with different catalytic properties and 
tissue distribution. They are members of the serine-threonine kinase family. 

Signaling via the inositol-phospholipid pathway is turned off in several ways. First, 
when GTP is hydrolyzed, G q returns to its inactive form and no longer stimulates phos- 
pholipase C. The activities of IP 3 and diacylglycerol are also transient. IP 3 is rapidly hy- 
drolyzed to other inositol phosphates (which can also be second messengers) and inositol. 
Diacylglycerol is rapidly converted to phosphatidate. Both inositol and phosphatidate are 
recycled back to phosphatidylinositol. The main features of the inositol-phospholipid 
signaling pathway are summarized in Figure 9.48. 

Phosphatidylinositol is not the only membrane lipid that gives rise to second mes- 
sengers. Some extracellular signals lead to the activation of hydrolases that catalyze the 
conversion of membrane sphingolipids to sphingosine, sphingosine 1 -phosphate, or 
ceramide. Sphingosine inhibits protein kinase C, and ceramide activates a protein ki- 
nase and a protein phosphatase. Sphingosine 1 -phosphate can activate phospholipase 






kinase A 

Protein — OFI 

■> Protein — © 



Figure 9.46 ▲ 

Summary of the adenylyl cyclase signaling pathway. Binding of a hormone to a stimulatory transmem- 
brane receptor (R s ) leads to activation of the stimulatory G protein (G s ) on the inside of the mem- 
brane. Other hormones can bind to inhibitory receptors (Rj) that are coupled to adenylyl cyclase by 
the inhibitory G protein Gj. G s activates the integral membrane enzyme adenylyl cyclase whereas Gj 
inhibits it. cAMP activates protein kinase A resulting in the phosphorylation of cellular proteins. 

9.11 Transduction of Extracellular Signals 289 



Rt — C — O — CH 2 

r 2 — c — o— ch 

o ch 2 

Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-b/sphosphate 
(PIP 2 ) 

◄ Figure 9.47 

Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Z;/sphosphate (PIP 2 ). 

Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-b/'sphosphate 
(PIP 2 ) produces two second messengers, in- 
ositol l,4,5-f/7sphosphate (IP 3 ) and diacyl- 
glycerol. PIP 2 is synthesized by the addition 
of two phosphoryl groups (red) to phos- 
phatidylinositol and hydrolyzed to IP 3 and 
diacylglycerol by the action of a phospho- 
inositide-specific phospholipase C. 

Phospholipase C 

/- H2 ° 




Rt — C — O — CH 2 
R 2 — C— O — CH 


O CH 2 — OH 

Inositol 1,4,5-tr/sphosphate 

D, which specifically catalyzes hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine. The phosphatidate 
and the diacylglycerol formed by this hydrolysis appear to be second messengers. The 
full significance of the wide variety of second messengers generated from membrane 
lipids (each with its own specific fatty acyl groups) has not yet been determined. 



Protein — OH 







◄ Figure 9.48 

Inositol-phospholipid signaling pathway. 

Binding of a ligand to its transmembrane re- 
ceptor (R) activates the G protein (G q ). This 
in turn stimulates a specific membrane- 
bound phospholipase C (PLC) that catalyzes 
hydrolysis of the phospholipid PI P 2 in the 
inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. The 
resulting second messengers, IP 3 and diacyl- 
glycerol (DAG), are responsible for carrying 
the signal to the interior of the cell. IP 3 dif- 
fuses to the endoplasmic reticulum where it 
binds to and opens a Ca^ channel in the 
membrane releasing stored Ca®. Diacyl- 
glycerol remains in the plasma membrane 
where it — along with Ca^ — activates the 
enzyme protein kinase C (PKC). 

290 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 


G proteins are the biological targets of cholera and pertussis 
(whooping cough) toxins that are secreted by the disease- 
producing bacteria Vibrio cholerae and Bordetella pertussis , 
respectively. Both diseases involve overproduction of cAMP. 

Cholera toxin binds to ganglioside G M1 on the cell surface 
(Section 9.5) and a subunit of it crosses the plasma membrane 
and enters the cytosol. This subunit catalyzes covalent modifi- 
cation of the a subunit of the G protein G s inactivating its GT- 
Pase activity. The adenylyl cyclase of these cells remains acti- 
vated and cAMP levels stay high. In people infected with 
cholerae , cAMP stimulates certain transporters in the plasma 
membrane of the intestinal cells leading to a massive secretion 
of ions and water into the gut. The dehydration resulting from 
diarrhea can be fatal unless fluids are replenished. 

Pertussis toxin binds to a glycolipid called lactosylceramide 
found on the cell surface of epithelial cells in the lung. It is taken 
up by endocytosis. The toxin catalyzes covalent modification of 
Gi. In this case, the modified G protein is unable to replace 

GDP with GTP and therefore adenylyl cyclase activity cannot 
be reduced via inhibitory receptors. The resulting increase in 
cAMP levels produces the symptoms of whooping cough. 

► Pertussis toxin. The bacterial 
toxin has five different subunits 
colored red, green, blue, purple, 
and yellow. [PDB 1BCP] 



ligand binding and 

n ATP-^ 
n ADP^ 



E. Receptor Tyrosine Kinases 

Many growth factors operate by a signaling pathway that includes a multifunctional 
transmembrane protein called a receptor tyrosine kinase. As shown in Figure 9.49, the 
receptor, transducer, and effector functions are all found in a single membrane protein. 
In one type of activation, a ligand binds to the extracellular domain of the receptor, 
activating tyrosine kinase catalytic activity in the intracellular domain by dimerization 
of the receptor. When two receptor molecules associate, each tyrosine kinase domain 
catalyzes the phosphorylation of specific tyrosine residues of its partner, a process called 
autophosphorylation. The activated tyrosine kinase then catalyzes phosphorylation of 
certain cytosolic proteins, setting off a cascade of events in the cell. 

The insulin receptor is an a 2 p 2 tetramer (Figure 9.50). When insulin binds to the 
a subunit, it induces a conformational change that brings the tyrosine kinase domains 
of the (3 subunits together. Each tyrosine kinase domain in the tetramer catalyzes the 
phosphorylation of the other kinase domain. The activated tyrosine kinase also cat- 
alyzes the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in other proteins that help regulate nutrient 

Recent research has found that many of the signaling actions of insulin are medi- 
ated through PIP 2 (Section 9.12C and Figure 9.51). Rather than causing hydrolysis of 
PIP 2 , insulin (via proteins called insulin receptor substrates, IRSs) activates phospho- 
tidylinositol 3-kinase, an enzyme that catalyzes the phosphorylation of PIP 2 to 
phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-tnsphosphate (PIP 3 ). PIP 3 is a second messenger that tran- 
siently activates a series of target proteins, including a specific phosphoinositide- 
dependent protein kinase. In this way, phosphotidylinositol 3 -kinase is the molecular 
switch that regulates several serine-threonine protein kinase cascades. 

◄ Figure 9.49 

Activation of receptor tyrosine kinases. Activation occurs as a result of ligand induced receptor 
dimerization. Each kinase domain catalyzes phosphorylation of its partner. The phosphorylated 
dimer can catalyze phosphorylation of various target proteins. 

Summary 291 


▲ Figure 9.51 

Insulin-stimulated formation of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-fr/sphosphate (PIP3). Binding of insulin to its 
receptor activates the protein tyrosine kinase activity of the receptor leading to the phosphorylation 
of insulin receptor substrates (IRSs). The phosphorylated IRSs interact with phosphotidylinositiol 
3 -kinase (PI kinase) at the plasma membrane where the enzyme catalyzes the phosphorylation of 
PI P 2 to PIP3. PIP3 acts as a second messenger carrying the message from extracellular insulin to 
certain intracellular protein kinases. 



Phosphoryl groups are removed from both the growth factor receptors and their 
protein targets by the action of protein tyrosine phosphatases. Although only a few of 
these enzymes have been studied, they appear to play an important role in regulating 
the tyrosine kinase signaling pathway. One means of regulation appears to be the local- 
ized assembly and separation of enzyme complexes. 

▲ Figure 9.50 

Insulin receptor. Two extracellular a chains, 
each with an insulin binding site, are linked 
to two transmembrane p chains, each with 
a cytosolic tyrosine kinase domain. Following 
insulin binding to the a chains, the tyrosine 
kinase domain of each p chain catalyzes 
autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues in 
the adjacent kinase domain. The tyrosine 
kinase domains also catalyze the phospho- 
rylation of proteins called insulin receptor 
substrates (IRSs). 


1. Lipids are a diverse group of water- insoluble organic compounds. 

2. Fatty acids are monocarboxylic acids, usually with an even num- 
ber of carbon atoms ranging from 12 to 20. 

3. Fatty acids are generally stored as triacylglycerols (fats and oils), 
which are neutral and nonpolar. 

4. Glycerophospholipids have a polar head group and nonpolar 
fatty acyl tails linked to a glycerol backbone. 

5. Sphingolipids, which occur in plant and animal membranes, con- 
tain a sphingosine backbone. The major classes of sphingolipids 
are sphingomyelins, cerebrosides, and gangliosides. 

6. Steroids are isoprenoids containing four fused rings. 

7. Other biologically important lipids are waxes, eicosanoids, lipid 
vitamins, and terpenes. 

8. The structural basis for all biological membranes is the lipid 
bilayer that includes amphipathic lipids such as glycerophospho- 
lipids, sphingolipids, and sometimes cholesterol. Lipids can dif- 
fuse rapidly within a leaflet of the bilayer. 

9. A biological membrane contains proteins embedded in or associated 
with a lipid bilayer. The proteins can diffuse laterally within the 

10 . Most integral membrane proteins span the hydrophobic 
interior of the bilayer, but peripheral membrane proteins are 
more loosely associated with the membrane surface. Lipid an- 
chored membrane proteins are covalently linked to lipids in the 

11. Some small or hydrophobic molecules can diffuse across the bi- 
layer. Channels, pores, and passive and active transporters medi- 
ate the movement of ions and polar molecules across membranes. 
Macromolecules can be moved into and out of the cell by endocy- 
tosis and exocytosis, respectively. 

12. Extracellular chemical stimuli transmit their signals to the cell in- 
terior by binding to receptors. A transducer passes the signal to an 
effector enzyme, which generates a second messenger. Signal 
transduction pathways often include G proteins and protein 
kinases. The adenylyl cyclase signaling pathway leads to activation 
of the cAMP- dependent protein kinase A. The inositol-phospho- 
lipid signaling pathway generates two second messengers and 
leads to the activation of protein kinase C and an increase in the 
cytosolic Ca© concentration. In receptor tyrosine kinases, the 
kinase is part of the receptor protein. 

292 CHAPTER 9 Lipids and Membranes 


1. Write the molecular formulas for the following fatty acids: 

(a) nervonic acid (ds- A 15 -tetracosenoate; 24 carbons); 

(b) vaccenic acid (ds- A n -octadecenoate); and (c) EPA (all 
ds- A 5,8,11, 14,17 -eicosapentaenoate). 

2. Write the molecular formulas for the following modified fatty 

(a) lO-(Propoxy) decanoate, a synthetic fatty acid with antipara- 
sitic activity used to treat African sleeping sickness, a disease 
caused by the protozoan T. brucei (the propoxy group is 
— O — CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 ) 

(b) Phytanic acid (3,7,1 1,1 5-tetramethylhexadecanoate), found 
in dairy products 

(c) Lactobacillic acid (ds-1 1,12-methyleneoctadecanoate), found 
in various microorganisms 

3. Fish ois are rich sources of omega-3 and polyunsaturated fatty 
acids and omega- 6 fatty acids are relatively abundant in corn and 
sunflower oils. Classify the following fatty acids as omega-3, 
omega-6, or neither: (a) linolenate, (b) linoleate, (c) arachido- 
nate, (d) oleate, (e) A 8,11,14 -eicosatrienoate. 

4. Mammalian platelet activating factor (PAF), a messenger in signal 
transduction, is a glycerophospholipid with an ether linkage at C-l. 
PAF is a potent mediator of allergic responses, inflammation, and the 
toxic-shock syndrome. Draw the structure of PAF (l-alkyl-2-acetyl- 
phosphatidyl-choline), where the 1 -alkyl group is a C 16 chain. 

5. Docosahexaenoic acid, 22:6 A 4 ’ 7 ’ 10 ’ 13,16,19 , is the predominate 
fatty acyl group in the C-2 position of glycerol-3-phosphate in 
phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine in many 
types of fish. 

(a) Draw the structure of docosahexaenoic acid (all double 
bonds are cis ) . 

(b) Classify docosahexaenoic acid as an omega-3, omega-6, or 
omega-9 fatty acid. 

6. Many snake venoms contain phospholipase A 2 that catalyzes the 
degradation of glycerophospholipids into a fatty acid and a 
“lysolecithin.” The amphipathic nature of lysolecithins allows them 
to act as detergents in disrupting the membrane structure of red 
blood cells, causing them to rupture. Draw the structures of phos- 
phatidyl serine (PS) and the products (including a lysolecithin) that 
result from the reaction of PS with phospholipase A 2 . 

7. Draw the structures of the following membrane lipids: 

(a) 1 - stearoyl-2 - oleoyl- 3 -phosphatidylethanolamine 

(b) palmitoylsphingomyelin 

(c) myristoyl- / 3 -D-glucocerebroside. 

8. (a) The steroid cortisol participates in the control of carbohy- 

drate, protein, and lipid metabolism. Cortisol is derived from 
cholesterol and possesses the same four-membered fused ring 
system but with: (1) a C-3 keto group, (2) C-4-C-5 double 
bond (instead of the C-5-C-6 as in cholesterol), (3) a C-ll 
hydroxyl, and (4) a hydroxyl group and a — C(0)CH 2 0H 
group at C-l 7. Draw the structure of cortisol. 

(b) Ouabain is a member of the cardiac glycoside family found in 
plants and animals. This steroid inhibits Na©-K© ATPase 
and ion transport and may be involved in hypertension and 
high blood pressure in humans. Ouabain possesses a four- 
membered fused ring system similar to cholesterol but has 
the following structural features: (1) no double bonds in the 

rings, (2) hydroxy groups on C-l, C-5, C-ll, and C-14, 
(3) — CH 2 OH on C-19, (4) 2-3 unsaturated five-membered 
lactone ring on C-l 7 (attached to C-3 of lactone ring), and 
(5) 6-deoxymannose attached /3 - 1 to the C-3 oxygen. Draw 
the structure of ouabain. 

9 . A consistent response in many organisms to changing environ- 
mental temperatures is the restructuring of cellular membranes. 
In some fish, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in the liver micro- 
somal lipid membrane contains predominantly docosahexaenoic 
acid, 22:6 A 4,7,10,13,16,19 at C-2 of the glycerol-3 -phosphate back- 
bone and then either a saturated or monounsaturated fatty acyl 
group at C-l. The percentage of the PE containing saturated or 
monounsaturated fatty acyl groups was determined in fish accli- 
mated at 10°C or 30°C. At 10°C, 61% of the PE molecules con- 
tained saturated fatty acyl groups at C-l, and 39% of the PE mol- 
ecules contained monounsaturated fatty acyl groups at C-l. 
When fish were acclimated to 30°C, 86% of the PE lipids con- 
tained saturated fatty acyl groups at C-l, while 14% of the PE 
molecules had monounsaturated acyl groups at C-l [Brooks, S., 
Clark, G.T., Wright, S.M., Trueman, R.J., Postle, A.D., Cossins, 
A.R., and Maclean, N.M. (2002). Electrospray ionisation mass 
spectrometric analysis of lipid restructuring in the carp ( Cyprinus 
carpio L.) during cold acclimation./. Exp. Biol 205:3989-3997]. 
Explain the purpose of the membrane restructuring observed 
with the change in environmental temperature. 

10 . A mutant gene ( ras ) is found in as many as one- third of all 
human cancers including lung, colon, and pancreas, and may be 
partly responsible for the altered metabolism in tumor cells. The 
ras protein coded for by the ras gene is involved in cell signaling 
pathways that regulate cell growth and division. Since the ras pro- 
tein must be converted to a lipid anchored membrane protein in 
order to have cell- signaling activity, the enzyme farnesyl trans- 
ferase (FT) has been selected as a potential chemotherapy target 
for inhibition. Suggest why FT might be a reasonable target. 

11. Glucose enters some cells by simple diffusion through channels or 
pores, but glucose enters red blood cells by passive transport. On 
the plot below, indicate which line represents diffusion through a 
channel or pore and which represents passive transport. Why do 
the rates of the two processes differ? 

Extracellular glucose concentration 

12. The pH gradient between the stomach (pH 0. 8-1.0) and the gas- 
tric mucosal cells lining the stomach (pH 7.4) is maintained by an 
H©-K© ATPase transport system that is similar to the ATP- 
driven Na©-K© ATPase transport system (Figure 9.38). The 
H©-K© ATPase antiport system uses the energy of ATP to pump 
H© out of the mucosal cells (me) into the stomach (st) in ex- 
change for K© ions. The K© ions that are transported into the 
mucosal cells are then cotransported back into the stomach along 

Selected Readings 293 

with Cl® ions. The net transport is the movement of HC1 into 
the stomach. 

K© (mc) + Cl© (mc) + H© (mc) + K© (st) + ATP 

K© (st) + Cl© (st) + H© (st) + K© (mc) + ADP + P; 

Draw a diagram of this H®-K® ATPase system. 

13. Chocolate contains the compound theobromine, which is struc- 
turally related to caffeine and theophylline. Chocolate products 
may be toxic or lethal to dogs because these animals metabolize 
theobromine more slowly than humans. The heart, central nerv- 
ous system, and kidneys are affected. Early signs of theobromine 
poisoning in dogs include nausea and vomiting, restlessness, diar- 
rhea, muscle tremors, and increased urination or incontinence. 
Comment on the mechanism of toxicity of theobromine in dogs. 

ch 3 


14. In the inositol signaling pathway, both IP 3 and diacylglycerol 
(DAG) are hormonal second messengers. If certain protein ki- 
nases in cells are activated by binding Ca©, how do IP 3 and DAG 
act in a complementary fashion to elicit cellular responses inside 

15. In some forms of diabetes, a mutation in the (3 subunit of the in- 
sulin receptor abolishes the enzymatic activity of that subunit. 
How does the mutation affect the cell’s response to insulin? Can 
additional insulin (e.g., from injections) overcome the defect? 

16. The ras protein (described in Problem 10) is a mutated G protein 
that lacks GTPase activity. How does the absence of this activity 
affect the adenylyl cyclase signaling pathway? 

17. At the momentof fertilization a female egg is about 100/im in di- 
ameter. Assuming that each lipid molecule in the plasma mem- 
brane has a suface area of 10 -14 cm 2 , how many lipid molecules 
are there in the egg plasma membrane if 25% of the surface is 

18. Each fertilized egg cell (zygote) divides 30 times to produce all the 
eggs that a female child will need in her lifetime. One of these eggs 
will be fertilized giving rise to a new generation. If lipid molecles 
are never degraded, how many lipid molecules have you inherited 
that were synthesized in your grandmother? 

Selected Readings 


Gurr, M. I., and Harwood, J. L. (1991). Lipid Bio- 
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Lester, D. R., Ross, J. J., Davies, P. J., and Reid, J. B. 
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Vance, D. E., and Vance, J. E., eds. (2008). 
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Dowhan, W. (1997). Molecular basis for 
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lacobson, K., Sheets, E. D., and Simson, R. (1995). 
Revisiting the fluid mosaic model of membranes. 
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Koga, Y., and Morii, H. (2007). Biosynthesis of 
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Lingwood, D., and Simons, K. (2010). Lipid rafts 
as a membrane -organizing principle. Science. 

Simons, K., and Ikonen, E. (1997). Lunctional rafts 
in cell membranes. Nature. 387:569-572. 

Singer, S. J. (1992). The structure and function of 
membranes: a personal memoir. /. Membr. Biol. 

Singer, S. J. (2004) Some early history of membrane 
molecular biology. Annu. Rev. Physiol. 66:1-27. 

Singer, S. J., and Nicholson, G. L. (1972). The fluid 
mosaic model of the structure of cell membranes. 
Science 175:720-731. 

Membrane Proteins 

Casey, R J., and Seabra, M. C. (1996). Protein 
prenyltransferases. /. Biol. Chem. 271:5289-5292. 

Bijlmakers, M-J., and Marsh, M. (2003). The on- 
off story of protein palmitoylation. Trends in Cell 
Biol. 13:32-42. 

Elofsson, A., and von Heijne, G. (2007). Mem- 
brane protein structure: prediction versus reality. 
Annu. Rev. Biochem. 76:125-140. 

Membrane Transport 

Borst, P., and Elferink, R. O. (2002). Mammalian 
ABC transporters in health and disease. Annu. Rev. 
Biochem. 71:537-592. 

Caterina, M. J., Schumacher, M. A., Tominaga, M., 
Rosen, T. A., Levine, J. D., and lulius, D. (1997). 
The capsaicin receptor: a heat-activated ion chan- 
nel in the pain pathway. Nature 389:816-824. 

Clapham, D. (1997). Some like it hot: spicing up 
ion channels. Nature 389:783-784. 

Costanzo, M. et. al. (2010). The genetic landscape 
of a cell. Science 327:425-432. 

Doherty, G. J. and McMahon, H. T. (2009). Mech- 
anisms of endocytosis. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Doyle, D. A., Cabral, J. M., Pfuetzner, R. A., Kuo, 
A., Gulbis, I. M., Cohen, S. L., Chait, B. T., and 

McKinnon, R. (1998). The structure of the potas- 
sium channel: molecular basis of K® conduction 
and selectivity. Science 280:69-75. 

lahn, R., and Siidhof, T. C. (1999). Membrane fusion 
and exocytosis. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 68:863-911. 

Kaplan, J. H. (2002). Biochemistry of Na, K-AT-Pase. 
Annu. Rev. Biochem. 7 1:511-535. 

Loo, T. W., and Clarke, D. M. (1999). Molecular 
dissection of the human multidrug resistance 
P-glycoprotein. Biochem. Cell Biol. 77:11-23. 

Signal Transduction 

Land, W. J., lohnson, D. E., and Williams, L. T. 
(1993). Signalling by receptor tyrosine kinases. 
Annu. Rev. Biochem. 62:453-481. 

Hamm, H. E. (1998). The many faces of G protein 
signaling./. Biol. Chem. 273:669-672. 

Hodgkin, M. N., Pettitt, T. R., Martin, A., Michell, 
R. H., Pemberton, A. J., and Wakelam, M. J. O. 
(1998). Diacylglycerols and phosphatidates: which 
molecular species are intracellular messengers? 
Trends Biochem. Sci. 23:200-205. 

Hurley, J. H. (1999). Structure, mechanism, and 
regulation of mammalian adenylyl cyclase. J. Biol. 
Chem. 274:7599-7602. 

Luberto, C., and Hannun, Y. A. (1999). Sphin- 
golipid metabolism in the regulation of bioactive 
molecules. Lipids 34 (Suppl.):S5-Sll. 

Prescott, S. M. (1999). A thematic series on kinases 
and phosphatases that regulate lipid signaling. J. 
Biol. Chem. 274:8345. 

Shepherd, P. R., Withers, D. J., and Siddle, K. (1998). 
Phosphoinositide 3 -kinase: the key switch mecha- 
nism in insulin signalling. Biochem. J. 333:471-490. 

to Metabolism 

I n the preceding chapters, we described the structures and functions of the major 
components of living cells from small molecules to polymers to larger aggregates 
such as membranes. The next nine chapters focus on the biochemical activities that 
assimilate, transform, synthesize, and degrade many of the nutrients and cellular com- 
ponents already described. The biosynthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, which represent 
a significant proportion of the activity of all cells, will be described in Chapters 20-22. 

We now move from molecular structure to the dynamics of cell function. Despite 
the marked shift in our discussion, we will see that metabolic pathways are governed by 
basic chemical and physical laws. By taking a stepwise approach that builds on the foun- 
dations established in the first two parts of this book, we can describe how metabolism 
operates. In this chapter, we discuss some general themes of metabolism and the ther- 
modynamic principles that underlie cellular activities. 

For most metabolic sequences neither 
the substrate concentration nor the 
product concentration changes 
significantly ; even though the flux 
through the pathway may change 

— Jeremy R. Knowles (1 989) 

10.1 Metabolism Is a Network of Reactions 

Metabolism is the entire network of chemical reactions carried out by living cells. 
Metabolites are the small molecules that are intermediates in the degradation or biosyn- 
thesis of biopolymers. The term intermediary metabolism is applied to the reactions 
involving these low- molecular- weight molecules. It is convenient to distinguish between 
reactions that synthesize molecules (anabolic reactions) and reactions that degrade 
molecules (catabolic reactions). 

Anabolic reactions are those responsible for the synthesis of all compounds needed 
for cell maintenance, growth, and reproduction. These biosynthesis reactions make 
simple metabolites such as amino acids, carbohydrates, coenzymes, nucleotides, and 

Top: The fundamental principles of metabolism are the same in animals and plants and in all other organisms. 


10.1 Metabolism Is a Network of Reactions 295 


organisms only) 


◄ Figure 10.1 

Anabolism and catabolism. Anabolic 
reactions use small molecules and chemical 
energy in the synthesis of macromolecules 
and in the performance of cellular work. 
Solar energy is an important source of meta- 
bolic energy in photosynthetic bacteria and 
plants. Some molecules, including those 
obtained from food, are catabolized to release 
energy and either monomeric building 
blocks or waste products. 

fatty acids. They also produce larger molecules such as proteins, polysaccharides, 
nucleic acids, and complex lipids (Figure 10.1). 

In some species, all of the complex molecules that make up a cell are synthesized from 
inorganic precursors (carbon dioxide, ammonia, inorganic phosphates, etc.) (Section 10.3). 
Some species derive energy from these inorganic molecules or from the creation of 
membrane potential (Section 9.11). Photosynthetic organisms use light energy to drive 
biosynthesis reactions (Chapter 15). 

Catabolic reactions degrade large molecules to liberate smaller molecules and 
energy. All cells carry out degradation reactions as part of their normal cell metabolism 
but some species rely on them as their only source of energy. Animals, for example, re- 
quire organic molecules as food. The study of these energy-producing catabolic reactions 
in mammals is called fuel metabolism. The ultimate source of these fuels is a biosyn- 
thetic pathway in another species. Keep in mind that all catabolic reactions involve the 
breakdown of compounds that were synthesized by a living cell — either the same cell, a 
different cell in the same individual, or a cell in a different organism. 

There is a third class of reactions called amphibolic reactions. They are involved in 
both anabolic and catabolic pathways. 

Whether we observe bacteria or large multicellular organisms, we find a bewilder- 
ing variety of biological adaptations. More than 10 million species may be living on 
Earth and several hundred million species may have come and gone throughout the 
course of evolution. Multicellular organisms have a striking specialization of cell types 
or tissues. Despite this extraordinary diversity of species and cell types the biochemistry of 
living cells is surprisingly similar not only in the chemical composition and structure of 
cellular components but also in the metabolic routes by which the components are 
modified. These universal pathways are the key to understanding metabolism. Once 
you’ve learned about the fundamental conserved pathways you can appreciate the addi- 
tional pathways that have evolved in some species. 

The complete sequences of the genomes of a number of species have been determined. 
For the first time we are beginning to have a complete picture of the entire metabolic 
network of these species based on the sequences of the genes that encode metabolic enzymes. 
Escherichia coli , for example, has about 900 genes that encode enzymes used in interme- 
diary metabolism and these enzymes combine to create about 130 different pathways. 


Most of the fundamental metabolic 
pathways are present in all species. 

296 CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

Figure 10.2 ► 

A protein interaction network for yeast 
( Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Dots represent 
individual proteins, colored according to 
function. Solid lines represent interactions 
between proteins. The colored clusters 
identify the large number of genes involved 
in metabolism. 


Secretion & 




Metabolism & 
amino acid 



\.'f\ . transport 

Chromatin & < 




& protein 

Cell wall 

Cell polarity & 

Mitosis & chr. 

DNA replication 
& repair 

These metabolic genes account for 21% of the genes in the genome. Other species of 
bacteria have a similar number of enzymes that carry out the basic metabolic reactions. 
Some species contain additional pathways. The bacterium that causes tuberculosis, 
Mycobacterium tuberculosis , has about 250 enzymes involved in fatty acid metabolism — 
five times as many as E. coli. 

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a single-celled member of the fungus king- 
dom. Its genome contains 5900 protein-encoding genes. Of these, 1200 (20%) encode 
enzymes involved in intermediary and energy metabolism (Figure 10.2). The nematode 
Caenorhabditis elegans is a small, multicellular animal with many of the same special- 
ized cells and tissues found in larger animals. Its genome encodes 19,100 proteins of 
which 5300 (28%) are thought to be required in various pathways of intermediary 
metabolism. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster , approximately 2400 (17%) of its 
14,100 genes are predicted to be involved in intermediary metabolic pathways and 
bioenergetics. The exact number of genes required for basic metabolism in humans is 
not known but it’s likely that about 5000 genes are needed. (The human genome has 
approximately 22,000 genes.) 

There are five common themes in metabolism. 

1. Organisms or cells maintain specific internal concentrations of inorganic ions, 
metabolites, and enzymes. Cell membranes provide the physical barrier that segre- 
gates cell components from the environment. 

2. Organisms extract energy from external sources to drive energy- consuming reac- 
tions. Photosynthetic organisms derive energy from the conversion of solar energy 
to chemical energy. Other organisms obtain energy from the ingestion and catabolism 
of energy-yielding compounds. 

3. The metabolic pathways in each organism are specified by the genes it contains in 
its genome. 

4. Organisms and cells interact with their environment. The activities of cells must be 
geared to the availability of energy, organisms grow and reproduce. When the sup- 
ply of energy from the environment is plentiful. When the supply of energy from 
the environment is limited, energy demands can be temporarily met by using inter- 
nal stores or by slowing metabolic rates as in hibernation, sporulation, or seed for- 
mation. If the shortage is prolonged, organisms die. 

5. The cells of organisms are not static assemblies of mtneylecules. Many cell compo- 
nents are continually synthesized and degraded, that is, they undergo turnover , even 

10.2 Metabolic Pathways 


though their concentrations may remain virtually constant. The concentrations of 

other compounds change in response to changes in external or internal conditions. 

The metabolism section of this book describes metabolic reactions that operate in 
most species. For example, enzymes of glycolysis (the degradation of sugar) and of glu- 
coneogenesis (biosynthesis of glucose) are present in almost all species. Although most 
cells possess the same set of central metabolic reactions, cell and organism differentiation 
is possible because of additional enzymatic reactions specific to the tissue or species. 

10.2 Metabolic Pathways 

The vast majority of metabolic reactions are catalyzed by enzymes so a complete 
description of metabolism includes not only the reactants, intermediates, and products of 
cellular reactions but also the characteristics of the relevant enzymes. Most cells can per- 
form hundreds to thousands of reactions. We can deal with this complexity by systemat- 
ically subdividing metabolism into segments or branches. In the following chapters, we 
begin by considering separately the metabolism of the four major groups of biomole- 
cules: carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and nucleotides. Within each of the four areas 
of metabolism, we recognize distinct sequences of metabolic reactions, called pathways. 

A. Pathways Are Sequences of Reactions 

A metabolic pathway is the biological equivalent of a synthesis scheme in organic chem- 
istry. A metabolic pathway is a series of reactions where the product of one reaction 
becomes the substrate for the next reaction. Some metabolic pathways may consist of 
only two steps while others may be a dozen steps in length. 

Its not easy to define the limits of a metabolic pathway. In the laboratory, a chemi- 
cal synthesis has an obvious beginning substrate and an obvious end product but cellu- 
lar pathways are interconnected in ways that make it difficult to pick a beginning and an 
end. For example, in the catabolism of glucose (Chapter 11), where does glycolysis 
begin and end? Does it begin with polysaccharides (such as glycogen and starch), extra- 
cellular glucose, glucose 6-phosphate, or intracellular glucose? Does the pathway end 
with pyruvate, acetyl CoA, lactate, or ethanol? Start and end points can be assigned 
somewhat arbitrarily, often according to tradition or for ease of study, but keep in mind 
that reactions and pathways can be linked to form extended metabolic routes. This net- 
work is very obvious when you examine the large metabolic charts that are sometimes 
posted on the walls outside professors’ offices (Figure 10.3). 

Individual metabolic pathways can take different forms. A linear metabolic pathway, 
such as the biosynthesis of serine, is a series of independent enzyme -catalyzed reactions 

◄ Figure 10.3 

Part of a large metabolic chart published by 
Roche Applied Science. 

298 CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 






▲ Figure 10.4 

Forms of metabolic pathways, (a) The biosyn- 
thesis of serine is an example of a linear 
metabolic pathway. The product of each step 
is the substrate for the next step, (b) The se- 
quence of reactions in a cyclic pathway 
forms a closed loop. In the citric acid cycle, 
an acetyl group is metabolized via reactions 
that regenerate the intermediates of the 
cycle, (c) In fatty acid biosynthesis, a spiral 
pathway, the same set of enzymes catalyzes 
a progressive lengthening of the acyl chain. 


The limitations of chemistry and physics 
dictate that metabolic pathways consist 
of many small steps. 

in which the product of one reaction is the substrate for the next reaction in the pathway 
(Figure 10.4a). A cyclic metabolic pathway, such as the citric acid cycle, is also a sequence 
of enzyme -catalyzed steps, but the sequence forms a closed loop, so the intermediates 
are regenerated with every turn of the cycle (Figure 10.4b). In a spiral metabolic pathway, 
such as the biosynthesis of fatty acids (Section 16.6), the same set of enzymes is used re- 
peatedly for lengthening or shortening a given molecule (Figure 10.4c). 

Each type of pathway may have branch points where metabolites enter or leave. In 
most cases, we don’t emphasize the branching nature of pathways because we want to 
focus on the main routes followed by the most important metabolites. We also want to 
focus on the pathways that are commonly found in all species. These are the most fun- 
damental pathways. Don’t be misled by this simplification. A quick glance at any metabolic 
chart will show that pathways have many branch points and that initial substrates and final 
products are often intermediates in other pathways. The serine pathway in Figure 10.3 is 
a good example. Can you find it? 

B. Metabolism Proceeds by Discrete Steps 

Intracellular environments don’t change very much. Reactions proceed at moderate 
temperatures and pressures, at rather low reactant concentrations, and at close to neu- 
tral pH. We often refer to this as homeostasis at the cellular level. 

These conditions require a multitude of efficient enzymatic catalysts. Why are so 
many distinct reactions carried out in living cells? In principle, it should be possible to 
carry out the degradation and the synthesis of complex organic molecules with far 
fewer reactions. 

One reason for multistep pathways is the limited reaction specificity of enzymes. 
Each active site catalyzes only a single step of a pathway. The synthesis of a molecule — 
or its degradation — therefore follows a metabolic route defined by the availability of 
suitable enzymes. As a general rule, a single enzyme -catalyzed reaction can only break 
or form a few covalent bonds at a time. Often the reaction involves the transfer of a sin- 
gle chemical group. Thus, the large number of reactions and enzymes is due, in part, to 
the limitations of enzymes and chemistry. 

Another reason for multiple steps in metabolic pathways is to control energy input 
and output. Energy flow is mediated by energy donors and acceptors that carry discrete 
quanta of energy. As we will see, the energy transferred in a single reaction seldom 
exceeds 60 kj mol -1 . Pathways for the biosynthesis of molecules require the transfer of 
energy at multiple points. Each energy- requiring reaction corresponds to a single step 
in the reaction sequence. 

The synthesis of glucose from carbon dioxide and water requires the input of 
-2900 kj mol -1 of energy. It is not thermodynamically possible to synthesize glucose in 
a single step (Figure 10.5). Similarly, much of the energy released during a catabolic 
process (such as the oxidation of glucose to carbon dioxide and water, which releases 
the same 2900 kj mol -1 ) is transferred to individual acceptors one step at a time rather 

10.2 Metabolic Pathways 


(a) Glucose + 6 0 2 

V. J 


Glucose + 6 0 2 











6 C0 2 + 6 H 2 0 





Energy - ^ « Energy 



^ Energy 

v v 

^ Energy 


^ Energy 

6 C0 2 + 6 H 2 0 

◄ Figure 10.5 

Single-step versus multistep pathways, (a) The 

synthesis of glucose cannot be accomplished 
in a single step. Multistep synthesis is cou- 
pled to the input of small quanta of energy 
from ATP and NADH. (b) The uncontrolled 
combustion of glucose releases a large 
amount of energy all at once. A multistep 
enzyme-catalyzed pathway releases the 
same amount of energy but conserves much 
of it in a manageable form. 

than being released in one grand, inefficient explosion. The efficiency of energy transfer 
at each step is never 100%, but a considerable percentage of the energy is conserved in 
manageable form. Energy carriers that accept and donate energy, such as adenine 
nucleotides (ATP) and nicotinamide coenzymes (NADH), are found in all life forms. 

A major goal of learning about metabolism is to understand how these “quanta” of 
energy are used. ATP and NADH — and other coenzymes — are the “currency” of metab- 
olism. This is why metabolism and bioenergetics are so closely linked. 

C. Metabolic Pathways Are Regulated 

Metabolism is highly regulated. Organisms react to changing environmental conditions 
such as the availability of energy or nutrients. Organisms also respond to genetically 
programmed instructions. For example, during embryogenesis or reproduction, the 
metabolism of individual cells can change dramatically. 

The responses of organisms to changing conditions range from small changes to 
drastically reorganizing the metabolic processes that govern the synthesis or degrada- 
tion of biomolecules and the generation or consumption of energy. Control processes 
can affect many pathways or only a few, and the response time can range from less than 
a second to hours or longer. The most rapid biological responses, occurring in millisec- 
onds, include changes in the passage of small ions (e.g., Na®, K®, and Ca©) through 
cell membranes. Transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction depend on ion 
movement. The most rapid responses are also the most short-lived; slower responses 
usually last longer. 

It is important to understand some basic concepts of pathways in order to see how 
they are regulated. Consider a simple linear pathway that begins with substrate A and 
ends with product P. 






( 10 . 1 ) 


CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

The precise technical term for the con- 
dition where cellular pathways are not 
in a dynamic steady-state condition 
is . . . dead. 

Each of the reactions is catalyzed by an enzyme and they are all reversible. Most reac- 
tions in living cells have reached equilibrium so the concentrations of B, C, D, and E do 
not change very much. This is similar to the steady state condition we encountered in 
Section 5.3A. The steady state condition can be visualized by imagining a series of 
beakers of different sizes (Figure 10.6). Water flows into the first beaker from a tap and 
when it fills up the water spills over into another beaker. After filling up a series of 
beakers, there will be a steady flow of water from the tap onto the floor. The rate of flow 
is analogous to the flux through a metabolic pathway. The flux can vary from a trickle to 
a gusher but the steady state levels of water in each beaker don’t change. (Unfortunately, 
this analogy doesn’t allow us to see that in a metabolic pathway the flux could also be in 
the opposite direction.) 

Flux through a metabolic pathway will decrease if the concentration of the initial 
substrate falls below a certain threshold. It will also decrease if the concentration of the 
final product rises. These are changes that affect all pathways. However, in addition to 
these normal concentration effects, there are special regulatory controls that affect the 
activity of particular enzymes in the pathway. It is tempting to visualize regulation of a 
pathway by the efficient manipulation of a single rate limiting enzymatic reaction, 
sometimes likened to the narrow part of an hourglass. In many cases, however, this is an 
oversimplification. Flux through most pathways depends on controls at several steps. 
These steps are special reactions in the pathways where the steady state concentrations 
of substrates and products are far from the equilibrium concentrations so the flux tends 
to go only in one direction. A regulatory enzyme contributes a particular degree of con- 
trol over the overall flux of the pathway in which it participates. Because intermediates 
or cosubstrates from several sources can feed into or out of a pathway, the existence of 
multiple control points is normal; an isolated, linear, pathway is rare. 

There are two common patterns of metabolic regulation: feedback inhibition and 
feed-forward activation. Feedback inhibition occurs when a product (usually the end 
product) of a pathway controls the rate of its own synthesis through inhibition of an 
early step, usually the first committed step (the first reaction that is unique to the pathway). 


-> B 

-> C 


-> E 

-> P 

( 10 . 2 ) 

The advantage of such a regulatory pattern in a biosynthetic pathway is obvious. When 
the concentration of P rises above its steady state level, the effect is transmitted back 
through the pathway and the concentrations of each intermediate also rise. This causes 
flux to reverse in the pathway, leading to a net increase in the production of product A 
from reactant P. Flux in the normal direction is restored when P is depleted. The path- 
way is inhibited at an early step; otherwise, metabolic intermediates would accumulate 
unnecessarily. The important point in Reaction 10.2 is that the reaction catalyzed by 
enzyme El is not allowed to reach equilibrium. It is a metabolically irreversible reaction 
because the enzyme is regulated. Flux through this point is not allowed to go in the op- 
posite direction. 

Feed-forward activation occurs when a metabolite produced early in a pathway acti- 
vates an enzyme that catalyzes a reaction further down the pathway. 


-> B 

-> C 

-> D 



-> P 


▲ Figure 10.6 

Steady state and flux in a metabolic pathway. 

The rate of flow is equivalent to the flux in a 
pathway, and the constant amount of water 
in each beaker is analogous to the steady 
state concentrations of metabolites in a 

In this example, the activity of enzyme E : (which converts A to B) is coordinated with 
the activity of enzyme E 4 (which converts D to E). An increase in the concentration of 
metabolite B increases flux through the pathway by activating E4. (E4 would normally 
be inactive in low concentrations of B.) 

In Section 5.10, we discussed the modulation of individual regulatory enzymes. 
Allosteric activators and inhibitors, which are usually metabolites, can rapidly alter the 

10.2 Metabolic Pathways 301 

activity of many of these enzymes by inducing conformational changes that affect cat- 
alytic activity. We will see many examples of allosteric modulation in the coming chapters. 
The allosteric modulation of regulatory enzymes is fast but not as rapid in cells as it can 
be with isolated enzymes. 

The activity of interconvertible enzymes can also be rapidly and reversibly altered 
by covalent modification, commonly by the addition and removal of phosphoryl 
groups as described in Section 5.9D. Recall that phosphorylation, catalyzed by protein 
kinases at the expense of ATP, is reversed by the action of protein phosphatases, which 
catalyze the hydrolytic removal of phosphoryl groups. Individual enzymes differ in 
whether their response to phosphorylation is activation or deactivation. Interconvert- 
ible enzymes in catabolic pathways are generally activated by phosphorylation and de- 
activated by dephosphorylation; most interconvertible enzymes in anabolic pathways 
are inactivated by phosphorylation and reactivated by dephosphorylation. The activa- 
tion of kinases with multiple specificities allows coordinated regulation of more than 
one metabolic pathway by one signal. The cascade nature of intracellular signaling 
pathways, described in Section 9.12, also means that the initial signal is amplified 
(Figure 10.7). 

The amounts of specific enzymes can be altered by increasing the rates of specific 
protein synthesis or degradation. This is usually a slow process relative to allosteric or 
covalent activation and inhibition. However, the turnover of certain enzymes may be 
rapid. Keep in mind that several modes of regulation can operate simultaneously within 
a metabolic pathway. 

In Part 4 of this book, we examine 
more closely the regulation of gene 
expression and protein synthesis. 

D. Evolution of Metabolic Pathways 

The evolution of metabolic pathways is an active area of biochemical research. These 
studies have been greatly facilitated by the publication of hundreds of complete genome 
sequences, especially prokaryotic genomes. Biochemists can now compare pathway 
enzymes in a number of species that show a diverse variety of pathways. Many of these 
pathways provide clues to the organization and structure of the primitive pathways that 
were present in the first cells. 

There are many possible routes to the formation of a new metabolic pathway. The 
simplest case is the addition of a new terminal step to a preexisting pathway. Consider 
the hypothetical pathway in Equation 10.1. The original pathway might have termi- 
nated with the production of metabolite E after a four- step transformation from sub- 
strate A. The availability of substantial quantities of metabolite E might favor the evolution 
of a new enzyme (E 5 in this case) that could use E as a substrate to make R The pathways 

HO— ( ^Protein) 

Initial signal 








Q— (Protein) 













v 7 



◄ Figure 10.7 

Regulatory role of a protein kinase. The effect 
of the initial signal is amplified by the sig- 
naling cascade. Phosphorylation of different 
cellular proteins by the activated kinase 
results in coordinated regulation of different 
metabolic pathways. Some pathways may 
be activated, whereas others are inhibited. 

— Q) represents a protein-bound phosphate 


CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

leading to synthesis of asparagine and glutamine from aspartate and glutamate path- 
ways are examples of this type of pathway evolution. This forward evolution is thought 
to be a common mechanism of evolution of new pathways. 

In other cases, a new pathway can form by evolving a branch to a preexisting path- 
way. For example, consider the conversion of C to D in the Equation 10.1 pathway. This 
reaction is catalyzed by enzyme E 3 . The primitive E 3 enzyme might not have been as 
specific as the modern enzyme. In addition to producing product D, it might have syn- 
thesized a smaller amount of another metabolite, X. The availability of product X might 
have conferred some selective advantage to the cell favoring a duplication of the E 3 
gene. Subsequent divergence of the two copies of the gene gave rise to two related 
enzymes that specifically catalyzed C — > D and C — > X. There are many examples of 
evolution by gene duplication and divergence (e.g., lactate dehydrogenase and malate 
dehydrogenase, Section 4.7). (We have mostly emphasized the extreme specificity of 
enzyme reactions but, in fact, many enzymes can catalyze several different reactions 
using structurally similar substrates and products.) 

Some pathways might have evolved “backwards.” A primitive pathway might have 
utilized an abundant supply of metabolite E in the environment in order to make prod- 
uct P. As the supply of E became depleted over time there was selective pressure to 
evolve a new enzyme (E 4 ) that could make use of metabolite D to replenish metabolite 
E. When D became rate limiting, cells could gain a selective advantage by utilizing C to 
make more metabolite D. In this way the complete modern pathway evolved by 
retroevolution , successively adding simpler precursors and extending the pathway. 

Sometimes an entire pathway can be duplicated and subsequent adaptive evolution 
leads to two independent pathways with homologous enzymes that catalyze related re- 
actions. There is good evidence that the pathways leading to biosynthesis of tryptophan 
and histidine evolved in this manner. Enzymes can also be recruited from one pathway 
for use in another without necessarily duplicating an entire pathway. We’ll encounter 
several examples of homologous enzymes that are used in different pathways. 

Finally, a new pathway can evolve by “reversing” an existing pathway. In most cases, 
there is one step in a pathway that is essentially irreversible. Let’s assume that the third 
step in our hypothetical pathway (C — > D) is unable to catalyze the conversion of D to C 
because the normal reaction is far from equilibrium. The evolution of a new enzyme 
that can catalyze D — > C would allow this entire pathway to reverse direction, converting 
P to A. This is how the glycolysis pathway evolved from the glucose biosynthesis (gluco- 
neogenesis) pathway. There are many other examples of evolution by pathway reversal. 

All of these possibilities play a role in the evolution of new pathways. Sometimes a 
new pathway evolves by a combination of different mechanisms of adaptive evolution. 
The evolution of the citric acid cycle pathway, which took place several billion years ago, 
is an example (Section 12.9). New metabolic pathways are evolving all the time in 
response to pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, and industrial waste. Organisms that can 
metabolize these compounds, thus escaping their toxic effects, have evolved new path- 
ways and enzymes by modifying existing ones. 

10.3 Major Pathways in Cells 

This section provides an overview of the organization and function of some central 
metabolic pathways that are discussed in subsequent chapters. We begin with the ana- 
bolic, or biosynthetic, pathways since these pathways are the most important for growth 
and reproduction. A general outline of biosynthetic pathways is shown in Figure 10.8. All 
cells require an external source of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and 
sulfur plus additional inorganic ions (Section 1.2). Some species, notably bacteria and 
plants, can grow and reproduce by utilizing inorganic sources of these essential elements. 
These species are called autotrophs. There are two distinct categories of autotrophic 
species. Heterotrophs, such as animals, need an organic carbon source (e.g., glucose). 

Biosynthetic pathways require energy. The most complex organisms (from a bio- 
chemical perspective!) can generate useful metabolic energy from sunlight or by oxidiz- 
ing inorganic molecules such as NH 4 ®, H 2 , or H 2 S. The energy from these reactions is 

10.3 Major Pathways in Cells 303 



DNA (20) 
RNA (21) 




Pentose phosphate 

pathway (1 2.5) G I UCOSe 



Starch synthesis (1 5.5) Light 
Glycogen synthesis (12.5) 






nh 4 @ 

cycle (15.4) 

co 2 


Gluconeogenesis (12.1) 

Photosynthesis (15) 


H © 


Fatty acid (16) 

o ,n the 

a + ir a synthesis (16.1) Fatty 
Acetyl CoA acids L| P IC * S 


Amino acid Protein 
synthesis (17) synthesis (22) 

— > Amino > Proteins 


N 2 ,NH 4 © fixation (17.1) 

used to synthesize the energy-rich compound ATP and the reducing power of NADH. 
These cofactors transfer their energy to biosynthetic reactions. 

There are two types of autotrophic species. Photoautotrophs obtain most of their en- 
ergy by photosynthesis and their main source of carbon is C0 2 . This category 
includes photosynthetic bacteria, algae, and plants. Chemoautotrophs obtain their energy 
by oxidizing inorganic molecules and utilizing C0 2 as a carbon source. Some bacterial 
species are chemoautotrophs but there are no eukaryotic examples. 

Heterotrophs can be split into two categories. Photoheterotrophs are photosynthetic 
organisms that require an organic compound as a carbon source. There are several 
groups of bacteria that are capable of capturing light energy but must rely on some 
organic molecules as a carbon source. Chemoheterotrophs are nonphotosynthetic organ- 
isms that require organic molecules as carbon sources. Their metabolic energy is usually 
derived from the breakdown of the imported organic molecules. We are chemo- 
heterotrophs, as are all animals, most protists, all fungi, and many bacteria. 

The main catabolic pathways are shown in Figure 10.9. As a general rule, these 
degradative pathways are not simply the reverse of biosynthesis pathways. Note that the 
citric acid cycle is a major pathway in both anabolic and catabolic metabolism. The 
main roles of catabolism are to eliminate unwanted molecules and to generate energy 
for use in other processes. 

We will examine metabolism in the next few chapters. Our discussion of metabolic 
pathways begins in Chapter 1 1 with glycolysis, a ubiquitous pathway for glucose catabolism. 
There is a long-standing tradition in biochemistry of introducing students to glycolysis 
before any other pathways are encountered. We know a great deal about the reactions in 
this pathway and they will illustrate many of the fundamental principles of biochem- 
istry. In glycolysis, the hexose is split into two three-carbon metabolites. This pathway 
can generate ATP in a process called substrate level phosphorylation. Often, the product 
of glycolysis is pyruvate, which can be converted to acetyl CoA for further oxidation. 

Chapter 12 describes the synthesis of glucose, or gluconeogenesis. This chapter also 
covers starch and glycogen metabolism and outlines the pathway by which glucose is 
oxidized to produce NADPH for biosynthetic pathways and ribose for the synthesis of 

The citric acid cycle (Chapter 13) facilitates complete oxidation of the acetate carbons 
of acetyl CoA to carbon dioxide. The energy released from this oxidation is conserved in 

◄ Figure 10.8 

Overview of anabolic pathways. Large mole- 
cules are synthesized from smaller ones by 
adding carbon (usually in the form of C0 2 ) 
and nitrogen (usually as NH 4 ®). The main 
pathways include the citric acid cycle, 
which supplies the intermediates in amino 
acid biosynthesis, and gluconeogenesis, which 
results in the production of glucose. The 
energy for biosynthetic pathways is supplied 
by light in photosynthetic organisms or by the 
breakdown of inorganic molecules in other 
autotrophs. (Numbers in parentheses refer 
to the chapters and sections of this book.) 


▲ Chemoautotrophs in Yellowstone National 
Park. There are many species of Thiobacillus 
that derive their energy from the oxidation of 
iron or sulfur. They do not require any organic 
molecules. The orange and yellow colors 
surrounding this hot spring in Yellowstone 
National Park are due to the presence of 
Thiobacillus. See Chapter 14 for an expla- 
nation of how such organisms generate en- 
ergy from inorganic molecules. 

304 CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

Figure 10.9 ► 

Overview of catabolic pathways. Amino acids, 
nucleotides, monosaccharides, and fatty 
acids are formed by enzymatic hydrolysis 
of their respective polymers. They are then 
degraded in oxidative reactions and energy 
is conserved in ATP and reduced coenzymes 
(mostly NADH). (Numbers in parentheses RNA 

refer to the chapters and sections of this DNA 


Nucleases (20) 







Starch degradation (15.5) 
Glycogen degradation (12.5) 



Glycolysis (1 1) 


Pyrimidine i (16) 

v catabolism (18.9) I „ » . , .. ,* r -,\r ^ 

a * i a j3-Oxidation(16.7)Fatty^ . . .. 
Acetyl CoA< acids ^7 Ll P lds 




Uric acid, 

urea, NH 4 © 


adp + P j y 

Amino acid 

degradation (17) Amino Proteases (6.8) _ 

' T acids < Proteins 

nh 3 




the formation of NADH and ATP. As mentioned above, the citric acid cycle is an essen- 
tial part of both anabolic and catabolic metabolism. 

The production of ATP is one of the most important reactions in metabolism. 
The synthesis of most ATP is coupled to membrane-associated electron transport 
(Chapter 14). In electron transport, the energy of reduced coenzymes such as NADH is 
used to generate an electrochemical gradient of protons across a cell membrane. The po- 
tential energy of this gradient is harnessed to drive the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. 

ADP + Pj > ATP + H 2 0 (10.4) 

We will see that the reactions of membrane- associated electron transport and coupled 
ATP synthesis are similar in many ways to the reactions that capture light energy during 
photosynthesis (Chapter 15). 

Three additional chapters examine the anabolism and catabolism of lipids, amino 
acids, and nucleotides. Chapter 16 discusses the storage of nutrient material as triacyl- 
glycerols and the subsequent oxidation of fatty acids. This chapter also describes the 
synthesis of phospholipids and isoprenoid compounds. Amino acid metabolism is dis- 
cussed in Chapter 17. Although amino acids were introduced as the building blocks of 
proteins, some also play important roles as metabolic fuels and biosynthetic precursors. 
Nucleotide biosynthesis and degradation are considered in Chapter 18. Unlike the other 
three classes of biomolecules, nucleotides are catabolized primarily for excretion rather 
than for energy production. The incorporation of nucleotides into nucleic acids and of 
amino acids into proteins are major anabolic pathways. Chapters 20 to 22 describe these 
biosynthetic reactions. 

10.4 Compartmentation and Interorgan 

Some metabolic pathways are localized to particular regions within a cell. For example, 
the pathway of membrane-associated electron transport coupled to ATP synthesis takes 
place within the membrane. In bacteria this pathway is located in the plasma membrane 
and in eukaryotes it is found in the mitochondrial membrane. Photosynthesis is 
another example of a membrane-associated pathway in bacteria and eukaryotes. 

10.4 Compartmentation and Interorgan Metabolism 305 

Golgi apparatus P 
(end-on view) 
sorting and secretion 
of some proteins 


degradation of proteins 
lipids, etc. 

Plasma membrane 


citric acid cycle, 
electron transport + 
ATP synthesis, fatty 
acid degradation 


fatty acid synthesis, 
glycolysis, most 
gluconeogme:s reaction 
pentose phosphase 


nucleic acid synthesis 

Endoplasmic reticulum: 
delivery of proteins and 
synthesis of lipids for 

Nuclear membranes 

Figure 10.10 ▲ 

Compartmentation of metabolic processes within a eukaryotic cell. This is a colored electron micro- 
graph of a cell showing the nucleus (green), mitochondria (purple), lysosomes (brown), and exten- 
sive endoplasmic reticulum (blue). (Not all pathways and organelles are shown.) 

In eukaryotes, metabolic pathways are localized within several membrane-bound 
compartments (Figure 10.10). For example, the enzymes that catalyze fatty acid synthe- 
sis are located in the cytosol, whereas the enzymes that catalyze fatty acid breakdown 
are located inside mitochondria. One consequence of compartmentation is that sepa- 
rate pools of metabolites can be found within a cell. This arrangement permits the 
simultaneous operation of opposing metabolic pathways. Compartmentation can also 
offer the advantage of high local concentrations of metabolites and coordinated regula- 
tion of enzymes. Some of the enzymes that catalyze reactions in mitochondria (which 
have evolved from a symbiotic prokaryote) are encoded by mitochondrial genes; this 
origin explains their compartmentation. 

There is also compartmentation at the molecular level. Enzymes that catalyze some 
pathways are physically organized into multienzyme complexes (Section 5.11). With 
these complexes, channeling of metabolites prevents their dilution by diffusion. Some 
enzymes catalyzing adjacent reactions in pathways are bound to membranes and can 
diffuse rapidly in the membrane for interaction. 

Individual cells of multicellular organisms maintain different concentrations of 
metabolites, depending in part on the presence of specific transporters that facilitate the 
entry and exit of metabolites. In addition, depending on the cell-surface receptors and 
signal-transduction mechanisms present, individual cells respond differently to external 

In multicellular organisms, compartmentation can also take the form of specializa- 
tion of tissues. The division of labor among tissues allows site-specific regulation of 
metabolic processes. Cells from different tissues are distinguished by their complement 
of enzymes. We are very familiar with the specialized role of muscle tissue, red blood 
cells, and brain cells but cell compartmentation is a common feature even in simple 
species. In cyanobacteria, for example, the pathway for nitrogen fixation is sequestered 
in special cells called heterocysts (Figure 10.11). This separation is necessary because 
nitrogenase is inactivated by oxygen and the cells that carry out photosynthesis produce 
lots of oxygen. 

▲ Figure 10.1 1 

Anabaena spherica. Many species of cyanobac- 
teria form long, multicellular filaments. Some 
specialized cells have adapted to carry out 
nitrogen fixation. These heterocysts have 
become rounded and are surrounded by a 
thickened cell wall. The heterocysts are con- 
nected to adjacent cells by internal pores. 
The formation of heterocysts is an example 
of compartmentation of metabolic pathways. 


CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

10.5 Actual Gibbs Free Energy Change, Not 
Standard Free Energy Change, Determines 
the Direction of Metabolic Reactions 

The Gibbs free energy change is a measure of the energy available from a reaction (Sec- 
tion 1.4B). The standard Gibbs free energy change for any given reaction (AG°' react i on ) is 
the change under standard conditions of pressure (1 atm), temperature (25°C = 298 K), 
and hydrogen ion concentration (pH = 7.0). The concentration of every reactant and 
product is 1 M under standard conditions. For biochemical reactions, the concentration 
of water is assumed to be 55 M. 

The standard Gibbs free energy change in a reaction can be determined by using 
tables that list the Gibbs free energies of formation (AfG°') of important biochemical 

AG° reaction AfG° products AfG° reactants ( 10 . 5 ) 

Keep in mind that Equation 10.5 only applies to the free energy change under standard 
conditions where the concentrations of products and reactants are 1 M. It’s also impor- 
tant to use tables that apply to biochemical reactions. These tables correct for pH and 
ionic strength. The Gibbs free energies of formation under cellular conditions are often 
quite different from the ones used in chemistry and physics. 

The actual Gibbs free energy change (AG) for a reaction depends on the real con- 
centrations of reactants and products, as described in Section 1.4B. The relationship 
between the standard free energy change and the actual free energy change is given by 





+ snn lproductsl 


( 10 . 6 ) 

For a chemical or physical process, the free energy change is expressed in terms of the 
changes in enthalpy (heat content) and entropy (randomness) as the reactants are con- 
verted to products at constant pressure and volume. 

AG = AH - TAS 

( 10 . 7 ) 

AH is the change in enthalpy, AS is the change in entropy, and T is the temperature in 
degrees Kelvin. 

When AG for a reaction is negative, the reaction will proceed in the direction it is 
written. When AG is positive, the reaction will proceed in the reverse direction — there will 
be a net conversion of products to reactants. For such a reaction to proceed in the direc- 
tion written, enough energy must be supplied from outside the system to make the free 
energy change negative. When AG is zero, the reaction is at equilibrium and there is no 
net synthesis of product. 

Because changes in both enthalpy and entropy contribute to AG, the sum of these 
contributions at a given temperature (as indicated in Equation 10.7) must be negative for 
a reaction to proceed. Thus, even if AS for a particular process is negative (i.e., the prod- 
ucts are more ordered than the reactants), a sufficiently negative AH can overcome the 
decrease in entropy, resulting in a AG that is less than zero. Similarly, even if AH is posi- 
tive (i.e., the products have a higher heat content than the reactants), a sufficiently 
positive AS can overcome the increase in enthalpy, resulting in a negative AG. Reactions 
that proceed because of a large positive AS are said to be entropy driven. Examples of 
entropy- driven processes include protein folding (Section 4.10) and the formation 
of lipid bilayers (Section 9.8A), both of which depend on the hydrophobic effect 
(Section 2.5D). The processes of protein folding and lipid-bilayer formation result in 
states of decreased entropy for the protein molecule and bilayer components, respec- 
tively. However, the decrease in entropy is offset by a large increase in the entropy of 
surrounding water molecules. 

For any enzymatic reaction within a living organism, the actual free energy change 
(the free energy change under cellular conditions) must be less than zero in order for 

10.5 Actual Gibbs Free Energy Change, Not Standard Free Energy Change, Determines the Direction of Metabolic Reactions 307 

the reaction to occur in the direction it is written. Many metabolic reactions have 
standard Gibbs free energy changes (AG°' react i on ) that are positive. The difference 
between AG and A G°' depends on cellular conditions. The most important condition 
affecting free energy change in cells is the concentrations of substrates and products of a 
reaction. Consider the reaction 

A + B C + D 

( 10 . 8 ) 

At equilibrium, the ratio of substrates and products is by definition the equilibrium 
constant (K e q ) and the Gibbs free energy change under these conditions is zero. 


(at equilibrium) K e q = AG = 0 (10.9) 

When this reaction is not at equilibrium, a different ratio of products to substrates is 
observed and the Gibbs free energy change is derived using Equation 10.6. 


A (^reaction — AG° reaction RT\f\ faitdi — AG° reaction + RT \f I Q 


where q = 

[A][B] J 

( 10 . 10 ) 

Q is the mass action ratio. The difference between this ratio and the ratio of products to 
substrates at equilibrium determines the actual Gibbs free energy change for a reaction. 
In other words, the free energy change is a measure of how far from equilibrium the 
reacting system is operating. Consequently, AG, not A G°\ is the criterion for assessing 
the direction of a reaction in a biological system. 

We can divide metabolic reactions into two types. Let Q represent the steady-state 
ratio of product and reactant concentrations in a living cell. Reactions for which Q is 
close to K eq are called near-equilibrium reactions. The free energy changes associated with 
near- equilibrium reactions are small, so these reactions are readily reversible. Reactions 
for which Q is far from K eq are called metabolically irreversible reactions. These reactions 
are greatly displaced from equilibrium, with Q usually differing from K eq by two or 
more orders of magnitude. Thus, AG is a large negative number for metabolically irre- 
versible reactions. 

When flux through a pathway changes by a large amount, there may be short-term 
perturbations of metabolite concentrations in the pathway. The intracellular concentra- 
tions of metabolites vary, but usually over a range of not more than two- or threefold 
and equilibrium is quickly restored. As mentioned above, this is called the steady state 
condition and it’s typical of most of the reactions in a pathway. Most enzymes in a path- 
way catalyze near- equilibrium reactions and have sufficient activity to quickly restore 
concentrations of substrates and products to near-equilibrium conditions. They can ac- 
commodate flux in either direction. The Gibbs free energy change for these reactions is 
effectively zero. 

In contrast, the activities of enzymes that catalyze metabolically irreversible reac- 
tions are usually insufficient to achieve near-equilibrium status for the reactions. Meta- 
bolically irreversible reactions are generally the control points of pathways, and the 
enzymes that catalyze these reactions are usually regulated in some way. In fact, the reg- 
ulation maintains metabolic irreversibility by preventing the reaction from reaching 
equilibrium. Metabolically irreversible reactions can act as bottlenecks in metabolic 
traffic, helping control the flux through reactions further along the pathway. 

Near-equilibrium reactions are not usually suitable control points. Flux through a 
near- equilibrium step cannot be significantly increased since it is already operating 
under conditions where the concentrations of products and reactants are close to the 
equilibrium values. The direction of near-equilibrium reactions can be controlled by 
changes in substrate and product concentrations. In contrast, flux through metabolically 
irreversible reactions is relatively unaffected by changes in metabolite concentration; flux 
through these reactions must be controlled by modulating the activity of the enzyme. 


Metabolically irreversible reactions are 
catalyzed by enzymes whose activity is 
regulated in order to prevent the reaction 
from reaching equilibrium. 

Consider a sample reaction X = Y 
under standard conditions of pressure, 
temperature, and concentration. 

Assume that A G°' 

is negative. 





1 M 

1 M 

A G°' negative 

Inside the cell, the reaction will likely 
be at equilibrium and AG- 0 

X Y 


(A G°' negative) 

For a reaction in which A G°' is 

X Y 


1 M 1 M 

A G°' positive 

at equilibrium, the concentration of 
reactant will be higher than that of the 

X Y 


(A G°' positive) 

The standard Gibbs free energy change 
does not predict whether a reaction 
will proceed in one direction or another. 
Instead, it predicts the steady state 
concentrations of reactants and prod- 
ucts in near-equilibrium reactions. 


CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

Because so many metabolic reactions are near- equilibrium reactions, we have cho- 
sen not to emphasize A G°' values in our discussions of most reactions. Those values are 
not relevant except when they are used to calculate steady state concentrations. 

SAMPLE CALCULATION 10.1 Calculating Standard Gibbs Free Energy Change 

from Energies of Formation 

For any reaction, the standard Gibbs free energy change for the reaction is given by 

AG reaction = AfG° products AfG° reactants 
For the oxidation of glucose, 

(CH 2 0) 6 + 60 2 -> 6C0 2 + 6H 2 0 

you obtain the standard Gibbs free energies of formation from biochemical tables. 

AfG°'(glucose) = -426 kj mol -1 
A f C°'(0 2 ) = 0 
A f G°'(C0 2 ) = -394 kj mol -1 
A f G°'(H 2 0) = -156 kj mol -1 
AG°' re action = 6(-394) + 6(-1 56) - (-426) 

= -2874 kj mol -1 

Glucose is an energy- rich organic molecule and its oxidation releases a great deal 
of energy. Nevertheless, all living cells routinely synthesize glucose from simple 
precursors. In many cases, the precursors are C0 2 and H 2 0 in the reverse of the 
reaction shown here. How do they do it? 

Section 7.2 A described the structure 
and functions of nucleoside triphos- 

Another example of the role of 
pyrophosphate is discussed in Sec- 
tion 10.7C. Hydrolysis of pyrophos- 
phate is often counted as one ATP 
equivalent in terms of energy currency. 

Table 10.1 Free Energies of Formation 
(A f G°') 

k) mol 1 








-1 059 

h 2 o 


(1 mM Mg®, ionic strength of 0.25 M) 

10.6 The Free Energy of ATP Hydrolysis 

ATP contains one phosphate ester formed by linkage of the a- phosphoryl group to the 
5 '-oxygen of ribose and two phosphoanhydrides formed by the a,/3 and /3, /linkages be- 
tween phosphoryl groups (Figure 10.12). ATP is a donor of several metabolic groups, 
usually a phosphoryl group, leaving ADP, or an AMP group, leaving inorganic 
pyrophosphate (PPi). Both reactions require the cleavage of a phosphoanhydride link- 
age. Although the various groups of ATP are not transferred directly to water, hydrolytic 
reactions provide useful estimates of the Gibbs free energy changes involved. Table 10.1 
lists the free energies of formation of the various reactants and products under standard 
conditions, 1 mM Mg 2+ , and an ionic strength of 0.25 M. Table 10.2 lists the standard 
Gibbs free energies of hydrolysis ( A G°' hydrolysis) for ATP and AMP, and Figure 10.9 
shows the hydrolytic cleavage of each of the phosphoanhydrides of ATP. Note from 
Table 10.2 that cleavage of the ester releases only 13 kj mol -1 under standard conditions 
but cleavage of either of the phosphoanhydrides releases at least 30 kj mol -1 under stan- 
dard conditions. 

Table 10.2 also gives the standard Gibbs free energy change for hydrolysis of 
pyrophosphate. All cells contain an enzyme called pyrophosphatase that catalyzes this 
reaction. The cellular concentration of pyrophosphate is maintained at a very low con- 
centration as a consequence of this highly favorable reaction. This means that the 
hydrolysis of ATP to AMP + pyrophosphate will always be associated with a negative 
Gibbs free energy change even when the AMP concentration is significant. 

Nucleoside diphosphates and triphosphates in both aqueous solution and at the ac- 
tive sites of enzymes are usually present as complexes with magnesium (or sometimes 
manganese) ions. These cations coordinate with oxygen atoms of the phosphate groups, 
forming six-membered rings. A magnesium ion can form several different complexes 
with ATP; the complexes involving the a and (3 and the /3 and /phosphate groups are 
shown in Figure 10.13. Formation of the (3, y complex is favored in aqueous solutions. 
We will see later that nucleic acids are also usually complexed with counterions such as 

10.6 The Free Energy of ATP Hydrolysis 309 



°o— P — o— p- 





Adenosine 5' -triphosphate (ATP®) 



0 O — P — O — P — O — Adenosine 






0 O — P — O — Adenosine 



Adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP®) Adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP®) 

◄ Figure 10.12 

Hydrolysis of ATP to (1 ) ADP and inorganic 
phosphate (Pj) and (2) AMP and inorganic 
pyrophosphate (PPj). 

The release of a free proton in these 
reactions depends on the conditions 
since the pKa values of the various 
components are close to the value 
inside cells (see Figure 2.19). 


11 © 
HO— P — 0° 



o o 


HO— P— O— P — 0° 

o 0 0° 

Inorganic phosphate (Pj) 

Inorganic pyrophosphate (PPj) 

Mg® or cationic proteins. For convenience, we usually refer to the nucleoside triphos- 
phates as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), guanosine triphosphate (GTP), cytidine 
triphosphate (CTP), and uridine triphosphate (UTP), but remember that these mole- 
cules actually exist as complexes with Mg® in cells. 

Several factors contribute to the large amount of energy released during hydrolysis 
of the phosphoanhydride linkages of ATP. 

1. Electrostatic repulsion. Electrostatic repulsion among the negatively charged oxy- 
gen atoms of the phosphoanhydride groups of ATP is less after hydrolysis. [In cells, 
AG°' hydrolysis is actually increased (made more positive) by the presence of Mg®, 
which partially neutralizes the charges on the oxygen atoms of ATP and diminishes 
electrostatic repulsion.] 

2. Solvation effects. The products of hydrolysis, ADP and inorganic phosphate, or 
AMP and inorganic pyrophosphate, are better solvated than ATP itself. When ions 

Table 10.2 Standard Gibbs free energies 
of hydrolysis for ATP, AMP, and 

and products 

AG 0 ' h y drO |y S i S 

(kj mol 1 ) 

ATP + H 2 0 
ADP + Pj + H® 


ATP + H 2 0 -> 
AMP + PP; + H® 


AMP + H 2 0^ 
Adenosine + P; + H® 


PPj + H 2 0 — » 2Pj 


Pj(inorganic phosphate) = 

hpo 4 © 

PPj(pyrophosphate) = HP 2 0 7 ® 

0 0 0 


^O — P y — O — Pp — O — P a — O — Adenosine a, (3 complex of MgATP 

©o ®o, .0© 



0 0 0 


^O — P„ — O — P B — O — P a — O — Adenosine 

f i i 

©o. ,o© o© 



/ 3 , y complex of MgATP 

◄ Figure 10.13 

Complexes between ATP and Mg©. 

310 CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

A quantitative definition of a “high 
energy” compound is presented in 
Section 10.7A. 


The large free energy change associated 
with hydrolysis of ATP is only possible if 
the system is far from equilibrium. 

Table 10.3 Theoretical changes in 

concentrations of adenine 



















[Adapted from Newsholme. E. A., and Leech, A. R. 
(1 986). Biochemistry for the Medical Science (New 
York: John Wiley & Sons), p. 315.] 

are solvated, they are electrically shielded from each other. Solvation effects are 
probably the most important factor contributing to the energy of hydrolysis. 

3. Resonance stabilization. The products of hydrolysis are more stable than ATP. 
The electrons on terminal oxygen atoms are more delocalized than those on bridg- 
ing oxygen atoms. Hydrolysis of ATP replaces one bridging oxygen atom with two 
new terminal oxygen atoms. 

Because of the free energy change associated with the cleavage of their phosphoan- 
hydrides, ATP and the other nucleoside triphosphates (UTP, GTP, and CTP) are often 
referred to as energy-rich compounds, but keep in mind that its the system, not the mole- 
cule, that contributes free energy to biochemical reactions. ATP, by itself, is not really a 
high energy compound. It can only work if the system (reactants and products) is far 
from equilibrium. The ATP currency becomes worthless if the reaction reaches equilib- 
rium and AG = 0. We will find it useful to refer to “energy-rich” or “high energy” mole- 
cules in the jargon of biochemistry but we will put the terms in quotation marks to re- 
mind you that it is jargon. 

All the phosphoanhydrides of nucleoside triphosphates have nearly equal standard 
Gibbs free energies of hydrolysis. We occasionally express the consumption or formation 
of the phosphoanhydride linkages of nucleoside triphosphates in terms of ATP equivalents. 

ATP is usually the phosphoryl group donor when nucleoside monophosphates and 
diphosphates are phosphorylated. Of course, the intracellular concentrations of indi- 
vidual nucleoside mono-, di-, and triphosphates differ, depending on metabolic needs. 
For example, the intracellular levels of ATP are far greater than deoxythymidine 
triphosphate (dTTP) levels. ATP is involved in many reactions, whereas dTTP has fewer 
functions and is primarily a substrate for DNA synthesis. 

A series of kinases (phosphotransferases) catalyze interconversions of nucleoside 
mono-, di-, and triphosphates. Phosphoryl group transfers between nucleoside phos- 
phates have equilibrium constants close to 1.0. Nucleoside monophosphate kinases are 
a group of enzymes that catalyze the conversion of nucleoside monophosphates to 
nucleoside diphosphates. For example, guanosine monophosphate (GMP) is converted 
to guanosine diphosphate (GDP) by the action of guanylate kinase. GMP or its deoxy 
analog dGMP is the phosphoryl group acceptor in the reaction, and ATP or dATP is the 
phosphoryl group donor. 

GMP + ATP GDP + ADP (10.11) 

Nucleoside diphosphate kinase acts in the conversion of nucleoside diphosphates 
to nucleoside triphosphates. This enzyme, present in both the cytosol and mitochondria 
of eukaryotes, is much less specific than nucleoside monophosphate kinases. All nucleo- 
side diphosphates, regardless of the purine or pyrimidine base, are substrates for nucle- 
oside diphosphate kinase. Nucleoside monophosphates are not substrates. Because of 
its relative abundance, ATP is usually the phosphoryl- group donor in cells: 

GDP + ATP GTP + ADP (10.12) 

Although the concentration of ATP varies among cell types, the intracellular ATP 
concentration fluctuates very little within a particular cell, and the sum of the concen- 
trations of the adenine nucleotides remains nearly constant. Intracellular ATP concen- 
trations are maintained in part by the action of adenylate kinase that catalyzes the fol- 
lowing near- equilibrium reaction: 

AMP + ATP 2 ADP (10.13) 

When the concentration of AMP increases, AMP can react with ATP to form two mole- 
cules of ADP. These ADP molecules can be converted to two molecules of ATP. The 
overall process is 

AMP + ATP + 2 Pi 2 ATP + 2 H 2 0 (10.14) 

ATP concentrations in cells are greater than ADP or AMP concentrations, and rela- 
tively minor changes in the concentration of ATP can result in large changes in the con- 
centrations of the di- and monophosphates. Table 10.3 shows the theoretical increases in 

10.6 The Free Energy of ATP Hydrolysis 


[ADP] and [AMP] under conditions in which ATP is consumed, assuming that the total 
adenine nucleotide concentration remains 5.0 mM. Note that when the ATP concentra- 
tion decreases from 4.8 mM to 4.5 mM (a decrease of about 6%), the ADP concentration 
increases 2.5-fold and the AMP concentration increases 5-fold. In fact, when cells are well 
supplied with oxidizable fuels and oxygen, they maintain a balance of adenine nucleotides 
in which ATP is present at a steady concentration of 2 to 10 mM, [ADP] is less than 1 mM, 
and [AMP] is even lower. As we will see, ADP and AMP are often effective allosteric mod- 
ulators of some energy-yielding metabolic processes. ATP, whose concentration is rela- 
tively constant, is generally not an important modulator under physiological conditions. 

One important consequence of the concentrations of ATP and its hydrolysis prod- 
ucts in vivo is that the free energy change for ATP hydrolysis is actually greater than the 
standard value of —32 kj mol -1 . This is illustrated in Sample Calculation 10.2 using 
measured concentrations of ATP, ADP, and Pi from rat liver cells. The calculated Gibbs 
free energy change is close to the value determined in many other types of cells. 

As mentioned above, ATP hydrolysis is an example of a metabolically irreversible 
reaction. The activities of various enzymes are regulated so they become inactive as ATP 
concentrations fall below a minimal threshold. Thus, the reverse of the hydrolysis reac- 
tion, leading to ATP synthesis, does not occur except under special circumstances 
(Chapter 14). We will see in Chapter 14 that ATP is synthesized by another pathway. 

The importance of maintaining a high concentraion of ATP cannot be overempha- 
sized. It is required in order to get a large free energy change from ATP hydrolysis. Cells 
will die if the reactants and products reach equilibrium. 

10.7 The Metabolic Roles of ATP 

The energy produced by one biological reaction or process, such as the synthesis of 
X — Y in Reaction 10.15, is often coupled to a second reaction, such as the hydrolysis 
of ATP. The first reaction would not otherwise occur spontaneously. 

X + Y X— Y 

ATP + H 2 0 ADP + Pi + H© (10.15) 

SAMPLE CALCULATION 10.2 Gibbs Free Energy Change 

Q: In a rat hepatocyte, the concentrations of ATP, ADP, and the Gibbs free energy change for hydrolysis of ATP in this cell. 

Pi are 3.4 mM, 1.3 mM, and 4.8 mM, respectively. Calculate How does this compare to the standard free energy change? 

A: The actual Gibbs free energy change is calculated according to Equation 10.10. 

[ADP][Pj] [ADP][Pj] 

Abreaction - AG° reac tj on + /?7ln — AG° reac tj on + 2.303 RTlog 

[ATP] [ATP] 

When known values and constants are substituted (with concentrations expressed as molar values), assuming pH7.0 and 25°C. 

. i i r (1.3 x 10 _3 )(4.8 x 10 -3 ) 

AC = -32000 j moP 1 + (8.31 JK“ 1 mor 1 )(298 K) 2.303 log r 

L (3.4 X 10“ 3 ) 

AC = -32000 j mol -1 + (2480 j mol" 1 ) [2.303 log(1.8 X 10“ 3 )] 

AC = -32000 j moP 1 - 16000 j mol -1 
AG = -48000 j mol -1 = -48 kj mol -1 

The actual free energy change is about lV 2 times the standard free energy change. 


CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

The sum of the Gibbs free energy changes for the coupled reactions must be negative 
for the reactions to proceed. This does not mean that both of the individual reactions 
have to be favored in isolation (AG < 0). The advantage of coupled reactions is that the 
energy released from one of them can be used to drive the other even when the second 
reaction is unfavorable by itself (AG > 0). (Recall that the ability to couple reactions is 
one of the key properties of enzymes.) 

Energy flow in metabolism depends on many coupled reactions involving ATR In 
many cases, the coupled reactions are linked by a shared intermediate such as a phos- 
phorylated derivative of reactant X. 

X + ATP X — P + ADP 

x — P+Y+H 2 0 ^^ x— Y + Pi + H© (10.16) 

Transfer of either a phosphoryl group or a nucleotidyl group to a substrate 
activates that substrate (i.e., prepares it for a reaction that has a large negative Gibbs 
free energy change). The activated compound (X — P), can be either a metabolite or 
the side chain of an amino acid residue in the active site of an enzyme. The intermediate 
then reacts with a second substrate to complete the reaction. 

A. Phosphoryl Group Transfer 

The synthesis of glutamine from glutamate and ammonia illustrates how the “high 
energy” compound ATP drives a biosynthetic reaction. This reaction, catalyzed by glut- 
amine synthetase, allows organisms to incorporate inorganic nitrogen into biomolecules 
as carbon-bound nitrogen. In this synthesis of an amide bond, the y-carboxyl group of 
the substrate is activated by synthesis of an anhydride intermediate. 

Glutamine synthetase catalyzes the nucleophilic displacement of the y-phosphoryl 
group of ATP by the y-carboxylate of glutamate. ADP is released, producing enzyme- 
bound y-glutamyl phosphate as an intermediate (Figure 10.14). y-Glutamyl phosphate is 
unstable in aqueous solution but is protected from water in the active site of glutamine 
synthetase. In the second step of the mechanism, ammonia acts as a nucleophile, dis- 
placing the phosphate (a good leaving group) from the carbonyl carbon of y-glutamyl 
phosphate to generate the product, glutamine. Overall, one molecule of ATP is converted 
to ADP + Pj for every molecule of glutamine formed from glutamate and ammonia. 


Fritz Fipmann (1899-1986) won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1953 
for discovering coenzyme A. He also made important contributions to our under- 
standing of ATP as an energy currency. In 1941 he introduced the idea of a high 
energy bond in ATP by drawing it as a squiggle (~). For the next several decades, 
biochemistry textbooks often depicted ATP with two high energy bonds. 


We know now that this depiction is misleading since there’s nothing special 
about the covalent bonds in phosphoanhydride linkages. It’s the overall system of re- 
actants and products that makes the ATP currency so valuable and not the energy of 
individual bonds. However, it’s true that the three main explanations for the high en- 
ergy of ATP (electrostatic repulsion, solvation effects, and resonance stabilization) are 
due mostly to the phosphoanhydride linkages so the focus on that particular linkage 
isn’t entirely wrong. The squiggle used to be very common in the older scientific liter- 
ature and in textbooks but it’s much less common today. 

Source: Lipmann, F. (1941) Metabolic generation and utilization of phosphate bond energy. Advances in 
Enzymology 1:99-162. 

10.7 The Metabolic Roles of ATP 








HoN— C— H 


CH 2 

ch 2 

f \ 

o nh 2 


( 10 . 17 ) 

We can calculate the predicted standard Gibbs free energy change for the reaction 
that is not coupled to ATP hydrolysis. 

Glutamate + NH^ glutamine + H 2 0 (10.18) 

AG reaction — +14 kj mol 

This is a standard free energy change so it doesn’t necessarily reflect the actual Gibbs 
free energy change given cellular concentrations of glutamate, glutamine, and ammo- 
nia. The hypothetical Reaction 10.18 might be associated with a negative free energy 
change inside the cell if the concentrations of glutamate and ammonia were high rela- 
tive to the concentration of glutamine. But this is not the case. The steady- state concen- 
trations of glutamate and glutamine must be kept nearly equivalent in order to support 
protein synthesis and other metabolic pathways. This means that the Gibbs free energy 
change for the hypothetical Reaction 10.18 cannot be negative. Furthermore, the con- 
centration of ammonia is very low relative to glutamate and glutamine. In both bacteria 
and eukaryotes, ammonia must be efficiently incorporated into glutamine even when 
the concentration of free ammonia is very low. Thus Reaction 10.18 is not possible in 
living cells due to the requirement for a high steady- state concentration of glutamine 
and due to a limiting supply of ammonia. Glutamine synthesis must be coupled to 
hydrolysis of ATP in order to drive it in the right direction. 

Glutamine synthetase catalyzes a phosphoryl group transfer reaction in which the 
phosphorylated compound is a transient intermediate (Reaction 10.17). There are other 
reactions that produce a stable phosphorylated product. As we have seen, kinases catalyze 

◄ Figure 10.14 

Glutamine synthetase bound to ADP and a tran- 
sition state analog. Glutamine synthetase 
from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a com- 
plex enzyme consisting of two hexameric 
rings on top of each other. Only one ring is 
shown in this figure. The active site is occu- 
pied by ADP and a transition state analog 
(L-methionine-S-sulfoximine phosphate) that 
resembles y-glutamyl phosphate. 


314 CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

Table 10.4 Standard Gibbs free energies 
of hydrolysis for common 


A C hydrolysis 

(kj mol -1 ) 



1, 3-8/sphosphoglycerate 


ATP to AMP + PPj 






Acetyl CoA 


Acyl CoA 


ATP to ADP + Pi 




Glucose 1 -phosphate 


Glucose 6-phosphate 


Glycerol 3-phosphate 



Many phosphorylated metabolites have 
group transfer potentials similar to that 
of ATP. 

transfer of the y-phosphoryl group from ATP (or, less frequently, from another nucleo- 
side triphosphate) to another substrate. Kinases typically catalyze metabolically irre- 
versible reactions. A few kinase reactions, however, such as those catalyzed by adenylate 
kinase (Reaction 10.13) and creatine kinase (Section 10.7B), are near equilibrium reactions. 
Although the reactions they catalyze are sometimes described as phosphate group trans- 
fer reactions, kinases actually transfer a phosphoryl group ( — P0 3 ^ — )to their acceptors. 

The ability of a phosphorylated compound to transfer its phosphoryl group (s) is 
termed its phosphoryl group transfer potential, or simply group transfer potential. Some 
compounds, such as phosphoanhydrides, are excellent phosphoryl group donors. They 
may have a group transfer potential equal to or greater than that of ATP. Other com- 
pounds, such as phosphoesters, are poor phosphoryl group donors. They have a group 
transfer potential less than that of ATP. Under standard conditions, group transfer poten- 
tials have the same values as the standard free energies of hydrolysis but are opposite in 
sign. Thus, the group transfer potential is a measure of the free energy required for for- 
mation of the phosphorylated compound. In Table 10.4 we list the standard Gibbs free 
energy of hydrolysis for a number of phosphorylated compounds. 

B. Production of ATP by Phosphoryl Group Transfer 

Often, one kinase catalyzes transfer of a phosphoryl group from an excellent donor to 
ADP to form ATP, which then acts as a donor for a different kinase reaction. Phospho- 
enolpyruvate and 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate are two examples of common metabolites 
that have higher energy than ATP even under conditions found inside the cell (AG < 
—50 kj mol -1 ). Some of these compounds are intermediates in catabolic pathways; oth- 
ers are energy storage compounds. 

Phosphoenolpyruvate, an intermediate in the glycolytic pathway, has the highest 
phosphoryl group transfer potential known. The standard free energy of phospho- 
enolpyruvate hydrolysis is —62 kj mol -1 and the actual Gibbs free energy change is com- 
parable to that of ATP. The free energy of hydrolysis for phosphoenolpyruvate can be 
understood by picturing the molecule as an enol whose structure is locked by attach- 
ment of the phosphoryl group. When the phosphoryl group is removed, the molecule 
spontaneously forms the much more stable keto tautomer (Figure 10.15). Transfer of 
the phosphoryl group from phosphoenolpyruvate to ADP is catalyzed by the enzyme 
pyruvate kinase. Because the A G°' for the reaction is about —30 kj mol -1 , the equilib- 
rium for this reaction under standard conditions lies far in the direction of transfer of 
the phosphoryl group from phosphoenolpyruvate to ADP. In cells, this metabolically 
irreversible reaction is an important source of ATP. 

Phosphagens, including phosphocreatine and phosphoarginine, are “high energy” 
phosphate storage molecules found in animal muscle cells. Phosphagens are phospho- 
amides (rather than phosphoanhydrides) and have higher group transfer potentials 
than ATP. In the muscles of vertebrates, large amounts of phosphocreatine are formed 
during times of ample ATP supply. In resting muscle, the concentration of phosphocre- 
atine is about fivefold higher than that of ATP. When ATP levels fall, creatine kinase cat- 
alyzes rapid replenishment of ATP through transfer of the activated phosphoryl group 
from phosphocreatine to ADP. 



Phosphocreatine + ADP creatine + ATP (10.19) 

The supply of phosphocreatine is adequate for 3- to 4-second bursts of activity, long enough 
for other metabolic processes to begin restoring the ATP supply. Under cellular conditions, 
the creatine kinase reaction is a near-equilibrium reaction. In many invertebrates — 
notably mollusks and arthropods — phosphoarginine is the source of the activated 
phosphoryl group. 

Because ATP has an intermediate phosphoryl group transfer potential, it is thermo- 
dynamically suited as a carrier of phosphoryl groups. (Figure 10.15) ATP is also 
kinetically stable under physiological conditions until acted on by an enzyme so it can 
carry chemical potential energy from one enzyme to another without being hydrolyzed. 
Not surprisingly, ATP mediates most chemical energy transfers in all organisms. 

10.7 The Metabolic Roles of ATP 315 

COO° 0 


coo 0 


1 II 0 

c — 0 — P — 0° 

w , 

C — OH 

II l n 

C 0° 

Pyruvate kinase 


/ \ 

/ \ 

H H 

H H 



COOO ◄Figure 10.15 

Transfer of the phosphoryl group from phospho 
C = O enolpyruvate to ADP. 


H — C — H 




C. Nucleotidyl Group Transfer 

The other common group transfer reaction involving ATP is transfer of the nucleotidyl 
group. An example is the synthesis of acetyl Co A, catalyzed by acetyl- Co A synthetase. In 
this reaction, the AMP moiety of ATP is transferred to the nucleophilic carboxylate 
group of acetate to form an acetyl-adenylate intermediate (Figure 10.16). Note that 
pyrophosphate (PPi) is released in this step. Like the glutamyl-phosphate intermediate 
in Reaction 10.17, the reactive intermediate is shielded from nonenzymatic hydrolysis 
by tight binding within the active site of the enzyme. The reaction is completed by 
transfer of the acetyl group to the nucleophilic sulfur atom of coenzyme A, leading to 
the formation of acetyl CoA and AMP. 

The synthesis of acetyl CoA also illustrates how the removal of a product can cause 
a metabolic reaction to approach completion, just as the formation of a precipitate or 
a gas can drive an inorganic reaction toward completion. The standard Gibbs free 
energy for the formation of acetyl CoA from acetate and CoA is about — 13 kj mol -1 
(AG°' h y( j ro i 7S i s of acetyl CoA = —32 kj mol -1 ). But note that the product PPj is hy- 
drolyzed to two molecules of by the action of pyrophosphatase (Section 10.6). Al- 
most all cells have high levels of activity of this enzyme, so the concentration of PPi in 
cells is generally very low (less than 10 -6 M). Cleavage of PPi contributes to the negative 
value of the standard Gibbs free energy change for the overall reaction. The additional 
hydrolytic reaction adds the energy cost of one phosphoanhydride linkage to the overall 
synthetic process. In reactions such as this, we say that the cost is two ATP equivalents in 
order to emphasize that two “high energy” compounds are hydrolyzed. Hydrolysis of 
pyrophosphate accompanies many synthetic reactions in metabolism. 



C h 2 

HoC — N 

©^ \ II 

h 2 n n — p— o 
H I 
o 0 






HoN — C — H 

(CH 2 ) 3 



©^ \ 

h 2 n n — p — o' 






▲ Structures of phosphocreatine and 

Acetate O 

11 O 
HoC — C— O® 





O — P — O — P — O — P — O — Adenosine 




6 ° 






c ll II 

HoC — C — O — P — O — Adenosine 


H 2 0 

+ PP, 


* 2P: 

H — S-CoA 




( 2 ) 

H © 



H 3 C — C — S-CoA 

Acetyl CoA 



(°0 o 

f\ II 

H 3 C — C — O — P — O — Adenosine 

1 >© 

S-CoA O u 

▲ Figure 10.16 

Synthesis of acetyl CoA from acetate, catalyzed by acetyl-CoA synthetase. 


CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

10.8 Thioesters Have High Free 
Energies of Hydrolysis 

Thioesters are another class of “high energy” compounds forming part of the currency 
of metabolism. Acetyl CoA is one example. It occupies a central position in metabolism 
(Figures 10.8 and 10.9). The high energy of thioester reactions can be used in generat- 
ing ATP equivalents or in transferring the acyl groups to acceptor molecules. Recall that 
acyl groups are attached to coenzyme A (or acyl carrier protein) via a thioester linkage 
(Section 7.6 and Figure 7.13). 


R — C — S — Coenzyme A 

( 10 . 20 ) 

Unlike oxygen esters of carboxylic acids, thioesters resemble carboxylic acid anhy- 
drides in reactivity. Sulfur is in the same group of the periodic table as oxygen but 
thioesters are less stable than typical esters because the unshared electrons of the sulfur 
atom are not as effectively delocalized in a thioester as the unshared electrons in an oxy- 
gen ester. The energy associated with hydrolyzing the thioester linkage is similar to the 
energy of hydrolysis of the phosphoanhydride linkages in ATP. The standard Gibbs free 
energy change for hydrolysis of acetyl CoA is —31 kj mol -1 , and the actual change may 
somewhat smaller (more negative) under conditions inside the cell. 


Reactions involving thioesters, such as 
acetyl CoA, release amounts of energy 
comparable to that of ATP hydrolysis. 

o H 2 0 HS-CoA o 

H 3 c — C — S-CoA — ^ T > H 3 C — C — O 0 + H® (10.21) 

Acetyl CoA Acetate 

Despite its high free energy of hydrolysis, a CoA thioester resists nonenzymatic hydrolysis 
at neutral pH values. In other words, it is kinetically stable in the absence of appropriate 

The high energy of hydrolysis of a CoA thioester is used in the fifth step of the cit- 
ric acid cycle, when the thioester succinyl CoA reacts with GDP (or sometimes ADP) 
and Pi to form GTP (or ATP). 





ch 2 

ch 2 

+ GDP + Pi < 

> 1 + 


oh 2 

We discuss succinyl CoA synthetase in 


coo 0 

Section 13 . 4 , part 5 , and fatty acid 
synthesis in Section 16 . 5 . 




+ HS-CoA 

( 10 . 22 ) 

Succinyl CoA 

This substrate-level phosphorylation conserves energy used in the formation of 
succinyl CoA as ATP equivalents. The energy of thioesters also drives the synthesis of 
fatty acids. 

In Section 14.1 1 we will learn that 
NADH is equivalent to 2.5 ATPs and 
QH 2 is equivalent to 1.5 ATPs. 

10.9 Reduced Coenzymes Conserve Energy 
from Biological Oxidations 

Many reduced coenzymes are “high energy” compounds in the sense we described ear- 
lier (i.e., part of a system). Their high energy (or reducing power) can be donated in 
oxidation- reduction reactions. The energy of reduced coenzymes maybe represented as 
ATP equivalents since their oxidation can be coupled to the synthesis of ATP. 

10.9 Reduced Coenzymes Conserve Energy from Biological Oxidations 317 

As described in Section 6. 1C, the oxidation of one molecule must be coupled with 
the reduction of another molecule. A molecule that accepts electrons and is reduced is 
an oxidizing agent. A molecule that loses electrons and is oxidized is a reducing agent. 
The net oxidation-reduction reaction is 

Ared + B ox A ox + B rec | (10.23) 

The electrons released in biological oxidation reactions are transferred enzymati- 
cally to oxidizing agents, usually a pyridine nucleotide (NAD® or sometimes NADP®), 
a flavin coenzyme (FMN or FAD), or ubiquinone (Q). When NAD® and NADP® are 
reduced, their nicotinamide rings accept a hydride ion (Figure 7.8). One electron is lost 
when a hydrogen atom (composed of one proton and one electron) is removed and two 
electrons are lost when a hydride ion (composed of one proton and two electrons) is 
removed. (Remember that oxidation is loss of electrons.) 

NADH and NADPH, along with QH 2 , supply reducing power. FMNH 2 and FADH 2 
are reduced enzyme-bound intermediates in some oxidation reactions. 

A. Gibbs Free Energy Change Is Related to Reduction Potential 

The reduction potential of a reducing agent is a measure of its thermodynamic reactivity. 
Reduction potential can be measured in electrochemical cells. An example of a simple 
inorganic oxidation-reduction reaction is the transfer of a pair of electrons from a zinc 
atom (Zn) to a copper ion (Cu©). 

Zn + Cu® Zn® + Cu (10.24) 

This reaction can be carried out in two separate solutions that divide the overall reaction 
into two half- reactions (Figure 10.17). At the zinc electrode, two electrons are given up 
by each zinc atom that reacts (the reducing agent). The electrons flow through a wire to 
the copper electrode, where they reduce Cu© (the oxidizing agent) to metallic copper. A 
salt bridge, consisting of a tube with a porous partition filled with electrolyte, preserves 
electrical neutrality by providing an aqueous path for the flow of nonreactive counteri- 
ons between the two solutions. The flow of ions and the flow of electons are separated 
in such an electrochemical cell and electron flow through the wire (i.e., electric energy) 
can be measured using a voltmeter. 

The direction of the current through the circuit in Figure 10.17 indicates that Zn is 
more easily oxidized than Cu (i.e., Zn is a stronger reducing agent than Cu). The reading 
on the voltmeter represents a potential difference, the difference between the reduction 
potential of the reaction on the left and that on the right. The measured potential differ- 
ence is the electromotive force. 


The structures and functions of 
NAD® and NADP® are discussed 
in Section 7.4, of FMN and FAD in 
Section 7.5, and of ubiquinone 
in Section 7.14. 

◄ Figure 10.17 

Diagram of an electrochemical cell. Electrons 
flow through the external circuit from the 
zinc electrode to the copper electrode. The 
salt bridge permits the flow of counterions 
(sulfate ions in this example) without exten- 
sive mixing of the two solutions. The electro- 
motive force is measured by the voltmeter 
connected across the two electrodes. (Two 
other kinds of salt bridges are shown in 
Section 2.5A.) 

318 CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 


All standard reduction potentials are 
measured relative to the reduction of H© 
under standard conditions. 


A E must be positive for an oxidation 
reduction reaction to proceed in the 
direction written. 

It is useful to have a reference standard for measurements of reduction potentials 
just as in measurements of Gibbs free energy changes. For reduction potentials, the ref- 
erence is not simply a set of reaction conditions, but a reference half-reaction to which 
all other half-reactions can be compared. The reference half- reaction is the reduction of 
H© to hydrogen gas (H 2 ). The reduction potential of this half- reaction under standard 
conditions (E°) is arbitrarily set at 0.0 V. The standard reduction potential of any other 
half- reaction is measured with an oxidation-reduction coupled reaction in which the 
reference half-cell contains a solution of 1 M H® and 1 atm H 2 (gaseous), and the sam- 
ple half-cell contains 1 M each of the oxidized and reduced species of the substance 
whose reduction potential is to be determined. Under standard conditions for biologi- 
cal measurements, the hydrogen ion concentration in the sample half-cell is (10 -7 M). 
The voltmeter across the oxidation-reduction couple measures the electromotive force, 
or the difference in the reduction potential, between the reference and sample half- 
reactions. Since the standard reduction potential of the reference half-reaction is 0.0 V, 
the measured potential is that of the sample half- reaction. 

Table 10.5 gives the standard reduction potentials at pH 7.0 (£°') of some important 
biological half- reactions. Electrons flow spontaneously from the more readily oxidized 

Table 10.5 Standard reduction potentials of some important biological half-reactions 

Reduction half-reaction 


Acetyl CoA + C0 2 + H© + 2e© — » Pyruvate + CoA 


Ferredoxin (spinach). Fe + —> Fe 



2 H© + 2e© -> H 2 (at pH 7.0) 


a-Ketoglutarate + C0 2 + 2 H© + 2e© — » Isocitrate 


Lipoyl dehydrogenase (FAD) + 2 H© + 2e© —> Lipoyl dehydrogenase (FADH 2 ) 


NADP© + H© + 2e© — » NADPH 


NAD© + H© + 2e© — » NADH 


Lipoic acid + 2 H© + 2e© —> Dihydrolipoic acid 


Thioredoxin (oxidized) + 2H® + 2e — »Thioredoxin (reduced) 


Glutathione (oxidized) + 2 H© + 2e©— >2 Glutathione (reduced) 


FAD + 2 H© + 2e© —> FADH 2 


FMN + 2 H© + 2e© —> FMNH 2 


Acetaldehyde + 2 H© + 2e© — » Ethanol 


Pyruvate + 2 H© + 2e© —> Lactate 


Oxaloacetate + 2 H© + 2c© —> Malate 

0) O r 

Cytochrome b 5 (microsomal). Fe + — * Fe 



Fumarate + 2 H© + 2e© —> Succinate 


Ubiquinone (Q) + 2 H© + 2e©^QH 2 


0) O r 

Cytochrome b (mitochondrial), Fe + - * Fe 

0) (0 

Cytochrome c-|, Fe + e u — > Fe 



0 n r- © 

Cytochrome c, Fe + e u —> Fe 

(0 (0 

Cytochrome a, Fe + > Fe 



Cytochrome /, Fe + e© —* Fe 


Plastocyanin, Cu 2+ + e©^Cu + 


N0 3 © + 2 H© + 2e© -> N0 2 © + H 2 0 


Photosystem 1 (P700) 


Fe^ + e© — » Fe^ 


y 2 0 2 + 2 H© + 2e© — > H 2 0 


Photosystem II (P680) 


10.9 Reduced Coenzymes Conserve Energy from Biological Oxidations 


substance (the one with the more negative reduction potential) to the more readily 
reduced substance (the one with the more positive reduction potential). Therefore, 
more negative potentials are assigned to reaction systems that have a greater tendency to 
donate electrons (i.e., systems that tend to oxidize more easily). 

The standard reduction potential for the transfer of electrons from one molecular 
species to another is related to the standard free energy change for the oxidation-reduc- 
tion reaction by the equation 

A C°' = -nFAE°' (10.25) 

where n is the number of electrons transferred and F is Faraday’s constant (96.48 kj 
V -1 mol -1 ). Note that Equation 10.25 resembles Equation 9.5 except that here we are 
dealing with reduction potential and not membrane potential. A E°' is defined as the 
difference in volts between the standard reduction potential of the electron- acceptor 
system and that of the electron donor system. 

A E ot 

= E of 

electron acceptor 

- E of 

electron donor 


Recall from Equation 10.6 that A G°' = — RT In K eq . Combining this equation with 
Equation 10.25, we have 

A E of = —In K eQ (10.27) 

nF H 

Under biological conditions, the reactants in a system are not present at standard con- 
centrations of 1 M. Just as the actual Gibbs free energy change for a reaction is related to 
the standard Gibbs free energy change by Equation 10.6, an observed difference in re- 
duction potentials (A E) is related to the difference in the standard reduction potentials 
(A E°') by the Nernst equation. For Reaction 10.23, the Nernst equation is 

A E = A E of 




At 298 K, Equation 10.28 reduces to 


A£ = A E°’ In Q (10.29) 


where Q represents the actual concentrations of reduced and oxidized species. To calcu- 
late the electromotive force of a reaction under nonstandard conditions, use the Nernst 
equation and substitute the actual concentrations of reactants and products. Keep in 
mind that a positive A E value indicates that an oxidation-reduction reaction will have a 
negative standard Gibbs free energy change. 

B. Electron Transfer from NADH Provides Free Energy 

NAD® is reduced to NADH in coupled reactions where electrons are transferred from 
a metabolite to NAD®. The reduced form of the coenzyme (NADH) becomes a source 
of electrons in other oxidation-reduction reactions. The Gibbs free energy changes as- 
sociated with the overall oxidation-reduction reaction under standard conditions can 
be calculated from the standard reduction potentials of the two half-reactions using 
Equation 10.25. As an example, let’s consider the reaction where NADH is oxidized and 
molecular oxygen is reduced. This represents the available free energy change during 
membrane-associated electron transport. This free energy is recovered in the form of 
ATP synthesis (Chapter 14). 

The two half reactions from Table 10.5 are 

NAD© + H© + 2 e© * NADH P' = -0.32 V (10.30) 


y 2 0 2 + 2 H© + 2 e© 

* H 2 0 £°' = 0.82 V 



CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

Since the NAD® half- reaction has the more negative standard reduction potential, 
NADH is the electron donor and oxygen is the electron acceptor. Note that the values in 
Table 10.5 are for half- reactions written as reductions (gain of electrons). That’s because 
E°' is a reduction potential. In an oxidation-reduction reaction, two of these half- 
reactions are combined. One of them will be an oxidation reaction, so the equation in 
Table 10.5 must be reversed. The reduction potentials tell you which way the electrons 
will flow. They flow from the half-reaction near the top of the table (more negative E°') 
to the one nearer the bottom of the table (less negative E°') (Figure 10.18). What this 
means is that the overall A E or for the complete reaction will be positive according to 
Equation 10.26. (This is the American convention. The European convention uses a dif- 
ferent way of arriving at the same answer.) 

The net oxidation-reduction reaction is Reaction 10.31 plus the reverse of 
Reaction 10.30. 

NADH + % 0 2 + H© > NAD© + H 2 Q (10.32) 

and A E°’ for the reaction is 

A E of = E% 2 - £ft ADH = 0.82 V - (-0.32 V) = 1.14 V (10.33) 

Using Equation 10.25, 

AC°' = -(2) (96.48 kj V -1 mol“ 1 )(1.14V) = -220 kj mol -1 (10.34) 


The standard Gibbs free energy change 
of an oxidation-reduction reaction is 
calculated from the reduction potentials 
of the two half-reactions. 

The standard Gibbs free energy change for the formation of ATP from ADP + Pj is 
+32 kj mol -1 (the actual free energy change is about +48 kj mol -1 under the conditions 
of the living cell, as noted earlier). The energy released during the oxidation of NADH 
under cellular conditions is sufficient to drive the formation of several molecules of 
ATP. We will learn in Chapter 14 that the actual energy yield of an NADH molecule is 
about 2.5 ATP equivalents (Section 14.11). 

Figure 10.18 ► 

Electron flow in oxidation-reduction reactions. 

Half-reactions can be plotted on a chart 
where the standard reduction potentials are 
on the x axis, arranged so that the most neg- 
ative values are at the top of the chart. 

Using this convention, electrons flow from 
the half-reaction at the top of the chart to 
the one nearer the bottom of the chart. 

10.10 Experimental Methods for Studying Metabolism 321 


The differing absorption spectra of NAD® and NADH are 
useful in experimental work. NAD® (and NADP® ) absorbs 
maximally at 260 nm. This absorption is due to both the ade- 
nine and nicotinamide moieties. When NAD® is reduced to 
NADH (or NADP® to NADPH), the absorbance at 260 nm 
decreases and an absorption band centered at 340 nm appears 
(adjacent figure). The 340-nm band comes from the formation 
of the reduced nicotinamide ring. The spectra of NAD® and 
NADH do not change in the pH range 2 to 10 in which most 
enzymes are active. In addition, few other biological molecules 
undergo changes in light absorption near 340 nm. 

In a suitably prepared enzyme assay, one can determine 
the rate of formation of NADH by measuring an increase in 
the absorbance at 340 nm. Similarly, in a reaction proceeding 
in the opposite direction, the rate of NADH oxidation is indi- 
cated by the rate of decrease in absorbance at 340 nm. Many 
dehydrogenases can be directly assayed by this procedure. In 
addition, the concentrations of a product formed in a nonox- 
idative reaction can often be determined by oxidizing the 
product in a dehydrogenase- NAD® system. Such a measure- 
ment of concentrations of NAD® or NADH by their absorption 
of ultraviolet light is used not only in the research laboratory 
but also in many clinical analyses. 

Wavelength (nm) 

▲ Ultraviolet absorption spectra of NAD© and NADH. 

10.10 Experimental Methods for Studying 

The complexity of many metabolic pathways makes them difficult to study. Reaction 
conditions used with isolated reactants in the test tube (in vitro ) are often very different 
from the reaction conditions in the intact cell (in vivo). The study of the chemical events 
of metabolism is one of the oldest branches of biochemistry, and many approaches have 
been developed to characterize the enzymes, intermediates, flux, and regulation of 
metabolic pathways. 

A classical approach to unraveling metabolic pathways is to add a substrate to prepa- 
rations of tissues, cells, or subcellular fractions and then follow the emergence of inter- 
mediates and end products. The fate of a substrate is easier to trace when the substrate 
has been specifically labeled. Since the advent of nuclear chemistry, isotopic tracers have 
been used to map the transformations of metabolites. For example, compounds contain- 
ing atoms of radioactive isotopes such as 3 H or 14 C can be added to cells or other prepa- 
rations, and the radioactive compounds produced by anabolic or catabolic reactions can 
be purified and identified. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy can trace 
the reactions of certain isotopes. It can also be employed to study the metabolism of 
whole animals (including humans) and is being used for clinical analysis. 

Verification of the steps of a particular pathway can be accomplished by reproduc- 
ing the separate reactions in vitro using isolated substrates and enzymes. Individual 
enzymes have been isolated for almost all known metabolic steps. By determining the 
substrate specificity and kinetic properties of a purified enzyme, it is possible to draw 
some conclusions regarding the regulatory role of that enzyme. This reductionist ap- 
proach has led to many of the key concepts in this book. It’s the approach that allows us 
to understand the relationship between structure and function. However, a complete as- 
sessment of the regulation of a pathway requires analysis of metabolite concentrations 
in the intact cell or organism under various conditions. 


CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

Valuable information can be acquired by studying mutations in single genes associ- 
ated with the production of inactive or defective individual enzyme forms. Whereas 
some mutations are lethal and not transmitted to subsequent generations, others can be 
tolerated by the descendants. The investigation of mutant organisms has helped identify 
enzymes and intermediates of numerous metabolic pathways. Typically, a defective en- 
zyme results in a deficiency of its product and the accumulation of its substrate or a 
product derived from the substrate by a branch pathway. This approach has been ex- 
tremely successful in identifying metabolic pathways in simple organisms such as bacte- 
ria, yeast, and Neurospora (Box 7.4). In humans, enzyme defects are manifested in meta- 
bolic diseases. Hundreds of single-gene diseases are known. Some are extremely rare, 
and others are fairly common; some are tragically severe. In cases where a metabolic 
disorder produces only mild symptoms, it appears that the network of metabolic reac- 
tions contains enough overlap and redundancy to allow near-normal development of 
the organism. 

In instances where natural mutations are not available, mutant organisms can be 
generated by treatment with radiation or chemical mutagens (agents that cause muta- 
tion). Biochemists have characterized entire pathways by producing a series of mutants, 
isolating them, and examining their nutritional requirements and accumulated 
metabolites. More recently, site-directed mutagenesis (Box 6.1) has proved valuable in 
defining the roles of enzymes. Bacterial and yeast systems have been the most widely 
used for introducing mutations because large numbers of these organisms can be 
grown in a short period of time. It is possible to produce animal models — particularly 
insects and nematodes — in which certain genes are not expressed. It is also possible to 
delete certain genes in vertebrates. “Gene knockout” mice, for instance, provide an ex- 
perimental system for investigating the complexities of mammalian metabolism. 

In a similar fashion, investigating the actions of metabolic inhibitors has helped 
identify individual steps in metabolic pathways. The inhibition of one step of a pathway 
affects the entire pathway. Because the substrate of the inhibited enzyme accumulates, it 
can be isolated and characterized more easily. Intermediates formed in steps preceding 
the site of inhibition also accumulate. The use of inhibitory drugs not only helps in the 
study of metabolism but also determines the mechanism of action of the drug, often 
leading to improved drug variations. 


1. The chemical reactions carried out by living cells are collectively 
called metabolism. Sequences of reactions are called pathways. 
Degradative (catabolic) and synthetic (anabolic) pathways pro- 
ceed in discrete steps. 

2. Metabolic pathways are regulated to allow an organism to re- 
spond to changing demands. Individual enzymes are commonly 
regulated by allosteric modulation or reversible covalent modifi- 

3. The major catabolic pathways convert macromolecules to smaller, 
energy-yielding metabolites. The energy released in catabolic reac- 
tions is conserved in the form of ATP, GTP, and reduced coenzymes. 

4. Within a cell or within a multicellular organism, metabolic processes 
are sequestered. 

5. Metabolic reactions are in a steady state. If the steady state con- 
centration of reactants and products is close to the equilibrium 
ratio the reaction is said to be a near-equilibrium reaction. If the 
steady state concentrations are far from equilibrium the reaction 
is said to be metabolically irreversible. 

6. The actual free energy change (AG) of a reaction inside a cell 
differs from the standard free energy change (A G°'). 

7. Hydrolytic cleavage of the phosphoanhydride groups of ATP re- 
leases large amounts of free energy. 

8. The energy of ATP is made available when a terminal phosphoryl 
group or a nucleotidyl group is transferred. Some metabolites 
with high phosphoryl group transfer potentials can transfer their 
phosphoryl groups to ADP to produce ATP. Such metabolites are 
called energy-rich compounds. 

9. Thioesters, such as acyl coenzyme A, can donate acyl groups and 
can sometimes also generate ATP equivalents. 

10. The free energy of biological oxidation reactions can be captured 
in the form of reduced coenzymes. This form of energy is meas- 
ured as the difference in reduction potentials. 

11. Metabolic pathways are studied by characterizing their enzymes, 
intermediates, flux, and regulation. 

Problems 323 


1. A biosynthetic pathway proceeds from compound A to com- 
pound E in four steps and then branches. One branch is a two-step 
pathway to G, and the other is a three-step pathway to J. Substrate 
A is a feed-forward activator of the enzyme that catalyzes the syn- 
thesis of E. Products G and J are feedback inhibitors of the initial 
enzyme in the common pathway, and they also inhibit the first 
enzyme after the branch point in their own pathways. 

(a) Draw a diagram showing the regulation of this metabolic 

(b) Why is it advantageous for each of the two products to in- 
hibit two enzymes in the pathway? 

2. Glucose degradation can be accomplished by a combination of 
the glycolytic and citric acid pathways. The enzymes for glycolysis 
are located in the cytosol, while the enzymes for the citric acid 
cycle are located in the mitochondria. What are two advantages in 
separating the enzymes for these major carbohydrate degradation 
pathways in different cellular compartments? 

3. In bacteria, the glycolytic and citric acid cycle pathways are both 
cytosolic. Why don’t the “advantages” in Question 2 apply to 

4. In multistep metabolic pathways, enzymes for successive steps 
may be associated with each other in multienzyme complexes 
or be bound in close proximity on membranes. Explain the 
major advantage of having enzymes organized in either of these 

5. (a) Calculate the K eq at 25°C and pH 7.0 for the following reaction 

using the data in Table 10.4. 

Glycerol 3-phosphate + H 2 0 — > glycerol + Pj. 

(b) The final step in the pathway for the synthesis of glucose 
from lactate (gluconeogenesis) is: 

Glucose 6-P + H 2 0 — » glucose + Pj. 

When glucose 6-P is incubated with the proper enzyme and 
the reaction runs until equilibrium has been reached, the 
final concentrations are found to be: glucose 6-P (0.035 mM), 
glucose (100 mM), and Pi (100 mM). Calculate AG 0 ' at 25°C and 
pH 7.0. 

6. AG° for the hydrolysis of phosphoarginine is —32 kj mol -1 . 

(a) What is the actual free energy change for the reaction at 25°C 
and pH 7.0 in resting lobster muscle, where the concentra- 
tions of phosphoarginine, arginine, and Pi are 6.8 mM, 
2.6 mM, and 5 mM, respectively? 

(b) Why does this value differ from AG 0 '? 

(c) High-energy compounds have large negative free energies of 
hydrolysis, indicating that their reactions with water proceed 
almost to completion. How can millimolar concentrations of 
acetyl Co A, whose AG 0 'hydrolysis is — 32 kj mol -1 , exist in cells? 

7. Glycogen is synthesized from glucose- 1 -phosphate. Glucose- 1- 
phosphate is activated by a reaction with UTP, forming UDP-glu- 
cose and pyrophosphate (PPi). 

Glucose-1 -phosphate + UTP — » UDP-glucose + PPj 

UDP- glucose is the substrate for the enzyme glycogen synthase 
which adds glucose molecules to the growing carbohydrate chain. 
The AG 0 ' value for the condensation of UTP with glucose- 1- 
phosphate to form UDP-glucose is approximately 0 kj mol -1 . 

The PPi that is released is rapidly hydrolyzed by inorganic py- 
rophosphatase. Determine the overall AG 0 ' value if the forma- 
tion of UDP-glucose is coupled to the hydrolysis of PPi. 

8. (a) A molecule of ATP is usually consumed within a minute after 

synthesis, and the average human adult requires about 65 kg 
of ATP per day. Since the human body contains only about 
50 grams of ATP and ADP combined, how it is possible that 
so much ATP can be utilized? 

(b) Does ATP have a role in energy storage? 

9. Phosphocreatine is produced from ATP and creatine in mam- 
malian muscle cells at rest. What ATP/ADP ratio is necessary to 
maintain a phosphocreatine/creatine ratio of 20:1? (To maintain 
the coupled reaction at equilibrium, the actual free energy change 
must be zero.) 

10. Amino acids must be covalently attached to a ribose hydroxyl 
group on the correct tRNA (transfer RNA) prior to recognition 
and insertion into a growing polypeptide chain. The overall reac- 
tion carried out by the amino acyl tRNA synthetase enzymes is: 

Amino acid + HO-tRNA + ATP > 

amino acyl-O-tRNA + AMP + 2Pj 

Assuming this reaction proceeds through an acyl adenylate inter- 
mediate, write all the steps involved in this enzyme- catalyzed 

11. When a mixture of glucose 6-phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate 
is incubated with the enzyme phosphohexose isomerase, the final 
mixture contains twice as much glucose 6-phosphate as fructose 
6-phosphate. Calculate the value of AG 0 '. 

Glucose 6-phosphate < — » fructose 6-phosphate 

12. Coupling ATP hydrolysis to a thermodynamically unfavorable reac- 
tion can markedly shift the equilibrium of the reaction. 

(a) Calculate K eq for the energetically unfavorable biosynthetic 
reaction A — » B when A G° = + 25 kj mol -1 at 25°C. 

(b) Calculate K eq for the reaction A — » B when it is coupled to 
the hydrolysis of ATP. Compare this value to the value in Part (a). 

(c) Many cells maintain [ATP]/ [ADP] ratios of 400 or more. Cal- 
culate the ratio of [B] to [A] when [ATP]: [ADP] is 400:1 and 
[Pi] is constant at standard conditions. How does this ratio 
compare to the ratio of [B] to [A] in the uncoupled reaction? 

13. Using data from Table 10.5, write the coupled reaction that would 
occur spontaneously for the following pairs of molecules under 
standard conditions: 

(a) Cytochrome /and cytochrome b 5 

(b) Fumarate/succinate and ubiquinone/ubiquinol (Q/QH 2 ) 

(c) a-ketoglutarate/isocitrate and NAD©/NADH 

14. Using data from Table 10.5, calculate the standard reduction po- 
tential and the standard free energy change for each of the follow- 
ing oxidation-reduction reactions: 

(a) Ubiquinol (QH 2 ) + 2 cytochrome c (Fe^) 

ubiquinone (Q) + 2 cytochrome c (Fe®) + 2 H© 

(b) Succinate + y 2 0 2 fumarate + H 2 0 

324 CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

15 . Lactate dehydrogenase is an NAD-dependent enzyme that cat- 
alyzes the reversible oxidation of lactate. 

coo e 


HO— C — H 


ch 3 




c = o 

ch 3 

16 . Using the standard reduction potentials for Q and FAD in Table 10.5, 
show that the oxidation of FADH 2 by Q liberates enough energy to 
drive the synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pj under cellular conditions 
where [FADH 2 ] = 5 mM, [FAD] = 0.2 mM, [Q] = 0.1 mM, 
and [QH 2 ] = 0.05 mM. Assume that AG for ATP synthesis from 
ADP and Pj is +30 kj mol -1 . 

Initial reaction rates are followed spectrophotometrically at 340 nm 
after addition of lactate, NAD©, lactate dehydrogenase, and 
buffer to the reaction vessel. When the change in absorbance at 
340 nm is monitored over time, which graph is representative of 
the expected results? Explain. 






























Selected Readings 

Alberty, R. A. (1996). Recommendations 
for nomenclature and tables in biochemical 
thermodynamics. Eur. J. Biochem. 


Alberty, R. A. (2000). Calculating apparent equi- 
librium constants of enzyme -catalyzed reactions 
at pH 7. Biochem. Educ. 28:12-17. 

Burbaum, J. J., Raines, R. T., Albery, W. J., and 
Knowles, J. R. (1989). Evolutionary optimization of 
the catalytic effectiveness of an enzyme. Biochem. 

Edwards, R. A. (2001). The free energies of meta- 
bolic reactions (AG) are not positive. Biochem. 
Mol. Bio. Educ. 29:101-103. 

Hayes, D. M., Kenyon, G. L., and Kollman, P. A. 
(1978). Theoretical calculations of the hydrolysis 
energies of some “high-energy” molecules. 2. A 
survey of some biologically important hydrolytic 
reactions. /. Am. Chem. Soc. 100:4331-4340. 

Schmidt. S., Sunyaev, S., Bork. P., and Dandekar, T. 
(2003). Metabolites: a helping hand for pathway 
evolution? Trends Biochem. Sci. 28:336-341. 

Silverstein, T. (2005). Redox redox: a response to 
Feinman’s “Oxidation-reduction calculations in 
the biochemistry course.” Biochem. Mol. Bio. Educ. 

Tohge, T., Nunes-Nesi, A., and Fernie, A. R. (2009). 
Finding the paths: metabolomics and approaches 
to metabolic flux analysis. The Biochem. Soc. (June 

Yus, E., et al. (2009). Impact of genome reduction 
on bacterial metabolism and its regulation. Science 









o c 










_ o 

° o o o 

° o 


o o 


° c 



o o 

T he first three metabolic pathways we examine are central to both carbohydrate 
metabolism and energy generation. Gluconeogenesis is the main pathway for 
synthesis of hexoses from three carbon precursors. As the name of the pathway 
indicates, glucose is the primary end product of gluconeogenesis. This biosynthetic 
pathway will be described in the next chapter. Glucose, and other hexoses, can be the 
precursors for synthesis of many complex carbohydrates. Glucose can also be degraded 
in a catabolic glycolytic pathway with recovery of the energy used in its synthesis. In 
glycolysis, the subject of this chapter, glucose is converted to the three-carbon acid 
pyruvate. Pyruvate has several possible fates, one of which is oxidative decarboxylation 
to form acetyl CoA. The third pathway is the citric acid cycle, described in Chapter 13. 
This is the route by which the acetyl group of acetyl CoA is oxidized to carbon dioxide 
and water. One of the important intermediates in the citric acid cycle, oxaloacetate, is 
also an intermediate in the synthesis of glucose from pyruvate. Figure 11.1 shows the re- 
lationship among the three pathways. All three pathways play a role in the formation 
and degradation of noncarbohydrate molecules such as amino acids and lipids. 

We present the reactions of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, and the citric acid cycle in 
more detail than those of other metabolic pathways in this book but the same principles 
apply to all pathways. We introduce many biomolecules and enzymes, some of which 
appear in more than one pathway. Keep in mind that the chemical structures of the 
metabolites prompt the enzyme names and that the names of the enzymes reflect the 
substrate specificity and the type of reaction catalyzed. A confident grasp of terminol- 
ogy will prepare you to enjoy the chemical elegance of metabolism. However, do not 
lose sight of the major concepts and general strategies of metabolism while memorizing 
the details. The names of particular enzymes might fade over time but we hope you will 
retain an understanding of the patterns and purposes behind the interconversion of 
metabolites in cells. 

In this book we follow the tradition of presenting glycolysis as our first metabolic 
pathway. The catabolism of glucose is a major source of energy in animals. The details 
of the various reactions, and their regulation, are well known. 

The glycolytic sequence of reactions 
is perhaps the best understood and 
most studied multi-enzyme system 
of the cell. The pattern of interplay 
between enzymes and substrates in 
this relatively simple multi-enzyme 
system applies to all the multi- 
enzyme systems of the cell, espe- 
cially the very complex systems 
involved in respiration and 

— Albert Lehninger (1965), 
Bioenergetics , p. 75 

Top: Wine, beer and bread. For centuries, wineries, breweries, and bakeries have exploited the basic biochemical pathway 
of glycolysis where glucose is converted to ethanol and C0 2 . 



CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 





▲ Figure 11.1 

Gluconeogenesis, glycolysis, and the citric 
acid cycle. Glucose is synthesized from 
pyruvate via oxaloacetate and phospho- 
enolpyruvate. In glycolysis, glucose is de- 
graded to pyruvate. Many (but not all) of the 
steps in glycolysis are the reverse of the glu- 
coneogenesis reactions. The acetyl group of 
pyruvate is transferred to coenzyme A (CoA) 
and oxidized to carbon dioxide by the citric 
acid cycle. Energy in the form of ATP equiv- 
alents is required for the synthesis of glu- 
cose. Some of this energy is recovered in 
glycolysis but much more is recovered as a 
result of the citric acid cycle. 


The main energy gain in glycolysis is due 
to production of NADH molecules. 

11.1 The Enzymatic Reactions of Glycolysis 

Glycolysis is a sequence of ten enzyme -catalyzed reactions by which glucose is con- 
verted to pyruvate (Figure 11.2 on page 328). The conversion of one molecule of glu- 
cose to two molecules of pyruvate is accompanied by the net conversion of two mole- 
cules of ADP to two molecules of ATP and the reduction of two molecules of NADH® 
to two molecules NADH. The enzymes of this pathway are found in most living species 
and are located in the cytosol. The glycolytic pathway is active in all differentiated cell 
types in multicellular organisms. In some mammalian cells (such as those in the retina 
and some brain cells), it is the only ATP-producing pathway. 

The net reaction of glycolysis is shown in Reaction 11.1. 

Glucose + 2 ADP + 2 NAD® + 2 P; -> 

2 Pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH + 2 H® + 2 H 2 Q (11.1) 

The ten reactions of glycolysis are listed in Table 11.1. They can be divided into two 
stages: the hexose stage and the triose stage. The left page of Figure 1 1.2 shows the hex- 
ose stage. At Step 4, the C-3 — C-4 bond of the hexose is cleaved to produce two trioses. 
From that point on the intermediates of the pathway are triose phosphates. Two triose 
phosphates are formed from fructose 1,6-frisphosphate. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate is 
converted to glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate in Step 5 and glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate 
continues through the pathway. All subsequent steps of the triose stage of glycolysis 
(right page of Figure 11.2) are traversed by two molecules for each molecule of glucose 

Two molecules of ATP are converted to ADP in the hexose stage of glycolysis. In the 
triose stage, four molecules of ATP are formed from ADP for each molecule of glucose me- 
tabolized. Thus, glycolysis has a net yield of two molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose. 

ATP consumed per glucose: 2 (hexose stage) 

ATP produced per glucose: 4 (triose stage) (11.2) 

Net ATP production per glucose: 2 

The first and third reactions of glycolysis are coupled to the utilization of ATP. 
These priming reactions help drive the pathway in the direction of glycolysis since the 
reverse reactions are thermodynamically favored in the absence of ATP. Two later inter- 
mediates of glycolysis have sufficient group transfer potentials to allow the transfer of a 
phosphoryl group to ADP producing ATP (Steps 7 and 10). Step 6 is coupled to the syn- 
thesis of reducing equivalents in the form of NADH. Each molecule of NADH is equiv- 
alent to several molecules of ATP (Section 10.9) so the net energy gain in glycolysis is 
mostly due to production of NADH. 

11.2 The Ten Steps of Glycolysis 

Now we examine the chemistry and enzymes of each glycolytic reaction. As you read, pay 
attention to the chemical logic and economy of the pathway. Consider how each chemical 
reaction prepares a substrate for the next step in the process. Note, for example, that a 
cleavage reaction converts a hexose to two trioses, not to a two -carbon compound and a 
tetrose. The two trioses rapidly interconvert allowing both products of the cleavage reac- 
tion to be further metabolized by the action of one set of enzymes, not two. Finally, be 
aware of how ATP is both consumed and produced in glycolysis. We have already seen a 
number of examples of the transfer of the chemical potential energy of ATP (e.g., in Sec- 
tion 10.7) but the reactions in this chapter are our first detailed examples of how the en- 
ergy released by oxidation reactions is captured for use in other biochemical pathways. 

1. Hexokinase 

In the first reaction of glycolysis, the y -phosphoryl group of ATP is transferred to the 
oxygen atom at C-6 of glucose producing glucose 6-phosphate and ADP (Figure 1 1.3 on 

1 1 .2 The Ten Steps of Glycolysis 327 

Table 11.1 The reactions and enzymes of glycolysis 

1. Glucose + ATP > Glucose 6-phosphate + ADP + H© 

Hexokinase, glucokinase 

2. Glucose 6-phosphate Fructose 6-phosphate 

Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase 

3. Fructose 6-phosphate + ATP > Fructose 1,6-b/sphosphate + ADP + H© 


4. Fructose 1,6-b/sphosphate Dihydroxyacetone phosphate + Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 


5. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 

6. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + NAD© + Pj 1,3-8/sphosphoglycerate + NADH + H© 

7. 1,3-£/sphosphoglycerate + ADP 3-Phosphoglycerate + ATP 

Triose phosphate isomerase 
Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase 
Phosphoglycerate kinase 

8. 3-Phosphoglycerate 2-Phosphoglycerate 

Phosphoglycerate mutase 

9. 2-Phosphoglycerate Phosphoenolpyruvate + H 2 0 


10. Phosphoenolpyruvate + ADP + H© > Pyruvate + ATP 

Pyruvate kinase 

page 330). This phosphoryl group transfer reaction is catalyzed by hexokinase. Kinases 
catalyze four reactions in the glycolytic pathway — Steps 1, 3, 7, and 10. 

The hexokinase reaction is regulated making it a metabolically irreversible reac- 
tion. Cells need to maintain a relatively high concentration of glucose 6-phosphate and 
a low internal concentration of glucose. As we’ll see in Section 1 1.5B, the reverse reaction 
is inhibited by glucose 6-phosphate. Hexokinases from yeast and mammalian tissues 
have been thoroughly studied. These enzymes have a broad substrate specificity; they 
catalyze the phosphorylation of glucose and mannose, and of fructose when it is present 
at high concentrations. 

Multiple forms, or isozymes, of hexokinase occur in many eukaryotic cells. 
(Isozymes are different proteins from one species that catalyze the same chemical reac- 
tion.) Four hexokinase isozymes have been isolated from mammalian liver. All four are 
found in varying proportions in other mammalian tissues. These isozymes catalyze the 
same reaction but have different K m values for glucose. Hexokinases I, II, and III have 
K m values of about 10 -6 to 10 -4 M, whereas hexokinase IV, also called glucokinase, has a 
much higher K m value for glucose (about 10 -2 M). In eukaryotes, glucose is taken up 
and secreted by passive transport using various glucose transporters (GLUT). The con- 
centration of glucose in the blood and the cell cytoplasm is usually below the K m of glu- 
cokinase for glucose. At these low concentrations the other hexokinase isozymes catalyze 
the phosphorylation of glucose. With high glucose levels, glucokinase is active. Because 
glucokinase is never saturated with glucose, the liver can respond to large increases in 
blood glucose by phosphorylating it for entry into glycolysis or the glycogen synthesis 

In most bacteria, the uptake of glucose is coupled to the phosphorylation of glu- 
cose to glucose 6-phosphate via the phosphoenolpyruvate sugar transport system (Sec- 
tion 21.7B). The phosphoryl group is donated by phosphoenolpyruvate. Hexokinases 
and glucokinases can be found in bacteria but they play a minor role in glycolysis be- 
cause, unlike the situation in eukaryotic cells, the bacterial enzymes rarely encounter 
free glucose in their cytoplasm. 

2. Glucose 6-Phosphate Isomerase 

In the second step of glycolysis, glucose 6-phosphate isomerase catalyzes the conversion of 
glucose 6-phosphate (an aldose) to fructose 6-phosphate (a ketose), as shown in Figure 
1 1.4. The enzyme is also known as phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI). Isomerases intercon- 
vert aldoses and ketoses that have identical configurations at all other chiral atoms. 

The a anomer of glucose 6-phosphate (a-D-glucopyranose 6-phosphate) preferen- 
tially binds to glucose 6-phosphate isomerase. The open-chain form of glucose 6-phos- 
phate is then generated within the active site of the enzyme, and an aldose-to-ketose con- 
version occurs. The open-chain form of fructose 6-phosphate cyclizes to form 
a-D-fructofuranose 6-phosphate. The mechanism of glucose 6-phosphate isomerase is 
similar to the mechanism of triose phosphate isomerase (Section 6.4A). 

Glucose 6 -phosphate isomerase is highly stereospecific. For example, in the reverse 
reaction catalyzed by this enzyme fructose 6-phosphate (in which C-2 is not chiral) is 

328 CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 

Figure 1 1.2 ► 

Conversion of glucose to pyruvate by glycolysis. At Step 4, the 
hexose molecule is split in two, and the remaining reactions 
of glycolysis are traversed by two triose molecules. ATP is 
consumed in the hexose stage and generated in the triose 

Transfer of a phosphoryl Hexokinase, glucokinase 

group from ATP to glucose 


ADP + H® 



(5) Glucose 6-phosphate isomerase 


Fructose 6-phosphate 

Transfer of a second 

phosphoryl group from ATP (3) Phosphofructokinase-1 
to fructose 6-phosphate 


ADP + H® 


Fructose 1,6-b/sphosphate 

C-3 — C-4 bond 
cleavage , yielding 
two triose phosphates 

(4) Aldolase 

C = 0 H — C — OH 

1 1 © 

CH 2 OH CH 2 0P0 3 (i) 

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 

1 1 .2 The Ten Steps of Glycolysis 329 

O H 

% / 

CH 2 OH C 

c=0 > H — c — OH Those phosphate ^ 


ch 2 opo 3 ® ch 2 opo 3 © 

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 

NADH + H© 

3-phosphate @ 

O x OP0 3 © 



H — C — OH 

ch 2 opo 3 © 

1 ,3-£/sphosphoglycerate 



Phosphoglycerate kinase ( 7 ) 



H — C — OH 

CH 2 OPO^ 



Phosphoglycerate mutase (§) 

COO 0 

H — C — 0P0 3 ® 
CH 2 OH 


H 2 0 


H 2 0 


C— OPO 3 © 


ch 2 


^ ADP + H® 

v » ATP 


Pyruvate kinase 



c =0 


ch 3 


Rapid interconversion of 
triose phosphates 

Oxidation and phosphorylation , 
yielding a high-energy 
mixed -acid anhydride 

Transfer of a high-energy 
phosphoryl group to ADP ’ 
yielding ATP 




Dehydration to 
an energy-rich enol ester 

Transfer of a high-energy 
phosphoryl group to ADP, 
yielding ATP 

330 CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 


0 CT 



0 O — P — O — P — O — P — O — Adenosine 







©o" M9 '"o© 

^ I I 

0 O— P = 0 0 O— P — O— P — O — Adenosine 


0 0 0 


MgADP 0 

+ H 

Glucose 6-phosphate 

▲ Figure 1 1.3 

Phosphoryl group transfer reaction catalyzed 
by hexokinase. This reaction occurs by at- 
tack of the C-6 hydroxyl oxygen of glucose 
on the y-phosphorus of MgATP 0 . MgADP® 
is displaced, and glucose 6-phosphate is 
generated. All four kinases in glycolysis cat- 
alyze direct nucleophilic attack of a hydroxyl 
group on the terminal phosphoryl group of 
ATP (and/or its reverse under cellular condi- 
tions). (Mg©, shown explicitly here, is also 
required in the other kinase reactions in this 
chapter, although it is not shown for those 

The hexokinase mechanism is a classic 
example of induced fit (Section 6.5C). 

We discuss the regulation of glycolysis 
in detail in Section 1 1.5. 

We explore glycogen synthesis in 
Section 12.5. 

converted almost exclusively to glucose 6-phosphate. Only traces of mannose 6-phos- 
phate, the C-2 epimer of glucose 6-phosphate, are formed. 

The glucose 6-phosphate isomerase reaction is a near-equilibrium reaction. The re- 
verse reaction is part of the pathway for the biosynthesis of glucose. 

3. Phosphofructokinase-1 

Phosphofructokinase-l (PFK-1) catalyzes the transfer of a phosphoryl group from 
ATP to the C-l hydroxyl group of fructose 6-phosphate producing fructose 
1,6-frisphosphate. The “bis” in frzsphosphate indicates that the two phosphoryl groups 
are attached to different carbon atoms (cf. diphosphate). 

Fructose 6-phosphate Fructose 1,6-b/sphosphate 


Note that the reaction catalyzed by glucose 6-phosphate isomerase produces a-D-fruc- 
tose 6-phosphate. However, it is the /3-d anomer that is the substrate for the next step in 
glycolysis — the one catalyzed by phosphofructokinase-1. The a and /3 anomers of fruc- 
tose 6-phosphate equilibrate spontaneously (Section 8.2). This interconversion is 
extremely rapid in aqueous solution and has no effect on the overall rate of glycolysis. 

The reaction catalyzed by PFK- 1 is metabolically irreversible indicating that the 
activity of the enzyme is regulated. In fact, this step is a critical control point for the reg- 
ulation of glycolysis in most species. The PFK-1 catalyzed reaction is the first committed 
step of glycolysis because some substrates other than glucose can enter the glycolytic 
pathway by direct conversion to fructose 6-phosphate, thus bypassing the steps cat- 
alyzed by hexokinase and glucose 6-phosphate isomerase (Section 11. 6C). (The meta- 
bolically irreversible reaction catalyzed by hexokinase is not the first committed step.) 
Another reason for regulating PFK- 1 activity has to do with the competing glycolysis 
and gluconeogenesis pathways (Figure 11.1). PFK-1 activity must be inhibited when 
glucose is being synthesized. 

PFK-1 is one of the classic allosteric enzymes. Recall that the bacterial enzyme is ac- 
tivated by ADP and allosterically inhibited by phosphoenolpyruvate (Section 5.10A). 
The activity of the mammalian enzyme is regulated by AMP and citrate (Section 1 1.6C). 

PFK-1 has the suffix “1” because there is a second phosphofructokinase that cat- 
alyzes the synthesis of fructose 2,6-Hsphosphate instead of fructose l,6-Z?isphosphate. 
This second enzyme, which we will encounter later in this chapter, is known as PFK- 2. 

4. Aldolase 

The first three steps of glycolysis prepare the hexose for cleavage into two triose phos- 
phates, glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. 

1 1 .2 The Ten Steps of Glycolysis 331 

Glucose 6-phosphate 
(u-D-glucopyranose form) 



H /° 


1 ch 2 oh 

— C — OH 




2 1 


2 I 


HO — C — H 

3 | 

-C — OH 


H — C— OH 

4 1 






H — C— OH 

b | 

6 ch 2 opo 3 © 

6 ch 2 opo : 

Glucose 6-phosphate 
(open-chain form) 


Fructose 6-phosphate 
(open-chain form) 

Fructose 6-phosphate 
(a-D-fructofuranose form) 

▲ Figure 1 1.4 

Conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to fructose 6-phosphate. This aldose-ketose isomerization is 
catalyzed by glucose 6-phosphate isomerase. 

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) is derived from C-l to C-3 of fructose 
1,6-fcphosphate, and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (GAP) is derived from C-4 to C-6. The 
enzyme that catalyzes the cleavage reaction is fructose 1,6-frisphosphate aldolase, com- 
monly shortened to aldolase. Aldol cleavage is a common mechanism for cleaving C — C 
bonds in biological systems and for C — C bond formation in the reverse direction. 


Glycolysis was one of the first metabolic pathways to be eluci- 
dated. It played an important role in the development of bio- 
chemistry. In 1897, Eduard Buchner (Section 1.1) discovered 
that bubbles of carbon dioxide were released from a mixture 
of sucrose and a cell- free yeast extract. He concluded that fer- 
mentation was occurring in his cell- free extract. More than 20 
years earlier, Louis Pasteur had shown that yeast cells ferment 
sugar to alcohol (i.e., produce ethanol and C0 2 ) but Buchner 
showed that intact cells were not required. Buchner named 
the fermenting activity zymase. Today, we recognize that the 
zymase of yeast extracts is not a single enzyme but a mixture 
of enzymes that together catalyze the reactions of glycolysis. 

The steps of the glycolytic pathway were gradually dis- 
covered by analyzing the reactions catalyzed by extracts of 

yeast or muscle. In 1905, Arthur Harden and William John 
Young found that when the rate of glucose fermentation by 
yeast extract decreased it could be restored by adding inor- 
ganic phosphate. Harden and Young assumed that phosphate 
derivatives of glucose were being formed. They succeeded in 
isolating fructose 1,6-frzsphosphate and showed that it is an 
intermediate in the fermentation of glucose because it too is 
fermented by cell-free yeast extracts. Harden was awarded the 
Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1929 for his work on glycolysis. 

By the 1940s, the complete glycolytic pathway in eukary- 
otes — including its enzymes, intermediates, and coenzymes — 
was known. The further characterization of individual enzymes 
and studies of the regulation of glycolysis and its integration 
with other pathways have taken many more years. In bacteria, 
the classic glycolytic pathway is called the Embden-Meyerhof- 
Parnas pathway after Gustav Embden (1874-1933), Otto 
Meyerhof (1884-1951), and Jacob Parnas (1884-1949). The 
bacterial pathway differs in some minor ways from the 
eukaryotic pathway. In 1922 Meyerhof was awarded the Nobel 
Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the production 
of lactic acid in muscle cells. 

▲ Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). 

a Arthur Harden (1865-1940). 


CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 

2 I = ° 

H y O 

HO— 3 C — H 

(1) ch 2 opo 3 © 


(4) , 



H— 4 C— OH < > 

4 | 





H — C — OH 


(3)CH 2 OH 

(6) ch 2 opo 3 < 

6 ch 2 opo 3 © 

Fructose 1,6-b/sphosphate 






T Figure 1 1.5 

Mechanism of aldol cleavage catalyzed by 
aldolases. Fructose 1,6-b/sphosphate is the 
aldol substrate. Aldolases have an electron- 
withdrawing group ( — X) that polarizes the 
C-2 carbonyl group of the substrate. Class I 
aldolases use the amino group of a lysine 
residue at the active site, and the other 
class II aldolases use Zn© for this purpose. 
A basic residue (designated — B:) removes a 
proton from the C-4 hydroxyl group of the 

There are two distinct classes of aldolases, class I enzymes are found in plants and 
animals; class II enzymes are more common in bacteria, fungi, and protists. Many 
species have both types of enzyme. Class I and class II aldolases are unrelated. The en- 
zymes have very different structures and sequences in spite of the fact that they catalyze 
the same reaction. This is an example of convergent evolution. 

The two classes of aldolase have slightly different mechanisms. Class I aldolases in- 
volve formation of a covalent Schiff base between lysine and pyruvate derivatives (Sec- 
tion 6.3) and class II aldolases use a metal ion cofactor (Figures 1 1.5 and 1 1.6). 

The standard Gibbs free energy change for this reaction is strongly positive 
(A G°' = +28 kj mol -1 ). Nevertheless, the aldolase reaction is a near-equilibrium reac- 
tion (actual AG = 0) in cells where glycolysis is an important catabolic pathway. This 
means that the concentration of fructose 1,6-Hsphosphate is very high relative to the 
two trioses. (But see Problem 10). 

The key to understanding the strategy of glycolysis lies in appreciating the signifi- 
cance of the aldolase reaction. Its best to think of this as a near- equilibrium biosynthesis 
reaction and not a degradation reaction. Aldolases evolved originally as enzymes that 
could catalyze the synthesis of fructose 1,6-Hsphosphate. This reaction occurred at the 
end of a biosynthesis pathway leading from pyruvate to glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate 
and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. 

During glycolysis, flux in the triose stage is in the opposite direction — toward 
pyruvate synthesis. The first steps of glycolysis — the hexose stage — are directed toward 
formation of fructose 1,6-frisphosphate so that it can serve as substrate for the reversal 
of the pathway leading to its synthesis. Keep in mind that the glucose biosynthesis path- 
way (gluconeogenesis) evolved first. It was only after glucose became readily available 
that pathways for its degradation evolved. 

5. Triose Phosphate Isomerase 

Of the two molecules produced by the splitting of fructose 1,6-Hsphosphate, only glyc- 
eraldehyde 3 -phosphate is a substrate for the next reaction in the glycolytic pathway. 

H ,0 


(4) | 

H “gjC OH 

( 6 ) 

ch 2 opo 




ch 2 opo 3 ® 







1 1 .2 The Ten Steps of Glycolysis 333 



◄ Figure 11.6 

Schiff base in the active site of aldolase. A 

Schiff base forms between Lys-229 and di- 
hydroxyacetone during the reaction catalyzed 
by aldolase. Modified after St-Jean et al. 
(2009). (Hydrogen atoms not shown.) 

[PEB 3DF0] 

The other product, dihydroxyacetone phosphate, is converted to glyceraldehyde 3 -phos- 
phate in a near- equilibrium reaction catalyzed by triose phosphate isomerase. 

CH 2 OH 

c = o 

ch 2 opo 3 © 




H /O 


H — C— OH 
CH 2 0P0 3 ® 






As glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate is consumed in Step 6, its steady state concentration is 
maintained by flux from dihydroxyacetone phosphate. In this way, two molecules of 
glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate are supplied to glycolysis for each molecule of fructose 
1,6-frisphosphate split. Triose phosphate isomerase catalyzes a stereospecific reaction so 
that only the D isomer of glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate is formed. 

Triose phosphate isomerase, like glucose 6-phosphate isomerase, catalyzes an 
aldose-to-ketose conversion. The mechanism of the triose phosphate isomerase reaction 
is described in Section 6.4A. The catalytic mechanisms of aldose-ketose isomerases 
have been studied extensively, and the formation of an enzyme-bound enediolate inter- 
mediate appears to be a common feature. 

The fate of the individual carbon atoms of a molecule of glucose is shown in 
Figure 11.7. This distribution has been confirmed by radioisotopic tracer studies in a 
variety of organisms. Note that carbons 1, 2, and 3 of one molecule of glyceraldehyde 
3 -phosphate are derived from carbons 4, 5, and 6 of glucose, whereas carbons 1,2, and 3 
of the second molecule of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (converted from dihydroxyace- 
tone phosphate) originate as carbons 3, 2, and 1 of glucose. When these molecules of 
glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate mix to form a single pool of metabolites, a carbon atom 
from C-l of glucose can no longer be distinguished from a carbon atom from C-6 of 

The rate of the triose phosphate 
isomerase reaction is close to the 
theoretical limit for a diffusion 
controlled reaction. 

6. Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase 

The recovery of energy from triose phosphates begins with the reaction catalyzed by 
glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate dehydrogenase. In this step, glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate is 
oxidized and phosphorylated to produce 1,3-Hsphosphoglycerate. 


CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 




H — C— OH + NAD 
CH 2 0P0 3 © 


+ Pi 


C> OP0 3 © 


H — C— OH + NADH + H® 

I rr. 

CH 2 0P0 3 © (11.6) 

Glyceraldehyde 1,3-£/sphosphoglycerate 


This is an oxidation-reduction reaction; the oxidation of glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate is 
coupled to the reduction of NAD® to NADH. In some species the coenzyme is NADP® . 

The oxidation of the aldehyde group of glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate proceeds with a 
large negative Gibbs standard free energy change, and some of this energy is conserved in 
the acid-anhydride linkage of 1,3-fcphosphoglycerate. In the next step of glycolysis, the 
C-l phosphoryl group of l,3-frzsphosphoglycerate is transferred to ADP to form ATP. The 
remaining energy is conserved in the form of reducing equivalents (NADH). As we saw in 
the previous chapter, each molecule of NADH is equivalent to several molecules of ATP. 
Thus, this step of glycolysis is the main energy-producing step in the entire pathway. 

The overall standard Gibbs free energy change (oxidation of the aldehyde and 
reduction of NAD®) for this reaction is positive (AG o/ = +6.7 kj mol -1 ), which means 
that the 1,3-Hsphosphate concentration should be much lower than that of glyceralde- 
hyde 3 -phosphate at the near-equilibium conditions that exist inside the cell. However, 
glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate dehydrogenase associates with the next enzyme in the 
pathway (phosphoglycerate kinase), to form a complex. The product of the first reaction, 
1,3-frisphosphoglycerate, appears to be channeled directly into the active site of phospo- 
glycerate kinase. In this way the two reactions are effectively linked to form a single reaction 
and the effective concentration of 1,3-Hsphosphoglycerate is close to zero. 

The NADH formed in the glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate dehydrogenase reaction is 
reoxidized, either by the membrane- associated electron transport chain (Chapter 14) or 
in other reactions where NADH serves as a reducing agent, such as the reduction of 
acetaldehyde to ethanol or of pyruvate to lactate (Section 1 1.3B). The concentration of 
NAD® in most cells is low. Thus, it is essential to replenish it by reoxidizing NADH or 
glycolysis will stop at this step. We will see in Section 1 1.3 that there are several different 
ways of accomplishing this goal. 

T Figure 1 1.7 

Fate of carbon atoms from the hexose stage to 
the triose stage of glycolysis. All numbers 
refer to the carbon atoms in the original glu- 
cose molecule. 

H .0 


1 ch 2 opo 3 © 

H — C — OH 

2 1 





HO— C — H 

J | > _ 

HO — C — H 

^ ^ J | 



H — C — OH 

b | 

H — C— OH 

b | 

6 ch 2 oh 

6 ch 2 opo 3 © 







* (2 fr O 


(1) ch 2 opo 3© 




H y O 


( 3 ) , 







H —rX. — OH 


(6) ch 2 opo 3 © 



1 1 .2 The Ten Steps of Glycolysis 335 

7. Phosphoglycerate Kinase 

Phosphoglycerate kinase catalyzes phosphoryl group transfer from the “high-energy” 
mixed anhydride 1,3-Hsphosphoglycerate to ADP, generating ATP and 3 -phosphoglyc- 
erate. The enzyme is called a kinase because of the reverse reaction in which 3 -phospho- 
glycerate is phosphorylated. 

C> OP0 3 ® 



H — C— OH + ADP 
CH 2 OP0 3 ® 







H — C— OH + ATP 

ch 2 opo 3 © 


Steps 6 and 7 together couple the oxidation of an aldehyde to a carboxylic acid with the 
phosphorylation of ADP to ATP and the formation of a reducing equivalent. 

Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + NAD® > 1,3-8/sphosphoglycerate + NADH + H® 

1 ,3-8/sphosphoglycerate + ADP > 3-Phosphoglycerate + ATP 

Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + NAD® + Pj + ADP > 3-Phosphoglycerate + NADH + H® + ATP 

( 11 . 8 ) 


An important function of glycolysis in red blood cells is the 
production of 2,3-frzsphosphoglycerate, an allosteric in- 
hibitor of the oxygenation of hemoglobin (Section 4.13C). 
This metabolite is a reaction intermediate and cofactor in 
Step 8 of glycolysis. 

Erythrocytes contain Hsphosphoglycerate mutase. This 
enzyme catalyzes the transfer of a phosphoryl group 
from C-l to C-2 of 1,3 -^^phosphoglycerate, to form 

2.3- Hsphosphoglycerate. As shown in the reaction scheme, 

2.3- frisphosphoglycerate phosphatase catalyzes the hydrolysis 
of excess 2,3BPG to 3 -phosphoglycerate, which can reenter 
glycolysis and be converted to pyruvate. 

The shunting of 1,3-frisphosphoglycerate through these 
two enzymes bypasses phosphoglycerate kinase, which cat- 
alyzes Step 7 of glycolysis, one of the two ATP- generating 
steps. However, only a portion of the glycolytic flux in red 
blood cells — about 20% — is diverted through the mutase 
and phosphatase. Accumulation of free 2,3BPG (i.e., 2,3BPG 
not bound to hemoglobin) inhibits fcphosphoglycerate mu- 
tase. In exchange for diminished ATP generation, this bypass 
provides a regulated supply of 2,3BPG, which is necessary for 
the efficient release of 0 2 from oxyhemoglobin. 


▲ Formation of 2,3-Z;/sphosphoglycerate (2,3BPG) in red blood cells. 

336 CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 


Arsenic, like phosphorus, is in Group V of the periodic table. 
Arsenate (As0 4 ©) therefore, is an analog of inorganic phos- 
phate. Arsenate competes with phosphate for its binding site 
in glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate dehydrogenase. Like phos- 
phate, arsenate cleaves the energy-rich thioacyl-enzyme in- 
termediate. However, arsenate produces an unstable analog 
of 1,3-Hsphosphoglycerate, called l-arseno-3-phosphoglyc- 
erate, which is rapidly hydrolyzed on contact with water. This 
nonenzymatic hydrolysis produces 3-phosphoglycerate and 
regenerates inorganic arsenate, which can again react with a 
thioacyl-enzyme intermediate. In the presence of arsenate, 
glycolysis can proceed from 3-phosphoglycerate, but the 
ATP-producing reaction involving 1,3-frisphosphoglycerate is 
bypassed. As a result, there is no net formation of ATP from 
glycolysis. Arsenate is a poison because it can replace phos- 
phate in many phosphoryl transfer reactions. 


C> O— As — O e 


f o 0 

H — C— OH 
CH 2 OP0 3 © 

1 -Arseno-3-phosphoglycerate 

H 2 0 As0 4 © 


coo 0 


H — C— OH 

ch 2 opo 3 © 


Arsenite, (As 0 2 ®) is much more toxic than arsenate. Ar- 
senite poisons by an entirely different mechanism than arse- 
nate. The arsenic atom of arsenite binds tightly to the two 
sulfur atoms of lipoamide (Section 7.12), thereby inhibiting 
the enzymes that require this coenzyme. 

A Spontaneous hydrolysis of l-arseno-3-phosphoglycerate. Inorganic arsenate 

can replace inorganic phosphate as a substrate for glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate A Cary Grant learned about the effects of arsenic in a 
dehydrogenase, forming the unstable 1-arseno analog of 1,3-b/sphosphoglycerate. popular 1944 movie. 

The formation of ATP by the transfer of a phosphoryl group from a “high energy” 
compound (such as 1,3-frisphosphoglycerate) to ADP is termed substrate level phospho- 
rylation. This reaction is the first ATP- generating step of glycolysis. It operates at sub- 
strate and product concentrations that are close to the equilibrium concentrations. This 
is not surprising since the reverse reaction is important in gluconeogenesis, where ATP 
is utilized. Flux can proceed easily in either direction. 

8. Phosphoglycerate Mutase 

Phosphoglycerate mutase catalyzes the near-equilibrium interconversion of 3-phospho- 
glycerate and 2-phosphoglycerate. 



H — C — OH 

CH 2 0P0 3 © ch 2 oh 

3-Phosphoglycerate 2-Phosphoglycerate (1 1 .9) 

Mutases are isomerases that catalyze the transfer of a phosphoryl group from one 
part of a substrate molecule to another. There are two different types of phosphoglycer- 
ate mutase enzymes. In one type, the phosphoryl group is first transferred to an amino 

Phosphoglycerate COO^ 

mutase | ^ 

< > H — C — OPOo^ 

1 1 .2 The Ten Steps of Glycolysis 


acid side chain of the enxyme. The enzyme phosphoryl group is then transferred to the 
second site of the substrate molecule. The dephosphorylated intermediate remains 
bound in the active site during this process. 

Another type of phosphoglycerate mutase makes use of a 2,3-Hsphosphoglycerate 
(2,3BPG) intermediate as shown in Figure 11.8. This mechanism also involves a phos- 
phorylated enzyme intemediate but it differs from the other type of enzyme because at 
no time is there a dephosphorylated metabolite during the reaction. Small amounts of 
2,3-frzsphosphoglycerate are required for full activity of this second type of enzyme. 
This is because 2,3BPG is required to phosphorylate the enzyme if it becomes dephos- 
phorylated. The enzyme will lose its phosphate group whenever 2,3BPG is released 
from the active site before it can be converted to 2 -phosphoglycerate or 3 -phosphoglyc- 
erate. The second type of phosphoglycerate mutase is called cofactor-dependent PGM, 
or dPGM. The first type of enzyme is called cofactor- independent PGM, or iPGM. 

dPGM and iPGM are not evolutionarily related. The cofactor-dependent enzyme 
(dPGM) belongs to a family of enzymes that include acid phosphatases and fructose 
2,6-frzsphosphatase. It is the major form of phosphoglycerate mutase in fungi, some 
bacteria, and most animals. The co factor- independent enzyme (iPGM) belongs to the 
alkaline phosphatase family of enzymes. This version of phosphoglycerate mutase is 
found in plants and some bacteria. Some species of bacteria have both types of enzyme. 

▲ Figure 1 1.8 

Mechanism of the conversion of 3-phosphoglycerate to 2-phosphoglycerate in animals and fungi. (1) A ly- 
sine residue at the active site of phosphoglycerate mutase binds the carboxylate anion of 3-phospho- 
glycerate. A histidine residue, which is phosphorylated before the substrate binds, donates its phos- 
phoryl group to form the 2,3-b/sphosphoglycerate intermediate. (2) Rephosphorylation of the enzyme 
with a phosphoryl group from the C-3 position of the intermediate yields 2-phosphoglycerate. 


CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 

9. Enolase 

2-Phosphoglycerate is dehydrated to phosphoenolpyruvate in a near-equilibrium re- 
action catalyzed by enolase. The systematic name of enolase is 2-phosphoglycerate 


H — C — 0P0 3 © 

Enolase, COO^ 


Mg© 1 

H — C — OH 


< - C— OPO 3 © + h 




ch 2 



In this reaction, the phosphomonoester 2-phosphoglycerate is converted to an 
enol-phosphate ester, phosphoenolpyruvate, by the reversible elimination of water from 
C-2 and C-3. Phosphoenolpyruvate has an extremely high phosphoryl group transfer 
potential because the phosphoryl group holds pyruvate in its unstable enol form 
(Section 10. 7B). 

Enolase requires Mg© for activity. Two magnesium ions participate in this reac- 
tion: a “conformational” ion binds to the carboxylate group of the substrate, and a 
“catalytic” ion participates in the dehydration reaction. 

10. Pyruvate Kinase 

The second substrate level phosphorylation of glycolysis is catalyzed by pyruvate kinase. 
Phosphoryl group transfer to ADP generates ATP in this metabolically irreversible reac- 
tion. The unstable enol tautomer of pyruvate is an enzyme-bound intermediate. 


C— 0P0 3 ® +ADP+H® < » 


CH 2 kinase 




C — OH 


L<=h 2 J 


coo 0 


c = 0 + ATP 


ch 3 


( 11 . 11 ) 

Transfer of the phosphoryl group from phosphoenolpyruvate to ADP is the third 
regulated reaction of glycolysis. Pyruvate kinase is regulated both by allosteric modulators 
and by covalent modification. In addition, expression of the pyruvate kinase gene in 
mammals is regulated by various hormones and nutrients. Recall from Chapter 10 that 
phosphoenolpyruvate hydrolysis has a higher standard Gibbs free energy change than 
ATP hydrolysis (Table 10.3). Because pyruvate kinase is regulated, the concentration of 
phosphoenolpyruvate is maintained at a high enough level to drive ATP formation 
during glycolysis. 

11.3 The Fate of Pyruvate 

The formation of pyruvate from phosphoenolpyruvate is the last step of glycolysis. Further 
metabolism of pyruvate typically takes one of five routes (Figure 1 1.9). 

1. Pyruvate can be converted to acetyl CoA and acetyl CoA can be used in a number 
of metabolic pathways. In one important pathway it is completely oxidized to C0 2 
in the citric acid cycle. This fate of pyruvate is described in Chapter 13. This is a 
route that operates efficiently in the presence of oxygen. 

11.3 The Fate of Pyruvate 






ch 2 

coo 0 


© I 

H 3 N — CH 


ch 3 



co 2 


CH 3 





coo 0 ® 

^ co 2 





ch 3 

Acetyl CoA 



ch 3 


CH 2 OH 

ch 3 


◄ Figure 11.9 

Five major fates of pyruvate: (1) Under aerobic 
conditions, pyruvate is oxidized to the acetyl 
group of acetyl CoA, which can enter the cit- 
ric acid cycle for further oxidation. (2) Pyru- 
vate can be converted to oxaloacetate, which 
can be a precursor in gluconeogenesis. 

(3) Under anaerobic conditions, certain 
microorganisms ferment glucose to ethanol 
via pyruvate. (4) Glucose undergoes anaero- 
bic glycolysis to lactate in vigorously exercis- 
ing muscles, red blood cells, and certain other 
cells. (5) Pyruvate is converted to alanine. 

2. Pyruvate can be carboxylated to produce oxaloacetate. Oxaloacetate is one of the citric 
acid cycle intermediates but it is also an intermediate in the synthesis of glucose. The 
fate of pyruvate as a precursor in gluconeogenesis is covered in Chapter 12. 

3. In some species, pyruvate can be reduced to ethanol, which is then excreted from 
cells. This reaction normally takes place under anaerobic conditions where entry of 
acetyl CoA into the citric acid cycle is unfavorable. 

4. In some species, pyruvate can be reduced to lactate. Lactate can be transported to 
cells that convert it back to pyruvate for entry into one of the other pathways. This 
is also an anaerobic pathway. 

5. In all species, pyruvate can be converted to alanine. 

During glycolysis, NAD® is reduced to NADH at the glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate 
dehydrogenase reaction (Step 6). In order for glycolysis to operate continuously, the cell 
must be able to regenerate NAD®. Otherwise, all the coenzyme would rapidly accumu- 
late in the reduced form, and glycolysis would stop. Under aerobic conditions, NADH 
can be oxidized by the membrane-associated electron transport system (Chapter 14), 
which requires molecular oxygen. Under anaerobic conditions, the synthesis of ethanol 
or lactate consumes NADH and regenerates the NAD® essential for continued glycolysis. 

The fate of pyruvate as a precursor in 
amino acid biosynthesis is discussed 
in Chapter 17. 

In some species, pyruvate can be 
converted to phosphoenolpyruvate 
(Section 12.1B). 

A. Metabolism of Pyruvate to Ethanol 

Many bacteria, and some eukaryotes, are capable of surviving in the absence of oxygen. 
They convert pyruvate to a variety of compounds that are secreted. Ethanol is one of 
these compounds. It assumes significance in biochemistry because the synthesis of 
ethanol by highly selected strains of yeast is important in the production of beer and 
wine. Yeast cells convert pyruvate to ethanol and C0 2 and oxidize NADH to NAD®. Two 
reactions are required. First, pyruvate is decarboxylated to acetaldehyde in a reaction cat- 
alyzed by pyruvate decarboxylase. This enzyme requires the coenzyme thiamine diphos- 
phate (TDP); its mechanism was described in the coenzymes chapter (Section 7.7). 

Alcohol dehydrogenase catalyzes the reduction of acetaldehyde to ethanol. This 
oxidation-reduction reaction is coupled to the oxidation of NADH. These reactions and 


In the absence of oxygen, eukaryotes 
have to give up the net gain of 2 NADH 
molecules in order to make lactate or 

340 CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 

O v 






CH 2 0P0 3 © 

Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 






NAD® *- 

^ NADH + H® ■ 



H— C— OH 

CH 2 OP0 3 ® 
1 ,3-B/sphosphoglycerate 









ch 3 




H © 

C0 2 



ch 3 


NADH + H®^- 


dehydrogenase k NAQ © 




H — C— OH 


ch 3 


A Figure 11.10 

Anaerobic conversion of pyruvate to ethanol 
in yeast. 

the cycle of NAD® /NADH reduction and oxidation in alcoholic fermentation are shown 
in Figure 11.10. Fermentation refers to a process where electrons from glycolysis — in the 
form of NADH — are passed to an organic molecule such as ethanol instead of being passed on 
to the membrane- associated electron transport chain and ultimately oxygen ( respiration ). 
The sum of the glycolytic reactions and the conversion of pyruvate to ethanol is 

Glucose + 2 Pi© + 2 ADP© + 2 H® * 

2 Ethanol + 2 C0 2 + 2 ATP© + 2 H 2 0 (11.12) 

These reactions have familiar commercial roles in the manufacture of beer and bread. 
In the brewery, the carbon dioxide produced during the conversion of pyruvate to 
ethanol can be captured and used to carbonate the final alcoholic brew; this gas pro- 
duces the foamy head. In the bakery, carbon dioxide is the agent that causes bread 
dough to rise. 

B. Reduction of Pyruvate to Lactate 

Pyruvate is reduced to lactate in a reversible reaction catalyzed by lactate dehydro- 
genase. This reaction is common in anaerobic bacteria and also in mammals. 



C = O + NADH + H 


ch 3 







HO — C — H + NAD 


CH 3 



Lactate dehydrogenase is a classic dehydrogenase using NAD® as a coenzyme; the 
mechanism was presented in Section 7.4. This is an oxidation-reduction reaction in 
which pyruvate is reduced to lactate by transfer of a hydride ion from NADH. 

The lactate dehydrogenase reaction oxidizes the reducing equivalents generated in 
the glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate reaction and lowers the potential energy gain of glycol- 
ysis. It plays the same role that ethanol production accomplishes in other species 
(Figure 11.10). The net effect is to maintain flux in the glycolytic pathway and the pro- 
duction of ATP. In bacteria, lactate is secreted or converted to other end products, such 
as propionate. In mammals, lactate can only be reconverted to pyruvate. 

The production of lactate in mammalian cells is essential in tissues where glucose is 
the main carbon source and reducing equivalents (NADH) are not needed in biosyn- 
thesis reactions or cannot be used to generate ATP by oxidative phosphorylation. A 
good example is the formation of lactate in skeletal muscle cells during vigorous exer- 
cise. Lactate formed in muscle cells is transported out of cells and carried via the blood- 
stream to the liver, where it is converted to pyruvate by the action of hepatic lactate de- 
hydrogenase (see Cori cycle, Section 12.2A). Further metabolism of pyruvate requires 
oxygen. When the supply of oxygen to tissues is inadequate, all tissues produce lactate 
by anaerobic glycolysis. 

The overall reaction for glucose degradation to lactate is 

Glucose + 2 P|© + 2 ADP© * 2 Lactate© + 2 ATP© + 2 H 2 Q (11.14) 

Lactic acid is also produced by Lactobacillus and certain other bacteria when they fer- 
ment the sugars in milk. The acid denatures the proteins in milk, causing the curdling 
necessary for cheese and yogurt production. 

Regardless of the final product — ethanol or lactate — glycolysis generates two mole- 
cules of ATP per molecule of glucose consumed. Oxygen is not required in either case. 
This feature is essential not only for anaerobic organisms but also for some specialized 
cells in multicellular organisms. Some tissues (such as kidney medulla and parts of the 
brain), termed obligatory glycolytic tissues, rely on glycolysis for all their energy. In the 

11.4 Free Energy Changes in Glycolysis 341 


Most of you have heard stories about lactate buildup during 
strenuous exercise. It all sounds so plausible. When muscle 
cells are working hard they use up glucose to generate ATP, 
which is required for muscle contraction. During very stren- 
uous activity, the production of pyruvate may outstrip its 
ability to be oxidized by the citric acid cycle. If muscle cells 
aren’t getting enough oxygen, then pyruvate is converted to 
lactic acid and the accumulation of lactic acid causes acidosis 
leading to muscle pain and reduced efficiency. 

It’s a nice story, but it’s wrong. 

Lactate concentration in muscle cells and in the blood- 
stream does increase but lactate is not an acid. It cannot do- 
nate a proton, so the increase in protons (acidosis) must 
come from another source. Lactate really is the product of 
the lactate dehydrogenase reaction, not lactic acid (which can 
donate a proton). 

There is no net production of protons in the pathway 
leading from glucose to lactate. The acidosis seen after stren- 
uous exercise is mostly due to the release of protons during 
ATP hydrolysis associated with muscle contraction. This is a 
temporary imbalance since ATP is soon regenerated in order 
to maintain a high steady state concentration. Lactate may 
indirectly contribute to some acidosis because, as a potent 

anion, it may affect buffering capacity but the effect is not 
large. Lactate has been getting a bum rap for decades, includ- 
ing previous editions of this textbook. 

cornea of the eye, for example, oxygen availability is limited by poor blood circulation. 
Anaerobic glycolysis provides the necessary ATP for such tissues. 

11.4 Free Energy Changes in Glycolysis 

When the glycolytic pathway is operating, the flow of metabolites is from glucose to 
pyruvate. Under these conditions, the Gibbs free energy change for every single reaction 
must be either negative or zero. It is interesting to compare the standard Gibbs free en- 
ergy changes (AG°') and the actual Gibbs free energy changes (AG) under conditions 
where flux through the glycolytic pathway is high. Such conditions occur in erythro- 
cytes where blood glucose is the main source of energy and there is very little synthesis 
of carbohydrates (or any other molecules). The actual concentrations of the intermedi- 
ates in glycolysis have been measured and the Gibbs free energy changes have been cal- 
culated. The standard Gibbs free energy changes for each of the ten reactions of glycoly- 
sis are shown in Table 11.2, The first column lists AG°' values under typical standard 
conditions (25°C and zero ionic strength) and the second column corrects those 
standard Gibbs free energy changes to mammalian physiological conditions (37°C in the 
presence of Mg®, Ca®, Na© and K©). 

Figure 11.11 shows the cumulative standard Gibbs free energy changes and actual 
free energy changes for the glycolytic reactions in erythrocytes. The vertical axis indicates 
cumulative Gibbs free energy changes for each of the steps of glycolysis. The figure illus- 
trates the difference between the Gibbs free energy changes under standard physiological 
conditions (A G° r ) and actual free energy changes under cellular conditions (AG). 

The blue plot tracks the actual cumulative free energy changes. It shows that each 
reaction has a Gibbs free energy change that is either negative or zero. This is an essen- 
tial requirement for conversion of glucose to pyruvate. It follows that the overall path- 
way, which is the sum of the individual reactions, must also have a negative free energy 
change. The overall Gibbs free energy change for glycolysis is about —72 kj mol -1 under 
the conditions found in erythrocytes. 


CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 

Table 1 1.2 Standard Gibbs free energies for reactions of glycolysis 



AG°' (kJ mol 1 ) 
(standard conditions) 

AC°' (kJ mol 1 ) 
(physiological conditions) 































Data from Minakami and de Verdier (1 976) and Li et al. (201 0). 


The net production of product in a 
metabolic pathway (flux) will only occur if: 
(a) the overall Gibbs free energy change 
is negative, and (b) the Gibbs free energy 
change of each step in the pathway is 
either negative or zero. 

The actual Gibbs free energy changes are large only for Steps 1,3, and 10, which are 
catalyzed by hexokinase, phosphofructokinase-1, and pyruvate kinase, respectively — 
the steps that are both metabolically irreversible and regulated. The AG values for the 
other steps are very close to zero. In other words, these other steps are near- equilibrium 
reactions in cells. 

In contrast, the standard Gibbs free energy changes for the same ten reactions ex- 
hibit no consistent pattern. Although the three reactions with large negative Gibbs free 
energy changes in cells also have large standard Gibbs free energy changes, this may be 
coincidental since some of the near- equilibrium reactions in cells also have large values 
for AG°'. Furthermore, some of the AG°' values for the reactions of glycolysis are posi- 
tive, indicating that under standard conditions, flux through these reactions occurs to- 
ward substrate rather than product. This is especially obvious in Step 4 (aldolase) and 
Step 6 (glycer aldehyde 3 -phosphate dehydrogenase). In other types of cells these near- 
equilibrium reactions might operate in the opposite direction during glucose synthesis. 

Figure 11.11 ► 

Cumulative standard and actual Gibbs free 
energy changes for the reactions of glycolysis. 

The vertical axis indicates free energy 
changes in kJ mol -1 . The reactions of gly- 
colysis are plotted in sequence horizontally. 
The upper plot (red) tracks the standard free 
energy changes, and the bottom plot (blue) 
shows actual free energy changes in erythro- 
cytes. The interconversion reaction cat- 
alyzed by triose phosphate isomerase 
(Reaction 5) is not shown. [Adapted from 
Hamori, E. (1975). Illustration of free energy 
changes in chemical reactions. J. Chem. Ed. 


Standard Gibbs 
free energy changes 

Actual Gibbs 
> free energy changes 
AG about 72 kJ mol 1 

11.5 Regulation of Glycolysis 


11.5 Regulation of Glycolysis 

The regulation of glycolysis has been examined more thoroughly than that of any other 
pathway. Data on regulation come primarily from two types of biochemical research: en- 
zymology and metabolic biochemistry. In enzymological approaches, metabolites are 
tested for their effects on isolated enzymes and the structure and regulatory mechanisms 
of individual enzymes are studied. Metabolic biochemistry analyzes the concentrations 
of pathway intermediates in vivo and stresses pathway dynamics under cellular condi- 
tions. We sometimes find that in vitro studies are deceptive as indicators of pathway dy- 
namics in vivo. For instance, a compound may modulate enzyme activity in vitro , but 
only at concentrations not found in the cell. Accurate interpretation of biochemical data 
greatly benefits from a combination of enzymological and metabolic expertise. 

In this section, we examine each regulatory site of glycolysis. Our primary focus is 
on the regulation of glycolysis in mammalian cells — in particular, those cells where gly- 
colysis is an important pathway. Variations on the regulatory themes presented here can 
be found in other species. 

The regulatory effects of metabolites on glycolysis are summarized in Figure 11.12. 
The activation of glycolysis is desirable when ATP is required by processes such as mus- 
cle contraction. Hexokinase is inhibited by excess glucose 6-phosphate, and PFK-1 is 
inhibited by the accumulation of ATP and citrate (an intermediate in the energy- 
producing citric acid cycle). ATP and citrate both signal an adequate energy supply. 
Consumption of ATP leads to the accumulation of AMP, which relieves the inhibition 
of PFK-1 by ATP. Fructose 2,6-frzsphosphate also relieves this inhibition. The rate of for- 
mation of fructose 1,6-frisphosphate then increases, which in certain tissues activates 
pyruvate kinase. Glycolytic activity decreases when its products are no longer required. 

A. Regulation of Hexose Transporters 

The first potential step for regulating glycolysis is the transport of glucose into the cell. 
In most mammalian cells, the intracellular glucose concentration is far lower than the 
blood glucose concentration, and glucose moves into the cells, down its concentration 
gradient, by passive transport. All mammalian cells possess membrane-spanning 



N *"- Glucose 6-phosphate 



ATP ' Fructose 6-phosphate 

AMP ► Phosphofructokinase-1 

+ t + 

Fructose 2,6-b/sphosphate 

Fructose 1,6-b/sphosphate 


i + + 

Pyruvate kinase 



◄ Figure 11.12 

Summary of the metabolic regulation of the 
glycolytic pathway in mammals. Not shown 
are the effects of ADP on PFK-1, which vary 
among species. 


344 CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 






Insulin binds to 
cell-surface receptors 





▲ Figure 11.13 

Regulation of glucose transport by insulin. The 

binding of insulin to cell-surface receptors 
stimulates intracellular vesicles containing 
membrane-embedded GLUT4 transporters 
to fuse with the plasma membrane. This de- 
livers GLUT4 transporters to the cell surface 
and thereby increases the capacity of the 
cell to transport glucose. 

Membrane transport systems are 
described in Section 9.1 1. 

glucose transporters. Intestinal and kidney cells have a Na® -dependent cotransport 
system called SGLT1 for absorbing dietary glucose and urinary glucose, respectively. 
Other mammalian cells contain transporters from the GLUT family of passive hexose 
transporters. Each of the six members of the GLUT family has unique properties suit- 
able for the metabolic activities of the tissues in which it is found. 

The hormone insulin stimulates high rates of glucose uptake into skeletal and heart 
muscle cells and adipocytes via the transporter GLUT4. When insulin binds to receptors 
on the cell surface, intracellular vesicles that have GLUT4 embedded in their mem- 
branes fuse with the cell surface by exocytosis (Section 9.1 ID), thereby increasing the 
capacity of the cells to transport glucose (Figure 11.13). Because GLUT4 is found at 
high levels only in striated muscle and adipose tissue, insulin- regulated uptake of glu- 
cose occurs only in these tissues. 

In most tissues, a basal level of glucose transport in the absence of insulin is main- 
tained by GLUT1 and GLUT3. GLUT2 transports glucose into and out of the liver, 
and GLUT5 transports fructose in the small intestine. GLUT7 transports glucose 
6-phosphate from the cytoplasm into the endoplasmic reticulum. 

Once inside a cell, glucose is rapidly phosphorylated by the action of hexokinase. 
This reaction traps the glucose inside the cell since phosphorylated glucose cannot cross 
the plasma membrane. As we will see, phosphorylated glucose can also be used in glyco- 
gen synthesis or in the pentose phosphate pathway (Chapter 12). 

B. Regulation of Hexokinase 

The reaction catalyzed by mammalian hexokinase is metabolically irreversible (because 
it is regulated) but in bacteria and many other eukaryotes hexokinase is not regulated. 
In those species, the concentrations of reactants and products reach equilibrium. In 
mammals, the various forms of hexokinase are subject to complex regulation. 

At physiological concentrations, the enzyme product, glucose 6-phosphate, 
allosterically inhibits hexokinase isozymes I, II, and III, but not glucokinase (isozyme IV). 
Glucokinase is more abundant than the other hexokinases in the liver and the insulin- 
secreting cells of the pancreas. The concentration of glucose 6-phosphate increases 
when glycolysis is inhibited at sites further along the pathway. The inhibition of hexoki- 
nases I, II, and III by glucose 6-phosphate therefore coordinates the activity of hexokinase 
with the activity of subsequent enzymes of glycolysis. 

Glucokinase is suited to the physiological role of the liver in managing the supply 
of glucose for the entire body. In most cells, glucose concentrations are maintained far 

11.5 Regulation of Glycolysis 345 


Glucose 6-phosphate is an initial substrate for several metabolic 
pathways (figure below). We have already seen that it is the ini- 
tial intermediate in glycolysis. Glucose 6-phosphate is formed 
rapidly in liver cells from dietary glucose or newly synthesized 
glucose (from gluconeogenesis in liver cells; Section 12.1). 

The principal use of liver glucose 6-phosphate is to 
maintain a constant concentration of blood glucose. Glucose 
6 -phosphatase is the enzyme responsible for catalyzing hy- 
drolysis of glucose 6-phosphate to glucose. (This reaction is 
also the last step in gluconeogenesis.) 

Glucose 6-phosphate that is not required for blood glu- 
cose is stored as liver glycogen (Section 12.6). Glycogen is 

subsequently degraded when a supply of glucose is needed. 
Hormones regulate both the synthesis and degradation of 

In addition to using it for balancing the blood glucose 
concentration, the liver metabolizes glucose 6-phosphate by 
the pentose phosphate pathway (Section 12.5) to produce ri- 
bose 5-phosphate (for nucleotides) and NADPH (for synthe- 
sis of fatty acids). We have seen in this chapter that glucose 
6-phosphate can also enter the glycolytic pathway, where it is 
converted initially to pyruvate, which leads to another major 
metabolite — acetyl CoA. 

T Glucose 6-phosphate is at a pivotal position in 
carbohydrate metabolism in the liver. 




(Rapid) I Hexokinases 

Glucose 6-phosphate 


Ribose 5-phosphate phosphate 





Glucose for 
export to blood 

-Glucose 1-phosphate 

k Glycogen 

below the concentration in blood. However, glucose freely enters the liver via GLUT2, 
and the concentration of glucose in liver cells matches the concentration in blood. The 
blood glucose concentration is typically 5 mM, though after a meal it can rise as high as 
10 mM. Most hexokinases have K m values for glucose of about 0.1 mM or less. In con- 
trast, glucokinase has a K m of 2 to 5 mM for glucose; in addition, it is not significantly 
inhibited by glucose 6-phosphate. Therefore, liver cells can form glucose 6-phosphate 
(for glycogen synthesis) by the action of glucokinase when glucose is abundant and 
other tissues have sufficient glucose. 

The activity of glucokinase is modulated by fructose phosphates. In liver cells, a 
regulatory protein inhibits glucokinase in the presence of fructose 6-phosphate, lower- 
ing its affinity for glucose to about 10 mM (Figure 1 1.14). Note that the v 0 vs. [S] curves 
for glucokinase are sigmoidal and not the hyperbolic curves expected for an enzyme 
obeying Michaelis-Menten kinetics. This is a common feature of allosterically regulated 
proteins. It means that there is no true K m value for glucokinase. We can say that the ef- 
fect of the regulatory protein is to raise the apparent K m of the enzyme. Flux through 
glucokinase is usually low because liver cells always contain considerable fructose 6- 
phosphate. The flux can increase after a meal, when fructose 1 -phosphate — derived 
only from dietary fructose — relieves the inhibition of glucokinase by the regulatory 
protein. Therefore, the liver can respond to increases in blood carbohydrate concentra- 
tions with proportionate increases in the rate of phosphorylation of glucose. 


C. Regulation of Phosphofructokinase-1 

The second site of allosteric regulation is the reaction catalyzed by phosphofructokinase-1. 
PFK-1 is a large, oligomeric enzyme with a molecular weight ranging in different 
species from about 130,000 to 600,000. The quaternary structure of PFK-1 also varies 
among species. The bacterial and mammalian enzymes are both tetramers; the yeast 

▲ Figure 11.14 

Plot of initial velocity (v 0 ) versus glucose 
concentration for glucokinase. The addition of 
a regulatory protein lowers the enzyme’s affinity 
for glucose. The blood glucose concentration 
is 5 to 10 mM. 

346 CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 

Figure 1 1.15 ► 

Regulation of PFK-1 by ATP and AMP. In the 

absence of AMP, PFK-1 is almost completely 
inhibited by physiological concentrations of 
ATP. In the range of AMP concentrations 
found in the cell, the inhibition of PFK-1 by 
ATP is almost completely relieved. [Adapted 
from Martin, B. R. (1987). Metabolic Regu- 
lation: A Molecular Approach (Oxford: Black- 
well Scientific Publications), p. 222.] 

enzyme is an octamer. This complex enzyme has several regulatory sites. The regulatory 
properties of the Escherichia coli phosphofructokinase-1 are described in Section 5.10A. 

ATP is both a substrate and, in most species, an allosteric inhibitor of PFK-1. ATP 
increases the apparent K m of PFK- 1 for fructose 6-phosphate. The bacterial enzyme is 
activated by ADP but in mammals AMP is the allosteric activator of PFK-1. AMP acts 
by relieving the inhibition caused by ATP (Figure 11.15). ADP activates mammalian 
PFK-1 but inhibits the plant kinase; in bacteria, protists, and fungi, the regulatory ef- 
fects of purine nucleotides vary among species. 

The concentration of ATP does not change very much in most mammalian cells 
despite large changes in the rate of its formation and utilization. However, as discussed in 
Section 10.6, significant changes in the concentrations of ADP and AMP do occur because 
these molecules are present in cells in much lower concentrations than ATP and small 
changes in the level of ATP cause proportionally larger changes in the levels of ADP and 
AMR The steady state concentrations of these compounds are therefore able to control 
flux through PFK- 1 . 

Recall that activation by ADP (or AMP) makes sense in light of the net production 
of ATP in glycolysis. Elevated levels of ADP or AMP indicate a deficiency of ATP that 
can be offset by increasing the rate of degradation of glucose (Section 5.9A). 

Citrate, an intermediate of the citric acid cycle, is another physiologically impor- 
tant inhibitor of mammalian PFK-1. An elevated concentration of citrate indicates that 
the citric acid cycle is blocked and further production of pyruvate would be pointless. 
The regulatory effect of citrate on PFK- 1 is an example of feedback inhibition that reg- 
ulates the supply of pyruvate to the citric acid cycle. (Phosphoenolpyruvate, not citrate, 
inhibits the bacterial enzyme.) 

As shown in Figure 11.12, fructose 2,6-frisphosphate is a potent activator of PFK-1, 
effective in the micromolar range. This compound is present in mammals, fungi, and 
plants, but not prokaryotes. We will return to the role of fructose 2,6-frisphosphate in 
the next chapter after we have described gluconeogenesis and glycogen metabolism. 

D. Regulation of Pyruvate Kinase 

The third site of allosteric regulation of glycolysis is the reaction catalyzed by pyruvate ki- 
nase. Single-cell species, such as bacteria, and protists, have a single pyruvate kinase gene. 
The enzyme is allosterically regulated in a simple manner — its activity is affected by pyru- 
vate and/or fructose 1,6-Hsphosphate. Regulation is much more complex in mammals 
because different organs have different requirements for glucose and glycolysis. 

Four different isozymes of pyruvate kinase are present in mammalian tissues. The 
isozymes found in liver, kidney, and red blood cells yield a sigmoidal curve when initial 
velocity is plotted against phosphoenolpyruvate concentration (Figure 11.16a). 
This indicates that PEP is an allosteric activator. These enzymes are also allosterically 

1 1 .6 Other Sugars Can Enter Glycolysis 347 



◄ Figure 11.16 

Plots of initial velocity (i/ 0 ) versus phospho- 
enolpyruvate concentration for pyruvate 
kinase, (a) For isozymes in some cells, the 
presence of fructose 1,6-6/sphosphate shifts 
the curve to the left, indicating that fructose 

1,6-b/sphosphate is an activator of the en- 
zymes. (b) When liver or intestinal cells are 
incubated with glucagon, pyruvate kinase is 
phosphorylated by the action of protein ki- 
nase A. The curve shifts to the right, indi- 
cating less activity for pyruvate kinase. 

activated by fructose 1,6-fcphosphate and inhibited by ATP. In the absence of fructose 

1.6- frzsphosphate, physiological concentrations of ATP almost completely inhibit 
the isolated enzyme. The presence of fructose 1,6-frzsphosphate — probably the most 
important modulator in vivo — shifts the curve to the left. With sufficient fructose 

1.6- fcphosphate, the curve becomes hyperbolic. Figure 1 1.16a shows that for a range of 
substrate concentrations, enzyme activity is greater in the presence of the allosteric acti- 
vator. Recall that fructose 1,6-frisphosphate is the product of the reaction catalyzed by 
PFK-1. Its concentration increases when the activity of PFK-1 increases. Since fructose 

1.6- frzsphosphate activates pyruvate kinase, the activation of PFK-1 (which catalyzes 
Step 3 of the glycolytic pathway) causes subsequent activation of pyruvate kinase (the 
last enzyme in the pathway). This is an example of feed-forward activation. 

The predominant isozyme of pyruvate kinase found in mammalian liver and intes- 
tinal cells is subject to an additional type of regulation, covalent modification by phos- 
phorylation. Protein kinase A, which also catalyzes the phosphorylation of PFK-2 
(Figure 11.17), catalyzes the phosphorylation of pyruvate kinase. Pyruvate kinase is 
less active in the phosphorylated state. The change in kinetic behavior is shown in 
Figure 11.16b, which depicts a plot of pyruvate kinase activity in liver and intestinal 
cells in the presence and absence of glucagon, a stimulator of protein kinase A. Dephos- 
phorylation of pyruvate kinase is catalyzed by a protein phosphatase. 

The pyruvate kinase activity of liver cells decreases on starvation and increases 
on ingestion of a diet high in carbohydrate. These long term changes are due to 
changes in the rate of synthesis of pyruvate kinase and not allosteric regulation or 
covalent modification. 

A Figure 11.17 

Pyruvate kinase from the yeast Saccharomyces 
cerevisiae, with the activator fructose 
1 ,6-/;/sphosphate (red). The active site is 
in the large central domain. [PDB 1A3W] 

E. The Pasteur Effect 

Louis Pasteur observed that when yeast cells grow anaerobically, they produce much 
more ethanol and consume much more glucose than when they grow aerobically. Simi- 
larly, skeletal muscle accumulates lactate under anaerobic conditions but not when it 
metabolizes glucose aerobically. In both yeast and muscle, the rate of conversion of glu- 
cose to pyruvate is much higher under anaerobic conditions. The slowing of glycolysis 
in the presence of oxygen is called the Pasteur effect. As we will see in Chapter 13, the 
complete aerobic metabolism of a glucose molecule produces much more ATP than the 
two molecules of ATP produced by glycolysis alone. Therefore, for any given ATP re- 
quirement, fewer glucose molecules must be consumed under aerobic conditions. Cells 
sense the state of ATP supply and demand, and they modulate glycolysis by several 
mechanisms. For example, the availability of oxygen leads to the inhibition of PFK-1 
(and thus glycolysis), probably through an increase in the ATP/AMP ratio. 

11.6 Other Sugars Can Enter Glycolysis 

Glucose and glucose 6-phosphate are the most common substrates for glycolysis, espe- 
cially in vertebrates where glucose is circulated in the bloodstream. However, a variety 
of other sugars can be degraded by the glycolytic pathway. In this section, we will see 
how sucrose, fructose, lactose, galactose, and mannose can be metabolized. 

348 CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 

A Invertase from the yeast Schwanniomyces 
occidentalis. The active form of the enzyme 
is a dimer of identical subunits. Fructose 
(space-filling representation) is bound at the 
active site. [PDB 3KF3] 

A. Sucrose Is Cleaved to Monosaccharides 

The disacharide sucrose can be degraded to its two component monosaccharides: fruc- 
tose and glucose. This cleavage is catalyzed by a class of enzymes called sucrases. Invertase 
(/3-fructofuranosidease) is one of the most common sucrases. It catalyzes a hydrolytic 
cleavage of the glycosidic linkage between the oxygen and the glucose residue, produc- 
ing fructose and glucose (Figure 11.18). The glucose residues are then phosphorylated 
by hexokinase and the fructose residues enter the pathway as described below. 

Some bacteria have a very interesting enzyme called sucrose phosphorylase. It 
cleaves sucrose in the presence of inorganic phosphate converting it to a molecule of 
fructose and a molecule of glucose 1-phosphate (Figure 11.18). All sugars entering gly- 
colysis need to be phosphorylated at some stage and this step almost always involves the 
expenditure of one ATP equivalent. Sucrose phosphorylase is an important exception 
because it produces glucose 1 -phosphate without spending any ATP currency. 

B. Fructose Is Converted to Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate 

Fructose is phosphorylated to fructose 1 -phosphate by the action of a specific ATP- 
dependent fructokinase (Figure 11.19). In mammals, this step occurs in the liver after 
fructose has been absorbed in the intestine and transferred in the bloodstream. Fructose 
1 -phosphate aldolase catalyzes the cleavage of fructose 1 -phosphate to dihydroxy- 
acetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde. The glyceraldehyde is then phosphorylated to 
glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate in a reaction catalyzed by triose kinase, consuming a sec- 
ond molecule of ATP. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate is converted to a second molecule of 
glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate by the action of triose phosphate isomerase. 

Figure 11.18 ► 

Entry of other sugars into glycolysis. 


ATP - 




Glucose 6-phosphate <e 

1 -phosphate 





Glucose 1-phosphate 

(Sue rase) 



Fructose 6-phosphate 




ATP - 


phosphorylase]'-* -~ SuC [° se 
Fructose ◄ ' 


Fructose 1,6-b/sphosphate 

/ \ 

Fructose 1 -phosphate 

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 

1 1 .6 Other Sugars Can Enter Glycolysis 349 

ch 2 oh 

c = o 

HO — C — H 


H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 


ch 2 oh 





CH 2 0P0 3 © 


HO — C — H 




H — C— OH 

H — C— OH 

CH 2 OH 

Fructose 1 -phosphate 

ch 2 opo 3 © 

c = o 


ch 2 oh 



H O 


H — C— OH 


ch 2 oh 




CH 2 0P0 3 © 
HO — C — H 




H O 


H — C— OH 
CH 2 0P0 3 © 




The two molecules of glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate produced can then be metabo- 
lized to pyruvate by the remaining steps of glycolysis. The metabolism of one molecule 
of fructose to two molecules of pyruvate produces two molecules of ATP and two 
molecules of NADH. This is the same yield as the conversion of glucose to pyruvate. 
Fructose catabolism bypasses phosphofructokinase- 1 and its associated regulation. Reg- 
ulation of pyruvate kinase can still control flux in the pathway. 

▲ Figure 11.19 

Conversion of fructose to two molecules of 
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. 

C. Galactose Is Converted to Glucose 1 -Phosphate 

The disaccharide lactose, present in milk, is a major source of energy for nursing 
mammals. In newborns, intestinal lactase catalyzes the hydrolysis of lactose to its com- 
ponents, glucose and galactose, both of which are absorbed from the intestine and 
transported in the bloodstream. 

As shown in Figure 1 1.20, galactose — the C-4 epimer of glucose — can be converted 
to glucose 1 -phosphate by a pathway in which the nucleotide sugar UDP-glucose (Sec- 
tion 7.2A) is recycled. In the liver, galactokinase catalyzes transfer of a phosphoryl 
group from ATP to galactose. The galactose 1 -phosphate formed in this reaction ex- 
changes with the glucose 1 -phosphate moiety of UDP-glucose by cleavage of the py- 
rophosphate bond of UDP-glucose. This reaction is catalyzed by galactose 1 -phosphate 
uridylyltransferase and produces glucose 1 -phosphate and UDP-galactose. Glucose 


Purified invertase is frequently used in the candy industry to 
convert sucrose to fructose and glucose. Fructose is sweeter than 
sucrose and therefore more appealing in some food. The liquid, 
creamy centers of some chocolates are produced by adding inver- 
tase — purified from yeast — to a sucrose mixture. In addition to 
tasting sweeter, fructose is much less likely to form crystals. The 
catalytic breakdown of sucrose inside the chocolate usually takes 
several days or weeks at room temperature. 

Look for “invertase” on the labels of food to see more exam- 
ples of this industrial application of biochemistry, but keep in 
mind that not all liquid centers in chocolates are due to added 

► Cherry Blossom by Lowney’s (Hershey Canada). The liquid center is due to 
the presence of added invertase. 

350 CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 


A Figure 11.20 

Conversion of galactose to glucose 
6-phosphate. The metabolic intermediate 
UDP-glucose is recycled in the process. 

The overall stoichiometry for the pathway is 
galactose + ATP -> glucose 6-phosphate 
+ ADP. 

UDP-Galactose is required for biosyn- 
thesis of gangliosides (Section 16.1 1). 

1 -phosphate can enter glycolysis after conversion to glucose 6-phosphate in a reaction 
catalyzed by phosphoglucomutase. UDP-galactose is recycled to UDP-glucose by the action 
of UDP-glucose 4-epimerase. 

The conversion of one molecule of galactose to two molecules of pyruvate pro- 
duces two molecules of ATP and two molecules of NADH, the same yield as the conver- 
sions of glucose and fructose. The required UDP-glucose is formed from glucose and 
the ATP equivalent UTP, but only small (catalytic) amounts of it are needed since it is 

Infants fed an exclusive diet of milk rely on galactose metabolism for about 20% of 
their caloric intake. In the most common form of the genetic disorder galactosemia 
(the inability to properly metabolize galactose), infants are deficient in galactose 
1 -phosphate uridylyltransferase. In such cases, galactose 1 -phosphate accumulates in 
the cells and this can lead to a compromise in liver function, recognized by the appearance 
of jaundice (yellowing of the skin). The liver damage is potentially fatal. Other effects 
include damage to the central nervous system. Screening for galactose 1 -phosphate 
uridylyltransferase in the red blood cells of the umbilical cord allows detection of galac- 
tosemia at birth. Many of the most severe effects of this genetic deficiency can be mitigated 
by a special diet that contains very little galactose and lactose. 

The majority of humans undergo a reduction in the level of lactase at about 5 to 
7 years of age. This is the normal situation found in most other primates. It parallels the 
switch from childhood, where mother’s milk is a major source of nourishment, to 
adulthood, where milk is not consumed. In some human populations the production of 
lactase is not turned off during adolescence. These populations have acquired a mutant 
gene that continues to synthesize lactase in adults. As a result, individuals in these pop- 
ulations can consume milk products throughout their lives. Northern European popu- 
lations and their descendants have high proportions of lactase-producing adults. 

In normal adults, lactose is metabolized by bacteria in the large intestine, with the 
production of gases such as C0 2 and H 2 and short-chain acids. The acids can cause diar- 
rhea by increasing the ionic strength of the intestinal fluid. Milk and milk products are 
usually avoided by people who do not synthesize lactase. Since they do not tolerate diets 
rich in milk products, they are said to be lactose intolerant although it’s worth keeping in 
mind that this is the normal condition in most mammals, and most humans. Some 
lactose- intolerant individuals can eat yogurt, in which the lactose has been partially 
hydrolyzed by the action of an endogenous /3-galactosidase of the microorganism in the 
yogurt culture. A commercially prepared enzyme supplement that contains /3-galactosidase 
from a microorganism can be used to pretreat milk to reduce the lactose content or can 
be taken when milk products are ingested by lactase -deficient individuals. 

11.7 The Entner-Doudoroff Pathway in Bacteria 



Mannose 6-phosphate 

Fructose 6-phosphate 

▲ Figure 11.21 

Conversion of mannose to fructose 6-phosphate. 

D. Mannose Is Converted to Fructose 6-Phosphate 

The aldohexose mannose is obtained in the diet from glycoproteins and certain polysac- 
charides. Mannose is converted to mannose 6-phosphate by the action of hexokinase. In 
order to enter the glycolytic pathway, mannose 6-phosphate undergoes isomerization to 
fructose 6-phosphate in a reaction catalyzed by phosphomannose isomerase. These two 
reactions are depicted in Figure 11.21. 

11.7 The Entner-Doudoroff Pathway 
in Bacteria 

The classic glycolysis pathway is also called the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway. 
This pathway is found in all eukaryotes and many species of bacteria. However, a large 
number of bacterial species do not have phosphofructokinase-1 and cannot convert 
glucose 6-phosphate to fructose 1,6-fcphosphate in the hexose stage of glycolysis. 

The hexose stage of classic glycolysis can be bypassed by the Entner-Doudoroff 
pathway. This pathway begins with the conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to 6-phos- 
phogluconate, a reaction that is catalyzed by two enzymes: glucose 6-phosphate dehdro- 
genase and 6-phosphogluconolactonase (Figure 11.22). The oxidation of glucose 
6-phosphate by glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase is coupled to the reduction of 
NADP®. The dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconolactonase enzymes are common in 
almost all species since they are required in the pentose phosphate pathway (Section 12.5). 
The Entner-Douderoff pathway is the earliest pathway for glucose degradation. The 
classic glycolysis pathway (EMP) evolved later. 

6-Phosphogluconate is converted to 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDPG) 
in an unusual dehydration (dehydratase) reaction. KDPG is then split by the action of 
KDPG aldolase to one molecule of pyruvate and one molecule of glyceraldehyde 
3 -phosphate. Pyruvate is the end product of glycolysis and glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate 
can be converted to another molecule of pyruvate by the triose stage of glycolysis. The 
enzymes of the triose stage of the EMP pathway are found in all species since they are 
essential for glucose synthesis as well as glycolysis. Note that only one molecule of 
glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate passes down the bottom half of the glycolytic pathway for 
every glucose 6-phosphate molecule that enters the Entner-Doudoroff pathway. This 
means that only one molecule of ATP is produced for every glucose molecule degraded, 
whereas two ATP molecules are synthesized during glycolysis. Two reducing equivalents 
(NADH) are produced during glycolysis and two in the ED pathway (NADPH in the 
first reaction and one molecule of NADH when glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate is con- 
verted to 1,3-frisphosphoglycerate). 

In addition to being the main pathway for glucose degradation in some species, the 
Entner-Doudoroff pathway is also important in species that possess a complete Embden- 
Meyeroff-Parnas pathway. The Entner-Doudoroff pathway is used in the metabolism of 
gluconate and other related organic acids. These metabolites cannot be shunted into the 
normal glycolytic pathway. Many bacterial species, including E. coli , can grow on gluconate 
as their sole carbon source. Under these conditions the main energy-producing degrada- 
tion pathway is the Entner-Doudoroff pathway. The first reaction in the ED pathway pro- 
duces NADPH instead of NADH and many species use the glucose 6-phosphate dehydroge- 
nase reaction as an important source of NADPH reducing equivalents (Section 12.4). 


The classic glycolysis pathway evolved 
millions of years after the Entner-Douderoff 
and the gluconeogenesis pathways. 

352 CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 

Figure 1 1.22 ► 

The Entner-Doudoroff pathway. 

In Box 12.2 we discuss metabolic 
diseases associated with glucose 
6-phosphate dehydrogenase in humans. 

Aldolases cleave hexoses to two 
3-carbon compounds. KDPG is the 
third aldolase we have described. 

ch 2 opo 3 © 

Glucose 6-phosphate 


+ H 






— H 2 0 



Glucose 6-phosphate 


H — C— OH 


OH — C — H 


H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 

CH 2 0P0 3 © 


H 2 0< 






ch 2 

H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 

ch 2 opo 3 © 










ch 3 





H — C— OH 
CH 2 0P0 3 © 

Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 


1. Glycolysis is a ten-step pathway in which glucose is catabolized to 
pyruvate. Glycolysis can be divided into a hexose stage and a triose 
stage. The products of the hexose stage are glyceraldehyde 3 -phos- 
phate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. The triose phosphates inter- 
convert, and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is metabolized to pyruvate. 

2. For each molecule of glucose converted to pyruvate, there is a net 
production of two molecules of ATP from ADP + Pj and two mol- 
ecules of NAD© are reduced to NADH. 

3. Under anaerobic conditions in yeast, pyruvate is metabolized to 
ethanol and C0 2 . In some other organisms, pyruvate can be con- 
verted to lactate under anaerobic conditions. Both processes use 
NADH and regenerate NAD©. 

4. The overall Gibbs free energy change for glycolysis is negative. 
The steps catalyzed by hexokinase, phosphofructokinase-1, and 
pyruvate kinase are metabolically irreversible. 

5. Glycolysis is regulated at four steps: the transport of glucose into 
some cells and the reactions catalyzed by hexokinase, phospho- 
fructokinase-1, and pyruvate kinase. 

6. Fructose, galactose, and mannose can enter the glycolytic pathway 
via conversion to glycolytic metabolites. 

7. The Entner-Doudoroff pathway is an alternate pathway for glu- 
cose catabolism in some bacteria. 

Problems 353 


1. Calculate the number of ATP molecules obtained from the anaer- 
obic conversion of each of the following sugars to lactate: (a) 
glucose, (b) fructose, (c) mannose, and (d) sucrose. 

2. (a) Show the positions of the six glucose carbons in the two lac- 
tate molecules formed by anaerobic glycolysis, (b) Under aerobic 
conditions, pyruvate can be decarboxylated to yield acetyl CoA 
and C0 2 . Which carbons of glucose must be labeled with 14 C to 
yield 14 C0 2 ? 

3. If 32 P (i.e., isotopically labeled phosphorus) is added to a cell- 
free liver preparation undergoing glycolysis, will this label be di- 
rectly incorporated in any glycolytic intermediate or pathway 

4 . Huntington’s disease is a member of the “glutamine-repeat” 
family of diseases. In middle-aged adults the disease causes neu- 
rodegenerative conditions, including involuntary movements and 
dementia. The mutated protein (Huntington protein) contains a 
polyglutamine region with 40 to 120 glutamines that is thought 
to mediate a tight binding of this protein to glyceraldehyde 
3 -phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). If the brain relies almost 
solely on glucose as an energy source, suggest a role for the Hunt- 
ington protein in this disease. 

5. Fats (triacylglycerols) are a significant source of stored energy in 
animals and are metabolized initially to fatty acids and glycerol. 
Glycerol can be phosphorylated by the action of a kinase to pro- 
duce glycerol 3 -phosphate, which is oxidized to produce dihy- 
droxyacetone phosphate. 

(a) Write the reactions for the conversion of glycerol to dihy- 
droxyacetone phosphate. 

(b) The kinase that acts on the prochiral molecule glycerol is 
stereospecific, leading to production of L-glycerol 3-phos- 
phate. Which carbons of glycerol 3 -phosphate must be 
labeled with 14 C so that aerobic glycolysis yields acetyl CoA 
with both carbons labeled? 

3 CH 2 OH 


6. Tumor cells often lack an extensive capillary network and must 
function under conditions of limited oxygen supply. Explain why 
these cancer cells take up far more glucose and may overproduce 
some glycolytic enzymes. 

7. Rapid glycolysis during strenuous exercise provides the ATP 
needed for muscle contraction. Since the lactate dehydrogenase 
reaction does not produce any ATP, would glycolysis be more effi- 
cient if pyruvate rather than lactate were the end product? 

8. Why are both hexokinase and phosphofructokinase- 1 inhibited 
by an ATP analog in which the oxygen atom joining the f3- and 
y-phosphorus atoms is replaced by a methylene group ( — CH 2 — )? 

9. The AG°' for the aldolase reaction in muscle is +22.8 kj mol -1 . In 
view of this, why does the aldolase reaction proceed in the direc- 
tion of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phos- 
phate during glycolysis? 

10 . For the aldolase reaction, calculate the concentration of fructose 
l,6-£hsphosphate if the concentrations of DHAP and G3P were 
each: (a) 5 /ulM , (b) 50 ^iM, (c) 500 ^iM. 

11. The following plot shows the rate of mammalian phosphofruc- 
tokinase- 1 (PFK-1) activity versus fructose 6-phosphate (F6P) 
concentration in (a) the presence of ATP, AMP, or both and (b) in 
the absence or presence of fructose 2,6-frisphosphate (F26P). Ex- 
plain these effects on the reaction rates of PFK- 1 . 

[F6P] mM 

12 . Draw a diagram showing how increased intracellular [cAMP] af- 
fects the activity of pyruvate kinase in mammalian liver cells. 

13 . In response to low levels of glucose in the blood, the pancreas 
produces glucagon, which triggers the adenylyl cyclase signaling 
pathway in liver cells. As a result, flux through the glycolytic path- 
way decreases. 

(a) Why is it advantageous for glycolysis to decrease in the liver 
in response to low blood glucose levels? 

(b) How are the effects of glucagon on glycolysis reversed when 
the level of glucagon decreases in response to adequate blood 
glucose levels? 

14 . Chemoautotrophs growing in the ocean will sometimes have all 
the enzymes needed for glycolysis even though they will never en- 
counter external glucose. Why? 

354 CHAPTER 11 Glycolysis 

Selected Readings 

Metabolism of Glucose 

Alberty, R. A. (1996) Recommendations for 
nomenclature and tables in biochemical thermo- 
dynamics. Eur. J. Biochem. 240:1-14. 

Cullis, R M. (1987). Acyl group transfer-phospho- 
ryl group transfer. In Enzyme Mechanisms , M. I. 
Page and A. Williams, eds. (London: Royal Society 
of Chemistry), pp. 178-220. 

Hamori, E. (1975). Illustration of free energy 
changes in chemical reactions. /. Chem. Ed. 

Hoffmann-Ostenhof, O., ed. (1987). Intermediary 
Metabolism (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold). 

Li X, Dash RK, Pradhan RK, Qi F, Thompson M, 
Vinnakota KC, Wu F, Yang F, Beard DA. (2010) A 
database of thermodynamic quantities for the re- 
actions of glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid 
cycle. J Phys Chem B. 1 14:16068-16082. 

Minakami S. and de Verdier, C-H. (1976) Colori- 
metric study on human erythrocyte glycolysis. 

Eur. J. Biochem. 65: 451-460. 

Ronimus, R. S., and Morgan, H. W. (2003), Distri- 
bution and phylogenies of enzymes of the Embden- 
Meyerof-Parnas pathway from archaea and hyper- 
thermophilic bacteria support a gluconeogenic 
origin of metabolism. Archaea 1:199-221. 

Seeholzer, S. H., Jaworowski, A., and Rose, I. A. 
(1991). Enolpyruvate: chemical determination as a 
pyruvate kinase intermediate. Biochem. 

St- Jean, M., Blonski, C., and Sygush, J. (2009). 
Charge stabilization and entropy reduction of 
central lysine residues in fructose- Hsphosphate 
aldolase. Biochem. 48:4528-453 7. 

Regulation of Glycolysis 

Depre, C., Rider, M. EL, and Hue, L. (1998). Mech- 
anisms of control of heart glycolysis. Eur. J. 
Biochem. 258:277-290. 

Engstrom, L., Ekman, P., Humble, E., and 
Zetterqvist, O. (1987). Pyruvate kinase. In The 
Enzymes , Vol. 18, P. D. Boyer and E. Krebs, eds. 
(San Diego: Academic Press), pp. 47-75. 

Gould, G. W., and Holman, G. D. (1993). The glu- 
cose transporter family: structure, function and 
tissue-specific expression. Biochem. J. 295:329-341. 

Pessin, J. E., Thurmond, D. C., Elmendorf, J. S., 
Coker, K. J., and Okada, S. (1999). Molecular basis 
of insulin- stimulated GLUT4 vesicle trafficking. 
Location! Location! Location! /. Biol. Chem. 

Pilkis, S. J., Claus, T. H., Kurland, I. J., and Lange, 
A. J. (1995). 6-Phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose- 
2,6-Hsphosphatase: a metabolic signaling enzyme. 
Annu. Rev. Biochem. 64:799-835. 

Pilkis, S. J., El-Maghrabi, M. R., and Claus, T. H. 
(1988). Hormonal regulation of hepatic gluconeo- 
genesis and glycolysis. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Pilkis, S. J., and Granner, D. K. (1992). Molecular 
physiology of the regulation of hepatic 
gluconeogenesis and glycolysis. Annu. Rev. Physiol. 

Van Schaftingen, E. (1993). Glycolysis revisited. 
Diabetologia 36:581-588. 

Yamada, K., and Noguchi, T. (1999). Nutrient and 
hormonal regulation of pyruvate kinase gene 
expression. Biochem. J. 337:1-11. 

Metabolism of Other Sugars 

Alvaro-Benito, M., Polo, A., Gonzalez, B., Fernandez- 
Lobato, M., and Sanz-Aparicio, J. (2010). Struc- 
tural and kinetic analysis of Schwanniomyces occi- 
dentalis invertase reveals a new oligomerization 
pattern and the role of its supplementary 
domain in substrate binding. /. Biol. Chem. 
285:13930-13941; doi:10.1074/jbc.M109.095430 

Frey, P. A. (1996). The Leloir pathway: a mechanis- 
tic imperative for three enzymes to change the 
stereochemical configuration of a single carbon in 
galactose. FASEB J. 10:461-470. 

Itan, Y., Jones, B. L., Ingram, C. J. E., Swallow, D. M., 
and Thomas, M. G. (2010). A worldwide correla- 
tion of lactase persistence phenotypes and geno- 
types. BMC Evol. Biol. 10:36; www.biomedcentral. 









o c 










_ o 

° o o o 

° o 


o o 


° c 



o o 


The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, 
and Glycogen Metabolism 

W e have seen that the catabolism of glucose is central to energy metabolism in 
some cells. In contrast, all species can synthesize glucose from simple two- 
carbon and three-carbon precursors by gluconeogenesis (literally, the forma- 
tion of new glucose). Some species, notably photosynthetic organisms, can make these 
precursors by fixing carbon dioxide leading to the net synthesis of glucose from inorganic 
compounds. In our discussion of gluconeogenesis in this chapter we must keep in mind 
that every glucose molecule used in glycolysis had to be synthesized in some species. 

The pathway for gluconeogenesis shares some steps with glycolysis, the pathway for 
glucose degradation, but four reactions specific to the gluconeogenic pathway are not 
found in the degradation pathway. These reactions replace the metabolically irreversible 
reactions of glycolysis. These opposing sets of reactions are an example of separate, reg- 
ulated pathways for synthesis and degradation (Section 10.2). 

In addition to fueling the production of ATP (via glycolysis and the citric acid 
cycle), glucose is also a precursor of the ribose and deoxyribose moieties of nucleotides 
and deoxynucleo tides. The pentose phosphate pathway is responsible for the synthesis 
of ribose as well as the production of reducing equivalents in the form of NADPH. 

Glucose availability is controlled by regulating the uptake and synthesis of glucose 
and related molecules and by regulating the synthesis and degradation of storage poly- 
saccharides composed of glucose residues. Glucose is stored as glycogen in bacteria and 
animals and as starch in plants. Glycogen and starch can be degraded to release glucose 
monomers that can fuel energy production via glycolysis or serve as precursors in 
biosynthesis reactions. The metabolism of glycogen will illustrate another example of 
opposing, regulated pathways. 

Although the reaction we had found 
would be viewed today as utterly 
trivial it came nevertheless as a 
great surprise ; because , at that time ; 
nobody could imagine that the phos- 
phorylation of an enzyme could be 
involved in its regulation. 

— Eddy Fischer, Memories of 
Ed Krebs (201 0) 

Top: The Cori ester, a-D-glucopyranose 1-phosphate. 



CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 

In the next section, we discuss how 
other precursors enter the pathway. 

In mammals, gluconeogenesis, the pentose phosphate pathway, and glycogen me- 
tabolism are closely and coordinately regulated in accordance with the moment- 
to- moment requirements of the organism. In this chapter, we review these pathways and 
examine some of the mechanisms for regulating glucose metabolism in mammalian cells. 
The regulation of glucose and glycogen metabolism in mammals is important from a his- 
torical perspective because it was the first example of a signal transduction mechanism. 

12.1 Gluconeogenesis 

As stated in the introduction, all organisms have a pathway for glucose biosynthesis, or 
gluconeogenesis. This is true even for animals that use exogenous glucose as an impor- 
tant energy source because glucose may not always be available from external sources or 
intracellular stores. For example, large mammals that have not eaten for 16 to 24 hours 
have depleted their liver glycogen reserves and need to synthesize glucose to stay alive 
because glucose is required for the metabolism of certain tissues, for example, brain. 
Some mammalian tissues, primarily liver and kidney, can synthesize glucose from simple 
precursors such as lactate and alanine. Under fasting conditions, gluconeogenesis sup- 
plies almost all of the body’s glucose. When exercising under anaerobic conditions, 
muscle converts glucose to pyruvate and lactate, which travel to the liver and are con- 
verted to glucose. Brain and muscle consume much of the newly formed glucose. Bacte- 
ria can convert many nutrients to phosphate esters of glucose and to glycogen. 

It is convenient to consider pyruvate as the starting point for the synthesis of glu- 
cose. The pathway for gluconeogenesis from pyruvate is compared to the glycolytic 
pathway in Figure 12.1. Note that many of the intermediates and enzymes are identi- 
cal. All seven of the near-equilibrium reactions of glycolysis proceed in the reverse 
direction during gluconeogenesis. Enzymatic reactions unique to gluconeogenesis are 
required for the three metabolically irreversible reactions of glycolysis. These irre- 
versible glycolytic reactions are catalyzed by pyruvate kinase, phosphofructokinase-1, 
and hexokinase. In the biosynthesis direction these reactions are catalyzed by different 

Although all species have a gluconeogenesis pathway, they don’t all have the glycol- 
ysis pathway (Section 1 1.7). This is especially true of bacterial species that diverged very 
early in the evolution of prokaryotes. Thus, it seems like gluconeogenesis is the more 
ancient pathway, which makes sense since there has to be a source of glucose before 
pathways for its degradation can evolve. Since the biosynthesis pathway evolved first, it 
is appropriate to think of the glycolytic enzymes as bypass enzymes. These enzymes, es- 
pecially phosphofructokinase-1, evolved in order to bypass the metabolically irre- 
versible reactions of gluconeogenesis. 

The synthesis of one molecule of glucose from two molecules of pyruvate requires 
four ATP and two GTP molecules as well as two molecules of NADH. The net equation 
for gluconeogenesis is 

2 Pyruvate + 2 NADH + 4 ATP + 2 GTP + 6 H 2 0 + 2 H© > 

Glucose + 2 NAD© + 4 ADP + 2 GDP + 6 P, (12.1) 

Four ATP equivalents are needed to overcome the thermodynamic barrier to the forma- 
tion of two molecules of the energy- rich compound phosphoenolpyruvate from two 
molecules of pyruvate. Recall that in glycolysis the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate 
to pyruvate is a metabolically irreversible reaction catalyzed by pyruvate kinase. In the 
catabolic direction this reaction is coupled to the synthesis of ATP. Two ATP molecules 
are required to carry out the reverse of the glycolytic reaction catalyzed by phosphoglyc- 
erate kinase. In the hexose stage of gluconeogenesis, no energy is recovered in the steps 
that convert fructose 1,6-fcphosphate to glucose because fructose 1,6-Hsphosphate is 
not a “high energy” intermediate. Recall that glycolysis consumes two ATP molecules and 
generates four, for a net yield of two ATP equivalents and two molecules of NADH. Con- 
trast this with the synthesis of one molecule of glucose by gluconeogenesis consuming a 
total of six ATP equivalents and two molecules of NADH. As expected, the biosynthesis 
of glucose requires energy and its degradation releases energy. 

12.1 Gluconeogenesis 357 










Glucose 6-phosphate 

Fructose 6-phosphate 







Fructose 1,6-b/sphosphate 

◄ Figure 12.1 

Comparison of gluconeogenesis and glycolysis. 

There are four metabolically irreversible 
reactions of gluconeogenesis (blue). These 
are the reactions catalyzed by three different 
enzymes in glycolysis (red). Both pathways 
include a triose stage and a hexose stage. 
Two molecules of pyruvate are therefore 
required to produce one molecule of 







NAD® + ^ 
NADH + H© 

NAD© + P, 
NADH + H© 

1 ,3-£/sphosphoglycerate 








Pyruvate carboxylase is a biotin- 
containing enzyme. The reaction mech- 
anism was described in Section 7.10. 



carboxykinase / 

(ATP) GTP — ^7 

ADP + Pi 


Gluconeogenesis ATP 






A. Pyruvate Carboxylase 

We begin our examination of the individual steps in the conversion of pyruvate to glu- 
cose with the two enzymes required for synthesis of phosphoenolpyruvate. The two 
steps involve a carboxylation followed by decarboxylation. In the first step, pyruvate 
carboxylase catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate. The reaction is cou- 
pled to the hydrolysis of one molecule of ATP (Figure 12.2). 

Pyruvate carboxylase is a large, complex, enzyme composed of four identical sub- 
units. Each subunit has a biotin prosthetic group covalently linked to a lysine residue. 
The biotin is required for the addition of bicarbonate to pyruvate. Pyruvate carboxylase 
catalyzes a metabolically irreversible reaction — it can be allosterically activated by acetyl 
CoA. This is the only regulatory mechanism known for the enzyme. Accumulation of 


1 © 

C = 0 + ATP + HC0 3 u 

£. H Bicarbonate 





C = 0 + ADP + P| 


ch 2 





▲ Figure 12.2 

Pyruvate carboxylase reaction. 

358 CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 

coo 0 



ch 2 






carboxykinase (PEPCK) 


COO 0 

C — 0P0 3 ® + GDP(ADP) 

II + co 2 

ch 2 



▲ Figure 12.3 

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase reaction. 

▲ Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase from 
rat ( Rattus norvegicus). The closed active site 
contains a bound GTP molecule, a molecule 
of oxaloacetate, and two Mn© ions (pink). 
[PDB 3DT4] 

acetyl CoA indicates that it is not being efficiently metabolized by the citric acid cycle. 
Under these conditions, pyruvate carboxylase is stimulated in order to direct pyruvate 
to oxaloacetate instead of acetyl CoA. Oxaloacetate can enter the citric acid cycle or 
serve as a precursor for glucose biosynthesis. 

Bicarbonate is one of the substrates in the reaction shown in Figure 12.2. Bicarbonate 
is formed when carbon dioxide dissolves in water so the reaction is sometimes written 
with C0 2 as a substrate. The pyruvate carboxylase reaction plays an important role in 
fixing carbon dioxide in bacteria and some eukaryotes. This role may not be so obvious 
when we examine gluconeogenesis since the carbon dioxide is released in the very next 
reaction; however, much of the oxaloacetate that is made is not used for gluconeogenesis. 
Instead, it replenishes the pool of citric acid cycle intermediates that serve as precursors 
to the biosynthesis of amino acids and lipids (Section 13.7). 

B. Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase 

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) catalyzes the conversion of oxaloacetate 
to phosphoenolpyruvate (Figure 12.3). This is a well-studied enzyme with an induced- 
fit binding mechanism similar to that described for yeast hexokinase (Section 6.5C) and 
citrate synthase (Section 13. 3 A). 

There are two different versions of PEPCK. The enzyme found in bacteria, protists, 
fungi, and plants uses ATP as the phosphoryl group donor in the decarboxylation reac- 
tion. The animal version uses GTP. In most species, the enzyme displays no allosteric 
kinetic properties and has no known physiological modulators. Its activity is most often 
affected by controls at the level of transcription of its gene. The level of PEPCK activity in 
cells influences the rate of gluconeogenesis. This is especially true in mammals where glu- 
coneogenesis is mostly confined to cells in the liver, kidneys, and small intestine. During 
fasting in mammals, prolonged release of glucagon from the pancreas leads to continued 
elevation of intracellular cAMP, that triggers increased transcription of the PEPCK gene 
in the liver and increased synthesis of PEPCK. After several hours, the amount of PEPCK 
rises and the rate of gluconeogenesis increases. Insulin, abundant in the fed state, acts in 
opposition to glucagon at the level of the gene reducing the rate of synthesis of PEPCK. 

The two-step synthesis of phosphoenolpyruvate from pyruvate is common in most 
eukaryotes, including humans. This is the main reason why it’s usually shown when the 
gluconeogenesis pathway is described (Figure 12.1). However, many species of bacteria 
can convert pyruvate directly to phosphoenolpyruvate in an ATP-dependent reaction cat- 
alyzed by phosphoenolpyruvate synthetase (Figure 12.4). The products of this reaction 
include AMP and Pi. The second phosphoryl from ATP is transferred to pyruvate. Thus, 
two ATP equivalents are used in the conversion of pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate. 
This is a much more efficient route than the eukaryotic two-step pathway catalyzed by 
pyruvate carboxylase and PEPCK. The presence of phosphoenolpyruvate synthetase in 
bacterial cells is due to the fact that efficient gluconeogenesis is much more important 
in bacteria than in eukaryotes. 

C. Fructose 1 ,6-6/sphosphatase 

The reactions of gluconeogenesis between phosphoenolpyruvate and fructose 1,6- 
frisphosphate are simply the reverse of the near- equilibrium reactions of glycolysis. The 
next reaction in the glycolysis pathway — catalyzed by phosphofructokinase-1 — is meta- 
bolically irreversible. In the biosynthesis direction, this reaction is catalyzed by the third 
enzyme specific to gluconeogenesis, fructose 1,6-frisphosphatase. This enzyme catalyzes 
the conversion of fructose 1,6-frisphosphate to fructose 6-phosphate. 

( 12 . 2 ) 

12.1 Gluconeogenesis 359 


Richard Hansons group at Case Western Reserve University in 
Cleveland, Ohio, USA, created a form of supermouse by adding 
extra copies of the cytoplasmic phosphoenopyruvate carboxy- 
kinase gene. The homozygous transgenic mice expressed 10X 
more PEPCK in their skeletal muscle. They were hyperactive, 
aggressive, and capable of running for extended periods of time 
on a mouse treadmill (up to 5 km without stopping!). They ate 
more than control mice but were significantly smaller. 

The rodent athletes converted prodigious amounts of 
oxaloacetate into phosphoenolpyruvate and subsequently to 
intermediates in the gluconeogenesis pathway, including glu- 
cose. Their muscle cells had many more mitochondria than 
the cells of normal mice. 

The biochemical explanation of this hyperactivity is not 
completely understood. Its probably due to effects on the citric 
acid cycle (Chapter 13). This allows increased flux in that 
pathway leading ultimately to higher levels of ATP. When 
asked whether this genetic modification would be a good way 

of creating superior human athletes, Hanson and Hakimi 
(2008) replied, “The PEKCK-C mus mice are very aggressive; 
the world needs less , not more aggression,” besides, the cre- 
ation of such transgenic humans is “. . . neither ethical nor 

Watch the video at: 

▲ Mighty Mouse © CBS Operations. 

As you might expect, hydrolysis of the phosphate ester in this reaction is associated with 
a large negative standard Gibbs free energy change ( AG°'). The actual Gibbs free energy 
change in vivo is also negative because this reaction is metabolically irreversible. The 
mammalian enzyme displays sigmoidal kinetics and is allosterically inhibited by AMP 
and by the regulatory molecule fructose 2,6-frisphosphate. Thus, the reaction cannot 
reach equilibrium. Recall that fructose 2,6-frisphosphate is a potent activator of phos- 
phofructokinase-1, the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of fructose 1,6-frisphosphate 
in glycolysis (Section 1 1.5C). The two enzymes that catalyze the interconversion of fructose 
6-phosphate and fructose 1,6-Hsphosphate are reciprocally controlled by the concen- 
tration of fructose 2,6-frisphosphate (see Section 12.6C). 

D. Glucose 6-phosphatase 

The final step of gluconeogenesis is the hydrolysis of glucose 6-phosphate to form glu- 
cose. The enzyme is glucose 6-phosphatase. 

v Figure 12.4 

Phosphoenolpyruvate synthetase reaction. 

coo 0 


C=0 + ATP 


ch 3 





coo 0 

C — 0P0 3 © + ATP + AMP 

II + P; 

ch 2 



Additional effects of glucagon and 
insulin are described in Section 12.6C. 

Although we present glucose as the final product of gluconeogenesis, this is not true 
in all species. In most cases, the biosynthetic pathway ends with glucose 6-phosphate. 
This product is an activated form of glucose. It becomes the substrate for additional 
carbohydrate pathways leading to synthesis of glycogen (Section 12.6), starch and su- 
crose (Section 15.11), pentose sugars (Section 12.5), and other hexoses. 

In mammals, glucose is an important end product of gluconeogenesis since it 
serves as an energy source for glycolysis in many tissues. Glucose is made in the cells of 
the liver, kidneys, and small intestine and exported to the bloodstream. In these cells, 
glucose 6-phosphatase is bound to the endoplasmic reticulum with its active site in the 
lumen. The enzyme is part of a complex that includes a glucose 6-phosphate trans- 
porter (G6PT) and a phosphate transporter. G6PT moves glucose 6-phosphate from the 

360 CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 

Defects in the activities of glucose 
6-phosphatase or glucose 6-phosphate 
transporter cause von Gierke disease 
(Section 12.8). 

cytosol to the interior of the ER where it is hydrolyzed to glucose and inorganic phos- 
phate. Phosphate is returned to the cytosol and glucose is transported to the cell surface 
(and the bloodstream) via the secretory pathway. 

The other enzymes required for gluconeogenesis are found, at least in small 
amounts, in many mammalian tissues. Glucose 6-phosphatase is found only in cells from 
the liver, kidneys, and small intestine, so only these tissues can synthesize free glucose. 
Cells of tissues that lack glucose 6-phosphatase retain glucose 6-phosphate for internal 
carbohydrate metabolism. 


Mammalian fuel metabolism is an 
important subset of biochemistry because 
it helps us to understand our own bodies. 

12.2 Precursors for Gluconeogenesis 

The main substrates for glucose 6 -phosphate synthesis are pyruvate, citric acid cycle inter- 
mediates, three-carbon intermediates in the pathway (e.g. glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate), 
and two -carbon compounds such as acetyl Co A. Acetyl Co A is converted to oxaloacetate in 
the glyoxylate cycle, that operates in bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and some animals 
(Section 13.8). Some organisms can fix inorganic carbon by incorporating it into two- 
carbon and three-carbon organic compounds (e.g., Calvin cycle, Section 15.4). These com- 
pounds enter the gluconeogenesis pathway resulting in net synthesis of glucose from C0 2 . 

Mammalian biochemistry is focused on fuel metabolism and biosynthesis of glu- 
cose from simple precursors and is it usually discussed in that context. The major gluco- 
neogenic precursors in mammals are lactate and most amino acids, especially alanine. 
Glycerol, which is produced from the hydrolysis of triacylglycerols, is also a substrate for 
gluconeogenesis. Glycerol enters the pathway after conversion to dihydroxyacetone 
phosphate. Precursors arising in nongluconeogenic tissues must first be transported to 
the liver to be substrates for gluconeogenesis. 

A. Lactate 

Glycolysis generates large amounts of lactate in active muscle and red blood cells. Lactate 
from these and other sources enters the bloodstream and travels to the liver where it is 
converted to pyruvate by the action of lactate dehydrogenase. Pyruvate can then be a sub- 
strate for gluconeogenesis. Glucose produced by the liver enters the bloodstream for deliv- 
ery to peripheral tissues, including muscle and red blood cells. This sequence is known as 
the Cori cycle (Figure 12.5). The conversion of lactate to glucose requires energy, most of 
which is derived from the oxidation of fatty acids in the liver. Thus, the Cori cycle transfers 
chemical potential energy in the form of glucose from the liver to the peripheral tissues. 

B. Amino Acids 

The carbon skeletons of most amino acids are catabolized to pyruvate or intermediates of 
the citric acid cycle. The end products of these catabolic pathways can serve directly as pre- 
cursors for synthesis of glucose 6-phosphate in cells that are capable of gluconeogenesis. In 
peripheral mammalian tissues, pyruvate formed from glycolysis or amino acid catabolism 

Figure 12.5 ► 

Cori cycle. Glucose is converted to L-lactate 
in muscle cells. Some of this lactate is se- 
creted and passes via the bloodstream to 
the liver. Lactate is converted to glucose in 
the liver and the glucose is secreted into the 
bloodstream where it is taken up by muscle 
cells. Both tissues are capable of synthesiz- 
ing glycogen and mobilizing it. 


12.2 Precursors for Gluconeogenesis 361 

must be transported to the liver before it can be used in glucose synthesis. The Cori cycle is 
one way of accomplishing this transfer by converting pyruvate to lactate in muscle and re- 
converting it to pyruvate in liver cells. The glucose-alanine cycle is a similar transport system 
(Section 17.9B). Pyruvate can also accept an amino group from an a-amino acid, such as 
glutamate, forming alanine by the process of transamination (Section 7.2B) (Figure 12.6). 

Alanine travels to the liver, where it undergoes transamination with a-ketoglutarate 
to re-form pyruvate for gluconeogenesis. Amino acids become a major source of carbon 
for gluconeogenesis during fasting when glycogen supplies are depleted. 

The carbon skeleton of aspartate is also a precursor of glucose. Aspartate is the 
amino group donor in the urea cycle, a pathway that eliminates excess nitrogen from 
the cell (Section 17.9B). Aspartate is converted to fumarate in the urea cycle and then 
fumarate is hydrated to malate that is oxidized to oxaloacetate. In addition, the 
transamination of aspartate with a-ketoglutarate directly generates oxaloacetate. 

C. Glycerol 

The catabolism of triacylglycerols produces glycerol and acetyl CoA. As mentioned earlier, 
acetyl CoA contributes to the net formation of glucose through reactions of the glyoxy- 
late cycle (Section 13.8). The glyoxylate cycle does not contribute to net synthesis of 
glucose from lipids in mammalian cells. Glycerol, however, can be converted to glucose 
by a route that begins with phosphorylation to glycerol 3 -phosphate, catalyzed by glyc- 
erol kinase (Figure 12.7). Glycerol 3 -phosphate enters gluconeogenesis after conversion 
to dihydroxyacetone phosphate. This oxidation can be catalyzed by a flavin containing 
glycerol 3 -phosphate dehydrogenase complex embedded in the inner mitochondrial 
membrane. The outer face of this enzyme binds glycerol 3 -phosphate and electrons are 
passed to ubiquinone (Q) and subsequently to the rest of the membrane-associated 
electron transport chain. The oxidation of glycerol 3 -phosphate can also be catalyzed by 
the NAD® requiring cytosolic glycerol 3 -phosphate dehydrogenase, although this en- 
zyme is usually associated with the reverse reaction for making glycerol. Both enzymes 
are found in the liver, the site of most gluconeogenesis in mammals. 

D. Propionate and Lactate 

In ruminants — cattle, sheep, giraffes, deer, and camels — the propionate and lactate pro- 
duced by the microorganisms in the rumen (chambered stomach) are absorbed and 








z' — > Dihydroxyacetone 
f phosphate 



k 3-phosphate 

NAD® deh V dro 9 enase 

Glycerol 3-phosphate 






▲ Figure 12.7 

Gluconeogenesis from glycerol. Glycerol 3-phosphate can be oxidized by a glycerol 3-phosphate de- 
hydrogenase complex in the mitochondrial membrane. A cytoplasmic version of this enzyme inter- 
converts dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glycerol 3-phosphate. 




COO 0 H 3 N — C — H 

C = 0 + 


ch 3 


CH 2 





coo 0 

coo 0 




© 1 

H 3 N — CH + 


ch 2 

ch 3 

oh 2 




S \ n 

0 0° 


a Figure 12.6 

Conversion of pyruvate to alanine. Pyruvate 
can be converted to alanine in peripheral 
tissues. Alanine is secreted into the blood- 
stream where it is taken up by liver cells 
and converted back to pyruvate by the same 
transamination reaction. Pyruvate then 
serves as a precursor for gluconeogenesis. 

▲ Glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. This 
is the human ( Homo sapiens ) version of the 
cytosolic enzyme containing DHAP and 
NAD© at the active site. The structure of 
the membrane-bound version is not known. 

362 CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 

► Precursors for gluconeogenesis. The gly- 
oxylate pathway, the Calvin cycle, and fixation 
of CO 2 into acetate, do not occur in mammals. 
Propionate is produced by microorganisms 
in the rumen of ruminants. 



Amino acids 



Glucose 6-phosphate 

C0 2 


Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate c y cle 
Dihydroxyacetone phosphate 





Amino acids 


Acetyl CoA 

Fatty acids Acetate <— C0 2 

enter the gluconeogenesis pathway. Propionate is converted to propionyl CoA and then 
to succinyl CoA. These reactions will be covered in the chapter on lipid metabolism 
(Section 16.3). Succinyl CoA is an intermediate of the citric acid cycle that can be me- 
tabolized to oxaloacetate. Lactate from the rumen is oxidized to pyruvate. 

E. Acetate 

Many species can utilize acetate as their main source of carbon. They can convert 
acetate to acetyl CoA that serves as the precursor to oxaloacetate. Bacteria and 


In most animals, glucose — whether from gluconeogenesis, 
food, or glycogenolysis — is usually oxidized or reincorpo- 
rated into glycogen. However, in some mammalian tissues 
(including, testes, pancreas, brain and the lens of the eye), 
glucose can be converted to fructose as shown in the pathway 
below. Aldose reductase catalyzes the reduction of glucose to 
produce sorbitol and polyol dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxi- 
dation of sorbitol to fructose. This short pathway supplies es- 
sential fructose for some cells. For example, fructose is the 
main fuel for sperm cells. 

Aldose reductase has a high K m value for glucose so flux 
through this pathway is normally low and glucose is usually 
metabolized by glycolysis. When the concentration of glucose is 
higher than usual (e.g., in individuals with diabetes), increased 
amounts of sorbitol are produced in tissues such as the lens. 
There is less polyol dehydrogenase activity than aldose reduc- 
tase activity so sorbitol can accumulate. Since membranes are 
relatively impermeable to sorbitol, the resulting change in the 
osmolarity of the cells causes aggregation and precipitation of 
lens proteins leading to cataracts — opaque regions in the lens. 

t Production of sorbitol from glucose. 

H v° 

ch 2 oh 

ch 2 oh 


H — C — OH 


H — C— OH 



HO — C— H 




HO — C — H 




HO — C — H 


H — C — OH 



H— C— OH 



H— C— OH 




— u- 




H — C— OH 

NADH + H© 


H — C — OH 

CH 2 OH 

CH 2 OH 

CH 2 OH 




12.3 Regulation of Gluconeogenesis 363 





Citrate ATP 





Fructose 2,6- 






+ t + t 

i i 

i i 

i i 


Fructose 2,6- 

◄ Figure 12.8 

Regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis 
by metabolites. The interconversions of fruc- 
tose 6-phosphate/fructose 1,6-b/sphosphate 
and phosphoenol pyruvate/pyruvate are cat- 
alyzed by different metabolically irreversible 
enzymes. Changing the activity of any of the 
enzymes can affect not only the rate of flux 
but also the direction of flux toward either 
glycolysis or gluconeogenesis. The net effect 
is enhanced regulation at the expense of the 
hydrolysis of ATP. 


pep pyruvate 

carboxykinase / r 3 






Acetyl CoA 

Pyruvate ^ 

J q 

- ATP 

- Phosphorylation catalyzed 
by protein kinase A 


Fructose 1,6-b/sphosphate 


single-celled eukaryotes such as yeast utilize acetate as a precursor for gluconeogene- 
sis. Some species of bacteria can synthesize acetate directly from C0 2 . In those species 
the gluconeogenesis pathway provides a route for the synthesis of glucose from inor- 
ganic substrates. 

12.3 Regulation of Gluconeogenesis 

Gluconeogenesis is carefully regulated in vivo. Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis are opposing 
catabolic and anabolic pathways that share some enzymatic steps but certain reactions are 
unique to each pathway. For example, phosphofructokinase-1 catalyzes a reaction in glycol- 
ysis and fructose 1,6-fcphosphatase catalyzes the opposing reaction in gluconeogenesis; 
both reactions are metabolically irreversible. Usually, only one of the enzymes is active at 
any given time. 

Short-term regulation of gluconeogenesis (regulation that occurs within min- 
utes and does not involve the synthesis of new protein) is exerted at two sites — the 
reactions involving pyruvate and phosphoenolpyruvate and those that intercon- 
vert fructose 1,6-frisphosphate and fructose 6-phosphate (Figure 12.8). When there 
are two enzymes catalyzing the same reaction (in different directions), modulating 
the activity of either enzyme can alter the flux through the two opposing pathways. 
For example, inhibiting phosphofructokinase-1 stimulates gluconeogenesis since 
more fructose 6-phosphate enters the pathway leading to glucose rather than being 
converted to fructose 1,6-^zsphosphate. Simultaneous control of fructose 1,6- 
frzsphosphatase also regulates the flux of fructose 1,6-^zsphosphate toward either 
glycolysis or gluconeogenesis. 

We’ve encountered phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1) several times, most notably in 
the previous chapter (Section 11. 5C) and in our discussion of allostery (Section 5.9). 
Now it’s time to examine the effect of the allosteric effector, fructose 2,6-frzsphosphate, 
on the activity of PFK-1. 

Fructose 2,6-Hsphosphate is formed from fructose 6-phosphate by the action of the 
enzyme phosphofructokinase-2 (PFK-2) (Figure 12.9). In mammalian liver, a different 

/3-D-Fructose 6-phosphate 

/3-D-Fructose 2,6-b/sphosphate 
▲ Figure 12.9 

Interconversion of j8-D-fructose 6-phosphate 
and /?-D-fructose 2,6-b/sphosphate. 

364 CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 


Bacterial versions of phosphofructokinase-1 are homote- 
tramers (Figure 5.19). The functional unit is a head-to-tail 
dimer with two active sites and two regulatory sites in the in- 
terface between the monomers. Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) 
inhibits the enzyme. 

In eukaryotes, a tandem gene duplication occurred in 
the fungi/animal lineage. This was followed by a fusion of the 
two genes leading to a monomer that was twice the size of the 
bacterial version. This larger monomer resembled the bacter- 
ial dimer with two active sites and two regulatory sites. Over a 

period of millions of years these sites became modified. One 
of the active sites continued to bind fructose 6-phosphate and 
ATP catalyzing the formation of fructose 1,6-frzsphosphate. In 
the reverse reaction it binds fructose 1,6-frzsphosphate. The 
other active site evolved to bind fructose 2,6-frzsphosphate, 
which became an allosteric activator. 

The two original regulatory sites also evolved to accom- 
modate new ligands. Citrate became the new inhibitor at one 
of the sites and the other site became the allosteric site for 
regulation by ATP (inhibitor) or AMP (activator). 

▼ Evolution of the fungal and animal versions of phosphofructokinase-1. 















Fructose 2,6-b/sphosphate 

▲ T conformation (inactive) of fructose 

1 .6- Zz/sphosphatase. This is the tetrameric 
enzyme from human (Homo sapiens) bound 
to the allosteric inhibitor AMP (space-filling) 
at the regulatory sites between the two 
dimers. The competitive inhibitor fructose 

2.6- b/'sphosphate (bal l-and-stick) is bound at 
the active sites of each monomer. [PDB 1EYJ] 

active site on the same protein catalyzes the hydrolytic dephosphorylation of fructose 

2.6- frisphosphate, re-forming fructose 6-phosphate. This activity of the enzyme is called 
fructose 2,6-frisphosphatase. The dual activities of this bifunctional enzyme control the 
steady state concentration of fructose 2,6-frzsphosphate and, ultimately, the switch 
between glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. 

As shown in Figure 12.8, the allosteric effector fructose 2,6-frisphosphate acti- 
vates PFK-1 and inhibits fructose 1,6-frzsphosphatase. Note that an increase in fructose 

2.6- Hsphosphate has reciprocal effects: it stimulates glycolysis and inhibits gluconeogen- 
esis. Similarly, AMP affects the two enzymes in a reciprocal manner; inhibiting fructose 

1.6- frisphosphatase and activating phosphofructokinase-1. The regulation of the bifunc- 
tional enzyme PFK-2/fructose 2,6-frzsphosphatase will be described after we cover 
glycogen metabolism. 

12.4 The Pentose Phosphate Pathway 

The pentose phosphate pathway is a pathway for the synthesis of three pentose phosphates: 
ribulose 5 -phosphate, ribose 5 -phosphate, and xylulose 5 -phosphate. Ribose 5 -phosphate 
is required for the synthesis of RNA and DNA. The complete pathway has two stages: an 
oxidative stage and a nonoxidative stage (Figure 12.10). In the oxidative stage, NADPH 
is produced when glucose 6-phosphate is converted to the five-carbon compound ribulose 

Glucose 6-phosphate + 2 NADP© + H 2 0 > 

Ribulose 5-phosphate + 2 NADPH + C0 2 + 2 H© (12.4) 

12.4 The Pentose Phosphate Pathway 



Glucose 6-phosphate 





^ NADPH + H® 


^-h 2 o 


H © 




6-Phosphogluconate v A1Ar ^ nil 
dehydrogenase ^ NADPH 

^ C0 2 


Ribulose 5-phosphate 




„ J 





V ^ 




(b) 6C (3) 

1C (3) 

5C (3) 

5C (2) 5C (1) 

Xylulose Ribose 

5-phosphate 5-phosphate 

Glyceraldehyde Fructose Fructose 

3-phosphate 6-phosphate 6-phosphate 




▲ Figure 12.10 

Pentose phosphate pathway, (a) The oxidative 
stage of the pathway produces a five-carbon 
sugar phosphate, ribulose 5-phosphate, 
with concomitant production of NADPH. 

The nonoxidative stage produces the 
glycolytic intermediates glyceraldehyde 
3-phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate. 

(b) The path of carbon in the pentose phos- 
phate pathway. In the oxidative stage, three 
molecules of a six-carbon compound are 
converted to three molecules of a five- 
carbon sugar (ribulose 5-phosphate) with 
release of three molecules of CO 2 . In the 
nonoxidative stage, three molecules of five- 
carbon sugars are interconverted to pro- 
duce two molecules of a six-carbon sugar 
(fructose 6-phosphate) and one molecule of 
a three-carbon compound (glyceraldehyde 

If a cell requires both NADPH and nucleotides then all the ribulose 5 -phosphate is 
isomerized to ribose 5 -phosphate and the pathway is completed at this stage. In some 
cases, more NADPH than ribose 5-phosphate is needed and most of the pentose phos- 
phates are converted to intermediates in the gluconeogenesis pathway. 

The nonoxidative stage of the pentose phosphate pathway disposes of the pen- 
tose phosphate formed in the oxidative stage by providing a route to gluconeogenesis 

366 CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 

Glucose 6-phosphate 





^ NADPH + H® 





^-h 2 0 

H © 

®o o 



H— C— OH 


HO — C — H 


H— C— OH 


H— C— OH 

CH 2 0P0 3 © 




^C0 2 

CH 2 OH 

c = o 

H— C— OH 

H— C— OH 

ch 2 opo 3 © 

Ribulose 5-phosphate 
▲ Figure 12.11 

Oxidative stage of the pentose phosphate path- 
way. Two molecules of NADP© are reduced 
to two molecules of NADPH for each mole- 
cule of glucose 6-phosphate that enters the 

or glycolysis. In this stage, ribulose 5-phosphate is converted to the intermediates 
fructose 6-phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate. If all the pentose phosphate 
were converted to these intermediates, the sum of the nonoxidative reactions would 
be the conversion of three pentose molecules to two hexose molecules plus one 
triose molecule. 

3 Ribulose 5-phosphate > 

2 Fructose 6-phosphate + Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (12.5) 

Both fructose 6-phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate can be metabolized by glycolysis 
or gluconeogenesis. 

Lets take a closer look at the individual reactions of the pentose phosphate pathway. 

A. Oxidative Stage 

The three reactions of the oxidative stage of the pentose phosphate pathway are shown in 
Figure 12.1 1. The first two steps are the same as those in the bacterial Entner-Doudoroff 
pathway (Section 1 1.7). The first reaction, catalyzed by glucose 6-phosphate dehydroge- 
nase (G6PDH), is the oxidation of glucose 6-phosphate to 6-phosphogluconolactone. 
This step is the major regulatory site for the entire pentose phosphate pathway. Glucose 
6-phosphate dehydrogenase is allosterically inhibited by NADPH (feedback inhibition). 
This simple regulatory feature ensures that the production of NADPH by the pentose 
phosphate pathway is self-limiting. 

The next enzyme of the oxidative phase is 6-phosphogluconolactonase that cat- 
alyzes the hydrolysis of 6-phosphogluconolactone to the sugar acid 6-phosphogluconate. 
Finally, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of 
6-phosphogluconate. This reaction produces a second molecule of NADPH, ribulose 
5 -phosphate, and C0 2 . In the oxidative stage, therefore, a six- carbon sugar is oxidized 
to a five-carbon sugar plus C0 2 and two molecules of NADP® are reduced to two mol- 
ecules of NADPH. 

B. Nonoxidative Stage 

The nonoxidative stage of the pentose phosphate pathway consists entirely of near equilib- 
rium reactions. This stage of the pathway provides five-carbon sugars for biosynthesis and 
introduces sugar phosphates into glycolysis or gluconeogenesis. Ribulose 5-phosphate has 
two fates: an epimerase can catalyze the formation of xylulose 5-phosphate, or an iso- 
merase can catalyze the formation of ribose 5-phosphate (Figure 12.12). (Note the differ- 
ence between an epimerase and an isomerase.) Ribose 5-phosphate is the precursor of 
the ribose (or deoxyribose) portion of nucleotides. The remaining steps of the pathway 
convert the five- carbon sugars into glycolytic intermediates. Rapidly dividing cells that 
require both ribose 5-phosphate (as a precursor of ribonucleotide and deoxyribonu- 
cleotide residues) and NADPH (for the reduction of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonu- 
cleotides) generally have high pentose phosphate pathway activity. 

The overall pentose phosphate pathway (Figure 12.10) shows that in the nonoxida- 
tive stage two molecules of xylulose 5 -phosphate and one molecule of ribose 5 -phosphate 
are interconverted to generate one three-carbon molecule (glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate) 
and two six-carbon molecules (fructose 6-phosphate). Thus, the carbon-containing 
products from the passage of three molecules of glucose through the pentose phosphate 
pathway are glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, and C0 2 . The balanced 
equation for this process is 

3 Glucose 6-phosphate + 6 NADP® + 3 H 2 0 > 2 Fructose 6-phosphate + 

Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 6 NADPH + 3 GQ 2 + 6 H® (12.6) 

12.4 The Pentose Phosphate Pathway 367 


The genetics of human glucose 6 -phosphate dehydrogenase has 
been the subject of much research. There are two different en- 
zymes that can catalyze the reaction shown in Figure 12.1 1. One 
of the genes (G6PDH) is found on the X chromosome (Xq28) 
and it is expressed almost exclusively in red blood cells. The 
other gene (H6PDH) encodes an enzyme that is less specific; it 
can use other hexose substrates. Hexose 6-phosphate dehydro- 
genase is synthesized in many cells where it serves as the first en- 
zyme in the oxidative stage of the pentose phosphate pathway. 

The glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase reaction is the 
only reaction capable of reducing NADP© in red blood cells; 
consequently, deficiencies of this enzyme have drastic effects 
on the metabolism of these cells. Other cells are not affected 
since they contain H6PDH. G6PDH deficiency in humans 
causes hemolytic anemia. 

There are hundreds of different alleles of the X chromo- 
some G6PDH gene. The variants produce lower amounts of 
the enzyme or they alter its catalytic efficiency. There are no 
known null mutants in the human population because the 
complete absence of G6PDH activity is lethal. Note that 
males are more likely to be affected since they have only a 
single copy of the gene on their one X chromosome. 

It is estimated that 400 million people have some form of 
G6PDH deficiency and suffer from mild forms of hemolytic 
anemia. The symptoms can be life threatening if the patient is 
treated with certain drugs that are normally prescribed for 
other diseases. Many of these individuals have an increased re- 
sistance to malaria because the malarial parasite does not sur- 
vive well in red blood cells that produce lowered amounts of 
NADPH. This explains why there are so many deficiency alleles 

segregating in the human population in spite of the fact that 
the pentose phosphate pathway is inefficient. Its an example of 
balanced selection like the familiar sickle cell anemia example. 

Human genome database entries for these genes can be 
viewed on the Entrez Gene website []. 
Type in the entries for the G6PDH gene (2531) or the H6PDH 
gene (9563). The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) 
webpage is at The entry for G6PDH is 
MIM=305900 and the entry for H6PDH is MIM= 138090. 

▲ Human glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, variant Canton R459L. The 

enzyme is a dimer of dimers (tetramer). Two molecules of NADP© are 
bound at the active sites in each dimer. [PDB 1QK1] 

ch 2 oh 
c = o 

ch 2 oh 

CH 2 OH 

c— o e 


C = 0 

c— OH 

< » HO— C — H 





H — C— OH 

H— C — OH 


1 ^ 


CH 2 0P0 3 cy 

ch 2 opo 3 ( 





H— C — OH 

H— C — OH 

ch 2 opo 3 ® 








11 © 

C— 0° 


H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 

ch 2 opo 3 ® 



H .0 



H — C — OH 


H — C — OH 


H — C — OH 

CH 2 0P0 3 ® 



The reactions of the nonoxidative stage 
of the pentose phosphate pathway are 
similar to those of the regeneration stage 
of the reductive pentose phosphate cycle 
of photosynthesis (Section 15.8). 

◄ Figure 12.12 

Conversion of ribulose 5-phosphate to xylulose 
5-phosphate or ribose 5-phosphate. In either 
case, the removal of a proton forms an ene- 
diol intermediate. Reprotonation forms ei- 
ther the ketose xylulose 5-phosphate or the 
aldose ribose 5-phosphate. 

368 CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 

▲ Transketolase from Escherichia coli. 

The active site of each monomer contains 
one molecule of xylulose 5-phosphate 
(space-filling) and the TDP cofactor. [PDN 

Figure 12.13 y 

Reaction catalyzed by transketolase. The 

reversible transfer of a glycoaldehyde group 
(shown in red) from xylulose 5-phosphate 
to ribose 5-phosphate generates glyceralde- 
hyde 3-phosphate and sedoheptulose 7- 
phosphate. Note that the ketose-phosphate 
substrate (in either direction) is shortened 
by two carbon atoms, whereas the 
aldose-phosphate substrate is lengthened 
by two carbon atoms. In this example, 

In most cells, the glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate produced 
by the pentose phosphate pathway are used to resynthesize glucose 6-phosphate. This 
glucose 6 -phosphate molecule can reenter the pentose phosphate pathway. In that case, 
the equivalent of one molecule of glucose is completely oxidized to C0 2 by six passages 
through the pathway. After six molecules of glucose 6-phosphate are oxidized, the six 
ribulose 5-phosphates produced can be rearranged by the reactions of the pentose phos- 
phate pathway and part of the gluconeogenic pathway to form five glucose 6-phosphate 
molecules. (Recall that two glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate molecules are equivalent to one 
fructose 1,6-frzsphosphate molecule.) If we disregard H 2 0 and H®, the overall stoi- 
chiometry for this process is 

6 Glucose 6-phosphate + 12 NADP® > 

5 Glucose 6-phosphate + 12 NADPH + 6 C0 2 + Pj (12.7) 

This net reaction emphasizes that most of the glucose 6-phosphate entering the pentose 
phosphate pathway could be recycled; one -sixth is converted to C0 2 and Pi. Indeed, an 
alternate name for the pathway is the pentose phosphate cycle. 

C. Interconversions Catalyzed by Transketolase 
and Transaldolase 

The interconversions of the nonoxidative stage of the pentose phosphate pathway are 
catalyzed by two enymes called transketolase and transaldolase. These enzymes have 
broad substrate specificities. 

Transketolase is also called glycoaldehydetransferase. It is a thiamine diphosphate 
(TDP) -dependent enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a two-carbon glycoaldehyde 
group from a ketose phosphate to an aldose phosphate. The ketose phosphate is 
shortened by two carbons and the aldose phosphate is lengthened by two carbons 
(Figure 12.13). 

Transaldolase is also called dihydroxyacetonetransferase. It catalyzes the transfer of 
a three-carbon dihydroxyacetone group from a ketose phosphate to an aldose phosphate. 
The transaldolase reaction of the pentose phosphate pathway converts sedoheptulose 
7-phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate to erythrose 4-phosphate and fructose 
6-phosphate (Figure 12.14). 

5C + 5C 

3C + 7C. 

ch 2 oh 

0 H 


CH 2 OH 


C = 0 

HO— C — H 



H — C — OH 


0 K H 

H — C — OH 


)— c — H + 

H — r — OH « 7 


H — C — OH 


1 — C— OH 


H — C — OH 


H — C— OH 


H — C — OH 

ch 2 opo 3 © 

ch 2 opo 3 © 

ch 2 opo 3 © 

ch 2 opo 3 (? 









12.5 Glycogen Metabolism 

Glucose is stored as the intracellular polysaccharides starch and glycogen. In Chapter 15 
we discuss starch metabolism, which occurs mostly in plants. Glycogen is an important 
storage polysaccharide in bacteria, protists, fungi and animals. Large glycogen particles 
can be easily seen in the cytoplasm of these organisms. Most of the glycogen in verte- 
brates is found in muscle and liver cells. Muscle glycogen appears in electron micrographs 
as cytosolic granules with a diameter of 10 to 40 nm, about the size of ribosomes. 
Glycogen particles in liver cells are about three times larger. The glycogen particles in 
bacteria are smaller. 

12.5 Glycogen Metabolism 


ch 2 oh 



HO — C — H 


0 H 

CH 2 OH 
C = 0 


H — C— OH 


H O 



HO — C — H 


H — C— OH + 


H — C— OH 


H — C— OH + 


H — C— OH 

H — C — OH 


H — C — OH 


H— C— OH 

ch 2 opo 3 © 

ch 2 opo 3 © 

CH 2 0P0 3 © 

CH 2 OPO: 










▲ Figure 12.14 

Reaction catalyzed by transaldolase. The reversible transfer of a three-carbon dihydroxyacetone group 
(shown in red) from sedoheptulose 7-phosphate, to C-l of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate generates a 
new ketose phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, and releases a new aldose phosphate, erythrose 4- 
phosphate. Note that the carbon atoms balance: 7C + 3C 6C + 4C. 

A. Glycogen Synthesis 

De novo glycogen synthesis requires a preexisting primer of four to eight a-( 1 —> 4)- 
linked glucose residues. This primer is attached to a specific tyrosine residue of a pro- 
tein called glycogenin (Figure 12.15) via the 1 -hydroxyl group of the reducing end of 
the short polysaccharide. The primer is formed in two steps. The first glucose residue is 
attached to glycogenin by the action of a glucosyltransferase activity that requires UDP- 
glucose. Glycogenin itself catalyzes this reaction as well as the extension of the primer 
by up to seven more glucose residues. Thus, glycogenin is both a protein scaffold for 
glycogen and an enzyme. Each glycogen molecule (which can contain thousands of glu- 
cose residues) contains a single glycogenin protein at its center. 

Further glycogen addition reactions begin with glucose 6-phosphate that can be 
converted to glucose 1 -phosphate. We saw in Section 11.5 that glucose 6-phosphate 
can enter a number of pathways, including glycolysis and the pentose phosphate path- 
way. Glycogen synthesis and degradation is mostly a way of storing glucose 6-phos- 
phate until it is needed by the cell. The synthesis and degradation of glycogen require 
separate enzymatic steps. We have already noted that it is a general rule of metabolism 
that biosynthesis pathways and degradation pathways follow different routes. 

Three separate enzyme-catalyzed reactions are required to incorporate a mole- 
cule of glucose 6-phosphate into glycogen (Figure 12.16). First, phosphoglucomutase 
catalyzes the conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to glucose 1 -phosphate. Glucose 
1 -phosphate is then activated by reaction with UTP, forming UDP-glucose and py- 
rophosphate (PPi). In the third step, glycogen synthase catalyzes the addition of glucose 
residues from UDP-glucose to the nonreducing end of glycogen. 

Phosphoglucomutase is a ubiquitous enzyme. It catalyzes a near- equilibrium reac- 
tion that converts a-D-glucose 6-phosphate to a-D-glucose 1 -phosphate Glucose 1- 
phosphate is the famous “Cori ester” discovered by Gerty Cori and Carl Cori in the 
1930s when the reactions of glycogen metabolism were first being elucidated. 

( 12 . 12 ) 



u-D-Glucose 6-phosphate 

u-D-Glucose 1 -phosphate 

▲ Gerty Cori, (1896-1957) biochemist. Carl 
Cori and Gerty Cori won the Nobel Prize in 
1947 “for their discovery of the course of the 
catalytic conversion of glycogen.” This stamp 
depicts the “Cori ester” but it’s slightly dif- 
ferent than the structure we usually see in 
textbooks. Can you spot the difference? 

▲ Figure 12.15 

Glycogenin from rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculus). 

The molecule is a homodimer and each of 
the active sites contains a bound molecule 
of UDP-glucose. [PDB 1LL2] 

370 CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 

▲ Large glycogen particles in a section of a 
liver cell. (Electron micrograph.) 

▲ Stained glycogen granules in bacteria 
( Candidates spp.) 

Glucose 6-phosphate 



Glucose 1 -phosphate 



__ Glycogen 
Glycogen ' (n residues) 


(n + 1 residues) 

▲ Figure 12.16 

Synthesis of glycogen in eukaryotes. 


PP, -> 2 Pi 


The mechanism of this reaction is similar to that of cofactor- dependent phospho- 
glycerate mutase (Section 11.2 8). Glucose 6-phosphate binds to the phosphoenzyme, 
and glucose 1,6-frisphosphate is formed as an enzyme-bound intermediate. Transfer of 
the C-6 phosphate to the enzyme leaves glucose 1 -phosphate. 

Glucose 1 -phosphate is activated by formation of UDP-glucose in the second step of 
glycogen synthesis. In this reaction a UMP group from UTP is transferred to the phos- 
phate at C-l with release of pyrophosphate (see Figure 7.6). The enzyme that catalyzes 
this reaction is called UDP glucose pyrophosphorylase and it is present in most eukaryotic 
species. Note that the activation of glucose requires UTP. The 
energy is stored in UDP-glucose where it can be used in many biosynthesis reactions. We 
saw in Section 1 1.6 that UDP-glucose can be a substrate for synthesis of UDP-galactose. 
(UDP-galactose is used in the synthesis of gangliosides.) The standard Gibbs free energy 
change in the UDP glucose pyrophospholylase reaction is close to zero. Under the steady 
state, near-equilibrium conditions found in vivo , AG = 0 and the concentrations of glu- 
cose 1 -phosphate and UDP-glucose are nearly equal. Flux in the direction of UDP-glucose 
synthesis is driven by subsequent hydrolysis of pyrophosphate (Section 10.6). Two ATP 
equivalents (UTP and PPj) are used in the activation of glucose. 

Glycogen synthesis is a polymerization reaction where glucose units are added one 
at a time to a growing polysaccharide chain. This reaction is catalyzed by glucogen syn- 
thase (Figure 12.17). Many polymerization reactions are processive — the enzyme 
remains bound to the end of the growing chain and addition reactions are very rapid 
(see Section 20. 2B). The glycogen synthase reaction is distributive — the enzyme releases 
the growing glycogen chain after each reaction. 

Glycogen synthases that use UDP-glucose as their substrate are present in protists, 
animals, and fungi. Some bacteria synthesize glycogen using ADP-glucose. Starch syn- 
thesis in plants also requires ADP-glucose. The glycogen synthase reaction is the major 
regulatory step of glycogen synthesis. In animals, there are hormones that control the 
rate of glycogen synthesis by altering the activity of glycogen synthase. We will describe 
regulation in the next section. 

Another enzyme, amylo-(l,4 — > l,6)-transglycosylase, catalyzes branch formation in 
glycogen. This enzyme, also known as the branching enzyme, removes an oligosaccharide of 
at least six residues from the nonreducing end of an elongated chain and attaches it by an 
a-( l— >6) linkage to a position at least four glucose residues from the nearest a-(l — » 6) 
branch point. These branches provide many sites for adding or removing glucose residues, 
thereby contributing to the speed with which glycogen can be synthesized or degraded. 

The complete glycogen molecule has many layers of polysaccharide chains extend- 
ing out from the glycogenin core (Figure 12.18). The large granules in liver cells, for ex- 
ample, have glycogen molecules with up to 120,000 glucose residues. There are usually 
two branches per chain and each chain is 8-14 residues in length. The molecule has 
about 12 layers of chains. If there were on average two branches per chain then each 
polysacharide unit would have thousands of free ends. 

B. Glycogen Degradation 

The glucose residues of starch and glycogen are released from storage polymers through 
the action of enzymes called polysaccharide phosphorylases: starch phosphorylase (in 
plants) and glycogen phosphorylase (in other organisms). These enzymes catalyze the 
removal of glucose residues from the nonreducing ends of starch or glycogen, provided 
the monomers are attached by a-(l — > 4) linkages. As the name implies, the enzymes 
catalyze phosphorolysis — cleavage of a bond by group transfer to an oxygen atom of 
phosphate. In contrast to hydrolysis (group transfer to water), phosphorolysis pro- 
duces phosphate esters. Thus, the first product of polysaccharide breakdown is a-D-glucose 
1 -phosphate (the Cori ester), not free glucose. 

Polysaccharide + phosphorylase 

(n residues) 1 


, ' . , x + Glucose 1 -phosphate 

(n - 1 residues) 


12.5 Glycogen Metabolism 




o 0 o 0 


Glycogen synthase 

Glycogen (n residues) 



0 , 

O — P — O— P — O — Uridine 
O 0 O 0 


CH 2 OH 


▲ Figure 12.17 

The glycogen synthase reaction. 

The phosphorolysis reaction catalyzed by glycogen phosphorylase is shown in 
Figure 12.19. Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) is a prosthetic group in the active site of 
the enzyme. The phosphate group of PLP appears to relay a proton to the substrate 
phosphate to help cleave the scissile C — O bond of glycogen. Note that glycogen phospho- 
rylase catalyzes a remarkable reaction since it only uses glycogen and inorganic phosphates 
as substrates in a reaction that produces a relatively “high energy” compound, glucose 
1 -phosphate (Table 10.1). 

Glycogen phosphorylase is a dimer of identical subunits. The catalytic sites lie in 
the middle of each subunit. It binds phosphate and the end of a glycogen chain 
(Figure 12.20). The large glycogen particle binds to a nearby site and the chain being 
degraded passes along a groove on the surface of the enzyme. Four or five glucose 
residues can be cleaved sequentially before the enzyme has to release a glycogen particle 
and re-bind. Thus, in contrast to glycogen synthase, glycogen phosphorylase is partially 

The enzyme stops four glucose residues from a branch point (an a-( 1 —>6) glucosidic 
bond) leaving a limit dextrin. The limit dextrin can be further degraded by the action 
of the bifunctional glycogen debranching enzyme (Figure 12.21). A glucano transferase 
activity of the debranching enzyme catalyzes the relocation of a chain of three glucose 
residues from a branch to a free 4-hydroxyl end of the glycogen molecule. Both the orig- 
inal linkage and the new one are a- (l —> 4). The other activity of glycogen debranching 
enzyme, amylo-l,6-glucosidase, catalyzes hydrolytic (not phosphorolytic) removal of 
the remaining a-{ \ —> 6) -linked glucose residue. The products are one free glucose 
molecule and an elongated chain that is again a substrate for glycogen phosphorylase. 
When a glucose molecule released from glycogen by the action of the debranching en- 
zyme enters glycolysis, two ATP molecules are produced (Section 11.1). In contrast, 
each glucose molecule mobilized by the action of glycogen phosphorylase (representing 
about 90% of the residues in glycogen) yields three ATP molecules. The energy yield 
from glycogen is higher than from free glucose because glycogen phosphorylase cat- 
alyzes phosphorolysis rather than hydrolysis — no ATP is consumed as in the hexokinase- 
catalyzed phosphorylation of free glucose. 

The product of glycogen degradation, glucose 1 -phosphate, is rapidly converted to 
glucose 6-phosphate by phosphoglucomutase. 

▲ Figure 12.18 

A glycogen molecule. Two polysaccharides 
(blue) are attached to each core glycogenin 
molecule. Each chain core has 8-14 
residues and two branches. Not all branches 
are shown. Seven layers are numbered but 
typical glycogen molecules have 8-12 lay- 
ers, depending on the species. 

There’s no magical net gain of energy 
by storing glucose as glycogen since 
the cost of incorporating glucose 
6-phosphate into glycogen is two ATP 
equivalents (Figure 12.16). 

372 CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 

▲ Inhibiting glycogen phosphorylase. 

The action of glycogen phosphorylase pro- 
duces glucose in the liver. Insulin controls 
this activity by inactivating glycogen phos- 
phorylase but in the absence of insulin (e.g., 
Type II diabetes), excess production of glu- 
cose can be dangerous. Many inhibitors of 
glycogen phosphorylase have been devel- 
oped as possible treatments for diabetes. 
One of them is a cyclic maltose molecule 
shown here bound to the active sites of the 
rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculis ) enzyme. 



binding site 

▲ Figure 12.20 

Binding and catalytic sites on glycogen 

Glycogen (n residues) 


°0— P — O— H 






▲ Figure 12.19 

Cleavage of a glucose residue from the nonreducing end of a glycogen chain, catalyzed by glycogen 

12.6 Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism in Mammals 

Mammalian glycogen stores glucose in times of plenty (after feeding, a time of high glu- 
cose levels) and supplies glucose in times of need (during fasting or in “fight or flight” 
situations). In muscle, glycogen provides fuel for muscle contraction. In contrast, liver 
glycogen is largely converted to glucose that exits liver cells and enters the bloodstream 
for transport to other tissues that require it. Both the mobilization and synthesis of 
glycogen are regulated by hormones. 

A. Regulation of Glycogen Phosphorylase 

Glycogen phosphoryase is responsible for the breakdown of glycogen to produce 
glucose 1 -phosphate. In muscle cells, glucose 1 -phosphate is converted to glucose 
6 -phosphate that is used in glycolysis to produce ATP. In liver cells, glucose 6-phosphate 
is hydrolyzed to free glucose that is secreted into the bloodstream where it can be taken 
up by other tissues. 

The activity of glycogen phosphorylase is regulated by several allosteric effectors 
and by covalent modification (phosphorylation). Let’s take a few minutes to study the 
regulation of glycogen phosphorylase because not only is it important in glycogen me- 
tabolism, it’s also historically important. 

The enzyme exists in four different forms as shown in Figure 12.22. The unphos- 
phorylated form is called glycogen phosphorylase b (GPb) and the phosphorylated 
form is called glycogen phosphorylase a (GPa). The enzyme is phosphorylated by a 
kinase enzyme and dephosphorylated by a phosphatase. 

Like other allosterically regulated enzymes, glycogen phosphorylase adopts two 
conformations; the R conformation is the active conformation and the T conformation 
is much less active. This is depicted in Figure 12.22 as a change in the shape of the cat- 
alytic site: In the R conformation, inorganic phosphate (a substrate of the reaction) can 
bind and in the T conformation binding of inorganic phosphate is inhibited. 

Unphosphorylated GPb can exist in both inactive T conformations and active R 
conformations. The allosteric site of the enzyme binds several effectors that cause a 

12.6 Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism in Mammals 373 


Polymerization reactions can be described as either head 
growth or tail growth. In a head growth mechanism, the 
growing end of the chain is “activated” and cleavage of the 
“high energy” linkage at the head of the molecule provides 
the energy for the next addition of a monomer. In a tail growth 
mechanism, the growing end does not contain the high energy 
linkage; instead, the energy for the addition reaction comes 
from the activated monomer. 

Glycogen synthesis is an example of a tail growth 
mechanism. The incoming monomer (UDP-glucose) is 
activated and, when the reaction is complete, the end of the 
glycogen chain is a simple hydroxyl group at the 4-carbon 
atom of a glucose residue. DNA and RNA synthesis are also 
examples of a tail growth mechanism. Protein synthesis 
and fatty acid synthesis are examples of head growth 

The differences between the two mechanisms become 
clear when you think of the reverse reaction: degradation. 

Head Growth 

Glycogen and nucleic acids can be degraded by chopping off a 
single residue. In the case of glycogen, synthesis and degrada- 
tion are part of an ongoing process since the glycogen particle 
serves as a storage molecule for glucose. In the case of nucleic 
acids, especially DNA, the degradation reaction is an essential 
part of DNA repair and proofreading that ensures DNA 
replication is extremely accurate (Section 20.2C). Removal of 
single residues does not prevent the polymer from serving im- 
mediately as a substrate for further addition reactions. 

Protein synthesis and fatty acid synthesis utilize head 
growth mechanisms for synthesis. In this case, removal of an 
end residue also removes the activated head so further addi- 
tion reactions are not possible without an additional step to 
“reactivate” the head. This is one reason why protein synthe- 
sis errors cant be repaired and one reason why fatty acid 
chains aren’t used as energy storage molecules in the same 
way that glycogen is used. 

Tail Growth 

q Head 







▲ Head and tail growth. In a head growth mechanism (left), incoming activated monomers are added to the “head” of the growing polymer. 

(The end that contains the activated residue.) After the addition reaction, the polymer still contains an activated residue at the growing end. In 
tail growth (right), the incoming activated monomer is added to the “tail” end of the growing polymer. The monomer substrate carries the energy 
for its own addition reaction. When the polymer is degraded, a single residue is removed. Polymers that use a head growth mechanism will no 
longer be a substrate for addition reactions following degradation because the activated head has been removed. Polymers that employ a tail 
growth mechanism are still able to act as substrates for addition reactions. 

shift in conformation. The allosteric site is close to the dimer interface between the two 
monomers and both subunits change conformation simultaneously — a result that con- 
forms to the concerted model of Monod, Wyman, and Changeux (Section 5.9C). 

When ATP is bound, the activity of the enzyme is inhibited (T state). This is the nor- 
mal state of activity since physiological concentrations of ATP are high and relatively con- 
stant. When the AMP concentration rises, it displaces ATP from the allosteric site causing a 
shift to the active R conformation and activation of glycogen breakdown. In muscle cells, 
increasing AMP concentration results from strenuous muscle activity and signals the need 
for more glucose 1 -phosphate to stimulate ATP production by glycolysis. The enzyme is in- 
hibited by glucose 6-phosphate (feedback inhibition). There’s no need to continue glyco- 
gen breakdown if glucose 6-phosphate concentration is sufficient to fuel glycolysis. 

The main difference between the R conformation and the T conformation is the 
position of a loop containing Asp-283 and nearby residues (the 280s loop). In the T 
conformation, the negatively charged side chain of Asp-283 lies close to the pyridoxal 
5-phosphate (PLP) cofactor at the catalytic site. This proximity prevents binding of 
inorganic phosphate, inhibiting the reaction. In the R conformation, the position of this 
loop shifts allowing inorganic phosphate to enter the active site. 

374 CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 



▲ Figure 12.21 

Degradation of glycogen. Glycogen phospho- 
rylase catalyzes the phosphorolysis of glyco- 
gen chains, stopping four residues from an 
a-(l — * 6) branch point and producing one 
molecule of glucose 1-phosphate for each 
glucose residue mobilized. Further degrada- 
tion is accomplished by the two activities of 
the glycogen debranching enzyme. The 
4-a-glucanotransferase activity catalyzes the 
transfer of a trimer from a branch of the 
limit dextrin to a free end of the glycogen 
molecule. The amylo-l,6-glucosidase 
activity catalyzes hydrolytic release of the 
remaining a-{ 1 — » 6)-l i nked glucose residue. 

Phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1) is 
regulated in a similar manner by 
ATP and AMP. 

The structures of GPa and GPb are shown in Figure 12.23 in order to illustrate the 
structural changes that take place when the enzyme is phosphorylated and dephospho- 
rylated. The phosphoryl group is covalently attached to serine residue 14 (Ser-14) near 
the N- terminal end of the protein. 

In the unphosphorylated state (GPb), the N-terminal residues, including Ser-14, 
associate with the surface near the catalytic site. In the phosphorylated state (GPa), 
phosphoserine-14 interacts with two positively charged arginine residues near the 
allosteric site. The remarkable shift in the location of the N-terminal end of the chain 
cause other conformation changes in the enzyme; notably, a reorientation of two a 
helices, the tower helices, on the other side of the dimer interface. This, in turn, affects 
the position of the 280s loop controlling the transition between the active R conforma- 
tion and the inactive T conformation. 

The equilibrium between T and R is greatly shifted in favor of the R conformation 
(active) when glycogen phosphorylase is phosphorylated (GPa). GPa is relatively 
insensitive to ATP, AMP, and glucose 6-phosphate. In muscle cells, GPa will be formed 
in response to hormones that signal the need for glucose and strenuous muscle activity. 
This promotes rapid mobilization of glycogen. In liver cells, the liver version of glycogen 
phosphorylase responds to the same hormones but in this case glycogen breakdown 
leads to excretion of glucose that can be taken up by muscle cells. Liver glycogen phos- 
phorylase a is inhibited by glucose by shifting GPa to the T conformation. This makes 
sense since the presence of a high concentration of free glucose means that it’s not nec- 
essary to continue producing glucose from glycogen. 

The muscle version of glycogen phosphorylase is not inhibited by glucose since 
muscle cells rarely see significant concentrations of free glucose. Muscle cells don’t con- 
vert glucose 6-phosphate to glucose and any glucose taken up from the bloodstream is 
quickly phosphoryated by hexokinase to glucose 6-phosphate. 

phosphorylase b 

phosphorylase a 




▲ Figure 12.22 

Regulation of glycogen phosphorylase. Glycogen phosphorylase b is the unphosphorylated form of 
the enzyme. Glycogen phosphorylase a is phosphorylated at a position near the allosteric site. 
Phosphorylation is indicated by a purple ball at that site. The T conformation (red) is mostly 
inactive and the R conformation (green) is active in glycogen breakdown as shown by binding of 
inorganic phosphate (purple ball) to the catalytic site. The R conformation is greatly favored when 
the enzyme is phosphorylated (glycogen phosphorylase a). 

12.6 Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism in Mammals 375 

T state 

R state 

Catalytic site 

Catalytic site 

Catalytic site 

Ser-14' shift 





Catalytic site 

▲ Figure 12.23 

Phosphorylated and unphosphoylated forms of glycogen phosphorylase. PLP at the catalytic site is 
shown as a space-filling molecule. The large shift in position of Ser-14 upon phospharylation to 
Ser-14-P causes a conformational change that allows access to the catalytic site [PDB 3CEH, 1Z8D]. 

Gerty Cori and Carl Cori discovered in 1938 that glycogen phosphorylase activity 
was regulated by AMP. Since then, glycogen phosphorylase has been one of the prime 
examples of allosterically regulated enzymes, exciting three generations of biochemistry 
students. Glycogen phosphorylase was the very first enzyme whose regulation by cova- 
lent modification was demonstrated. Eddy Fischer and Edwin Krebs published their 
result in 1956 and for a long time regulation by phosphorylation was thought to be an 
unusual form of regulation confined to glycogen metabolism. Today, we know that 
phosphorylation is a very common form of regulation in eukaryotes and it is the most 
important part of many signal transduction pathways. There are hundreds of labs 
studying signal transduction. 

B. Hormones Regulate Glycogen Metabolism 

Insulin, glucagon, and epinephrine are the principal hormones that control glycogen 
metabolism in mammals. Insulin, a 51 -residue protein synthesized by the /3 cells of the 
pancreas, is secreted when the concentration of glucose in the blood increases. High levels 
of insulin are associated with the fed state of an animal. Insulin increases the rate of 
glucose transport into muscle and adipose tissue via the GLUT4 glucose transporter 
(Section 11.5A). Insulin also stimulates glycogen synthesis in the liver. 

Glucagon, a peptide hormone containing 29 amino acid residues, is secreted by the 
a cells of the pancreas in response to a low blood glucose concentration. Glucagon re- 
stores the blood glucose concentration to a steady state level by stimulating glycogen 

▲ Edmond (“Eddy”) H. Fischer (1920-) 
(left) and Edwin G. Krebs (1918-2009) 
(right) received the Nobel Prize in Physiology 
or Medicine in 1992 “for their discoveries 
concerning reversible protein phosphoryla- 
tion as a biological regulatory mechanism.” 


CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 

degradation. Glucagon is extremely selective in its target because only liver cells are 
rich in glucagon receptors. The effect of glucagon is opposite that of insulin and an ele- 
vated glucagon concentration is associated with the fasted state. 

The adrenal glands release the catecholamine epinephrine (also known as adrena- 
line), in response to neural signals that trigger the fight or flight response (Figure 3.5c). 
The epinephrine precursor, norepinephrine, also has hormone activity. Epinephrine 
stimulates the breakdown of glycogen. It triggers a response to a sudden energy require- 
ment whereas glucagon and insulin act over longer periods to maintain a relatively 
constant concentration of glucose in the blood. Epinephrine binds to /3-adrenergic 
receptors of liver and muscle cells and to a r adrenergic receptors of liver cells. The 
binding of epinephrine to /3-adrenergic receptors or of glucagon to its receptors acti- 
vates the adenylyl cyclase signaling pathway. The second messenger, cyclic AMP 
(cAMP), then activates protein kinase A (PKA). 

PKA phosphorylates a number of other proteins causing significant changes in me- 
tabolism. Let’s look first at the regulation of glycogen metabolism by glucagon (Figure 
12.24). When glucagon binds to its receptor it stimulates adenylate cyclase causing an in- 
crease in cAMP that leads to activation of PKA. PKA phosphorylates glycogen synthase 
converting the “a” form to the inactive cc b” form. This blocks glycogen synthesis. PKA also 
phosphorylates another kinase called phosphorylase kinase. As the name implies, this is 
the kinase that phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase. PKA activates phosphorylase ki- 
nase leading to conversion of glycogen phosphorylase b to the the active form, glycogen 
phosphorylase a. The result is an increase in the rate of degradation of glycogen. 

The net effect of glucagon (or epinephrine) is to block synthesis of glycogen and 
stimulate its breakdown. The reciprocal regulation of these two enzymes is an impor- 
tant feature of regulation in this pathway. 

Glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase are dephosphorylated by phospho- 
protein phosphatase- 1, an enzyme that acts on many other substrates. As shown in 
Figure 12.25, dephosphorylation leads to reciprocal inactivation of glycogen phospho- 
rylase and activation of glycogen synthase. This results in synthesis of glycogen from 
UDP- glucose and inhibition of glycogen breakdown. Insulin stimulates the activity of 
phosphoprotein phosphatase- 1, thus causing the uptake of glucose into glycogen and its 
depletion in the bloodstream. Prosphoprotein phosphatase- 1 also acts on phosphory- 
lase kinase blocking further activation of glycogen phosphorylase. 

C. Hormones Regulate Gluconeogenesis and Glycolysis 

Now it’s time to return to our discussion of the regulation of gluconeogenesis and glycolysis. 
Fructose 1,6-frzsphosphatase (FBPase) and phosphofructokinase- 1 (PFK-1) are the key 
enzymes involved in the decision to either degrade glucose or synthesize it (Section 12.3). 
Recall that these two enzymes are reciprocally regulated by the effector fructose 
2,6-Hsphosphate (Figure 12.8). This effector molecule is synthesized from fructose 
6-phosphate by phosphofructokinase-2 (PFK-2) and it is dephosphorylated back to fruc- 
tose 6-phosphate by fructose 2,6-Z?zsphosphatase (F2,6BPase) (Figure 12.9). These two 
enzymatic activities are located on the same bifunctional protein. The relationship among 
the four enzymes and their products is summarized in Figure 12.26. 

The F2,6BPase and PFK-2 activities in the bifunctional enzyme are regulated by 
phosphorylation in a reciprocal manner. When the protein is phosphorylated, the 
enyme acts as a fructose 2,6-Hsphosphatase and the phosphofructokinase activity is in- 
hibited. Conversely, when the enzyme is unphosphorylated it acts as a phosphofructo- 
kinase and the fructose 2,6-frisphosphatase activity is inhibited. 

This is the same mode of reciprocal regulation we encountered with glycogen 
phosphorylase and glycogen synthase, except this time the two enzyme activities are on 
the same molecule. In the presence of glucagon, protein kinase A (PKA) is active and it 
phosphorylates the bifunctional enzyme (Figure 12.27). Thus, glucagon stimulates glu- 
coneogenesis and inhibits glycolysis in liver cells causing glucose levels in the blood- 
stream to rise. At the same time, epinephrine can stimulate glycogen degradation and 
inhibit glycogen synthesis in muscle cells. The result is more glucose for muscle cells 
and more ATP from glycolysis. 

12.6 Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism in Mammals 377 

◄ Figure 12.24 

Effects of glucagon on glycogen metabolism. 

The binding of glucagon to its receptors 
stimulates glycogen degradation via protein 
kinase A. 





t Figure 12.25 

Effect of insulin on glycogen metabolism. Insulin simulates the phosphatase activity of phosphoprotein 
phosphatase-1, leading to inactivation of glycogen phosphorylase and activation of glycogen synthase. 








CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 




Figure 12.26 ▲ 

The role of fructose 2,6-Z;/sphosphate in 
regulating glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. 

12.7 Maintenance of Glucose Levels 
in Mammals 

Mammals maintain blood glucose levels within strict limits by regulating both the syn- 
thesis and degradation of glucose. Glucose is the major metabolic fuel in the body. 
Some tissues, such as brain, rely almost entirely on glucose for their energy needs. The 
concentration of glucose in the blood seldom drops below 3 mM or exceeds 10 mM. 
When the concentration of glucose in the blood falls below 2.5 mM, glucose uptake into 
the brain is compromised, with severe consequences. Conversely, when blood glucose 
levels are very high, glucose is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys accompanied by 
osmotic loss of water and electrolytes. 

The liver plays a unique role in energy metabolism participating in the intercon- 
versions of all types of metabolic fuels: carbohydrates, amino acids, and fatty acids. 

Figure 12.27 ► 

Effect of glucagon on gluconeogenesis. 

Glucagon binds to its receptor, causing acti- 
vation of adenylate cyclase. Increased levels 
of cAMP activate protein kinase A, which 
phosphorylates the bifunctional enzyme 
leading to activation of fructose 2,6- 
b/sphosphatase activity. In the absence of 
the effector fructose 2,6-b/sphosphate, fruc- 
tose l,6-b/'sphosphatase is activated and 
this increases flux in the gluconeogenesis 


12.7 Maintenance of Glucose Levels in Mammals 379 

Anatomically, the liver is centrally located in the circulatory system (Figure 12.28). 
Most tissues are perfused in parallel with the arterial system supplying oxygenated 
blood and the venous circulation returning blood to the lungs for oxygenation. The 
liver, however, is perfused in series with the visceral tissues (gastrointestinal tract, pan- 
creas, spleen, and adipose tissue); blood from these tissues drains into the portal vein 
and then flows to the liver. This means that after the products of digestion are absorbed 
by the intestine, they pass immediately to the liver. Using its specialized complement of 
enzymes, the liver regulates the distribution of dietary fuels and supplies fuel from its 
own reserves when dietary supplies are exhausted. 

The consumption of glucose by tissues removes dietary glucose from the blood. 
When glucose levels fall, liver glycogen and gluconeogenesis become the sources of glu- 
cose. However, since these sources are limited, hormones act to restrict the use of glucose 
to those cells and tissues that absolutely depend on glycolysis for generating ATP (kidney 
medulla, retina, red blood cells, and parts of the brain). Other tissues can generate ATP 
by oxidizing fatty acids mobilized from adipose tissue (Sections 16. 1C and 16.2). 

The complexity of carbohydrate metabolism in mammals is evident from the 
changes that occur on feeding and starvation. In the 1960s, George Cahill examined the 
glucose utilization of obese patients as they underwent therapeutic starvation. After an 
initial feeding of glucose, the subjects received only water, vitamins, and minerals. 
Cahill noted that glucose homeostasis (maintenance of constant levels in the circula- 
tion) proceeds through five phases. Figure 12.29, based on Cahill’s observations, sum- 
marizes the metabolic changes in the five phases. 

1. During the initial absorptive phase (the first four hours), dietary glucose enters the 
liver via the portal vein and most tissues use glucose as the primary fuel. Under 
these conditions, the pancreas secretes insulin, which stimulates glucose uptake by 
muscle and adipose tissue via GLUT4. The glucose taken up by these tissues is 

◄ Figure 12.28 

Placement of the liver in the circulatory system. 

Most tissues are perfused in parallel. How- 
ever, the liver is perfused in series with vis- 
ceral tissues. Blood that drains from the in- 
testine and other visceral tissues flows to the 
liver via the portal vein. The liver is therefore 
ideally placed to regulate the passage of 
fuels to other tissues. 

380 CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 

Figure 12.29 ► 

Five phases of glucose homeostasis. The graph, 
based on observations of a number of individ- 
uals, illustrates glucose utilization in a 70 kg 
man who consumed 100 g of glucose and 
then fasted for 40 days. 

1 2 3 4 5 

The effect of insulin and diabetes on 
the production of ketone bodies is 
described in Section 16.11 (Box 16.6). 

phosphorylated to glucose 6-phosphate, which cannot diffuse out of the cells. Liver 
cells also absorb glucose and convert it to glucose 6-phosphate. Excess glucose is 
stored as glycogen in liver and muscle cells. 

2. When the dietary glucose is consumed, the body mobilizes liver glycogen to maintain 
circulating glucose levels. In the liver, glucose 6-phosphatase catalyzes the hydroly- 
sis of glucose 6-phosphate to glucose, which exits the liver via glucose transporters. 
Glycogen in muscle (which lacks glucose 6-phosphatase) is metabolized to lactate 
to produce ATP for contraction; the lactate is used by other tissues as a fuel or by 
the liver for gluconeogenesis. 

3. After about 24 hours, liver glycogen is depleted, and the only source of circulating 
glucose is gluconeogenesis in the liver, using lactate, glycerol, and alanine as precur- 
sors. Fatty acids mobilized from adipose tissue become an alternate fuel for most 
tissues. The obligatory glycolytic tissues continue to use glucose and produce lac- 
tate, which is converted to glucose in the liver by the Cori cycle; this cycle makes 
energy, not carbon, from fatty acid oxidation in the liver available to other tissues. 

4. Gluconeogenesis in the liver continues at a high rate for a few days, then decreases. 
As starvation progresses, gluconeogenesis in the kidney becomes proportionately 
more significant. Proteins in peripheral tissues are broken down to provide gluco- 
neogenic precursors. In this phase, the body adapts to several alternate fuels. 

5. In prolonged starvation, there is less gluconeogenesis and lipid stores are depleted. 
If refeeding does not occur, death will follow. On refeeding, metabolism is quickly 
restored to the conditions of the fed state. 

We have seen how glucose, a major fuel, can be stored in polysaccharide form and 
mobilized as needed. Glucose can also be synthesized from noncarbohydrate precursors 
by the reactions of gluconeogenesis. We have seen that glucose can be oxidized by the pen- 
tose phosphate pathway to produce NADPH or transformed by glycolysis into pyruvate. 

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease that results from improper regula- 
tion of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Despite an ample supply of glucose, the 
body behaves as though starved and glucose is overproduced by the liver and underused 
by other tissues. As a result, the concentration of glucose in the blood is extremely high. 
The levels of glucose in the blood often exceed the capacity of the kidney to reabsorb 
glucose so some of it spills into the urine. The high concentration of glucose in urine 
draws water osmotically from the body. 

There are two types of diabetes both of which arise from faulty control of fuel 
metabolism by the hormone insulin. In Type 1 diabetes mellitus (also called insulin- 
dependent diabetes mellitus, or IDDM) damage to the /3 cells of the pancreas, where 
insulin is synthesized, results in diminished or absent secretion of insulin. This au- 
toimmune disease is characterized by early onset (usually before age 15). Patients are 
thin and exhibit hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels), dehydration, excessive 
urination, hunger, and thirst. In Type 2 (also called non-insulin-dependent diabetes, 
or NIDDM), chronic hyperglycemia results from insulin resistance — decreased 

12.8 Glycogen Storage Diseases 381 

sensitivity to insulin possibly caused by a shortage or decreased activity of insulin re- 
ceptors. Insulin secretion may be normal and circulating levels of insulin may even 
be elevated. This type is also known as adult- onset diabetes (although its incidence is 
increasing among children) and it is usually associated with obesity. Type 2 diabetes 
affects about 5% of the population and Type 1 affects about 1%. In addition, about 
2% to 5% of pregnant women develop a form of diabetes. Most women who exhibit 
gestational diabetes return to normal after giving birth but are at risk for developing 
Type 2 diabetes. 

To understand diabetes, we must consider the functions of insulin. Insulin stimu- 
lates the synthesis of glycogen, triacylglycerols, and proteins and inhibits the breakdown 
of these compounds. Insulin also stimulates glucose transport into muscle cells and 
adipocytes. When insulin levels are low in IDDM, glycogen is broken down in the liver 
and gluconeogenesis occurs regardless of the glucose supply. In addition, glucose uptake 
and its use in peripheral tissues are restricted. 

12.8 Glycogen Storage Diseases 

Several metabolic diseases are related to the storage of glycogen. The general rule about 
metabolic diseases is that they usually affect the activity of nonessential genes and en- 
zymes. Defects in essential genes are usually lethal and don’t show up as metabolic 

Many metabolic enzymes in humans are encoded by gene families. Different ver- 
sions are expressed in different tissues. In the case of enzymes involved in glycogen me- 
tabolism, the most common versions are found in liver and muscle. A deficiency in one 
of these enzymes will produce severe symptoms but may not be lethal. There are nine 
types of glycogen storage diseases resulting from defects in glycogen metabolism. 

Type 0: In type 0a, the activity of liver glycogen synthase is affected. The gene for this 
enzyme is on the short arm of chromosome 12 at locus 12pl2.2 (MIM = 240600). 
This is a severe disease causing early death in cases where the activity is very low. Type 
Ob affects the muscle version of glycogen synthase whose gene is on the long arm of 
chromosome 19 at 19ql3.3 (MIM = 611556). Patients have no muscle glycogen 
and are unable to engage in strenuous physical activity. 

Type I: The most common glycogen storage disease is called von Gierke disease. It 
is caused by a deficiency in glucose 6-phosphatase (Type la, MIM = 23220) whose 
gene is on chromosome 17 (17q21). Defects in the complex that transports glucose 
across the endoplasmic reticulum (Section 21. ID) also cause von Gierke’s disease. 
Type lb affects the glucose 6-phosphate transporter (chromosome 11 (llq23), 
MIM = 232220) and type lc affects the phosphate transporter (chromosome 6 
(6p21.3), MIM = 232240). Patients are unable to secrete glucose leading to accu- 
mulation of glycogen in the liver and kidneys. 

Type II: Patients suffering from type II disease, known as Pompe’s disease, suffer 
from reduced activity of a-l,4-glucosidase, or acid maltase, an enzyme required for 
glycogen breakdown in lysozomes (MIM = 232300). The gene is on chromosome 
17 (17q25.2). The defect causes glycogen to accumulate in lysosomes leading to 
problems with muscle tissue, especially in the heart. In the most severe forms, 
children die within the first few years of life. 

Type III: Type III is Cori disease, characterized by defects in the gene encoding the 
glycogen debranching enzyme in liver and muscle (chromosome 1 (lp21), MIM = 
232400). People suffering from this disease have weakened muscles because they 
are unable to mobilize all of the stored glycogen. Some defects have very mild 

Type IV: Often called Anderson’s disease, the mutations occur in the gene for liver 
branching enzyme found on chromosome 3 (3pl2, MIM = 232500). Long-chain 
polysaccharides accumulate in patients with these mutations, resulting in death 
within a few years from heart failure or liver failure. 

MIM numbers refer to the Online 
Mendelian Inheritance in Man (0MIM) 
database at: 


CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 

Type V: McAr die’s disease (type V glycogen storage disease) is caused by a 
deficiency of muscle glycogen phosphorylase (MIM = 232600). The gene is on 
chromosome 11 (llql3). Individuals having this genetic disease cannot perform 
strenuous exercise and suffer painful muscle cramps. 

Type VI: Hers’ disease (type VI) is a mild form of glycogen storage disease due to a 
deficiency in liver glycogen phosphorylase (MIM = 232700). Several mutant alleles 
interfere with proper splicing of the primary transcript from the gene on chromo- 
some 14 (14q21). 

Type VII: Mutations in the gene for muscle phosphofructokinase- 1 cause Tarui’s 
disease, characterized by inability to exercise and muscle cramps (MIM = 232800). 
The gene for this isozyme is on chromosome 12 (12ql3.3). 

Type VIII: Now recognized as a subtype of type IX. 

Type IX: This form of glycogen storage disease manifests as muscle weakness 
and/or muscle cramps. The symptoms are usually mild. All subtypes are due to 
mutations in the genes for the various subunits of glycogen phosphorylase kinase. 
Type IXa: liver a subunit gene on the X chromosome at Xp20 (MIM = 300798). 
Type IXb: /3 subunit gene at 16ql2 (MIM = 172490). Type IXc: liver y subunit gene 
at 16pl2 (MIM = 172471). Type IXd: muscle a subunit gene on the X chromosome 
at Xql3 (MIM = 311870). 


1. Gluconeogenesis is the pathway for glucose synthesis from non- 
carbohydrate precursors. The seven near- equilibrium reactions of 
glycolysis proceed in the reverse direction in gluconeogenesis. 
Four enzymes specific to gluconeogenesis catalyze reactions that 
bypass the three metabolically irreversible reactions of glycolysis. 

2. Noncarbohydrate precursors of glucose include pyruvate, lactate, 
alanine, and glycerol. 

3. Gluconeogenesis is regulated by glucagon, allosteric modulators, 
and the concentrations of its substrates. 

4. The pentose phosphate pathway metabolizes glucose 6-phosphate 
to generate NADPH and ribose 5-phosphate. The oxidative stage 
of the pathway generates two molecules of NADPH per molecule 
of glucose 6-phosphate converted to ribulose 5 -phosphate and 
C0 2 . The nonoxidative stage includes isomerization of ribulose 
5-phosphate to ribose 5-phosphate. Further metabolism of pen- 
tose phosphate molecules can convert them to glycolytic interme- 
diates.The combined activities of transketolase and transaldolase 

convert pentose phosphates to triose phosphates and hexose 

5. Glycogen synthesis is catalyzed by glycogen synthase, using a 
glycogen primer and UDP- glucose. 

6. Glucose residues are mobilized from glycogen by the action of 
glycogen phosphorylase. Glucose 1 -phosphate is then converted 
to glucose 6-phosphate. 

7. Glycogen degradation and glycogen synthesis are reciprocally reg- 
ulated by hormones. Kinases and phosphatases control the activi- 
ties of the interconvertible enzymes glycogen phosphorylase and 
glycogen synthase. 

8. Mammals maintain a nearly constant concentration of glucose in 
the blood. The liver regulates the amount of glucose supplied by 
the diet, glycogenolysis, and other fuels. 

9. Glycogen storage diseases result from defects in genes required for 
glycogen metabolism. 


1. Write a balanced equation for the synthesis of glucose from pyru- 
vate. Assuming that the oxidation of NADH is equal to 2.5 ATP 
equivalents (Section 14.11), how many ATP equivalents are re- 
quired in this pathway? Convert this to kj mol 1 and explain how 
this value compares to the total energy required to synthesize 
glucose from C0 2 and H 2 0. 

2. What important products of the citric acid cycle are required for 
gluconeogenesis from pyruvate? 

3. Epinephrine promotes the utilization of stored glycogen for gly- 
colysis and ATP production in muscles. How does epinephrine 
promote the use of liver glycogen stores for generating the energy 
needed by contracting muscles? 

4. (a) In muscle cells, insulin stimulates a protein kinase that cat- 

alyzes phosphorylation of protein phosphatase- 1, thereby 
activating it. How does this affect glycogen synthesis and 
degradation in muscle cells? 

(b) Why does glucagon selectively regulate enzymes in the liver 
but not in other tissues? 

(c) How does glucose regulate the synthesis and degradation of 
liver glycogen via protein phosphatase- 1? 

5. The polypeptide hormone glucagon is released from the pancreas 
in response to low blood glucose levels. In liver cells, glucagon 
plays a major role in regulating the rates of the opposing glycolysis 

Selected Readings 383 

and gluconeogenesis pathways by influencing the concentrations 
of fructose 2,6-frzsphosphate (F2,6 BP). If glucagon causes a de- 
crease in the concentrations of F2,6 BP, how does this result in an 
increase in blood glucose levels? 

6. When the concentration of glucagon rises in the blood, which of 
the following enzyme activities is decreased? Explain. 

Adenylyl cyclase 
Protein kinase A 
PFK-2 (kinase activity) 

Fructose 1, 6-Hsphosphatase 

7. (a) Is the energy required to synthesize glycogen from glucose 

6-phosphate greater than the energy obtained when glycogen 
is degraded to glucose 6-phosphate? 

(b) During exercise, glycogen in both muscle and liver cells can 
be converted to glucose metabolites for ATP generation in 
the muscles. Do liver glycogen and muscle glycogen supply 
the same amount of ATP to the muscles? 

8. Individuals with a total deficiency of muscle glycogen phosphory- 
lase (McArdle s disease) cannot exercise strenuously due to mus- 
cular cramping. Exertion in these patients leads to a much greater 
than normal increase in cellular ADP and Pj. Furthermore, lactic 
acid does not accumulate in the muscles of these patients, as it 
does in normal individuals. Explain the chemical imbalances in 
McArdle’s disease. 

9. Compare the number of ATP equivalents generated in the break- 
down of one molecule of glucose 1 -phosphate into two molecules 
of lactate with the number of ATP equivalents required for the 
synthesis of one molecule of glucose 1 -phosphate from two mole- 
cules of lactate. (Assume anaerobic conditions.) 

10 . (a) How does the glucose-alanine cycle allow muscle pyruvate to 
be used for liver gluconeogenesis and subsequently returned 
to muscles as glucose? 

(b) Does the glucose-alanine cycle ultimately provide more en- 
ergy for muscles than the Cori cycle does? 

11. Among other effects, insulin is a positive modulator of the en- 
zyme glucokinase in liver cells. If patients with diabetes mellitus 
produce insufficient insulin, explain why these patients cannot 
properly respond to increases in blood glucose. 

12. Glycogen storage diseases (GSDs) due to specific enzyme defi- 
ciencies can affect the balance between glycogen stores and blood 
glucose. Given the following diseases, predict the effects of each 
on (1) the amount of liver glycogen stored and (2) blood glucose 

(a) Von Gierke disease (GSD-la), defective enzyme: glucose 

(b) Cori’s disease (GSD III), defective enzyme: amylo-1,6 glu- 
cosidase (debranching enzyme). 

(c) Hers’ disease (GSD VI), defective enzyme: liver phosphorylase 

13 . The pentose phosphate pathway and the glycolytic pathway are 
interdependent, since they have in common several metabolites 
whose concentrations affect the rates of enzymes in both path- 
ways. Which metabolites are common to both pathways? 

14 . In many tissues, one of the earliest responses to cellular injury is a 
rapid increase in the levels of enzymes in the pentose phosphate 
pathway. Ten days after an injury, heart tissue has levels of glucose 
6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydroge- 
nase that are 20 to 30 times higher than normal, whereas the levels 
of glycolytic enzymes are only 10% to 20% of normal. Suggest an 
explanation for this phenomenon. 

15 . (a) Draw the structures of the reactants and products for the 

second reaction catalyzed by transketolase in the pentose 
phosphate pathway. Show which carbons are transferred. 

(b) When 2- [ 14 C] -glucose 6-phosphate enters the pathway, 
which atom of fructose 6-phosphate produced by the reac- 
tion in Part (a) is labeled? 

Selected Readings 


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learn about the catalytic site and the transporter 
associated with this enzyme. 

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Pentose Phosphate Pathway 

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384 CHAPTER 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Glycogen Metabolism 

Glycogen Metabolism 

Barford, D. Hu, S-H., and Johnson, L. N. (1991). 
Structural mechanisms for glycogen phosphorylase 
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Murray, R. K., Bender, D. A., Kennelly, P. J., Rodwell, 
V. W., and Weil. P. A. (2009). Harpers Illustrated 
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(2003). The binding of f3- and y-cyclodextrins 
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Shepherd, P. R., Withers, D. J., and Siddle, K. 
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o c 












_ o 

° o o o 

° o 


o o 


° c 



o o 

The Citric Acid Cycle 

I n the last two chapters we were mainly concerned with the synthesis and degradation 
of complex carbohydrates such as glucose. We saw that the biosynthetic pathway 
leading to glucose began with pyruvate and oxaloacetate and that pyruvate was the 
end product of glycolysis. In this chapter we will describe pathways that interconvert a 
number of simple organic acids. Several of these compounds are essential precursors 
for the biosynthesis of amino acids, fatty acids, and porphyrins. 

Acetyl CoA is one of the key intermediates in the interconversion of small organic 
acids. Acetyl CoA is formed by the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate with the re- 
lease of C0 2 . This reaction is catalyzed by pyruvate dehydrogenase, an enzyme that we 
briefly encountered in Section 11.3 when we discussed the fate of pyruvate. We begin 
this chapter with a more detailed description of this important enzyme. 

The acetyl group (a two-carbon organic acid) from acetyl CoA can be transferred to 
the four-carbon dicarboxylic acid, oxaloacetate, to form a new six-carbon tricarboxylic 
acid known as citrate (citric acid). Citrate can then be oxidized in a seven-step pathway 
to regenerate oxaloacetate and release two molecules of C0 2 . Oxaloacetate can recom- 
bine with another molecule of acetyl CoA and the citrate oxidation reactions are re- 
peated. The net effect of this eight- enzyme cyclic pathway is the complete oxidation of an 
acetyl group to C0 2 and the transfer of electrons to several cofactors to form reducing 
equivalents. The pathway is known as the citric acid cycle, the tricarboxylic acid cycle 
(TCA cycle), or the Krebs cycle, after Hans Krebs who discovered it in the 1930s. 

The citric acid cycle lies at the hub of energy metabolism in eukaryotic cells — 
especially in animals. The energy released in the oxidations of the citric acid cycle is 
largely conserved as reducing power when the coenzymes NAD® and ubiquinone (Q) 
are reduced to form NADH and QH 2 . This energy is ultimately derived from pyruvate 
(via acetyl CoA). Since pyruvate is the end product of glycolysis, we can think of the 
citric acid cycle as a series of reactions that complete the oxidation of glucose. NADH 
and QH 2 are substrates in the reactions of membrane-associated electron transport 
leading to the formation of a proton gradient that drives the synthesis of ATP (Chapter 14). 

Since citric acid reacts catalytically 
in the tissue it is probable that it is 
removed by a primary reaction but 
regenerated by a subsequent reac- 
tion. In the balance sheet no citrate 
disappears and no intermediate 
products accumulate. 

— H. A. Krebs and 
W. A. Johnson (1937) 

Top: Citrate synthase with its product citrate in the active site. This enzyme catalyzes the first step of the citric acid cycle. 



CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 

Hans Krebs and W. A. Johnson proposed the citric acid cycle in 1937 in order to ex- 
plain several puzzling observations. They were interested in understanding how the oxida- 
tion of glucose in muscle cells was coupled to the uptake of oxygen. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi 
had previously discovered that adding a four-carbon dicarboxylic acid — succinate, fumarate, 
or oxaloacetate — to a suspension of minced muscle stimulated the consumption of 0 2 . 
The substrate of the oxidation was carbohydrate, either glucose or glycogen. Especially in- 
triguing was the observation that adding small amounts of four-carbon dicarboxylic acids 
caused larger amounts of oxygen to be consumed than were required for their own oxi- 
dation. This indicated that these four-carbon organic acids had catalytic effects. 

Krebs and Johnson observed that citrate, a six-carbon tricarboxylic acid, and 
a-ketoglutarate, a five-carbon compound, also had a catalytic effect on the uptake of 
0 2 . They proposed that citrate was formed from a four-carbon intermediate and an un- 
known two-carbon derivative of glucose (later shown to be acetyl CoA). The cyclic 
nature of the pathway explained how its intermediates could act catalytically without 
being consumed. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 
in 1937 for his work on respiration, including the catalytic role of fumarate in biological 
combustion processes. Hans Krebs was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 
in 1953 for discovering the citric acid cycle. 

In muscle cells, the intermediates in the citric acid cycle are almost exclusively used 
in the cyclic pathway of energy metabolism. In these cells, the metabolic machinery is 
mainly devoted to extracting energy from glucose in the form of ATP. This is why it was 
possible to recognize the cyclic nature of the pathway by carrying out experiments on 
muscle extracts. In other cells, the intermediates of the citric acid cycle are the starting 
points for many biosynthetic pathways. Thus, the enzymes of the citric acid cycle play a 
key role in both anabolic and catabolic reactions. 

Many of these same enzymes are found in prokaryotes although few bacteria pos- 
sess a complete citric acid cycle. In this chapter, we examine the reactions of the citric 
acid cycle as they occur in eukaryotic cells. We will explore how these enzymes are regu- 
lated. Next we will introduce the various biosynthetic pathways that require citric acid 
cycle intermediates and examine the relationship of these pathways to the main reac- 
tions of the cyclic pathway in eukaryotes and the partial pathways in bacteria. We will 
also look at pathways involving glyoxylate, specifically the glyoxylate shunt and the gly- 
oxylate cycle. These are pathways that are closely related to the citric acid cycle. Finally, 
we will discuss the evolution of the citric acid cycle enzymes. 


In 1937, Krebs and Johnson submitted a 
paper to Nature outlining their discov- 
ery of citric acid as a catalyst in the oxi- 
dation of glucose by muscle tissue. The 
journal declined to publish the paper on 
the grounds that it had too many papers 
in press. Krebs writes in his memoirs, 
“This was the first time in my career, 
after having published more than fifty 
papers, that I experienced a rejection or 

Krebs and Johnson published the 
paper in the journal Enzymologia and 

Krebs went on to win the Nobel Prize 
based largely on this paper. It took 
Nature 51 years to publically recognize 
the mistake it made. An editor wrote in 
the October 28, 1988 issue, “An editor’s 
nightmare is to reject a Nobel-prizewin- 
ning paper. . . . Rejection of Hans Krebs’ 
discovery of the tricarboxylic (or 
Krebs’) cycle, a pivot of biochemical 
metabolism, remains Nature's most 
egregious error (as far as we know).” 

► Hans Krebs (1900-1981). Krebs was awarded the 
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1953 for 
his discovery of the citric acid cycle. He is shown 
here beside a Warburg apparatus for measuring 
oxygen consumption in metabolizing tissue. Krebs 
worked with Otto Warburg in the 1920s. 

13.1 Conversion of Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA 387 

13.1 Conversion of Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA 

Pyruvate is a key substrate in a number of reactions, as described in Section 1 1.3. In this 
chapter we are concerned with the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA since acetyl 
CoA is the main substrate of the citric acid cycle. The reaction is catalyzed by a large 
complex of enzymes and cofactors known as the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex 
(Figure 13.1). The stoichiometry of the complete reaction is 






< r — ° + HS-CoA + NAD© 


^ ° + C0 2 + NADH 

ch 3 

ch 3 


Acetyl CoA 

▲ Figure 13.1 

Electron micrograph of pyruvate dehydrogenase 
complexes from E. coli. 

where HS-CoA is coenzyme A. This is the first step in the oxidation of pyruvate and the 
products of the reaction are acetyl CoA, one molecule of carbon dioxide, and one mole- 
cule of reducing equivalent (NADH). The pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction is an oxida- 
tion-reduction reaction. In this case, the oxidation of pyruvate to C0 2 is coupled to the 
reduction of NAD® to NADH. The net result is the transfer of two electrons from 
pyruvate to NADH. 

The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is a multienzyme complex containing multiple 
copies of three distinct enzymatic activities: pyruvate dehydrogenase (E x subunits), 
dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase (E 2 subunits), and dihydrolipoamide dehydroge- 
nase (E 3 subunits). The oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate can be broken down into 
five steps. (In each step of the following reactions the fates of the atoms from pyruvate 
are shown in red.) 

1. The E : component contains the prosthetic group thiamine diphosphate (TDP). As 
we saw in Chapter 7, TDP (vitamin B x ) plays a catalytic role in a number of decar- 
boxylase reactions. The initial reaction results in the formation of a hydroxyethyl- 
TDP intermediate and the release of C0 2 . 

The systematic names of the enzymes 
in the complex are: pyruvate lipoamide 
2-oxidoreductase (E^; acetyl CoA:dihy- 
drolipoamide S-acetyltransferase 
(E 2 ); and dihydrolipoamide:NAD© 
oxidoreductase (E 3 ). 




R— N x S + H 3 C — C — COO° + H @ 

h 3 c 







— 7 > R— N x S + C0 2 



HoC — C— OH 


diphosphate (HETDP) 


Note that the reactive form of TDP is the carbanion or ylid form. The carbanion form 
is relatively stable because of the unique environment of the coenzyme bound to the 
protein (Section 7.6). The product of the first step is the carbanion form of hydrox- 
yethyl-TDP. The mechanism is similar to the pyruvate decarboxylase mechanism 
(Section 7.7). 

2. In the second step, the two -carbon hydroxylethyl group is transferred to the 
lipoamide group of E 2 . The lipoamide group consists of lipoic acid covalently 
bound by an amide linkage to a lysine residue of an E 2 subunit (Figure 7.29). This 
particular coenzyme is only found in pyruvate dehydrogenase and related enzymes. 


CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 

The transfer reaction is catalyzed by the E x component of the pyruvate dehydroge- 
nase complex. 


H 3 C — C — OH 




Ylid Acetyl-dihydrolipoamide 


In this reaction, the oxidation of hydroxyethyl-TDP is coupled to the reduction of 
the disulfide of lipoamide and the acetyl group is transferred to one of the 
sulfhydryl groups of the coenzyme regenerating the ylid form of TDP. 

3. The third step involves the transfer of the acetyl group to HS-CoA, forming acetyl 
CoA and leaving the lipoamide in the reduced dithiol form. This reaction is cat- 
alyzed by the E 2 component of the complex. 


H 3 C- 

e 2 





H 3 C — c — S-CoA 


Dihydrolipoamide Acetyl CoA 


4. The reduced lipoamide of E 2 must be reoxidized in order to regenerate the pros- 
thetic group for additional reactions. This is accomplished in step 4 by transferring 
two protons and two electrons from the dithiol form of lipoamide to FAD. FAD is 
the prosthetic group of E 3 and the redox reaction produces the reduced coenzyme 
(FADH 2 ). (Recall from Section 7.5 that FADH 2 carries two electrons and two pro- 
tons that are usually acquired as a single proton and a hydride ion.) 

Dihydrolipoamide Lipoamide 


5. In the final step, E 3 -FADH 2 is reoxidized to FAD. This reaction is coupled to the 
reduction of NAD © . 

E 3 — FADH 2 + NAD© > E 3 — FAD + NADH + H© (13.6) 

The oxidation of E 3 -FADH 2 regenerates the original pyruvate dehydrogenase com- 
plex, completing the catalytic cycle. Step 5 produces NADH and H©. Note that one 
proton is released in step 5 and one proton is taken up in step 1 so that the overall 
stoichiometry of the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction shows no net gain or loss of 
protons (Reaction 13.1). 

The interplay of five coenzymes in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex illustrates the 
importance of coenzymes in metabolic reactions. Two of the coenzymes are cosubstrates 
(HS-CoA and NAD©), and three are prosthetic groups (TDP, lipoamide, and FAD — one 

13.1 Conversion of Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA 


cofactor is bound to each type of subunit). The lipoamide groups bound to E 2 are prima- 
rily responsible for transferring reactants from one active site in the complex to another. A 
lipoamide picks up a two-carbon unit from hydroxyethyl-TDP in step 2 to form the 
acetyl-dihydrolipoamide intermediate. This intermediate is repositioned in the active site 
of dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase where the two- carbon group is transferred to coen- 
zyme A in step 3. The reduced lipoamide produced in that reaction is then moved to the ac- 
tive site of dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase in E 3 . Lipoamide is reoxidized in step 4 and 
the regenerated coenzyme is repositioned in the active site of E x where it is ready to receive 
a new two-carbon group. In these reactions, the lipoamide prosthetic group acts as a swing- 
ing arm that visits the three active sites in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (Figure 
13.2). The swinging arm portion of the E 2 subunit consists of a flexible polypeptide chain 
that includes the lysine residue to which lipoamide is covalently bound. 

The various subunits of the complex are arranged in a way that facilitates the 
swinging arm mechanism of lipoamide. The mechanism ensures that the product of 
one reaction does not diffuse into the medium but is immediately acted on by the next 
component of the system. This is a form of channeling where the product of one reac- 
tion becomes the substrate of a second reaction but it differs from other examples be- 
cause, in this case, the two-carbon intermediate is covalently bound to the flexible 
lipoamide group of E 2 . 

The entire pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction is a series of coupled oxidation-reduction 
reactions in which electrons are transported from the initial substrate (pyruvate) to the 

oxidizing agent (NAD®). The four half reactions are 


acetyl CoA + C0 2 + H© 

+ 2e° > pyruvate + CoA 



E 2 — lipoamide + 2H© + 

2e® > E 2 — dihydrolipoamide 


E 3 — FAD + 2H© + 2e© 

> e 3 — fadh 2 


NAD© + 2H© + 2e© — 

NADH + H© 



Channeling and multienzyme complexes 
were discussed in Section 5.11. 

O Acetyl CoA 


HS-CoA H 3 C — C — S-CoA 

NADH + H® 

a Figure 13.2 

Reactions of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. The lipoamide prosthetic group (blue) is attached by an amide linkage between lipoic acid and the 
side chain of a lysine residue of E 2 . This prosthetic group is a swinging arm that carries the two-carbon unit from the pyruvate dehydrogenase active 
site to the dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase active site. The arm then carries hydrogen to the dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase active site. 


CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 

▲ Figure 13.3 

Structural model of the pyruvate dehydroge- 
nase complex, (a) The inner core consists of 
60 E 2 enzymes arranged in the shape of a 
pentagonal dodecahedron with one E 2 trimer 
at each of the 20 vertices. A single trimer is 
outlined by a yellow box. The center of the 
pentagon shape is indicated by the orange 
pentagon. Note the linker regions projecting 
upward from the surface of the core struc- 
ture. (b) Cutaway view of the complete com- 
plex showing the outer Ei enzymes (yellow) 
and the BP-E 3 enzymes (red) located in the 
space between the E 2 enzymes of the inner 

[From Zhou, H. Z. et al. (2001). The remarkable 
structural and functional organization of the eu- 
karyotic pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes. 

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 98:14082-14087.] 

▲ A biochemistry laboratory. 

Each half-reaction has a characteristic standard reduction potential (Table 10.4) that 
provides some indication of the direction of electron flow. (Recall from Section 10.9 
that the actual reduction potentials depend on the concentrations of reducing agents and 
oxidizing agents.) Electron transport begins with pyruvate, which gives up two elec- 
trons in the reverse of half- reaction 1. These electrons are taken up by E 2 -lipoamide. 
Subsequent electron flow is from E 2 -lipoamide to E 3 -FAD to NAD®. The final product 
is NADH, which carries a pair of electrons. There are many examples of metabolic pathway 
enzymes with simple electron transport systems such as this one. They should not be 
confused with the much more complex membrane-associated electron transport system 
covered in the next chapter. 

The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is enormous. It is several times bigger than a 
ribosome. In bacteria these complexes are located in the cytosol, and in eukaryotic cells 
they are found in the mitochondrial matrix. Pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes are also 
present in chloroplasts. 

The eukaryotic pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is the largest multienzyme com- 
plex known. The core of the complex is formed from 60 E 2 subunits arranged in the 
shape of a pentagonal dodecahedron (12 pentagons joined at their edges to form a ball). 
This shape has 20 vertices and each vertex is occupied by an E 2 trimer (Figure 13. 3 A). 
Each of the E 2 subunits has a linker region projecting upward from the surface. This 
linker contacts an outer ring of E : subunits that surround the inner core (Figure 13. 3B). 
The linker region contains the lipoamide swinging arm. 

The outer shell has 60 E x subunits. Each E x enzyme contacts one of the underlying 
E 2 enzymes and makes additional contacts with its neighbors. The E x enzyme consists 
of two a subunits and two /3 subunits (a 2 j8 2 ), so it is considerably larger than the E 2 
enzyme of the core. The E 3 enzyme (an a 2 dimer) lies in the center of the pentagon 
formed by the core E 2 enzymes. There are 12 E 3 enzymes in the complete complex, corre- 
sponding to the 12 pentagons in the pentagonal dodecahedron shape. In eukaryotes, the 
E 3 enzymes are associated with a small binding protein (BP) that’s part of the complex. 

The model shown in Figure 13.3 has been constructed from high resolution elec- 
tron microscopy images of pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes at low temperature 
(cryo-EM) (Figure 13.1). In this technique, a large number of individual images 
are combined and a three-dimensional image is built with the help of a computer. 

Sample Calculation 13.1 

Q. Calculate the standard Gibbs free energy change for the pyruvate dehydroge- 
nase reaction. 

A. From Equation 10.26, the overall change in standard reduction potential is 

A cor a ror A ror 

iaz: lal electron acceptor LAL electron donor 

= -0.32 -(-0.48) = 0.16 V 

from Equation 10.25, 

AC°' = -nFAE°' 

= -(2)(96.5)(0.16) 

= -31 kj mol 1 

The model is then matched with the structures of any of the individual subunits that 
have been solved by X-ray crystallography or NMR. So far, it has not been possible to 
grow large crystals of the entire pyruvate dehydrogenase complex on Earth and experi- 
ments to grow crystals on the International Space Station in the absence of gravity were 
also unsuccessful. 

13.2 The Citric Acid Cycle Oxidizes Acetyl CoA 391 

A similar pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is present in many species of bacteria 
although some, such as gram- negative bacteria, have a smaller version where there are 
only 24 E 2 enzymes in the core. In these bacteria, the core enzymes are arranged as a 
cube with one trimer at each of the eight vertices. The E 2 subunits of the two different 
bacterial enzymes and the eukaryotic mitochondrial and chloroplast versions are all 
closely related. However, the gram-negative bacterial enzymes contain E x enzymes that 
are unrelated to the eukaryotic versions. 

Pyruvate dehydrogenase is a member of a family of multienzyme complexes known 
as the 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase family. (Pyruvate is the smallest 2-oxo organic acid.) 
We will encounter two other 2-oxo (or a-keto) acid dehydrogenases that closely resemble 
pyruvate dehydrogenase in structure and function. One is a citric acid cycle enzyme, 
a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (Section 13.3#4), and the other is branched chain 
a-keto acid dehydrogenase, used in amino acid metabolism (Section 17.10E). All mem- 
bers of the family catalyze essentially irreversible reactions in which an organic acid is 
oxidized to C0 2 and a coenzyme A derivative is formed. 

The reverse reactions are catalyzed in some bacteria by entirely different enzymes. 
These reactions form part of a pathway for fixing carbon dioxide in anaerobic bacteria. 
Some bacteria and some anaerobic eukaryotes convert pyruvate to acetyl CoA and C0 2 
using pyruvate iferredoxin 2-oxidoreductase, an enzyme that is unrelated to pyruvate 

The regulation of pyruvate dehydroge- 
nase is examined in Section 13.5. 


Large multienzyme complexes improve 
efficiency by channeling substrates and 

Acetyl CoA 



Pyruvate + CoA + 2 Fd ox -> acetyl CoA + 2 Fd red + 2 H© (13.8) 


The terminal electron carrier in this case is reduced ferredoxin (Fd red ) and not NADH, 
as with pyruvate dehydrogenase. The pyruvate iferredoxin oxidoreductase reaction is re- 
versible and may be used to fix C0 2 by reductive carboxylation. Bacterial species that 
have diverged very early in the history of life often contain pyruvate iferredoxin oxidore- 
ductase and not pyruvate dehydrogenase suggesting that the former enzyme is more 
primitive and pyruvate dehydrogenase evolved later. 

13.2 The Citric Acid Cycle Oxidizes Acetyl CoA 

Acetyl CoA formed from pyruvate or other compounds (such as fatty acids or some 
amino acids) can be oxidized by the citric acid cycle. The eight reactions of the citric 
acid cycle are listed in Table 13.1. Before examining each of the reactions individually, 
we should consider two general features of the pathway; the flow of carbon and the pro- 
duction of “high energy” molecules. 

The fates of the carbon atoms are depicted in Figure 13.4. In the first reaction of the 
citric acid cycle, the two -carbon acetyl group of acetyl CoA is transferred to the four- 
carbon dicarboxylic acid oxaloacetate to form citrate, a six- carbon tricarboxylic acid. 
The cycle proceeds with oxidative decarboxylation of a six- carbon acid and a five- carbon 
acid. This releases two molecules of C0 2 and produces succinate, a four-carbon dicar- 
boxylic acid. The remaining steps of the cycle convert succinate to oxaloacetate, the 
original reactant that began the cycle. 

The complete reactions are shown in Figure 13.5 where the two carbons of the 
acetyl group are also colored green so their fate can be followed. Note that the two car- 
bon atoms entering the cycle as the acetyl group on acetyl CoA are not the same carbon 
atoms that are lost as C0 2 . However, the carbon balance in the overall reaction pathway 
is such that for each two -carbon group from acetyl CoA that enters the cycle, two car- 
bon atoms are released during one complete turn of the cycle. The two carbon atoms of 
acetyl CoA become half of the symmetric four-carbon dicarboxylic acid (succinate) in 
the fifth step of the cycle. The two halves of this symmetric molecule are chemically 
equivalent so carbons arising from acetyl CoA become evenly distributed in molecules 
formed from succinate. 

Acetyl CoA is a “high energy” molecule (Section 10.8). The thioester linkage con- 
serves some of the energy gained from the decarboxylation of pyruvate by the pyruvate 
dehydrogenase complex. The net equation of the citric acid cycle (Table 13.1) tends to 



p i 



? i 



> or l 



> c 


QH 2 ^ 





^ • CO, 

\ / 

Plane of 


GTP (or ATP) 


• C0 2 

▲ Figure 13.4 

Fates of the carbon atoms from oxaloacetate 
and acetyl CoA during one turn of the citric 
acid cycle. The plane of symmetry of succi- 
nate means that the two halves of the mole- 
cule are chemically equivalent; thus, carbon 
atoms from acetyl CoA (green) are uniformly 
distributed in the four-carbon intermediates 
leading to oxaloacetate. Carbon atoms from 
acetyl CoA that enter in one turn of the cycle 
are thus lost as C0 2 only in the second and 
subsequent turns. Energy is conserved in the 
reduced coenzymes NADH and QH 2 and in 
one GTP (or ATP) produced by substrate level 

392 CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 

Table 13.1 The enzymatic reactions of the citric acid cycle 



1. Acetyl CoA + Oxaloacetate + H 2 0 » Citrate + HS-CoA + H© 

Citrate synthase 

2. Citrate Isocitrate 

Aconitase (Aconitate hydratase) 

3. Isocitrate + NAD© > a-Ketoglutarate + NADH + C0 2 

Isocitrate dehydrogenase 

4. a-Ketoglutarate + HS-CoA + NAD© > Succinyl CoA + NADH + C0 2 

a-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex 

5. Succinyl CoA + GDP (or ADP) + P; Succinate + GTP(or ATP) + HS-CoA 

Succinyl-CoA synthetase 

6. Succinate + Q Fumarate + QH 2 

Succinate dehydrogenase complex 

7. Fumarate + H 2 0 L-Malate 

Fumarase (Fumarate hydratase) 

8. L-Malate + NAD© Oxaloacetate + NADH + H© 

Malate dehydrogenase 

Net equation: 

Acetyl CoA + 3 NAD© + Q + GDP (or ADP) + P| + 2 H 2 Q > HS-CoA + 3 NADH + QH 2 + CTP (or ATP) + 2 C0 2 + 2 H© 

obscure the fact that the citric acid cycle is equivalent to the oxidation of an acetyl CoA 
molecule with release of electrons. The overall reaction sequence can be simplified to 


1 o 

C =0 + 2 H 2 0 + OH 0 


ch 3 

where the hydroxyl group is donated by inorganic phosphate in Reaction 5 and some of 
the products are shown as free protons and free electrons. This form of the net equation 
reveals that eight electrons are released during the oxidation. (Recall that oxidation re- 
actions release electrons and reduction reactions take up electrons.) Six of the electrons 
are transferred to three molecules of NAD® along with three of the protons depicted in 
Reaction 13.9. The remaining two electrons are transferred to one molecule of 
ubiquinone (Q) along with two of the protons. Two free protons are produced in each turn 
of the cycle. (Keep in mind that the carbon dioxide molecules released during the citric 
acid cycle do not actually come directly from acetyl CoA. Reaction 13.9 is a simplified 
version that emphasizes the net oxidation.) 

* 2 C0 2 + HS-CoA + 7 H 0 + 8e° (13.9) 


Chemical reaction equations, such as Reaction 13.9, aren’t 
very helpful in understanding where electrons are released 
and taken up. In order to see the electron balance in such 
reactions it’s often useful to redraw the structures with the 
valence electrons replacing the lines that represent the chem- 
ical bonds in most drawings. Each covalent bond involves 
a shared pair of electrons and each of the standard atoms 
(C, O, N, S) requires eight valence electrons. Covalently bonded 
hydrogen atoms have only a single pair of electrons in their 
single shell. 

The oxidation of acetyl CoA from Equation 13.8 is 
shown in this form in the figure. Note that only the electrons 
in the outer shells of the atoms are shown. These are the ones 
removed by oxidations or added in reduction reactions. 
There are 42 electrons (21 pairs) in the reactants and 34 elec- 
trons (17 pairs) in the products: C0 2 and Coenzyme A. Thus, 

8 electrons are released in the oxidation. Most of the time, 
electrons are released when double bonds are formed (as in 

carbon dioxide) since this results in the sharing of an extra 
electron pair. 






+ :p:H 




18e 0 

16e 0 





" + H:S-CoA +7 H 0 + 8e 0 

32e 0 2e 0 8e 0 

▲ The oxidation of an acetyl CoA equivalent by 
the citric acid cycle showing the valence elec- 
trons in the reactants and products. 

13.2 The Citric Acid Cycle Oxidizes Acetyl CoA 393 

► Figure 13.5 

Citric acid cycle. For each acetyl group that 
enters the pathway, two molecules of C0 2 are 
released, the mobile coenzymes NAD® and 
ubiquinone (Q) are reduced, one molecule of 
GDP (or ADP) is phosphorylated, and the ac- 
ceptor molecule (oxaloacetate) is re-formed. 











HO— C — H 


ch 2 



H 2 0 



H — C 
C — H 







QH 2 








CH 2 







Substrate-level GTP (or ATP) 
phosphorylation GDp (or ADP) 







ch 2 


C = 0 

Entry of substrate 
by condensation 
with oxaloacetate 









CH 2 

H — C — COO 0 


HO— C — H 




(D V - NAD@ 

Isocitrate naqh 

^ co 2 

coo 0 


CH 2 

ch 2 

C = 0 












NAD 0 





C0 2 

Succinyl CoA 

394 CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 


The citric acid cycle is a mechanism for 
the oxidation of the acetyl group of 
acetyl CoA. 

Most of the energy released in the citric acid cycle reactions is conserved in the 
form of electrons transferred from organic acids to generate the reduced coenzymes 
NADH and QH 2 (Figure 13.5). NADH is formed by the reduction of NAD® at three 
oxidation-reduction steps — two of these are oxidative decarboxylations. QH 2 is formed 
when succinate is oxidized to fumarate. Subsequent oxidation of the reduced coen- 
zymes by membrane-associated electron transport leads to the transfer of electrons 
from NADH and QH 2 to a terminal electron acceptor. In the case of most eukaryotes 
(and many prokaryotes), this terminal electron acceptor is oxygen, which is reduced to 
water. Membrane-associated electron transport is coupled to the production of ATP 
from ADP and Pj. The entire process (electron transport + phosphorylation of ADP) is 
often referred to as oxidative phosphorylation when oxygen is present (Chapter 14). In 
addition to the formation of reducing equivalents, the citric acid cycle produces a 
nucleotide triphosphate directly by substrate level phosphorylation. The product can be 
either ATP or GTP, depending on the cell type or species. 

13.3 The Citric Acid Cycle Enzymes 

The citric acid cycle can be viewed as a multistep catalytic reaction returning to its orig- 
inal state after an acetyl CoA molecule is oxidized. This view is based on the fact that 
when the reactions operate as a cycle the original reactant, oxaloacetate, is regenerated. 
By definition, a catalyst increases the rate of a reaction without itself undergoing net 
transformation. All enzymatic reactions, in fact all catalytic reactions, can be repre- 
sented as cycles. An enzyme goes through a cyclic series of conversions and finally 
returns to the form in which it began. In this sense, the citric acid cycle fits the description 
of a catalyst. 

Taken as a whole, the citric acid cycle is a mechanism for oxidizing the acetyl group 
of acetyl CoA to C0 2 by NAD® and ubiquinone. When the citric acid cycle operates 
in isolation its intermediates are re-formed with each full turn of the cycle. As a result, 
the citric acid cycle doesn’t appear to be a pathway for net synthesis or degradation of 
any of the intermediates in the pathway unlike, for example, the gluconeogenesis path- 
way or the glycolysis pathway. However, we will see later on (Section 13.6) that the citric 
acid pathway doesn’t always operate in isolation and appearances can be deceiving. 
Some of the intermediates are shared with other pathways. Let’s first examine the cat- 
alytic aspect of the citric acid cycle by examining each of the eight enzymatic steps. 

v Figure 13.6 

Reaction catalyzed by citrate synthase. In the 

first step, acetyl CoA combines with 
oxaloacetate to form an enzyme-bound 
intermediate, citryl CoA. The thioester is 
hydrolyzed to release the products, citrate 
and HS-CoA. 

1. Citrate Synthase 

In the first reaction of the citric acid cycle, acetyl CoA reacts with oxaloacetate and 
water to form citrate, HS-CoA, and a proton. This reaction is catalyzed by citrate syn- 
thase and results in the formation of an enzyme-bound intermediate called citryl CoA 
(Figure 13.6). 

Citrate is the first of two tricarboxylic acids that are part of the cycle. The standard 
Gibbs free energy change for the citrate synthase reaction is —31.5 kj-mol -1 (AG°' = — 31.5 
kj-mol -1 ) due to the hydrolysis of the high energy thioester bond in the citryl CoA inter- 
mediate. Normally you might expect that such a large negative Gibbs free energy change 









C = 0 

ch 2 + 



ch 3 

Acetyl Cc 




c = o 

r 2 

HO — C — COO' 


ch 2 


Citryl CoA 




h 2 o ch 2 

^ > HO — c— COO® + HS-CoA + H© 


ch 2 



13.3 The Citric Acid Cycle Enzymes 395 

would be coupled to synthesis of ATP — keeping in mind that the actual Gibbs free energy 
change inside the cell might be very different. Indeed, the hydrolysis of the similar 
thioester bond in succinyl CoA (Reaction 5 of the citric acid cycle) is coupled to synthesis 
of GTP (or ATP). However, in the case of the citrate synthase reaction, the available energy 
is used for a different purpose. It ensures that the reaction proceeds in the direction of cit- 
rate synthesis when the concentration of oxaloacetate is very low (Figure 13.7). This ap- 
pears to be the normal situation when the citric acid cycle is operating. In the presence of 
only small (catalytic) amounts of oxaloacetate the equilibrium of the reaction depicted in 
Figure 13.6 still favors citrate synthesis. In other words, the actual Gibbs free energy 
change inside the cell is close to zero. The reaction is a near-equilibrium reaction. The 
thermodynamics ensures that the citric acid cycle operates in the direction of acetyl CoA 
oxidation even under conditions where the concentration of oxaloacetate is very low. 

Citrate synthase is a transferase — one of the six categories of enzymes described in 
Section 5.1. Transferases catalyze transfer reactions, in this case transfer of an acetyl 
group. The term “synthase” is used for transferases that do not use ATP as a cofactor. 
“Synthetases,” on the other hand, are members of the ligase category of enzymes 
(Section 5.1). The reactions catalyzed by synthetases must be coupled to ATP (or GTP) 
hydrolysis. It’s important to remember the difference between synthases and synthetases 
since the words look very similar and since the citric acid cycle contains an example of 
each type of enzyme. (For some reason, it’s easier to pronounce “synthetase” and it’s 
tempting to throw in the extra syllable when you should be saying “synthase .”) 

In gram-positive bacteria, archaebacteria, and eukaryotes, citrate synthase is a 
dimeric protein composed of two identical subunits. In gram-negative bacteria, the 
enzymes are hexameric complexes of identical subunits. 

In animals each subunit of the enzyme has two distinct domains: a small flexible 
domain on the outer surface and a larger domain that forms the core of the protein 
(Figure 13.8). The two subunits associate by interactions between four a helices in each 
of the large domains to form an a helix sandwich. Citrate synthase undergoes a large 
conformational change on binding oxaloacetate as shown in Figure 13.8. The binding 
site lies at the base of a deep cleft between the small domain of one subunit and the 
large domain of the other subunit. When oxaloacetate is bound, the small domain ro- 
tates by 20° relative to the large domain. This closure creates the binding site for acetyl 
CoA — a site which is formed by amino acid side chains from both large and small 
domains. When the reaction is complete coenzyme A is released. The enzyme then 
reverts to the open conformation when citrate is released. 

The structure of the enzyme requires that oxaloacetate and acetyl CoA bind sequen- 
tially. This reduces the chance of binding acetyl CoA in the absence of oxaloacetate and 


Small domain 


° + o 

Oxaloacetate Acetyl CoA 


+ o 

20° rotation 


▲ Figure 13.7 

Representation of the relative ratios of products 
and reactants in the citrate synthase reaction. 

The equilibrium constant (/C eq ) for the cit- 
rate synthase reaction can be calculated 
from standard Gibbs free energy change ac- 
cording to Equation 1.12, K eq = 2.7 x 10 5 , 
meaning that, at equilibrium, the concentra- 
tions of products are more than 200,000 
times that of the reactants. [Not to scale.] 

v Figure 13.8 

Citrate synthase induced fit mechanism. The 

two identical subunits are colored blue and 
purple. Each is composed of a small and a 
large domain, (a) Open conformation. The 
substrate binding site is located in the deep 
cleft between the small domain of one sub- 
unit and the large domain of the other. 

[PDB 5CSC] (b) Closed conformation. The 
small domain has shifted relative to the 
large domain in order to close off the large 
binding cleft seen in the open conformation. 
Substrate analogues are shown as space-fill- 
ing models. This version of the enzyme is 
from chicken {Gallus gallus). [PDB 6CSC] 

Large domain 

396 CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 


The discovery of citric acid is usually attributed to Abu Musa 
Jabir ibn Hayyan (-721 — 815), known as Geber in Europe. He 
worked in Kufa in modern-day Iraq and is recognized as the 
father of modern chemistry. Jabir identified citric acid as a 
major component of citrus fruits such as lemons and limes. We 
know now that the level of citric acid in these fruits is related to 
its ability to act as a preservative and a reservoir of carbon. This 
is unrelated to the role of citrate in the citric acid cycle. 

Citric acid is a weak organic acid (pJ^ a i = 3.2, pi^ a 2 = 4.8, 
pIC a3 = 6.4). The sodium salt is sometimes used as a buffer in 
biochemistry labs and in drugs but its most important appli- 
cation is as a food additive, especially in soft drinks. 

▲ Citric acid is an important natural preservative in citrus fruits. 

the possibility of catalyzing hydrolysis of the thioester bond of acetyl CoA in a wasteful 
reaction. This potential side reaction is a very real danger since the thioester bond of 
acetyl CoA is near the active site for hydrolysis of the citryl CoA thioester and since the 
concentration of oxaloacetate may be very low relative to that of acetyl CoA. Our previ- 
ous examples of an induced fit mechanism involved protecting ATP from inappropriate 
hydrolysis but the same principle applies here. We will encounter several other examples 
of important structure-function relationships in this chapter and the next one. 

2. Aconitase 


Stereospecific reactions occur because 
substrates bind to enzymes in specific 

Aconitase (systematic name: aconitate hydratase) catalyzes a near- equilibrium conversion 
of citrate to isocitrate. Citrate is a tertiary alcohol and thus cannot be oxidized directly 
to a keto acid. The formation of a keto acid intermediate is required for the oxidative 
decarboxylation reaction that occurs in step 3 of the citric acid cycle. The step catalyzed 
by aconitase creates a secondary alcohol in preparation for step 3. The name of the enzyme 
is derived from ds-aconitate, an enzyme-bound intermediate of the reaction. The reac- 
tion proceeds by the elimination of water from citrate to form a carbon-carbon double 
bond. This is followed by stereospecifc addition of water to form isocitrate. 




▲ Figure 13.9 

Structure of 2R,3S-isocitrate. 

ch 2 

HO — C— COO° 

COO 0 



H 2 0 

h 2 o 


C — COO° 



/ \ n 


c/s- Aconitate 

H 2 0 ch 2 

^ HC— COO° 

~T~ HO-CH (13-10) 

H2 ° 1 O 

COO 0 


The aconitase gene is a member of a complex gene family. The family encodes dis- 
tinct mitochondrial and cytoplasmic versions of aconitase, a regulatory protein with no 
catalytic activity, and an enzyme involved in the synthesis of amino acids (Sections 13.8 
and 17.3C). Bacteria contain two distantly related enzymes, aconitase A and aconitase B. 
All family members contain a characteristic [4 Fe-4 S] iron-sulfur cluster. In the next 
chapter we will encounter many oxidation-reduction enzymes with iron-sulfur clus- 
ters. In most of these oxidation-reduction enzymes, the iron-sulfur clusters participate 
in electron transport but members of the aconitase family are unusual because the role 
of the iron-sulfur cluster is to aid in the binding of citrate. The aconitase reaction is an 
isomerization reaction and not an oxidation- reduction reaction. 

Note that citrate is not a chiral molecule because none of the carbon atoms is 
bonded to four different groups. However, the product of the reaction, isocitrate, has two 
chiral centers, C2 and C3. Each of these carbon atoms has four different constituents 

13.3 The Citric Acid Cycle Enzymes 397 


When the citric acid cycle was first proposed by Krebs, the 
inclusion of the citrate-to- isocitrate reaction was a major 
barrier to its acceptance because labeling studies indicated 
that only one of the two possible forms of 2R,3S-isocitrate 
was produced in cells. The “problem” was not that a chiral 
molecule was produced from a non- chiral molecule — this is 
easily understood. The difficulty was in understanding why 
formation of the double bond of ds-aconitate, and subse- 
quent addition of water to form isocitrate, occurred only in 
the moiety contributed originally by oxaloacetate and not in 
the group derived from acetyl CoA. When isotopically 
labeled acetate was added to cells the 14 C-labeled carbon atoms 
appeared in citrate as shown in green in Reaction 13.10. 
Since citrate is a symmetric molecule, the labeled carbon 
atoms were expected to show up equally in the two versions 
of isocitrate shown in the figure on the right. 

Instead, only the left-hand form was produced. At the 
time, conversion of a non- chiral molecule to a single form of 
chiral isomer was unknown but in 1948, Alexander Ogston 
showed how the active site of an enzyme could distinguish 
between chemically equivalent groups on the citrate mole- 
cule. Ogston envisioned citrate binding in a manner he called 
three point attachment, with nonidentical groups involved in 
the enzyme-substrate binding (see figure). Once citrate 
is correctly bound to the asymmetric binding site, the 
two — CH 2 — COO® groups of citrate have specific orienta- 
tions and thus are no longer equivalent. Formation of the 
carbon-carbon double bond can only take place in the group 
contributed by oxaloacetate. 

coo 0 coo 0 

I I 

ch 2 ch 2 

HC — COO 0 HC — COO 0 

I I 

HO — CH HO — CH 

COO 0 COO 0 

▲ Two forms of isocitrate. The green carbon atoms represent the group 
originally derived from acetyl CoA. The reaction catalyzed by aconi- 
tase was expected to yield two forms of isocitrate in equal quantities 
because the substrate (citrate) is symmetric. Only the left-hand form 
was produced. 

Citrate is a prochiral molecule because it can react asym- 
metrically in spite of the fact that it is chemically symmetric. 
There are now many examples of such reactions in metabolic 

reactive group 

▲ Binding of citrate to the active site of aconitase. The central carbon 
atom of the citrate molecule is shown with four attached groups: the 
hydroxyl group ( — OH) is represented by a square; the carboxyl group 
( — COOH) by a triangle; the two — CH2 — COO — groups are shown as 
spheres. The two — CH2 — COO — groups are chemically indistinguish- 
able, but the one derived from acetyl CoA is shown as a green sphere 
and the one derived from oxaolacetate is colored blue. A cartoon of 
aconitase is depicted as an asymmetric molecule with three-point at- 
tachments sites for the hydroxyl group, the carboxyl group, and one 
of the — CH2 — COO — groups. When citrate is oriented as shown in 
the top figure, it can bind to aconitase and the reaction takes place 
in the moiety derived from oxaloacetate. The other orientation (bottom) 
cannot bind to the enzyme and the reaction cannot take place in the 
group derived from acetyl CoA. 

and in each case the four groups can be arranged in two different orientations. There 
are four different stereoisomers of isocitrate but only one of them is produced in the re- 
action catalyzed by aconitase. The formal name of this product is 2R,3S-isocitrate 
(Figure 13.9) using the RS nomenclature described in Box 3.2. This is one of the few 
times when this nomenclature is useful in introductory biochemistry. 

3. Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 

Isocitrate dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to form The regulation of isocitrate dehydroge- 
a-ketoglutarate (Figure 13.10). This reaction is the first of four oxidation-reduction nase in prokaryotes is described in 

reactions in the citric acid cycle. The reaction is coupled to the reduction of NAD® and Section 1 3.8. 

occurs in two steps involving an enzyme-bound oxalo succinate intermediate. 

398 CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 



<=H 2 

HC — COO 0 + NAD® 

HO — CH 








ch 2 








+ H© + NADH 


H © 


ch 2 + co 2 

C =0 


▲ Figure 13.10 

Isocitrate dehydrogenase reaction. The enzyme 
catalyzes an oxidation-reduction reaction 
using NAD© as the electron acceptor. 
Oxalosuccinate is an unstable intermediate 
that is rapidly decarboxylated to C0 2 and 
a-ketoglutarate. This is the first decarboxy- 
lation step in the citric acid cycle. 


The important “pay off” reactions of the 
citric acid cycle are those that produce 
reducing equivalents such as NADH 
and QH 2 . 

In the first step, the alcohol group of isocitrate is oxidized by removal of two hydro- 
gens to form a — C = O double bond. This is a typical dehydrogenase reaction. One of 
the hydrogens (the one bound to the carbon atom) is transferred to NAD® as a hydride 
ion carrying two electrons and the other (the one on the — OH group) is incorporated 
into the final product. This is the first of the reactions that result in the loss of electrons 
(i.e., oxidation of an organic acid). 

Oxalosuccinate, an unstable keto acid, is the product of the first step in the overall 
reaction catalyzed by a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase. Before it is released from the 
enzyme, the intermediate undergoes decarboxylation to form a-ketoglutarate in the 
second step of the reaction. The decarboxylation reaction is associated with the release 
of C0 2 and uptake of a proton. The overall stoichiometry of the reaction is 

Isocitrate + NAD® > a-Ketoglutarate + NADH + C0 2 (13.11) 

There are several different versions of isocitrate dehydrogenase. Bacteria contain 
both an NAD® -dependent enzyme and an NADP® -dependent enzyme. Eukaryotes 
also have both types but, in addition, the NADP® -dependent enzymes form several 
subclasses. In general, the NAD® -dependent enzyme is localized to the mitochondria 
and plays the major role in the citric acid cycle. The NADP® -dependent enzymes are 
found in the cytoplasm, chloroplasts, and other membrane compartments. All forms of 
the enzymes are homologous by sequence similarity and they share a common ancestor 
with an enzyme in the leucine biosynthesis pathway (Section 13.9, Section 17.3C). 

4. The a-Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex 

Oxidative decarboxylation of a-ketoglutarate is analogous to the reaction catalyzed by 
pyruvate dehydrogenase. In both cases, the reactants are an a-keto acid and HS-CoA 
and the products are C0 2 and a “high energy” thioester compound. Step 4 of the citric 
acid cycle is catalyzed by a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (also known as 2-oxoglutarate 
dehydrogenase) (Figure 13.11) 

a-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase is a large complex that resembles pyruvate dehy- 
drogenase in both structure and function. The same coenzymes are involved and the 
reaction mechanism is the same. The three component enzymes of the a-ketoglutarate 
dehydrogenase complex are a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (E 1? containing TDP), di- 
hydrolipoamide succinyl transferase (E 2 , containing a lipoamide swinging arm), and 
dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E 3 , the same flavoprotein found in the pyruvate 
dehydrogenase complex). The overall reaction is the second of the two C0 2 producing 
reactions in the citric acid cycle and the second reaction that generates reducing equiva- 
lents. In the four remaining reactions of the cycle, the four-carbon succinyl group of 
succinyl CoA is converted back to oxaloacetate. 

Eukaryotic cells have a single mitochondrial a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase. 
Archaebacteria, and some other species of bacteria, do not have a-ketoglutarate dehy- 
drogenase. Instead, they convert a-ketoglutarate to succinyl CoA using an entirely 
different enzyme called 2-oxoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase. 

5. Succinyl CoA Synthetase 

The conversion of succinyl CoA to succinate is catalyzed by succinyl CoA synthetase, 
sometimes called succinate thiokinase. The reaction couples hydrolysis of the thioester 
linkage in succinyl CoA to formation of a nucleoside triphosphate — either GTP or ATP, 
depending on the species. The complicated IUPAC names of these two related enzymes 
are: succinate-CoA ligase, ADP- forming (E.C. 6.2. 1.5); and succinate-CoA ligase, GDP- 
forming (E.C. 6.2. 1.4). 

Inorganic phosphate is one of the reactants and the reaction takes place in three 
steps (Figure 13.12). 

The first step generates succinyl phosphate as an intermediate and releases coen- 
zyme A. In the second step, the phosphoryl group is transferred to a histidine side chain 
in the active site of the enzyme to form a stable phosphoenzyme intermediate. The third 
step transfers the phosphoryl group to GDP to form GTP. This reaction is the only 
example of substrate level phosphorylation in the citric acid cycle. (Recall from Section 10.8 

13.3 The Citric Acid Cycle Enzymes 399 

that the standard Gibbs free energy change for hydrolysis of the thioester linkage in 
succinyl CoA is approximately equivalent to that of ATP hydrolysis.) The overall stoi- 
chiometry of the succinyl CoA synthetase reaction is 

Succinyl CoA + Pj + GDP > Succinate + HS-CoA + GTP (13.12) 

Inorganic phosphate contributes the phosphoryl group to GDP, plus an oxygen to form 
succinate and a hydrogen to form HS-CoA. Note that the enzyme is named for the re- 
verse reaction where succinyl CoA is synthesized from succinate at the expense of GTP 
or ATP. It is called a synthetase because the reaction combines two molecules and it is 
coupled to hydrolysis of nucleoside triphosphate. 

The enzyme is composed of two a and two /? subunits (Gk/fe)- The /? subunits con- 
tain the binding site for the nucleotide. Bacterial versions use ATP while animals often 
have two versions of the enzyme — one that uses GTP and one that uses ATP. They dif- 
fer in their /? subunits. The GTP- dependent versions clearly have evolved from the ATP- 
dependent versions. It’s not clear why animal mitochondria have two versions of suc- 
cinyl CoA synthetase in their mitochondria but one possibility is that the ATP-dependent 
version is used in the citric acid cycle and the GTP-dependent version primarily cat- 
alyzes the reverse reaction in some cells. Archaebacteria, and some other bacteria, do 
not have succinyl CoA synthetase. They carry out a similar reaction using an entirely 
different enzyme. 

6. Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex 

Succinate dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidation of succinate to fumarate forming a 
carbon-carbon double bond with the loss of two protons and two electrons (Figure 13.13). 
The protons and electrons are passed to a quinone, which is reduced to QH 2 . (Ubiquinone 
is the preferred substrate in almost all cases but some bacteria use menaquinone.) The 
enzyme is present in all species and FAD is an essential bound cofactor. 

One important feature of this reaction is the scrambling of the original acetyl car- 
bon atoms. They can no longer be specifically identified (i.e., green) in the symmetrical 



r 2 

CH 2 + HS-CoA + NAD® 
C =0 



\ / 


ChH 2 

CH 2 + C0 2 + NADH 


Succinyl CoA 

▲ Figure 13.11 

Reaction catalyzed by a-ketoglutarate dehy- 
drogenase. This is similar to the reaction 
catalyzed by pyruvate dehydrogenase. 

The structure of menaquinone is shown 
in Figure 14.21. 


a-Ketoglutarate is clearly named after the five -carbon dicar- 
boxylic acid glutarate ( e OOC— CH 2 — CH 2 — CH 2 — COO 0 ). 
The keto group is on the a carbon or the first carbon after 
one of the carboxyl groups. This naming convention is sim- 
ilar to the one we encountered in naming ct-amino acids 
(Section 3.1). As is the case with amino acids, the correct 
chemical name, or systematic name, for a-ketoglutarate 
could be cc 2 -keto glutarate.” However, the formal name is ac- 
tually 2 -oxo glutarate since according to the IUPAC/IUBMB 
rules of nomenclature the term “keto” should now be avoided. 

It is perfectly acceptable to refer to organic molecules by 
their common (trivial) names if these common names are 
well known. For example, if you look back to step 1 of the 
citric acid cycle you can see that the systematic name for 
oxaloacetate is 2-oxosuccinate since it is a derivative of the 
four-carbon dicarboxylic acid, succinate. “Oxaloacetate” is 
the well-known and accepted common name for this com- 
pound and it would be confusing to use any other name. 
When it comes to the correct name for a-ketoglutarate, the 
situation is more complicated because a-ketoglutarate is the 
old-fashioned systematic name of the molecule and the new 

rules say that the systematic name should be 2 -oxo glutarate. 
The new name is becoming more and more popular in the 
scientific literature. Here, we continue to use the well-known 
name a-ketoglutarate on the grounds that it has become an 
acceptable common name for this compound. It’s very likely 
that this will change in future editions. 

400 CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 

◄ Figure 13.12 

Proposed mechanism of succinyl CoA syn- 
thetase. Phosphate displaces CoA from a 
bound succinyl CoA molecule, forming the 
mixed acid anhydride succinyl phosphate 
as an intermediate. The phosphoryl group 
is then transferred from succinyl phosphate 
to a histidine residue of the enzyme to form 
a relatively stable covalent phosphoenzyme 
intermediate. Succinate is released, and the 
phosphoenzyme intermediate transfers its 
phosphoryl group to GDP (or ADP, depending 
on the organism), forming the nucleoside 
triphosphate product. 



▲ GTP-dependent succinyl CoA synthetase. The 

structure of one unit of the dimer is shown 
with the a and ft subunits in different colors. 
A molecule of GTP is bound at the active 
site within the ft subunit. This is the pig 
{Sus scrofa ) version of the enzyme. 


reactant, succinate, or in the product, fumarate. This has interesting consequences (see 
Problem #6). 

The active site of the enzyme is formed from two different subunits. One subunit 
contains iron-sulfur clusters and the other is a flavoprotein with covalently bound FAD. 
The succinate dehydrogenase dimer is bound to two membrane polypeptides to form a 
larger complex. The membrane components consist of a cytochrome b , with its associ- 
ated heme group, and a quinone binding site. The electron transport cofactors partici- 
pate in the transfer of electrons from succinate to FAD to several iron-sulfur clusters to 
heme to the quinone. 

Recall that FADH 2 in subunit E 3 of pyruvate dehydrogenase is reoxidized by NAD 0 
to complete the catalytic cycle of that enzyme. In the succinate dehydrogenase reaction, 
FADH 2 is reoxidized by Q to regenerate FAD. In the past, it was very common to show 
FADH 2 as the redox product of this reaction but since FAD is covalently bound to the 
enzyme, the catalytic cycle is not completed until bound FADH 2 is reoxidized and the 
mobile product QH 2 is released. 

The succinate dehydrogenase reaction is unusual for a dehydrogenase because it 
uses ubiquinone as an electron acceptor (oxidizing agent) instead of NAD®. It is also 
unusual in many other ways, as we will see in the next chapter. The succinate dehydroge- 
nase complex is part of the electron transport system located in the plasma membrane of 
prokaryotes and in the inner mitochondrial membrane in eukaryotic cells. We will discuss 
this enzyme in more detail in Section 14.6 and examine its structure (Figure 14.9). In 
bacteria, the bulk of the enzyme complex projects into the cytoplasm where it can bind 
succinate and release fumarate as part of the citric acid cycle. In mitochondria, the 
active site is on the matrix side of the membrane where the other citric acid cycle en- 
zymes are located. 

13.3 The Citric Acid Cycle Enzymes 401 

The substrate analog malonate is a competitive inhibitor of the succinate dehydro- 
genase complex as described in Section 5. 7 A. Malonate, like succinate, is a dicarboxylate 
that binds to cationic amino acid residues in the active site of the succinate dehydroge- 
nase complex. However, malonate cannot undergo oxidation because it lacks the 
— CH 2 — CH 2 — group necessary for dehydrogenation. In experiments with isolated 
mitochondria or cell homogenates, the presence of malonate caused succinate, a- 
ketoglutarate, and citrate to accumulate. Such experiments provided some of the orig- 
inal evidence for the sequence of reactions in the citric acid cycle. 

7. Fumarase 

Fumarase (systematic name: fumarate hydratase) catalyzes the near-equilibrium con- 
version of fumarate to malate through the stereospecific trans addition of water to the 
double bond of fumarate. 


\ / 

c. Fumarase 

II + h 2 o < 








i ""'H 




Fumarate L-Malate 

Fumarate is a prochiral molecule. When fumarate is positioned in the active site of 
fumarase, the double bond of the substrate can be attacked from only one direction. The 
product of the reaction is exclusively the L stereoisomer of the hydroxy acid malate. 

There are two unrelated fumarases that can catalyze the same reaction. The class I 
enzyme is found in most bacteria. The class II enzyme is present in some bacteria and 
all eukaryotes. Some bacteria, such as E. coli , have both forms of the enzyme. One form 
is active in the normal citric acid cycle pathway and the other usually specializes in the 
reverse reaction to convert malate to fumarate. 

8. Malate Deydrogenase 

The last step in the citric acid cycle is the oxidation of malate to regenerate oxaloacetate, 
with formation of a molecule of NADH. 





ch 2 


ch 2 

1 © 



+ Q 






+ QH 2 




▲ Figure 13.13 

The succinate dehydrogenase reaction. 

a Green (unripe) apples. The sour taste of un- 
ripe apples is mostly due to the presence 
of malate. Malic acid was first isolated from 
apple juice and it was named after the Latin 
word for apple {malum). 

HO — C — H Malate C=0 

dehydrogenase I 

CH 2 + NAD® ; t CH 2 + NADH + H® 

COO® coo® 

L-Malate Oxaloacetate 



There’s lots of good stuff on the web but everyone should be cautious about the 
quality of some webpages. The citric acid cycle is a fun test case for accuracy. Most 
sites get the basics correct but students are often challenged to find a website that 
accurately depicts every reaction of the pathway with no errors — including balanc- 
ing every equation. Can you find such a website? The most common errors are 
leaving out protons and QH 2 . 

The one site you can rely on is the IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature site that lists 
the correct reactions for each enzyme in the citric acid cycle: 

Some instructors have been known to give extra marks to students who can find a com- 
pletely accurate website. Some students have been known to create their own webpages. 

We consider the transfer of reducing 
equivalents to Q again in Chapter 14, 
where we will see the role of the suc- 
cinate dehydrogenase complex in 
membrane-associated electron transport. 

The evolutionary origin of fumarase 
and the significance of the reverse 
reaction in bacteria are described in 
Section 13.8. 


CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 

This reaction is catalyzed by NAD® -dependent malate dehydrogenase. The near-equi- 
librium interconversion of the a-hydroxy acid L-malate and the keto acid oxaloacetate is 
analogous to the reversible reaction catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase (Sections 7.3 
and 1 1.3B). This is not surprising since lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase 
are homologous — they share a common ancestor. 

The standard Gibbs free energy change for this reaction is +30 kj mol -1 (AG°' = 
30 kj mol -1 ). Since this is a near-equilibrium reaction it means that under the condi- 
tions found inside the cell, the concentration of malate is very much higher than that of 
oxaloacetate. We’ve seen in the case of the citrate synthase reaction that the low concen- 
The structures of malate dehydrogenase tration of oxaloacetate explains the Gibbs free energy change of that reaction. In the 

and lactate dehydrogenase are com- next section we’ll see how the low concentration of oxaloacetate relative to that of 

pared in Figure 4.22. malate explains some transport pathways. 

13.4 Entry of Pyruvate Into Mitochondria 

In bacterial cells, pyruvate is converted to acetyl CoA in the cytosol but in eukaryotic 
cells the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is located in mitochondria (and in chloro- 
plasts). Since glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm, pyruvate must first be imported 
into the mitochondria (or chloroplasts) so that it can serve as a substrate in the reac- 
tion. The mitochondrion is enclosed by a double membrane. Small molecules such as 


Despite having a low sequence identity, lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydroge- 
nase are closely related in three-dimensional structure and they clearly have evolved 
from a common ancestor. These enzymes catalyze reversible oxidation of 2 -hydroxy 
acids that differ by only one carbon (malate has an additional carboxylate attached to 
C-3 of lactate). Both enzymes are highly specific for their own substrates. However, 
site specific mutation of a single amino acid residue of the lactate dehydrogenase of 
Bacillus stearothermophilus changes this enzyme to a malate dehydrogenase (see 
figure). Conversion of Gin- 102 to Arg-102 completely reverses the specificity of the 
dehydrogenase. The positively charged side chain of the arginine forms an ion pair 
with the 4-carboxylate group of malate, and the mutant enzyme becomes inactive 
with lactate. 


l 2 

HO — C — H 


ch 3 



C =0 

Lactate dehydrogenase 

ch 3 



I W I 

HO — C — H a C=0 

Malate dehydrogenase 





ch 2 



▲ Orientation of the substrate molecule in the active site of lactate dehydrogenase from Bacillus stear- 
mothermophilus. (a) The three-carbon substrate pyruvate bound to the native enzyme. Neither ox- 
aloacetate nor malate can bind at this site, (b) The four-carbon substrate oxaloacetate bound to 
the Gln-to-Arg mutant (position 102). 

(a) — Gln-102— 


c — nh 2 



ch 3 

1 H v= 

O — C Xmdh 

I H 


H 2 N, ©,, nh 2 

— Arg-171— 

(b) — Arg-102- 

H 2 N'"© nh 2 

ch 2 

1 H v= 

0 = C Xnadh 

I H 


h 2 n^©^ nh 2 

-Arg-171 — 

13.4 Entry of Pyruvate Into Mitochondria 403 

◄ Figure 13.14 

Import of pyruvate and export of PEP. Pyruvate 
is imported into mitochondria from the cyto- 
plasm via a pyruvate transporter located in 
the inner mitochondrial membrane. Phos- 
phoenolpyruvate (PEP) is exported to the 
cytoplasm via a PEP transporter. 

pyruvate pass through the outer membrane via aqueous channels formed by trans- 
membrane proteins called porins (Section 9.11A). These channels allow free diffusion 
of molecules with molecular weights less than 10,000. However, in order to pass 
through the inner membrane a specific transport protein is required for most metabo- 
lites. Pyruvate translocase specifically transports pyruvate in symport with H®. Once 
inside the mitochondrion, pyruvate can be converted to acetyl CoA and C0 2 . In 
eukaryotic cells the enzymes of the citric acid cycle are also located in the mitochondria 
(Figure 13.14). 

Recall that one of the intermediates in the citric acid cycle is oxaloacetate and it can 
also be a substrate for gluconeogenesis. Since gluconeogenesis is a cytoplasmic pathway, 
it’s necessary to move oxaloacetate, or its equivalent, from the mitochondria to the 
cytoplasm. In mammals this is accomplished using a mitochondrial version of phos- 
phoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), that converts oxaloacetate to phospho- 
enolpyruvate (PEP). Mitochondria possess a PEP transporter that moves PEP to the 
cytoplasm (Figure 13.14). It would be very inefficient to transport oxaloacetate directly 
because its concentration in the mitochondria is very low compared to its concentration 
in the cytoplasm. (Deficiencies in the human mitochondrial PEPCK lead to death 
within the first two years of life.) 

There are two other problems associated with the compartmentation of the 
citric acid cycle in mitochondria. Acetyl CoA is required for fatty acid synthesis in the cyto- 
plasm, so there has to be a mechanism for transporting acetyl CoA from the mitochon- 
dria to the cytoplasm. This is accomplished using a tricarboxylic acid transporter that 
exports citrate. Once in the cytoplasm, citrate has to be reconverted to oxaloacetate and 
acetyl CoA and this is accomplished by a cytoplasmic enzyme called ATP- citrate lyase 
(Figure 13.15). ATP-citrate lyase doesn’t just catalyze the reverse of the citrate synthase 
reaction. The enzyme has to be coupled to hydrolysis of ATP in order to drive the syn- 
thesis of “high energy” acetyl CoA in the cytoplasm. The mitochondrial enzyme can 
catalyze the same reaction (reversing the citric acid cycle reaction) because the concen- 
tration of citrate is so high relative to oxaloacetate (see Figure 13.7). In the cytoplasm, 
on the other hand, the steady state concentrations of citrate and oxaloacetate are com- 
parable, so coupling to ATP hydrolysis is necessary. 

Some species don’t have a mitochondrial version of PEPCK so they have to use an 
alternative method of exporting oxaloacetate. The malate-aspartate shuttle is a com- 
mon transport system, present even in species that have a mitochondrial PEPCK. A 
simplifed version of this shuttle is shown in Figure 13.16. We will describe it in more 
detail in Section 14.12. 

Oxaloacetate is converted to malate by the reaction catalyzed by malate dehydroge- 
nase. This is the same enzyme used in the citric acid cycle. Recall that the equilibrium 
concentrations of reactants and products in this reaction result in a very much higher 
concentration of malate than oxaloacetate. Thus, a malate transporter is much more 
efficient than an oxaloacetate transporter could be. 

404 CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 



Citrate + ATP + HS-CoA < ± Oxaloacetate + Acetyl CoA + ADP+ Pj 

Figure 13.15 ▲ 

Export of acetyl CoA from mitochondria. Citrate 
is exported via the tricarboxylic acid trans- 
porter. Citrate is subsequently converted to 
acetyl CoA by cytoplasmic ATP-citrate lyase. 

Malate is converted back to oxaloacetate by a cytoplasmic version of malate dehy- 
drogenase. The net effect is that oxaloacetate from mitochondria can serve as a substrate 
for gluconeogenesis as described in the previous chapter. 

The other part of the shuttle achieves the same goal by using a mitochondrial 
aminotransferase to convert oxaloacetate to aspartate. Aspartate is transported across the 
mitochondrial membrane by an aspartate transporter. In the cytoplasm, oxaloacetate can 

Figure 13.16 ► 

Transport of oxaloacetate via the malate- 
aspartate shuttle. 


e o o 

""c / NAD© NADH + H 


HO — C — H 5 


ch 2 






©o o 


i Amino 


c=o < > 


o o© 

C H; 


o o© 

©o o 


© I 

H,N — C — H 

r * 1 

o /x o® 





13.5 Reduced Coenzymes Can Fuel Production of ATP 


be re-formed by the action of a cytoplasmic aminotransferase. As you might guess, this 
pathway normally operates in the opposite direction, since the low concentration of ox- 
aloacetate in the mitochondria means that the conversion of oxaloacetate to aspartate is 

13.5 Reduced Coenzymes Can Fuel Production of ATP 

In the net reaction of the citric acid cycle, three molecules of NADH, one molecule of 
QH 2 , and one molecule of GTP or ATP are produced for each molecule of acetyl CoA 
entering the pathway. 

Acetyl CoA + 3 NAD© + Q + GDP (or ADP) + Pj + 2 H 2 0 » 

HS-CoA + 3 NADH + QH 2 + GTP (or ATP) + 2 C0 2 + 2 H© (13.15) 

As mentioned earlier, NADH and QH 2 can be oxidized by the membrane-asscoci- 
ated electron transport chain that is coupled to the the production of ATP. As we will 
see when we examine these reactions in Chapter 14, approximately 2.5 molecules of 
ATP are generated for each molecule of NADH oxidized to NAD®, and up to 1.5 mol- 
ecules of ATP are produced for each molecule of QH 2 oxidized to Q. The complete 
oxidation of one molecule of acetyl CoA by the citric acid cycle and subsequent reac- 
tions is therefore associated with the production of approximately ten ATP equivalents 
(Table 13.2). 

The citric acid cycle is the final stage in the catabolism of many major nutrients. It 
is the pathway for oxidation of all acetyl CoA molecules produced by the degradation of 
carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids. Having covered glycolysis in Chapter 1 1, we can 
now give a complete accounting of the ATP produced from the degradation of one mol- 
ecule of glucose. 

Recall that glycolysis converts glucose to two molecules of pyruvate with a net gain 
of two molecules of ATP. There are two molecules of NADH produced in the reaction 
catalyzed by glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate dehydrogenase. This corresponds to a com- 
bined yield of seven ATP equivalents from glycolysis. The conversion of both pyruvate 
molecules to acetyl CoA by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex yields two NADH 
molecules, which correspond to about five additional molecules of ATP. When these are 
combined with the ATP equivalents from the citric acid cycle via the oxidation of two 
molecules of acetyl CoA, the total yield is about 32 molecules of ATP per molecule of 
glucose (Figure 13.17). 

In bacteria, the two molecules of NADH produced by glycolysis in the cytosol can 
be directly reoxidized by the membrane-associated electron transport system in the 
plasma membrane. Thus, the theoretical maximum yield from complete oxidation of 
glucose (32 ATP equivalents) is achieved in bacteria cells. 

In eukaryotic cells, glycolysis produces NADH in the cytosol but the membrane- 
associated electron transport complex is located in mitochondria membranes. The reducing 
equivalents from cytosolic NADH can be transported into the mitochondrion by shuttle 

Table 13.2 Energy production in the citric acid cycle 






Isocitrate dehydrogenase 



a-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex 



Succinyl-CoA synthetase 



Succinate dehydrogenase complex 

QH 2 


Malate dehydrogenase 





406 CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 

Figure 13.17 ► 

ATP production from the catabolism of one 
molecule of glucose by glycolysis, the citric 
acid cycle, and reoxidation of NADH and QH 2 . 

The complete oxidation of glucose leads to 
the formation of up to 32 molecules of ATP. 


equivalents Glucose 



2 ATP « 

-> 2 NADH 

2 Pyruvate 


-> 2 NADH 

Substrate level 




2 Acetyl CoA 


2 QH 2 

electron transport 
plus ATP 


4 Total: 32 ATP molecules 28 

mechanisms such as the malate-aspartate shuttle described in Section 13.4. The transport 
of reducing equivalents of NADH will be described in more detail in Section 14.12. 

It’s interesting to compare this pathway (Figure 13.17) for complete oxidation of 
glucose to the pentose phosphate cycle described in Section 12.4. That pathway also re- 
sults in the complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose. The result is production of 
12 NADPH molecules that are equal to 30 ATP equivalents. 

13.6 Regulation of the Citric Acid Cycle 

Because the citric acid cycle occupies a central position in cellular metabolism, it’s not 
surprising to find that the pathway is controlled. Regulation is mediated by allosteric 
modulators and by covalent modification of the citric acid cycle enzymes. Flux through 
the pathway is further controlled by the supply of acetyl CoA. 

As noted earlier, acetyl CoA arises from several sources, including pathways for the 
degradation of carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids. The activity of the pyruvate dehy- 
drogenase complex controls the supply of acetyl CoA produced from pyruvate and 
hence from the degradation of carbohydrates. In general, substrates of the pyruvate de- 
hydrogenase complex activate the complex and products inhibit it. In most species, the 
activities of the E 2 and E 3 components of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (dihy- 
drolipoamide acetyltransferase and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase, respectively) are 
controlled by simple mass action effects when their products accumulate. The activity of 
the acetyltransferase (E 2 ) is inhibited when the concentration of acetyl CoA is high, 
whereas the dehydrogenase (E 3 ) is inhibited by a high NADH/NAD© ratio (Figure 13.18). 
In general, the inhibitors are likely to be present in high concentrations when energy re- 
sources are plentiful, and the activators predominate when energy resources are scarce. 

Figure 1 3.1 8 ► 

Regulation of the the pyruvate dehydrogenase 
complex. Accumulation of the products acetyl 
CoA and NADH decreases flux through the 
reversible reactions catalyzed by E 2 and E 3 . 

Pyruvate + NAD© + HS-CoA 



E 1 





Pyruvate dehydrogenase 

NADH + Acetyl CoA + C0 2 

13.7 The Citric Acid Cycle Isn’t Always a “Cycle” 407 


ADP, Pyruvate NADH, Acetyl CoA 

◄ Figure 13.19 

Regulation of the mammalian pyruvate dehy- 
drogenase complex by phosphorylation of the 
component. The regulatory kinase and phos- 
phatase are both components of the mam- 
malian complex. The kinase is activated by 
NADH and acetyl CoA, products of the reac- 
tion catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydroge- 
nase complex, and inhibited by ADP and the 
substrates pyruvate, NAD©, and HS-CoA. 

Mammalian (but not prokaryotic) pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes are further 
regulated by covalent modification. A protein kinase and a protein phosphatase are as- 
sociated with the mammalian multienzyme complex. Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 
(PDK) catalyzes the phosphorylation of E l5 thereby inactivating the enzyme. Pyruvate 
dehydrogenase phosphatase (PDP) catalyzes the dephosphorylation and activation of 
pyruvate dehydrogenase (Figure 13.19). Control of E x activity controls the rate of reac- 
tion of the entire complex. 

Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase and pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase are them- 
selves regulated. The kinase is allosterically activated by NADH and acetyl CoA, products of 
pyruvate oxidation. The accumulation of NADH and acetyl CoA signals energy availability 
and leads to an increase in phosphorylation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase subunit and in- 
hibition of the further oxidation of pyruvate. Conversely, pyruvate, NAD®, HS-CoA, and 
ADP inhibit the kinase, leading to activation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase subunit. 

Three enzymes of the citric acid cycle are regulated: citrate synthase, isocitrate de- 
hydrogenase, and the a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex. Citrate synthase cat- 
alyzes the first reaction of the citric acid cycle. This would seem to be a suitable control 
point for regulation of the entire cycle. ATP inhibits the enzyme in vitro , but significant 
changes in ATP concentration are unlikely in vivo ; therefore, ATP may not be a physio- 
logical regulator. Some bacterial citrate synthases are activated by a-ketoglutarate and 
inhibited by NADH. 

Mammalian isocitrate dehydrogenase is allosterically activated by Ca© and ADP 
and inhibited by NADH. In mammals, the enzyme is not subject to covalent modifica- 
tion. In bacteria, however, isocitrate dehydrogenase is regulated by phosphorylation. We 
will discuss this in more detail in Section 13.8. 

Although the a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex resembles the pyruvate de- 
hydrogenase complex, the enzymes have quite different regulatory features. No kinase or 
phosphatase is associated with the a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex. Instead, cal- 
cium ions bind to E x of the complex and decrease the K m of the enzyme for a-ketoglutarate, 
thereby increasing the rate of formation of succinyl CoA. NADH and succinyl CoA are 
inhibitors of the a-ketoglutarate complex in vitro , but it has not been established that 
they have a significant regulatory role in living cells. 

13.7 The Citric Acid Cycle Isn’t Always a “Cycle” 

The citric acid cycle is not exclusively a catabolic pathway for the oxidation of acetyl 
CoA. It also plays a central role in metabolism at the intersection of several other path- 
ways. Some intermediates of the citric acid cycle are important anabolic precursors in 
biosynthesis pathways, and some catabolic pathways produce citric acid cycle interme- 
diates. Pathways that are both catabolic and anabolic are said to be amphibolic (Section 10.1). 
The citric acid cycle is an excellent example. 

408 CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 


In the absence of oxygen, the glycolytic pathway terminates 
at lactate and the citric acid cycle is not used in the oxidation 
of acetyl CoA. Under these conditions, pyruvate dehydroge- 
nase is inactivated by phosphorylation. Many cancer cells 
grow anaerobically and pyruvate dehydrogenase is not active 
in these cells. 

The activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphorylase 
kinase (PDHK) can be inhibited by dichloroacetate (DCA). 
DCA binds to the active site of the enzyme preventing phos- 
phorylation of pyruvate dehydrogenase. The net effect of 
DCA is activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase and this, in 
turn, causes major disruptions in cancer cell metabolism lead- 
ing to death of the cancer cells. The chemical has been effec- 
tive in a few trial studies with cancer cells in vitro. That’s a 
good thing. 

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of DCA as a cancer drug 
has not been demonstrated in clinical trials. Medical re- 
searchers are in a difficult position. The biochemistry is 
sound. It makes sense that cancer cells grow anaerobically 
(the Warburg effect) and it makes sense that DCA might be 
an effective cancer drug based on its ability to inhibit PDHK. 
However most physicians are reluctant to prescribe DCA in 
the absence of evidence of its effectiveness. 

DCA has been around for a long time and it cannot be 
patented. This has provoked the claim that major drug com- 
panies are conspiring to suppress evidence of DCA’s effec- 
tiveness on the grounds that they cannot make any money by 
selling DCA. A cottage industry of suppliers has sprung up 

on the Internet for people who want to treat themselves with 
this cheap “miracle” drug. The Food and Drug Administra- 
tion in the United States has been forced to shut down some 
websites because they were making unsubstantiated claims 
about its ability to cure cancer. There was also concern about 
self-medication because high dosages of DCA are toxic. 
There’s bound to be more publicity surrounding this compli- 
cated issue in the future. The blog Respectful Insolence 
( is a good source of scientific 
and medical information on the controversy. 

▲ Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase with dichloroacetate bound at the ac- 
tive site. The human ( Homo sapiens ) PDHK is a dimer, only one sub- 
unit is shown here. The bound ligands are shown as space-filling 
molecules. ADP (top) is bound at the allosteric site, and dichloroac- 
etate (left) is bound at the active site. [PDB 2BU8] 

As shown in Figure 13.20, citrate, cr-ketoglutarate, succinyl CoA, and oxaloacetate 
all lead to biosynthetic pathways. Citrate is part of a pathway for the formation of fatty 
acids and steroids. It undergoes cleavage to form acetyl CoA, the precursor of the lipids. 
In eukaryotes, this reaction takes place in the cytosol, and citrate must be transported 
from the mitochondria to the cytosol to support fatty acid biosynthesis. One major 
metabolic fate of a - keto glut ar ate is reversible conversion to glutamate, which can then 
be incorporated into proteins or used for the synthesis of other amino acids or nu- 
cleotides. We will see in Chapter 17 that a-ketoglutarate pools are important in nitro- 
gen metabolism. Succinyl CoA can condense with glycine to initiate the biosynthesis of 
porphyrins such as the heme groups of cytochromes. As we saw in the previous chapter, 
oxaloacetate is a precursor of carbohydrates formed by gluconeogenesis. Oxaloacetate 
also interconverts with aspartate, which can be used in the synthesis of urea, amino 
acids, and pyrimidine nucleotides. 

When the citric acid cycle functions as a multistep catalyst, only small amounts of 
each intermediate are needed to convert large quantities of acetyl CoA to products. 
Therefore, the rate at which the citric acid cycle metabolizes acetyl CoA is extremely 
sensitive to changes in the concentrations of its intermediates. Thus, citric acid cycle in- 
termediates that are removed by entry into biosynthetic pathways must be replenished 
by anaplerotic (Greek, “filling up”) reactions. Because the pathway is cyclic, replenishing 
any of the cycle intermediates results in a greater concentration of all intermediates. De- 
pletion of citric acid cycle intermediates is an example of a cataplerotic reaction. It’s just 
as important as the filling up reactions. 

The production of oxaloacetate by pyruvate carboxylase is an important anaplerotic 
reaction (Figure 13.20). This reaction is also part of the gluconeogenesis pathway 
(Section 12.1 A). Pyruvate carboxylase is allosterically activated by acetyl CoA. The ac- 
cumulation of acetyl CoA indicates a low concentration of oxaloacetate and a need for 

13.8 The Glyoxy late Pathway 409 


± Alanine 

± Fatty acids 




◄ Figure 13.20 

Routes leading to and from the citric acid 
cycle. Intermediates of the citric acid cycle 
are precursors of carbohydrates, lipids, and 
amino acids, as well as nucleotides and por- 
phyrins. Reactions feeding into the cycle 
replenish the pool of cycle intermediates. 
Anabolic pathways are colored blue and 
catabolic pathways are colored red. 



■> Fumarate 

Isocitrate Glutamate 



± Glutamate 


Amino acids, 

Some amino acids 

Propionyl CoA 


Odd-chain fatty acids 

more citric acid cycle intermediates. The activation of pyruvate carboxylase supplies ox- 
aloacetate for the cycle. 

Many species use a variety of different reactions to keep the intake and output of 
citric acid cycle intermediates in a delicate balance. For example, many plants and some 
bacteria supply oxaloacetate to the citric acid cycle via a reaction catalyzed by phospho- 
enolpyruvate carboxylase. 

Phosphoenolpyruvate + HCO^ Oxaloacetate + Pj (13.16) 

Pathways for degrading some amino acids and fatty acids can contribute succinyl 
CoA to the citric acid cycle. The interconversion of oxaloacetate and aspartate and of 
a-ketoglutarate and glutamate can either supply or remove intermediates of the cycle. 

The interplay of all these reactions — the entry of acetyl CoA from glycolysis and 
other sources, the entry of intermediates from catabolic pathways and anaplerotic reac- 
tions, and the exit of intermediates to anabolic pathways — means that the citric acid 
cycle doesn’t always operate as a simple cycle devoted to oxidizing acetyl CoA. In fact, 
most bacteria don’t have all of the classic enzymes of the citric acid cycle so there is no 
“cycle” in these species. Instead, the enzymes that are present are used mostly in biosyn- 
thesis pathways where the intermediates become precursors for the synthesis of amino 
acids and porphyrins (Section 13.9). 

13.8 The Glyoxylate Pathway 

The glyoxylate pathway is a route that bypasses some of the reactions of the citric acid 
cycle. The pathway is named after the two-carbon molecule glyoxylate, an essential 


CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 

intermediate in the pathway. There are only two reactions. In the first reaction, a six- 
carbon tricarboxylic acid (isocitrate) is split into a two-carbon molecule (glyoxylate) 
and a four-carbon dicarboxylic acid (succinate). This reaction is catalyzed by isocitrate 
lyase (Figure 13.21). In the second reaction, the two-carbon glyoxylate molecule com- 
bines with a two-carbon acetyl CoA molecule to make a four-carbon dicarboxylic acid 
(malate). The enzyme for the second reaction is malate synthase. 

The glyoxylate pathway was first discovered in bacteria. Subsequently it was found 
in plants and later in fungi, protists, and some animals. The pathway is often called the 
glyoxylate shunt, the glyoxylate bypass, or the glyoxylate cycle. The glyoxylate pathway 
provides an anabolic alternative for the metabolism of acetyl CoA, leading to the formation 
of glucose from acetyl CoA via four-carbon compounds. Cells that contain glyoxylate 
pathway enzymes can synthesize all their required carbohydrates from any substrate 
that is a precursor of acetyl CoA. For example, yeast can grow on ethanol because yeast 
cells can oxidize ethanol to form acetyl CoA, which can be metabolized via the glyoxylate 
pathway to form malate. Similarly, many bacteria use the glyoxylate pathway to sustain 
growth on acetate, which can be incorporated into acetyl CoA in a reaction catalyzed by 
acetyl CoA synthetase. 

AMP # PPj 

ATP t O 

H,C — COO 0 + HS-CoA — ^ ^ — » H,C — C— S-CoA (13.17) 

Acetate synthetase Acetyl CoA 

The glyoxylate pathway is a fundamental metabolic pathway in bacteria, protists, 
fungi, and plants. It is especially active in oily seed plants. In these plants, stored seed 
oils (triacylglycerols) are converted to carbohydrates that provide fuel during germina- 
tion. In contrast, genes for the two enzymes of the pathway are present in most animals 
but the pathway is not actively used. Consequently, in humans acetyl CoA does not 
serve as the precursor for the net formation of either pyruvate or oxaloacetate; there- 
fore, acetyl CoA is not a carbon source for the net production of glucose. (The carbon 
atoms of acetyl CoA are incorporated into oxaloacetate by the reactions of the citric 
acid cycle, but for every two carbon atoms incorporated, two other carbon atoms are 
released as C0 2 .) 

The glyoxylate pathway can be regarded as a shunt within the citric acid cycle, as 
shown in Figure 13.21. The two reactions provide a bypass around the C0 2 -producing 
reactions of the citric acid cycle. No carbon atoms of the acetyl group of acetyl CoA are 
released as C0 2 during operation of the glyoxylate shunt, and the net formation of a 
four-carbon molecule from two molecules of acetyl CoA supplies a precursor that can 
be converted to glucose by gluconeogenesis. Succinate is oxidized to malate and ox- 
aloacetate by the citric acid cycle to maintain the catalytic amounts of citric acid cycle 
intermediates. You can think of the glyoxylate shunt as part of a cycle that includes the 
upper portion of the citric acid cycle. In this case, the net reaction includes the forma- 
tion of oxaloacetate for gluconeogenesis and the cyclic oxidation of succinate. Two mol- 
ecules of acetyl CoA are consumed. 

2 Acetyl CoA + 2 NAD© + Q + 3 H 2 0 » 

Oxaloacetate + 2 HS-CoA + 2 NADH + QH 2 + 4 H© (13.18) 

In eukaryotes, the operation of the glyoxylate cycle requires the transfer of metabo- 
lites between the mitochondria, where the citric acid cycle enzymes are located, and the 
cytosol, where isocitrate lyase and malate synthase are found. Thus, the actual pathway 
is more complicated than the diagram in Figure 13.21. In plants, the glyoxylate pathway 
enzymes are localized to a special membrane-bound organelle called the glyoxysome. 
Glyoxysomes contain some special versions of the citric acid cycle enzymes, but some 
metabolites still have to be transferred between compartments in order for the pathway 
to operate as a cycle. 

13.8 The Glyoxylate Pathway 41 1 


HO — C — H 


C H 2 

COO 0 





CH 3 


Acetyl CoA 

Malate synthase 




COO ( 

n HS-CoA,H 


oh 2 

HO— C — COO 1 


ch 2 




coo 0 

◄ Figure 13.21 

Glyoxylate pathway. Isocitrate lyase and 
malate synthase are the two enzymes of the 
pathway. When the pathway is functioning, 
the acetyl carbon atoms of acetyl CoA are 
converted to malate rather than oxidized to 
CO 2 . Malate can be converted to oxaloac- 
etate, which is a precursor in gluconeogene- 
sis. The succinate produced in the cleavage 
of isocitrate is oxidized to oxaloacetate to re- 
place the four-carbon compound consumed 
in glucose synthesis. 

H — C 


C — H 

1 © 





C> H 



H — C — COO' 

HO— C — H 





Succinyl CoA 

In bacteria, the glyoxylate pathway is often used to replenish citric acid cycle 
metabolites that are diverted into a number of biosynthesis pathways. Since all of the re- 
actions take place in the cytosol in bacteria, it is important to regulate the flow of 
metabolites. The key regulated enzyme is isocitrate dehydrogenase. Its activity is regu- 
lated by covalent modification. Kinase-catalyzed phosphorylation of a serine residue 
abolishes isocitrate dehydrogenase activity. In the dephosphorylated form of the en- 
zyme, the serine residue forms a hydrogen bond with a carboxylate group of isocitrate. 
Phosphorylation inhibits enzyme activity by causing electrostatic repulsion of the sub- 
strate rather than by causing an R-to-T conformational change (Figure 13.22). The 
same protein molecule that contains the kinase activity also has a separate domain with 
phosphatase activity that catalyzes hydrolysis of the phosphoserine residue, reactivating 
isocitrate dehydrogenase. 

The kinase and phosphatase activities are reciprocally regulated; isocitrate, 
oxaloacetate, pyruvate, and the glycolytic intermediates 3-phosphoglycerate and phos- 
phoenolpyruvate allosterically activate the phosphatase and inhibit the kinase 

▲ Figure 13.22 

Phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms of 
E. coli iso citrate dehydrogenase, (a) The de- 
phosphorylated enzyme is active; isocitrate 
binds to the active site. [PDB5ICD] (b) The 
phosphorylated enzyme is inactive because 
the negatively charged phosphoryl group 
(red) electrostatically repels the substrate, 
preventing it from binding. [PDB4ICD] 

412 CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 

Figure 13.23 ► 

Regulation of E. coli isocitrate dehydrogenase 
by covalent modification. A bifunctional en- 
zyme catalyzes phosphorylation and dephos- 
phorylation of isocitrate dehydrogenase. The 
two activities of the bifunctional enzyme are 
reciprocally regulated allosterically by inter- 
mediates of glycolysis and the citric acid 



- 1 


Isocitrate j Bifunctional I Isocitrate 
dehydrogenase kinase/phosphatase I dehydrogenase I 

( Isocitrate \_ft) 











(Figure 13.23). Thus, when the concentrations of glycolytic and citric acid cycle inter- 
mediates in E. coli are high, isocitrate dehydrogenase is active. When phosphorylation 
abolishes the activity of isocitrate dehydrogenase, isocitrate is diverted to the glyoxylate 

13.9 Evolution of the Citric Acid Cycle 

The reactions of the citric acid cycle were first discovered in mammals and many of the 
key enzymes were purified from liver extracts. As we have seen, the citric acid cycle can 
be viewed as the end stage of glycolysis because it results in the oxidation of acetyl CoA 
produced as one of the products of glycolysis. However, there are many organisms that 
do not encounter glucose as a major carbon source and the production of ATP equiva- 
lents via glycolysis and the citric acid cycle is not an important source of metabolic 
energy in such species. 

We need to examine the function of the citric acid cycle enzymes in bacteria in 
order to understand their role in simple single-celled organisms. These roles might 
allow us to deduce the pathways that could have existed in the primitive cells that even- 
tually gave rise to complex eukaryotes. Fortunately, the sequences of several hundred 
prokaryotic genomes are now available as a result of the huge technological advances in 
recombinant DNA technology and DNA sequencing methods. We can now examine the 
complete complement of metabolic enzymes in many diverse species of bacteria and 
ask whether they possess the pathways that we have discussed in this chapter. These 
analyses are greatly aided by developments in the fields of comparative genomics, 
molecular evolution, and bioinformatics. 

Most species of bacteria do not have a complete citric acid cycle. The most com- 
mon versions of an incomplete cycle include part of the left-hand side. This short linear 
pathway leads to production of succinate or succinyl CoA or a-ketoglutarate by a re- 
ductive process using oxaloacetate as a starting point. This reductive pathway is the 
reverse of the traditional cycle that functions in the mitochondria of eukaryotes. In ad- 
dition, many species of bacteria also have enzymes from part of the right-hand side of 
the citric acid cycle, especially citrate synthase and aconitase. This allows them to syn- 
thesize citrate and isocitrate from oxaloacetate and acetyl CoA. The presence of a forked 
pathway (Figure 13.24) results in the synthesis of all the precursors of amino acids, 
porphyrins, and fatty acids. 

There are hundreds of diverse species of bacteria that can survive and grow in the 
complete absence of oxygen. Some of these species are obligate anaerobes — for them, 
oxygen is a lethal poison! Others are facultative anaerobes — they can survive in oxygen 
free environments as well as oxygen- rich environments. E. coli is one example of a species 
that can survive in both types of environment. When growing anaerobically, E. coli uses a 
forked version of the pathway to produce the necessary metabolic precursors and avoid 
the accumulation of reducing equivalents that cannot be reoxidized by the oxygen 
requiring electron transport system. Bacteria such as E. coli can grow in environments 
where acetate is the only source of organic carbon. In this case, they employ the glyoxy- 
late pathway to convert acetate to malate and oxaloacetate for glucose synthesis. 

13.9 Evolution of the Citric Acid Cycle 




Malate dehydrogenase 

Acetyl CoA 

Citrate synthase 











Fumarate reductase 




Acetyl CoA 







k C0 2 




Succinyl CoA synthetase 
Succinyl CoA: acetoacetate 
CoA transferase 

Succinyl CoA 

a-Ketoglutarate QQ ? 
Dehydrogenase ^ 

Ferredoxin oxidoreductase N , 


◄ Figure 13.24 

Forked pathway found in many species of bac- 
teria. The left-hand side of the fork is a re- 
ductive pathway leading to the synthesis of 
succinate or a-ketoglutarate in reactions 
that proceed in the reverse direction from 
those in the classic citric acid cycle. The 
right-hand branch is an oxidative pathway 
similar to the first few reactions of the clas- 
sic citric acid cycle. 

The first living cells arose in an oxygen-free environment over three billion years 
ago. These primitive cells undoubtedly possessed most of the enzymes that intercon- 
verted acetate, pyruvate, citrate, and oxaloacetate, since these enzymes are present in 
most modern bacteria. The development of the main branches of the forked pathway 
possibly began with the evolution of malate dehydrogenase from a duplication of the 
lactate dehydrogenase gene. Aconitase and isocitrate dehydrogenase evolved from en- 
zymes that are used in the synthesis of leucine (isopropylmalate dehydratase and iso- 
propylmalate dehydrogenase, respectively). (Note that the leucine biosynthesis pathway 
is more ubiquitous and more primitive than the citric acid cycle.) 

Extension of the reductive branch continued with the evolution of fumarase from 
aspartase. Aspartase is a common bacterial enzyme that synthesizes fumarate from 
L-aspartate. L-aspartate, in turn, is synthesized by amination of oxaloacetate in a reac- 
tion catalyzed by aspartate transaminase (Section 17.3). It is likely that primitive cells 
used the pathway oxaloacetate — > aspartate — > fumarate to produce fumarate before the 
evolution of malate dehydrogenase and fumarase. The reduction of fumarate to succi- 
nate is catalyzed by fumarate reductase in many bacteria. The evolutionary origin of 
this complex enzyme is highly speculative but at least one of the subunits is related to 
another enzyme of amino acid metabolism. Succinate dehydrogenase, the enzyme that 
preferentially catalyzes the reverse reaction in the citric acid cycle, is likely to have 
evolved later on from fumarate reductase via a gene duplication event. 

The synthesis of a-ketoglutarate can occur in either branch of the forked pathway. 
The reductive branch uses a-ketoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, an enzyme found 
in many species of bacteria that don’t have a complete citric acid cycle. The reaction cat- 
alyzed by this enzyme is not readily reversible. With the evolution of a-ketoglutarate de- 
hydrogenase the two forks can be joined to create a cyclic pathway. It is clear that 
a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase share a common ancestor 
and it is likely that this was the last enzyme to evolve. 

Some bacteria have a complete citric acid cycle but it is used in the reductive direction 
to fix C0 2 in order to build more complex organic molecules. This could have been one of 
the selective pressures leading to a complete pathway. The cycle requires a terminal elec- 
tron acceptor to oxidize NADH and QH 2 when it operates in the more normal oxidative 
direction seen in eukaryotes. Originally, this terminal electron acceptor was sulfur or vari- 
ous sulfates, and these reactions still occur in many anaerobic bacterial species. Oxygen 
levels began to rise about 2.5 billion years ago with the evolution of photosynthesis reac- 
tions in cyanobacteria. Some bacteria, notably proteobacteria, exploited the availability of 


CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 

oxygen when the membrane-associated electron transport reactions evolved. One species 
of proteobacteria entered into a symbiotic relationship with a primitive eukaryotic cell 
about two billion years ago. This led to the evolution of mitochondria and the modern 
versions of the citric acid cycle and electron transport in eukaryotes. 

The evolution of the citric acid cycle pathway involved several of the pathway evo- 
lution mechanisms discussed in Chapter 10. There is evidence for gene duplication, 
pathway extension, retro -evolution, pathway reversal, and enzyme theft. 


1. The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex catalyzes the oxidation of 
pyruvate to form acetyl CoA and C0 2 . 

2. For each molecule of acetyl CoA oxidized via the citric acid cycle, 
two molecules of C0 2 are produced, three molecules of NAD® 
are reduced to NADH, one molecule of Q is reduced to QH 2 and 
one molecule of GTP is generated from GDP + Pj (or ATP from 
ADP + P^ depending on the species). 

3. The eight enzyme- catalyzed reactions of the citric acid cycle can 
function as a multistep catalyst. 

4. In eukaryotic cells, pyruvate must be imported into the mitochon- 
dria by a specific transporter before it can serve as a substrate for 
the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction. 

5. Oxidation of the reduced coenzymes generated by the citric acid cycle 
leads to the formation of about 10 ATP molecules per molecule of 

acetyl CoA entering the pathway, for a total of about 32 ATP mol- 
ecules per complete oxidation of 1 molecule of glucose. 

6. The oxidation of pyruvate is regulated at the steps catalyzed by 
the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, isocitrate dehydrogenase, 
and the a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex. 

7. In addition to its role in oxidative catabolism, the citric acid cycle 
provides precursors for biosynthetic pathways. Anaplerotic reac- 
tions replenish cycle intermediates. 

8. The glyoxylate cycle, a modification of the citric acid cycle, allows 
many organisms to use acetyl CoA to generate four- carbon inter- 
mediates for gluconeogenesis. 

9. The citric acid cycle probably evolved from the more 
primitive forked pathway found in many modern species of 


1. (a) The citric acid cycle converts one molecule of citrate to one 

molecule of oxaloacetate, which is required for the cycle to 
continue. If other cycle intermediates are depleted by being 
used as precursors for amino acid biosynthesis, can a net syn- 
thesis of oxaloacetate occur from acetyl CoA via the enzymes 
of the citric acid cycle? 

(b) How can the cycle continue to function if insufficient oxalo- 
acetate is present? 

2. Fluoroacetate, a very toxic molecule that blocks the citric acid 
cycle, has been used as a rodent poison. It is converted enzymati- 
cally in vivo to fluoroacetyl CoA, which is then converted by the 
action of citrate synthase to 2R,3S-fluorocitrate, a potent competi- 
tive inhibitor of the next enzyme in the pathway. Predict the effect 
of fluoroacetate on the concentrations of the intermediates in the 
citric acid cycle. How can this blockage of the cycle be overcome? 

3. Calculate the number of ATP molecules generated by the follow- 
ing net reactions of the citric acid cycle. Assume that all NADH 
and QH 2 are oxidized to yield ATP, pyruvate is converted to acetyl 
CoA, and the malate-aspartate shuttle is operating. 

(a) 1 Pyruvate » 3 C0 2 

(b) Citrate > Oxaloacetate + 2 C0 2 

4. When one molecule of glucose is completely oxidized to six mole- 
cules of C0 2 under the conditions in Problem 3, what percentage 
of ATP is produced by substrate level phosphorylation? 

5. The disease beriberi, which results from a dietary deficiency of vi- 
tamin Bi (thiamine), is characterized by neurologic and cardiac 

symptoms, as well as increased levels of pyruvate and a-ketoglu- 
tarate in the blood. How does a deficiency of thiamine account for 
the increased levels of pyruvate and a-ketoglutarate 

6. In three separate experiments, pyruvate labeled with 14 C at C- 1, at 
C-2, or at C-3 is metabolized via the pyruvate dehydrogenase 
complex and the citric acid cycle. Which labeled pyruvate mole- 
cule is the first to yield 14 C0 2 ? Which is the last to yield 14 C0 2 , 
and how many turns of the cycle are required to release all of the 
labeled carbon atoms as 14 C0 2 ? 

7. Patients in shock experience decreased delivery of 0 2 to tissues, de- 
creased activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, and in- 
creased anaerobic metabolism. Excess pyruvate is converted to lactate, 
which accumulates in tissues and in the blood, causing lactic acidosis. 

(a) Since 0 2 is not a reactant or product of the citric acid cycle, 
why do low levels of 0 2 decrease the activity of the pyruvate 
dehydrogenase complex? 

(b) To alleviate lactic acidosis, shock patients are sometimes 
given dichloroacetate, which inhibits pyruvate dehydroge- 
nase kinase. How does this treatment affect the activity of the 
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex? 

8. A deficiency of a citric acid cycle enzyme in both mitochondria 
and the cytosol of some tissues (e.g., blood lymphocytes) results 
in severe neurological abnormalities in newborns. The disease is 
characterized by excretion in the urine of abnormally large 
amounts of cr-ketoglutarate, succinate, and fumarate. What en- 
zyme deficiency would lead to these symptoms? 

Problems 415 

9. Acetyl CoA inhibits dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase (E 2 of the 
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex) but activates the pyruvate de- 
hydrogenase kinase component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase 
complex. How are these two different actions of acetyl CoA con- 
sistent with the overall regulation of the complex? 

10 . Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency is a disease that 
results in various metabolic and neurological effects. Pyruvate 
dehydrogenase complex deficiency can cause lactic acidosis in 
affected children. Other clinical symptoms include increased con- 
centrations of pyruvate and alanine in the blood. Explain the 
increase in the levels of pyruvate, lactate, and alanine in individu- 
als with pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency. 

11. In response to a signal for contraction and the resulting increased 
need for ATP in vertebrate muscle, Ca© is released into the cy- 
tosol from storage sites in the endoplasmic reticulum. How does 
the citric acid cycle respond to the influx of Ca© in satisfying the 
increased need for cellular ATP? 

12. (a) The degradation of alanine yields pyruvate, and the degrada- 

tion of leucine yields acetyl CoA. Can the degradation of 
these amino acids replenish the pool of citric acid cycle inter- 

(b) Fats (triacylglycerols) stored in adipose tissue are a signifi- 
cant source of energy in animals. Fatty acids are degraded to 
acetyl CoA, which activates pyruvate carboxylase. How does the 
activation of this enzyme help recover energy from fatty acids? 

13 . Amino acids resulting from the degradation of proteins can be 
further metabolized by conversion to intermediates of the citric 
acid cycle. If the degradation of a labeled protein leads to the 

following labeled amino acids, write the structure of the first 
intermediate of the citric acid cycle into which these amino 
acids would be converted and identify the labeled carbon in 
each case. 

(a) COO 0 


ch 2 


14 ch 2 

(b) CH 3 (c) 

HjN 1 — 14 CH — COO 0 14 COO° 

Alanine J. 

CH 2 

H 3 N — CH — COO 0 

H 3 N— CH — COO 0 



14 . (a) How many molecules of ATP are eventually generated when 

two molecules of acetyl CoA are converted to four molecules 
of C0 2 via the citric acid cycle? (Assume NADH 2.5 ATP and 
QH 2 -1.5ATP) How many molecules of ATP are generated 
when two molecules of acetyl CoA are converted to oxaloac- 
etate in the glyoxylate cycle? 

(b) How do the yields of ATP relate to the primary functions of 
the two pathways? 

15 . The activities of PFK-2 and fructose 2,6-frisphosphatase are 
contained in a bifunctional protein that effects tight control over 
glycolysis and gluconeogenesis through the action of fructose 
2,6-hisphosphate. Describe another protein that contains kinase 
and phosphatase activities in a single protein molecule. What 
pathways does it control? 

41 6 CHAPTER 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 

Selected Readings 

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex 

Harris, R. A., Bowker-Kinley, M. M., Huang, B., 
and Wu, R (2002). Regulation of the activity of the 
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Advances in 
Enzyme Regulation 42:249-259. 

Knoechel, T. R., Tucker, A. D., Robinson, C. M., 
Phillips, C., Taylor, W., Bungay, P. J., Kasten, S. A., 
Roche, T. E., and Brown, D. G. (2006). Regulatory 
roles of the N-terminal domain based on crystal 
structures of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 
containing physiological and synthetic ligands. 
Biochem. 45:402-415. 

Maeng, C.-Y., Yazdi, M. A., Niu, X.-D., Lee, H. Y., and 
Reed, L. J. (1994). Expression, purification, and char- 
acterization of the dihydrolipoamide dehydroge- 
nase-binding protein of the pyruvate dehydroge- 
nase complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 
Biochem. 33:13801-13807. 

Mattevi, A., Obmolova, G., Schulze, E., Kalk, K. H., 
Westphal, A. H., de Kok, A., and Hoi, W. G. J. 
(1992). Atomic structure of the cubic core of the 
pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex. 
Science 255:1544-1550. 

Reed, L. J., and Hackert, M. L. (1990). Structure- 
function relationships in dihydrolipoamide acyl- 
transferases. /. Biol. Chem. 265:8971-8974. 

Citric Acid Cycle 

Beinert, H., and Kennedy, M. C. (1989). Engineer- 
ing of protein bound iron-sulfur clusters. Eur. J. 
Biochem. 186:5-15. 

Gruer, M. J., Artymiuk, P. J., and Guest, J. R. (1997). 
The aconitase family: three structural variations 
on a comon theme. Trends Biochem. Sci. 22:3-6. 

Hurley, J. H., Dean, A. M., Sohl, J. L., Koshland, 

D. E., Jr., and Stroud, R. M. (1990). Regulation of 
an enzyme by phosphorylation at the active site. 
Science 249:1012-1016. 

Kay, J., and Weitzman, P. D. J., eds. (1987). Krebs’ 
Citric Acid Cycle — Haifa Century and Still Turning 
(London: The Biochemical Society). 

Krebs, H. A., and Johnson, W. A. (1937). The role 
of citric acid in intermediate metabolism in ani- 
mal tissues. Enzymologia 4:148-156. 

McCormack, J. G., and Denton, R. M. (1988). The 
regulation of mitochondrial function in mam- 
malian cells by Ca® ions. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 
109:523-52 7. 

Remington, S. J. (1992). Mechanisms of citrate 
synthase and related enzymes (triose phosphate 
isomerase and mandelate racemase). Curr. 

Opin. Struct. Biol. 2:730-735. 

Williamson, J. R., and Cooper, R. H. (1980). Regu- 
lation of the citric acid cycle in mammalian sys- 
tems. FEBS Lett. 117 (Suppl.):K73-K85. 

Wolodko, W. T., Fraser, M. E., James, M. N. G., and 
Bridger, W. A. (1994). The crystal structure of suc- 
cinyl-CoA synthetase from Escherichia coli at 2.5-A 
resolution./. Biol. Chem. 269:10883-10890. 

Yankovskaya, V., Horsefield, R., Tornroth, S., 
Luna-Chavez, C., Miyoshi, H., Leger, C., Byrne, B., 
Cecchini, G. and Iwata, S. (2003). Architecture of 
succinate dehydrogenase and reactive oxygen 
species generation. Science 299:700-704. 

Glyoxylate Cycle 

Beevers, H. (1980). The role of the glyoxylate 
cycle. In The Biochemistry of Plants: A Compre- 
hensive Treatise , Vol. 4, P. K. Stumpf and E. E. 

Conn, eds. (New York: Academic Press), 
pp. 117-130. 









o c 










_ o 

° o o o 

° o 


o o 


° c 



o o 

Electron Transport 
and ATP Synthesis 

W e now come to one of the most complicated metabolic pathways encoun- 
tered in biochemistry — the membrane-associated electron transport 
system coupled to ATP synthesis. The role of this pathway is to convert re- 
ducing equivalents into ATP. We usually think of reducing equivalents as products 
of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle since the oxidation of glucose and acetyl CoA is 
coupled to the reduction of NAD® and Q. In this chapter we learn that the subsequent 
reoxidation of NADH and QH 2 results in the passage of electrons through a membrane- 
associated electron transport system where the energy released can be saved through the 
phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. The electrons are eventually passed to a terminal elec- 
tron acceptor. This terminal electron acceptor is usually molecular oxygen (0 2 ) and this 
is why the overall process is often called oxidative phosphorylation. 

The combined pathway of electron transport and ATP synthesis involves numer- 
ous enzymes and coenzymes. It also depends absolutely on the presence of a mem- 
brane compartment since one of the key steps in coupling electron transport to ATP 
synthesis involves the creation of a pH gradient across a membrane. In eukaryotes the 
membrane is the inner mitochondrial membrane and in prokaryotes it is the plasma 

We begin this chapter with an overview of the thermodynamics of a proton gradi- 
ent and how it can drive ATP synthesis. We then describe the structure and function of 
the membrane-associated electron transport complexes and the ATP synthase complex. 
We conclude with a description of other terminal electron acceptors and a brief discus- 
sion of some enzymes involved in oxygen metabolism. Chapter 15 describes the similar 
membrane- associated electron transport and ATP synthesis pathway that operates during 

According to the chemiosmotic hy- 
pothesis of oxidative and photosyn- 
thetic phosphorylation proposed by 
Mitchell the linkage between electron 
transport and phosphorylation occurs 
not because of hypothetical energy- 
rich chemical intermediates as in the 
orthodox view, but because oxido- 
reduction and adenosine triphosphate 
(ATP) hydrolysis are each separately 
associated with the net translocation 
of a certain number of electrons in 
one direction and the net transloca- 
tion of the same number of hydrogen 
atoms in the opposite direction across 
a relatively ion-, acid-, and base- 
impermeable coupling membrane. 

P Mitchell, and J. Moyle, (1965) 

Top: Sunflowers, cheetahs, and mushrooms all use the same mechanism to make ATP using a proton gradient. 



CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 

The coenzymes mentioned in this chap- 
ter are described in detail in Chapter 7: 
NAD + , Section 7.4; ubiquinone, 

Section 7.15; FMN and FAD, Section 7.5; 
iron-sulfur clusters, Section 7.1; and 
cytochromes, Section 7.17. 

14.1 Overview of Membrane-associated 
Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 

Membrane-associated electron transport requires several enzyme complexes embedded 
in a membrane. We will start by examining the pathway that occurs in mitochondria 
and later we will look at the common features of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic sys- 
tems. The two processes of membrane- associated electron transport and ATP synthesis 
are coupled — neither process can occur without the other. 

In the common pathway, electrons are passed from NADH to the terminal electron 
acceptor. There are many different terminal electron acceptors but we are mostly inter- 
ested in the pathway found in eukaryotic mitochondria where molecular oxygen (0 2 ) is 
reduced to form water. As electrons pass along the electron transport chain from NADH 
to 0 2 the energy they release is used to transfer protons from inside the mitochondrion 
to the intermembrane space between the double membranes. This proton gradient is 
used to drive ATP synthesis in a reaction catalyzed by ATP synthase (Figure 14.1). A very 
similar system operates in bacteria. 

As mentioned above, the entire mitochondrial pathway is often called oxidative 
phosphorylation because, historically, the biochemical puzzle was to explain the linkage 
between oxygen uptake and ATP synthesis. You will also see frequent references to “res- 
piration” and “respiratory electron transport.” These terms also refer to the pathway 
that exploits oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor. 

v Figure 14.1 

Overview of membrane-associated electron 
transport and ATP synthesis in mitochondria. 

A proton concentration gradient is produced 
from reactions catalyzed by the electron 
transport chain. Protons are translocated 
across the inner mitochondrial membrane 
from the matrix to the intermembrane space 
as electrons from reduced substrates flow 
through the complexes. The free energy 
stored in the proton concentration gradient 
is utilized when protons flow back across 
the membrane via ATP synthase; their reen- 
try is coupled to the conversion of ADP and 
Pi to ATP. 

14.2 The Mitochondrion 

Much of the aerobic oxidation of biomolecules in eukaryotes takes place in the mito- 
chondrion. This organelle is the site of the citric acid cycle and fatty acid oxidation, 
both of which generate reduced coenzymes. The reduced coenzymes are oxidized by the 
electron transport complexes embedded in the mitochondrial membranes. The struc- 
ture of a typical mitochondrion is shown in Figure 14.2. 

The number of mitochondria in cells varies dramatically. Some unicellular algae 
contain only one mitochondrion whereas the cell of the protozoan Chaos chaos con- 
tains half a million mitochondria. A mammalian liver cell contains up to 5000 mitochondria. 
The number of mitochondria is related to the overall energy requirements of the cell. 
White muscle tissue, for example, relies on anaerobic glycolysis for its energy needs and 
it contains relatively few mitochondria. The rapidly contracting but swiftly exhausted 
jaw muscles of the alligator are an extreme example of white muscle. Alligators can snap 
their jaws with astonishing speed and force but cannot continue this motion beyond a 

14.2 The Mitochondrion 419 

very few repetitions. By contrast, red muscle tissue has many mitochondria. The cells of 
the flight muscles of migratory birds are an example of red muscle cells. These muscles 
must sustain substantial and steady outputs of power and this power requires prodi- 
gious amounts of ATP. 

Mitochondria vary greatly in size and shape among different species, in different 
tissues, and even within a cell. A typical mammalian mitochondrion has a diameter of 
0.2 to 0.8 //m and a length of 0.5 to 1.5 //m — this is about the size and shape of an E. coli 
cell. (Recall from Chapter 1 that mitochondria are descendants of bacteria cells that en- 
tered into a symbiotic relationship with a primitive eukaryotic cell.) 

Mitochondria are separated from the cytoplasm by a double membrane. The two 
membranes have markedly different properties. The outer mitochondrial membrane 
has few proteins. One of these proteins is the transmembrane protein porin (Section 
9. 11 A) that forms channels allowing free diffusion of ions and water-soluble metabo- 
lites with molecular weights less than 10,000. In contrast, the inner mitochondrial 
membrane is very rich in protein with a protein-to-lipid ratio of about 4:1 by mass. 
This membrane is permeable to uncharged molecules such as water, 0 2 , and C0 2 but it 
is a barrier to protons and larger polar and ionic substances. These polar substances 
must be actively transported across the inner membrane using specific transport pro- 
teins such as pyruvate translocase (Section 13.4). The entry of anionic metabolites into 
the negatively charged interior of a mitochondrion is energetically unfavorable. Such 
metabolites are usually exchanged for other anions from the interior or are accompa- 
nied by protons flowing down the concentration gradient that is generated by the elec- 
tron transport chain. 

The inner membrane is often highly folded resulting in a greatly increased surface 
area. The folds are called cristae. The expansion and folding of the inner membrane also 
creates a greatly expanded intermembrane space (Figure 14.2a). Since the outer membrane 
is freely permeable to small molecules, the intermembrane space has about the same 
composition of ions and metabolites as the cytosol that surrounds the mitochondrion. 

The contents of the matrix include the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, the en- 
zymes of the citric acid cycle (except for the succinate dehydrogenase complex, which is 
embedded in the inner membrane), and most of the enzymes that catalyze fatty acid ox- 
idation. The protein concentration in the matrix is very high (approaching 500 mg ml -1 ). 
Nevertheless, diffusion is only slightly less rapid than in the cytosol (Section 2.3b). 

◄ Figure 14.2 

Structure of the mitochondrion. The outer 
mitochondrial membrane is freely permeable 
to small molecules but the inner membrane 
is impermeable to polar and ionic substances. 
The inner membrane is highly folded and 
convoluted, forming structures called cristae. 
The protein complexes that catalyze the 
reactions of membrane-associated electron 
transport and ATP synthesis are located in 
the inner membrane, (a) Illustration. 

(b) Electron micrograph: longitudinal section 
from bat pancreas cell. 

▲ Alligator jaw muscles. You’re probably safe 
after this alligator has already snapped at 
you several times and missed. (If you trust 
your biochemistry textbook.) 

V, v * 



▲ Canada geese. If you had more mitochon- 
dria in your muscle cells you might be able 
to fly to a warmer climate for the winter. 

420 CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 


One of the most fascinating things about biology is that there are very few universal 
rules. We can propose certain general principles that apply in most cases but there 
are almost always a few examples that don’t fit. For example, we can say that eukary- 
otic cells contain mitochondria as a general rule but we know of some species that 
don’t have mitochondria. 

One of the “rules” that seemed valid was that all animal cells had mitochondria 
and they all require oxygen. Now there’s even an exception to that rule. Some small 
microscopic animals of the phylum Loricifera live in deep ocean basins where there 
is no light and the nearly salt-saturated water is devoid of oxygen. They are inca- 
pable of aerobic oxidation and their cells have no mitochondria. 

► Spinoloricus sp., an anaerobic animal. 

▲ Peter Mitchell (1920-1992). Mitchell was 
awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 
1978 “for his contribution to the understand 
ing of biological energy transfer through the 
formulation of the chemiosmotic theory.” 

In 1963 Mitchell resigned from his position 
at Edinburgh University in Scotland and in 
1965 he set up a private research institute 
with his long-time friend and collaborator, 
Jennifer Moyle. They continued to work on 
bioenergetics in a laboratory in Mitchell’s 
home, Glynn House, in Cornwall (UK). 


Chemiosmotic theory states that the 
energy from the oxidation-reduction 
reactions of electron transport is used to 
create a proton gradient across the 
membrane and the resulting protonmotive 
force is used in the synthesis of ATP. 

The matrix also contains metabolites and inorganic ions and a pool of NAD® and 
NADP® that remains separate from the pyridine nucleotide coenzymes of the cytosol. 
Mitochondrial DNA and all of the enzymes required for DNA replication, transcrip- 
tion, and translation are located in the matrix. Mitochondrial DNA contains many of 
the genes that encode the electron transport proteins (see Figure 14.19 ). 

14.3 The Chemiosmotic Theory and Protonmotive Force 

Before considering the individual reactions of oxidative phosphorylation we will exam- 
ine the nature of the energy stored in a proton concentration gradient. The 
chemiosmotic theory is the concept that a proton concentration gradient serves as the en- 
ergy reservoir that drives ATP formation. The essential elements of this theory were 
originally formulated by Peter Mitchell in the early 1960s. At the time, the mechanism 
by which cells carry out oxidative phosphorylation was the subject of intensive research 
and much controversy. The pathway linking oxidation reactions to the phosphorylation 
of ADP was not known and many early attempts to identify a “high energy” phosphory- 
lated metabolite that could transfer a phosphoryl group to ADP had ended in failure. 
Today, thanks to decades of work by many scientists, the formation and dissipation of 
ion gradients are acknowledged as a central motif in bioenergetics. Mitchell was 
awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1978 for his contribution to our understand- 
ing of bioenergetics. 

A. Historical Background: The Chemiosmotic Theory 

By the time Mitchell proposed the chemiosmotic theory, much information had accu- 
mulated on the oxidation of substrates and the cyclic oxidation and reduction of mito- 
chondrial electron carriers. In 1956 Britton Chance and Ronald Williams had shown 
that when intact isolated mitochondria are suspended in phosphate buffer they oxidize 
substrates and consume oxygen only when ADP is added to the suspension. In other 
words, the oxidation of a substrate must be coupled to the phosphorylation of ADP. 
Subsequent experiments showed that respiration proceeds rapidly until all the ADP has 
been phosphorylated (Figure 14.3a) and that the amount of 0 2 consumed depends on 
the amount of ADP added. 

Synthetic compounds called uncouplers stimulate the oxidation of substrates in the 
absence of ADP (Figure 14.3b). The phenomenon of uncoupling helped show how 
oxidation reactions are linked to ATP formation. In the presence of an uncoupler, oxygen 
uptake (respiration) proceeds until all the available oxygen is consumed. This rapid 
oxidation of substrates proceeds with little or no phosphorylation of ADP. In other words, 
these synthetic compounds uncouple oxidation from phosphorylation. There are many 

14.3 The Chemiosmotic Theory and Protonmotive Force 


different kinds of uncouplers and they have little in common chemically except that all 
are lipid-soluble weak acids. Both their protonated and conjugate base forms can cross 
the inner mitochondrial membrane — the anionic conjugate base retains lipid solubility 
because the negative charge is delocalized. The resonance structures of the uncoupler 
2,4-dmitrophenol are shown in Figure 14.4. 

The effect of uncouplers, and many other experiments, revealed that electron 
transport (oxygen uptake) and ATP synthesis were normally coupled but the underlying 
mechanism was unknown. Throughout the 1960s it was commonly believed that there 
must be several steps in the electron transport process where the Gibbs free energy 
change was sufficient to drive ATP synthesis. This form of coupling was thought to be 
analogous to substrate level phosphorylation. 

Mitchell proposed that the action of mitochondrial enzyme complexes generates a 
proton concentration gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. He suggested 
that this gradient provides the energy for ADP phosphorylation via an indirect coupling 
to electron transport. Mitchell’s ideas accounted for the effect of the lipid-soluble un- 
coupling agents — they bind protons in the cytosol, carry them through the inner mem- 
brane, and release them in the matrix, thereby dissipating the proton concentration gra- 
dient. The proton carriers uncouple electron transport (oxidation) from ATP synthesis 
because protons enter the matrix without passing through ATP synthase. 

ATP synthase activity was first recognized in 1948 as ATPase activity in damaged 
mitochondria (i.e., damaged mitochondria catalyze hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and Pj). 
Most workers assumed that mitochondrial ATPase catalyzes the reverse reaction in un- 
damaged mitochondria and this assumption proved to be correct. Efraim Racker and 
his coworkers isolated and characterized this membrane-bound oligomeric ATPase in the 
1960s. The proton driven reversibility of the ATPase reaction was demonstrated by ob- 
serving the expulsion of protons on hydrolysis of ATP in mitochondria. Further support 
came from experiments with small membrane vesicles where the enzyme was incorpo- 
rated into the membrane. When a suitable proton gradient was created across the vesi- 
cle membrane, ATP was synthesized from ADP and Pj (Section 14.9). 

B. The Protonmotive Force 

Protons are translocated into the intermembrane space by the membrane-associated 
electron transport complexes and they flow back into the matrix via ATP synthase. 
This circular flow forms a circuit that is similar to an electrical circuit. The energy of 
the proton concentration gradient, called the protonmotive force, is analogous to the 
electromotive force of electrochemistry (Section 10.9A). This analogy is illustrated in 
Figure 14.5. 

Consider a reaction such as the reduction of molecular oxygen by the reducing 
agent XH 2 in an electrochemical cell. 

XH 2 + y 2 0 2 X + H 2 0 (14.1) 


Substrate ADP 


Substrate 2,4-Dinitrophenol 

▲ Figure 14.3 

Oxygen uptake and ATP synthesis in mitochon- 
dria. (a) In the presence of excess Pj and 
substrate, intact mitochondria consume oxy- 
gen rapidly only when ADP is added. Oxygen 
uptake ceases when all the ADP has been 
phosphorylated. (b) Adding the uncoupler 
2,4-dinitrophenol allows oxidation of the 
substrate to proceed in the absence of phos- 
phorylation of ADP. The arrows indicate the 
times at which additions were made to the 
solution of suspended mitochondria. 

See Box 15.4 for a description of 
Racker’s key experiment. 

2,4-Dinitrophenolate anion 

▲ Figure 14.4 

Protonated and conjugate base forms of 2,4-dinitrophenol. The dinitrophenolate anion is resonance stabilized and its negative ionic charge is broadly 
distributed over the ring structure of the molecule. Because the negative charge is delocalized, both the acid and base forms of dinitrophenol are 
sufficiently hydrophobic to dissolve in the membrane. 


CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 


3 e 

■ v 2 o. 



a Figure 14.5 

Electromotive and protonmotive force, (a) In 

an electrochemical cell, electrons pass from 
the reducing agent XH 2 to the oxidizing agent 
0 2 through a wire connecting the two elec- 
trodes. The measured electrical potential 
between cells is the electromotive force. 

(b) When the configuration is reversed 
(i.e., the external pathway for electrons is 
replaced by an aqueous pathway for pro- 
tons), the potential is the protonmotive 
force. In mitochondria, protons are translo- 
cated across the inner membrane when 
electrons are transported within the mem- 
brane by the electron transport chain. 

Electrons from XH 2 pass along a wire that connects the two electrodes where the oxida- 
tion and reduction half- reactions occur. Electrons flow from the electrode where XH 2 is 

XH 2 X + 2 H© + 2 e e (14.2) 

to the electrode where 0 2 is reduced. 

y 2 0 2 + 2 H© + 2 e 0 H 2 0 (14.3) 

In the electrochemical cell, protons pass freely from one reaction cell to the other 
through the solvent in a salt bridge. Electrons move through an external wire because of 
a potential difference between the cells. This potential, measured in volts, is the electro- 
motive force. The direction of electron flow and the extent of reduction of the oxidizing 
agent depend on the difference in free energy between XH 2 and 0 2 that in turn depends 
on their respective reduction potentials. 

In mitochondria, it is protons — not electrons — that flow through the external 
connection, an aqueous circuit connecting the membrane-associated electron trans- 
port chain and ATP synthase. This connection is analogous to the wire of the electro- 
chemical reaction. The electrons still pass from the reducing agent XH 2 to the oxidizing 
agent 0 2 but in this case it is through the membrane-associated electron transport 
chain. The free energy of these oxidation-reduction reactions is stored as the proton- 
motive force of the proton concentration gradient and is recovered in the phosphory- 
lation of ADP. 

Recall from Section 9.10 that the Gibbs free energy change for transport of a 
charged molecule is 

AG transport = 2.30B/?riog-^4+ zFA'P (14.4) 


where the first term is the Gibbs free energy due to the concentration gradient and the 
second term IzFAT^ is due to the charge difference across the membrane. For protons 
the charge per molecule is 1 (z = 1.0) and the overall Gibbs free energy change of the 
proton gradient is 

AG = 2.303 RT 


'° 9 [H©out] 

+ FAT' = 2.303 RT ApH + FAT' 


This equation can be used to calculate the protonmotive force generated by the proton 
gradient and the charge difference across the membrane. In liver mitochondria the 
membrane potential (AT') is —0.17 V (inside negative, Section 9.10A) and the pH dif- 
ference is —0.5 (ApH = pH out — pHj n ). The membrane potential is favorable for move- 
ment of protons into the mitochondrial matrix so the FAT' term will be negative be- 
cause AT' is negative. The pH gradient is also favorable so the first term in Equation 14.5 
must be negative. Thus, the equation for protonmotive force is 

AG in = FAT' + 2.303 RT ApH 


Using the above values at 37° (T = 310 K) the available Gibbs free energy is 

AG = [96485 X -0.17] + [2.303 X 8.315 X 310 X -0.5] 
= -16402 J mol -1 - 2968 j mol -1 = -19.4 kj mol -1 


This means that the transport of a single mole of protons back across the membrane is 
associated with a free energy change of — 19.4 kj. That’s a lot of energy for moving such 
a small ion! 

14.4 Electron Transport 423 

The standard Gibbs free energy change for the synthesis of one molecule of ATP 
from ADP is 32 kj mol -1 (AG°' = 32 kj mol -1 ) but the actual Gibbs free energy change is 
about -48 kj mol -1 (Section 10.6). At least three protons must be translocated in order 
to drive synthesis of one ATP molecule (3 x — 19.4 = —58.2 kj mol -1 ) . 

Note that 85% ( — 16.4/ — 19.4 = 85%) of the Gibbs free energy change is due to the 
charge gradient across the membrane and only 15% ( — 3.0/— 19.4 = 15%) is due to the 
proton concentration gradient. Keep in mind that the energy required to create the proton 
gradient is +19.4 kj mol -1 . 


The protonmotive force is due to the 
combined effect of a charge difference 
and a proton concentration difference 
across the membrane. 

14.4 Electron Transport 

We now consider the individual reactions of the membrane- associated electron trans- 
port chain. Four oligomeric assemblies of proteins are found in the inner membrane of 
mitochondria or the plasma membrane of bacteria. These enzyme complexes have been 
isolated in their active forms by careful solubilization using detergents. Each complex 
catalyzes a separate portion of the energy transduction process. The numbers I through 
IV are assigned to these complexes. Complex V is ATP synthase. 

A. Complexes I Through IV 

The four enzyme complexes contain a wide variety of oxidation-reduction centers. 
These may be co factors such as FAD, FMN, or ubiquinone (Q). Other centers include 
Fe-S clusters, heme-containing cytochromes, and copper proteins. Electron flow occurs 
via the sequential reduction and oxidation of these redox centers with flow proceeding 
from a reducing agent to an oxidizing agent. There are many reactions that involve elec- 
tron transport processes in biochemistry. We have already seen several of these reactions 
in previous chapters — the flow of electrons in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is a 
good example (Section 13.1). 

Electrons flow through the components of an electron transport chain in the di- 
rection of increasing reduction potential. The reduction potentials of each redox 
center fall between that of the strong reducing agent, NADH, and that of the termi- 
nal oxidizing agent, 0 2 . The mobile coenzymes ubiquinone (Q) and cytochrome c 
serve as links between different complexes of the electron transport chain. Q trans- 
fers electrons from complexes I or II to complex III. Cytochrome c transfers 
electrons from complex III to complex IV. Complex IV uses the electrons for the re- 
duction of 0 2 to water. 

The order of the electron transport reactions is shown in Figure 14.6 against a scale 
of standard reduction potential on the left and a relative scale of Gibbs standard free en- 
ergy change on the right. Recall from Section 10.9 that the standard reduction potential 
(in units of volts) is directly related to the standard Gibbs free energy change (in units 
of kj mol -1 ) by the formula 

AG°' = -n F A P' 


As you can see from Figure 14.6, a substantial amount of energy is released during the 
electron transport process. Much of this energy is stored in the protonmotive force that 
drives ATP synthesis. It is this coupling of electron transport to the generation of a pro- 
tonmotive force that distinguishes membrane- associated electron transport from other 
examples of electron transport. 

The values shown in Figure 14.6 are strictly true only under standard conditions 
where the temperature is 25°C, the pH is 7.0, and the concentrations of reactants and 
products are equal (1M each). The relationship between actual reduction potentials (E) 
and standard ones (E or ) is similar to the relationship between actual and standard free 
energy (Section 1.4B), 

E = E or 

RT |n [S red ] 

^ [Sox] 

= E°' 

2.303R7-, [S red ] 


The Gibbs Free Energy of Electron 

E = ^acceptor — ^donor (10.26) 

_ r°' r°' 

~ l 0 2 ~ ^ NADH 

= +0.82 - (-0.32) (Table 10.4) 
= 1.14 V 
A G° = —n?AE° 

= -2(96485X1.14) 

= 220 kJ mol -1 

424 CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 

Cofactors in electron transport 





Fe-S - 
Fe-S - 

Cyt b 

Cyt c | > Cyt c — >Cyt Cyt a 3 ^ 0 2 



0 . 2 - 

0 - 

0 . 2 - 


0 . 6 - 

0 . 8 - 


Complex I 






Path of 


Complex III 



Complex II 




Complex IV 
Cytochrome c 

r 220 

- 165 

- 110 




- y 2 0 2 + 2 H 

^h 2 o 


- 55 

I- 0 

1 . 0-1 

▲ Figure 14.6 

Electron transport. Each of the four complexes of the electron transport chain, composed of several protein subunits and cofactors, undergoes cyclic 
reduction and oxidation. The complexes are linked by the mobile carriers ubiquinone (Q) and cytochrome c. The height of each complex indicates the 
A E°' between its reducing agent (substrate) and its oxidizing agent (which becomes the reduced product). Standard reduction potentials are plotted 
with the lowest value at the top pf the graph (see Section 10. 9B). 


Aerobic organisms need oxygen because 
it serves as the terminal electron 
acceptor in membrane-associated 
electron transport. 

where [S re< j] and [S ox ] represent the actual concentrations of the two oxidation states 
of the electron carrier. Under standard conditions, the concentrations of reduced and 
oxidized carrier molecules are equal; thus, the ratio [S re< j]/[S ox ] is one, and the second 
term in Equation 14.9 is zero. In this case, the actual reduction potential is equal to 
the standard reduction potential (at 25°C and pH 7.0). In order for electron carriers 
to be efficiently reduced and reoxidized in a linear fashion, appreciable quantities of 
both the reduced and oxidized forms of the carriers must be present under steady 
state conditions. This is the situation found in mitochondria. We can therefore as- 
sume that for any given oxidation-reduction reaction in the electron transport com- 
plexes the concentrations of the two oxidation states of the electron carriers are fairly 
similar. Since physiological pH is close to 7 under most circumstances and since most 
electron transport processes operate at temperatures close to 25°C, we can safely as- 
sume that E is not much different from E°' . From now on, our discussion refers only 
to E or values. 

The standard reduction potentials of the substrates and cofactors of the electron 
transport chain are listed in Table 14.1. Note that the values progress from negative to 
positive so that, in general, each substrate or intermediate is oxidized by a cofactor or 
substrate that has a more positive E or . In fact, one consideration in determining the ac- 
tual sequence of the electron carriers was their reduction potentials. 

14.4 Electron Transport 425 

The Gibbs standard free energy available from the reactions catalyzed by each 
complex is shown in Table 14.2. The overall free energy totals -220 kj mol -1 as 
shown in Figure 14.6. Complexes I, III, and IV translocate protons across the mem- 
brane as electrons pass through the complex. Complex II, which is also the succinate 
dehydrogenase complex we examined as a component of the citric acid cycle, does 
not directly contribute to formation of the proton concentration gradient. Complex 
II transfers electrons from succinate to Q and thus represents a tributary of the res- 
piratory chain. 

B. Cofactors in Electron Transport 

As shown at the top of Figure 14.6, the electrons that flow through complexes I through 
IV are actually transferred between coupled cofactors. Electrons enter the membrane- 
associated electron transport chain two at a time from the reduced substrates NADH 
and succinate. The flavin coenzymes FMN and FAD are reduced in complexes I and II, 
respectively. The reduced coenzymes FMNH 2 and FADH 2 donate one electron at a time 
and all subsequent steps in the electron transport chain proceed by single electron 
transfers. Iron-sulfur (Fe-S) clusters of both the [2 Fe-2 S] and [4 Fe-4 S] type are 
present in complexes I, II, and III. Each iron-sulfur cluster can accept or donate one 
electron as an iron atom undergoes reduction and oxidation between the ferric [Fe®, 
Fe(III)] and ferrous [Fe®, Fe(II)] states. Copper ions and cytochromes are also single 
electron oxidation-reduction agents. 

Several different cytochromes are present in the mammalian mitochondrial en- 
zyme complexes. These include cytochrome fr L , cytochrome fr H , cytochrome q, cy- 
tochrome a, and cytochrome a 3 . Very similar cytochromes are found in other species. 
Cytochromes transfer electrons from a reducing agent to an oxidizing agent by cy- 
cling between the ferric and ferrous oxidation states of the iron atoms of their heme 
prosthetic groups (Section 7.17). Individual cytochromes have different reduction 
potentials because of differences in the structures of their apoproteins and sometimes 
their heme groups (Table 14.1). These differences allow heme groups to function as 
electron carriers at several points in the electron transport chain. Similarly, the reduc- 
tion potentials of iron-sulfur clusters can vary widely depending on the local protein 

The membrane- associated electron transport complexes are functionally linked by 
the mobile electron carriers ubiquinone (Q) and cytochrome c. Q is a lipid-soluble 
molecule that can accept and donate two electrons, one at a time (Section 7.15). Q dif- 
fuses within the lipid bilayer accepting electrons from complexes I and II and passing 
them to complex III. The other mobile electron carrier is cytochrome c, a peripheral 
membrane protein associated with the outer face of the membrane. Cytochrome c 
carries electrons from complex III to complex IV. The structures and the oxidation- 
reduction reactions of each of the four electron transport complexes are examined in 
detail in the following sections. 

Table 14.1 Standard reduction potentials 
of mitochondrial oxidation- 
reduction components 

of Complex 

E°' (V) 



Complex 1 



Fe-S clusters 

-0.25 to -0.05 



Complex II 



Fe-S clusters 

-0.26 to 0.00 

QH 2 /Q 


(•Q e /Q 


(QH 2 /-Q© 


Complex III 

Cytochrome b \. 

- 0.01 

Cytochrome b H 


Fe-S cluster 


Cytochrome C| 


Cytochrome c 


Complex IV 

Cytochrome a 


Cu A 


Cytochrome 03 


Cu B 


o 2 



The transfer of electrons from NADH to 0 2 
releases enough energy to drive synthesis 
of many ATP molecules. 

Table 14.2 Standard free energy released in the oxidation reaction catalyzed by each complex 



c reductant 



c oxidant 




AC°' b 

(kj mol 1 ) 

1 (NADH/Q) 





II (Succinate/Q) 





III (QH 2 /Cytochrome c) 





IV (Cytochrome c/0 2 ) 





°A E°' was calculated as the difference between P/eductant and ^oxidant. 

^The Gibbs standard free energy was calculated using Equation 14.8 where n = 2 electrons. 

426 CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 

▲ Figure 14.7 

Structure of complex I. The structures of com- 
plex I have been determined at low resolution 
by analyzing electron micrographic images, 
(a) Complex I from the bacterium Aquifex 
aeolicus. (b) Complex I from cow, Bos taurus. 
(c) Complex I from the yeast, Yarrowia 

Outer membrane Inner membrane 

14.5 Complex I 

Complex I catalyzes the transfer of two electrons from NADH to Q. The systematic 
name of this enzyme is NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase. It is a very complicated en- 
zyme whose structure has not been completely solved. The prokaryotic versions contain 
14 different polypeptide chains. The eukaryotic forms have 14 homologous subunits 
plus 20-32 additional subunits, depending on the species. The extra eukaryotic sub- 
units probably stabilize the complex and prevent electron leakage. 

The structure of the complex is L-shaped as seen in the electron microscope 
(Figure 14.7). The membrane-bound component consists of multiple subunits that 
span the membrane. This module contains a proton transporter activity. A larger 
component projects into the mitochondrial matrix, or the cytoplasm in bacteria 
(Figure 14.8). This arm contains a terminal NADH dehydrogenase activity and FMN. 
The connector module is composed of multiple subunits with 8 or 9 Fe-S clusters 
(Figure 14.9). 

NADH molecules on the inside surface of the membrane donate electrons to 
complex I. The electrons are passed two at a time as a hydride ion (H®, two electrons 
and a proton). In the first step of electron transfer the hydride ion is transferred 
to FMN forming FMNH 2 . FMNH 2 is then oxidized in two steps via a semiquinone 
intermediate. The two electrons are transferred one at a time to the next oxidizing 
agent, an iron-sulfur cluster. 

+ H©. + H© 


-H©, -e© 


-H©, -e© 

* FMN 


FMN is a transducer that converts two-electron transfer from NAD-linked dehy- 
drogenases to one-electron transfer for the rest of the electron transport chain. In 
complex I the cofactor FMNH 2 transfers electrons to sequentially linked iron-sulfur 
clusters. There are at least eight Fe-S clusters positioned within the same arm of com- 
plex I that contains the NADH dehydrogenase activity. These Fe-S clusters provide a 
channel for electrons by directing them to the membrane-bound portion of the com- 
plex where ubiquinone (Q) accepts electrons one at a time passing through a 
semiquinone anion intermediate (*Q®) before reaching its fully reduced state, 
ubiquinol (QH 2 ). 


+ e© 


+ e©, +2 H© 

* QH 2 


Q and QH 2 are lipid-soluble cofactors. They remain within the lipid bilayer and 
can diffuse freely in two dimensions. Note that the Q binding site of complex I is within 
the membrane. One of the reasons for the complicated electron transport chain within 
complex I is to carry electrons from an aqueous environment to a hydrophobic envi- 
ronment within the membrane. 

As electrons move through complex I, two protons (one originating from the hy- 
dride ion of NADH and one from the interior) are transferred to FMN to form 
FMNH 2 . These two protons or their equivalents are consumed in the reduction of Q to 
QH 2 . Thus, two protons are taken up from the interior and transferred to QH 2 . They 
are not released to the exterior in the complex I reactions. (QH 2 is subsequently reoxi- 
dized by complex III and the protons are then released to the exterior. This is part of the 
proton translocation activity of complex III described in Section 14.7.) 

In complex I, four protons are directly translocated across the membrane for every 
pair of electrons that pass from NADH to QH 2 . These do not include the protons re- 
quired for ubiquinone reduction. The proton pump is probably an H©/Na© antiporter 

◄ Figure 14.8 

Complex orientation. The electron transport complexes are embedded in the inner membrane. They 
can be drawn with the outside of the membrane at the top or at the bottom of the figure. Both 
views are seen in the scientific literature. We have chosen the orientation with the outside on top 
and the inside of the matrix on the bottom. 

14.6 Complex II 427 

module 2 H 0 


Transporter module 4 H 0 



4 H 



NADH dehydrogenase 
2e © module 

NAD 0 

◄ Figure 14.9 

Electron transfer and proton flow in Complex I. 

Electrons are passed from NADH to Q via 
FMN and a series of Fe-S clusters. The re- 
duction of Q to QH 2 requires two protons 
taken up from the inside compartment. 

In addition, four protons are translocated 
across the membrane for each pair of 
electrons transferred. 

located in the membrane-bound module. The mechanism of proton translocation is 
not clear — it is likely coupled to conformational changes in the structure of complex I 
as electrons flow from the NADH dehydrogenase site to the ubiquinone binding site. 

Heme b 

14.6 Complex II 

Complex II is succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, also called the succinate dehydroge- 
nase complex. This is the same enzyme that we encountered in the previous chapter 
(Section 13.3#6). It catalyzes one of the reactions of the citric acid cycle. Complex II ac- 
cepts electrons from succinate and, like complex I, catalyzes the reduction of Q to QH 2 . 

Complex II contains three identical multisubunit enzymes that associate to form a 
trimeric structure that is firmly embedded in the membrane (Figure 14.10). The over- 
all shape resembles a mushroom with its head projecting into the interior of the 
membrane compartment. Each of the three succinate dehydrogenase enzymes has two 
subunits forming the head and one or two subunits (depending on the species) 
forming the membrane-bound stalk. One of the head subunits contains the 
substrate binding site and a covalently bound flavin adenine dinucleotide 
(FAD). The other head subunit contains three Fe-S clusters. 

The head subunits from all species are closely related and share significant 
sequence similarity with other members of the succinate dehydrogenase family 
(e.g., fumarate reductase, Section 14.13). The membrane subunits, on the other 
hand, may be very different (and unrelated) in various species. In general, the 
membrane component has one or two subunits that consist exclusively of 
membrane-spanning a helices. Most of them have a bound heme b molecule 
and this subunit is often called cytochrome b. All of the membrane subunits 
have a Q binding site positioned near the interior surface of the membrane at 
the point where the head subunits are in contact with the membrane subunits. 

The sequence of reactions for the transfer of two electrons from succinate 
to Q begins with the reduction of FAD by a hydride ion. This is followed by two 
single electron transfers from the reduced flavin to the series of three iron- 
sulfur clusters (Figure 14.1 1). (In those species with a cytochrome b anchor, the 
heme group is not part of the electron transfer pathway.) 

Very little free energy is released in the reactions catalyzed by complex II 
(Table 14.2). This means that the complex cannot contribute directly to the 
proton concentration gradient across the membrane. Instead, it supplies electrons 
from the oxidation of succinate midway along the electron transport sequence. 

Q can accept electrons from complex I or II and donate them to complex III 
and then to the rest of the electron transport chain. Reactions in several other 
pathways also donate electrons to Q. We saw one of them, the reaction cat- 
alyzed by the glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase complex, in Section 12. 2C. 




Fe-S clusters 


▲ Figure 14.10 

Structure of the E. coli succinate dehydrogenase complex. 

A single copy of the enzyme showing the positions 
of FAD, the three Fe-S clusters, QH 2 , and heme b. 
Complex II contains three copies of this multisubunit 
enzyme. [PDB 1NEK] 

428 CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 

Figure 14.1 1 ► 

Electron transfer in complex II. A pair of elec- 
trons is passed from succinate to FAD as 
part of the citric acid cycle. Electrons are 
transferred one at a time from FADH 2 to 
three Fe-S clusters and then to Q. (Only 
one Fe-S cluster is shown in the figure.) 
Complex II does not directly contribute to 
the proton concentration gradient but serves 
as a tributary that supplies electrons (as 
QH 2 ) to the rest of the electron transport 

Complex III is, arguably, the most 
important enzyme in metabolism. 

Very similar complexes are present in 
chloroplasts where they participate in 
electron transport and proton translo- 
cation during photosynthesis. 

14.7 Complex III 

Complex III is ubiquinol: cytochrome c oxidoreductase, also called the cytochrome frq 
complex. This enzyme catalyzes the oxidation of ubiquinol (QH 2 ) molecules in the 
membrane and the reduction of a mobile water-soluble cytochrome c molecule on the 
exterior surface. Electron transport through complex III is coupled to the transfer of 
H© across the membrane by a process known as the Q cycle. 

The structures of the cytochrome frq complexes from many bacterial and eukaryotic 
species have been solved by X-ray crystallography. Complex III contains two copies of 
the enzyme and is firmly anchored to the membrane by a large number of a helices that 
span the lipid bilayer (Figure 14.12). The functional enzyme consists of three main subunits: 
cytochrome q, cytochrome b , and the Rieske iron sulfur protein (ISP) (Figure 14.13). 
(Note that the cytochrome q subunit is a different protein than the mobile cytochrome 
c product of the reaction.) Other subunits are present on the inside surface but they do 
not play a direct role in the ubiquinokcytochrome c oxidoreductase reaction. The mo- 
bile cytochrome c electron acceptor binds at the top of the complex — the part that is ex- 
posed to the exterior side of the membrane. 

Figure 14.12 ► 

Complex III from cow ( Bos taurus) mitochon- 
dria. The cytochrome bc\ complex contains 
two copies of the enzyme ubiquinone: 
cytochrome c oxidoreductase. [PDB 1PP9] 

14.7 Complex III 429 

The path of electrons through the complex is shown in Figure 14.14. The reaction 
begins when QH 2 (from complex I or complex II) binds to the Q 0 site in the cy- 
tochrome b subunit. QH 2 is oxidized to the semiquinone and a single electron is passed 
to the adjacent Fe-S complex in the ISP subunit. From there, the electron transfers to 
the heme group in cytochrome q. This transfer is facilitated by movement of the head 
group of ISP. In the electron accepting position, the Fe-S cluster is adjacent to the Q 0 
site and in the electron donating position the Fe-S cluster shifts to a position near the 
heme group in cytochrome q. Soluble cytochrome c is oxidized by transfer of an elec- 
tron from the membrane-bound cytochrome q subunit of complex III. 

In this reaction, the terminal electron acceptor is cytochrome c (Section 7.17). This 
molecule serves as a mobile electron carrier transferring electrons to complex IV, the 
next component of the chain (Figure 14.15). The role of reduced cytochrome c is simi- 
lar to that of QH 2 , which carries electrons from complex I to complex III. The structures 
of cytochrome c electron carriers from all species are remarkably similar (Section 4.7B, 
Figure 4.21) and the amino acid sequences of the polypeptide chain are well conserved 
(Section 3.11, Figure 3.23). 

The oxidation of QH 2 at the Q 0 site is a two-step process with a single electron 
transferred at each step. The path of electrons from the second step, oxidation of the 
semiquinone intermediate, follows a different route than the first electron. In this case, 
the electron is passed sequentially to two different fr-type hemes within the membrane 
portion of the complex. The first heme group (fr L ) has a lower reduction potential and 
the second heme (fr H ) has a higher reduction potential (Table 14.1). 

The b H heme is part of the Q : site where a molecule of Q is reduced to QH 2 in a 
two-step reaction that involves a semiquinone intermediate. A single electron is trans- 
ported from b L (at the Q 0 site) to b H (at the Q x site) to Q to produce the semiquinone. 

▲ Figure 14.13 

Subunits of complex III. The three catalytic 
subunits of each dimer are Cytochrome q 
(green), cytochrome b (blue) and the Rieske 
iron sulfur protein (ISP) (red). Cytochrome c 
(dark blue) binds to the Cytochrome q sub- 
unit. [PDB 1PP9] 

Cytochrome C (x2) 

2 hr 

Cytochrome b 

▲ Figure 14.14 

Electron transfer and proton flow in complex III. Two pairs of electrons are passed separately from two 
molecules of QH 2 at the Q 0 site. Each pair of electrons is split so that individual electrons follow 
separate pathways. One electron is transferred to an Fe-S cluster then to cytochrome q and finally 
to cytochrome c, the terminal electron carrier. The other electron from each oxidation of QH 2 is 
transferred to heme b H (Qi site) and then to Q. A total of four protons are translocated across the 
membrane: two from the inside compartment and two from QH 2 . (Only the left-hand half of the 
dimer is shown and the bottom subunits that project into the matrix are not shown.) 

430 CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 



▲ Figure 14.15 

Cytochrome c. Oxidized (top) and reduced 
(bottom) forms of cytochrome c from horse 
( Equus cabal I us). The iron atom in the cen- 
ter of the heme group (orange) shifts from 
Fe© to Fe© as it gains an electron from 
complex III. This reduction is accompanied 
by small changes in the conformation of the 
protein. [PDB 10CD (top) 1GIW (bottom)] 

Table 14.3 

Qo : 2QH 2 + 2cytc(Fe®) ► 2 Q + 2 cyt c(Fe®) + 2 e 0 + 4 H© out 

Qi : Q + 2 H© in + 2 e© * QH 2 

Sum: QH 2 + 2 cyt c(Fe®) + 2 H© in Q + 2 cyt c(Fe®) + 4 H© out 

Then, a second electron is transferred to reduce the semiquinone to QH 2 . The second 
electron is derived from the oxidation of a second molecule of QH 2 at the Q 0 site. This 
second oxidation of QH 2 also results in the reduction of a second molecule of cy- 
tochrome c since the two electrons from the second QH 2 follow separate paths. The net 
result is that the oxidation of two molecules of QH 2 at the Q 0 site produces two mole- 
cules of reduced cytochrome c and regenerates a molecule of QH 2 at the site. The 
two cycles of QH 2 oxidation are shown in Figure 14.16. The entire pathway is known as 
the Q cycle and it is one of the most important reactions in all of metabolism because it 
is the one most responsible for creating the protonmotive force. 

Four protons are produced during the oxidation of two molecules of QH 2 at the Q 0 
site. These protons are released to the exterior of the membrane compartment and they 
contribute to the proton gradient that is formed during membrane-associated electron 
transport. The protons originate in the interior compartment. They may have been 
taken up in the reactions catalyzed by complex I or complex II or they may be derived 
from protons taken up on the inside of the membrane during reduction of Q at the 
site in complex III as shown in Figure 14.16. 

The stoichiometry of the complete Q-cycle reaction is shown in Table 14.3. For 
every pair of electrons that pass through complex III from QH 2 to cytochrome c there 
are four protons translocated across the membrane. Two molecules of cytochrome c are 
reduced and these mobile carriers transport one electron each to complex IV. Note that 
there are actually two molecules of QH 2 oxidized (giving up four electrons) but two of 
these electrons are recycled to regenerate a molecule of QH 2 . 

The complete reaction catalyzed by ubiquinoneicytochrome c oxidoreductase 
(complex III) includes the Q cycle and proton translocation across the membrane. 
The complex III reaction is a fine example of the relationship between structure and 
function. While the stoichiometry of the Q cycle had been known for many years, the 
actual mechanism of the reaction only became apparent once the complete structure 
was solved in 1998. 


The net effect of the Q cycle is transfer of 
four protons to the exterior of the membrane 
for every two electrons transferred from 
QH 2 to cytochrome c. 

Cytochrome c 

Q. Q 
Cycle 1 

Cytochrome c 

Figure 14.16 ► 

Q cycle. A molecule of QH 2 is oxidized in cycle 1 and a separate molecule is oxidized in cycle 2. Each 
cycle produces a molecule of reduced cytochrome c. The combination of cycle 1 and cycle 2 results in 
a two-stage reduction of Q to QH 2 . Four protons are released on the exterior side of the membrane. 

14.8 Complex IV 


14.8 Complex IV 

Complex IV is cytochrome c oxidase. This complex catalyzes the oxidation of the re- 
duced cytochrome c molecules produced by complex III. The reaction includes a four- 
electron reduction of molecular oxygen (0 2 ) to water (2 H 2 0) and translocation of 
four protons across the membrane. 

Complex IV contains two functional units of cytochrome c oxidase. Each cy- 
tochrome c oxidase contains single copies of subunits I, II, and III (Figure 14.17). The 
bacterial enzymes contain only one additional subunit in each functional unit but the 
eukaryotic (mitochondrial) enzymes have up to ten additional subunits. Additional 
subunits in the eukaryotic complexes play a role in assembling complex IV and in stabi- 
lizing the structure. 

The core structure of cytochrome c oxidase is formed from the three conserved 
subunits — I, II, and III. These polypeptides are encoded by mitochondrial genes in all 
eukaryotes. Subunit I is almost entirely embedded in the membrane. The bulk of this 
polypeptide consists of 12 transmembrane a helices. There are three redox centers 
buried within subunit I — two of them are a- type hemes (heme a and heme a 3 ) and the 
third is a copper ion (Cu B ). The copper atom is in close proximity to the iron atom of 
heme a 3 forming a binuclear center where the reduction of molecular oxygen takes 
place (Figure 14.18). 

Subunit II has two transmembrane helices that anchor it to the membrane. Most 
of the polypeptide chain forms a /3-barrel domain located on the exterior surface of 
the membrane. This domain contains a copper redox center (Cu A ) composed of two 
copper ions. These two copper atoms share electrons forming a mixed valence state. 
The external domain of subunit II is the site where cytochrome c binds to cytochrome c 

Subunit III has seven transmembrane helices and is completely embedded in the 
membrane. There are no redox centers in subunit III and it can be artificially removed 
without loss of catalytic activity. Its role in vivo is to stabilize subunits I and II and help 
protect the redox centers from inappropriate oxidation-reduction reactions. 

Figure 14.19 shows the sequence of electron transfers in complex IV. Cytochrome c 
binds to subunit II and transfers an electron to the Cu A site. The pair of copper ions at 
the Cu A site can accept and donate one electron at a time — much like an Fe-S cluster. 
The complete oxidation of 0 2 requires four electrons. Thus, four cytochrome c molecules 
have to bind and sequentially transfer a single electron each to the Cu A redox center. 

▲ Figure 14.18 

Redox centers in cytochrome c oxidase. 

Organization of the heme and copper cofac- 
tors in one of the cytochrome c oxidase units. 
[PDB 10CC] 

◄ Figure 14.17 

Structure of cow ( Bos taurus ) complex IV from 
mitochondria. The complex consists of two 
functional units of cytochrome c oxidase. 
Each unit is composed of 13 subunits with 
multiple membrane-spanning a helices. 
[PDB 10CC] 

432 CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 

Figure 14.19 ► 

Electron transfer and proton flow in complex IV. 

The iron atoms of the heme groups in the a 
cytochromes and the copper atoms are both 
oxidized and reduced as electrons flow from 
cytochrome cto oxygen. Electron transport 
through complex IV is coupled to the trans- 
fer of protons across the membrane. The 
diagram shows the stoichiometry for transfer 
of a pair of electrons as in previous figures. 
The actual reaction involves the transfer of 
four electrons to a molecule of 0 2 to form 
two molecules of water. 

Cytochrome c (¥2) 

2 H® '/ 2 O 2 + 2 H© H 2 0 

▲ Figure 14.20 

Mitochondrial genome. Mitochondrial genomes 
are small, circular, double-stranded DNA 
molecules. They contain genes for ribosomal 
RNAs (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA) and tRNAs 
(labeled according to the amino acid they 
carry). The human mitochondrial genome, 
shown here, is only 16,589 bp in size and it 
encodes only a few of the subunits of the 
electron transport complexes. Genes for the 
subunits of complex I are colored green, a 
complex III subunit is purple, complex IV 
subunits are pink, and complex V subunits 
are yellow. The D-loop is a highly variable 
region required for DNA replication. 
Sequences of individual D-loop regions have 
been used to trace the evolution of modern 
humans providing early evidence that we all 
descend from a population in Africa. 

Electrons are transferred one at a time from the Cu A site to the heme a prosthetic 
group in subunit I. From there they are transferred to the heme a 3 -Cu B binuclear cen- 
ter. The two heme groups (a and a 3 ) have identical structures but differ in their stan- 
dard reduction potentials due to the local microenvironment formed by surrounding 
amino acid side chains in subunit I. Electrons can accumulate at the binuclear center as 
the heme iron alternates between Fe© and Fe© states and the copper atom shifts 
from Cu© to Cu®. The detailed mechanism for reduction of molecular oxygen at the 
binuclear center is under active investigation in a number of laboratories. The first step 
involves the rapid splitting of molecular oxygen. One oxygen atom is bound to the iron 
atom of the a 3 -heme group and the other is bound to the copper atom. Subsequent 
protonation and electron transfer results in the release of a water molecule from the 
copper site followed by release of a second water molecule from the iron ligand. The 
overall reaction requires the uptake of four protons from the inside surface of the 

0 2 + 4 e© + 4 H© in * 2 H 2 0 (14.12) 

The site where oxygen is reduced is buried within the protein in the middle of the lipid 
bilayer of the membrane. Charged protons cannot access this site by passive diffusion — 
instead, the enzyme contains a channel leading from the inside of the membrane to the 
active site. This channel is filled with a single line of water molecules that rapidly ex- 
change protons leading to the net movement of protons along this “water wire.” 

The reactions of cytochrome c oxidase are coupled to the transfer of protons across 
the membrane. One proton is translocated for each electron that passes from 
cytochrome c to the final product (H 2 0). The protons move through a water- filled 
channel in complex IV and this movement is driven by conformational changes in the 
enzyme as oxygen is reduced. The stoichiometry of the complete reaction catalyzed by 
complex IV is 

4 cyt P + 0 2 + 8 H© in > 4 cyt c @ + 2 H 2 0 + 4 H© out (14.13) 

Complex IV contributes to the proton gradient that will drive ATP synthesis. Two 
protons are translocated for each pair of electrons that pass through this complex. 
Recall that complex I transfers four protons for each pair of electrons and complex III 
also translocates four protons for each electron pair. Thus, the membrane-associated 
electron transport system pumps ten protons across the membrane for every molecule 
of NADH that is oxidized. 

The genes encoding the various subunits of the mitochondrial complexes may 
be in the nucleus or the mitochondria, depending on the species. The genes for 
cytochrome c oxidase subunits are always found in the mitochondrial genome 
(Figure 14.20). 

14.9 Complex V: ATP Synthase 433 

14.9 Complex V: ATP Synthase 

Complex V is ATP synthase. It catalyzes the synthesis of ATP from ADP + Pj in a reac- 
tion that is driven by the proton gradient generated during membrane-associated elec- 
tron transport. ATP synthase is a specific F-type ATPase called FqF! ATPase — named 
after the reverse reaction. In spite of its name, F-type ATPase is responsible for 
synthesizing ATP — not hydrolyzing it. The enzyme is embedded in the membrane and 
has a characteristic knob -and- stalk structure that has been observed in electron micro- 
graphs for over half a century (Figure 14.21). The F x (knob) component contains the 
catalytic subunits — when released from membrane preparations it catalyzes the hydrol- 
ysis of ATP. For this reason, it has traditionally been referred to as F x ATPase. This part 
of the enzyme projects into the mitochondrial matrix in eukaryotes and into the cyto- 
plasm in bacteria. (ATP synthase is also found in chloroplast membranes, as we will see 
in the next chapter.) The F 0 (stalk) component is embedded in the membrane. It has a 
proton channel that spans the membrane, and the passage of protons through this 
channel from the outside of the membrane to the inside is coupled to the formation of 
ATP by the F x component. 

Recent cryo electron micrograph structures of ATP synthase have revealed details 
of its overall structure. These can be correlated with the X-ray crystallographic struc- 
tures of the various components (Figure 14.22). 

The subunit composition of the F x component (knob) is a 3 /3 3 y8s and that of the 
F 0 membrane component is a 1 b 2 c 10 _ 14 . The c subunits of F 0 interact to form a cylindri- 
cal base within the membrane. The core of the F x (knob) structure is formed from three 
copies each of subunits a and /3 arranged as a cylindrical hexamer. The nucleotide bind- 
ing sites lie in the clefts between adjacent a and (3 subunits. Thus, the binding sites are 
spaced 120° apart on the surface of the a 3 /? 3 cylinder. The catalytic site of ATP synthesis 
is mostly associated with amino acid residues of the (3 subunit. 

▲ Figure 14.21 

Knobs and stalks. The internal mitochondrial 
membranes are studded with structures that 
look like knobs projecting into the mitochon- 
drial matrix at the end of short membrane- 
embedded stalks. 

F 0 



C 1 0-1 5 



◄ Figure 14.22 

ATP synthase structure. The Fi component is 
on the inner face of the membrane. The F 0 
component, which spans the membrane, forms 
a proton channel at the interface between the 
a and c subunits. The passage of protons 
through this channel causes the c subunit 
rotor (blue) to rotate relative to the stator of 
a and b subunits (orange). The torque of these 
rotations is transmitted to Fi where it is used 
to drive ATP synthesis as the /subunit (cyan) 
rotates within the head formed by a and /I sub- 
units (green). (The e subunit is part of the stalk — 
it lies behind the y subunit in this view.) 
(Modified from von Ballmoos et al . , 2009.) 



CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 

V-ATPases have a similar structure. 
They use ATP hydrolysis to drive the 
import of protons into acidic vesicles 
(vacuoles). This is the reverse of the 
reaction catalyzed by ATP synthase. 

t Figure 14.23 

Binding change mechanism of ATP synthase. 

The different conformations of the three cat- 
alytic sites are indicated by different shapes. 
ADP and Pj bind to the yellow site in the open 
conformation. As the /shaft rotates in the 
counterclockwise direction (viewed from the 
cytoplasmic/matrix end of the Fi component), 
the yellow site is converted to a loose confor- 
mation where ADP and Pj are more firmly 
bound. Following the next step of the rotation 
the yellow site is converted to a tight confor- 
mation and ATP is synthesized. Meanwhile, 
the site that had bound ATP tightly has be- 
come an open site and a loose site containing 
other molecules of ADP and Pj has become a 
tight site. ATP is released from the open site 
and ATP is synthesized in the tight site. 

The a 3 (5 3 oligomer of F x is connected to the transmembrane c subunits by a multi- 
subunit stalk made up of the y and s subunits. The c-s-y unit forms a “rotor” that spins 
within the membrane. Rotation of the y subunit inside the a 3 p 3 hexamer alters the 
conformation of the /3 subunits, opening and closing the active sites. The a, b, and S 
subunits form an arm that also attaches the F 0 component to the a 3 p 3 oligomer. This 
a-b-S-a 3 fi 3 unit is termed the “stator” Passage of protons through the channel at the in- 
terface between the a and c subunits causes the rotor assembly to spin in one direction 
relative to the stator. The entire structure is often called a molecular motor. 

There are 10-14 c subunits in the membrane-associated c-ring at the base of the 
rotor. The number of subunits depends on the species — yeast and E. coli have a 10-subunit 
ring but plants and animals have up to 14 subunits. There is good evidence to indicate 
that the rotation of each c subunit past the stator is driven by translocation of a single 
proton. Rotation of the /subunit within the F x component takes place in a stepwise, 
jerky manner where each step is 120° of rotation. As the c-ring rotates it twists the / 
shaft until enough tension builds up to cause it to snap into the next position within the 
a 3 p 3 hexamer. If the c-ring has ten subunits then a complete rotation requires translo- 
cation of ten protons and results in the production of three ATP molecules but the exact 
stoichiometry is still being worked out. The results of many experiments indicate that, 
on average, three protons must be translocated for each ATP molecule synthesized and 
that’s the value that we will use in the rest of this book. It suggests that only nine proton 
translocations are required for one complete rotation of the c-ring. 

The mechanism of ATP synthesis from ADP and Pj has been the target of intensive 
research for several decades. In 1979 Paul Boyer proposed the binding change mecha- 
nism based on observations suggesting that the substrate and product binding proper- 
ties of the active site could change as protons moved across the membrane. The a 3 (5 3 
oligomer of ATP synthase contains three catalytic sites. At any given time, each site can 
be in one of three different conformations: (1) open: newly synthesized ATP can be re- 
leased and ADP + Pi can bind; (2) loose: bound ADP + Pi cannot be released; (3) tight: 
ATP is very tightly bound and condensation of ADP + Pi is favored. All three sites pass 
sequentially through these conformations as the / subunit rotates within the knob. The 
rate of this reaction is comparable to that of many enzymes. The rotor turns at ten rev- 
olutions per second producing 30 ATP molecules per second. Typical turnover numbers 
(fc cat ) are in the range of 100-1000 reactions per second. 

The formation and release of ATP are believed to occur by the following steps, 
summarized in Figure 14.23: 

1. One molecule of ADP and one molecule of Pi bind to an open site. 

2. Rotation of the y shaft causes each of the three catalytic sites to change conforma- 
tion. The open conformation (containing the newly bound ADP and Pi) becomes a 
loose site. The loose site, already filled with ADP and P i? becomes a tight site. The 
site containing ATP becomes an open site. 

3. ATP is released from the open site and ADP and Pi condense to form ATP in the 
tight site. 


14.10 Active Transport of ATP, ADP, and Pj Across the Mitochondrial Membrane 435 


Proton leaks appear to be a major consumer of free energy in 
mammals. In a resting adult mammal, about 90% of oxygen 
consumption takes place in the mitochondria and about 80% 
of this is coupled to ATP synthesis. Quantitative estimates in- 
dicate that the ATP produced by mitochondria is used for 
protein synthesis (almost 30% of the available ATP), for active 
transport of ions by Na© — K© ATPase and Ca© ATPase 
(25% to 35%), for gluconeogenesis (up to 10%), and for 
other metabolic processes including heat generation. A sig- 
nificant amount of the energy from oxidation is not used for 
the synthesis of ATP. In resting mammals, at least 20% of the 
oxygen consumed by mitochondria is uncoupled by mito- 
chondrial proton leakage. This leakage produces heat directly 
without apparent use. 

The generation of heat in newborns and hibernating an- 
imals is a special example of deliberate uncoupling of proton 
translocation and ATP synthesis. This physiological uncou- 
pling occurs in brown adipose tissue, whose brown color is 
due to its many mitochondria. Brown adipose tissue is found 
in abundance in newborn mammals and in species that hi- 
bernate. The free energy of NADH is not conserved as ATP 
but is lost as heat because oxidation is uncoupled from phos- 
phorylation. The uncoupling is due to uncoupling protein 1 
(UCP1, thermogenin) that forms a channel for the re-entry 
of protons into the mitochondrial matrix. When UCP1 is ac- 
tive the free energy released is dissipated as heat, raising the 
body temperature of the animal. 

The strongest evidence that ATP synthase is a rotating motor has been ob- 
tained using the a 3 /3 3 y complex immobilized on a glass plate and modified by 
attachment of a fluorescent actin filament (Figure 14.24). Rotation of single mol- 
ecules was observed by microscopy in the presence of ATP. In this experiment, the 
labeled y subunit rotates inside the a 3 /? 3 oligomer in response to ATP hydrolysis. 
This rotation is counterclockwise as depicted in Figure 14.24. Note that rota- 
tion driven by ATP hydrolysis is in the opposite direction to that observed when 
rotation is driven by the proton gradient and ATP is synthesized. The rotation of 
the y shaft took place in 120° increments with one step for each ATP molecule hy- 
drolyzed. Under ideal conditions, rates of more than 130 revolutions per second 
have been observed. This is the expected rotation rate based on the measured 
rate of ATP hydrolysis. It is much faster than the in vivo rate of rotation during 
ATP synthesis. 

14.10 Active Transport of ATP, ADP, and 

Pj Across the Mitochondrial Membrane 

A large fraction of the total ATP synthesized in eukaryotic cells is made in the 
mitochondria. These molecules must be exported since most of them are used in the 
cytoplasm. An active transporter is required to allow ADP to enter and ATP to leave mi- 
tochondria because the inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to charged sub- 
stances. This transporter is called the adenine nucleotide translocase — it exchanges 
mitochondrial ATP and cytosolic ADP (Figure 14.25). Normally adenine nucleotides 
are complexed with Mg© but this is not the case when they are transported across the 
membrane. Exchange of ADP© and ATP© causes the loss of a net charge of -1 in the 
matrix. This type of exchange draws on the electrical part of the protonmotive force 
(AM/ 1 ) and some of the free energy of the proton concentration gradient is expended to 
drive this transport process. 

The formation of ATP from ADP and Pj in the mitochondrial matrix also requires 
a phosphate transporter to import Pi from the cytosol. Phosphate (H 2 P0 4 _ ) is trans- 
ported into mitochondria in electroneutral symport with H© (Figure 14.25). The 
phosphate carrier does not draw on the electrical component of the protonmotive 
force but does draw on the concentration difference, ApH. Thus, both transporters 
necessary for ATP formation use up some of the protonmotive force generated by pro- 
ton translocation. The combined energy cost of transporting ATP out of the matrix 
and ADP and Pi into it is approximately equivalent to the influx of one proton. There- 
fore, the synthesis of one molecule of cytoplasmic ATP by ATP synthase requires the 

▲ Figure 14.24 

Demonstration of the rotation of a single mole- 
cule of ATP synthase, complexes were 
bound to a glass coverslip and the ysubunit 
was attached to a long fluorescent protein 
arm. The arms on the molecules rotated 
when ATP was added. [Adapted from Noji, 
H., Yasuda, R., Yoshida, M., and Kinosita, 
K., Jr. (1997). Direct observation of rotation 
of Fi -ATPase. Nature 386:299-302.] 


The chemical energy of the protonmotive 
force is converted to mechanical energy 
by causing the rotation of the ATP 
synthase rotor. 

Active transport by ATPases is dis- 
cussed in Section 9.1 ID. 

436 CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 

Figure 14.25 ► 

Transport of ATP, ADP, and Pj across the inner 
mitochondrial membrane. The adenine nu- 
cleotide translocase carries out unidirec- 
tional exchange of ATP for ADP (antiport). 
Note that the symport of Pj and H® is 

net influx of four protons from the intermembrane space — one for transport and 
three that pass through the F 0 component of ATP synthase. Bacteria do not need to 
transport ATP or ADP across a membrane so the overall expense of ATP synthesis is 
less than that in eukaryotic cells. 


The oxidation of a molecule of NADH 
results in the synthesis of 2.5 molecules 
of ATP. In terms of metabolic currency, 
one NADH molecule is 2.5 ATP 

14.11 The P/O Ratio 

Before the chemiosmotic theory was proposed, many researchers were searching for a 
“high energy” intermediate capable of forming ATP by direct phosphoryl group transfer. 
They assumed that complexes I, III, and IV each contributed to ATP formation with 
one-to-one stoichiometry. We now know that energy transduction occurs by generating 
and consuming a proton concentration gradient. The yield of ATP need not be equiva- 
lent for each proton translocating electron transport complex nor must the yield of ATP 
per molecule of substrate oxidized be an integral number. 

Many different membrane-associated electron transport complexes contribute si- 
multaneously to the proton concentration gradient. This common energy reservoir is 
drawn on by many ATP synthase complexes. We saw in the preceding sections that the 
formation of one molecule of ATP from ADP and P* catalyzed by ATP synthase requires 
the inward passage of about three protons and one more proton is needed to transport 
Pi, ADP, and ATP across the inner membrane. 

The first biochemists who studied these processes were primarily interested in the 
relationship between oxygen consumption (respiration) and ATP synthesis (phosphoryla- 
tion). The P/O ratio is the ratio of molecules phosphorylated to atoms of oxygen reduced. 
It takes two electrons to reduce a single atom of oxygen (1/2 0 2 ) so we are interested in the 
number of protons translocated for each pair of electrons that pass through complexes I, 
III, and IV. Four protons are translocated by complex I, four by complex III, and two by 
complex IV. Thus, for each pair of electrons that pass through these complexes from 
NADH to 0 2 a total of ten protons are moved across the membrane. 

Since four protons are moved back across the membrane for each molecule of cyto- 
plasmic ATP, the P/O ratio isl0-^4 = 2.5. The P/O ratio for succinate is only 6 -j- 4 = 1.5 
since electrons contributed by succinate oxidation do not pass through complex I. 
These calculated values are close to the P/O ratios that have been observed in experiments 
measuring the amount of 0 2 reduced when a given amount of ADP is phosphorylated 
(Figure 14.3a). Recall that the overall energy available in the oxidation-reduction reac- 
tions is 220 kj mol -1 (Section 14.4A) and this is more than enough for the synthesis of 
2.5 molecules of ATP. 

14.12 NADH Shuttle Mechanisms in Eukaryotes 

NADH is produced by a variety of different reactions, especially the reactions catalyzed 
by glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase during glycolysis and those of the citric 
acid cycle. NADH can be used directly in biosynthesis reactions such as amino acid 
synthesis and gluconeogenesis (where glceraldehyde- 3 -phosphate dehydrogenase oper- 
ates in the reverse direction). 

14.12 NADH Shuttle Mechanisms in Eukaryotes 


Excess NADH is used to produce ATP by the process that we have described in this 
chapter. In bacteria, the oxidation of NADH from all sources is readily accomplished 
since the membrane-associated electron transport system is embedded in the plasma 
membrane and the inside surface is exposed to the cytosol. In eukaryotic cells on the 
other hand, the only NADH molecules that have direct access to complex I are those 
found in the mitochondrial matrix. This is not a problem for reducing equivalents pro- 
duced by the citric acid cycle since that pathway is localized to the mitochondria. How- 
ever, the reducing equivalents produced by glycolysis in the cytosol must enter mito- 
chondria in order to fuel ATP synthesis. Because neither NADH nor NAD® can diffuse 
across the inner mitochondrial membrane, reducing equivalents must enter the mito- 
chondrion by shuttle mechanisms. The glycerol phosphate shuttle and malate-aspartate 
shuttles are pathways by which a reduced coenzyme in the cytosol passes its reducing 
power to a mitochondrial molecule that then becomes a substrate for the electron 
transport chain. 

The glycerol phosphate shuttle (Figure 14.26) is prominent in insect flight mus- 
cles that sustain very high rates of ATP synthesis. It is also present to a lesser extent in 
most mammalian cells. Two glycerol 3 -phosphate dehydrogenases are required — an 
NAD® -dependent cytosolic enzyme and a membrane-embedded dehydrogenase 
complex that contains an FAD prosthetic group and has a substrate binding site on 
the outer face of the inner mitochondrial membrane. In the cytosol, NADH reduces 
dihydroxyacetone phosphate in a reaction catalyzed by cytosolic glycerol 3 -phosphate 

CH 2 OH 3-phosphate CH 2 OH 

I dehydrogenase I ^ 

NADH + + 0 = C < » HO — C — H + NAD^ 

ch 2 opo 3 © ch 2 opo 3 © 

Dihydroxyacetone Glycerol 3-phosphate (14.14) 


Glycerol 3 -phosphate is then converted back to dihydroxyacetone phosphate by the 
membrane dehydrogenase complex and two electrons are transferred to the FAD prosthetic 
group of the enzyme. FADH 2 transfers two electrons to the mobile electron carrier Q, 
that then carries the electrons to ubiquinol: cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex III). 
The oxidation of cytosolic NADH equivalents by this pathway produces less energy 
(1.5 ATP per molecule of cytosolic NADH) than the oxidation of mitochondrial NADH 
because the reducing equivalents introduced by the shuttle bypass NADH:ubiquinone 
oxidoreductase (complex I). 

NADH + H © \ , phosphate , 

Cytosolic V 
glycerol 3-phosphate 
dehydrogenase I 





Glycerol 3-phosphate 


A simplified version of the malate- 
aspartate shuttle is described in 
Section 13.4. 

◄ Figure 14.26 

Glycerol phosphate shuttle. Cytosolic NADH 
reduces dihydroxyacetone phosphate to glyc- 
erol 3-phosphate in a reaction catalyzed by 
cytosolic glycerol 3-phosphate dehydroge- 
nase. The reverse reaction is catalyzed by an 
integral membrane flavoprotein that trans- 
fers electrons to ubiquinone. 

438 CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 

Figure 14.27 ► 

Malate-aspartate shuttle. NADH in the cytosol 
reduces oxaloacetate to malate that is trans- 
ported into the mitochondrial matrix. The 
reoxidation of malate generates NADH that 
can pass electrons to the electron transport 
chain. Completion of the shuttle cycle re- 
quires the activities of mitochondrial and 
cytosolic aspartate transaminase. 


NAD© I Cytosolic aspartate 

J , transaminase 

Malate< ^ ^ — Oxaloacetate^ — 



Cytosolic malate 

a - Ketog I uta rate - 









Mitochondrial malate 

dehydrogenase , , 

Malate p— \ — » Oxaloacetate ,> Aspartate 



* Mitochondrial 



Electron transport chain 
(in inner membrane) 

▲ Another kind of shuttle. This one required a 
great deal of energy. 

The malate-aspartate shuttle is more common. This shuttle requires cytosolic versions 
of malate dehydrogenase — the same enzyme used to convert cytosolic malate to ox- 
aloacetate for gluconeogenesis. The reverse reaction is required for the malate-aspartate 
shuttle. The operation of the shuttle is diagrammed in Figure 14.27. NADH in the cy- 
tosol reduces oxaloacetate to malate in a reaction catalyzed by cytosolic malate dehydro- 
genase. Malate enters the mitochondrial matrix via the dicarboxylate translocase in 
electroneutral exchange for a-ketoglutarate. Inside the mitochondria, the citric acid 
cycle version of malate dehydrogenase catalyzes the reoxidation of malate to oxaloac- 
etate with the reduction of mitochondrial NAD® to NADH. NADH is then oxidized by 
complex I of the membrane-associated electron transport chain. 

Continued operation of the shuttle requires the return of oxaloacetate to the cytosol 
but oxaloacetate cannot be directly transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane. 
Instead, oxaloacetate reacts with glutamate in a reversible reaction catalyzed by mitochon- 
drial aspartate transaminase (Section 17.7C). This reaction transfers an amino group to ox- 
aloacetate producing aspartate and a-ketoglutarate. Each molecule of a-ketoglutarate 
exits the mitochondrion via the dicarboxylate translocase in exchange for malate. 
Aspartate exits through the glutamate-aspartate translocase in exchange for glutamate. 
Once they are in the cytosol, aspartate and a-ketoglutarate become the substrates for a 
cytosolic form of aspartate transaminase that catalyzes the formation of glutamate and 
oxaloacetate. Glutamate re-enters the mitochondrion in antiport with aspartate and ox- 
aloacetate reacts with another molecule of cytosolic NADH, repeating the cycle. 

This complex shuttle system requires several enzymes that have distinctive cyto- 
plasmic and mitochondrial versions (e.g., malate dehydrogenase). As a general rule, 
these enzymes are encoded by different, but related, genes that are descended from a 
common ancestor by an ancient gene duplication event. The compartmentalization of 
metabolic pathways in eukaryotic cells provides them with some advantages over bacte- 
rial cells but it requires mechanisms for moving metabolites across internal mem- 
branes. Part of the cost of compartmentalization is the duplication of enzymes that 
need to be present in several compartments. This partly explains why eukaryotic 
genomes contain so many families of related genes while bacterial genomes usually have 
only a single copy. One of the striking features of the human genome sequence is the 
presence of many gene families of this sort. Another major discovery is the presence 

14.13 Other Terminal Electron Acceptors and Donors 439 


The average active adult needs about 2400 kilocalories 
(10,080 kj) per day. If all of this energy was translated to ATP 
equivalents, then it would correspond to the hydrolysis of 
210 moles of ATP per day. (Assuming that the Gibbs free en- 
ergy of hydrolysis is 48 kj mol -1 .) This is approximately equal 
to 100 kg of ATP (M r = 507). 

All these ATP molecules have to be synthesized and by 
far the most common pathway is the synthesis of ATP driven 
by mitochondrial proton gradients. Actual calculated and 
measured values suggest that the average person makes 

9 X 10 20 molecules of ATP per second or 78 X 10 24 molecules 
per day. This is 130 moles or 66 kg of ATP. 

Thus, a significant percentage of our calorie intake is 
converted into a mitochondrial proton gradient in order to 
drive ATP synthesis. These calculations also tell us that ATP 
molecules turn over very rapidly since our bodies don’t 
contain 66 kg of ATP. 

Rich, R (2003). The cost of living. Nature 421, 583. 

of hundreds of genes involved in the translocation of molecules across membranes. 
The dicarboxylate translocase and glutamate-aspartate translocase described here 
(Figure 14.27) are examples of transport proteins. 

14.13 Other Terminal Electron Acceptors and Donors 

Up to this point we have only considered NADH and succinate as important sources of 
electrons in membrane-associated electron transport. These reduced compounds are 
mostly derived from catabolic oxidation-reduction reactions such as those in glycolysis 
and the citric acid cycle. You can imagine that the ultimate source of glucose is a biosyn- 
thesis pathway within a photosynthetic organism. The electrons in the chemical bonds 
of glucose were put there using light energy — the energy from sunlight is ultimately 
what powers ATP synthesis in mitochondria. 

This is a reasonably accurate picture of energy flow in the modern biosphere but it 
doesn’t explain how life survived before photosynthesis evolved. Not only did photo- 
synthesis provide an abundant source of carbon compounds but it is also responsible for 
the increase in oxygen levels in the atmosphere. As we will see in the next chapter, photo- 
synthesis also requires a membrane-associated electron transport system coupled to ATP 
synthesis. It’s quite likely that respiratory electron transport, as described in this chapter, 
evolved first and the photosynthesis mechanism came later. There was probably life on this 
planet for several hundred million years before photosynthesis became commonplace. 

What was the ultimate source of energy before sunlight? We have a pretty good idea 
of how metabolism worked in the beginning because there are still chemoautotrophic 
bacteria alive today. These species do not need organic molecules as carbon or energy 
sources and they do not capture energy from sunlight. 

Chemoautotrophs derive their energy from oxidizing inorganic compounds such 
as H 2 , NH^, NO®, H 2 S, S, or Fe©. These inorganic molecules serve as a direct source 
of energetic electrons in membrane-associated electron transport. The terminal elec- 
tron acceptors can be 0 2 , fumarate, or a wide variety of other molecules. As electrons 
pass through their electron transport chain a protonmotive force is generated and ATP 
is synthesized. An example of such a pathway is shown in Figure 14.28. 

The electron donor is hydrogen in this example. A membrane-bound hydrogenase 
oxidizes hydrogen to protons. Such hydrogenases are common in a wide variety of bacte- 
ria species. Electrons pass through cytochrome complexes similar to those of respiratory 
electron transport. In most bacteria, the mobile quinone is not ubiquinone but a related 
molecule called menaquinone (Section 7.15). Fumarate reductase catalyzes the reduction 
of fumarate to succinate using reduced menaquinone (MQH 2 ) as the electron donor. 

E. coli can use fumarate instead of oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor when it is 
growing under anaerobic conditions. Fumarate reductase is a multisubunit enzyme 
embedded in the plasma membrane. It is homologous to succinate dehydrogenase and 
the two enzymes catalyze a very similar reaction but in different directions. In E. coli , 

440 CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 

▲ Figure 14.28 

One possible pathway for ATP synthesis in 
chemoautotrophic bacteria. Hydrogen is 
oxidized by a membrane-bound hydrogenase 
and electrons are passed through various 
membrane cytochrome complexes. Electron 
transfer is coupled to the translocation of 
protons across the membrane and the re- 
sulting protonmotive force is used to drive 
ATP synthesis. The terminal electron accep- 
tor is fumarate. Fumarate is reduced to suc- 
cinate by fumarate reductase. 

these two enzymes are not expressed at the same time, and in vivo each catalyzes its re- 
action in only one direction (the direction related to the enzyme name). This is one of 
the few cases where bacterial genomes contain a family of related genes. Each gene en- 
codes a slightly different version of the same enzyme. 

In addition to oxygen and fumarate, nitrate and sulfate and many other inorganic 
molecules can serve as electron acceptors. There are many different combinations of 
electron donors, acceptors, and electron transport complexes in chemoautotrophic bac- 
teria. The important point is that these bacteria extract energy from inorganic com- 
pounds in the absence of light and they may survive without oxygen. 

Chemoautotrophic bacteria represent possible metabolic strategies that were pres- 
ent in very ancient organisms but there are still modern bacteria that grow and repro- 
duce in the absence of sunlight and oxygen such as the extreme thermophiles described 
in Box 2.1 and species that live deep underground. 

14.14 Superoxide Anions 

One of the unfortunate consequences of oxygen metabolism is the production of reac- 
tive oxygen species such as the superoxide radical (*0 2 ®), hydroxyl radical (OH*), and 
hydrogen peroxide (H 2 0 2 ). All of these species are highly toxic to cells. They are pro- 
duced by flavoproteins, quinones, and iron-sulfur proteins. Almost all of the electron 
transport reactions produce small amounts of these reactive species, especially *0 2 ®. If 
a superoxide radical is not rapidly removed by superoxide dismutase it will cause break- 
down of proteins and nucleic acids. 

We have already discussed superoxide dismutase as an example of an enzyme with 
a diffusion controlled mechanism (Section 6.4B). The overall reaction catalyzed by this 
enzyme is the dismutation of two superoxide anions to hydrogen peroxide. This reac- 
tion proceeds extremely rapidly. 

2 -02© + 2 H© * H 2 0 2 + 0 2 (14.15) 

The rapidity of this process is typical of electron transfer reactions. In this case, a copper 
ion is the only electron transfer agent bound to the enzyme. The copper ion is reduced 
by superoxide anion (*0 2 ®), and it then reduces another molecule of *0 2 ®. The hy- 
drogen peroxide formed can be converted to H 2 0 and 0 2 by the action of catalase. 

2 H 2 0 2 > 2 H 2 0 + 0 2 (14.16) 

Some bacteria species are obligate anaerobes. They die in the presence of oxygen 
because they cannot deplete reactive oxygen species that arise as a by-product of oxidation- 
reduction reactions. These species do not have superoxide dismutase. All aerobic species 
have enzymes that scavenge reactive oxygen molecules. 

Problems 441 


1. The energy in reduced coenzymes is recovered as ATP through a 
membrane-associated electron transport system coupled to ATP 

2. Mitochondria are surrounded by a double membrane. The elec- 
tron transport complexes and ATP synthase are embedded in the 
inner membrane. This inner membrane is highly folded. 

3. The chemiosmotic theory explains how the energy of a proton 
gradient can be used to synthesize ATP. The free energy associated 
with the protonmotive force is mostly due to the charge difference 
across the membrane. 

4. The electron transport complexes I through IV contain multiple 
polypeptides and cofactors. The electron carriers are arranged 
roughly in order of increasing reduction potential. The mobile 
carriers ubiquinone (Q) and cytochrome c link the oxidation- 
reduction reactions of the complexes. 

5. The transfer of a pair of electrons from NADH to Q by complex I 
contributes four protons to the proton concentration gradient. 

6. Complex II does not directly contribute to the proton concentra- 
tion gradient but rather supplies electrons from succinate oxida- 
tion to the electron transport chain. 

7. The transfer of a pair of electrons from QH 2 to cytochrome c by 
complex III is coupled to the transport of four protons by the Q cycle. 

8. The transfer of a pair electrons from cytochrome c and the reduc- 
tion of 1/2 0 2 to H 2 0 by complex IV contributes two protons to 
the gradient. 

9. Protons move back across the membrane through complex V 
(ATP synthase) . Proton flow drives ATP synthesis from ADP + Pj 
by conformational changes produced by the operation of a mo- 
lecular motor. 

10. The transport of ADP and Pj into and ATP out of the mitochon- 
drial matrix consumes the equivalent of one proton. 

11. The P/O ratio, the ATP yield per pair of electrons transferred by 
complexes I through IV, depends on the number of protons 
translocated. The oxidation of mitochondrial NADH generates 
2.5 ATP; the oxidation of succinate generates 1.5 ATP. 

12. Cytosolic NADH can contribute to oxidative phosphorylation 
when the reducing power is transferred to mitochondria by the 
action of shuttles. 

13. Superoxide dismutase converts superoxide radicals to hydrogen 
peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is removed by catalase. 


1. In a typical marine bacterium the membrane potential across 
the inner membrane is -0.15 V. The protonmotive force is 
-21.2 kj mol -1 . If the pH in the periplasmic space is 6.35, what 
is the pH in the cytoplasm if the cells are at 25°C? 

2. The iron atoms of six different cytochromes in the respiratory 
electron transport chain participate in one-electron transfer reac- 
tions and cycle between the Fe(II) and the Fe(III) states. Explain 
why the reduction potentials of the cytochromes are not identical 
but range from -0.10 V to 0.39 V. 

3. Functional electron transport systems can be reconstituted from 
purified respiratory electron transport chain components and 
membrane particles. For each of the following sets of compo- 
nents, determine the final electron acceptor. Assume 0 2 is present. 

(a) NADH, Q, complexes I, III, and IV 

(b) NADH, Q, cytochrome c, complexes II and III 

(c) succinate, Q, cytochrome c, complexes II, III, and IV 

(d) succinate, Q, cytochrome c, complexes II and III 

4. A gene has been identified in humans that appears to play a role 
in the efficiency with which calories are utilized, and anti-obesity 
drugs have been proposed to regulate the amount of the uncou- 
pling protein-2 (UCP-2) produced by this gene. The UCP-2 pro- 
tein is present in many human tissues and has been shown to be a 
proton translocator in mitochondrial membranes. Explain how 
increasing the presence of the UCP-2 protein might lead to 
weight loss in humans. 

5. (a) When the widely prescribed painkiller Demerol (mepiridine) 

is added to a suspension of respiring mitochondria, the ratios 
NADH/NAD© and Q/QH 2 increase. Which electron trans- 
port complex is inhibited by Demerol? 

(b) When the antibiotic myxothiazole is added to respiring mito- 
chondria, the ratios cytochrome q(Fe©)/cytochrome q(Fe©) 
and cytochrome fr 566 (Fe©)/cytochrome fr L ( Fe©) increase. 

Where does myxothiazole inhibit the electron transport 

6. (a) The toxicity of cyanide (CN©) results from its binding to the 

iron atoms of the cytochrome a,a 3 complex and subsequent 
inhibition of mitochondrial electron transport. How does 
this cyanide-iron complex prevent oxygen from accepting 
electrons from the electron transport chain? 

(b) Patients who have been exposed to cyanide can be given ni- 
trites that convert the Fe© iron in oxyhemoglobin to Fe© 
(methemoglobin). Given the affinity of cyanide for Fe©, 
suggest how this nitrite treat mentmight function to de- 
crease the effects of cyanide on the electron transport chain. 

7. Acyl CoA dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidation of fatty acids. 
Electrons from the oxidation reactions are transferred to FAD and 
enter the electron transport chain via Q. The reduction potential 
of the fatty acid in the dehydrogenase- catalyzed reaction is about 
-0.05 V. Calculate the free energy changes to show why FAD — not 
NAD© — is the preferred oxidizing agent. 

8. For each of the following two-electron donors, state the number 
of protons translocated from the mitochondrion, the number of 
ATP molecules synthesized, and the P/O ratio. Assume that elec- 
trons pass eventually to 0 2 , NADH is generated in the mitochon- 
drion, and the electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation 
systems are fully functional. 

(a) NADH 

(b) succinate 

(c) ascorbate/tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (donates two 
electrons to cytochrome c) 

9. (a) Why is the outward transport of ATP favored over the outward 

transport of ADP by the adenine nucleotide transporter? 

(b) Does this ATP translocation have an energy cost to the 

442 CHAPTER 14 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 

10. Atractyloside is a toxic glycoside from a Mediterranean thistle 
that specifically inhibits the ADP/ATP carrier. Why does atracty- 
loside cause electron transport to be inhibited as well? 

11. (a) Calculate the pro tonmotive force across the inner mitochon- 

drial membrane at 25°C when the electrical difference is 
-0.18 V (inside negative), the pH outside is 6.7, and the pH 
inside is 7.5. 

(b) What percentage of the energy is from the chemical (pH) 
gradient, and what percentage is from the charge gradient? 

(c) What is the total free energy available for the phosphoryla- 
tion of ADP? 

12. (a) Why does NADH generated in the cytosol and transported 
into the mitochondrion by the malate-aspartate shuttle pro- 
duce fewer ATP molecules than NADH generated in the 

(b) Calculate the number of ATP equivalents produced from the 
complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose to six mole- 
cules of C0 2 in the liver when the malate-aspartate shuttle is 
operating. Assume aerobic conditions and fully functional 
electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation systems. 

Selected Readings 


Mentel, M., and Martin, W. (2010). Anaerobic ani- 
mals from an ancient, anoxic ecological niche. 
BMC Biology 8:32-38. 

Taylor, R. W., and Turnbull, D. M. (2005). 
Mitochondrial DNA mutations in human 
disease. Nature Reviews: Genetics 6:390-402. 

Chemiosmotic Theory 

Lane, N. (2006) Batteries not included. Nature 

Mitchell, P. (1979). Keilin’s respiratory chain con- 
cept and its chemiosmotic consequences. Science 

Mitchell, P., and Moyle J. (1965). Stoichiometry of 
proton translocation through the respiratory 
chain and adenosine triphosphatase systems of rat 
liver mitochondria. Nature 208:147-151. 

Schultz, B., and Chan, S. I. (2001). Structures and 
proton-pumping strategies of mitochondrial res- 
piratory enzymes. Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. 
Struct. 30:23-65. 

Electron Transport Complexes 

Berry, E. A., Guergova-Kuras, M., Huang, L., and 
Crofts, A. R. (2000). Structure and function of 
cytochrome be complexes. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 
69:1005-10 75. 

Brandt, U. (2006). Energy converting NADH: 
quinone oxidoreductase (complex I). Annu. Rev. 
Biochem. 75:69-92. 

Cecchini, G. (2003). Function and structure of 
Complex II of the respiratory chain. Annu. Rev. 
Biochem. 72:77-100. 

Clason, T., Ruiz, T., Schagger, H., Peng, G., 
Zickerman, V., Brandt, U., Michel, H., and Rader- 
macher, M. (2010). The structure of eukaryotic and 
prokaryotic complex I./. Struct. Biol. 169:81-88. 

Clason, T., Ruiz, T., Schagger, H., Peng, G., Zicker- 
man, V., Brandt, U., Michel, H., and Radermacher, 
M. (2010). The structure of eukaryotic and 
prokaryotic complex I. /. Struct. Biol. 169:81-88. 

Crofts, A. R. (2004). The cytochrome bc x complex: 
function in the context of structure. Annu. Rev. 
Physiol. 66:689-733. 

Hosier, J. P., Ferguson-Miller, S., and Mills, D. A. 
(2006). Energy transduction: proton transfer 
through the respiratory complexes. Annu. Rev. 
Biochem. 75:165-187. 

Hunte, C., Palsdottir, H., and Trumpower, B. L. (2003). 
Protonmotive pathways and mechanisms in the 
cytochrome bc\ complex. FEBS Letters 545:39-46. 

Hunte, C., Zickerman, V., and Brandt, U. (2010). 
Functional modules and structural basis of con- 
formational coupling in mitochondrial complex I. 
Science 329:448-4 57. 

Richter, O.-M., and Ludwig, B. (2003). Cytochrome 
c oxidase — structure, function, and physiology of 
a redox-driven molecular machine. Rev. Physiol. 
Biochem. Pharmacol. 147:47-74. 

ATP Synthase 

Capaldi, R. A., and Aggler, R. (2002). Mechanism 
of the F^Q-type ATP synthase, a biological rotary 
motor. Trends in Biochem. Sci. 27:154-160. 

Lau, W. C. Y., and Rubinstein, J. (2010). Structure of 
intact Thermus thermophilusV-ATPase by cryo-EM 
reveals organization of the membrane-bound V 0 

motor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 107:1367-1372. 

Nishio, K., Iwamoto-Kihara, A., Yamamoto, A., 
Wada, Y., and Futai, M. (2002). Subunit rotation of 
ATP synthase: a or subunit rotation relative to 
the c subunit ring. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 

Oster, G., and Wang, H. (2003). Rotary protein 
motors. Trends in Cell Biology 13:114-121. 

Other Electron Donors and Acceptors 

Hederstedt, L. (1999). Respiration without 0 2 . 
Science 284:1941-1942. 

Iverson, T. M., Luna-Chavez, C., Cecchini, G., and 
Rees, D. C. (1999). Structure of the Escherichia coli 
fumarate reductase respiratory complex. Science 

Peters, J. W., Lanzilotta, W. N., Lemon, B. J., and 
Seefeldt, L. C. (1998). X-ray crystal structure of the 
Fe-only hydrogenase (CpI) from Clostridium pas - 
teurianum to 1.8 Angstrom resolution. Science 

Tielens, A. G. M., Rotte, C., van Hellemond, J. J., 
and Martin, W. (2002). Mitochondria as we don’t 
know them. Trends in Biochem. Sci. 27:564-572. 

von Ballmoos, C., Cook, G. M., and Dimroth, P. 
(2008). Unique rotary ATP synthase and its bio- 
logical diversity .Annu. Rev. Biophys. 37:43-64. 

von Ballmoos, C., Wiedenmann, A., and Dimroth, 
P. (2009). Essentials for ATP synthesis by F^q ATP 
synthases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 78:649-672. 

Yankovskaya, V., Horsefield, R., Tornroth, S., 
Luna-Chavez, C., Miyoshi, H., Leger, C., Byrne, B., 
and Iwata, S. (2003). Architecture of succinate de- 
hydrogenase and reactive oxygen species genera- 
tion. Science 299:700-704. 









o c 






o o 













o o 


° c 



o o 


T he most important part of photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy into 
chemical energy in the form of ATP. The basic principle behind this fundamental 
reaction is similar to that of membrane- associated electron transport covered in the 
previous chapter. In photosynthesis, light shines on a pigment molecule (e.g., chlorophyll) 
and an electron is excited to a higher energy level. As the electron falls back to its initial state 
it gives up energy and this energy is used to translocate protons across a membrane. This 
creates a proton gradient that is used to drive phosphorylation of ADP in a reaction cat- 
alyzed by ATP synthase. In some cases, reducing equivalents in the form of NADPH are 
synthesized directly when the excited electron is used to reduce NADP®. These reactions 
are called the light reactions since they are absolutely dependent on sunlight. 

Photosynthetic species use their abundant supply of cheap ATP and NADPH to 
carry out all of the metabolic reactions that require energy. This includes synthesis of 
proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids. This is why photosynthetic bacteria 
and algae are such successful organisms. 

Most photosynthetic organisms have a special C0 2 fixing pathway called the Calvin 
cycle. Strictly speaking, the fixation of C0 2 does not require light and is not directly 
coupled to the light reactions. For this reason, these reactions are often called the dark 
reactions but this does not mean they take place in the dark. This pathway is closely re- 
lated to the pentose-phosphate pathway described in Section 12.4. 

The details of photosynthesis reactions are extremely important in understanding 
the biochemistry of all life on the planet. The ability to harvest light energy to synthesize 
macromolecules led to a rapid expansion of photosynthetic organisms. This, in turn, 
created opportunities for species that could secondarily exploit photosynthetic organ- 
isms as food sources. Animals, such as us, ultimately derive much of their energy by de- 
grading molecules that were originally synthesized using the energy from sunlight. 
In addition, oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis in plants and some bacteria. 
The buildup of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere led to its role as an electron acceptor in 
membrane-associated electron transport. With few exceptions, modern eukaryotes now 
absolutely depend on the supply of oxygen produced by photosynthesis in order to syn- 
thesize ATP in their mitochondria. 

Why does this particular group of ra- 
diations , rather than some other, make 
the leaves grow and the flowers burst 
forth , cause the mating of fireflies 
and the spawning of palolo worms , 
and, when reflecting off the surface 
of the moon, excite the imagination of 
poets and lovers? 

Helena Curtis and Sue Barnes 
(1989). Biology, 5th ed. 

Top: Sunlight on trillium in the woods. Solar energy captured by photosynthetic organisms ultimately sustains the activities 
of nearly all organisms on Earth. 


444 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 

▲ Photosynthetic organisms. Left: cyanobac- 
teria. Middle: leaves of a flowering plant. 
Right: purple bacteria. 

The major components of the photosynthesis reactions are large complexes of pro- 
teins, pigments, and cofactors embedded in a membrane. A complex containing the 
light-sensitive pigments is called a photosystem. Different species employ a variety of dif- 
ferent strategies to utilize light energy in order to synthesize ATP and/or NADPH. We 
will first describe the structure and function of photosystems in bacteria and then move 
on to the more complex photosynthesis pathway in eukaryotes such as algae and plants. 
The eukaryotic photosynthesis complexes clearly evolved from the simple bacterial ones. 

15.1 Light-Gathering Pigments 

There are several kinds of light- gathering pigments. They have different structures, dif- 
ferent properties, and different functions. 

A. The Structures of Chlorophylls 

Chlorophylls are the most important pigments in photosynthesis. The structures of 
the most common chlorophyll molecules are shown in Figure 15.1. Note that the 
tetrapyrrole ring of chlorophylls is similar to that of heme (Figure 7.38) except that 
the chlorophyll ring is reduced — it has one less double bond in the conjugated ring sys- 
tem between position 7 and 8 in ring IV. Chlorophylls contain a central chelated 
Mg© ion instead of the Fe© found in heme. Another distinguishing feature of chlorophylls 
is that they possess a long phytol side chain that contributes to their hydrophobicity. 

There are many different types of chlorophylls. They differ mostly in the side 
chains labeled R l5 R 2 , and R 3 in Figure 15.1. Chlorophyll a (Chi a) and chlorophyll b 

CH 3 

H- CH 2 — CH — CH 2 — CH 2 

— 1 3 

Phytol side chain 

Chi species R 

Chi a 

Chi b 

BChl a 

— CH=CH 2 — CH 3 

-CFU — CHz, 

— CH =CH 2 


— C— CH 3 


— C — H — CFU — CHz, 


— CH, — CH, 

BChl b 

-c— ch 3 — ch 3 — ch=ch — ch 3 

Saturated in 
BChl a and 
BChl b 

▲ Figure 15.1 

Structures of chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll pigments. Differences in substituent groups indicated as Ri, R 2 and R 3 are shown in the table. In the 
bacterioch lorophyl Is, the double bond indicated in ring II is saturated. In some molecules of bacteriochlorophyll a, the phytol side chain has three 
additional double bonds. The hydrophobic phytol side chain and hydrophilic porphyrin ring give chlorophyll amphipathic characteristics. Chlorophyll 
(bound to proteins) is found in photosystems and in associated light-harvesting complexes. 

15.1 Light-Gathering Pigments 445 

400 500 600 700 

Wavelength (nm) 

◄ Figure 15.2 

Absorption spectra of major photosynthetic 
pigments. Collectively, the pigments absorb 
radiant energy across the spectrum of 
visible light. 

(Chi b) are found in a large number of species. Bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) and bac- 
teriochlorophyll b (BChl b) are only found in photosynthetic bacteria. They differ from 
the other chlorophylls because they have one less double bond in ring II. Pheophytin 
(Ph) and bacteriopheophytin (BPh) are similar pigments where the Mg© in the central 
cavity is replaced by two covalently bound hydrogens. 

Chlorophyll molecules are specifically oriented in the membrane by noncovalent 
binding to integral membrane proteins. The hydrophobic phytol side chain helps anchor 
chlorophyll in the membrane. The light- absorbing ability of chlorophyll is due to the 
tetrapyrrole ring with its network of conjugated double bonds. Chlorophylls absorb light 
in the violet- to -blue region (absorption maximum 400 to 500 nm) and the orange-to-red 
region (absorption maximum 650 to 700 nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum (Figure 15.2). 
This is why chlorophylls are green — that’s the part of the spectrum that is reflected, not 
absorbed. The exact absorption maxima of chlorophylls depend on their structures; for 
example, Chi a differs from Chi b. The absorption maxima of particular chlorophyll mol- 
ecules is also affected by their microenvironment within the pigment-protein complex. 


Chlorophyll molecules are oxidized (loss 
of an electron) when they absorb a 
photon of light. 

B. Light Energy 

A single quantum of light energy is called a photon. When a chlorophyll molecule ab- 
sorbs a photon, an electron from a low energy orbital in the pigment is promoted to a 
higher energy molecular orbital. The energy of the absorbed photon must match the 
difference in energy between the ground state and higher energy orbitals — this is why 
chlorophyll absorbs only certain wavelengths of light. The excited “high energy” elec- 
tron can be transferred to nearby oxidation-reduction centers in the same way that 
“high energy” electrons can be transferred from NADH to FMN in complex I during 
respiratory electron transport (Section 14.5). The main difference between photosyn- 
thesis and respiratory electron transport is the source of excited electrons. In respiratory 
electron transport the electrons are derived from chemical oxidation-reduction reactions 
that produce NADH and QH 2 . In photosynthesis the electrons are directly promoted to 
a “high energy” state by absorption of a photon of light. 

Chlorophyll molecules can exist in three different states. In the ground state (Chi or 
Chl°), all electrons are at their normal stable level. In the excited state (Chi*) a photon 
of light has been absorbed. Following electron transfer, the chlorophyll molecule is 
in the oxidized state (Chi®) and must be regenerated by receiving an electron from an 
electron donor. 

The energy of a photon of light can be calculated from the following equation 

where h is Planck’s constant (6.63 x 10 34 J s), c is the velocity of light (3.00 x 10 8 m s x ), 
and A is the wavelength of light. It’s often convenient to calculate the total energy of a 

446 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 


▲ The states of chlorophyll. Reduction, exci- 
tation, and oxidation of chlorophyll P680. 
P680* is the excited state following absorp- 
tion of a photon of light. Loss of an electron 
produces the oxidized state, P680®. Gain 
of an electron from an outside source (such 
as the oxidation of water) yields the reduced 
P680 state. 

The Gibbs free energy change associ- 
ated with the protonmotive force is 
calculated in Section 14.3B 

“mole” of photons by multiplying E by 6.022 X 10 23 (Avogadro’s number). Thus, for 
light at a wavelength of 680 nm, the energy is 176 kj mol -1 . This is similar to a standard 
Gibbs free energy change. It means that when a mole of chlorophyll molecules absorbs a 
mole of photons the excited electrons acquire an amount of energy equal to 176 kj mol -1 . 
As they fall back to their ground state they give up this energy and some of it is captured 
and used to pump protons across the membrane or to synthesize NADPH. 

C. The Special Pair and Antenna Chlorophylls 

A typical photosystem contains dozens of chlorophyll molecules but only two special 
chlorophyll molecules actually give up electrons to begin the electron transfer chain. 
These two chlorophyll molecules are called the special pair. In most cases the special 
pair is identified simply as pigments (P) that absorb light at a specific wavelength. Thus, 
P680 is the special pair of chlorophyll molecules that absorbs light at 680 nm (red). Its 
three states are P680, P680*, and P680®. P680 is the ground state. P680* is the state fol- 
lowing absorption of a photon of light when the chlorophyll macromolecules have an 
excited electron. P680© is the electron-deficient (oxidized) state following transfer of 
an electron to another molecule. P680© is reduced to P680 by transfer of an electron 
from an electron donor. 

In addition to the special pair there are other specialized chlorophyll molecules that 
function as part of the electron transfer chain. They accept electrons from the special 
pair and transfer them to the next molecule on the pathway. Not all chlorophylls are di- 
rectly involved in electron transfer. The remaining chlorophylls act as antenna mole- 
cules by capturing light energy and transferring it to the special pair. These antenna 
chlorophylls are much more numerous than the molecules in the electron transfer 
chain. The mode of excitation energy transfer between antenna chlorophylls is called 
resonance energy transfer. It does not involve the movement of electrons. You can think 
of excitation energy transfer as a transfer of vibrational energy between adjacent 
chlorophyll molecules in the densely packed antenna complex. 

Figure 15.3 illustrates the transfer of excitation energy from antenna chlorophylls 
to the special pair in one of the photosystems. The figure shows only a few of the many 
antenna molecules surrounding the special pair. All chlorophyll molecules are held in 

Figure 15.3 ► 

Transfer of light energy from antenna chlorophyll 
pigments to the special pair of chlorophyll 
molecules. Light can be captured by the an- 
tenna pigments (gray) and excitation energy 
is transferred between antenna chlorophylls 
until it reaches the special pair of chlorophyll 
molecules in the electron transfer pathway 
(green). The path of excitation energy trans- 
fer is shown in red. The special pair gives up 
an electron to the electron transfer pathway. 
The chlorophyll molecules are held in fixed 
positions because they are tightly bound to 
membrane proteins (not shown). 

15.1 Light-Gathering Pigments 447 


One of Gregor Mendel’s original mutants affected the color 
of the peas in a pod. The normal color of mature seeds is yel- 
low (I) and the recessive mutant confers a green color to the 
seeds (i). The mutation affects the “stay-green” ( sgr ) gene that 
encodes a chloroplast protein responsible for the degradation 
of chlorophyll as the seeds mature. When the protein is de- 
fective, chlorophyll is not broken down in the chloroplasts 
and the seeds stay green. 

In normal wild-type plants (II) the seed are yellow and 
in the heterozygotes (Ii) the deficiency in the amount of 
chlorophyll degradation protein is not sufficient to affect 
chlorophyll breakdown. The seeds of the heterozygotes are 
also yellow. In homozygous mutant plants (ii) chlorophyll is 
not degraded and the seeds are green. Mendel determined 
that the wild-type trait (I) was dominant and the mutant 
trait (i) was recessive. Crosses between heterozygotes (Ii x Ii) 
gave the famous 3:1 ratio of yellow seeds to green seeds. 

Some strains of food plants are homozygous for muta- 
tions in the genes that break down chlorophyll. These “cos- 
metic stay- greens,” such as the one used by Mendel, produce 
seeds and fruit that are more attractive to consumers. 

All the peas that we buy in supermarkets and farmer’s 
markets have been genetically modified (by breeding) to be 
homozygous for the deficient sgr allele. That’s why we never 
see the “normal” yellow peas. 

► Normal mature peas turn yellow in color as 
they mature (bottom) but a mutation causes 
the seeds to retain their green color (top). 
The seed coat has been removed from the 
lower pair of each group in order to make 
the color difference more obvious. 

fixed positions through interactions with the side chains of amino acids in the polypep- 
tides of the photosystem. Excitation energy is efficiently transferred from any molecule 
that absorbs a photon because these molecules are so close to each other. 

D. Accessory Pigments 

Photosynthetic membranes contain several accessory pigments in addition to chloro- 
phyll. The carotenoids include /J-carotene (Figure 15.4) and related pigments such as 
xanthophylls. Xanthophylls have extra hydroxyl groups on the two rings. Note that the 
carotenoids, like chlorophyll, contain a series of conjugated double bonds allowing 
them to absorb light. Their absorption maxima lie in the blue region of the spectrum, 
which is why carotenoids appear red, yellow, or brown (Figure 15.2). The autumn colors 
of deciduous trees are due, in part, to carotenoids, as is the brown color of sea kelp 
(brown algae). 

°ooc coo 0 

▲ The autumn colors of the leaves are due, 
in part, to the presence of accessory 
carotenoid pigments that become visible 
when chlorophyll molecules are degraded as 
the leaves die. 

◄ Figure 15.4 

Structures of some accessory pigments. 

/1-Carotene is a carotenoid, and phycoery- 
thrin and phycocyanin are phycobilins. Phy- 
cobilins are covalently attached to proteins 
whereas carotenoids are bound noncovalently. 

448 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 

▲ Red tide. This red tide off the coast of Fujian, 
China, is due to the presence of red algae. 

▲ Scytonema— a blue-green cyanobacterium. 

The structure of the photosystem of the 
purple bacterium, Rhodopseudomas 
viridis , is shown in Figure 4.25f. 

Carotenoids are closely associated with chlorophyll molecules in antenna com- 
plexes. They absorb light and transfer excitation energy to adjacent chlorophylls. In ad- 
dition to serving as light- gathering pigments carotenoids also play a protective role in 
photosynthesis. They take up any electrons that are accidently released from antenna 
chlorophylls and return them to the oxidized chlorophyll molecule. This quenching 
process prevents the formation of reactive oxygen species such as the superoxide radical 
(•02^). If allowed to form, these reactive oxygen species can be highly toxic to cells as 
described in Section 14.14. 

Phycobilins, such as red phycoerythrin and blue phycocyanin (Figure 15.4), are 
found in some algae and cyanobacteria. They resemble a linear version of chlorophyll 
without the central magnesium ion. Like chlorophylls and carotenoids, these molecules 
contain a series of conjugated double bonds that allow them to absorb light. Like 
carotenoids, the absorption maxima of phycobilins complement those of chlorophylls 
and thus broaden the range of light energy that can be absorbed. In most cases, the phy- 
cobilins are found in special antenna complexes called phycobilisomes. Unlike other pig- 
ment molecules, the phycobilins are covalently attached to their supporting polypep- 
tides. The bluish color of blue-green cyanobacteria and the red color of red algae are due 
to the presence of numerous phycobilisomes associated with their photosystems. 

15.2 Bacterial Photosystems 

We begin our discussion by describing simple bacterial systems. These simple systems 
evolved into more complicated structures in the cyanobacteria. The cyanobacterial ver- 
sion of photosynthesis was then adopted by algae and plants when a primitive 
cyanobacterium gave rise to chloroplasts. 

Photosynthetic bacteria contain typical light-gathering photosystems. There are 
two basic types of photosystems that appear to have diverged from a common ancestor 
more than two billion years ago. Both types of photosystem contain a large number of 
antenna pigments surrounding a small reaction center located in the middle of the 
structure. The reaction center consists of a few chlorophyll molecules that include the 
special pair and others forming a short electron transfer chain. 

Photosystem I (PSD contains a type I reaction center. Photosystem II (PSII) contains a 
type II reaction center. Heliobacteria and green sulfur bacteria rely on photosystems with 
a type I reaction center whereas purple bacteria and green filamentous bacteria use 
photosystems with a type II reaction center. Cyanobacteria, the most abundant class of 
photosynthetic bacteria, utilize both photosystem I and photosystem II coupled in se- 
ries. This coupled system resembles the one found in algae and plants. 

A. Photosystem II 

We begin by describing photosynthesis in purple bacteria and green filamentous bacteria. 
Most of these species of bacteria are strict anaerobes — they cannot survive in the presence 
of oxygen. Thus, they do not produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis or con- 
sume it in respiratory electron transport. Purple bacteria and green filamentous bacteria 
have photosystems with a type II reaction center. These membrane complexes are often 
referred to as the bacterial reaction center (BRC) but this is misleading since bacteria 
also contain the other type of reaction center. We will refer to it here as photosystem II 
since it is evolutionarily related to photosystem II in cyanobacteria and eukaryotes. 

The structure of the purple bacteria photosystem is shown in Figure 15.5. The pig- 
ment molecules of the internal type II reaction center form an electron transfer chain 
with two branches. The special pair of bacteriochlorophylls (P870) are positioned near 
the periplasmic (outside) surface of the membrane. Each branch contains a molecule of 
bacteriochlorophyll a and a bacteriopheophytin molecule (Figure 15.6). The right-hand 
branch terminates in a tightly bound quinone molecule while the equivalent position in 
the left-hand branch is occupied by a loosely bound quinone that can dissociate and 
diffuse within the lipid bilayer. Note in Figure 15.5 that the bound quinone is buried 
within the a helix barrel spanning the membrane while the equivalent site on the other 
side of the complex is open to the lipid bilayer. 

15.2 Bacterial Photosystems 449 







Cytochrome c 

Electron transfer begins with the release of an excited electron from P870 following 
absorption of a photon of light or the transfer of excitation energy from antenna pig- 
ments. (Antenna pigment molecules are not shown in Figure 15.6.) Electrons are then 
transferred exclusively down the right-hand branch of the reaction center complex 
resulting in the reduction of the bound quinone molecule. From there, electrons are 
passed to the mobile quinone on the opposite side of the complex. This transfer is 
mediated by a single bound iron atom on the central axis near the cytoplasmic side of 
the membrane. The mobile quinone (Q) is reduced to QH 2 in a two-step process via the 
sequential transfer of two electrons and the uptake of two H© from the cytoplasm. Two 
photons of light are absorbed for each molecule of QH 2 produced. Modern type II reac- 
tion centers probably evolved from a more primitive system in which electrons were 
transferred down both branches to produce QH 2 at both of the Q sites. 

QH 2 diffuses within the lipid bilayer to the cytochrome bc\ complex (complex III) 
of the bacterial respiratory electron transport system. This is the same complex that we 
described in the previous chapter (Section 14.7). The cytochrome bc\ complex catalyzes 
the oxidation of QH 2 and the reduction of cytochrome c — the enzyme is ubiquinol: 
cytochrome c oxidoreductase. This reaction is coupled to the transfer of H© from the 
cytoplasm to the periplasmic space via the Q cycle. The resulting proton gradient drives 
the synthesis of ATP by ATP synthase (Figure 15.7). 

The P870© special pair of chlorophyll molecules is reduced by the cytochrome c 
(Fe@) molecules produced by the cytochrome bc\ complex. Cytochrome c diffuses 
within the periplasmic space enclosed by the two membranes surrounding the bacterial 
cell. The net effect is that electrons are shuffled from PSII to the cytochrome bci com- 
plex and back again. Note that the structure shown in Figure 15.5 includes a bound cy- 
tochrome c molecule with its heme group positioned near the P870 special pair in order 
to facilitate electron transfer. 

The movement of electrons between complexes is mediated by the mobile cofactors 
QH 2 and cytochrome c just as we saw in respiratory electron transport. The main differ- 
ence between photosynthesis in purple bacteria and respiratory electron transport is 
that photosynthesis is a cyclic process. There is no net gain or loss of electrons to other 
reactions and consequently no outside source of electrons is needed. Cyclic electron 
flow is a characteristic of many, but not all, photosynthesis reactions. The result of cou- 
pling PSII and the cytochrome bc\ complex is that absorption of light creates a proton 

◄ Figure 15.5 

Photosystem II in the purple bacterium 
Rhodobacter spaeroides. The core of the 
structure consists of two homologous 
membrane-spanning polypeptide subunits 
(L and M). Each subunit has five transmem- 
brane a helices. The electron transfer mole- 
cules of the reaction center are sandwiched 
between the core polypeptides. Cytochrome 
c binds to PSII on the periplasmic side of 
the membrane (top). An additional subunit 
covers the core subunits on the cytoplasmic 
surface (bottom). [PDB 1L9B] 



Special pair 

c heme 

hv (x2) 

▲ Figure 15.6 

The type II reaction center contains the elec- 
tron transfer chain. The special pair (P870) 
is located near the periplasmic surface close 
to the heme group of cytochrome c. When 
light is absorbed, electrons are transferred 
one at a time from P870 to BChl a to BPh 
to a bound quinone and from there to a 
quinone located at a loosely bound site next 
to a central iron atom (orange). Electrons 
are restored to P870 from cytochrome c. 

450 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 

Figure 15.7 ► 

Photosynthesis in purple bacteria. Light is 
absorbed by the pigments of the PSII com- 
plex resulting in the transfer of electrons 
from P870 to QH 2 via the reaction center 
electron transfer chain. QH 2 diffuses to the 
cytochrome bc\ complex where the elec- 
trons are transferred to cytochrome c. This 
reaction is coupled to the transfer of protons 
across the membrane. The proton gradient 
drives the synthesis of ATP. Reduced cy- 
tochrome c diffuses within the periplasmic 
space to PSII where it reduces P870 + . The 
Q-cycle reactions are shown in more detail 
in Figure 14.11. 


Cytochrome be ^ 



Bacteria with photosystem II use sunlight 
to produce a proton gradient that drives 
ATP synthesis. 


Photosynthesis in purple bacteria is a 
cyclic process. It does not require an 
external source of electrons such as 
H 2 0 or H e S. 

gradient for ATP synthesis. The reactions are listed in Table 15.1. (The cytochrome bc x 
reactions are the same ones shown in Table 14.3.) Four protons are transferred across 
the membrane for every two photons of light that are absorbed. The ATP molecules 
produced as a result of this cycle are used by bacteria to synthesize proteins, nucleic 
acids, carbohydrates, and lipids. Thus, captured light energy is ultimately used in 
biosynthesis reactions. 

We can calculate the energy of two “moles” of light at 870 nm using Equation 15.1. 
It works out to 274 kj mol -1 . This light energy is used to pump four protons across the 
membrane. Pumping requires approximately 4 X 19.4 kj mol -1 = 77.6 kj mol -1 using 
our estimate from the previous chapter (Section 14.3). The result suggests that the pro- 
duction of chemical energy from light energy is not very efficient in purple bacteria 
(77.6/274 = 28%). 

The basic principle of photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy (photons) to 
chemical energy (e.g. ATP). The pathway clearly evolved, in part, from the electron 
transport system we described in the previous chapter. Photosynthesis evolved several 
hundred million years after the main energy-producing pathway that uses complex III 
and ATP synthase. It’s important to note that the ATP produced in bacterial photosyn- 
thesis is not restricted to the synthesis of carbohydrate and oxygen is not produced as 
part of the process. 

Table 15.1 Photosystem II reactions 

PSII: 2 P870 + 2 photons > 2 P870© + 2 e 0 

Q + 2 e 0 + 2 H 0 in > QH 2 

Cyt be y. 2 QH 2 + 2 cyt c (Fe©) > 2 Q + 2 cyt c (Fe©) + 4 H 0 out 

Q + 2 e 0 + 2 H 0 in > QH 2 

PSII: 2 cyt c (Fe© ) + 2 P87O 0 * 2 cyt c (Fe© ) + 2 P870 

Sum: 2 photons + 4 H 0 in > 4 H 0 out 

+ 2 e 0 

B. Photosystem I 

The structure of a typical photosystem I (PSI) complex is shown in Figure 15.8. The 
central part of the complex is formed by two homologous polypeptides with multiple 
membrane-spanning a helices. Each subunit of this dimer has two domains — an inte- 
rior domain that binds the electron transfer chain pigments of the type I reaction center 
and a peripheral domain that binds antenna pigments. The reaction center protein do- 
mains in PSI subunits are related by structure and amino acid sequence to the core 
polypeptides in PSII. This is strong evidence for a common ancestor of type I and type 
II reaction centers. 

15.2 Bacterial Photosystems 451 







The most obvious difference between PSI and PSII is the presence of a more complex 
antenna structure in PSI than in PSII. The PSI antenna complex is packed with chloro- 
phyll and carotenoid pigment molecules. The example shown in Figure 15.8 is from 
cyanobacteria whose PSI complexes contain 96 chlorophylls and 22 carotenoids. Many of 
the light-gathering pigment molecules are tightly bound to additional membrane- 
spanning polypeptide subunits that surround the core subunits. The contrast between 
the structures shown in Figure 15.5 and Figure 15.8 is a bit misleading since there are sim- 
pler forms of PSI in some bacteria and more complex versions of PSII in other species (see 
below). Nevertheless, as a general rule, PSI is larger and more complicated than PSII. 

The organization of the electron transfer chain molecules in PSI reveals striking par- 
allels to that of PSII (Figure 15.9). In both cases, the reaction center contains two short 
branches of pigment molecules that terminate at bound quinones. The PSI pigment mol- 
ecules are both chlorophylls and not one chlorophyll and one pheophytin as in PSII. The 
bound quinones in PSI are usually phylloquinones whereas in PSII they are related to 
ubiquinone (or menaquinone in bacteria). The phylloquinones in type I reaction centers 
are tightly bound to the complex and form part of the electron transfer chain. (Recall that 
one of the quinones in type II reaction centers is a mobile terminal electron acceptor.) 

Electron transfer begins with a special pair of chlorophyll molecules located near 
the periplasmic surface of the membrane. This special pair is known as P700 since it ab- 
sorbs light at a wavelength of 700 nm. The two chlorophyll molecules are not identical — 
the molecule closest to the A-branch is an epimer of chlorophyll a (bacteriochlorophyll a 
in bacteria). P700 is excited by absorbing a photon of light or by excitation energy 
transfer from antenna molecules. The excited electron is then transferred down one of 
the branches of the electron transfer chain to one of the bound phylloquinones. Electron 
transfer from P700 to phylloquinone takes about 20 picoseconds (1(T 12 s). This is extremely 
rapid compared to other electron transfer systems. In type II reaction centers, for example, 
the transfer from P680 to the bound quinone takes two or three times longer. 

Electrons are subsequently transferred from bound phylloquinone to the three Fe-S 
clusters, F x , F A , and F B . The terminal electron acceptor in PSI is ferredoxin (or flavodoxin) 
(Figure 7.36). Ferredoxin contains two [4Fe-4S] iron-sulfur clusters and reduction in- 
volves a Fe© —> Fe© reduction with a standard reduction potential of —0.43 V (Table 10.5). 

Reduced ferredoxin (Fd re( j) becomes the substrate for an oxidation-reduction reac- 
tion catalyzed by an enzyme called ferredoxin:NADP® oxidoreductase, more com- 
monly known as ferredoxin:NADP® reductase or FNR. The enzyme is a flavoprotein 
(containing FAD) and the reaction proceeds in three steps involving a typical semi- 
quinone intermediate (Section 7.5). The product of the reaction is reducing equivalents 
in the form of NADPH. The coupled reactions involving PSI are shown in Table 15.2. 

Note that the standard reduction potential of ferredoxin is considerably lower than 
that ofNADP®, allowing for transfer of electrons from ferredoxin to NDAP© . The 
terminal electron acceptor is Q in photosystem II and its standard reduction potential is 

◄ Figure 15.8 

Structure of photosystem I (PSI). This version 
of PSI is from the cyanobacterium Therm- 
osynechococcus elongatus ( Synechococcus 
elongatus ). The complex contains 96 chloro- 
phylls (green), 22 carotenoids (red), and 
three iron-sulfur clusters (orange). There 
are 14 polypeptide subunits, most of 
which have membrane-spanning a helices. 
[PBD 1JB0] 

Phylloquinone is also known as vitamin K 
(Section 7.14D, Figure 7.29). 

e © 






Cytochrome c 


▲ Figure 15.9 

PSI electron transfer chain (type I reaction 
center). Electron transfer begins with the 
special pair of chlorophyll molecules (P700) 
and proceeds down one of the branches to 
phylloquinone. From there, electrons are 
transferred to the Fe-S clusters and eventu- 
ally to ferredoxin. P700© is reduced by 
cytochrome cor plastocyanin. 


CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 


Bacteria with photosystem I use sunlight 
to produce NADPH. 

Ferredoxin (Fe@) + e® — > Fe© 

A£ = -0.43 V 

NADP® + H® + 2 e 0 -> NADPH 
A E= -0.32 V 

Ubiquinone (Q) + 2 H® +2 e 0 — » QH 2 
A E = +0.04 V 

▲ Green sulfur bacteria. Agar plate with 
streaks of Chlorobium tepidum. 

Table 15.2 The photosystem I reactions 



2 P700 + 2 photons > 2 P700© + 2 e© 

2 Fd ox + 2 e© + >2 Fd red 

Fd red + H© + FAD Fd ox + FADH- 

Fd red + H© + FADH- Fd ox + FADH 2 


Sum: 2 P700 + 2 photons + NADP© + H© > 2 P700© + NADPH 

too high to allow transfer of electrons to NADP®. This means that energy capture from 
sunlight is more efficient in PSII than in PSI. 

The reactions in PSI do not create a cyclic pathway. The oxidized special pair in 
type I reaction centers (P700® ) must be reduced by electrons from an outside source since 
the excited chlorophyll electrons were eventually transferred to NADPH. Some bacteria 
contain versions of PSI that bind cytochrome c on the outside surface of the membrane 
next to the special pair. In these bacteria P700® is reduced by reduced cytochrome c in 
a manner similar to the reduction of the special pair in PSII. The source of electrons for 
reduced cytochrome c depends on the species. In green sulfur bacteria it is various 
reduced sulfur compounds such as H 2 S and S 2 0©. The oxidation of these sulfur com- 
pounds is coupled to the transfer of electrons to cytochrome c by special enzymes that 
are found in these species (Figure 15.10). Green sulfur bacteria are photoautotrophs 
(Section 10.3) that grow in the absence of oxygen. 

Noncyclic electron transfer is a characteristic feature of PSI but there can also be a 
cyclic process of electron transfer. Some electrons from PSI are occasionally passed from 
ferredoxin to a quinone — probably by ferredoximquinone oxidoreductase (ferredoxin: 
quinone reductase, FQR). Quinol (QH 2 ) interacts with the cytochrome frq complex 

▲ Figure 15.10 

Photosynthesis in green sulfur bacteria. Photoactivation of P700 leads to production of reduced 
ferredoxin on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. Ferredoxin becomes the electron donor in a 
reaction catalyzed by ferredoximNADP© reductase (FNR) resulting in production of NADPH in the 
cytoplasm. Ferredoxin can also reduce Q to QH 2 in a reaction catalyzed by ferredoximquinone 
reductase (FQR). QH 2 is oxidized by the cytochrome bc\ complex, resulting in the transfer of elec- 
trons to reduced cytochrome c and the transfer of protons across the membrane. P700© is nor- 
mally reduced by cytochrome c on the periplasmic side of the membrane. In the noncyclic process, 
reduced cytochrome c is made in reactions that are coupled to the oxidation of sulfur compounds 
such as H 2 S. The transfer of electrons is shown by red arrows. 

15.2 Bacterial Photosystems 453 

transferring electrons via cytochrome bc x to cytochrome c and cytochrome c reduces 
P700© (Figure 15.10). This cyclic process is very similar to the coupled reactions involv- 
ing PSII. It allows for light-mediated synthesis of ATP because the passage of electrons 
through cytochrome bc x is associated with the translocation of protons across the mem- 
brane via the Q cycle. In most cases, the noncyclic process predominates and NADPH is 
produced; however, if NADPH cannot be efficiently used in biosynthesis reactions, elec- 
trons will be transferred through cytochrome bc x to produce ATP. 

C. Coupled Photosystems and Cytochrome bf 

Cyanobacterial membranes contain both PSI and PSII. The two photosystems are coupled 
in series to produce both NADPH and ATP in response to light. The photosynthetic reac- 
tions in cyanobacteria are illustrated in Figure 15.1 1. Light is absorbed by PSII leading to 
excitation of P680 and transfer of an electron to a mobile quinone called plastoquinone 
(PQ, Figure 7.33). Electrons are then transferred to a cytochrome £/ complex similar to 
the cytochrome bc x complex in respiratory electron transport. Electron transport within 
the cytochrome bf complex is coupled to the movement of H© across the membrane by a 
photosynthetic Q cycle. The coupling of PSII and a cytochrome £/ complex is similar in 
principle to photosynthesis reactions in purple bacteria with one major difference — in 
purple bacteria electrons are returned to PSII by the terminal electron acceptor of the 
cytochrome bc x complex (cytochrome c) whereas in cyanobacteria electrons are passed on 
to PSI. The terminal electron acceptor of the unique cytochrome bf complex is either 
cytochrome c or a blue copper-containing protein called plastocyanin (PC). Reduced cy- 
tochrome c and reduced plastocyanin are mobile carriers that bind to the outside (periplas- 
mic) surface of PSI and reduce P700©. (Most cyanobacteria and algae use cytochrome c 
while some cyanobacteria and all plants use plastocyanin, or a different cytochrome called 
cytochrome c 6 , as the terminal electron acceptor of the cytochrome //complex.) 

The structure of the photosynthetic cytochrome bf complex has been solved by 
X-ray crystallography (Figure 15.12). It contains a cytochrome b with two cytochrome 
reaction centers whose role in the Q cycle is similar to that of cytochrome b in the 
cytochrome Z?q complex (complex III) of respiratory electron transport. A Rieske 
iron-sulfur protein (ISP) transports electrons from one of the cytochrome b sites to cy- 
tochrome/and reduced cytochrome /passes electrons to plastocyanin. Cytochrome/ 
(/stands for feuille, the French word for leaf) is a distinct protein unrelated to cytochrome 
c 1 of the respiratory cytochrome bc 1 complex but cytochrome b and ISP are homo- 
logues of the proteins found in complex III. 

The cytochrome bf complex evolved from the original cytochrome bc\ complex 
that was present in ancient cyanobacteria. The most important adaptation was the 
replacement of cytochrome c 1 of the bacterial be complex with cytochrome /in the 
cyanobacterial complex. This change allowed for the transfer of electrons to the copper- 
containing plastocyanin via cytochrome/. (Recall that mobile cytochrome c, 
not plastocyanin, is the normal electron acceptor of the cytochrome bc x complex.) 

Reduced ferredoxin can be used directly 
in other pathways, notably in nitrogen 
fixation (Section 17.1) 


Organisms with coupled photosystem I 
and photosystem II use sunlight to 
produce both NADPH a/icf a proton 
gradient that drives ATP synthesis. 

v Figure 15.1 1 

Photosynthesis in cyanobacteria. Light (wavy 
arrows) is captured and used to drive the 
transport of electrons (obtained from water) 
from PSII through the cytochrome bf com- 
plex to PSI and ferredoxin. This process can 
generate NADPH and a proton concentration 
gradient that is used to drive phosphoryla- 
tion of ADP. For each water molecule oxi- 
dized to 1/2 0 2 by the oxygen evolving com- 
plex (OEC), one molecule of NADP© is 
reduced to NADPH. For simplicity, PSI, 

PSII, and cytochrome bf are shown close 
together in the plasma membrane but in 
most species they are located within internal 
membrane structures. Plastoquinone (PQ) is 
the mobile carrier between PSII and the cy- 
tochrome bf complex. In this example, plas- 
tocyanin (PC) is the mobile carrier between 
the cytochrome bf complex and PSI. 


Cytochrome bf cyclic '' 2 Fd ri /NADP+ + H 4 
complex electron j{ FNR 


2 Fd n 


454 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 

Figure 15.12 ► 

Cytochrome complex from the cyanobac- 
terium Mastigocladus laminosus. The complex 
contains two functional enzymes as in com- 
plex III (compare Figure 14.10). The pri- 
mary electron transfer components are: 
heme b L and heme b H (the sites of Q-cycle 
oxidation reactions), the iron-sulfur cluster 
(Fe-S) in ISP, and heme f. Each unit also 
contains a chlorophyll a, a /1-carotene, and 
an unusual heme x whose function is 
unknown (not shown). [PDB 1UM3] 

Heme f 

Heme b L 
Heme b H 


The splitting of water to form molecular 
oxygen arose in order to supply electrons 
to photosystem II. 

Plastocyanin binds specifically to PSI in cyanobacteria and transfers electrons to P700® . 
This allows for a unidirectional flow of electrons from PSII — > PQH 2 —> cytochrome 
&/-> PC PSI -> NADPH. 

Cyanobacteria do not contain cytochrome 2?q. Thus, cytochrome bf also plays a 
role in respiratory electron transport because it replaces the normal complex III. Re- 
duced plastocyanin is the electron donor to the terminal oxidase (complex IV) possibly 
via an intermediate cytochrome c - like carrier. Plastoquinone is the mobile quinone 
electron carrier in both photosynthesis and respiratory electron transport. 

Photoactivation of PSI results in synthesis of NADPH in a manner similar to that 
in green sulfur bacteria. As in green sulfur bacteria, some electrons are recycled but in 
this case it is through the cytochrome bf complex. Note that PSII, cytochrome bf and 
PSI are coupled in series and the transfer of electrons to NADPH results in a deficiency 
of electrons at P680® in PSII. The reduction of P680® in cyanobacteria is accom- 
plished by extracting electrons from water with the production of oxygen as a by- 
product. The enzyme that splits water is called the oxygen evolving complex (OEC) and 
it is tightly bound to PSII on the outer surface of the membrane. The evolution of an 
oxygen evolving complex in primitive cyanobacteria was one of the most important 
biochemical events in the history of life. 

The oxygen evolving complex (OEC) contains a cluster of Mn® ions, a Ca® ion, 
and a Cl® ion. It catalyzes a complex reaction in which four electrons are extracted, one 
at a time, from two molecules of water. The reaction takes place on the outside of the 
PSII complex near the special pair of chlorophyll molecules (P680). The electrons from 
the splitting of water are transferred to P680® (Figure 15.13). The exact mechanism of 
the water splitting reaction is being investigated in a number of laboratories. It is simi- 
lar, in principle, to the reverse reaction catalyzed by complex IV of the respiratory elec- 
tron transport chain (Section 14.8). Note that the oxygen evolving complex is located 
on the exterior surface of the membrane and the release of protons from water con- 
tributes to the formation of the proton gradient across the membrane. 

As mentioned earlier, the similarities between PSI and PSII indicate that they 
evolved from a common ancestor. Over time, these two photosystems diverged in those 
species of photosynthetic bacteria that contain only one of the two types (e.g., purple 
bacteria, green sulfur bacteria). At some point, about 2.5 billion years ago, a primitive 
ancestor of cyanobacteria acquired both types of photosystem — probably by taking up 
a large part of the genome from an unrelated bacterial species. At first the two types of 

15.2 Bacterial Photosystems 455 

Oxygen Evolving 

◄ Figure 15.13 

PSII and the oxygen-evolving center. The PSII 

complex in the cyanobacterium Thermosyne- 
chococcus elongatus is much larger than the 
PSII complex in purple bacteria (Figure 15.5) 
but the core structures are very similar. The 
cyanobacteria complex contains many an- 
tenna chorolophylls and carotenoids and 
it is a dimer. The oxygen evolving complex 
(OEC) contains a Mn 3 Ca0 4 cluster (circled) 
where the splitting of water occurs. This 
metal ion cluster is positioned over the type 
II reaction center. [PDB 3BZ1] 

photosystem must have worked in parallel but they began to function in series with the 
evolution of a photosynthetic cytochrome Z?/ complex (from cytochrome bc{) and an 
oxygen evolving complex. Later on, a species of cyanobacteria entered into a symbiotic 
relationship with a primitive eukaryotic cell and this led to the modern chloroplasts 
found in algae and plants. 

The coupled photosystems are able to capture light energy and use it to produce 
both ATP (from the proton gradient) and reducing equivalents in the form of NADPH. 
Neither photosystem by itself can accomplish these two goals with the same efficiency. 

The net result of this simplified linear pathway is the production of one molecule 
of NADPH and the transfer of four protons across the membrane for each pair of elec- 
trons excited by the absorption of light energy in each photosystem. The two separate 
excitation steps in PSI and PSII require a total of four photons of light energy. The split- 
ting of water by the OEC contributes to the proton gradient and produces molecular 
oxygen. The individual reactions are summarized in Table 15.3. 

D. Reduction Potentials and Gibbs Free Energy in Photosynthesis 

The path of electron flow during photosynthesis can be depicted in a zigzag figure 
called the Z-scheme (Figure 15.14). The Z-scheme plots the reduction potentials of the 
photosynthetic electron transfer components in PSI, PSII, and cytochrome bf It shows 
that the absorption of light energy converts P680 and P700 — pigment molecules that 
are poor reducing agents — to excited molecules (P680* and P700*) that are good 

Table 15.3 The photosynthesis reactions in species with both photosystems 

Cyt bf: 


2 P680 + 2 photons » 2 P680© + 2 e Q 

PQ + 2 e 0 + 2 H© in > PQH 2 

H 2 0 * \o 2 + 2 H© out + 2 e© 

2 P680© + 2 e© > 2 P680 

2 PQH 2 + 2 plastocyanin (Cu©) * 2 PQ + 2 plastocyanin (Cu©) + 4 H© out + 2 e© 

PQ + 2 H© in + 2c© PQH 2 

2 P700 + 2 photons » 2 P700© + 2 e© 

2 Fd ox + 2 e© >2 Fd red 

2 plastocyanin (Cu©) + 2 P700© * 2 plastocyanin (Cu 2+ ) + 2 P700 

2 Fd re d + H© + NADP© 2 Fd ox + NADPH 

Sum: H 2 0 + 4 photons + 4 H© in + NADP© + H© * ^0 2 + 6 H© out + NADPH 


CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 


The energy from a photon of light is used 
to excite an electron in the special pair of 
chlorophyll molecules. The excited state 
has a much lower reduction potential 
making it easy to give up an electron to 
an oxidation reaction. 

reducing agents. (Recall that a reducing agent is one that gives up electrons to reduce 
another molecule. The reducing agent is oxidized in such reactions.) The oxidized 
forms of the pigment molecules are P680© and P700©. Energy is recovered when 
P680* and P700* are oxidized and electrons are passed to cytochrome bf and NADPH. 

The standard reduction potentials of many of these components are listed in 
Table 10.5. The difference between any two reduction potentials can be converted to a 
standard Gibbs free energy change as we saw in Chapter 10. Looking at Figure 15.14 we 
can see that the absorption of a photon by either P680 or P 700 lowers the standard re- 
duction potential by about 1.85 V. In these examples, a difference of 1.85 V corresponds 
to a standard Gibbs free energy change of about 180 kj mol -1 (AG°' = 180 kj mol -1 ). 
This value is almost identical to the calculated energy of a “mole” of photons at a wave- 
length of 680 nm (176 kj mol -1 , Section 15.1). What this means is that the energy of 
sunlight is very efficiently converted to a change in reduction potential. 

There are many similarities between electron transfer in photosynthesis and the 
membrane-associated electron transport chain that we saw in the last chapter. In both cases 
electrons pass through a cytochrome complex that transports H© across a membrane. 
The resulting proton gradient is expended when ATP is synthesized by ATP synthase. 

The structure and orientation of cytochrome bc x (complex III) and cytochrome bf 
are similar. Both complexes release protons into the space between the inner and outer 
membranes. The orientation of ATP synthase is also identical — the “head” of the struc- 
ture is located in the cytoplasm of bacterial cells or the inside compartment of mito- 
chondria. In the next section we’ll see that the orientation of ATP synthase in chloroplasts 
is topologically similar. 

-1.5 -| 


- 1.0 - 

-0.5 - 




0 - 

+0.5 - 

+ 1.0 - 

+1.5 - 1 


▲ Figure 15.14 

Z-scheme, showing reduction potentials and electron flow during photosynthesis in cyanobacteria. Light energy is absorbed by the special pair pigments, 
P680 and P700. This converts these molecules into strong reducing agents as shown by the huge drop in standard reduction potential. The values 
shown are approximate because the reduction potentials of the carriers vary with experimental conditions. The pathway shows the stoichiometry when 
a pair of electrons is transferred from H 2 0 to NADPH. Abbreviations: Ph a, pheophytin a, electron acceptor of P680; PQ A , bound plastoquinone; 

PQ b , mobile plastoquinone; A 0 , chlorophyll a, the primary electron acceptor of P700; A lf phyl loqu i none; F x , F B , and F A , iron-sulfur clusters; Fd, 
ferredoxin; FNR, ferredoxin:NADP + reductase. 

15.2 Bacterial Photosystems 


The main difference between photosynthesis and respiratory electron transport is 
the source of electrons and the terminal electron acceptors. In mitochondria, for exam- 
ple, “high energy” electrons are supplied by reducing equivalents such as NADH (E of = 
-0.32 V) and accepted by 0 2 ( E ° ' = +0.82 V) to produce water. In the coupled photo- 
synthesis pathway the flow of electrons is reversed — water ( E°' = +0.82 V) is the 
electron donor and NADP 0 (E°' = —0.32 V) is the electron acceptor. This “reversal” of 
electron flow is thermodynamically unfavorable unless it is coupled to other reactions 
with a larger Gibbs free energy change. Those other reactions are, of course, the excita- 
tion of PSI and PSII by sunlight. 

In order to extract electrons from water the cell needs to generate a powerful 
oxidizing agent with a reduction potential greater than that of the H 2 0 1/2 0 2 + 

2H© + 2e 0 reaction. This strong oxidizing agent is the P680 special pair after it has 
given up an electron. The half reaction is P68O 0 + e 0 — » P680° {E°’ = +1.1 V). Note that 
this standard reduction potential is higher than that of water so that electrons can flow 
“down” from water to P68O 0 as shown in Figure 15.14. P68O 0 is the most powerful 
oxidizing agent in biochemical reactions. It is much more potent than P87O 0 in purple 
bacteria even though purple bacteria have a similar type II reaction center. 

Similarly, P700* is a strong reducing agent with a lower reduction potential than 
NADP 0 . In this case, the absorption of a photon of light by PSI creates an energetic 
electron that can be passed “down” to NADP 0 to create reducing equivalents in the 
form of NADPH. Thus, the “reversal” of electron flow in photosynthesis, compared to 
respiratory electron transport, is achieved by the special light-absorbing properties of 
chlorophyll molecules in the two photosystems. 

E. Photosynthesis Takes Place Within Internal Membranes 

All four of the photosynthesis complexes (PSI, PSII, cytochrome bfi and ATP synthase) 
are embedded in membranes. Most cyanobacteria contain a complex internal network 
of membranes where these complexes are concentrated (Figure 15.15). The internal 
membranes are called thylakoid membranes. They form by invagination of the inner 
plasma membrane creating structures that are similar to the mitochondrial cristae. As 
the membrane folds inward it encloses a space called the lumen where protons accumu- 
late during photosynthesis. The thylakoid lumen may remain connected to the periplas- 
mic space or it may form an internal compartment if a membrane loop (or bubble) 
pinches off from the plasma membrane. 

Plasma Thylakoid 

membrane membranes 

Carboxysomes Peptidoglycan 

— 100 nm 

▲ Figure 15.15 

Internal structure of the cyanobacterium 

Synechocystis PCC 6803. (Carboxysomes are 
described in Section 15. 6A.) 


Photosynthetic bacteria probably evolved three billion years 
ago but the earliest fossil evidence of oxygen producing 
cyanobacteria dates only from 2.1 billion years ago — claims 
of much earlier fossils have recently been discredited. The ge- 
ological record strongly indicates that bacteria began “pollut- 
ing” the atmosphere with oxygen about 2.4-2. 7 billion years 
ago. This likely corresponds to the evolution of the oxygen 
evolving complex in PSII and it predates the earliest cyanobac- 
teria fossils. 

At that time, oxygen levels rose to about 25% of the pres- 
ent level and they remained at that level for more than a billion 
years except for a brief drop around 1.9 billion years ago. The 
cause of this decline isn’t known. Primitive plants — probably 
lichens and mosses — invaded land about 700 million years ago 
and this led to a steep rise in oxygen levels that eventually 
reached the present-day concentration of 21%. 

Oxygen was highly toxic to most of the species that were 
around 2 billion years ago but gradually new species arose 
that could not only tolerate the “pollutant” but used it in res- 
piratory electron transport. 

▲ Oxygen levels in Earth’s atmosphere. 

458 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 

▲ Chlamydomonas sp. Chlamydomonas 
species are green algae that are closely re- 
lated to plants. They contain a single large 
chloroplast. “Chlamy” is a model organism 
that is easily grown in the laboratory. 

▲ Diatoms. About 30% of the oxygen in our 
atmosphere comes from marine photosyn- 
thetic organisms. 

The internal membrane network presents a much greater surface area for mem- 
brane proteins. As a result, cyanobacteria contain a much higher concentration of pho- 
tosynthesis complexes compared to other species of photosynthetic bacteria. This 
means that cyanobacteria are very efficient at capturing light energy and converting it to 
chemical energy. This, in turn, has led to their evolutionary success and the formation 
of an oxygen enriched atmosphere. 

15.3 Plant Photosynthesis 

Up to this point we have been describing bacterial photosynthesis but many eukaryotic 
species are capable of photosynthesis. The photosynthesizing eukaryotes we are most 
familiar with are flowering plants and other terrestrial species such as mosses and ferns. 
In addition to these obvious examples, there are many simpler species such as algae and 

In all photosynthesizing eukaryotes the light- gathering photosystems are localized 
to a specific cellular organelle called the chloroplast. Thus, unlike bacterial metabolism, 
photosynthesis and respiratory electron transport are not integrated since they take 
place in different compartments (chloroplasts and mitochondria). Chloroplasts evolved 
from a species of cyanobacteria that entered into a symbiotic relationship with a primi- 
tive eukaryotic cell over 1 billion years ago. Modern chloroplasts still retain a reduced 
form of the original bacterial genome. This DNA contains many of the genes for the 
proteins of the photosystems and genes for some of the enzymes involved in C0 2 fixa- 
tion. The transcription of these genes and the translation of their mRNAs resemble the 
prokaryotic mechanisms described in Chapters 21 and 22. This prokaryotic flavor of 
gene expression reflects the evolutionary origin of chloroplasts. 

In the modern world, a large percentage (~70%) of total atmospheric oxygen is 
produced by photosynthesis in land plants, especially in tropical rain forests. The re- 
maining oxygen is produced by small marine organisms, mostly bacteria, diatoms, and 
algae. Almost all of the food for animals comes directly or indirectly from plants and the 
synthesis of these food molecules relies on the energy of sunlight. 

A. Chloroplasts 

The chloroplast is enclosed by a double membrane (Figure 15.16). As in mitochondria, 
the outer membrane is exposed to the cytoplasm and the inner membrane forms highly 
folded internal structures. During photosynthesis protons are translocated from the inte- 
rior of the chloroplast, called the stroma, to the compartments between the membranes. 

The interior membrane is called the thylakoid membrane. Recall that cyanobacteria 
possess a similar thylakoid membrane (Figure 15.15). In the chloroplast this membrane 
forms an extensive network of sheets within the organelle. As the chloroplast develops, 
projections grow out from these sheets to form flattened disk-like structures. These disk- 
like structures stack on top of one another like a pile of coins to form grana (singular, 
granum). A typical chloroplast contains dozens of grana, or stacked disks of thylakoid 
membranes. The grana in mature chloroplasts are connected to each other by thin sheets 
of thylakoid membrane called stroma thylakoids. These stroma thylakoid membranes are 
exposed to the stroma on both surfaces whereas grana thylakoid membranes within a 
stack are in close contact with the membranes immediately above and below them. 

The three-dimensional organization of the thylakoid membrane is shown in 
Figure 15.17. Each disk in the stack is connected to the stroma thylakoids by short 
bridges. The interior of each disk is called the lumen and it is the same compartment as 
the region between the two membranes of the stroma thylakoid. All thylakoid mem- 
branes are likely derived from the inner chloroplast membrane. This means that the 
lumen is topologically equivalent to the space between the inner and outer membranes 
of the chloroplast although in some cases the direct connection may be lost. The thy- 
lakoid membranes contain PSI, PSII, cytochrome bf, and ATP synthase complexes as in 
cyanobacteria. In mitochondria, protons accumulate in the compartment between the 
inner and outer membranes (Section 14.3); similarly, in chloroplasts, protons are 
translocated into the thylakoid lumen and the space between the two membranes of 

15.3 Plant Photosynthesis 459 



Intermembrane Outer 

space membrane Inner 





Thylakoid Granal lamellae 
membrane lamellae 

▲ Figure 15.16 

Structure of the chloroplast. (a) Illustration, (b) Electron micrograph: cross-section of a chloroplast from a spinach leaf. Shown are grana (G), the 
thylakoid membrane (T), and the stroma (S). 

the stroma thylakoids. It’s important to keep in mind that the chloroplast stroma is 
equivalent to the cytoplasm in bacteria and the matrix in mitochondria. 

B. Plant Photosystems 

The photosynthesis complexes in eukaryotic chloroplasts evolved from the complexes 
present in primitive cyanobacteria. Chloroplast PSI is structurally and functionally sim- 
ilar to its bacterial ancestor — the only significant structural difference is that eukaryotic 
PSI contains chlorophyll molecules instead of bacteriochlorophyll in the electron transfer 
chain of the reaction center. The eukaryotic version oxidizes plastocyanin (or cytochrome c) 
and reduces ferredoxin (or flavodoxin). Eukaryotic PSI associates with a light- 
harvesting complex called LHCI that resembles the complex found in some bacteria. 

Chloroplast PSII is also similar to the one in cyanobacteria. Plant chloroplasts 
contain a light-harvesting complex called LHCII that associates with PSII in the 
chloroplast membrane. LHCII is a large structure containing 140 chlorophylls and 40 
carotenoids and it completely surrounds PSII. As a result, photon capture in plants is 
more efficient than in bacteria. Cyanobacteria and chloroplasts contain similar cy- 
tochrome bf complexes. 

The ATP synthase in chloroplasts is related to the cyanobacterial ATP synthase, as 
expected. The protein components differ from the mitochondrial version described in 
the previous chapter. This is not surprising since the mitochondrial ATP synthase 
evolved from the proteobacterial ancestor of bacteria and proteobacteria are distantly re- 
lated to cyanobacteria. Species such as algae, diatoms, and plants that contain both mito- 
chondria and chloroplasts have distinctive versions of ATP synthase in each organelle. 

The chloroplast ATP synthase is a CFoFi ATPase where the cc C” stands for chloro- 
plast. The overall molecular structure is very similar to that of mitochondria even 
though the various subunits of the two enzymes are encoded by different genes. As in 
mitochondria, the membrane component of the chloroplast ATP synthase consists of a 
multimeric ring and a rod that projects into a hexameric head structure. The ring ro- 
tates as protons move across the membrane and ATP is synthesized from ADP + Pj by a 
binding change mechanism as described in Section 14.9. The “knob” projects into the 
chloroplast stroma (Figure 15.18). 

C. Organization of Chloroplast Photosystems 

Figure 15.19 illustrates the locations of the membrane-spanning photosynthetic com- 
ponents within the chloroplast thylakoid membrane. PSI is located predominantly in 
the stroma thylakoid and is therefore exposed to the chloroplast stroma. PSII is located 

▲ Figure 15.17 

Organization of stacked disks in a granum and 
their connection to the stroma thylakoids. 

Adapted from Staehlin, L. A. (2003) Chloroplast 
structure: from chlorophyll granules to supra- 
molecular architecture of thylakoid membranes. 
Photosyn thesis Research 76:185-196. 

The locations of various photosynthetic 
components in the stroma and grana 
thylakoid membranes are shown in 
Figure 15.19. 


Photosynthetic bacteria and chloroplasts 
make use of internal thylakoid membranes 
to increase the number of photosystem 

460 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 

▲ Figure 15.18 
Chloroplast ATP synthase. 

predominantly in the grana thylakoid membrane, away from the stroma. The oxygen- 
evolving complex is associated with PSII on the luminal side of the thylakoid mem- 
brane. The cytochrome fr/ complex spans the thylakoid membrane and is found in both 
the stroma and grana thylakoid membranes. ATP synthase is found exclusively in the 
stroma thylakoids with the CVi component, the site of ATP synthesis, projecting into 
the stroma. 

The membranes of the top and bottom surfaces of each disk in a granum are in 
contact with each other forming a double-membrane structure. This region is densely 
packed with the light-absorbing PSII complexes and their associated LHCII complexes. 
Light passes through the plasma membrane of the plant cell, through the cytoplasm, 
and across the outer membrane of the chloroplast. When light reaches the grana, the 
photons are efficiently absorbed by the pigment molecules in the membrane. 

Excited electrons are transferred within PSII to PQ forming PQH 2 . The protons 
for this reaction are taken up from the stroma. The PSII reaction center is replenished 
with electrons from the oxidation of water taking place in the lumen. PQH 2 diffuses 
within the membrane to the cytochrome fr/ complex where it is oxidized to PQ. The 
protons released in the Q cycle enter the lumen. Electrons are passed to plastocyanin 
that diffuses freely in the lumen to reach PSI. PSI absorbs light leading to the transfer of 
electrons from reduced plastocyanin to ferredoxin. Ferredoxin is formed in the stroma. 
It can participate in the reduction of NADP® to NADPH in the stroma or serve as an 
electron donor to cytochrome bf complexes in the stroma thylakoid membrane (cyclic 
electron transport, Section 15.2B). 

Note that PSII is not directly exposed to the stroma but is exposed to the thylakoid 
lumen. The lumen is topologically equivalent to the outside of the bacterial membrane 
as shown in Figure 15.11. PSI projects into the stroma compartment since it produces 
ferredoxin that accumulates within chloroplasts. The stroma is topologically equivalent 
to the bacterial cytoplasm (inside the cell). The distribution of cytochrome fr/ com- 
plexes is explained by the fact they can receive electrons from both PSII and PSI. Super- 
complexes of PSII and cytochrome bf in the grana participate in linear electron transfer 
from water to plastocyanin. In the stroma thylakoids there are complexes of PSI, cy- 
tochrome bf and ferredoximquinone oxidoreductase (FQR) that are involved in cyclic 
electron flow. 

The proton gradient is used to generate ATP. As protons are translocated from the 
lumen compartment to the stroma, ATP is synthesized from ADP and Pj in the stroma. 
Both ATP and NADPH accumulate in the stroma where they can be used in biosynthesis 
reactions. In plants, but not other photosynthetic species, a high percentage of ATP and 
NADPH molecules are used in the fixation of C0 2 and the synthesis of carbohydrates. 

Figure 15.19 ► 

Distribution of membrane-spanning photosyn- 
thetic components between stroma and granal 
thylakoids. PSI is found predominantly in 
stroma thylakoids. PSII is found predomi- 
nantly in grana thylakoids. The cytochrome 
bf complex in found in both stroma and 
grana thylakoid membranes. ATP synthase is 
localized exclusively to stroma thylakoids. 

Photosystem II 
Photosystem I 
ATP synthase 
Cyt bf complex 


i j§ 







15.4 Fixation of CO 2 : The Calvin Cycle 461 


Bacteriorhodopsin is a membrane protein found in a few 
specialized species of archaebacteria such as Halobacterium 
salinarium. The protein has seven membrane-spanning a 
helices that form a channel in the membrane. (See ribbon 
structure below.) A single retinal molecule is covalently 
bound to a lysine side chain in the middle of the channel. 
The normal configuration of the retinal is all- trans but when 
it absorbs a photon of light it converts to the 13-ds configu- 
ration. (See structure below.) The light-induced change in 
configuration is coupled to deprotonation and reprotonation 
of the retinol molecule. 

When light is absorbed, the shift in configuration to 
13-ds retinal releases a proton that then passes up the channel 
to be released on the outside of the membrane. This proton is 
replaced by a proton that is taken up from the cytosol and the 
retinol configuration shifts back to the all - trans form. For 
every photon of light that is absorbed by bacteriorhodopsin a 
single proton is translocated across the membrane. 

Bacteriorhodopsin creates a light- induced proton gradi- 
ent and this proton gradient drives ATP synthesis by ATP 


a Bacteriorhodopsin. 


- Membrane 

a Two configurations of retinal-lysine in bacteriorhodopsin. (a) AW- trans 
retinal, (b) 13-ds retinal. The configuration shifts from the all -trans 
form to the 13-dsform when a photon of light is absorbed. 

The coupling of bacteriorhodopsin and ATP synthase 
can be directly demonstrated by artificially synthesizing lipid 
vesicles containing both complexes. In the orientation shown 
below, the vesicles will synthesize ATP from ADP + Pj when 
they are illuminated. This experiment, first carried out by 
Efraim Racker and his colleagues in 1974, was one of the first 
confirmations of the chemiosmotic theory (Section 14.3). 


a Bacteriorhodopsin creates a proton gradient that drives ATP synthesis. 

Artificial lipid vesicles containing bacteriorhodopsin and ATP syn- 
thase were created with the orientation shown. When these vesicles 
were illuminated, bacteriorhodopsin pumped protons into the vesicle 
and the resulting proton gradient activated ATP synthase. 

15.4 Fixation of CO 2 : The Calvin Cycle 

In photosynthetic species there is a special pathway for the reductive conversion of at- 
mospheric C0 2 to carbohydrates. The reactions are powered by the ATP and NADPH 
formed during the light reactions of photosynthesis. The fixation of C0 2 and the syn- 
thesis of carbohydrates occurs in the cytoplasm of bacteria and in the chloroplast 
stroma. This biosynthesis pathway is a cycle of enzyme -catalyzed reactions with three 
major stages: (1) the carboxylation of a five-carbon sugar molecule, (2) the reductive 
synthesis of carbohydrate for use in other pathways, and (3) the regeneration of the 
molecule that accepts C0 2 . This pathway of carbon assimilation has several names, such 

462 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 

▲ Melvin Calvin (191 1-1997). Calvin won the 
Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1961 for his 
work on carbon dioxide assimilation in plants. 



The Calvin cycle utilizes the products of 
photosynthesis, ATP and NADPH, to fix 
C0 2 into carbohydrates. 

as the reductive pentose phosphate cycle , the C 3 pathway (the first intermediate is a three- 
carbon molecule), and the Calvin cycle. (Workers in Melvin Calvins laboratory discov- 
ered the carbon-fixing pathway using 14 C0 2 tracer experiments in algae.) We refer to 
the pathway as the Calvin cycle. 

The fixation of C0 2 and the synthesis of carbohydrates are often described as “pho- 
tosynthesis.” In this textbook we refer to photosynthesis and the Calvin cycle as two 
separate pathways. 

A. The Calvin Cycle 

The Calvin cycle is outlined in Figure 15.20. The first stage is the carboxylation of ribu- 
lose 1,5-frzsphosphate, a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme ribulose 1,5-frzsphosphate 
carboxylase-oxygenase, better known as Rubisco. The second stage is a reduction stage 
where 3-phosphoglycerate is converted to glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate. Most of the 
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is converted to ribulose 1,5-frisphosphate in the third (re- 
generation) stage. Some of the glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate produced in the Calvin cycle 
is used in carbohydrate synthesis pathways. Glyceraldehye 3-phosphate is the main 
product of the Calvin cycle. 

Figure 15.21 on page 464 shows all reactions of the Calvin cycle. The pathway be- 
gins with steps for assimilating three molecules of carbon dioxide because the smallest 
carbon intermediate in the Calvin cycle is a C 3 molecule. Therefore, three C0 2 mole- 
cules must be fixed before one C 3 unit (glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate) can be removed 
from the cycle without diminishing the metabolic pools. 

B. Rubisco: Ribulose 1 ,5-6/sphosphate Carboxylase-oxygenase 

Rubisco (ribulose l,5-Z?isphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase) is the key enzyme of the 
Calvin cycle. It catalyzes the fixation of atmospheric C0 2 into carbon compounds. 
This reaction involves the carboxylation of the five-carbon sugar, ribulose 1,5- 
frisphosphate, by C0 2 . This leads to the eventual release of two three-carbon molecules 
of 3-phosphoglycerate. The reaction mechanism of Rubisco is shown in Figure 15.22. 

Rubisco makes up about 50% of the soluble protein in plant leaves, making it one of 
the most abundant enzymes on Earth. Interestingly, its status as an abundant enzyme is 
due partly to the fact that it is not very efficient — the low turnover number of ~3 s -1 
means that large amounts of the enzyme are required to support C0 2 fixation! 

The Rubisco of plants, algae, and cyanobacteria is composed of eight large (L) sub- 
units and eight small (S) subunits (Figure 15.23). There are eight active sites located in 
the eight large subunits. Four additional small subunits are located at each end of the 
core formed by the large subunits. The Rubisco molecules in other photosynthetic bac- 
teria have only the large subunits containing the active sites. For example, in the purple 
bacterium Rho do spirillum rubrum , Rubisco consists of a simple dimer of large subunits. 

Figure 15.20 ► 

Summary of the Calvin cycle. The cycle has 
three stages: carboxylation of ribulose 1,5- 
b/'sphosphate, reduction of 3-phosphoglycerate 
to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, and regener- 
ation of ribulose 1,5-b/sphosphate. 

Ribulose C0 2 

r 1,5-b/sphosphate 


^ , , , . f Regeneration 

Carbohydrates^/ ^ 

Glyceraldehyde Reduction 






NADP® + H® 

15.4 Fixation of CO 2 : The Calvin Cycle 463 

ch 2 opo 3 ® 

1 r\ 

c =0 

r 1 

H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 
CH 2 OP0 3 ® 





ch 2 opo 3 © 

c— O 0 

C— OH 


H — C— OH 


ch 2 opo 3 © 

C — O 0 

C ^ H 
H — C — OH 













ch 2 opo 3 

HO— c — H 

' P 






ch 2 opo 3 ® 

HO— C 

©\ 0 

coo u 


ch 2 opo 3 © 

CH 2 0P0 3 ® 


1 (P) 

HO — C— COO 0 


1 q 

HO— C — COO u u 

1 / 

x — 

2 H® 

HO — C -rO-p H 
1 ^ 

b 0 

-u — 




H — C— OH 










ch 2 opo 3 © 

ch 2 opo 3 © 

— c 

:— oh 

Gem diol 


ch 2 opo 3 ® 




▲ Figure 15.22 

Mechanism of Rubisco-catalyzed carboxylation of ribulose 1 ,5-Z;/sphosphate to form two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate. A proton is abstracted from C-3 
of ribulose 1,5-b/sphosphate to create a 2,3-enediolate intermediate. The nucleophilic enediolate attacks C0 2 , producing 2-carboxy-3-ketoarabinitol 
1,5-b/sphosphate, which is hydrated to an unstable gem diol intermediate. The C-2-C-3 bond of the intermediate is immediately cleaved, generating 
a carbanion and one molecule of 3-phosphoglycerate. Stereospecific protonation of the carbanion yields a second molecule of 3-phosphoglycerate. 
This step completes the carbon fixation stage of the RPP cycle — two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate are formed from C0 2 and the five-carbon sugar 
ribulose 1,5-b/sphosphate. 

The purple bacterium version of Rubisco has a much lower affinity for C0 2 than 
the more complex multisubunit enzymes in other species but it catalyzes the same reac- 
tion. In a spectacular demonstration of this functional similarity, tobacco plants were 
genetically engineered by replacing the normal plant gene with the one from the purple 
bacterium Rho do spirillum rubrum. The modified plants contained only the dimeric 
bacterial form of the enzyme but they grew normally and reproduced as long as they 
were kept in an atmosphere of high C0 2 concentration. 


◄ Figure 15.23 

The quaternary structure (L 8 S 8 ) of ribulose 
1 ,5-b/sphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase 
(Rubisco). (a) Top and (b) side views of the 
enzyme from spinach ( Spinacia oleracea). 
Large subunits are shown alternately yellow 
and blue; small subunits are purple. 

[PDB 1RCX]. 




£ o 

<D 03 
to (— 

O Q. 


C£ Q. 


▲ Figure 15.21 

Calvin cycle. The concentrations of Calvin cycle intermediates are maintained when one molecule of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) exits the 
cycle after three molecules of C0 2 are fixed. 


15.4 Fixation of CO2: The Calvin Cycle 465 

Rubisco cycles between an active form (in the light) and an inactive form (in the 
dark). It must be activated to catalyze the fixation of C0 2 . In the light, Rubisco activity 
increases in response to the higher, more basic pH that develops in the stroma (or bac- 
terial cytoplasm) during proton translocation. Under alkaline conditions an activating 
molecule of C0 2 , which is not the substrate C0 2 molecule, reacts reversibly with the 
side chain of a lysine residue of Rubisco to form a carbamate adduct. Mg© binds to and 
stabilizes this C0 2 -lysine adduct. The enzyme must be carbamylated in order to carry 
out C0 2 fixation; however, the carbamate adduct readily dissociates, making the enzyme 
inactive. Carbamylation is normally inhibited because Rubico is usually in an inactive 
conformation. During the day, a light- activated ATP-dependent enzyme called Rubisco 
activase binds to Rubisco and facilitates carbamylation by inducing a conformational 
change. Under these conditions Rubisco is active. 

When the sun goes down Rubisco activase is no longer effective in activating Ru- 
bisco and C0 2 fixation stops. This regulation makes sense since photosynthesis is not 
active at night and ATP + NADPH are not produced in chloroplasts during the night. 
These cofactors are required for the Calvin cycle so the Calvin cycle is not active at night 
as a result of the regulation of Rubisco activity. Inhibition of Rubisco in the dark pre- 
vents the inefficient accumulation of 3-phosphoglycerate and the wasteful oxygenation 
reaction described in the next section. 

In plants, an additional level of inhibition is mediated by 2-carboxyarabinitol 1- 
phosphate (Figure 15.24). This compound is an analog of the unstable gem diol inter- 
mediate of the carboxylation reaction. It is synthesized only at night and it binds to, and 
inhibits, any residual carbamylated Rubisco, thus ensuring that the Calvin cycle is shut 
down. Some plants synthesize sufficient amounts of the inhibitor to keep Rubisco com- 
pletely inactive in the dark. 

ch 2 opo 3 ® 

HO — c— COO 0 


H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 


ch 2 oh 

▲ Figure 15.24 

2-Carboxyarabinitol 1 -phosphate. 

C. Oxygenation of Ribulose 1 ,5-6/sphosphate 

As its complete name indicates, ribulose 1,5-Hsphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase cat- 
alyzes not only carboxylation but also the oxygenation of ribulose 1,5-frzsphosphate. 
The two reactions are competitive since C0 2 and 0 2 compete for the same active sites 
on Rubisco. The oxygenation reaction produces one molecule of 3-phosphoglycerate 
and one molecule of 2-phosphoglycolate (Figure 15.25). Oxygenation consumes signif- 
icant amounts of ribulose 1,5-frzsphosphate in vivo. Under normal growth conditions, 
the rate of carboxylation is only about three to four times the rate of oxygenation. 

The 3-phosphoglycerate formed from the oxygenation of ribulose 1,5- 
frisphosphate enters the Calvin cycle. The other product of the oxygenation reaction fol- 
lows a different pathway. Two molecules of 2-phosphoglycolate (C 2 ) are metabolized in 
peroxisomes and the mitochondria by an oxidative pathway (via glyoxylate and the 
amino acids glycine and serine) to one molecule of C0 2 and one molecule of 3- 
phosphoglycerate (C 3 ), which also enters the Calvin cycle. This oxidative pathway con- 
sumes NADH and ATR The light-dependent uptake of 0 2 catalyzed by Rubisco and fol- 
lowed by the release of C0 2 during the metabolism of 2-phosphoglycolate is called 
photorespiration. Like carboxylation, photorespiration is normally inhibited in darkness 
when Rubisco is inactive. The appreciable release of fixed C0 2 and the consumption of 


Some enzymes cannot distinguish 
between very similar substrates. 

ch 2 opo 3 ® 

C =0 


H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 

CH 2 OP0 3 © 



ch 2 opo 3 ® 

coo 0 



coo 0 

H — C — OH 

ch 2 opo 3 © 


◄ Figure 15.25 

Oxygenation of ribulose 1 ,5-ib/sphosphate 
catalyzed by Rubisco. 

466 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 


Many labs are attempting to genetically modify plants in 
order to enhance the carboxylation reaction and suppress the 
oxygenation reaction. If successful, these attempts to make a 
better Rubisco could greatly increase food production. 

The “perfect” enzyme would have very low oxygenase ac- 
tivity and very efficient carboxylase activity. The kinetic param- 
eters of the oxygenase activity of Rubisco enzymes from several 
species are listed in the accompanying table. The low catalytic 
efficiency of the enzyme is indicated by the k Cdit /K m values. 

Kinetic parameters of Rubisco carboxylase activity in various species 


*cat (S” 1 ) 


(M-V 1 ) 




3.2 X 10 5 

Red algae 



2.8 X 10 5 

Purple bacteria 



8.2 X 1 0 4 

"Perfect" enzyme 



10 8 

Data from Andrews, J. T., and Whitney, S. M. (2003). Manipulating ribulose 
b/sphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase in the chloroplasts of higher plants. Arch. 
Biochem. Biophys. 414: 159-169. 

These values should be compared to those in Table 5.2. It 
seems likely that the carboxylase efficiency can be improved 
1000-fold by modifying the amino acid side chains in the 
active site. 

The difficult part of the genetic modification is choosing 
the appropriate amino acid changes. The choice is informed 
by a detailed knowledge of the structures of several Rubisco 
enzymes from different species and by examination of the 
contacts between amino acid side chains and substrate mole- 
cules. Models of the presumed transition states are also 
important. Additional key residues can be identified by com- 
paring the conservation of amino acid sequences in enzymes 
from a wide variety of species 

The underlying strategy assumes that evolution has not 
yet selected for the most well-designed enzyme. This as- 
sumption seems reasonable since there are many examples of 
ongoing evolution in biochemistry. However, several billion 
years of evolution have not resulted in a better Rubisco and 
neither have several decades of human effort. It may not be 
possible to build a better Rubisco. 

3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 

▲ Figure 15.26 

Outline of the regeneration stage of the Calvin 

energy as a result of oxygenation — with no apparent benefit to the organism — arise 
from the lack of absolute substrate specificity of Rubisco. This is a serious problem in 
agriculture because photorespiration limits crop yields. 

D. Calvin Cycle: Reduction and Regeneration Stages 

The reduction stage of the Calvin cycle begins with the ATP-dependent conversion of 
3-phosphoglycerate to 1,3-frisphosphoglycerate in a reaction catalyzed by phosphoglycer- 
ate kinase. Next, 1,3-frisphosphoglycerate is reduced by NADPH (not NADH, as in glu- 
coneogenesis, Section 11.2#6) in a reaction catalyzed by a glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 
dehydrogenase isozyme. As in gluconeogenesis, some of the glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate 
is rearranged to its isomer, dihydroxyacetone phosphate, by triose phosphate isomerase. 
For every six glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate molecules produced by this pathway, one is 
removed from the cycle to be used in carbohydrate synthesis and the five others are used 
in the regeneration stage. 

In the regeneration stage, glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate is diverted into three different 
branches of the pathway and is interconverted between three-carbon (3C), four-carbon 
(4C), five-carbon (5C), six-carbon (6C), and seven-carbon (7C) phosphorylated sugars 
(Figure 15.21). The pathway is schematically outlined in Figure 15.26. Two of the reactions, 
those catalyzed by aldolase and fructose 1.6-Hsphosphatase, are familiar because they 
are part of the gluconeogenesis pathway (Section 12.1). Many of the other reactions are 
part of the normal pentose phosphate pathway (Section 12.4) including two tranketolase 
reactions. The net result of the Calvin cycle reactions is 

3 C0 2 + 9 ATP + 6 NADPH + 5 H 2 0 > 

glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 9 ADP + 8 Pj + 6 NADP© + 2H + (15.2) 

Both ATP and NADPH are required for C0 2 fixation by the Calvin cycle. These are the 
major products of the light reactions of photosynthesis. The fact that the requirement 
for ATP exceeds that of NADPH is one reason why cyclic electron flow from PSI to cy- 
tochrome bf is important in photosynthesis. Cyclic electron flow results in increased 
production of ATP relative to NADPH. 

15.5 Sucrose and Starch Metabolism in Plants 467 

It’s interesting to compare the cost of synthesizing carbohydrates from C0 2 and the 
energy yield from degrading it via glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. We can use Reaction 
15.2 to estimate the cost of synthesizing acetyl CoA — the substrate for the citric acid 
cycle. Recall that the pathway from glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate to acetyl CoA is coupled 
to the synthesis of two molecules of NADH and two molecules of ATP (Section 1 1.2). If 
we subtract these from the cost of making glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate then the total 
cost of synthesizing acetyl CoA from C0 2 is 7 ATP + 4 NAD(P)H. This can be expressed 
as 17 ATP equivalents since each NADH is equivalent to 2.5 ATP (Section 14.11). The 
net gain from complete oxidation of acetyl CoA by the citric acid cycle is 10 ATP 
equivalents (Section 13.4). The biosynthesis pathway is more expensive than the energy 
gained from catabolism. In this case, the “efficiency” of acetyl CoA oxidation is only 
about 60% (10/17 = 59%) but this value is misleading since it’s actually the biosynthesis 
pathway (costing 17 ATP equivalents) that is complex and inefficient. 

We can estimate the cost of synthesizing glucose because it is simply the cost of 
making two molecules of glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate. It’s equivalent to 18 molecules of 
ATP and 12 molecules of NADPH or 48 ATP equivalents. Recall that the net gain of en- 
ergy from the complete oxidation of glucose via glycolysis and the citric acid cycle is 32 
ATP equivalents (Section 13.4). In this case, catabolism recovers two-thirds of amount 
of the ATP equivalents used in the biosynthesis pathway. 

▲ Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. 

This NADPH-dependent enzyme from 
spinach ( Spinacia oleracea) crystallizes as a 
tetramer. Only a single subunit is shown 
here. NADPH is bound in the active site of 
the enzyme. [PDB 2PKQ] 

15.5 Sucrose and Starch Metabolism in Plants 

Glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate (G3P) is the main product of carbon fixation in most pho- 
tosynthetic species. G3P is subsequently converted to glucose by the gluconeogenesis 
pathway. Newly synthesized hexoses can be used immediately as substrates in a number 
of biosynthesis pathways or they can be stored as polysaccharides for use later on. In 
bacteria, most algae, and some plants, the storage polysaccharide is glycogen, just as in 
animals. The storage polysaccharide in vascular plants is usually starch. 

Starch is synthesized in chloroplasts from glucose 6-phosphate, the primary product 
of gluconeogenesis (Section 12. ID). In the first step, glucose 6-phosphate is converted 
to glucose 1 -phosphate in a reaction catalyzed by phosphoglucomutase (Figure 15.27). 
This is the same enzyme we encountered in the glycogen synthesis pathway (Section 
12.5A). The second step is the activation of glucose by synthesis of ADP-glucose. This 
reaction is catalyzed by ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. The metabolic strategy is 
similar to that of glycogen biosynthesis except that the key intermediate in glycogen 


The energy recovered in catabolic 
pathways is usually about two-thirds of 
the energy used in biosynthesis. 

The structures of starch and glycogen 
are described in Section 8.6A. 

The nucleotide sugar ADP-glucose is 
also required for synthesis of glycogen 
by some bacteria (Section 12.5A). 

468 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 

▲ Maple syrup. The sucrose-rich sap of 
maple trees is collected and concentrated to 
produce maple syrup. 

synthesis is UDP-glucose. The polymerization reaction in starch biosynthesis is carried 
out by starch synthase. This pathway consumes one molecule of ATP and releases one 
molecule of pyrophosphate for each residue that is added to the growing polysaccharide 
chain. ATP is supplied by the reactions of photosynthesis. 

Starch is synthesized in daylight when photosynthesis is active and ATP molecules 
accumulate within the chloroplast. During the night starch becomes a source of carbon 
and energy for the plant. The starch molecule is cleaved by the action of starch phos- 
phorylase to generate glucose 1 -phosphate that is converted to triose phosphates by 
glycolysis. The triose phosphates are exported from the chloroplast to the cytoplasm. 
Alternatively, starch can be hydrolyzed by the action of amylases to dextrins and eventu- 
ally to maltose and then glucose. Glucose formed via this route is phosphorylated by the 
action of hexokinase and enters the glycolytic pathway. 

Sucrose is a mobile form of carbohydrate in plants. It is synthesized in the cyto- 
plasm of cells that contain chloroplasts (e.g., leaf cells) and exported to the plant vascular 
system where it is taken up by non- photosynthetic cells (e.g., root cells). Thus, sucrose is 
functionally equivalent to glucose, the mobile form of carbohydrate in those animals 
that possess a circulatory system (Section 12.5). 

The pathway for sucrose synthesis is shown in Figure 15.28. Four molecules of 
triose phosphate produce one molecule of sucrose. The triose phosphates follow the 
gluconeogenesis pathway, condensing to form fructose 1,6-frisphosphate that is hydrolyzed 
to yield fructose 6-phosphate. Fructose 6-phosphate isomerizes to glucose 6-phosphate 
that is diverted from the gluconeogenesis pathway and converted to a-D-glucose 
1 -phosphate. Glucose 1 -phosphate reacts with UTP to form UDP-glucose and this activated 
glucose molecule donates its glucosyl group to a molecule of fructose 6-phosphate, 

(2) Glyceraldehyde 


(2) Dihydroxyacetone 
phosphate <- 

(2) Fructose 







Fructose (2) Fructose 6-phosphate 

Glucose 6-phosphate 



Sucrose Sucrose 6-phosphate 


▲ Figure 15.28 

Biosynthesis of sucrose from glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate in the cytosol. Four molecules of triose phosphate (4 C 3 ) are 

converted to one molecule of sucrose (C 12 ). 

15.6 Additional Carbon Fixation Pathways 469 


One of the genetic traits that Gregor Mendel studied was round (R) vs. wrinkled (r) 
peas. The wrinkled pea phenotype is caused by a defect in the gene for starch 
branching enzyme. Starch synthesis is partially blocked in the absence of this en- 
zyme and the developing peas have a higher concentration of sucrose. This causes 
them to absorb more water than the normal peas and they swell to a larger size. 
When the seeds begin to dry out the mutant peas lose more water and their outer 
surface takes on a wrinkled appearance. 

The mutation is caused by insertion of a transposon into the gene. It is a 
recessive loss-of-function mutation because a single copy of the normal wild-type 

Til T7^r 

allele in heterozygotes can produce enough starch branching enzyme to produce 
starch granules. 

▲ Round and wrinkled peas in a pod. 

to form sucrose 6-phosphate. The final step is the hydrolysis of sucrose 6-phosphate to 
form sucrose. 

Inorganic phosphate (Pj) is produced in the sucrose synthesis pathway by the reac- 
tions catalyzed by fructose 1,6-frzsphosphatase and sucrose phosphate phosphatase. 
Pyrophosphate (PPj) is produced in the reaction catalyzed by UDP-glucose pyrophos- 
phorylase. The pathway consumes one ATP equivalent (as UTP). Sucrose synthesis and 
glycogen synthesis require an activated glucose molecule in the form of UDP-glucose 
whereas starch biosynthesis uses ADP-glucose. 

The first metabolically irreversible step in the sucrose biosynthesis pathway is the 
hydrolysis of fructose 1,6-frzsphosphate to yield fructose 6-phosphate and P^. The activ- 
ity of fructose 1,6-frzsphosphatase is inhibited by the allosteric modulator fructose 
2,6-frzsphosphate (Figure 12.9) — a molecule we encountered in our examinations of 
glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. In plants, the level of fructose 2,6-Hsphosphate is regu- 
lated by several metabolites that reflect the suitability of conditions for sucrose synthesis. 

Sucrose is taken up by non-photosynthetic cells where it is degraded by sucrase (in- 
vertase) to glucose and fructose that supply energy via glycolysis and the citric acid cycle 
(Section 1 1.6A). These hexoses can also be converted to starch in those tissues that store 
carbohydrate for future use. In root cells, for example, sucrose is converted to hexose 
monomers and these sugars are taken up by specialized organelles called amyloplasts. 
Amyloplasts are modified chloroplasts that lack the photosynthesis complexes but 
retain the enzymes for starch synthesis. In some plants, such as potatos, turnips, and 
carrots, the root cells can store huge reservoirs of starch. 

15.6 Additional Carbon Fixation Pathways 

As mentioned earlier, one of the most important problems with carbon fixation is the 
inefficiency of Rubisco, especially the oxygenation reaction that greatly limits crop 
yields (Section 15.4C) . Different species have evolved a variety of ways of overcoming 
this problem. 

A. Compartmentalization in Bacteria 

Bacteria avoid the problems of photorespiration by confining Rubisco to specialized 
compartments called carboxysomes. Carboxysomes are surrounded by a protein coat 
that is impermeable to oxygen. Rubisco is localized to carboxysomes and so is the en- 
zyme carbonic anhydrase that converts bicarbonate (HC0 3 ^) to C0 2 (see Section 2.10 
and Figure 7.1). The advantage of compartmentalization is that Rubisco is supplied 
with an abundant source of C0 2 while protecting it against 0 2 , thus avoiding the ineffi- 
ciencies of photorespiration. 

B. The C 4 Pathway 

Several plant species avoid wasteful photorespiration by means of secondary pathways 
for carbon fixation. The net effect of these secondary pathways is to increase the local 

▲ Amyloplasts in potato cells. 

▲ Potatoes are an excellent source of starch. 

French fries are served in Quebec with gravy 
and cheese curds. The dish is called poutine. 

470 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 

▲ Carboxysomes. 

Cyanobacteria ( Synechococcus elongatus ) 
cells are stained with a fluorescent dye 
showing thylakoid membranes (red) and 
carboxysomes (green). 

Figure 15.29 ► 

C 4 pathway. C0 2 is hydrated to bicarbonate 
(HC0 3 “) in the mesophyll cytosol. Bicarbon- 
ate reacts with phosphoenolpyruvate in a 
carboxylation reaction catalyzed by phospho- 
enolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase, a cytosolic 
enzyme that has no oxygenase activity. 
Depending on the species, the oxaloacetate 
produced is either reduced or transaminated 
to form a four-carbon carboxylic acid or amino 
acid, which is transported to an adjacent 
bundle sheath cell and decarboxylated. The 
released C0 2 is fixed by the Rubisco reaction 
and enters the RPP cycle. The remaining 
three-carbon compound is converted back 
to the C0 2 acceptor, phosphoenolpyruvate. 

concentration of C0 2 relative to 0 2 in those cells where Rubisco is active. One of these 
pathways is called the C 4 pathway because it involves four-carbon intermediates. C 4 plants 
tend to grow at high temperatures and high light intensities. They include such economi- 
cally important species as maize (corn), sorghum, and sugarcane, and many of the most 
troublesome weeds. The avoidance of photorespiration by tropical plants is essential 
because the ratio of oxygenation to carboxylation by Rubisco increases with temperature. 

The C 4 pathway concentrates C0 2 and delivers it to cells in the interior of the leaf 
where the Calvin cycle is active. The initial product of carbon fixation is a four-carbon 
acid (C 4 ) rather than a three-carbon acid as in the Calvin cycle. The C 4 pathway occurs 
in two different cell types within the leaf. First, C0 2 is hydrated to bicarbonate that re- 
acts with the C 3 compound phosphoenolpyruvate to form a C 4 acid in mesophyll cells 
(near the leaf exterior). This reaction is catalyzed by an isozyme of phosphoenolpyru- 
vate (PEP) carboxylase (Section 13.6). Next, the C 4 acid is transported to bundle sheath 
cells in the interior of the leaf where it is decarboxylated. Because they are not directly 
exposed to the atmosphere, the bundle sheath cells have a much lower 0 2 concentration 
than mesophyll cells. The released C0 2 is fixed by the action of Rubisco and incorpo- 
rated into the Calvin cycle. Phosphoenolpyruvate is regenerated from the remaining C 3 
product. Figure 15.29 outlines the sequence of C 4 pathway reactions. 

Atmospheric C0 2 

15.6 Additional Carbon Fixation Pathways 471 

The cell walls of internal bundle sheath cells are impermeable to gases. The decar- 
boxylation of C 4 acids in these cells greatly increases the C0 2 concentration and creates 
a high ratio of C0 2 to 0 2 . The oxygenase activity of Rubisco is minimized because there 
is an insignificant amount of Rubisco in mesophyll cells and the ratio of C0 2 to 0 2 is 
extremely high in bundle sheath cells. As a result, C 4 plants have essentially no pho- 
torespiration activity. Although there is an extra energy cost to form phosphoenolpyru- 
vate for C 4 carbon assimilation, the absence of photorespiration gives C 4 plants a signif- 
icant advantage over C 3 plants. 

C. Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) 

Succulent plants, such as many species of cactus, grow primarily in arid environ- 
ments where water loss can be a serious problem. A large amount of water can be 
lost from the leaf tissues during carbon fixation since the cells must be exposed to 
atmospheric C0 2 and water can evaporate from the surface. These plants minimize 
water loss during photosynthesis by assimilating carbon at night. The pathway is 
called Crassulacean acid metabolism because it was first discovered in the family 

The surface of the leaf in terrestrial vascular plants is often covered with an imper- 
meable waxy coating and C0 2 passes through structures called stomata to reach pho- 
tosynthetic cells. Stomata are formed by two adjacent cells on the surface of the leaf. 
These guard cells define the entrance to a cavity lined with cells containing chloro- 
plasts. The aperture between the guard cells changes in response to ion fluxes and the 
resulting osmotic uptake of water. The flux of ions across the guard cells is regulated by 
conditions that affect C0 2 fixation such as temperature and the availability of water. In 
the heat of the day, CAM plants keep their stomata closed to minimize water loss. At 
night, mesophyll cells take up C0 2 through open stomata. Water loss through the 
stomata is much lower at cooler nighttime temperatures than during the day. C0 2 is 
fixed by the PEP carboxylase reaction, and the oxaloacetate formed is reduced to 
malate (Figure 15.30). 

Malate is stored in a large central vacuole in order to maintain a nearly neutral pH 
in the cytosol since the cellular concentration of this acid can reach 0.2 M by the end of 
the night. The vacuoles of CAM plants generally occupy more than 90% of the total vol- 
ume of the cell. Malate is released from the vacuole and decarboxylated during the day 
when ATP and NADPH are formed by photosynthesis. Thus, the large pool of malate 
accumulated at night supplies C0 2 for carbon assimilation during the day. Leaf stomata 
are tightly closed when malate is decarboxylated so that neither water nor C0 2 can es- 
cape from the leaf and the level of cellular C0 2 can be much higher than the level of at- 
mospheric C0 2 . As in C 4 plants, the higher internal C0 2 concentration greatly reduces 

In CAM plants the phosphoenolpyruvate required for malate formation is derived 
from starch via glycolysis. The phosphoenolpyruvate formed by malate decarboxyla- 
tion (either directly by PEP carboxykinase or via malic enzyme and pyruvate 
phosphate dikinase) is converted to starch via gluconeogenesis and stored in the 

CAM is analogous to C 4 metabolism in that the C 4 acid formed by the action of 
PEP carboxylase is subsequently decarboxylated to supply C0 2 to the Calvin cycle. In 
the C 4 pathway the carboxylation and decarboxylation phases of the cycle are spatially 
separated in distinct cell types whereas in CAM they are temporally separated in day 
and night cycles. 

An important regulatory feature of the CAM pathway is the inhibition of PEP car- 
boxylase by malate and low pH. PEP carboxylase is effectively inhibited during the day 
when the cytosolic concentration of malate is high and pH is low. This inhibition pre- 
vents futile cycling of C0 2 and malate by PEP carboxylase and avoids competition 
between PEP carboxylase and Rubisco for C0 2 . 

▲ Field of Dreams. These baseball players 
were probably studying the biochemistry 
of carbon fixation in the corn field. 

▲ Cactus is a CAM plant. 

472 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 

Figure 15.30 ► 

Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). At 

night, C0 2 is taken up, and PEP carboxylase 
and NAD®-malate dehydrogenase catalyze 
the formation of malate. The phospho- 
enolpyruvate required for malate synthesis 
is derived from starch. The next day, when 
NADPH and ATP are formed by the light 
reactions, the decarboxylation of malate in- 
creases the cellular concentration of C0 2 
that can be fixed by the Calvin cycle. The 
decarboxylation of malate occurs by either 
of two pathways, depending on the species, 
and yields phosphoenolpyruvate, which is 
subsequently converted to starch through 

Atmospheric C0 2 - 


H 2 0 + C0 2 i=3 

pyruvate ~ 


HCO , 0 P: 

PEP carboxylase 



NADH + H® 



NAD @ <-^ 









NAD® — ^ 


NADH + H®^ 





AMP + PPj 




ATP + P: - 



CO, — 


> Calvin cycle 
NAD(P)H + H® NAD(P)® 


NAD(P)®-malic enzyme 

CO 2 > Calvin cycle 



1. Chlorophyll is the major light- gathering pigment in photosynthe- 
sis. When chlorophyll molecules absorb a photon of light, an electron 
is promoted to a higher-energy molecular orbital. This elec- 
tron can be transferred to an electron transfer chain giving rise to 
an electron-deficient chlorophyll molecule. 

2. Accessory pigments transfer energy to the special pair of chloro- 
phyll molecules by resonance energy transfer. 

3. Photosystem II (PSII) complexes contain a type II reaction center. 
Electrons are transferred from the special pair of chlorophyll 
molecules to a short electron transfer chain consisting of a 
chlorophyll, a pheophytin, a bound quinone, and a mobile 

4. In some bacteria QH 2 molecules from PSII bind to the cytochrome 
bc\ complex. Electrons are transferred to cytochrome c and this 
process is coupled to the transfer of protons across the membrane 
via the Q cycle. Cytochrome c then binds to PSII and transfers 
electrons back to the electron-deficient special pair in a cyclic 

process of electron transfer. The resulting proton gradient drives 
ATP synthesis. 

5. Photosystem I (PSI) complexes contain a type I reaction center. 
The electron transfer chain consists of two chlorophylls, a phyllo- 
quinone, three [Fe-S] clusters, and ferredoxin (or flavodoxin). 

6. Reduced ferredoxin is the substrate for ferredoxin: NADP© re- 
ductase (FNR), and NADPH is the product of photosystem I 
photosynthesis in a noncyclic electron transfer. In some cases, 
electrons are passed from ferredoxin to the cytochrome bc\ com- 
plex and back to PSI via cytochrome c in a cyclic process of electron 

7. Cyanobacteria, and chloroplasts, contain coupled photosystems 
consisting of PSI, PSII, and cytochrome bf - — a photosynthetic version 
of cytochrome bc\. When PSII absorbs a photon of light, electrons 
are transferred from PSII to cytochrome bf and plastocyanin. 
Plastocyanin resupplies electrons to PSI. When PSI absorbs a 
photon of light, excited electrons are used to synthesize NADPH. 

Problems 473 

In coupled photosystems, PSII is associated with an oxygen evolv- 
ing complex (OEC) that catalyzes the oxidation of water to 0 2 
and supplies electrons to the PSII special pair. 

8. The Z-scheme depicts electron flow during photosynthesis in 
terms of the change in reduction potentials of the various compo- 
nents of the electron transfer chains. 

9. Photosynthesis complexes are concentrated in thylakoid mem- 
branes in cyanobacteria. Chloroplasts contain a complex internal 
membrane system of thylakoid membranes. 

10. The Calvin cycle is responsible for fixing C0 2 into carbohydrates. 
The key enzyme is ribulose 1,5-Hsphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase 
(Rubisco). Rubisco is an inefficient enzyme that catalyzes car- 
boxylation of ribulose 1,5-frzsphosphate. It also catalyzes an 
oxygenation reaction. 

11. Sucrose and starch are the main products of photosynthetic car- 
bohydrate synthesis in plants. 

12. Additional carbon-fixation pathways in some plants serve to increase 
the concentration of C0 2 at the site of the Calvin cycle reactions. 


1. In plants the transport of a single pair of electrons from P680 to 
NADPH is coupled to the accumulation of six protons in the 
lumen. This will result in production of 1.5 molecules of ATP 
(Section 14.11). Assuming that NADPH ~ 2.5 ATP, this means 
that in photosynthesis transport of a pair of electrons through 
the complexes produces 1.5 + 2.5 = 4 ATP equivalents. Why 
is this process so much more efficient than respiratory electron 

2. The dragonfish is a deepwater species that flashes a red biolumi- 
nescent light to illuminate its prey. Although the visual pigments 
normally present in the retina of fish are not sensitive enough to 
pick up the red light, the dragonfish retina contains other pig- 
ments, derived from chlorophyll, that absorb at 667 nm. Suggest 
how these chlorophyll pigments might act as a photosensitizer to 
aid the dragonfish to detect prey using its own red light beacon, 
which other fish cannot see. 

3. (a) Ribulose l,5-f7/sphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) 

has been called the “enzyme that feeds the world.” Explain the 
basis for this statement. 

(b) Rubisco has also been accused of being the world’s most in- 
competent enzyme and the most inefficient enzyme in pri- 
mary metabolism. Explain the basis for this statement. 

4. You frequently see photosynthesis plus the Calvin cycle described as 

6 C0 2 + 6 H 2 0 C 6 H 12 O e + 6 0 2 

Write a similar equation for the reactions in purple bacteria and 
in green sulfur bacteria. 

5. (a) Some photosynthesis bacteria use H 2 S as a hydrogen donor 

and produce elemental sulfur, whereas others use ethanol and 
produce acetaldehyde. Write the net reactions for photosyn- 
thesis for these bacteria. 

(b) Why is no oxygen produced by these bacteria? 

(c) Write a general equation for the photosynthetic fixation of 
C0 2 to carbohydrate using H 2 A as the hydrogen donor. 

6. Can a suspension of chloroplasts in the dark synthesize glucose 
from C0 2 and H 2 0? If not, what must be added for glucose syn- 
thesis to occur? Assume that all the components of the Calvin 
cycle are present. 

7. (a) How many photons are absorbed for every 0 2 molecule pro- 

duced in photosynthesis? 

(b) How many photons must be absorbed to generate enough 
NADPH reducing power for the synthesis of one molecule of 
a triose phosphate? 

8. The herbicide 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylurea (DCMU) 
blocks photosynthetic electron transport from PSII to the cy- 
tochrome bf complex. 

(a) When DCMU is added to isolated chloroplasts, will both 0 2 
evolution and photophosphorylation cease? 

(b) If an external electron acceptor that reoxidizes P680* is added, 
how will this affect 0 2 production and photophosphorylation? 

9. (a) The luminal pH of chloroplasts suspended in a solution of 

pH 4.0 reaches pH 4.0 within a few minutes. Explain why 
there is a burst of ATP synthesis when the pH of the external 
solution is quickly raised to 8.0 and ADP and Pi are added. 

(b) If ample ADP and Pi are present, why does ATP synthesis 
cease after a few seconds? 

10 . Cyclic electron transport may occur simultaneously with non- 
cyclic electron transport under certain conditions in chloroplasts. 
Is any ATP, 0 2 , or NADPH produced by cyclic electron transport? 

11. A plant has been genetically engineered to contain a smaller per- 
centage than normal of unsaturated lipids in the thylakoid mem- 
branes of the chloroplasts. This genetically changed plant has an 
improved tolerance to higher temperatures and also shows im- 
proved rates of photosynthesis and growth at 40°C. What major 
components of the photosynthesis system might be affected by 
changing the lipid composition of the thylakoid membranes? 

12 . A compound was added to isolated spinach chloroplasts and the 
effect on photosynthetic photophosphorylation, proton uptake, 
and noncyclic electron transport determined. Addition of the 
compound resulted in an inhibition of photosynthetic pho- 
tophosphorylation (ATP synthesis), inhibition of proton uptake, 
and an enhancement in noncylic electron transport. Suggest a 
mechanism for the compound. 

13 . How many molecules of ATP (or ATP equivalents) and NADPH 
are required to synthesize (a) one molecule of glucose via photo- 
synthetic C0 2 fixation in plants and (b) one glucose residue in- 
corporated into starch? 

14 . After one complete turn of the Calvin cycle, where will the labeled 
carbon atoms from 14 C0 2 appear in (a) glyceraldehyde 3-phos- 
phate (b) fructose 6-phosphate, and (c) erythrose 4-phosphate? 

15 . 

16 . 

(a) How many additional ATP equivalents are required to synthesize 
glucose from C0 2 in C 4 plants than are required in C 3 plants? 

(b) Explain why C 4 plants fix C0 2 much more efficiently than C 3 
plants despite the extra ATP needed. 

Explain how the following changes in metabolic conditions alter 
the Calvin cycle: (a) an increase in stromal pH, and (b) a decrease 

in stromal concentration of Mg 


474 CHAPTER 15 Photosynthesis 

Selected Readings 


Armstead, I., Donnison, I., Aubry, S., Harper, J., 
Hortensteiner, S., James, C., Mani, J., Moffet, M., 
Ougham, H., Roberts, L., Thomas, A., Weeden, N., 
Thomas, H., and King, I. (2007). Cross-species 
identification of Mendel’s I locus. Science 315:73. 

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o c 










_ o 

° o o o 

° o 


o o 


° c 



o o 

Lipid Metabolism 

T he synthesis of lipids is an essential part of cellular metabolism since lipids are 
crucial components of cell membranes. In this chapter we describe the path- 
ways for synthesis of the major lipids that were described in Chapter 9. The 
most important of these pathways is fatty acid synthesis since fatty acids are required in 
triacylglycerols. Other important biosynthesis pathways include cholesterol synthesis, 
eicosanoid synthesis, and the synthesis of sphingolipids. 

Lipids can also be degraded as a normal part of cellular metabolism. The most im- 
portant catabolic pathway is that of fatty acid oxidation (/3- oxidation). In this pathway, 
long-chain fatty acids are broken down to acetyl CoA. The opposing pathways of fatty 
acid biosynthesis and fatty acid oxidation provide another example of how cells handle 
energy production and utilization in a manner that’s compatible with the fundamentals 
of thermodynamics. 

The catabolic pathways of lipid metabolism are part of basic fuel metabolism in an- 
imals. Triacylglycerols and glycogen are the two major forms of stored energy. Glycogen 
can supply ATP for muscle contraction for only a fraction of an hour. Sustained intense 
work, such as the migration of birds or the effort of marathon runners, is fueled by the 
metabolism of triacylglycerols. Triacylglycerols are anhydrous and their fatty acids are 
more reduced than amino acids or monosaccharides — this makes them very efficient at 
storing energy for use later on (Section 9.3). Triacylglycerols are oxidized when the en- 
ergy demand increases. In most cases, fat is only used when other energy sources, such 
as glucose, are unavailable. 

We will begin by examining the fundamental pathways of lipid metabolism — the 
ones that are present in all living species. Where necessary, we’ll point out the differ- 
ences between the bacterial and the eukaryotic pathways. These differences are minor. 
We then go on to describe the absorption and utilization of dietary lipids in mammals, 
including the hormonal regulation of lipid metabolism. 

16.1 Fatty Acid Synthesis 

Fatty acids are synthesized by the repetitive addition of two-carbon units to the growing 
end of a hydrocarbon chain. The growing chain is covalently attached to acyl carrier 

Derangements of this compli- 
cated mechanism of formation 
and metabolism of lipids are in 
many cases responsible for the 
genesis of some of our most im- 
portant diseases, especially in the 
cardiovascular field. A detailed 
knowledge of the mechanisms of 
lipid metabolism is necessary to 
deal with these medical problems 
in a rational manner. 

— S. Bergstrom, presentation speech 
on awarding the 1964 Nobel Prize in 
Physiology or Medicine to Konrad 
Bloch and Feodor Lynen 

Top: Whereas the polar bear lives off its stored fat for much of the year, the bird uses its fat stores for long flights. 


476 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

Figure 16.1 ► 

Outline of fatty acid synthesis. 

Initiation stage 


C0 2 

Acetyl CoA (C 2 ) — ^ Malonyl CoA (C 3 ) 

Bacteria ! 

\ Acetyl ACP (C 2 ) Malonyl ACP (C 3 ) 


Acetoacetyl ACP (C 4 ) 

Elongation stage 


^ » 3-Ketoacyl ACP (C n + 2 ) 

(C n + 2 ) [Reduction 

• CO2 [ Dehydration 

Malonyl ACP I Reduction 

(C 3 ) ^ 

Acyl ACP (C n ) 



c— ch 2 — c 
©0 / x o© 


The regulation of fatty acid metabolism 
is described in Section 16.9. 

protein (ACP), a protein coenzyme (Section 7.6). The linkage is a thioester as in acetyl 
CoA. An overview of fatty acid synthesis is shown in Figure 16.1. 

The first steps in the fatty acid synthesis pathway are the production of acetyl ACP 
and malonyl ACP from acetyl CoA. (Malonic acid, or malonate, is the name of the stan- 
dard C 3 dicarboxylic acid.) The initiation step involves a condensation of acetyl and 
malonyl groups to give a four-carbon precursor and C0 2 . This precursor serves as the 
primer for fatty acid synthesis. In the elongation stage, the acyl group attached to ACP 
(acyl ACP) is extended by two -carbon units donated by malonyl ACP. The product of 
the initial condensation (3-ketoacyl ACP) is modified by two reduction reactions and a 
dehydration reaction to produce a longer acyl ACP. Acyl ACP then serves as the sub- 
strate for additional condensation reactions. 

Fatty acid synthesis takes place in the cytosol of all species. In adult mammals it oc- 
curs largely in liver cells and adipocytes. Some fatty acid synthesis takes place in special- 
ized cells such as mammary glands during lactation. 

A. Synthesis of Malonyl ACP and Acetyl ACP 

Malonyl ACP is the substrate for fatty acid biosynthesis. It is synthesized in two steps, 
the first of which is the carboxylation of acetyl CoA in the cytosol to form malonyl CoA 
(Figure 16.2). The carboxylation reaction is catalyzed by the biotin-dependent enzyme 
acetyl- CoA carboxylase using a mechanism similar to the reaction catalyzed by pyruvate 
carboxylase (Figure 7.20). The ATP-dependent activation of HCOP forms carboxybi- 
otin. This reaction is followed by the transfer of activated C0 2 to acetyl CoA, forming 
malonyl CoA. These reactions are catalyzed in eukaryotes by a bifunctional enzyme and 
the biotin moiety is on a flexible arm that moves between the two active sites. The bac- 
terial version of acetyl-CoA carboxylase is a multisubunit enzyme complex containing 
biotin carboxylase, biotin carboxylase carrier protein, and a heterodimeric transcar- 
boxylase. In all species, acetyl-CoA carboxylase is the key regulatory enzyme of fatty 
acid synthesis and the carboxylation reaction is metabolically irreversible. 

The second step in the synthesis of malonyl ACP is the transfer of the malonyl moiety 
from coenzyme A to ACP. This reaction is catalyzed by malonyl CoA:ACP transacylase 
(Figure 16.3). A similar enzyme called acetyl CoA:ACP transacylase converts acetyl CoA to 
the acetyl ACP. In most species these are separate enzymes with specificity for malonyl 
CoA or acetyl CoA but in mammals the two activities are combined in a bifunctional en- 
zyme, malonyl-acetyl transferase (MAT) that’s part of a larger complex (see below). 

Figure 16.2 ► 

Carboxylation of acetyl CoA to malonyl CoA, 
catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase. 

ADP + P: 


16.1 Fatty Acid Synthesis 477 

B. The Initiation Reaction of Fatty Acid Synthesis 

The synthesis of long-chain fatty acids begins with the formation of a four-carbon unit 
attached to ACP. This molecule, called acetoacetyl ACP, is formed by condensation of a 
two-carbon substrate (acetyl CoA or acetyl ACP) and a three-carbon substrate (malonyl 
ACP) with the loss of C0 2 . The reaction is catalyzed by 3-ketoacyl ACP synthase (KAS). 

There are several versions of KAS in bacterial cells. One form of the enzyme (KAS 
III) is used in the initiation reaction and other versions (KAS I, KAS II) are used in sub- 
sequent elongation reactions. Bacterial KAS III uses acetyl CoA for the initial condensa- 
tion reaction with malonyl ACP (Figure 16.4). 

A two-carbon unit from acetyl CoA is transferred to the enzyme where it is cova- 
lently bound via a thioester linkage. The enzyme then catalyzes the transfer of this two- 
carbon unit to the end of malonyl ACP creating a four-carbon intermediate and releas- 
ing C0 2 . Eukaryotic versions of 3-ketoacyl ACP synthase carry out the same reaction 
except that they use acetyl ACP as the initial substrate instead of acetyl CoA. 

Recall that synthesis of malonyl CoA involves ATP- dependent carboxylation of acetyl 
CoA (Figure 16.2). This strategy of first carboxylating and then decarboxylating a com- 
pound results in a favorable free energy change for the process at the expense of ATP con- 
sumed in the carboxylation step. A similar strategy is seen in mammalian gluconeogenesis 
where pyruvate (C 3 ) is first carboxylated to form oxaloacetate (C 4 ) and then oxaloacetate 
is decarboxylated to form the C 3 molecule phosphoenolpyruvate (Section 12.1). 

C. The Elongation Reactions of Fatty Acid Synthesis 

Acetoacetyl ACP contains the smallest version of a 3-ketoacyl moiety. The “3-keto-” in 
the name of this molecule refers to the presence of a keto group at the C-3 position. In 
the older terminology this carbon atom was the /3- carbon and the product was called a 
/3-ketoacyl moiety. The condensation enzyme is also called /3-ketoacyl ACP synthase. 

In order to prepare for subsequent condensation reactions, this oxidized 3-ketoacyl 
moiety has to be reduced by the transfer of electrons (and protons) to the C-3 position. 
Three separate reactions are required, 


o 11 

0 OOC— CH 2 — C— S-CoA 

Malonyl CoA 

Malonyl CoA:ACP HS"ACP 
transacylase ^HS"CoA 



o 11 

G ooc— ch 2 — c— s-acp 

Malonyl ACP 



H 3 C — C — S-CoA 
Acetyl CoA 

Acetyl CoA:ACP HS"ACP 
transacylase ^HS"CoA 




H 3 C — C — S-ACP 
Acetyl ACP 

▲ Figure 16.3 

Synthesis of malonyl ACP from malonyl CoA 
and acetyl ACP from acetyl CoA. 



Ri — C — CH 2 — R 2 


I I 

Rt — C — CH 2 — R 2 > Ri — C = C — R 2 

H H 

■> Rt — CH 2 — CH 2 — R 2 

Reduction Dehydration Reduction (16.1) 

The ketone is reduced to the corresponding alcohol in the first reduction. The second step 
is the removal of water by a dehydratase producing a C = C double bond. Finally, a 


H 3 C — C — CH 2 — C —S-ACP 

8 /3 a 

4 3 2 1 

Acetoacetyl ACP 

◄ Figure 16.4 

Synthesis of acetoacetyl ACP in bacteria. 

478 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

Figure 16.5 ► 

The elongation stage of fatty acid synthesis. 

R represents — CH 3 in acetoacetyl ACP or 
[ — CH 2 — CH 2 ] n — CH 3 in other 3-ketoacyl 
ACP molecules. 


R — C — CH 2 — ( — S-ACP <- 
3 Ketoacyl ACP 



- NADPH + H® 
^ NADP® 



R — C — CH 2 — C —S-ACP 


D-3-Hydroxyacyl ACP 



H 2 0 


R— C= — -S-ACP 

trans-A 2 -Enoyl ACP 






R—CH 2 — CH 2 —C — S-ACP 




'®OOC— CH 2 — C— S-ACP 

Malonyl ACP 
+ H® 


Malonyl ACP, formed from acetyl CoA, is 
the precursor for all fatty acid synthesis. 

second reduction adds hydrogens to create the reduced acyl group. This is a common 
oxidation-reduction strategy in biochemical pathways. We have seen an example of the 
reverse reactions in the citric acid cycle where succinate is oxidized to oxaloacetate 
(Figure 13.5). 

The specific reactions of the elongation cycle are shown in Figure 16.5. The first re- 
duction is catalyzed by 3-ketoacyl ACP reductase (KR). The full name of the dehy- 
dratase enzyme is 3-hydroxyacyl ACP dehydratase (DH). The second reduction step is 
catalyzed by enoyl ACP reductase (ER). Note that during synthesis the d isomer of the 
/3-hydroxy intermediate is formed in an NADPH-dependent reaction. We will see in 
Section 16.7 that the l isomer is formed during the degradation of fatty acids. 

The final product of the reduction, dehydration, and reduction steps is an acyl ACP 
that is two carbons longer. This acyl ACP becomes the substrate for the elongation 
forms of 3-ketoacyl ACP synthase (KAS I and KAS II). All species use malonyl ACP as 
the carbon donor in the condensation reaction. The elongation reactions are repeated 
many times resulting in longer and longer fatty acid chains. 

The end products of saturated fatty acid synthesis are 16- and 18-carbon fatty 
acids. Larger chain lengths cannot be accommodated in the binding site of the condens- 
ing enzyme. The completed fatty acid is released from ACP by the action of a 
thioesterase (TE) that catalyzes a cleavage reaction regenerating HS-ACP. For example, 
palmitoyl ACP is a substrate for a thioesterase that catalyzes formation of palmitate and 

H 2 0 

Palmitoyl -ACP — - — -> 


Palmitate (C 16 ) + HS-ACP + H 0 


16.1 Fatty Acid Synthesis 479 

The overall stoichiometry of palmitate synthesis from acetyl CoA and malonyl CoA is 

Acetyl CoA + 7 Malonyl CoA + 14 NADPH + 20 H® > 

Palmitate + 7 C0 2 + 14 NADP© + 8 HS-CoA + 6 H 2 0 


In bacteria, each reaction in fatty acid synthesis is catalyzed by a discrete mono- 
functional enzyme. This type of pathway is known as a type II fatty acid synthesis system 
(FAS II). In fungi and animals, the various enzymatic activities are localized to individ- 
ual domains in a large multifunctional enzyme and the complex is described as a type I 
fatty acid synthesis system (FAS I). 

The large mammalian polypeptide is about 2500 amino acid residues in length 
(Mr = 270 kDa). Fatty acid synthase is a dimer where the two monomers are tightly 
bound, creating an enzyme with two sites where the fatty acids are synthesized on either 
side of the dimer axis (Figure 16.6). The bottom part of the enzyme in Figure 16.6 con- 
tains the condensing activities of malonyl/acetyl transferase (MAT) and 3-ketoacyl ACP 
synthase (KAS) that are responsible for adding a new two -carbon unit to the growing 
chain. These enzymes attach the fatty acid to a bound ACP phosphopantetheine pros- 
thetic group (ACP) that is positioned on a flexible loop. The ACP-bound fatty acid visits 
the active sites of the modifying activities: 3-ketoacyl ACP reductase (KR), 3-hydroxyacyl 
ACP dehydratase (DH), and enoyl ACP reductase (ER). The fatty acid chain is eventu- 
ally released by a thioesterase (TE) activity. 

The structures of the ACP domain and the TE domain are not resolved in the crys- 
tal structure because they are tethered to the main part of the enzyme by a short stretch 
of residues that are intrinsically disordered (Section 4.7D). These flexible domains must 
be free to move during the reaction. 

D. Activation of Fatty Acids 

The thioesterase reaction (Reaction 16.2) results in release of free fatty acids but subse- 
quent modifications of these fatty acids require an activation step where they are con- 
verted to thioesters of coenzyme A in an ATP-dependent reaction catalyzed by acyl-CoA 
synthetase (Figure 16.7). The pyrophosphate released in this reaction is hydrolyzed to 
two molecules of phosphate by the action of pyrophosphatase. As a result, two phos- 
phoanhydride bonds, or two ATP equivalents, are consumed to form the CoA thioesters 
of fatty acids. Bacteria generally have a single acyl-CoA synthetase but in mammals 
there are at least four different acyl-CoA synthetase isoforms. Each of the distinct en- 
zymes is specific for a particular fatty acid chain length: short (<C 6 ), medium (C 6 to 
C 12 ), long (>C 12 ), or very long (>C 16 ). The mechanism of the activation reaction is the 
same as that for the synthesis of acetyl CoA from acetate and CoA (Figure 10.13). Activation 
of fatty acids is required for their incorporation into membrane lipids (Section 16.2). 

E. Fatty Acid Extension and Desaturation 

The fatty acid synthase pathway cannot make fatty acids that are longer than 16 or 18 
carbons (C 16 or C 18 ). Longer fatty acids are made by extending palmitoyl CoA or 
stearoyl CoA in separate extension reactions. The enzymes that catalyze such extensions 
are known as elongases and they use malonyl CoA (not malonyl ACP) as the source of 
the two-carbon extension unit. An example of an elongase reaction is shown below in 
step 2 of Figure 16.8. Long chain fatty acids such as C 2 o and C 22 fatty acids are common 
but C 24 and C 26 fatty acids are rare. 

Unsaturated fatty acids are synthesized in both bacteria and eukaryotes but the path- 
ways are quite different. In type II fatty acid synthesis systems (bacteria) a double bond is 
added to the growing chain when it reaches a length of ten carbon atoms. The reaction 
is catalyzed by specific enzymes that recognize the C 10 intermediate. For example, 3- 
hydroxydecanoyl-ACP dehydratase specifically introduces a double bond at the 2 position 
just as in the normal dehydratase reaction during fatty acid synthesis (Figure 16.5). How- 
ever, the specific C 10 dehydratase creates a cis- 2-decanoyl ACP and not the trans configu- 
ration that serves as a substrate for enoyl ACP reductase. 


▲ Figure 16.6 

Mammalian fatty acid synthase. The structure 
of the pig {Sus scrofa) enzyme is shown. It 
is a large dimer consisting of the following 
enzyme activities: malonyl/acetyl transferase 
(MAT), 3-ketoacyl ACP synthase (KAS), 
3-ketoacyl ACP reductase (KR), 3-hydroxya- 
cyl ACP dehydratase (DH), enoyl ACP reduc- 
tase (ER), and thioesterase (TE). The fatty 
acid chain is attached to a bound ACP co- 
factor (ACP). The structures of the ACP and 
TE domains are not resolved because they 
are bound to a flexible tether. [PDB 2VZ9] 

R— COO G + HS-CoA 
Fatty acid 

Acyl-CoA synthetase 

AaMP + PPi 



R — C— S-CoA 
Acyl CoA 

▲ Figure 16.7 
Activation of fatty acids. 

480 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

Figure 16.8 ► 

Elongation and desaturation reactions in the 
conversion of linolenoyl CoA to arachidonoyl 

The nomenclature of unsaturated fatty 
acids is described in Section 9.2. 


Linolenoyl CoA (18:2 c/s, c/'s-A 9, 1 2 ) 

12 9 6 

y-Linolenoyl CoA (18:3 all c/'s-A 6,9,12 ) 


G 11 

u ooc — ch 2 — c — 

Malonyl CoA 
► C0 2 + HS-CoA 


Reduction, ^-2 NADH + 2H© 

reduction ^ 2 NAD © + H 2 Q 


Eicosatrienoyl CoA (20:3 all c/'s-A 8,11,14 ) 

14 11 8 5 




Arachidonoyl CoA 
(20:4 all c/s- A 5,8,11,14 ) 

Subsequent elongation of this unsaturated fatty acid proceeds by the normal fatty 
acid synthase pathway except that a specific 3-ketoacyl-ACP synthase enzyme recog- 
nizes the unsaturated fatty acid in the condensation reaction. The final products will be 
16:1 A 8 and 18:1 A 10 unsaturated fatty acids. These products can be further modified to 
create polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in bacteria. The chains can be extended by 
elongase enzymes and additional double bonds are introduced by a class of enzymes 
called desaturases. Bacteria contain a huge variety of PUFAs that serve to increase the 
fluidity of membranes when species encounter low temperatures (Section 9.9). For ex- 
ample, many species of marine bacteria synthesize 20:5 and 22:6 PUFAs. Up to 25% of 
the membrane fatty acids are large polyunsaturated fatty acids in these species. 

The introduction of a double bond during synthesis of fatty acids is not possible in 
eukaryotes since they employ a type I fatty acid synthase. This fatty acid synthase con- 
tains a single 3-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (KAS) activity that is part of a large multifunc- 
tional protein. The eukaryotic KAS active site does not recognize unsaturated fatty acid 
intermediates and could not extend them if they were created at the C 10 step as in bacteria. 

16.2 Synthesis of Triacylglycerols and G lycerophosphol i pids 481 

Consequently, eukaryotes synthesize unsaturated fatty acids entirely by using desat- 
urases that act on the completed fatty acid derivatives palmitoyl CoA and stearoyl CoA. 

Most eukaryotic cells contain various desaturases that catalyze the formation of 
double bonds as far as 15 carbons away from the carboxyl end of a fatty acid. For exam- 
ple, palmitoyl CoA is oxidized to its 16:1 A 9 analog that can be hydrolyzed to form the 
common fatty acid palmitoleate. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are synthesized by the se- 
quential action of different, highly specific desaturases. In most cases, the double bonds 
are spaced at 3 -carbon intervals as in synthesis of a-linolenate in plants. 

18:0 (stearoyl CoA) > 18:1A 9 > 18:2A 9,12 (linolenoyl CoA) > 

Q i i c- (1 6.4) 

18:3A 9,12,15 (u-linolenoyl CoA) 

Mammalian cells do not contain a desaturase that acts beyond the C-9 position and 
they are not able to synthesize linoleate or ct-linolenate. However, PUFAs with double 
bonds at the 12 position are absolutely essential for survival since they are precursors 
for synthesis of important eicosanoids such as prostaglandins. Because they lack a A 12 
desaturase, mammals must obtain linoleate from the diet. This is an essential fatty acid 
in the human diet. Deficiencies of a-lineolate are rare since most food contains ade- 
quate quantities. Plants, for example, are rich sources of PUFAs. Nevertheless, the com- 
position of many “vitamin” supplements will include linoleic acid. 

Mammals can convert dietary linoleate (activated to linolenoyl CoA) to arachi- 
donoyl CoA (20:4) by a series of desaturation and elongation reactions (Figure 16.8). 
(Arachidonate derived from phospholipids is a precursor of eicosanoids, Section 16.3.) 
This pathway illustrates typical examples of elongase and desaturase activity in the syn- 
thesis of complex PUFAs. The intermediate y-linolenoyl CoA (18:3) in the arachidonate 
pathway can undergo elongation and desaturation to produce C 20 and C 22 polyunsatu- 
rated fatty acids. Note that the double bonds of polyunsaturated fatty acids are not con- 
jugated but are interrupted by a methylene group. Thus, a A 9 double bond, for example, 
directs insertion of the next double bond to the A 6 position or the A 12 position. 

16.2 Synthesis of Triacylglycerols and 

Most fatty acids are found in esterified forms as triacylglycerols or glycerophospholipids 
(Sections 9.3 and 9.4). Phosphatidate is an intermediate in the synthesis of triacylglyc- 
erols and glycerophospholipids. It is formed by transferring the acyl groups from fatty 
acid CoA molecules to the C-l and C-2 positions of glycerol 3-phosphate (Figure 16.9). 
Glycerol 3 -phosphate is synthesized from dihydroxyacetone phosphate in a reduction 
reaction catalyzed by glycerol 3 -phosphate dehydrogenase. We encountered this enzyme 
when we discussed NADH shuttle mechanisms in Chapter 14 (Section 14.12). 

The lipid synthesis reactions are catalyzed by two separate acyltransferases that use 
fatty acyl CoA molecules as the acyl group donors. The first acyltransferase is glycerol-3 - 
phosphate acyltransferase. It catalyzes esterification at C-l of glycerol 3 -phosphate to 
form 1-acylglycerol 3 -phosphate (lysophosphatidate) and it exhibits a preference for satu- 
rated fatty acyl chains. The second acyltransferase is 1-acylglycerol- 3 -phosphate acyltrans- 
ferase and it catalyzes esterification at C-2 of 1-acylglycerol 3 -phosphate. This enzyme 





▲ Linoleate. Linoleate is an essential 
component of the human diet. 

In addition to the essential fatty acids, 
mammalian diets must supply a number 
of essential vitamins (Chapter 7) and 
essential amino acids (Chapter 17). 

In the older biochemistry literature tri- 
acylglycerols were called triglycerides 
(Section 9.3). 

'CH,— OH Ri — C— S-CoA HS-CoA 

O O 

II ii 

CH 2 — O— C — R, R 2 —C— S-CoA HS-CoA 







3 CH 2 — uru 3 - 
Glycerol 3-phosphate 




HO — CH 2 

CH 2 — 0P0 3 ® 

1 -Acylglycerol-3-phosphate 

FG — C — O — CH 

1-Acylglycerol 3-phosphate 

CH 2 — 0P0 3 ® 

▲ Figure 16.9 

Formation of phosphatidate. Glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferase catalyzes esterification at C-l of glycerol 3-phosphate. It has a preference for 
saturated acyl chains. l-Acylglycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase catalyzes esterification at C-2 and has a preference for unsaturated acyl chains. 

482 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 


O CH 2 — o— c — R, 


R 2 — C— O— CH 

CH 2 — OP0 3 ® 


phosphatase ^ p 

-h 2 o 

CH 2 — o— C — Rt 

R 3 — C— S-CoA 
CoA-SH < 

R 2 — C — O— CH 



£l_l q |_| Phosphoethanolamine 

2 transferase 



CDP — O — (CH 2 ) 2 — NH 3 


-> CMP 


CDP — O — (CH 2 ) 2 — N(CH 3 ) 3 - 

O CDP-choline 

O CH 2 — O — C — Ri 


R 2 — c — o — CH 


ch 2 — o— c — r 3 






o ch 2 — o— c — r, 


R 2 — c — o— CH O 

II 0 

ch 2 — o— p — o— ch 2 — ch 2 — nh 3 

0 ( 


O M ethylations / Phosphatidylethanolamine 


CH 2 — O — C — Ri 

R ? — C — O — CH 



ch 2 — o— p — o— ch 2 — ch 2 — N(CH 3 ) 3 




▲ Figure 16.10 

Synthesis of triacylglycerols and neutral phospholipids. The formation of triacylglycerols, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine proceeds 
via a diacylglycerol intermediate. A cytosine-nucleotide derivative donates the polar head groups of the phospholipids. Three enzymatic methylation 
reactions, in which S-adenosylmethionine is the methyl-group donor, convert phosphatidylethanolamine to phosphatidylcholine. 

prefers unsaturated chains. The product of the two reactions is a phosphatidate, one of a 
family of molecules whose specific properties depend on the attached acyl groups. 

The formation of triacylglycerols and neutral phospholipids from phosphatidate be- 
gins with a dephosphorylation catalyzed by phosphatidate phosphatase (Figure 16.10). 
The product of this reaction is a 1,2 -diacylglycerol that can be directly acylated to form a 
triacylglycerol. Alternatively, 1,2 -diacylglycerol can react with a nucleotide-alcohol de- 
rivative, such as CDP-choline or CDP-ethanolamine (Section 7.3), to form phos- 
phatidylcholine or phosphatidylethanolamine, respectively. These derivatives are formed 
from CTP by the general reaction 

CTP + Alcohol phosphate > CDP-alcohol + PPj (16.5) 

Phosphatidylcholine can also be synthesized by methylation of phosphatidyl- 
ethanolamine by S-adenosylmethionine (Section 7.3). 

Phosphatidate is also the precursor of acidic phospholipids. In this pathway, phos- 
phatidate is first activated by reacting with CTP to form CDP-diacylglycerol with the re- 
lease of pyrophosphate (Figure 16.1 1). In some bacteria, the displacement of CMP by ser- 
ine produces phosphatidylserine. In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, displacement of 
CMP by inositol produces phosphatidylinositol. Phosphatidylinositol can be converted to 
phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP) and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-frisphosphate 

16.3 Synthesis of Eicosanoids 483 

Figure 16.11 ► 

Synthesis of acidic phospholipids. 

Phosphatidate accepts a cytidylyl group 
from CTP to form CDP— diacylglycerol. CMP 
is then displaced by an alcohol group of 
serine or inositol to form phosphatidylserine 
or phosphatidylinositol, respectively. 



O CH 2 — o — c — Rt 
R 2 — c— o — CH O 


ch 2 — o— p — 






O CH 2 — o — c — FT 


R 2 — c — o — CH O 


ch 2 — o — p— o— ch 2 — CH — COO^ 



O CH 2 — O — C — Ri 


R 2 — c — o — CH O 


(PIP 2 ) through successive ATP-dependent phosphorylation reactions. Recall that PIP 2 is 
the precursor of the second messengers inositol 1,4,5-tnsphosphate (IP 3 ) and diacylglyc- 
erol (Section 9.1 ID). 

Most eukaryotes use a different pathway for the synthesis of phosphatidylserine. It 
is formed from phosphatidylethanolamine via the reversible displacement of ethanolamine 
by serine, catalyzed by phosphatidylethanolamine:serine transferase (Figure 16.12). 
Phosphatidylserine can be converted back to phosphatidylethanolamine in a decar- 
boxylation reaction catalyzed by phosphatidylserine decarboxylase. 

16.3 Synthesis of Eicosanoids 

There are two general classes of eicosanoids: prostaglandins + thromboxanes, and 
leukotrienes. Arachidonate (20:4 A 5,8,11,14 ) is the precursor of many eicosanoids. Recall 
that arachidonate is synthesized from linoleoyl CoA (18:2 A 9,12 ) in a pathway that re- 
quires a A 6 desaturase, an elongase, and a A 5 desaturase as shown in Figure 16.8. 

Prostaglandins are synthesized by the cyclization of arachidonate in a reaction cat- 
alyzed by a bifunctional enzyme called prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthase (PGHS). 

484 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

Figure 16.12 ► 

Interconversions of phosphatidylethanolamine 
and phosphatidylserine. 


O CH 2 — O — C — Rt 


R 2 — c— o — CH O 


ch 2 — o— p — o— ch 2 — ch 2 — nh 3 



0 ( 


HO — CH 2 — CH — COO° 




HO — CH 2 — CH 2 — NH 3 © 

co 2 

Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 



O CH 2 — O — C — R, 


R 2 — C — O— CH O 


CH 2 — O— P— O — CH 2 — CH — COO° 

o 0 


The enzyme is bound to the inner surface of the endoplasmic reticulum through a 
cluster of hydrophobic a helices that penetrate one of the lipid bilayers (Figure 16.13). 
The cyclooxygenase (COX) activity of the enzyme catalyzes the formation of a hydroper- 
oxide (prostaglandin G 2 ). The PGHS enzyme contains a second active site for a hy- 
droperoxidase activity that rapidly converts the unstable hydroperoxide to prostaglandin 
H 2 (Figure 16.14). This product is converted to various short-lived regulatory molecules 
including prostacyclin, prostaglandins, and thromboxane A 2 . Unlike hormones, which are 


One of the precursors for synthesis of triacylglycerols is glyc- 
erol 3-phosphate shown as a Fischer projection in Figure 16.9. 
This molecule could also be accurately drawn upside down as 
glycerol 1 -phosphate. This changes the stereochemical nam- 
ing convention from L to D. Similarly, D-glycerol 3 -phosphate 
and L-glycerol 1 -phosphate are different names for the same 

Having different names for the same molecule could 
lead to confusion since the glycerol phosphate precursor is a 
prochiral molecule meaning that modified lipids will have 
different stereochemical names depending on whether you 
start with L-glycerol 3-phosphate or D-glycerol 1 -phosphate. 
In order to avoid this, a new convention is introduced to 
number the carbon atoms. In a Fischer projection where the 
hydroxyl group on C-2 is on the left, the “top” carbon atom 
becomes C-l and the “bottom” one is C-3. Thus, L-glycerol 
3-phosphate becomes sn-glycerol 3-phosphate where “sn” 
stands for Stereochemical numbering. 

The accurate name for the triglyceride precursor is 
sn-glycerol 3 -phosphate in most cases. In archaebacteria the 
precursor is sn - glycerol 1 -phosphate (Box 9.5). 

ch 2 oh 

ch 2 opo 3 h 2 

= — OH 

ch 2 opo 3 h 2 

CH 2 OH 

L-Glycerol 3-phosphate 

D-Glycerol 1 -phosphate 

sn-Glycerol 3-phosphate 

CH 2 OH 

ch 2 opo 3 h 2 

— OH 

= — H 

ch 2 opo 3 h 2 

CH 2 OH 

D-Glycerol 3-phosphate 

L-Glycerol 1 -phosphate 

sn-Glycerol 1 -phosphate 

16.3 Synthesis of Eicosanoids 485 


◄ Figure 16.13 

Prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthase (PGHS, 
COX-1). This enzyme is a dimer bound to the 
inner membrane of the endoplasmic reticu- 
lum. The active sites of the cyclooxygenase 
and hydroperoxidase activities are located in 
the large cleft at the bottom of the enzyme, 
[from sheep, Ovis aries, PDB 1PRH] 


Prostaglandin H synthase: 
cyclooxygenase activity 

2 0 2 

[inhibited by aspirin] 

Prostaglandin G 2 

00 H 

5-Hydroperoxy-A 6,8,11,14 -eicosatetraenoate 

Prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthase: 
hydroperoxidase activity 



^ h 2 o 



Other prostaglandins 

Thromboxane A 2 

▲ Figure 16.14 

Major pathways for the formation of eicosanoids. The prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS) pathway leads to prostaglandin H 2 that can be converted to 
prostacyclin, thromboxane A 2 and a variety of prostaglandins. The lipoxygenase pathway shown produces leukotriene A 4 a precursor of some other 
leukotrienes. The cyclooxygenase activity of PGHS is inhibited by aspirin. 

486 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

▲ The bark of willow trees is a natural source 
of salicylates. 

produced by glands and travel in the blood to their sites of action, eicosanoids typically 
act in the immediate neighborhood of the cell in which they are produced. For example, 
thromboxane A 2 is produced by blood platelets and it leads to platelet aggregation and 
blood clots and constriction of the smooth muscles in arterial walls causing localized 
changes in blood flow. The uterus produces contraction- triggering prostaglandins dur- 
ing labor. Eicosanoids also mediate pain sensitivity, inflammation, and swelling. 

Recall that linoleate must be supplied in the human diet, usually from plants, in 
order to support the synthesis of arachidonate and eicosanoids. One of the reasons why 
linoleate is essential is because it’s required for synthesis of prostaglandins and 
prostaglandins are necessary for survival. 

Aspirin blocks production of some eicosanoids and thus relieves the symptoms of 
pain and reduces fever. The active ingredient of aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, irreversibly 
inhibits COX activity by transferring an acetyl group to an active-site serine residue of 
the bifunctional enzyme. By blocking the activity of COX, aspirin prevents the forma- 
tion of a variety of eicosanoids that are synthesized after the COX reaction. Aspirin was 
first developed as a marketable drug in 1897 but other salicylates have long been used in 
the treatment of pain. The ancient Greeks, for example, used the bark of willow trees for 
pain relief. Willow bark is a natural source of salicylates. 

The second class of eicosanoids are the products of reactions catalyzed by lipoxyge- 
nases. In Figure 16.14, arachidonate lipoxygenase is shown catalyzing the first step in 
the pathway leading to leukotriene A 4 . (The term triene refers to the presence of three 
conjugated double bonds.) Further reactions produce other leukotrienes, such as the 
compounds once called the “slow-reacting substances of anaphylaxis” (allergic re- 
sponse) that are responsible for the occasionally fatal effects of exposure to antigens. 


Most natural salicylates have serious side effects. They cause 
inflamation of the mouth, throat, and stomach and they taste 
horrible. Aspirin avoids most of these side effects, which is 
why it became such a popular drug when it was first intro- 
duced. However, aspirin can cause dizziness, ringing in the 
ears, and bleeding or ulcers of the stomach lining. There are 
two different forms of PGHS (also called COX after their cy- 
clooxygenase activity). COX-1 is a constitutive enzyme that 
regulates secretion of mucin in the stomach, thus protecting 
the gastric wall. COX-2 is an inducible enzyme that promotes 
inflammation, pain, and fever. Aspirin inhibits both isozymes. 

There are many other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory 
drugs (NSAIDS) that inhibit COX activity. Aspirin is the only 
one that inhibits by covalent modification of the enzyme. The 
others act by competing with arachidonate for binding to the 

COX active site. Ibuprofen (Advil®), for example, binds rap- 
idly, but weakly, to the active site and its inhibition is readily 
reversed when drug levels drop. Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) is 
an effective inhibitor of COX activity in intact cells. 

Physicians would like to have a drug that selectively in- 
hibits COX-2 and not COX-1. Such a compound would not 
cause stomach irritation. A number of specific COX-2 in- 
hibitors have been synthesized and many are currently avail- 
able for patients. These drugs, while expensive, are important 
for patients with arthritis who must take pain killers on a regu- 
lar basis. In some cases, the new NSAIDS have been associated 
with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and they have 
been taken off the market (e.g., Vioxx®). X-ray crystallographic 
studies of COX-2 and its interaction with these inhibitors has 
aided the search for even better replacements for aspirin. 


ch 3 x ch 3 



Rofecoxib (Vioxx®) 
(COX-2 specific NSAID) 

16.4 Synthesis of Ether Lipids 487 

16.4 Synthesis of Ether Lipids 

Ether lipids have an ether linkage in place of one of the usual ester linkages (Section 9.4). 
The pathway for the formation of ether lipids in mammals begins with dihydroxyacetone 
phosphate (Figure 16.15). First, an acyl group from fatty acyl CoA is esterified to the oxy- 
gen atom at C-l of dihydroxyacetone phosphate producing 1-acyldihydroxyacetone 
phosphate. Next, a fatty alcohol displaces the fatty acid to produce 1-alkyldihydroxyace- 
tone phosphate. The keto group of this compound is then reduced by NADPH to form 
l-alkylglycero-3-phosphate. This reduction is followed by esterification at C-2 of 
the glycerol residue to produce l-alkyl-2-acylglycero-3 -phosphate. The subsequent 
reactions — dephosphorylation and addition of a polar head group (either choline or 
ethanolamine) — are the same as those shown earlier in Figure 16.10. Plasmalogens, 
which contain a vinyl ether linkage at C-l of the glycerol backbone (Figure 9.9), are 
formed from alkyl ethers by oxidation of the alkyl ether linkage. This reaction is cat- 
alyzed by an oxidase that requires NADH and 0 2 . The oxidase is similar to the acyl-CoA 
desaturases (Figure 16.8) that introduce double bonds into fatty acids. 

In eukaryotes, ether lipids are not as common as the glycerophospholipids containing 
ester linkages although some species and some tissues have membranes that are enriched 
in plasmalogens. Ether lipids are more common in bacteria, especially in archaebacteria 
where the majority of membrane lipids are ether lipids (Box 9.5). 

CH 2 — OH 

ch 2 — opo 3 © 







R — C— S-CoA 




O CH 2 — O — CH 2 — CH^ 

R 2 — C — O— CH O 


ch 2 — o— p — o— ch 2 ch 2 





Phosphocholine transferase 

CH 2 — O — C — R 

ch 2 — opo 3 © 



O CH 2 — O — CH 2 CH 2 R<| 

R 2 — C — O— CH 

CH 2 — OH 

1 -Alkyl-2-acylglycerol 





■ HO — CH 2 CH 2 R.| 


V > 0 O — C — R + H© 



H 2 0 

ch 2 — o— ch 2 ch 2 r 1 
c = o 

CH 2 — 0P0 3 © 

O CH 2 — O — CH 2 CH 2 R! 

R 2 — C — O— CH 

CH 2 — OPO 3 © 



phosphate L NADp © 

NADPH + H 0 

ch 2 — o — CH 2 CH 2 R-! 
HO — CH 

CH 2 — 0P0 3 ® 




R 2 —C — S-CoA 


Figure 16.15 ▼ 

Synthesis of ether lipids. Plasmalogens 
are synthesized from ether lipids by 
the formation of a double bond at 
the position marked with a red arrow. 


,N(CH 3 ) 3 


CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

16.5 Synthesis of Sphingolipids 

Sphingolipids are membrane lipids that have sphingosine (a C 18 unsaturated amino al- 
cohol) as their structural backbone (Figure 9.10). In the first step of sphingolipid 
biosynthesis, serine (a C 3 unit) condenses with palmitoyl Co A, producing 3-ketosphin- 
ganine and C0 2 (Figure 16.16). Reduction of 3-ketosphinganine by NADPH produces 
sphinganine. Next, a fatty acyl group is transferred from acyl CoA to the amino group 
of sphinganine in an N-acylation reaction. The product of this reaction is dihydroce- 
ramide, or ceramide without the characteristic double bond between C-4 and C-5 of a 
typical sphingosine. This double bond is introduced in a reaction catalyzed by dihydro- 
ceramide A 4 -desaturase, an enzyme that is similar to other desaturases that we have en- 
countered. The final product is ceramide (N-acylsphingosine). 

Ceramide is the source of all the other sphingolipids. It can react with phosphatidyl- 
choline to form sphingomyelin or with a UDP-sugar to form a cerebroside. Complex 
sugar-lipid conjugates, gangliosides, can be formed by reaction of a cerebroside with ad- 
ditional UDP-sugars and CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid (Figure 9.12). Gangliosides are 
found in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, as are most glycolipids. 

16.6 Synthesis of Cholesterol 

The steroid cholesterol is an important component of many membranes (Section 9.8) 
and a precursor of steroid hormones and bile salts in mammals. All the carbon atoms in 
cholesterol come from acetyl CoA, a fact that emerged from early radioisotopic labeling 
experiments. Squalene, a C 30 linear hydrocarbon, is an intermediate in the biosynthesis 
of the 27-carbon cholesterol molecule. Squalene is formed from 5-carbon units related 
to isoprene. The stages in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway are 

Acetate (C 2 ) » Isoprenoid (C 5 ) > Squalene (C 30 ) > Cholesterol (C 27 ) (16.6) 

A. Stage 1: Acetyl CoA to Isopentenyl Diphosphate 

The first step in cholesterol synthesis is sequential condensation of three molecules of 
acetyl CoA. These condensation steps are catalyzed by acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase and 
HMG-CoA synthase. The product, HMG CoA, is then reduced to mevalonate in a reac- 
tion catalyzed by HMG-CoA reductase (Figure 16.17). This is the first committed step in 
cholesterol synthesis. Mevalonate is converted to the C 5 compound isopentenyl diphos- 
phate by two phosphorylations followed by decarboxylation. The conversion of three 
molecules of acetyl CoA to isopentenyl diphosphate requires energy in the form of three 
ATP and two NADPH. In addition to its role in cholesterol synthesis, isopentenyl diphos- 
phate is an important donor of isoprenyl units for many other biosynthesis reactions. 

Many species of bacteria have a completely different, mevalonate- independent path- 
way for synthesis of isopentyl diphosphate. The initial precursors in this pathway are glyc- 
eraldehyde 3-phosphate + pyruvate and not acetyl CoA. The mevalonate-independent 
pathway is more ancient than the mevalonate- dependent pathway shown here. 

B. Stage 2: Isopentenyl Diphosphate to Squalene 

Isopentenyl diphosphate is converted to dimethylallyl diphosphate by a specific iso- 
merase called isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase (IDI). The two isomers are then joined 
in a head-to-tail condensation reaction catalyzed by prenyl transferase (Figure 16.18). 
The products of this reaction are a C 10 molecule (geranyl diphosphate) and pyrophos- 
phate. A second condensation reaction, also catalyzed by prenyl transferease, produces 
the important C 15 intermediate, farnesyl diphosphate. The condensation of isoprenyl 
units produces a characteristic branched hydrocarbon with regularly spaced double 
bonds at the branch position. These isoprene units (Figure 9.13) are present in a number 
of important cofactors. 

Two molecules of farnesyl diphosphate are joined in a head-to-head condensation 
reaction to form the C 30 molecule squalene. Pyrophosphate, whose hydrolysis drives 
reaction equilibria toward completion, is produced in three steps in the squalene synthesis 
pathway. Note that all double bonds in squalene are trans. 

Mitochondrial isozymes of acetoacetyl- 
CoA thiolase and HMG-CoA synthase 
are involved in the synthesis of ketone 
bodies (Section 16.1 1). 


Isopentenyl diphosphate is the precursor 
for synthesis of all isoprenoids. 

16.6 Synthesis of Cholesterol 489 


© I 

H 3 N — CH O 


CH 2 OH CoA-S — c — (ch 2 ) 14 — ch 3 

Serine Palmitoyl CoA 

C-(CH 2 ) 14 -CH 3 


H 3 N — CH 

CH 2 OH 





◄ Figure 16.16 
Synthesis of sphingolipids. 



CH-(CH 2 ) 14 -CH 3 


H 3 N — CH 

ch 2 oh 




/ — R 1 — C — S-CoA 





R i 


I H 

O CH — C = C — (CH 2 ) 12 — CH 3 


— C — N — CH o 

H I II © 

CH 2 — O — P — O— CH 2 CH 2 N(CH 3 ) 3 


r .. Phosphatidylcholine 

Sphingomyelin / 


O CH — (CH 2 ) 14 — CH 3 


! — C — N — CH 

H | 
ch 2 oh 



0 2 

h 2 o 

NADH + H© 


A 4 -desaturase 



I H 

O CH — C=C— (CH 2 ) 12 — CH 


— C — N — CH 

H I 

ch 2 oh 





490 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 



h 3 c— c— S-C oA h 3 c— c— S-CoA 
Acetyl CoA Acetyl CoA 

\ ^ , / 


Acetoacetyl CoA 


CoA-S — C — CH 3 
Acetyl CoA 


H 3 C — C—CH 2 —C — S-CoA 
Acetoacetyl CoA 



C — 

ch 2 — ch 2 — o— p— o— p— 0° 


Isopentenyl diphosphate 

h 2 o 

H MG -CoA synthase 

H + + HS-CoA 



OOC — CH 2 — C — CH 2 — C— S-CoA 
CH 3 

3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG CoA) 
- 2NADPH + 2H @ 

ADP + Pj 







ooc— ch 2 — c— ch 2 — ch 2 — o— p— o— p— 0 ° 




ch 3 o' 




OOC — CH, 

^ HS-CoA 


c — ch 2 - 
ch 3 


CHo — OH 




ADP < 
ATP - 






ch 2 — c — ch 2 — ch 2 — o— p— o 0 

ch 3 




▲ Figure 16.17 

Stage I of cholesterol synthesis: formation of isopentenyl diphosphate. The condensation of three 
acetyl CoA molecules leads to HMG CoA, which is reduced to mevalonate. Mevalonate is then con- 
verted to the five-carbon molecule isopentenyl diphosphate via two phosphorylations and one 

C. Stage 3: Squalene to Cholesterol 

The steps between squalene and the first fully cyclized intermediate, lanosterol, include 
the addition of a hydroxyl group followed by a concerted series of cyclizations to form 
the four-ring steroid nucleus (Figure 16.19). Lanosterol accumulates in appreciable 
quantities in cells that are actively synthesizing cholesterol. The conversion of lanosterol 
to cholesterol occurs via two pathways, both involving many steps. 

D. Other Products of Isoprenoid Metabolism 

A multitude of isoprenoids are synthesized from cholesterol or its precursors. Isopen- 
tenyl diphosphate, the C 5 precursor of squalene, is the precursor of a large number of 
other products, such as quinones; the lipid vitamins A, E, and K; carotenoids; terpenes; 
the side chains of some cytochrome heme groups; and the phytol side chain of chlorophyll 
(Figure 16.20). Many of these isoprenoids are made in bacteria, which do not synthesize 

◄ Konrad Bloch (1912-2000) (top) and Feodor Lynen (1911-1979) (bottom) received the Nobel Prize 
in Physiology or Medicine in 1964 “for their discoveries concerning the mechanism and regulation 
of the cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism”. 

16.6 Synthesis of Cholesterol 491 




C — CH,— CH ? — O — P — O— P — 0 ( 






Isopentenyl diphosphate 






h 3 c 

h 3 c 

o o 

\ p. II II © 

C = CH — CH,— O— P — O — P — 0° 





Dimethylallyl diphosphate 


H 3 C 


h 3 c 



h 3 c / ch 2 -op 2 o 6 

N.C-r-C — H 

V Va 

h 2 c h 

Isopentenyl diphosphate 


Prenyl transferase 


OP,O fi © 



(C 5 ) 

Prenyl transferase 


◄ Figure 16.18 

Condensation reactions in the second stage of 
cholesterol synthesis. 





▲ Figure 16.19 

Final stage of cholesterol synthesis: squalene 
to cholesterol. The conversion of lanosterol 
to cholesterol requires up to 20 steps. 

Squalene synthase 




492 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 


The HMG-CoA reductase reaction appears to be the princi- 
pal site for the regulation of cholesterol synthesis. HMG-CoA 
reductase has three regulatory mechanisms — covalent modi- 
fication, repression of transcription, and control of degrada- 
tion. Short-term control is effected by covalent modification: 
HMG-CoA reductase is an interconvertible enzyme that is 
inactivated by phosphorylation. This phosphorylation is cat- 
alyzed by an unusual AMP-activated protein kinase that can 
also catalyze the phosphorylation and concomitant inactiva- 
tion of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (Section 16.9). The action of 
the kinase appears to decrease the ATP-consuming synthesis 
of both cholesterol and fatty acids when AMP levels rise. The 
amount of HMG-CoA reductase in cells is also closely regu- 
lated. Cholesterol (endogenous cholesterol delivered by 
plasma lipoproteins or dietary cholesterol delivered by chy- 
lomicrons) can repress transcription of the gene that encodes 

HMG-CoA reductase. In addition, high levels of cholesterol 
and its derivatives increase the rate of degradation of HMG- 
CoA reductase, possibly by increasing the rate of transport of 
the membrane-bound enzyme to the site of its degradation. 

Lowering of serum cholesterol levels decreases the risk 
of coronary heart disease. A number of drugs called statins 
are potent competitive inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase. 
Statins are often used as part of the treatment of hypercho- 
lesterolemia because they can effectively lower blood choles- 
terol levels. Another useful approach is to bind bile salts in 
the intestine to resin particles, to prevent their reabsorption. 
More cholesterol must then be converted to bile salts. Inhibi- 
tion of HMG-CoA reductase may not be the most desirable 
method for controlling cholesterol levels because mevalonate 
is needed for the synthesis of important molecules such as 

► Structure of HMG-CoA 
and two common statins. 


Figure 16.20 ► 

Other products of isopentenyl diphosphate 
and cholesterol metabolism. 


(plant secondary <- 

Acetyl CoA 






Quinones and phytol side 
chain of chlorophyll 

Vitamins A, E, K 



1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D 3 

16.6 Synthesis of Cholesterol 


cholesterol. The two pathways for the biosynthesis of isopentyl diphosphate (Section 
16.6A) are much more ancient than the more recent cholesterol biosynthesis pathway. 

Cholesterol is the precursor of bile salts, which facilitate intestinal absorption of 
lipids; vitamin D that stimulates Ca© uptake from the intestine; steroid hormones such 
as testosterone and /3-estradiol that control sex characteristics; and steroids that control 
salt balance. The principal product of steroid synthesis in mammals is cholesterol itself, 
which modulates membrane fluidity and is an essential component of the plasma mem- 
brane of animal cells. 

16.7 Fatty Acid Oxidation 

Fatty acids, released from triacylglycerols (Section 16.9), are oxidized by a pathway that 
degrades them by removing two-carbon units at each step. The two-carbon fragments 
are transferred to coenzyme A to form acetyl CoA, and the remainder of the fatty acid 
re-enters the oxidative pathway. This degradative process is called the /3-oxidation path- 
way because the /3-carbon atom (C-3) of the fatty acid is oxidized. Fatty acid oxidation 
is divided into two stages: activation of fatty acids and degradation to two-carbon frag- 
ments (as acetyl CoA). The NADH and ubiquinol (QH 2 ) produced by the oxidation of 
fatty acids can be oxidized by the respiratory electron transport chain, and the acetyl 
CoA can enter the citric acid cycle. 

Acetyl CoA can be completely oxidized by the citric acid cycle to yield energy (in the 
form of ATP) that can be used in other biochemical pathways. The carbon atoms from 
fatty acids can also be used as substrates for amino acid synthesis since several of the in- 
termediates in the citric acid cycle are diverted to amino acid biosynthesis pathways 
(Section 13.6). In those organisms that possess a glyoxylate pathway (Section 13.7), acetyl 
CoA from fatty acid oxidation can be used to synthesize glucose via the gluconeogenesis 

The oxidation of fatty acids occurs as part of the normal turnover of membrane 
lipids. Thus, bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals all have a /3-oxidation pathway. 
In addition to its role in normal cellular metabolism, fatty acid oxidation is a major 
component of fuel metabolism in animals. A significant percentage of dietary food con- 
sists of membrane lipids and fat and this rich course of energy is exploited by oxidizing 
fatty acids. In this section we describe the basic biochemical pathways of fatty acid oxi- 
dation. In the following sections we will discuss the role of fatty acid oxidation in mam- 
malian fuel metabolism. 

A. Activation of Fatty Acids 

The activation of fatty acids for oxidation is catalyzed by acyl-CoA synthetase (Figure 16.7). 
This is the same activation step that is required for the synthesis of polyunsaturated fatty 
acids and complex lipids. 

B. The Reactions of /3-Oxidation 

In eukaryotes, /3-oxidation takes place in mitochondria and in specialized organelles 
called peroxisomes. In bacteria, the reactions take place in the cytosol. Four steps are re- 
quired to produce acetyl CoA from fatty acyl CoA: oxidation, hydration, further oxida- 
tion, and thiolysis (Figure 16.21). We focus first on the oxidation of a saturated fatty 
acid with an even number of carbon atoms. 

In the first oxidation step, acyl- CoA dehydrogenase catalyzes the formation of a 
double bond between the C-2 and C-3 atoms of the acyl group forming trans 2-enoyl 
CoA. There are several separate acyl-CoA dehydrogenase isozymes, each with a different 
chain length preference: short, medium, long, or very long. 

When the double bond is formed, electrons from fatty acyl CoA are transferred 
to the FAD prosthetic group of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and then to another FAD 
prosthetic group bound to a mobile, water-soluble, protein coenzyme called electron 


/^-Oxidation is an ancient and ubiquitous 
pathway for degradation of fatty acids. 

O O 

ii ii 

R — CH 2 — C— CH 2 — C— S-CoA 

4 3 2 1 

8 f3 a 

3-ketoacyl CoA 
(3-oxoacyl CoA) 
(/3-ketoacyl CoA) 

▲ 3-ketoacyl CoA, 3-oxoacyl CoA, /3-ketoacyl 

▲ Bear bile. In Vietnam bears are kept in 
captivity — often under deplorable conditions — 
and bile is extracted from their stomachs on 
a regular basis. Bear bile is thought to be an 
effective remedy for fever and poor eyesight. 

494 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 


-ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 2 - 

3 2 




R — CH 2 — C — CH 2 — C — S-CoA 
3-Ketoacyl CoA 

R — CH 2 — C = C — C — S-CoA 

trans- A 2 -Enoyl CoA 




R — CH 2 — C — CH 2 — C — S-CoA 

L-3-Hydroxyacyl CoA 




▲ Figure 16.21 

/3-oxidation of saturated fatty acids. One round of /3-oxidation consists of four enzyme-catalyzed reac- 
tions. Each round generates one molecule each of QH 2 , NADH, acetyl CoA, and a fatty acyl CoA 
molecule two carbon atoms shorter than the molecule that entered the round. (ETF is the electron- 
transferring flavoprotein, a water-soluble protein coenzyme.) 

▲ Human medium chain acyl-CoA synthetase. 

The products of the reaction, AMP and acyl 
CoA, are bound in the active site. The en- 
zyme is a dimer but only one subunit is 
shown. [PDB 3EQ6] 

transferring flavoprotein (ETF, Figure 16.22). (ETF also accepts electrons from several 
other flavoproteins that are not involved in fatty acid metabolism.) Electrons are then 
passed to Q in a reaction catalyzed by ETF: ubiquinone oxidoreductase. This enzyme is 
embedded in the membrane and QH 2 from fatty acid oxidation enters the pool of QH 2 
that can be oxidized by the membrane-associated electron transport system. 

The second step is a hydration reaction. Water is added to the unsaturated trans 2- 
enoyl CoA produced in the first step to form the L isomer of 3-hydroxyacyl CoA. The 
enzyme is 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase. 

The third step is a second oxidation catalyzed by L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase. 
This production of 3-ketoacyl CoA from 3-hydroxyacyl CoA is an NAD® -dependent 
reaction. The resulting reducing equivalents (NADH) can be used directly in biosynthe- 
sis pathways or they can be oxidized by the membrane-associated electron transport 

Finally, in Step 4, the nucleophilic sulfhydryl group of HS-CoA attacks the carbonyl 
carbon of 3-ketoacyl CoA in a reaction catalyzed by 3-ketoacyl- CoA thiolase. This enzyme, 
also called thiolase II, is related to the acetoacyl-CoA thiolase (thiolase I) that we encountered 

16.7 Fatty Acid Oxidation 


▲ Figure 16.22 

Model of the medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) bound to ETF. The MCAD subunits are colored green and the ETF subunits are colored blue. 
Bound FADs are represented as space-filling molecules (yellow). The model is based on the structure in PDB entry 2A1T containing a mutant protein 
that blocks movement of the FAD domain of ETF. The left-hand side of the dimer shows the probable position of the FAD domain during transfer of 
electrons from MCAD to ETF and the right-hand side shows the position of the FAD domain in free, unbound ETF. The flexibility of the FAD domain 
as it shifts from one position to another is responsible for its lack of resolution in the wild-type ETF: MCAD crystal structure. (Toogood et al., 2004; 
Toogood et al., 2005) 

in the isopentenyl diphosphate pathway (Section 16.6A). Acetoacyl-CoA thiolase is specific 
for acetoacetyl Co A, while 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase acts on long chain fatty acid derivatives. 
The release of acetyl CoA leaves a fatty acyl CoA molecule shortened by two carbons. This 
acyl CoA molecule is a substrate for another round of the four reactions and the metabolic 
spiral continues until the entire molecule has been converted to acetyl CoA. 

As the fatty acyl chain becomes shorter, the first step is catalyzed by acyl- CoA dehy- 
drogenase isozymes with preferences for shorter chains. Interestingly, the first three reac- 
tions of fatty acid oxidation are chemically parallel to three steps of the citric acid cycle. 
In these reactions, an ethylene group ( — CH 2 CH 2 — , as in succinate) is oxidized to a 
two-carbon unit containing a carbonyl group ( — COCH 2 — , as in oxalo acetate). The 
steps are the reverse of the reactions in the fatty acid synthesis pathway (Section 16. 1C). 

In eukaryotes, fatty acid oxidation also occurs in peroxisomes. In fact, peroxisomes are 
the only site of fatty acid /3-oxidation in most eukaryotes (but not mammals). In peroxi- 
somes, the initial oxidation step is catalyzed by acyl- CoA oxidase — an enzyme that is 
homologous to the acyl-CoA dehydrogenease that catalyzes the first oxidation in mitochon- 
dria. The peroxisomal enzyme transfers electrons to 0 2 to form hydrogen peroxide (H 2 0 2 ). 

Fatty acyl CoA + 0 2 > trans- A 2 -Enoyl CoA + H 2 0 2 (16.7) 

In bacterial and mitochondrial /3- oxidation the product of the first oxidation step is 
QH 2 that can be used in the respiratory electron transport chain. This results in synthesis of 
ATP — each QH 2 molecule is equivalent to 1.5 molecules of ATP (Section 14.11). There is no 
membrane-associated electron transport system in peroxisomes and this is why a different 
type of oxidation-reduction takes place in peroxisomes. It also means that fewer ATP equiv- 
alents are produced during peroxisomal /3-oxidation. In mammals, where both mitochon- 
drial and peroxisomal pathways exist, the peroxisomal /3- oxidation pathway degrades very 
long chain fatty acids, branched fatty acids, long chain dicarboxylic acids, and possibly 

▲ Peroxisomes. Indian Muntjac ( Muntiacus 
muntjak) fibroblast cells were stained with 
green reagent to show peroxisomes. Actin 
fibers are stained red and nuclear DNA is 
purple. The small peroxisomes are scattered 
throughout the cytoplasm. [http://www. 
m i c rosco py u . co m/st at i cga llery/ 

496 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

Fatty acid synthesis 

Acyl ACP (C n + 2 ) 



NADPH + H©- 

trans-A 2 -Enoyl ACP (C n + 2 ) 


D-3-Hydroxyacyl ACP (C n + 2 ) 




NADPH + H©- 

3-Ketoacyl ACP (C n + 2 ) 
HS-ACP + C0 2 «^ 

Malonyl ACP • 

Acyl ACP (C n ) 


Acyl CoA (C n + 2 ) 

trans unsaturated fatty acids producing smaller, more polar compounds that can be ex- 
creted. Most of the common fatty acids are degraded in mitochondria. 

C. Fatty Acid Synthesis and /3-Oxidation 

Fatty acid synthesis involves carbon-carbon bond formation (condensation) followed 
by reduction, dehydration, and reduction steps in preparation for the next condensa- 
tion reaction. The reverse reactions — oxidation, hydration, oxidation, and carbon-carbon 
bond cleavage — are part of the degradation pathway of /3- oxidation. We compare the 
two pathways in Figure 16.23. 

The active thioesters in fatty acid oxidation are CoA derivatives whereas the inter- 
mediates in fatty acid synthesis are bound as thioesters to acyl carrier protein (ACP). In 
both cases, the acyl groups are attached to phosphopantetheine. Synthesis and degrada- 
tion both proceed in two-carbon steps. However, oxidation results in a two-carbon 
product, acetyl CoA, whereas synthesis requires a three- carbon substrate, malonyl ACP 
that transfers a two-carbon unit to the growing chain releasing C0 2 . Reducing power for 
synthesis is supplied by NADPH, whereas oxidation depends on NAD® and ubiquinone 
(via the electron-transferring flavoprotein). Finally, the intermediate in fatty acid syn- 
thesis is D-3-hydroxyacyl-ACP whereas the L isomer (L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA) is pro- 
duced during /3-oxidation. 

The biosynthesis and catabolic pathways are catalyzed by a completely different set 
of enzymes and the intermediates form separate pools due to the fact that they are 
bound to different cofactors (CoA and ACP). In eukaryotic cells the two opposing path- 
ways are physically separated. The biosynthesis enzymes are found in the cytosol and 
the 13 - oxidation enzymes are confined to mitochondria and peroxisomes. 



>QH 2 

frans-A 2 -Enoyl CoA (C n + 2 ) 


L-3-Hydroxyacyl CoA (C n + 2 ) 
f NAD© 


^NADH + H 0 
3-Ketoacyl CoA (C n + 2 ) 

Acetyl CoA 
Acyl CoA (C n ) 


▲ Figure 16.23 

Fatty acid synthesis and /3-oxidation. 

Figure 16.24 ► 

Carnitine shuttle system for transporting fatty 
acyl CoA into the mitochondrial matrix. The 

path of the acyl group is traced in red. 

D. Transport of Fatty Acyl CoA into Mitochondria 

Long-chain fatty acyl CoA formed in the cytosol cannot diffuse across the inner mito- 
chondrial membrane into the mitochondrial matrix where the reactions of /3- oxidation 
occur in mammals. A transport system, called the carnitine shuttle system, actively 
transports fatty acids into mitochondria (Figure 16.24). In the cytosol, the acyl group of 





0N(CH 3 ) 3 


©N(CH 3 ) 3 


Fatty acyl CoA 

16.7 Fatty Acid Oxidation 497 



Many species contain a trifunctional en- 
zyme for /3-oxidation. The 2-enoyl-CoA 
hydratase (ECH) and L-3-hydroxyacyl- 
CoA dehydrogenase (HACD) activities 
are located on a single polypeptide chain 
(a subunit). The 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase 
(KACT) activity is localized to the /3 sub- 
unit and the two subunits combine to 
form a protein with a 2 & 2 quaternary 

The structure of a bacterial enzyme is 
shown in the figure. During /3-oxidation 
the product of the first reaction, trans-2- 
enoyl CoA, binds to the ECH site of the 
trifunctional enzyme. The substrate then 
undergoes the next three reactions within 
the cavity formed by the ECH, HACD, and 
KACT active sites in each half of the 
dimer. The two intermediates in the path- 
way are not released during these reac- 
tions because they are bound by their CoA 
termini. This is an example of metabolic 
channeling by a multienzyme complex. 

▲ Structure of the fatty acid /3-oxidation multienzyme complex from the bacterium Pseudomonas 

fragi. In this structure a molecule of acyl CoA is bound at each of the KACT sites. [PDB 1WDK] 

fatty acyl CoA is transferred to the hydroxyl group of carnitine to form acylcarnitine in 
a reaction catalyzed by carnitine acyltransferase I, also called carnitine palmitoyltrans- 
ferase I (CPTI). The enzyme is associated with the outer membrane of the mitochondria. 

This reaction is a key site for regulation of the oxidation of intracellular fatty acids. The 
acyl ester acylcarnitine is a “high energy” molecule with a free energy of hydrolysis similar 
to that of a thiol ester. Acylcarnitine then enters the mitochondrial matrix in exchange for 
free carnitine via the carnitine: acylcarnitine translocase. In the mitochondrial matrix, the 
isozyme carnitine acyltransferase II catalyzes the reverse of the reaction catalyzed by carni- 
tine acyltransferase I. The effect of the carnitine shuttle system is to remove fatty acyl CoA 
from the cytosol and regenerate fatty acyl CoA in the mitochondrial matrix. 

The carnitine shuttle system is not used in most eukaryotes since fatty acid oxida- 
tion takes place in the peroxisomes. Fatty acids are transported into peroxisomes by a 
different mechanisms of course, no transport mechanism is required in prokaryotes 
since all these reactions take place in the cytoplasm. 


Unlike the pathways for gluconeogenesis 
and glycolysis, the pathways for the 
synthesis and degradation of fatty acids 
are completely different. 

In Section 16.7D we compare the cost 
of fatty acid synthesis to the energy 
recovered in /?-oxidation. 

E. ATP Generation from Fatty Acid Oxidation 

The complete oxidation of fatty acids supplies more energy than the oxidation of an 
equivalent amount of glucose. As is the case in glycolysis, the energy yield of fatty acid 
oxidation can be estimated from the total theoretical yield of ATP (Section 13.5). As an 
example, let’s consider the balanced equation for the complete oxidation of one mole- 
cule of stearate (C 18 ) by eight cycles of /3-oxidation. Stearate is converted to stearoyl 
CoA at a cost of two ATP equivalents and the oxidation of steroyl CoA yields acetyl CoA 
and the reduced coenzymes QH 2 and NADH. 

Stearoyl CoA + 8 HS-CoA + 8 Q + 8 NAD® > 

9 Acetyl CoA + 8 QH 2 + 8 NADH + 8 H® 


498 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

We can calculate the theoretical yield of 9 molecules of acetyl CoA by assuming that they 
enter the citric acid cycle where they are completely oxidized to C0 2 . These reactions 
produce 10 ATP equivalents for each molecule of acetyl CoA. The net yield from oxida- 
tion of stearate is 120 ATP equivalents. 

Eight cycles of / 3 -oxidation yield 

8 QH 2 « 12 ATP 

8NADH « 20 ATP 

9 molecules of acetyl CoA ~ 90 ATP 

activation of stearate ~ —2 ATP 

Total = 120 ATP 

HCO 3 0 



H O 


H — C — CH 2 — C — S-CoA 

Propionyl CoA 

ATP — ^ 

Pi + ADP^ 





H — C— H 

O 1 

e OOC— c — c — S-CoA 


H O 

D-Methylmalonyl CoA 




By comparison, the oxidation of glucose to C0 2 and water yields approximately 32 
ATP molecules. Since stearate has 18 carbons and glucose has only six carbons, we nor- 
malize the yield of ATP from glucose by comparing the oxidation of three molecules of 
glucose: 3 X 32 = 96 ATP. This theoretical ATP yield is only 80% of the value for 
stearate. Fatty acids provide more energy per carbon atom than carbohydrates because 
carbohydrates are already partially oxidized. Furthermore, because fatty acid moieties 
are hydrophobic, they can be stored in large quantities as triacylglycerols without large 
amounts of bound water, as are found with carbohydrates. Anhydrous storage allows far 
more energy to be stored per gram. 

We can also calculate the cost of synthesizing stearate in order to compare it to the 
energy recovered during /3-oxidation. For this calculation we need to know the cost of 
synthesizing acetyl CoA from C0 2 . This value (17 ATP equivalents) is obtained from 
the reactions of C0 2 fixation in plants (Section 15.4C). 

8 acetyl CoA —> 8 malonyl ACP 

8 synthesis steps 16 NADPH 

9 acetyl CoA 9 X 17 


8 ATP 
40 ATP 
153 ATP 
201 ATP 

The energy recovered in the degradation of stearate is about 60% (120/201) of the total 
theoretical energy required for its synthesis. This is a typical example of biochemical 

H O 

O 1 11 

e OOC — C — C — S-CoA 


H — C — H 



L-Methylmalonyl CoA 

(Adenosyl- Methylmalonyl-CoA 
cobalamin) mutase 



O 1 

^OOC — C — H 


H — c— : — S-CoA 


H O 

Succinyl CoA 
▲ Figure 16.25 

Conversion of propionyl CoA to succinyl CoA. 

F. /3-Oxidation of Odd-Chain and Unsaturated Fatty Acids 

Most fatty acids have an even number of carbon atoms. Odd-chain fatty acids are syn- 
thesized by bacteria and by some other organisms. Odd-chain fatty acids are oxidized by 
the same sequence of reactions as even- chain fatty acids except that the product of the 
final thiolytic cleavage is propionyl CoA (CoA with a C 3 acyl group) rather than acetyl 
CoA (CoA with a C 2 acyl group). In mammals, propionyl CoA can be converted to suc- 
cinyl CoA in a three step pathway (Figure 16.25). 

The first reaction is catalyzed by propionyl- CoA carboxylase, a biotin-dependent en- 
zyme that incorporates bicarbonate into propionyl CoA to produce D-methylmalonyl 
CoA. Methylmalonyl-CoA racemase catalyzes the conversion of D-methylmalonyl CoA to 
its L isomer. Finally, methylmalonyl-CoA mutase catalyzes the formation of succinyl CoA. 

Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase is one of the few enzymes that require adenosylcobal- 
amin as a cofactor. We learned in Section 7.12 that adenosylcobalamin-dependent 
enzymes catalyze intramolecular rearrangements in which a hydrogen atom and a sub- 
stituent on an adjacent carbon atom exchange places. In the reaction catalyzed by 
methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, the — C(O) — S-CoA group exchanges with a hydrogen 
atom of a methyl group (Figure 7.28). 

The succinyl CoA molecule formed by the action of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase is 
metabolized to oxaloacetate. Since oxaloacetate is a substrate for gluconeogenesis, the 

16.7 Fatty Acid Oxidation 499 

Linoleoyl CoA 

(18:2, c/'s, c/s- A 9,12 ) 

(12:2, c/'s, c/s- A 3 6 ) 

H H H H 

-C = C— CH 2 — C = C — ch 2 


CD cz>^ Three rounds of /3-oxidation 


I o 

H H 
C = C 

4 3 2 

H H 

-c=c— ch 2 — c=c— ch 2 — c— S-CoA 


A 3 , A-Enoyl-CoA isomerase 

(12:2, tans.cis- A 26 ) 

H H H 

-C = C— CH 2 — CH 2 — C = C — c— S-CoA 


(D ciD One round of /3-oxidation 


(10:1, c/s- A 4 ) 

(10:2, tans.cis- A 24 ) 

(10:1, tans- A 3 ) 

(10:1, fans-A 2 ) 


-C=C—CH 2 — CH 2 —C— S-CoA 


Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 
(first reaction of /3-oxidation) 



-C = C — C = C— C— S-CoA 


, — NADPH,H® 

( 5 ) 2,4-Dienoyl-CoA reductase 





-CH 2 — C = C — CH 2 — c— S-CoA 



A 3 , A 2 -Enoyl-CoA isomerase 
(same enzyme as Step 2) 



-CH,— CH,— C = C — C— S-CoA 


One round of /3-oxidation 

-CH 2 —CH 2 — C — S-CoA 


Figure 16.26 ► 

Oxidation of linoleoyl CoA. Oxidation requires 
two enzymes: enoyl-CoA isomerase and 
2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase — in addition to 
the enzymes of the /3-oxidation pathway. 

propionyl group derived from the (5 - oxidation of an odd- chain fatty acid can be con- 
verted to glucose. 

The oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids requires two enzymes in addition to those 
usually needed for the oxidation of saturated fatty acids. The oxidation of the Coenzyme A 
derivative of linoleate (18:2 cis,cis A 9,12 -octadecadienoate) illustrates the modified path- 
way (Figure 16.26). 

500 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

▲ The camel’s hump stores fat for energy pro- 
duction when food is scarce. The hump of the 
camel contains fat that is used to supply en- 
ergy. It does not store water. The ability of 
camels to go for long periods of time without 
water is due to completely different adapta- 
tions having nothing to do with fat metabo- 
lism. The camel shown here is the Arabian 
camel or dromedary, Camelus dromedarius. 

Like all polyunsaturated fatty acids linoleoyl CoA has both odd-numbered and 
even-numbered double bonds (its double bonds are separated by a methylene group). 
Unsaturated fatty acids are normal substrates for the enzymes of the /3-oxidation path- 
way until an odd-numbered double bond of the shortened fatty acid chain interferes 
with catalysis. In this example, three rounds of /3- oxidation convert linoleoyl CoA to the 
C 12 molecule 12:2 ds,ds- A 3,6 -dienoyl CoA (step 1). This molecule has a ds- 3,4 double 
bond rather than the usual trans- 2,3 double bond that would be produced during 13- 
oxidation of saturated fatty acids. The cis- 3,4 intermediate is not a substrate for 
2-enoyl-CoA hydratase since the normal /3-oxidation enzyme is specific for trans acyl 
CoAs and, in addition, the double bond is in the wrong position for hydration. 

The inappropriate double bond is rearranged from A 3 to A 2 to produce the C 12 
molecule 12:2 trans, cis- A 2,6 - dienoyl CoA in a reaction catalyzed by A 3 ,A 2 -enoyl-CoA 
isomerase (step 2). This product can re-enter the /3-oxidation pathway and another 
round of /3-oxidation can be completed resulting in the C 10 molecule 10:1 cis- A 4 -enoyl 
CoA (step 3). The first enzyme of the /3- oxidation pathway, acyl- CoA dehydrogenase, 
acts on this compound, producing the C 10 molecule 10:2 trans, cis- A 2,4 -dienoyl CoA. 
This resonance-stabilized diene resists hydration. 2,4-Dienoyl-CoA reductase catalyzes 
the NADPH-dependent reduction of the diene (step 5) to produce a C 10 molecule with 
a single double bond (10:1 trans- A 3 -enoyl CoA). This product (like the substrate in 
step 2) is acted on by A 3 , A 2 -enoyl-CoA isomerase to produce a compound that contin- 
ues through the /3-oxidation pathway. Note that the isomerase can convert both cis- A 3 
and trans- A 3 double bonds to the trans- A 2 intermediate. 

The oxidation of a monounsaturated fatty acid with a cis double bond at an odd- 
numbered carbon (e.g., oleate) requires the activity of the isomerase but not the re- 
ductase, in addition to the enzymes of /3-oxidation. Oleoyl (18:1 cis- A 3 ) CoA undergoes 
three cycles of /3-oxidation, forming three molecules of acetyl CoA and the CoA ester 
of the (12:1 ds-A 3 ) acid. A 3 , A 2 -Enoyl-CoA isomerase then catalyzes conversion 
of the 12-carbon enoyl CoA to a 12-carbon trans- A 2 enoyl CoA, which can undergo 

▲ Myelin sheath. These nerve fibers are 
coated with several layers of myelin mem- 
branes (colored purple) forming a protective 
sheath around the axons. Plasmalogens are 
important components of myelin mem- 
branes. The symptoms of multiple sclerosis 
(MS) are caused by degradation of myelin in 
the brain and spinal cord leading to loss of 
motor control. 

16.8 Eukaryotic Lipids Are Made at 
a Variety of Sites 

Eukaryotic cells are highly compartmentalized. The compartments can have quite dif- 
ferent functions, and their surrounding membranes can have quite distinct phospho- 
lipid and fatty acyl constituents. Most lipid biosynthesis in eukaryotic cells occurs in the 
endoplasmic reticulum. Phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phos- 
phatidylinositol, and phosphatidylserine, for example, are all synthesized in the ER. The 
biosynthesis enzymes are membrane bound with their active sites oriented toward the 
cytosol so that they have access to the water-soluble cytosolic compounds. The major 
phospholipids are incorporated into the ER membrane. From there they are trans- 
ported to other membranes in the cell in vesicles that travel between the endoplasmic 
reticulum and Golgi apparatus and between the Golgi apparatus and various mem- 
brane target sites. Soluble transport proteins also participate in carrying phospholipids 
and cholesterol to other membranes. 

Although the endoplasmic reticulum is the principal site of lipid metabolism in the 
cell, there are also lipid-metabolizing enzymes at other locations. For instance, mem- 
brane lipids can be tailored to give the lipid profile characteristic of individual cellular 
organelles. In the plasma membrane, acyltransferase activities catalyze the acylation of 
lysophospholipids. Mitochondria have the enzyme phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 
that catalyzes the conversion of phosphatidylserine to phosphatidylethanolamine. 
Mitochondria also contain the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of diphosphatidyl- 
glycerol (cardiolipin, Table 9.2), a molecule found uniquely in the inner membrane of 
the mitochondrion. Lysosomes possess various hydrolases that degrade phospholipids 
and sphingolipids. Peroxisomes possess enzymes involved in the early stages of ether 

16.8 Eukaryotic Lipids Are Made at a Variety of Sites 501 

lipid synthesis. Defects in peroxisomal formation can lead to poor plasmalogen synthe- 
sis, with potentially fatal consequences. 

The tissues of the central nervous system are especially prone to damage. In those 
tissues plasmalogens constitute a substantial portion of the lipids of the myelin sheath. 
Often, different subcellular locations have a different set of enzymes (isozymes) respon- 
sible for the biosynthesis of different, segregated pools of lipids, with each pool having 
its own biological function. 

16.9 Lipid Metabolism is Regulated by 
Hormones in Mammals 

Fatty acids are no longer oxidized in mitochondria when the energy supply is sufficient 
to meet the immediate needs of an organism. Instead, they are transported to adipose 
tissue where they are stored for future use when energy is needed (e.g., lack of food). 
This aspect of lipid metabolism is similar to the strategy in carbohydrate metabolism 
where excess glucose is stored in specialized cells as glycogen (animals) or starch 

The mobilization and storage of lipids requires communication between different 
tissues. Hormones that circulate in the blood are ideally suited to act as signals between 
cells. Lipid metabolism must be coordinated with carbohydrate metabolism, so it’s not 
surprising that the same hormones also affect the synthesis, degradation, and storage of 

Glucagon, epinephrine, and insulin are the principal hormonal regulators of fatty 
acid metabolism. Glucagon and epinephrine are present in high concentrations in the 
fasted state and insulin is present in high concentrations in the fed state. The concentra- 
tion of circulating glucose must be maintained within fairly narrow limits at all times. 
In the fasted state, carbohydrate stores become depleted and synthesis of carbohydrates 
must occur to maintain the level of glucose in the blood. To further relieve pressure on 
the limited supply of glucose, fatty acids are mobilized to serve as fuel, and many tissues 
undergo regulatory transitions that decrease their use of carbohydrates and increase 
their use of fatty acids. The opposite occurs in the fed state when carbohydrates are used 
as fuel and precursors for fatty acid synthesis. 

The key regulatory enzyme for fatty acid synthesis is acetyl- CoA carboxylase. High 
insulin levels after a meal inhibit the hydrolysis of stored triacylglycerols and stimulate 
the formation of malonyl CoA by acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Malonyl CoA allosterically 
inhibits carnitine acyltransferase I. As a result, fatty acids remain in the cytosol rather 
than being transported into mitochondria for oxidation. Regulation of fatty acid syn- 
thesis and degradation is reciprocal, with increased metabolism by one pathway bal- 
anced by decreased activity in the opposing pathway. In animals this regulation is 
achieved by hormones that indirectly affect the activities of the enzymes. 

Triacylglycerols are delivered to adipose tissue in the form of lipoproteins that cir- 
culate in blood plasma (Section 16.10B). When they arrive at adipose tissue the triglyc- 
erols are hydrolyzed to release fatty acids and glycerol that are then taken up by 
adipocytes. Hydrolysis is catalyzed by lipoprotein lipase (LPL), an extracellular enzyme 
bound to endothelial cells of the capillaries of adipose tissue. Following entry into 
adipocytes, the fatty acids are re-esterified for storage as triacylglycerols. 

Subsequent mobilization, or release, of fatty acids from adipocytes depends on 
metabolic needs. A hormone-sensitive lipase in adipocytes catalyzes the hydrolysis of 
triacylglycerols to free fatty acids and monoacylglycerols. Although hormone-sensitive 
lipase can also catalyze the conversion of monoacylglycerols to glycerol and free fatty 
acids, a more specific and more active monoacylglycerol lipase probably accounts for 
most of this catalytic activity. 

The hydrolysis of triacylglycerols is inhibited in the fed state by high concentrations 
of insulin. When carbohydrate stores are depleted and insulin concentrations are low, 
an increased concentration of epinephrine stimulates triacylglycerol hydrolysis. Epi- 
nephrine binds to the /3-adrenergic receptors of adipocytes leading to activation of the 

Hormone signaling pathways are 
described in Section 9.12. 

502 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 


There are no metabolic diseases associated with defects in the 
sphingolipid biosynthesis pathways. It is likely that mutations 
in the genes for biosynthesis enzymes are lethal since sphin- 
golipids are essential membrane components. In contrast, 
defects in the sphingolipid degradation pathway can have se- 
rious clinical consequences. Sphingolipid catabolism is largely 
carried out in the lysosomes of cells. Lysosomes contain a va- 
riety of glycosidases that catalyze the stepwise hydrolytic 
removal of sugars from the oligosaccharide chains of sphin- 
golipids. There are certain inborn errors of metabolism in 
which a genetic defect leads to a deficiency in a particular 
degradative lysosomal enzyme resulting in lysosomal storage 
diseases. The accumulation of nondegradable lipid by-products 
can cause lysosomes to swell leading to cellular and ultimately 
tissue enlargement. This is particularly deleterious in central 
nervous tissue that has little room for expansion. Swollen 

lysosomes accumulate in the cell bodies of nerve cells and 
lead to neuronal death, possibly by leakage of lysosomal en- 
zymes into the cell. As a result, blindness, mental retardation, 
and death can occur. In Tay-Sachs disease, for instance, there 
is a deficiency in hexosaminidase A, which catalyzes the re- 
moval of N - acetylgalactosamine from the oligosaccharide 
chain of gangliosides. If removal of this sugar does not occur, 
the disassembly of gangliosides is blocked, leading to a 
buildup of the nondegradable by-product, ganglioside G M2 . 
(The complete structure of ganglioside G M2 is shown in 
Figure 9.12.) 

Schematic pathways for the formation and degradation 
of a variety of sphingolipids are shown in the accompanying 
figure. A number of defects in sphingolipid metabolism, 
whose clinical manifestations are termed sphingolipidoses , are 
identified there. 





(Galy— [ Cer 
0 °3 S Sulfatide 








Specialized symptoms 



Damage to joints, granulomas 









Bone damage 





Globoid bodies in brain 


Rash, kidney failure 





Paralysis, dementia 



Blindness, seizures 




Same as Tay-Sachs; 
progresses more rapidly 






Bone damage 


16.9 Lipid Metabolism is Regulated by Hormones in Mammals 503 



▲ Figure 16.27 

Triacylglycerol degradation in adipocytes. Epinephrine initiates the activation of protein kinase A, which catalyzes the phosphorylation and activation 
of hormone-sensitive lipase. The lipase catalyzes the hydrolysis of triacylglycerols to monoacylglycerols and free fatty acids. The hydrolysis of monoa- 
cylglycerols is catalyzed by monoacylglycerol lipase. 

cAMP- dependent protein kinase A. Protein kinase A catalyzes the phosphorylation and 
activation of hormone-sensitive lipase (Figure 16.27). 

Glycerol and free fatty acids diffuse through the adipocyte plasma membrane and enter 
the bloodstream. Glycerol is metabolized by the liver, where most of it is converted to glu- 
cose via gluconeogenesis. Free fatty acids are poorly soluble in aqueous solution and travel 
through blood bound to serum albumin (Section 16.9C). Fatty acids are carried to tissues 
such as heart, skeletal muscle, and liver, where they are oxidized in mitochondria to release 
energy. Fatty acids are a major source of energy during the fasting state (e.g., while we sleep). 

At the same time, an increase in glucagon levels inactivates acetyl-CoA carboxylase, 
the enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of malonyl CoA in the liver. The result is in- 
creased transport of fatty acids into mitochondria and greater flux through the 
/3-oxidation pathway. The high concentrations of acetyl CoA and NADH that are pro- 
duced by fatty acid oxidation decrease glucose and pyruvate oxidation by inhibiting the 
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Thus, not only are fatty acid oxidation and storage 
reciprocally regulated but fatty acid metabolism is also regulated so that storage is fa- 
vored in times of plenty (such as immediately after feeding) and fatty acid oxidation 
proceeds when glucose must be spared. 

Citrate — a precursor of cytosolic acetyl CoA — activates acetyl- CoA carboxylase in 
vitro , but the physiological relevance of this activation has not been fully established. 
Acetyl- CoA carboxylase is inhibited by fatty acyl CoA. The ability of fatty acid deriva- 
tives to regulate acetyl- CoA carboxylase is physiologically appropriate; an increased 
concentration of fatty acids causes a decrease in the rate of the first committed step of 
fatty acid synthesis. Acetyl CoA- carboxylase activity is also under hormonal control. 
Glucagon stimulates phosphorylation and concomitant inactivation of the enzyme in 
the liver, and epinephrine stimulates its inactivation by phosphorylation in adipocytes. 
Several protein kinases can catalyze phosphorylation and thus inhibition of acetyl- CoA 
carboxylase. The action of AMP activated protein kinase inactivates both fatty acid syn- 
thesis (by inhibiting the acetyl- CoA carboxylase step) and steroid synthesis in the pres- 
ence of a high AMP/ATP ratio. 




I LIVER) Celt Membrane 


{ 2 . 3 , 1 .86) 

Muftr-enzyme com plex includes all the enzymes of 
Fatly Acid Synthesis except Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 



3-0 H -3- methytgl y tary 1-CoA { H MG ) 

to Cholesterol 

CHjGOCHa cH^oCHa&ocr ch3C«ioh>ch 2 oqo 

Acetone-^-^Acetoacetate ^ 3-OH - Buty rate 

Mitochondrial inner memtuarte 


Skeletal & Heart Muscle 

Renal Cortex 

(In starvation)^ 



8CH 3 CO.SCoA+ 14 NADPH + 14 H++ 7 ATP 

GH 3 [CH 2 CH 2 ] 7 CO,SCoA 

^ CH 3 [CH 2 CH 2 ] 7 C 0 SCqA+ 1 4 NAD P * + 7 BSC oA + 7 ADP+ 7 Pj 


/Ubiquinone + 7 H.O + 7NAD*'+ 7 HSCoA — 8CH3CO .SCoA +7 Ubiquinol + 7 NADH + 7 H + 



CH 3 [CH 2 CH 2 ] 7 CO.SCoA + 2302 + - (106 AD P + 106Pf) 

. I 6 CO 2 +119 H 2 D + HSCoA + -106 ATP 

This is a fascinating equation which explains how some animals, such as camels and polar bears can survive in the most adverse environments 
They can use fat ,not only as the sole source of energy, but also of water The killer whale cannot utilise sea-water but creates its own from fat 



1 . 1/1 



1 . 1 . 1 . 




Glycerol-3- P-dehydrogenase J 
HMG-CoA reductase 
3-OH-acy 1-CoA dehydrogenase '■ 
Malatedehydrogenase « 

M a late dehydrogenase 2 

(oxaloacetate z 

3-Oxoacy1-[ACP] f 

3-OH-bulyryl-CoA | 

Long-chain 3-OH-acyl-CcA £ 
Pyruvafedehydrogenase 2 

3.99 3 
.3 19 
.3.1 39 


Enoyl-f AC P]-reductase 
Butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase 
Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 
Ca rn Itl ne-O-acy lira nsferase 
Acelyl-CoA-C-acetyl transferase 
Glycerol-3-P O-acyl transferase 
Acetyl-CoA C-acy lira nsferase 
Diacylglyee rolO-acyl iransferase 
[ACPlS-acyl transferase 
[AGP]S-malonyl transferase l-Acylglycerol-3-P O-acyl 

3-113 Triacylglycerol lipase 
3.1.123 Acylglycerol lipase 
3.1.123 Acylca mi tin e hydrolase 
3. 1 1 34 Lipoprotein lipase 
31,3.4 Phosphatidate phosphatase 
4 1.1.4 Acetoaceiate decarboxylase 
4.11.9 Malonyl-CoAdecarboxylase 
4.1 34 OH-Methylglutaryl-CoA lyase 

4 1.3,5 OH-Methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 
4.13.7 Citrate sy nma se 
4.13.3 ATPCitrafe lyase 
4.2.1,17 Enoyl-CoA hydratase 
4.2.1 .55 3- OH-ButyryLCq A dehydratase 
4 2 1.58 C rotonyl-FAC P] hydratase 
4,2.159 3-OH-octa noy I- 7 

5 ] hydratase 
l-[ACP] dehydratase 
4-[ ACPI dehydratase 

4.2. 1 ,61 3-OH-Palmitoyl-[ACPl dehyc 
6.21.3 Long-chain-fatty -acid-Co A li 
$4.11 Pyruvate carboxylase 
6.4.12 Acetyl-CoA ca rPoxyla se 


16.10 Absorption and Mobilization of Fuel Lipids 505 

16.10 Absorption and Mobilization of Fuel Lipids 

The fatty acids and glycerol that mammals use as metabolic fuels are obtained from tri- 
acylglycerols in the diet and from adipocytes. The fats stored in adipocytes include fats 
synthesized from the catabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids. Free fatty acids 
occur only in trace amounts in cells — this is fortunate because, as anions, they are de- 
tergents and at high concentrations could disrupt cell membranes. We begin our study 
of lipid metabolism by examining the dietary uptake, transport, and mobilization of 
fatty acids in mammals. 

A. Absorption of Dietary Lipids 

Most lipids in the diets of mammals are triacylglycerols with smaller amounts of phos- 
pholipids and cholesterol. The digestion of dietary lipids occurs mainly in the small in- 
testine, where suspended fat particles are coated with bile salts (Figure 16.28). Bile salts 
are amphipathic cholesterol derivatives synthesized in the liver, collected in the gallblad- 
der, and secreted into the lumen of the intestine. Micelles of bile salts solubilize fatty 
acids and monoacylglycerols so that they can diffuse to and be absorbed by the cells of 
the intestinal wall. Lipids are transported through the body as complexes of lipid and 
protein known as lipoproteins. 

Triacylglycerols are broken down in the small intestine by the action of lipases. 
These enzymes are synthesized as zymogens in the pancreas and secreted into the small 
intestine where they are activated. Pancreatic lipase catalyzes hydrolysis of the primary 
esters (at C-l and C-3) of triacylglycerols releasing fatty acids and generating monoa- 
cylglycerols (Figure 16.29). A small protein called colipase helps bind the water-soluble 
lipase to the lipid substrates. Colipase also activates lipase by holding it in a conforma- 
tion with an open active site. The fatty acids derived from dietary triacylglycerols are 
primarily long chain molecules. 

Most of these bile salts recirculate through the lower parts of the small intestine, 
the hepatic portal blood, and then the liver. Bile salts circulate through the liver and in- 
testine several times during the digestion of a single meal. Fatty acids are converted to 
fatty acyl CoA molecules within the intestinal cells. Three of these molecules can com- 
bine with glycerol, or two with a monoacylglycerol, to form a triacylglycerol. As described 
below, these water- insoluble triacylglycerols combine with cholesterol and specific pro- 
teins to form chylomicrons for transport to other tissues. 

The fate of dietary phospholipids is similar to that of triacylglycerols. Pancreatic 
phospholipases secreted into the intestine catalyze the hydrolysis of phospholipids 
(Figure 9.8), which aggregate in micelles. The major phospholipase in the pancreatic secre- 
tion is phospholipase A 2 , which catalyzes hydrolysis of the ester bond at C-2 of a glyc- 
erophospholipid to form a lysophosphoglyceride and a fatty acid (Figure 16.30). A model 
of phospholipase A 2 with a lipid substrate is shown in Figure 16.31. Lysophosphoglycerides 
are absorbed by the intestine and re-esterified to glycerophospholipids in intestinal cells. 

Lysophosphoglycerides are normally present in cells only at low concentrations. High 
concentrations can disrupt cellular membranes by acting as detergents. This occurs, for 
example, when snake venom phospholipase A 2 acts on phospholipids in red blood cells, 
causing lysis of erythrocyte membranes. This is probably what killed Cleopatra. 

Unlike other types of dietary lipids, most dietary cholesterol is unesterified. Dietary 
cholesteryl esters are hydrolyzed in the lumen of the intestine by the action of an esterase. 
Free cholesterol, which is insoluble in water, is solubilized by bile-salt micelles for ab- 
sorption. Most cholesterol reacts with acyl CoA to form cholesteryl esters (Figure 9.16) 
in the intestinal cells. 


coo 0 

▲ Figure 16.28 

Bile salts. The cholesterol derivatives tauro- 
cholate and glycocholate are the most abun- 
dant bile salts in humans. Bile salts are 
amphipathic: the hydrophilic parts are 
shown in blue, and the hydrophobic parts 
are shown in black. 



o ch 2 — o— c — ft 


R 2 — c— O — C— H O 

ch 2 — o— c — r 3 




2 H 2 0 


0 O — C — R, 


0 o— c— r 3 


2 H® 

O CH 2 — OH 


B. Lipoproteins 

Triacylglycerols, cholesterol, and cholesteryl esters cannot be transported in blood or 
lymph as free molecules because they are insoluble in water. Instead, these lipids assem- 
ble with phospholipids and amphipathic lipid-binding proteins to form spherical 

◄ lUMBM-Nicholson metabolic chart for lipid metabolism in mammals. 

Designed by Donald Nicholson ©2002 IUBMB. 

CH 2 — OH 

▲ Figure 16.29 

Action of pancreatic lipase. Removal of the 
C-l and C-3 acyl chains produces free fatty 
acids and a 2-monoacylglycerol. The inter- 
mediates, 1,2- and 2 ,3-d iacylglycerol , are 
not shown. 

506 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

Figure 16.30 ► 

Action of phospholipase A 2 . X represents a 
polar head group. Ri and R 2 are long hy- 
drophobic chains, making up much of the 
phospholipid molecule. 

▲ Figure 16.31 

Structure of phospholipase A 2 from cobra 
venom. Phospholipase A 2 catalyzes the 
hydrolysis of phospholipids at lipid-water 
interfaces. The model shows how a 
phospholipid substrate (dimyristoyl 
phosphatidylethanolamine, space-filling 
model) can fit into the active site of the 
water-soluble enzyme. A calcium ion 
(purple) in the active site probably helps 
bind the anionic head group. About half of 
the hydrophobic portion of the lipid would 
be buried in the lipid aggregate. Mammalian 
phospholipases are structurally similar to 
the venom enzyme. [PDB 1POB]. 




1 G 

0=P — 0° 



1 2 I 

H 2 C — CH— 3 CH 2 

0 O 

1 I 

0= c c = o 

I I 

Ri R 2 





1 0 

0=P — 0° 

Phospholipase A 2 

H 2 0 O 0 + 

C = 0 


r 2 


1 2 3 I 

H 2 c— CH — CH 2 

0 OH 




R 1 


macromolecular particles known as lipoproteins. A lipoprotein has a hydrophobic core 
containing triacylglycerols and cholesteryl esters and a hydrophilic surface consisting of 
a layer of amphipathic molecules such as cholesterol, phospholipids, and proteins 
(Figure 16.32). 

The largest lipoproteins are chylomicrons that deliver triacylglycerols and choles- 
terol from the intestine via the lymph and blood to tissues such as muscle (for oxida- 
tion) and adipose tissue (for storage) (Figure 16.33). Chylomicrons are present in blood 
only after a meal. The cholesterol- rich remnants of chylomicrons — having lost most of 
their triacylglycerol — deliver cholesterol to the liver. Liver cells are responsible for syn- 
thesizing most of the newly synthesized cholesterol that enters the bloodstream but al- 
most all cell types make cholesterol for internal use. Lipoproteins deliver both dietary 
and liver-derived cholesterol to the rest of the body’s cells. Cholesterol biosynthesis is 
regulated by hormones and by the levels of cholesterol in the blood. 

Blood plasma contains several other types of lipoproteins. They are classified ac- 
cording to their relative densities and types of lipid (Table 16.1). Since proteins are 
more dense than lipids, the greater the protein content of a lipoprotein, the greater its 
density. Very low density lipoproteins (VLDLs) consist of approximately 98% lipid and 
only 2% protein. VLDLs are formed in the liver and carry lipids synthesized in the liver, 
or not needed by the liver, to other tissues such as adipose tissue. Lipases within capil- 
laries of muscle and adipose tissue degrade VLDLs and chylomicrons. When VLDLs 
give up triacylglycerols to tissue cells their lipid content decreases and their remnants 


Olive oil contains mostly triacylglycerols. If it has been pro- 
duced by crushing olives with no additional chemical treat- 
ment, then it is called virgin olive oil according to the Inter- 
national Olive Oil Council (IOOC). 

The quality of olive oil is often determined by the pres- 
ence of free fatty acids that form when triacylglycerols break 
down during production. Virgin olive oil should have less 
than 2% free fatty acids (acidity) and extra virgin olive oil has 
less than 0.8% free fatty acids (acidity). 

► Extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil has less than 0.8% free 
fatty acids, 

16.10 Absorption and Mobilization of Fuel Lipids 507 

are degraded to intermediate density lipoproteins (IDLs). Of the IDLs formed during 
the breakdown of VLDLs, some are taken up by the liver and others are degraded to low 
density lipoproteins (LDLs). LDLs are enriched in cholesterol and cholesteryl esters and 
deliver these lipids to peripheral tissues. High density lipoproteins (HDLs) are formed 
as protein-rich particles in blood plasma. They pick up cholesterol from peripheral tis- 
sues, chylomicrons, and VLDL remnants and convert it into cholesterol esters. HDLs 
transport cholesterol and cholesteryl esters back to the liver. Cholesteryl esters from 
HDLs can be picked up by IDLs, which become LDLs. 

Large lipoprotein particles contain a number of different lipid binding proteins. 
These are often called apolipoproteins — the cc apo-” prefix usually refers to polypeptides 
that bind to a tightly associated cofactor as described in Chapter 7. Two of these 
apolipoproteins are large, hydrophobic, monomeric proteins. ApoB-100 (M r 513,000) is 
firmly bound to the outer layer of VLDLs, IDLs, and LDLs. The smaller apolipoproteins 
of VLDLs and IDLs are weakly bound and most dissociate during lipoprotein degrada- 
tion, leaving apoB-100 as the major protein component of LDLs. ApoB-48 (M r 
241,000), which is present only in chylomicrons, is identical in primary structure to the 
N-terminal 48% of apoB-100. 

ApoB-100 and apoB-48 form much of the amphipathic crust or shell over the hy- 
drophobic lipoprotein core of their respective lipoproteins. ApoB-100 is the protein that 
attaches LDL to its cell surface receptor; apoB-48 lacks this property. The other 
apolipoproteins are smaller than apoB-48. They have a variety of functions, including 
modulating the activity of certain enzymes involved in lipid mobilization and interact- 
ing with cell surface receptors. 

Cholesterol, an essential component of eukaryotic cell membranes, is delivered to 
peripheral tissues by LDLs. The lipoprotein particles bind to the LDL receptor on the cell 
surface. A complex between LDL and its receptor enters the cell by endocytosis and fuses 
with a lysosome. Lysosomal lipases and proteases degrade the LDL releasing cholesterol 
that is then incorporated into cell membranes or stored as cholesteryl esters. 
An abundance of intracellular cholesterol suppresses synthesis of HMG-CoA reductase, 
a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and it also inhibits synthesis of the LDL 
receptor. Individuals lacking LDL receptors suffer from familial hypercholesterolemia, a 
disease in which cholesterol accumulates in the blood and is deposited in the skin and 
in arteries. Such patients die of heart disease at an early age. 

HDLs remove cholesterol from plasma and from cells of nonhepatic tissues return- 
ing it to the liver. They bind to a receptor called SR-B1 at the liver surface and transfer 
cholesterol and cholesterol esters into liver cells. The lipid depleted HDL particles re- 
turn to the plasma. In the liver, the cholesterol can be converted to bile salts that are se- 
creted into the gallbladder. 

The buildup of lipid deposits in the arteries (atherosclerosis) is associated with in- 
creased risk of coronary heart disease that can lead to a heart attack. High levels of LDL 
(“bad” cholesterol) increase the chance of developing atherosclerosis. High levels of 

Core containing 
and cholesteryl 



▲ Figure 16.32 

Structure of a lipoprotein. A core of neutral 
lipids, including triacylglycerols and choles- 
teryl esters, is coated with phospholipids in 
which apolipoproteins and cholesterol are 

▲ Chylomicrons. 


Lipoprotein lipase (Section 16.9) is the enzyme that releases 
fatty acid from the triacylglcerols in lipoproteins. It plays an 
important role in clearing triacylglycerols from the blood 
plasma. High concentrations of triacylglycerols are associ- 
ated with coronary heart disease. 

The human population contains several variants (muta- 
tions) of the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene. Some of these are 
associated with decreased LPL activity. One example is the 
D9N variant where an asparagine residue substitutes for the 
normal aspartate residue at position 9. Individuals who carry 
this variant are more likely to suffer from coronary heart dis- 
ease due to the buildup of triacyglycerol- containing lipopro- 
teins in the blood plasma. 

In the S447X variant a normal serine codon is mutated 
to a stop codon (X) at position 447. The result is a truncated 
protein that is shorter than the normal protein. About 17% 
of the population carries at least one copy of this variant 
gene and 1% of the population is homozygous for this vari- 
ant. The S447X enzyme is more active than the wild-type 
enzyme and this results in lower triacylglycerol levels in 
plasma. Males (but not females) who carry this variant are 
less likely to suffer heart attacks. This is an example of a ben- 
eficial allele that has arisen in the human population. 

[Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) MIM=609708] 

508 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

Figure 16.33 ► 

Summary of lipoprotein metabolism. 

Chylomicrons formed in intestinal cells carry 
dietary triacylglycerols to peripheral tissues, 
including muscle and adipose tissue. Chy- 
lomicron remnants deliver cholesteryl esters 
to the liver. VLDLs assemble in the liver and 
carry endogenous lipids to peripheral tis- 
sues. When VLDLs are degraded (via I DLs), 
they pick up cholesterol and cholesteryl es- 
ters from HDLs and become LDLs, which 
carry cholesterol to nonhepatic tissues. 

HDLs deliver cholesterol from peripheral 
tissues to the liver. 


▲ Figure 16.34 

Human serum albumin. Seven bound mole- 
cules of palmitate are shown. [PDB 1E7H] 

HDL (“good” cholesterol), on the other hand, are correlated with a decrease in the risk 
of having a heart attack. Statins (Box 16.4) block synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and 
lower LDL levels. 

C. Serum Albumin 

In addition to complex lipids such as cholesterol and triacylglycerols, free fatty acids are 
also transported in blood plasma. Fatty acids bind to serum albumin, an abundant 
plasma protein. This protein, especially the bovine version (bovine serum albumin, 
BSA) has been intensely studied for over 40 years. Recently, the structure of human 
serum albumin (HSA) in association with free fatty acids of various chain lengths 
(Figure 16.34) has been solved by X-ray crystallography. 

HSA belongs to the all -a category of tertiary structures (Section 4.7, Figure 4.24a). 
There are seven distinct binding sites for palmitic acid (16:0) and other medium and 
long chain fatty acids. In most cases, the carboxylate end of the fatty acids interacts with 
the side chains of basic amino acid residues and the methylene tails fit into hydrophobic 
pockets that can accommodate chains of 10-18 carbons. HSA also binds many impor- 
tant drugs that are only sparingly soluble in water. 

16.11 Ketone Bodies Are Fuel Molecules 

Most acetyl CoA produced in the liver from fatty acid oxidation is routed to the citric 
acid cycle but some of it can follow an alternate pathway. During periods of fasting, gly- 
colysis is decreased and the gluconeogenic pathway is active. Under these conditions the 

Table 16.1 Lipoproteins in human plasma 






Molecular weight x 10 -6 






Density (g cm -3 ) 






Chemical composition (%) 

























16.11 Ketone Bodies Are Fuel Molecules 509 

pool of oxaloacetate molecules becomes temporarily depleted. The amount of acetyl 
Co A from enhanced /3 - oxidation exceeds the capacity of the citric acid cycle (recall that 
oxaloacetate reacts with acetyl CoA in the first step of the citric acid cycle). The excess 
acetyl CoA is used to form ketone bodies — /3-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, and ace- 
tone. As indicated by their structures (Figure 16.35), not all ketone bodies are ketones. 
The only quantitatively significant ketone bodies are /3-hydroxybutyrate and acetoac- 
etate; small amounts of acetone are produced by the nonenzymatic decarboxylation of 
acetoacetate, a /3-keto acid. 

/3-Hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate are fuel molecules. They have less potential 
metabolic energy than the fatty acids from which they are derived but they make up for 
this deficiency by serving as “water-soluble lipids” that can be more readily transported 
in the blood plasma. During starvation, ketone bodies are produced in large amounts 
becoming substitutes for glucose as the principal fuel for brain cells. Ketone bodies are 
also metabolized in skeletal muscle and in the intestine during starvation. 

A. Ketone Bodies Are Synthesized in the Liver 

In mammals, ketone bodies are synthesized in the liver and exported for use by other 
tissues. The pathway for ketone body synthesis is shown in Figure 16.36. First, two mol- 
ecules of acetyl CoA condense to form acetoacetyl CoA and HS-CoA in a reaction cat- 
alyzed by acetoacetyl- CoA thiolase. Subsequently, a third molecule of acetyl CoA is 
added to acetoacetyl CoA to form 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG CoA) in a 
reaction catalyzed by HMG-CoA synthase. These steps are identical to the first two steps 
in the isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthesis pathway (Figure 16.17). The synthesis of 

2 Acetyl CoA 




Acetoacetyl CoA 

H 2 0 + 

Acetyl CoA^\ 


HS-CoA«y s v nthase 
+ H ® - 


O 1 11 

u ooc— ch 2 — c — ch 2 — C— S-CoA 

ch 3 

3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG CoA) 



H 3 C—C— S-CoA 
Acetyl CoA 


G OOC — CH 2 — C — CH 3 

NADH + H® 


( 3 - Hyd roxy b uty rate 


O 1 

u ooc— ch 2 — c — ch 3 



^ co 2 

N / 



h 3 c — c — ch 3 




0 1 

u ooc— ch 2 — c — ch 3 




© 11 

u ooc— ch 2 — c — ch 3 




h 3 c — c — ch 3 


▲ Figure 16.35 
Ketone bodies. 

◄ Figure 16.36 

Biosynthesis of /?-hydroxybutyrate, 
acetoacetate, and acetone. 

510 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

▲ HMG-CoA synthase. The human ( Homo 
sapiens ) isozymes are shown with bound 
HMG CoA. The cytosolic enzyme (top: PDB 
2P8U) and the mitochondrial version 
(bottom: PDB 2WYA) are very similar. 

Changes in carbohydrate metabolism 
during starvation are described in 
Section 13.10. 

ketone bodies takes place in mitochondria but the synthesis of isopentenyl diphosphate 
(and cholesterol) takes place in the cytosol. Mammals have distinct isozymes of 
acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase and HMG-CoA synthase in the mitochondria and the cytosol. 
HMG-CoA synthase is only present in the mitochondria of liver cells and not in the mi- 
tochondria of any other cell types. 

In the next step, HMG-CoA lyase catalyzes the cleavage of HMG CoA producing 
acetoacetate and acetyl CoA. HMG-CoA lyase is not present in the cytosol, which is why 
cytosolic HMG CoA is used exclusively in isopentenyl diphosphate synthesis and no ke- 
tone bodies are produced in the cytosol. NADH-dependent reduction of acetoacetate 
produces /3-hydroxybutyrate in a reaction catalyzed by /3-hydroxybutyrate dehydroge- 
nase. Both acetoacetate and /3-hydroxybutyrate can be transported across the inner mi- 
tochondrial membrane and the plasma membrane of liver cells. They enter the blood to 
be used as fuel by other cells of the body. Small amounts of acetoacetate are nonenzy- 
matically decarboxylated to acetone in the bloodstream. 

The main control point for ketogenesis is the mitochondrial isozyme of HMG-CoA 
synthase provided that fatty acyl CoA and acetyl CoA are available in the mitochondria. 
Succinyl CoA specifically inhibits this enzyme by covalent modification through suc- 
cinylation. This is a short-term inactivation since reactivation occurs frequently by 
spontaneous desuccinylation. Glucagon lowers the amount of succinyl CoA in mito- 
chondria, stimulating ketogenesis. Long-term regulation occurs by modification of 
gene expression. Starvation increases the level of HMG-CoA synthase (and its mRNA); 
refeeding or insulin produces a decrease in both activity and mRNA. 

B. Ketone Bodies Are Oxidized in Mitochondria 

In cells that use them as an energy source, /3-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate enter 
mitochondria where they are converted to acetyl CoA that is oxidized by the citric acid 
cycle. /3-Hydroxybutyrate is converted to acetoacetate in a reaction catalyzed by an 
isozyme of /3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase that is distinct from the liver enzyme. 
Acetoacetate reacts with succinyl CoA to form acetoacetyl CoA in a reaction catalyzed 
by succinyl-CoA transferase (also called succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid-CoA transferase; 
Figure 16.37). Ketone bodies are broken down only in nonhepatic tissues because this 
transferase is present in all tissues except liver. The succinyl- CoA transferase reaction 
siphons some succinyl CoA from the citric acid cycle. Energy that would normally be 
captured as GTP in the substrate-level phosphorylation catalyzed by succinyl- CoA syn- 
thetase (Section 13.3#5) is used instead to activate acetoacetate to its CoA ester. Thiolase 
then catalyzes the conversion of acetoacetyl CoA to two molecules of acetyl CoA that 
can be oxidized by the citric acid cycle. 

O O 








Figure 16.37 ► 

Conversion of acetoacetate to acetyl CoA. 

H 3 C — C— S-CoA 
Acetyl CoA 

H 3 C — C— S-CoA 
Acetyl CoA 

Problems 511 


The breakdown of fats occurs because lipolysis is not inhib- 
ited by insulin, and other hormones trigger the release of 
fatty acids from adipocytes. The large amounts of fatty acids 
available to the liver lead to excess acetyl CoA that is diverted 
to form ketone bodies. In Type 2 diabetes (Section 12.7), the 
accumulation of glucose in the blood is caused mainly by 
poor uptake of glucose by peripheral tissues. Because obesity 
strongly predisposes a person to developing Type 2 diabetes, 
much research is focusing on the role of lipids in decreased 
insulin sensitivity. It appears that elevated free fatty acids in 
the blood may interfere with insulin signaling for glucose up- 
take into tissues. 

Individuals suffering from untreated Type 1 diabetes 
produce large amounts of ketone bodies — more than the 
peripheral tissues can use. The smell of acetone can be dis- 
cerned on the breath of diabetics. In fact, the levels of ace- 
toacetic acid and /3-hydroxybutyric acid in the blood can be 
so high that the pH of the serum can be lowered — a life- 
threatening condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. Type 1 

diabetes must be treated with repeated injections of insulin 
and restricted glucose intake. 

Although acute complications are rare in Type 2 dia- 
betes, hyperglycemia can lead to tissue damage, particularly 
in the eye and the cardiovascular and renal systems. Dietary 
modifications are often sufficient to control Type 2 diabetes. 
In addition, oral drugs can increase insulin secretion and po- 
tentiate its action at peripheral tissues. 

A novel approach for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes 
may be inhibition of the tyrosine phosphatase PTP-1B. PTP- 
1B inactivates the insulin receptor by catalyzing the removal 
of phosphate added to the receptor when insulin binds to it. 
After insulin injection, mice lacking PTP-1B have increased 
phosphorylation of insulin receptors in liver and muscle and 
enhanced sensitivity to insulin. These mice also maintain 
normal levels of blood glucose after a meal. A surprising ob- 
servation was that mice lacking PTP-1B could eat a high fat 
diet yet be resistant to weight gain. PTP-1B may therefore 
also be a target for the treatment of obesity. 


1. The pathway for fatty acid synthesis begins with synthesis of mal- 
onyl CoA in a reaction catalyzed by acetyl CoA- carboxylase. Mal- 
onyl CoA is converted to malonyl ACP and one molecule of 
malonyl ACP condenses with acetyl CoA (or acetyl ACP) to form 
acetoacetyl ACP. 

2. The formation of long- chain fatty acids from a 3-ketoacyl ACP 
precursor occurs in four stages: reduction, dehydration, further 
reduction, and condensation . These four stages repeat to form a 
long-chain fatty acid. Fatty acids with more than 18 carbons and 
unsaturated fatty acids are produced by additional reactions. 

3. Triacylglycerols and glycerophospholipids are derived from 
phosphatidate. The synthesis of triacylglycerols and neutral 
phospholipids proceeds via a 1,2-diacylglycerol intermediate. 
Acidic phospholipids are synthesized via a CDP-diacylglycerol 

4. Many eicosanoids are derived from arachidonate. The cyclooxy- 
genase pathway leads to prostacyclin, prostaglandins, and throm- 
boxane A 2 . The products of the lipoxygenase pathway include 

5. Sphingolipids are synthesized from serine and palmitoyl CoA. Re- 
duction, acylation, and oxidation produce ceramide, which can be 
modified by adding a polar head group and sugar residues. 

6. Cholesterol is synthesized from acetyl CoA in a pathway leading 
to mevalonate and isopentenyl diphosphate. Both cholesterol 

and isopentenyl diphosphate are precursors of many other 

7. Fatty acids are degraded to acetyl CoA by /3-oxidation, the se- 
quential removal of two-carbon fragments. Fatty acids are first 
activated by esterification to CoA and fatty acyl CoA is oxidized 
by a repeated series of four enzyme- catalyzed steps: oxidation, 
hydration, further oxidation, and thiolysis. Fatty acids yield more 
ATP per gram than glucose. 

8. /3-Oxidation of odd-chain fatty acids produces acetyl CoA and 
one molecule of propionyl CoA. The oxidation of most unsatu- 
rated fatty acids requires two enzymes, an isomerase and a reduc- 
tase, in addition to those required for the oxidation of saturated 
fatty acids. 

9. Fatty acid oxidation in animals is regulated by hormones accord- 
ing to the energy needs of the organism. 

10 . Dietary fat is hydrolyzed in the intestine to fatty acids and 
monoacylglycerols, which are absorbed. Lipoproteins transport 
lipids in the blood. In adipocytes, fatty acids are esterified for 
storage as triacylglycerols. Fatty acids are mobilized by the action 
of hormone-sensitive lipase. 

11. The ketone bodies /3-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate are water- 
soluble fuel molecules produced in the liver by the condensation 
of acetyl- CoA molecules. 


1. (a) Familial hypercholesterolemia is a human genetic disorder in 
which LDL receptors are defective, leading to very high blood 
cholesterol levels and severe atherosclerosis at an early age. 
Explain why this disease results in high blood cholesterol 

(b) Do high blood cholesterol levels affect cellular cholesterol 
synthesis in individuals with this disease? 

(c) Individuals with Tangier’s disease lack the cellular protein 
ABC1, which is required for cholesterol uptake by HDL. How 
will this disease affect cholesterol transport? 

512 CHAPTER 16 Lipid Metabolism 

2. Individuals with abnormally low levels of carnitine in their mus- 
cles suffer from muscular weakness during moderate exercise. In 
addition, their muscles have significantly increased levels of tria- 

(a) Explain these two effects. 

(b) Can these individuals metabolize muscle glycogen aerobi- 

3. How many ATP equivalents are generated by the complete oxida- 
tion of (a) laurate (dodecanoate) and (b) palmitoleate (cis- A 9 - 
hexadecenoate)? Assume that the citric acid cycle is functioning. 

4 . Tetrahydrolipstatin (Orlistat) is a drug treatment for obesity. It is 
an inhibitor of pancreatic lipase. Suggest a rationale for use of 
tetrahydrolipstatin to treat obesity. 

5. In addition to the enzymes of /3-oxidation, what enzymes are nec- 
essary to degrade the following fatty acids to acetyl CoA or acetyl 
CoA and succinyl CoA? 

(a) oleate (o'sCH 3 (CH 2 ) 7 CH = CH(CH 2 ) 7 COO e ) 

(b) arachidonate 

(all cis CH 3 (CH 2 ) 4 (CH = CHCH 2 ) 4 (CH 2 ) 2 COO q ) 

(c) cis CH 3 (CH 2 ) 9 CH = CH(CH 2 ) 4 COO®) 

6. Animals cannot carry out a net conversion of even chain fatty 
acid carbons to glucose. On the other hand, some of the carbons 
in odd- chain fatty acids can be gluconeogenic precursors to glu- 
cose. Explain. 

7. Where is the labeled carbon found when the following molecules 
are added to a liver homogenate carrying out palmitate synthesis? 

(a) H 14 C0 3 ® 


(b) II 

H 3 14 C— c— s— CoA 

8. Triclosan (2,4,4-trichloro-2-hydroxydiphenyl ether) is an effec- 
tive antimicrobial agent that is used in a wide range of consumer 
products including soaps, toothpaste, toys, and cutting boards. 
Triclosan is effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria and 
mycobacteria and is an inhibitor of type II FAS enoyl acyl carrier 
protein reductase. 

(a) What reaction is catalyzed by enoyl acyl carrier protein re- 

(b) Why is enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase an appropriate 
target for antimicrobials? 

(c) Suggest a reason why a compound may selectively inhibit 
fatty acid synthesis in bacteria and not in humans. 

9. It has been proposed that malonyl CoA may be one of the signals 
sent to the brain to decrease the appetite response. When mice are 
given a derivative of cerulenin (a fungal epoxide) named C75, 
their appetite is suppressed and they rapidly lose weight. Ceru- 
lenin and its derivatives have been shown to be potent inhibitors 
of fatty acid synthase (FAS). Suggest how C75 might act as a po- 
tential weight reduction drug. 

10 . (a) Draw a general pathway for converting carbohydrates to fatty 

acids in a liver cell, and indicate which processes occur in the 
cytosol and which occur in motochondria. 

(b) About half the reducing equivalents necessary for fatty acid 
synthesis are generated by glycolysis. Explain how these re- 
ducing equivalents can be used for fatty acid synthesis. 

11. (a) Acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC), a key regulator for fatty acid 

synthesis, exists in two different interconvertible forms: 

(1) an active filamentous polymer (dephosphorylated), and 

(2) an inactive protomeric form (phosphorylated). Citrate 
and palmitoyl CoA can regulate fatty acid synthesis by prefer- 
entially binding tightly to and stabilizing different forms of 
ACC. Explain how each of these regulator functions by inter- 
acting with ACC. 

Filamentous polymer (active) ^ Protomer (inactive) 

(b) What role do glucagon and epinephrine play in regulating 
fatty acid synthesis? 

12. Obesity is a serious health problem worldwide due in part to in- 
creased food intake and reduced physical activity. Obesity is asso- 
ciated with a variety of human disease including Type 2 diabetes 
and cardiovascular diseases. Selective and specific inhibitors of 
acetyl-CoA carboxylase have been proposed as potential anti- 
obesity drugs. 

(a) What effect would an inhibitor of acetyl-CoA carboxylase 
have on fatty acid synthesis and fatty acid oxidation? 

(b) One such inhibitor of acetyl-CoA carboxylase is CABI (struc- 
ture below). What structural feature of CABI makes it a po- 
tential acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibitor? (Levert, K. L., Wal- 
drop, G. L., Stephens, J. M. (2002). /. Biol Chem. A biotin 
analog inhibits acetyl CoA carboxylase activity and adipoge- 
nesis. 277:16347-16350.) 


13. Write the equation for the conversion of eight acetyl CoA mole- 
cules to palmitate. 

14 . (a) In response to tissue damage in such injuries as heart attacks 

and rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory cells (e.g., mono- 
cytes and neutrophils) invade the injured tissue and promote 
the synthesis of arachadonic acid. Explain the reason for this 

(b) The biosynthesis of eicosanoids is affected by nonsteroidal 
drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen and by steroidal drugs such 
as hydrocortisone and prednisone (which inhibit a specific 
phospholipase). Why do steroidal drugs inhibit the biosynthesis 
of both prostaglandins and leukotrienes, whereas aspirin-like 
drugs inhibit the biosynthesis of only prostaglandins? 

15 . Draw the correct structures of the following complex lipids. 

(a) Phosphatidyl glycerol. 

(b) Ethanolamine plasmalogen (l-alkyl-2-glycero-3-phospho- 

(c) Glucocerebroside (l-/3-D-glucoceramide). 

16 . Excess dietary fat can be converted to cholesterol in the liver. 
When palmitate labeled with 14 C at every odd-numbered carbon 
is added to a liver homogenate, where does the label appear in 

17 . The therapeutic anti-inflammatory effects of aspirin arise from its 
inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) — involved in 
the synthesis of prostaglandins, mediators of inflammation, pain, 
and fever. Aspirin irreversibly inhibits COX-2 by covalently 

Selected Readings 513 

transferring an acetyl group to a serine residue at the enzyme ac- 
tive site. However, the undesirable side effect of stomach irritation 
arises from the irreversible inhibition of the related intestinal en- 
zyme cyclooxygenase- 1 (COX-1) by aspirin. COX-1 is involved in 
the synthesis of prostaglandins that regulate secretion of gastric 
mucin, which protects the stomach from acid. The aspirin analog 
APHS was synthesized and shown to be 60 times more selective as 
an inhibitor of COX-2 than of COX-1, suggesting that it could be 
an anti-inflammatory drug with far less gastrointestinal side 
effects. Draw the structure of the inactivated COX-2 enzyme- 
inhibitor complex with APHS. Since aspirin and structural analogs 

act at the active site of COX enzymes, will they exhibit competitive 
inhibition patterns? 


Selected Readings 


Nicholson, D. E. (2001). IUBMB-Nicholson meta- 
bolic pathways charts. Biochem. Mol. Bio. Educ. 

Vance, J. E., and Vance, D. E., eds. (2008). 
Biochemistry of Lipids, Lipoproteins, and Mem- 
branes (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science). 

Lipid Synthesis 

Athenstaedt, K., and Daum, G. (1999). Phospha- 
tidic acid, a key intermediate in lipid metabolism. 
Eur. J. Biochem. 266:1-16. 

Frye, L. L., and Leonard, D. A. (1999). Lanosterol 
analogs: dual- action inhibitors of cholesterol 
biosynthesis. Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. 34:123-124. 

Kent, C. (1995). Eukaryotic phospholipid synthe- 
sis. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 64:315-343. 

Leibundgut, M., Maier, T., Jenni, S., and Ban, N. 
(2008). The multienzyme architecture of eukary- 
otic fatty acid synthases. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 

Simmons, D. L., Botting, R. M., and Hla, T. (2004). 
Cyclooxygenase isozymes: the biology of 
prostaglandin synthesis and inhibition. Pharmacol. 
Rev. 56:387-437. 

Sommerville, C., and Browse, J. (1996). Dissecting 
desaturation: plants prove advantageous. Trends in 
Cell Biol. 6:148-153. 

Wallis, J. G., Watts, J. L., and Browse, J. (2002). 
Polyunsaturated fatty acid synthesis: what will 
they think of next? Trends Biochem. Sci. 

White, S. W. Zheng, J., Zhang, Y-M., and Rock, 

C. O. (2005). The structural biology of type II 
fatty acid biosynthesis. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 

Lipid Catabolism 

Bartlett, K., and Eaton, S. (2004). Mitochondrial 
/3- oxidation. Eur. J. Biochem. 271:462-469. 

Candlish, J. (1981). Metabolic water and the 
camel’s hump — a textbook survey. Biochem Ed. 

Ishikawa, M., Tsuchiya, D., Oyama, T., Tsunaka, D., 
and Morikawa, K. (2004). Structural basis for 
channelling mechanism of a fatty acid (3 - oxidation 
multienzyme complex. EMBO J. 23:2745-2754. 

Kim, J-J., and Battaile, K. P. (2002). Burning fat: 
the structural basis of fatty acid /3- oxidation. Curr. 
Opin. Struct. Biol. 12:721-728. 

Toogood. H. S., van Thiel, A., Basran, J., Sutcliffe, 
M. J., Scrutton, N. S., and Leys, D. (2004). Extensive 
domain motion and electron transfer in the 
human electron transferring flavoprotein medium 
chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase complex. /. Biol. 
Chem. 279: 32904-32912. 

Toogood, H. S., van Thiel, A., Scrutton, N. S., and 
Leys, D. (2005). Stabilization of non-productive 
conformations underpins rapid electron transfer 
to electron-transferring flavoprotein. /. Biol. 
Chem. 280:30361-30366. 

Wanders, R. J. A., and Waterman, H. R. (2006). 
Biochemistry of mammalian peroxisomes revis- 
ited. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 75: 295-332. 


Bhattacharya, A. A., Grime, T., and Curry, S. 
(2000). Crystallographic analysis reveals common 
modes of binding of medium- and long-chain 
fatty acids to human serum albumin. /. Mol. Biol. 

Fidge, N. H. (1999). High density lipoprotein re- 
ceptors, binding proteins, and ligands. /. Lipid Res. 

Gagne, S. E., Larson, M. G., Pimstone, S. N., 
Schaefer, E. J., Kastelein, J. J. P., Wilson, P. W. F., 
Ordovas, J. M., and Hayden, M. R. (1999). A com- 
mon truncation variant of lipoprotein lipase 
(S447X) confers protection against coronary heart 
disease: the Framingham Offspring Study. Clin. 
Genet. 55:450-454. 

Kreiger, M. (1998). The “best” of cholesterols, the 
“worst” of cholesterols: a tale of two receptors. 
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95:4077-4080. 










o c 











o o 




o o 

Amino Acid Metabolism 

A uthors writing a chapter on amino acid metabolism have a nearly impossible 
task. Any description will be incomplete since there are 20 different amino 
acids and many intermediates in the biosynthesis and degradation pathways. 
Furthermore, alternate pathways are used by different tissues, organelles, and organ- 
isms. Fortunately, metabolic highlights can show the biological rationale of how amino 
acids are formed and degraded without getting into excessive detail. Here we describe a 
number of these highlights in order to illustrate the principles and concepts of amino 
acid metabolism. 

The metabolism of amino acids includes hundreds of enzymatic interconversions 
of small molecules. Many of these reactions involve nitrogen atoms. Some of the inter- 
mediates appear in the metabolic pathways described in preceding chapters but many 
are described here for the first time. Although amino acids from the degradation of pro- 
teins can be a source of energy, we are more concerned with their biosynthesis. Life is 
compromised if all the amino acids are not available at the same time for protein syn- 
thesis. We can consider the metabolism of the 20 common amino acids from two points 
of view: the origins and fates of their nitrogen atoms and the origins and fates of their 
carbon skeletons. 

The abilities of organisms to synthesize amino acids differ widely. A few organisms 
can assimilate N 2 and simple carbon compounds into amino acids — in other words, 
they are totally self-supporting for amino acid synthesis. Other species can synthesize 
the carbon chains of amino acids but require nitrogen in the form of ammonia. We 
begin this chapter with an overview of the principles of nitrogen metabolism. 

Some species cannot synthesize the carbon skeletons of every amino acid. Mam- 
mals, for example, can make only about half of the amino acids they require; the rest — 
called essential amino acids — must be obtained from the diet. Nonessential amino acids 
are those that mammals can synthesize in sufficient quantity, provided they receive ade- 
quate total dietary protein. 

The routes for disposal of the nitrogen- containing waste products of amino acid 
metabolism also vary among species. For example, excess nitrogen is excreted by aquatic 
animals as ammonia, by birds and most reptiles as uric acid, and by many other terrestrial 

We live now in the "Age of Bacteria. " 
Our planet has always been in the 
"Age of Bacteria , " ever since the first 
fossils — bacteria , of course — were 
entombed in rocks more than 3 and 
a half billion years ago. On any pos- 
sible , reasonable , or fair criterion , 
bacteria are — and always have 
been — the dominant forms of life 
on Earth. 

Stephen Jay Gould, (1996), 
Full House , p. 1 76 

Top: Glutamine synthetase from the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium. Twelve identical subunits are arranged with 
hexagonal symmetry. [PDB 2GLS]. 


17.1 The Nitrogen Cycle and Nitrogen Fixation 515 

vertebrates as urea. We will end the chapter with a description of the urea cycle, a path- 
way for elimination of nitrogen in mammals. 

17.1 The Nitrogen Cycle and Nitrogen Fixation 

The nitrogen needed for amino acids (and for the heterocyclic bases of nucleotides; 
Chapter 18) comes from two major sources — nitrogen gas in the atmosphere and ni- 
trate (N0 3 ®) in soil and water. Atmospheric N 2 , which constitutes about 80% of the at- 
mosphere, is the ultimate source of biological nitrogen. This molecule can be metabo- 
lized, or fixed, by only a few species of bacteria. N 2 and N0 3 ® must be reduced to 
ammonia in order to be used in metabolism. The ammonia produced is incorporated 
into amino acids via glutamate, glutamine, and carbamoyl phosphate. 

N 2 is chemically unreactive because of the great strength of the N = N triple bond. 
Some bacteria have a very specific, sophisticated enzyme, called nitrogenase, that can 
catalyze the reduction of N 2 to ammonia in a process called nitrogen fixation. Ammonia 
is essential for life and bacteria are the only organisms capable of producing it from at- 
mospheric nitrogen. Half of all biological nitrogen fixation is performed by various 
species of cyanobacteria in the ocean. The other half comes from soil bacteria. 

There are two additional nitrogen-converting processes in addition to biological 
nitrogen fixation. During lightning storms, high-voltage discharges catalyze the oxida- 
tion of N 2 to nitrate and nitrite (N 0 2 ®). Nitrogen is converted to ammonia for use in 
plant fertilizers by an energetically expensive industrial process that requires high tem- 
perature and pressure as well as special catalysts to drive the reduction of N 2 by H 2 . The 
availability of biologically useful nitrogen is often a limiting factor for plant growth, and 
the application of nitrogenous fertilizers is important for obtaining high crop yields. 
Humans are now responsible for a substantial fraction of the total nitrogen fixation on 
the planet. Although only a small percentage of the nitrogen undergoing metabolism 
comes directly from nitrogen fixation, this process is the only way that organisms can 
use the huge pool of atmospheric N 2 . 

The overall scheme for the interconversion of the major nitrogen-containing com- 
pounds is shown in Figure 17.1. The flow of nitrogen from N 2 to nitrogen oxides, am- 
monia, and nitrogenous biomolecules and then back to N 2 is called the nitrogen cycle. 
Most of the nitrogen shuttles between ammonia and nitrate. Ammonia from decayed 
organisms is oxidized by soil bacteria to nitrate. This formation of nitrate is called nitri- 
fication. Some anaerobic bacteria can reduce nitrate or nitrite to N 2 (denitrification). 

Metabolic _ 
pathways * 

Amino acids 

▲ Figure 17.1 

Nitrogen cycle. A few free-living or symbiotic microorganisms can convert N 2 directly to ammonia. 
Ammonia is incorporated into biomolecules such as amino acids and proteins that subsequently are 
degraded, re-forming ammonia. Many soil bacteria and plants can carry out the reduction of nitrate 
to ammonia via nitrite. Several bacteria convert ammonia to nitrite. Others oxidize nitrite to nitrate 
and some can reduce nitrate to N 2 . 

▲ Blooms of Trichodesmium. Trichodesmium 
is one of the main nitrogen-fixing species of 
cyanobacteria. This large bloom of bacteria 
formed giant streaks in the ocean off the 
coast of Australia. The photograph was 
taken from the space shuttle. The average 
concentration of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in 
the ocean is about one million cells per liter. 


Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the 
atmosphere but only a few species of 
bacteria are capable of nitrogen fixation. 

▲ Lightning. Lightning causes the conversion 
of nitrogen gas to nitrates. It is an important 
source of usable nitrogen for living organisms. 
This photograph was taken in 1908. 

516 CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 

▲ Figure 17.2 

Nodules on alfalfa roots. Symbiotic bacteria 
of the genus Rhizobium reside in these nod- 
ules where they reduce atmospheric nitrogen 
to ammonia. 

Most green plants and some microorganisms contain nitrate reductase and nitrite re- 
ductase, enzymes that together catalyze the reduction of nitrogen oxides to ammonia. 

2e 0 # 2H @ 


6e° f 7H @ 2 H 2 0 




■ no 2 ° ■ 


NH 3 



This ammonia is used by plants, which supply amino acids to animals. Reduced ferre- 
doxin (formed in the light reactions of photosynthesis, Section 15.2B) is the source of 
the reducing power in plants and photosynthetic bacteria. 

Let s examine the enzymatic reduction of N 2 . Most nitrogen fixation in the biosphere 
is carried out by bacteria that synthesize the enzyme nitrogenase. This multisubunit pro- 
tein catalyzes the conversion of each molecule of N 2 to two molecules of NH 3 . Nitroge- 
nase is present in various species of Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium that live symbiotically 
in root nodules of many leguminous plants, including soybeans, peas, alfalfa, and clover 
(Figure 17.2). N 2 is also fixed by free-living soil bacteria such as Agrobacteria, Azotobacter, 
Klebsiella, and Clostridium and by cyanobacteria (mostly Trichodesmuim spp .) found in 
the ocean. Most plants require a supply of fixed nitrogen from sources such as decayed an- 
imal and plant tissue, nitrogen compounds excreted by bacteria, and fertilizers. Verte- 
brates obtain fixed nitrogen by ingesting plant and animal matter. 

Nitrogenase is a protein complex that consists of two different polypeptide sub- 
units forming an a 2 l 3 2 dimer of dimers (Figure 17.3). The two halves of the complex 
contain an [8 Fe-7 S] iron-sulfur cluster called the P- cluster. It is near the outer surface 
of the protein. The reactive center is a complex cluster of molybdenum, iron, and ho- 
mocitrate [MoFe 7 S 9 -homocitrate]. A single a/3 dimer is called the iron-molybdenum 
(MoFe) protein. 

Electrons are donated to the P-custer by a mobile iron (Fe) protein containing a 
[4 Fe-4 S] cluster. Fe protein, a homodimer, binds to the ends of MoFe protein near the 
P- cluster and a single electron is passed from Fe protein to MoFe protein. The reduction 
of iron in Fe protein is coupled to oxidation of ferredoxin or flavodoxin and each of these 
reduction reactions requires hydrolysis of two bound ATP molecules. Electrons are 
passed from Fe protein to the P-cluster to the FeMo-cluster. A total of six electrons are re- 
quired for conversion of N 2 to 2NH 3 and these must be passed one at a time from Fe 
protein as it binds and then dissociates from MoFe protein. An obligatory reduction of 2 
H® to H 2 accompanies the reduction of N 2 . The overall stoichiometry is 

N 2 + 8 H© + 8 e 0 + 1 6 ATP — » 2 NH 3 + H 2 + 1 6 ADP + 1 6 P, (17.2) 

Figure 17.3 ► 

Structure of Azotobacter vinelandii 
nitrogenase. The Fe protein subunits are 
colored red and orange and the a and p sub- 
units of each half of the MoFe protein are 
colored blue/green and purple/pink. This 
structure with bound Fe protein is stabilized 
by bound transition-state ATP analogs ADP- 
AIF 4 at the ATP binding sites. [PDB 1N2C] 

Fe Protein MoFe Protein MoFe Protein Fe Protein 

n r 

[4 Fe-4 S] cluster 


MoFe 7 S 9 N-homocitrate 
reactive center 

17.1 The Nitrogen Cycle and Nitrogen Fixation 


This is a very expensive reaction in terms of ATP equivalents. It is also a very slow reac- 
tion in biochemical terms with a turnover number of only five ammonia atoms pro- 
duced per second. The slowness of the reaction is due to the fact that eight reduced Fe 
proteins have to bind and dissociate from the MoFe protein during the conversion of 
nitrogen to ammonia. 

Nitrogenases must be protected from oxygen because the various oxidation-reduction 
centers are highly susceptible to inactivation by 0 2 . Strict anaerobes carry out nitrogen fixa- 
tion in the absence of 0 2 . Within the root nodules of leguminous plants, the protein leghe- 
moglobin (a homolog of vertebrate myoglobin; Section 4. 12) binds 0 2 and thereby keeps its 
concentration sufficiently low in the immediate environment of the nitrogen- fixing 
enzymes of Rhizobium. Nitrogen fixation in cyanobacteria is carried out in specialized cells 
(heterocysts) whose thick membranes inhibit entry of 0 2 (Figure 10.8). In order to obtain 
the reducing power and ATP required for this process, symbiotic nitrogen-fixing microor- 
ganisms rely on nutrients obtained through photosynthesis carried out by the plants with 
which they are associated. 

The actual reduction of nitrogen takes place at the iron-molybdenum-homocitrate 
cluster in the MoFe protein. This cluster is remarkably complex. It consists of a cage of 
Fe and S atoms surrounding a central N atom. A single Mo atom is bound to one edge 
of the Fe — S cage. It is chelated to a single molecule of homocitrate to form a 
MoFe 7 S 9 N*homocitrate cluster (Figure 17.4). 

The detailed reaction mechanism of nitrogenase is unknown in spite of many years 
of intense study. It is likely that each of the three N = N bonds is broken sequentially, 
giving rise to the intermediates diimine and hydrazine. 

2e e , 2H© 2e e ,2H© 2e e , 2H© 

N = N > H — N = N — H » H 2 N — NH 2 » NH 3 + NH 3 

Diimine Hydrazine (17.3) 

The reduction of 2 H© to H 2 , an essential coupled reaction, consumes the extra 
pair of electrons from ferredoxin as shown in Reaction 17.2. 


O Carbon 
O Hydrogen 
Q Oxygen 
03 Nitrogen 

Q Sulfur 
Q Iron 

Q Molybdenum 

◄ Figure 17.4 

Structure of the MoFe 7 S 9 N • homocitrate reac- 
tive center in Azotobacter vinelandii. (a) Rest- 
ing state, (b) One possible structure with 
bound N 2 . [PDB 2MIN] 

518 CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 


NAD(P)H + H® 






I NAD(P)® 

© 1 

HoN — C — H 


1 T 


H,N — CH 

a | 

ch 2 + nh 4 ® 

v / +H ^° 

a a | 


cn 2 


cn 2 



Glutamate dehydrogenase 


1 synthetase 





0 0° 

0 0° 

^ C \ 





a Figure 17.5 

Incorporation of ammonia into glutamate and glutamine. 

Synthetases are members of the Ligase 
class of enzymes. They require ATP as a 
cosubstrate. Synthases are members of 
the Transferase or Lyase class of 
enzymes. They do not use ATP as a 
cofactor. (Section 5.1, Section 13.3#1). 

coo 0 

© I 

H 3 N — C — H 








coo 0 


C =0 

oh 2 

oh 2 


^ \ (P) 

O 0° 





+ H® 





H 3 N — C — H 



ch 2 




2 Glutamate 

▲ Figure 17.6 

Glutamate synthase catalyzes the reductive 
amination of a-ketoglutarate. 

17.2 Assimilation of Ammonia 

Ammonia is assimilated into a large number of low molecular weight metabolites, often 
via the amino acids glutamate and glutamine. At physiological pH the main ionic form 
of ammonia is the ammonium ion, NH 4 ® (piC a = 9.2). However, unprotonated ammonia 
(NH 3 ) is the reactive species in the catalytic centers of many enzymes. 

A. Ammonia Is Incorporated into Glutamate and Glutamine 

The reductive amination of a-ketoglutarate to glutamate by glutamate dehydrogenase is 
one highly efficient route for the incorporation of ammonia into the central pathways 
of amino acid metabolism (Figure 17.5). The glutamate dehydrogenases of some species 
or tissues are specific for NADH while others are specific for NADPH. Still others can 
use either cofactor. 

The glutamate dehydrogenase reaction can play different physiological roles de- 
pending on substrate and coenzyme availability and enzyme specificity. In 
Escherichia coli , for example, the enzyme generates glutamate when NH 4 ® is present 
at high concentrations. In the mold Neurospora crassa an NADPH-dependent en- 
zyme is used for the reductive amination of a-ketoglutarate to glutamate and the re- 
verse reaction is catalyzed by an NAD® -dependent enzyme. Glutamate dehydroge- 
nase is located in mitochondria in mammals and plants and it catalyzes a near 
equilibrium reaction with net flux usually from glutamate to a-ketoglutarate. The 
primary role of glutamate dehydrogenase in mammals is the degradation of amino 
acids and the release of NH 4 ® . Mammals probably assimilate very little nitrogen as 
free ammonia because they get most of their nitrogen from amino acids and nu- 
cleotides in the diet. 

Another reaction critical to the assimilation of ammonia in many organisms is the 
formation of glutamine from glutamate and ammonia. This reaction is catalyzed by 
glutamine synthetase (Figure 17.5). Glutamine is a nitrogen donor in many biosyn- 
thetic reactions; for example, the amide nitrogen of glutamine is the direct precursor of 
several of the nitrogen atoms of the purine and pyrimidine ring systems of nucleotides 
(Sections 18.1 and 18.3). In mammals, glutamine carries nitrogen and carbon between 
tissues in order to avoid high levels of toxic NH 4 ® in the bloodstream. 

The amide nitrogen of glutamine can be transferred to a-ketoglutarate to produce 
two molecules of glutamate in a reductive amination reaction catalyzed by glutamate 
synthase (Figure 17.6). Like glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamate synthase requires a re- 
duced pyridine nucleotide to reductively aminate a-ketoglutarate. Unlike the dehydro- 
genase, the synthase uses glutamine as the source of nitrogen. Animals do not have glu- 
tamate synthase. 

B. Transamination Reactions 

The amino group of glutamate can be transferred to many a-keto acids in reactions cat- 
alyzed by enzymes known as transaminases or aminotransferases. The general transam- 
ination reaction is shown in Figure 17.7. 

17.2 Assimilation of Ammonia 


▲ Pig ( Sus scrofa ) cytosolic aspartate transaminase. The enzyme is a 
dimer of identical subunits (individual monomers are shown in purple 
and blue). A molecule of the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate is shown 
(space-filling model) in each active site. [PDB 1 AJR] 

The amino group of glutamate is transferred to various ct-keto acids generating the 
corresponding a -amino acids during amino acid synthesis. Most of the common amino 
acids can be formed by transamination. In amino acid catabolism, amino groups are 
transferred from various amino acids to a-ketoglutarate or oxaloacetate generating glu- 
tamate or aspartate. 

All known transaminases require the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate (Section 7.8). 
The chemical mechanism of the initial half- reaction of transamination was shown in 
Figure 7.18. The complete transamination requires two coupled half-reactions, with 
enzyme-bound pyridoxamine phosphate (PMP) transiently carrying the amino group 
being transferred. 

The transaminases catalyze near- equilibrium reactions. The direction in which the re- 
actions proceed in vivo (flux) depends on the supply of substrates and the removal of prod- 
ucts. For example, in cells with an excess of a- amino nitrogen groups the amino groups 
can be transferred via one or a series of transamination reactions to a-ketoglutarate to 
yield glutamate that can undergo oxidative deamination catalyzed by glutamate dehydro- 
genase. Transamination occurs in the opposite direction when amino acids are being ac- 
tively formed and the amino groups are donated by glutamate. 

An important alternative to the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction in bacteria uses 
coupled reactions catalyzed by glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase for the as- 
similation of ammonia into glutamate, especially when the concentration of ammonia 
is low. Figure 17.8 shows how the combined actions of glutamine synthetase and gluta- 
mate synthase can lead to the incorporation of ammonia into a variety of amino acids. 
After formation, glutamate undergoes transamination with ct-keto acids to form the 
corresponding amino acids. The conversion of a-ketoglutarate to glutamate can occur 
via the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase pathway at the low concentrations of 
NH 4 ® present in most bacterial cells because the K m of glutamine synthetase for NH 3 
is much lower than the K m of glutamate dehydrogenase for NH 4 ®. 


© I 

H 3 N — CH 


R i 

(u-Amino acid)! 

0 = 



■ c 

R 1 

(a-Keto acid). 



0= c 

R 2 

(u-Keto acid) 2 

H 3 N — CH 


R 2 

(u-Amino acid) 2 

▲ Figure 17.7 

Transfer of an amino group from an a-amino 
acid to an a-keto acid, catalyzed by a transam- 
inase. In biosynthetic reactions (a-amino 
acicbi is often glutamate, with its carbon 
skeleton producing a-ketoglutarate [= (a-keto 
acid)iT (a-keto acid)2 represents the precur- 
sor of a newly formed acid, (a-amino acid)2- 


NH 4 ©-^ 


u-Ketoglutarate Amino acid 

Glutamine u-Ketoglutarate Amino acid 





u-Keto acid 









u-Keto acid 

▲ Figure 17.8 

Assimilation of ammonia into amino acids, (a) The glutamate dehydrogenase pathway, (b) Combined action of glutamine synthetase 
and glutamate synthase under conditions of low NH 4 © concentration. 


CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 

17.3 Synthesis of Amino Acids 

We now turn our attention to the origins of the carbon skeletons of amino acids. Figure 17.9 
shows how the biosynthesis pathways leading to the 20 common amino acids are related to 
other metabolic pathways. Note that 1 1 of the 20 common amino acids are synthesized from 
intermediates in the citric acid cycle. The others require simple precursors that we have en- 
countered in previous chapters. 

A. Aspartate and Asparagine 

Oxaloacetate is the amino group acceptor in a transamination reaction that produces 
aspartate (Figure 17.10). The enzyme that catalyzes this reaction is aspartate transami- 
nase (L-aspartate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase). Asparagine is synthesized in most 
species by an ATP- dependent transfer of the amide nitrogen of glutamine to aspartate 
in a reaction catalyzed by asparagine synthetase. In some bacteria, asparagine synthetase 
catalyzes the formation of asparagine from aspartate using ammonia instead of gluta- 
mine as the source of the amide group. This reaction is similar to the reaction catalyzed 
by glutamine synthetase. 

Some asparagine synthetases can use either ammonia or glutamine as the substrate. 
These enzymes use NH 4 © at the primary reaction site but they have a second site that 
catalyzes hydrolysis of glutamine and release of NH 4 ®. The NH 4 ® intermediate diffuses 
through a tunnel in the protein that connects the two active sites. This example of molec- 
ular channeling ensures that the hydrolysis of glutamine is tightly coupled to the forma- 
tion of asparagine and it prevents the accumulation of NH 4 ® in the cell. There are many 
examples of molecular tunnels that facilitate the channeling of NH 4 ® (see Box 18.2). 

B. Lysine, Methionine, and Threonine 

Aspartate is the precursor for synthesis of lysine, methionine, and threonine 
(Figure 17.1 1). The first step in the pathway is the phosphorylation of aspartate in a re- 
action catalyzed by aspartate kinase. In the second step, aspartyl phosphate is converted 
to aspartate /3-semialdehyde. This second reaction is catalyzed by aspartate semialde- 
hyde dehydrogenase. These two enzymes are present in bacteria, protists, fungi, and 
plants but they are missing in animals. Consequently, animals are not able to synthesize 
lysine, methionine, and threonine (see Box 17.3). 

The first two reactions leading to aspartate /3- semialdehyde are common to the for- 
▼ Figure 17.9 mation of all three amino acids. In the branch leading to lysine, pyruvate is the source of 

Biosynthesis of amino acids, showing the carbon atoms added to the skeleton of aspartate /3- semialdehyde and glutamate is the 

connections to glycolysis/gluconeogenesis 
and the citric acid cycle. 









Glucose 6-phosphate > Ribose 5-phosphate > Histidine 

Serine < 3-Phosphoglycerate 

Erythrose 4-phosphate 

Pyruvate - 


>| Valine 


u-Ketoglutarate — > Glutamate 







17.3 Synthesis of Amino Acids 521 

coo 0 




^ 1 





HoN — CH 


cn 2 

Aspartate transaminase 

cn 2 



# \ o 

0 O 0 

o y x o c 









coo 0 

© I 

H 3 N — CH 


◄ Figure 17.10 
Synthesis of aspartate and 

source of the s-amino group. Lysine is produced by an entirely different route in yeast 
and some algae. 

Homoserine is formed from aspartate /3-semialdehyde. It is a branch point for the 
formation of threonine and methionine. Threonine is derived from homoserine in two 
steps, one of which requires PLP. In the methionine pathway homoserine is converted to 
homocysteine in three steps. The sulfur atom of homocysteine then accepts a methyl 
group derived from 5-methyltetrahydrofolate forming methionine. The enzyme that cat- 
alyzes this reaction is homocysteine methyltransferase, one of the few enzymes that re- 
quires cobalamin (Section 7.12). Homocysteine methyltransferase is found in mammals 
but its activity is low and the supply of homocysteine is limited. Therefore, methionine 
remains an essential amino acid in mammals due primarily to the absence of the first 
two enzymes in the pathway. 

C. Alanine, Valine, Leucine, and Isoleucine 

Pyruvate is the amino group acceptor in the synthesis of alanine by a transamination re- 
action (Figure 17.12). Pyruvate is also a precursor in the synthesis of the branched chain 
amino acids valine, leucine, and isoleucine. The first step in the branched chain pathway 
is the synthesis of a-ketobutyrate from threonine. 

Pyruvate combines with a-ketobutyrate in a series of three reactions leading to the 
branched chain intermediate a-keto-/3-methylvalerate. This intermediate is converted 
to isoleucine in a transamination reaction. Note the similarity between the structures of 
u-ketobutyrate and pyruvate. The same enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of u-keto-/3- 
methylvalerate also catalyze the synthesis of a-ketoisovalerate by combining two molecules 
of pyruvate instead of one molecule of pyruvate and one molecule of a-ketobutyrate. 
a-Ketoisovalerate is converted directly to valine by valine transaminase — the same en- 
zyme catalyzes the synthesis of isoleucine from a-keto-/3-methylvalerate (Figure 17.13). 
These pathways illustrate an important point, namely that some enzymes recognize sev- 
eral different but similar substrates. At some point in the future the eukaryotic genes for 
these enzymes might be duplicated and each of the two copies would evolve to become 
specific for either the isoleucine or valine pathways. If this happened, it would be an exam- 
ple of pathway evolution by gene duplication and divergence (Section 10. 2D). We see 

▲ Asparaginases, (a) Escherichia coli [PDB 
INNS] (b) Erwinia chrysanthemi [PDB 107J] 


Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is caused by the prolif- 
eration of malignant T-cell lymphoblasts due, in most cases, 
to a mutation caused by mistakes in genetic recombination 
during the activation of T-cell receptor genes. Malignant 
lymphoblasts have reduced levels of asparagine synthetase 
and are unable to synthesize enough asparagine to support 
their rapid growth and proliferation. Unlike normal cells, 
they must obtain asparagine from the blood plasma. 

This cancer can be successfully treated with injections of 
asparaginase, an E. coli enzyme that breaks down asparagine 
in the plasma (Section 17. 6 A). The malignant cells die in the 
absence of an available source of asparagine. Treatment with 

asparaginase alone causes remission in 50% of all cases of 
childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and the success rate 
is even higher when the enzyme treatment is combined with 
other chemotherapy. The primary cause of resistance to the 
treatment is due to increased expression of asparagine syn- 
thetase in the cancer cells. 

Patients often develop antibodies to the E. coli enzyme 
during treatment. Switching to the homologous enzyme 
from Erwinia chrysanthemi is often effective because the 
amino acid side chains on the surface of the two proteins are 
different. Antibodies directed against one enzyme usually 
don’t recognize the other. 

522 CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 







HoN — CH 




H 3 N — CH 



+ + 

H 0 P; 


PUN - 





\>P0 3 ® 
f3 - Aspartyl phosphate 














8 reactions 

O H 
Aspartate /3-semialdehyde 

NAD(P)H, H© 

H,N — CH 


(CH 2 ) 4 

©nh 3 











HoN — CH 





ch 3 




HoN — CH 



CH 2 




3 reactions 

HoN — CH 



ATP ADP H 2 0 Pj 

V ± » ^ , 


ch 2 oh 


HoN— CH 


h 3 c oh 


▲ Figure 17.1 1 

Biosynthesis of lysine, threonine, and methionine 
from aspartate. 



C = 0 





ch 2 

C = 0 

C = 0 

ch 3 

ch 3 

ch 3 







3 reactions \ 

/ N 

/ 3 reactions 

Amino a-Keto 
acid acid 






HoN — CH 


CH 3 



s co 2 

Sco 2 




C = 0 











ch 2 

h 3 c 

ch 3 

4 reactions 






coo c 

© 1 

© 1 

© 1 

H 3 N — CH 


H 3 N — CH 

H 3 N — CH 





ch 2 

/ \ 

/ \ 

1 2 

h 3 c ch 2 


h 3 c ch 3 



/ \ 

ch 3 

H 3 C CH 



◄ Figure 17.12 

Biosynthesis of alanine, isoleucine, 
valine, and leucine. 

17.3 Synthesis of Amino Acids 523 

many examples of pathway evolution by gene duplication involving enzymes of amino 
acid metabolism (see below). The basic requirement is that in the early stages the same 
enzyme can catalyze two similar reactions and that is what we see in the isoleucine and 
valine synthesis pathways. 

The carbon skeleton of a-ketoisovalerate is lengthened by one methylene group to 
form leucine in a pathway that branches from the valine biosynthetic pathway. Two of 
the enzymes in this pathway are homologous to aconitase and isocitrate dehydrogenase 
in the citric acid cycle lending support to the idea that citric acid cycle enzymes evolved 
from preexisting enzymes required for amino acid biosynthesis (Section 13.8). 

D. Glutamate, Glutamine, Arginine, and Proline 

We have seen how glutamate and glutamine are formed from the citric acid cycle inter- 
mediate a-ketoglutarate (Section 17.2B). The carbon atoms of proline and arginine also 
come from a-ketoglutarate, via glutamate. Proline is synthesized from glutamate by a 
four-step pathway in which the 5-carboxylate group of glutamate is reduced to an alde- 
hyde. The glutamate 5 -semialdehyde intermediate undergoes nonenzymatic cyclization 
to a Schiff base, 5-carboxylate, that is reduced by a pyridine nucleotide coenzyme to 
produce proline (Figure 17.14). 

The pathway to arginine is similar in most species except that the a-amino group 
of glutamate is acetylated before the aldehyde is formed. This step prevents the cycliza- 
tion that occurs in the synthesis of proline. The N-acetylglutamate 5-semialdehyde 
intermediate is then converted to N-acetyl ornithine and ornithine. In mammals, gluta- 
mate 5 -semialdehyde is transaminated to ornithine and ornithine is converted to argi- 
nine by the reactions of the urea cycle (Section 17.7). 








Acetohydroxy acid 


Acetohydroxv acid isomeroreductase 
Dihydroxy acid dehydratase 
Valm^ aminotransferase 

Isoleucine Valine 

▲ Figure 17.13 

The isoleucine and valine synthesis pathways 
share four enzymes. 

E. Serine, Glycine, and Cysteine 

Three amino acids — serine, glycine, and cysteine — are derived from the glycolytic/ 
gluconeogenic intermediate 3-phosphoglycerate. Serine is synthesized from 3-phospho- 
glycerate in three steps (Figure 17.15). First, the secondary hydroxyl substituent of 

Figure 17.14 ► 

Conversion of glutamate to proline and arginine. 




© 1 

H,N — CH 


h 3 c— c — 


NH — CH 

F - 

— > > 


i H; 





H 0 


A/-Acety I g I uta m ate 




0 / c ^ 

h 2 n ch 2 

\ / 

h 2 c — ch 2 


COO 0 


m CH 
HN CH 2 

w / 

HC — CH 2 






© 1 

© 1 

© 1 

H 3 N— CH 

H 3 N — CH 

H 3 N — CH 



> > 








ch 2 

ch 2 

/ \ 

H 0 

@ nh 3 







/ %© 

H 2 N NH 



CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 



H — C — OH 



ch 2 opo 3 






c = o 

,© Glutamate u-Ketoglutarate 

2 uru 3 (PLP) 



© i 

H 3 N — CH 


ch,opo 3 © 

ch 2 opo 3 


H 2 0 P; 

L 1 » 

@ phosphatase 

COO 1 


HoN — CH 

CH 2 OH 


▲ Figure 17.15 
Biosynthesis of serine. 

3-phosphoglycerate is oxidized to a keto group, forming 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate. 
This compound undergoes transamination with glutamate to form 3-phosphoserine 
and a-ketoglutarate. Finally, 3-phosphoserine is hydrolyzed to give serine and Pj. 

Serine is a major source of glycine via a reversible reaction catalyzed by serine hy- 
droxymethyltransferase (Figure 17.16). In plant mitochondria and bacteria, the flux 
through this reaction is toward serine providing a route to serine that differs from that 
in Figure 17.15. The serine hydroxymethyltransferase reaction requires two cofactors: 
the prosthetic group PLP and the cosubstrate tetrahydrofolate. 

The biosynthesis of cysteine from serine occurs in two steps (Figure 17.17). First, 
an acetyl group from acetyl CoA is transferred to the /3-hydroxyl substituent of serine, 
forming O-acetylserine. Next, sulfide (S©) displaces the acetate group, and cysteine is 

Animals do not have the normal cysteine biosynthesis pathway shown in Figure 17.17. 
Nevertheless, cysteine can still be synthesized in animals as a by-product of methionine 
degradation (Section 17.6F). Serine condenses with homocysteine, an intermediate in 
the degradation of methionine. The product of the condensation reaction, crystathionine, 
is cleaved to a-ketobutyrate and cysteine (Figure 17.18). 

v Figure 17.16 
Biosynthesis of glycine. 


© I 

H 3 N — CH 

I + 

ch 2 oh 


F. Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, and Tryptophan 

The key to elucidation of the pathway for aromatic amino acid synthesis was the obser- 
vation that some bacteria with single-gene mutations require as many as five com- 
pounds for growth: phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, p-hydroxybenzoate, and 
p-aminobenzoate. These compounds all contain an aromatic ring. The inability of 
these mutants to grow without these compounds is reversed when shikimate is pro- 
vided indicating that shikimate is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of all these 
aromatic compounds. 

Chorismate, a derivative of shikimate, is a key branch-point intermediate in aro- 
matic amino acid synthesis. The pathway to shikimate and chorismate (Figure 17.19) 
begins with condensation of phosphoenolpyruvate and erythrose 4-phosphate to form 
a seven- carbon sugar derivative and Three additional steps, including cyclization, are 

required to produce shikimate. The pathway from shikimate to chorismate involves 
phosphorylation of shikimate, addition of a three-carbon group from phospho- 
enolpyruvate, and dephosphorylation. Pathways from chorismate lead to phenylala- 
nine, tyrosine, and tryptophan. Animals do not have the enzymes of the chorismate 
pathway. They cannot synthesize chorismate and, consequently, cannot synthesize any 
of the aromatic amino acids. 

A branched pathway leads from chorismate to phenylalanine or tyrosine (Figure 17.20). 
In phenylalanine synthesis in E. coli , a bifunctional chorismate mutase-prephenate dehy- 
dratase catalyzes the rearrangement of chorismate to produce prephenate, a highly reac- 
tive compound. Next, the enzyme catalyzes the elimination of a hydroxide ion and C0 2 


H 2 0 





© I 

h 3 n — ch 2 


H 2 C — N— R 

1 10 


17.3 Synthesis of Amino Acids 525 




◄ Figure 17.17 

0 1 

Acetyl CoA HS-CoA 

© 1 s© 

+ H® Acetate 

0 1 

Biosynthesis of cysteine from serine 

H 3 N — CH 

L 7 . 

H,N — CH 

L 7 . 

H 3 N — CH 

in many bacteria and plants. 

ch 2 




H,C O 

1 II 




ch 2 



o— c — ch 3 





from prephenate to form the fully aromatic product phenylpyruvate that is then 
transaminated to phenylalanine. 

A similar bifunctional chorismate mutase-prephenate dehydrogenase catalyzes the 
formation of prephenate and then 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate in the tyrosine branch. 
The intermediate undergoes transamination to form tyrosine. Several bacteria and 
some plants follow the same pathways from chorismate to phenylalanine and tyrosine 
as E. coli although their chorismate mutase and prephenate dehydratase or prephenate 
dehydrogenase activities are on separate polypeptide chains. Some other bacteria use al- 
ternate pathways in which prephenate is first transaminated and then decarboxylated. 

The biosynthesis of tryptophan from chorismate requires five enzymes. In the first 
step, the amide nitrogen of glutamine is transferred to chorismate. Subsequent elimina- 
tion of the hydroxyl group and the adjacent pyruvate moiety of chorismate produces 
the aromatic compound anthranilate (Figure 17.21). Anthranilate accepts a phosphori- 
bosyl moiety from PRPP. Rearrangement of the ribose, decarboxylation, and ring clo- 
sure generate indole glycerol phosphate. 

The final two reactions of tryptophan biosynthesis are catalyzed by tryptophan 
synthase (Figure 17.22). In some organisms, the two independent catalytic domains of 
tryptophan synthase are contained on a single polypeptide chain but in some species 
the enzyme contains two types of subunits in an a 2 (3 2 tetramer. The a subunit, or do- 
main, catalyzes the cleavage of indole glycerol phosphate to glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate 
and indole. The (3 subunit, or domain, catalyzes the condensation of indole and serine 
in a reaction that requires PLP as a cofactor. The indole produced in the reaction cat- 
alyzed by the a subunit of ol 2 (3 2 tetramers is channeled (i.e., transferred directly) to the 
active site of the (3 subunit. When the three-dimensional structure of tryptophan syn- 
thase from Salmonella typhimurium (an organism whose tryptophan synthase has the 
OL 2 f3 2 oligomeric structure) was determined by X-ray crystallography, a tunnel joining 
the a and (3 active sites was discovered. The diameter of the tunnel matches the molecu- 
lar dimensions of indole, so passage of indole through the tunnel would explain why 



coo ( 



h 3 n — ch 


r 2 






CH 2 

^ H2 © 

HC — NH, 






© I 

H 3 N — CH 



CH 2 

T 2 © 

HC— NH, 


COO 0 





H?0 NH 




H 3 N — CH 


ch 2 




cn 3 

ch 2 

c = o 

1 0 



◄ Figure 17.18 

Biosynthesis of cysteine in mammals. 

526 CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 

coo 0 

c— OPO3® 


ch 2 




4 reactions 



coo 0 

H — C — OH 


H — C — OH 

CH 2 0P0 3 © 
Erythrose 4-phosphate 





3-phosphate synthase 
(EPSP synthase) 

coo 0 






coo 0 



a Figure 17.19 

Synthesis of shikimate and chorismate. 

Figure 17.20 ► 

Biosynthesis of tryptophan, phenylalanine, and 
tyrosine from chorismate in E. coli. 

coo 0 




Chorismate mutase 



co 2 ,oh° 

♦ — I 











« >2 











©NH 3 

— CH — COO® 



17.3 Synthesis of Amino Acids 


indole does not diffuse away. This was one of the earliest examples of metabolic chan- 
neling (Section 5.10). Up until quite recently there were only a few other examples and 
the phenomenon was thought to be rare. The huge increase in structural and genomic 
studies has revealed many more examples — including half a dozen in this chapter alone. 


G. Histidine 

The ten-step pathway for the biosynthesis of histidine in bacteria begins with a condensa- 
tion between the six-membered ring of ATP and a ribose derivative, phosphoribosyl 
pyrophosphate (PRPP) (Figure 17.23). The six-membered ring of the adenine moiety is 
then cleaved and glutamine donates a nitrogen atom that is incorporated via cyclization 

▲ Figure 17.21 


1 1 © 
CH — CH — CH 2 0P0 3 ^ 


Indole glycerol phosphate 








®nh 3 

1 © 

HOCH 2 — CH — COO° 



H 2 0 

L 7, 



03 ) 


▲ Figure 17.22 

Reactions catalyzed by tryptophan synthase. 

v Figure 17.23 

Synthesis of histidine from phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate (PRPP) and ATP. 

Histidine is derived from PRPP (5 C atoms), the purine ring of ATP 
(1 N and 1 C), glutamine (1 N), and glutamate (1 N). 

a-D-Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate 

N ^ N -- R i bose-®-®-® 

3 reactions 






| Hz 


HC — NH 3 








5 reactions 


H 2 N 

Aminoimidazole carboxamide 

-> Purine biosynthesis 


H — C — OH 


H — C — OH 


CH 2 OPO: 



Imidazole glycerol 

528 CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 


The chorismate pathway is an effective target for herbicides 
since compounds that specifically block this pathway in plants 
will have no effect on animals. One of the most effective gen- 
eral herbicides is glyphosate. Glyphosate inhibits the enzyme 
5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSP syn- 
thase) by acting as a competitive inhibitor of PEP binding 
(Section 5.7A). 

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup®, a her- 
bicide that kills all plants. It is used to remove weeds from 
driveways and stone pathways. Although it is cheap and ef- 
fective as a weed killer, glyphosate cannot be used to spray ac- 
tively growing food crops since it indiscriminately kills all 
plants, including the crop! 

®o 3 p— ch 2 — nh— ch 2 — coo 0 


(N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine) 

Resistant versions of EPSP synthase have been identified 
in many species of bacteria. The enzyme from strain CP4 of 
Agrobacterium sp. has been genetically modified to remain 
fully active in the presence of high concentrations of glyphosate. 
The gene for this bacterial CP4-EPSP synthase was patented 
and then introduced into soybeans creating a genetically 
modified plant that is resistant to glyphosate. The new strain 

of soybeans is marketed by Monsanto as Roundup Ready® 
soybeans. Farmers who grow crops of Roundup Ready® 
soybeans are able to spray them with Roundup® (also sold by 
Monsanto) to kill weeds. The economic advantages to farm- 
ers are significant. Most of the soybeans currently grown in 
North America are genetically modified. 

Other Roundup Ready® crop plants are now available. 
Versions of corn, cotton, and canola are widely used. 

▲ E. coli 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase with a molecule 
of glyphosate bound to the active site. [PDB 2AAY] 


Metabolic channeling evolves to improve 
kinetic efficiency. 

into the imidazole ring of the product, imidazole glycerol phosphate. Most of the carbon 
and nitrogen atoms of ATP are released as aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide, 
an intermediate in purine biosynthesis (Section 18.1). This metabolite then can be recycled 
into ATP. Imidazole glycerol phosphate undergoes dehydration, transamination by gluta- 
mate, hydrolytic removal of its phosphate, and oxidation from the level of a primary al- 
cohol to that of a carboxylic acid in two sequential NAD® -dependent steps forming 

▲ Tryptophan synthase from Salmonella typhimurium. The substrate indole glycerol phosphate is 
shown as a space-filling molecule bound to the a subunits. The cofactor PLP is bound to the 
/3 subunits. The enzyme contains a channel leading from the indole glycerol phosphate binding 
site to the PLP reaction site. [PDB 1Q0Q] 

17.4 Amino Acids as Metabolic Precursors 529 


Humans and other animals do not possess the enzymes re- 
quired for the synthesis of all amino acids. Those that cannot 
be synthesized are, therefore, essential components of the 
human diet. As a general rule, the pathways that have been 
lost are the ones with the most steps. A crude measure of the 
complexity of a pathway is the number of moles of ATP (or 
its equivalent) required in a pathway. 

The table shows the correlation between the expense of a 
particular pathway and whether an amino acid is essential. The 
amino acids are grouped according to their common precur- 
sors as described in the previous sections. Note that lysine, me- 
thionine, and threonine are derived from a common precursor 
(Section 17.3B). All three amino acids are essential because ani- 
mals cannot synthesize the precursor. Valine, leucine, and 
isoleucine are essential because animals lack the key enzymes 
that all three biosynthesis pathways share (Section 17.3C). 

a Moles of ATP required includes ATP used for synthesis of precursors and conversion 
of precursors to products. 
b Essential in some mammals. 

c Cysteine can be synthesized from homocysteine and homocysteine is a degradation 
product of methionine. The biosynthesis of cysteine depends on an adequate supply 
of methionine in the diet. 

d Tyrosine can be synthesized from the essential amino acid phenylalanine. 

Energy requirements for biosynthesis of amino acids 

Moles of ATP required per 
Amino acids mole of amino acid produced 21 








50 or 51 


















44 b 








1 9 C 





62 d 




17.4 Amino Acids as Metabolic Precursors 

The primary role of amino acids is to serve as substrates for protein synthesis. In this 
role, newly synthesized amino acids are activated by covalent attachment to tRNA and 
the pool of aminoacyl-tRNAs is used as the substrate for polypeptide synthesis by the 
protein synthesis machinery. We devote an entire chapter to this fundamentally impor- 
tant biosynthesis pathway (Chapter 22). 

Some amino acids are essential precursors in other biosynthesis pathways. The list is 
long and if s impossible to mention every pathway. Some important regulatory amines were 
described in Section 3.3 (histamine, GABA, epinephrine, thyroxine). The important role of 
methionine in the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine will be described in Section 17.6F. 

A. Products Derived from Glutamate, Glutamine, and Aspartate 

Weve already seen that glutamate and glutamine are important players in nitrogen assim- 
ilation. In addition, glutamate and aspartate are amino group donors in many transami- 
nation reactions. We will see that glutamate and aspartate are required in the urea cycle. 
Glutamine and aspartate are also required as precursors in both purine biosynthesis (Sec- 
tion 18.1) and pyrimidine biosynthesis (Section 18.3). Recall that synthesis of biologically 
active tertahydrofolate involves addition of up to six glutamate residues to the tetrahydro- 
folate moiety (Section 7.10). 



B. Products Derived from Serine and Glycine 

Serine and glycine are metabolic precursors of many other compounds (Figure 17.24). 
The role of serine in lipid biosynthesis has already been described in the previous chapter. 

▲ Phenylanyl-tRNA Phe . Most newly synthe- 
sized amino acids are rapidly attached to 
their corresponding tRNAs and used in 
protein synthesis. [PDB 1TTT] 

530 CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 

Figure 17.24 ► 

Compounds formed from serine and glycine. 

▲ Nitric oxide 

In 1998 Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. 
Ignarro, and Ferid Murad were awarded 
the Nobel Prize in Physiology or 
Medicine “for their discoveries 
concerning nitric oxide as a signaling 
molecule in the cardiovascular system.” 


Sphingol ipids 



■ Phosphatidylserines 


Deoxythymidylate < Methylene- 4 — 




Methyl- Purines 





Bile salts \ Glyoxylate 



Porphobilinogen Creatine phosphate 


Chlorophyll Heme Cobalamin 

Glycine and succinyl CoA are the main precursors in the porphyrin pathway leading to 
heme and chlorophyll. Glycine is also required in purine biosynthesis (Section 18.1). 

The conversion of serine to glycine is coupled to the synthesis of methylene 
tetrahydrofolate. Tetrahydrofolate derivatives are important in many reactions that cat- 
alyze transfer of one-carbon units (Section 17.10). One of the most important of these 
reactions is the synthesis of deoxythymidylate (Figure 18.15). 

C. Synthesis of Nitric Oxide from Arginine 

One of the more interesting examples of amino acids as metabolic precursors is the role 
of arginine as substrate for synthesis of nitric oxide, an unstable gaseous derivative of 
nitrogen with an odd number of electrons (*N = O). Although it is a reactive free radical 
and potentially toxic, nitric oxide is physiologically important — so important, in fact, 
that it was named the 1992 “Molecule of the Year” by the journal Science. As a gas, NO 
can diffuse rapidly into cells. It exists in vivo for only a few seconds because nitric oxide 
in aqueous solution reacts rapidly with oxygen and water to form nitrates and nitrites. 

An enzyme found in mammals, nitric oxide synthase, catalyzes the formation of ni- 
tric oxide and citrulline from arginine (Figure 17.25). The reaction requires the cofac- 
tors NADPH, FMN, FAD, a cytochrome P450, and tetrahydrobiopterin (Section 7.10). 
The mechanism of action of tetrahydrobiopterin in this reaction has not yet been eluci- 
dated but it appears to be a reducing agent needed for the hydroxylation of arginine. 
Nitric oxide synthase is present in two forms, a constitutive (i.e., constantly synthesized) 
calcium-dependent form in brain and endothelial cells and an inducible (i.e., variably 
synthesized) calcium-independent form in macrophages (a type of white blood cell). 

Nitric oxide is a messenger molecule that binds to a soluble guanylyl cyclase and 
stimulates the formation of cyclic GMP (Section 9.12B). It has several functions; for 
example, when macrophages are stimulated, they synthesize nitric oxide. The short-lived 
nitric oxide free radical is one of the weapons used by macrophages to kill bacteria and 
tumor cells. Nitric oxide may interact with superoxide anions (*0 2 ® ) to form more toxic 
reactants that account for the cell-killing activity. 

17.5 Protein Turnover 531 

©nh 2 

2 0 2 , 3 e 0 2 OH 0 

nh 2 

◄ Figure 17.25 

Conversion of arginine to nitric oxide and 

c — NH, 







citrulline. NADPH is the source of the three 




V V . 





Nitric oxide synthase 

i Hi 

ch 2 


{ H > 

CH— COO 0 

CH — COO 0 

©nh 3 ©nh 3 

Arginine Citrulline 

Nitric oxide synthase is also present in the cells that line blood vessels. Under cer- 
tain conditions, nitric oxide is produced and diffuses to the smooth muscle cells of the 
vessels, causing them to relax and lower blood pressure. Hypertension and heart failure 
involve impaired relaxation of blood vessels. Nitroglycerin, used to dilate coronary ar- 
teries in the treatment of angina pectoris, exerts its effect by virtue of its metabolic con- 
version to nitric oxide. 

Nitric oxide also functions as a neurotransmitter in brain tissue. Abnormally high 
amounts of nitric oxide formed during a stroke appear to kill some neurons in the same 
way macrophages kill bacteria. Administering an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase to an 
animal produces some protection from stroke damage. One role of nitric oxide as a neu- 
rotransmitter is to stimulate erection of the penis. Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, 
is a drug used to alleviate erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor 
that blocks the hydrolysis of cyclic GMP and therefore prolongs the stimulatory effect of 
nitric oxide. Tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra) inhibit the same enzyme. 

D. Synthesis of Lignin from Phenylalanine 

Lignin (Figure 17.26) is a series of complex polymers synthesized from phenylalanine. It 
is a major component of wood in flowering plants and may be the second most abun- 
dant biopolymer on the planet (after cellulose). Lignin cannot be broken down during 
digestion so in spite of the fact that animals ingest huge amounts of lignin it is metabol- 
ically inert. The only species that can break it down are various fungi that degrade fallen 
trees in the forest. 

E. Melanin Is Made from Tyrosine 

Melanin is a dark pigment found in bacteria, fungi, and animals. In humans it is re- 
sponsible for skin color and hair color. Melanin is also the main component of the ink 
released by a frightened octopus. 

The structure of melanin (eumelanin) is complex but the precursors are well 
known and the enzymes required in the pathway have been identified in a number of 
species. The first steps involve the conversion of L-tyrosine to l-DOPA and 
L-dopaquinone (Figure 17.27). 

17.5 Protein Turnover 

One might assume that only growing or reproducing cells would require new protein mol- 
ecules (and therefore a supply of amino acids) but this is not the case. Proteins are continu- 
ally synthesized and degraded in all cells, a process called turnover. Individual proteins turn 
over at different rates. Their half-lives can vary from a few minutes to several weeks but the 
half-life of a given protein in different organs and species is generally similar. Rapid protein 
turnover ensures that some regulatory proteins are degraded so that the cell can respond 
to constantly changing conditions. Such proteins have evolved to be relatively unstable. 


CH 3 

▲ Sildenafil. Sildenafil is the active ingredient 
in Viagra®. 

▲ Octopus ink is mostly melanin. 

532 CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 

Figure 17.26 ► 

Lignin. This is one of many possible struc- 
tures of plant lignin. 

h 2 coh 


H 3 CO 

och 3 

▲ Rotting wood. This mushroom is grow- 
ing on rotting wood in a deciduous forest. 
Fungi are the only organisms that pro- 
duce enzymes for breaking down lignin. 

The rate of hydrolysis of a protein can be inversely related to the stability of its tertiary 
structure. Misfolded and unfolded proteins are quickly degraded (Section 4.10). 

Some proteins are degraded to amino acids through lysosomal hydrolysis (in eu- 
karyotic cells). Vesicles containing material to be destroyed fuse with lysosomes, and 
various lysosomal proteases hydrolyze the engulfed proteins. The lysosomal enzymes 
have broad substrate specificities so all the trapped proteins are extensively degraded. 

Some proteins have very short half-lives because they are specifically targeted for 
degradation. Abnormal (mutated) proteins are also selectively hydrolyzed. The pathway 
for the selective hydrolysis of these proteins in eukaryotic cells requires the protein 
ubiquitin. Side-chain amino groups of lysine residues in the target protein are co- 
valently linked to the C-terminus of ubiquitin in a complex pathway that involves 

17.5 Protein Turnover 533 


coo 0 

© 1 

© 1 

l 3 N — C — H 

H 3 N — C — H 

b - 



-u — 









◄ Figure 17.27 

Synthesis of eumelanin from tyrosine and 

coo 0 

© I 

H 3 N— C — H 




ubiquitin- activating enzyme (El), ubiquitin- conjugating enzyme (E2), and ubiquitin- 
protein ligase (E3). This pathway is coupled to ATP hydrolysis — one ATP molecule is 
hydroylzed for every ubiquitin molecule attached to the target protein. The ubiquiti- 
nated protein is hydrolyzed to peptides by the action of a large multiprotein complex 
called the proteasome (or proteosome) (Figure 17.28). This process occurs in both the 
cytosol and the nucleus. Other proteases catalyze hydrolysis of the resulting peptides. 
ATP is required to assemble the proteasome and to hydrolyze the ubiquitinated protein. 
Before this pathway was discovered there was no explanation for the surprising observa- 
tion that the degradation of many proteins requires ATP. (Recall from Section 2.6 that 
hydrolysis of a peptide bond is a thermodynamically favorable reaction.) 

▲ Ubiquitin [Homo sapiens). Ubiquitin is a 
small, highly conserved, eukaryotic protein 
used as a marker that targets proteins for 
degradation. [PDB 1UBI] 

Aaron Ciechanover (1947-), Avram 
Hershko (1937-), and Irwin Rose 
(1926-) won the 2004 Nobel Prize in 
Chemistry “for the discovery of ubiquitin- 
mediated protein degradation.” 

Ubiquitinated protein 

▲ Figure 17.28 

Ubiquitination and hydrolysis of a protein. Ubiquitination enzymes catalyze the attachment of numerous molecules of ubiquitin to the protein targeted 
for degradation. The proteasome catalyzes ATP-dependent hydrolysis of the substituted protein, releasing peptides and ubiquitin. 

534 CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 


Apoptosis (often pronounced with the second p silent) is a 
series of morphological changes in a cell that leads to its 
death. The changes include a decrease in cell volume, damage 
to the plasma membrane, swelling of mitochondria, and 
fragmentation of chromatin. Surplus and harmful cells are 
removed principally by the action of proteases. 

Some cells die normally during development or in the 
regulation of antibody production. Others die as a result of 
diseases or from faulty apoptosis (as in some neurodegenera- 
tive diseases). As a result of apoptosis, vesicles containing cel- 
lular contents form and are engulfed by neighboring cells. 
Some of the protein contents of the vesicles can be saved and 
reused by the other cells. 

All eukaryotes have a similar set of endogenous enzymes 
responsible for cell death. These enzymes (first described as 
being involved in apoptosis in 1993) include about a dozen 

proteases called caspases — meaning cysteine- containing hy- 
drolases that act on the carboxyl side of aspartate residues. 

▲ Apoptosis. The drawing depicts vesicles from a dead apoptotic cell 
(purple) being taken up by a white blood cell (green). [Courtesy of 
the United States National Library of Medicine.] 

17.6 Amino Acid Catabolism 

Amino acids obtained from the degradation of endogenous proteins or from the diet can 
be used for the biosynthesis of new proteins. Amino acids not needed for the synthesis of 
proteins are catabolized in order to make use of their nitrogen and their carbon skele- 
tons. The first step in amino acid degradation is often removal of the a -amino group. 
Next, the carbon chains are altered in specific ways for entry into the central pathways of 
carbon metabolism. We first consider the metabolic fates of the various carbon skeletons. 
In the next section we examine the metabolism of the ammonia arising from amino acid 
degradation. These catabolic pathways are present in all species but they are especially 
important in animals since amino acids are a significant part of fuel metabolism. 

Removal of the a-amino group of an amino acid occurs in several ways. The amino 
acid usually undergoes transamination with a-ketoglutarate to form an cr-keto acid and 
glutamate. The glutamate is oxidized to a-ketoglutarate and ammonia by the action of 
mitochondrial glutamate dehydrogenase. The net effect of these two reactions is the re- 
lease of a-amino groups as ammonia and the formation of NADH and cr-keto acids. 
This is the reverse of the pathway shown in Figure 17.8A. 

Amino acid + a-Ketoglutarate a-Keto acid + Glutamate 

Glutamate + NAD© + H z O a-Ketoglutarate + NADH + H© + NH 4 © 

Sum: Amino acid + NAD© + H 2 0 a-Keto acid + NADH + H© + NH 4 © (17.4) 

The amide groups of glutamine and asparagine are hydrolyzed by specific enzymes — 
glutaminase and asparaginase, respectively — to produce ammonia and the correspon- 
ding dicarboxylic amino acids glutamate and aspartate. Ammonia from amides and 
amino groups that is not used in biosynthesis reactions is excreted. 

Once the amino groups have been removed, the carbon chains of the 20 amino 
acids can be degraded. Some are degraded to one of four citric acid cycle intermediates 
while others are degraded to pyruvate, and still others to acetyl CoA or acetoacetate 
(Figure 17.29). Each amino acid follows its own route to one or more of these seven 

While all these products can be oxidized to C0 2 and H 2 0 they can also have other 
metabolic fates. Amino acids that are degraded to pyruvate or citric acid cycle intermediates 
are called glucogenic because they can directly supply the pathway of gluconeogenesis. 
Those that form acetyl CoA or acetoacetate can contribute to the formation of fatty 
acids or ketone bodies and are called ketogenic. Some amino acids are both glucogenic 

▲ Proteasome from yeast ( Saccharomyces 
cerevisiae). (a) Side view. The complete pro- 
teasome consists of two seven-member rings 
of /3 subunits (blue) with their active pro- 
tease sites on the interior of the cylinder. 

The outer two rings have seven a subunits 
(purple), (b) Top view. Ubiquinated proteins 
enter the cylinder through a pore at the top 
or bottom of the structure. [PDB 1FNT] 

17.6 Amino Acid Catabolism 


Tryptophan > Alanine 


Asparagine > Aspartate 

Glucose « Phosphoenolpyruvate < 




^ 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate 


Tyrosine < — 




Acetyl CoA 



-> Tyrosine 







Succinyl CoA 






Tyrosine < — 






Glutamate « 









and ketogenic because different parts of their carbon chains form different products. 
The distinction between glucogenic and ketogenic products is important in animals 
since amino acids are significant fuel metabolites in the diet. Animals do not possess a 
direct pathway leading from acetyl CoA to glucose and the production of excess acetyl 
CoA stimulates formation of ketone bodies (Section 16.11). The distinction between 
glucogenic and ketogenic products is less important in bacteria, protists, fungi, and 
plants since they can convert acetyl CoA to oxaloacetate via the glyoxylate pathway 
(Section 13.7). In these organisms, acetyl CoA is glucogenic. 

In this section, we examine the pathways of amino acid degradation beginning 
with the simplest routes. Our aim is to show how the carbon atoms of each amino acid 
reach “glucogenic” metabolites (pyruvate and citric acid cycle intermediates) or “keto- 
genic” metabolites (acetyl CoA and acetoacetate). The ultimate fates of these metabo- 
lites depend on the species and are covered in earlier chapters. 

▲ Figure 17.29 

Degradation of amino acids. The carbon 
skeletons of amino acids are converted to 
pyruvate, acetoacetate, acetyl CoA, or citric 
acid cycle intermediates. 

A. Alanine, Asparagine, Aspartate, Glutamate, and Glutamine 

Alanine, aspartate, and glutamate are synthesized by reversible transamination reactions 
(Sections 17.3A,C,D). The breakdown of these three amino acids involves their re-entry 
into the pathways from which their carbon skeletons arose. Alanine gives rise to pyruvate, 
aspartate to oxaloacetate, and glutamate to a-ketoglutarate by reversal of the original 
transamination reactions. All three amino acids are glucogenic since aspartate and gluta- 
mate are converted to citric acid cycle intermediates and alanine is converted to pyruvate. 

The degradation of both glutamine and asparagine begins with their hydrolysis to 
glutamate and aspartate, respectively. Thus, glutamine and asparagine are both glucogenic. 
The hydrolysis reactions are catalyzed by specific enzymes — asparaginase (Box 17.1) 
and glutaminase. 

B. Arginine, Histidine, and Proline 

The pathways for the degradation of arginine, histidine, and proline converge on glutamate 
(Figure 17.30). In the case of arginine and proline, the degradation pathways resemble 
the biosynthesis pathways. Arginine degradation commences with the reaction catalyzed 
by arginase. The ornithine produced is transaminated to glutamate 5 -semialdehyde, 
which is oxidized to form glutamate. 


CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 


coo e 




1 h 2 o 

© 1 

H 3 N— CH 

© 1 

H 3 N — CH 

H 2 0 

CH 2 V* 

ch 2 

ch 2 

1 V 

CH 2 urea 


ch 2 

IPLPI ch 2 


h 2 o 


ch 2 




©nh 3 




c — nh 2 


Glutamate 5-semialdehyde 

©nh 2 nad©+h 2 o-^ 


NADH + 2H© 



m CH 
HN CH 2 

w / 

HC — CH 2 

H 2 0 1/2 o 2 

< w 

A^Pyrroline 5-carboxylate 


©/ \ 

h 3 n ch 2 

\ / 

h 2 c— ch 2 


▲ Figure 17.30 

Principal catabolic pathways for arginine, 
proline, and histidine. 







ChH 2 












| Tetrahydrofolate 


A/-Formiminoglutamate Histidine 

▲ Proline utilization A flavoprotein. This 
enzyme from Bradyrhizobium japonicum 
combines the first two enzymes in the 
proline degradation pathway into a large 
complex consisting of six subunits of bifunc- 
tional proteins. The two identical subunits 
of one core dimer are colored blue and pur- 
ple and the entire structure consists of three 
such dimers arranged in a circle. The bound 
FAD and NAD© coenzymes are shown as 
space-filling models. This enzyme presum- 
ably confers a selective advantage over 
species containing two separate enzymes 
so why hasn’t it evolved in eukaryotes? 


Proline is converted to glutamate in three steps. The first step is an oxidation reac- 
tion catalyzed by the FAD -containing enzyme proline dehydrogenase. The electron ac- 
ceptor is sometimes molecular oxygen although other acceptors can be used. The prod- 
uct of the first reaction is A^pyrroline 5-carboxylate (P5C) that exists in equilibrium 
with the open-chain form, glutamate 5 -semialdehyde. Glutamate 5 -semialdehyde is 
converted to glutamate by the action of NAD® -dependant P5C dehydrogenase. Note 
that the conversion of A^pyrroline 5-carboxylate to glutamate 5 -semialdehyde is spon- 
taneous as in the proline synthesis pathway (Section 17.3D). 

The first two enzymes in this pathway are separate enzymes in all eukaryotes and 
most bacteria but in some species of bacteria the two genes for these enzymes have fused 
to create a bifunctional hexameric protein that catalyzes both reactions. This is kinetically 
advantageous since the intermediates (A^pyrroline 5-carboxylate and glutamate 5-semi- 
aldehyde) do not dissociate from the complex before being converted to glutamate. 

The major pathway for histidine degradation also produces glutamate. Histidine 
undergoes nonoxidative deamination, hydration, and ring opening to form 
N-formiminoglutamate. The formimino moiety ( — CH = NH 2 ®) is then trans- 
ferred to tetrahydrofolate, forming 5-formiminotetrahydrofolate and glutamate. 5- 
Formiminotetrahydrofolate is then enzymatically deaminated to form 5,10-methenylte- 
trahydrofolate. The one-carbon (methenyl) group of this tetrahydrofolate derivative 
can be used in pathways such as pyrimidine synthesis (Section 18.6). 

C. Glycine and Serine 

There are two pathways for the breakdown of serine (Figure 17.31). A small amount of 
serine is converted directly to pyruvate by the action of serine dehydratase, a PLP- 
dependent enzyme. Most serine, however, is converted to glycine by the action of serine 
hydroxymethyltransferease. This is the same reaction that results in synthesis of glycine 
in the biosynthesis pathway (Figure 17.16) and it is a reaction that produces 5,10-methylene 
tetrahydrofolate (5,10-methylene THF). 

Some glycine can be converted to serine by the reverse reaction of serine hydroxyl - 
methyltransferase and the glycine carbon atoms can end up in pyruvate when the serine 
molecules are deaminated. However, the major pathway for degradation of glycine in all 
species is conversion to NH 4 ® and HCQ 3 ® by the glycine cleavage system. 

17.6 Amino Acid Catabolism 


Catalysis by the glycine cleavage system requires an enzyme complex containing 
four nonidentical subunits. PLP, lipoamide, and FAD are prosthetic groups, and NAD® 
and tetrahydrofolate (THF) are cosubstrates. Initially, glycine is decarboxylated and 
the — CH 2 — NH 3 ® group is transferred to lipoamide. Then, NH 4 ® is released, and 
the remaining one-carbon group is transferred to tetrahydrofolate to form 5,10- 
methylenetetrahydro folate (5,10-methylene THF). Reduced lipoamide is oxidized by 
FAD and FADH 2 reduces the mobile carrier NAD®. 

As shown in Figure 17.32 the glycine cleavage system is another example of a 
lipoamide swinging arm mechanism similar in principle to that of pyruvate dehydroge- 
nase (Section 13.1). Although glycine breakdown is reversible in vitro , the glycine cleav- 
age system catalyzes an irreversible reaction in cells. The irreversibility of the reaction 
sequence is due in part to the K m values for the products ammonia and methylene- 
tetrahydrofolate that are far greater than the concentrations of these compounds in vivo. 

D. Threonine 

There are several routes for the degradation of threonine. In the major pathway, threo- 
nine is oxidized to 2-amino-3-ketobutyrate in a reaction catalyzed by threonine dehy- 
drogenase (Figure 17.33). 2-Amino-3-ketobutyrate can undergo thiolysis to form acetyl 
CoA and glycine. Another route for threonine catabolism is cleavage to acetaldehyde 
and glycine by the action of threonine aldolase. Threonine aldolase is actually a minor 
activity of serine hydroxymethyltransferase in many tissues and organisms. Acetalde- 
hyde can be oxidized to acetate by the action of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and acetate 
can be converted to acetyl CoA by acetyl- CoA synthetase. 

A third route for threonine catabolism in mammals is deamination to ct-ketobu- 
tyrate. This reaction is catalyzed by serine dehydratase, the same enzyme that catalyzes 
the conversion of serine to pyruvate. This reaction produces a-ketobutyrate for synthesis 
of isoleucine in most species (Section 17.3C). a-Ketobutyrate can be converted to propi- 
onyl CoA in the degradative pathway and propionyl CoA is a precursor of the citric acid 
cycle intermediate succinyl CoA (Section 16.7 F). Threonine can thus produce either 
succinyl CoA or glycine + acetyl CoA depending on the pathway by which it is degraded. 

E. The Branched Chain Amino Acids 

Leucine, valine, and isoleucine are degraded by related pathways (Figure 17.34). The same 
three enzymes catalyze the first three steps in all pathways. The first step, transamination, 
is catalyzed by branched chain amino acid transaminase. 

The second step in the catabolism of branched chain amino acids is catalyzed by 
branched chain ct-keto acid dehydrogenase. In this reaction, the branched chain ct-keto 
acids undergo oxidative decarboxylation to form branched chain acyl CoA molecules 
one carbon atom shorter than the precursor ct-keto acids. Branched chain ct-keto acid 
dehydrogenase is a multienzyme complex containing lipoamide and thiamine pyrophos- 
phate (TPP) and requires NAD® and coenzyme A. Its catalytic mechanism is similar to 

COO 1 




ch 3 









H,N— CH 

CH ? 







^->5, 10-Methylene THF 
^H 2 0 



ch 2 

©nh 3 




(PLP, lipoamide, 

NAD®+ H 2 0 



NADH + H® 


5,10-Methylene THF 

HC0 3 ° + NH 4 © 

▲ Figure 17.31 

Catabolism of serine and glycine. 

The pathway from propionyl CoA to 
succinyl CoA is shown in detail in 
Figure 16.22. 

◄ Figure 17.32 

Glycine cleavage system. A lipoamide swing- 
ing arm is attached to the core structural 
component (H-protein). The swinging arm 
visits the active sites of the three enzymes 
of the pathway. 

538 CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 



C = 0 


T 2 

ch 3 




NADH + H© 



NH d © 


H,N — CH 




Minor pathway 



H,N — CH 

a-Keto acid 




co 2 



C = 0 


ch 2 

ch 3 

Propionyl CoA 

H C OH Threonine dehydrogenase 
Major pathway 

CH 3 








-> C = 0 

ch 3 




© I 

h 3 n — ch 2 


Glycine-cleavage system 



ch 3 






-> C=0 

ch 3 

Acetyl CoA 


coo ( 

© I 

h 3 n — ch 2 


Glycine-cleavage system 

▲ Figure 17.33 

Alternate routes for the degradation of threonine. 





©nh 3 


CH — CH, — CH — COO 





h 3 c 


©nh 3 


CH — CH — C00 ( 




Branched chain 
amino acid transaminase 

(PLP) Glutamate 

- a-Ketoglutarate 

HdC — H?C 

©NH 3 


CH — CH — COO' 



3 Isoleucine 




>:-Keto acid 

R — C — COO 1 


- NAD® + HS-CoA 

Branched chain 
a-keto acid dehydrogenase 

(Lipoamide, TPP) ^NADH + C0 2 

Acyl CoA 

R — C— S-CoA 

Dehydrogenation Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 


ETF:FAD ^n^QH 2 

yv 2 


◄ Figure 17.34 

Catabolism of the branched chain amino 
acids. R represents the side chain of 
leucine, valine, or isoleucine. 


H,C— C = CH — C— S-CoA 

H ? C = C — C— S-CoA 

HoC — CH = C — C— S-CoA 


3 reactions 

Acetyl CoA Acetoacetate 


4 reactions 

Propionyl CoA 


3 reactions 

Acetyl CoA Propionyl CoA 

Acetyl CoA 

Succinyl CoA 

Succinyl CoA 

17.6 Amino Acid Catabolism 


that of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (Section 13.1) and the a-ketoglutarate de- 
hydrogenase complex (Section 13.3#4), and it contains the same dihydrolipoamide dehy- 
drogenase (E 3 ) subunits as those found in the other two dehydrogenase complexes. 

Branched chain acyl Co A molecules are oxidized by an FAD -containing acyl- Co A 
dehydrogenase in a reaction analogous to the first step in fatty acyl CoA oxidation 
(Figure 16.19). The electrons removed in this oxidation step are transferred via the elec- 
tron transferring flavoprotein (ETF) to ubiquinone (Q). 

At this point, the steps in the catabolism of branched chain amino acids diverge. All 
the carbons of leucine are ultimately converted to acetyl CoA, so leucine is purely keto- 
genic. Valine is ultimately converted to propionyl CoA. As in the degradation of threo- 
nine, propionyl CoA is converted to succinyl CoA that enters the citric acid cycle. Valine 
is glucogenic. The isoleucine degradation pathway leads to both propionyl CoA and 
acetyl CoA. Isoleucine is therefore both glucogenic (via succinyl CoA formed from pro- 
pionyl CoA) and ketogenic (via acetyl CoA). Thus, although the initial steps in the 
degradation of the three branched chain amino acids are similar, their carbon skeletons 
have different fates — at least in animals. 

Remember that the distinction between 
ketogenic and glucogenic pathways is 
only relevant in animals because all 
other species can convert acetyl CoA to 

F. Methionine 

One major role of methionine is conversion to the activated methyl donor S-adenosyl- 
methionine (Section 7.3). Transfer of the methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine to 
a methyl acceptor leaves S-adenosylhomocysteine that is degraded by hydrolysis to 
homocysteine and adenosine (Figure 17.35). Homocysteine can either be methylated by 

© NHo 

1 © 

H 3 C— S — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH — coo° 

H 2 0 + ATP 
^ + pPi ^ 

© nh 3 

© 1 © 

h 3 c— s — ch 2 — ch 2 — ch— coo© 


h 3 c — X ^ 


©nh 3 

1 © 

S — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH — COO° 



h 3 c — ch 2 — C— S-CoA 
Propionyl CoA 

◄ Figure 17.35 

Conversion of methionine to cysteine and pro- 
pionyl CoA. X in the second step represents 
any of a number of methyl-group acceptors. 




V- NAD© 


v HS-CoA 


h 3 c — ch 2 — c — coo© 


°OOC — CH — CH 2 — SH 
©NH 3 Cysteine 

© NH 3 


©ooc — ch — ch 2 — s — ch 2 — ch 2 — ch— coo© 


© NH 3 Cystathionine 

OOC — CH — CH? 


© NHo 


-OH - 


S-Adenosy I homocysteine 

h 2 o 


©NH 3 

1 © 

HS — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH — COO© 



CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 


© I 

H,N — CH 





^ 0 2 





H,N — CH 


S0 2 ° 


a- Keto- 



coo 0 


C =0 


ch 2 


so 2 





k S0 2 



C =0 


ch 3 


▲ Figure 17.36 

Conversion of cysteine to pyruvate. 


One of the most common disorders of 
amino acid metabolism is phenylke- 
tonuria (PKU). The disease is caused 
by a mutation in the gene that encodes 
phenylalanine hydroxylase ( PAH 
gene on chromosome 12q: OMIN 
MIN=261600). Affected individuals 
are unable to convert dietary pheny- 
lalanine to tyrosine so the blood of 
children with this disease contains very 
high levels of phenylalanine and low 
levels of tyrosine. Instead of being con- 
verted to tyrosine, phenylalanine is 
metabolized to phenylpyruvate in the 
reverse of the transamination reaction 
shown in Figure 17.20. (Transamina- 
tion of phenylalanine does not occur in 
unaffected individuals because the K m 
of the transaminase for phenylalanine 
is much higher than the normal con- 
centration of phenylalanine.) Elevated 
levels of phenylpyruvate and its deriva- 
tives inhibit brain development. 

Newborns are routinely screened 
for PKU by testing for elevated levels of 
phenylpyruvate in the urine or of 
phenylalanine in the blood during the 
first days after birth. Phenylalanine 
hydroxylase-deficient individuals often 
develop normally if the dietary intake of 
phenylalanine is strictly limited during 
the first decade of life. Some women 
with PKU must restrict their dietary in- 
take of phenylalanine during pregnancy 

to ensure proper fetal development. Ele- 
vated levels of phenylalanine are also 
observed in individuals with deficiencies 
in dihydropteridine reductase or 4a- 
carbinolamine dehydratase or defects in 
the biosynthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin 
because each of these disorders results in 
impairment of the hydroxylation of 

Control of diet can successfully 
treat PKU but the restrictions exclude 
many natural, protein-rich foods such 
as meat, fish, milk, bread, and cake. The 
food of this strict diet is not appetizing. 
Tests have been performed by feeding 
PKU victims an enzyme that catalyzes 
degradation of phenylalanine to ammo- 
nia and a nontoxic carbon product. This 
enzyme does not fully replace dietary 
restriction of phenylalanine but it may 
increase a patient’s tolerance for pro- 
tein-containing foods. 

▲ Newborn infants are tested for phenylke- 
tonuria by analyzing blood drawn from the 
heel of the foot. 

5-methyltetrahydrofolate to form methionine or it can react with serine to form cys- 
tathionine that can be cleaved to cysteine and cr-ketobutyrate. We encountered this se- 
ries of reactions earlier as part of a pathway for the formation of cysteine (Figure 17.18). 
By this pathway, mammals can form cysteine using a sulfur atom from the essential 
amino acid methionine. a-Ketobutyrate is converted to propionyl CoA by the action of 
an cr-keto acid dehydrogenase. Propionyl CoA can be further metabolized to succinyl 
CoA, so methionine is glucogenic. 

G. Cysteine 

The major route of cysteine catabolism is a three-step pathway leading to pyruvate 
(Figure 17.36). Therefore, cysteine is glucogenic. Cysteine is first oxidized to cysteinesul- 
finate that loses its amino group by transamination to form /3-sulfinylpyruvate. Nonen- 
zymatic desulfurylation produces pyruvate. 

17.6 Amino Acid Catabolism 541 

coo 0 

e I 

H 3 N — C — H 





© I 

H 3 N — C — H 





H ? N 

3 reactions 

CH — CH — CHq 






C = 

/ 5 




= c 

6 \ 






CH-> — coo 





■» h 2 o 


(Quinonoid form) 

▲ Figure 17.37 

Conversion of phenylalanine and tyrosine to fumarate and acetoacetate. The tetrahydrobiopterin 
cofactor is regenerated via dehydration and NADH-dependent reduction. 

H. Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, and Tyrosine 

The aromatic amino acids share a common pattern of catabolism. In general, the path- 
ways begin with oxidation, followed by removal of nitrogen by transamination or hy- 
drolysis and then ring opening coupled with oxidation. 

The conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine, catalyzed by phenylalanine hydroxy- 
lase, is an important step in the catabolism of phenylalanine (Figure 17.37). It also 
serves as a source of tyrosine in animals since they lack the normal chorismate pathway 
for tyrosine synthesis. The phenylalanine hydroxylase reaction requires molecular oxy- 
gen and the reducing agent tetrahydrobiopterin. One oxygen atom from 0 2 is incorpo- 
rated into tyrosine and the other is converted to water. 

Tetrahydrobiopterin is regenerated in two steps. 4a-Carbinolamine dehydratase 
catalyzes the dehydration of the first oxidized product and prevents its isomerization to 
an inactive form in which the side chain is on C-7, not C-6. Dihydropteridine reductase 
catalyzes the reduction of the resulting quinonoid dihydrobiopterin to 5,6,7,8-tetrahy- 
drobiopterin in a reaction that requires NADH. Tetrahydrobiopterin is also a reducing 
agent in the biosynthesis of nitric oxide from arginine (Section 17.4C). 

542 CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 

®NH 3 

2 — CH— COO 0 


8 reactions 

©NH 3 

G OOC- (CH 2 ) 3 — c - coo° 

6 reactions 




2 H 3 C — C — S-CoA + 2 C0 2 
2 Acetyl CoA 

©NH 3 

H 2 N — (CH 2 ) 4 — CH — COO 0 


H 2 0 

NADPH + H 0 




CH — N — (CH 2 ) 4 — CH — COO 1 
I H 
CH 2 

CH 2 Saccharopine 



h 2 o 

Glutamate - 

NAD 0 
NADH + H 0 



C — (CH 2 ) 3 — CH — COO 0 


u-Ami noadipate 5-semialdehyde 

H 2 0 


Oxidation |\|ADPH + 2H® 

\ t 

©NH 3 

°OOC— (CH 2 ) 3 — CH — COO 0 
u-Ami noadipate 






o 11 o 

°ooc— (ch 2 ) 3 — c — coo° 

6 reactions 

2 Acetyl CoA + 2 C0 2 
▲ Figure 17.39 

Conversion of lysine to acetyl CoA. 

Further degradation of uric acid is 
described in Section 18.8. 

▲ Figure 17.38 

Conversion of tryptophan to alanine and acetyl CoA. 

The catabolism of tyrosine begins with the removal of its a-amino group in a 
transamination reaction with a-ketoglutarate. Subsequent oxidation steps lead to ring 
opening and eventually to the final products, fumarate and acetoacetate. This fumarate 
is cytosolic and is converted to glucose. Acetoacetate is a ketone body. Thus, tyrosine is 
both glucogenic and ketogenic. 

The indole ring system of tryptophan has a more complex degradation pathway 
that includes two ring- opening reactions. The major route of tryptophan catabolism in 
the liver and many microorganisms leads to a-ketoadipate and ultimately to acetyl CoA 
(Figure 17.38). Alanine, produced early in tryptophan catabolism, is transaminated to 
pyruvate. Thus, the catabolism of tryptophan is both ketogenic and glucogenic. 

I. Lysine 

The main pathway for the degradation of lysine generates the intermediate saccharopine, 
the product of the condensation of a-ketoglutarate with lysine (Figure 17.39). Sequential 
oxidation reactions produce u- amino adipate that loses its amino group by transamination 
with o'-ketoglutarate to become a-ketoadipate. a-Ketoadipate is subsequently converted to 
acetyl CoA by the same steps that occur in the degradation of tryptophan. Like leucine, 
lysine is ketogenic (these two are the only common amino acids that are purely ketogenic). 

17.7 The Urea Cycle Converts Ammonia 
into Urea 

High concentrations of ammonia are toxic to cells. Different organisms have evolved 
different strategies for eliminating waste ammonia. The nature of the excretory product 
depends on the availability of water. In many aquatic organisms, ammonia diffuses di- 
rectly across the cell membranes and is diluted by the surrounding water. This route is 
inefficient in large terrestrial multicellular organisms and the buildup of ammonia in- 
side internal cells must be avoided. 

Most terrestrial vertebrates convert waste ammonia to urea, a less toxic product 
(Figure 17.40). Urea is an uncharged and highly water-soluble compound produced in 
the liver and carried in the blood to the kidneys where it is excreted as the major solute 
of urine. (Urea was first described around 1720 as the essential salt of urine. The name 
“urea” is derived from “urine”) Birds and many terrestrial reptiles convert surplus am- 
monia to uric acid, a relatively insoluble compound that precipitates from aqueous 
solution to form a semisolid slurry. Uric acid is also a product of the degradation of 
purine nucleotides by birds, some reptiles, and primates. 

The synthesis of urea occurs almost exclusively in the liver. Urea is the product of a 
set of reactions called the urea cycle — a pathway discovered by Hans Krebs and Kurt 
Henseleit in 1932 several years before Krebs discovered the citric acid cycle. Several ob- 
servations led to the identification of the urea cycle; for example, slices of rat liver can 
bring about the net conversion of ammonia to urea. Synthesis of urea by these prepara- 
tions is markedly stimulated when the amino acid ornithine is added and the amount of 
urea synthesized greatly exceeds the amount of ornithine that is added, suggesting that 
ornithine acts catalytically. Finally, it was known that high levels of the enzyme arginase 
occur in the livers of all organisms that synthesize urea. 

17.7 The Urea Cycle Converts Ammonia into Urea 543 


C = 0 

H 2 N 



Uric acid 

◄ Figure 17.40 
Urea and uric acid. 



First ATP 


A. Synthesis of Carbamoyl Phosphate 

The ammonia released by oxidative deamination of glutamate reacts with bicarbonate 
to form carbamoyl phosphate. This reaction requires two molecules of ATP and is 
catalyzed by carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (Figure 17.41). This enzyme is present in 
all species since carbamoyl phosphate is an essential precursor in pyrimidine biosynthe- 
sis and it’s also required in the synthesis of arginine in species that don’t have a urea 
cycle. Mammals have two versions of this enzyme. The cytosolic version is called car- 
bamoyl phosphate synthetase II and it uses glutamine rather than ammonia as the 
nitrogen donor. This is the enzyme used in pyrimidine synthesis (Section 18.3). The 
bacterial enzymes also use glutamine. The second mammalian version, carbamoyl 
phosphate I, is the one involved in the urea cycle. It is one of the most abundant en- 
zymes in liver mitochondria accounting for as much as 20% of the protein of the mito- 
chondrial matrix. The nitrogen atom of carbamoyl phosphate is incorporated into urea 
via the urea cycle. 





h 2 n— c— o— P— o° 


HO O 0 

Tetrahedral intermediate 

B. The Reactions of the Urea Cycle 

The first nitrogen atom of urea is contributed by carbamoyl phosphate and the second 
is derived from aspartate. The synthesis of urea takes place while the intermediates are 
covalently bound to an ornithine skeleton. Ornithine is regenerated when urea is re- 
leased and it re-enters the urea cycle. Thus, ornithine acts catalytically in the synthesis of 
urea (Figure 17.42). The carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms of ornithine are not 



H 2 I\ — C — 



H 2 N — C 

x o1h 




°0— P— O— ADP 


Second ATP 




h 2 n — c — o— P — o 

o 0 

Carbamoyl phosphate 

▲ Figure 17.41 

Synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate catalyzed by 
carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I. The reac- 
tion involves two phosphoryl-group transfers. 
First, nucleophilic attack by bicarbonate on 
ATP produces carboxy phosphate and ADP. 
Next, ammonia reacts with carboxy phos- 
phate, forming a tetrahedral intermediate. 
Elimination of a phosphate group produces 
carbamate. A second phosphoryl-group 
transfer from another ATP forms carbamoyl 
phosphate and ADP. Structures in brackets 
remain enzyme bound during the reaction. 

▲ Figure 17.42 

The urea cycle. The blue rectangular box represents ornithine. 

544 CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 


Hundreds of human metabolic dis- 
eases involving single-gene defects 
(often termed inborn errors of metab- 
olism) have been discovered. Many are 
due to defects in the breakdown of 
amino acids. We have already discussed 
phenylketonuria, the defect in tyrosine 
formation from phenylalanine (Box 17.5). 
A few more examples are mentioned 
here. Defects in some pathways are se- 
vere and even life-threatening; defects 
in other pathways can result in less se- 
vere symptoms. The results indicate 
that some amino acid degradation 
pathways are almost dispensable whereas 
others are essential for survival follow- 
ing birth. 


The first metabolic disease to be char- 
acterized as a genetic defect was alkap- 
tonuria, a rare disease in which one of 
the intermediates in the catabolism of 
phenylalanine and tyrosine (homogen- 
tisate) accumulates (Figure 17.37). A 
deficiency of homogentisate dioxyge- 
nase, the enzyme that catalyzes oxida- 
tive cleavage of this intermediate, pre- 
vents further metabolism of this 
catabolite. The gene is HGD on chro- 
mosome 3 (OMIM MIM=203500). 

Solutions of homogentisate turn dark 
on standing because this compound is 
converted to a pigment. Alkaptonuria 
was recognized by observing the dark- 
ening of urine. Individuals with alkap- 
tonuria are prone to develop arthritis, 
but it is not known how the metabolic 
defect produces this complication; pos- 
sibly it is from the deposit of pigments 
in bones and connective tissues. 


If there is a defect in kidney transport 
of cysteine and the basic amino acids, 
then cysteine accumulates in blood and 
oxidizes to cystine producing a condition 
called cystinuria. Cystine has a low sol- 
ubility and forms calculi. Patients suf- 
fering from cystinuria drink large 
amounts of water to dissolve these 
stones or are given compounds that 
react with cystine to form soluble de- 
rivatives. (See OMIM MIM=220100.) 

Gyrate Atrophy 

A defect in ornithine transaminase ac- 
tivity causes the metabolic disease gyrate 
atrophy of the choroid and retina of the 
eyes. The affected gene is OAT on chro- 
mosome 10 (OMIM MIM=258870). 
Gyrate atrophy leads to tunnel vision 

and later to blindness. The progress of 
this disorder can be slowed by restricting 
the dietary intake of arginine or by the 
administration of pyridoxine. 

Maple Syrup Urine Disease 

Patients suffering from maple syrup 
urine disease excrete urine that smells 
like maple syrup. The disease is caused 
by a genetic defect at the second step in 
catabolism of branched chain amino 
acids — the step catalyzed by the 
branched chain a-keto acid dehydroge- 
nase complex. Those afflicted with this 
disease have short lives unless they fol- 
low a diet very low in branched chain 
amino acids. (OMIM MIM=248600) 

Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia 
(Glycine Encephalopathy) 

Defects in the enzyme complex that 
catalyzes glycine cleavage lead to the ac- 
cumulation of large amounts of glycine 
in body fluids. This is the main bio- 
chemical symptom of a disease called 
nonketotic hyperglycinemia. Most indi- 
viduals with this disorder have severe 
mental deficiencies and die in infancy. 
The severity of the disease indicates the 
crucial importance of the glycine cleav- 
age system. (OMIM MIM=605899) 


All species need to eliminate ammonia 
produced by degradation reactions. Some 
can excrete it directly while others have 
to convert it to less toxic compounds that 
are subsequently excreted. 

exchanged in the urea cycle. Its role as a catalyst is more obvious than the role of ox- 
aloacetate in the citric acid cycle (Section 13.3) but the principle is the same. 

The actual urea cycle reactions are more complex than the simple scheme shown in 
Figure 17.42. This is because the first reaction occurs in the mitochondrial matrix and 
the other three occur in the cytosol (Figure 17.43). Two transport proteins connecting 
the mitochondrial matrix and the cytosol are required: the citrulline-ornithine ex- 
changer and the glutamate-aspartate translocase. 

1. The cycle begins when carbamoyl phosphate reacts in the mitochondrion with or- 
nithine to form citrulline in a reaction catalyzed by ornithine transcarbamoylase. 
This step incorporates the nitrogen atom originating from ammonia into cit- 
rulline; citrulline thus contains half the nitrogen destined for urea. Citrulline is 
then transported out of the mitochondrion in exchange for cytosolic ornithine. 

2. The second nitrogen atom destined for urea comes from aspartate and is incorpo- 
rated when citrulline condenses with aspartate to form argininosuccinate in the cy- 
tosol. This ATP-dependent reaction is catalyzed by argininosuccinate synthetase. 
Most aspartate in cells originates in mitochondria although aspartate is sometimes 
generated in the cytosol. Mitochondrial aspartate enters the cytosol in exchange for 
cytosolic glutamate. (This translocase reaction is part of the malate-aspartate shut- 
tle we described in Section 14.12.) 

3. Argininosuccinate is cleaved nonhydrolytically to form arginine plus fumarate in 
an elimination reaction catalyzed by argininosuccinate lyase. Arginine is the immediate 

17.7 The Urea Cycle Converts Ammonia into Urea 545 

Figure 17.43 ► 
Urea cycle. 

NH 2 

r° — 

0P0 3 © 

Carbamoyl phosphate 

2 ADP + P: 




Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I 


NAD(P)H + 2 H®< 

Glutamate dehydrogenase 

NAD(P)® + H 2 0 



©NH 3 


©NH 3 






c = o 

nh 2 



Ornithine - 

Arginase (4) 

©NH 2 

c — nh 2 




ChH 2 

C H 2 

CH — COO® 


©nh 3 



© Argininosuccinate 




AMP + PPi 



Argininosuccinate lyase 










c — r — ch 
I H | 

NH CH 2 

I I 

ch 2 coo' 

ch 2 

ch 2 

CH — COO® 


©nh 3 




c = o 


ch 2 








h 3 n — 





ch 2 

ch 2 

CH 2 






precursor of urea. (Together, the second and third steps of the urea cycle exem- 
plify a strategy for donating the amino group of aspartate. We will encounter this 
strategy twice more in the next chapter as part of purine biosynthesis. The key 
processes are a nucleoside triphosphate-dependent condensation, followed by the 
elimination of fumarate.) 

4. Finally, the guanidinium group of arginine is hydrolytically cleaved to form or- 
nithine and urea in a reaction catalyzed by arginase. Arginase has a pair of Mn® 
ions in its active site and this binuclear manganese cluster binds a molecule of 
water forming a nucleophilic hydroxide ion that attacks the guanidinium carbon 
atom of arginine. The ornithine generated by the action of arginase is transported 


CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 

into the mitochondrion where it reacts with carbamoyl phosphate to support con- 
tinued operation of the urea cycle. 

The overall reaction for urea synthesis is 

NH 3 + HCO 3 0 + Aspartate + 3 ATP * 

Urea + Fumarate + 2 ADP + 2 Pj + AMP + PPj (17.5) 

The two nitrogen atoms of urea are derived from ammonia and aspartate. The carbon 
atom of urea comes from bicarbonate. Four equivalents of ATP are consumed per mol- 
ecule of urea synthesized. Three molecules of ATP are converted to two ADP and one 
AMP during the formation of one molecule of urea and the hydrolysis of inorganic py- 
rophosphate accounts for cleavage of the fourth phosphoanhydride bond. 

The carbon skeleton of fumarate is converted to glucose and C0 2 . Cytosolic fu- 
marate does not enter the citric acid cycle (which occurs in mitochondria) but instead is 
hydrated to malate by the action of a cytosolic fumarase. Malate is oxidized to oxaloac- 
etate by the action of malate dehydrogenase and oxaloacetate enters the pathway of glu- 
coneogenesis. This fate is shared by the fumarate produced during tyrosine degradation 
(Section 17.6H). 

C. Ancillary Reactions of the Urea Cycle 

The reactions of the urea cycle convert equal amounts of nitrogen from ammonia and from 
aspartate into urea. Many amino acids can function as amino -group donors via transami- 
nation reactions with a-ketoglutarate to form glutamate. Glutamate can undergo either 
transamination with oxaloacetate to form aspartate or deamination to form ammonia. 
Both glutamate dehydrogenase and aspartate transaminase are abundant in liver mitochon- 
dria and catalyze near-equilibrium reactions. The concentrations of ammonia and aspar- 
tate must be approximately equal for efficient synthesis of urea and elimination of nitrogen. 

Consider the theoretical case of a relative surplus of ammonia (Figure 17.44a). In 
this situation, the near-equilibrium reaction catalyzed by glutamate dehydrogenase 
would proceed in the direction of glutamate formation. Elevated concentrations of glu- 
tamate would then result in increased flux to aspartate through aspartate transaminase, 
also a near- equilibrium step. In contrast, when excess aspartate is present the net flux in 
the reactions catalyzed by glutamate dehydrogenase and aspartate transaminase would 
occur in the opposite direction to provide ammonia for urea formation (Figure 17.44b). 

Figure 17.44 ► 

Balancing the supply of nitrogen for the urea 
cycle. Two theoretical situations are de- 
scribed: (a) NH 3 in extreme excess and 
(b) aspartate in extreme excess. Flux 
through the near-equilibrium reactions cat- 
alyzed by glutamate dehydrogenase and as- 
partate transaminase reverses, depending on 
the relative amounts of ammonia and amino 

(a) NH 3 in excess 

(b) Aspartate in excess 

NH 3 « 




Oxaloacetate Aspartate 

Carbamoyl _ Citrulline ^ 

phosphate * 

Urea <- 



Urea «■ 



17.8 Renal Glutamine Metabolism Produces Bicarbonate 



◄ Figure 17.45 
Glucose-alanine cycle. 

Some amino acids are deaminated in muscle, not in the liver. Glycolysis — a major 
source of energy in muscle — produces pyruvate. The transfer of amino groups from 
a - amino acids to pyruvate generates large amounts of alanine. Alanine travels through the 
bloodstream to the liver where it is deaminated back to pyruvate. The amino group is 
used for urea synthesis and the pyruvate is converted to glucose by gluconeogenesis. Re- 
call that neither of these pathways operates in muscle. Glucose can return to the muscle 
tissue. Alternatively, pyruvate can be converted to oxaloacetate that becomes the carbon 
chain of aspartate — the metabolite that donates one of the nitrogen atoms of urea. The 
exchange of glucose and alanine between muscle and liver is called the glucose-alanine 
cycle (Figure 17.45) and it provides an indirect means for muscle to eliminate nitrogen 
and replenish its energy supply. 

17.8 Renal Glutamine Metabolism 
Produces Bicarbonate 

The body often produces acids as metabolic end products. The resulting anions are 
eliminated in the urine and the protons remain in the body. One example is /3-hydroxy- 
butyric acid, a ketone body that is produced in massive amounts during uncontrolled 
diabetes mellitus. Another example is sulfuric acid produced during catabolism of the 
sulfur- containing amino acids cysteine and methionine. These acid metabolites dissoci- 
ate to give protons and the corresponding anion, /3-hydroxybutyrate or sulfate (S0 4 ©). 
The blood has an effective buffer system for the protons — they react with bicarbonate 
to produce C0 2 that is eliminated by the lungs and H 2 0 (Figure 17.46). While this 
system effectively neutralizes the excess hydrogen ions it does so at the cost of depleting 
blood bicarbonate. Bicarbonate is replenished by glutamine catabolism in the kidneys. 

In the kidneys, the two nitrogen atoms of glutamine are removed by the sequential 
action of glutaminase and of glutamate dehydrogenase to produce a-ketoglutarate© 
and 2 NH 4 ®. 

Glutamine > > a-Ketoglutarate® + 2 NH 4 ® (17.6) 

Two molecules of the divalent anion a-ketoglutarate can be converted to one molecule 
of neutral glucose and four molecules of bicarbonate. The a-ketoglutarate is con- 
verted to glucose by oxidation to oxaloacetate, leading to gluconeogenesis. The overall 
process (ignoring ATP involvement) is 

2 C5H 10 N 2 O3 + 3 0 2 + 6 H 2 0 > 


C 6 Hi 2 0 6 + 4 HCO 3 0 + 4 NH 4 © (17.7) 


The NH 4 ® is excreted in the urine and the HC0 3 ® is added to the venous blood, replacing 
the bicarbonate lost in buffering metabolic acids. The excreted NH 4 © is accompanied in 
the urine by the anion (e.g., /3-hydroxybutyrate or sulfate) of the original acid metabolite. 



▲ Figure 17.46 

H© buffering in blood. The H© buffer 
system leads to bicarbonate loss. 

548 CHAPTER 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 


1 . Nitrogen is fixed in only a few species of bacteria by the nitrogenase- 
catalyzed reduction of atmospheric N 2 to ammonia. Plants and 
microorganisms can reduce nitrate and nitrite to ammonia. 

2. Ammonia is assimilated into metabolites by the reductive anima- 
tion of a-ketoglutarate to glutamate, catalyzed by glutamate de- 
hydrogenase. Glutamine, a nitrogen donor in many biosynthetic 
reactions, is formed from glutamate and ammonia by the action 
of glutamine synthetase. 

3. The amino group of glutamate can be transferred to an cr-keto 
acid in a reversible transamination reaction to form u-ketoglutarate 
and the corresponding a - amino acid. 

4. Pathways for the biosynthesis of the carbon skeletons of amino 
acids begin with simple metabolic precursors such as pyruvate 
and citric acid cycle intermediates. 

5. In addition to their role in protein synthesis, amino acids serve as 
precursors in a number of other metabolic pathways. 

6. Protein molecules in all living cells are continually synthesized 
and degraded. 

7. Amino acids obtained from protein degradation or directly from 
food can be catabolized. Catabolism often begins with deamina- 
tion, followed by modification of the remaining carbon chains for 
entry into the central pathways of carbon metabolism. 

8. The pathways for the degradation of amino acids lead to pyru- 
vate, acetyl CoA, or intermediates of the citric acid cycle. Amino 
acids that are degraded to citric acid cycle intermediates are 
glucogenic. Those that form acetyl CoA are ketogenic. 

9. Most nitrogen in mammals is excreted as urea that is formed by 
the urea cycle in the liver. The carbon atom of urea is derived 
from bicarbonate. One amino group is derived from ammonia 
and the other from aspartate. 

10. The metabolism of glutamine in the kidneys produces the bicar- 
bonate needed to neutralize acids produced in the body. 


1. The heterocysts of cyanobacteria contain high concentrations of 
nitrogenase. These cells have retained photosystem I (PSI) but 
they do not contain photosystem II (PSII). Why? 

2. Write the net equation for converting one molecule of a-ketoglu- 
tarate into one molecule of glutamine by assimilating two mole- 
cules of ammonia in the following coupled reactions: (a) gluta- 
mate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase and (b) glutamine 
synthetase and glutamate synthase. Compare the energy require- 
ments of the two pathways and account for any difference. 

3. When 15 AT-labeled aspartate is fed to animals the 15 N label quickly 
appears in many amino acids. Explain this observation. 

4. (a) Three of the 20 common amino acids are synthesized by sim- 

ple transamination of carbohydrate metabolites. Write the 
equations for these three transamination reactions. 

(b) One amino acid can be synthesized by reductive amination of a 
carbohydrate metabolite. Write the equation for this reaction. 

5. Animals rely on plants or microorganisms for the incorporation 
of sulfur into amino acids and their derivatives. However, methio- 
nine is an essential amino acid in animals while cysteine is not. If 
the donor of a sulfur atom in the conversion of homoserine to 
homocysteine by plants is cysteine, outline the overall path by 
which sulfur is incorporated into cysteine and methionine in 
plants and into cysteine in animals. 

6. Serine is a source of one-carbon fragments for certain biosyn- 
thetic pathways. 

(a) Write the equations that show how two carbon atoms from 
serine are made available for biosynthesis. 

(b) Assuming that the precursor of serine is produced by glycolysis, 
which carbon atoms of glucose are the ultimate precursors of 
these one- carbon fragments? 

7. Indicate where the label appears in the product for each of the fol- 
lowing precursor-product pairs: 

(a) 3- [ 14 C] -Oxaloacetate — > Threonine 

(b) 3-[ 14 C]-Phosphoglycerate — > Tryptophan 

(c) 3- [ 14 C] -Glutamate — > Proline 

— c— coo 0 



8. (a) PPT (phosphinothricin) is a herbicide that is relatively safe 
for animals because it is not transported from the blood into 
the brain and it is rapidly cleared by animal kidneys. PPT ef- 
fectively inhibits an enzyme in plant amino acid metabolism 
because it is an analog of the amino acid substrate. What 
amino acid does PPT resemble? 


11 o 

h 3 c— p— ch 2 ch 2 ch —coo 0 

O© NH 3 © 


(b) The herbicide aminotriazole inhibits imidazole glycerol 
phosphate dehydrogenase. What amino acid pathway is in- 
hibited in plants? 

NH 2 


9. Children with phenylketonuria should not consume the artificial 
sweetener aspartame (Figure 3.10). Why? 

Selected Readings 549 

10 . (a) A deficiency of a-keto acid dehydrogenase is the most com- 

mon enzyme abnormality in branched chain amino acid ca- 
tabolism. Individuals with this disease excrete branched 
chain cr-keto acids. Write the structures of the a-keto acids 
that would result during the catabolism of leucine, valine, 
and isoleucine when this enzyme is defective. 

(b) A disorder of amino acid catabolism results in the accumula- 
tion and excretion of saccharopine. What amino acid path- 
way is involved and what enzyme is defective? 

(c) Citrullinemia is characterized by accumulation of citrulline in 
the blood and its excretion in the urine. What metabolic path- 
way is involved and what enzyme is deficient for this disease? 

11. Which amino acids yield the following a-keto acids by transami- 

(a) O 

© 11 

°ooc— c— ch 3 

(c) II 


(b) O 

© 11 

°ooc— c— ch 2 

(d) O 

© 11 

°ooc— c— ch 2 

coo 0 


12 . Animal muscles use two mechanisms to eliminate excess nitrogen 
generated during the deamination of amino acids. What are the 
two pathways and why are they necessary? 

13. Thiocitrulline and S-methylthiocitrulline prevent experimentally 
induced blood vessel dilation, reduced blood pressure, and shock 
in animals. What enzyme that produces a gaseous blood vessel di- 
lating messenger is being inhibited? Suggest why these two mole- 
cules might act as inhibitors of this enzyme. 

14 . Why are there so few metabolic diseases associated with defects in 
amino acid biosynthesis? 

15 . Pathways for the biosynthesis of the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd amino 
acids (Section 3.3) are not described in this chapter. Why not? What 
are the immediate precursors of three additional amino acids? 

16 . The cost of making amino acids, in ATP equivalents, can be calcu- 
lated using values for the cost of making each of the precursors 
plus the cost of each reaction in the amino acid biosynthesis path- 
way. Assuming that the cost of making glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate 
is 24 ATP equivalents (Section 15.4C), calculate the cost of mak- 
ing serine (Figure 17.15) and alanine (Figure 17.12). How do 
your values compare to those in Box 17.3? 

Selected Readings 

Nitrogen Cycle 

Dixon, R., and Kahn, D. (2004). Genetic regulation 
of biological nitrogen fixation. Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 

Moisander, P. H., Beinart, R. A., Hewson, I., White, 
A. E., Johnson, K. S., Carlson, C. A., Montoya, J. P., 
and Zehr, J. P. (2010). Unicellular cyanobacterial 
distributions broaden the oceanic N 2 fixation do- 
main. Science 327:1512-1524. 

Montoya, J. P., Holl, C. M., Zehr, J. P., Hansen, A., 
Villareal, T. A., and Capone, D. G. (2004). High 
rates of N 2 fixation in the oligotrophic Pacific 
ocean. Nature 430: 1027-103 1 . 

Schimpl, J., Petrilli, H. M., and Blochl, P. E. (2003). 
Nitrogen binding to the FeMo-cofactor of nitroge- 
nas e.J.Am. Chem. Soc. 125:15772-15778. 

Seefeldt, L. C., Hoffman, B. M., and Dean, D. R. 
(2009). Mechanism of Mo- dependent nitrogenase. 
Annu. Rev. Biochem. 78:701-722. 

Amino Acid Metabolism 

Fitzpatrick, P. F. (1999). Tetrahydropterin- dependent 
amino acid hydroxylases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Haussinger, D. (1998). Hepatic glutamine trans- 
port and metabolism. Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas 
Mol. Biol. 72:43-86. 

Huang. X., Holden, H. M., and Raushel, F. M. 
(2001). Channeling of substrates and intermedi- 
ates in enzyme- catalyzed reactions. Annu. Rev. 
Biochem. 70:149-180. 

Katagiri, M., and Nakamura, M. (2003). Reappraisal 
of the 20th-century version of amino acid metabo- 
lism. Biochem. Biophys, Res , Comm. 312:205-208. 

Levy, H. L. (1999). Phenylketonuria: old disease, 
new approach to treatment. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 
USA 96:1811-1813. 

Perham, R. N. (2000). Swinging arms and swinging 
domains in multifunctional enzymes: catalytic ma- 
chines for multistep reactions. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Purich, D. L. (1998). Advances in the enzymology 
of glutamine synthesis. Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas 
Mol. Biol. 72:9-42. 

Raushel, F. M., Thoden, J. B., and Holden, H. M. 
(2003). Enzymes with molecular tunnels. Acc. 
Chem. Res. 36:539-548. 

Richards, N. G. and Kilberg, M. S. (2006). 
Asparagine synthetase chemotherapy. Annu. Rev. 
Biochem. 75:629-654. 

Scapin, G., and Blanchard, J. S. (1998). Enzymol- 
ogy of bacterial lysine biosynthesis. Adv. Enzymol. 
Relat. Areas Mol. Biol. 72:279-324. 

Scriver, C. R., Beaudet, A. L., Sly, W. S., and Valle, 
D., eds. (1995). The Metabolic Basis of Inherited 
Disease,^ ols. 1, 2, and 3. (New York: McGraw- 

Srivastava, D., Schuermann, J. P., White, T. A., 
Krishnan, N., Sanyal, N., Hura, G. L., Tan, A., 
Henzl, M. T., Becker, D. F., and Tanner, J. J. (2010). 
Crystal structure of the bifunctional proline uti- 
lization A flavoenzyme from Bradyrhizobium 
japonicum. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 

Wu, G., and Morris, S. M., Jr. (1998). Arginine 
metabolism: nitric oxide and beyond. Biochem. J. 
336:1-1 7. 

Zalkin, H., and Smith, J. L. (1998). Enzymes utiliz- 
ing glutamine as an amide donor. Adv. Enzymol. 
Relat. Areas Mol. Biol. 72:87-144. 

Nucleotide Metabolism 

W e have encountered nucleotides and their constituents throughout this 
book. Nucleotides are probably best known as the building blocks of DNA 
and RNA; however, as we have seen, they are involved in almost all the ac- 
tivities of the cell either alone or in combination with other molecules. Some nu- 
cleotides (such as ATP) function as cosubstrates, and others (such as cyclic AMP and 
GTP) are regulatory compounds. 

One of the components of every nucleotide is a purine or pyrimidine base. The 
other components are a five-carbon sugar — ribose or deoxyribose — and one or more 
phosphoryl groups. The standard bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, uracil) 
are almost always found as constituents of nucleotides and polynucleotides. All organ- 
isms and cells can synthesize purine and pyrimidine nucleotides because these mole- 
cules are essential for information flow. In non- dividing cells, nucleotide biosynthesis is 
almost exclusively devoted to the production of ribonucleotides for RNA synthesis and 
various nucleotide cofactors. Deoxyribonucleotides are required for DNA replication in 
dividing cells and consequently, deoxynucleotide synthesis is closely linked to cell divi- 
sion. Its study is particularly important in modern medicine since synthetic agents that 
inhibit deoxyribonucleotide synthesis are useful as therapeutic agents against cancer. 

We begin this chapter with a description of the biosynthesis of purine and pyrimi- 
dine nucleotides. Next, we present the conversion of purine and pyrimidine ribonu- 
cleotides to their 2'-deoxy forms, the forms incorporated into DNA. We then discuss 
how purines and pyrimidines obtained from the breakdown of nucleic acids or extracel- 
lularly from food can be incorporated directly into nucleotides — a process called salvage. 
The salvage pathways conserve energy by recycling the products of nucleic acid turnover. 
Finally, we examine the biological degradation of nucleotides. The breakdown of purines 
leads to the formation of potentially toxic compounds that are excreted, whereas the 
breakdown of pyrimidines leads to readily metabolized products. 

18.1 Synthesis of Purine Nucleotides 

The identification of the enzymes and intermediates in the pathway for the synthesis 
of the two purine nucleotides, adenosine 5 '-monophosphate (AMP) and guanosine 

[Sven] Furberg, reasoning with 
marked brilliance and luck from 
data that were meagre but 
included his own x-ray studies, 
got right the absolute three- 
dimensional configuration of the 
individual nucleotide . . . " Furberg 's 
nucleotide . . . was absolutely es- 
sential to us. " Crick told me. 

Horace Freeland Judson (1996), The 
Eighth Day of Creation, p. 94. 

Top: Methotrexate, one of the most commonly used anticancer drugs. Methotrexate is an analog of folate that inhibits the 
reaction cycle generating deoxythymidylate for DNA synthesis. 


18.1 Synthesis of Purine Nucleotides 551 

5 '-monophosphate (GMP), began with studies of nitrogen metabolism in birds. The 
major end product of nitrogen metabolism in birds and some reptiles is uric acid 
(Figure 18.1) rather than urea, as in mammals. Researchers in the 1950s discovered that 
uric acid and nucleic acid purines arise from the same precursors and reaction sequence. 
Homogenates of pigeon liver — a tissue in which purines are actively synthesized — were 
a convenient source of enzymes for studying the steps in purine biosynthesis. The path- 
way in avian liver has since been found in many other organisms. 

When isotopically labeled compounds such 13 C0 2 , H 13 COCT(formate), and 
+ H 3 N-CH 2 — 13 COO _ (glycine) were administered to pigeons and rats the result was ex- 
cretion of labeled uric acid. This uric acid was isolated and chemically degraded to 
identify the positions of the labeled carbon and nitrogen atoms. The carbon from car- 
bon dioxide was incorporated into C-6, and the carbon from formate into C-2 and C-8 
of purines. Ultimately, the sources of the ring atoms were shown to be N-l, aspartate; 
C-2 and C-8, formate via 10-formyltetrahydrofolate (Section 7.9); N-3 and N-9, amide 
groups from glutamine; C-4, C-5, and N-7, glycine; and C-6, carbon dioxide. These 
findings are summarized in Figure 18.2. 

The purine ring structure is not synthesized as a free base but as a substituent of ribose 
5-phosphate. The ribose 5-phosphate for purine biosynthesis comes from 5-phosphoribosyl 
1- pyrophosphate (PRPP) also known as 5-phosphoribosyl 1 -diphosphate. PRPP is syn- 
thesized from ribose 5 -phosphate and ATP in a reaction catalyzed by ribose-phosphate 
diphosphokinase (Figure 18.3); PRPP then donates ribose 5-phosphate to serve as the 
foundation on which the purine structure is built. PRPP is also a precursor for the biosyn- 
thesis of pyrimidine nucleotides, although in that pathway it reacts with a preformed 
pyrimidine to form a nucleotide. PRPP is also used in the nucleotide salvage pathways 
and in the biosynthesis of histidine (Figure 17.23). 

The initial product of the purine nucleotide biosynthetic pathway is inosine 5'- 
monophosphate (IMP, or inosinate) (Figure 18.4), a nucleotide containing hypoxan- 
thine (6-oxopurine) as its base. The ten-step pathway for the de novo synthesis of IMP 
was discovered in the 1950s by the research groups of John M. Buchanan and G. Robert 
Greenberg. The painstaking isolation and structural characterization of the intermediates 
took about ten years. 

The pathway to IMP is shown in Figure 18.5. It begins with displacement of the py- 
rophosphoryl group of PRPP by the amide nitrogen of glutamine in a reaction catalyzed 
by glutamine-PRPP amidotransferase. Note that the configuration of the anomeric 
carbon is inverted from a to /3 in this nucleophilic displacement — the /3 configuration 
persists in completed purine nucleotides. The amino group of the product, phosphoribo- 
sylamine, is then acylated by glycine to form glycinamide ribonucleotide. The mechanism 
of this reaction, in which an enzyme-bound glycyl phosphate is formed, resembles that of 
glutamine synthetase that has y- glutamyl phosphate as an intermediate (Reaction 10.17). 

Step 3 consists of transfer of a formyl group from 10-formyltetrahydrofolate to the 
amino group destined to become N-7 of IMP. In step 4, an amide is converted to an ami- 
dine (RHN— C=NH) in an ATP- dependent reaction in which glutamine is the nitrogen 
donor. Step 5 is a ring- closure reaction that requires ATP and produces an imidazole de- 
rivative. C0 2 is incorporated in step 6 by attachment to the carbon that becomes C-5 of 
IMP. This carboxylation is unusual because it does not require biotin. Bicarbonate is first 
attached, in an ATP-dependent step, to the amino group that becomes N-3 of IMP. The 
carboxylated intermediate then undergoes a rearrangement in which the carboxylate 
group is transferred to the carbon atom that becomes C-5 of the purine ring (Figure 18.6). 
These steps are catalyzed by two separate proteins in Escherichia coli but in eukaryotes 
they are catalyzed by a multifunctional enzyme. Vertebrate versions of this enzyme trans- 
fer the carboxylate group directly to the final position in carboxyaminoimidazole ribonu- 
cleotide (CAIR). The vertebrate enzymes are much more efficient. There doesn’t seem to 
be any reason why the enzymes in other species have to undergo a two-step reaction. 

The amino group of aspartate is incorporated into the growing purine ring system 
in steps 7 and 8. First, aspartate condenses with the newly added carboxylate group to 
form an amide, specifically a succinylocarboxamide. Then adenylosuccinate lyase cat- 
alyzes a nonhydrolytic cleavage reaction that releases fumarate. This two-step process 

Uric acid 


▲ Figure 18.1 
Uric acid. 

0 0 

1 y 


^ 1/3 

0 O — P=0 


▲ Structure of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). 

The nitrogenous base adenine (blue) is at- 
tached to ribose (black). Three phosphoryl 
groups (red) are bound to the ribose at the 
5' position. 

Ribose 5-phosphate is produced by 
the pentose phosphate pathway 
(Section 12.4). 






▲ Adenine, Guanine 

552 CHAPTER 18 Nucleotide Metabolism 


C0 2 Glycine 


nT 6 sC- 

\ / 


1 0-Formyltetrahydrofolate 

▲ Figure 18.2 

Sources of the ring atoms in purines synthesized 
de novo. 

Ribose 5-phosphate 
(a anomer) 









O— P—O— P—O 






▲ G. Robert Greenberg (1918-2005). 

Greenberg’s research group worked out 
many of the reactions of the purine biosyn- 
thesis pathway. 


▲ Figure 18.4 

Inosine 5 -monophosphate (IMP, or inosinate). 

IMP is converted to other purine nucleotides. 
Much of the IMP is degraded to uric acid in 
birds and primates. 

5-Phospho-u-D-ribosyl 1 -pyrophosphate 

▲ Figure 18.3 

Synthesis of 5-phosphoribosyl 1 -pyrophosphate (PRPP) from ribose 5-phosphate and ATP. Ribose- 
phosphate diphosphokinase catalyzes the transfer of a pyrophosphoryl group from ATP to the 
1-hydroxyl oxygen of ribose 5-phosphate. 

results in the transfer of an amino group containing the nitrogen destined to become 
N-l of IMP. The two steps are similar to steps 2 and 3 of the urea cycle (Figure 17.43) 
except that in this case ATP is cleaved to ADP + Pj rather than to AMP + PPi. 

In step 9, which resembles step 3, the cosubstrate 10-formyltetrahydro folate donates 
a formyl group ( — CH = 0) to the nucleophilic amino group of aminoimidazole car- 
boxamide ribonucleotide. The amide nitrogen of the final intermediate then condenses 
with the formyl group in a ring closure that completes the purine ring system of IMP. 

The synthesis of IMP consumes considerable energy. ATP is converted to AMP dur- 
ing the synthesis of PRPP and steps 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are driven by the conversion of ATP 
to ADR Additional ATP is required for the synthesis of glutamine from glutamate and 
ammonia (Figure 17.4). 

BOX 18.1 



from the Greek adenas , “gland”: first isolated from pancreatic 
glands (1885) 


derived from cyto- from the Greek word for “receptacle,” referring 
to cells (1894) 


originally isolated from “guano” or bird excrement (1850) 


origin uncertain, possibly from “urea” (1890) 


first isolated from thymus glands (1894) 


from the Greek word for “yellow” (1857) 



O— P—0— P—0 


OH OH 0° 0 G 
5-Phospho-a-D-ribosyl 1 -pyrophosphate (PRPP) 

Glutamine — 



H 2 0 



► PP: 

h 2 o 

^ 2 Pj 

5-Phospho-/3-D-ribosylamine (PRA) 


^-n H3 

-° e (D 



GAR synthetase 
ADP + P: 

H 2 cr 

.nh 2 





Glycinamide ribonucleotide (GAR) 

0 s 

tetra hydrofolate 


GAR transformylase 

H 2^y° 

8 C. 





Nucleotide biosynthesis pathways are 
energetically expensive. 











• / 


ribonucleotide (CAIR) 



ADP + Pj 

AIR carboxylase 


hc r\ 


3 Cl 9 


Formylglycinamide ribonucleotide (FGAR) Aminoimidazole ribonucleotide (AIR) 



AIR synthetase 


H 2 N 1 






Cl 9 / 



Aminoimidazole carboxamide 
ribonucleotide (AICAR) 







H 2 N i 








9 / 



Formamidoimidazole carboxamide 
ribonucleotide (FAICAR) 


HN i 







9 / 



Formylglycinamidine ribonucleotide (FGAM) 


Inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) 

▲ Figure 18.5 

Ten-step pathway for the de novo synthesis of IMP. R5'P stands for ribose 5'-phosphate. The atoms are numbered according to their positions in the 
completed purine ring structure. 


554 CHAPTER 18 Nucleotide Metabolism 





A/-Carboxya mi no imidazole 

▲ Figure 18.6 

/V-Carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide is sometimes an intermediate in the conversion of AIR to CAIR. 






▲ John M. (“Jack”) Buchanan (1917-2007). 

Buchanan’s group discovered many of the 
purine biosynthesis pathway reactions. He 
and Greenberg were friendly competitors 
sharing many of their research results. 

18.2 Other Purine Nucleotides Are Synthesized 
from IMP 

IMP can be converted to AMP or GMP (Figure 18.7). Two enzymatic reactions are re- 
quired for each of these conversions. AMP and GMP can then be phosphorylated to 
their di- and triphosphates by the actions of specific nucleotide kinases (adenylate ki- 
nase and guanylate kinase, respectively) and the broadly specific nucleoside diphos- 
phate kinase (Section 10.6). 

The two steps that convert IMP to AMP closely resemble steps 7 and 8 in the 
biosynthesis of IMP. First, the amino group of aspartate condenses with the keto group 
of IMP in a reaction catalyzed by GTP- dependent adenylosuccinate synthetase. Next, 
the elimination of fumarate from adenylosuccinate is catalyzed by adenylosuccinate 
lyase, the same enzyme that catalyzes step 8 of the de novo pathway to IMP. 

The first step in the conversion of IMP to GMP is the oxidation of C-2 catalyzed by 
NAE® -dependent IMP dehydrogenase. This reaction proceeds by the addition of a 
molecule of water to the double bond between C-2 and N-3 followed by oxidation of 
the hydrate. The product of the oxidation is xanthosine monophosphate (XMP). Next, 
the amide nitrogen of glutamine replaces the oxygen at C-2 of XMP in an ATP-dependent 
reaction catalyzed by GMP synthetase. The use of GTP as a cosubstrate in the synthesis 
of AMP from IMP, and of ATP in the synthesis of GMP from IMP, helps balance the for- 
mation of the two products. 

Purine nucleotide synthesis is regulated in cells by feedback inhibition. Several 
enzymes that catalyze steps in the biosynthesis of purine nucleotides exhibit allosteric be- 
havior in vitro. Ribose-phosphate diphosphokinase is inhibited by several purine ribonu- 
cleotides but only at concentrations higher than those usually found in the cell. PRPP is a 
donor of ribose 5 -phosphate in more than a dozen reactions so we would not expect 
PRPP synthesis to be regulated exclusively by the concentrations of purine nucleotides. 
The enzyme that catalyzes the first committed step in the pathway of purine nucleotide 
synthesis, glutamine-PRPP amidotransferase (step 1 in Figure 18.5), is allosterically in- 
hibited by 5 '-ribonucleotide end products (IMP, AMP, and GMP) at intracellular concen- 
trations. This step appears to be the principal site of regulation of this pathway. 

The paths leading from IMP to AMP and from IMP to GMP also appear to be reg- 
ulated by feedback inhibition. Adenylosuccinate synthetase is inhibited in vitro by AMP, 
the product of this two-step branch. Both XMP and GMP inhibit IMP dehydrogenase. 
The pattern of feedback inhibition in the synthesis of AMP and GMP is shown in 
Figure 18.8. Note that the end products inhibit two of the initial common steps as well 
as steps leading from IMP at the branch point. 

18.3 Synthesis of Pyrimidine Nucleotides 555 

18.3 Synthesis of Pyrimidine Nucleotides 

Uridine 5 '-monophosphate is the precursor of other pyrimidine nucleotides. The path- 
way for the biosynthesis of UMP is simpler than the purine pathway and consumes 
fewer ATP molecules. The pyrimidine ring atoms come from bicarbonate that contributes 
C-2; the amide group of glutamine (N-3); and aspartate that contributes the remaining 
atoms (Figure 18.9). C-2 and N-3 are incorporated after formation of the intermediate 
carbamoyl phosphate. 

PRPP is required for the biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides but the sugar- 
phosphate from PRPP is donated after the ring has formed rather than entering the 






GDP + 




NAD 0 

r H2 ° 


NADH + H® ^ 

IMP dehydrogenase 


°ooc— ch 2 — c— coo® 







Xanthosine monophosphate 

H 2 0 + ATP — v Glutam 

GMP synthetase 

PPj + AMP Glutamate 

\ f 

▲ Figure 18.7 

Pathways for the conversion of IMP to AMP and to GMP. 

556 CHAPTER 18 Nucleotide Metabolism 

Figure 18.8 ► 

Feedback inhibition in purine nucleotide 



Ribose 5-phosphate 

\ / 

✓ i ■ 

i iii 


i diphosphokinase 

■|— ——————> «- — — — — — — 

I ‘ 

r * [ - ^ 







(Steps 2-10) 


▲ Adenylosuccinate lyase from E. coli. The 

enzyme is a homodimer. One subunit is col- 
ored blue and the other is purple. This is a 
mutant enzyme (H171N) showing the two 
products, AMP and fumarate, bound at the 
active sites. Adenylosuccinate lyase cat- 
alyzes similar steps in the IMP synthesis 
pathway and in the conversion of IMP to 


hco 3 ° 


▲ Figure 18.9 

Sources of the ring atoms in pyrimidines. 

The immediate precursor of C-2 and N-3 
is carbamoyl phosphate. 

v IMP 

; Jk 






* \ 







pathway in the first step. A compound with a completed pyrimidine ring — orotate 
(6-carboxyuracil) — reacts with PRPP to form a pyrimidine ribonucleotide in the fifth 
step of the six- step pathway. 

A. The Pathway for Pyrimidine Synthesis 

The six-step pathway for pyrimidine synthesis is shown in Figure 18.10. The first two 
steps generate a noncyclic intermediate that contains all the atoms destined for the 
pyrimidine ring. This intermediate, carbamoyl aspartate, is enzymatically cyclized. The 
product is dihydroorotate and it is subsequently oxidized to orotate. Orotate is then 
converted to the ribonucleotide orotidine 5 '-monophosphate (OMP, or orotidylate) 
that undergoes decarboxylation to form UMP (uridylate). This pyrimidine nucleotide 
is the precursor not only of all other pyrimidine ribonucleotides but also of the pyrimi- 
dine deoxyribonucleotides. The enzymes required for pyrimidine synthesis are organ- 
ized and regulated differently in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. 

The first step in the pathway of pyrimidine biosynthesis is the formation of carbamoyl 
phosphate from bicarbonate plus the amide nitrogen of glutamine and ATP. This reaction 
is catalyzed by carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (or by carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II 
activity in mammalian cells). It requires two molecules of ATP — one to drive formation of 
the C — N bond and the other to donate a phosphoryl group. This enzyme is not the same 
carbamoyl phosphate synthetase that is used in the urea cycle. That enzyme, carbamoyl 
phophate synthetase I, assimilates free ammonia whereas this enzyme (carbamoyl phos- 
phate synthetase II in animals) transfers an amino group from glutamine. 

The activated carbamoyl group of carbamoyl phosphate is transferred to aspartate 
to form carbamoyl aspartate in the second step of UMP biosynthesis. This reaction is 
catalyzed by a famous enzyme, aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase). The mechanism 
involves the nucleophilic attack of the aspartate nitrogen on the carbonyl group of 
carbamoyl phosphate. 

Dihydroorotase catalyzes the third step of UMP biosynthesis — the reversible closure 
of the pyrimidine ring (Figure 18.10). The product, dihydroorotate, is then oxidized by the 

18.3 Synthesis of Pyrimidine Nucleotides 557 




HoN — C — H 


ChH 2 


H ? N 





CD phosphate 


2 ATP + H,0 

2ADP+ P 


11 © 

H 2 N — c— OPOb^ 

Carbamoyl phosphate 


'\ H 

COO v 


Carbamoyl aspartate 
(3) Dihydroorotase 










A H 

COO v 





N O 

Uridine 5'-monophosphate 

HC0 3 °^ 

h 2 o - 

OMP decarboxylase 









CO o 

Orotidine 5'-monophosphate 

2 Pi ^ 





phosphoribosyl- (5) 






QH 2 












▲ Figure 18.10 

Six-step pathway for the synthesis of UMP in prokaryotes. In eukaryotes, steps 1 through 3 are 
catalyzed by a multifunctional protein called dihydroorotate synthase, and steps 5 and 6 are 
catalyzed by a bifunctional enzyme, UMP synthase. 

action of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase to form orotate. In eukaryotes, dihydroorotate is 
produced in the cytosol by steps 1 through 3. It then passes through the outer mito- 
chondrial membrane prior to being oxidized to orotate by the action of dihydroorotate 
dehydrogenase. This enzyme is associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane. Its 
substrate binding site is located on the outer surface. The enzyme is an iron-containing 

NH 2 









▲ Cytosine, Thymine, Uracil 


CHAPTER 18 Nucleotide Metabolism 

Orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase 
(OMP decarboxylase) is one of the 
most efficient enzymes known 
(Table 5.2). 

flavoprotein that catalyzes the transfer of electrons to ubiquinone (Q) forming ubiquinol 
(QH 2 ). Electrons from QH 2 are then transferred to 0 2 via the electron transport chain. 

Once formed, orotate displaces the pyrophosphate group of PRPP, producing OMP 
in a reaction catalyzed by orotate phosphoribosyltransferase. The subsequent hydrolysis 
of pyrophosphate makes this reaction essentially irreversible. 

Finally, OMP is decarboxylated to form UMP in a reaction catalyzed by OMP de- 
carboxylase. In eukaryotes, orotate produced in the mitochondria moves to the cytosol 
where it is converted to UMP. A bifunctional enzyme known as UMP synthase catalyzes 
both the reaction of orotate with PRPP to form OMP and the rapid decarboxylation of 
OMP to UMP. 

In mammals, the intermediates formed in steps 1 and 2 (carbamoyl phosphate and 
carbamoyl aspartate) and OMP (from step 5) are not normally released to solvent but 
remain bound to enzyme complexes and are channeled from one catalytic center to the 
next. Several multifunctional proteins, each catalyzing several steps, also occur in the 
pathway of purine nucleotide biosynthesis in some organisms. 


Several enzymes that use glutamine as an amide donor have a 
molecular tunnel running through the interior of the protein. 
This is an example of metabolite channeling (Section 5.11). 
Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase from E. coli is the most 
fully studied of these enzymes. It catalyzes the synthesis of 
carbamoyl phosphate from bicarbonate and glutamine: 

Glutamine + HC0 3 ° + 2 ATP + H 2 Q 


synthetase II 

H 2 N— C— OPO3© + Glutamate + 2 ADP + P, 
Carbamoyl phosphate 

from the glutamine-binding site, where a molecule of ammo- 
nia is released from glutamine, to the second ATP-binding 
site, where ammonia is carboxylated, and finally to the third 
site where carbamoyl phosphate is formed. Ammonia that is 
released from glutamine at the active site in the small subunit 
does not equilibrate with solvent but proceeds down the tun- 
nel and undergoes the reactions that eventually produce car- 
bamoyl phosphate. Several of the intermediates in the overall 
reaction are quite unstable and would be degraded by water 
if they were not protected by being in a tunnel. 

Carbamoyl phosphate formed in this reaction is 
used in the synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides. 
(A different carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 
that uses ammonia rather than glutamine as its 
substrate is discussed in Section 17.7A.) 

Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase of E. coli is 
a heterodimer with one small subunit and one 
large subunit (see figure). The synthesis of car- 
bamoyl phosphate from glutamine proceeds via 
three intermediates, each formed at a different 
active site. ATP reacts at two of these sites. The 
three sites are connected by a tunnel that runs 

► Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase from E. coli. The 

small subunit (/V-terminal domain, purple) contains 
the active site for glutamine hydrolysis releasing 
NH 3 . The large subunit is shown in blue. NH 3 is 
converted to the unstable intermediate carbamate 
(H 2 N — COOH) at its upper ATP-binding site. Carba- 
mate is then phosphorylated at the C-terminal 
(lower) ATP-binding site. A molecule of ADP is 
bound in each ATP-binding site. The molecular 
tunnel connecting the three active sites is shown 
by the thick blue wire. [PDP 1A9X] 

Gin-binding site 

ATP-binding site 

ATP-binding site 

18.4 CTP Is Synthesized from UMP 559 

B. Regulation of Pyrimidine Synthesis 

Regulation of pyrimidine biosynthesis also differs between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. 
Although the six enzymatic steps leading to UMP are the same in all species, the enzymes 
are organized differently in different organisms. In E. coli , each of the six reactions is cat- 
alyzed by a separate enzyme. In eukaryotes, a multifunctional protein in the cytosol 
known as dihydroorotate synthase contains separate catalytic sites (carbamoyl phosphate 
synthetase II, ATCase, and dihydroorotase) for the first three steps of the pathway. 

In addition to being an intermediate in pyrimidine synthesis, carbamoyl phosphate 
is a metabolite in the pathway for the biosynthesis of arginine via citrulline (Figure 
17.43). The same carbamoyl phosphate synthetase in prokaryotes is also used in both 
pyrimidine and arginine biosynthetic pathways. This enzyme is allosterically inhibited by 
pyrimidine ribonucleotides such as UMP, the product of the pyrimidine biosynthetic path- 
way. It is activated by L-ornithine, a precursor of citrulline, and by purine nucleotides, 
the substrates (along with pyrimidine nucleotides) for the synthesis of nucleic acids. 
Eukaryotic carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II is also allosterically regulated. PRPP and 
IMP activate the enzyme and several pyrimidine nucleotides inhibit it. 

The next enzyme of the pathway is aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase). ATCase 
from E. coli is the most thoroughly studied allosteric enzyme. ATCase catalyzes the first 
committed step of pyrimidine biosynthesis since carbamoyl phosphate can enter pathways 
leading either to pyrimidines or to arginine in bacteria. This enzyme is inhibited by pyrim- 
idine nucleotides and activated in vitro by ATP. ATCase in E. coli is only partially inhibited 
(50% to 70%) by the most potent inhibitor, CTP, but inhibition can be almost total when 
both CTP and UTP are present. UTP alone does not inhibit the enzyme. The allosteric 
controls — inhibition by pyrimidine nucleotides and activation by the purine nucleotide 
ATP — provide a means for carbamoyl phosphate synthetase and ATCase to balance the 
pyrimidine nucleotide and purine nucleotide pools in E. coli. The ratio of the concentra- 
tions of the two types of allosteric modulators determines the activity level of ATCase. 

E. coli ATCase has a complex structure with binding sites for substrates and allosteric 
modulators on separate subunits. The enzyme contains six catalytic subunits arranged as two 
trimers and six regulatory subunits arranged as three dimers (Figure 18. 1 1 ). Each subunit of a 
catalytic trimer is connected to a subunit of the other catalytic trimer through a regulatory 
dimer. When one molecule of aspartate binds, in the presence of carbamoyl phosphate, all six 
catalytic subunits change to a conformation having increased catalytic activity. 

Eukaryotic ATCase is not feedback- inhibited. Regulation by feedback inhibition is not 
necessary because the pyrimidine pathway can be controlled by regulating the enzyme pre- 
ceding ATCase, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II. The substrate of ATCase in eukaryotes 
is not a branch-point metabolite — the synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate and citrulline for 
the urea cycle occurs in mitochondria, and the synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate for 
pyrimidines occurs in the cytosol. The pools of carbamoyl phosphate are separate. 

18.4 CTP Is Synthesized from UMP 

UMP is converted to CTP in three steps. Uridylate kinase (UMP kinase) catalyzes the 
transfer of the y-phosphoryl group of ATP to UMP to generate UDP, and then nucleo- 
side diphosphate kinase catalyzes the transfer of the y-phosphoryl group of a second 
ATP molecule to UDP to form UTP. Two molecules of ATP are converted to two mole- 
cules of ADP during the synthesis of UTP from UMP. 


ump a — UDP 

CTP synthetase then catalyzes the ATP-dependent transfer of the amide nitrogen from 
glutamine to C-4 of UTP forming CTP (Figure 18.12). This reaction is chemically anal- 
ogous to step 4 of purine biosynthesis (Figure 18.5) and to GMP synthesis from XMP 
catalyzed by GMP synthetase (Figure 18.7). 

CTP synthetase is allosterically inhibited by its product, CTP, and in E. coli it is al- 
losterically activated by GTP (Figure 18.13). The regulation of ATCase and CTP syn- 
thetase balances the concentrations of endogenous pyrimidine nucleotides. Elevated 
levels of CTP block further synthesis of CTP by inhibiting CTP synthetase. Under these 





▲ Figure 18.11 

ATCase from Escherichia coli. The top struc- 
ture has two regulatory subunits (purple) 
with a bound CTP. The two catalytic sub- 
units (blue) have a bound substrate analog 
that identifies the active site. Note the large 
distance between the allosteric site where 
CTP binds and the active site of the en- 
zyme. Three of these units are bound to- 
gether to produce a large hexameric ring 
(below) and two of these hexameric rings 
stack together to create the complete 
12-subunit enzyme. [PDB 2FZC (top) 9ATC 

560 CHAPTER 18 Nucleotide Metabolism 

H 2 0 + ATP 

CTP synthetase 

P; + ADP 



▲ Figure 18.12 
Conversion of UTP to CTP. 

Aspartate ATp 

+ i 

Carbamoyl phosphate 

i + 

N/ ATCase 

Carbamoyl aspartate 

De novo pathway 
(Steps 3-6) 





CTP synthetase 

▲ Figure 18.13 

Regulation of pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis 
in E. coli. Allosteric regulation of ATCase and 
CTP synthetase by both purine and pyrimi- 
dine nucleotides helps balance nucleotide 

conditions, UMP synthesis will be slowed but not stopped since CTP only partially 
inhibits ATCase. UMP can still be used in RNA synthesis and as a precursor to dTTP 
(Section 18.6). ATCase is completely inhibited when the concentrations of both UTP 
and CTP are elevated. Elevated concentrations of the purine nucleotides ATP and GTP 
increase the rates of synthesis of the pyrimidine nucleotides and this helps balance the 
supplies of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides. 

18.5 Reduction of Ribonucleotides 
to Deoxyribonucleotides 

The 2'-deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates are synthesized by the enzymatic reduction of 
ribonucleotides. This reduction occurs at the nucleoside diphosphate level in most organ- 
isms. Peter Reichard and his colleagues showed that all four ribonucleoside diphosphates — 
ADP, GDP, CDP, and UDP — are substrates of a single, closely regulated, ribonucleoside 
diphosphate reductase. In some microorganisms, including species of Lactobacillus, 
Clostridium , and Rhizobium , ribonucleoside triphosphates are the substrates for reduction 
by a cobalamin-dependent reductase. Both types of enzymes are called ribonucleotide re- 
ductase (class I and class II, respectively), although the more precise names are ribonucleo- 
side diphosphate reductase and ribonucleoside triphosphate reductase. 

NADPH provides the reducing power for the synthesis of deoxyribonucleoside 
diphosphates in class I enzymes. A disulfide bond at the active site of ribonucleotide reduc- 
tase is reduced to two thiol groups that reduce C-2' of the ribose moiety of the nucleotide 
substrate by a complex free-radical mechanism. As shown in Figure 18.14, electrons are 
transferred from NADPH to ribonucleotide reductase via the flavoprotein thioredoxin re- 
ductase and the dithiol protein coenzyme thioredoxin (Figure 7.35). Thioredoxin reductase 
of prokaryotes and yeast has a dithiol/disulfide (cysteine pair) group in the active site. In 
mammalian thioredoxin reductase, the oxidation-reduction center differs by having one 
residue of cysteine and one of selenocysteine. Once formed, dADP, dGDP, and dCDP are 
phosphorylated to the triphosphate level by the action of nucleoside diphosphate kinases. 
dUDP, as we will see in the next section, is converted to dTMP via dUMP. A third version of 
ribonucleotide reductase (class III) uses 5-adenosylmethionine as a cofactor. 

Ribonucleotide reductase has a complicated mechanism of allosteric regulation 
that supplies a balanced pool of the deoxynucleotides required for DNA synthesis. Both 
the substrate specificity and the catalytic rate of ribonucleotide reductase are regulated 
in eukaryotic cells by the reversible binding of nucleotide metabolites. The allosteric 
modulators — ATP, dATP, dTTP, and dGTP — act by binding to ribonucleotide reductase 
at either of two regulatory sites. One allosteric site, called the activity site , controls the 
activity of the catalytic site. A second allosteric site, called the specificity site , controls the 
substrate specificity of the catalytic site (Figure 18.15). The binding of ATP to the activity 
site forms an activated enzyme whereas the binding of dATP to the activity site inhibits 
all enzymatic activity. When ATP is bound to the activity site and either ATP or dATP is 
bound to the specificity site, the reductase becomes pyrimidine specific, catalyzing the 
reduction of CDP and UDP. The binding of dTTP to the specificity site activates the re- 
duction of GDP, and the binding of dGTP activates the reduction of ADP. The allosteric 
regulation of ribonucleotide reductase, summarized in Table 18.1, controls enzyme ac- 
tivity and ensures a balanced selection of deoxyribonucleotides for DNA synthesis. 

18.6 Methylation of dUMP Produces dTMP 

Deoxythymidylate (dTMP) is formed from UMP in four steps. UMP is phosphorylated 
to UDP that is reduced to dUDP and dUDP is dephosphorylated to dUMP. dUMP is 
then methylated to dTMP. 

UMP > UDP > dUDP > dUMP > dTMP (18.2) 

The conversion of dUDP to dUMP can occur by two routes. dUDP can react with 
ADP in the presence of a nucleoside monophosphate kinase to form dUMP and ATP. 



18.6 Methylation of dUMP Produces dTMP 561 



Thioredoxin reductase 



▲ Figure 18.14 

Reduction of ribonucleoside diphosphates. Three proteins are involved: the NADPH-dependent flavoprotein thioredoxin reductase, thioredoxin, and 
ribonucleotide reductase. B represents a purine or pyrimidine base. S(e) represents either sulfur or selenium. 

dUDP can also be phosphorylated to dUTP at the expense of ATP through the action of 
nucleoside diphosphate kinases. dUTP is then rapidly hydrolyzed to dUMP + PPj by the 
action of deoxyuridine triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (dUTPase). 


* dUTP 



dUMP + PPi 


The rapid hydrolysis of dUTP prevents it from being accidentally incorporated into 
DNAin place of dTTP. 

dCMP can also be a source of dUMP via hydrolysis catalyzed by dCMP deaminase. 

dCMP + H 2 0 * dUMP + HN 4 @ (18.5) 

The conversion of dUMP to dTMP is catalyzed by the enzyme known as thymidylate 
synthase. (Because thymine occurs almost exclusively in DNA, the trivial names thymi- 
dine and thymidylate are commonly used instead of deoxythymidine and deoxythymidy- 
late.) 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate is the donor of the one-carbon group in this reaction 
(Figure 18.16). The carbon-bound methyl group (C — CH 3 ) in dTMP is more reduced 
than the nitrogen-bridged methylene group (N — CH 2 — N) in 5,10-methylenetetrahy- 
drofolate, whose oxidation state is equivalent to that of a nitrogen-bound hydroxymethyl 
group (N — CH 2 OH) or formaldehyde. Thus, not only is methylenetetrahydrofolate a 
coenzyme donating a one-carbon unit but it is also the reducing agent for the reaction, 
furnishing a hydride ion and being oxidized to 7, 8 -dihydrofolate in the process. This is the 
only known reaction in which the transfer of a one-carbon unit from a tetrahydrofolate 
derivative results in its oxidation at N-5 and C-6 to produce dihydrofolate. 

Table 18.1 Allosteric regulation of eukaryotic ribonucleotide reductase 

Ligand bound 
to activity site 

Ligand bound 
to specificity site 

Activity of 
catalytic site 


Enzyme inactive 


ATP or dATP 

Specific for CDP or UDP 



Specific for GDP 



Specific for ADP 

The structure of selenocysteine, 
the 22nd amino acid, is shown in 
Section 3.3. 

▲ Peter Reichard (1925-). 

Reichard worked for many years at the 
Karolinska Institute in Sweden. In addition 
to working on ribonucleotide reductase, he 
was an active member of the Nobel Commit- 
tee that selects candidates to receive the 
Nobel Prize. 

562 CHAPTER 18 Nucleotide Metabolism 

Figure 18.15 ► 

Ribonucleotide reductase. The complete 
enzyme is an a 2 fi 2 tetramer. The structure 
shown here (from E. coli) shows only the a 2 
dimer of catalytic subunits. The activity site 
is occupied by an ATP analog. A molecule of 
TTP is bound to the specificity site and a 
molecule of GDP is bound at the active site. 
[PDB 3R1R + 4R1R] 

Activity site 
Catalytic site 

Specificity site 

Specificity site 

Catalytic site 
Activity site 


The ribonucleotide reductase reaction is an unusual reaction 
because it proceeds by a free radical mechanism. The first 
clue to the free radical nature of the reaction was the obser- 
vation that the reductase from E. coli could be isolated with a 
tyrosine residue in the free radical form. This was the first 
free radical protein to be discovered. The role of the tyrosine 
radical is to convert the thiol group of an active-site cysteine 
residue to a thiyl radical. (In the Lactobacillus enzyme, cobal- 
amin serves to convert the active-site thiol to a radical.) 

The proposed mechanism is shown in the accompanying 
figure. The active site of the reductase has three cysteine 
residues — one forms the free radical and the other two are an 
oxidation-reduction group. The thiyl radical removes a hy- 
drogen atom from the C-3' position of the ribonucleotide 
forming a substrate radical. This substrate radical is first de- 
hydrated (losing the C-2' — OH) and then reduced by the 
cysteine reduction pair. A hydrogen atom is returned to C-3', 
regenerating the thiyl radical. 

-h 2 o, -h© 

18.6 Methylation of dUMP Produces dTMP 563 

5, 1 0-Methylenetetrahydrofolate 




Di hydrofolate 



◄ Figure 18.16 

Cycle of reactions in the synthesis of thymidy- 
late (dTMP) from dUMP. Thymidylate synthase 
catalyzes the first reaction of this cycle pro- 
ducing dTMP. The other product of the reac- 
tion, dihydrofolate, must be reduced by 
NADPH in a reaction catalyzed by dihydrofo- 
late reductase before a methylene group can 
be added to regenerate 5,10-methylenete- 
trahydrofolate. Methylenetetrahydrofolate is 
regenerated in a reaction catalyzed by serine 

Dihydrofolate must be converted to tetrahydrofolate before the coenzyme can accept 
another one-carbon unit for further transfer reactions. The 5,6 double bond of dihydrofo- 
late is reduced by NADPH in a reaction catalyzed by dihydrofolate reductase. Serine hy- 
droxymethyltransferase (Figure 17.16) then catalyzes the transfer of the /3-CH 2 OH group 
of serine to tetrahydrofolate to regenerate 5, 10-methylenetetrahydro folate. 

Thymidylate synthase and dihydrofolate reductase are distinct polypeptides in most 
organisms but in protozoa the two enzyme activities are contained on the same polypep- 
tide chain. The dihydrofolate product of the first reaction is channeled from the thymidylate 
synthase active site to the dihydrofolate reductase active site. Charge-charge interactions 
between a positively charged region on the surface of the bifunctional enzyme and the 
negatively charged dihydro folate (recall that it contains several y - glutamate residues; 
Section 7.11) steer the product to the next active site. 

dTMP can also be synthesized via the salvage of thymidine (deoxythymidine), cat- 
alyzed by ATP-dependent thymidine kinase. 


^ — A, dTMP 






564 CHAPTER 18 Nucleotide Metabolism 


Since dTMP is an essential precursor of DNA, any agent that 
lowers dTMP levels drastically affects cell division. Thymidy- 
late synthase and dihydro folate reductase have been major 
targets for anticancer drugs because rapidly dividing cells are 
particularly dependent on the activities of these enzymes. 

The inhibition of either or both of these enzymes blocks the 
synthesis of dTMP and therefore the synthesis of DNA. 

5-Fluorouracil, methotrexate, and Tomudex are effective 
in combating some types of cancer. 5-Fluorouracil is con- 
verted to its deoxyribonucleotide, 5-fluorodeoxyuridylate, 

which binds tightly to thymidylate synthase inhibiting the 
enzyme and bringing the three-reaction cycle shown in 
Figure 18.16 to a halt. Methotrexate, an analog of folate, is a 
potent, relatively specific inhibitor of dihydrofolate reductase 
that catalyzes step 2 of the cycle shown in Figure 18.16. The 
resulting decrease in tetrahydrofolate levels greatly dimin- 
ishes the formation of dTMP since dTMP synthesis depends 
on adequate concentrations of methylenetetrahydrofolate. 
Tomudex is a folate-based inhibitor of human thymidylate 
synthase that has been approved for the treatment of cancer. 

COO® reductase with the substrate analog 

methotrexate (red) and the cosubstrate 

▲ 5-Fluorouracil, methotrexate, and Tomudex are drugs designed to inhibit thymidylate synthase NADPH (gold) bound in the active site, 
and block the growth of rapidly dividing cells. [PDB 1DLS] 

Radioactive thymidine is often used as a highly specific tracer for monitoring intracellular 
synthesis of DNA because it enters cells easily and its principal metabolic fate is conversion 
to thymidylate and incorporation into DNA. 

▲ Salvage pathways are a form of biochemical 

18.7 Modified Nucleotides 

DNA and RNA contain a number of modified nucleotides. The ones present in transfer 
RNA are well known (Section 21.8B) but the modified nucleotides in DNA are just as im- 
portant. Some of the more common modified bases in DNA are shown in Figure 18.17. 
Most of them are only found in a few species or in bacteriophage while others are more 

We will encounter N 6 -methyladenine in the next chapter when we discuss restric- 
tion endonucleases. 5-Methylcytosine is a common modified base in mammalian DNA 
because it plays a role in chromatin assembly and the regulation of transcription. About 
3% of all deoxycytidylate residues in mammalian DNA are modified to 5-methylcytidine. 
The methylation occurs after DNA is synthesized and the modified residues are at CG 
sequences. All of these modified nucleotides are made in situ by enzymes that act on one 
of the four common nucleotides in the DNA molecule. 

18.8 Salvage of Purines and Pyrimidines 

Nucleic acids are degraded to mononucleotides, nucleosides, and eventually, heterocyclic 
bases during normal cell metabolism (Figure 18.18). The catabolic reactions are catalyzed by 

18.9 Purine Catabolism 565 


ribonucleases, deoxyribonucleases, and a variety 
of nucleotidases, nonspecific phosphatases, and 
nucleosidases or nucleoside phosphorylases. 

Some of the purine and pyrimidine bases 
formed in this way are further degraded (e.g., 
purines are converted to uric acid and other ex- 
cretory products) but a considerable fraction is 
normally salvaged by direct conversion back to 
5 '-mononucleotides. PRPP is the donor of the 
5-phosphoribosyl moiety for salvage reactions. 

The degradation pathways are part of fuel me- 
tabolism in animals. Purines and pyrimidines 
formed during digestion are more likely to be 
degraded while those formed inside the cell are 
usually salvaged. The recycling of intact bases 
conserves cellular energy. 

The degradation of purine nucleotides to their respective purines and their salvage 
through reaction with PRPP are outlined in Figure 18.19. Adenine phosphoribosyl - 
transferase catalyzes the reaction of adenine with PRPP to form AMP and PPj. The 
hydrolysis of PP*, catalyzed by pyrophosphatase, renders the reaction metabolically irre- 
versible. Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase catalyzes similar reactions — 
the conversion of hypoxanthine to IMP and of guanine to GMP with formation of PPj. 

Pyrimidines are salvaged by the action of orotate phosphoribosyltransferase, which 
catalyzes step 5 of the biosynthesis pathway (Figure 18.10). This enzyme can also cat- 
alyze the conversion of pyrimidines other than orotate to the corresponding pyrimidine 

Nucleotides and their constituents are interconverted by many reactions, some of 
which we have seen already. The actions of phosphatases, nucleotidases, and nucleosi- 
dases or nucleoside phosphorylases can release bases from nucleotides. Reactions cat- 
alyzed by phosphoribosyltransferases or nucleoside phosphorylases can salvage the 
bases and nucleosides by converting them to the nucleotide level. Bases that are not 
salvaged can be catabolized. The interconversions of purine nucleotides and their con- 
stituents are summarized in Figure 18.20, and the interconversions of pyrimidine 
nucleotides and their constituents are summarized in Figure 18.21. 

18.9 Purine Catabolism 

ch 2 oh 


5-Methylcytosine 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine 5-Hydroxymethyluracil 

N 6 -Methyladenine 


▲ Figure 18.17 
Modified bases in DNA. 

Nucleic acids 








nucleoside phosphorylases 


reactions , 






Most free purine and pyrimidine molecules are salvaged but some are catabolized. 
Birds, some reptiles, and primates (including humans) convert purine nucleotides to 
uric acid or urate, which is then excreted. In birds and reptiles, amino acid catabolism 
also leads to uric acid; in mammals, surplus nitrogen from amino acid catabolism is dis- 
posed of in the form of urea. Birds and reptiles cannot further catabolize uric acid 
(urate) but many organisms degrade urate to other products. 

As shown in Figure 18.20, AMP can be broken down to hypoxanthine and GMP is 
broken down to guanine. The hydrolytic removal of phosphate from AMP and GMP 
produces adenosine and guanosine, respectively. Adenosine can be deaminated to ino- 
sine by the action of adenosine deaminase. Alternatively, AMP can be deaminated to 

▲ Figure 18.18 
Breakdown of nucleic acids. 
















◄ Figure 18.19 

Degradation and salvage of purines. 


CHAPTER 18 Nucleotide Metabolism 


Reduction transfer 


Oxidation transfer Reduction 










dADP 4 - 






-> XMP 

-> GMP 


Adenine Adenine Hypoxanthine 




■» dGDP 








\ V 


▲ Figure 18.20 

Interconversions of purine nucleotides and their constituents. IMP, the first nucleotide product of the de novo biosynthetic pathway, is readily converted 
to AMP and GMP, their di- and triphosphates, and the deoxy counterparts of these nucleotides. 5'-Phosphate groups are not shown in the abbrevi- 
ated structures. [Adapted from Traut, T. W. (1988). Enzymes of nucleotide metabolism: the significance of subunit size and polymer size for biologi- 
cal function and regulatory properties. Crit. Rev. Biochem. 23:121-169.] 

IMP by the action of AMP deaminase and then IMP can be hydrolyzed to inosine. The 
phosphorolysis of inosine produces hypoxanthine and the phosphorolysis of guanosine 
produces guanine. Both these reactions (as well as the phosphorolysis of several de- 
oxynucleosides) are catalyzed by purine-nucleoside phosphorylase and produce u-D-ribose 
1 -phosphate (or deoxyribose 1 -phosphate) and the free purine base. 

(Deoxy) Nucleoside + Pj Base + (Deoxy)-a-D-Ribose 1 -phosphate (18.7) 

Adenosine is not a substrate of mammalian purine-nucleoside phosphorylase. 

Hypoxanthine formed from inosine is oxidized to xanthine, and xanthine is oxidized 
to urate (Figure 18.22). Either xanthine oxidase or xanthine dehydrogenase can catalyze 
both reactions. Electrons are transferred to 0 2 to form hydrogen peroxide (H 2 0 2 ) in the 
See Section 6.5D for a description of reactions catalyzed by xanthine oxidase. (The H 2 0 2 is converted to H 2 0 and 0 2 by the 

the adenosine deaminase mechanism. action of catalase.) Xanthine oxidase is an extracellular enzyme in mammals and it appears 

to be an altered form of the intracellular enzyme xanthine dehydrogenase that generates 
the same products as xanthine oxidase but transfers electrons to NAD® to form NADH. 
These two enzyme activities occur widely in nature and exhibit broad substrate specificity. 
Their active sites contain complex electron- transfer systems that include an iron-sulfur 
cluster, a pterin coenzyme with bound molybdenum, and FAD. 

In most cells, guanine is deaminated to xanthine in a reaction catalyzed by guanase 
(Figure 18.22). Animals that lack guanase excrete guanine. For example, pigs excrete 
guanine but metabolize adenine derivatives further to allantoin, the major end product 
of the catabolism of purines in most mammals. 

Urate can be further oxidized in most organisms. Up until recently it was thought 
that urate oxidase converted urate directly to allantoin but it is now known that the path- 
way is more complex. The conversion of urate to the stereospecific product (S) -allantoin 

18.9 Purine Catabolism 567 


X 11 


transfer Reduction 

nh 2 o 


1 1 




dCDP <- 

CTP <- 






Nucleoside dCytidine 






> dTMP 

-> Uridine 

dUridine dThymidine 




-> Uracil 



▲ Figure 18.21 

Interconversions of pyrimidine nucleotides and their constituents. UMP formed by the de novo pathway can be converted to cytidine and thymidine 
phosphates, as well as to other uridine derivatives. 5'-Phosphate groups are not shown in the abbreviated structures. [Adapted from Traut, T. W. 
(1988). Enzymes of nucleotide metabolism: the significance of subunit size and polymer size for biological function and regulatory properties. 
Crit. Rev. Biochem. 23:121-169.] 

requires urate oxidase plus two additional enzymes as shown in Figure 18.23. Peroxide 
(H 2 0 2 ) and C0 2 are released in this series of reactions. Allantoin is the major end prod- 
uct of purine degradation in most mammals (though not in humans, for whom the end 
product is urate). It is also excreted by turtles, some insects, and also gastropods. 

The enzyme allantoinase catalyzes hydrolytic opening of the imidazole ring of al- 
lantoin to produce allantoate, the conjugate base of allantoic acid. Some bony fishes 
(teleosts) possess allantoinase activity and excrete allantoate as the end product of 
purine degradation. 

H 2 0 + 0 2 




f Xanthine 
dehydrogenase I 

Hypoxanthine u O + NAD 0 NADH + H 0 


H 2 0 



H 2 0 + NAD©- 

Xanthine dehydrogenase 

NADH + H 0 ^ 


h 2 o + 0 2 

Xanthine oxidase 

^h 2 0 2 

◄ Figure 18.22 

Breakdown of hypoxanthine and guanine 
to uric acid. 

568 CHAPTER 18 Nucleotide Metabolism 


h 2 n 





° H H 


| \ = 0° 




h 2 o 

2-Oxo-4-hyd roxy-4-ca rboxy- 
5-ureidoimidazoline (OHCU) 






' N 








Urate oxidase 


h 2 o 2 h 2 o o 

0 2 




C ^ \ Birds; 

C = O some reptiles; 
^ C ^ / prima tes 

Uric acid 


QQ 2 decarboxylase 

H 2 N 










Most mammals; turtles; 
some insects; gastropods 


- H,0 

H ? N 

coo v 



x H I ^ 

C — N^-C-^-N — C 

</ H H V 


Some bony fishes 






H 2 0 



2 H 2 0 


* 2 H 2 N — C — NH 2 


2 H 2 0 

Most fishes; amphibians; 
freshwater mollusks 

2 C0 2 + 4 NH 3 

Plants; crustaceans; many 
marine invertebrates 

▲ Figure 18.23 

Catabolism of uric acid through oxidation and hydrolysis. To the right of each compound are listed the organisms for which it is an excretory product. 

▲ When they were alive, these snails could 
convert urate to allantoin. Humans can’t do 

Most fishes, amphibians, and freshwater mollusks can further degrade allantoate. 
These species contain allantoicase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of allantoate to one mol- 
ecule of glyoxylate and two molecules of urea. Urea is the nitrogenous end product of 
purine catabolism in these organisms. 

Finally, several organisms — including plants, crustaceans, and many marine 
invertebrates — can hydrolyze urea in a reaction catalyzed by urease. Carbon dioxide 
and ammonia are the products of this reaction. Urease is found only in the cells of 
organisms in which the hydrolysis of urea does not lead to ammonia toxicity. For exam- 
ple, in plants, ammonia generated from urea is rapidly assimilated by the action of glut- 
amine synthetase. In marine animals, ammonia is produced in surface organs such as 
gills and is flushed away before it can accumulate to toxic levels. Most terrestrial organ- 
isms would be poisoned by the final nitrogen-containing product, ammonia. The en- 
zymes that catalyze urate catabolism have been lost through evolution by organisms 
that excrete urate. 

18.10 Pyrimidine Catabolism 

The catabolism of pyrimidine nucleotides begins with hydrolysis to the corresponding nu- 
cleosides and Pi, catalyzed by 5 '-nucleotidase (Figure 18.24). Initial hydrolysis to cytidine 
can be followed by deamination to uridine in a reaction catalyzed by cytidine deaminase. 

18.10 Pyrimidine Catabolism 569 


Defects in purine metabolism can have devastating effects. In 
1964 Michael Lesch and William Nyhan described a severe 
metabolic disease characterized by slow mental development, 
palsylike spasticity, and a bizarre tendency toward self- 
mutilation. Individuals afflicted with this disease, called 
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, rarely survive past childhood. 
Prominent biochemical features of the disease are the excre- 
tion of up to six times the normal amount of uric acid and a 
greatly increased rate of purine biosynthesis. 

The disease is caused by a hereditary deficiency of the 
activity of the enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribo- 
syltransferase (Section 18.8). The deficiency is usually seen in 
males because the mutation is recessive and the gene for this 
enzyme is on the X chromosome. Lesch-Nyhan patients usu- 
ally have less than 1% of the normal activity of the enzyme 
and most show a complete absence of activity. In the absence 
of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, hypox- 
anthine and guanine are degraded to uric acid instead of 
being converted to IMP and GMP, respectively. The PRPP 
normally used for the salvage of hypoxanthine and guanine 
contributes to the synthesis of excessive amounts of IMP and 
the surplus IMP is degraded to uric acid. It is not known how 
this single enzyme defect causes the various behavioral 
symptoms. The catastrophic effects of the deficiency indicate 
that in some cells the purine salvage pathway in humans is 
not just an energy-saving addendum to the central pathways 
of purine nucleotide metabolism. 

Gout is a disease caused by the overproduction or inade- 
quate excretion of uric acid. Sodium urate is relatively insol- 
uble and when its concentration in blood is elevated, it can 
crystallize (sometimes along with uric acid) in soft tissues, 
especially the kidney, and in toes and joints. Gout has several 
causes including a deficiency of hypoxanthine-guanine 
phosphoribosyltransferase activity resulting in less salvage of 
purines and more catabolic production of uric acid. The dif- 
ference between gout and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is due to 
the fact that gout patients retain up to 10% enzyme activity. 
Gout can also be caused by defective regulation of purine 


Sodium urate 

Gout can be treated by giving patients allopurinol, a syn- 
thetic C-7, N-8 positional isomer of hypoxanthine. Allopuri- 
nol is converted in cells to oxypurinol, a powerful inhibitor 
of xanthine oxidase. Administration of allopurinol prevents 
the formation of abnormally high levels of uric acid. Hypox- 
anthine and xanthine are more soluble than sodium urate 
and uric acid and they are excreted when not reused by sal- 
vage reactions. 






NAD© + 
H © 


▲ Allopurinol and oxypurinol. Xanthine dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidation of allopurinol, 
an isomer of hypoxanthine. The product, oxypurinol, binds tightly to xanthine dehydrogenase, 
inhibiting the enzyme. 

The glycosidic bonds of uridine and thymidine are then cleaved by phosphorolysis in reactions 
catalyzed by uridine phosphorylase and thymidine phosphorylase, respectively. 
Deoxyuridine can also undergo phosphorolysis catalyzed by uridine phosphorylase. The 
products of these phosphorolysis reactions are a-D-ribose 1 -phosphate or deoxyribose 
1 -phosphate, thymine, and uracil. 

The catabolism of pyrimidines ends with intermediates of central metabolism, so no 
distinctive excretory products are formed. The breakdown of both uracil and thymine 
involves several steps (Figure 18.24). First, the pyrimidine ring is reduced to a 5,6-dihy- 
dropyrimidine in a reaction catalyzed by dihydrouracil dehydrogenase. The reduced ring 

570 CHAPTER 18 Nucleotide Metabolism 

Figure 18.24 ► 

Catabolism of uracil and thymine. 



him; 4 

cr n 

1 H 


/<=^/ ch 3 





Dihydrouracil dehydrogenase 

hn; 4 ;<r 




NADPH + H e 
^NADP @ 











' N ' 







-H 2 0 

O CH, 

H 2 N — C — N — CH 2 — CH 2 — COO 



h 2 o 

nh 4 ©+ hco 3 ©< 


h 3 n — ch 2 — ch 2 — coo' 



H 2 N — C — N — CH 2 — C — COO 
H H 

- H 2 0 


^ nh 4 ©+ hco 3 ° 




h 3 n — ch 2 — c— coo 





Acetyl CoA 

Succinyl CoA 

is then opened by hydrolytic cleavage of the N-3 — C-4 bond in a reaction catalyzed by 
dihydropyrimidinase. The resulting carbamoyl-/3-amino acid derivative (ureidopropi- 
onate or ureidoisobutyrate) is further hydrolyzed to NH 4 ®, HC0 3 ®, and a /3-amino 
acid. /3-Alanine (from uracil) and /3-aminoisobutyrate (from thymine) can then be con- 
verted to acetyl CoA and succinyl CoA, respectively, which can enter the citric acid cycle 
and be converted to other compounds. In bacteria, /3-alanine can also be used in the syn- 
thesis of pantothenate, a constituent of coenzyme A. 

Problems 571 


1. The synthesis of purine nucleotides is a ten-step pathway that 
leads to IMP (inosinate). The purine is assembled on a founda- 
tion of ribose 5-phosphate donated by 5-phosphoribosyl 1 -pyrophos- 
phate (PRPP). 

2. IMP can be converted to AMP or GMP. 

3. In the six- step synthesis of the pyrimidine nucleotide UMP, PRPP 
enters the pathway after completion of the ring structure. 

4. CTP is formed by the amination of UTP. 

5. Deoxyribonucleotides are synthesized by the reduction of 
ribonucleotides at C-2' in a reaction catalyzed by ribonucleotide 

6. Thymidylate (dTMP) is formed from deoxyuridylate (dUMP) by a 
methylation reaction in which 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate 

donates both a one-carbon group and a hydride ion. 7,8-Dihydrofo- 
late, the other product of this methylation, is recycled by NADPH- 
dependent reduction to the active coenzyme tetrahydrofolate. 

7. PRPP reacts with pyrimidines and purines in salvage reactions to 
yield nucleoside monophosphates. Nucleotides and their con- 
stituents are interconverted by a variety of enzymes. 

8. Nitrogen from amino acids and purine nucleotides is excreted as 
uric acid in birds and some reptiles. Primates degrade purines to 
uric acid (urate). Most other organisms further catabolize urate 
to allantoin, allantoate, urea, or ammonia. 

9. Pyrimidines are catabolized to ammonia, bicarbonate, and either 
acetyl CoA (from cytosine or uracil) or succinyl CoA (from 
thymine) . 


1. Indicate where the label appears in the product for each of the fol- 
lowing precursor-product pairs: 

(a) 15 N-aspartate — » AMP 

(b) 2- [ 14 C] -glycine — » AMP 

(c) 8- [ 15 N] -glutamine — » GMP 

(d) 2- [ 14 C] -aspartate — > UMP 

(e) H 14 CO 3 0 UMP 

2. How many ATP equivalents are needed to synthesize one mole- 
cule of IMP, starting from ribose 5 -phosphate? Assume that all 
necessary precursors in the pathway are present. 

3. The incorporation of one-carbon units in the de novo pathways of 
purines and pyrimidines requires tetrahydrofolate (THF) deriva- 
tives as donors. List the reactions requiring THF derivatives, indi- 
cate the THF donor, and indicate which carbon of the purine or 
pyrimidine is derived from THF. 

4. The glutamine analog acivicin, a potential 
anticancer agent, slows the rapid growth of 
cells by inhibiting nucleotide biosynthesis. 

(a) Show how acivicin structurally resem- 
bles glutamine. 

(b) What intermediate accumulates in the 
purine biosynthetic pathway when 
acivicin is present? 

(c) What enzyme is inhibited in the pyrimi- 
dine biosynthetic pathway when acivicin is present? 

5. A hypothetical bacterium synthesizes UMP by a pathway analo- 
gous to the pathway in E. coli , except that /3- alanine is used instead 
of aspartate. 

h 3 ©n— ch 2 — ch 2 — COO 0 


(a) Why would this pathway be shorter than the pathway in 
E. coli ? 

(b) When /3-alanine uniformly labeled with 14 C is used, where 
would the label appear in UMP? 

6. (a) The enzyme dCMP deaminase can provide a major route 

from cytidine to uridine nucleotides. What is the product of 
the action of dCMP deaminase on dCMP? 

(b) This allosteric enzyme is subject to inhibition by dTTP and 
activation by dCTP. Explain why this is reasonable in terms of 
the overall cellular needs of nucleoside triphosphates. 

7. In eukaryotes, how many ATP equivalents are needed to synthe- 
size one molecule of UMP from HC0 3 ®, aspartate, glutamine, 
and ribose 5-phosphate? (Ignore any ATP that might be produced 
by oxidizing the QH 2 generated in the pathway.) 

8. Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome (SCIDS) is char- 
acterized by the lack of an immune response to infectious dis- 
eases. One form of SCIDS is caused by a deficiency of adenosine 
deaminase (ADA), an enzyme that catalyzes the deamination of 
adenosine and deoxyadenosine to produce inosine and deoxyino- 
sine, respectively. The enzyme deficiency increases dATP levels 
but decreases the levels of other deoxynucleotides, thereby inhibit- 
ing DNA replication and cell division in certain rapidly dividing 
cells. Explain how an adenosine deaminase deficiency affects the 
levels of deoxynucleotides. (The first effective gene therapy in hu- 
mans was carried out by transforming a patient’s T-cells with a 
normal ADA gene.) 

9. One cause of gout is a deficiency in hypoxanthine-guanine phos- 
phoribosyltransferase activity (Box 18.4). Another cause is due to 
an increase in PRPP synthetase activity. If PRPP is a positive effec- 
tor of glutamine-PRPP amidotransferase in humans, how does 
this affect purine synthesis? 

10. Identify the nucleotides involved in the following pathways: 

(a) the nucleoside triphosphate required as a substrate in the 
synthesis of NAD 

(b) the nucleoside triphosphate required in the synthesis of 

(c) the nucleoside triphosphate that serves as a substrate in the 
synthesis of coenzyme A 

(d) the substrate for G proteins 

(e) the nucleotide used in the synthesis of glycogen from glucose 

(f) the cofactor required in the reaction catalyzed by mam- 
malian succinyl- CoA synthetase 

(g) the cosubstrate required for the synthesis of phosphatidylser- 
ine from phosphatidate 




H 3 N- 

-C — H 



cA x ch 2 

\ / 




572 CHAPTER 18 Nucleotide Metabolism 

(h) the nucleotide required for activation of galactose in cerebro- 
side biosynthesis 

(i) the nucleotide substrate used in histidine biosynthesis 

(j) the common precursor of AMP and GMP 

(k) the precursor of hypoxanthine 

11. The catabolism of fats and carbohydrates provides considerable 
metabolic energy in the form of ATP. Does the degradation of 
purines and pyrimidines provide a significant source of energy in 
eukaryotic cells? 

12. PPRP synthetase uses ct-D-ribose 5-phosphate as a substrate. How 
is the a isomer formed inside the cell? 

13. The systematic names of the common bases are given in Sections 
18.1 and 18.2. What are the systematic names of xanthine, hypox- 
anthine, and orotate? 

14. The sequential action of adenylosuccinate synthetase and adeny- 
losuccinate lyase results in the transfer of an amino group from 
aspartate and the release of fumarate. Identify two other pairs of 
enzymes that accomplish the same goal. 

Selected Readings 

Purine Metabolism 

Honzatko, R. B., Stayton, M. M., and Fromm, H. J. 
(1999). Adenylosuccinate synthetase: recent devel- 
opments. Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas Mol. Biol 

Cendron, L., Berni, R., Folli, C., Ramazzina, I., 
Percudani, R., and Zanotti, G. (2007). The structure 
of 2 - oxo - 4 -hydroxy-4 - carb oxy- 5 - ureidoimidazo - 
line decarboxylase provides insights into the 
mechanism of uric acid degradation. / Biol. Chem. 

Kresge, N., Simoni, R. D., and Hill, R. L. (2006). 
Biosynthesis of purines: the work of John M. 
Buchanan./. Biol. Chem. 281:e35-e36. 

Ramazzina, I., Folli, C., Secchi, A., Berni, R., and 
Percudani, R. (2006). Completing the uric acid 
degradation pathway through phylogenetic com- 
parison of whole genomes. Nat Chem Biol. 

Tipton, P. A. (2006). Urate to allantoin, specifically 
(S)-allantoin. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2:124-125. 

Tsai. M., Koo, J., Yip, P., Colman, R. F., Segall, 

M. L., Howell, P. L. (2007). Substrate and product 
complexes of Escherichia coli adenylosuccinate 
lyase provide new insights into the enzymatic 
mechanism./. Mol. Biol. 370:541-554. 

Zhang, R.-G., Evans, G., Rotella, F. J., Westbrook, 

E. M., Beno, D., Huberman, E., Joachimiak, A., and 

Collart, F. R. (1999). Characteristics and crystal 
structure of bacterial inosine-5' -monophosphate 
dehydrogenase. Biochem. 38:4691-4700. 

Pyrimidine Metabolism 

Blakley, R. L. (1995). Eukaryotic dihydrofolate 
reductase. Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas Mol. Biol. 

Carreras, C. W., and Santi, D. V. (1995). The cat- 
alytic mechanism and structure of thymidylate 
synthase. Ann u. Rev. Biochem. 64:721-762. 

Chan, R. S., Sakash, J. B., Macol, C. P., West, J. M., 
Tsuruta, H., and Kantrowitz, E. R. (2002). The role 
of intersubunit interactions for the stabilization of 
the T state of Escherichia coli aspartate transcar- 
bamoylase./. Biol. Chem. 277:49755-49760. 

Lipscomb, W. N. (1994). Aspartate transcarbamoy- 
lase from Escherichia coli: activity and regulation. 
Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas Mol. Biol. 68:67-151. 

Raushel, F. M., Thoden, J. B., and Holden, H. M. 
(1999). The amidotransferase family of enzymes: 
molecular machines for the production and deliv- 
ery of ammonia. Biochem. 38:7891-7899. 

Stroud, R. M. (1994). An electrostatic highway. 
Struct. Biol. 1:131-134. 

Ribonucleotide Reduction 

Eriksson, M., Uhlin, U., Ramaswamy, S., Ekberg, 
M., Regnstrom, K., Sjoberg, B. M., and Eklund, H. 

(1997). Binding of allosteric effectors to ribonu- 
cleotide reductase protein Rl: reduction of active- 
site cysteines promotes substrate binding. Structure 

Gorlatov, S. N., and Stadtman, T. C. (1998). 
Human thioredoxin reductase from HeLa cells: 
selective alkylation of selenocysteine in the protein 
inhibits enzyme activity and reduction with 
NADPH influences affinity to heparin. Proc. Natl. 
Acad. Sci. USA. 95:8520-8525. 

Jordan, A., and Reichard, P. (1998). Ribonu- 
cleotide reductases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 67:71-98. 

Kresge, N., Simoni, R. D., and Hill, R. L. (2006). 
Peter Reichard and the reduction of ribonucleo- 
sides. /. Biol. Chem. 281:el3-el5. 

Nordland, P. and Reichard, P. (2006). Ribonu- 
cleotide reductases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Sjoberg, B.M. (2010). A never-ending story. 

Science 329:1475-1476. 

Stubbe, J. (1998). Ribonucleotide reductases in the 
twenty- first century. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 

Uppsten, M., Farnegardh, M., Domkin, V., and 
Uhlin, U. (2006). The first holocomplex structure 
of ribonucleotide reductase gives new insight into 
its mechanism of action. /. Mol. Biol. 359:365-377. 









o c 










_ o 

° o o o 

° o 


o o 


° c 



o o 

Nucleic Acids 

T he discovery of the substance that proved to be deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 
was made in 1869 by Friedrich Miescher, a young Swiss physician working in 
the laboratory of the German physiological chemist Felix Hoppe-Seyler. Miescher 
treated white blood cells (which came from the pus on discarded surgical bandages) 
with hydrochloric acid to obtain nuclei for study. When the nuclei were subsequently 
treated with acid, a precipitate formed that contained carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitro- 
gen, and a high percentage of phosphorus. Miescher called the precipitate “nuclein” be- 
cause it came from nuclei. Later, when it was found to be strongly acidic, its name was 
changed to nucleic acid. Although he did not know it, Miescher had discovered DNA. 
Soon afterward, Hoppe-Seyler isolated a similar substance from yeast cells — this sub- 
stance is now known to be ribonucleic acid (RNA). Both DNA and RNA are polymers 
of nucleotides, or polynucleotides. 

In 1944 Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty demonstrated that 
DNA is the molecule that carries genetic information. At the time, very little was known 
about the three-dimensional structure of this important molecule. Over the next few 
years, the structures of nucleotides were determined and in 1953 James D. Watson and 
Francis H. C. Crick proposed their model for the structure of double- stranded DNA. 

The study of nucleic acid biochemistry has advanced considerably in the past few 
decades. Today it is possible not only to determine the sequence of your genome but 
also to synthesize large chromosomes in the laboratory. It has become routine to clone 
and manipulate DNA molecules. This has led to spectacular advances in our under- 
standing of molecular biology and the ways information contained in DNA is expressed 
in living cells. 

We now know that a living organism contains a set of instructions for every step re- 
quired to construct a replica of itself. This information resides in the genetic material, 
or genome, of the organism. The genomes of all cells are composed of DNA but some 
viral genomes are composed of RNA. A genome may consist of a single molecule of 
DNA, as in many species of bacteria. The genome of eukaryotes is one complete set 
of DNA molecules found in the nucleus (i.e., the haploid set of chromosomes in diploid 
organisms). By convention, the genome of a species does not include mitochondrial 
and chloroplast DNA. With rare exception, no two individuals in a species have exactly 

We wish to suggest a structure for 
the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid 
(D.N.A.). This structure has novel 
features which are of considerable 
biological interest. 

— J.D. Watson and F.H.C. Crick (1953) 

Top: Space-filling model of DNA, viewed along the helix axis. 


574 CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 

▲ James D. Watson (1928-) (left) and Francis 
H. C. Crick (1916-2004) (right) describing 
the structure of DNA in 1953. 

The distinction between the normal 
flow of information and the Central 
Dogma of Molecular Biology is 
explained in Section 1.1 and the intro- 
duction to Chapter 21. 

▲ Figure 19.1 

Chemical structure of a nucleotide. Nucleotides 
contain a five-carbon sugar, a nitrogenous 
base, and at least one phosphate group. The 
sugar can be either deoxyribose (shown here) 
or ribose. 

HOCH 2 x 0n OH 











▲ Figure 19.2 

Chemical structures of the two sugars found in 
nucleotides, (a) Ribose (/kD-ribofuranose). 
(b) Deoxyribose (2-deoxy-/3-D-ribofuranose). 

the same genome sequence. If they were alive today, Miescher and Hoppe-Seyler would 
be astonished to learn that criminals could be convicted by DNA fingerprinting and 
that we have sequenced the complete genomes of thousands of species, including 

In general, the information that specifies the primary structure of a protein is en- 
coded in the sequence of nucleotides in DNA. This information is enzymatically copied 
during the synthesis of RNA, a process known as transcription. Some of the informa- 
tion contained in the transcribed RNA molecules is translated during the synthesis of 
polypeptide chains that are then folded and assembled to form protein molecules. Thus, 
we can generalize that the biological information stored in a cell’s DNA flows from 
DNA to RNA to protein. 

Nucleic acids are the fourth major class of macromolecules that we study in this 
book. Like proteins and polysaccharides, they contain multiple similar monomeric 
units that are covalently joined to produce large polymers. In this chapter we describe 
the structure of nucleic acids and how they are packaged in cells. We also describe some 
of the enzymes that use DNA and RNA as substrates. Many other proteins and enzymes 
interact with DNA and RNA in order to ensure that genetic information is correctly in- 
terpreted. We will consider the biochemistry and the regulation of this flow of informa- 
tion in Chapters 20 to 22. 

19.1 Nucleotides Are the Building 
Blocks of Nucleic Acids 

Nucleic acids are polynucleotides, or polymers of nucleotides. As we saw in the previous 
chapter, nucleotides have three components: a five-carbon sugar, one or more phos- 
phate groups, and a weakly basic nitrogenous compound called a base (Figure 19.1). 
The bases found in nucleotides are substituted pyrimidines and purines. The pentose is 
either ribose (D-ribofuranose) or 2-deoxyribose (2-deoxy-D-ribofuranose). The pyrim- 
idine or purine N-glycosides of these sugars are called nucleosides. Nucleotides are the 
phosphate esters of nucleosides — the common nucleotides contain from one to three 
phosphoryl groups. Nucleotides containing ribose are called ribonucleotides and nu- 
cleotides containing deoxyribose are called deoxyribonucleo tides (Section 18.5). 

A. Ribose and Deoxyribose 

The sugar components of the nucleotides found in nucleic acids are shown in Figure 19.2. 
Both sugars are shown as Haworth projections of the /3- conformation of the furanose 
ring forms (Section 8.2). This is the stable conformation found in nucleotides and 
polynucleotides. Each of these furanose rings can adopt different conformations such as 
the envelope forms discussed in Chapter 8. The 2'-endo conformation of deoxyribose 
predominates in double-stranded DNA (Figure 8.11). 

B. Purines and Pyrimidines 

The bases found in nucleotides are derivatives of either pyrimidine or purine (Chapter 18). 
The structures of these heterocyclic compounds and the numbering systems for the car- 
bon and nitrogen atoms of each base are shown in Figure 19.3. Pyrimidine has a single 
ring containing four carbon and two nitrogen atoms. Purine has a fused pyrimidine- 
imidazole ring system. Both types of bases are unsaturated, with conjugated double 
bonds. This feature makes the rings planar and also accounts for their ability to absorb 
ultraviolet light. 

Substituted purines and pyrimidines are ubiquitous in living cells but the unsubsti- 
tuted bases are seldom encountered in biological systems. The major pyrimidines that 
occur in nucleotides are uracil (2,4-dioxopyrimidine, U), thymine (2,4-dioxo-5- 
methylpyrimidine, T), and cytosine (2-oxo-4-aminopyrimidine, C). The major purines 
are adenine (6-aminopurine, A) and guanine (2-amino-6-oxopurine, G). The chemical 
structures of these five major bases are shown in Figure 19.4. Note that thymine can 
also be called 5-methyluracil because it is a substituted form of uracil (Section 18.6). 

19.1 Nucleotides Are the Building Blocks of Nucleic Acids 575 

Adenine, guanine, and cytosine are found in both ribonucleotides and deoxyribonu- 
cleotides. Uracil is found mainly in ribonucleotides and thymine is found mainly in de- 

Purines and pyrimidines are weak bases and are relatively insoluble in water at 
physiological pH. Within cells, however, most pyrimidine and purine bases occur as con- 
stituents of nucleotides and polynucleotides and these compounds are highly soluble. 

Each heterocyclic base can exist in at least two tautomeric forms. Adenine and cyto- 
sine can exist in either amino or imino forms. Guanine, thymine, and uracil can exist in 
either lactam (keto) or lactim (enol) forms (Figure 19.5). The tautomeric forms of each 
base exist in equilibrium but the amino and lactam tautomers are more stable and 
therefore predominate under the conditions found inside most cells. Note that the rings 
remain unsaturated and planar in each tautomer. 

All of the bases in the common nucleotides can participate in hydrogen bonding. 
The amino groups of adenine and cytosine are hydrogen donors and the ring nitrogen 
atoms (N-l in adenine and N-3 in cytosine) are hydrogen acceptors (Figure 19.6). Cyto- 
sine also has a hydrogen acceptor group at C-2. Guanine, cytosine, and thymine can form 
three hydrogen bonds. In guanine, the group at C-6 is a hydrogen acceptor while N-l and 
the amino group at C-2 are hydrogen donors. In thymine, the groups at C-4 and C-2 are 
hydrogen acceptors and N-3 is a hydrogen donor. (Only two of these sites, C-4 and N-3, 
are used to form base pairs in DNA.) The hydrogen-bonding ability of uracil, a base 
found in RNA, is similar to that of thymine. The hydrogen-bonding patterns of bases 
have important consequences for the three-dimensional structure of nucleic acids. 

Biochemistry textbooks in the 1940s usually depicted the bases in their imino and 
lactim forms. These were the structures that Jim Watson was using in 1953 to build a 
model of DNA. Shortly after being told by Jerry Donohue that the textbooks were 
wrong, Watson discovered the now- famous A/T and G/C base pairs. 

Additional hydrogen bonding occurs in some nucleic acids and in nucleic 
acid-protein interactions. For example, N-7 of adenine and guanine can be a hydrogen 
acceptor and both amino hydrogen atoms of adenine, guanine, and cytosine can be do- 
nated to form hydrogen bonds. 

C. Nucleosides 

Nucleosides are composed of ribose or deoxyribose and a heterocyclic base. In each nu- 
cleoside, a /3-N-glycosidic bond connects C-l of the sugar to N-l of the pyrimidine or 
N-9 of the purine. Nucleosides are therefore N-ribosyl or N-deoxyribosyl derivatives of 
pyrimidines or purines. The numbering convention for carbon and nitrogen atoms in 


H H H 

Uracil Thymine Cytosine 

(2,4-Dioxopyrimidine) (2,4-Dioxo-5-methylpyrimidine) (2-Oxo-4-aminopyrimidine) 


NH 2 O 

Adenine Guanine 

(6-Aminopurine) (2-Amino-6-oxopurine) 


▲ Figure 19.3 

Chemical structures of pyrimidine and purine. 

◄ Figure 19.4 

Chemical structures of the major pyrimidines 
and purines. 

576 CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 

Figure 19.5 ► 

Tautomers of adenine, cytosine, guanine, 
thymine, and uracil. At physiological pH, the 
equilibria of these tautomerization reactions 
lie far in the direction of the amino and lac- 
tam forms. 






Predominant forms 

Lactam Lactim 







nucleosides reflects the fact that they are composed of a base and a 
five-carbon sugar, each of which has its own numbering scheme. 
The designation of atoms in the purine or pyrimidine moieties takes 
precedence. Hence the atoms in the bases are numbered 1, 2, 3, and so 
on, while those in the furanose ring are distinguished by adding primes 
('). Thus, the /3-N-glycosidic bond connects the C-l', or 1', atom of 
the sugar moiety to the base. Ribose and deoxyribose differ at the 
C-2', or 2', position. The chemical structures of the major ribonucle- 
osides and deoxyribonucleosides are shown in Figure 19.7. 

The names of nucleosides are derived from the names of their 
bases. The ribonucleoside containing adenine is called adenosine 
(the systematic name, 9-/3-D-ribofuranosyladenine, is seldom used) 

◄ Figure 19.6 

Hydrogen bond sites of bases in nucleic acids. Each base contains atoms and 
functional groups that can serve as hydrogen donors or acceptors. The com- 
mon tautomeric forms of the bases are shown. Hydrogen donor and acceptor 
groups differ in the other tautomers. R represents the sugar moiety. 

19.1 Nucleotides Are the Building Blocks of Nucleic Acids 577 





Deoxyadenosine Deoxyguanosine Deoxycytidine Deoxythymidine 


and its deoxy counterpart is called deoxyadenosine. Similarly, the ribonucleosides of 
guanine, cytosine, and uracil are guanosine, cytidine, and uridine, respectively. The deoxyri- 
bonucleosides of guanine, cytosine, and thymine are deoxyguanosine, deoxycytidine, 
and deoxythymidine, respectively. Deoxythymidine is often simply called thymidine be- 
cause thymine rarely occurs in ribonucleosides. The single-letter abbreviations for 
pyrimidine and purine bases are also commonly used to designate ribonucleosides: 
A, G, C, and U (for adenosine, guanosine, cytidine, and uridine, respectively). The de- 
oxyribonucleosides are abbreviated dA, dG, dC, and dT when it is necessary to distin- 
guish them from ribonucleosides. 

Rotation around the glycosidic bonds of nucleosides and nucleotides is sometimes 
hindered. There are two relatively stable conformations, syn and anti , that are in rapid 
equilibrium (Figure 19.8). In the common pyrimidine nucleosides, the anti conforma- 
tion predominates. The anti conformations of all nucleotides predominate in nucleic 
acids, the polymers of nucleotides. 

▲ Figure 19.7 

Chemical structures of nucleosides. 

Note that the carbon atoms of the sugars are 
numbered with primes to distinguish them 
from the atoms of the bases, (a) Ribonucleo- 
sides. The sugar in ribonucleosides is 
ribose, which contains a hydroxyl group at 
C-2\ as shown here. The /TA/-glycosidic 
bond of adenosine is shown in red. 

(b) Deoxyribonucleosides. In deoxyribonucle- 
osides, there is an additional hydrogen atom 
at C-2' instead of a hydroxyl group. 

D. Nucleotides 

Nucleotides are phosphorylated derivatives of nucleosides. Ribonucleosides contain 
three hydroxyl groups that can be phosphorylated (2', 3', and 5'), and deoxyribonucle- 
osides contain two such hydroxyl groups (3' and 5'). The phosphoryl groups in natu- 
rally occurring nucleotides are usually attached to the oxygen atom of the 5 '-hydroxyl 
group. By convention, a nucleotide is always assumed to be a 5 '-phosphate ester unless 
otherwise designated. 

The systematic names for nucleotides indicate the number of phosphate groups 
present. For example, the 5 '-monophosphate ester of adenosine is known as adenosine 
monophosphate (AMP). It is also simply called adenylate. Similarly, the 5 '-monophosphate 
ester of deoxycytidine can be referred to as deoxycytidine monophosphate (dCMP) or 
deoxycytidylate. The 5 ' -monophosphate ester of the deoxyribonucleoside of thymine is 
usually known as thymidylate but is sometimes called deoxythymidylate to avoid ambi- 
guity. Table 19.1 presents an overview of the nomenclature of bases, nucleosides, and 
5 '-nucleotides. Nucleotides with the phosphate esterified at the 5' position are abbrevi- 
ated AMP, dCMP, and so on. Nucleotides with the phosphate esterified at a position 
other than 5' are given similar abbreviations but with position numbers designated 
(e.g., 3 '-AMP). 


By convention the numbering of the atoms 
in the base takes precedence so the 
carbon atoms in the sugar are numbered 
1 ' (“one prime”), 2' (“two prime”), etc. 

578 CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 


syn Adenosine 

NH 2 


anti Adenosine 
▲ Figure 19.8 

Syn and anti conformations of adenosine. 

Some nucleosides assume either the syn or 
anti conformation. The anti form is usually 
more stable in pyrimidine nucleosides. 

Figure 19.9 ► 

Chemical structures of the deoxyribonucleo- 
side-5 '-monophosphates. 

Table 19.1 Nomenclature of bases, nucleosides, and nucleotides 



(5 '-monophosphate) 

Adenine (A) 


Adenosine 5'-monophoshate (AMP); adenylate 9 

Guanine (G) 


Guanosine 5'-monophosphate (GMP); guanylate 9 

Cytosine (C) 


Cytidine 5'-monophosphate (CMP); cytidylate 9 

Uracil (U) 


Uridine 5 '-monophosphate (UMP); uridylate 9 



(5 '-monophosphate) 

Adenine (A) 


Deoxyadenosine 5 '-monophosphate (dAMP); 
deoxyadenylate 9 

Guanine (G) 


Deoxyguanosine 5 '-monophosphate (dGMP); 
deoxyguanylate 9 

Cytosine (C) 


Deoxycytidine 5'-monophosphate (dCMP); 
deoxycytidylate 9 

Thymine (T) 

or thymidine 

Deoxythymidine 5 '-monophosphate (dTMP); 
deoxythymidylate 9 or thymidylate 9 

a Anionic forms of phosphate esters predominant at pH 7.4. 

Nucleoside monophosphates, which are derivatives of phosphoric acid, are anionic at 
physiological pH. They are dibasic acids under physiological conditions since the piC a values 
are approximately 1 and 6. The nitrogen atoms of the heterocyclic rings can also ionize. 

Nucleoside monophosphates can be further phosphorylated to form nucleoside 
diphosphates and nucleoside triphosphates. These additional phosphoryl groups are 
present as phosphoanhydrides. The chemical structures of the deoxyribonucleoside-5'- 
monophosphates are shown in Figure 19.9. A three-dimensional view of the structure 

0 ° 


2'-Deoxyadenosine 5'-monophosphate 
(Deoxyadenylate f dAMP) 

0 ° 


0 ° 


2'-Deoxyguanosine 5'-monophosphate 
(Deoxyguanylate, dGMP) 

O 0 

O 1 

°0— P = 0 o 


2'-Deoxycytidine 5'-monophosphate 
(Deoxycytidylate, dCMP) 

2'-Deoxythymidine 5'-monophosphate 
(Thymidylate, dTMP) 

19.2 DNA Is Double-Stranded 579 

of dGMP is shown in Figure 19.10. The base in dGMP is in the anti conformation and 
the sugar ring is puckered. The plane of the purine ring is almost perpendicular to that 
of the furanose ring. The phosphoryl group attached to the 5 '-carbon atom is posi- 
tioned well above the sugar and far away from the base. 

Nucleoside polyphosphates and polymers of nucleotides can also be abbreviated 
using a scheme in which the phosphate groups are represented by a p” and the nucleo- 
sides are represented by their one-letter abbreviations. The position of the a p” relative to 
the nucleoside abbreviation indicates the position of the phosphate — for a 5' phos- 
phate, the p precedes the nucleoside abbreviation and for a 3 ' phosphate, the a p” follows 
the nucleoside abbreviation. Thus, 5 '-adenylate (AMP) can be abbreviated as pA, 3'- 
deoxyadenylate as dAp, and ATP as pppA. 

▲ Figure 19.10 

Deoxyguanosine-5'-monophosphate (dGMP). 

Hydrogen atoms have been omitted for clarity. 
Color key: carbon, black; nitrogen, blue; oxygen, 
red; phosphorus, purple. 

19.2 DNA Is Double-Stranded 

By 1950 it was clear that DNA is a linear polymer of 2'-deoxyribonucleotide residues 
linked by 3 '-5' phosphodiesters. Moreover, Erwin Chargaff had deduced certain regu- 
larities in the nucleotide compositions of DNA samples obtained from a wide variety of 
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Among other things, Chargaff observed that in the DNA 
of a given cell, A and T are present in equimolar amounts, as are G and C. An example 
of modern DNA composition data showing these ratios is presented in Table 19.2. 
Although A = T and G = C for each species, the total mole percent of (G + C) may dif- 
fer considerably from that of (A + T). The DNA of some organisms, such as the yeast 
Saccharomyces cerevisiae , is relatively deficient in (G + C) whereas the DNA of other or- 
ganisms, such as the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis , is rich in (G + C). In gen- 
eral, the DNAs of closely related species, such as cows, pigs, and humans, have similar 
base compositions. The data also shows that the ratio of purines to pyrimidines is al- 
ways 1:1 in the DNA of all species. 

The model of DNA proposed by Watson and Crick in 1953 was based on the 
known structures of the nucleosides and on X-ray diffraction patterns that Rosalind 
Franklin and Maurice Wilkins obtained from DNA fibers. The Watson-Crick model 
accounted for the equal amounts of purines and pyrimidines by suggesting that DNA 
was double- stranded and that bases on one strand paired specifically with bases on the 
other strand: A with T and G with C. Watson and Crick’s proposed structure is now re- 
ferred to as the B conformation of DNA, or simply B-DNA. 

An appreciation of DNA structure is important for understanding the processes of 
DNA replication (Chapter 20) and transcription (Chapter 21). DNA is the storehouse 
of biological information. Every cell contains dozens of enzymes and proteins that bind 
to DNA recognizing certain structural features, such as the sequence of nucleotides. In 
the following sections we will see how the structure of DNA allows these proteins to 
gain access to the stored information. 

Table 19.2 Base composition of DNA (mole %) and ratios of bases 








(C + C) 



Escherichia coli 









Mycobacterium tuberculosis 













































deviations from a 1 :1 ratio are due to experimental variations. 

580 CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 

A linkage group consists of several 
different covalent bonds. 

Figure 19.11 ► 

Chemical structure of the tetranucleotide 
pdApdGpdTpdC. The nucleotide residues are 
joined by 3'-5' phosphodiester linkages. 
The nucleotide with a free 5'-phosphoryl 
group is called the 5' end, and the 
nucleotide with a free 3'-hydroxyl group 
is called the 3' end. 

A. Nucleotides Are Joined by 3'-5' Phosphodiester Linkages 

We have seen that the primary structure of a protein refers to the sequence of its amino acid 
residues linked by peptide bonds. Similarly, the primary structure of a nucleic acid is the 
sequence of its nucleotide residues connected by 3 '-5' phosphodiester linkages. A tetranu- 
cleotide representing a segment of a DNA chain illustrates such linkages (Figure 19.11). 
The backbone of the polynucleotide chain consists of the phosphoryl groups, the 5', 4', 
and 3' carbon atoms, and the 3' oxygen atom of each deoxyribose. These backbone 
atoms are arranged in an extended conformation. This makes double-stranded DNA a 
long, thin molecule, unlike polypeptide chains that can easily fold back on themselves. 

All the nucleotide residues within a polynucleotide chain have the same orienta- 
tion. Thus, polynucleotide chains have directionality, like polypeptide chains. One end 
of a linear polynucleotide chain is said to be 5' (because no residue is attached to its 5'- 
carbon) and the other is said to be 3' (because no residue is attached to its 3 '-carbon). 
By convention, the direction of a DNA strand is defined by reading across the atoms 
that make up the sugar residue. Thus, going from the top to the bottom of the strand in 

5' end 



© 1 

u o— p=o 


5 ' CH ^ o. N— n ; 

4 ' 

nh 2 


< 7 J J 

Adenine (A) 

phosphodiester -< 

H H 

H H 

O H 

o — P = o 




5'CH 2 




4 ' 


Guanine (G) 


phosphodiester « 

H H 

O H 

© 1 

u o— p = o 

5'CH 2 

6 h bC. 


Ov N 



Thymine (T) 


phosphodiester -< 


O H 

°o — P = o 




Cytosine (C) 


3' end 

2 ' 

19.2 DNA Is Double-Stranded 581 

Figure 19.1 1 is defined as 5' —> 3' (“five prime to three prime”) because one crosses the 
sugar residue encountering the 5', 4', and 3' carbon atoms, in that order. Similarly, 
going from the bottom to the top of the strand is moving in the 3' — > 5' direction. 

Structural abbreviations are assumed to read in the 5' —> 3' direction unless other- 
wise specified. Because phosphates can be abbreviated as “p,” the tetranucleotide in 
Figure 19.11 can be referred to as pdApdGpdTpdC, or shortened to AGTC when it is 
clear that the reference is to DNA. 

Each phosphate group that participates in a phosphodiester linkage has a pK a of 
about 2 and bears a negative charge at neutral pH. Consequently, nucleic acids are 
polyanions under physiological conditions. Negatively charged phosphate groups are 
neutralized by small cations and positively charged proteins. 

B. Two Antiparallel Strands Form a Double Helix 

Most DNA molecules consist of two strands of polynucleotide. Each of the bases on one 
strand forms hydrogen bonds with a base of the opposite strand (Figure 19.12). The 


The direction of moving along a DNA 
or RNA strand can be either 5' —> 3' or 
3' —> 5'. It is defined by the direction 
of reading across the atoms that make up 
the sugar residue. 

▲ Watson and Crick’s original DNA model. 

◄ Figure 19.12 

Chemical structure of double-stranded DNA. 

The two strands run in opposite directions. 
Adenine in one strand pairs with thymine in 
the opposite strand, and guanine pairs with 

5 ' 


CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 


The two strands of DNA are anti-parallel. 

most common base pairs occur between the lactam and amino tautomers of the bases. 
Guanine pairs with cytosine and adenine with thymine in a manner that maximizes 
hydrogen bonding between potential sites. G/C base pairs have three hydrogen bonds 
and A/T base pairs have two. This feature of double-stranded DNA accounts for Char- 
gaff’s discovery that the ratio of A to T and of G to C is 1:1 for a wide variety of DNA 
molecules. Because A in one strand pairs with T in the other strand and G pairs with C, 
the strands are complementary and each one can serve as a template for the other. 

The sugar-phosphate backbones of the complementary strands of double- 
stranded DNA have opposite orientations. In other words, they are antiparallel. This 
was one of the important new insights contributed by Watson and Crick when they 
built their model of DNA in 1953. 

Each end of double-stranded DNA is made up of the 5' end of one strand and the 
3' end of another. The distance between the two sugar-phosphate backbones is the 
same for each base pair. Consequently, all DNA molecules have the same regular struc- 
ture in spite of the fact that their nucleotide sequences may be quite different. 

The actual structure of DNA differs in two important aspects from that shown in 
Figure 19.12. In a true three-dimensional representation, the two strands wrap around 
each other to form a two-stranded helical structure, or double helix. Also, the bases are 
rotated so that the plane of the base pairs is nearly perpendicular to the page. (Recall 
that the plane of the base in dGMP is nearly perpendicular to that of the sugar, as 
shown in Figure 19.10.) 

The DNA molecule can be visualized as a “ladder” that has been twisted into a 
helix. The paired bases represent the rungs of the ladder and the sugar-phosphate back- 
bones represent the supports. Each complementary strand serves as a perfect template 
for the other. This complementarity is responsible for the overall regularity of the struc- 
ture of double-stranded DNA. However, complementary base pairing alone does not 
produce a helix. In B-DNA, the base pairs are stacked one above the other and are nearly 
perpendicular to the long axis of the molecule. The cooperative, noncovalent interactions 
between the upper and lower surfaces of each base pair bring the pairs closer together 
and create a hydrophobic interior that causes the sugar-phosphate backbone to twist. It 
is these stacking interactions that create the familiar helix (Figure 19.13). Much of the 
stability of double-stranded DNA is due to the stacking interactions between base pairs. 

The two hydrophilic sugar-phosphate backbones wind around the outside of the 
helix where they are exposed to the aqueous environment. In contrast, the stacked, rela- 
tively hydrophobic bases are located in the interior of the helix where they are largely 
inaccessible to water. This hydrophobic environment makes the hydrogen bonds be- 
tween bases more stable since they are shielded from competition with water molecules. 

The double helix has two grooves of unequal width because of the way the base 
pairs stack and the sugar-phosphate backbones twist. These grooves are called the major 
groove and the minor groove (Figure 19.14). Within each groove, functional groups on 
the edges of the base pairs are exposed to water. Each base pair has a distinctive pattern 
of chemical groups projecting into the grooves. Molecules that interact with particular 
base pairs can identify them by binding in the grooves without disrupting the helix. 
This is particularly important for proteins that must bind to double-stranded DNA and 
“read” a specific sequence. 

B-DNA is a right-handed helix with a diameter of 2.37 nm. The rise of the helix 
(the distance between one base pair and the next along the helical axis) averages 0.33 nm, 
and the pitch of the helix (the distance to complete one turn) is about 3.40 nm. These 
values vary to some extent depending on the base composition. Because there are about 
10.4 base pairs per turn of the helix, the angle of rotation between adjacent nucleotides 
within each strand is about 34.6° (360/10.4). 

Two views of B-DNA are shown in Figure 19.15. The ball-and-stick model 
(Figure 19.15a) shows that the hydrogen bonds between base pairs are buried in the 
interior of the molecule where they are protected from competing interactions with water. 
The charged phosphate groups (purple and red atoms) are located on the outside surface. 
This arrangement is more evident in the space-filling model (Figure 19.15b). The space- 
filling model also clearly shows that functional groups of the base pairs are exposed in 

19.2 DNA Is Double-Stranded 583 




3' 5' 

◄ Figure 19.13 

Complementary base pairing and stacking 
in double-stranded DNA. 

2.37 nm 

the grooves. These groups can be identified by the presence of blue nitrogen atoms and 
red oxygen atoms. 

The length of double-stranded DNA molecules is often expressed in terms of base 
pairs (bp). For convenience, longer structures are measured in thousands of base pairs, 
or kilobase pairs, commonly abbreviated kb. Most bacterial genomes consist of a single 
DNA molecule of several thousand kb; for example, the Escherichia coli chromosome is 
4600 kb in length. The largest DNA molecules in the chromosomes of mammals and 
flowering plants may be several hundred thousand kb long. The human genome con- 
tains 3,200,000 kb (3.2 x 10 9 base pairs) of DNA. 

Most bacteria have a single chromosome whose ends are joined to create a circular 
molecule. DNA in the mitochondria and chloroplasts of eukaryotic cells is also circular. 
In contrast, the chromosomes in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell are linear. (Some bacteria 
also have multiple chromosomes and some have linear chromosomes.) 

C. Weak Forces Stabilize the Double Helix 

The forces that maintain the native conformations of complex cellular structures are 
strong enough to maintain the structures but weak enough to allow conformational 
flexibility. Covalent bonds between adjacent residues define the primary structures 
of proteins and nucleic acids but weak forces determine the three-dimensional shapes 

Figure 19.14 ► 

Three-dimensional structure of B-DNA. This model shows the orientation of the base pairs and the sugar- 
phosphate backbone and the relative sizes of the pyrimidine and purine bases. The sugar-phosphate 
backbone winds around the outside of the helix and the bases occupy the interior. Stacking of the 
base pairs creates two grooves of unequal width — the major and the minor grooves. The diameter 
of the helix is 2.37 nm, and the distance between base pairs is 0.33 nm. The distance to complete 
one turn is 3.40 nm. (For clarity, a slight space has been left between the stacked base pairs and 
the interactions between complementary bases are shown schematically.) 








Base pair 





584 CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 


▲ Figure 19.15 

B-DNA. (a) Bal l-and-stick model. The base 
pairs are nearly perpendicular to the sugar- 
phosphate backbones, (b) Space-filling 
model. Color key: carbon, gray; nitrogen, 
blue; oxygen, red; phosphorus, purple. 
[Nucleic Acids Database BD0001]. 

of these macromolecules. Four types of interactions affect the conformation of double- 
stranded DNA. 

1. Stacking interactions. The stacked base pairs form van der Waals contacts. 
Although the forces between individual stacked base pairs are weak, they are addi- 
tive so in large DNA molecules the van der Waals contacts are an important source 
of stability. 

2. Hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonding between base pairs is a significant stabilizing force. 

3. Hydrophobic effects. Burying hydrophobic purine and pyrimidine rings in the inte- 
rior of the double helix increases the stability of the helix. 

4. Charge-charge interactions. Electrostatic repulsion of the negatively charged phos- 
phate groups of the backbone is a potential source of instability in the DNA helix. 
However, repulsion is minimized by the presence of cations such as Mg® 1 and 
cationic proteins (proteins that contain an abundance of the basic residues arginine 
and lysine). 

The importance of stacking interactions can be illustrated by examining the vari- 
ous stacking energies of the base pairs (Table 19.3). The stacking energy of two base 
pairs depends on the nature of the base pair (G/C or A/T) and the orientation of each 
base pair. Typical stacking energies are about 35 kj mol" 1 . Within the hydrophobic core 
of stacked double-stranded DNA the hydrogen bonds between base pairs have a 
strength of about 27 kj mol" 1 each (Section 2.5B). However, if the stacking interac- 
tions are weakened, the hydrogen bonds in the base pairs are exposed to competition 
from water molecules and the overall contribution to keeping the strands together 
diminishes greatly. 

Under physiological conditions, double-stranded DNA is thermodynamically 
much more stable than the separated strands and that explains why the double- 
stranded form predominates in vivo. However, the structure of localized regions of the 
double helix can sometimes be disrupted by unwinding. Such disruption occurs during 
DNA replication, repair, recombination, and transcription. Complete unwinding and 
separation of the complementary single strands is called denaturation. Denaturation 
occurs only in vitro. 

Double-stranded DNA can be denatured by heat or by a chaotropic agent such 
as urea or guanidinium chloride. (Recall from Section 4.10 that proteins can also be 
denatured.) In studies of thermal denaturation, the temperature of a solution of DNA is 
slowly increased. As the temperature is raised, more and more of the bases become un- 
stacked and hydrogen bonds between base pairs are broken. Eventually, the two strands 
separate completely. The temperature at which half the DNA has become single- 
stranded is known as the melting point (T m ). 

Absorption of ultraviolet light can be used to measure the extent of denaturation. 
Measurements are made at a wavelength of 260 nm — close to the absorbance maximum 
for nucleic acids. Single-stranded DNA absorbs 12% to 40% more light than double- 
stranded DNA at 260 nm (Figure 19.16). A plot of the change in absorbance of a DNA 
solution versus temperature is called a melting curve (Figure 19.17). The absorbance in- 
creases sharply at the melting point and the transition from double-stranded to single- 
stranded DNA takes place over a narrow range of temperature. 

The sigmoid shape of the melting curve indicates that denaturation is a cooperative 
process as we saw in the case of protein denaturation (Section 4.10). In this case, coop- 
erativity results from rapid unzippering of the double-stranded molecule as the many 
stacking interactions and hydrogen bonds are disrupted. The unzippering begins with 
the unwinding of a short internal stretch of DNA, forming a single- stranded “bubble ” 
This single-stranded bubble rapidly destabilizes the adjacent stacked base pairs and this 
destabilization is propagated in both directions as the bubble expands. 

As shown in Figure 19.17, poly (GC) denatures at a much higher temperature than 
poly (AT). It is easier to melt A/T-rich DNA than G/C-rich DNA because A/T base pairs 
have weaker stacking interactions as shown in Table 19.3. It’s important to note that the 
stacking interactions are the first interactions to be disrupted by higher temperature. 
Once this process begins the hydrogen bonds — although collectively stronger in stacked 

19.2 DNA Is Double-Stranded 585 

Figure 19.16 ► 

Absorption spectra of double-stranded 
and single-stranded DNA. At pH 7.0, 
double-stranded DNA has an 
absorbance maximum near 260 nm. 
Denatured DNA absorbs 12% to 
40% more ultraviolet light than 
double-stranded DNA. 

DNA — become much weaker because they are exposed to water and the DNA is rapidly 
destabilized. Naturally occurring DNA is a mixture of regions with varying base com- 
positions but A/T-rich regions are more easily unwound than G/C-rich regions. 

At temperatures just below the melting point, a typical DNA molecule contains 
double-stranded regions that are G/C-rich and local single-stranded regions (“bubbles”) 
that are A/T-rich. These in vitro experiments demonstrate an important point — that it 
is easier to unwind localized regions whose sequence consists largely of A/T base pairs 
rather than G/C base pairs. We will see in Chapter 21 that the initiation sites for tran- 
scription are often A/T-rich. 

D. Conformations of Double-Stranded DNA 

Double-stranded DNA can assume different conformations under different conditions. 
X-ray crystallographic studies of various synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotides of known 
sequence indicate that DNA molecules inside the cell do not exist in a “pure” B confor- 
mation. Instead, DNA is a dynamic molecule whose exact conformation depends to 
some extent on the nucleotide sequence. The local conformation is also affected by 
bends in the DNA molecule and whether it is bound to protein. As a result, the number 
of base pairs per turn in B-DNA can fluctuate in the range of 10.2-10.6. 

There are two other distinctly different DNA conformations in addition to the various 
forms of B-DNA. A-DNA forms when DNA is dehydrated and Z-DNA can form when cer- 
tain sequences are present (Figure 19.18). (The A- and B-DNA forms were discovered 
by Rosalind Franklin in 1952.) A-DNA is more tightly wound than B-DNA and the 

Table 19.3 Stacking interactions for the 
ten possible combinations in 
double-stranded DNA 



Stacked dimers (kj mol -1 ) 

'C-G 1 t T-A 

A-T I Ig-c 

[ - 440 

' C-G 1 t A-T 1 

T-aI G-cJ 

[ - 410 

k G-C 1 
C-G I 


^ G-C 1 t C-G 1 

G-cl C-gJ 

[ ~ 34 - 6 

T-A 1 
A-T I 


^ G-C 1 t A-T 1 

T-A I 1 C-gJ 

[ ~ 27 - 5 

v G-C 1 j T-A 

t-aI c-gJ 

[ ~ 28 - 4 

< < 
1— 1— 

< < 

[ - 22 - 5 

i si 

Arrows designate the direction of the sugar-phos- 
phate backbone and point from C-3' of one sugar 
unit to C-5' of the next. 

[Adapted from Omstein, R. L., Rein, R., Breen, D. 
L., and MacElroy, R. D. (1 978). An optimized po- 
tential function for the calculation of nucleic acid 
interaction energies: I. Base stacking. Biopolymers 
17: 2341-2360.] 

◄ Figure 19.17 Melting curve for DNA. 

In this experiment, the temperature of a DNA so- 
lution is increased while the absorbance at 260 nm 
is monitored. The melting point (7 m ) corresponds 
to the inflection point of the sigmoidal curve 
where the increase in absorbance of the sample 
is one-half the increase in absorbance of com- 
pletely denatured DNA. Poly (AT) melts at a lower 
temperature than either naturally occurring DNA 
or poly (GC) since more energy is required to 
disrupt stacked G/C base pairs. 

586 CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 

Figure 19.18 ► 

A-DNA, B-DNA, and Z-DNA. The A-DNA confor- 
mation (left) is favored when DNA is dehy- 
drated [NDB AD0001]. B-DNA (center) is 
the conformation normally found inside cells 
[NDB BDOOOl]. The Z-DNA conformation 
(right) is favored in certain G/C-rich 
sequences [NDB ZDJ050]. 

major and minor grooves of A-DNA are similar in width. There are about 1 1 bp per 
turn in A-DNA and the base pairs are tilted about 20° relative to the long axis of the 
helix. Z-DNA differs even more from B-DNA. There are no grooves in Z-DNA and the 
helix is left-handed, not right-handed. The Z-DNA conformation occurs in G/C-rich 
regions. Deoxyguanylate residues in Z-DNA have a different sugar conformation 
(3'-endo) and the base is in the syn conformation. A-DNA and Z-DNA conformations 
exist in vivo but they are confined to short regions of DNA. 

v Figure 19.19 

Supercoiled DNA. The DNA molecule on the 
left is a relaxed closed circle and has the 
normal B conformation. Breaking the DNA 
helix and unwinding it by two turns before 
re-forming the circle produces two super- 
coils. The supercoils compensate for the un- 
derwinding and restore the normal B confor- 
mation. The molecule on the right has a 
locally unwound region of DNA. This confor- 
mation is topologically equivalent to nega- 
tively supercoiled DNA. 

19.3 DNA Can Be Supercoiled 

A circular DNA molecule with the B conformation has an average of 10.4 base pairs per 
turn. It is said to be relaxed if such a molecule would lie flat on a surface. This relaxed 
double helix can be overwound or underwound if the strands of DNA are broken and 
the two ends of the linear molecule are twisted in opposite directions. When the strands 
are rejoined to create a circle, there are no longer 10.4 base pairs per turn as required to 
maintain the stable B conformation. The circular molecule compensates for over- or 
underwinding by forming supercoils that restore 10.4 base pairs per turn of the double 
helix (Figure 19.19). A supercoiled DNA molecule would not lie flat on a surface. Each 
supercoil compensates for one turn of the double helix. 





Closed, circular DNA 
with no supercoils 

All base paired 

Locally unwound region 

DNA with two 
negative supercoils 
and n turns of the helix. 

Closed, circular DNA with 
no supercoils, n-2 turns of the 
helix, and a locally unwound region. 

19.4 Cells Contain Several Kinds of RNA 587 

Most circular DNA molecules are supercoiled in cells but even long, linear DNA 
molecules contain locally supercoiled regions. Bacterial chromosomes typically have 
about five supercoils per 1000 base pairs of DNA. The DNA in the nuclei of eukaryotic 
cells is also supercoiled as we will see in Section 19.5. All organisms have enzymes that 
can break DNA, unwind or overwind the double helix, and rejoin the strands to alter 
the topology. These enzymes, called topoisomerases, are responsible for adding and 
removing supercoils. An example of a topoisomerase bound to DNA is shown in 
Figure 19.20. These remarkable enzymes cleave one or both strands of DNA, unwind or 
overwind DNA by rotating the cleaved ends, and then rejoin the ends to create (or remove) 

One of the important consequences of supercoiling is shown in Figure 19.19. If 
DNA is underwound, it compensates by forming negative supercoils in order to main- 
tain the stable B conformation. (Overwinding produces positive supercoils.) An alterna- 
tive conformation is shown on the right in Figure 19.19. In this form, most of the DNA 
is double-stranded but there is a locally unwound region that is due to the slight under- 
winding. The negatively supercoiled and locally unwound conformations are in equilib- 
rium with the supercoiled form in excess because it is slightly more stable. The differ- 
ence in free energy between the two conformations is quite small. 

Most of the DNA in a cell is negatively supercoiled. This means that it is relatively 
easy to unwind short regions of the molecule — especially those regions that are A/T-rich. 
As mentioned earlier, localized unwinding is an essential step in the initiation of DNA 
replication, recombination, repair, and transcription. Thus, negative supercoiling plays 
an important biological role in these processes by storing the energy needed for local 
unwinding. This is why topoisomerases that catalyze supercoiling are essential enzymes 
in all cells. 

19.4 Cells Contain Several Kinds of RNA 

RNA molecules participate in several processes associated with gene expression. RNA 
molecules are found in multiple copies and in several different forms within a given cell. 
There are four major classes of RNA in all living cells: 

1. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules are an integral part of ribosomes (intracellular 
ribonucleoproteins that are the sites of protein synthesis). Ribosomal RNA is the 
most abundant class of ribonucleic acid accounting for about 80% of the total 
cellular RNA. 

2. Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules carry activated amino acids to the ribosomes for 
incorporation into growing peptide chains during protein synthesis. tRNA mole- 
cules are only 73 to 95 nucleotide residues long. They account for about 15% of the 
total cellular RNA. 

3. Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules encode the sequences of amino acids in pro- 
teins. They are the “messengers” that carry information from DNA to the transla- 
tion complex where proteins are synthesized. In general, mRNA accounts for only 
3% of the total cellular RNA. These molecules are the least stable of the cellular 
ribonucleic acids. 

4. Small RNA molecules are present in all cells. Some small RNA molecules have cat- 
alytic activity or contribute to catalytic activity in association with proteins. Many 
of these RNA molecules are associated with processing events that modify RNA 
after it has been synthesized. Some are required for regulating gene expression. 

RNAs are single-stranded molecules, but they often have complex secondary struc- 
ture. Most single-stranded polynucleotides fold back on themselves to form stable 
regions of base-paired, double-stranded RNA under physiological conditions. One type 
of secondary structure is a stem-loop which forms when short regions of complementary 
sequence form base pairs (Figure 19.21). The structure of the double-stranded regions 
of such stem-loops resembles the structure of the A form of double-stranded DNA. As 
we will see in Chapters 21 and 22, such structures are important in transcription and 
are common features in transfer RNA, ribosomal RNA, and the small RNAs. 

▲ Figure 19.20 

Human ( Homo sapiens) topoisomerase I bound 

to DNA. [PDB 1A31] 

▲ Supercoiled telephone cords can be very 


Single-stranded RNA can fold back on 
itself to create stable double-stranded 
helical regions that resemble those in 

588 CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 


Single-molecule atomic-force spectroscopy is a powerful tool for 
investigating the properties of single molecules. It has been used to 
explore the properties of single-stranded DNA. The experiment in- 
volves fixing one end of a single- stranded DNA molecule to a solid 
surface and attaching the other end to a form of molecular tweezer 
that can be used to pull the molecule and measure its resistance. 

When this experiment is done with poly(dT) there is almost no 
resistance until the molecule is in the fully extended form. This is 
because poly(dT) has no significant secondary structure. However, 
when poly(dA) is pulled there is initial resistance followed by a shift 
to the fully extended form. Poly(dA) is helical in solution because the 
adenylate residues stack on one another and the initial resistance is 
due to breaking the helix. 

The resistance can be measured and the calculated energy of 
stacking is 15 kj mol -1 , in agreement with other determinations of 
the stacking interactions of A bases on other As. The experiment 
proves that stacking interactions are important in forming helical 
DNA structures-even with single-stranded polynucleotides. 

Pulling poly(dA). [Adapted from Ke et al. (2007)] ► 






▲ Figure 19.21 

Stem-loop structures in RNA. Single-stranded 
polynucleotides, such as RNA, can form stem- 
loops, or hairpins, when short regions of 
complementary sequence form base pairs. 
The stem of the structure consists of base- 
paired nucleotides, and the loop consists of 
noncomplementary nucleotides. Note that 
the strands in the stem are antiparallel. 

19.5 Nucleosomes and Chromatin 

In 1879, ten years after Miescher’s discovery of nuclein, Walter Flemming observed 
banded objects in the nuclei of stained eukaryotic cells. He called the material chromatin, 
from the Greek chroma , meaning “color.” Chromatin is now known to consist of DNA 
plus various proteins that package the DNA in a more compact form. Prokaryotic DNA 
is also associated with protein to form condensed structures inside the cell. These struc- 
tures differ from those observed in eukaryotes and are usually not called chromatin. 

In a normal resting cell, chromatin exists as 30 nm fibers — long, slender threads 
about 30 nm in diameter. In humans, the nucleus must accommodate 46 such chro- 
matin fibers, or chromosomes. The largest human chromosome is about 2.4 x 10 8 bp; it 
would be about 8 cm long if it were stretched out in the B conformation. During 
metaphase (when chromosomes are most condensed) the largest chromosome is about 
10 \x m long. The difference between the length of the metaphase chromosome and the 
extended B form of DNA is 8000-fold. This value is referred to as the packing ratio. 

A. Nucleosomes 

The major proteins of chromatin are known as histones. Most eukaryotic species con- 
tain five different histones — HI, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. All five histones are small, 
basic proteins containing numerous lysine and arginine residues whose positive charges 
allow the proteins to bind to the negatively charged sugar-phosphate backbone of 
DNA. The numbers of acidic and basic residues in typical mammalian histones are 
noted in Table 19.4. Except for HI, the amino acid sequence of each type of histone is 
highly conserved in all eukaryotes. For example, bovine histone H4 differs from pea 
histone H4 in only two residues out of 102. Such similarity in primary structure implies 
a corresponding conservation in tertiary structure and function. 

Chromatin unfolds when it is treated with a solution of low ionic strength (<5 mM). 
The extended chromatin fiber looks like beads on a string in an electron micrograph 
(Figure 19.22). The “beads” are DNA-histone complexes called nucleosomes and the 
“string” is double-stranded DNA. 

19.5 Nucleosomes and Chromatin 589 

Table 19.4 Basic and acidic residues in mammalian histones 




of residues 

of basic 

of acidic 

Rabbit thymus HI 





Calf thymus H2A 





Calf thymus H2B 

1 3,800 




Calf thymus H3 





Calf thymus H4 





Each nucleosome is composed of one molecule of histone HI, two molecules each 
of histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, and about 200 bp of DNA (Figure 19.23). The H2A, 
H2B, H3, and H4 molecules form a protein complex called the histone octamer around 
which the DNA is wrapped. About 146 bp of DNA are in close contact with the histone 
octamer forming a nucleosome core particle. The DNA between particles is called linker 
DNA; it is about 54 bp long. Histone HI can bind to the linker DNA and to the core 
particle but in the extended beads-on-a-string conformation HI is often absent. His- 
tone HI is responsible for higher-order chromatin structures. 

The structure of the nucleosome core particle has been determined by X-ray crys- 
tallography (Figure 19.24). The eight histone subunits are arranged symmetrically as 
four dimers: two H2A/H2B dimers and two H3/H4 dimers. The particle is shaped like a 
flat disk with positively charged grooves that accommodate the sugar-phosphate back- 
bone of DNA. 

DNA wraps around the core particle forming about l 3 /4 turns per nucleosome. If 
this DNA were in an extended conformation it would be about 50 nm in length but 
when bound to the nucleosome core particle, the overall length is reduced to the width 
of the disk, about 5 nm. The coils of DNA are topologically equivalent to negative su- 
percoils and that’s why eukaryotic DNA becomes supercoiled when histones are re- 
moved from chromatin. 

The N- termini of all four core histones are rich in positively charged lysine (K) and 
arginine (R) residues. These ends extend outward from the core particle where they inter- 
act with DNA and negatively charged regions of other proteins (Figure 19.24). These in- 
teractions serve to stabilize higher- order chromatin structures such as the 30 nm fiber. 

▲ Figure 19.22 

Electron micrograph of extended chromatin 
showing the “beads-on-a-string” organization. 


The vast majority of eukaryotic DNA is 
bound to nucleosome core particles 
spaced 200 bp apart. 

▲ Figure 19.23 

Diagram of nucleosome structure, (a) Histone octamer. (b) Nucleosomes. Each nucleosome is composed of a core particle plus histone HI and linker 
DNA. The nucleosome core particle is composed of a histone octamer and about 146 bp of DNA. Linker DNA consists of about 54 bp. Histone HI 
binds to the core particle and to linker DNA. 

590 CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 

▲ Figure 19.24 

Structure of the chicken {Gallus gallus) nucle- 
osome core particle, (a) Histone octamer. 

(b) Histone octamer bound to DNA — side 
view showing the disk shape of the particle. 
[PDB 1EQZ]. 

Specific lysine residues in these N-terminal ends can be acetylated by enzymes 
known as histone acetyltransferases (HATS). For example, residues 5, 8, 12, 16, and 20 
in histone H4 can be modified by acetylation. 

© © © © ©©©©© ©© 


5 8 12 16 20 

Acetylation decreases the net positive charge of the histone N-termini and weakens the 
interactions with other nucleosomes and proteins. The net result is a loosening up of 
higher-order structures. Acetylation is associated with gene expression. HATS are pref- 
erentially directed to sites where chromatin must be unraveled in order to transcribe a 
gene. The relationship between transcriptional activation and histone acetylation is 
under active investigation in many laboratories (Section 21.5C). 

Histone deacetylases are responsible for removing acetyl groups from lysine 
residues. This restores the positively charged side chains and allows nucleosomes 
to adopt the more compact chromatin structure characteristic of regions that are not 


^ -ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 2 — ch 2 — nh 3 




' /vw 'CH 2 — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH 2 — NH — C — CH 3 


B. Higher Levels of Chromatin Structure 

The packaging of DNA into nucleosomes reduces the length of a DNA molecule 
about tenfold. Further reduction comes from higher levels of DNA packaging. For 
example, the beads-on-a-string structure is itself coiled into a solenoid to yield the 
30 nm fiber. One possible model of the solenoid is shown in Figure 19.25. The 30 nm 
fiber forms when every nucleosome contains a molecule of histone HI and adjacent 
molecules of HI bind to each other cooperatively bringing the nucleosomes together 
into a more compact and stable form of chromatin. Condensation of the beads-on- 
a-string structure into a solenoid achieves a further fourfold reduction in chromo- 
some length. 

Finally, 30 nm fibers are themselves attached to an RNA-protein scaffold that holds 
the fibers in large loops. There may be as many as 2000 such loops on a large chromo- 
some. The RNA-protein scaffold of a chromosome can be seen under an electron 
microscope when histones have been removed (Figure 19.26). The attachment of DNA 
loops to the scaffold accounts for an additional 200-fold condensation in the length 
of DNA. 

The loops of DNA are attached to the scaffold at their base. Because the ends are 
not free to rotate, the loops can be supercoiled. (Some of the supercoils can be seen in 
Figure 19.26b, but most of the DNA is relaxed because one of the strands is broken 
during treatment to remove histones.) 

C. Bacterial DNA Packaging 

Histones are found only in eukaryotes but prokaryotic DNA is also packaged with pro- 
teins in a condensed form. Some of these proteins are referred to as histone like proteins 
because they resemble eukaryotic histones. In most cases, there are no defined nucleo- 
some-like particles in prokaryotes and much of the DNA is not associated with protein. 
Bacterial DNA is attached to a scaffold in large loops of about 100 kb. This arrangement 
converts the bacterial chromosome to a structure known as the nucleoid. 

19.6 Nucleases and Hydrolysis of Nucleic Acids 591 

19.6 Nucleases and Hydrolysis 
of Nucleic Acids 

Enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphodiesters in nucleic acids are collectively 
known as nucleases. There are a variety of different nucleases in all cells. Some of them 
are required for the synthesis or repair of DNA as we will see in Chapter 20 and others 
are needed for the production or degradation of cellular RNA (Chapter 21). 

Some nucleases act on both RNA and DNA molecules but many act only on RNA 
and others only on DNA. The specific nucleases are called ribonucleases (RNases) and 
deoxyribonucleases (DNases). Nucleases can be further classified as exonucleases or en- 
donucleases. Exonucleases catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphodiester linkages to release 
nucleotide residues from only one end of a polynucleotide chain. The most common 
exonucleases are the 3' — > 5' exonucleases but there are some 5' —> 3' exonucleases. 
Endonucleases catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphodiester linkages at various sites within 
a polynucleotide chain. Nucleases have a wide variety of specificities for nucleotide 

Nucleases can cleave either the 3' - or the 5 '-ester bond of a 3 '-5' phosphodiester 
linkage. One type of hydrolysis yields a 5 '-monophosphate and a 3 '-hydroxyl group; 
the other type yields a 3 '-monophosphate and a 5 '-hydroxyl group (see Figure 19.27). 
A given nuclease can catalyze one reaction or the other but not both. 

A. Alkaline Hydrolysis of RNA 

The difference between ribose in RNA and 2'-deoxyribose in DNA may seem trivial but 
it greatly affects the properties of the nucleic acids. The 2 '-hydroxyl group of ribose can 
form hydrogen bonds in some RNA molecules and it participates in certain chemical 
and enzyme-catalyzed reactions. 

The effect of alkaline solutions on RNA and DNA illustrates the differences in 
chemical reactivity that result from the presence or absence of the 2 '-hydroxyl group. 
RNA treated with 0.1 M NaOH at room temperature is degraded to a mixture of 
2'- and 3 '-nucleoside monophosphates within a few hours whereas DNA is stable 
under the same conditions. Alkaline hydrolysis of RNA (Figure 19.28) requires a 
2 '-hydroxyl group. In the first and second steps, hydroxide ions act only as catalysts 

30 nm 

▲ Figure 19.25 

A model of the 30 nm chromatin fiber. In this 
model the 30 nm fiber is shown as a solenoid, 
or helix, formed by individual nucleosomes. 
The nucleosomes associate through contacts 
between adjacent histone HI molecules. 

▲ Figure 19.26 

Electron micrographs of a histone-depleted chromosome, (a) In this view, the entire protein scaffold is visible, (b) In this magnification of a portion of 
(a), individual loops attached to the protein scaffold can be seen. 

592 CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 

5' — » 3' exonuclease 
G 0— P=0 





O = P — 0° 


3' — > 5' exonuclease 

▲ Figure 19.27 

Nuclease cleavage sites. Exonucleases act 
on one free end of a polynucleotide and 
cleave the next phosphodiester linkage. 
Endonucleases cleave internal phosphodi- 
ester linkages. Cleavage at bond A 
generates a 5'-phosphate and a 3'-hydroxyl 
terminus. Cleavage at bond B generates a 
3'-phosphate and a 5'-hydroxyl terminus. 
Both DNA (shown) and RNA are substrates 
of nucleases. 






5 'CH 2 n 




◄ Figure 19.28 

Alkaline hydrolysis of RNA. In Step 1, a hydroxide ion 
abstracts the proton from the 2'-hydroxyl group of a 
nucleotide residue. The resulting 2'-alkoxide is a nu- 
cleophile that attacks the adjacent phosphorus atom, 
displacing the 5'-oxygen atom and generating a 2', 3'- 
cyclic nucleoside monophosphate. The cyclic interme- 
diate is not stable in alkaline solution, however, and a 
second hydroxide ion catalyzes its conversion to either 
a 2'- or 3'-nucleoside monophosphate (Step 2). 

B represents a purine or pyrimidine base. 

( 2 ) 


( 2 ) 

2 , ,3'-Cyclic nucleoside monophosphate 

O — P = O 



y 0—? = 0 




since removing a proton from water (to form the 5' -hydroxyl group in the first step 
or the 2'- or 3 '-hydroxyl group in the second) regenerates one hydroxide ion for each 
hydroxide ion consumed. Note that a 2 ',3 '-cyclic nucleoside monophosphate inter- 
mediate forms. The polyribonucleotide chain rapidly depolymerizes as each phospho- 
diester linkage is cleaved. DNA is not hydrolyzed under alkaline conditions because it 
lacks the 2 '-hydroxyl group needed to initiate intramolecular transesterification. The 
greater chemical stability of DNA is an important factor in its role as the primary 
genetic material. 

B. Hydrolysis of RNA by Ribonuclease A 

Bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) consists of a single polypeptide chain of 
124 amino acid residues cross-linked by four disulfide bridges. (This is the same en- 
zyme that we encountered in Chapter 4 in our discussion of disulfide bond formation 

19.6 Nucleases and Hydrolysis of Nucleic Acids 593 

and protein folding.) The enzyme has a pH optimum of about 6. RNase A catalyzes 
cleavage of phosphodiester linkages in RNA molecules at 5 '-ester bonds. Cleavage occurs 
to the right of pyrimidine nucleotide residues when chains are drawn in the 5 ' — > 3 ' 
direction. Thus, RNase A catalyzed hydrolysis of a strand with the sequence 
pApG pUpApCpGpU yields pApGpUp + ApCp + GpU. 

RNase A contains three ionic amino acid residues in the active site — Lys-41, His- 
12, and His- 119 (Figure 19.29). Many studies have led to formulation of the mecha- 
nism of catalysis shown in Figure 19.30. RNase A uses three fundamental catalytic 
mechanisms: proximity (in the binding and positioning of a suitable phosphodiester 
between the two histidine residues); acid-base catalysis (by His-119 and His-12); and 
transition- state stabilization (by Lys-41). As in alkaline hydrolysis of RNA, hydrolysis 
produces a leaving group with a 5 '-hydroxyl group and a 3 '-nucleoside monophos- 
phate product. Water enters the active site on departure of the first product (P x ). Note 
that in the RNase A-catalyzed reaction, the phosphate atom in the transition state is 
pentacovalent. The pyrimidine binding pocket of the enzyme accounts for the speci- 
ficity of RNase A. 

Alkaline hydrolysis and the reaction catalyzed by RNase A differ in two important 
ways. First, alkaline hydrolysis can occur at any residue whereas enzyme -catalyzed 
cleavage occurs only at pyrimidine nucleotide residues. Second, hydrolysis of the cyclic 
intermediate is random in alkaline hydrolysis (producing mixtures of 2'- and 3'- 
nucleotides) but specific for RNase A-catalyzed cleavage (producing only 3 '-nucleotides). 

C. Restriction Endonucleases 

Restriction endonucleases are an important subclass of endonucleases that act on DNA. 
The term restriction endonuclease is derived from the observation that certain bacteria 
can block bacteriophage (virus) infections by specifically destroying the incoming bac- 
teriophage DNA. Such bacteria restrict the expression of foreign DNA. 

Many species of bacteria synthesize restriction endonucleases that bind to and 
cleave foreign DNA. These endonucleases recognize specific DNA sequences and they 
cut both strands of DNA at the binding site producing large fragments that are rapidly 
degraded by exonucleases. The bacteriophage DNA is cleaved and degraded before the 
genes can be expressed. 

The host cell has to protect its own DNA from cleavage by restriction endonucle- 
ases. This is accomplished by covalent modification of the bases that make up the po- 
tential restriction endonuclease binding site. The most common covalent modification 
is specific methylation of adenine or cytosine residues within the recognition sequence 
(Section 18.7). The presence of methylated bases at the potential binding site inhibits 
cleavage of the host DNA by the restriction endonuclease. Methylation is catalyzed by a 
specific methylase that binds to the same sequence of DNA recognized by the restriction 
endonuclease. Thus, cells that contain a restriction endonuclease also contain a methy- 
lase with the same specificity. 

Normally, all DNA of the host cell is specifically methylated and therefore protected 
from cleavage. Any unmethylated DNA that enters the cell is cleaved by restriction en- 
donucleases. Following DNA replication, each site in the host DNA is hemimethy- 
lated — bases on only one strand are methylated. Hemimethylated sites are high affinity 
substrates for the methylase but are not recognized by the restriction endonuclease. 
Thus, hemimethylated sites are rapidly converted to fully methylated sites in the host 
DNA (Figure 19.31). 

Most restriction endonucleases (also called restriction enzymes) can be classified as 
either type I or type II. Type I restriction endonucleases catalyze both the methylation 
of host DNA and the cleavage of unmethylated DNA at a specific recognition sequence. 
Type II restriction endonucleases are simpler in that they can only cleave double- 
stranded DNA at or near an unmethylated recognition sequence — they do not possess a 
methylase activity. Separate restriction methylases catalyze methylation of host DNA at 
the same recognition sequences. The source of the methyl group in these reactions is 
S - adenosylmethionine. 

▲ Figure 19.29 

The active site of bovine pancreatic RNase A. 

(a) The active site of the enzyme has three 
catalytic residues, His-12, His-119, and 
Lys-41, whose side chains project into the 
site where RNA will bind, (b) This figure 
shows RNase A bound to an artificial 
substrate (3’-phosphothymidine (3'-5’)- 
pyrophosphate adenosine 3’-phosphate) 
that mimics RNA. [PDB 1U1B] 

594 CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 

Figure 19.30 ► 

Mechanism of RNA cleavage by RNase A. In Step 1, His-12 
abstracts a proton from the 2'-hydroxyl group of a pyrimi- 
dine nucleotide residue. The resulting nucleophilic oxygen 
atom attacks the adjacent phosphorus atom. His-119 (as an 
imidazolium ion) donates a proton to the 5'-oxygen atom of 
the next nucleotide residue to produce an alcohol leaving 
group, Pi. Step 2 produces a 2',3'-cyclic nucleoside 
monophosphate. Water enters the active site on departure 
of Pi and in Step 3, His-119 (now in its basic form) 
removes a proton from water. The resulting hydroxide ion 
attacks the phosphorus atom to form a second transition 
state. In Step 4, the imidazolium form of His-12 donates a 
proton to the 2'-oxygen atom, producing P 2 . Py represents 
a pyrimidine base. 

19.6 Nucleases and Hydrolysis of Nucleic Acids 595 

Table 19.5 Specificities of some common restriction endonucleases 


Enzyme 3 


sequence b 

Acetobacter pasteurianus 

Apa 1 


Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H 



Eschericia coli RY1 3 



Eschericia coli R245 



Haemophilus aegyptius 

Hae III 


Haemophilus influenzae R^ 



Haemophilus parainfluenzae 



Klebsiella pneumoniae 



Nocardia otitidis-caviarum 



Providencia stuartii 1 64 



Serratia marcescens S b 



Xanthomonas badrii 



Xanthomonas hold col a 



a The names of restriction endonucleases are abbreviations of the names of the organisms that produce them. 
Some abbreviated names are followed by a letter denoting the strain. Roman numerals indicate the order of dis- 
covery of the enzyme in that strain. 

Recognition sequences are written 5'to3'. Only one strand is represented. The arrows indicate cleavage sites. 
Asterisks represent known positions where bases can be methylated. 

(a) H 3 C 

N N ' /w ' 3' 

N N 5' 

CH 3 

3'^NN C T T A AG 



Following DNA 
replication, the 
GAATTC site 
is hemimethylated. 

h 3 c 

5 , ' aa/ ' N N 
3 , ' /w ' N N 

G A A T T C N N^ 




A methylase catalyzes 
methylation of the 
second adenine residue 
in the recognition site. 


n 3 c 

5 , ' /w ' N N 
3 , ' /w ' N N 

CH 3 


Hundreds of type I and type II restriction endonucleases have been characterized. 
The specificities of a few representative enzymes are listed in Table 19.5. In nearly all 
cases, the recognition sites have a twofold axis of symmetry; that is, the 5' — > 3' se- 
quence of residues is the same in both strands of the DNA molecule. Consequently, the 
paired sequences “read” the same in either direction — such sequences are known as 
palindromes. (Palindromes in English include BIB, DEED, RADAR, and even MADAM 
EM ADAM, provided we ignore punctuation and spacing.) 

EcoRl was one of the first restriction endonucleases to be discovered. It is present in 
many strains of E. coli. As shown in Table 19.5 and Figure 19.31, EcoRl has a palin- 
dromic recognition sequence of 6 bp (the 5' — » 3' sequence is GAATTC on each strand). 
EcoRl is a homodimer. It possesses a twofold axis of symmetry like its substrate (see 
next section). In E. coli , the companion methylase to EcoRl converts the second adenine 
within the recognition sequence to X^-methyladenine. Any double-stranded DNA mol- 
ecule with an unmethylated GAATTC sequence is a substrate for EcoRl. The endonucle- 
ase catalyzes hydrolysis of the phosphodiesters that link G to A in each strand, thus 
cleaving the DNA. 

Some restriction endonucleases (including EcoRl, BaraHI, and Hmdlll) catalyze 
staggered cleavage, producing DNA fragments with single- stranded extensions (Table 19.5 
and Figure 19.31). These single- stranded regions are called sticky ends because they are 
complementary and can thus re-form a double-stranded structure. Other enzymes, 
such as Hae III and SmaR produce blunt ends with no single-stranded extensions. 


N N 3' 

N N ' /w ' 5' 

3'^NN C T T AAG 


The endonuclease 
recognizes the GAATT C 
sequence and cleaves 
both strands of the 
foreign DNA to 
produce fragments 
with staggered ends. 

G 3' 5' 

A A T T C 


5' 3'G 

vTv/X/' ^ 7 

▲ Figure 19.31 

Methylation and restriction at the EcoRl site. 

(a) Methylation of adenine residues at the 
recognition site, (b) Cleavage of unmethy- 
lated DNA to produce sticky ends. 

D. EcoRl Binds Tightly to DNA 

Restriction endonucleases must bind tightly to DNA in order to recognize a specific 
sequence and cleave at a specific site. The structure of EcoRl bound to DNA has been 
determined by X-ray crystallography. As shown in Figure 19.32, each half of the EcoRl 
homodimer binds to one side of the DNA molecule so that the DNA molecule is almost 
surrounded. The enzyme recognizes the specific nucleotide sequence by contacting base 
pairs in the major groove. The minor groove (in the middle of the structure shown in 
Figure 19.32) is exposed to the aqueous environment. 

Several basic amino acid residues line the cleft that is formed by the two EcoRl 
monomers. The side chains of these residues interact electrostatically with the 

596 CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 

▲ Figure 19.32 

EcoR\ bound to DNA. EcoR\ is composed of two 
identical subunits (purple and blue). The en- 
zyme is bound to a fragment of DNA with the 
sequence CGC GAATTC GCG (recognition se- 
quence underlined), (a) Side view, (b) Top view. 

Figure 19.33 ► 

Restriction map of bacteriophage A showing 
the sites of cleavage by some restriction 
enzymes. There is a single site for the en- 
zyme Apa\, for example. Digestion of phage 
A DNA with this enzyme yields two frag- 
ments of 10.0 and 38.4 kb, as shown in the 
first lane of Figure 19.34. 

sugar-phosphate backbones of DNA. In addition, two arginine residues (Arg-145 and 
Arg-200) and one glutamate residue (Glu-144) in each EcoRl monomer form hydrogen 
bonds with base pairs in the recognition sequence thus ensuring specific binding. Other 
nonspecific interactions with the backbones further stabilize the complex. 

EcoRl is typical of proteins that recognize and bind to a specific DNA sequence. The 
DNA retains its B conformation although in some cases the helix is slightly bent. Recog- 
nition of a specific nucleotide sequence depends on interactions between the protein 
and the functional groups on the bases that are exposed in the grooves. In contrast, 
histones are examples of proteins that bind nonspecifically to nucleic acids. Binding of 
such proteins depends largely on weak interactions between the protein and the 
sugar-phosphate backbones and not on direct contact with the bases. All proteins that 
bind to specific DNA sequences will also bind non- specifically to DNA with lower affinity 
(Sections 21.3, 21.7A). 

19.7 Uses of Restriction Endonucleases 

Restriction endonucleases were discovered more than 40 years ago earning Nobel Prizes 
in 1978 for Werner Arbor, Daniel Nathans, and Hamilton Smith “for the discovery 
of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular genetics.” The 
first purified enzymes rapidly became important tools used to manipulate DNA in the 

A. Restriction Maps 

One of the first uses of restriction enzymes was in developing restriction maps of DNA, 
that is, diagrams of DNA molecules that show specific sites of cleavage. Such maps are 
useful for identifying fragments of DNA that contain specific genes. 

An example of a restriction map of bacteriophage A DNA is shown in Figure 19.33. 
The DNA of bacteriophage A is a linear, double- stranded molecule approximately 
48,400 bp (48 kb) long. By treating this DNA with various restriction enzymes and 
measuring the sizes of the resulting fragments, it is possible to develop a map of the 
cleavage sites. An example of such restriction digests is shown in Figure 19.34. The 
information from many restriction digests is combined to produce a complete and 
accurate map. 

B. DNA Fingerprints 

The technology required for mapping restriction endonuclease cleavage sites was devel- 
oped in the 1970s. It soon became apparent that the procedure could be used to identify 
the sites of mutations, or variations, in the genome of a population. For example, dif- 
ferent strains of bacteriophage A have slightly different restriction maps because their 
DNA sequences are not identical. One strain may have the sequence GGGCCC near the 
left-hand end of its DNA and it is cleaved by Apal, producing the two fragments shown 
in Figure 19.34. Another strain may have the sequence GGACCC at the same site. Since 
this sequence is not a cleavage site for Apal y the restriction map of this strain differs 
from that shown in Figure 19.33. 

Variations in DNA sequence can be used to identify individuals in a large heteroge- 
neous population. In humans, for example, regions of the genome that are highly variable 
give restriction fragments that are as unique as fingerprints. Such DNA fingerprints can 
be used in paternity disputes or criminal investigations to identify or exonerate suspects. 

An example of the use of DNA fingerprinting in a rape case is shown in Figure 19.35. 
DNAs isolated from the victim, from the evidence (semen), and from two suspects are 



Xba I Xho I 



10.0 1 

6.9 ! 


1 C 

. 5.5 



48.4 kb 

19.7 Uses of Restriction Endonucleases 597 

▲ Figure 19.34 

Digestion of bacteriophage A DNA by four restriction endonucleases. A solution of DNA is treated with 
an enzyme and then electrophoresed on an agarose gel, which separates fragments according to 
size. The smallest fragments move fastest and are found at the bottom of the gel. (A fragment of 
1.5 kb is not visible in this figure.) The restriction enzyme for each digest is indicated at the top 
of the lane. The lane at the right contains intact phage A DNA and a mixture of fragments from the 
four digests. In the Xba\ digest, two fragments of 23.9 and 24.5 kb are not well resolved. 

digested with a restriction endonuclease. The fragments are separated on an agarose gel 
as described in Figure 19.34. This DNA is then transferred (blotted) to a membrane of 
nylon. The bound DNA is denatured and exposed to small fragments of radioactively 
labeled DNA from a variable region of the human genome. The labeled DNA probe hy- 
bridizes specifically to the restriction fragments on the nylon membrane that are de- 
rived from this region. The labeled fragments are identified by autoradiography. 

The technique identifies suspect A as the rapist. In actual criminal investigations, a 
number of different probes are used in combination with different restriction digests in 
order to ensure that the pattern detected is unique. Modern techniques are powerful 
and accurate enough to conclusively rule out some suspects and convict others. When 
combined with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA (Chapter 22), a 
fingerprint can be obtained from a hair follicle or a tiny speck of blood. 

C. Recombinant DNA 

The discovery of restriction endonucleases soon led to the creation of recombinant DNA 
molecules by joining, or recombining, different fragments of DNA produced by the en- 
zymes. A common experiment involves excising a DNA fragment containing a target 
gene of interest and inserting it into a cloning vector. Cloning vectors can be plasmids, 
bacteriophage, viruses, or even small artificial chromosomes. Most vectors contain se- 
quences that allow them to be replicated autonomously within a compatible host cell. 

All cloning vectors have in common at least one unique cloning site, a sequence 
that can be cut by a restriction endonuclease to allow site-specific insertion of foreign 
DNA. The most useful vectors have several restriction sites grouped together in a multi- 
ple cloning site called a polylinker. 

► Stanley N. Cohen (1935-) (top) and Herbert Boyer (1936-) (bottom), who constructed the first 
recombinant DNA using bacterial DNA and plasmids. 


DNA size 




— I Suspect 




r L 





▲ Figure 19.35 
DNA fingerprinting. 

598 CHAPTER 19 Nucleic Acids 

Figure 19.36 ► 

Use of restriction enzymes to generate recom- 
binant DNA. The vector DNA and the target 
DNA are cleaved by restriction endonucle- 
ases to generate ends that can be joined 
together. In cases where sticky ends are pro- 
duced, the two molecules join by annealing 
(base pairing) of the complementary ends. 
The molecules are then covalently attached 
to one another in a reaction catalyzed by 
DNA ligase. 

DNA molecule 

Fragments of DNA to be inserted into a vector can be generated by a variety of 
means. For example, they can be produced by the mechanical shearing of long DNA 
molecules or by digesting DNA with type II restriction endonucleases. Unlike shearing, 
which cleaves DNA randomly, restriction enzymes cleave DNA at specific sequences. 
For cloning purposes, this specificity offers extraordinary advantages. 

The most useful restriction endonucleases produce fragments with single-stranded 
extensions at their 3' or 5' ends. These sticky ends can transiently form base pairs to 
complementary sticky ends on vector DNA and can be covalently joined to the vector in 
a reaction catalyzed by DNA ligase (described in Section 20. 3C). Thus, the simplest 
kinds of recombinant DNA are those constructed by digesting both the vector and the 
target DNA with the same enzyme because the resulting fragments can be joined directly 
by ligation (Figure 19.36). 


1. Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides that are phosphate es- 
ters of nucleosides. The amino and lactam tautomers of the bases 
form hydrogen bonds in nucleic acids. 

2. DNA contains two antiparallel strands of nucleotide residues 
joined by 3 '-5' phosphodiester linkages. A and G in one strand 
pair with T and C, respectively, in the other strand. 

3. The double-helical structure of DNA is stabilized by hydrogen 
bonding, hydrophobic effects, stacking interactions, and 
charge-charge interactions. G/C-rich DNA is more difficult to de- 
nature than A/T-rich DNA because the stacking interactions of 
G/C base pairs are greater than those of A/T base pairs. 

4. The most common conformation of DNA is called B-DNA; alter- 
native conformations include A-DNA and Z-DNA. 

5. Overwinding or underwinding the DNA helix can produce super- 
coils that restore the B conformation. Negatively supercoiled 
DNA exists in equilibrium with DNA that has locally unwound 

6. The four major classes of RNA are ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA, 
messenger RNA, and small RNA. RNA molecules are single- 
stranded and have extensive secondary structure. 

7. Eukaryotic DNA molecules are packaged with histones to form 
nucleosomes. Further condensation and attachment to the scaf- 
fold of a chromosome achieves an overall 8000-fold reduction in 
the length of the DNA molecule in metaphase chromosomes. 

8. The phosphodiester backbones of nucleic acids can be hydrolyzed 
by the actions of nucleases. Alkaline hydrolysis and RNase A- 
catalyzed hydrolysis of RNA proceed via a 2 ',3 '-cyclic nucleoside 
monophosphate intermediate. 

9. Restriction endonucleases catalyze hydrolysis of DNA at specific 
palindromic nucleotide sequences. Specific methylases protect re- 
striction sites from cleavage. 

10. Restriction enzymes are useful for constructing restriction maps 
of DNA, for DNA fingerprint analysis, and for constructing re- 
combinant DNA molecules. 


Selected Readings 599 


1. Compare hydrogen bonding in the a helix of proteins to hydro- 
gen bonding in the double helix of DNA. Include in the answer 
the role of hydrogen bonding in stabilizing these two structures. 

2. A stretch of double- stranded DNA contains 1000 bp and its base 
composition is 58% (G + C). How many thymine residues are in 
this region of DNA? 

3. (a) Do the two complementary strands of a segment of DNA 

have the same base composition? 

(b) Does (A + G) equal (C + T)? 

4. If one strand of DNA has the sequence 


write the sequence of the complementary strand using the stan- 
dard convention. 

5. Poly A forms a single-stranded helix. What forces stabilize this 

6. The imino tautomer of adenine occurs infrequently in DNA but 
when it does it can pair with cytosine instead of thymine. Such 
misp airing can lead to a mutation. Draw the adenine imino tau- 
tomer/cytosine base pair. 

7. Single- stranded poly-dA can hybridize to single- stranded poly- 
dT to form Watson-Crick base-paired double-stranded DNA. 
Under appropriate conditions a second strand of poly-dT can 
bind in the major groove and form a triple-stranded DNA helix 
with hydrogen bonds between the thymine and the N7 and amino 
group in adenine. What would a plot of absorbance at 260 nm vs. 
temperature look like for this unusual triple-stranded DNA? 

8. Write the sequence of the RNA shown in Figure 19.21. Is it a 

9. Consider a processive exonuclease that binds exclusively to double- 
stranded DNA and degrades one strand in the 5' — » 3' direction. 
In a reaction where the substrate is a 1 kb fragment of linear 
DNA, what will be the predominant products after the digestion 
has gone to completion? 

10. The average molecular weight of a base pair in double-stranded 
DNA is approximately 650 kDa. Using the data from Table 19.4, 
calculate the mass ratio of protein to DNA in a typical 30 nm 
chromatin fiber. 

11. The human haploid genome contains 3.2 x 10 9 base pairs. How 
many nucleosomes did you inherit from your mother? 

12. A DNA molecule with the sequence pdApdGpdTpdC can be 
cleaved by exonucleases. List the products of a single reaction cat- 
alyzed by the following enzymes: 

(a) a 3' — » 5' exonuclease that cleaves the 3' ester bond of a 
phosphodiester linkage 

(b) a 5' — » 3' exonuclease that cleaves the 5' ester bond of a 
phosphodiester linkage 

(c) a 5' — > 3' exonuclease that cleaves the 3' ester bond of a 
phosphodiester linkage 

13. A non-sequence-specific endonuclease purified from Aspergillus 
oryzae digests single-stranded DNA. Predict the effect of adding this 
enzyme to a preparation of negatively supercoiled plasmid DNA. 

14. One of the proteins in rattlesnake venom is an enzyme named 
phosphodiesterase. Could polynucleotides be a substrate for this 
enzyme? Why or why not? 

15. RNase T1 cleaves RNA after G residues to leave a 3' phosphate 
group. Predict the cleavage products of this substrate: 


16. How could bacteriophages escape the effects of bacterial restric- 
tion endonucleases? 

17. The free-living soil nematode C. elegans was the first metazoan to 
have its entire 100 Mb genome sequenced. Overall, the worm 
genome is 36% (G + C) and 64% (A + T). The restriction 
endonuclease Hindlll recognizes and cuts the hexameric palin- 
dromic sequence AAGCTT to generate sticky ends, (a) Approxi- 
mately how many Hindlll sites would you expect to find in the 
C. elegans genome? (b) If the worm genome was actually 25% G 
and 25% A, approximately how many Hindlll sites would you 
expect to find? 

18. The recognition sites for the restriction endonucleases Bglll and 
BamHl are shown below. Why is it possible to construct recombi- 
nant DNA molecules by combining target DNA cut with Bglll 
and a vector cut with BamHl? 

l i 


Bglll BamHl 

19. One of the E. coli host strains commonly used in recombinant 
DNA technology carries defective genes for several restriction en- 
donucleases. Why is such a strain useful? 

Selected Readings 

Historical Perspective 

Clayton, J., and Denis. C. (eds.) (2003). 50 Years of DNA. (New York: 
Nature/Pallgrave/Macmillan) . 

fudson, H. F. (1996). The Eighth Day of Creation: Makers of the Revolution in 
Biology , expanded ed. (Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor 
Laboratory Press). 

Maddox, B. (2002). Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA 
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o c 







_ o 

° o o o 

° o 


o o 


° c 



o o 

DNA Replication, Repair, 
and Recombination 

T he transfer of genetic information from one generation to the next has puzzled 
biologists since the time of Aristotle. Today, almost 2500 years later, we can ex- 
plain why “like begets like ” Since genetic information is carried in DNA, it fol- 
lows that the transfer of information from a parental cell to two daughter cells requires 
exact duplication of DNA, a process known as DNA replication. 

The DNA structure proposed by Watson and Crick in 1953 immediately suggested 
a method of replication. The nucleotide sequence of one strand automatically specifies 
the sequence of the other since the two strands of double-helical DNA are complemen- 
tary. Watson and Crick proposed that the two strands of the helix unwind during DNA 
replication and that each strand of DNA acts as a template for the synthesis of a com- 
plementary strand. In this way, DNA replication produces two double- stranded daugh- 
ter molecules, each containing one parental strand and one newly synthesized strand. 
This mode of replication is termed semiconservative because one strand of the parental 
DNA is conserved in each daughter molecule (Figure 20.1, on the next page). 

In a series of elegant experiments, Matthew Meselson and Franklin W. Stahl 
showed in 1958 that DNA was indeed replicated semiconservatively as predicted by 
Watson and Crick. About the same time, reports of the purification and properties of 
some of the enzymes involved in replication began to appear. The first DNA polymerase 
was purified in 1958 by Arthur Kornberg, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for this 
achievement. More recently, biochemists have isolated and characterized enzymes that 
catalyze all the steps in DNA replication and have identified the genes that encode these 
proteins. The actual mechanism of replication is much more complex — and more 
interesting — than the simple scheme shown in Figure 20.1. 

Establishing the steps of the replication mechanism required a combination of 
both biochemical and genetic analysis. Much of what we know about DNA replication 

The structure of DNA proposed by 
Watson and Crick brought forth a 
number of proposals as to how such 
a molecule might replicate. These 
proposals make specific predictions 
concerning the distribution of parental 
atoms among progeny molecules. 
The results presented here give a de- 
tailed answer to the question of this 
distribution and simultaneously di- 
rect our attention to other problems 
whose solution must be the next step 
in progress toward a complete un- 
derstanding of the molecular basis of 
DNA duplication. 

— Matthew Meselson and 
Franklin W. Stahl (1958) 

Top: Holliday junction, an intermediate formed during recombination between two double-stranded DNA molecules. 


602 CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

Parental Daughter molecules 

molecule , 1 , 

■ Parental strand 

Newly synthesized strand 


Termination site 



◄ Figure 20.1 

Semiconservative DNA replication. Each strand of DNA acts as a template for synthesis of a new strand. 
Each daughter molecule of DNA contains one parental strand and one newly synthesized strand. 

has come from studies of the enzymes in Escherichia coli and its bacteriophages. The re- 
sults of these studies have shown how large numbers of polypeptides assemble into 
complexes that can carry out a complicated series of reactions. The DNA replication 
complex is like a machine, or factory, whose parts are made of protein. Some of the 
component polypeptides are partially active in isolation but others are active only in 
association with the complete protein machine. 

There are three distinct stages in DNA replication. (1) Initiation begins with the 
correct assembly of the replication proteins at the site where DNA replication is to start. 
(2) During the elongation stage, DNA is replicated semiconservatively as the complex 
catalyzes the incorporation of nucleotides into the growing DNA strands. (3) Finally, 
when replication terminates, the protein machine is disassembled and the daughter 
molecules separate so that they can segregate into their new cells. 

Protein machines that carry out a series of biochemical reactions are not confined 
to the process of DNA replication but also occur in fatty acid synthesis (Section 16.1), 
transcription (Chapter 21), and translation (Chapter 22). All four of these processes 
include initiation, elongation, and termination steps. Furthermore, there is increasing 
evidence that other processes of cellular metabolism are also carried out by complexes 
of weakly associated enzymes and other macromolecules. 

The maintenance of genetic information from generation to generation requires 
that DNA replication be both rapid (because the entire complement of DNA must be 
replicated before each cell division) and accurate. All cells have enzymes that correct 
replication errors and repair damaged DNA. Furthermore, all cells can shuffle pieces of 
DNA in a process known as genetic recombination. Both repair and recombination use 
many of the same enzymes and proteins that are required for DNA replication. 

The overall strategy of DNA replication, repair, and recombination in prokaryotes 
and eukaryotes appears to be conserved, although specific enzymes vary among organ- 
isms. Just as two different makes of automobile are similar even though individual parts 
cannot be substituted for one another, so too are the mechanisms of DNA replication, 
repair, and recombination similar in all organisms, even though the individual enzymes 
may differ. We are going to focus on the biochemistry of these three processes in E. coli 
because of its many well- characterized enzymes. 

20.1 DNA Replication Is Bidirectional 

The E. coli chromosome is a large, circular, double-stranded DNA molecule of 
4.6 X 10 3 kilobase pairs (kb). Replication of this chromosome begins at a unique site 
called the origin of replication and proceeds bidirectionally until the two replication 
complexes meet at the termination site, where replication stops (Figure 20.2). The pro- 
tein machine that carries out the polymerization reaction is called a replisome. It 
contains a number of different proteins that are required for rapid and accurate DNA 
replication. One replisome is located at each of the two replication forks, the points 
where the parental DNA is unwound. Figure 20.3 shows an autoradiograph of a repli- 
cating E. coli chromosome. 

As parental DNA is unwound at a replication fork, each strand is used as a template 
for the synthesis of a new strand. The rate of movement of a replication fork in E. coli is 
approximately 1000 base pairs (bp) per second. In other words, each of the two new 
strands is extended at the rate of 1000 nucleotides per second. Since there are two repli- 
cation forks moving at this rate, the entire E. coli chromosome can be duplicated in 
about 38 minutes. 

◄ Figure 20.2 

Bidirectional DNA replication in Escherichia coli. Semiconservative DNA replication begins at a 
unique origin and proceeds in both directions. The synthesis of new strands of DNA (light gray) 
occurs at the two replication forks where the replisomes are located. The two double-stranded DNA 
molecules separate when the replication forks meet at the termination site. Note that each daugh- 
ter molecule consists of one parental strand and one newly synthesized strand. 

20.2 DNA Polymerase 603 

Eukaryotic chromosomes are linear, double-stranded DNA 
molecules that are usually much larger than the chromosomes of 
bacteria. The large chromosomes of the fruit fly Drosophila 
melanogaster for example, are about 5.0 X 10 4 kb in size or 10 times 
larger than the E. coli chromosome. Replication in eukaryotes is also 
bidirectional but whereas the E. coli chromosome has a unique origin 
of replication, eukaryotic chromosomes have multiple sites where 
DNA synthesis is initiated (Figure 20.4). The rate of fork movement 
in eukaryotes is slower than in bacteria but the presence of many in- 
dependent origins of replication enables the larger eukaryotic 
genomes to be copied in approximately the same amount of time as 
prokaryotic genomes. 

20.2 DNA Polymerase 

The synthesis of a new strand of DNA is achieved by the successive 
addition of nucleotides to the end of a growing chain. This polymer- 
ization is catalyzed by enzymes known as DNA- directed DNA poly- 
merases, or simply DNA polymerases. E. coli cells contain three 
different DNA polymerases; each protein is identified by a roman 
numeral according to the order of its discovery. DNA polymerase I 
repairs DNA and participates in the synthesis of one of the strands 
of DNA during replication. DNA polymerase II plays a role in DNA 
repair. DNA polymerase III is the major DNA replication enzyme 
responsible for chain elongation during DNA replication and is the 
essential part of the replisome. 

DNA polymerase III contains ten different polypeptide subunits. 

It is by far the largest of the three DNA polymerases (Table 20.1). The purified holoen- 
zyme is an asymmetric dimer consisting of two copies of each polypeptide as shown in 
Figure 20.5. The a , e, and 9 polypeptides combine to form two core complexes that are 
responsible for the polymerization reactions. The /3 subunits form a sliding clamp that 
surrounds each of the two DNA strands at the replication fork. Most of the remaining 
subunits make up the y complex, or “clamp loader” that assists in assembly of the repli- 
some and helps to keep the enzyme bound to parental DNA during successive polymer- 
ization reactions. 

▲ Figure 20.3 

Autoradiograph of a replicating E. coli 
chromosome. The DNA was labeled with 
3 H-deoxythymidine, and the radioactivity 
detected by overlaying the replicating chro- 
mosome with photographic emulsion. The 
autoradiograph shows that the E. coli chro- 
mosome has two replication forks. 

▲ Figure 20.4 

Electron micrograph of replicating DNA from an embryo of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Note 
the large number of replication forks at opposite ends of “bubbles” of duplicated DNA. 

▲ Arthur Kornberg (1918-2007). Kornberg 
received the Nobel Prize in 1959 for his 
discovery of DNA polymerase. 

604 CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 


Two replication forks move in 
opposite directions from the origin 
of replication. 

The convention for assigning the direc- 
tion of DNA strands is described in 
Section 19.2A. 

Figure 20.5 ► 

Diagram of the subunit composition of E. coli 
DNA polymerase III. The holoenzyme consists 
of two core complexes (containing a, s and 
6), paired copies of p and r, and a single y 
complex (y, 8, 8' , with two copies each of ifj, 
and %)■ The structure is thus an asymmetric 
dimer. Other models of the holoenzyme 
structure have been proposed. [Adapted 
from O’Donnell, M. (1992). Accessory pro- 
tein function in the DNA polymerase III 
holoenzyme from E. coli. BioEssays 

Table 20.1 Subunits of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme 


M r 




1 30 000 




27 000 

? core 


3' — » 5' exonuclease 


8846 J 




40 000 


Forms sliding clamp 


71 000 


Enhances dimerization of core; ATPase 


47 000 > 

| dnaX \ 


38 700 


8 ' 

36 900 

/ 7 

f complex 

holS > 

Enhance processivity; assist 


16 600 


in replisome assembly 

15 174 J 

’ holD ) 

A. Chain Elongation Is a Nucleotidyl Group Transfer Reaction 

All DNA polymerases, including DNA polymerase III, synthesize DNA by adding one 
nucleotide at a time to the 3' end of the growing chain. The nucleotide substrate is a de- 
oxyribonucleoside 5 '-triphosphate (dNTP). The specific nucleotide is determined by 
Watson- Crick base pairing to the template strand; adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T) 
and guanine (G) pairs with cytosine (C). Since the pool of each dNTP in a cell is 
approximately equal, this means that on average the enzyme spends three quarters of its 
time discriminating against incorrect dNTPs that have diffused into the catalytic site 
where they try to base pair with the template strand. 

DNA polymerase III catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester linkage between 
the incoming dNTP and the growing chain. The incoming dNTP forms a base pair with 
a residue of the template strand (Figure 20.6). Once a correct base pair has formed, the 
free 3 '-hydroxyl group of the nascent DNA chain carries out a nucleophilic attack on 
the a-phosphorus atom of the incoming dNTP. This reaction leads to the addition of a 
nucleoside monophosphate and displacement of pyrophosphate. Subsequent hydrolysis 
of the pyrophosphate by the abundant enzyme pyrophosphatase makes the polymeriza- 
tion reaction highly favorable in the direction of polymerization. The direction of poly- 
merization (chain growth) is defined as 5' — » 3', reading across the carbon atoms on 
the sugar ring of the newly added residue. 

Core complex 

20.2 DNA Polymerase 605 

New strand 
5' DNA 


o— P — 0— P — 0— P — O 



3' DNA 
H O 

V H H\ 

V H H\ 

Hydrogen bonds 

k tr\ -frv v m r\ r\ 

^ N ^ have formed 

2 Pi « 


h 2 o 


Chain growth 

5' — > 3' 

◄ Figure 20.6 

Elongation of a DNA chain. A base 
pair is created when an incoming 
deoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphate 
(blue) forms hydrogen bonds with a 
residue of the parental strand. A 
phosphodiester linkage forms when 
the terminal 3'-hydroxyl group 
attacks the a-phosphorus atom of 
the incoming nucleotide. Hydrolysis 
of the released pyrophosphate 
makes the overall reaction thermo- 
dynamically favorable. 

5' DNA 

Template strand 



CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

DNA polymerase III advances by one residue, after each addition reaction, and an- 
other nucleotidyl group transfer reaction occurs. This mechanism ensures that the new 
chain is extended by the stepwise addition of single nucleotides that are properly 
aligned by base pairing with the template strand. As expected, DNA polymerase III can- 
not synthesize DNA in the absence of a template, nor can it add nucleotides in the ab- 
sence of a 3' end of a preexisting chain. In other words, DNA polymerase III requires 
both a template and a primer as substrates for synthesis to occur. 

As noted earlier, DNA replication inside the cell proceeds at a rate of approximately 
1000 nucleotides per second. This is the fastest known rate of any in vivo polymeriza- 
tion reaction. The rate of polymerization catalyzed by purified DNA polymerase III in 
vitro , however, is much slower, indicating that the isolated enzyme lacks some compo- 
nents necessary for full activity. Only when the complete replisome is assembled does 
polymerization in vitro occur at approximately the rate found inside the cell. 

The elongation reaction in fatty acid syn- 
thesis is another example of a proces- 
sive polymerization reaction catalyzed 
by a large complex (Section 16.1C). 

The glycogen synthase reaction is an 
example of a distributive polymerization 
reaction (Section 12.5A). 

B. DNA Polymerase III Remains Bound to the Replication Fork 

Once DNA synthesis has been initiated, the polymerase remains bound at the replica- 
tion fork until replication is complete. The 3' end of the growing chain remains associ- 
ated with the active site of the enzyme while many nucleotides are added sequentially. 
As part of the replisome, the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is highly processive (see 
Section 12. 5 A). This means that only a small number of DNA polymerase III molecules 
are needed to replicate the entire chromosome. Processivity also accounts for the rapid 
rate of DNA replication. 

The processivity of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is due, in part, to the /3 
subunits of the enzyme. These subunits have no activity on their own but when assem- 
bled into the holoenzyme they form a ring that can completely surround the DNA mol- 
ecule. The ring is formed by two /3 subunits that form a head-to-tail dimer. Each of the 
subunits contains three similar domains consisting of a /3 sandwich fold with two a 
helices at the interior edge that interact with DNA (Figure 20.7). The /3 subunits thus 
act as a sliding clamp locking the polymerase onto the DNA substrate. Incorporating 
DNA polymerase III into an even larger protein machine at the replication fork further 
ensures that the enzyme remains associated with the nascent DNA chains during poly- 
merization. Many other biochemically characterized DNA replication systems have 
evolved the same strategy to make DNA replication faster (more efficient). For example, 
two related bacteriophage, T 4 and RB69, both encode a replication accessory protein, 
gp45, that forms a circular clamp (Figure 20.7). This clamp structure locks the phage- 
encoded DNA polymerases onto their DNA substrates and enhances processivity. 
Figure 20.8 shows a model for how this is likely to work in vivo for bacteriophage DNA 
polymerase bound to DNA. The sliding clamp surrounds the double-stranded region of 
DNA and interacts with the subunits containing the polymerase activity that bind to the 
single-stranded region of the replication fork. Eukaryotic DNA polymerases use the 
same strategy to clamp onto their substrates (see Section 20.6). 

Figure 20.7 ► 

DNA polymerases can use sliding ring clamps 
to increase processivity. These three crystal 
structures show the convergent evolution 
of structure and function; (a) the p subunit 
of E. coli DNA polymerase III [PDB 1MMI]; 
(b) Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen 
(PCNA) that performs the same function in 
archaebacteria; [PDB 3LX1] (c) gp45 from 
bacteriophage T4 is also a sliding ring that 
clamps DNA polymerase to its DNA sub- 
strate. [PDB 1CZD] 

20.3 DNA Polymerase Synthesizes Two Strands Simultaneously 607 

RB69 DNA polymerase (gp43) 

RB69 sliding clamp (gp45) 

◄ Figure 20.8 

Model of bacteriophage DNA polymerase 
bound to DNA. The sliding clamp (purple) 
surrounds the newly synthesized double- 
stranded DNA. The subunit containing the 
active site is shown in blue. The 3' end of 
the nascent strand is positioned at the ac- 
tive site and the single-stranded region of 
the template strand extends leftward. The 
DNA polymerase will move from right to 
left as the nascent strand is extended. 
[PDB 1WAI]. 

C. Proofreading Corrects Polymerization Errors 

The DNA polymerase III holoenzyme also possesses a3'^5' exonuclease activity. 
This exonuclease, whose active site lies primarily within the s subunit, can catalyze hy- 
drolysis of the phosphodiester linkage that joins the 3 '-terminal residue to the rest of the 
growing polynucleotide chain. Thus, the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme can catalyze 
both chain elongation and degradation. The exonuclease activity allows the holoen- 
zyme to proofread, or edit, newly synthesized DNA in order to correct any mismatched 
base pairs. When DNA polymerase III recognizes a distortion in the DNA produced by 
an incorrectly paired base, the exonuclease activity of the enzyme catalyzes removal of 
the mispaired nucleotide before polymerization continues. 

An incorrect base is incorporated about once every 10 5 polymerization steps 
for an error rate of about 10 -5 . The 3' — > 5' proofreading exonuclease activity will re- 
move 99% of these incorrect nucleotides. It has an error rate of 10 -2 . The combina- 
tion of these two sequential reactions yields an error rate for polymerization of 10 -7 . 
This is one of the lowest error rates of any enzyme. Most of these replication errors 
are subsequently repaired by separate DNA repair enzymes (Section 20.7) yielding an 
overall error rate for DNA replication of between 10 -9 and 10 -10 . Despite this im- 
pressive accuracy, replication errors are common when large genomes are duplicated. 
(Recall that the human genome contains 3.2 X 10 9 bp, which means that, on average, 
each time the genome is replicated an error gets transmitted to one of the two daugh- 
ter cells.) Mistakes that occur during DNA replication are the most common source 
of mutation. What this means is that most of evolution is due to the inaccuracy of 
DNA replication! 

Proofreading is possible because the 
polymerization mechanism is head 
growth not tail growth (Box 12.3). 


The accuracy of DNA polymerase 
combined with proofreading and DNA 
repair makes DNA replication the most 
accurate biochemical reaction known. 

20.3 DNA Polymerase Synthesizes Two 
Strands Simultaneously 

DNA polymerases catalyze chain elongation exclusively in the 5' — > 3' direction, as 
shown in Figure 20.6. Since the two strands of DNA are antiparallel, 5' — > 3' synthesis 
using one template strand occurs in the same direction as fork movement but 5' — > 3' 
synthesis using the other template strand occurs in the direction opposite fork move- 
ment (Figure 20.9). The new strand formed by polymerization in the same direction as 

608 CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 


▲ Figure 20.9 

Diagram of the replication fork. The two newly 
synthesized strands have opposite polarity. 
On the leading strand, 5' —> 3 ' synthesis 
moves in the same direction as the replica- 
tion fork; on the lagging strand, 5' — >3' 
synthesis moves in the opposite direction. 

| Parental DNA (unlabeled) 

i— I Newly synthesized DNA 
without 3 H label 

|— | Newly synthesized DNA labeled 
with 3 H-deoxythymidine 

Separate by size (only newly 
synthesized DNA containing 
3 H-deoxythymidine is shown) 

Long fragments from 
leading strand 

fork movement is called the leading strand. The new strand formed by polymerization 
in the opposite direction is called the lagging strand. Recall that the DNA polymerase III 
holoenzyme dimer contains two core complexes that can catalyze polymerization. One 
of these is responsible for synthesis of the leading strand and the other is responsible for 
synthesis of the lagging strand. 

A. Lagging Strand Synthesis Is Discontinuous 

The leading strand is synthesized as one continuous polynucleotide beginning at the 
origin and ending at the termination site. In contrast, the lagging strand is synthesized 
discontinuously in short pieces in the direction opposite fork movement. These pieces 
of lagging strand are then joined by a separate reaction. In Section 20.4, we present a 
model of the replication fork that explains how one enzyme complex can synthesize 
both strands simultaneously. 

An experiment that illustrates discontinuous DNA synthesis is shown in 
Figure 20.10. E. coli DNA is labeled with a short pulse of 3 H-deoxythymidine. The 
newly made DNA molecules are then isolated, denatured, and separated by size. The ex- 
periment detects two types of labeled DNA molecules: very large DNA molecules that 
collectively contain about half the radioactivity of the partially replicated DNA and 
shorter DNA fragments of about 1000 residues that collectively contain the other half of 
the radioactivity. The large DNA molecules arise from continuous synthesis of the lead- 
ing strand while the shorter fragments arise from discontinuous synthesis of the lagging 
strand. The short pieces of lagging strand DNA are named Okazaki fragments in honor of 
their discoverer, Reiji Okazaki. The overall mechanism of DNA replication is called 
semidiscontinuous to emphasize the different mechanisms for replicating each strand. 

B. Each Okazaki Fragment Begins with an RNA Primer 

It was clear that lagging strand synthesis is discontinuous but it was not obvious how 
synthesis of each Okazaki fragment is initiated. The problem is that no DNA poly- 
merase can begin polymerization de novo ; they can only add nucleotides to existing 
polymers. This limitation presents little difficulty for leading strand synthesis since once 
DNA synthesis is under way nucleotides are continuously added to a growing chain. 
However, on the lagging strand the synthesis of each Okazaki fragment requires a new 
initiation event. This is accomplished by making short pieces of RNA at the replication 
fork. These RNA primers are complementary to the lagging strand template. Each 
primer is extended from its 3' end by DNA polymerase to form an Okazaki fragment as 
shown in Figure 20.11. (Synthesis of the leading strand also begins with an RNA primer 
but only one primer is required to initiate synthesis of the entire strand.) 

The use of short RNA primers gets around the limitation imposed by the mecha- 
nism of DNA polymerase — namely, that it cannot initiate DNA synthesis de novo. The 
primers are synthesized by a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase enzyme called 
primase — the product of the dnaG gene in E. coli. The three-dimensional crystal struc- 
ture of the DnaG catalytic domain revealed that its folding and active site are distinct 
from the well studied polymerases suggesting that it may employ a novel enzyme mech- 
anism. Primase is part of a larger complex called the primosome that contains many 
other polypeptides in addition to primase. The primosome, along with DNA poly- 
merase III, is part of the replisome. 

As the replication fork progresses, the parental DNA is unwound and single- 
stranded DNA becomes exposed. Primase catalyzes the synthesis of a short RNA primer 
about once every second using this single-stranded DNA as a template. The primers are 
only a few nucleotides in length. Since the replication fork advances at a rate of about 

◄ Figure 20.10 

Discontinuous DNA synthesis demonstrated by analysis of newly synthesized DNA. Nascent DNA mole- 
cules are labeled in E. coli with a short pulse of 3 H-deoxythymidine. The cells are lysed, the DNA 
is isolated, and single strands are separated by size. The labeled DNA molecules fall into two classes: 
long molecules arising from continuous synthesis of the leading strand and short fragments arising 
from discontinuous synthesis of the lagging strand. 

20.3 DNA Polymerase Synthesizes Two Strands Simultaneously 609 


1000 nucleotides per second, one primer is synthesized for approximately every 1000 
nucleotides that are incorporated. DNA polymerase III catalyzes synthesis of DNA in 
the 5' — > 3' direction by extending each short RNA primer. 

C. Okazaki Fragments Are Joined by the Action of DNA 
Polymerase I and DNA Ligase 

Okazaki fragments are eventually joined to produce a continuous strand of DNA. The 
reaction proceeds in three steps: removal of the RNA primer, synthesis of replacement 
DNA, and sealing of the adjacent DNA fragments. The steps are carried out by the com- 
bined action of DNA polymerase I and DNA ligase. 

DNA polymerase I of E. coli was the enzyme discovered by Arthur Kornberg. It was 
the first enzyme to be found that could catalyze DNA synthesis using a template strand. 
In a single polypeptide, DNA polymerase I contains the two activities found in the DNA 
polymerase III holoenzyme: 5' — > 3' polymerase activity and 3' — > 5' proofreading ex- 
onuclease activity. In addition, DNA polymerase I has 5' — > 3' exonuclease activity, an 
activity not found in DNA polymerase III. 

DNA polymerase I can be cleaved with certain proteolytic enzymes to generate a 
small fragment that contains the 5' — > 3' exonuclease activity and a larger fragment 
that retains the polymerization and proofreading activities. The larger fragment con- 
sists of the C-terminal 605 amino acid residues, and the smaller fragment contains the 
remaining N-terminal 323 residues. The large fragment, known as the Klenow frag- 
ment, was widely used for DNA sequencing and is still used in many other techniques 
that require DNA synthesis without 5' — > 3' degradation. In addition, many studies of 
the mechanisms of DNA synthesis and proofreading use the Klenow fragment as a 
model for more complicated DNA polymerases. 

Figure 20.12 shows the structure of the Klenow fragment complexed with a frag- 
ment of DNA containing a mismatched terminal base pair. The 3' end of the nascent 
strand is positioned at the 3' —> 5' exonuclease site of the enzyme. During polymerization, 
the template strand occupies the groove at the top of the structure and at least 10 bp of 
double- stranded DNA are bound by the enzyme as shown in the figure. Many of the 
amino acid residues involved in binding DNA are similar in all DNA polymerases 

Figure 20.12 ► 

Structure of the Klenow fragment with a bound DNA fragment. The enzyme wraps around the DNA. The 

3' end of the nascent strand is positioned at the 3' — » 5' exonuclease site (lower left). During DNA 
synthesis in vivo the template strand extends beyond the double-stranded region shown in the crystal 
structure. [PDB 1KLN]. 

◄ Figure 20.11 

Diagram of lagging strand synthesis. A short 
piece of RNA (brown) serves as a primer for 
the synthesis of each Okazaki fragment. The 
length of the Okazaki fragment is deter- 
mined by the distance between successive 
RNA primers. 

3' -» 5' exonuclease 
active site 

610 CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

▲ E. coli DNA ligase bound to nicked DNA. 
[PDB 20W0] 

▲ Structure of nicked DNA substrate when 
bound by DNA ligase [PDB 20W0]. 

although the enzymes may be otherwise quite different in three-dimensional structure 
and amino acid sequence. 

The unique 5' — » 3' exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase I removes the RNA 
primer at the beginning of each Okazaki fragment. (Since it is not part of the Klenow 
fragment, the 5' — > 3' exonuclease is not shown in Figure 20.12, but it would be located 
at the top of the structure next to the groove that accommodates the template strand.) 
As the primer is removed, the polymerase synthesizes DNA to fill in the region between 
Okazaki fragments, a process called nick translation (Figure 20.13). In nick translation, 
DNA polymerase I recognizes and binds to the nick between the 3' end of an Okazaki 
fragment and the 5' end of the next primer. The 5' — > 3' exonuclease then catalyzes hy- 
drolytic removal of the first RNA nucleotide while the 5' — » 3' polymerase adds a de- 
oxynucleotide to the 3' end of the DNA chain. In this way, the enzyme moves the nick 
along the lagging strand. DNA polymerase I dissociates from the DNA after completing 
10 or 12 cycles of hydrolysis and polymerization, leaving behind two Okazaki fragments 
that are separated by a nick in the phosphodiester backbone. The removal of RNA 
primers by DNA polymerase I is an essential part of DNA replication because the final 
product must consist entirely of double-stranded DNA. 

The last step in the synthesis of the lagging strand of DNA is the formation of a 
phosphodiester linkage between the 3 '-hydroxyl group at the end of one Okazaki frag- 
ment and the 5 '-phosphate group of an adjacent Okazaki fragment. This step is 
catalyzed by DNA ligase. The DNA ligases in eukaryotic cells and in bacteriophage- 
infected cells require ATP as a cosubstrate. In contrast, E. coli DNA ligase uses NAD® as 
a cosubstrate. NAD® is the source of the nucleotidyl group that is transferred, first to 
the enzyme and then to the DNA, to create an ADP-DNA intermediate. The proposed 
mechanism of DNA ligase in E. coli is shown in Figure 20.14. The net reaction is 

DNA (nicked) + NAD® > DNA(sealed) + NMN® + AMP (20.1) 

20.4 Model of the Replisome 

The replisome contains a primosome, the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, and add- 
itional proteins that are required for DNA replication. The assembly of many proteins 
into a single machine allows coordinated synthesis of the leading and lagging strands at 
the replication fork. 

The template for DNA polymerase III is single-stranded DNA. This means that the 
two strands of the parental double helix must be unwound and separated during repli- 
cation. This unwinding is accomplished primarily by a class of proteins called helicases. 
The helicase DnaB is required for DNA replication in E. coli. DnaB is one of the sub- 
units of the primosome that, in turn, is part of the larger replisome. The rate of DNA 
unwinding is directly coupled to the rate of polymerization as the replisome moves 
along the chromosome. Unwinding is assisted by the actions of various topoisomerases 
(Section 19.3) that relieve supercoiling ahead of and behind the replication fork. These 
enzymes are not part of the replisome but they are required for replication. The most 
important topoisomerase in E. coli is topoisomerase II, or gyrase. Mutants lacking this 
enzyme cannot replicate their DNA. The end result is the production of two daughter 
molecules each containing one newly synthesized stand and one parental strand as 
shown in Figure 20.1. At no time during DNA replication is there a significant stretch of 
single-stranded DNA other than that found on the lagging strand template. 

Another protein that is part of the replisome is single-strand binding protein 
(SSB), also known as helix-destabilizing protein. SSB binds to single-stranded DNA and 
prevents it from folding back on itself to form double-stranded regions. SSB is a 
tetramer of four identical small subunits. Each tetramer covers about 32 nucleotides of 
DNA. Binding of SSB to DNA is cooperative; that is, binding of the first tetramer facili- 
tates binding of the second, and so on. The presence of several adjacent SSB molecules 
on single-stranded DNA produces an extended, relatively inflexible, DNA conformation. 
Single-stranded DNA coated with SSB is an ideal template for synthesis of the comple- 
mentary strand during DNA replication because it is free of secondary structure. 

20.4 Model of the Replisome 611 

(a) Completion of Okazaki fragment synthesis leaves a nick between the Okazaki < Figure 20.13 

fragment and the preceding RNA primer on the lagging strand. Joining of Okazaki fragments by the combined 

action of DNA polymerase I and DNA ligase. 

Okazaki fragment 

RNA primer 

(b) DNA polymerase I extends the Okazaki fragment while its 5'— » 3' exonuclease 
activity removes the RNA primer. This process, called nick translation, results in 
movement of the nick along the lagging strand. 

5'-> 3' polymerization 

(c) DNA polymerase I dissociates after extending the Okazaki fragment 10-12 nucleotides. 
DNA ligase binds to the nick. 

Nick DNA ligase 

(d) DNA ligase catalyzes formation of a phosphodiester linkage, which seals the 
nick, creating a continuous lagging strand. The enzyme then dissociates from 
the DNA. 

Closed nick 



3 ' 

612 CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

Sealed DNA strand 

▲ Figure 20.14 

Proposed mechanism of DNA ligase in E. coli. Using NAD© as a cosubstrate, E. coli DNA ligase catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester linkage at 
a nick in DNA. In Step 1, the e-amino group of a lysine residue of DNA ligase attacks the phosphorus atom bonded to the 5'-oxygen atom of the adeno- 
sine moiety of NAD®. Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN©) is displaced, generating an AMP-DNA-ligase intermediate. (With DNA ligases that use 
ATP as the cosubstrate, pyrophosphate is displaced.) In Step 2, an oxygen atom of the free 5'-phosphate group of the DNA attacks the phosphate 
group of the AMP-enzyme complex, forming an ADP-DNA intermediate. In Step 3, the nucleophilic 3'-hydroxyl group on the terminal residue of the 
adjacent DNA strand attacks the activated 5'-phosphate group of ADP-DNA, releasing AMP and generating a phosphodiester linkage that seals the 
nick in the DNA strand. B represents any base. 

A model of DNA synthesis by the replisome is shown in Figure 20.15. The primo- 
some containing the primase and helicase is located at the head of the replication fork, 
followed by a DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. (In order to simplify the figure, only 
the core complexes of DNA polymerase III are shown.) Primase synthesizes an RNA 
primer approximately once every second as the helicase unwinds the DNA. One of the 
two core complexes in the holoenzyme dimer synthesizes the leading strand continuously 

20.4 Model of the Replisome 613 


▲ Model for E. coli SSB tetramer bound to 

◄ DNA bound to SSB Model for the ex- 
tended conformation of three SSB tetramers 
bound cooperatively to ssDNA. [PDB 1EYG] 

Source: Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 
7:648-652 (2000) Raghunathan et al. 

(a) The lagging-strand template loops back through the replisome so that the 
leading and lagging strands are synthesized in the same direction. SSB binds 
to single-stranded DNA. 







SSB tetramer 

(b) As helicase unwinds the DNA template, primase synthesizes an RNA primer. 
The lagging-strand polymerase completes an Okazaki fragment. 


5 ' 

◄ Figure 20.15 

Simultaneous synthesis of leading and lagging 
strands at a replication fork. The replisome 
contains the DNA polymerase III holoen- 
zyme (only the core complexes are shown); 
a primosome containing primase, a helicase, 
and other subunits; and additional compo- 
nents including single-strand binding protein 
(SSB). One core complex of the holoenzyme 
synthesizes the leading strand while the 
other core complex synthesizes the lagging 
strand. The lagging-strand template 
is looped back through the replisome so 
that the leading and lagging strands can be 
synthesized in the same direction as fork 
movement, (c) and (d) continue on the next 


CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

Figure 20.15 (Continued) ► 

(c) When the lagging-strand polymerase encounters the preceding Okazaki 
fragment, it releases the lagging strand. 

(d) The lagging-strand polymerase binds to a newly synthesized primer and begins 
synthesizing another Okazaki fragment. 

in the 5' —> 3' direction while the other extends the RNA primers to form Okazaki 
fragments. The lagging-strand template is thought to fold back into a large loop. This 
configuration allows both the leading and lagging strands to be synthesized in the same 
direction as fork movement. 

The two core complexes of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme are drawn in the 
model as equivalent but their roles in DNA replication are not equivalent. One of them 
remains firmly bound to the leading-strand template whereas the other binds the 
lagging-strand template until it encounters the RNA primer of the previously synthe- 
sized Okazaki fragment. At this point the core complex releases the lagging-strand 
template. The lagging-strand template reassociates with the holoenzyme at the site of 
the next primer and synthesis continues (Figure 20.15d). The entire holoenzyme is 
extremely processive since half of it remains associated with the leading strand from the 
beginning of replication until termination while the other half processively synthesizes 
stretches of 1000 nucleotides in the lagging strand. The y complex of the holoenzyme 
aids in binding and releasing the lagging-strand template by participating in the 
removal and reassembly of the sliding clamp formed by the (3 subunits. 

The replisome model explains how synthesis of the leading and lagging strands is coor- 
dinated. The structure of the replisome also ensures that all the components necessary for 

20.6 DNA Replication Technologies 615 

replication are available at the right time, in the right amount, and in the right place. Com- 
plexes of proteins that function together to carry out a biochemical task are frequently called 
protein machines. The replisome is an example of a protein machine, as are the bacterial fla- 
gellum (Chapter 4), the ATP synthase complex (Chapter 14), the photosynthetic reaction 
center (Chapter 15), and several others that are discussed in the following chapters. 

20.5 Initiation and Termination 
of DNA Replication 

As noted earlier, DNA replication begins at a specific DNA sequence called the origin. In E. 
coli , this site is called oriC , and it is located at about 10 o’clock on the genetic map of the 
chromosome (Figure 20.16). The initial assembly of replisomes at oriC depends on pro- 
teins that bind to this site causing local unwinding of the DNA. One of these proteins, 
DnaA, is encoded by the dnaA gene that is located very close to the origin. DnaA helps reg- 
ulate DNA replication by controlling the frequency of initiation. The initial RNA primers 
required for leading- strand synthesis are probably made by the primosomes at the origin. 

Termination of replication in E. coli occurs at the termination site ( ter ), a region 
opposite the origin on the circular chromosome. This region contains DNA sequences 
that are binding sites for a protein known as terminator utilization substance (Tus). The 
structure of Tus bound to a single termination site is shown in Figure 20.17. Regions of 
/ 3 strand lie in the major groove of DNA where the amino acid side chains make contact 
with the base pairs and recognize the ter sequence. Tus prevents replication forks from 
passing through the region by inhibiting the helicase activity of the replisome. The ter- 
mination site also contains DNA sequences that play a role in the separation of daughter 
chromosomes when DNA replication is completed. 

20.6 DNA Replication Technologies 

Our understanding of the basic principles of DNA replication has led to the develop- 
ment of some amazing technologies that Watson and Crick could never have anticipated 
in 1953. We have already encountered site-directed matagenesis (Box 6.1). In this 
section we explore amplification and sequencing technologies that have transformed 
biochemistry and, indeed, all biology. These technologies have produced genome 
sequences of extinct species (e.g., Homo neanderthalensis) and to the discovery of the 
genetic basis of many human traits and diseases. 

A. The Polymerase Chain Reaction Uses DNA Polymerase 
to Amplify Selected DNA Sequences 

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a valuable tool for amplifying a small amount of 
DNA or increasing the proportion of a particular DNA sequence in a population of 
mixed DNA molecules. The use of PCR technology avoids the need to take large sam- 
ples of tissue in order to obtain enough DNA to manipulate for sequencing or cloning. 
The polymerase chain reaction also enables the production of a large number of copies 
of a gene that has not been isolated but whose sequence is known. It thus can serve as an 
alternative to cloning for gene amplification. 

The PCR technique is illustrated in the figure on page 621. Sequence information 
from both sides of the desired locus is used to construct oligonucleotide primers that 
flank the DNA sequence to be amplified. The oligonucleotide primers are complementary 
to opposite strands and their 3 ' ends are oriented toward each other. The DNA from the 
source (usually representing the entire DNA in a cell) is denatured by heating in the pres- 
ence of excess oligonucleotides. On cooling, the primers preferentially anneal to their 
complementary sites, which border the DNA sequence of interest. The primers are then 
extended using a heat- stable DNA polymerase, such as Taq polymerase from the ther- 
mophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus. After one cycle of synthesis, the reaction mixture 

Figure 20.17 ► 

Structure of E. colilus bound to DNA. Tus binds to specific sequences at the termination site of DNA 
replication. The bound protein blocks movement of the replisome. [PDB 1ECR]. 

▲ Protein machines. Sometimes the machine 
metaphor can be taken too literally 
as in this humorous cover from the Journal 

▲ Figure 20.16 

Location of the origin (or/C) and terminus [ter) 
of DNA replication in E. coli. dnaA is the gene 
for the protein DnaA, which is required to 
initiate replication. The distance between 
oriC and dnaA is about 40 kb. The red ar- 
rows indicate the direction of movement of 
the replication forks. 


CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

is again heated to dissociate the DNA strands and cooled to reanneal the DNA with the 
oligonucleotides. The primers are then extended again. In this second cycle, two of the 
newly synthesized, single-stranded chains are precisely the length of the DNA between the 
5' ends of the primers. The cycle is repeated many times, with reaction time and tempera- 
ture carefully controlled. With each cycle, the number of DNA strands whose 5' and 3' 
ends are defined by the ends of the primers increases exponentially, whereas the number 
of DNA strands including sequences outside the region bordered by the primers increases 
arithmetically. As a result, the desired DNA is preferentially replicated until, after 20 to 30 
cycles, it makes up most of the DNA in the test tube. The target DNA sequence can then 
be cloned, sequenced, or used as a probe for screening a recombinant DNA library. 

B. Sequencing DNA Using Dideoxynucleotides 

In 1976 Frederick Sanger developed a method for sequencing DNA enzymatically using 
the Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I. Sanger was awarded his second 
Nobel Prize for this achievement (he received his first Nobel Prize for developing a 
method for sequencing proteins). The advantage of using the Klenow fragment for this 
type of reaction is that the enzyme lacks 5' — » 3' exonuclease activity, which could de- 
grade newly synthesized DNA. However, one of the disadvantages is that the Klenow 
fragment is not very processive and is easily inhibited by the presence of secondary 
structure in the single-stranded DNA template. This limitation can be overcome by 
adding SSB or analogous proteins, or more commonly, by using DNA polymerases from 
bacteria that grow at high temperatures. Such polymerases are active at 60° to 70°C, a 
temperature at which secondary structure in single-stranded DNA is unstable. 

The Sanger sequencing method uses 2', 3'-dideoxynucleoside triphosphates 
(ddNTPs), which differ from the deoxyribonucleotide substrates of DNA synthesis by 
lacking a 3 '-hydroxyl group (see below). The dideoxyribonucleotides, which can serve 
as substrates for DNA polymerase, are added to the 3' end of the growing chain. Be- 
cause these nucleotides lack a 3 '-hydroxyl group, subsequent nucleotide additions can- 
not take place and incorporation of a dideoxynucleotide terminates the growth of the 
DNA chain. When a small amount of a particular dideoxyribonucleotide is included in 
a DNA synthesis reaction, it is occasionally incorporated in place of the corresponding 
dNTP, immediately terminating replication. The length of the resulting fragment of 
DNA identifies the position of the nucleotide that should have been incorporated. 

DNA sequencing using ddNTP molecules involves several steps (as shown on 
page 622). The DNA is prepared as single-stranded molecules and mixed with a short 
oligonucleotide complementary to the 3' end of the DNA to be sequenced. This oligonu- 
cleotide acts as a primer for DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase. The 
oligonucleotide-primed material is split into four separate reaction tubes. Each tube re- 
ceives a small amount of an a- [ 32 P] -labeled dNTP, whose radioactivity allows the newly 
synthesized DNA to be visualized by autoradiography. Next, each tube receives an excess 
of the four nonradioactive dNTP molecules and a small amount of one of the four 
ddNTPs. For example, the A reaction tube receives an excess of nonradioactive dTTP, 
dGTP, dCTP, and dATP mixed with a small amount of ddATP. DNA polymerase is then 
added to the reaction mixture. As the polymerase replicates the DNA, it occasionally in- 
corporates a ddATP residue instead of a dATP residue, and synthesis of the growing 
DNA chain is terminated. Random incorporation of ddATP results in the production of 
newly synthesized DNA fragments of different lengths, each ending with A (i.e., ddA). 
The length of each fragment corresponds to the distance from the 5 '-end of the primer 
to one of the adenine residues in the sequence. Adding a different dideoxyribonucleotide 




°0— P — O— P — O— P — o — 




► Chemical structure of a 2',3'-dideoxynucleoside 
triphosphate. B represents any base. 


20.6 DNA Replication Technologies 617 

5 ' 

3 ' 

3 ' 

5 ' 

Heat melts DNA duplex. 
Primers are added. 

(1), (2) 


◄ Three cycles of the polymerase chain 
reaction. The sequence to be amplified 
is shown in blue. (1) The duplex DNA is 
melted by heating and cooled in the pres- 
ence of a large excess of two primers (red 
and yellow) that flank the region of interest. 
(2) A heat-stable DNA polymerase catalyzes 
extension of these primers, copying each 
DNA strand. Successive cycles of heating 
and cooling in the presence of the primers 
allow the desired sequence to be repeatedly 
copied until, after 20 to 30 cycles, it repre- 
sents most of the DNA in the reaction 

618 CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

Sanger method for sequencing DNA. ► 

Addition of a small amount of a particular 
dideoxynucleoside triphosphate (ddNTP) to 
each reaction mixture causes DNA synthesis 
to terminate when that dideoxynucleotide 
is incorporated in place of the normal 
nucleotide. The positions of incorporated 
dideoxynucleotides, determined by the 
lengths of the DNA fragments, indicate the 
positions of the corresponding nucleotide 
in the sequence. The fragments generated 
during synthesis with each ddNTP are 
separated by size using an electrophoretic 
sequencing gel, and the sequence of the 
DNA can be read from an autoradiograph 
of the gel (as shown by the column of letters 
to the right of the gel). 

Single-stranded DNA 
(template sequence _ 


MB- T 

mk g 

SoBfe- c 

DNA template and primer 

^ 3' ^Primer 

Divide into four 
separate reaction tubes 

dTTP, dGTP, 
and dCTP 


a- 32 P-dNTP 

dTTP, dATP, dTTP, dGTP, 

and dCTP and dATP 

a - 32 P-dNTP 


u- 32 P-dNTP 


ddATP, dATP ddGTP, dGTP ddCTP, dCTP 

dATP, dGTP, 
and dCTP 


a - 32 P-dNTP 

ddTTP, dTTP 

Add DNA 


Fragments end Fragments end Fragments end 

ddA 3 ' 

in ddG 

in ddC 


in ddT 

Separate newly synthesized 
fragments from templates 



















5 ' 

to each reaction tube produces a different set of fragments: ddTTP produces fragments 
that terminate with T, ddGTP with G, and ddCTP with C. The newly synthesized chains 
from each sequencing reaction are separated from the template DNA. Finally, the mix- 
tures from each sequencing reaction are subjected to electrophoresis in adjacent lanes on 
a sequencing gel, where the fragments are resolved by size. The sequence of the DNA 
molecule can then be read from an autoradiograph of the gel. 

This technique has also been modified to allow automation for high throughput 
applications like genomic sequencing. Instead of using radioactivity, automated se- 
quencing relies on fluorescently labeled deoxynucleotides (four colors, one for each 
base) to detect the different chain lengths. In this system the gel is “read” by a fluorime- 
ter and the data are stored in a computer file. Additionally, the sequencing machine can 
also provide a graphic chromatogram that shows the location and size of each fluores- 
cent peak on the gel as they passed the detector. 

20.7 DNA Replication in Eukaryotes 619 

C. Massively Parallel DNA Sequencing by Synthesis 

The automated DNA sequencing methods used to sequence the human genome have now 
been largely supplanted by a variety of so-called “next generation” sequencing technolo- 
gies. While using slightly different experimental approaches, these devices can all rapidly 
generate millions (or even billions) of base pairs of sequence at a fraction of the cost of the 
automated Sanger technology described in the previous section. As an example of this 
novel approach, we describe the Illumina next- generation sequencing protocol. 

In the first step, DNA (typically the entire genome) is randomly fragmented by 
shearing to yield short double-stranded fragments. The ends of the fragments are enzy- 
matically repaired and a single -stranded oligonucleotide primer is ligated onto each end. 
Fragments of the desired length are purified from an agarose gel and then amplified 
using PCR. Oligonucleotides complementary to the PCR primers are covalently attached 
to the surface of a glass slide. The amplified genomic fragments are denatured into single 
strands, diluted, and hybridized to the oligonucleotides on the slide. 

This creates a slide where millions of individual DNA fragments are bound to the 
surface. Each one is surrounded by a zone of free oligonucleotides bound to the surface. 
The individual DNA fragments on the slide’s surface are then amplified in situ using a 
bridging technique to yield amplification clusters that are the substrate for the 
sequencing reaction. 

All of the clusters of amplified DNA fragments are sequenced at the same time, in 
parallel, using a mixture of the four dNTPs that have been labeled with a removable flu- 
orphore (a different dye for each base) and a reversible terminator at the 3 'position (see 
below). To increase the efficiency of this step, a genetically engineered mutant DNA 
polymerase from the deep hydrothermal vent archeon 9°N-7 that efficiently incorpo- 
rates these bulky substrates is used. The DNA sequencing primer annealed to the tem- 
plate strands provides the 3' hydroxyl group and the polymerase incorporates the next 
labeled nucleotide. The terminator at the 3 'position of the incoming base prevents 
DNA synthesis beyond one single base. The slide is scanned using a laser-scanning con- 
focal microscope to record the base that was incorporated into each growing cluster. 
The reducing agent TCEP is then added removing both the dye and the terminator to 
regenerate the 3' -OH. The whole cycle is then repeated. The growing DNA chains can 
only increase in length via a stepwise process: one base at a time. 

The relatively short sequences (less than 100 nucleotides) are not suitable for assem- 
bling the genome sequence from a species that has never been sequenced before. However 
for resequencing a previously sequenced genome, fast computer algorithms can align 
these short “reads” with high accuracy and detect rare mutations or polymorphisms pres- 
ent in the sample. 

▲ Imaging clusters during the sequencing 
process. Part of the image of a flow-cell with 
a low density of clusters is shown. Since 
each of the four deoxynucleotide bases is la- 
beled with a different fluophore (each of 
which fluoresces at a different wavelength), 
the four separate images have been super- 
imposed (after artificial coloring). After each 
cycle of DNA synthesis these images provide 
the raw data that reveal the last base that 
was incorporated into the growing polynu- 
cleotide chain. 

Source: Bentley etal. (2008). Nature 456:53-59. 

◄ Structure of the reversible terminator 
3'-0-azidomethyl 2'-deoxythymine triphos- 
phate labeled with a removable fluorophore. 
Source: Bentley et al. (2008). Nature 456: 53-59. 

20.7 DNA Replication in Eukaryotes 

The mechanisms of DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes are fundamentally 
similar. In eukaryotes as in E. coli , synthesis of the leading strand is continuous and syn- 
thesis of the lagging strand is discontinuous. Furthermore, in both prokaryotes and eu- 
karyotes, synthesis of the lagging strand is a stepwise process involving: primer synthe- 
sis, Okazaki fragment synthesis, primer hydrolysis, and gap filling by a polymerase. 
Eukaryotic primase, like prokaryotic primase, synthesizes a short primer once every 
second on the lagging-strand template. However, because the replication fork moves 
more slowly in eukaryotes, each Okazaki fragment is only about 100 to 200 nucleotide 


CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

Table 20.2 Eukaryotic DNA polymerases 

DNA polymerase 






3' — >5' Exonuclease 0 

Primer synthesis 






3' — >5' Exonuclease 

Mitochondrial DNA replication 



3' — >5' Exonuclease 

Leading- and lagging-strand synthesis 



3' — >5' Exonuclease 

5' — > 3' Exonuclease 


Gap filling on lagging strand 

°Polymerase a3’ — > 5' exonuclease activity is not detectable in all species. 

residues long, considerably shorter than in prokaryotes. Interestingly, eukaryotic DNA 
primase does not share significant sequence similarity with the E. coli enzyme nor does 
eukaryotic primase contain some of the classical structural landmarks of DNA poly- 
merases such as the “fingers” or “thumb” domains (Figure 20.12). This lack of homol- 
ogy suggests that the capacity to synthesize an RNA primer for DNA initiation may have 
evolved independently at least twice. 

Most eukaryotic cells contain at least five different DNA polymerases: a , /3, y, d, 
and s (Table 20.2). DNA polymerases a , d, and £ are responsible for the chain elonga- 
tion reactions of DNA replication and for some repair reactions. DNA polymerase /3 is a 
DNA repair enzyme found in the nucleus and DNA polymerase y plays a role in repli- 
cating mitochondrial DNA. A sixth DNA polymerase is responsible for replicating DNA 
in chloroplasts. 

DNA polymerase d catalyzes synthesis of the leading strand at the replication fork. 
This enzyme is composed of two subunits the larger of which contains the polymerase 
active site. The enzyme also has 3' — > 5' exonuclease activity. DNA replication in eu- 
karyotic cells is extremely accurate. The low error rate indicates that DNA replication in 
eukaryotes includes an efficient proofreading step. 

DNA polymerase a and DNA polymerase d cooperate in lagging strand synthesis. 
DNA polymerase a is a multimeric protein that contains both DNA polymerase and 
RNA primase activity. The primer made by DNA polymerase a consists of a short 
stretch of RNA followed by DNA. This two part primer is extended by DNA polymerase 
d to complete an Okazaki fragment. 

DNA polymerase £ is a large, multimeric protein. The largest polypeptide chain in- 
cludes polymerase activity and 3' —> 5' proofreading exonuclease activity. Like its func- 
tional counterpart in E. coli (DNA polymerase I), DNA polymerase £ probably acts as a 
repair enzyme and also fills gaps between Okazaki fragments. 

Several accessory proteins are associated with the replication fork in eukaryotes. 
These proteins function like some of the proteins in the bacterial replisome. For exam- 
ple, PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) forms a structure that resembles the 
/3-subunit sliding clamp of E. coli DNA polymerase III (Figure 20.7). The accessory pro- 
tein RPC (replication factor C) is structurally, functionally, and evolutionarily related to 
the y complex of DNA polymerase III. Another protein, called RPA (replication factor A), 
is the eukaryotic equivalent of prokaryotic SSB. In addition, the eukaryotic replication 
machine includes helicases that unwind DNA at the replication fork. 

Each eukaryotic chromosome contains many origins of replication (Section 20.1). 
The largest chromosome of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster , for example, contains 
about 6000 replication forks implying that there are at least 3000 origins. As replication 
proceeds bidirectionally from each origin the forks move toward one another, merging 
to form bubbles of ever increasing size (Figure 20.4). Due to the large number of ori- 
gins, the larger chromosomes of eukaryotes can still be replicated in less than one hour 
even though the rate of individual fork movement is much slower than in prokaryotes. 

20.7 DNA Replication in Eukaryotes 621 

The eukaryotic cell division cycle coordinates 
DNA replication and mitosis. DNA replication 
occurs exclusively during the synthesis, or 
S-phase of the cell cycle. There are two gap ; 
or G, phases where a cell grows prior to di- 
viding in the mitosis, or M-phase. 

◄ Figure 20.18 

DNA replication in all cells occurs within the context of the cells programmed cell di- 
vision cycle. This cell cycle is a highly regulated progression through a series of dependent 
steps that at a minimum accomplishes two goals: (1) it faithfully duplicates all of the DNA 
in a cell to produce exactly two copies of each chromosome, and (2) it precisely segregates 
one copy of each replicated chromosome into one of the two daughter cells. In eukaryotic 
cells chromosomal segregation occurs at mitosis and this stage is called the mitotic phase, 
or M-phase (Figure 20.18). The step where DNA is synthesized is called S-phase. The inter- 
phase (resting) stage between mitosis and the next round of DNA replication is called Gl. 
There may be a G2 stage between the end of DNA replication and the beginning of mitosis. 

Eukaryotic DNA replication origins must be used once, and only once, during S- 
phase of each cell cycle. We are beginning to understand some of the key players that or- 
chestrate this process. At the end of the previous M-phase and during the subsequent Gl- 
phase, each functional ori becomes an assembly site for a conserved multiprotein complex 
named ORC (origin recognition complex). As the cell progresses through Gl each ORC 
stimulates the formation of a prereplication complex (pre-RC) that includes a helicase. 
The pre-RC remains poised until the activity of an S-phase protein kinase (SPK) drops to 
a critical threshold, whereby the initiation complex recruits waiting replisomes and the 
origin is said to “fire.” The two replication forks are then launched along the chromosome 
in opposite directions. When SPK activity is high it prevents any new pre-RCs from load- 
ing onto the origins, thus preventing multiple rounds of initiation. SPK is proteolytically 
cleaved at the beginning of the mitotic phase allowing ORC proteins to bind to the origins 
waiting on each daughter chromosome beginning late in M-phase. 

Eukaryotic replication origins do not all fire simultaneously at the beginning of S- 
phase. Instead, transcribed, or active, regions of a cell’s genome tend to be replicated 
earlier during S-phase while the origins located in quiescent, or repressed, regions of the 
genome tend to be replicated later in S-phase. It remains to be determined whether this 
differential timing of replication actually depends on transcription or just reflects that 
“open” chromatin permits ORC to locate replication origins. 

The differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic DNA replication arise not only 
from the larger size of the eukaryotic genome but also from the packaging of eukaryotic 
DNA into chromatin. The binding of DNA to histones and its packaging into nucleo- 
somes, (Section 19.5), is thought to be responsible in part for the slower movement of 

622 CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

Figure 20.19 ► 

Photodimerization of adjacent deoxythymidy- 
late residues. Ultraviolet light causes the 
bases to dimerize, thus distorting the struc- 
ture of DNA. For clarity, only a single strand 
of DNA is shown. 

0 = 

h 3 c 



H O 

H O 



Figure 20.20 ► 

Repair of thymine dimers by DNA photolyase. 

In the presence of visible 
light, the enzyme catalyzes 
chemical cleavage of the 
dimer, thereby restoring 
normal base pairing and 
repairing the DNA. 

20.8 Repair of Damaged DNA 


the replication fork in eukaryotes. Eukaryotic DNA replication occurs with concomi- 
tant synthesis of histones; the number of histones doubles with each round of DNA 
replication. Histone duplication and DNA replication involve different enzymes acting 
in different parts of the cell yet both occur at about the same rate. It appears that exist- 
ing histones remain bound to DNA during replication and that newly synthesized his- 
tones bind to DNA behind the replication fork shortly after synthesis of the new 

20.8 Repair of Damaged DNA 

DNA is the only cellular macromolecule that can be repaired. This is probably because 
the cost to the organism of mutated or damaged DNA far outweighs the energy spent to 
repair the defect. Repairing other macromolecules is not profitable; for example, little is 
lost when a defective protein forms as a result of a translation error because the protein 
is simply replaced by a new, functional protein. When DNA is damaged, however, the 
entire organism may be in jeopardy if the instructions for synthesizing a critical mole- 
cule are altered. In single-celled organisms, damage to a gene encoding an essential pro- 
tein may kill the organism. Even in multicellular organisms, the accumulation of defects 
in DNA over time can lead to progressive loss of cellular functions or to deregulated 
growth such as that seen in cancer cells. 

There are several types of DNA damage such as base modifications, nucleotide 
deletions or insertions, cross-linking of DNA strands, and breakage of the phosphodi- 
ester backbone. While some DNA damage is the result of environmental agents (e.g., 
chemicals or radiation) most DNA damage is the result of errors made during DNA 
replication. Severe damage may be lethal but much of the damage that occurs in vivo is 
repaired. Many modified nucleotides, as well as mismatched bases that escape the 
proofreading mechanism of DNA polymerase, are recognized by specific repair en- 
zymes that continually scan DNA in order to detect alterations. Some of the lesions are 
fixed by direct repair, a process that does not require breaking the phosphodiester back- 
bone of DNA. Other repairs require more extensive work. 

DNA repair mechanisms protect individual cells as well as subsequent generations. 
In single- celled organisms, whether prokaryotes or eukaryotes, DNA damage that is not 
repaired may become a mutation that is passed directly to the daughter cells following 
DNA replication and cell division. In multicellular organisms, mutations can be passed 
on to the next generation only if they occur in the germ line. Germ line mutations may 
have no noticeable effect on the organism that contains them but may have profound 
effects on the progeny, especially if the mutated genes are important in development. 
When mutations occur in somatic cells however, while the defects are not transmissible, 
they can sometimes lead to unrestricted cell growth, or cancer. In spite of the accuracy 
of DNA replication and the efficiency of repair, the average human accumulates about 
130 new mutations every generation. Most of these mutations are neutral and this leads 
to a huge amount of variation in human populations. It is this variation that makes pos- 
sible the identification of individuals by DNA fingerprinting. 

A. Repair after Photodimerization: An Example of Direct Repair 

Double-helical DNA is susceptible to damage by ultraviolet (UV) light. The most com- 
mon UV light-induced damage is dimerization of adjacent pyrimidines in a DNA 
strand. This process is an example of photodimerization. The most common dimers 
form between adjacent thymines (Figure 20.19). DNA replication cannot occur in the 
presence of pyrimidine dimers because they distort the template strand. Therefore, 
removal of pyrimidine dimers is essential for survival. 

Many organisms can repair thymine dimer damage using direct repair (notably, 
humans and all placental mammals lack this repair mechanism — see below). The sim- 
plest repair process begins when an enzyme known as DNA photolyase binds to the dis- 
torted double helix at the site of the thymine dimer (Figure 20.20). As the DNA-enzyme 
complex absorbs visible light, the dimer is cleared. The photolyase then dissociates 
from the repaired DNA and normal A/T base pairs re-form. This process is called photo 
reactivation; it’s an example of direct repair. 

624 CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

Site of damage 





Excision-repair enzymes 
detect damaged DNA. An 
endonuclease nicks the DNA 
backbone on both sides of the 


A helicase or exonuclease 
removes the damaged DNA, 
leaving a gap. 


DNA polymerase fills the 


The remaining nick is 
sealed by DNA ligase. 


▲ Figure 20.21 

General excision-repair pathway. 

B. Excision Repair 

Other forms of ionizing radiation and naturally occurring chemicals 
can damage DNA. Some compounds, including acids and oxidizing 
agents, can modify DNA by alkylation, methylation, or deamination. 
DNA is also susceptible to spontaneous loss of heterocyclic bases, a 
process known as depurination or depyrimidization. Many of these 
defects can be repaired by a general excision repair pathway whose 
overall features are similar in all organisms. The pathway begins 
when an endonuclease recognizes distorted, damaged DNA and 
cleaves on both sides of the lesion releasing an oligonucleotide con- 
taining 12 to 13 residues. This cleavage is catalyzed by the UvrABC 
enzyme in E. coli. Removal of the DNA oligonucleotide may require 
helicase activity that is often a component of the excision repair en- 
zyme complex. The result is a single-stranded gap. The gap is then 
filled in by the action of DNA polymerase I in prokaryotes or repair 
DNA polymerases in eukaryotes. The nick is sealed by DNA ligase 
(Figure 20.21). 

The UvrABC endonuclease also recognizes pyrimidine dimers 
and modified bases that distort the double helix (this is how thymine 
dimers are repaired in humans). Other excision-repair enzymes rec- 
ognize DNA damaged by hydrolytic deamination of adenine, cyto- 
sine, or guanine. (Thymine is not subject to deamination because it 
does not have an amino group.) The deaminated bases can form in- 
correct base pairs resulting in the incorporation of incorrect bases 
during the next round of replication. Spontaneous deamination of 
cytosine is one of the most common types of DNA damage because 
the product of deamination is uracil that easily forms a base pair with 
adenine in the next round of replication (Figure 20.22). 

Enzymes called DNA glycosylases remove deaminated bases and 
some other modified bases by catalyzing hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic 
bonds that link the modified bases to the sugars. Let’s look at the re- 
pair of deaminated cytosine. Repair begins when the enzyme uracil 
N-glycosylase removes the uracil produced by deamination. The en- 
zyme recognizes and binds to the incorrect U/G base pair and flips the 
uracil base outward, positioning the /3-N-glycosidic bond in the active 
site of the enzyme where it is cleaved from the sugar residue (Figure 
20.23). Next, an endonuclease recognizes the site where the base is 
missing and removes the deoxyribose phosphate, leaving a single-nucleotide gap in the 
duplex DNA. The endonuclease is called an AP-endonuclease because it recognizes 
apurinic and apyrimidinic sites (AP sites). Some specific DNA glycosylases are bifunc- 
tional enzymes with both glycosylase and AP-endonuclease activities in the same 
polypeptide chain. Excision repair enzymes with exonuclease activity often extend the 
gap produced by the endonuclease. In prokaryotes, DNA polymerase I binds to the ex- 
posed 3' end of DNA and fills in the gap. Finally, the strand is sealed by DNA ligase. The 
steps of the excision repair pathway are summarized in Figure 20.24. 

Whereas deamination of adenine or guanine is rare, deamination of cytosine is 
fairly common and would give rise to large numbers of mutations were it not for the re- 
placement of uracil with thymine in DNA. (Recall that thymine is simply 5-methylu- 
racil.) If uracil were normally found in DNA, as it is in RNA, it would be impossible to 
distinguish between a correct uridylate residue and one arising from the deamination of 
cytosine. However, since uracil is not one of the bases in DNA, damage arising from cy- 
tosine deamination can be recognized and repaired. Thus, the presence of thymine in 
DNA increases the stability of genetic information. 


20.8 Repair of Damaged DNA 625 

Uracil produced by 
deamination of cytosine 


^ Uracil is recognized by 

C uracil A/-glycosylase, which 

hydrolyzes the A/-glycosidic 
APsite bond, yielding an AP site. 

I An endonuclease recognizes 
the AP site, cleaves the sugar- 
phosphate backbone, and 
removes the deoxyribose 

I The resulting single- 
nucleotide gap is filled 
by DNA polymerase I, 
and the nick is sealed 
by DNA ligase. 

Amino group 




H 2 0 

nh 3 












▲ Figure 20.22 

Hydrolytic deamination of cytosine. Deamination 
of cytosine produces uracil, which pairs with 
adenine rather than guanine. 

▲ Figure 20.23 

Uracil /V-glycosylase from human mitochon- 
dria. The enzyme is bound to a uracil- 
containing nucleotide (green) that has been 
flipped out of the stacked region of double- 
stranded DNA. [PDB 1EMH]. 

▲ Figure 20.24 

Repair of damage resulting from the deamination of cytosine. 


CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 


5-Methylcytosine is common in eukaryotic DNA (Section 18.7). Deamination of 
5-methylcytosine produces thymidine giving rise to a T opposite a G in damaged 
DNA. Repair enzymes cannot recognize which of these bases is incorrect, so the 
“repair” often results in a T:A base pair. This will also happen if the damaged DNA 
is replicated before it can be repaired. The cytosines at CG sites are preferentially 
methylated in mammalian genomes. Frequent loss of the cytosines by deamination 
of 5-methylcytosine has led to underrepresentation of CG sequences relative to TG, 
AG, and GG. 

20.9 Homologous Recombination 

Recombination is any event that results in the exchange or transfer of pieces of DNA 
from one chromosome to another or within a chromosome. Most recombinations are 
examples of homologous recombination because they occur between pieces of DNA that 
have closely related sequences. Exchanges between paired chromosomes during meiosis 
are examples of homologous recombination. Recombination between unrelated se- 
quences is called nonhomologous recombination. Transposons are mobile genetic elements 
that jump from chromosome to chromosome by taking advantage of nonhomologous 
recombination mechanisms. Recombination between DNA molecules also occurs when 
bacteriophages integrate into host chromosomes. When recombination occurs at a spe- 
cific location it is called site specific recombination. 

Mutation creates new genetic variation in a population and recombination is a 
mechanism that creates different combinations of mutations in a genome. Most species 
have some mechanism for exchanging information between individual organisms. 
Prokaryotes usually contain only a single copy of their genome (i.e., they are haploid), 
so this exchange requires recombination. Some eukaryotes are also haploid but most are 
diploid, having two sets of chromosomes, one contributed by each parent. Genetic re- 
combination in diploids mixes the genes on the chromosomes contributed by each par- 
ent so that subsequent generations receive very different combinations of genes. None 
of your childrens chromosomes, for example, will be the same as yours and none of 
yours are the same as those of your parents. (Although this mixing of alleles is an im- 
portant consequence of recombination, it is not likely to be the reason why recombina- 
tion mechanisms evolved in the first place. The problem of why sex evolved is one of the 
most difficult problems in biology.) 

Recombination occurs by many different mechanisms. Many of the proteins and 
enzymes that participate in recombination reactions are also involved in DNA repair 
reactions illustrating the close connection between repair and recombination. In this 
section, we briefly describe the Holliday model of general recombination — a type of 
recombination that seems to occur in many species. 

A. The Holliday Model of General Recombination 

Homologous recombination begins with the introduction of either single-stranded or 
double- stranded breaks into DNA molecules. Recombination involving single-stranded 
breaks is often called general recombination. Recombination involving double-stranded 
breaks is not discussed here, although it is an important mechanism of recombination 
in some species. 

Consider general recombination between two linear chromosomes as an example 
of recombination in prokaryotes. The exchange of information between the molecules 
begins with the alignment of homologous DNA sequences. Next, single- stranded nicks 
are introduced in the homologous regions and single strands exchange in a process 
called strand invasion. The resulting structure contains a region of strand crossover and 

20.9 Homologous Recombination 627 

Homologous chromosomes 
pair and are nicked. 

Strand invasion occurs. 

Lower strand 
rotates 180°. 

Left ends 
rotate 180° 

DNA is cleaved at 
crossover point and 

◄ Figure 20.25 

Holliday model of general recombination. 

Nicks are introduced into a homologous 
region of each molecule. Subsequent strand 
invasion, DNA cleavage at the crossover 
junction, and sealing of nicked strands 
result in exchange of the ends of the 

▲ Asexual Daphnia 

is known as a Holliday junction after Robin Holliday who first proposed it in 1964 
(Figure 20.25). 

The chromosomes can be separated at this stage by cleaving the two invading 
strands at the crossover point. It is important to realize that the ends of the homologous 
DNA molecules can rotate generating different conformations of the Holliday junction. 
Rotation followed by cleavage produces two chromosomes that have exchanged ends as 
shown in Figure 20.25. Recombination in many different organisms probably occurs by 
a mechanism similar to the one shown in Figure 20.25. 

B. Recombination in f. coli 

One of the first steps in recombination is the generation of single-stranded DNA with a 
free 3' end. In E. coli , this step is carried out by RecBCD endonuclease, an enzyme with 
subunits that are encoded by three genes (recB, recC, and recD) whose products have 
long been known to play a role in recombination. RecBCD binds to DNA and cleaves 

▲ Male Drosophila melanogaster (no meiotic 

628 CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

Meiotic chisasmata ► 

Source: © 2008 Sinauer Associates Sadava, D. et al. 
Life: The Science of Biology, 8th ed. (Sunderland, 
MA: Sinauer Associates and W. H. Freeman & 
Company), 198 


RecA-coated strand 
binds to homologous 
w double-stranded DNA. 

Homologous DNA 



Strand invasion and 
displacement occur. 

Branch migration 
extends the region 
of exchange. 

Exchange is 

▲ Figure 20.26 

Strand exchange catalyzed by RecA. 





one of the strands. It then unwinds the DNA in a process coupled to ATP hydroly- 
sis generating single-stranded DNA with a 3' terminus. 

Strand exchange during recombination begins when the single-stranded 
DNA invades the double helix of a neighboring DNA molecule. Strand exchange 
is not a thermodynamically favorable event — the invasion must be assisted by pro- 
teins that promote recombination and repair. RecA is the prototypical strand ex- 
change protein. It is essential for homologous recombination and for some forms 
of repair. The protein functions as a monomer that binds cooperatively to single- 
stranded DNA such as the single- stranded tails produced by the action of RecBCD. 
Each RecA monomer covers about five nucleotide residues and each successive 
monomer binds to the opposite side of the DNA strand. 

One of the key roles of RecA in recombination is to recognize regions of se- 
quence similarity. RecA promotes the formation of a triple-stranded intermediate 
between the RecA-coated single strand and a highly similar region of double- 
stranded DNA. RecA then catalyzes strand exchange in which the single strand dis- 
places the corresponding strand from the double helix. 

Strand exchange takes place in two steps: strand invasion, followed by branch 
migration (Figure 20.26). Both the single- stranded and the double-stranded DNA 
are in an extended conformation during the exchange reaction. The strands must 
rotate around each other, a process that is presumably aided by topoisomerases. 
Strand exchange is a slow process despite the fact that no covalent bonds are bro- 
ken. (A “slow” process in biochemistry is one that takes several minutes.) 

RecA can also promote strand invasion between two aligned, double-stranded 
DNA molecules. Both molecules must contain single-stranded tails bound to RecA. 
The tails wind around the corresponding complementary strands in the homo- 
logue. This exchange gives rise to a Holliday junction such as the one shown in 
Figure 20.25. Subsequent branch migration can extend the region of strand ex- 
change. Branch migration can continue even after RecA dissociates from the re- 
combination intermediate. 

Branch migration at the double-stranded version of a Holliday junction is 
driven by a remarkable protein machine found in all species. The bacterial version 
is made up of RuvA and RuvB subunits. These proteins bind to the junction and 

◄ Bacterial conjugation (or sex). 

20.9 Homologous Recombination 629 

promote branch migration as shown in the schematic diagram (Figure 20.27). The two 
DNA helices are separated when RuvC binds to the Holliday junction and cleaves the 
crossover strands. 

RuvA and RuvB form a complex consisting of four RuvA subunits bound to the 
Holliday junction and two hexameric rings of RuvB subunits that surround two of the 
DNA strands (Figure 20.28). The RuvB component is similar to the sliding clamps 
discussed in the section on DNA replication (Section 20. 2B) and it drives branch mi- 
gration by pulling the strands through the RuvA/Holliday junction complex in a reac- 
tion coupled to ATP hydrolysis (Figure 20.29). The rate of RuvAB- mediated branch mi- 
gration is about 100, 000 bp per second — significantly faster than strand invasion. 

RuvC catalyzes cleavage of the crossover strands to resolve Holliday junctions. Two 
types of recombinant molecules are produced as a result of this cleavage: those in which 
only single strands are exchanged and those in which the ends of the chromosome have 
been swapped (Figure 20.25). 

C. Recombination Can Be a Form of Repair 

▲ RecBCD bound to DNA showing separation of 
strands. [PDB 3K70] 

Since natural selection works predominantly at the level of individual organisms it is 
difficult to see why recombination would have evolved unless it affected survival of the 
individual. Recombination enzymes probably evolved because they play a role in DNA 
repair, which confers a selective advantage. For example, severe lesions in DNA are 
bypassed during DNA replication, leaving a daughter strand with a single-stranded 
region. RecA-mediated strand exchange between the homologous daughter chromo- 
somes allows the intact strand from one daughter molecule to act as a template for 
repairing the broken strand of the other daughter molecule. 

Recombination also creates new combinations of genes on a chromosome and this 
may be an added bonus for the population and its chances for evolutionary survival. 
More than 100 E. coli genes are required for recombination and repair, and there are 
twice as many in most eukaryotes. 

Most, if not all, of the genes used in recombination play some role in repair as well. 
Mutations in several human genes give rise to rare genetic defects that result from defi- 
ciencies in DNA repair and/or recombination. For example, xeroderma pigmentosum is 
a hereditary disease associated with extreme sensitivity to ultraviolet light and increased 
frequency of skin cancer. Excision repair is defective in patients with this disease but the 
phenotype can be due to mutations in at least eight different genes. One of these genes 
encodes a DNA glycosylase with AP- endonuclease activity. Other affected genes include 
some that encode helicases that are required for both repair and recombination. 

Many other genetic defects related to deficiencies in repair and recombination have 
not been well characterized. Some of them are responsible for increased incidences of 
cancer in affected patients. 



RuvAB promotes 
branch migration. 


RuvC binds to the 
Holliday junction 
and cleaves the 
crossover strands. 

RuvB RuvA RuvB 

▲ Figure 20.27 

Action of Ruv proteins at Holliday junctions. 

RuvAB promotes branch migration in a reac- 
tion coupled to ATP hydrolysis. RuvC cleaves 
Holliday junctions. Two types of recombi- 
nant molecules can be generated in this 

◄ Figure 20.28 

Model of RuvA and RuvB bound to a Holliday 

630 CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

Junction binding 



Branch migration 


▲ Figure 20.29 

Branch migration and resolution. [Adapted from Rafferty, J. B., et al. (1996). Crystal structure of DNA recombination protein RuvA and a model for its 
binding to the Holliday junction. Science 274:415-421.] 


About 180,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer 
every year in North America. Approximately one-fifth of 
these new cases have a familial or genetic component and 
one-third of these, or 12,000 cases, are due to mutations in 
one of the two genes named BRCA1 or BRCA2 that encode 
proteins by the same name. 

Both of these proteins are required for normal recombi- 
national repair of double strand breaks (DSB). BRCA2 forms 
a complex with the eukaryotic RecA homologue RAD51. 
BRCA2 also binds specifically to BRCA1 to form a heterotrimer. 
Following exposure to ionizing radiation, these three DNA 
repair proteins are found localized to discrete sites, or foci, 
inside the interphase nuclei (see figure). These foci are the 
sites where the proteins are repairing double strand breaks. 
The BRCA proteins are so vital that cells become susceptible 
to damage if either copy of the gene is damaged. When one 
or both copies of the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes are defective, 
the capacity to repair DSBs is compromised leading eventu- 
ally to a higher frequency of mutations. Some of these new 
mutations may allow the cell to escape from the rigorous 
constraints imposed by the eukaryotic cell cycle, eventually 
leading to cancer. The BRCA proteins function as sentinels 
by continually monitoring the genome to identify and cor- 
rect potential mutagenic lesions. In fact, some humans with a 
rare autosomal recessive disease called Fanconi’s Anemia 
(FA) have an increased sensitivity to several mutagenic com- 
pounds and a genetic predisposition to many different types 

of cancers. It has been shown that FA patients are affected in 
one of seven different genes that are presumably important 
for DNA repair. One of these genes is BRCA2 , underscoring 
its essential role in the repair process. 

■ * 

' * ; V. V' 

* * 

- -.V 

■ V , V * * ' - 

•M. #5* 


V < V 

- V % 

#•'4 / * ", ' ’ 

, / * . *' J f A* 

▲ Ionizing radiation induces nuclear foci of the DNA repair protein 
BRCA1. Energetic y-rays can induce double-stranded breaks in 
DNA and trigger DNA repair. This tissue culture cell nucleus was ex- 
posed to IR and then treated with antibodies that recognize BRCA1 
(stained green). 

Problems 631 


1. DNA replication is semiconservative; each strand of DNA serves 
as the template for synthesis of a complementary strand. The 
products of replication are two double- stranded daughter mole- 
cules consisting of one parental strand and one newly synthesized 
strand. DNA replication is bidirectional, proceeding in both di- 
rections from an origin in replication. 

2. DNA polymerases add nucleotides to a growing DNA chain by 
catalyzing nucleotidyl- group-transfer reactions. DNA synthesis 
proceeds in the 5' — » 3' direction. Errors in DNA synthesis are re- 
moved by the 3' —> 5' exonuclease activity of the polymerase. 
Some DNA polymerases contain an additional 5' — » 3' exo- 
nuclease activity. 

3. The leading strand of DNA is synthesized continuously but the 
lagging strand is synthesized discontinuously producing Okazaki 
fragments. Synthesis of the leading strand and of each Okazaki 
fragment begins with an RNA primer. In E. coli , the primer is re- 
moved and replaced with DNA by the action of DNA polymerase I. 
The action of DNA ligase joins the separate fragments of the lag- 
ging strand. 

4. The replisome is a complex protein machine that is assembled at 
the replication fork. The replisome contains two DNA polymerase 
molecules plus additional proteins such as helicase and primase. 

5. Assembly of the replisome ensures simultaneous synthesis of two 
strands of DNA. In E. coli , a helicase unwinds the parental DNA 
and SSB binds to the single strands. The lagging- strand template 
is looped through the replisome so that the synthesis of both strands 
proceeds in the same direction as replication fork movement. 

Because it is part of the replisome, DNA polymerase is highly 

6. Initiation of DNA replication occurs at specific DNA sequences 
(e.g., oriC in E. coli) and depends on the presence of additional 
proteins. In bacteria, termination of DNA replication also occurs 
at specific sites and requires additional proteins. 

7. Several new technologies such as PCR and DNA sequencing are 
based on an understanding of DNA replication. 

8. Eukaryotic DNA replication resembles prokaryotic DNA replica- 
tion except that eukaryotic chromosomes contain multiple ori- 
gins of replication and eukaryotic Okazaki fragments are smaller. 
The slower movement of the replication fork in eukaryotes than 
in prokaryotes is due to the presence of nucleosomes. 

9. DNA damaged by radiation or chemical agents can be repaired by 
direct- repair mechanisms or by a general excision- repair pathway. 
Excision-repair mechanisms also remove misincorporated nu- 
cleotides. Specific enzymes recognize damaged or misincorpo- 
rated nucleotides. 

10. Recombination can occur when a single strand of DNA exchanges 
with a homologous strand in double-stranded DNA producing a 
Holliday junction. Strand invasion is promoted by RecA in E. coli. 
Branch migration and resolution of Holliday junctions are cat- 
alyzed by RuvABC in E. coli. 

11. Repair and recombination are similar processes and use many of 
the same enzymes. Defects in human genes required for repair 
and recombination cause sensitivity to ultraviolet light and in- 
creased risks of cancer. 


1. The chromosome of a certain bacterium is a circular, double- 
stranded DNA molecule of 5.2 X 10 6 base pairs. The chromosome 
contains one origin of replication and the rate of replication-fork 
movement is 1000 nucleotides per second. 

(a) Calculate the time required to replicate the chromosome. 

(b) Explain how the bacterial generation time can be as short as 
25 minutes under extremely favorable conditions. 

2. In many DNA viruses the viral genes can be divided into two 
nonoverlapping groups: early genes, whose products can be de- 
tected prior to replication of the viral genome; and late genes, 
whose products accumulate in the infected cell after replication of 
the viral genome. Some viruses, like bacteriophage T4 and T7, en- 
code their own DNA polymerase enzymes. Would you expect the 
gene for T4 DNA polymerase to be in the early or late class? Why? 

3. (a) Why does the addition of SSB to sequencing reactions often 

increase the yield of DNA? 

(b) What is the advantage of carrying out sequencing reactions at 
65°C using a DNA polymerase isolated from bacteria that 
grow at high temperatures? 

4. How does the use of an RNA primer rather than a DNA primer 
affect the fidelity of DNA replication in E. colP. 

5. Both strands of DNA are synthesized in the 5' — » 3' direction. 

(a) Draw a hypothetical reaction mechanism for synthesis of 
DNA in the 3' — > 5' direction using a 5'-dNTP and a grow- 
ing chain with a 5 '-triphosphate group. 

(b) How would DNA synthesis be affected if the hypothetical en- 
zyme had proofreading activity? 

6. Ciprofloxacin is an antimicrobial used in the treatment of a wide 
variety of bacterial infections. One of the targets of ciprofloxacin 
in E. coli is topoisomerase II. Explain why the inhibition of topoi- 
somerase II is an effective target to treat infections by E. coli. 

7. The entire genome of the fruit fly D. melanogaster consists of 
1.65 X 10 8 bp. If replication at a single replication fork occurs at 
the rate of 30 bp per second, calculate the minimum time re- 
quired to replicate the entire genome if replication were initiated 

(a) at a single bidirectional origin 

(b) at 2000 bidirectional origins 

(c) In the early embryo, replication can require as few as 5 min- 
utes. What is the minimum number of origins necessary to 
account for this replication time? 

8. Ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) is a reactive alkylating agent that 
ethylates the 0-6 residue of guanine in DNA. If this modified G is 
not excised and replaced with a normal G, what would be the out- 
come of one round of DNA replication? 

9. Why do cells exposed to visible light following irradiation with 
ultraviolet light have a greater survival rate than cells kept in the 
dark after irradiation with ultraviolet light? 

10 . E. coli uses several mechanisms to prevent the incorporation of 
the base uracil into DNA. First, the enzyme dUTPase, encoded by the 
dut gene, degrades dUTP. Second, the enzyme uracil N-glycosylase, 

632 CHAPTER 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

encoded by the ung gene, removes uracils that have found their 
way into DNA. The resulting apyrimidinic sites have to be repaired. 

(a) If we examine the DNA from a strain carrying a mutation in 
the dut gene, what will we find? 

(b) What if we examine the DNA from a strain in which both the 
dut and ung genes are mutated? 

11. Explain why uracil N-glycosylase cannot repair the damage when 
5-methylcytosine is deaminated to thymine. 

12. Why are high rates of mutation observed in regions of DNA that 
contain methylcytosine? 

13. Explain why the overall error rate for DNA replication in E. coli is 
approximately 10~ 9 although the rate of misincorporation by the 
replisome is about 10 -5 . 

14. Will DNA repair in E. coli be dependent on the enzymatic cofac- 
tor NAD©? 

15. Describe two methods that can be used to repair pyrimidine 
dimers in E. coli. 

16. Damage to a single strand of DNA is readily repaired through a 
variety of mechanisms while damage to bases on both strands of 
DNA is more difficult for the cell to repair. Explain. 

17. Why does homologous recombination occur only between DNAs 
with identical, or almost identical, sequences? 

18. Why are two different DNA polymerase enzymes required to 
replicate the E. coli chromosome? 

Selected Readings 


Adams, R. L. P., Knowler, J. T., and Leader, D. P. 
(1992). The Biochemistry of the Nucleic Acids, 1 1th 
ed. (New York: Chapman and Hall). 

Aladjem, M. I. (2007). Replication in context: dy- 
namic regulation of DNA replication patterns in 
metazoans. Nat. Rev. Genet. 8:588-600. 

Bentley, D. R., et al. (2008). Accurate whole human 
genome sequencing using reversible terminator 
chemistry. Nature 456: 53-59. 

Kornberg, A., and Baker, T. (1992). DNA Replica- 
tion , 2nd ed. (New York: W. H. Freeman). 

DNA Replication 

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Transcription and 
RNA Processing 

A s we have seen, the structure of DNA proposed by Watson and Crick in 1953 
immediately suggested a means of replicating DNA to transfer genetic informa- 
tion from one generation to the next but it did not reveal how an organism 
makes use of the information stored in its genetic material. 

Based on studies of the bread mold Neurospora crassa , George Beadle and Edward 
Tatum proposed that a single unit of heredity, or gene, directed the production of a sin- 
gle enzyme. A full demonstration of the relationship between genes and proteins came 
in 1956 when Vernon Ingram showed that hemoglobin from patients with the heritable 
disease sickle-cell anemia differed from normal hemoglobin by the replacement of a 
single amino acid. Ingrams results indicated that genetic changes can manifest themselves 
as changes in the amino acid sequence of a protein. By extension, the information contained 
in the genome must specify the primary structure of each protein in an organism. 

We define a gene as a DNA sequence that is transcribed. This definition includes 
genes that do not encode proteins (not all transcripts are messenger RNA). The defini- 
tion normally excludes regions of the genome that control transcription but are not 
themselves transcribed. We will encounter some exceptions to our definition of a 
gene — surprisingly, there is no definition that is entirely satisfactory. 

Many prokaryotic genomes contain several thousand genes, although some simple 
bacteria have only 500 to 600 genes. Most of these are “housekeeping genes” that en- 
code proteins or RNA molecules that are essential for the normal activities of all living 
cells. For example, the enzymes involved in the basic metabolic processes of glycolysis 
and the synthesis of amino acids and DNA are encoded by such housekeeping genes, as 
are transfer RNAs and ribosomal RNAs. The number of housekeeping genes in unicel- 
lular eukaryotes, such as yeast and some algae, is similar to the number in complex 

"This fraction (which we shall desig- 
nate "messenger RNA" or M-RNA) 
amounts to only about 3% of the 
total RNA. . . . The property attrib- 
uted to the structural messenger of 
being an unstable intermediate is one 
of the most specific and novel impli- 
cations of this scheme. . . . This leads 
to a new concept of the mechanism 
of information transfer ; where the 
protein synthesizing centers (ribo- 
somes) play the role of non-specific 
constituents which can synthesize dif- 
ferent proteins , according to specific 
instructions which they receive from 
the genes through M-RNA. " 

— Francois Jacob and Jacques 
Monod, 1961 

Top: A portion of the mouse transcription factor Zif268 (dark blue) bound to DNA (light blue). Side chains from three zinc- 
containing domains interact with base pairs in DNA. 



CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

) Replication 

DNA ^ 




a Figure 21.1 

Biological information flow. The normal flow 
of biological information is from DNA to 
RNA to protein. 


Before a cell can access the genetic 
information stored in its DNA, the DNA 
must be transcribed into RNA. 

▲ Frangois Jacob (1920-). Jacob and Monod 
received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or 
Medicine in 1965 for their work on the ge- 
netic control of enzyme synthesis. 

In addition to housekeeping genes, all cells contain genes that are expressed only 
in special circumstances, such as during cell division. Multicellular organisms also 
contain genes that are expressed only in certain types of cells. For example, all cells in a 
maple tree contain the genes for the enzymes that synthesize chlorophyll but these 
genes are expressed only in cells that are exposed to light, such as cells on the surface of 
a leaf. Similarly, all cells in mammals contain insulin genes, but only certain pancreatic 
cells produce insulin. The total number of genes in multicellular eukaryotes ranges 
from as few as 15,000 in Drosophila melanogaster to more than 50,000 in some other 

In this chapter and the next, we will examine how the information stored in DNA 
directs the synthesis of proteins. A general outline of this flow of information is sum- 
marized in Figure 21.1. In this chapter, we describe transcription (the process where 
information stored in DNA is copied into RNA thereby making it available for either 
protein synthesis or other cellular functions) and RNA processing (the post-transcrip- 
tional modification of RNA molecules). We also briefly examine how gene expression is 
regulated by factors that affect the initiation of transcription. In Chapter 22, we will ex- 
amine translation (the process where information coded in mRNA molecules directs 
the synthesis of individual proteins). 

One feature of the complete pathway outlined in Figure 21.1 is that it is irreversible. 
In particular, the information contained in the amino acid sequence of a protein cannot 
be translated back into nucleic acid. This irreversibility of information flow is known as 
the “Central Dogma” of molecular biology and was predicted by Francis Crick in 1958, 
many years before the mechanisms of transcription and translation were worked out 
(see Section 1.1). The original version of the Central Dogma did not rule out informa- 
tion flow from RNA to DNA. Such a pathway was eventually discovered in retrovirus- 
infected cells; it is known as reverse transcription. 

21.1 Types of RNA 

Several classes of RNA molecules have been discovered. Transfer RNA (tRNA) carries 
amino acids to the translation machinery. Rihosomal RNA (rRNA) makes up much of 
the ribosome. A third class of RNA is messenger RNA (mRNA), whose discovery was 
due largely to the work of Francois Jacob, Jacques Monod, and their collaborators at 
the Pasteur Institute in Paris. In the early 1960s, these researchers showed that ribo- 
somes participate in protein synthesis by translating unstable RNA molecules 
(mRNA). Jacob and Monod also discovered that the sequence of an mRNA molecule is 
complementary to a segment of one of the strands of DNA. A fourth class of RNA con- 
sists of small RNA molecules that participate in various metabolic events, including 
RNA processing. Many of these small RNA molecules have catalytic activity. Some of 
these small RNAs are regulatory molecules that can bind specifically to mRNAs and 
down-regulate that messenger and the protein it encodes. 

A large percentage of the total RNA in a cell is ribosomal RNA, and only a small 
percentage is mRNA. But if we compare the rates at which the cell synthesizes RNA 
rather than the steady state levels of RNA, we see a different picture (Table 21.1). Even 
though mRNA accounts for only 3% of the total RNA in Escherichia coli , the bacterium 
devotes almost one-third of its capacity for RNA synthesis to the production of mRNA. 
This value may increase to about 60% when the cell is growing slowly and does not need 
to replace ribosomes and tRNA. The discrepancy between steady state levels of various 
RNA molecules and the rates at which they are synthesized can be explained by the dif- 
fering stabilities of the RNA molecules: rRNA and tRNA molecules are extremely stable, 
whereas mRNA is rapidly degraded after translation. Half of all newly synthesized 
mRNA is degraded by nucleases within three minutes in bacterial cells. In eukaryotes, 
the average half-life of mRNA is about ten times longer. The relatively high stability of 
eukaryotic mRNA results from processing events that prevent eukaryotic mRNA from 
being degraded during transport from the nucleus, where transcription occurs, to the 
cytoplasm, where translation occurs. 

21.2 RNA Polymerase 635 

Table 21.1 The RNA content of an E. coli cell 


Steady state level 

Synthetic type capacity 0 










RNA primers* 3 



Other RNA molecules 0 



°Relative amount of each type of RNA being synthesized at any instant. 

b RNA primers are those used in DNA replication; they are not synthesized by RNA polymerase. 

c Other RNA molecules include several RNA enzymes, such as the RNA component of RNase P. 

[Adapted from Bremer, H., and Dennis, P. P. (1987). Modulation of chemical composition and other parameters 
of the cell by growth rate. In Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium: Cellular and Molecular Biology, Vol. 2, 

F. C. Neidhardt, ed. (Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology), pp. 1527-1542.] 

21.2 RNA Polymerase 

About the time that mRNA was identified, researchers in several laboratories independ- 
ently discovered an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of RNA when provided with 
ATP, UTP, GTP, CTP, and a template DNA molecule. The newly discovered enzyme was 
RNA polymerase. This enzyme catalyzes DNA-directed RNA synthesis, or transcription. 

RNA polymerase was initially identified by its ability to catalyze polymerization of 
ribonucleotides but further study of the enzyme revealed that it does much more. RNA 
polymerase is the core of a larger transcription complex just as DNA polymerase is the 
core of a larger replication complex (Section 20.4). This complex assembles at one end 
of a gene when transcription is initiated. During initiation, the template DNA partially 
unwinds and a short piece of RNA is synthesized. In the elongation phase of transcrip- 
tion, RNA polymerase catalyzes the processive elongation of the RNA chain while the 
DNA is continuously unwound and rewound. Finally, the transcription complex re- 
sponds to specific transcription termination signals and disassembles. 

Although the composition of the transcription complex varies considerably among 
different organisms, all transcription complexes catalyze essentially the same types of 
reactions. We introduce the general process of transcription by discussing the reactions 
catalyzed by the well-characterized transcription complex in E. coli. The more compli- 
cated eukaryotic transcription complexes are presented in Section 21.5. 

A. RNA Polymerase Is an Oligomeric Protein 

Core RNA polymerase is isolated from E. coli cells as a multimeric protein with four dif- 
ferent types of subunits (Table 21.2). Five of these subunits combine with a stoichiome- 
try of ct 2 /3/3'(u to form the core enzyme that participates in many of the transcription 
reactions. The large /3 and /3 ' subunits make up the active site of the enzyme; the 
/3' subunit contributes to DNA binding, whereas the /3 subunit contains part of the 
polymerase active site. The a subunits are the scaffold for assembly of the other sub- 
units and they also interact with many proteins that regulate transcription. The role of 
the small co subunit is not well characterized. 

The structure of RNA polymerase holoenzyme from the bacterium Thermus 
aquaticus complexed with DNA is shown in Figure 21.2. The /3 and /3' subunits form a 
large groove at one end. This is where DNA binds and polymerization takes place. The 
groove is large enough to accommodate about 16 base pairs of double-stranded B-DNA 
and is shaped like the DNA-binding sites of DNA polymerases (such as DNA poly- 
merase I; Figure 20.12). The pair of a subunits is located at the “back end” of the molecule. 
This region also contacts DNA when the polymerase is actively transcribing a gene. 
The a) subunit is bound to the outer surface of the /3' subunit. We will see later that var- 
ious transcription factors interact with RNA polymerase by binding to the a subunits. 

Table 21.2 Subunits of E. coli RNA 

polymerase holoenzyme 


M r 




a b 






The f3 and (3 r subunits are unrelated despite the 
similarity of their names. 
fa This subunit is not part of the core RNA 

The molecular weight given is for the a subunit 
found in the most common form of the 

636 CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

Figure 21.2 ► 

Thermus aquaticus (taq) RNA polymerase 
holoenzyme/promoter DNA closed complex. 

The template strand is dark green and the 
coding strand is light green; both the -10 
and -35 elements are yellow. The transcrip- 
tion start site is shown in red and labeled +1. 
Once the open complex forms, then tran- 
scription will proceed downstream, to the 
right as shown by the arrows. The a and co 
subunits are shown in gray; the /3 subunit is 
cyan, while the (3” subunit is pink. The a 
subunit is orange. 

The cr subunit of the holoenzyme plays an important role in transcription initiation. 
Bacteria contain several different types of cr subunits. The major form of the holoen- 
zyme in E. coli contains the subunit cr 70 (M r 70,300). The cr subunits contact DNA dur- 
ing transcription initiation and bind to the core enzyme in the region of the co subunit. 
The overall dimensions of RNA polymerase are 10X10X16 nm. This makes it con- 
siderably larger than a nucleosome but smaller than a ribosome or a replisome. 

B. The Chain Elongation Reaction 

RNA polymerase catalyzes chain elongation by a mechanism almost identical to that 
used by DNA polymerase (Figure 20.6). Part of the growing RNA chain is base-paired to 
the DNA template strand, and incoming ribonucleoside triphosphates are tested in the 
active site of the polymerase for correct hydrogen bonding to the next unpaired nu- 
cleotide of the template strand. When the incoming nucleotide forms correct hydrogen 
bonds, RNA polymerase catalyzes a nucleotidyl- group-transfer reaction, resulting in for- 
mation of a new phosphodiester linkage and the release of pyrophosphate (Figure 21.3). 

Like DNA polymerase III, RNA polymerase catalyzes polymerization in the 
5' — > 3' direction and is highly processive when it is bound to DNA as part of a tran- 
scription complex. The overall reaction of RNA synthesis can be summarized as 

RNA n - OH + NTP > RNA„ +1 - OH + PP, (21.1) 

The Gibbs free energy change for this reaction is highly favorable because of the 
high concentration of NTPs relative to RNA. In addition, the RNA polymerase reaction 
like the DNA polymerase reaction is thermodynamically assisted by the subsequent 
hydrolysis of pyrophosphate inside the cell. Thus, two phosphoanhydride linkages are 
expended for every nucleotide added to the growing chain. 

RNA polymerase differs from DNA polymerase in using ribonucleoside triphos- 
phates (UTP, GTP, ATP, and CTP) as substrates rather than deoxyribonucleoside 
triphosphates (dTTP, dGTP, dATP, and dCTP). Another difference is that the growing 
RNA strand only interacts with the template strand over a short distance (see below). 
The final product of transcription is single-stranded RNA, not an RNA-DNA duplex. 
Transcription is much slower than DNA replication. In E. coli , the rate of transcription 
ranges from 30 to 85 nucleotides per second, or less than one-tenth the rate of DNA 

21.2 RNA Polymerase 637 

Growing 5'RNA 
RNA strand $ 

H O 


0= P — o 0 


H O 

Template strand 
of DNA 

◄ Figure 21.3 

Reaction catalyzed by RNA polymerase. When 
an incoming ribonucleoside triphosphate 
correctly pairs with the next unpaired 
nucleotide on the DNA template strand, RNA 
polymerase catalyzes a nucleophilic attack 
by the 3'-hydroxyl group of the growing RNA 
strand on the a-phosphorus atom of the 
incoming ribonucleoside triphosphate. 

As a result, a phosphodiester forms and 
pyrophosphate is released. The subsequent 
hydrolysis of pyrophosphate catalyzed by 
pyrophosphatase provides additional 
thermodynamic driving force for the reac- 
tion. (B and B' represent complementary 
bases, and hydrogen bonding between bases 
is indicated by a single dashed line.) 

RNA polymerase catalyzes the formation of a new phosphodiester linkage only 
when the incoming ribonucleoside triphosphate fits the active site of the enzyme 
precisely. A precise fit requires base stacking and appropriate hydrogen bonding be- 
tween the incoming ribonucleoside triphosphate and the template nucleotide. 

Despite the requirement for an accurate fit, RNA polymerase does make mistakes. 
The error rate of RNA synthesis is 10 -6 (one mistake for every 1 million nucleotides in- 
corporated). This rate is higher than the overall error rate of DNA synthesis because, in 
contrast to most DNA polymerases, RNA polymerase does not possess an exonuclease 
proofreading activity. Extreme precision in DNA replication is necessary to minimize 
mutations that could be passed on to progeny but accuracy in RNA synthesis is not as 
crucial to survival. 

638 CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

21.3 Transcription Initiation 

The elongation reactions of RNA synthesis are preceded by a distinct initiation step in 
which a transcription complex assembles at an initiation site and a short stretch of RNA 
is synthesized. The regions of DNA that serve as sites of transcription initiation are 
called promoters. In bacteria, several genes are often co-transcribed from a single pro- 
moter; such a transcription unit is called an operon. In eukaryotic cells, each gene usu- 
ally has its own promoter. There are hundreds of promoters in bacterial cells and thou- 
sands in eukaryotic cells. 

The frequency of transcription initiation at any given promoter is usually related to 
the need for that gene’s particular product. For example, in cells that are dividing rap- 
idly, the genes for ribosomal RNA are usually transcribed frequently. Every few seconds 
a new transcription complex begins transcribing at the promoter. This process gives rise 
to structures such as those seen in Figure 21.4 showing multiple transcription com- 
plexes on one E. coli ribosomal RNA operon. Transcripts of increasing length are ar- 
rayed along the genes because many RNA polymerases transcribe the genes at the same 
time. In contrast, some bacterial genes are transcribed only once every two generations. 
In these cases initiation may occur only once every few hours. (Outside of the labora- 
tory, the average generation time of most bacteria is many hours.) 

A. Genes Have a 5' — » 3' Orientation 

In Section 19.2A, we introduced the convention that single-strand nucleic acid se- 
quences are written from left to right in the 5' —> 3' direction. When a sequence of double- 
stranded DNA is displayed, the sequence of the top strand is written 5' — > 3' and the 
sequence of the bottom, antiparallel, strand is written 3' — > 5' (left to right). 

Since our operational definition of a gene is a DNA sequence that is transcribed, a 
gene begins at the point where transcription starts (designated +1) and ends at the 
point where transcription terminates. The beginning of a gene is called the 5' end, cor- 
responding to the convention for writing sequences. Moving along a gene in the 
5' — > 3' direction is described as moving “downstream” and moving in the 3' — > 5' 
direction is moving “upstream.” RNA polymerization proceeds in the 5' — > 3' direction. 
Consequently, in accordance with the convention for writing DNA sequences, the tran- 
scription start site of a gene is shown on the left of a diagram of double-stranded DNA 
and the termination site is on the right. The top strand is often called the coding strand 
because its sequence corresponds to the DNA version of the mRNA that encodes the 
amino acid sequence of a protein. The bottom strand is called the template strand be- 
cause it is the strand used as a template for RNA synthesis (Figure 21.5). Alternatively, 
the top strand may be called the sense strand to indicate that translating ribosomes at- 
tempting to “read” the codons in an mRNA with this sequence will make the correct 
protein. Therefore the bottom strand becomes the antisense strand because an mRNA 
with this sequence will not make the correct protein. Note that RNA is synthesized in 

Figure 21.4 ► 

Transcription of E. coli ribosomal RNA genes. 

The genes are being transcribed from left to 
right. The nascent rRNA product associates 
with proteins and is processed by nucleolytic 
cleavage before transcription is complete. 

m > - ; v- 


•■•Vi *.< 


RNA associated with protein 


V;. ; '• -.yy-y-sy.- 

\ y--; t £ - , y*-: ; J, « V V - . T ,* 

•- \ 

Initiation site 

21.3 Transcription Initiation 639 

5'end 3'end 

< Gene > 

start site 



Coding strand 

G A 1 G 

C C A G A'wv'3' 

◄ Figure 21.5 

Orientation of a gene. The sequence of a 
hypothetical gene and the RNA transcribed 
from it are shown. By convention, the gene 
is said to be transcribed from the 5' end to 
the 3' end but the template strand of DNA 
is copied from the 3' end to the 5' end. 
Growth of the ribonucleotide chain 
proceeds 5' — >3'. 


CGG^ Template strand ^GGT CT^5 7 

t aaggctatatgcgt a 

5' p p p A C C 




3 ' 

mRNA » 

Direction of transcription 

the 5' — > 3' direction but the template strand is copied from its 3' end to its 5' end. Also 
note that the RNA product is identical in sequence to the coding strand except that 
U replaces T. 

B. The Transcription Complex Assembles at a Promoter 

A transcription complex forms when one or more proteins bind to the promoter sequence 
and also to RNA polymerase. These DNA-binding proteins direct RNA polymerase to the 
promoter site. In bacteria, the cr subunit of RNA polymerase is required for promoter recog- 
nition and formation of the transcription complex. 

The nucleotide sequence of a promoter is one of the most important factors affect- 
ing the frequency of transcription of a gene. Soon after the development of DNA- 
sequencing technology, many different promoters were examined. The start sites, the 
points at which transcription actually begins, were identified, and the regions upstream 
of these sites were sequenced to learn whether the promoter sequences of different genes 
were similar. This analysis revealed a common pattern called a consensus sequence — a 
hypothetical sequence made up of the nucleotides found most often in each position. 

The consensus sequence of the most common type of promoter in E. coli is shown 
in Figure 21.6. This promoter is bipartite, which means that there are two separate re- 
gions of sequence similarity. The first region is 10 bp upstream of the transcription start 
site and is rich in A/T base pairs. The consensus sequence is TATAAT. The second part of 
the promoter sequence is centered approximately 35 bp upstream of the start site. The 
consensus sequence in this region is TTGACA. The average distance between the two 
parts of the promoter is 17 bp. 

The — 10 region is known as a TATA box, and the —35 region is simply referred to as 
the -35 region. Together, the two regions define the promoter for the E. coli holoenzyme 
containing cr 70 , the most common cr subunit in E. coli cells. The cr 70 -c ontaining holoen- 
zyme binds specifically to sequences that resemble the consensus sequence. Other E. coli 
cr subunits recognize and bind to promoters with quite different consensus sequences 
(Table 21.3). Orthologous cr subunits from other prokaryotic species may recognize dif- 
ferent promoter consensus sequences. 

A consensus sequence is not an exact sequence but indicates the nucleotides most 
commonly found at each position. Very few promoters match their consensus sequence 
exactly. In some cases, the match is quite poor, with G or C found at positions normally 
occupied by A or T. Such promoters are known as weak promoters and are usually asso- 
ciated with genes that are transcribed infrequently. Strong promoters, such as the pro- 
moters for ribosomal RNA operons, resemble the consensus sequence quite closely. 
These operons are transcribed very efficiently. Observations such as these suggest that 
the consensus sequence describes the most efficient promoter sequence for the RNA 
polymerase holoenzyme. 


Promoter sequences contain the 
information that instructs transcription 
complexes: “Initiate a transcript here.” 


CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

start site 

G T G C G T G 
G G C G G T G 
T G A G C T G 
C C C A G G C 
C C C A G G C 
A T C C T A C 
T T T C C T C 
T A A A T G C 
T C C A T G T 
T T A T T C C 

sequence: TTGACA TATAAT 

T T G A C T 
T T T A C A 
T T T A C A 
C T G A C G 
T T G T C A 
T T G A C T 
C A C A C T 
A T G T C A 


G A T A A T 
G A T A C T 
T T A A C T 
T A T G T T 
T A C T G T 
T A T T A T 
T A T G G T 
T A T G C T 

G G T T G C 
G A G C A C 
G T G T G G 
G T G T G G 
G C A C A C C 
T A T T T C 

T G T 
T C A 
A G T 
C T G 
C G C 
T A C 
T T T 

G C A G 
T C A C 
G T G A 
G T G A 
G T T T 
A C A C 
G C C G 
C A T A 
C A T A 

- 35 region 

- 10 region 

+ 1 

▲ Figure 21.6 

Promoter sequences from ten bacteriophage and bacterial genes. All these promoter sequences are recognized by the a 70 subunit 
cleotide sequences are aligned so that their +1, -10, and -35 regions are in register. Note the degree of sequence variation at 
consensus sequence was derived from a much larger database of more than 300 well-characterized promoters. 

A G G A 


G A C G 

AP l 

G T A A 


G C G G 


G C G G 


T T T T 

a ra BAD 

G G A A 


C T G A 


A G C C 

gal PI 

C C A T 


in E. coli. The nu- 
each position. The 

The promoter sequence of each gene has likely been optimized by natural selection 
to fit the requirements of the cell. An inefficient promoter is ideal for a gene whose 
product is not needed in large quantities whereas an efficient promoter is necessary for 
producing large amounts of a gene product. 

C. The cr Subunit Recognizes the Promoter 

The effect of cr subunits, also called cr factors, on promoter recognition can best be ex- 
plained by comparing the DNA-binding properties of core polymerase versus the 
holoenzyme containing cr 70 . The core polymerase, which lacks a cr subunit, binds to 
DNA nonspecifically; it has no greater affinity for promoters than for any other DNA 
sequence (the association constant, IC a , is approximately 10 10 M -1 ). Once formed, this 
DNA-protein complex dissociates slowly (ti/ 2 ~ 60 minutes). In contrast, the holoen- 
zyme, which contains the cr 70 subunit, binds more tightly to promoter sequences 
(fC a ~ 2 X 10 11 M _1 ) than the core polymerase and forms more stable complexes 
(fi /2 ~ 2 to 3 hours). Although the holoenzyme binds preferentially to promoter 
sequences, it also has appreciable affinity for the rest of the DNA in a cell 

Table 21.3 E. coli cr subunits 

Subunit Gene Genes transcribed Consensus 

-35 -1 0 

a 70 





a 54 






<r 38 


Stationary phase 



<r 28 


Flagellar synthesis 
and chemotaxis 



<r 32 


Heat shock 




gene 55 

Bacteriophage T4 



'N represents any nucleotide. 

21.3 Transcription Initiation 641 

(X a ~ 5 X 10 6 M -1 ). The complex formed by nonspecific binding of the holoenzyme 
to DNA dissociates rapidly (ti/ 2 ~ 3 seconds). These binding parameters reveal the 
functions of the cr 70 subunit. One of the roles of cr 70 is to decrease the affinity of the 
core polymerase for nonpromoter sequences. Another equally important role is to in- 
crease the affinity of the core polymerase for specific promoter sequences. 

The association constants do not tell us how the RNA polymerase holoenzyme 
finds the promoter. We might expect the holoenzyme to search for the promoter by 
continuously binding and dissociating until it encounters a promoter sequence. Such 
binding would be a second- order reaction, and its rate would be limited by the rate at 
which the holoenzyme diffuses in three dimensions. However, promoter binding is 100 
times faster than the maximum theoretical value for a diffusion-limited second-order 
reaction. This remarkable rate is achieved by one-dimensional diffusion of RNA poly- 
merase along the length of the DNA molecule. During the short period of time that the 
enzyme is bound nonspecifically, it can scan 2000 bp in its search for a promoter se- 
quence. Several other sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins, such as restriction 
enzymes (Section 19.6C), locate their binding sites in a similar manner. 

D. RNA Polymerase Changes Conformation 

Initiation of transcription is slow, even though the holoenzyme searches for and binds 
to the promoter very quickly. In fact, initiation is often the rate limiting step in tran- 
scription because it requires unwinding of the DNA helix and synthesis of a short 
stretch of RNA that serves as a primer for subsequent chain elongation. During DNA 
replication these steps are carried out by a helicase and a primase but in transcription 
these steps are carried out by the RNA polymerase holoenzyme itself. Unlike DNA poly- 
merases, RNA polymerases can initiate polynucleotide synthesis on their own in the 
presence of initiation factors such as cr 70 (when a DNA template and rNTPs are avail- 
able as substrates). 

The unwinding of DNA at the initiation site is an example of a conformational 
change in which RNA polymerase (R) and the promoter (P) shift from a closed complex 
(RP C ) to an open complex (RP 0 ). In the closed complex, the DNA is double-stranded. 
In the open complex, 18 bp of DNA are unwound, forming a transcription bubble. For- 
mation of the open complex is usually the slowest step of the initiation events. 

Once the open complex forms, the template strand is positioned at the polymeriza- 
tion site of the enzyme. In the next step, a phosphodiester linkage forms between two ri- 
bonucleoside triphosphates that have diffused into the active site and formed hydrogen 
bonds with the + 1 and +2 nucleotides of the template strand. This initiation reaction is 
slower than the analogous polymerization reaction during chain elongation where one 
of the substrates (the growing RNA chain) is held in place by the formation of a short 
RNA-DNA helix. 

Additional nucleotides are then added to the dinucleotide to create a short RNA 
that is paired with the template strand. When this RNA is approximately ten nucleotides 
long, the RNA polymerase holoenzyme undergoes a transition from the initiation to the 
elongation mode, and the transcription complex moves away from the promoter along 
the DNA template. This step is called promoter clearance. The initiation reactions can 
be summarized as 


R + P < > RP C > RP 0 > (21.2) 

conformational change promoter clearance 

As noted earlier, the holoenzyme containing cr factor has a much greater affinity 
for the promoter sequence than for any other DNA sequence. Because of this tight 
binding, it resists moving away from the initiation site. However, during elongation, 
the core polymerase binds nonspecifically to all DNA sequences to form a highly pro- 
cessive complex. The transition from initiation to chain elongation is associated with 
a conformational change in the holoenzyme that causes release of the cr subunit. 
Without cr, the enzyme no longer binds specifically to the promoter and is able to 
leave, or exit, the initiation site. At this time, several accessory proteins bind to the 

The binding properties of RNA poly- 
merase tell us that many RNA poly- 
merase molecules will be located on 
random stretches of DNA that may, or 
may not, resemble a promoter sequence. 

In transcription 


( 50 %) 

▲ RNA polymerase distribution. Estimate of 
the distribution of the approximately 5000 
RNA polymerase molecules typically found 
in an E. coli cell. Very few molecules are 
free in the cytosol, yet only half of all RNA 
polymerases are actively transcribing. 

642 CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

◄ Figure 21.7 

Initiation of transcription in E. coli. 

(a) RNA polymerase holoenzyme binds nonspecifically 
to DNA. 

(b) The holoenzyme conducts a one-dimensional search for 
a promoter. 

(c) When a promoter is found, the holoenzyme and the 
promoter form a closed complex. 




(d) A conformational change from the closed complex to 
an open complex produces a transcription bubble at the 
initiation site. A short stretch of RNA is then synthesized. 




(e) The a subunit dissociates from the core enzyme, and 
RNA polymerase clears the promoter. Accessory 
proteins, including NusA, bind to the polymerase. 

21.4 Transcription Termination 643 

core polymerase to create the complete protein machine required for RNA chain 
elongation. The binding of one of these accessory proteins, NusA, helps convert RNA 
polymerase to the elongation form. The elongation complex is responsible for most 
of the synthesis of RNA. NusA also interacts with other accessory proteins and plays a 
role in termination. Transcription initiation in E. coli is summarized in Figure 21.7. 

21.4 Transcription Termination 

Only certain regions of DNA are specifically transcribed. Transcription complexes 
assemble at promoters and, in bacteria, disassemble at the 3' end of genes at specific 
sequences called termination sequences. There are two types of transcription termination 
sequences. The simplest form of termination occurs at certain DNA sequences where 
the elongation complex is unstable, and the transcription complex spontaneously disas- 
sembles. The other type of termination requires a specific protein named rho that facili- 
tates disassembly of the transcription complex, template, and mRNA. 

Transcription termination often occurs near pause sites. These are regions of the 
gene where the rate of elongation slows down or stops temporarily. For example, be- 
cause it is more difficult to melt G/C base pairs than it is to melt A/T base pairs, a tran- 
scription complex pauses when it encounters a GC-rich region. 

Pausing is exaggerated at sites where the DNA sequence is palindromic, or has 
dyad symmetry (Section 19.6C). When the DNA is transcribed, the newly synthesized 
RNA can form a hairpin (Figure 21.8). (A three-dimensional representation of such a 
structure is shown in Figure 19.21.) Formation of an RNA hairpin may destabilize the 
RNA- DNA hybrid in the elongation complex by prematurely stripping off part of the 
newly transcribed RNA. This partial disruption of the transcription bubble probably 
causes the transcription complex to cease elongation until the hybrid re-forms. NusA 
increases pausing at palindromic sites, perhaps by stabilizing the hairpin. The tran- 
scription complex may pause for 10 seconds to 30 minutes, depending on the structure 
of the hairpin. 

Some of the strong pause sites in E. coli are termination sequences. Such termination 
sites are found at the 3' end of a gene beyond the region that encodes the polypeptide 
chain (for protein-encoding genes) or the complete functional RNA (for other genes). 
These sites specify an RNA hairpin structure that is weakly bound to the template 

◄ Figure 21.8 

Formation of an RNA hairpin. The transcribed 
DNA sequence contains a region of dyad 
symmetry. Complementary sequences in 
RNA can base-pair to form a hairpin. 


S'-vw'A CCU C A C U' w ^3 / 

G A 

G — C 
C — G 
U— A 

C — G RNA 

A---U hairpin 

G — C 
G — C 
A U 






3' RNA 

644 CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

Figure 21.9 ► 

fl/zo-dependent termination of transcription in 
E. coli. RNA polymerase is stalled at a 
pause site where rho binds to newly synthe- 
sized RNA. This binding is accompanied by 
ATP hydrolysis. Rho probably wraps the nas- 
cent RNA chain around itself, thereby 
destabilizing the RNA-DNA hybrid and 
terminating transcription. 

[Adapted from Platt, T. (1986). Transcription ter- 
mination and the regulation of gene expression. 
Annu. Rev. Biochem. 55:339-372.] 

strand by a short stretch of A/U base pairs. These are the weakest possible base pairs 
(Table 19.3) and they are easily disrupted during pausing. Disruption leads to release of 
RNA from the transcription complex. 

The other type of bacterial termination sequences are said to be r/zo-dependent. 
Rho also triggers disassembly of transcription complexes at some pause sites. It is a 
hexameric protein with a potent ATPase activity and an affinity for single-stranded 
RNA. Rho may also act as an RNA-DNA helicase. It binds to single-stranded RNA 
that is exposed behind a paused transcription complex in a reaction coupled to hy- 
drolysis of ATR Approximately 80 nucleotides of RNA wrap around the protein, 
causing the transcript to dissociate from the transcription complex (Figure 21.9). 
R/zo-dependent termination results from both destabilization of the RNA-DNA 
hybrid and direct contact between the transcription complex and rho as rho binds 
RNA. Rho can also bind to accessory proteins, such as NusA. This interaction may 
cause the RNA polymerase to change conformation and dissociate from the tem- 
plate DNA. 

R/zo-dependent termination requires exposure of single- stranded RNA. In bacte- 
ria, RNA transcribed from protein-encoding genes is typically bound by translating 
ribosomes that interfere with rho binding. Single-stranded RNA only becomes ex- 
posed to rho when transcription passes beyond the point where protein synthesis ter- 
minates. Transcription terminates at the next available pause site. In other words, rho- 
dependent termination does not occur at pause sites within the coding region but can 
occur at pause sites past the translation termination codon. The net effect is to couple 
transcription termination to translation. The advantages of such a coupling mechanism 
are that synthesis of an mRNA coding region is not interrupted (which would prevent 
protein synthesis) and that there is minimal wasteful transcription downstream of the 
coding region. 

21.5 Transcription in Eukaryotes 645 

21.5 Transcription in Eukaryotes 

The same processes carried out by a single RNA polymerase in E. coli are carried out in 
eukaryotes by several similar enzymes. The activities of eukaryotic transcription com- 
plexes also require many more accessory proteins than those seen in bacteria. 


Eukaryotic transcription complexes tend 
to have more factors than the analogous 
bacterial complexes. 

A. Eukaryotic RNA Polymerases 

Three different RNA polymerases transcribe nuclear genes in eukaryotes. Other RNA 
polymerases are found in mitochondria and chloroplasts. Each nuclear enzyme tran- 
scribes a different class of genes (Table 21.4). RNA polymerase I transcribes genes that 
encode large ribosomal RNA molecules (class I genes). RNA polymerase II transcribes 
genes that encode proteins and a few that encode small RNA molecules (class II genes). 
RNA polymerase III transcribes genes that encode a number of small RNA molecules, 
including tRNA and 5S rRNA (class III genes). (Some of the RNA molecules listed in 
the table are discussed in subsequent sections.) 

The mitochondrial version of RNA polymerase is a monomeric enzyme encoded 
by the nuclear genome. It is substantially similar in amino acid sequence to the RNA 
polymerases of T3 and T7 bacteriophages. This similarity suggests that these enzymes 
share a common ancestor. It is likely that the gene for mitochondrial RNA polymerase 
was transferred to the nucleus from the primitive mitochondrial genome. 

Chloroplast genomes often contain genes that encode their own RNA poly- 
merase. The genes encoding the chloroplast RNA polymerase are similar in sequence 
to those of RNA polymerase in cyanobacteria. This is further evidence that chloro- 
plasts, like mitochondria, originated from bacterial endosymbionts in ancestral 
eukaryotic cells. 

The three nuclear RNA polymerases are complex multisubunit enzymes. They dif- 
fer in subunit composition, although they share several small polypeptides in common. 
The exact number of subunits in each polymerase varies among organisms but there are 
always 2 large subunits and 7 to 12 smaller ones (Figure 21.10). RNA polymerase II 
transcribes all protein-coding genes as well as some genes that encode small RNA mole- 
cules. The protein- coding RNA synthesized by this enzyme was originally called hetero- 
geneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA) but it is now more commonly referred to as mRNA 
precursor, or pre-mRNA. The processing of this precursor into mature mRNA is de- 
scribed in Section 21.9. 

About 40,000 molecules of RNA polymerase II are found in large eukaryotic cells; 
the activity of this enzyme accounts for roughly 20% to 40% of all cellular RNA synthe- 
sis. The two largest subunits of each nuclear eukaryotic RNA polymerase are similar in 
sequence to the (3 and (3 ' subunits of E. coli RNA polymerase indicating that they 
share a common ancestor. Like their prokaryotic counterparts, the core eukaryotic RNA 

Table 21.4 Eukaryotic RNA polymerases 



per cell 


activity of cell 

RNA polymerase 1 



35-47S pre-rRNA 


RNA polymerase II 



mRNA precursors 

U1, U2, U4, and U5 snRNA 


RNA polymerase III 



5S rRNA 
U6 snRNA 
Other small 
RNA molecules 


RNA polymerase 



Products of all mitochondrial 


Chloroplast RNA 



Products of all chloroplast 


646 CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

Figure 21.10 ► 

RNA polymerase II from the yeast 
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The large subunit 
colored purple (Rpb2) is the homolog of the 
/ 3 subunit of the prokaryotic enzyme shown 
in Figure 21.2. [PDB 1EN0]. 


polymerases do not bind on their own to promoters. RNA polymerase II requires 
five different biochemical activities, or factors, to form a basal transcription complex 
capable of initiating transcription on a minimal eukaryotic promoter (Figure 21.11). 
These general transcription factors (GTFs) are: TFIIB, TFIID, TFIIE, TFIIF and TFIIH 
(Table 21.5). 

Many class II genes contain an A/T-rich region, also called a TATA box, that is func- 
tionally similar to the prokaryotic TATA box discussed above (recall that A/T-rich 
regions are more easily unwound to create an open complex, especially if the DNA is 
negatively supercoiled (Section 19.3)). This eukaryotic A/T-rich region is located 19 to 
27 bp upstream of the transcription start site and serves to recruit RNA polymerase II 
to the DNA during assembly of the initiation complex. 

The general transcription factor TFIID is a multisubunit factor and one of its sub- 
units, TATA-binding protein (TBP), binds to the region containing the TATA box. The 
structure of TBP from the plant Arabidopsis thaliana is shown in Figure 21.12. TBP 
forms a saddle-shaped molecular clamp that almost surrounds the DNA at the TATA 
box. The main contacts between TBP and DNA are due to interactions between acidic 
amino acid side chains in (3 strands and the edges of base pairs in the minor groove. 
When TBP binds to DNA, the promoter DNA is bent so that it no longer resembles the 
standard B-DNA conformation. This is an unusual interaction for DNA-binding pro- 
teins. The TBP subunit of TFIID is also required to initiate transcription of class I and 
class III genes by RNA polymerases I and III, respectively. 

The eukaryotic RNA polymerase II subunit homologous to the prokaryotic RNA 
polymerase /3' subunit has an unusual carboxy- terminal domain (CTD) or “tail” that 

Figure 21.11 ► 

A generic eukaryotic promoter showing the 
basal or “core” promoter elements. The TATA 
box is described in the text. The BRE is the 
TFIIB recognition element, while Inr stands 
for the initiator element. The DPE is the 
downstream promoter element. The names of 
the factors that bind to each site are shown 
above the promoter, and the consensus 
recognition sequences for each site are shown 
below the schematic promoter fragment. 


-37 -32-31 -26 


-2 +4 +28 +32 

21.5 Transcription in Eukaryotes 647 

Table 21.5 Some representative RNA polymerase II transcription factors 




Binds to TFIID; can interact with TFIID in the absence of DNA 


Interacts with RNA polymerase II 


RNA polymerase II initiation factor 


TATA-binding protein; subunit of TFIID 


TBP-associated factors; many subunits 


Interacts with RNA polymerase II 


Required for initiation; helicase activity; couples transcription to DNA repair 


Binds to RNA polymerase II; elongation factor 


Binds to RNA polymerase II; two subunits — RAP30 and RAP74 


Binds to GC-rich sequence 

CTF b 

Family of different proteins that recognize the core sequence CCAAT 

°Also known as si I or RAP 3 8 
fa Also known as NP1 . 

consists of multiple repeats of the amino acid heptamer PTSPSYS. The Ser and Thr 
residues in the tail are phosphorylation targets for nuclear protein kinases. RNA poly- 
merase II molecules with a hyperphosphorylated CTD are typically transcriptionally 
active, or engaged, while the cellular pol II with hypophosphorylated CTDs are usually 

Although it has proven possible to purify RNA polymerase II and each GTF and 
use them to reconstitute accurate transcription initiation in vitro , these basal transcrip- 
tion complexes are not competent to recognize the many different types of trans-acting 
factors and ds-acting sequences that are known to play important roles in vivo. Search- 
ing for cellular constituents that could respond to transcriptional activators in vitro led 
to the discovery of a large preformed RNA pol II holoenzyme that contains not only the 
five GTFs but also many other polypeptides that mediate interactions between pol II 
and sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. This eukaryotic holoenzyme is analogous 
to the core + cr holoenzyme in E. coli. 

▲ Figure 21.12 

Arabidopsis thaliana TATA-binding protein 
(TBP) bound to DNA. TBP (blue) is bound to 
a double-stranded DNA fragment with a 
sequence corresponding to a TATA box 
(5'-TATAAAG-3') DNA is shown as a wire- 
frame model. Note that the (3 sheet of TBP 
lies in the minor groove of the DNA fragment. 
[PDB 1V0L]. 

B. Eukaryotic Transcription Factors 

TFIIA and TFIIB are essential components of the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme complex. 
Neither TFIIA nor TFIIB can bind to DNA in the absence of TFIID. TFIIF (also known 
as Factor 5 or RAP30/74) binds to RNA polymerase II during initiation (Figure 21.13). 
TFIIF plays no direct role in recognizing the promoter but it is analogous to bacterial cr 
factors in two ways: it decreases the affinity of RNA polymerase II for nonpromoter 

TBP (subunit 
of TFIID) 




polymerase II 

P 30/74 

◄ Figure 21.13 

RNA polymerase II holoenzyme complex bound 
to a promoter. This model shows various tran- 
scription factors bound to RNA polymerase II 
at a promoter. The transcription factors are 
often larger and more complex than those 
shown in this diagram. 


CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

DNA, and it helps form the open complex. TFIIH, TFIIE, and other, less well- characterized 
factors, are also part of the transcription initiation complex. 

Once the initiation complex assembles at the site of the promoter, the next 
steps are similar to those in bacteria. An open complex is formed, a short stretch of 
RNA is synthesized, and the transcription complex clears the promoter. Most tran- 
scription factors dissociate from DNA and RNA polymerase II once elongation be- 
gins. However, TFIIF may remain bound and a specific elongation factor, TFIIS 
(also called sll or RAP38), associates with the transcribing polymerase. TFIIS may 
play a role in pausing and transcription termination that is similar to the role of 
NusA in bacteria. 

With the exception of TBP, the transcription factors that interact with the other 
two eukaryotic RNA polymerases are not the same as those required by RNA 
polymerase II. 

C. The Role of Chromatin in Eukaryotic Transcription 

As described in Chapter 19, the eukaryotic genome is packaged using small, ubiqui- 
tous building blocks, called nucleosomes, that contain an octamer of the four core 
histone proteins. It is estimated that approximately 35% of the mammalian genome is 
transcribed into protein-coding genes (including the introns) and so most of a cell’s 
DNA is relatively inert. But even within that 35%, which contains about 20,000 
protein-coding genes, the majority of the sequences are quiescent. In any single cell, 
the primary determinant of whether a gene is competent to be transcribed resides in 
the state of its chromatin. This status is modulated by two mechanisms. The first in- 
volves implementing or removing post-translational modifications on the flexible 
amino-terminal arms of the four core histones (Section 19.5B). Specific Lys residues 
are targeted for methylation or acetylation, specific Arg residues may also be methy- 
lated, while Ser and Thr side chains can be phosphorylated. Different modifications 
serve as signals to recruit either activators or repressors to the chromatin. The second 
mechanism for specifying the transcriptional status of a eukaryotic gene involves nu- 
cleosome positioning and remodeling. 

Nontranscribed genes are relatively inaccessible in the nucleus while transcribed 
genes are relatively accessible to transcription factors, pol II holoenzyme, and other nu- 
clear proteins. How does a gene move between these two conflicting states? The answer 
lies with large multiprotein complexes that use the energy from hydrolyzing ATP to 
physically remodel a gene’s nucleosomes and allow proteins to have access to the DNA. 
Some of the remodeling complexes actually contain histone-modifying enzymes like 
histone acetylase (HAT) or histone deacetylase (HDAC). 

21.6 Transcription of Genes Is Regulated 

As noted at the beginning of this chapter, many genes are expressed in every cell. The 
expression of these housekeeping genes is said to be constitutive. In general, such genes 
have strong promoters and are transcribed efficiently and continuously. Genes whose 
products are required at low levels usually have weak promoters and are transcribed in- 
frequently. In addition to constitutively expressed genes, cells contain genes that are ex- 
pressed at high levels in some circumstances and not at all in others. Such genes are said 
to be regulated. 

Regulation of gene expression can occur at any point in the flow of biological infor- 
mation but occurs most often at the level of transcription. Various mechanisms have 
evolved that allow cells to program gene expression during differentiation and develop- 
ment and to respond to environmental stimuli. 

The initiation of transcription of regulated genes is controlled by regulatory pro- 
teins that bind to specific DNA sequences. Transcriptional regulation can be negative or 
positive. Transcription of a negatively regulated gene is prevented by a regulatory pro- 
tein called a repressor. A negatively regulated gene can be transcribed only in the ab- 
sence of an active repressor. Transcription of a positively regulated gene can be activated 

21.6 Transcription of Genes Is Regulated 


by a regulatory protein called an activator. A positively regulated gene is transcribed 
poorly or not at all in the absence of the activator. 

Repressors and activators are often allosteric proteins whose function is modified 
by ligand binding. In general, a ligand alters the conformation of the protein and 
affects its ability to bind to specific DNA sequences. For example, some repressors con- 
trol the synthesis of enzymes for a catabolic pathway. In the absence of substrate for 
these enzymes, the genes are repressed. When substrate is present, it binds to the re- 
pressor, causing the repressor to dissociate from the DNA and allowing the genes to be 
transcribed. Ligands that bind to and inactivate repressors are called inducers because 
they induce transcription of the genes controlled by the repressors. In contrast, some 
repressors that control the synthesis of enzymes for a biosynthetic pathway bind to 
DNA only when associated with a ligand. The ligand is often the end product of the 
biosynthetic pathway. This regulatory mechanism ensures that the genes in the path- 
way are turned off as product of the pathway accumulates. Ligands that bind to and 
activate repressors are called corepressors. The DNA-binding activity of allosteric activators 
can also be affected in two ways by ligand binding. Four general strategies for regulat- 
ing transcription are illustrated in Figure 21.14. Examples of all four strategies have 
been identified. 

Few regulatory systems are as simple as those described above. For example, the 
transcription of many genes is regulated by a combination of repressors and activa- 
tors or by multiple activators. Elaborate mechanisms for regulating transcription 


Cells don’t synthesize a specific protein 
until it is required (e.g., the lac operon 
is not transcribed until the intracellular 
concentration of lactose inactivates the 
lac repressors). 


RNA polymerase 

(a) An activator with bound ligand 
stimulates transcription. 

◄ Figure 21.14 

Strategies for regulating transcription 
initiation by regulatory proteins. 


(b) An activator stimulates 

transcription. In the presence of 
ligand, the activator is inhibited. 

( v 

(c) A repressor prevents transcription. 
Binding of ligand (inducer) to the 
repressor inactivates the repressor 
and allows transcription. 

(d) In the absence of ligand, the 
repressor does not bind to DNA. 
Repression occurs only when 
ligand (corepressor) is present. 


CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

have evolved to meet the specific requirements of individual organisms. A greater 
range of cellular responses is possible when transcription is regulated by a host of 
mechanisms acting together. By examining how the transcription of a few particular 
genes is controlled, we can begin to understand how positive and negative mecha- 
nisms can be combined to produce the remarkably sensitive regulation seen in 
bacterial cells. 

21.7 The lac Operon, an Example of Negative 
and Positive Regulation 

Some bacteria obtain the carbon they need for growth by metabolizing five- or six-carbon 
sugars via glycolysis. For example, E. coli preferentially uses glucose as a carbon source 
but can also use other sugars, including /3-galactosides such as lactose. The enzymes re- 
quired for /3-galactoside uptake and catabolism are not synthesized unless a /3-galactoside 
substrate is available. Even in the presence of their substrate, these enzymes are synthe- 
sized in limited amounts when the preferred carbon source (glucose) is also present. 
Synthesis of the enzymes required for /3-galactoside utilization is regulated at the level 
of transcription initiation by a repressor and an activator. 

The uptake and catabolism of /3-galactosides requires three proteins. The product 
of the lacY gene is lactose permease, a symport transporter that is responsible for the 
uptake of /3-galactosides. Most /3-galactosides are subsequently hydrolyzed to metabo- 
lizable hexoses by the activity of /3-galactosidase, a large enzyme with four identical sub- 
units encoded by the lacZ gene. /3-Galacto sides that cannot be hydrolyzed are acetylated 
by the activity of thiogalactoside transacetylase, the product of the lacA gene. Acetyla- 
tion helps to eliminate toxic compounds from the cell. 

The three genes — lacZ , lacY , and lacA — form an operon that is transcribed from a 
single promoter to produce a large mRNA molecule containing three separate protein- 
coding regions. In this case, we refer to a protein-coding region as a gene, a definition 
that differs from our standard use of the term. The arrangement of genes with related 
functions in an operon is efficient because the concentrations of a set of proteins can be 
controlled by transcribing from a single promoter. Operons composed of protein- coding 
genes are common in E. coli and other prokaryotes but were thought to be extremely 
rare in eukaryotes. We now realize that operons are also quite common in the model or- 
ganism C. elegans , a nematode or round worm, and are likely widespread in this large 
phylum. Operons are also common in mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes. 

A. lac Repressor Blocks Transcription 

Expression of the three genes of the lac operon is controlled by a regulatory protein 
called lac repressor, a tetramer of identical subunits. The repressor is encoded by a 
fourth gene, lacl , which is located just upstream of the lac operon but is transcribed 
from a separate promoter (Figure 21.15). 

lac repressor binds simultaneously to two sites near the promoter of the lac 
operon. Repressor-binding sites are called operators. One operator (O x ) is adjacent to 
the promoter, and the other (0 2 ) is within the coding region of lacZ. When bound to 
both operators, the repressor causes the DNA to form a stable loop that can be seen 

Figure 21.15 ► 

Organization of the genes that encode proteins 
required to metabolize lactose. The coding re- 
gions for three proteins — LacZ, LacY, and 
LacA — constitute the lac operon and are co- 
transcribed from a single promoter (P /ac ). 

The gene that encodes lac repressor, lad, is 
located upstream of the lac operon and has 
its own promoter, P; lac repressor binds to 
the operators Oi and 0 2 near P/ac! t denotes 
the transcription termination sequence. 

lac operon 

lacl lacZ lacY lacA 

21.7 The lac Operon, an Example of Negative and Positive Regulation 651 

◄ Figure 21.16 

Electron micrographs of DNA loops. These 
loops were formed by mixing lac repressor 
with a fragment of DNA bearing two syn- 
thetic lac repressor-binding sites. One bind- 
ing site is located at one end of the DNA 
fragment, and the other is 535 bp away. 
DNA loops 535 bp in length form when the 
tetrameric repressor binds simultaneously to 
the two sites. 

B. The Structure of lac Repressor 

The role of lac repressor in regulating expression of the lac operon has been 
known since the 1960s. However, the structure of this important protein 
was solved only in the 1990s after the development of new techniques for 
determining the structure of large molecules. The structure of part of the 
lac repressor bound to one operator sequence is shown in Figure 21.19. The 
complete protein contains four identical subunits arranged as two pairs, 
and each pair of subunits binds to a different operator sequence. Inside 
the cell these two fragments of DNA are part of a single DNA molecule — 
and repressor binding forms a loop of DNA at the 5' end of the lac operon. 

▲ Figure 21.17 

Binding of lac repressor to the lac operon. The 

tetrameric lac repressor interacts simultane- 
ously with two sites near the promoter of the 
lac operon. As a result, a loop of DNA forms. 
RNA polymerase can still bind to the pro- 
moter in the presence of the lac 
repressor-DNA complex. 

in electron micrographs of the complex formed between lac repressor and DNA 
(Figure 21.16). The interaction of lac repressor with the operator sequences may 
block transcription by preventing the binding of RNA polymerase to the lac pro- 
moter. However, it is now known that, in some cases, both lac repressor and RNA 
polymerase can bind to the promoter at the same time. Thus, the repressor may also 
block transcription initiation by preventing formation of the open complex and 
promoter clearance. A schematic diagram of lac repressor bound to DNA in the pres- 
ence of RNA polymerase is shown in Figure 21.17. The diagram illustrates the rela- 
tionship between the operators and the promoter and the DNA loop that forms 
when the repressor binds to DNA. 

The repressor locates an operator by binding nonspecifically to DNA and search- 
ing by sliding or hopping in one dimension. The non-specific equilibrium constant is 
about 10 6 M -1 — comparable to that of RNA polymerase (Section 21.3C). (Recall from 
Section 21.3C that RNA polymerase also uses this kind of searching mechanism.) The 
equilibrium association constant for the specific binding of lac repressor to Oj_ in 
vitro is very high (K a ~ 10 13 M -1 ). As a result, the repressor blocks tran- 
scription very effectively, (lac repressor binds to the 0 2 site with lower 
affinity.) A bacterial cell contains only about ten molecules of lac repressor 
but the repressor searches for and finds an operator so rapidly that when a 
repressor dissociates spontaneously from the operator, another occupies 
the site within a very short time. However, during this brief interval, one 
transcript of the operon can be made since RNA polymerase is poised at 
the promoter. This low level of transcription, called escape synthesis, en- 
sures that small amounts of lactose permease and /3-galactosidase are pres- 
ent in the cell. 

In the absence of lactose, lac repressor blocks expression of the lac 
operon, but when /3-galactosides are available as potential carbon sources, 
the genes are transcribed. Several /3-galactosides can act as inducers. If 
lactose is the available carbon source, the inducer is allolactose, which is 
produced from lactose by the action of /3-galactosidase (Figure 21.18). 
Allolactose binds tightly to lac repressor and causes a conformational 
change that reduces the affinity of the repressor for the operators 
(K a ~ 10 10 M -1 ). In the presence of the inducer, lac repressor dissociates 
from the DNA, allowing RNA polymerase to initiate transcription. (Note 
that because of escape synthesis, lactose can be taken up and converted to 
allolactose even when the operon is repressed.) 

At any given time, one molecule of 
repressor is bound to the operator and 
nine molecules are bound non-specifically 
to DNA. 

RNA polymerase 


CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 


(/3-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1 -> 4)-/3-D-glucopyranose) 




(/3-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1 6)-/3-D-glucopyranose) 
▲ Figure 21.18 

Formation of allolactose from lactose, cat- 
alyzed by /S-galactosidase. This is a minor or 
side reaction. The main enzymatic activity 
of /3-galactosidase is to cleave disaccharides 
into monomers that can be converted into 
substrates for glycolysis. 

The subunits are joined together at a hinge region. The X-ray crystallo- 
graphic structure reveals that the two pairs of subunits are stacked on top of 
one another (Figure 21.17) and not extended away from the hinge region as 
was expected. This makes a more compact protein that is less symmetric 
than many other tetrameric proteins. 

Each subunit contains a helix- turn -helix motif at the ends farthest from 
the hinge region. When bound to DNA, one of the a helices lies in the major 
groove where amino acid side chains interact directly with the specific base 
pairs of the operator sequence. The two helices from each pair of subunits 
are positioned about one turn of DNA apart (about 10 bp), and each one in- 
teracts with half of the operator sequence. This binding strategy is similar to 
that of restriction endonuclease EcoRl (Section 19.6C). 

In the absence of DNA the distal regions of the lac repressor subunits 
are disordered (Section 4.7D). This is one reason why it took such a long 
time to work out the structure. The structure of the helix-turn-helix motif 
can only be seen when the protein is bound to DNA. There are now many 
examples of such interactions in which the stable structure of the protein is 
significantly altered by ligand binding. In the presence of inducers, such as 
allolactose or IPTG, the repressor adopts a slightly different conformation 
and can no longer bind to the DNA operators. 

C. cAMP Regulatory Protein Activates Transcription 

Transcription of the lac operon in E. coli depends not only on the presence 
of /3-galactosides but also on the concentration of glucose in the external 
medium. The lac operon is transcribed maximally when /3-galactosides, 
such as lactose, are the only carbon source; transcription is reduced 50-fold 
when glucose is also present. The decreased rate of transcription of operons 
when glucose is present is termed catabolite repression. 

Catabolite repression is a feature of many operons encoding meta- 
bolic enzymes. These operons characteristically have weak promoters 
from which transcription is initiated inefficiently in the presence of glu- 
cose. In the absence of glucose, however, the rate of transcription initia- 
tion increases dramatically due to an activator that converts the relatively 
weak promoter to a stronger one. No repressor is involved, despite the 

Figure 21.19 ► 

Structure of E. coli lac repressor. This figure 
shows a dimer of lac repressor subunits 
bound to DNA. Lac repressor is a tetramer 
in vivo, containing two DNA-binding sites. 

(a) End-on view of the DNA molecule. 

(b) Side view showing the lac repressor a 
helix in the major groove. [PDB 1EFA]. 

21.7 The lac Operon, an Example of Negative and Positive Regulation 653 

use of the term catabolite repression. In fact, this is a well-studied 
example of an activation mechanism. 

The activator is cyclic AMP regulatory (or receptor) protein 
(CRP), also known as catabolite activator protein (CAP). CRP is a 
dimeric protein whose activity is modulated by cyclic AMP. In the ab- 
sence of cAMP, CRP has low affinity for DNA but when cAMP is 
present it binds to CRP and converts it to a sequence-specific 
DNA-binding protein. The CRP- cAMP complex interacts with specific 
DNA sequences near the promoters of more than 30 genes including 
the lac operon. Because the genome contains many more binding 
sites for CRP-cAMP than for lac repressor, it is not surprising that 
there are at least 1000 molecules of CRP per cell compared to only 
about 10 molecules of lac repressor. The CRP-cAMP binding sites are 
often just upstream of the —35 regions of the promoters they acti- 
vate. While bound to DNA, CRP-cAMP can contact RNA polymerase 
at the promoter site, leading to increased rates of transcription initia- 
tion (Figure 21.20). Most of the protein-protein interactions are be- 
tween bound CRP-cAMP and the a subunits of RNA polymerase. 
This is typical of most interactions between activators and RNA 
polymerase. (There are many different transcriptional activators in 
bacterial cells.) The net effect of CRP-cAMP is to increase the pro- 
duction of enzymes that can use substrates other than glucose. In the 
case of the lac operon, activation by CRP-cAMP occurs only when 
/3-galactosides are available. At other times, transcription of the 
operon is repressed. 

The concentration of cAMP inside an E. coli cell is controlled 
by the concentration of glucose outside the cell. When glucose is avail- 
able, it is imported into the cell and phosphorylated by a complex of 
transport proteins collectively known as the phosphoenolpyruvate- 
dependent sugar phosphotransferase system. When glucose is not avail- 
able, one of the glucose transport enzymes, enzyme III, catalyzes the 
transfer of a phosphoryl group, ultimately derived from phospho- 
enolpyruvate, to adenylate cyclase, leading to its activation (Figure 21.21). 

(a) CRP-cAMP binds to a site near the 







(b) RNA polymerase holoenzyme binds to 
the promoter and also contacts the bound 
activator, which increases the rate of 
transcription initiation. 



▲ Figure 21.20 

Activation of transcription initiation at the lac 
promoter by CRP-cAMP. 




cAMP + PP; 


r Pyruvate 


◄ Figure 21.21 

cAMP production. In the absence of glucose, 
enzyme III (EMI) transfers a phosphoryl 
group, originating from phosphoenolpyru- 
vate, to membrane-bound adenylate cyclase. 
Phosphorylated adenylate cyclase catalyzes 
the conversion of ATP to cAMP. cAMP binds 
to CRP, and CRP-cAMP activates the tran- 
scription of a number of genes encoding 
enzymes that compensate for the lack of 
glucose as a carbon source. 

654 CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 



Adenylate cyclase (also know as adenylyl cyclase) then catalyzes the conversion of 
ATP to cAMP thereby increasing the levels of cAMP in the cell. As molecules of 
cAMP are produced, they bind to CRP stimulating transcription initiation at pro- 
moters that respond to catabolite repression. Similar mechanisms for responding 
to external stimuli operate in eukaryotes where molecules such as cAMP act as sec- 
ond messengers (Section 9.12B). 

Each subunit of the CRP dimer contains a helix-turn-helix DNA binding 
motif. In the presence of cAMP, two helices — one from each monomer — fit into 
adjacent sections of the major groove of DNA and contact the nucleotides of the 
CRP-cAMP binding site. This is the same general binding strategy used by lac re- 
pressor and EcoRl. In the absence of cAMP, the conformation of CRP changes so 
that the two a helices can no longer bind to the major groove (Figure 21.22). 
When CRP-cAMP is bound to the activator sequence, the DNA is bent slightly to 
conform to the surface of the protein (Figure 21.23). 



a helix 



▲ Figure 21.22 

Conformational changes in CRP caused by 
cAMP binding. Each monomer of the CRP 
dimer contains a helix-turn-helix motif. In 
the absence of cAMP, the a helices cannot 
fit into adjacent sections of the major groove 
of DNA and cannot recognize the CRP-cAMP 
binding site. When cAMP binds to CRP, the 
two a helices assume the proper conforma- 
tion for binding to DNA. 

21.8 Post-transcriptional Modification 
of RNA 

In many cases, RNA transcripts must be extensively altered before they can adopt 
their mature structures and functions. These alterations fall into three general cat- 
egories: (1) removal of nucleotides from primary RNA transcripts; (2) addition of 
nucleotides not encoded by the corresponding genes; and (3) covalent modifica- 
tion of certain bases. The reactions that transform a primary RNA transcript into a 
mature RNA molecule are referred to collectively as RNA processing. RNA process- 
ing is crucial for the function of most RNA molecules and is an integral part of 
gene expression. 

A. Transfer RNA Processing 

Mature tRNA molecules are generated in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes by pro- 
cessing primary transcripts. In prokaryotes, the primary transcript often contains 
several tRNA precursors. These precursors are cleaved from the large primary 
transcripts and trimmed to their mature lengths by ribonucleases, or RNases. 
Figure 21.24 summarizes the processing of prokaryotic tRNA precursors. 

The endonuclease RNase P catalyzes the initial cleavage of most tRNA pri- 
mary transcripts. The enzyme cleaves the transcript on the 5' side of each tRNA 
sequence, releasing monomeric tRNA precursors with mature 5' ends. Diges- 
tion with RNase P in vivo is rapid and occurs while the transcript is still being 

Figure 21.23 ► 

Structure of a complex between CRP-cAMP 

and DNA. Both subunits contain a molecule 
of cAMP bound at the allosteric site. Each 
subunit has an a helix positioned in the 
major groove of DNA at the CRP-cAMP 
binding site. Note that binding induces a 
slight bend in the DNA. [PDB 1CGP]. 

21.9 Eukaryotic mRNA Processing 655 

RNase P was one of the first specific ribonucleases studied in detail and much is 
known about its structure. The enzyme is actually a ribonucleoprotein. In E. coli, it is 
composed of a 377-nucleotide RNA molecule (M r 130,000) and a small polypeptide 
(M r 18,000). In the absence of protein the RNA component is catalytically active in vitro 
(under certain conditions). It was one of the first RNA molecules shown to have 
enzymatic activity and is an example of the fourth class of RNA molecules described in 
Section 21.1. The protein component of RNase P helps maintain the three-dimensional 
structure of the RNA. Sidney Altman was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1989 for showing 
that the RNA component of RNase P had catalytic activity. 

Other endonucleases cleave tRNA precursors near their 3' ends. Subsequent pro- 
cessing of the 3' end of a tRNA precursor requires the activity of an exonuclease, such as 
RNase D. This enzyme catalyzes the sequential removal of nucleotides from the 3' end 
of a monomeric tRNA precursor until the 3 ' end of the tRNA is reached. 

All mature prokaryotic and eukaryotic tRNA molecules must contain the sequence 
CCA as the final three nucleotides at their 3' ends. In some cases, these nucleotides are 
added post-transcriptionally after all other types of processing at the 3' end have been 
completed. The addition of these three nucleotides is catalyzed by tRNA nucleotidyl- 
transferase and is one of the few examples of the addition of nucleotides that are not 
encoded by a gene. 

Processing of tRNA precursors also involves covalently modifying some of the nu- 
cleotide bases. Mature tRNA molecules exhibit a greater diversity of covalent modifica- 
tions than any other class of RNA molecule. Typically 26 to 30 of the approximately 80 
nucleotides in a tRNA molecule are covalently modified. Each type of covalent modifi- 
cation usually occurs in only one location on each molecule. Some examples of the sites 
of modification of nucleotides are shown in Figure 21.25. 

B. Ribosomal RNA Processing 

Ribosomal RNA molecules in all organisms are produced as large primary transcripts 
that require subsequent processing, including methylation and cleavage by endonucle- 
ases, before the mature molecules can adopt their active forms. This processing of ribo- 
somal RNA is coupled to ribosome assembly. 

The primary transcripts of prokaryotic rRNA molecules are about 3 OS in size and 
contain one copy each of the 16S, 23S, and 5S rRNAs. The transcripts also contain inter- 
spersed tRNA precursors. (Note that S is the symbol for the Svedberg unit, a measure of 
the rate at which particles move in the gravitational field established in an ultracen- 
trifuge. Large S values are associated with large masses. The relationship between S and 
mass is not linear; therefore, S values are not additive.) Since the three rRNAs are de- 
rived from a single transcript, this processing ensures that there are equimolar amounts 
of each of the mature ribosomal RNAs. 

The 5' and 3' ends of each mature rRNA molecule are usually found in base-paired 
regions in the primary transcript. In prokaryotes, the endonuclease RNase III binds to 
these regions and cleaves the precursor near the ends of the 16S and 23S rRNAs. Follow- 
ing the initial cleavage, the ends of the rRNA molecules are trimmed by the actions of 
specific endonucleases (Figure 21.26). 

Eukaryotic ribosomal RNAs are also produced by processing a larger precursor. 
The primary transcripts are between 35S and 47S in size and contain a copy of each of 
three eukaryotic rRNA species: 18S, 5.8S, and 28S. (The fourth eukaryotic rRNA, 5S 
rRNA, is transcribed as a monomer by RNA polymerase III and is processed separately.) 
The primary transcripts are synthesized in the region of the nucleus called the nucleolus, 
where initial processing occurs. Each rRNA precursor partially folds up and binds to 
some of its ribosomal protein partners before the processing cleavages take place. 

(a) RNase P and other endonucleases 
cleave the primary transcript. 

RNase P 

RNase D 

(c) tRNA nucleotidyl transferase adds 
CCA to the 3' end. 

2 CTP + ATP 

▲ Figure 21.24 

Summary of prokaryotic tRNA processing. 

21.9 Eukaryotic mRNA Processing 


The processing of mRNA precursors is one of the biochemical features that distin- Unmodified mRNAs are inherently 

guishes prokaryotes from eukaryotes. In prokaryotes, the primary mRNA tran- unstable in a cell and would be rapidly 

scripts are translated directly, often initiating translation before transcription is degraded by ribonucleases. 


CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

A/ 6 -Methyladenylate 

(m 6 -A) 




▲ Figure 21.25 

Examples of common covalent modifications 
found in tRNA molecules (the modifications are 
shown in blue). 

Figure 21.26 ► 

Endonucleolytic cleavage of ribosomal RNA 
precursors in E. coli. The primary transcript 
contains a copy of each of the three riboso- 
mal RNAs and may also contain several 
tRNA precursors. The large rRNA precursors 
are cleaved from the large primary transcript 
by the action of RNase III. The ends of the 
16S, 23S, and 5S rRNAs are trimmed by 
the action of endonucleases M16, M23, and 
M5, respectively. (Slash marks indicate that 
portions of the rRNA primary transcript have 
been deleted for clarity.) 

A/ 6 -lsopentenyladenylate 

(i 6 -A) 





(m 7 G) 




(ribose at C-5) 

5-oxyacetic acid 
(cmo 5 -U) 


(m 3 C) 


(m 5 C) 





21.9 Eukaryotic mRNA Processing 


complete. In eukaryotes, on the other hand, transcription occurs in the nucleus, 
and translation takes place in the cytoplasm. This compartmentalization of func- 
tions in eukaryotic cells allows nuclear processing of mRNA precursors without 
disrupting translation. 

Mature eukaryotic mRNA molecules are often derived from much larger primary 
transcripts. Subsequent processing of these primary transcripts includes some of the 
same steps that we saw in the previous section, namely: cleavage of a precursor, addition 
of terminal nucleotides, and covalent modification of nucleotides. Often, specific nu- 
cleotides (called intervening sequences, or introns) from the middle of an mRNA pri- 
mary transcript are actually excised, or removed, and the resulting fragments are ligated 
together to produce the mature mRNA. This step, called splicing, is common in most 
eukaryotic species. Splicing also occurs during the processing of some eukaryotic tRNA 
and rRNA precursors (although these post- transcriptional modifications use a different 
splicing mechanism). 

A. Eukaryotic mRNA Molecules Have Modified Ends 

All eukaryotic mRNA precursors undergo modifications that increase the stability of 
the mature mRNAs and make them better substrates for translation. One way to in- 
crease the stability of mRNAs is to modify their ends so that they are no longer suscep- 
tible to cellular exonucleases that degrade RNA. 

The 5' ends are modified while the mRNA precursors are still being synthesized. 
The 5' end of the primary transcript is a nucleoside triphosphate residue (usually a 
purine) that was the first nucleotide incorporated by RNA polymerase II. Modification 
of this end begins when the gamma-phosphate group is removed by the action of a 
phosphohydrolase (Figure 21.27). The resulting 5 '-diphosphate group then reacts with 
the a-phosphorus atom of a GTP molecule to create a 5' -5' triphosphate linkage. This 
reaction is catalyzed by guanylyltransferase and produces a structure called a cap. 
The cap is often further modified by methylating the newly added guanylate. The 
2 '-hydroxyl groups of the first two nucleotides in the original transcript may also be 
methylated. Methyl groups for these reactions are donated by S-adenosylmethionine 
(Section 7.3). 

The 5' -5' triphosphate linkage protects the mRNA molecule from 5' exonucle- 
ases by blocking its 5' end. The cap also converts mRNA precursors into substrates for 
other processing enzymes in the nucleus, such as those that catalyze splicing. In mature 
mRNA, the cap is the site where ribosomes attach during protein synthesis. Capping is 
a cotranscriptional process that is confined to the nucleus. The capping enzymes 
shown in Figure 21.27 interact directly with RNA polymerase II transcription com- 
plexes but not with RNA polymerase I or RNA polymerase III complexes, ensuring 
that mRNA precursors are the only capped RNAs (i.e., tRNA and rRNA are not sub- 
strates for capping). 

Eukaryotic mRNA precursors are also modified at their 3' ends. Once RNA poly- 
merase II has transcribed past the 3' end of the coding region of DNA, the newly 
synthesized RNA is cleaved by an endonuclease downstream of a specific site whose 
consensus recognition sequence is AAUAAA. This sequence is bound by a cleavage and 
polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF), a protein that also interacts with the endonu- 
clease and a polymerase (Figure 21.28). After cleaving the RNA, the endonuclease disso- 
ciates and multiple adenylate residues are added to the newly generated 3' end of the 
molecule. The addition reactions are catalyzed by poly A polymerase, which adds 
adenylate residues using ATP as a substrate. Up to 250 nucleotides can be added to form 
a stretch of polyadenylate known as a poly A tail. 

With a few rare exceptions, all mature mRNA molecules in eukaryotes contain poly 
A tails. The length of the tail varies, depending on the species and possibly on the type 
of mRNA and the developmental stage of the cell. The length also depends on the age of 
the mRNA since the poly A tail is progressively shortened by the action of 3' exonucle- 
ases. In fact, the tail has already been shortened by 50 to 100 nucleotides by the time the 
mature mRNA reaches the nuclear pores. The presence of the poly A tail increases the 
time required for the exonucleases to reach the coding region. 


Many eukaryotic coding sequences are 
interrupted by introns. 

658 CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

Figure 21.27 ► 

Formation of a cap at the 5' end of a eukary- 
otic mRNA precursor. (1) A phosphohydrolase 
catalyzes removal of the phosphate group at 
the 5' end of the precursor. (2) The 5' end 
then receives a GMP group from GTP in a 
reaction catalyzed by guanylyltransferase. 

(3) The base of the guanylate group is 
methylated at N-7. (4) The 2'-hydroxyl 
groups of the terminal and the penultimate 
ribose groups of the precursor may also be 

0 G 

© 1 




°0— P=0 H 2 0 Pi 

1 l t 

o — ^ s > 

© 1 (1) 




© 1 

°0— P = 0 


21.9 Eukaryotic mRNA Processing 659 

(a) Polyadenylation begins when 
RNA polymerase II transcription 
complex transcribes through a 
polyadenylation signal at the 3' 
end of an mRNA precursor. 

(b) CPSF binds to the consensus 
sequence and forms a complex 
containing an RNA 
endonuclease. The endonuclease 
catalyzes cleavage of the 
transcript downstream of the 
polyadenylation sequence, 
forming a new 3' end. Poly A 
polymerase can then bind to the 
end of the mRNA precursor. 



Poly A 


(c) The endonuclease dissociates 
and the new 3' end of the RNA is 
polyadenylated by the activity of 
poly A polymerase. 

▲ Figure 21.28 

Polyadenylation of a eukaryotic mRNA 




Poly A 

B. Some Eukaryotic mRNA Precursors Are Spliced 

Splicing is rare in prokaryotes but it is the rule in animals and flowering plants. Internal 
sequences that are removed from the primary RNA transcript are called introns. 
Sequences that are present in the primary RNA transcript and in the mature RNA mol- 
ecule are called exons. The words intron and exon also refer to the regions of the gene 
(DNA) that encode corresponding RNA introns and exons. Since DNA introns are tran- 
scribed, they are considered part of the gene. The junctions of introns and exons are 
known as splice sites since these are the sites where the mRNA precursor is cut and 

Because of the loss of introns, mature mRNA is often a fraction of the size of the 
primary transcript. For example, the gene for triose phosphate isomerase from maize 
contains nine exons and eight introns and spans over 3400 bp of DNA. The mature 

660 CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 



Triose phosphate 
isomerase gene 

Site of 3' 
cleavage and 








Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3 Exon 4 

Exon 5 


Exon 6 Exon 7 Exon 8 Exon 9 

Translated sequence 



mRNA 5 m 7 GTP 



A A A A Awv' AAA 


Spliced mRNA 


▲ Figure 21.29 

Triose phosphate isomerase gene from maize 
and the encoded enzyme, (a) Diagram of the 
gene showing nine exons and eight introns. 
Some exons contain both translated and un- 
translated sequences, (b) Three-dimensional 
structure of the protein showing the parts of 
the protein encoded by each exon. 

mRNA, which includes a poly A tail, is only 1050 nucleotides long (Figure 21.29). 
The enzyme itself contains 253 amino acid residues. 

It used to be thought that there was a correlation between the intron/exon organi- 
zation of a gene and the structure of the protein that the gene encodes. According to this 
hypothesis, exons encode protein domains and the presence of introns reflects the 
primitive organization of the gene. In other words, introns arose early in evolution. 
However, as shown in Figure 21.29b, there is no obvious correlation between exons and 
protein structure. Most biochemists and molecular biologists now believe that introns 
have been inserted at random locations during the evolution of a gene. The “introns 
late” hypothesis states that most primitive genes did not have introns and postulates 
that introns arose much later during the evolution of eukaryotes. 

Introns can vary in length from as few as 42 bp to as many as 10,000 bp (the lower 
limit varies with each species; for example, most C. elegans introns are too small to be 
accurately spliced in either a vertebrate cell or cell-free extract). The nucleotide se- 
quences at splice sites are similar in all mRNA precursors, but the sequence of the rest of 
the intron is not conserved. The vertebrate consensus sequences at the two splice sites 
are shown in Figure 21.30. Another short consensus sequence is found within the intron 
near the 3' end. This sequence, known as the branch site or the branch-point sequence, 
also plays an important role in splicing. 

21.9 Eukaryotic mRNA Processing 661 





* A * 

5T/w> G U r AG U y N Y U R A 





10-40 nucleotides > 

5' splice site 

Branch site 

3' splice site 

consensus sequence 

consensus sequence 

consensus sequence 

The splicing of an mRNA precursor to remove a single intron requires two transes- 
terification reactions: one between the 5' splice site and the branch-site adenylate 
residue, and one between the 5' exon and the 3' splice site. The products of these two 
reactions are (1) the joined exons and (2) the excised intron in the form of a lariat- 
shaped molecule. These splicing reactions are catalyzed by a large RNA-protein com- 
plex called the spliceosome. The spliceosome helps to not only retain the intermediate 
splicing products but also position the splice sites so that the exons can be precisely 
joined (Figure 21.31). 

The spliceosome is a large, multisubunit complex. It contains over 100 proteins and 
five molecules of RNA whose total length is about 5000 nucleotides. These RNA mole- 
cules are called small nuclear RNA (snRNA) molecules and are associated with proteins 
to form small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, or snRNPs (pronounced “snurps”). snRNPs 
are important not only in the splicing of mRNA precursors but also in other cellular 

There are five different types of snRNAs — Ul, U2, U4, U5, and U6. (U stands for 
uracil, a common base in these small RNA molecules.) — and a diploid vertebrate nu- 
cleus contains more than 100,000 total copies of snRNA. All five snRNA molecules are 
extensively base-paired and contain modified nucleotides. Each snRNP contains one or 
two snRNAs plus a number of proteins. Some of these proteins are common to all 
snRNPs; others are found in only one class of snRNP. 

Biochemical experiments in vitro using purified components have led to a sequential 
model for spliceosome assembly (Figure 21.32). Spliceosome formation begins when a Ul 
snRNP binds to the newly synthesized 5' splice site of the mRNA precursor. This interac- 
tion depends on base pairing between the 5' splice site and a complementary sequence 
near the 5' end of the Ul snRNA. A U2 snRNP then binds to the branch site of the intron, 
forming a stable complex that covers about 40 nucleotides. Next, a U5 snRNP associates 
with the y splice site. Finally, a U4/U6 snRNP joins the complex, and all snRNPs are drawn 
together to form the spliceosome. Because several groups have now discovered that these 
same snRNPs are found preassembled in a much larger complex, prior to splicing, this 
pathway may not accurately reflect the splicing cycle in vivo. 

Binding of the Ul, U2, and U5 snRNPs to consensus sequences at the 5' splice 
site, branch site, and 3' splice site of the intron positions these three interactive sites 
properly for the splicing reaction. The spliceosome then prevents the 5' exon from 
diffusing away after cleavage and positions it to be joined to the 3' exon. Once a 
spliceosome has formed at an intron, it is quite stable and can be purified from cell 

Since spliceosomes can be observed on nascent transcripts, it is thought that intron 
removal is the rate limiting step in RNA processing. Since the spliceosome, which is al- 
most as large as a ribosome, is too large to fit through the nuclear pores, the mRNA pre- 
cursors are prevented from leaving the nucleus before processing is complete. Once an 
intron is excised, the spliceosome gets recycled and will repeat the catalytic cycle on the 
next intron it encounters. 

Figure 21.31 ► 

Intron removal in mRNA precursors. The spliceosome, a multicomponent RNA-protein complex, cat- 
alyzes splicing. 

[Adapted from Sharp, P. A. (1987). Splicing of messenger RNA precursors. Science 235:766-771.] 

◄ Figure 21.30 

Consensus sequences at splice sites in verte- 
brates. Highly conserved nucleotides are un- 
derlined. Y represents a pyrimidine (U or C), 
R represents a purine (A or G), and N repre- 
sents any nucleotide. The splice sites, 
where the RNA precursor is cut and joined, 
are indicated by red arrows, and the branch 
site is indicated by a black arrow. The intron 
is highlighted in blue. 

(a) The spliceosome positions the 
adenylate residue at the branch 
site near the 5' splice site. The 
2'-hydroxyl group of the 
adenylate attacks the 5' splice site. 

(b) The 2'-hydroxyl group is attached 
to the 5' end of the intron, and 
the newly created 3'-hydroxyl 
group of the exon attacks the 3' 
splice site. 

(c) As a result the ends of the exons 
are joined, and the intron, a 
lariat-shaped molecule, is 



662 CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

◄ Figure 21.32 
Formation of a spliceosome. 

(a) As soon as the 5' splice site exits 
the transcription complex, a U1 
snRNP binds to it. 

U1 snRNP 

U2 snRNP 

(b) Next, a U2 snRNP binds to the 
branch site within the intron. 






mRNA (exon) 



U5 snRNP 

(c) When the 3' splice site emerges 
from the transcription complex, a 
U5 snRNP binds, and the 
complete spliceosome assembles 
around a U4/U6 snRNP. 


1. A gene is a sequence of DNA that is transcribed. Housekeeping 
genes encode proteins and RNA molecules that are essential for 
normal cellular activities. 

2. Cells contain several types of RNA, including transfer RNA, ribo- 
somal RNA, messenger RNA, and small RNA molecules. 

3. DNA-directed RNA synthesis, or transcription, is catalyzed by RNA 
polymerase. Ribonucleoside triphosphates are added in nucleotidyl- 
group-transfer reactions using a DNA strand as a template. 

4. Transcription begins at a promoter sequence and proceeds in the 
5' — » 3' direction. A promoter consensus sequence indicates the 
nucleotides most commonly found at each position. The cr sub- 
unit of E. coli RNA polymerase increases the affinity of the core 
polymerase for a promoter and decreases the affinity for nonpro- 
moter sequences. During initiation, a transcription bubble forms 
and a short stretch of RNA is synthesized. The a subunit dissoci- 
ates in the transition from initiation to chain elongation. 

Problems 663 

5. Transcription termination in E. coli occurs near pause sites, often 
when the RNA forms a hairpin structure. Some terminations re- 
quire rho , which binds to single- stranded RNA. 

6. In eukaryotes, several different RNA polymerases carry out tran- 
scription. Transcription factors interact with the promoter and 
RNA polymerase to initiate transcription. 

7. Some genes are expressed constitutively, but the transcription of 
other genes is regulated. Transcription may be regulated by a re- 
pressor or an activator. These are often allosteric proteins. 

8. Transcription of the three genes of the lac operon is blocked 
when lac repressor binds to two operators near the promoter. The 
repressor dissociates from the DNA when it binds the inducer 

allolactose. Transcription is activated by a complex of cAMP and 
CRP (cAMP regulatory protein). 

9. RNA transcripts are frequently modified by processing, which in- 
cludes the removal, addition, or modification of nucleotide 
residues. Primary transcripts of prokaryotic tRNA and rRNA are 
processed by nucleolytic cleavage and covalent modification. 

10 . Processing of mRNA in eukaryotes includes the addition of a 5' 
cap and a 3' poly A tail to protect the molecule from nuclease di- 
gestion. In some cases, introns are removed by splicing. The two 
transesterification reactions of splicing are catalyzed by the 
spliceosome, a complex containing small nuclear ribonucleopro- 
teins (snRNPs). 


1 . A bacterial RNA polymerase elongates RNA at a rate of 70 nucleotides 
per second, and each transcription complex covers 70 bp of DNA. 

(a) What is the maximum number of RNA molecules that can be 
produced per minute from a gene of 6000 bp? (Assume that 
initiation is not rate limiting.) 

(b) What is the maximum number of transcription complexes 
that can be bound to this gene at one time? 

2. The E. coli genome is approximately 4600 kb in size and contains 
about 4000 genes. The mammalian genome is approximately 
33 X 10 6 kb in size and contains at most 30,000 genes. An aver- 
age gene in E. coli is 1000 bp long. 

(a) Calculate the percentage of E. coli DNA that is not transcribed. 

(b) Although many mammalian genes are larger than bacterial 
genes, most mammalian gene products are the same size as 
bacterial gene products. Calculate the percentage of DNA in 
exons in the mammalian genome. 

3. There are a variety of methods that will allow you to introduce an 
intact eukaryotic gene (e.g., the triose phosphate isomerase gene) 
into a prokaryotic cell. Would you expect this gene to be properly 
transcribed by prokaryotic RNA polymerase? What about the 
converse situation, where an intact prokaryotic gene is introduced 
into a eukaryotic cell; will it be properly transcribed by a eukary- 
otic transcription complex? 

4 . Assume that, in a rare instance, a typical eukaryotic triose phos- 
phate isomerase gene contains the correct sequences to permit ac- 
curate transcription in a prokaryotic cell. Would the resulting 
RNA be properly translated to yield the intact enzyme? 

5. Describe how the rate of transcription of the lac operon is 
affected when E. coli cells are grown in the presence of (a) lactose 
plus glucose, (b) glucose alone, and (c) lactose alone. 

6. In the promoter of the E. coli lac operon the —10 region has the 
sequence 5'-TATGTT-3'. A mutation named UV5 changes this 
sequence to 5'-TATAAT-3' (see Figure 21.6). Transcription from 
the lac UV5 promoter is no longer dependent on the CRP-cAMP 
complex. Why? 

7. When /3-3? 2 P4 tATP is incubated with a eukaryotic cell extract 
that is capable of transcription and RNA processing, where does 
the label appear in mRNA? 

8. Unlike DNA polymerase, RNA polymerase does not have proof- 
reading activity. Explain why the lack of proofreading activity is 
not detrimental to the cell. 

9. Mature mRNA from eukaryotic cells is often purified from 
other components in the cell with the use of columns contain- 
ing oligo (dT) cellulose. These columns contain short segments 
of single-stranded deoxyribose thymidylate residues, oligo(dT), 
attached to a cellulose matrix. Explain the rationale for use of 
these columns to purify mature mRNA from a mixture of 

10 . Rifampicin is a semisynthetic compound made from rifamycin 
B, an antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces mediterranei. 
Rifampicin is an approved anti-mycobacterial drug that is a 
standard component of combination regimens for treating tu- 
berculosis and staphylococci infections that resist penicillin. 
Recent studies have suggested that rifampicin-resistant tuber- 
culosis is becoming more common. For example, 2% of sam- 
ples from a survey in Botswana were found to be resistant to 
the drug. The table below gives some results from wild type 
E. coli and E. coli with a single amino acid change in the 
(3 subunit of RNA polymerase (Asp to Tyr at amino acid posi- 
tion 516) and their growth response to media that contained 
rifampicin. [Severinov, K., Soushko, M., Goldfarb, A., and 
Nikiforov, V. (1993). Rifampicin region revisited. /. Biol. Chem. 

£. coli Rifampicin 0 (fx g/ml) 

Wild type <5 

Asp51 6Tyr in /3 subunit >50 

°Rifampicin concentration at the point of growth arrest of the E. coli. 

(a) What is your interpretation of the data? 

(b) What role does the [3 subunit have in RNA polymerase? 

(c) Describe one mechanism for rifampicin-resistant bacteria. 

11. A segment of DNA from the middle of an E. coli gene has the se- 
quence below. Write the mRNA sequences that can be produced 
by transcribing this segment in either direction. 


12 . Does the definition of a gene given on page 638 5e [first page of 
Chapter 2 1 ] apply to the rRNA and tRNA genes whose primary 
transcript is shown in Figure 21.26? 

664 CHAPTER 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

13. In general, if we know the genomic DNA sequence of a gene we 
can reliably predict the nucleotide sequence of the RNA encoded 
by that gene. Is this statement also true for tRNAs in prokaryotes? 
What about tRNAs in eukaryotes? 

14. Assume that a spliceosome assembles at the first intron of the 
gene for triose phosphate isomerase in maize (Figure 21.29) 
almost as soon as the intron is transcribed (i.e., after about 500 
nucleotides of RNA have been synthesized). How long must the 
spliceosome be stable if the splicing reaction cannot occur until 
transcription terminates? Assume that the rate of transcription by 
RNA polymerase II in maize is 30 nucleotides per second. 

15. CRP-cAMP represses transcription of the crp gene. Predict the lo- 
cation of the CRP-cAMP binding site relative to the promoter of 
the crp gene. 

16. Why are mutations within an intron of a protein-coding gene 
sometimes detrimental? 

17. A deletion in one of the introns in the gene for the triose phos- 
phate isomerase moves the branch site to a new location seven 
nucleotides away from the 3 '-splice acceptor sequence. Will this 
deletion have any affect on splicing of the gene? 

Selected Readings 


Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., and Raff, M. 
(2007). Molecular Biology of the Cell , 5th ed. 
(New York: Garland) . 

Krebs, J., Goldstein, L., and Kilpatrick, S. (2009). 
Lewin’s Genes X (New York: Jones & Bartlett). 

RNA Polymerases and Transcription 

Ardehali, M. B., and Lis, J. T. (2009). Tracking rates 
of transcription and splicing in vivo. Nature Struc- 
tural & Molecular Biology 16:1123-1124. 

Bushnell, D. A., and Kornberg, R. D. (2003). Com- 
plete, 12-subunit RNA polymerase II and 4.1 -A 
resolution: implications for the initiation of tran- 
scription. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (U.S.A.) 

Kornberg, R. D. (1999). Eukaryotic transcriptional 
control. Trends Cell Biol. 9:M46-M49. 

Lisser, S., and Margalit, H. (1993). Compilation of 
E. coli mRNA promoter sequences. Nucleic Acids 
Res. 21:1507-1516. 

Murakami, K. S., Masuda, S., Campbell, E. A., 
Muzzin, O., and Darst, S. A. (2002). Structural 
basis of transcription initiation: an RNA poly- 
merase holoenzyme-DNA complex. Science 

Richardson, J. P. (1993). Transcription termina- 
tion. Crit. Rev. Biochem. 28:1-30. 

Regulation of Transcription 

Becker, R B., and Horz, W. (2002). ATP-dependent 
nucleosome remodeling. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Bushman, F. D. (1992). Activators, deactivators 
and deactivated activators. Curr. Biol. 


Fuda, N. J., Behfar, M., and Lis, J. T. (2009). Defin- 
ing mechanisms that regulate RNA polymerase II 
transcription in vivo. Nature 461:186-192. 

Harrison, S. C., and Aggarwal, A. K. (1990). DNA 
recognition by proteins with the helix-turn-helix 
motif. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 59:933-969. 

Jacob, F., and Monod, J. (1961). Genetic 
regulatory mechanisms in the synthesis of 
proteins. J. Mol. Biol. 3: 318-356. 

Kolb, A., Busby, S., Buc, H., Garges, S., and Adhya, 
S. (1993). Transcriptional regulation by cAMP and 
its receptor protein. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Myers, L. C., and Kornberg, R. D. (2000). Mediator 
of transcriptional regulation. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

Pan, Y., Tsai, C.-J., Ma, B., and Nussinov, R. (2009). 
How do transcription factors select specific bind- 
ing sites in the genome? Nature Structural & Mol- 
ecular Biology 16:1118-1120. 

Wolfe, A. P., and Guschin, D. (2000). Review: chro- 
matin structural features and targets that regulate 
transcription./. Struct. Biol. 129:102-122. 

Workman, J. L., and Kingston, R. E. (1998). Alter- 
ation of nucleosome structure as a mechanism of 
transcriptional regulation. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 

67: 545-579. 

RNA Processing 

Apirion, D., and Miczak, A. (1993). RNA process- 
ing in prokaryotic cells. BioEssays 15:113-120. 

Collins, C. A., and Guthrie, C. (2000). The ques- 
tion remains: is the spliceosome a ribozyme? 
Nature Struct. Biol. 7: 850-854. 

James, B. D., Olsen, G. J., Liu, J., and Pace, N. R. 
(1988). The secondary structure of ribonuclease P 
RNA, the catalytic element of a ribonucleoprotein 
enzyme. Cell 52:19-26. 

Jurica, M. S., and Moore, M. J. (2003). Pre-mRNA 
splicing: awash in a sea of proteins. Molecular Cell 

McKeown, M. (1993). The role of small nuclear 
RNAs in RNA splicing. Curr. Biol. 5:448-454. 

Nilsen, T. W. (2003). The spliceosome: the most 
complex macromolecular machine in the cell? 
BioEssays 25:1 147-1 149. 

Proudfoot, N. (2000). Connecting transcription to 
messenger RNA processing. Trends Biochem. Sci. 

Shatkin, A. J., and Manley, J. L. (2000). The ends of 
the affair: capping and polyadenylation. Nature 
Struct. Biol. 7: 838-842. 

Wahle, E. (1992). The end of the message: 3 '-end 
processing leading to polyadenylated messenger 
RNA. BioEssays 14: 1 13-1 18. 














o c 







_ o 

° o o o 

° o 


o o 


° c 



o o 

Protein Synthesis 

W e are now ready to examine the final stage of biological information flow: 
the translation of mRNA and the polymerization of amino acids into pro- 
teins. The essential features of the biochemistry of protein synthesis were 
worked out in the decade between 1955 and 1965. It was clear that there was a genetic 
code that had to be used to translate a nucleotide sequence into a sequence of amino 
acids. In 1955, Francis Crick proposed that the first step in this process was the attach- 
ment of an amino acid to a small adapter RNA. Shortly after that, the adapters, now 
known as transfer RNAs, were identified. Ribosomes and the other essential components 
of the translation machinery were discovered by fractionating cells and reconstituting 
protein synthesis in vitro. Workers in several laboratories demonstrated that messenger 
RNA is one of the key intermediates in the flow of information from DNA to protein. By 
1961, the most important missing ingredient was the nature of the genetic code. 

We begin this chapter with a discussion of the genetic code and tRNA structure. 
Next, we examine how mRNA, tRNA, ribosomes, and accessory proteins participate in 
protein synthesis. We will also present some examples of the regulation of translation 
and post-translational processing. 

The results indicate that polyuridylic 
acid contains the information for the 
synthesis of a protein having many of 
the characteristics of poly-L-phenylala- 
nine. . . . One or more uridylic acid 
residues therefore appear to be the 
code for phenylalanine. Whether the 
code is of the singlet , triplet , etc v 
type has not yet been determined. 
Polyuridylic acid seemingly functions 
as a synthetic template or messenger 
RNA , and this stable , cell-free E. coli 
system may well synthesize any pro- 
tein corresponding to meaningful in- 
formation contained in added RNA. 

— M. Nirenberg and H. Matthaei, 1961 

22.1 The Genetic Code 

George Gamow first proposed the basic structural units of the genetic code. He rea- 
soned that since the DNA “alphabet” consists of only four “letters” (A, T, C, and G) and 
since these four letters encode 20 amino acids, the genetic code might contain “words,” 
or codons, with a uniform length of three letters. Two-letter words constructed from any 
combination of the four letters produce a vocabulary of only 16 words (4 2 ), not enough 
for all 20 amino acids. In contrast, four-letter words produce a vocabulary of 256 words 
(4 4 ), far more than are needed. Three-letter words allow a possible vocabulary of 64 
words (4 3 ), more than sufficient to specify each of the 20 amino acids but not excessive. 

Top: Escherichia coli ribosome. The ribosome, a complex of RNA and protein, is the site where genetic information is 
translated into protein. 


666 CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

▲ The enigma cryptography machine used by 
German armed forces during the Second World 
War. This mechanical typewriter permitted 
the user to adjust its three large dials to en- 
crypt outgoing messages before being sent 
by telegraph. The recipients could decode 
the message by setting the dials on their 
enigma machine to match. This type of en- 
cryption is extremely difficult to decipher, 
but when Allied forces were able to capture 
an intact enigma machine they could listen 
in on all their enemy’s transmissions. 

The “cracking” of the genetic code began with a chance observation by Marshall 
Nirenberg and J. Heinrich Matthaei. They discovered that polyuridylate (poly U) could 
direct the synthesis of polyphenylalanine in vitro. By showing that UUU encodes 
phenylalanine, they identified the first codon. 

Between 1962 and 1965, the rest of the code was deciphered by a number of work- 
ers, chiefly Nirenberg and H. Gobind Khorana. Overall, it took ten years of hard work to 
learn how mRNA encodes proteins. The development of methods for sequencing genes 
and proteins has allowed direct comparison of the primary sequences of proteins with 
the nucleotide sequences of their corresponding genes. Each time a new protein and its 
gene are characterized, the genetic code is confirmed. 

Transfer RNA (tRNA) plays an important role in interpreting the genetic code and 
translating a nucleotide sequence into an amino acid sequence. tRNAs are the adapters 
between mRNA and proteins. One region of a tRNA molecule is covalently linked to a 
specific amino acid, while another region on the same tRNA molecule interacts directly 
with an mRNA codon by complementary base pairing. It is this processive joining of the 
amino acids specified by an mRNA template that allows the precise synthesis of proteins. 

In principle, a genetic code made up of three-letter words can be either overlapping 
or nonoverlapping (Figure 22.1). If the codons overlap, then each letter is part of more 
than one word and mutating a single letter changes several words simultaneously. For 
example, in the sequence shown in Figure 22.1a, each letter is part of three different 
words in an overlapping code. One of the advantages of a nonoverlapping code (Figure 
22.1b) is that each letter is part of only one word; therefore, mutating a single nu- 
cleotide affects only one codon. All living organisms use a nonoverlapping genetic code. 

Even with a nonoverlapping code, a sequence can be translated in many different 
ways, depending on where translation begins. (We will see later that translation does not 
typically begin with the very first nucleotide in an mRNA.) Each potential translation 
initiation point defines a unique sequence of three-letter words, or reading frame, in the 
mRNA. The correct translation of the “message” transcribed, or written, in the genetic 
code depends on establishing the correct reading frame for translation (Figure 22.2). 

The standard genetic code is shown in Figure 22.3. With a few minor exceptions, all 
living organisms use this genetic code, suggesting that all modern species are descended 
from a common ancestor that also used the standard genetic code. This ancestral 
species probably lived billions of years ago, making the genetic code one of the most an- 
cient remnants of early life. 

By convention, all nucleotide sequences are written in the 5' — » 3' direction. Thus, 
UAC specifies tyrosine, and CAU specifies histidine. The term codon usually refers to 
triplets of nucleotides in mRNA but it can also apply to triplets of nucleotides in the 
DNA sequence of a gene. For example, one DNA codon for tyrosine is TAC. 

Codons are always translated 5' — > 3', beginning near the 5' end of the message 
(i.e., the end synthesized first) and proceeding to the end of the coding region that is 

Figure 22.1 ► 

Message read in (a) overlapping and 
(b) nonoverlapping three-letter codes. In an 

overlapping code, each letter is part of three 
different three-letter words (as indicated for 
the letter G in blue); in a nonoverlapping 
code, each letter is part of only one three- 
letter word. 


(a) Message read in 
triplet code 

U G C 

(b) Message read in 
triplet code 




U G C 

22.1 The Genetic Code 667 

usually near the 3' end of the mRNA. The correct reading frame is specified 
by special punctuation signals that mark the beginning and the end. 

The standard genetic code has several prominent features: 

1. The genetic code is unambiguous. In a particular organism or organelle 
each codon corresponds to one, and only one, amino acid. 

2. There are multiple codons for most amino acids. For example, leucine is 
the most abundant amino acid found in proteins (Table 3.3) and has six 
codons. Because of the existence of several codons for most amino acids, 
the genetic code is said to be degenerate. Different codons that specify the 
same amino acid (e.g., UCU and CGU both specify Ser; ACA, ACC, ACG, 
and ACU all specify Thr) are known as synonymous codons. 

3. The first two nucleotides of a codon are often enough to specify a given 
amino acid. For example, the four codons for glycine (GGU, GGC, GGA, 
and GGG) all begin with GG. 


Message read in •••a _ UG CaTj gTalTgC-- 
reading frame 1 

Message read in u~^~c a^Tg CAU . . 

reading frame 2 

Message read in • • -a~U GCA U~GC aTTg C- • ■ 
reading frame 3 

▲ Figure 22.2 

One mRNA contains three different reading frames. The 

same string of letters read in three different reading 
frames will be translated into three different “messages” 
or protein sequences. Thus, translation of the correct 
message requires selecting the correct reading frame. 

4. Codons with similar sequences specify chemically similar amino acids. 

For example, the codons for threonine differ from four of the codons for 

serine by only a single nucleotide at the 5' position and the codons for aspartate 
and glutamate begin with GA and differ only at the 3' position. In addition, codons 
with pyrimidines at the second position usually encode hydrophobic amino acids. 
Therefore, mutations that alter either the 5' or the 3' position of these codons usu- 
ally result in the incorporation of a chemically similar amino acid into the protein. 

5. Only 61 of the 64 codons specify amino acids. The three remaining codons (UAA, 
UGA, and UAG) are termination codons, or stop codons. Termination codons are not 
normally recognized by any tRNA molecules in the cell. Instead, they are recog- 
nized by specific proteins that cause newly synthesized peptides to be released from 
the translation machinery. The methionine codon, AUG, also specifies the initia- 
tion site for protein synthesis and is often called the initiation codon. 

Since the completion of the first draft of the human genome in 2000, it has been 
common to read in the popular press of “deciphering the code of life” or “unlocking the 
human genetic code ” Strictly speaking, the information in the human genome is en- 
coded using the same “universal” genetic code discovered 50 years ago. Sequencing projects 
actually reveal the messages encoded by the genes and not the code itself. 

First position Second position Third position 

(5' end) 





(3' end) 






















































































Time of dash equals three dots 

A • - 

N - • 


B — • • • 


2 . . 




D — • • 


4 .... — 

E • 



F . 

S • • • 

6 — • • • • 


T - 

7 . . . 

H • • • • 

u • •- 


1 • • 

V • • • — 




L • 



X -• • - 


▲ Morse code permitted text to be sent by 
telegraph. Messages written in the Latin 
alphabet and/or Arabic numerals could be 
transmitted via electrical wires using a code 
invented by Samuel Morse. In the Morse 
code the most common letters in English 
language text are coded by the shortest 
sequence of dashes and dots (allowing 
messages to be sent with the fewest 
number of symbols). 

◄ Figure 22.3 

Standard genetic code. The standard genetic 
code is composed of 64 triplet codons. The 
left-hand column indicates the nucleotide 
found at the first (5') position of the codon; 
the top row indicates the nucleotide found 
at the second (middle) position of the 
codon; and the right column indicates the 
nucleotide found at the third (3') position 
of the codon. The codon AUG specifies 
methionine (Met) and is also used to 
initiate protein synthesis. STOP indicates 
a termination codon. 


CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

22.2 Transfer RNA 

Transfer RNA molecules are the interpreters of the genetic code. They are the crucial 
link between the sequence of nucleotides in mRNA and the sequence of amino acids in 
the corresponding polypeptide. In order for tRNA to fulfill this role, every cell must 
contain at least 20 different tRNA species (one for every amino acid) and each tRNA 
must recognize at least one codon. 

A. The Three-Dimensional Structure of tRNA 

The nucleotide sequences of different tRNA molecules from many organisms have been 
determined. The sequences of almost all these molecules are compatible with the 
secondary structure shown in Figure 22.4. This “cloverleaf” structure contains several 
arms that are composed of a loop or a loop with a hydrogen-bonded stem. The double- 
stranded region of each arm forms a short, stacked, right-handed helix similar to that of 
double- stranded DNA. 

The 5' end and the region near the 3' end of the tRNA molecule are base-paired to 
each other forming the acceptor stem (or amino acid stem). The activated amino acid 
will be covalently attached to tRNA on the 3' end of this stem. The amino acid’s car- 
boxyl group gets linked to the terminal adenylate’s ribose on either its 2'- or 3 '-hydroxyl 
group (Recall from Section 21.8A that mature tRNA molecules are produced by pro- 
cessing a larger primary transcript and that the nucleotides at the 3' end of a mature 
tRNA molecule are invariably CCA.) All tRNA molecules have a phosphorylated 
nucleotide on the 5' end. 

The single-stranded loop opposite the acceptor stem in the cloverleaf structure is 
called the anticodon loop. It contains the anticodon, the three-base sequence that binds 
to a complementary codon in mRNA. The arm of the tRNA molecule that contains the 
anticodon is called the anticodon arm. The remaining two arms of the tRNA molecule 
are named for the covalently modified nucleotides found within them. (See Figure 21.25 

Figure 22.4 ► 

Cloverleaf secondary structure of tRNA. 

Watson-Crick base pairing is indicated by 
dashed lines between nucleotide residues. 
The molecule is divided into an acceptor 
stem and four arms. The acceptor stem is 
the site of amino acid attachment, and the 
anticodon arm is the region of the tRNA 
molecule that interacts with mRNA codons. 
The D and TipC arms are named for modi- 
fied nucleotides that are conserved within 
these arms. The number of nucleotide 
residues in each arm is more or less con- 
stant (except in the variable arm). Con- 
served bases (gray) and positions of com- 
mon modified nucleotides are noted. 
Abbreviations other than standard nu- 
cleotides: R, a purine nucleotide; Y, a 
pyrimidine nucleotide; rrfiA, 1-methyladeny- 
late; m 6 A, /V 6 -methyladenylate; Cm, 
2'-0-methylcytidylate; D, dihydrouridylate; 
Gm, 2'-0-methylguanylate; rrfiG, 1-methyl- 
guanylate; m 7 G, 7-methylguanylate; I, 
inosinate; i//, pseudouridylate; T, thymine 

Acceptor stem 

- nrfiA 

22.2 Transfer RNA 669 

for the structures of these nucleotides.) One of the arms, called the Ti/rC arm, always 
contains the triplet sequence ribothymidylate (T), pseudouridylate (i if/), and cytidylate 
(C). Dihydrouridylate (D) residues lend their name to the D arm. tRNA molecules also 
have a variable arm between the anticodon arm and the Ti/jC arm. The variable arm 
ranges in length from about 3 to 21 nucleotides. With a few rare exceptions, tRNA 
molecules are between 73 and 95 nucleotides long. 

The cloverleaf diagram of tRNA is a two-dimensional representation of a three- 
dimensional molecule. In three dimensions, the tRNA molecule is folded into 
a sideways £C L” shape (Figures 22.5 and 22.6). The acceptor stem is at one end of the 
L-shaped molecule, and the anticodon is located in a loop at the opposite end. The re- 
sulting structure is compact and very stable, in part because of hydrogen bonds be- 
tween the nucleotides in the D, T^C, and variable arms. This base pairing differs from 
normal Watson- Crick base pairing. Most of the nucleotides in tRNA are part of two per- 
pendicular stacked helices. The interactions between the adjacent stacked base pairs are 
additive and make a major contribution to tRNA stability (analogous to the role of base 
stacking interactions in the 3D structure of double-stranded DNA we described in 
Section 19.2C). 

B. tRNA Anticodons Base-Pair with mRNA Codons 

tRNA mediated decoding of the information stored in mRNA molecules requires base- 
pairing interactions between tRNA anticodons and complementary mRNA codons. The 
anticodon of a tRNA molecule therefore determines where the amino acid attached to 
its acceptor stem is added to a growing polypeptide chain. Transfer RNA molecules are 
named for the amino acid they carry. For example, the tRNA molecule shown in 
Figure 22.6 has the anticodon GAA that binds to the phenylalanine codon UUC. Prior 
to protein synthesis, phenylalanine is covalently attached to the acceptor stem of this 
tRNA. The molecule is therefore designated tRNA phe . 

Much of the base pairing between the codon and the anticodon is governed by the 
rules of Watson- Crick base pairing: A pairs with U, G pairs with C, and the strands in the 
base-paired region are antiparallel. However, some exceptions to these rules led Francis 

Tif/C arm Acceptor stem 

▲ Figure 22.5 

Tertiary structure of tRNA. The cloverleaf- 
shaped molecule shown in Figure 22.4 
actually folds up into this three-dimensional 
shape. The tertiary structure of tRNA results 
from base pairing between the TifjC loop and 
the D loop, and two stacking interactions 
that (a) align the TipC arm with the acceptor 
arm, and (b) align the D arm with the anti- 
codon arm. For clarity, only the ribose- 
phosphate backbone is shown here. 


Covalent attachment of 
activated amino acids 
occurs at this site 

Base pairing with 
mRNA codons involves 
these exposed bases 

tRNA anticodon 
mRNA codon 

3' — AAG— 5' 


5' — U U C— 3' 
'Phe 7 

A 36 

a 35 


◄ Figure 22.6 

Structure of tRNA Phe from the yeast 
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (a) Stick model 
showing base pairs and the position of the D 
arm (red) relative to the Jif/C arm (green). 
Note that there are two double-stranded 
RNA helices arrayed at right angles to 
each other to form an L-shaped structure. 

(b) Diagram showing the complement base- 
pairing between tRNA Phe and a phe codon 
to generate a double-stranded, antiparallel 
RNA helix during decoding. 

[NDB TRNA10]. 

670 CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 


m N — H 


H — N 

O |\| 

= N 




▲ Figure 22.7 

Inosinate base pairs. Inosinate (I) is often 
found at the 5' (wobble) position of a tRNA 
anticodon. Inosinate can form hydrogen 
bonds with A, C, or U. This versatility in 
hydrogen bonding allows a tRNA carrying 
a single anticodon to recognize more than 
one synonymous codon. 

Table 22.1 Predicted base pairing between the 5' (wobble) position 
of the anticodon and the 3 ' position of the codon 

Nucleotide at 5' (wobble) 
position of anticodon 

Nucleotide at 3' 
position of codon 






A or G 


U orC 

l a 

U, A, or C 

°l = Inosinate. 

Crick to propose that complementary Watson -Crick base pairing is required for only two 
of the three base pairs formed. The codon must form Watson- Crick base pairs with the 
3' and middle bases of the anticodon but other types of base pairing are permitted at the 
5' position of the anticodon. This alternate pairing suggests that the 5' position is con- 
formationally flexible. Crick dubbed this flexibility “wobble” and the 5' position of the 
anticodon is sometimes called the wobble position. 

Table 22.1 summarizes the allowable base pairs between the wobble position of an 
anticodon and the third nucleotide of an mRNA codon. When G is at the wobble posi- 
tion, for example, it can pair with either C or U (!). The base at the wobble position of 
many anticodons is covalently modified permitting additional flexibility in codon 
recognition. For example, in several tRNA molecules, G at the 5' anticodon position is 
deaminated at C-2 to form inosinate (I), which can hydrogen-bond with A, C, or U 
(Figure 22.7). The presence of I at the 5' position of the anticodon explains why 
tRNA Ala with the anticodon IGC can bind to three different codons specifying alanine: 
GCU, GCC, and GCA (Figure 22.8). 

Wobble allows some tRNA molecules to recognize more than one codon but sev- 
eral different tRNA molecules are often required to recognize all synonymous codons. 
Different tRNA molecules that can attach to the same amino acid are called isoacceptor 
tRNA molecules. The term isoacceptor describes not only tRNA molecules with different 
anticodons that are covalently attached to the same activated amino acid but also tRNA 
molecules with the same anticodon but different primary sequences. Isoacceptor 
tRNAs are identified by Roman numerals or by the codons they recognize (i.e., 
tRNAf 13 , tRNA^ a , or tRNA^ G ). 

Genome sequencing data reveal that bacterial genomes encode 30 to 60 different 
tRNAs and that eukaryotic genomes have genes for as many as 80 different tRNA mole- 
cules. Many of the eukaryotic tRNA genes are present in multiple copies, especially those 
genes that encode abundant tRNAs used most frequently in protein synthesis. 

22.3 Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases 

Like DNA and RNA synthesis, protein synthesis can be divided into three distinct 
stages: initiation, chain elongation, and termination. However, our description of trans- 
lation includes a step prior to the initiation of polymerization, namely, aminoacylation 
of tRNA. The activation of amino acids is considered part of the overall translation 
process because it is such an important part of the flow of biological information from 
nucleic acid to protein. 

Each of the 20 amino acids is covalently attached to the 3' end of its respective 
tRNA molecules. The product of this reaction is called an aminoacyl-tRNA. The 
amino acid is said to be “activated” for subsequent transfer to a growing polypeptide 
chain because the aminoacyl-tRNA is a “high-energy” molecule. A specific aminoacyl- 
tRNA molecule is identified by naming both the tRNA and the attached amino acid; 

22.3 Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases 


for example, aminoacylated tRNA Ala is called alanyl-tRNA Ala . The various enzymes 
that catalyze the aminoacylation reaction are called aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases 
(e.g., alanyl-tRNA synthetase). 

Most species have at least 20 different aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in each cell since 
there are 20 different amino acids. A few species have two different aminoacyl-tRNA syn- 
thetases for the same amino acid. Some bacteria don’t have glutaminyl- or asparaginyl- 
tRNA synthetases. In these species, the glutaminyl- and asparaginyl-tRNAs are synthe- 
sized by modifying glutamate and aspartate residues after they have been covalently 
attached to tRNA Gln and tRNA Asn by glutamyl- and aspartyl-tRNA synthetases (Gluta- 
mate and aspartate residues that are bound to their proper tRNAs are not modified.) 

Although each synthetase is specific for a particular amino acid, it can recognize 
many isoacceptor tRNA molecules. For example, there are six codons for serine and sev- 
eral different isoacceptor tRNA Ser molecules. All these different tRNA Ser molecules are 
recognized by the organism’s single seryl-tRNA synthetase enzyme. The accuracy of 
protein synthesis depends on the ability of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases to catalyze at- 
tachment of the correct amino acid to its corresponding tRNA. 

A. The Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Reaction 

The activation of an amino acid by its specific aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase requires 
ATR The overall reaction is: 

mRNA 5' 

3' 5' 

Wobble position 


3' 5' 

Wobble position 

Amino Acid + tRNA + ATP > Aminoacyl-tRNA + AMP + PPj (22.1) 

The amino acid is covalently attached to the tRNA molecule by the formation of an 
ester linkage between the carboxylate group of the amino acid and a hydroxyl group of 
the ribose at the 3' end of the tRNA molecule. Since all tRNAs end in — CCA, the at- 
tachment site is always an adenylate residue. 

Aminoacylation proceeds in two discrete steps (Figure 22.9). In the first step, the 
amino acid is activated by formation of a reactive aminoacyl- adenylate intermediate. 
The intermediate remains tightly but noncovalently bound to the aminoacyl-tRNA 
synthetase. Rapid hydrolysis of the liberated pyrophosphate strongly favors the for- 
ward reaction. The second step of aminoacyl-tRNA formation is aminoacyl-group 
transfer from the aminoacyl- adenylate intermediate to tRNA. The amino acid is at- 
tached to either the 2'- or the 3 '-hydroxyl group of the terminal adenylate residue of 
tRNA, depending on the specific aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase catalyzing the reaction. 
If the amino acid is initially attached to the 2' -hydroxyl group, it is shifted to the 
3 '-hydroxyl group in an additional step. The amino acid must be attached to the 3' 
position to function as a protein synthesis substrate. 

Formation of the aminoacyl-tRNA is favored under cellular conditions and the intra- 
cellular concentration of free tRNA is very low. The Gibbs free energy of hydrolysis of an 
aminoacyl-tRNA is approximately equivalent to that of a phosphoanhydride bond in ATP. 
The energy stored in the aminoacyl-tRNA is ultimately used in the formation of a peptide 
bond during protein synthesis. Note that the two ATP equivalents consumed during each 
aminoacylation reaction contribute to the energetic cost of protein synthesis. 

▲ Figure 22.8 

Base pairing at the wobble position. The 

tRNA Ala molecule with the anticodon IGC 
can bind to any one of three codons specify- 
ing alanine (GCU, GCC, or GCA) because I 
can pair with U, C, or A. Note that the RNA 
strand containing the codon and the strand 
containing the anticodon are antiparallel. 
The wobble position is boxed in each 

B. Specificity of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases 

Attaching a specific amino acid to its corresponding tRNA is a crucial step in translating 
a genetic message. If there are errors at this step, the wrong amino acid could be incor- 
porated into a protein. 

Each aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase binds ATP and selects the proper amino acid 
based on its charge, size, and hydrophobicity. This initial selection eliminates most of 
the other amino acids. For example, tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase almost always binds tyro- 
sine but rarely phenylalanine or any other amino acid. The synthetase then selectively 
binds a specific tRNA molecule. The proper tRNA is distinguished by features unique to 
its structure. In particular, the part of the acceptor stem that lies on the inner surface of 

672 CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

Figure 22.9 ► 

Synthesis of an aminoacyl-tRNA molecule 
catalyzed by its specific aminoacyl-tRNA 
synthetase. In the first step, the nucle- 
ophilic carboxylate group of the amino acid 
attacks the a-phosphorus atom of ATP, 
displacing pyrophosphate and producing an 
aminoacyl-adenylate intermediate. In the 
second step, nucleophilic attack by the 
3'-hydroxyl group of the terminal residue of 
tRNA leads to displacement of AMP and for- 
mation of an aminoacyl-tRNA molecule. 



O 0 O 0 O 0 



H 3 N — C — H Amino acid 





2 P: 



( 2 ) 






© I 

H 3 N — C — H 


the L- shaped tRNA molecule is implicated in the binding of tRNA to the aminoacyl- 
tRNA synthetase (Figure 22.10). 

In some cases, the synthetase enzyme recognizes not only the the acceptor stem of 
the tRNA but also the anticodon. For example, the glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase’s ability 
to recognize Gln-tRNAs and to discriminate against the other 19 types of tRNAs ensures 

22.4 Ribosomes 673 

that glutamine is specifically attached to the correct tRNA (shown in Figure 
22.10). Note that glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase contacts both the ac- 
ceptor stem and the anticodon region of tRNA Gln . The crystal structure 
also shows a molecule of ATP bound in the active site near the 3' end of 
the tRNA. 

Half of the 20 different aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases resemble gluta- 
minyl-tRNA synthetase. These enzymes bind the anticodon and aminoacy- 
late tRNA at the 2 '-hydroxyl group. A subsequent chemical rearrangement 
shifts the aminoacyl group to the 3 '-hydroxyl group. Such enzymes are 
known as class I synthetases. Class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are 
often more complex, multisubunit enzymes and they aminoacylate tRNA 
at the 3 '-hydroxyl group. In all cases, the net effect of the interaction be- 
tween tRNA and synthetase is to position the 3' end of the tRNA molecule 
in the active site of the enzyme. 

C. Proofreading Activity of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases 

The error rate for most aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases is low because they 
make multiple contacts with a specific tRNA and a specific amino acid. 

However, isoleucine and valine are chemically similar amino acids, and 
both can be accommodated in the active site of isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase 
(Figure 22.11). Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase mistakenly catalyzes the forma- 
tion of the valyl- adenylate intermediate about 1% of the time. On the basis 
of this observation, we might expect valine to be attached to isoleucyl-tRNA and incorpo- 
rated into protein in place of isoleucine about 1 time in 100 but the observed substitution 
of valine for isoleucine in polypeptide chains is only about 1 time in 10,000. This lower 
level of valine incorporation suggests that isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase also discriminates 
between the two amino acids after aminoacyl- adenylate formation. In fact, isoleucyl- 
tRNA synthetase carries out proofreading in the next step of the reaction. Although 
isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase may mistakenly catalyze the formation of valyl- adenylate, it 
usually catalyzes hydrolysis of the incorrect valyl-adenylate to valine and AMP or the hy- 
drolysis of valyl-tRNA 1 . The overall error rate of the reaction is 10 -5 for most amino 
acyl-tRNA synthetases. 

22.4 Ribosomes 

Acceptor stem 


▲ Figure 22.10 

Structure of E. co//tRNA Gln bound to gluta- 
minyl-tRNA synthetase. The 3' end of the 

tRNA is buried in a pocket on the surface of 
the enzyme. A molecule of ATP is also 
bound at this site. The enzyme interacts 
with both the tRNA acceptor stem and anti- 
codon. [PDB 1QRS]. 


The accuracy of information flow from nu- 
cleic acids to protein depends, in part, on 
the accuracy of the amino acyl-tRNA 
synthetase reaction. 

Protein synthesis requires assembling four components that form an elaborate translation 
complex: the ribosome, which catalyzes peptide bond formation; its accessory protein fac- 
tors, which help the ribosome in each step of the process; the mRNA, which carries the in- 
formation specifying the protein s sequence; and the aminoacyl-tRNAs that carry the acti- 
vated amino acids. Initiation involves assembly of the translation complex at the first 
codon in the mRNA. During polypeptide chain elongation the ribosome and associated 
components move, or translocate, along the template mRNA in the 5' — » 3' direction. 

◄ Figure 22.11 

Model of the substrate-binding site in 
isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase. Despite the 
similar size and charge of isoleucine and 
valine, isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase binds to 
isoleucine about 100 times more readily 
than it binds to valine. A subsequent proof- 
reading step also helps prevent the forma- 
tion of valyl-tRNA lle . 


CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

The polypeptide is synthesized from the N- terminus to its C- terminus. Finally, when syn- 
thesis of the protein is complete, the translation complex disassembles in a separate termi- 
nation step. An important function of disassembly is to release the two ribosomal sub- 
units from the mRNA so that they can participate in further rounds of translation. 

A. Ribosomes Are Composed of Both Ribosomal RNA and Protein 

All ribosomes contain two subunits of unequal size. In E. coli, the small subunit is called 
the 30S subunit and the large subunit is called the 50S subunit. (The terms 30S and 50S 
originally referred to the sedimentation rate of these subunits.) The 30S subunit is elon- 
gated and asymmetric, with overall dimensions of 5.5 X 22 X 22.5 nm. A narrow neck 
separates the head from the base and a protrusion extends from the base forming a cleft 
where the mRNA molecule appears to rest. The 50S ribosomal subunit is wider than the 
30S subunit and has several protrusions; its dimensions are about 15 X 20 X 20 nm. 
The 50S subunit also contains a tunnel about 10 nm long and 2.5 nm in diameter. This 
tunnel extends from the site of peptide bond formation and accommodates the growing 
polypeptide chain during protein synthesis. The 30S and 50S subunits combine to form 
an active 70S ribosome. 

In E. coli, the RNA component of the 30S subunit is a 16S rRNA of 1542 nu- 
cleotides. Although its exact length varies among species, the 16S rRNA contains exten- 
sive regions of secondary structure that are highly conserved in the ribosomes of all 
living organisms. There are 21 ribosomal proteins in the 30S subunit. The 50S subunit 
of the E. coli ribosome contains two molecules of ribosomal RNA: one 5S rRNA of 120 
nucleotides and one 23S rRNA of 2904 nucleotides. There are 31 different proteins asso- 
ciated with the 5S and 23S rRNA molecules in the 50S subunit (Figure 22.12). 

Eukaryotic ribosomes are similar in shape to bacterial ribosomes but they tend to be 
somewhat larger and more complex. Intact vertebrate ribosomes are designated 80S and 
are made up of 40S and 60S subunits (Figure 22.12). The small 40S subunit is analogous 
to the 30S subunit of the prokaryotic ribosome; it contains about 30 proteins and a single 
molecule of 18S rRNA. The large 60S subunit contains about 40 proteins and three riboso- 
mal RNA molecules: 5S rRNA, 28S rRNA, and 5.8S rRNA. The 5.8S rRNA is about 160 
nucleotides long and its sequence is similar to that of the 5' end of prokaryotic 23S 
rRNA. This similarity implies that the 5.8S rRNA and the 5' end of prokaryotic 23S 

5 ' 




3 ' 

5S rRNA 
31 proteins 


-> 21 proteins 
■» 16S rRNA 

30 proteins 
18S rRNA 




▲ Figure 22.12 

Comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes. Both types of ribosomes consist of two subunits, each of which contains ribosomal RNA and 
proteins. The large subunit of the prokaryotic ribosome contains two molecules of rRNA: 5S and 23S. The large subunit of almost all eukaryotic ribo- 
somes contains three molecules of rRNA: 5S, 5.8S, and 28S. The sequence of the eukaryotic 5.8S rRNA is similar to the sequence of the 5' end of 
the prokaryotic 23S rRNA. 

22.5 Initiation of Translation 675 

rRNA are derived from a common ancestor and that there has been a fusion or splitting 
of rRNA genes during their evolution. 

Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes contain multiple copies of ribosomal RNA 
genes. The combination of a large number of copies and strong promoters for these genes 
allows cells to maintain a high level of ribosome synthesis. Eukaryotic ribosomal RNA 
genes, which are transcribed by RNA polymerase I (Section 21.5A), occur as tandem arrays 
of hundreds of copies. In most eukaryotes, these genes are clustered in the nucleolus, where 
processing of ribosomal RNA precursors and ribosome assembly occur (Section 21.8B). 
This processing is coupled to ribosome assembly, as shown in Figure 22.13 for the E. coli 
30S subunit. Many of the ribosomal proteins contact RNA and bind specifically to regions 
of secondary structure in 16S rRNA. Others form protein-protein contacts and assemble 
into the complex only when other ribosomal proteins are present. 

The structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit from the bacterium Thermus ther- 
mophilus is shown in Figure 22.14 on page 676. Note that most of the mass of the 30S 
subunit is due to the 16S ribosomal RNA, which forms a compact structure made up of 
multiple regions of double-stranded RNA. The ribosomal proteins bind to the surface of 
the RNA or to grooves and crevices between regions of RNA secondary structure. 

Similarly, the assembly of the bacterial 50S subunit and of the 40S and 60S eukary- 
otic subunits are also coupled to the processing of their ribosomal RNA precursors. The 
structure of the 50S subunit from the archeon Haloarcula marismortui is also shown in 
Figure 22.14. 

B. Ribosomes Contain Two Aminoacyl-tRNA Binding Sites 

As discussed in Section 22.3, the substrates for peptide bond formation are not free 
amino acids but relatively large aminoacyl-tRNA molecules. A ribosome must align two 
adjacent aminoacyl-tRNA molecules so that their anticodons interact with the correct 
mRNA codons. The aminoacylated ends of these two tRNAs are positioned at the site of 
peptide bond formation. The ribosome must also hold the mRNA and the growing 
polypeptide chain, and it must accommodate the binding of several protein factors dur- 
ing protein synthesis. The ability to accomplish these tasks simultaneously explains, in 
part, why the ribosome is so large and complex. 

The orientation of the two tRNA molecules during protein synthesis is shown in 
Figure 22.15 on page 677. The growing polypeptide chain is covalently attached to the 
tRNA positioned at the peptidyl site (P site), forming peptidyl-tRNA. The second 
aminoacyl-tRNA is bound at the aminoacyl site (A site). As the polypeptide chain is 
synthesized, it passes through the tunnel of the large ribosomal subunit and emerges on 
the outer surface of the ribosome. 

22.5 Initiation of Translation 

The initiation of protein synthesis involves assembling a translation complex at the begin- 
ning of an mRNAs coding sequence. This complex consists of the two ribosomal subunits, 
an mRNA template to be translated, an initiator tRNA molecule, and several accessory pro- 
teins called initiation factors. This crucial initiation step ensures that the proper initiation 
codon (and therefore the correct reading frame) is selected before translation begins. 

A. Initiator tRNA 

As mentioned in Section 22.1, the first codon translated is usually AUG. Every cell con- 
tains at least two types of methionyl-tRNA Met molecules that can recognize AUG 
codons. One type is used exclusively at initiation codons and is called the initiator 
tRNA. The other type only recognizes internal methionine codons. Although these two 
tRNA Met molecules have different primary sequences, and distinct functions, both of 
them are aminoacylated by the same methionyl-tRNA synthetase. 

In bacteria, the initiator tRNA is called tRNAf 161 . The charged initiator tRNA 
(methionyl-tRNAf 161 ) is the substrate for a formyltransferase that catalyzes addition of 
a formyl group from 10-formyltetrahydrofolate to the methionine residue producing 

21S particle 

Complete 30S subunit 
▲ Figure 22.13 

Assembly of the 30S ribosomal subunit and 
maturation of 16S rRNA in E. coli. Assembly 
of the 30S ribosomal subunit begins when 
six or seven ribosomal proteins bind to the 
16S rRNA precursor as it is being tran- 
scribed, thereby forming a 21S particle. 

The 21S particle undergoes a conforma- 
tional change, and the 16S rRNA molecule 
is processed to its final length. During this 
processing, the remaining ribosomal pro- 
teins of the 30S subunit bind (recall that 
M16 is a site-specific endonuclease in- 
volved in RNA processing that we discussed 
in Chapter 21). 

676 CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

Central Protuberance 

50S subunit interface 
(Crown View) 

L7/L12 Stalk 

Domain IV 








Helix 44 

Central Protuberance 


50S solvent face 






30S subunit interface 

30S solvent face 

▲ Figure 22.14 

Three-dimensional structures of the 
H. marismortui 50S subunit (top) and the 
T. thermophilus 30S subunit (bottom). 

N-formylmethionyl-tRNA^^fMet-tRNAf 1 ^) as shown in Figure 22.16 on page 681. In 
eukaryotes and archaebacteria, the initiator tRNA is called tRNA- 461 . The methionine 
that begins protein synthesis in eukaryotes is not formylated. 

N-Formylmethionine in bacteria — or methionine in other organisms — is the 
first amino acid incorporated into proteins. After protein synthesis is under way, the 
N- terminal methionine can be either deformylated or removed from the polypeptide 
chain altogether. 

B. Initiation Complexes Assemble Only at Initiation Codons 

There are three possible reading frames in an mRNA molecule but only one of them is 
correct. Establishing the correct reading frame during the initiation of translation is 

22.5 Initiation of Translation 


critical for the accurate decoding of information from mRNA into protein. Shifting 
the reading frame by even a single nucleotide would alter the sequence of the entire 
polypeptide and result in a nonfunctional protein. The translation machinery must 
therefore accurately locate the initiation codon that serves as the start site for protein 

The ribosome needs to distinguish between the single correct initiation codon 
and all the other incorrect AUGs. These other AUGs specify either internal methion- 
ine residues in the correct reading frame or irrelevant methionine codons in the two 
other incorrect reading frames. It is important to appreciate that the initiation codon 
is not simply the first three nucleotides of the mRNA. Initiation codons can be lo- 
cated many nucleotides downstream of the 5 '-end of the mRNA molecule. 

In prokaryotes, the selection of an initiation site depends on an interaction be- 
tween the small subunit of the ribosome and the mRNA template. The 30S subunit 
binds to the mRNA template at a purine- rich region just upstream of the correct initia- 
tion codon. This region, called the Shine- Dalgarno sequence, is complementary to a 
pyrimidine- rich stretch at the 3' end of the 16S rRNA molecule. During formation of the 
initiation complex, these complementary nucleotides pair to form a double-stranded 
RNA structure that binds the mRNA to the ribosome. The result of this interaction is to 
position the initiation codon at the P site on the ribosome (Figure 22.17). The initiation 
complex assembles exclusively at initiation codons because Shine-Dalgarno sequences are 
not found immediately upstream of internal methionine codons. 

70S ribosome 


P site 

A site 

tRNA with 
amino acid 






▲ Figure 22.15 

Sites for tRNA binding in prokaryotic ribo- 
somes. During protein synthesis, the P site 
is occupied by the tRNA molecule attached 
to the growing polypeptide chain, and the A 
site holds an aminoacyl-tRNA. The growing 
polypeptide chain passes through the tunnel 
of the large subunit. 

C. Initiation Factors Help Form the Initiation Complex 

Formation of the initiation complex requires several initiation factors in addition to 
ribosomes, initiator tRNA, and mRNA. Prokaryotes contain three initiation factors, 
designated IF- 1, IF-2, and IF-3. There are at least eight eukaryotic initiation factors 
(elF’s). In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the initiation factors catalyze assembly of 
the protein synthesis complex at the initiation codon. 














Ribosomal L10 


Ribosomal L7/L12 


I 1 I I I I I I 









tRNA f Met 








c— N— c— H 
I I 

H CH 2 

ch 2 

ch 3 

▲ Figure 22.16 

Chemical structure of fMet-tRNA f Met . A 

formyl group (red) is added to the 
methionyl moiety (blue) of methionyl- 
tRNA f Met in a reaction catalyzed by a 


3'end of 16S rRNA 

hHO C U' 

X A A^" 

u uccuc c 

fMet Thr Met lie 


, , , 3 ' 

Shine-Dalgarno ! ! ! 

sequence ACv^ 

of fMet-tRNA f Met 

◄ Figure 22.17 

Shine-Dalgarno sequences in E. coli mRNA. 

(a) Ribosome-binding sites at the 5' end 
of mRNA for several E. coli proteins. The 
Shine-Dalgarno sequences (red) occur im- 
mediately upstream of initiation codons 
(blue), (b) Complementary base pairing 
between the 3' end of 16S rRNA and the 
region near the 5' end of an mRNA. Binding 
of the 3' end of the 16S rRNA to the Shine- 
Dalgarno sequence helps establish the 
correct reading frame for translation by 
positioning the initiation codon at the 
ribosome’s P site. 


CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

One of the roles of IF- 3 is to maintain the ribosomal subunits in their dissociated 
state by binding to the small subunit. The ribosomal subunits bind separately to the ini- 
tiation complex and the association of IF- 3 with the 30S subunit prevents the 30S and 
50S subunits from forming the 70S complex prematurely. IF-3 also helps position 
fMet-tRNAf 161 and the initiation codon at the P site of the ribosome. IF-2 selects the 
initiator tRNA from the pool of aminoacylated tRNA molecules in the cell. It binds 
GTP forming an IF-2-GTP complex that specifically recognizes the initiator tRNA and 
rejects all other aminoacyl-tRNA molecules. The third initiation factor, IF- 1, binds to 
the 30S subunit and facilitates the actions of IF-2 and IF-3. 

Once the 30S complex has been formed at the initiation codon, the 50S ribosomal 
subunit binds to the 30S subunit. Next, the GTP bound to IF-2 is hydrolyzed and Pj is 
released. The initiation factors dissociate from the complex when GTP is hydrolyzed. 
IF-2-GTP is regenerated when the bound GDP is exchanged for GTP. The steps in the for- 
mation of the 70S initiation complex are summarized in Figure 22.18. 

(1) IF-3 and IF-1 bind to the 
30S subunit, preventing 
premature assembly of the 
70S complex. 



v Figure 22.18 

Formation of the prokaryotic 70S initiation 

30S subunit 

70S initiation 




30S initiation complex 

50S subunit 

(3) The 50S subunit then joins 
the 30S initiation complex, 
IF-1 and IF-3 are released, 
and the GTP bound to IF-2 is 
hydrolyzed to GDP and Pj. 
IF-2-GDP dissociates, 
leaving the 70S initiation^ 161 
complex with fMet-tRNA 
positioned in the P site. 


(2) IF-2-GTP binds to the 30S 
subunit and facilitates 
binding of Met-tRNA^ 

The 30S complex interacts 
with mRNA by recognizing 
the Shine-Dalgarno sequence 
and the initiation codon. 




22.6 Chain Elongation During Protein Synthesis Is a Three-Step Microcycle 


The role of the prokaryotic initiation factors is to ensure that the aminoacylated 
initiator tRNA (fMet-tRNAf 401 ) is correctly positioned at the initiation codon. The 
initiation factors also mediate the formation of a complete initiation complex by re- 
constituting a 70S ribosome such that the initiation codon is positioned in the P site. 

D. Translation Initiation in Eukaryotes 

Eukaryotic mRNAs do not have distinct Shine-Dalgarno sequences that serve as ribo- 
some binding sites. Instead, the first AUG codon in the message usually serves as the ini- 
tiation codon. eIF-4 (eukaryotic initiation factor 4), also known as cap binding protein 
(CBP), binds specifically to the 7-methylguanylate cap (Figure 21.26) at the 5' end of 
eukaryotic mRNA. Binding of eIF-4 to the cap structure leads to the formation of a 
preinitiation complex consisting of the 40S ribosomal subunit, an aminoacylated initia- 
tor tRNA, and several other initiation factors. The preinitiation complex then scans 
along the mRNA in the 5' — > 3' direction until it encounters an initiation codon. When 
the search is successful, the small ribosomal subunit is positioned so that Met-tRNAi Met 
interacts with the initiation codon in the P site. In the final step, the 60S ribosomal sub- 
unit binds to complete the 80S initiation complex and all the initiation factors dissoci- 
ate. The dissociation of eIF-2 — the eukaryotic counterpart of bacterial IF-2 — is accom- 
panied by GTP hydrolysis. 

Most eukaryotic mRNA molecules encode only a single polypeptide since the nor- 
mal mechanism of selecting the initiation codon by scanning along the mRNA from the 
5' end permits only one initiation codon per mRNA. In contrast, prokaryotic mRNAs 
often contain several coding regions. Each coding region begins with an initiation 
codon that is associated with its own upstream Shine-Dalgarno sequence. mRNA mole- 
cules that encode several polypeptides are said to be polycistronic. 

22.6 Chain Elongation During Protein Synthesis 
Is a Three-Step Microcycle 

At the end of the initiation step, the mRNA is positioned so that the next codon can be 
translated during the elongation stage of protein synthesis. The initiator tRNA occupies 
the P site in the ribosome and the A site is ready to receive an incoming aminoacyl- 
tRNA. During chain elongation each additional amino acid is added to the nascent 
polypeptide chain in a three-step microcycle. The steps in this microcycle are (1) posi- 
tioning the correct aminoacyl-tRNA in the A site of the ribosome, (2) forming the peptide 
bond, and (3) shifting, or translocating, the mRNA by one codon relative to the ribo- 
some (the two tRNAs in the ribosome’s P and A sites also translocate). 

The translation machinery works relatively slowly compared to the enzyme systems 
that catalyze DNA replication. Proteins are synthesized at a rate of only 18 amino acid 
residues per second, whereas bacterial replisomes synthesize DNA at a rate of 1000 
nucleotides per second. This difference in rates reflects, in part, the difference between 
polymerizing four types of nucleotides to make nucleic acids and polymerizing 20 types 
of amino acids to make proteins. Testing and rejecting all of the incorrect aminoacyl- 
tRNA molecules also takes time and slows protein synthesis. 

The rate of transcription in prokaryotes is approximately 55 nucleotides per second. 
This corresponds to about 18 codons per second or the same rate at which the mRNA 
is translated. In bacteria, translation initiation occurs as soon as the 5' end of an 
mRNA is synthesized and translation and transcription are coupled (Figure 22.19 on 
page 680). This tight coupling is not possible in eukaryotes because transcription and 
translation are carried out in separate compartments of the cell (the nucleus and the 
cytoplasm, respectively). Eukaryotic mRNA precursors must be processed in the 
nucleus (e.g., capped, polyadenylated, spliced) before they are exported to the cyto- 
plasm for translation. 

An E. coli cell contains about 20,000 ribosomes. Many large eukaryotic cells have 
several hundred thousand ribosomes. Farge mRNA molecules can be translated simul- 
taneously by many protein synthesis complexes forming a polyribosome or polysome, as 


The A site of an actively translating 
ribosome spends the vast majority of its 
time bound to one of the 19 types of 
incorrect aminoacyl-tRNAs as it randomly 
samples the pool of charged tRNAs, 
seeking the correct tRNA. 


CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

Strand of DNA 
being transcribed 

A polyribosome, 
or polysome 

Individual ribosomes 
synthesizing new proteins 
from the mRNAs 

▲ Figure 22.19 

Coupled transcription and translation of an 
E. coli gene. The gene is being transcribed 
from left to right. Ribosomes bind to the 
5' end of the mRNA molecules as soon as 
they are synthesized. The large polysomes 
on the right are released from the gene 
when transcription terminates. 

seen in Figure 22.19. The number of ribosomes bound to an mRNA molecule depends on 
the length of the mRNA and the efficiency of initiation of protein synthesis. At maximal 
efficiency the spacing between each translation complex in the polysome is about 100 
nucleotides. On average, each mRNA molecule in an E. coli cell is translated 30 times, 
effectively amplifying the information it encodes by 30-fold. 


tRNA phe 

▲ Figure 22.20 

EF-Tu binds aminoacylated tRNAs. The EF- 

Tu-GTP complex binds to the acceptor 
end of aminoacylated tRNA (in this case 
phenylalanyl-tRNA Phe ). The phenylalanine 
residue is shown in green. This is how 
charged tRNAs commonly exist inside a cell. 

A. Elongation Factors Dock an Aminoacyl-tRNA in the A Site 

At the start of the first chain elongation microcycle, the A site is empty and the P site is 
occupied by the aminoacylated initiator tRNA. The first step in chain elongation is in- 
sertion of the correct aminoacyl-tRNA into the A site of the ribosome. In bacteria, this 
step is catalyzed by an elongation factor called EF-Tu. EF-Tu is a monomeric 
protein that contains a binding site for GTR Each E. coli cell has about 135,000 
molecules of EF-Tu, making it one of the most abundant proteins in the cell 
(emphasizing the importance of protein synthesis to a cell). 

EF-Tu-GTP associates with an aminoacyl-tRNA molecule to form a ter- 
nary complex that fits into the A site of a ribosome. Almost all aminoacyl- 
tRNA molecules in vivo are found in such ternary complexes (Figure 22.20). 
The structure of EF-Tu is similar to that of IF-2 (which also binds GTP) and 
other G proteins (Section 9.12A), suggesting that they all evolved from a com- 
mon ancestral protein. 

The EF-Tu-GTP complex recognizes common features of the tertiary 
structure of tRNA molecules and binds tightly to all aminoacyl-tRNA mole- 
cules except fMet-tRNAf 161 . The fMet-tRNAf 101 molecule is distinguished 
from all other aminoacyl-tRNA molecules by the distinctive secondary struc- 
ture of its acceptor stem. 

A ternary complex of EF-Tu-GTP-aminoacyl-tRNA can diffuse freely into 
the A site in the ribosome. When correct base pairs form between the anti- 
codon of the aminoacyl-tRNA and the mRNA codon in the A site, the complex 
is stabilized. EF-Tu-GTP can then contact sites in the ribosome as well as the 
tRNA in the P site (Figure 22.21, on page 681). These contacts trigger hydroly- 
sis of GTP to GDP and Pj causing a conformational change in EF-Tu-GDP that 
releases the bound aminoacyl-tRNA. EF-Tu-GDP then dissociates from the 
chain elongation complex. The aminoacyl-tRNA remains in the A site where it 
is positioned for peptide bond formation. 

EF-Tu-GDP cannot bind another aminoacyl-tRNA molecule until GDP 
dissociates. An additional elongation factor called EF-Ts catalyzes the exchange 
of bound GDP for GTP (Figure 22.22, on page 682). Note that one GTP mol- 
ecule is hydrolyzed for every aminoacyl-tRNA that is successfully inserted into 
the A site. 

22.6 Chain Elongation During Protein Synthesis Is a Three-Step Microcycle 681 


A site 

Formation of the correct 
complex triggers hydrolysis 
of GTP, which alters the 
conformation of EF-Tu. 
EF-Tu dissociates, leaving 
behind a correctly inserted 

◄ Figure 22.21 

Insertion of an aminoacyl-tRNA by EF-Tu during 
chain elongation in E. coli. 

occupies P site 

Ternary complex 

Anticodon pairs 
with codon 



The ternary complex enters 
the A site. If the codon and 
anticodon match, EF-Tu forms 
contacts with the ribosome and 
the peptidyl-tRNA in the P site. 

A site 


B. Peptidyl Transferase Catalyzes Peptide Bond Formation 

Binding of a correct aminoacyl-tRNA in the A site aligns the activated amino acid’s 
a -amino group next to the ester bond’s carbonyl on the peptidyl-tRNA in the neighboring 
P site. The nitrogen atom’s lone pair of electrons execute a nucleophilic attack on the car- 
bonyl carbon, resulting in the formation of a peptide bond via a displacement reaction. 
While it is straightforward to visualize how the ribosome’s active site aligns these substrates, 
we do not understand precisely how the ribosome enhances the rate of this reaction. The 
peptide chain, now one amino acid longer, is transferred from the tRNA in the P site to the 
tRNA in the A site (Figure 22.23, on page 683). Formation of the peptide bond requires hy- 
drolysis of the energy- rich peptidyl-tRNA linkage. Note that the growing polypeptide chain 
is covalently attached to the tRNA in the A site, forming a peptidyl-tRNA. 

The enzymatic activity responsible for formation of the peptide bond is referred to 
as peptidyl transferase. This activity is contained within the large ribosomal subunit. Both 
the 23S rRNA molecule and the 50S ribosomal proteins contribute to the substrate bind- 
ing sites, but the catalytic activity is localized to the RNA component. Thus, peptidyl 
transferase is yet another example of an RNA- catalyzed reaction. 


Formation of the new peptide bond involves 
physically transferring the polypeptide 
attached to the P site tRNA onto the amino- 
terminus of the aminoacyl-tRNA bound in 
the ribosome’s A site. 

682 CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

Figure 22.22 ► 
Cycling of EF-Tu-GTP. 



(1) Aminoacyl-tRNA is 
delivered to the 
ribosome, and GTP is 
hydrolyzed, causing the 
EF-Tu-GDP complex 
to dissociate. 


(4) Regenerated 
binds another 
tRNA molecule 



(3) The EF-Tu-EF-Ts 
complex binds GTP, 
which causes EF-Ts 
to dissociate. 




(2) The inactive EF-Tu-GDP 
complex is recognized by 
elongation factor EF-Ts, 
which promotes 
dissociation of GDP. 


C. Translocation Moves the Ribosome by One Codon 

After the peptide bond has formed, the newly created peptidyl-tRNA is partially in the 
A site and partially in the P site (Figure 22.24, on page 684). The deaminoacylated tRNA 
has been displaced somewhat from the P site. It now occupies a position on the ribo- 
some that is referred to as the exit site, or E site. Before the next codon can be translated, 
the deaminoacylated tRNA must be released and the peptidyl-tRNA must be completely 
transferred from the A site to the P site. At the same time, the mRNA must shift by one 
codon relative to the ribosome. This translocation is the third step in the chain elonga- 
tion microcycle. 

In prokaryotes, the translocation step requires a third elongation factor, EF-G. Like 
the other elongation factors, EF-G is an abundant protein; an E. coli cell contains 
approximately 20,000 molecules of EF-G, or roughly one for every ribosome. Like EF- 
Tu, EF-G has a binding site for GTP. Binding of EF-G-GTP to the ribosome completes 
the translocation of the peptidyl-tRNA from the A site to the P site and releases the 
deaminoacylated tRNA from the E site. EF-G itself is released from the ribosome only 
when its bound GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP and Pi is released. The dissociation of EF- 
G-GDP leaves the ribosome free to begin another microcycle of chain elongation. 

The growing polypeptide chain extends from the peptidyl-tRNA in the 
P site through a tunnel in the 50S subunit, to exit on the exterior surface of the ribosome 

22.6 Chain Elongation During Protein Synthesis Is a Three-Step Microcycle 683 

P site A site 


O O 

NH R n+2 


H-C-R n 


Peptidyl transferase 

◄ Figure 22.23 

Formation of a peptide bond. The carbonyl 
carbon of the peptidyl-tR N A undergoes nu- 
cleophilic attack by the nitrogen atom of the 
amino group. This aminoacyl-group-transfer 
reaction results in growth of the peptide 
chain by one residue and transfer of the 
nascent peptide to the tRNA in the A site. 

P site 

A site 





H — C — 



c = o 


H-C-R n+1 


0 = C 





CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 





▲ Figure 22.24 

Translocation during protein synthesis in 

top: Aminoacyl-tRNA is positioned in the 
A site. 

middle: Following synthesis of the peptide 
bond, the newly formed peptidyl-tR N A is 
partly in the A site and partly in the P site. 

bottom: Translocation shifts the peptidyl- 
tRNA completely into the P site, leaving the 
A site empty and ejecting the deamino- 
acylated tRNA from the E site. 

(Figure 22.15). Each translocation step helps push the chain through the tunnel. The 
newly synthesized polypeptide doesn’t begin to fold into its final shape until it emerges 
from the tunnel. This folding is assisted by chaperones, such as HSP70, that are associ- 
ated with the translation machinery (Section 4.10D). 

The elongation microcycle is repeated for each new codon in the mRNA being 
translated, resulting in the synthesis of a polypeptide chain that may be several hundred 
residues long. Eventually, the translation complex reaches the final codon at the end of 
the coding region, where translation is terminated. 

The elongation reactions in eukaryotes are very similar to those in E. coli Three ac- 
cessory protein factors participate in chain elongation in eukaryotes: EF-1 a, EF-1/3, 
and EF-2. EF-1 a docks the aminoacyl-tRNA in the A site; its activity thus parallels that 
of E. coli EF-Tu. EF-1 (3 acts like bacterial EF-Ts, recycling EF-la. EF-2 carries out 
translocation in eukaryotes. EF-Tu and EF-1 a are highly conserved, homologous pro- 
teins, as are EF-G and EF-2. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic ribosomal RNAs are also very 
similar in sequence and in secondary structure. These similarities indicate that the com- 
mon ancestor of prokaryotes and eukaryotes carried out protein synthesis in a manner 
similar to that seen in modern organisms. Thus, protein synthesis is one of the most an- 
cient and fundamental biochemical reactions. 

22.7 Termination of Translation 

E. coli has three release factors (RF-1, RF-2, and RF-3) that participate in the termina- 
tion of protein synthesis. After formation of the final peptide bond, the peptidyl-tRNA 
is translocated from the A site to the P site, as usual. The translocation positions one of 
the three termination codons (UGA, UAG, or UAA) in the A site. These termination 
codons are not recognized by any tRNA molecules so protein synthesis stalls at the 
termination codon. Eventually, one of the release factors diffuses into the A site. RF-1 
recognizes UAA and UAG and RF-2 recognizes UAA and UGA. RF-3 binds GTP and 
enhances the effects of RF-1 and RF-2. 

When the release factors recognize a termination codon, they cause hydrolysis of 
the peptidyl-tRNA. Release of the completed polypeptide is probably accompanied by 
GTP hydrolysis and dissociation of the release factors from the ribosome. At this point, 
the ribosomal subunits dissociate from the mRNA and initiation factors bind to the 30S 
subunit in preparation for the next round of protein synthesis. 

22.8 Protein Synthesis Is Energetically 

Protein synthesis is very expensive — it uses a large fraction of all ATP equivalents that 
are available in a cell. Where does all this energy go? 

For each amino acid added to a polypeptide chain, four phosphoanhydride 
bonds are cleaved: ATP is hydrolyzed to AMP + 2 Pi during activation of the amino 
acid and two GTP molecules are hydrolyzed to 2 GDP + 2 Pi during chain elonga- 
tion. The hydrolysis of GTP is coupled to conformational changes in the translation 
machinery. In this sense, GTP and GDP act as allosteric modulators. However, unlike 
most conformational changes induced by allosteric modulators, the conformational 
changes that occur during protein synthesis are associated with a considerable con- 
sumption of energy. 

The hydrolysis of four phosphoanhydride bonds represents a large Gibbs free en- 
ergy change — much more than is required for the formation of a single peptide bond. 
Most of the “extra” energy compensates for the loss of entropy during protein synthesis. 
The decrease in entropy is due primarily to the specific ordering of 20 different kinds of 
amino acids into a polypeptide chain. In addition, entropy is lost when an amino acid is 
linked to a particular tRNA and when an aminoacyl-tRNA associates with a specific 

22.9 Regulation of Protein Synthesis 685 

22.9 Regulation of Protein Synthesis 

One way gene expression can be regulated is by controlling the translation of mRNA 
into protein. Translation can be controlled at initiation, elongation, or termination. In 
general, translational control of gene expression is used to regulate the production of 
proteins that assemble into multisubunit complexes and proteins whose expression in 
the cell must be strictly and quickly controlled. 

The rate of translation depends to some extent on the sequence of the template. 
An mRNA containing an abundance of rare codons, for example, is translated less rap- 
idly (and therefore less frequently) than one containing the most frequently used codons. 
In addition, the rate of translation initiation varies with the nucleotide sequence at the 
initiation site. A strong ribosome binding site in bacterial mRNA leads to more efficient 
initiation. There is also evidence that the nucleotide sequence surrounding the initiation 
codon in eukaryotic mRNA influences the rate of initiation. 

One difference between the initiation of translation and the initiation of transcrip- 
tion is that the formation of a translation complex can be influenced by secondary 
structure in the message. For example, the formation of intramolecular double- 
stranded regions in mRNA can mask ribosome binding sites and the initiation codon. 
Although structural properties can determine whether a given mRNA molecule is 
translated frequently or infrequently, this is not regulation in the strict sense. We use the 
term translational regulation to refer to cases where extrinsic factors modulate the fre- 
quency of mRNA translation. 

Ribosomes moving 
on messenger RNA 
synthesize proteins 
haiku by Sydney Brenner (2002) 

Polypeptide synthesis is an example 
of head growth (Box 1 2.5). 


mRNA codons in the ribosome’s A site are 
also being continually tested by randomly 
diffusing release factors, which are 
seeking translation termination codons. 

A. Ribosomal Protein Synthesis Is Coupled to Ribosome 
Assembly in f. coli 

Every E. coli ribosome contains at least 52 ribosomal proteins. The genes encoding these 
ribosomal proteins are scattered throughout the genome in 13 operons and seven iso- 
lated genes. When multiple copies of genes encoding some of these ribosomal proteins 
are inserted into E. coli , the concentrations of the respective mRNAs increase sharply, 
yet the overall rate of ribosomal protein synthesis scarcely changes. Furthermore, the 
relative concentrations of ribosomal proteins remain unchanged even though the vari- 
ous mRNA molecules for ribosomal proteins are present in unequal amounts. These 
findings suggest that the synthesis of ribosomal proteins is tightly regulated at the level 
of translation. 

Translational regulation of ribosomal protein synthesis is crucial since ribosomes 
cannot assemble unless all the proteins are present in the proper stoichiometry. The 
production of ribosomal proteins is controlled by regulating the efficiency with which 
their mRNAs are translated. Each of the large operons containing ribosomal protein 
genes encodes one ribosomal protein that inhibits translation of its own polycistronic 
mRNA by binding near the initiation codon of one of the first genes of the operon. 

The interactions between the inhibiting ribosomal proteins and their mRNAs may 
resemble the interactions between these proteins and the ribosomal RNA to which they 
bind when assembled into mature ribosomes. For example, the mRNA transcript of the 
str operon, which includes the coding region for the ribosomal protein S7, contains some 
regions of RNA sequence that are identical to the S7 binding site of 16S rRNA. Moreover, 
the proposed secondary structure of the str mRNA resembles the proposed secondary 
structure of the 16S rRNA S7 binding site (Figure 22.25). S7 binds to this region of the str 
mRNA molecule and inhibits translation. It is likely that S7 recognizes analogous struc- 
tural features in both RNA molecules. Similar mechanisms regulate the translation of 
mRNAs that encode the other ribosomal proteins. 

The ribosomal proteins that inhibit translation bind more tightly to ribosomal 
RNA than to the similar sites on messenger RNA. Thus, the mRNA continues to be 
translated as long as newly synthesized ribosomal proteins are incorporated into ribo- 
somes. However, as soon as ribosome assembly slows and the concentration of free 
ribosomal proteins increases within the cell, the inhibiting ribosomal proteins bind to 
their own mRNA molecules and block additional protein synthesis. In this way, synthe- 
sis of ribosomal proteins is coordinated with ribosome assembly. 

686 CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 


Many microorganisms produce antibiotics, which they use as 
a chemical defense against competitors. Some antibiotics pre- 
vent bacterial growth by inhibiting the formation of peptide 
bonds. For example, the structure of the antibiotic puromycin 
closely resembles the structure of the 3' end of an aminoacyl- 
tRNA molecule. Because of this similarity, puromycin can 
enter the A site of a ribosome. Peptidyl transferase then cat- 
alyzes the transfer of the nascent polypeptide to the free 
amino group of puromycin (see figure below). The peptidyl - 
puromycin is bound weakly in the A site and soon dissociates 
from the ribosome, thereby terminating protein synthesis. 

Although puromycin effectively blocks protein synthesis 
in prokaryotes, it is not clinically useful since it also blocks 

protein synthesis in eukaryotes and is therefore poisonous to 
humans. Clinically important antibiotics, which include 
streptomycin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, and tetracy- 
cline, are specific for bacteria and have little or no effect on 
eukaryotic protein synthesis. Streptomycin binds to one of 
the ribosomal proteins in the 30S subunit and inhibits the 
initiation of translation. Chloramphenicol interacts with the 
50S subunit and inhibits peptidyl transferase. Erythromycin 
binds to the 50S subunit, inhibiting the translocation step. 
Tetracycline binds to the 3 OS subunit, preventing the binding 
of aminoacyl-tRNA molecules to the A site. 


▲ Formation of a peptide bond between puromycin at the A site of a ribosome and the nascent 
peptide bound to the tRNA in the P site. The product of this reaction is bound only weakly in the 
A site and dissociates from the ribosome, thus terminating protein synthesis and producing an 
incomplete, inactive peptide. 

B. Globin Synthesis Depends on Heme Availability 

The synthesis of hemoglobin, the major protein in red blood cells, requires globin 
chains and heme in stoichiometric amounts (Section 4.12). One way globin synthesis 
is controlled is by regulation of translation initiation. Hemoglobin is initially synthe- 
sized in immature erythrocytes called rubriblasts. Mammalian rubriblasts lose 
their nuclei during maturation and eventually become reticulocytes, which are the 

22.9 Regulation of Protein Synthesis 687 

immediate precursors of erythrocytes. Hemoglobin continues to be synthesized in 
reticulocytes that are packed with processed, stable mRNA molecules encoding glo- 
bin polypeptides. 

The rate of globin synthesis in reticulocytes is determined by the concentration 
of heme. When the concentration of heme decreases, the translation of globin mRNA 
is inhibited. The effect of heme on globin mRNA translation is mediated by a protein 
kinase called heme-controlled inhibitor (HCI) (Figure 22.26). Active HCI catalyzes 
transfer of a phosphoryl group from ATP to the translation initiation factor eIF-2. 
Phosphorylated eIF-2 is unable to participate in translation initiation and protein 
synthesis in the cell is inhibited. 

During the initiation of translation, eIF-2 binds methionyl-tRNA^ 61 and GTP. 
When the preinitiation complex encounters an initiation codon, methionyl- 
tRNAi Met is transferred from eIF-2 to the initiation codon of the mRNA. This 
transfer reaction is accompanied by the hydrolysis of GTP and the release of elF- 
2-GDP. An enzyme called guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) catalyzes the 
replacement of GDP with GTP on eIF-2 and the attachment of another 
methionyl-tRNAi Met to eIF-2. GEF binds very tightly to phosphorylated elF- 
2-GDP, preventing the nucleotide exchange reaction. Protein synthesis is com- 
pletely inhibited when all the GEF in the cell is bound because the active elF- 
2-GTP complex cannot be regenerated. 

Heme regulates the synthesis of globin by interfering with the activation of 
HCI. When heme is abundant, HCI is inactive and globin mRNA can be trans- 
lated. When heme is scarce, however, HCI is activated and translation of all mRNA 
within the cell is inhibited (Figure 22.26). Phosphorylation of eIF-2 also appears to 
regulate the translation of mRNA in other mammalian cell types. For example, 
during infection of human cells by RNA viruses, the presence of double-stranded 
RNA leads to the production of interferon, which in turn activates a protein kinase 
that phosphorylates eIF-2. This reaction inhibits protein synthesis in the virus- 
infected cell. 

C. The f. coli trp Operon Is Regulated by Repression and Attenuation 

The trp operon in E. coli encodes the proteins necessary for the biosynthesis of trypto- 
phan. Most organisms synthesize their own amino acids but can also obtain them by 
degrading exogenous proteins. For this reason, most organisms have evolved mechanisms 

▲ Figure 22.25 

Comparison of proposed secondary structures 
of S7 binding sites, (a) S7 binding site on 
16S rRNA. (b) S7 binding site on the str 
mRNA molecule. 

and unable to catalyze 
nucleotide exchange 
for eIF-2. 

◄ Figure 22.26 

Inhibition of protein synthesis by phosphoryla- 
tion of eIF-2 in reticulocytes. When the con- 
centration of heme is high, HCI is inactive 
and translation proceeds normally. When the 
concentration of heme is low, HCI catalyzes 
the phosphorylation of eIF-2. Phosphory- 
lated eIF-2 binds the limiting amounts of 
GEF in the cell very tightly, sequestering the 
GEF and preventing translation of cellular 
mRNAs (including the globins). 


CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

t Figure 22.27 

Repression of the E. coli trp operon. The trp 

operon is composed of a leader region and 
five genes required for the biosynthesis of 
tryptophan from chorismate. The trp R gene, 
located upstream of the trp operon ( trpO ), 
encodes trp repressor, which is inactive in 
the absence of its corepressor, tryptophan. 
When tryptophan is present in excess, it 
binds to trp repressor, and the repressor- 
tryptophan complex binds to the trp operator 
( trpO ). Once bound to the operator, the 
repressor-tryptophan complex prevents 
further transcription of the trp operon by ex- 
cluding RNA polymerase from the promoter. 

to repress the synthesis of the enzymes required for de novo amino acid biosynthesis 
when the amino acid is available from exogenous sources. For example, in E. coli, tryp- 
tophan is a negative regulator of its own biosynthesis. In the presence of tryptophan, 
the trp operon is not expressed (Figure 22.27). Expression of the trp operon is inhib- 
ited in part by trp repressor, a dimer of two identical subunits, trp repressor is en- 
coded by the trpR gene, which is located elsewhere on the bacterial chromosome and is 
transcribed separately. When tryptophan is abundant, a repressor- tryptophan complex 
binds to the operator trpO , which lies within the promoter. The bound repressor- 
tryptophan complex prevents RNA polymerase from binding to the promoter. Trypto- 
phan is thus a corepressor of the trp operon. 

Regulation of the E. coli trp operon is supplemented and refined by a second, in- 
dependent mechanism called attenuation. This second mechanism depends on transla- 
tion and helps determine whether transcription of the trp operon proceeds or termi- 
nates prematurely. The movement of RNA polymerase from the promoter into the 
trpE gene is governed by a 162 nucleotide sequence that lies between the promoter 
and trpE. This sequence, called the leader region (Figure 22.27), includes a stretch of 
45 nucleotides that encodes a 14 amino acid peptide called the leader peptide. The 
mRNA transcript of the leader region contains two consecutive codons specifying 
tryptophan near the end of the coding region for the leader peptide. In addition, the 


22.10 Post-Translational Processing 


leader region contains four GC-rich sequences. The codons that specify tryptophan 
and the four GC-rich sequences regulate the synthesis of mRNA by affecting tran- 
scription termination. 

When transcribed into mRNA, the four GC-rich sequences of the leader region can 
base-pair to form one of two alternative secondary structures (Figure 22.28, on the next 
page). The first possible secondary structure includes two RNA hairpins. These hairpins 
form between the sequences labeled 1 and 2 and between those labeled 3 and 4 in Figure 
22.28a. The 1-2 hairpin is a typical transcription pause site. The 3-4 hairpin is followed by a 
string of uridylate residues, which is a typical rho- independent termination signal (Section 
21.4). This particular termination signal is unusual, however, because it occurs upstream 
of the first gene in the trp operon. The other possible secondary structure includes a 
single RNA hairpin between sequences 2 and 3. This hairpin, which is more stable than 
the 3-4 hairpin, forms only when sequence 1 is not available for hairpin formation with 
sequence 2. 

During transcription of the leader region, RNA polymerase pauses when the 1-2 
hairpin forms. While RNA polymerase pauses, a ribosome initiates translation of the 
mRNA encoding the leader peptide. This coding region begins just upstream of the 1-2 
RNA hairpin. Sequence 1 encodes the C-terminal amino acids of the leader peptide and 
also contains a termination codon. As the ribosome translates sequence 1, it disrupts the 
1-2 hairpin, thereby releasing the paused RNA polymerase, which then transcribes se- 
quence 3. In the presence of tryptophanyl-tRNA Trp , the ribosome and RNA polymerase 
move at about the same rate. When the ribosome encounters the termination codon of 
the trp leader mRNA, it dissociates and the 1-2 hairpin re-forms. After the ribosome has 
disassembled, RNA polymerase transcribes sequence 4, which forms a transcription ter- 
mination hairpin with sequence 3. This termination signal causes the transcription 
complex to dissociate from the DNA template before the genes of the trp operon have 
been transcribed. 

When tryptophan is scarce, however, the ribosome and RNA polymerase do not 
move synchronously When the concentration of cellular tryptophan falls, the cell be- 
comes deficient in tryptophanyl-tRNA Trp . Under these circumstances, the ribosome 
pauses when it reaches the two codons specifying tryptophan in sequence 1 of the 
mRNA molecule. RNA polymerase, which has already been released from the 1-2 
pause site, transcribes sequences 3 and 4. While the ribosome is stalled and sequence 1 
is covered, sequence 2 forms a hairpin loop with sequence 3. Since the 2-3 hairpin is 
more stable than the 3-4 hairpin, sequence 3 does not pair with sequence 4 to form the 
transcription termination hairpin. Under these conditions, RNA polymerase passes 
through the potential termination site (UGA in Figure 22.28a), and the rest of the trp 
operon is transcribed. 

Attenuation appears to be a regulatory mechanism that has evolved relatively re- 
cently and is found only in enteric bacteria, such as E. coli. (Attenuation cannot 
occur in eukaryotes because transcription and translation take place in different 
parts of the cell.) Several E. coli operons, including the phe, thr, his, leu, and He oper- 
ons, are regulated by attenuation. Some operons, such as the trp operon, combine at- 
tenuation with repression, whereas others, such as the his operon, are regulated 
solely by attenuation. The leader peptides of operons whose genes are involved in 
amino acid biosynthesis may contain as many as seven codons specifying a particular 
amino acid. 

22.10 Post-Translational Processing 

As the translation complex moves along the mRNA template in the 5' —> 3' direction, 
the nascent polypeptide chain lengthens. The 30 or so most recently polymerized 
amino acid residues remain buried in the ribosome, but amino acid residues closer to 
the N- terminus are extruded from the ribosome. The N- terminal residues start to 
fold into the native protein structure even before the C-terminus of the protein has 

690 CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

(a) Leader peptide ^ 

Met Lys Ala lie Phe Val Leu Lys Gly Trp Trp Arg Thr Ser STOP 
AaTg AAA GOA AAHJ uTTc (TuA ClTg AAA cTgU iTgG iTgG (TgC AcTj iTcC lTgI 

A 30 40 50 60 70 


20 A 


70 A 

2 c A 


pppAAG U U C AC G 10 


100 110 120 A 

4 1 A 


i ° 150 140 130 

Met Gin Thr 




trpE Polypeptide 




vAAAA/' A 




2-3 Hairpin 


u u u 











U— A 
A A 



- G ioo 


90 C 


c — 


u — 


U A- 


u — 


G — 



80 G 



C — 


G — 


G — 


G — 


C — 






U U U 




pause structure 
M 3-4 




▲ Figure 22.28 

trp leader region, (a) mRNA transcript of the trp leader region. This 162 nucleotide mRNA sequence includes four GC-rich sequences and the coding 
region for a 14 amino acid leader peptide. The coding region includes two consecutive codons specifying tryptophan. The four GC-rich sequences 
can base-pair to form one of two alternative secondary structures, (b) Sequence 1 (red) and sequence 2 (blue) are complementary and, when base- 
paired, form a typical transcription pause site. Sequence 3 (green) and sequence 4 (yellow) are complementary and, when base-paired, form a rho- 
independent termination site, (c) Sequences 2 and 3 are also complementary and can form an RNA hairpin that is more stable than the 3-4 hairpin. 
This structure forms only when sequence 1 is not available for hairpin formation with sequence 2. 

been synthesized. As these residues fold, they are acted on by enzymes that modify the 
nascent chain. 

Modifications that occur before the polypeptide chain is complete are said to be 
cotranslational, whereas those that occur after the chain is complete are said to be post- 
translational. Some examples from the multitude of cotranslational and post-transla- 
tional modifications include deformylation of the N-terminal residue in prokaryotic 

22.10 Post-Translational Processing 691 

proteins, removal of the N-terminal methionine from prokaryotic 
and eukaryotic proteins, formation of disulfide bonds, cleavage by 
proteinases, phosphorylation, addition of carbohydrate residues, 
and acetylation. 

One of the most important events that occurs co- and post- 
translationally is the processing and transport of proteins through 
membranes. Protein synthesis occurs in the cytosol, but the ma- 
ture forms of many proteins are embedded in membranes or are 
inside membrane bounded compartments. For example, many re- 
ceptor proteins are embedded in the external membrane of the 
cell, with the bulk of the protein outside the cell. Other proteins 
are secreted from cells, and still others reside in lysosomes and 
other organelles inside eukaryotic cells. In each case, the protein 
synthesized in the cytosol must be transported across a membrane 
barrier. In fact, such proteins are synthesized by membrane bound 
ribosomes that are attached to the plasma membrane in bacteria 
and to the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells. 

The best-characterized transport system is the one that car- 
ries proteins from the cytosol to the plasma membrane for secretion 
(Figure 22.29). In eukaryotes, proteins destined for secretion are 
transported across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum 
into the lumen, which is topologically equivalent to the cell exte- 
rior. Once the protein has been transported into the endoplasmic 
reticulum, it can be transported by vesicles through the Golgi 
apparatus to the plasma membrane for release outside the cell. 

A. The Signal Hypothesis 


Lumen of 

Secreted proteins are synthesized on the surface of the endoplas- 
mic reticulum, and the newly synthesized protein is passed 
through the membrane into the lumen. In cells that make large 
amounts of secreted protein, the endoplasmic reticulum mem- 
branes are covered with ribosomes (Figure 22.30, on the next page). 

The clue to the process by which many proteins cross the 
membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum appears in the first 20 or 
so residues of the nascent polypeptide chain. In most membrane 
bound and secreted proteins, these residues are present only in the 
nascent polypeptide, not in the mature protein. The N-terminal 
sequence of residues that is proteolytically removed from the pro- 
tein precursor is called the signal peptide since it is the portion of 
the precursor that signals the protein to cross a membrane. Signal 
peptides vary in length and composition, but they are typically 
from 16 to 30 residues long and include 4 to 15 hydrophobic 
residues (Figure 22.31, on the next page). 

In eukaryotes, many proteins destined for secretion appear to be translocated across 
the endoplasmic reticulum by the pathway shown in Figure 22.32 on page 693. In the 
first step, an 80S initiation complex — including a ribosome, a Met-tRNAi Met molecule, 
and an mRNA molecule — forms in the cytosol. Next, the ribosome begins translating the 
mRNA and synthesizing the signal peptide at the N- terminus of the precursor. Once the 
signal peptide has been synthesized and extruded from the ribosome, it binds to a pro- 
tein-RNA complex called a signal recognition particle (SRP). 

SRP is a small ribonucleoprotein containing a 300 nucleotide RNA molecule called 
7SL RNA and four proteins. SRP recognizes and binds to the signal peptide as it 
emerges from the ribosome. When SRP binds, further translation is blocked. The SRP- 
ribosome complex then binds to an SRP receptor protein (also known as docking pro- 
tein) on the cytosolic face of the endoplasmic reticulum. The ribosome is anchored to 
the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum by ribosome binding proteins called 
translocons, and the signal peptide is inserted into the membrane at a pore that is part 





▲ Figure 22.29 

Secretory pathway in eukaryotic cells. 

Proteins whose synthesis begins in the cy- 
tosol are transported into the lumen of the 
endoplasmic reticulum. After further modifi- 
cation in the Golgi apparatus, the proteins 
are secreted. 

692 CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

Figure 22.30 ► 

Secretory vesicles in a maize rootcap cell. 

Large secretory vesicles containing proteins 
are budding off the Golgi apparatus 
(center). Note the abundance of ribosomes 
bound to the endoplasmic reticulum. 

Golgi apparatus 

Mitochondrion ' 

E nd op I as m i c , ret i cu I u m 

1 Vesicles 

A ^ 


Golgi apparatus 

of the complex formed by the endoplasmic reticulum proteins at the docking site. Once 
the ribosome-SRP complex is bound to the membrane, the inhibition of translation is 
relieved and SRP dissociates in a reaction coupled to GTP hydrolysis. Thus, the role of 
SRP is to recognize nascent polypeptides containing a signal peptide and to target the 
translation complex to the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum. 

Once the translation complex is bound to the membrane, translation resumes and 
the new polypeptide chain passes through the membrane. The signal peptide is then 
cleaved from the nascent polypeptide by a signal peptidase, an integral membrane pro- 
tein associated with the pore complex. The transport of proteins across the membrane 


® i 

H 3 N-Met-Arg-Ser-Lei -Leu- - Bu-Val-Leu-Cys-Phe-Leu-Pn - ?u-Ala-Ala-Leu-Gly-Gly 


© i 

H 3 N-Met-Lys-Trp-Val-Thr-Phe-Leu-Leu-Leu- iu-Phc- -Ser-Gly-Ser-AI - le-Ser-Arg^x^ 

Alkaline phosphatase 

© i 

H 3 N-Met-Lys-Gln-Ser-Thr- le-Ala-Le - la-Leu-Lei -Pro-Leu- ei -Phe-Thr-Pro-Va -Thr-Lys-Ala-Arg 

Maltose-binding protein 

© i 

H 3 N-Met-Lys-i e-Lys-Thr-Gly- da-Arg- -Le - la-Leu-Ser-Ala- -Thr-Thr-Met-Met-Phe-Ser-Ala-Ser-AI; -Leu-Ala-Lys^^ 

© l 

H 3 N-Met-Lys-Lys-Thr-Ala-lle-Ala-lle-Ala-Val-Ala-Leu-Ala-Gly-Phe-Ala-Thr-Val-Ala-Gln-Ala-Ala 

Figure 22.31 ▼ 

Signal peptides from secreted proteins. 

Hydrophobic residues are shown in blue, 
and arrows mark the sites where the signal 
peptide is cleaved from the precursor. 
(OmpA is a bacterial membrane protein.) 

22.10 Post-Translational Processing 693 





SRP binds to the signal 
peptide as it emerges from 
the ribosome. Translation 
is inhibited. 


Plasma membrane 
of endoplasmic 

SRP binds to the SRP 
receptor on the surface of 
the endoplasmic reticulum. 








The ribosome binds to 
translocon, and the signal 
peptide is inserted through 
a pore in the membrane. 
Translation resumes. 

◄ Figure 22.32 

Translocation of eukaryotic proteins into the 
lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. 

Subsequent translation passes 
the nascent polypeptide into 
the lumen of the endoplasmic 
reticulum. The signal peptide 
is removed by signal peptidase 

694 CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

Figure 22.33 ► 

Structure of a complex oligosaccharide linked 
to an asparagine residue. Abbreviations: Glc, 
glucose; GIcNAc, /V-acetylglucosamine; 

Man, mannose. 

is assisted by chaperones in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. In addition to 
their role in protein folding, chaperones are required for translocation, and their activity 
requires ATP hydrolysis. When protein synthesis terminates, the ribosome dissociates 
from the endoplasmic reticulum, and the translation complex disassembles. 

B. Glycosylation of Proteins 

Many integral membrane proteins and secretory proteins contain covalently bound 
oligosaccharide chains. The addition of these chains to proteins is called protein glyco- 
sylation (Section 8.7C). Protein glycosylation is one of the major metabolic activities of 
the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and of the Golgi apparatus and is an extension 
of the general process of protein biosynthesis. A glycoprotein can contain dozens, in- 
deed hundreds, of monosaccharide units. The mass of the carbohydrate portion may 
account for as little as 1% or as much as 80% of the mass of the glycoprotein. 

A common glycosylation reaction involves the covalent attachment of a complex 
oligosaccharide to the side chain of an asparagine residue (Figure 22.33). During subse- 
quent transit through the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus, proteins 
may be covalently modified in many ways, including the formation of disulfide bonds 
and proteolytic cleavage. The complex oligosaccharides attached to the proteins are 
likewise modified during transit. A variety of different oligosaccharides can be cova- 
lently bound to proteins. In some cases, the structure of the oligosaccharide acts as a 
signal to target proteins to a specific location. For example, lysosomal proteins contain 
sites for the attachment of an oligosaccharide that targets these proteins to the lyso- 
some. By the time they have traversed the Golgi apparatus, the proteins and their 
oligosaccharides are usually fully modified. 


1. The genetic code consists of nonoverlapping, three-nucleotide 
codons. The code is unambiguous and degenerate; the first two 
nucleotides of the three-letter code are often sufficient; codons 
with similar sequences specify chemically similar amino acids; 
and there are special codons for the initiation and termination of 
peptide synthesis. 

2. tRNA molecules are the adapters between mRNA codons and 
amino acids in proteins. All tRNA molecules have a similar 
cloverleaf secondary structure with a stem and three arms. The 
tertiary structure is L-shaped. The anticodon loop is at one end of 
the structure, and the acceptor stem is at the other. The anticodon 
in tRNA base-pairs with a codon in mRNA. The 5' (wobble) posi- 
tion of the anticodon is conformationally flexible. 

3. An aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase catalyzes the addition of a spe- 
cific amino acid to the acceptor stem of the appropriate tRNA, 
producing an aminoacyl-tRNA. Some aminoacyl-tRNA syn- 
thetases carry out proofreading. 

4. Ribosomes are the RNA-protein complexes that catalyze the poly- 
merization of amino acids bound to aminoacyl-tRNA molecules. 
All ribosomes are composed of two subunits: prokaryotic ribo- 
somes contain three rRNA molecules, and eukaryotic ribosomes 
contain four. The growing polypeptide chain is attached to a 
tRNA in the peptidyl (P) site of the ribosome, and the aminoacyl- 
tRNA molecule bearing the next amino acid to be added to the 
nascent polypeptide chain docks in the aminoacyl (A) site. 

5. Translation begins with the formation of an initiation complex 
consisting of an initiator tRNA, the mRNA template, the ribosomal 
subunits, and several initiation factors. In prokaryotes, initiation 
occurs just downstream of Shine-Dalgarno sequences; in eukary- 
otes, initiation usually occurs at the initiation codon closest to the 
5' end of the mRNA. 

6. The elongation step of translation requires accessory proteins 
called elongation factors. The three steps of elongation are 
(1) positioning of the correct aminoacyl-RNA in the A site, 

Problems 695 

(2) formation of the peptide bond by peptidyl transferase, and 

(3) translocation of the ribosome by one codon. 

7. Release factors recognize termination codons and catalyze the ter- 
mination of protein synthesis and disassembly of the translation 

8. Protein synthesis requires the energy of four phosphoanhydride 
bonds per residue. 

9. The regulation of translation includes the formation of secondary 
structure in mRNA that influences the rate of initiation. Riboso- 

mal RNA proteins can inhibit translation of their own mRNA by 
binding to such sites. Phosphorylation of an initiation factor reg- 
ulates globin synthesis. Regulation of expression of the E. coli trp 
operon involves attenuation, in which translation of a leader 
mRNA governs transcription of the operon. 

10 . Many proteins are post-translationally modified. Some eukary- 
otic proteins destined for secretion contain N-terminal signals for 
transport into the endoplasmic reticulum. Many membrane and 
secreted proteins are glycosylated. 


1. The standard genetic code is read in codons that are three nu- 
cleotides long. How many potential reading frames are there on a 
single piece of double-stranded DNA? If instead the genetic code 
was read in codons that were four nucleotides long, how many 
reading frames would there be on the same piece of double- 
stranded DNA? 

2. Examine the sequences of the mRNAs transcribed from the DNA 
sequence in Problem 1 1 in Chapter 21. Assuming that the DNA 
segment is from the middle of a protein-coding gene, which of 
the possible mRNAs is most likely to be the actual transcript? 
What is the sequence of the encoded peptide? 

3. Calculate the number of phosphoanhydride bonds that are hy- 
drolyzed during synthesis of a 600 amino acid residue protein in 
E. coli. Do not include the energy required to synthesize the 
amino acids, mRNA, tRNA, or the ribosomes. 

4. Polypeptide chain elongation on the ribosome can be broken 
down into three discrete steps (the microcycle): (1) binding of the 
correct aminoacyl-tRNA in the ribosome’s A site, (2) peptide 
bond formation, and (3) translocation. What, specifically, is it 
that gets translocated in the third step of this cycle? 

5. A prokaryotic mRNA may contain many AUG codons. How does 
the ribosome distinguish AUG codons specifying initiation from 
AUG codons specifying internal methionine? 

6. Given that the genetic code is universal, would a plant mRNA be 
correctly translated in a prokaryotic cell like E. coli ? 

7. Bacterial genomes usually contain multiple copies of the genes for 
rRNA. These are transcribed very efficiently in order to produce 
large amounts of rRNA for assembly into ribosomes. In contrast, 
the genes that encode ribosomal proteins are present only as sin- 
gle copies. Explain the difference in the number of copies of 
rRNA and ribosomal protein genes. 

8. Suppressor mutations suppress the effects of other mutations. For 
example, mutations that produce the stop codon UAG in the mid- 
dle of a gene are suppressed by an additional mutation in a tRNA 
gene that gives rise to a mutant anticodon with the sequence 
CUA. Consequently, an amino acid is inserted at the mutant stop 
codon, and a protein is synthesized (although it may be only par- 
tially active). List all the tRNA species that could be mutated to a 
suppressor of UAG mutations by a single base change in the anti- 
codon. How can a cell with a suppressor tRNA survive? 

9. Transfer RNAs are absolutely essential for polypeptide synthesis. 
After reviewing the material in this chapter, name five different cel- 
lular components that can bind to (interact with) tRNA molecules. 

10 . On rare occasions, the translation machinery encounters a codon 
that cannot be quickly interpreted because of the lack of a partic- 
ular tRNA or release factor. In these cases, the ribosome may 
pause and then shift by a single nucleotide and begin translating a 
different reading frame. Such an occurrence is known as transla- 
tional frameshifting. The E. coli release factor RF-2, which is 
translated from mRNA that contains an internal UGA stop 
codon, is produced by translational frameshifting. Explain how 
this phenomenon might regulate RF-2 production. 

11. The mechanism of attenuation requires the presence of a leader 
region. Predict the effect of the following changes on regulation 
of the trp operon: 

(a) The entire leader region is deleted. 

(b) The sequence encoding the leader peptide is deleted. 

(c) The leader region, an AUG codon, is mutated. 

12 . In Chapter 21, you learned of many different regulatory mecha- 
nisms that control transcription of the lac operon in E. coli. In 
Chapter 22, one of the mechanisms of translational regulation 
discussed was called attenuation. Would you predict that in some 
other bacterial species the lac operon might have evolved such 
that an attenuation mechanism was used to regulate expression 
levels from this operon? 

13. In the operons that contain genes for isoleucine biosynthesis, the 
leader regions that precede the genes contain multiple codons 
that specify not only isoleucine but valine and leucine as well. 
Suggest a reason why this is so. 

14 . Suggest the steps involved in the synthesis and processing of a gly- 
cosylated, eukaryotic integral membrane protein with a C-termi- 
nal cytosolic domain and an N-terminal extracellular domain. 

15 . In Chapter 23, you will learn about recombinant DNA techniques 
that allow genes to be cut and pasted at will. If you could remove 
the coding region for a secretion signal sequence from one pro- 
tein and place it such that it will now occupy the N-terminus of a 
cytosolic protein (e.g., /3-galactosidase), would you expect the 
new hybrid protein to enter the cell’s secretory pathway? 

16 . In some species of bacteria, the codon GUG initiates protein syn- 
thesis (e.g., LacI, Figure 22.17a). The completed proteins always 
contain methionine at the N-terminus. How can the initiator 
tRNA base-pair with the codon GUG? How is this phenomenon 
related to wobble? 

696 CHAPTER 22 Protein Synthesis 

Selected Readings 

Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases 

Carter, C. W., Jr. (1993). Cognition, mechanism, 
and evolutionary relationships in aminoacyl-tRNA 
synthetases. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 62:715-748. 

Ibba, M., and Soil, D. (2000). Aminoacyl-tRNA 
synthesis. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 69:617-650. 

Jakubowski, H., and Goldman, E. (1992). Editing 
of errors in selection of amino acids for protein 
synthesis. Microbiol. Rev. 56:412-429. 

Kurland, C. G. (1992). Translational accuracy and 
the fitness of bacteria. Annu. Rev. Genet. 26:29-50. 

Schimmel, R, and Ribas de Pouplana, L. (2000). 
Footprints of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are 
everywhere. Trends Biochem. Sci. 25:207-209. 

Ribosomes and Translation 

Ban, N., Nissen, R, Hansen, J., Moore, P. B., and 
Steitz, T. A. (2000). The complete atomic structure 
of the large ribosomal subunit at 2.4A resolution. 
Science 289:905-919. 

Carter, A. P., Clemons, W. M., Brodersen, D. E., 
Morgan-Warren, R. J., Wimberly, B. T., and 
Ramakrishnan, V. (2000). Functional insights from 
the structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit and its 
interactions with antibiotics. Nature 407:340-348. 

Garrett, R. A., Douthwate, S. R., Matheson A. T., 
Moore, P. B., and Noller, H. F., eds. (2000). The 
Ribosome: Structure, Function, Antibiotics and 
Cellular Interactions (Washington, DC: American 
Society for Microbiology). 

Hanawa-Suetsugu, K., Sekine, S., Sakai, H., Hori- 
Takemoto, C., Tevader, T., Unzai, S., Tame, J.R.H., 
Kuramitsu, S., Shirouzu, M., and Yokoyama, S. 
(2004). Crystal structure of elongation factor P 
from Thermus thermophilus HB8. Proc. Natl. Acad. 
Sci. 101:9595-9600. 

Kawashima, T., Berthet-Colominas, C., Wulff, M., 
Cusack, S., and Leberman, R. (1996). The structure 
of the Escherichia coli EF-Tu • EF-Ts complex at 
2.5 A resolution. Nature 379:51 1-518. 

Moore, P. B., and Steitz, T. A. (2003). The struc- 
tural basis of large ribosomal subunit function. 
Annu. Rev. Biochem. 72:813-850. 

Nirenberg, M.W., and Matthaei, J.H., (1961). The 
dependence of cell-free protein synthesis in E. coli 
upon naturally occurring or synthetic polyribo- 
nucleotides. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 47:1588-1602. 

Noller, H. F. (1993). Peptidyl transferase: protein, 
ribonucleoprotein, or RNA? /. Bacteriol. 

Pestova, T. V., and Hellen, C. U. T. (1999). Ribo- 
some recruitment and scanning: what’s new? 
Trends Biochem. Sci. 24:85-8 7. 

Ramakrishnan, V. (2009). Unravelling the struc- 
ture of the ribosome. Nobel Fecture 135-160. 

Selmer, M., Al-Karadaghi, S., Hirokawa, 

G., Kaji, A., and Filjas, A. (1999). Crystal Structure 
of Thermotoga maritima ribosome recycling factor: 
A tRNA mimic. Science 286:2349-2352. 

Steitz, T.A. (2009). From the structure and function 
of the ribosome to new antibiotics. Nobel Fecture 

Regulation of Translation 

Kozak, M. (1992). Regulation of translation in eu- 
karyotic systems. Annu. Rev. Cell Biol. 8:197-225. 

McCarthy, J. E. G., and Gualerzi, C. (1990). Trans- 
lational control of prokaryotic gene expression. 
Trends Genet. 6:78-85. 

Merrick, W. C. (1992). Mechanism and regulation 
of eukaryotic protein synthesis. Microbiol. Rev. 

Rhoads, R. E. (1993). Regulation of eukaryotic pro- 
tein synthesis by initiation factors. /. Biol. Chem. 

Samuel, C. E. (1993). The eIF-2a protein kinases, 
regulators of translation in eukaryotes from yeasts 
to humans. /. Biol. Chem. 268:7603-7606. 

Post-translational Modification 

Hurtley, S. M. (1993). Hot line to the secretory 
pathway. Trends Biochem. Sci. 18:3-6. 

Parodi, A. J. (2000). Protein glycosylation and its role 
in protein folding. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 69:69-93. 














o c 







_ o 

° o o o 

° o 


o o 


° c 



o o 


Chapter 2 Water 

1. Hydrogen bonds involve strongly electronegative atoms such as nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur. 


— CHo — O 



/ \ 

H H 


0 H 




H H 

\ / 



/ \ 

H H 

— CH 2 — C — N 

\ / 




N — H 


/ \ 

H H 

-O — H 



2. (a) Glycerol is polar; it is not amphipathic; and it readily dissolves in water. 

(b) Hexadecanoyl phosphate is polar; it is amphipathic; and it does not readily dissolve in 
water but forms micelles. 

(c) Laurate is polar; it is amphipathic; and it does not readily dissolve in water but forms 

(d) Glycine is polar; it is not amphipathic; and it readily dissolves in water. 

3. There is a larger osmotic pressure inside the cells than outside because the molar concentra- 
tion of solutes is much greater inside cells than outside. This results in a diffusion of water 
into cells, causing them to swell and burst. 

4 . 

5 . 


If the pH of a solution is below the piC a of any given ionizable group, the predominant species 
will be the one with the dissociable proton on that group. If the pH of a solution is above the 
piC a of any given ionizable group, the predominant species will be the one with the dissocia- 
ble proton off of that group. 

(a) pH = 11 where the — COO® form predominates. 

(b) pH = 2 where the H® form predominates. 

(c) pH = 2 where the H® form predominates. 

(d) pH =11 where the R — O® form predominates. 

(a) Tomato juice. For pH = 4.2, if pH = —log [H®], then 
[H®] = l(T pH [H®] = 10 -4 ' 2 = 6.3 X 1(T 5 M. 

The ion-product constant of water (K w ) relates the concentrations of OH® and H® 
(Equation 2.6). 

[OH®] = KJ/[ H®] = 1.0 X 10~ 14 M 2 /6.3x -5 M = 1.6 X 10 -10 M. 

(b) Human blood plasma. If the pH = 7.4, then 

[H®] = 10 -7 - 4 = 4.0 X 10~ 8 M. [OH®] = iC w /[H®] = 

1.0 X 10“ 14 M 2 /4.0x -8 M = 2.5 X 10 -7 M. 

(c) 1M Ammonia. If the pH = 1 1.6, then 

[H®] = 10 _1L6 = 2.5 X 10“ 12 M. [OH®] = K W /[H®] = 
1.0 X 10~ 14 M 2 /2.0x -12 M = 4 X 10^ 3 M. 


CH 2 — C' /vw ' 


698 SOLUTIONS Chapter 2 

7. The total buffer species = [weak acid (HA)] + [conjugate base (A 0 )] 

Total buffer concentration = 0.25 M + 0.15 M = 0.4 M 

The pH can be calculated from the p K a and the concentrations given using the Henderson- 
Hasselbalch equation. 

[A 0 ] (0.15 M) 

PH = p/C a + log— = 3.90 + log^^ = 3.90 - 0.22 = 3.68 

8. The piC a for the ionization of H 2 PO 4 0 is 7.2. The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation (Equa- 
tion 2.18) indicates that when the concentrations of the acidic form (H 2 PO 4 0 ) and its 
conjugate base (HP0 4 ©) are equivalent, the pH is equal to the pl<f a , because the log term is 
zero (log 1 = 0). Therefore, mixing 50 milliliters of solution A with 50 milliliters of solu- 
tion B gives a buffer of pH 7.2. Since the concentration of each solution is 0.02 M, mixing 
equal volumes gives a buffer whose phosphate concentration is also 0.02 M. The reason why 
this is an effective buffer is that the final pH is at the p K a value. This means that the buffer will 
resist changes in pH over a considerable range. 

9. (a) The effective range of a buffer is from approximately one pH unit below to one pH unit 

above the p fC a . The buffering range for MOPS is therefore 6. 2-8. 2, and the buffering 
range for SHS is 4. 5-6. 5. Use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation to calculate the ratios 
of basic to acidic species. 

For MOPS: pH 

P K a + log 


[R 3 NH©] 

6.5 = 7.2 + 



[R 3 NH©] 

[RbN] 1 

[R 3 NH©] 5 

For SHS: 


= 5.5 + 

[RCOO 0 ] 
109 [RCOOH] 

[RCOO®] 10 
[RCOOH] ~~ T 

(b) An SHS buffer solution at pH 6.5 contains a much greater proportion of conjugate base 
relative to acid (10:1) than MOPS does (1:5). Therefore, an SHS buffer would more effec- 
tively maintain the pH upon addition of acid: H 0 + RCOO 0 < > RCOOH. Con- 

versely, a MOPS buffer at pH 6.5 contains a greater proportion of acid than SHS does; 
therefore, MOPS would more effectively maintain the pH upon addition of base: 
R 3 NH© + OH 0 R 3 N + H 2 0. 

10 . 


pK a 




Partially ionized 







Chapter 2 SOLUTIONS 


11 . Excess gaseous C0 2 rapidly equilibrates with aqueous C0 2 (Equation 2.25), leading to for- 
mation of carbonic acid (Equation 2.23). Carbonic acid ionizes to H© and HC0 3 © (Equa- 
tion 2.22). The excess acid, in the form of H©, can accumulate in bodily fluids, producing 

12. Although the metabolism of lactate and other organic acids in the diet can lead to production 
of C0 2 as shown, C0 2 is efficiently expired from the lungs (except during respiratory acido- 
sis). Thus, the net product of the metabolic process is bicarbonate (HC0 3 ©), a base. Excess 
H© present during metabolic acidosis can be removed when it combines with HC0 3 © to 
form H 2 C0 3 (Equation 2.22), which then forms aqueous C0 2 and H 2 0 (Equation 2.23). 

13. The acidic and conjugate base species of aspirin can be represented as RCOOH and RCOO©. 
Use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation to calculate the ratio of the two species at pH 2.0 
and pH 5.0. Then calculate the fraction of the total species that is unionized and available for 
absorption. In the stomach at pH 2.0, 



P K a + log 



3.5 + 




[RCOO©] _ 0.03 
[RCOOH] “ ~T~ 

The percentage of the uncharged species (RCOOH) is equal to the amount of RCOOH 
divided by the total of RCOOH and RCOO©, times 100%. 


[RCOOH] + [RCOO©] 

X 1 00% = 


1 + 0.03 

X 100% = 97% 

Therefore, nearly all aspirin in the stomach is in a form available for absorption. In the upper 
intestine at pH 5.0, however, only a small percentage of aspirin is available for absorption. 


5.0 = 3.5 + loq- - 

y [RCOOH] 

[RCOO©] _ 32 
[RCOOH] “ T 


X 1 00% = 


1 + 32 

X 1 00% = 3% 

[RCOOH] + [RCOO©] 

Note that aspirin must be in solution in order to be absorbed. For this reason, coated or slow- 
release forms of aspirin may alter the availability of aspirin in the stomach and intestine. 

14. Use the Henderson-Hasselbach equation to calculate the ratio of the two species at each pH 

At pH = 7.5 

[H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

pH = p K a + log 

[ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

[H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

7.5 = 8.2 + loq- 

[ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 


[H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

[ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

[H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

[ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

= 7.5 - 8.2 = -0.7 

1 _ 


The ratio of [H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] to [ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] is 1 to 5. To determine the percent in 
the conjugate base form: 1/(1 + 5)*100 = 17%. Therefore, 17% is unprotonated at pH 7.5. 

At pH = 8.2 
pH = p K a + log 

[H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

[ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 3 

_ _ , , [H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

8.2 = 8.2 + loq- 

[ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

[H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

log — = 8.2 - 8.2 = 0 

[ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

[H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] _ 1 

[ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] T 

The ratio of [H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] to [ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] is 1.0 to 1.0. To determine the per- 
cent in the conjugate base form: 1/(1 + 1)*100 = 50%. Therefore, 50% is unprotonated at 
pH 8.2. 

At pH 9.0: 

, , [H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

pH = p K a + log— 

[ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

[H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

9.0 = 8.2 + log-^ — 

[ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

[H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

log-^ — = 9.0 - 8.2 = 0.8 

[ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 

[H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] _ 6.3 

[ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] 1 

The ratio of [H 2 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] to [ + H 3 NCH 2 CONH 2 ] is 6.3 to 1. To determine the percent 
of the conjugate base: 63/(63 + 1)*100 = 86%. That is, 86% is unprotonated at pH 9.0. 

15. This titration curve represents a compound with two p K a values, shown by the two plateaus 
(near pH 2 and pH 10). Glycine has two p K a values at 2.4 and at 9.8. 

16. Only (a) vitamin C would be soluble in water. Vitamin C contains several hydroxyl groups, 
each of which can hydrogen-bond with water. 

17. At 0°C the ion product for water is 1. 14 X 10~ 15 . At neutral pH, 

At 100°C 

[H©] = [OH©] = Vi. 14 X lO-’S = 3.38 X 10“ 8 
pH = -log(3.38 X 10“ 8 ) = 7.47 

[H©] = [OH 0 ] = V4.0 X 1(T 13 = 6.32 X 10“ 7 
pH = -log(6.32 X 1(T 7 ) = 6.2 

Note that the density of water changes with temperature but this has very little effect 
on [H + ]. 

18. HC1 dissociates completely in water. In 6 M HC1, [H®] = 6 M. The pH is — log(6) = —0.78. 
The standard pH scale begins at zero ([H®] = 1 M) because it’s very unusual to encounter 
more acidic solutions in biology. 

Chapter 3 Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins 

1. By comparing the priorities of L-cysteine (shown here) to those of L-serine (S configura- 
tion, page 57) you will find that their sequence is clockwise and therefore L-cysteine has 
the R configuration. 

© ^ 


© ? 

©h 3 n— c— h@ 

ch 2 sh 


Chapter 3 SOLUTIONS 701 

2. The stereochemistry of each chiral carbon must be examined to determine whether it has the 
R or S configuration. 

coo 0 


©h 3 n— c—h@ 



C-2, S-configuration 

CH(^H 3 )COO 0 
@H-~C — OH© 

CH 3 


C-3, ^-configuration 

ch 2 ch 2 — nh 3 ci 0 

, n © \ 

Cl 0 HN^NH 

3. The other stereoisomers are: 

coo 0 

H — C — NH 3 0 
HO — C— H 


ch 3 


coo 0 

NH 3 ® — C — H 
HO — C — H 



COO 0 

H — C — NH 3 ® 
HO— C — OH 



L-Allothreonine D-Allothreonine 

4. Methionine. 

5. (a) Serine; phosphorylation of the hydroxyl group. 

(b) Glutamate; carboxylation of the y-carbon. 

(c) Lysine; acetylation of the 8-amino group. 

6. By convention, peptides are designated from the N-terminus — > C-terminus, therefore Glu is 
the N-terminus and Gly is the C-terminus. 

COO v 





o ch 2 


h 3 nch — ch 2 ch 2 c — NH — CH - 

I y-Glu L 




-CH 2 - 
- Gly - 



7. The 6 residues at the C-terminus of melittin are highly hydrophilic (Table 3.1). Of the re- 
maining 20 amino acid residues, nearly all are hydrophobic, including 9 with highly hy- 
drophobic side chains (leucine, isoleucine, valine). The hydrophilic portion of melittin is 
more soluble in aqueous solution, while the hydrophobic portion is more soluble in the 
membrane lipids. 

8. Use Table 3.2 to determine the net charge at each p K a value. The pH at which the net charge 
is 0 lies midway between the two p K a values at which the average charges are +0.5 and —0.5. 

(a) At pH 9.0, the net charge of arginine is +0.5, and at pH 12.5, the net charge is —0.5. 
Therefore, pI Arg = (9.0 + 12.5) + 2 = 10.8. 

(b) At pH 2.1, the net charge of glutamate is +0.5, and at pH 4.1, the net charge is —0.5. 
Therefore, pI G i u = (2.1 + 4.1) -r- 2 = 3.1. 

9. The ionizable groups are the free amino group of the N-terminal cysteine residue 
(pJC a = 10.7), the glutamate side chain (p K a = 4.1), and the histidine side chain 
(p K a = 6.0). 

(a) At pH 2.0, the N-terminus and the histidine side chain have positive charges and the glu- 
tamate side chain is uncharged. The net charge is +2. 

(b) At pH 8.5, the N-terminus has a positive charge, the histidine side chain is uncharged, 
and the glutamate side chain has a negative charge. The net charge is 0. 

(c) At pH 10.7, the charge of the N-terminus is +0.5, the histidine side chain is uncharged, 
and the glutamate side chain has a negative charge. The net charge is —0.5. 

702 SOLUTIONS Chapter 3 

10. (a) 

ch 3 ch 3 

x o/ 

s ch 2 o ch 3 

H II H I || H I 
N — C — N — C — C — N — CH — COO© 

(b) S 


/ C '"N — H 
N | 

\ C /C-H 

// I 

o ch 2 oh 


11. (a) Gly-Ala-Trp-Arg, Asp-Ala-Lys, Glu-Phe-Gly-Gln 

(b) Gly-Ala-Trp, Arg-Asp-Ala-Lys-Glu-Phe, Gly-Gln 

(c) Gly-Ala-Trp-Arg-Asp, Ala-Lys-Glu, Phe-Gly-Gln 

12. (a) 


© i 

H 3 N — C — H 



pK a = 1.8 


© I 

H 3 N — C — H 



P K a = 6.0 


© I 

h 3 n — c — h 



pK a = 9.3 



H 2 N — C — H 


(b) A, 1; B, 3; C, 5; D, 7 

(c) 1,4, 5, 7 

(d) 4 

(e) 5 

(f) Histidine would be a good buffer within one pH unit of any of its three plC a values: 
0.8-2. 8, 5. 0-7.0, and 8.3-10.3. 

13. (a) Because there are two N- terminal groups, there must be two peptide chains, each having 
an N-terminal aspartate residue. 

(b) 2-Mercaptoethanol reduces disulfide bonds, and trypsin catalyzes cleavage on the car- 
boxyl side of arginine residues. Since aspartate is found at both N-termini of FP, the se- 
quence of the dipeptide is Asp-Arg, and the sequence of the pentapeptide is Asp-(Cys, 
Gly, Met, Phe). The tripeptide has the sequence Cys-(Ala, Phe) and is derived from 
trypsin-catalyzed cleavage of a pentapeptide whose sequence is Asp-Arg-Cys-(Ala, Phe). 

(c) The C-terminal residue of each peptide chain is phenylalanine. Now that the terminal 
residues are known, one peptide must have the sequence Asp-(Cys, Gly, Met)-Phe, and 
the other must have the sequence Asp-Arg-Cys-Ala-Phe. 

(d) CNBr cleaves on the carbonyl side of methionine residues to produce C-terminal ho- 
moserine lactone residues. The peptides are therefore Asp-Met and (Cys, Gly)-Phe. 
Glycine is the N-terminal residue of the tripeptide, so that pentapeptide sequence is 
Asp-Met-Gly-Cys-Phe . 

Chapter 3 SOLUTIONS 


The complete FP structure is 

Asp — Arg — Cys — Ala — Phe 






Asp — Met — Gly — Cys — Phe 

14. (a) The substitution of aspartate (D) for glutamate (E) at position 50 is an example of a con- 

servative change. The amino acids aspartate and glutamate both contain acidic side 
chains that are negatively charged at physiological pH. 

(b) The substitution of tyrosine (Y) for histidine (H) is an example of a nonconservative 
substitution since tyrosine contains an aromatic side chain and histidine contains a hy- 
drophilic side chain consisting of an imidazole group. 

15. The neurotransmitter serotonin is derived from the amino acid tryptophan. 

In the conversion, the carboxyl group from tryptophan is removed and a hydroxyl group is 
added to the aromatic ring. 

H 3 N® — C — H 


H,N® — C — H 


16. (a) There are two peptide bonds present in TRH. They are marked with the dashed lines. 

(b) TRH is derived from the tripeptide Glu-His-Pro. The proline carboxyl group has been 
modified to an amide (marked with an*). The side chain carboxyl group of the amino 
terminal Glu forms an amide with the residue’s cr-amino group (marked with a **). 

(c) The amino- and carboxyl- terminal groups have been modified to amide groups and thus 
are uncharged. 

o x ch 2 
c ch 2 

\ / 

N — HC — 

O O 


-c — NH — CH — c- 


ch 2 

/ \ 


\ / jr 

-N — HC — C 







= CH 


17. (a) L-Dopa is in the S configuration. 

(b) They are both derived from the amino acid tyrosine. 

18. Although Figure 3.6 shows only three forms of alanine, there are actually four different forms 
in equilibrium (see next page). The neutral form will be present at very low concentrations 
because at any given pH the three other forms are much more stable. We can calculate the rel- 
ative ratios of the four forms by assuming that the protonation/deprotonation of the two 
charged groups is independent. 

For alanine at pH 2.4 the relative ratio of R — COO© and R — COOH is 

2.4 = 

[R— COO 0 ] 

2 ' 4 + '° 9 [R — COOH] theref ° re 

[R— COO 0 ] 
[R — COOH] 

= 1 

of H 3 N® — R to H 2 N — R is 

= 9.9 + log [H * N ~ R] therefore [H * N ~ R] ~ 3.1 X 10 - 
HH 3 f\P — R] [H 3 N 0 — R] 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 3 

ch 3 

h 2 n— ch— coo° 

H 3 N— CH— COOH 



Thus the relative ratios of the four forms are approximately 

cation : zwitterion : anion : neutral 1:1: 10 -8 : 10 -8 

and the concentration of the neutral form in a 0.01 M solution of alanine is about 10 -10 M. 
Neutral molecules exist but their concentration is insignificant. 

At pH 9.9 the ratios are 

anion : zwitterion : cation : neutral 1:1: 10 -8 : 10 -8 

At pH 6.15 the relative ratio of R — COO® and R — COOH is 

[R — COO 0 ] [R — COO 0 ] , 

6.15 2.4 + log-- — — therefore — — 5.6 x 10 3 

a [R — COOH] [R — COOH] 

and the relative ratio of H 2 N — R and [H 3 N® — R] is 


9.9 + 

[H 2 N-R] 
09 [H 3 N® — R] 

[H 2 N — R] 
[H 3 N® — R] 

= 1.8 X 10“ 4 

[H 3 N® — R] 
[H 2 N — R] 

= 5.6 X 1(T 8 

The zwitterion is present in 5600-fold excess over the anion and cation forms and each of 
these forms is 5600-fold more likely than the neutral form. The ratios are 

zwitterion : anion : cation : neutral 3.1 x 10 7 : 1 : 1.8 x 1(T 4 : 1.8 x 1(T 4 : 3.2 X 1CT 8 

The concentration of the neutral form in a solution of 0.01 M alanine is insignificant. 

19. The relative concentrations of the zwitterion and the cation are 

2.4 = 2.4 + log 


[H 3 N- 

ch 3 

-c — COO°] 


[H 3 N- 

ch 3 

-c — COO°] 

ch 3 

ch 3 

© I © I 

[H 3 N— C-COOH] [H 3 N-C — COOH] 

= 1 

Thus the concentration of the zwitterion in a solution of 0.01 M alanine is 0.005 M. (We can 
ignore the concentrations of the anion and neutral forms — see previous question.) 

At pH 4.0 


2.4 + 




The concentration of the zwitterion is 0.01 M X f? 



0.00976 M 


Chapter 4 SOLUTIONS 


Chapter 4 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function 

(b) The R groups represent the side chains of the amino acid residues. 

(c) The partial double-bond character of the C — N amide bonds prevents free rotation. 

(d) Both peptide groups in this tripeptide are in the trans conformation, since the a-carbon 
atoms are on opposite sides of the peptide bonds. 

(e) The peptide groups may rotate around the N — C a and C a — C bonds. 

2. (a) (1) In an a helix, intrachain hydrogen bonds form between carbonyl oxygens of certain 

residues and amide hydrogens of other residues. The hydrogen bonds are approxi- 
mately parallel to the helix axis (Figure 4.10). 

(2) In a collagen triple helix, interchain hydrogen bonds form between amide hydrogens 
of the glycines in one chain and carbonyl oxygen atoms of residues (which are often 
proline) in an adjacent chain (Figure 4.41). There are no intrachain hydrogen bonds 
in a collagen helix. 

(b) The side chains of an a helix point outward from the cylinder of the helix (Figure 4.11). 
In collagen, three chains coil around each other so that every third residue of a given 
chain makes contact with the other two chains along the central axis of the triple helix 
(Figure 4.42). Only the small side chain of glycine can fit at these positions. The other 
side chains point outward from the triple helical coil. 

3. (1) The presence of glycine in an a helix destabilizes the helix due to the greater freedom of 

movement allowed by the small side chain. For this reason, many a helices begin or end 
with glycine. 

(2) Proline tends to disrupt a helices because its rigid, cyclic side chain stereochemically in- 
terferes with the space that would normally be occupied by a neighboring residue in the 
a helix. In addition, proline lacks a hydrogen on its amide nitrogen and cannot participate 
in normal intrahelical hydrogen bonding. 

4. (a) Due to the flexibility resulting from a small side chain ( — H), glycine is often found in 

“hairpin loops” that connect sequential antiparallel /3 strands. The glycine residues (G) in 
positions 8 and 14 provide two hairpin-loop regions to connect the three f3 strands in Be- 

®— 1 




C [ ^COOQ 

(b) [3 -sheet structures are stabilized by hydrogen bonds that form between a carbonyl oxy- 
gen of one strand and an amide nitrogen of an adjacent strand (Figure 4.15). 


h 3 n— c — 







COO 0 

5. Helix-loop -helix (HLH) motif (Figure 4.19). 

6. (a) a//3. Regions of a helix and /3 strand alternate in the polypeptide chain. 

(b) al (3 barrel. Parallel /3 strands are surrounded by a layer of a helices in a cylindrical 

(c) Yeast FMN oxidoreductase and E. coli enzyme required for tryptophan biosynthesis 
(Figure 4.24 (i) and (j) respectively). 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 4 

7. Protein disulfide isomerase contains two reduced cysteine residues at the active site, and these 
participate in a reduction and disulfide exchange that allows the misfolded protein to refold 
into the lower energy native conformation. 

8. The highly hydrophobic side chains of methionine, leucine, phenylalanine, and isoleucine are 
most likely to be on the side of the helix that faces the interior of the protein. Most of the 
other side chains are polar or charged and can interact with the aqueous solvent. Since the 
a helix is a repeating structure with approximately 3.6 residues per turn, the hydrophobic 
groups must be found every three or four residues along the sequence, so that one side of the 
helix is hydrophobic. 

9. Covalent cross-linking contributes significantly to the strength and rigidity of collagen fibers. 
In one type of cross-link, allysine residues in a collagen molecule condense with lysine 
residues in an adjacent molecule, forming Schiff bases (Figure 4.38a). When an allysine 
residue reacts with homocysteine, it is unable to participate in the normal cross-linking of 
collagen molecules. High levels of homocysteine in blood probably lead to defective collagen 
structure and skeletal deformities. 

0 = C 

i // 

CH — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH 2 — C 

I \ 


s Allysine residue 

* in collagen 



H 2 N — CH — CH 2 — CH 2 — SH 

= c coo© 

I I 

CH — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH 2 — CH = N — CH — CH 2 — CH 2 — SH 

10. The sequence -Gly-Pro-X-Y- occurs frequently in collagen, which is found throughout the 
body, including in the skin. Because the larval enzyme can catalyze cleavage of collagen 
chains, the parasite is able to enter the host. 

11. The reaction of carbon dioxide with water explains why there is a concomitant lowering of 
pH when the concentration of C0 2 increases. Carbon dioxide produced by rapidly metabo- 
lizing tissue reacts with water to produce bicarbonate ions and H® . 

(a) C0 2 + H 2 0 * — » H 2 C0 3 < — » HCO 3 0 + H© 

The H© generated in this reaction decreases the pH of the blood and thus stabilizes the 
deoxy form (T conformation) of hemoglobin. The net effect is an increase in the P 50 > that is, 
a lower affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen, so that more oxygen is released to the tissue 
(Figure 4.50). Carbon dioxide also lowers the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen by forming 

Chapter 5 SOLUTIONS 


carbamate adducts with the N-termini of the four chains (Figure 4.51). These adducts 
contribute to the stability of the deoxy (T) conformation, thereby further increasing the 
P 50 and promoting the release of oxygen to the tissue. 

(b) Shock victims suffer a critical deficit of oxygen supply to their tissues. Bicarbonate ad- 
ministered intravenously provides a source of carbon dioxide to the tissues. By lowering 
the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen, carbon dioxide facilitates a release of oxygen from 
oxyhemoglobin to the tissues. 

12. (a) 2,3BPG binds to positively charged side chains in the central cavity of deoxyhemoglobin 

(Figure 4.49). Since Hb F lacks two positively charged groups (His- 143 of each (3 chain), 
2,3BPG binds less tightly to Hb F than to Hb A. 

(b) 2,3BPG stabilizes the deoxy form of hemoglobin, increasing the fraction of molecules in 
the deoxy form. Since Hb F binds 2,3BPG less tightly than does Hb A, Hb F is less af- 
fected by 2,3BPG in the blood and has a greater fraction of molecules in the oxy form. Hb 
F therefore has a greater affinity than Hb A for oxygen at any oxygen pressure. 

(c) At the oxygen pressure of tissues, 20-40 torr, Hb F has a greater affinity for oxygen than 
does Hb A. The difference in affinity allows efficient transfer of oxygen from maternal 
blood to the fetus. 

13. The low P 50 value of Hbyakima indicates a greater than normal affinity for oxygen even at the 
oxygen pressures found in working muscle. The increased affinity means that Hbyakima gives 
up less oxygen to the working muscle. 

14. (a) Hydrophilic (italicized) and hydrophobic (underlined) residues are identified: 

(b) In the three-dimensional structure of proteins, amino acids that are far from each other 
in the primary sequence can interact in the globular structure of the protein. Thus the 
hydrophobic amino acids can be very close to each other in the three-dimensional struc- 
ture and provide a “hydrophobic” face for interaction with the membrane. 

15. (a) The most effective binding of selenoprotein P to heparin is seen at a pH below 6. The 

binding of selenoprotein P to heparin decreases as the pH is increased to 7. There is very 
little binding of selenoprotein P to heparin at pH values greater than 7. 

(b) Heparin is negatively charged. If selenoprotein P is positively charged, it can bind to he- 
parin. Histidine residues are abundant in selenoprotein P. Histidine has an imidazole side 
chain that has a p K a value of 6.0. That is, at a pH of 6.0, 50% of the histidine residues 
would be protonated and positively charged and 50% would be unprotonated and un- 
charged. Below a pH of 6.0, there would be a net positive charge on the histidine residues, 
resulting in effective electrostatic interactions with the heparin. At pH values above 7, al- 
most all of the histidine residues would be unprotonated and uncharged and will not ef- 
fectively interact with the negatively charged heparin molecule. 

16. Collagen is protein consisting of three polypeptide chains that are wound together in a triple 
helix. The protease bromelin is an enzyme that cleaves some of the peptide bonds in the 
polypeptide chains. The polypeptide chains are necessary to trap the water molecules in a 
semisolid state when gelatin cools, and if these are cleaved, the gelatin will not set properly. 
The cleavage of the polypeptide chains in collagen by bromelin destroys the ability of the gel- 
atin to harden. If the pineapple is first cooked, the heat will denature the protein and thus the 
enzyme activity will be destroyed. Therefore cooked pineapple can be added to slightly thick- 
ened gelatin, and the gelatin will proceed to the semisolid state as desired. (Assume that heat 
denaturation is irreversible.) 

17. The replacement of lysine by methionine results in one less positive charge on each beta sub- 
unit in the central cavity (see Figure 4.49). 2,3BPG binds less tightly to HbH. This causes 
more of the mutant protein to be in the R state (oxyhemoglobin is stabilized). The curve is 
shifted towards the left (more like myoglobin). Since more is in the R state, the affinity for 
oxygen has increased. 

Chapter 5 Properties of Enzymes 

1. The initial velocities are approaching a constant value at the higher substrate concentrations, 
so we can estimate the V max as 70 mM/min. Since K m equals the concentration of substrate 
[S] required to reach half the maximum velocity, we can estimate the K m to be 0.01 M since 
that’s the concentration of substrate that yields a rate of 35 mM/min (= ^^>2). 

2. (a) The ratio k cat /K m , or specificity constant , is a measure of the preference of an enzyme for 

different substrates. When two substrates at the same concentration compete for the 

708 SOLUTIONS Chapter 5 

active site of an enzyme, the ratio of their rates of conversion to product is equal to the 
ratio of the k cat /K m values, since v 0 = (k cat /K m ) [E] [S] for each substrate and [E] and [S] 
are the same. 

V-o(Sl) (^ca t >^m) 1 >[E][S] 

v o(S 2 ) (/c cat >/C m ) 2 >[E][S] 

(b) The upper limit of k cat /K m approaches 10 8 to 10 9 s -1 , the fastest rate at which two un- 
charged molecules can approach each other by diffusion at physiological temperatures. 

(c) The catalytic efficiency of an enzyme cannot exceed the rate for the formation of ES from 
E and S. The most efficient enzymes have k cat /K m values approaching the rate at which 
they encounter a substrate. At this limiting velocity they have become as efficient catalysts 
as possible because every encounter produces a reaction. (Most enzymes don’t need to 
catalyze reactions at the maximum possible rates so there’s no selective pressure to evolve 
catalytically perfect enzymes.) 

3. The catalytic constant (fc cat ) is the first-order rate constant for the conversion of ES to 
E + P under saturating substrate concentrations (Equation 5.26), and CA has a much 
higher catalytic activity in converting substrate to product than does OMPD. However, the 
efficiency of an enzyme can also be measured by the rate acceleration provided by the en- 
zyme over the corresponding uncatalyzed reaction (/c cat //c n , Table 5.2). The reaction of the 
substrate for OMPD in the absence of enzyme is very slow (k n = 3 X 1CT 16 s -1 ) compared 
to the reaction for the CA substrate in the absence of enzyme {k n = IX 10 -1 s -1 ). There- 
fore, while the OMPD reaction is much slower than the CA reaction in terms of /c cat , 
OMPD is one of the most efficient enzymes known and provides a much higher rate accel- 
eration than does CA when the reactions of each enzyme are compared to the correspon- 
ding uncatalyzed reactions. 

4. When [S] = 100 /xM, [S] » K mi so v 0 = V max = 0.1 /ulM min -1 . 

(a) For any substrate concentration greater than 100 /xM, v 0 = V max = 0.1 /xM min -1 . 

(b) When [S] = K m , v 0 = V m2 Jl, or 0.05 /ulM min -1 . 

(c) Since K m and V^x are known, the Michaelis-Menten equation can be used to calculate 
v 0 at any substrate concentration. For [S] = 2 /xM, 


/C m + [S] 

(0.1 ^iM min -1 )(2 ^M) 
(1 + 2 yuM) 



/jlW\ min 

0.067 min 1 

5. (a) Determine [E] tota j in moles per liter, then calculate V max . 

- 0.2 g - 9.3 X ,° * M 

Knax = *cat[E]total = 1000 S" 1 ^ X 10“ 6 M) = 9.3 X 1 0“ 3 M S^ 1 

(b) Since V max is unchanged in the presence of the inhibitor, competitive inhibition is 
occurring. Because the inhibitor closely resembles the heptapeptide substrate, compet- 
itive inhibition by binding to the enzyme active site is expected (i.e., classical competi- 
tive inhibition). 

6. Curve A represents the reaction in the absence of inhibitors. In the presence of a competitive 
inhibitor (curve B), K m increases and V max is unchanged. In the presence of a noncompetitive 
inhibitor (curve C), V max decreases and K m is unchanged. 


Chapter 5 SOLUTIONS 


7. Since the inhibitor sulfonamides structurally resemble the PABA substrate we would predict 
that sulfonamides bind to the enzyme active site in place of PABA and act as competitive 
inhibitors (Figure 5.9). 

8. (a) To plot the kinetic data for fumarase, first calculate the reciprocals of substrate concentra- 
tions and initial rates of product formation. (Note the importance of including correct 
units in calculating and plotting the data.) 

Fumarate ^ Rate of product formation 

[S] (mM) — (mM -1 ) v 0 (mmol I -1 min -1 ) —(mmol -1 I min) 

















Vmax i s obtained by taking the reciprocal of l/V max from the y intercept (Figure 5.6). 

1/V max = 0.20 mmol -1 I min, so V max = 5.0 mmol I -1 min -1 

K m is obtained by taking the reciprocal of — VK m from the v intercept. 

-VK m = -0.5 mivr 1 , so K m = 2.0 mM or 2 X 10~ 3 M 

(b) The value of k cat represents the number of reactions per second that one enzyme active 
site can catalyze. Although the concentration of enzyme is 1 X 10 -8 M, fumarase is a 
tetramer with four active sites per molecule so the total concentration of enzyme active 
sites [E tota i] is 4 X 10 -8 M. Using Equation 5.26: 

Vmax _ 5.0 mmol I 1 min 1 1 min _ 

[Etotai] 4 X 10 -5 mmol I -1 60 s 

9. Like pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) (Figure 5.22), glycogen phosphorylase (GP) activity is 
regulated by alternate phosphorylation by a kinase and dephosphorylation by a phosphatase. 
However, unlike PDH, the active form of GP has two phosphorylated serine residues; in the 
inactive GP form, two serine residues are not phosphorylated. 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 5 

10. Inhibition of the first committed step of a multistep pathway allows the pathway to proceed 
only when the end product is needed. Since the first committed step is regulated, flux in the 
pathway is controlled. This type of regulation conserves raw material and energy. 

11. When [aspartate] = 5mM,v 0 = V max /2. Therefore, in the absence of allosteric modulators, 
K m = [S] = 5 mM. ATP increases v 0 , and CTP decreases v 0 . 

12. (a) To plot the kinetic data for P450 3A4, first calculate the reciprocals of substrate concen- 
trations and initial rates of product formation. The data are plotted in the double recip- 
rocal plot and are shown with the dashed line. 



i/rs] ( m m-') 

Rate of product formation 
v 0 (pmol I -1 min -1 ) 

1/y 0 (pmol 1 1 min) 

















Vmax i s obtained by taking the reciprocal of 1/V max from the y intercept (Figure 5.6). 
1/Knax ~~ 0.0025 pmol -1 I min, so V max = 400 pmol I -1 min^ 1 

Chapter 6 SOLUTIONS 


K m is obtained by taking the reciprocal of — 1A K m from the x intercept 

-1 /K m = -0.3 /tM -1 , so K m = 3.3 

(b) The reciprocals of the substrate concentration and activity in the presence of ketocona- 
zole are given in the table. 

IS] (pM) 

1/IS] (jliM- 1 ) 

Rate of product formation 
in the presence of 
0.1 /jlM ketoconazole/ 
y 0 (pmol I -1 min -1 ) 

1/iz 0 (pmol 1 1 min) 

















The plot of the data (solid line) is given in the double reciprocal plot shown in (a). There is 
an increase in the y intercept and no apparent change in the x intercept. From the double re- 
ciprocal plot, it appears that ketoconazole is a noncompetitive inhibitor (see Figure 5.11). 
These inhibitors are characterized by an apparent decrease in V max (increase in 1/V max ) with 
no change in K m . 

13 . (a) Bergamottin appears to inhibit the activity of P450 3A4 since the P450 activity measured 

in the presence of 0.1 and 5 fiM bergamottin is less than that of the P450 activity in the 
absence of bergamottin. 

(b) It might be dangerous for a patient to take their medication with grapefruit juice since 
there appears to be an inhibition of P450 activity in the presence of bergamottin. If the 
bergamottin decreases the P450 activity, and the P450 enzyme is known to metabolize 
the drug to an inactive form, the time it takes to convert the drug to its inactive form may 
be increased. This may prolong the effects of the drug, which may lead to adverse conse- 
quences for the patient. 

14 . (a) When [S] » K m , then K m + [S] ~ [S]. Substrate concentration has no effect on velocity, 

and v 0 = V^x, as shown in the upper part of the curve in Figure 5.4a. 

= WnaxtS] WS] 

V ° K m + [S] ~ [S] 

(b) When [S] K m , K m + [S] ~ K m , and the Michaelis-Menten equation simplifies to 

W s] , \WS] 

V ° K m + [S] ~ K m 

Velocity is related to [S] by a constant value, and the reaction is first order with respect to 
S, as shown in the lower part of the curve in Figure 5.4a. 

(c) When v 0 = V max /2 ,K m = [S]. 

^max _ Knax[S] 

V ° “ 2 ~ K m + [S] 

K m + [S] = 2[S] 

Km = [S] 

Chapter 6 Mechanisms of Enzymes 

1 . (a) The major binding forces in ES complexes include charge-charge interactions, hydrogen 
bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and van der Waals forces. (About 20% of enzymes bind 
a substrate molecule or part of it covalently.) 

(b) Tight binding of a substrate would produce an ES complex that lies in a thermodynamic 
pit, effectively increasing the activation energy and thereby slowing down the reaction. 
Tight binding of the transition state, however, lowers the energy of the ES^ complex, 
thereby decreasing the activation energy and increasing the rate of the reaction. 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 6 

2. The activation barrier for the reaction is lowered by (1) raising the ground-state energy level 
(ES) and (2) lowering the transition-state energy level (ES*), resulting in a reaction rate in- 

3. The rate determining step of a multistep reaction is the slowest step, which is the step with the 
highest activation energy. For Reaction 1, Step 2 is the rate determining step. For Reaction 2, 
Step 1 is the rate determining step. 

4. The reactive groups in Reaction 2 ( — OH and — COOH) are held at close proximity. They 
are oriented in a manner suitable for catalysis by steric crowding of the bulky methyl groups 
of the ring. The reactive — COOH group cannot rotate away as freely as it can in Reaction 1. 
Model systems such as these are relevant because they indicate potential rate increases that 
might be obtained by enzymes that bring substrates and the enzymes catalytic groups into 
positions that are optimal for reaction. 

5. (1) Binding effects. Fysozyme binds the substrate so that the glycosidic bond to be cleaved is 

very close to both of the enzyme catalytic groups (Glu-35 and Asp-52). In addition, the 
energy of the ground- state sugar ring is raised because it is distorted into a half- chair con- 

(2) Acid-base catalysis. Glu-35 first donates a proton to an oxygen of the leaving sugar (gen- 
eral acid catalysis), and then accepts a proton from the attacking water molecule (general 
base catalysis). 

(3) Transition- state stabilization. Asp-52 stabilizes the developing positive charge on the ox- 
ocarbocation intermediate, and subsite D favors the half-chair sugar conformation of 
this intermediate. The structure proposed for the transition state includes both this 
charge and sugar conformation in addition to hydrogen bonding to several active- site 

6. Serine 195 is the only serine residue in the enzyme that participates in the catalytic triad at the 
active site of cr-chymotrypsin. The resulting increase in the nucleophilic character of Ser-195 
oxygen allows it to react rapidly with DFR 

7. (a) The catalytic triad is composed of an aspartate, a histidine, and a serine residue. Histidine 

acts as a general acid-base catalyst, removing a proton from serine to make serine a more 
powerful nucleophile in the initial step. Aspartate forms a low-barrier hydrogen bond 
with histidine, stabilizing the transition state. An acid catalyst, histidine donates a proton 
to generate the leaving amine group. 

(b) The oxyanion hole contains backbone — NH — groups that form hydrogen bonds with 
the negatively charged oxygen of the tetrahedral intermediate. The oxyanion hole medi- 
ates transition-state stabilization since it binds the transition state more tightly than it 
binds the substrate. 

(c) During catalysis, aspartate forms a low-barrier hydrogen bond with the imidazolium 
form of histidine. Because asparagine lacks a carboxylate group to form the stabilizing 
hydrogen bond with histidine, enzyme activity is dramatically decreased. 

Chapter 6 SOLUTIONS 


8. (a) Human cytomegalovirus protease: His, His, Ser (b) /3- Lactamase: Glu, Lys, Ser 

Glu Lys Ser 

I n I 1 

COO© HN: HO— CH 2 

H 2 

(c) Asparaginase: Asp, Lys, Thr 

Asp Lys Thr 

1 n 1 1 

COO© HN: HO — CH — CH, 

H 3 

9. When tyrosine was mutated to phenylalanine, the activity of the mutant enzyme was less than 
1% of the wild-type enzyme. Thus, the tyrosine residue is involved in the catalytic activity of 
DDP-IV. Tyrosine contains an -OH group on the aromatic ring of the side chain. As previously 
stated, this tyrosine is found in the oxyanion hole of the active site. Hydrogen bonds in the 
oxyanion hole of serine proteases are known to stabilize the tetrahedral intermediate. Tyro- 
sine with an -OH group on the side chain can form a hydrogen bond and stabilize the tetra- 
hedral intermediate. Phenylalanine does not have a side chain that can form a hydrogen 
bond. Therefore, the tetrahedral intermediate will not be stabilized resulting in a loss of 
enzyme activity. 

10. (a) Acetylcholinesterase catalytic triad: Glu-His-Ser 


Glu \ Ser 

1 n H i 

COO©— HN^N:— HO — CH 2 

(d) Hepatitis A protease: 




1 n 1 

COO 0 H — O HN /N:- 




HN .N HN .N: HO — CH 2 





-CH 2 



i-PrO OO-U 


0°© o- 




-ch 2 






i-PrO OCH 

ch 2 

11. Transition-state analogs bound to carrier proteins are used as antigens to induce the formation 
of antibodies with catalytic activity. The tetrahedral phosphonate ester molecule is an analog 
of the tetrahedral intermediate structure in the transition state for hydrolysis of the benzyl 
ester moiety of cocaine. An antibody raised against the phosphonate structure that was able to 
stabilize the transition state of the cocaine benzyl ester hydrolysis could effectively catalyze this 

12. (a) Wild-type a \ -proteinase inhibitor is given as treatment to individuals who produce an 
a 1 -proteinase inhibitor with substitutions in the amino acid sequence. These changes re- 
sult in a protein that does not effectively inhibit the protease elastase. Uncontrolled elas- 
tase activity leads to increased breakdown of elastin, leading to destructive lung disease. 
Therefore, these patients are given a functional elastase inhibitor. 



-HS — CH 2 

+ F 0 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 7 

(b) The treatment for al -proteinase inhibitor deficiency is to administer the wild-type pro- 
tein intravenously. If the protein is given orally, the enzymes present in the digestive tract 
will cleave the peptide bonds in the a 1 -proteinase inhibitor. By administering the drug 
directly into the bloodstream, the protein can circulate to the lungs to act at the site of the 
neutrophil elastase. 

Chapter 7 Coenzymes and Vitamins 

1. (a) Oxidation; NAD®, FAD, or FMN. (The coenzyme for the reaction shown is NAD®.) 

(b) Decarboxylation of an a-keto acid; thiamine pyrophosphate. 

(c) Carboxylation reaction requiring bicarbonate and ATP; biotin. 

(d) Molecular rearrangement; adenosylcobalamin. 

(e) Transfer of a hydroxyethyl group from TDP to CoA as an acyl group; lipoic acid. 

2. (a) NAD®, NADP®, FAD, FMN, lipoamide, ubiquinone. Protein coenzymes such as thiore- 

doxin and the cytochromes. 

(b) Coenzyme A, lipoamide. 

(c) Tetrahydrofolate, S-adenosylmethionine, methylcobalamin 

(d) Pyridoxal phosphate 

(e) Biotin, thiamine pyrophosphate, vitamin K 

3. No. NAD® acquires two electrons but only one proton. The second proton is released into 
solution and is reutilized by other proton-requiring reactions. 

5. NAD®, FAD, and coenzyme A all contain an ADP group (or ADP with 3 '-phosphate for 
coenzyme A). 

7. Vitamin B 6 is converted to pyridoxal phosphate, which is the coenzyme for a large number of 
reactions involving amino acids, including the decarboxylation reactions in the pathways that 
produce serotonin and norepinephrine from tryptophan and tyrosine, respectively. Insuffi- 
cient vitamin B 6 can lead to decreased levels of PLP and a decrease in the synthesis of the neu- 

8. The synthesis of thymidylate (dTMP) requires a tetrahydrofolate (folic acid) derivative. Defi- 
ciency of folic acid decreases the amount of dTMP available for the synthesis of DNA. De- 
creased DNA synthesis in red blood cell precursors results in slower cell division, producing 
macrocytic red blood cells. The loss of cells by rupturing causes anemia. 

9. (a) Cobalamin. 

(b) The cobalamin derivative adenosylcobalamin is a coenzyme for the intramolecular re- 
arrangement of methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl CoA (Figure 7.28). A deficiency of 
adenosylcobalamin results in increased levels of methylmalonyl CoA and its hydrolysis 
product, methylmalonic acid. Another cobalamin derivative, methylcobalamin, is a coen- 

Chapter 7 SOLUTIONS 715 

zyme for the synthesis of methionine from homocysteine (Reaction 7.5), and a deficiency 
of cobalamin results in an excess of homocysteine and a deficiency of methionine. 

(c) Plants do not synthesize cobalamin and are therefore not a source of this vitamin. 

10 . (a) In one proposed mechanism, a water molecule bound to the zinc ion of alcohol dehydro- 
genase forms OH®, in the same manner as the water bound to carbonic anhydrase 
(Figure 7.2). The basic hydroxide ion abstracts the proton from the hydroxyl group of 
ethanol to form H 2 0. (Another mechanism proposes that the zinc also binds to the alco- 
holic oxygen of the ethanol, polarizing it.) 

(b) No, a residue such as arginine is not required. Ethanol, unlike lactate, lacks a carboxylate 
group that can bind electrostatically to the arginine side chain. 

11. A carboxyl group is transferred from methylmalonyl CoA to biotin to form carboxybiotin 
and propionyl CoA. 

12. (a) 



W H 

CH 2 ^ | ^COO 0 

(b) Racemization would not occur. Although a Schiff base forms during decarboxylation as 
well as racemization, the reactive groups in the histidine decarboxylase active site specifi- 
cally catalyze decarboxylation, not racemization, of histidine. 

716 SOLUTIONS Chapter 8 

13. (a) See Reactions 13.2-13.4 on pages 412 and 413. 







— CH- 






-C = 0 





H ,c-c-s 




Dihydrolipoamide Acetyl-dihydrolipoamide 



hoch 2 — c— oh 


HC = 0 


H — C— OH 


H — C— OH 
CH 2 0P0 3 © 

Chapter 8 Carbohydrates 

1. (a) D-Glucose and D-mannose 

(b) L-Galactose 

(c) D-Glucose or D-talose 

(d) Dihydroxyacetone 

2. (a) 


' A 

- ' ru 

HOCH 2 — C-^OH 
HOC — H 


H — C — OH 


H — C— OH 


CH 2 OH 
C = 0 




H — C — OH 


H — C— OH 



(e) Erythrulose (either D or l) 

(f) D-Glucose 

(g) N-Acetylglucosamine 

H .0 



(b) H O 

\ < J r 



H — 

CH 2 OH 
C — OH 

< d > \/> 

H — C— OH 

HO— C — H 

HO — 


C — H 

HO— C — H 


H — C— OH 


H — C — OH 


H — 


C — OH 

H — C— OH 


HO— C — H 









ch 2 oh 

HO— C — H 













H — C — OH 


CH 2 OH 


ch 3 

1 © 


3. Glycosaminoglycans are unbranched heteroglycans of repeating disaccharide units. One 
component of the disaccharide is an amino sugar and the other component is usually an al- 
duronic acid. Specific hydroxyl and amino groups of many glycosaminoglycans are sulfated 


CH 2 OH 


5. (a) a-Anomer 

(b) Yes, it will mutorotate. 

(c) Yes, it is a deoxy sugar. 


CH 2 OH 


(d) A ketone 

(e) Four chiral carbons 

Chapter 8 SOLUTIONS 717 

6. Glucopyranose has five chiral carbons and 2 5 , or 32, possible stereoisomers; 16 are D sugars 
and 16 are L sugars. Fructofuranose has four chiral carbons and 2 4 , or 16, possible stereoiso- 
mers; 8 are D sugars and 8 are L sugars. 

( d ) CHO° 


HO — C — H 


H — C — OH 


HO — C — H 


HO — C — H 



8. Only the open-chain forms of aldoses have free aldehyde groups that can form Schiff bases 
with amino groups of proteins. Because relatively few molecules of D-glucose are found in the 
open-chain form, D-glucose is less likely than other aldoses to react with proteins. 

9. A pyranose is most stable when the bulkiest ring substituents are equatorial, minimizing 
steric repulsion. In the most stable conformer of /3-D-glucopyranose, all the hydroxyl groups 
and the — CH 2 OH group are equatorial; in the most stable conformer of cr-D-glucopyranose, 
the C- 1 hydroxyl group is axial. 

10. O 



11. The a and (3 anomers of glucose are in rapid equilibrium. As (3- D-glucose is depleted by the 
glucose oxidase reaction, more (3 anomer is formed from the a anomer until all the glucose 
has been converted to gluconolactone. 

12. Sucralose is a derivative of the disaccharide sucrose (see Figure 8.20). The two hydroxyl 
groups on C-l and C-6 of the fructose molecule have been replaced with chlorine. The hy- 
droxyl group on C-4 of the glucose molecule was removed and then chlorine added. In the 
chemical synthesis of sucralose from sugar, the configuration of the C-4 substituent of the 
glucose moiety is reversed. 

718 SOLUTIONS Chapter 9 

15. (a) a, b, and c; these oligosaccharides contain GlcNAc — Asn bonds. 

(b) b and c; these oligosaccharides contain /3-galactosidic bonds. 

(c) b; this oligosaccharide contains sialic acid. 

(d) None, since none of the oligosaccharides shown contains fucose. 

, i i , i 

a(2->3) [3 (1— >4) 

linkage linkage 

17. Paper is made of cellulose and /3-glucosidases break down cellulose to glucose residues. If you 
took a pill, this book would still taste like chewed up paper that tastes like paste (ugh!). That’s 
because your taste buds are in your mouth and the enzyme is in your stomach. If you mari- 
nate the book in an enzyme solution, it would taste much sweeter. 

Publishers would not print textbooks using flavored ink because they, and the authors, want 
students to keep their textbooks as valuable resources for future reference in the many ad- 
vanced courses that you are planning to take. On the other hand, encouraging students to eat 
their textbooks, instead of selling them, might be a good thing because it promotes better 
health and nutrition. 


H H 

I I 

CH 3 (CH 2 ) 7 — c = c 
( a) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 

Chapter 9 


(CH 2 ) 13 COO© 

2 . 

O — (CH 2 ) 9 COO© 

Lipids and Membranes 

(b) H H 

| | 

CH 3 (CH 2 ) 5 — c = C — (CH 2 ) 9 COO© 
(b) CH 3 CH 3 

ch 3 (chch 2 ch 2 ch 2 ) 3 chch 2 coo© 

(c) H H 


CH 3 CH 2 (C =CCH 2 ) 5 (CH 2 ) 2 COO© 


ch 2 

/ V 

CH 3 (CH 2 ) 5 CH — CH(CH 2 ) 9 COO© 

3. (a) co- 3; (b) co-6; (c) co-6 ; (d) neither (co- 9); (e) co-6. 

4 . 

HoC— CH— CH 

cn 3 


2 n — 



Chapter 9 SOLUTIONS 719 



(b) Docosahexaenoic acid is classified as an co-3 fatty acid 

6 . 

_ II / 

©O — P — O — CH,CH 

(R,) (R 2 ) 


nh 3 

©O— P — O — CH 2 CH 

I \ 










A lysolecithin 

Fatty acid 

7. (a) 

1 2 3 


nh 3 

ch 2 

ch 2 



1 © 
0 = P— o u 




'I I 

? ? 

0 = C C = 0 

I I 

(h 2 c) 16 (ch 2 ) 7 

I I 

CH, C — H 

C — H 

(b) CH 3 

H 3 C — N — CH 3 

ch 2 

ch 2 



0 = P — o 








C — H 


(H 2 C),. 

H — C 

(CH 2 ) l: 

CH 3 CH 3 

(ch 2 ) 7 

ch 3 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 9 

8. (a) 

ch 2 oh 


13 . 

14 . 

15 . 

16 . 

9 . PE contains docosahexaenoic acid at position C-2 on the glycerol- 3 -phosphate backbone at 
both temperatures. At lower temperatures, the percent of the monounsaturated fatty acyl 
groups at position C-l increased from 14% at 30°C to 39% at 10°C. The membrane fluidity 
must be maintained for the organism, and this is accomplished by changing the composition 
of the membrane lipids. The increase in the unsaturated lipids at the lower temperature will 
allow for the proper membrane fluidity. 

10. Farnesyl transferase adds a farnesyl or “prenyl” group to a cysteine side chain of the ras pro- 
tein (Figure 9.23b). The ras protein is subsequently anchored to the plasma and endoplasmic 
reticulum membranes and is active in cell signaling processes. Farnesyl transferase is a 
chemotherapy target because inhibition of this enzyme in tumor cells would disrupt the sig- 
naling activity of the mutated ras protein. In fact, farnesyl transferase (FT) inhibitors are po- 
tent suppressors of tumor growth in mice. 

11. Fine A represents diffusion of glucose through a channel or pore, and line B represents pas- 
sive transport. Diffusion through a channel or pore is generally not saturable, with the rate 
increasing linearly with the concentration of the solute. Transport via a transport protein is 
saturable at high solute concentrations, much like an enzyme is saturated at high substrate 
concentrations (Section 9. 10C). 

12 . 


Theobromine is structurally related to caffeine and theophylline (Figure 9.45). The methylated 
purines, including the obromine, inhibit cAMP phophodiesterase, a soluble enzyme that cat- 
alyzes the hydrolysis of cAMP to AMP (Figure 9.43). These methylated purines inhibit the 
breakdown of the intracellular messenger cAMP to AMP. Therefore, the effects of the cAMP 
are prolonged. For dogs, this is combined with the fact that they have slower clearance of the 
ingested theobromine from their system. Both of these result in the toxicity associated with 
ingesting the chocolate. 

The two second messengers IP 3 and DAG are complementary in that they both promote the 
activation of cellular kinases, which then activate intracellular target proteins by causing their 
phosphorylation. Diacylglycerol activates protein kinase C directly, whereas IP 3 elevates Ca© 
levels by opening a Ca© channel in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, releasing 
stored Ca© into the cytosol (Figure 9.48). The increased Ca© levels activate other kinase 
leading to a phosphorylation and activation of certain target proteins. 

Insulin can still bind normally to the a subunits of the insulin receptor, but due to the muta- 
tion, the (3 subunits lack tyrosine-kinase activity and cannot catalyze autophosphorylation or 
other phosphorylation reactions. Therefore, insulin does not elicit an intracellular response. 
The presence of more insulin will have no effect. 

G proteins are molecular switches with two interconvertible forms, an active GTP-bound 
form and an inactive GDP-bound form (Figure 9.42). In normal G proteins, GTPase activity 
converts the active G protein to the inactive form. Because the ras protein lacks GTPase activity, 

Chapter 10 SOLUTIONS 


it cannot be inactivated. The result is continuous activation of adenylyl cyclase and prolonged 
responses to certain extracellular signals. 

17. The surface of a sphere is 47ir 2 . The surface area of the oocyte is 47r(50) 2 ^m, or 3.9 X 10 5 ^im 2 . 
The surface area of a lipid molecule is 10 _14 cm 2 = lCT^m 2 . Since only 75% of the membrane 
is lipid, the total number of lipid molecules is 

3 9 X 1 0 5 

— — X 0.75 = 2.9 X 10 11 molecules 

10“ 6 

18. Assuming that the lipid molecules made by your grandmother are equally divided between 
daughter cells at each cell division, then after 30 cell divisions the oocyte (egg cell) produced 
by your mother will have 1 / 2 30 of the original lipid molecules. Since the number of lipid mol- 
ecules she inherited from her mother (your grandmother) was 2.9 X 10 11 (see previous 
question), then the number remaining in each oocyte was 

1/2 30 X 2.9 X 1 0 1 1 = 270 
You inherited 270 lipid molecules from your grandmother. 

Chapter 10 Introduction to Metabolism 

1. (a) 



(b) Inhibition of the first step in the common pathway by either G or J prevents the needless 
accumulation of intermediates in the pathway. When there is ample G or J, fewer mole- 
cules of A enter the pathway. By regulating an enzyme after the branch point, G or J 
inhibits its own production without inhibiting production of the other. 

2. Compartmentalizing metabolic processes allows optimal concentrations of substrates and 
products for each pathway to exist independently in each compartment. In addition, separa- 
tion of pathway enzymes also permits independent regulation of each pathway without inter- 
ference by regulators from the other pathway. 

3. Bacteria are much smaller than most eukaryotic cells so having separate compartments may 
not be as much of an advantage. It’s also possible that localizing the citric acid cycle in mito- 
chondria may be an historical accident rather than a selective advantage in eukaryotes. 

4. In a multistep enzymatic pathway, the product from one enzyme will be the substrate for the 
next enzyme in the pathway. For independent soluble enzymes, the product of each enzyme 
must find the next enzyme by random diffusion in solution. By having sequential enzymes 
located in close proximity to each other, either in a multienzyme complex or on a membrane, 
the product of each enzyme can be passed directly on to the next enzyme without losing the 
substrate by diffusion into solution. 

5. (a) AG°' = RT In /C eq 

ln * eq = = 
K eq = 38 

-9000 I mol 


(8.315 J K _l mol 1 )(298 K) 

(b) AG°' = -RT In K eq 


K (0.1 M)(0.1 M) 

eq [Glucose 6-P][H 2 0] (3.5 X 1(T 5 M)(1) 

AG°' = -(8.315 JK” 1 mol“ 1 )(298 K) In 286 
AG°' = -14 000) moP 1 = -14 kj mol 1 

= 3.63 

= 286 

6. (a) AG = AG°' + RT In- u . . in , ^ 

[Phosphoarginme][H 2 0] 

AG = -32 000 J mol -1 + (8.315 J K _1 mol“ 1 )(298 K)ln 
AG = -48 kj mol -1 

(2.6 X 1 0~ 3 )(5 X 1 O' 3 ) 
(6.8 X 10“ 3 )(1) 

722 SOLUTIONS Chapter 10 

(b) A G°' is defined under standard conditions of 1 M concentrations of reactants and prod- 
ucts. (The concentration of water is assigned a value of 1.) AG depends on the actual 
concentrations of the reactants and products. 

(c) Molecules with high free energies of hydrolysis, such as phosphoarginine and acetyl CoA, 
are thermodynamically unstable but may be kinetically stable. These molecules are hy- 
drolyzed very slowly in the absence of an appropriate catalyst. 

AG°'(kJ mol -1 ) 

7. Glucose 1 -phosphate + UTP » UDP-glucose + PPj 0 

PPi + H 2 0 > 2 Pi -29 


8. (a) Although ATP is rapidly utilized for energy purposes such as muscle contraction and 

membrane transport, it is also rapidly resynthesized from ADP and Pj through interme- 
diary metabolic routes. Energy for this process is supplied from the degradation of carbo- 
hydrates, fats, and amino acids or from energy storage molecules such as muscle creatine 
phosphate (CP + ADP — » ATP + C). With this rapid recycling, 50 grams total of ATP 
and ADP is sufficient for the chemical energy needs of the body. 

(b) The role of ATP is that of a free energy transmitter rather than an energy storage mole- 
cule. As indicated in part (a), ATP is not stored, but is rapidly utilized in energy- requiring 

9. AG°' for the reaction of ATP and creatine is calculated as 

AG°'(k] mol -1 ) 


+ 11 

Creatine + Pj <— 
ATP + H 2 Q < — 
Creatine + ATP 

-> Phosphocreatine + H 2 0 

ADP + Pj 

— > Phosphocreatine + ADP 

The ratio of ATP to ADP needed to maintain a 20:1 ratio of phosphocreatine to creatine is 
calculated from Equation 10.13. At equilibrium, AG = 0, so 


AG°' = —RT In 

n (1 )[ATP] 
(20) [ADP] 


AG°' (11 000 J mol -1 ) 

RT (8.315 J K -1 mor 1 )(298 K) 

= -4.44 

(1 )[ATP] 

= 1.2 




= 1667:1 

10 . 


— C — 

O (Acyl adenylate) 



R— C— C — O — tRNA 


11. AG°' = -RT\r\ K eq 

[fructose-6-phosphate] 2 
eq [glucose-6-phosphate] 1 
AG°' = -(8.315 J K -1 mol _1 )(298 K) In 2 
AG°' = -1.7 k] moP 1 

Chapter 10 SOLUTIONS 723 

12. (a) In K eq = — 

A G°' 

(25 000 J mol" 1 ) 

(8.315 JK” 1 mol - )(298 K) 

= - 10.1 

Keq = 4.1 X 10“ 5 

(b) A G°' for the coupled reaction is calculated as 

A » B 

ATP + H 2 Q < — > ADP + Pi 

A + ATP + H 2 0 

B + ADP + P: 

AC°'(kJ moP 1 ) 


= 2.8 

In K eq = - 
K eq = 17 

K eq for the coupled reaction is about 180,000 times larger than K eq in part (a). 

(c) K e „ = 17 = 

[B][ADP][Pj] [B][ADP] [S]( 1) 

e q 



[A][ATP][H 2 0] [A] [ATP] [A] (400) 

= 6800:1 

Coupling the reaction to ATP hydrolysis increases the ratio of [B] to [A] by a factor of 
about 166 million (6800 + (4.1 X 10 -5 ) = 1.6 X 10 8 ). 

13. Electrons flow from the molecule with a more negative standard reduction potential to the 
molecule with a more positive standard reduction potential. 

(a) Cytochrome T 5 (Fe©) + Cytochrome /(Fe©) 

Cytochrome T 5 (Fe©) + Cytochrome /(Fe©) 

(b) Succinate + Q — » Fumarate + QH 2 

(c) Isocitrate + NAD® — » cr-Ketoglutarate + NADH 

14. The standard reduction potentials in Table 10.4 refer to half- reactions that are written as 
S ox + n e® — > S re d. Two half- reactions can be added to obtain the coupled oxidation-reduction 
reaction by reversing the direction of the half-reaction involving the reduced species and revers- 

ing the sign of its reduction potential. 

(a) 2 Cyt c( Fe©) + 2e® » 2 Cyt c(Fe@) 

QH 2 > Q + 2 H® + 2e® 

2 Cyt c(Fe@) + QH 2 » 2 Cyt c(Fe@) + Q + 2 H© 

AC°' = -nFAE°’ = -(2)(96.48 kj V -1 mol^XO.^V) 
AC°' = -37 kj mol -1 

© H.O f0 ^ 






A E ot = 0.19 V 

(b) y 2 0 2 + 2 H® + 2 e® > H 2 0 

Succinate » Fumarate 2 H® + 2 e® 

% 0 2 + Succinate > H 2 0 + Fumarate ^ ol = yg 

A C°' = -(2)(96.48 kjV -1 mol“ 1 )(0.79V) 

AC°' = -150 kj mol® 

15. The expected results are as shown in the bottom graph. As NADH is formed in the reaction 
mixture, the absorbance at 340 nm will increase (see Box 10.1). 

16. Q + 2 H© + 2 e© » QH 2 E 

+0 04 

FADH 2 > FAD + 2 H® + 2 e® 

Q + FADH 2 

QH 2 + FAD 


A E°' = 0.26 V 

Ar Arn , RT t [QH 2 ][FAD] 

AT = AT n 

nF [Q][FADH 2 ] 

0.026 V (5 

A E = 0.26 V In — 

2 (1 

1 0' 5 )(2 x 1 0 4 ) 
1 0 _4 )(5 x 10“ 3 ) 

A E = 0.26 V - 0.01 3(-3.9) = 0.31 V 

AC = -nFAE = -(2)(96.48 kj V” 1 mor 1 )(0.31 V) 

AC = -60 kj mol -1 

724 SOLUTIONS Chapter 11 

Theoretically, the oxidation of FADH 2 by ubiquinone liberates more than enough free 
energy to drive ATP synthesis from ADP and Pj. 

Chapter 1 1 Glycolysis 

1. (a) 2 (see Figure 11.2 and Reaction 11.12) 

(b) 2 (1 ATP is consumed by the fructokinase reaction, 1 ATP is consumed by the triose ki- 
nase reaction, and 4 ATP are generated by the triose stage of glycolysis) 

(c) 2 (2 ATP are consumed in the hexose stage, and 4 ATP are generated by the triose stage) 

(d) 5 (2 ATP are obtained from fructose, as in part (b), and 3 ATP — rather than 2 — are ob- 
tained from the glucose moiety since glucose 1 -phosphate, not glucose, is formed when 
sucrose is cleaved) 

H o 


— n 




H — C — OH 

2 | 

3 coo© 

H — C— OH 

2 | 

HO — C — H 

3 1 

Glycolysis + 

H — C— OH 


4 COO© 

H — C— OH 

5 | 

HO — c — H 

b l 

6 ch 2 oh 

6 ch 3 

Glucose 2 Lactate 

(b) Glucose labeled at either C-3 or C-4 yields 14 CQ 2 from the decarboxylation of pyruvate. 

H ,0 



H — C — OH 

HO — C — H 

3 | 

H — C— OH 


6 CH 2 OH 


H o 


(3,4) | 

B.4, COO© 2 (34) C0 2 

S — CoA 

B „c=o 


,, 6 , CH 2°P°3© 

(,„ CH 3 

„6,CH 3 

(2) Glyceraldehyde 

(2) Pyruvate 

(2) Acetyl CoA 


3. Inorganic phosphate ( 32 Pi) will be incorporated into 1,3-frisphosphoglycerate (1,3 BPG) at the 
C-l carbon in the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GADPH) reaction — glycer- 
aldehyde 3 -phosphate + NAD® + Pj — > 1,3 BPG — and then transferred to the y-position 
of ATP in the next step: 1,3 BPG + ADP — » ATP + 3-phosphoglycerate. 

4. Since the brain relies almost solely on glucose for energy, it is dependent on glycolysis as the 
major pathway for glucose catabolism. Since the Huntington protein binds tightly to 
GAPDH, this suggests that it might inhibit this crucial glycolytic enzyme and thereby impair 
the production of ATP. Decreased ATP levels would be detrimental to neuronal cells in the 

ch 2 oh 



CH 2 OH 


ch 2 oh 


— C — H 


s , 

HO — C — H 


. r=n 

2 i 

ch 2 oh 

3 Z 


2| © 

ch 2 opo 3 (l) 



2 i © 




(b) C-2 and C-3 of glycerol 3-phosphate must be labeled. Once dihydroxyacetone phosphate 
is converted to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, C-l is oxidized to an aldehyde and subse- 
quently lost as C0 2 (Problem 2). 

6. Cells that metabolize glucose to lactate by anaerobic glycolysis produce far less ATP per glu- 
cose than do cells that metabolize glucose aerobically to C0 2 via glycolysis and the citric acid 
cycle (Figure 11.1). More glucose must be utilized via anaerobic glycolysis to produce a suffi- 
cient amount of ATP for cellular needs, and the rate of conversion of glucose to lactate is 

Chapter 12 SOLUTIONS 


much higher than under aerobic conditions. Cancer cells in an anaerobic environment take 
up far more glucose and may overproduce some glycolytic enzymes to compensate for the in- 
crease in the activity of this pathway of carbohydrate metabolism. 

7. No. The conversion of pyruvate to lactate, catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase, oxidizes 
NADH to NAD©, which is required for the glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate dehydrogenase reac- 
tion of glycolysis. 

8. In the reactions catalyzed by these enzymes, the bond between the y-phosphorus atom and 
the oxygen of the /3-phosphoryl group is cleaved when the y-phosphoryl group of ATP is 
transferred (Figure 11.3). The analog cannot be cleaved in this way and therefore inhibits the 
enzymes by competing with ATP for the active site. 

9 . The free energy change for the aldolase reaction under standard conditions (A G°') is 
+22.8 kj mol -1 . The concentrations of fructose 1,6-Hsphosphate, dihydroxyacetone phos- 
phate, and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate in heart muscle, however, are much different than the 
1 M concentrations assumed under standard conditions. The actual free energy change under 
cellular concentrations (A G°' = — 5.9 kj mol -1 ) is much different than A G°', and the al- 
dolase reaction readily proceeds in the direction necessary for glycolysis: Fructose 
1, 6-frisphosphate —> glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + dihydroxyacetone phosphate. 

10. The standard Gibbs free energy change is + 28 kj mol -1 . The equilibrium constant is 

11 . 





28 = RT In K f 

[DHAP][G3P] = [5^ 



25,000 ,uM = 25 mM 


10“ 6 ][5 : 

1 0 5 (Equation 1.12) 

10 -6 ] 

= 10" 5 FBP = 2.5 


ATP is both a substrate and an allosteric inhibitor for PFK- 1 . Higher concentrations of 
ATP result in a decrease in the activity of PFK- 1 due to an increase in the K m . AMP is an 
allosteric activator that acts by relieving the inhibition caused by ATP, thus raising the 
curve when AMP is present with ATP. 

F2,6P is an allosteric activator of PFK-1. In the presence of F2,6P the activity of PFK-1 is 
increased due to a decrease in the apparent K m for fructose 6-phosphate. 

12 . Increased [cAMP] activates protein kinase A, which catalyzes the phosphorylation and inac- 
tivation of pyruvate kinase. 



Pyruvate kinase 
(more active) 

Protein kinase A 

7 \ * 

13 . (a) A decrease in glycolysis in the liver makes more glucose available for export to other 


(b) Decreased activity of the glucagon transducer system decreases the amount of cAMP 
formed. As existing cAMP is hydrolyzed by the activity of a phosphodiesterase, cAMP- 
dependent protein kinase A becomes less active. Under these conditions, PFK-2 activity 
increases and fructose 2,6-frisphosphatase activity decreases (Figure 11.18). The resulting 
increase in fructose 2,6-frisphosphate activates PFK-1, increasing the overall rate of gly- 
colysis. A decrease in cAMP also leads to the activation of pyruvate kinase (Problem 12). 

14 . Chemoautotrophs use glycolysis to generate energy from stored glucose residues in glycogen 
as described in Chapter 12. 

Chapter 12 Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway, 
and Glycogen Metabolism 

1. 2 pyruvate + 2NADH + 4 ATP + 2 GTP + 6 H 2 0 + 2 H© ^ 
glucose + 2 NAD© + 4 ADP + 2 GDP + 6 Pj 
2 NADH = 5 ATP equivalents 

4 ATP =4 ATP 
2 ATP 


11 ATP 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 12 

The energy required to synthesize one molecule of glucose 6-phosphate from C0 2 can be cal- 
culated from Reaction 12.7. 

12 NADPH = 30 ATP 

The conversion of G6P to glucose does not require or produce ATP equivalents. The synthe- 
sis of glucose from pyruvate via the gluconeogenesis pathway is only about one third (11/30) 
as expensive as the synthesis of glucose from C0 2 . 

2. Reducing power in the form of NADH (2), and ATP (4) and GTP (2) are required for the syn- 
thesis of glucose from pyruvate (Equation 12.1). The NADH and GTP are direct products of 
the citric acid cycle, and ATP can be generated from NADH and QH 2 (FADH 2 ) during the ox- 
idative phosphorylation process. 

3. Epinephrine interacts with the liver /3 -adrenergic receptors and activates the adenylyl cyclase 
signaling pathway, leading to cAMP production and activation of protein kinase A (Figure 
12.15). Protein kinase A activates phosphorylase kinase, which in turn activates glycogen 
phosphorylase (GP), leading to glycogen degradation (Figure 12.16). Glucose can then be 
transported out of the liver and into the bloodstream, where it is taken up by muscles for 
needed energy production. 


Liver[Glycogen — — GIP » G6P » Glucose] » Bloodstream » Muscles 

4. (a) Protein phosphatase- 1 activated by insulin catalyzes the hydrolysis of the phosphate ester 

bonds on glycogen synthase (activating it) and on glycogen phosphorylase and phospho- 
rylase kinase (inactivating them), as shown in Figure 12.17. Therefore, insulin stimulates 
glycogen synthesis and inhibits glycogen degradation in muscle cells. 

(b) Only liver cells are rich in glucagon receptors, so glucagon selectively exerts its effects on 
liver enzymes. 

(c) The binding of glucose to the glycogen phosphorylase-protein phosphatase- 1 complex 
in liver cells relieves the inhibition of protein phosphatase- 1 and makes glycogen phos- 
phorylase more susceptible to dephosphorylation (inactivation) by protein phosphatase- 1 
(Figure 12.18). Protein phosphatase- 1 also catalyzes the dephosphorylation of glycogen 
synthase, making it more active. Therefore, glucose stimulates glycogen synthesis and in- 
hibits glycogen degradation in the liver. 

5. Decreased concentrations of fructose 2,6-frzsphosphate (F2,6BP) lead to a decreased rate of 
glycolysis and an increased rate of gluconeogenesis. F2,6BP is an activator of the glycolytic 
enzyme phosphofructokinase- 1 (PFK-1), and lower F2,6BP levels will result in decreased 
rates of glycolysis. In addition, F2,6BP is an inhibitor of the gluconeogenic enzyme fructose 
1,6-Znsphosphatase, and therefore decreased levels of F2,6BP will decrease the inhibition and 
increase the rate of gluconeogenesis (Figure 12.4). 

6. When glucagon binds to its receptor, it activates adenylyl cyclase. Adenylyl cyclase catalyzes 
the synthesis of cAMP from ATP. The cAMP activates protein kinase A. Protein kinase A cat- 
alyzes the phosphorylation of PFK-2, which inactivates the kinase activity and activates the 
phosphatase activity. Fructose 2,6-Znsphosphatase catalyzes the hydrolytic dephosphorylation 
of fructose 2,6-Msphosphate to form fructose 6-phosphate. The resulting decrease in the con- 
centration of fructose 2,6-/7zsphosphate relieves the inhibition of fructose 1,6-frisphosphatase, 
thereby activating gluconeogenesis. Thus, the kinase activity of PFK-2 is decreased. 

7. (a) Yes. The synthesis of glycogen from glucose 6-phosphate requires the energy of one phos- 

phoanhydride bond (in the hydrolysis of PPj; Figure 12.10). However, when glycogen is 
degraded to glucose 6-phosphate, inorganic phosphate (Pj) is used in the phosphorolysis 
reaction. No “high energy” phosphate bond is used. 

(b) One fewer ATP molecule is available for use in the muscle when liver glycogen is the source 
of the glucose utilized. Fiver glycogen is degraded to glucose phosphates and then to glu- 
cose without consuming ATP. After transport to muscle cells, the glucose is converted to 
glucose 6-phosphate by the action of hexokinase in a reaction that consumes one molecule 
of ATP. Muscle glycogen, however, is converted directly to glucose 1 -phosphate by the 
action of glycogen phosphorylase, which does not consume ATP. Glucose 1 -phosphate is 
isomerized to glucose 6 -phosphate by the action of phosphoglucomutase. 

8. A deficiency of glycogen phosphorylase in the muscle prevents the mobilization of glycogen 
to glucose. Insufficient glucose prevents the production of ATP by glycolysis. Existing ATP 
used for muscle contraction is not replenished, thus increasing the levels of ADP and Pj. Since 
no glucose is available from glycogen in the muscle, no lactate is produced. 

9. Converting glucose 1 -phosphate to two molecules of lactate yields 3 ATP equivalents (1 ATP 
expended in the phosphofructokinase- 1 reaction, 2 ATP produced in the phosphoglycerate 

Chapter 13 SOLUTIONS 


kinase reaction, and 2 ATP produced in the pyruvate kinase reaction). Converting two mole- 
cules of lactate to one molecule of glucose 1 -phosphate requires 6 ATP equivalents (2 ATP in 
the pyruvate carboxylase reaction, 2 GTP in the PEP carboxykinase reaction, and 2 ATP in the 
phosphoglycerate kinase reaction). 

10. (a) Muscle pyruvate from glycolysis or amino acid catabolism is converted to alanine by 

transamination. Alanine travels to the liver, where it is reconverted to pyruvate by 
transamination with a-ketoglutarate. Gluconeogenesis converts pyruvate to glucose, 
which can be returned to muscles. 

(b) NADH is required to reduce pyruvate to lactate in the Cori cycle, but it is not required to 
convert pyruvate to alanine in the glucose- alanine cycle. Thus, the glucose-alanine cycle 
makes more NADH available in muscles for the production of ATP by oxidative phos- 

11. (a) Inadequate glucose 6-phosphatase activity (G6P —> glucose + Pj) leads to accumulation 

of intracellular G6P, which inhibits glycogen phosphorylase and activates glycogen syn- 
thase. This prevents liver glycogen from being mobilized. This results in increased glyco- 
gen storage (and enlargement of the liver) and low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia). 

(b) Yes. A defective branching enzyme leads to accumulation of glycogen molecules with de- 
fective, short outer branches. These molecules cannot be degraded, so there will be much 
less efficient glycogen degradation for glucose formation. Low blood glucose levels result 
due to the impaired glycogen degradation. 

(c) Inadequate liver phosphorylase activity leads to an accumulation of liver glycogen since 
the enzyme cleaves a glucose molecule from the nonreducing end of a glycogen chain. 

Low blood glucose levels result, due to the impaired degradation of glycogen. 

12. Glucose 6-phosphate, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, and fructose 6-phosphate. 

13. The repair of tissue injury requires cell proliferation and synthesis of scar tissue. NADPH is 
needed for the synthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids (components of cellular membranes), 
and ribose 5-phosphate is needed for the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Since the pentose phos- 
phate pathway is the primary source of NADPH and ribose 5-phosphate, injured tissue re- 
sponds to the increased demands for these products by increasing the level of synthesis of the 
enzymes in the pentose phosphate pathway. 

14. (a) CH 2 OH 

ch 2 oh 

C =0 

HO — C — H 



H — C — OH 


L = U 

HO — C — H 


H — C — OH 

| + 




H — C — OH 

H — C — OH 

H — C — OH 

H — C — OH 

CH 2 0P0 3 © 

ch 2 opo|^ 

ch 2 opo 3 © 

ch 2 opo 3 © 

Xylulose 5-phosphate Erythrose 4-phosphate Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate Fructose 6-phosphate 

(b) C-2 of glucose 6-phosphate becomes C-l of xylulose 5-phosphate. After C-l and C-2 of 
xylulose 5-phosphate are transferred to erythrose 4-phosphate, the label appears at C-l 
of fructose 6-phosphate, as shown in part (a). 

Chapter 13 The Citric Acid Cycle 

1. (a) No net synthesis is possible since two carbons from acetyl Co A enter the cycle in the cit- 

rate synthase reaction and two carbons leave as C0 2 in the isocitrate dehydrogenase and 
a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase reactions. 

(b) Oxaloacetate can be replenished by the pyruvate carboxylase reaction, which carries out a 
net synthesis of OAA, 

Pyruvate + C0 2 + ATP + H 2 0 > Oxaloacetate + ADP + Pj 

This is the major anaplerotic reaction in some mammalian tissues. Many plants and 
some bacteria supply oxaloacetate via the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase reaction, 

Phosphoenolpyruvate + HCO^ » Oxaloacetate + Pj 

In most species, acetyl CoA can be converted to malate and oxaloacetate via the glyoxylate 

2. Aconitase would be inhibited by fluorocitrate formed from fluoroacetate, leading to increased 
levels of citric acid and decreased levels of all subsequent citric acid cycle intermediates from 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 13 

isocitrate to oxaloacetate. Since fluorocitrate is a competitive inhibitor, very high levels of cit- 
rate would at least partially overcome the inhibition of aconitase by fluorocitrate and permit 
the cycle to continue at some level. 

3. (a) 12.5; 10.0 from the cycle and 2.5 from the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction. 

(b) 10.0; 7.5 from oxidation of 3 NADH, 1.5 from oxidation of 1 QH 2 , and 1.0 from the 
substrate-level phosphorylation catalyzed by CoA synthetase. 

4. 87.5% (28 of 32) of the ATP is produced by oxidative phosphorylation, and 12.5% (4 of 32) is 
produced by substrate-level phosphorylation. 

5. Thiamine is the precursor of the coenzyme thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) , which is found in 
two enzyme complexes associated with the citric acid cycle: the pyruvate dehydrogenase com- 
plex and the a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex. A deficiency of TPP decreases the ac- 
tivities of these enzyme complexes. Decreasing the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA and 
of a-ketoglutarate to succinyl CoA causes accumulation of pyruvate and a-ketoglutarate. 

6. Since C- 1 of pyruvate is converted to C0 2 in the reaction catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydro- 
genase complex, 1-[ 14 C] -pyruvate is the first to yield 14 C0 2 . Neither of the two acetyl carbon 
atoms of acetyl CoA is converted to C0 2 during the first turn of the citric acid cycle (Figure 
13.5). However, the carboxylate carbon atoms of oxaloacetate, which arise from C-2 of pyru- 
vate, become the two carboxylates of citrate that are removed as C0 2 during a second turn of 
the cycle. Therefore, 2- [ 14 C] -pyruvate is the second labeled molecule to yield 
14 C0 2 . 3- [ 14 C] -Pyruvate is the last to yield 14 C0 2 , in the third turn of the cycle. 

First turn 



,C0 2 




7 7 


ch 3 

3 ch 3 

Pyruvate Acetyl CoA 

2 COO° 


3 ch 2 

C0 2 C0 2 

2 COO° 

— c— coo® 

7 7 , 


3 ch 2 


3 ch 2 

coo u 


2 COO^ 



Second turn 

2 COO° 



3 C00° 


2 C0 2 

2 C0 2 



(~ r\ : 


v MA r 


7 , 

3 ch 2 

3 I 


3 ch 2 

3 ch 2 

3 ch 2 

1 © 

3 COO u 

1 0 

2 COO u 

1 0 

2 COO^ 




Half of the 14 C is eliminated by the third turn of the cycle. An additional one-fourth is elimi- 
nated in the fourth turn, then one-eighth in the fifth turn, etc. It will take a very long time to 
eliminate all of the 14 C from the citric acid cycle intermediates. 

7. (a) The NADH produced by the oxidative reactions of the citric acid cycle must be recycled 

back to NAD®, which is required for the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction. When 0 2 levels 
are low, fewer NADH molecules are reoxidized by 0 2 (via the process of oxidative phos- 
phorylation), so the activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex decreases. 

(b) Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase catalyzes phosphorylation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase 
complex, thereby inactivating it (Figure 13.12). Inhibiting the kinase shifts the pyruvate 
dehydrogenase complex to its more active form. 

8. A deficiency in the citric acid cycle enzyme fumarase would result in abnormally high concen- 
trations of fumarate and prior cycle intermediates including succinate and a-ketoglutarate, 
which could lead to excretion of these molecules. 

9. The different actions of acetyl CoA on two components of the pyruvate dehydrogenase 
(PDH) complex both lead to an inhibition of the pyruvate to acetyl CoA reaction. Acetyl CoA 
inhibits the E 2 component of the PDH complex directly (Figure 13. 1 1). Acetyl CoA causes in- 
hibition of the Ei component indirectly by activating the pyruvate kinase (PK) component of 

Chapter 13 SOLUTIONS 


the PDH complex, and PK phosphorylates the E : component of the PDH complex, thus inac- 
tivating it (Figure 13.12). 

10. The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex catalyzes the oxidation of pyruvate to form acetyl CoA 
and C0 2 . If there is reduced activity of this complex, then the pyruvate concentration will in- 
crease. Pyruvate will be converted to lactate through the action of lactate dehydrogenase. Lac- 
tate builds up since glycolytic metabolism is increased to synthesize ATP since oxidation of 
pyruvate to acetyl CoA is impaired. In addition, pyruvate is converted to alanine, as shown in 
Reaction 12.6. 

11. Calcium activates both isocitrate dehydrogenase and a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase in the 
citric acid cycle, thereby increasing this catabolic process and producing more ATP. In addi- 
tion, Ca© activates the pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase enzyme of the PDH complex, 
which activates the Ei component (Figure 13.12). Activation of the PDH complex converts 
more pyruvate into acetyl CoA for entry into the citric acid cycle, resulting in an increased 
production of ATP. 

12. (a) Alanine degradation replenishes citric acid cycle intermediates, since pyruvate can be 
converted to oxaloacetate via the pyruvate carboxylase reaction, the major anaplerotic re- 
action in mammals (Reaction 13.19). Leucine degradation cannot replenish intermedi- 
ates of the citric acid cycle, since for every molecule of acetyl CoA that enters the cycle, 
two molecules of C0 2 are lost. 

(b) By activating pyruvate carboxylase, acetyl CoA increases the amount of oxaloacetate pro- 
duced directly from pyruvate. The oxaloacetate can react with the acetyl CoA produced 
by the degradation of fatty acids. As a result, flux through the citric acid cycle increases to 
recover the energy stored in the fatty acids. 

13. (a) 



l ” 2 

»ch 2 






C H 3 

o=c — coo© 



( c ) 14 coo e 

ch 2 

0 = C — COO e 

C h 3 

0= 4 C — SCoA 

(Acetyl SCoA) 


ch 2 coo© 

HO — C — COO 0 Citrate 
CH 22 — COO 0 

14. (a) Two molecules of acetyl CoA yield 20 ATP molecules via the citric acid cycle (Figure 

13.10) or 6.5 ATP molecules via the glyoxylate cycle (from the oxidation of two molecules 
of NADH and one molecule of QH 2 ; Reaction 13.22). 

(b) The primary function of the citric acid cycle is to oxidize acetyl CoA to provide the re- 
duced coenzymes necessary for the generation of energy- rich molecules such as ATP. The 
primary function of the glyoxylate cycle is not to produce ATP, but to convert acetyl 
groups to four-carbon molecules that can be used to produce glucose. 

15. The protein that controls the activity of isocitrate dehydrogenase in E. coli is a bifunctional 
enzyme with kinase and phosphatase activities in the same protein molecule. The kinase ac- 
tivity phosphorylates isocitrate dehydrogenase to inhibit the activity of isocitrate dehydro- 
genase, and the phosphatase activity dephosphorylates isocitrate dehydrogenase to activate 
isocitrate dehydrogenase. When concentrations of glycolytic and citric acid cycle intermedi- 
ates are high, isocitrate dehydrogenase is not phosphorylated and is active. When phospho- 
rylation decreases the activity of isocitrate dehydrogenase, isocitrate is diverted to the 
glyoxylate cycle. 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 14 

Chapter 14 Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation 

1. The formula for calculating protonmotive force is 

AC = F Aip - 2.303 RT A pH 
If C = -21 ,000 kj and At// = -0.1 5 V, then at 25°C 

-21,200 = (96485 X -0.15) - 2.303(8.315 X 298) ApH 
5707 A pH = 6727 
A pH = 1.2 

Since the outside pH is 6.35 and the inside is negative (higher pH), then the cytoplasmic pH 
is 6.35 + 1.2 = 7.55. 

2. The reduction potential of an iron atom in a heme group depends on the surrounding pro- 
tein environment, which differs for each cytochrome. The differences in reduction potentials 
allow electrons to pass through a series of cytochromes. 

3. Refer to Figure 14.6. 

(a) Complex III. The absence of cytochrome c prevents further electron flow. 

(b) No reaction occurs since Complex I, which accepts electrons from NADH, is missing. 

(c) 0 2 

(d) Cytochrome c. The absence of Complex IV prevents further electron flow. 

4. UCP-2 leaks protons back into the mitochondria, thereby decreasing the protonmotive force. 
The metabolism of foodstuffs provides the energy for electron transport, which in turn cre- 
ates the protonmotive gradient used to produce ATR An increase in UCP-2 levels would make 
the tissue less metabolically efficient (i.e., less ATP would be produced per gram of foodstuff 
metabolized). As a result, more carbohydrates, fats, and proteins would have to be metabo- 
lized in order to satisfy the basic metabolic needs, and this could “burn off” more calories and 
potentially cause weight loss. 

5. (a) Demerol interacts with Complex I and prevents electron transfer from NADH to Q. The 

concentration of NADH increases since it cannot be reoxidized to NAD®. The concen- 
tration of Q increases since electrons from QH 2 are transferred to 0 2 but Q is not re- 
duced back to QH 2 . 

(b) Myxothiazole inhibits electron transfer from QH 2 to cytochrome q and from QH 2 (via • Q - ) 
to cytochrome b 566 in Complex III (Figure 14.14). The oxidized forms of both cytochromes 
predominate since Fe© cannot be reduced by electrons from QH 2 . 

6. (a) Oxygen (0 2 ) must bind to the Fe© of cytochrome 0 3 in order to accept electrons (Figure 

14.19), and it is prevented from doing so by the binding of CN® to the iron atom. 

(b) The methemoglobin (Fe©) generated from nitrite treatment competes with cytochrome 
a 3 for the CN® ions. This competition effectively lowers the concentration of cyanide 
available to inhibit cytochrome a 3 in Complex IV, and decreases the inhibition of the 
electron transport chains in the presence of CN®. 

7. A substrate is usually oxidized by a compound with a more positive reduction potential. Since 
E°' for the fatty acid is close to E° f for FAD in Complex II (0.0 V, as shown in Table 14. 1), elec- 
tron transfer from the fatty acid to FAD is energetically favorable. 

A E°' = 0.0 V - (-0.05 V) = +0.05 V 

AC°' = -nFAE 0 ' 

AC°' = -(2)(96.48 kj V _1 )(0.05 V) = -9.6 kj mol -1 

Since E°' for NADH in Complex I is —0.32 V, the transfer of electrons from the fatty acid to 
NADH is unfavorable. 

A P' = -0.32 V - (-0.05 V) = -0.27 V 

AC°' = -(2)(96.48 kj NT 1 mor’X-O^? V) = 52 kj mcT 1 

8. (a) 10 protons; 2.5 ATP; P : O = 2.5. 

(b) 6 protons; 1.5ATP;P:0 = 1.5. 

(c) 2 protons; 0.5 ATP; P : O = 0.5. 

9. (a) The inner mitochondrial membrane has a net positive charge on the cytosolic side (out- 

side). The exchange of one ATP© transferred out for one ADP© transferred in yields a 

Chapter 15 SOLUTIONS 


net movement of one negative charge from the inner matrix side to the positive cytosolic 
side. The membrane potential thereby assures that outward transport of a negatively 
charged ATP is favored by the outside positive charge. 

(b) Yes. The electrochemical potential with a net positive charge outside the membrane is a 
result of proton pumping, which is driven by the electron transport chain. This in turn 
requires oxidation of metabolites to generate NADH and QH 2 as electron donors. 

10. ATP synthesis is normally associated with electron transport. Unless ADP can continue to be 
translocated into the mitochondrial matrix for the ATP synthesis reaction (ADP + Pj —> ATP), 
ATP synthesis will not occur and the proton gradient will not be dissipated. Electron transport 
will be inhibited as the proton concentration increases in the intermembrane space. 

11. (a) AC = PAT' - 2.303 RT A pH (Equation 14.6) 

AC = ((96485)(-0.18)) - ((2.303)(8.31 5)(0.7)) 

AC = -17367 - 3995 
AC = -2136 = 21 kj mol -1 

(b) AG tota i = 21.36 kj mol -1 

Charge gradient contribution is 17.367 kj mol -1 , or 17.367 ^ 21.36 X 100 = 81.3% 
pH gradient contribution is 3.995 kj mol -1 , or 3.995 -r- 21.36 X 10 = 18.7% 

12. (a) In the malate-aspartate shuttle, the reduction of oxaloacetate in the cytosol consumes a 

proton that is released in the matrix by the oxidation of malate (Figure 14.27). Therefore, 
one fewer proton is contributed to the proton concentration gradient for every cytosolic 
NADH oxidized (9 versus 10 for mitochondrial NADH). The ATP yield from two mole- 
cules of cytoplasmic NADH is about 4.5 rather than 5.0. 

(b) Cytoplasmic reactions 

Glucose > 2 Pyruvate 2.0 ATP 

2 NADH » 4.5 ATP 

Mitochondrial reactions 

2 Pyruvate » 2 Acetyl CoA + 2 C0 2 2 NADH » 5.0 ATP 

2 Acetyl CoA > 4 C0 2 2.0 GTP 

6 NADH > 15.0 ATP 

2 QH 2 > 3.0 ATP 

Total 31.5 ATP 

Chapter 15 Photosynthesis 

1. Because in photosynthesis there are two steps where light energy is absorbed to produce “high 
energy” electrons, thus PS II transfers 6H® insead of 10 H® in respiration but PSI produces 
2.5 ATP equivalents — the same as respiration. 

2. Plant chlorophylls absorb energy in the red region of the spectrum (Figure 15.2). The 
dragonfish chlorophyll derivatives absorb the red light energy (667 nm), and pass the sig- 
nals on to the visual pigments in much the same manner that plant antenna chlorophylls 
and related molecules capture light energy and transfer it to a reaction center where elec- 
trons are promoted into excited states for transfer to acceptors of the electron transport 

3. (a) Rubisco is the world s most abundant protein and the principal catalyst for photosynthesis, 

the basic means by which living organisms acquire the carbon necessary for life. Its im- 
portance in the process of providing food for all living things can be well justified. 

(b) Photorespiration is a process that wastes ribulose 1,5-frisphosphate, consumes the 
NADPH and ATP generated by the light reactions, and can greatly reduce crop yields. As 
much as 20% to 30% of the carbon fixed in photosynthesis can be lost to photo respira- 
tion. This process results from the lack of specificity of Rubisco, which can use 0 2 instead 
of C0 2 (Figure 15.8) to produce phosphoglycolate and 3-phosphoglycerate (Figure 
15.18) instead of two triose phosphate molecules. In addition, Rubisco has low catalytic 
activity (K cat ~ 3 s _1 ). This lack of specificity and low activity earns Rubisco the title of a 
relatively incompetent, inefficient enzyme. 

4. 6C0 2 + 6H 2 S^C 6 H 12 0 6 + 3 0 2 + 6 S 
6 C0 2 + 12 H® — » C 6 H 12 Og + 3 0 2 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 15 

5. (a) C0 2 + 2 H 2 S y > (CH 2 0) + H 2 0 + 2 S 

C0 2 + 2 CH 3 CH 2 OH Ught > (CH 2 0) + H 2 0 + 2 CH 3 CHO 

Ethanol Acetaldehyde 

(b) When H 2 0 is the proton donor, 0 2 is the product, but when other proton donors such as 
H 2 S and ethanol are used, oxygen cannot be produced. Most photosynthetic bacteria do 
not produce 0 2 and are obligate anaerobes that are poisoned by 0 2 . 

(c) C0 2 + 2 H 2 A Light > (CH 2 0) + H 2 0 + 2A 

6. Rubisco is not active in the dark because it requires alkaline conditions. Those conditions 
only occur when photosynthesis is active so there’s nothing (except light) that can be added to 
the chloroplast suspension in the dark that will activate the calvin cycle. 

7. (a) Two H 2 0 molecules provide the oxygens for one 0 2 during the photosynthetic process. A 

total of four electrons must be removed from two H 2 0 and passed through an electron 
transport system to two NADPH. One quantum of light is required to transfer one elec- 
tron through PSI and one quantum for PSII. Therefore, a total of eight photons will be re- 
quired to move four electrons through both reaction centers (four photons for PHI and 
four photons for PHII). 

(b) Six NADPH are required for the synthesis of one triose phosphate by the Calvin cycle 
(Figure 15.21). Therefore, 12 electrons must be transferred through the two reaction cen- 
ters of the electron transport system and this will require the absorption of 24 hv. 

8. (a) Yes. (Refer to the Z-scheme, Figure 15.14). When DCMU blocks electron flow, PSII in the 

P680* state will not be reoxidized to the P680© state, which is required as an acceptor of 
electrons from H 2 0. If H 2 0 is not oxidized by P680®, then no 0 2 will be produced. In 
the absence of electron flow through the cytochrome bf complex, no protons will be 
translocated across the membrane. Without a pH gradient no photophosphorylation 
(ATP synthesis) will be possible. 

(b) External electron acceptors for PSII will permit P680 to be reoxidized to P680© and will 
restore 0 2 evolution. No electrons will flow through the cytochrome bf complex, how- 
ever, so no photophosphorylation will occur. 

9. (a) When the external pH rises to 8.0, the stromal pH also rises quickly, but the luminal pH 

remains low initially because the thylakoid membrane is relatively impermeable to pro- 
tons. The pH gradient across the thylakoid membrane drives the production of ATP via 
proton translocation through chloroplast ATP synthase (Figure 15.16). 

(b) Protons are transferred from the lumen to the stroma by ATP synthase, driving ATP syn- 
thesis. The pH gradient across the membrane decreases until it is insufficient to drive the 
phosphorylation of ADP, and ATP synthesis stops. 

10. During cyclic electron transport, reduced ferredoxin donates its electrons back to P700 via 
the cytochrome bf complex (Figure 15.11). As these electrons cycle again through photosys- 
tem I, the proton concentration gradient generated by the cytochrome bf complex drives ATP 
synthesis. However, no NADPH is produced because there is no net flow of electrons from 
H 2 0 to ferredoxin. No 0 2 is produced because photosystem II, the site of 0 2 production, is 
not involved in cyclic electron transport. 

11. The light absorbing complexes, electron transport chain, and chloroplast ATP synthase all reside 
in the thylakoid membranes, and the structure and interactions of any of these photosynthetic 
components could be affected by a change in the physical nature of the membrane lipids. 

12. The compound is acting as an uncoupler. The electron transfer is occurring without the 
synthesis of ATP. The compound destroys the proton gradient that is produced through 
electron transfer. 

13. (a) The synthesis of one triose phosphate from C0 2 requires 9 molecules of ATP and 6 mole- 

cules of NADPH (Equation 15.5). Since two molecules of triose phosphate can be converted 
to glucose, glucose synthesis requires 18 molecules of ATP and 12 molecules of NADPH. 
(b) Incorporating glucose 1 -phosphate into starch requires one ATP equivalent during the 
conversion of glucose 1 -phosphate to ADP-glucose (Figure 15.24), bringing the total re- 
quirement to 19 molecules of ATP and 12 molecules of NADPH. 

14. Refer to Figure 15.21. (a) C-l. (b) C-3 and C-4. (c) C-l and C-2. C-l and C-2 of fructose 
6-phosphate are transferred to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to form xylulose 5-phosphate. C-3 
and C-4 of fructose 6-phosphate become C-l and C-2 of erythrose 4-phosphate. 

15. (a) In the C 4 pathway (Figure 15.29), the pyruvate-phosphate dikinase reaction consumes 

two ATP equivalents for each C0 2 fixed (since PPi is hydrolyzed to 2 Pj). Therefore, C 4 

Chapter 16 SOLUTIONS 


plants require 12 more molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose synthesized than C 3 
plants require. 

(b) Because C 4 plants minimize photorespiration, they are more efficient than C 3 plants in 
using light energy to fix C0 2 into carbohydrates, even though the chemical reactions for 
fixing C0 2 in C 4 plants require more ATP. 

16. (a) An increase in stromal pH increases the rate of the Calvin cycle in two ways. 

(1) An increase in stromal pH increases the activity of ribulose l,5-/7zsphosphate carboxy- 
lase-oxygenase (Rubisco), the central regulatory enzyme of the Calvin cycle, and the 
activities of fructose 1,6-frzsphosphatase and sedoheptulose l,7-/7zsphosphatase. It also 
increases the activity of phosphoribulokinase. Phosphoribulokinase is inhibited by 3- 
phosphoglycerate (3PG) in the 3PG© ionization state but not in the 3PG© ioniza- 
tion state, which predominates at higher pH. 

(2) An increase in stromal pH also increases the proton gradient that drives the synthesis 
of ATP in chloroplasts. Since the reactions of the Calvin cycle are driven by ATP, an 
increase in ATP production increases the rate of the Calvin cycle. 

(b) A decrease in the stromal concentration of Mg© decreases the rate of the Calvin cycle by 
decreasing the activity of Rubisco, fructose 1,6-frisphosphatase, and sedoheptulose 1,7- 

Chapter 16 Lipid Metabolism 

1. (a) LDLs are rich in cholesterol and cholesterol esters and transport these lipids to peripheral 

tissues. Delivery of cholesterol to tissues is moderated by LDL receptors on the cell mem- 
branes. When LDL receptors are defective, receptor- mediated uptake of cholesterol does 
not occur (Section 16.1 OB). Because cholesterol is not cleared from the blood it accumu- 
lates and contributes to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. 

(b) Increased cholesterol levels normally repress transcription of HMG-CoA reductase and 
stimulate the proteolysis of this enzyme as well. With defective LDL, however, cholesterol 
synthesis continues in spite of high blood cholesterol levels because the extracellular cho- 
lesterol cannot enter the cells to regulate intracellular synthesis. 

(c) HDLs remove cholesterol from plasma and cells of nonhepatic tissues and transport it to 
the liver where it can be converted into bile salts for disposal. In Tangier patients, defec- 
tive cholesterol-poor HDLs cannot absorb cholesterol, and the normal transport process 
to the liver is disrupted. 

2. (a) Carnitine is required to transport fatty acyl Co A into the mitochondrial matrix for 

f3 -oxidation (Figure 16.24). The inhibition of fatty acid transport caused by a deficiency 
in carnitine diminishes energy production from fats for muscular work. Excess fatty acyl 
Co A can be converted to triacylglycerols in the muscle cells. 

(b) Since carnitine is not required to transport pyruvate, a product of glycolysis, into mito- 
chondria for oxidation, muscle glycogen metabolism is not affected in individuals with a 
carnitine deficiency. 

3. (a) Activation of the C 12 fatty acid to a fatty acyl Co A consumes 2 ATR Five rounds of 

(3 -oxidation generate 6 acetyl CoA, 5 QH 2 (which yield 7.5 ATP via oxidative phosphory- 
lation), and 5 NADH (which yield 12.5 ATP). Oxidation of the 6 acetyl CoA by the citric 
acid cycle yields 60 ATP. Therefore, the net yield is 78 ATP equivalents. 

(b) Activation of the C 16 monounsaturated fatty acid to a fatty acyl CoA consumes 2 ATP. 
Seven rounds of /3-oxidation generate 8 acetyl CoA, 6 QH 2 (which yield 9 ATP via oxida- 
tive phosphorylation), and 7 NADH (which yield 17.5 ATP). The fatty acid contains a 
ds- /3,y double bond that is converted to a trans-a,f3 double bond, so the acyl-CoA 
dehydrogenase- catalyzed reaction, which generates QH 2 , is bypassed in the fifth round. 
Oxidation of the 8 acetyl CoA by the citric acid cycle yields 80 ATP. Therefore, the net 
yield is 104.5 ATP equivalents. 

4. When triacylglycerols are ingested in our diets, the hydrolysis of the dietary lipids occurs 
mainly in the small intestine. Pancreatic lipase catalyzes the hydrolysis at the C-l and C-3 
positions of triacylglycerol, producing free fatty acids and 2-monoacylglycerol. These mol- 
ecules are transported in bile-salt micelles to the intestine, where they are absorbed by in- 
testinal cells. Within these cells, the fatty acids are converted to fatty acyl CoA molecules, 
which eventually form a triacylglycerol that is incorporated into chylomicrons for trans- 
port to other tissues. If the pancreatic lipase is inhibited, the ingested dietary triglyceride 
cannot be absorbed. The triglyceride will move through the digestive tract and will be ex- 
creted without absorption. 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 16 

5. (a) Oleate has a cis- A 9 double bond, so oxidation requires enoyl-CoA isomerase (as in Step 2 

of Figure 16.26). 

(b) Arachidonate has cis double bonds at both odd (A 5 , A 11 ) and even (A 8 , A 14 ) carbons, so 
oxidation requires both enoyl-CoA isomerase and 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (as in Step 5 
of Figure 16.26). 

(c) This C 17 fatty acid contains a cis double bond at an even-numbered carbon (A 6 ), so oxi- 
dation requires 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase. In addition, three enzymes are required to 
convert the propionyl CoA product into succinyl CoA: propionyl-CoA carboxylase, 
methylmalonyl-CoA racemase, and methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (Figure 16.25). 

6. Even-chain fatty acids are degraded to acetyl CoA, which is not a gluconeogenic precursor. 
Acetyl CoA cannot be converted directly to pyruvate because for every two carbons of acetyl 
CoA that enter the citric acid cycle, two carbons in the form of two C0 2 molecules leave as 
products. The last three carbons of odd-chain fatty acids, on the other hand, yield a molecule 
of propionyl CoA upon degradation in the fatty acid oxidation cycle. Propionyl CoA can be 
carboxylated and converted to succinyl CoA in three steps (Figure 16.25). Succinyl CoA can 
be converted to oxaloacetate by citric acid cycle enzymes, and oxaloacetate can be a gluco- 
neogenic precursor for glucose synthesis. 

7. (a) The labeled carbon remains in H 14 COP; none is incorporated into palmitate. Although 

H 14 COp is incorporated into malonyl CoA (Figure 16.2), the same carbon is lost as C0 2 
during the ketoacyl-ACP synthase reaction in each turn of the cycle (Figure 16.5). 

(b) All the even-numbered carbons are labeled. Except for the acetyl CoA that becomes C-15 
and C-16 of palmitate, the acetyl CoA is converted to malonyl CoA and then to malonyl- 
ACP before being incorporated into a growing fatty acid chain with the loss of C0 2 . 

8. (a) Enoyl ACP reductase catalyzes the second reductive step in the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway, 

converting a trans- 2,3 enoyl moiety into a saturated acyl chain, and uses NADPH as cofactor. 

H O 


R — C = C — C — S — ACP 



enoyl-A C pU NADPH + H@ 
reductase ^ ^ 




R — CH 2 — CH 2 — C — S — ACP 

(b) Fatty acids are essential for membranes in bacteria. If fatty acid synthesis is inhibited, 
there will be no new membranes and no growth of the bacteria. 

(c) The fatty acid synthesis systems are different in animals and bacteria. Animals contain a 
type I fatty acid synthesis system (FAS I) where the various enzymatic activities are local- 
ized to individual domains in a large, multifunctional enzyme. In bacteria, each reaction 
in fatty acid synthesis is catalyzed by a separate monofunctional enzyme. Understanding 
some of the differences in these two systems, would allow for the design of specific inhibitors 
of the bacterial FAS II. 

9. Eating stimulates the production of acetyl CoA from the metabolism of carbohydrates (gly- 
colysis and pyruvate dehydrogenase) and fats (FA oxidation). Normally, increased acetyl CoA 
results in the elevation of malonyl CoA levels (acetyl CoA carboxylase reaction, Figure 16.2), 
which may act to inhibit appetite. By blocking fatty acid synthase enzyme, C75 prevents the 
removal of malonyl CoA for the synthesis of fatty acids, thereby elevating the levels of malonyl- 
CoA and further suppressing appetite. 

10 . 






Pyruvate — 

( ~ \ 


Acetyl CoA 


> Pyruvate 

V J 


Acetyl CoA 

Fatty acid 


Fatty acids 

Chapter 16 SOLUTIONS 735 

(b) The NADH generated by glycolysis can be transformed into NADPH by a variety of dif- 
ferent reactions and pathways. 

11. (a) Plentiful citrate and ATP levels promote fatty acid synthesis. High citrate levels activate 

ACC by preferential binding and stabilization of the active dephosphorylated filamentous 
form. On the other hand, high levels of fatty acyl Co As indicate that there is no further 
need for more fatty acid synthesis. Palmitoyl CoA inactivates ACC by preferential binding 
to the inactive protomeric dephosphorylated form. 

(b) Glucagon and epinephrine inhibit fatty acid synthesis by inhibiting the activity of acetyl 
CoA carboxylase. Both hormones bind to cell receptors and activate cAMP synthesis, 
which in turn activates protein kinases. Phosphorylation of ACC by protein kinases con- 
verts it to the inactive form, thus inhibiting fatty acid synthesis. On the other hand, the 
active protein kinases catalyze phosphorylation and activation of triacylglycerol lipases 
that catalyze hydrolysis of triacylglycerols, releasing fatty acids for (3 -oxidation. 

12. (a) An inhibitor of acetyl-CoA acetylase will affect a key regulatory reaction for fatty acid 

synthesis. The concentration of malonyl CoA, the product of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase- 
catalyzed reaction, will be decreased in the presence of the inhibitor. The decrease in the 
concentration of malonyl CoA will relieve the inhibition of carnitine acyltransferase I, 
which is a key regulatory site for the oxidation of fatty acids. Thus, with an active carrier 
system, fatty acids will be translocated to the mitochondrial matrix where the reactions of 
/3 -oxidation occur. In the presence of an inhibitor of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, fatty acid 
synthesis will decrease and (3 -oxidation will increase. 

(b) CABI is a structural analog of biotin. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase is a biotin-dependent enzyme. 

A biotin analog may bind in place of biotin and inhibit the activity of acetyl-CoA carboxylase. 

13. The overall reaction for the synthesis of palmitate from acetyl CoA is the sum of two processes: 

(1) the formation of seven malonyl CoA by the action of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and (2) 
seven cycles of the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway. 

7 Acetyl CoA + 7 C0 2 + 7 ATP > 7 Malonyl CoA + 7 ADP + 7 Pj 

Acetyl CoA + 7 Malonyl CoA + 14 NADPH + 14 H© * Palmitate + 7 C0 2 + 14 NADP© + 8 HS - CoA + 6 H 2 0 

8 Acetyl CoA + 7 ATP + 14 NADPH + 14 H© » Palmitate + 7 ADP + 7 P, + 14 NADP© + 8 HS - CoA + 6 H 2 0 

14. (a) Arachidonic acid is a precursor for synthesis of eicosanoids including “local regulators” 
such as prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes (Figure 16.14). These regulators 
are involved in mediation of pain, inflammation, and swelling responses resulting from 
injured tissues. 

(b) Both prostaglandins and leukotrienes are derived from arachidonate, which is released 
from membrane phospholipids by the action of phospholipases. By inhibiting a phos- 
pholipase, steroidal drugs block the biosynthesis of both prostaglandins and leukotrienes. 
Aspirin-like drugs block the conversion of arachidonate to prostaglandin precursors by 
inhibiting cyclooxygenase but do not affect leukotriene synthesis. 

15. (a) O 


o ch 2 — o— cr, 


r 2 — c — o— ch o 

CH,— O— P — O — CH, 




CH 2 OH 

(b) H H 

O CH 2 — O — C = C — R, 

-O — CH 


ch 2 — o— p— ch,ch,nh,@ 


(c) OH 

I H 

O CH — C = C — (CH 2 ) 12 — CH 3 


R — C — NH — CH 


CH 2 — o 

736 SOLUTIONS Chapter 17 


16. Palmitate is converted to eight molecules of acetyl Co A labeled at C- 1 . Three acetyl CoA mol- 
ecules are used to synthesize one molecule of mevalonate (Figure 16.17). 

H 3 C — (CH 2 CH 2 ) 7 — COO° 



8 H 3 C— C — S-CoA 
Acetyl CoA 



3 H 3 C—C — S-CoA 
Acetyl CoA 


©ooc— ch 2 — c— ch 2 — ch 2 — oh 
ch 3 


17. Both APHS and aspirin transfer an acetyl group to a serine residue on COX enzymes. Since 
APHS is an irreversible inhibitor, it does not exhibit competitive inhibition kinetics even 
though it acts at the active site of COX enzymes. 

' O 1 

(COX-2) — CH 2 0 



^CH 2 C = C(CH 2 ) 3 CH 3 

Irreversibly inhibited enzyme 

Chapter 17 Amino Acid Metabolism 

1. PSII contains the oxygen evolving complex and oxygen is produced during photosynthesis. 
Since oxygen inhibits nitrogenase, the synthesis of 0 2 in hetocysts must be avoided. PSI is re- 
tained because it can still generate a light-induced proton gradient by cyclic electron trans- 
port and it is not involved in the production of 0 2 . 

2. (a) Glutamate dehydrogenase + glutamine synthetase 

NH 4 © + a-Ketoglutarate + NAD(P)H + H© * Glutamate + NAD(P)© + H 2 0 

NH 3 + Glutamate + ATP > Glutamine + ADP + Pj 

2 NH 4 © + a-Ketoglutarate + NAD(P)H + ATP » Glutamine + NAD(P)© + ADP + Pj + H 2 0 

(b) Glutamine synthetase + glutamate synthase 

2 NH 3 + 2 Glutamate + 2 ATP > 2 Glutamine + 2 ADP + 2 Pj 

Glutamine + a-Ketoglutarate + NAD(P)H + H© > 2 Glutamate + NAD(P)© 

2 NH 3 + a-Ketoglutarate + NAD(P)H + 2 ATP + H© » Glutamine + NAP(P)© + 2 ADP + 2 Pj 

The coupled reactions in (b) consume one more ATP molecule than the coupled reactions in (a). 
Because the K m of glutamine synthetase for NH 3 is much lower than the K m of glutamate dehy- 
drogenase for NH 4 ©, the coupled reactions in (b) predominate when NH 4 © levels are low. Thus, 
more energy is spent to assimilate ammonia when its concentration is low. 

3. The 15 N-labeled amino group is transferred from aspartate to a-ketoglutarate, producing 
glutamate in a reaction catalyzed by aspartate transaminase (Figure 17.10). Since transami- 
nases catalyze near- equilibrium reactions and many transaminases use glutamate as the 
a- amino group donor, the labeled nitrogen is quickly distributed among the other amino 
acids that are substrates of glutamate-dependent transaminases. 

(a) a-Ketoglutarate + Amino acid ^ 

Oxaloacetate + Amino acid < 
Pyruvate + Amino acid < 


- Glutamate + a-Keto acid 

- Aspartate + a-Keto acid 
* Alanine + a-Keto acid 





-Ketoglutarate + NH 4 




Chapter 17 SOLUTIONS 737 




Serine — » O-acetylserine 

(Sulf ide)S® > 

Cysteine-SH (Fig 17.17) 


Homocysteine-SH — » Methionine-S-CH 3 

(Fig 17.11) 


Homocysteine-SH (Fig 17.35) 


• Cystathionine (S) 

Cysteine-SH (Fig 17.18) 

6. (a) C-3 of serine is transferred to tetrahydrofolate during the synthesis of glycine, and C-2 is 
transferred to tetrahydrofolate when glycine is cleaved to produce ammonia and bicarbonate. 

,coo 0 — 0 

0 I 

H 3 N — 2 CH + Tetrahydrofolate <_ 


3 CH 2 OH 



, © i 

± h 3 n — 2 ch 2 

+ 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate + H 2 0 



© I 

h 3 n— ch 2 


+ Tetrahydrofolate + NAD® + H 2 0 



(b) Serine is synthesized from 3-phosphoglycerate (Figure 17.15), an intermediate of glycolysis. 
C-3 of both 3-phosphoglycerate and serine is derived from either C-l or C-6 of glucose, and 
C-2 of both 3-phosphoglycerate and serine is derived from either C-2 or C-5 of glucose. 

7. (a) 







/ \ 

h 3 c oh 


®nh 3 


ch 2 — ch- 



NADH + HC0 3 e 






h 2 i\t xh 2 

\ / 

h 2 c — ch 2 

8. (a) Glutamic acid. PPI inhibits glutamine synthetase. 

(b) Histidine biosynthesis pathway (Figure 17.23). 

9. Aspartame is a dipeptide consisting of an asparate and a phenylalanine residue joined by a 
peptide bond. This bond is eventually hydrolyzed inside the cell producing aspartate and 
phenylalanine. Phenylketonuria patients must avoid any excess phenylalanine. 

10. (a) 


CH— CH 2 



















h 3 c— h 2 c 








(b) Lysine degradation pathway. a-Aminoadipate 8 - semialdehyde synthase is deficient 
(Figure 17.39). 

(c) Urea cycle. Argininosuccinate synthetase is deficient (Figure 17.43). 

11 . (a) Alanine (c) Glycine 

(b) Aspartate (d) Cysteine 

12. The urea cycle does not operate in muscle, so ammonia from the deamination of amino acids 
cannot be converted to urea. Because high concentrations of ammonia are toxic, ammonia is 
converted to other products for disposal. In the first pathway, ammonia is incorporated into 
glutamine by the action of glutamine synthetase (Figure 17.5). Glutamine can then be 

NH 4 ® + H® 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 18 

transported to the liver or kidneys. The second pathway is the glucose-alanine cycle (Figure 
17.45). Pyruvate accepts the amino group of amino acids by transamination, and the alanine 
produced is transported to the liver where it can be deaminated back to pyruvate. The amino 
group is used for urea synthesis, and the pyruvate can be converted to glucose. 

13. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) can prevent excess amounts of nitric oxide from 
being produced in cells lining the blood vessels. Nitric oxide causes relaxation of the vessels 
and in excess amounts can cause reduced blood pressure leading to shock. Thiocitrulline and 
S-methylthocitrulline inhibit NOS because they are unreactive analogs of the NOS reaction 
product citrulline (Figure 17.25). 

14. There are two reasons. Firstly, many of the amino acid biosynthesis pathways aren’t found in 
humans, so there won’t be any metabolic diseases of nonexistent essential amino acid path- 
ways. Secondly, the remaining pathways are probably crucial pathways during development so 
that any defects in these pathways are likely to be lethal. This is the same reasoning that we used 
to explain the lack of metabolic diseases in the sphingolipid biosynthesis pathways (Box 16.2). 

15. The 21st, 22nd, and 23rd amino acids are N-formylmethionine, selenocysteine, and pyrrolysine. 
N-formylmethionine and selenocysteine are synthesized during translation on aminoacylated 
tRNA and not by the standard metabolic pathways covered in this chapter. Pyrrolysine may also 
be synthesized on aminoacylated tRNA. The precursors are methionine, serine, and lysine. 

16. The precursor in the serine biosynthesis pathway is 3-phosphoglycerate. This precursor can be de- 
rived from glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) in the glycolytic pathway, where the conversion is 
associated with the gain of 1 ATP + 1 NADH. This gain must be subtracted from the total cost 
of G3P synthesis. Therefore, the cost of making 3-phosphoglycerate is 24 — 3.5 = 20.5 ATP 
equivalents, assuming that each NADH is equivalent to 2.5 ATPs. (The same cost can be derived 
from the Calvin cycle pathway.) The serine biosynthesis pathway produces one NADH when 
3-phosphoglycerate is oxidized to 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate, so the next cost of making serine 
is 20.5 — 2.5 = 18 ATP equivalents. This value is identical to the value given in Box 17.3. (Note 
that the transamination reaction in the serine biosynthesis pathway is cost-free.) 

Alanine is made from pyruvate in a simple, cost-free, transamination reaction. The cost of 
making pyruvate can be estimated from the conversion of 3-phosphoglycerate to pyruvate in 
the glycolytic pathway. This conversion is associated with a gain of 1 ATP, so the cost of pyru- 
vate is 20.5 — 1 = 19.5 ATP equivalents. Thus, the cost of synthesizing alanine is 19.5 ATP 
equivalents, or 20 ATP equivalents when rounded to two significant figures. This value is the 
same as that given in Box 17.3. 

Chapter 18 Nucleotide Metabolism 

1. (a) 












See Figure 18.10 for the reactions in the pathway of UMP synthesis. 

(d) Labeled C-2 from aspartate, which is incorporated into carbamoyl aspartate, appears at 
C-6 of the uracil of UMP. 

(e) The labeled carbon from HCO^, which is incorporated into carbamoyl phosphate, ap- 
pears at C-2 of the pyrimidine ring of UMP. 


(b) from r 


\ I II 

6 CH 
m • — V 

(a) from C-2 
of aspartate 

Chapter 18 SOLUTIONS 


2. Seven ATP equivalents are required. One ATP is cleaved to AMP when PRPP is synthesized 
(Figure 18.3). The pyrophosphoryl group of PRPP is released in step 1 of the IMP biosynthetic 
pathway and subsequently hydrolyzed to 2 Pi (Figure 18.5), accounting for the second ATP 
equivalent. Five ATP molecules are consumed in steps 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7. 

3. Purines: Reaction 3: GAR transformylase 1 0-formyl -THF, C-8 position. 

Reaction 9: AICAR transformylase, 1 0-formyl -THF, C-2 position. 
Pyrimidines: Thymidylate synthase, 5,1 0-methylene-THF, 5-CH 3 of thymidylate. 

4. (a) 



© 1 

© 1 

N — C — H 

H 3 N — C — H 

ch 2 

o ch 2 

ch 2 

\ / 


N = C 

FUN — C v 







(b) Acivicin inhibits glutamine-PRPP amidotransferase, the first enzyme in the purine 
biosynthetic pathway, so PRPP accumulates. 

(c) Acivicin inhibits the carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II activity of dihydroorotate syn- 
thase that catalyzes the first step in the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. 

5. (a) When /3-alanine is used instead of aspartate, no decarboxylation reaction (step 6 of the 
E. coli pathway) would be required. 

(b) 9 


i Ji 





6. (a) dUMP + NH 4 © 

(b) Synthesis of DNA requires certain ratios of A, T, G and C. If dTTP levels are higher than 
necessary, dTTP will act to decrease its own synthesis pathway by inhibiting the conver- 
sion of dCMP to dUMP by dCMP deaminase. dUMP is the precursor to dTMP (thymidy- 
late synthase, Figure 18.16), and the subsequent conversion to dTDP and dTTP (needed 
for DNA synthesis). On the other hand, if dCTP levels are high, activation of dCMP 
deaminase will lead to an increased conversion of dCMP to dUMP and this diverts any 
dCMP that might have been converted to more dCTP by phosphorylation (Figure 18.20). 

7. Four ATP equivalents are required. One ATP equivalent is required for the synthesis of PRPP 
from ribose 5-phosphate (Figure 18.3). Carbamoyl phosphate synthesis requires 2 ATP (Figure 
18.10, step 1). One ATP equivalent is consumed in step 5, when PP^ is hydrolyzed to 2 P*. 

8. In the absence of adenosine deaminase, adenosine and deoxyadenosine are not degraded via in- 
osine and hypoxanthine to uric acid (Figure 18.19 and 18.21). This leads to an increase in the 
concentration of deoxyadenosine, which can be converted to dATP. High concentrations of 
dATP inhibit ribonucleotide reductase (Table 18.1). The inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase 
results in decreased production of all deoxynucleotides and therefore inhibits DNA synthesis. 

9. Glutamine-PRPP amidotransferase is the first enzyme and the principal site of regulation in the de 
novo pathway to IMP (Figure 18.5). In humans, PRPP is both a substrate and a positive effector of 
this enzyme. An increase in the cellular levels of PRPP due to increased PRPP synthetase activity 
will therefore enhance the activity of the amidotransferase. This will result in an increased synthe- 
sis of IMP and other purine nucleosides and nucleotides. Overproduction of purine nucleotides 
and subsequent degradation can lead to elevated uric acid levels characteristic of gout. 

10. (a) ATP (b) ATP (c) ATP (d) GTP (e) UTP (f) GTP (g) C TP (h) UTP (i) ATP (j) IMP (k) IMP 

11. Purines and pyrimidines are not significant sources of energy. The carbon atoms of fatty 
acids and carbohydrates can be oxidized to yield ATP, but there are no comparable energy- 
yielding pathways for nitrogen-containing purines and pyrimidines. However, the NADH 
produced when hypoxanthine is converted to uric acid may indirectly generate ATP via 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 19 

oxidative phosphorylation. The degradation of uracil and thymine yields acetyl CoA and suc- 
cinyl CoA, respectively, which can be metabolized via the citric acid cycle to generate ATP. 

12. The sugar D-ribose exists as an equilibrium mixture of u-D-ribopyranose, cr-D-ribofuranose, 
/3-D-ribopyranose, and /3-D-ribofuranose. These forms freely interconvert with each through 
the open-chain form (Section 8.2). 

13. Xanthine is 2,6-dioxopurine; hypoxanthine is 6-oxopurine; orotate is 2,4-dioxo-6-carboxyl- 

14. SAICAR synthetase + adenylosuccinate lyase in the IMP biosynthesis pathway (Figure 18.5) 
and argininosuccinate synthetase + argininosuccinate lyase in the arginine biosynthesis 
pathway (urea cycle: Figure 17.43). 

Chapter 19 Nucleic Acids 

1. In the a helix, hydrogen bonds form between the carbonyl oxygen of one residue and the 
amine hydrogen four residues, or one turn, away. These hydrogen bonds between atoms in 
the backbone are roughly parallel to the axis of the helix. The amino acid side chains, which 
point away from the backbone, do not participate in intrahelical hydrogen bonding. In double- 
stranded DNA, the sugar-phosphate backbone is not involved in hydrogen bonding. Instead, 
two or three hydrogen bonds, which are roughly perpendicular to the helix axis, form between 
complementary bases in opposite strands. 

In the a helix, the individual hydrogen bonds are weak, but the cumulative forces of these 
bonds stabilize the helical structure, especially within the hydrophobic interior of a protein 
where water does not compete for hydrogen bonding. In DNA, the principal role of hydrogen 
bonding is to allow each strand to act as a template for the other. Although the hydrogen 
bonds between complementary bases help stabilize the helix, stacking interactions between 
base pairs in the hydrophobic interior make a greater contribution to helix stability. 

2. If 58% of the residues are (G + C), 42% of the residues must be (A + T). Since every A pairs 
with a T on the opposite strand, the number of adenine residues equals the number of 
thymine residues. Therefore, 21%, or 420, of the residues are thymine (2000 X 0.21 = 420). 

3. (a) The base compositions of complementary strands of DNA are usually quite different. For 

example, if one strand is poly dA (100% A), the other strand must be poly dT (100% T). 
However, since the two strands are complementary, the amount of (A + T) must be the 
same for each strand, and the amount of (G + C) must be the same for each strand. 

(b) (A + G) = (T + C). Complementarity dictates that for every purine (A or G) on one 
strand, there must be a pyrimidine (T or C) on the complementary strand. 

4. Since the DNA strands are anti- parallel, the complementary strand runs in the opposite di- 
rection. The sequence of the double-stranded DNA is 


By convention, DNA sequences are written in the 5' — » 3' direction. Therefore, the sequence 
of the complementary strand is 


5. The stability of the single- stranded helix is largely due to stacking interactions between adja- 
cent purines. Hydrophobic effects also contribute, since the stacked bases form an environ- 
ment that is partially shielded from water molecules. 

7. There will be two discrete melting points separated by a plateau. When the extra strand of 
poly dT is released, the absorbance of the solution at 260 nm will increase as the stacked bases 
leave the largely hydrophobic interior of the triple helix. A second increase in the absorbance 
occurs when the remaining two DNA strands denature. 

Chapter 19 SOLUTIONS 


8 . 


10 . 

11 . 

12 . 






18 . 

The sequence is 


The underlined sequences are palindromic. 

The main products will be a mixture of mononucleotides and pieces of single- stranded DNA 
approximately 500 bp in length. A piece of DNA with an enzyme molecule bound at each end 
will be degraded until the two strands can no longer base-pair; at that point the single strands 
cease to be a substrate for the enzyme. 

In the 30 nm fiber, DNA is packaged in nucleosomes, each containing about 200 bp of DNA; 
therefore, the DNA in a nucleosome has a molecular weight of 130,000 (200 X 650 = 130,000). 
Assuming there is one molecule of histone HI per nucleosome, the molecular weight of the pro- 
tein component of the nucleosome would be 129,800. 

Histone HI 


Histone H2A (X2) 


Histone H2 B (X2) 


Histone H3 (X2) 


Histone H4 (X2) 




Thus, the ratio by weight of protein to DNA is 129,800:130,000, or approximately 1:1. 

Nucleosomes are composed of histones plus 200 base pairs of DNA. Since you inherited half 
your chromosomes from your mother, the oocyte contained 

(3.2 X 10 9 bp) x 

1 nucleosome 
200 bp 

= 8 X 1 0 6 nucleosomes 

(You inherited no nucleosomes from your father since nucleosomes are replaced by small, 
positively charged polypeptides during spermatogenesis.) 

(a) pdApdGpdT + pdC 

(b) pdAp + dGpdTpdC 

(c) pdA + pdGpdTpdC 

Since the supercoiled plasmid DNA is in equilibrium with relaxed DNA containing short un- 
wound regions, the Aspergillus enzyme will slowly convert the DNA into nicked circles. Even- 
tually the enzyme will convert the relaxed circles into unit-length linear fragments of 
double-stranded DNA. 

Yes. The sugar-phosphate backbone in both RNA and DNA contains phosphodiester bonds 
that link the sugar residues. 

pppApCpUpCpApUpApGp + CpUpApUpGp + ApGp + U 

Bacteriophages have evolved several mechanisms to protect their DNA from restriction en- 
donucleases. In general, bacteriophage DNA contains few restriction sites. Restriction en- 
donuclease recognition sites are strongly selected and any mutations that alter these sites will 
be favored. In addition, restriction sites are often methylated, as in the bacterial chromosome. 
This is presumably due to a fortuitous event in the distant past when the phage DNA became 
methylated before it could be cleaved. 

Some bacteriophages incorporate modified nucleotides into their DNA. The modified nu- 
cleotides (e.g., 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in bacteriophage T4) are not recognized by restric- 
tion endonucleases. 

Phage genomes may also encode an enzyme that inactivates restriction endonucleases, or 
they may encode proteins that bind to restriction sites to prevent cleavage. 

(a) The probability can be estimated from the probability of each nucleotide in the Hind III 
restriction site. (G = C = 0.18 and A = T = 0.32) 

For the sequence AAGCTT there will be, on average, one Hindlll site every 
1/(0. 32) (0.32)(0. 18) (0.18) (0.32) (0.32) = 2943 bp 
Thus, in a 100 Mb genome there will be, on average, 

100,000/2943 = 33,070 sites 

(b) 24,414 

Although the recognition sites for Bglll and BamHl differ, the enzymes produce fragments 
with identical sticky ends. These fragments can be ligated as easily as fragments produced by 
a single enzyme. 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 20 

Bgl 1 1 'vw' A G A T C T 'vw 

'vw' T C T A G A 

BamYW 'wv'G G ATCC^ 

vw C C T A G G ' vx/x/ ' 

19. Restriction enzymes present in normal host cells might cleave newly introduced recombinant 
molecules, making it impossible to clone certain fragments of DNA. Using a host strain that 
does not make restriction endonucleases avoids this problem. 

A mutation in RecA reduces recombination, thereby preventing the rearrangement of recom- 
binant DNA molecules during propagation in the host cells. Rearrangement is often a problem, 
particularly when the cloned fragment of DNA contains repetitive sequences that can serve 
as sites for homologous recombination. 

Chapter 20 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 

1. (a) Two replication forks form at the origin of replication and move in opposite directions 
until they meet at a point opposite the origin. Therefore, each replisome replicates half the 
genome (2.6 X 10 2 3 4 * 6 base pairs). The time required to replicate the entire chromosome is 

2.6 X 1 0 6 base pairs 
1 000 base pairs s _1 

= 2600 s = 43 min and 20 s 

(b) Although there is only one origin (O), replication can be reinitiated before the previous 
replication forks have reached the termination site. Thus, the chromosome can contain 
more than two replication forks. Replication of a single chromosome still requires ap- 
proximately 43 minutes, but completed copies of each chromosome can appear at 
shorter intervals, depending on the rate of initiation. 

Replication forks initiated 
before completion of first 
round of DNA replication 

2. T4 DNA polymerase should be an early gene product because it is required for replication of 
the viral genome. 

3. (a) The single-stranded DNA template used for DNA synthesis in vitro can form secondary 

structures such as hairpins. SSB prevents the formation of double-stranded structure by 
binding to the single- stranded template. SSB thus renders the DNA a better substrate for 
DNA polymerase. 

(b) The yield of DNA in vitro is improved at higher temperatures because formation of sec- 
ondary structure in the template is less likely. A temperature of 65°C is high enough to 
prevent formation of secondary structure but not high enough to denature the newly 
synthesized DNA. DNA polymerases from bacteria that grow at high temperatures are 
used because they are active at 65°C, a temperature at which DNA polymerases from 
other bacteria would be inactive. 

4. Extremely accurate DNA replication requires a proofreading mechanism to remove errors in- 

troduced during the polymerization reaction. Synthesis of an RNA primer by a primase, 

which does not have proofreading activity, is more error prone than DNA synthesis. However, 

Chapter 20 SOLUTIONS 743 

because the primer is RNA, it can be removed by the 5' — > 3' exonuclease activity of DNA 
polymerase I and replaced with accurately synthesized DNA when Okazaki fragments are 
joined. If the primer were composed of DNA made by a primase without proofreading activ- 
ity, it would not be removed by DNA polymerase I and the error rate of DNA replication 
would be higher at sites of primer synthesis. 

5. (a) In the hypothetical nucleotidyl group transfer reaction, the nucleophilic 3 '-hydroxyl 
group of the incoming nucleotide would attack the triphosphate group of the growing 
chain. Pyrophosphate would be released when a new phosphodiester linkage was formed. 






Incoming nucleoside 

Growing chain 

3' DNA 

(b) If the hypothetical enzyme had 5' — > 3' proofreading activity, removal of a mismatched 
nucleotide would leave a 5 '-monophosphate group at the end of the growing chain. Fur- 
ther DNA synthesis, which would require a terminal triphosphate group, could not occur. 

6. Topisomerase II or gyrase relieves supercoiling ahead of and behind the replication fork. If 
this enzyme is inhibited, the unwinding of the parental DNA cannot occur. Therefore, the 
DNA of the E. coli cannot be replicated. 

7. (a) Assume that the genome is one large linear molecule of DNA and that the origin of repli- 
cation is at the midpoint of this chromosome. Since the replication forks move in oppo- 
site directions, 60 base pairs can be replicated per second. The time required to replicate 
the entire genome would be 

1 .65 x 1 0 8 base 
60 base pairs s 


= 2.75 X 1 0 6 s = 764 h = 32 days 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 20 

(b) Assuming that the 2000 bidirectional origins are equally spaced along the DNA molecule 
and that initiation occurs simultaneously at all origins, the rate would be 
2000 X 2 X 30 base pairs per second, or 1.2 X 10 5 base pairs per second. The time re- 
quired to replicate the entire genome would be 

1 .65 x 10 8 base pairs 
1.2 x 10 5 base pairs s -1 

1 375 s = 23 min 

(c) Assume that the origins are equally spaced and that initiation at all origins is simultane- 
ous. The required rate of replication is 

1 .65 x 1 0 8 base pairs 
300 s 

= 5.5 x 10 5 base pairs s 1 

Bidirectional replication from each fork proceeds at an overall rate of 60 base pairs per sec- 
ond. The minimum number of origins would be 

5.5 X 10 5 base pairs s 1 
60 base pairs s -1 origin -1 

91 70 origins 

8. The modified G can no longer form a productive Watson-Crick base pair with C but can now 
base-pair with T. Therefore, one of the daughter strands of DNA will contain a T across from 
the modified base. After further rounds of replication, the T will base-pair with A and what 
was originally a G/C base pair will have mutated into an A/T base pair. 

9. Ultraviolet light can damage DNA by causing dimerization of thymidylate residues. One 
mechanism for repairing thymine dimers is enzymatic photoreactivation, catalyzed by DNA 
photolyase. This enzyme uses energy from visible light to cleave the dimer and repair the 
DNA. Thus, cells that are exposed to visible light following ultraviolet irradiation are better 
able to repair DNA than cells kept in the dark. 

10 . (a) DNA from a dut~ strain will appear normal because the Ung enzyme will remove any 

uracil that gets incorporated. 

(b) DNA from a dut ~ , ung~ strain will contain dU residues in the place of some dT residues. 

11. The DNA repair enzyme uracil N-glycosylase removes uracil formed by the hydrolytic deam- 
ination of cytosine. Because the enzyme does not recognize thymine or the other three bases 
normally found in DNA, it cannot repair the damage when 5-methylcytosine is deaminated 
to thymine. 

12 . High mutation rates occur at methylcytosine- containing regions because the product of 
deamination of 5-methylcytosine is thymine, which cannot be recognized as abnormal. 
When the mismatched T/G base pair that results from deamination of methylcytosine is re- 
paired, the repair enzymes may delete either the incorrect thymine or the correct guanine. 
When the guanine is replaced by adenine, the resulting A/T base pair is a mutation. 








Chapter 21 SOLUTIONS 


13. Proofreading during replication results in excision of 99% of misincorporated nucleotides, 
thus reducing the overall error rate to 10 -7 . Of those errors that escape the proofreading step, 
a further 99% are corrected by repair enzymes. The overall mutation rate is therefore 10 -9 . 

14. Yes. The E. coli enzyme DNA ligase is required to seal the nicks left in the DNA strands follow- 
ing DNA repair. This enzyme has a strict requirement for NAD®. 

15. The dimers can be removed by excision repair. UvrABC endonuclease removes a 12-13 
residue segment containing the pyrimidine dimer. The DNA oligonucleotide is removed with 
the help of a helicase. The gap is filled by the action of DNA polymerase I, and the nick sealed 
by the action of DNA ligase. The dimers can also be repaired through direct repair. DNA pho- 
tolyase binds to the distorted double helix at the site of the dimer. As the DNA-enzyme com- 
plex absorbs light, the dimerization reaction is reversed. 

16. The repair enzymes need an undamaged template in order to repair mutations in DNA. If both 
strands of the DNA molecule have been damaged, there is not a template to use for repair. 

17. The proteins that catalyze strand exchange recognize regions of high sequence similarity and 
promote formation of a triple-stranded intermediate in which the invading strand base-pairs 
with a complementary strand. This pairing would not be possible if the sequences of the two 
DNA molecules were different. 

18. DNA polymerase III is a component of the replisome that synthesizes the leading strand and 
the lagging strand during replication of the E. coli chromosome. DNA polymerase I is re- 
quired to remove the short RNA primers on the lagging strand. 

Chapter 21 Transcription and RNA Processing 

1. (a) Since the rate of transcription is 70 nucleotides per second and each transcription com- 
plex covers 70 base pairs of DNA, an RNA polymerase completes a transcript and leaves 
the DNA template each second (assuming that the complexes are densely packed). There- 
fore, when the gene is loaded with transcription complexes, 60 molecules of RNA are pro- 
duced per minute. 

(b) Since each transcription complex covers 70 base pairs, the maximum number of 
complexes is 

6000 base pairs 

— — : : : — : : — = 86 transcription complexes 

70 base pairs transcription complex 

2. (a) Since the average E. coli gene is 1 kb (1000 bp) long, 4000 genes account for 4000 kb of 
DNA. The percentage of DNA that is not transcribed is 

500 kb 
4600 kb 

X 100% = 10.9% 

Most of the nontranscribed DNA consists of promoters and regions that regulate tran- 
scription initiation. 

(b) Since the gene products in mammals and bacteria are similar in size, the amount of DNA 
in the exons of a typical mammalian gene must also be 1000 bp. The total amount of 
DNA in exons is 

5 X 1 0 4 genes X 1 .0 kb gene 1 = 5 X 1 0 4 kb 

This DNA represents about 1.7% of the mammalian genome. 

5 x 1 0 4 kb 
3 x 1 0 6 kb 

x 100% = 1.7% 

The remaining 97.5% of DNA consists of introns and other sequences. 

3. No. It is extremely unlikely that the eukaryotic genes promoter will contain the correct sequences 
in the correct location to permit accurate initiation by the prokaryotic RNA polymerases. 
Likewise, it is extremely unlikely that the prokaryotic gene s promoter will contain the correct se- 
quence in the correct location to permit accurate initiation by RNA polymerase II. 

4. No. A typical eukaryotic triose phosphate isomerase gene contains introns. The prokaryotic 
cell contains no spliceosomes and therefore will not be able to correctly process the primary 
transcript. Therefore, translation of the RNA will yield an aberrant protein fragment. 

5. (a) In the presence of both lactose and glucose, the lac operon is transcribed at a low level be- 
cause lac repressor forms a complex with allolactose (an isomer of lactose). Because the 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 21 

allolactose-repressor complex cannot bind to the promoter region of the lac operon, the 
repressor does not prevent initiation of transcription. 

(b) In the absence of lactose, no allolactose is formed. Thus, lac repressor binds near the lac 
operon promoter and prevents transcription. 

(c) When lactose is the sole carbon source, the lac operon is transcribed at the maximum 
rate. In the presence of allolactose, transcription is allowed since lac repressor does not 
bind to the promoter region of the lac operon. Also, in the absence of glucose, the tran- 
scription rate increases because cAMP production increases, making more CRP-cAMP 
available to bind to the promoter region of the lac operon. The absence of the repressor 
and the enhancement of transcription initiation by CRP-cAMP allow the cell to synthe- 
size the quantities of enzymes required to support growth when lactose is the only car- 
bon source. 

6. Since the wild-type lac promoter is relatively weak, maximal transcription requires the activa- 
tor CRP. The UV5 mutations alters the —10 region such that it now resembles the consensus 
— 10 sequence, making it a much stronger promoter. In the absence of the lac repressor, the 
promoter is independent of CRP. 

7. 32 P appears only at the 5' end of mRNA molecules that have ATP as the first residue. It does 
not appear in any other residues because pyrophosphate, which includes the (3 -phosphoryl 
group, is released when nucleoside triphosphates are added to the 3 ' end of a growing RNA 
chain (Figure 21.3). 

When the 5' end of mRNA is capped, only the y-phosphoryl group of the initial residue is 
removed when the cap forms. The (3 -phosphoryl group, which contains the label, is retained 
and receives the GMP group from GTP (Figure 21.26). 

8. The lack of proofreading activity in RNA polymerase makes the error rate of transcription 
greater than the error rate of DNA replication. However, the defective RNA molecules pro- 
duced are not likely to affect cell viability because most copies of RNA synthesized from a 
given gene are normal. In the case of defective mRNA, the number of defective proteins is 
only a small percentage of the total number of proteins synthesized. Also, mistakes made dur- 
ing transcription are quickly eliminated since most mRNA molecules have a short half-life. 

9. During maturation, eukaryotic mRNA precursors are modified at their 3' ends by the addi- 
tion of a poly A tail. When a mixture of components from a cell extract is passed over the col- 
umn, the poly A tail will hybridize with oligo dT on the column. The other components in the 
cell extract will pass through the column. The bound mature mRNA with the poly A tail is re- 
moved from the column by changing the pH or the ionic strength of the buffer. This will dis- 
rupt the hydrogen bonds between the A and T nucleotides. 

10. (a) A much lower concentration of rifampicin stopped the growth of the wild-type E. coli 

(<5 fig/ mL) as compared to the concentration of rifampicin that stopped the growth of 
the mutant (>50 fig/mL). 

(b) RNA polymerase consists of a core enzyme with a stoichiometry of a 2 /3l3 , (x) that partici- 
pates in many of the transcription reactions. The large (3 and [3 ' subunits make up the 
active site of the enzyme. 

(c) The rifampicin-resistant bacteria could arise from mutations that occur in the gene for 
the /3 subunit of RNA polymerase. 

11. Since either strand can serve as a template, two mRNA molecules can be transcribed from this 
DNA segment. When the bottom strand is the template, the mRNA sequence is complemen- 
tary to the bottom strand. 

5' 'VW' £ 
3 r 'vwr> Q 

c b a g 

G C T C 


mRNA 5' C y 

Direction of transcription ' 

C 'vw' 3 r 

Q 'VW' 



Chapter 22 SOLUTIONS 


When the top strand is the template, the mRNA sequence is complementary to the top 



Direction of transcription 


5' mRNA 

5 r / WV' £ 

3 r G 


c cgattctagactga t 

£ 'VW' 

Q 'va / vr 



12. A gene was defined as a DNA sequence that is transcribed. By this definition, the entire ribo- 
somal RNA operon is a gene. However, it is sometimes more convenient to restrict the term 
gene to the segment of RNA that encodes a functional product, for example, one of the enzymes 
encoded by the lac operon. The operon in Figure 21.25 therefore contains tRNA and 16S, 23S, 
and 5S rRNA genes. The DNA sequences between these genes, although transcribed, are not 
considered part of any gene. 

13. The genomic DNA sequence provides an accurate rendition of the primary RNA sequence as 
expected. However, sequencing a purified tRNA reveals that many of the nucleotides have 
been specifically modified post- transcriptionally. The same is true for eukaryotes. 

14. The gene for triose phosphate isomerase in maize contains about 3400 base pairs. If the 
spliceosome assembles at the first intron, then 2900 base pairs remain to be transcribed. The 
time required to transcribe 2900 base pairs is 97 seconds (2900 nucleotides 30 nucleotides 
per second) . If the spliceosome assembles immediately after transcription of the first intron, 
and if splicing cannot begin until transcription of the entire gene is complete, the spliceo- 
some must be stable for at least 97 seconds. 

15. The CRP-cAMP binding site probably overlaps the promoter of the gene. When CRP-cAMP 
binds, the promoter is blocked and transcription cannot occur. 

16. When the sequence of the 5' or 3' splice site or the branch point is altered by mutation, proper 
splicing cannot occur and no functional mRNA can be produced. 

17. Yes. Once the U2 snRNP binds to the branch site it will occlude the U5 snRNP from binding to 
the 3' splice acceptor and interfere with splicing. Furthermore, the deletion will have removed 
a large part of the pyrimidine stretch required for binding to the 3' splice site. Both of these 
will prevent proper mRNA processing and the aberrant RNA will not be properly translated. 

Chapter 22 Protein Synthesis 

1 . One strand of DNA has three different overlapping reading frames, therefore a double- stranded 
DNA has six reading frames. This can be seen by examining the DNA sequence beginning at the 
5' end of each strand and marking off the triplet codons. This identifies one reading frame on 
each strand. Now start at the second nucleotide in from the 5' ends and mark off triplet codons; 
that is reading frame 2. The third reading frame on each strand begins at the third nucleotide in 
from the 5 ' ends. The “fourth” reading frame is identical to the first — test this for yourself. 

Using similar logic, it follows that if the genetic code were read in codons four nucleotides 
in length, then one strand of DNA could be read in four different reading frames and 
therefore a double-stranded piece of DNA would contain eight reading frames (four on 
each strand). 

2. Each mRNA sequence could be translated in three different reading frames. For the first 
mRNA sequence, the possible codons and polypeptide sequences are 

Reading Frame 1 5' 

— Pro — Ala — Lys — lie stop 

Reading Frame 2 5 'waCCGGCUAAGAUCUGACUAGC^ 3' 
— Ala — Leu — Arg — Ser — Asp stop 

Reading Frame 3 5' 

— Gly STOP 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 22 

For the second mRNA sequence, the possible codons and polypeptide sequences are 

Reading Frame 1 
Reading Frame 2 
Reading Frame 3 

— Ala — Ser — Gin — lie — Leu — Ala — Gly — 

5' vw>g CLLA (TuC A~GA U~CU UA~G cTc~G 3' 
— Leu — Val — Arg — Ser stop 

5'^gc UAG UCA GA~U CLMJ AcTc CGG ^ 3' 

Since only a reading frame without a stop codon can encode a polypeptide, the second 
mRNA sequence corresponds to the actual transcript. The sequence of the encoded polypep- 
tide is -Ala-Ser-Gln-Ile-Leu-Ala-Gly- 

3. Two phosphoanhydride bonds are hydrolyzed for each amino acid activated by an aminoacyl- 
tRNA synthetase. 

Amino acid + tRNA + ATP > Aminoacyl - tRNA + AMP + PPj 

PPi + H 2 0 > 2 Pi 

The rest of the energy needed to synthesize the protein is provided by hydrolysis of GTP: one 
“high energy” bond is hydrolyzed in the formation of the 70S initiation complex, another 
during the insertion of each aminoacyl-tRNA into the A site of the ribosome, and another at 
each translocation step. Since the initial methionyl-tRNA is inserted into the P site, 599 new 
insertions and 599 translocations occur during the synthesis of a 600-residue protein. Finally, 
one phosphoanhydride bond is hydrolyzed during release of the completed polypeptide 
chain from the ribosome. The total number of phosphoanhydride bonds hydrolyzed during 
synthesis of the protein is 

Activation (600 X 2) 












4. The answer depends on your frame of reference. For example, relative to the ribosome, the 
mRNA and both tRNAs get translocated by one triplet codon. Relative to the mRNA, it is the 
ribosome that is shifted by three nucleotides. 

5. The region of the mRNA molecule upstream of the true initiation codon contains the purine- 
rich Shine-Dalgarno sequence, which is complementary to a pyrimidine- rich sequence at the 
3' end of the 16S rRNA component of the 30S ribosomal subunit (Figure 22.17). By cor- 
rectly positioning the 30S subunit on the mRNA transcript, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence 
allows fMct-tRNAf 1 ^ to bind to the initiation codon. Once protein synthesis begins, all sub- 
sequent methionine codons are recognized by Met-tRNA Met . 

6. No, because proper translation initiation in an E. coli cell requires a Shine-Dalgarno sequence 
located in the 5 ' untranslated region of the mRNA. Since eukaryotic ribosomes do not have 
this requirement, it is extremely unlikely that an mRNA from a plant would fortuitously con- 
tain a Shine-Dalgarno sequence in the proper location. 

If, however, the part of the gene encoding the plant mRNA were fused to a bacterial Shine- 
Dalgarno sequence, then the open reading frame for the plant protein would be properly 
translated in the bacterial cell. 

7. The transcript of each rRNA gene is an rRNA molecule that is directly incorporated into a ri- 
bosome. Thus, multiple copies of rRNA genes are needed to assemble the large number of 
ribosomes that the cell requires. In contrast, the transcript of each ribosomal protein gene is 
an mRNA that can be translated many times. Because of this amplification of RNA to protein, 
fewer genes are needed for each ribosomal protein than for rRNA. 

8. Possible suppressor tRNA species include all those that recognize codons differing from UAG 
by a single nucleotide, that is, tRNAs whose anticodons differ by a single nucleotide from the 
sequence CUA, which is complementary to the stop codon UAG. tRNA Gln , tRNA Lys , and 
tRNA Gln all recognize codons that differ only at the first position (codons CAG, AAG, and 
GAG, respectively). tRNA Leu , tRna Ser , and tRNA Trp recognize codons that differ only at the 
second position (UUG, UCG, and UGG, respectively). tRNA Tyr recognizes codons that differ 
only at the third position (UAU or UAC). 

Chapter 22 SOLUTIONS 


A cell that contains a suppressor tRNA can survive despite the loss of a normal tRNA because 
the cell also contains isoacceptor tRNA molecules that carry the same amino acid. Although 
the suppressor tRNA may occasionally insert an amino acid at a normally occurring stop 
codon, the resulting protein, which is larger than the normal gene product, is usually not 
lethal to the cell. In fact, strains of E. coli that contain suppressor tRNAs do survive but are 
often not as healthy as wild-type strains. 

9. (a) Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases — the enzymes that bind to tRNAs and catalyze aminoacy- 


(b) IF-2 in bacteria and eIF-2 in eukaryotes, a protein that binds to aminoacylated initiator- 
tRNA and loads it into the ribosome’s P site during translation initiation. 

(c) EF-Tu in bacteria and EF-la in eukaryotes — a protein that binds to charged tRNAs and 
loads them into the ribosome’s A site during polypeptide elongation. 

(d) Ribosomes. These large complexes of RNA and protein contain two sites that can bind 
specifically to tRNAs, the A site and the P site. 

(e) mRNA — tRNAs bind to mRNA through codon- anticodon hydrogen bonds. 

The enzymes that modify specific residues on individual tRNAs during the maturation 
process must also be able to bind to tRNAs. 

10. Under normal circumstances, when the translation machinery encounters UGA in RF-2 
mRNA, RF-2 recognizes the stop codon and terminates protein synthesis. When the cellular 
concentration of RF-2 is low, however, the ribosome pauses at the termination codon, shifts 
frame, and continues translating the RF-2 mRNA to produce the full-length functional pro- 
tein. Thus, the presence of the stop codon encourages translational frameshifting in the ab- 
sence of RF-2 and allows RF-2 to regulate its own production. 

11. (a) If the entire leader region were deleted, attenuation would not be possible, and transcrip- 

tion would be controlled exclusively by trp repressor. The overall rate of transcription of 
the trp operon would increase. 

(b) If the region encoding the leader peptide were deleted, transcription would be controlled 
exclusively by trp repressor. Deletion of the sequence encoding the leader peptide would 
remove Sequence 1, thus allowing the stable 2-3 hairpin to form. Since neither the pause 
site (1-2 hairpin) nor the terminator (3-4 hairpin) could form, initiated transcripts 
would always continue into the trp operon. 

(c) If the leader region did not contain an AUG codon, the operon would be rarely tran- 
scribed. Because of the absence of the initiation codon, the leader peptide would not be 
synthesized, and 1-2 hairpins and 3-4 hairpins would almost always form, leading to ter- 
mination of transcription. 

12. No, this is difficult to imagine. One of the important features of the attenuation model is that 
one or more codons in the leader peptide usually encode the amino acid that is synthesized by 
that operon. It is the relative shortage or abundance of particular aminoacylated tRNAs that 
modulates the attenuation. The products of the lac operon are not directly involved in amino 
acid biosynthesis, so we would not expect cellular levels of one class of aminoacylated tRNAs 
to vary with the activity of the operon. 

13. The presence of codons specifying valine and leucine in the leader regions of isoleucine oper- 
ons suggests that a scarcity of these amino acids would promote transcription of the genes for 
isoleucine biosynthesis. Many of the enzymes required to synthesize isoleucine are also re- 
quired in the pathways to valine and leucine (Section 18.5A). Thus, even when the isoleucine 
concentration is high, a low concentration of valine or leucine ensures that transcription of 
the isoleucine operon does not terminate prematurely. 

14. As the newly synthesized protein is extruded from the ribosome, the N-terminal signal 
peptide is recognized and bound by a signal-recognition particle (SRP). Further transla- 
tion is inhibited until the SRP binds to its receptor on the cytosolic face of the endoplas- 
mic reticulum. Ribophorins anchor the ribosome to the endoplasmic reticulum. When 
translation resumes, the polypeptide chain passes through a pore into the lumen. If the 
polypeptide does not pass completely through the membrane, the result is an integral 
membrane protein with its N-terminus in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and its 
C-terminus in the cytosol. 

Glycosylation of specific residues takes places in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and 
in the Golgi apparatus. The protein, still embedded in the membrane, is transported between 
the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus in transfer vesicles that bud off the endo- 
plasmic reticulum. 


SOLUTIONS Chapter 22 

Secretory vesicles transport the fully glycosylated protein from the Golgi apparatus to the 
plasma membrane. When the vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane, the N - terminal por- 
tion of the protein, which was in the lumen, is now exposed to the extracellular space, and the 
C-terminal portion remains in the cytosol. 

15. Yes. A hydrophobic secretion signal sequence located at the AT- terminus of a protein is neces- 
sary and sufficient for entry into the cells secretory pathway. 

16. The initiator tRNA anticodon pairs with GUG by forming a G/U base pair between the 5' 
nucleotide of the codon and the 3' position of the anticodon. 

3' 5' 

Initiator tRNA anticodon y A c 

mRNA codon 5' G U G 3' 

This interaction is unrelated to wobble since the 5' position of the anticodon is the wobble 

Glossary of Biochemical Terms 

A site. Aminoacyl site. The site on a ribo- 
some that is occupied during protein synthe- 
sis by an aminoacyl-tRNA molecule, 
acceptor stem. The sequence at the 5' end 
and the sequence near the 3' end of a tRNA 
molecule that are base paired, forming a stem. 
The acceptor stem is the site of amino acid at- 
tachment. Also known as the amino acid stem, 
accessory pigments. Pigments other than 
chlorophyll that are present in photosyn- 
thetic membranes. The accessory pigments 
include carotenoids and phycobilins. 
acid. A substance that can donate protons. An 
acid is converted to its conjugate base by loss 
of a proton. (The Lewis theory defines an acid 
as an electron-pair acceptor [Lewis acid].) 
acid anhydride. The product formed by 
condensation of two molecules of acid, 
acid dissociation constant (K a ). The equi- 
librium constant for the dissociation of a 
proton from an acid. 

acid-base catalysis. Catalysis in which the 
transfer of a proton accelerates a reaction. 
ACP. See acyl carrier protein, 
activation energy. The free energy required 
to promote reactants from the ground state 
to the transition state in a chemical reaction, 
activator. See transcriptional activator, 
active site. The portion of an enzyme that 
contains the substrate-binding site and the 
amino -acid residues involved in catalyzing 
the conversion of substrate(s) to product(s). 
Active sites are usually located in clefts be- 
tween domains or subunits of proteins or in 
indentations on the protein surface, 
active transport. The process by which a 
solute specifically binds to a transport pro- 
tein and is transported across a membrane 
against the solute concentration gradient. 
Energy is required to drive active transport. 
In primary active transport, the energy 
source may be light, ATP, or electron trans- 
port. Secondary active transport is driven by 
ion concentration gradients, 
acyl carrier protein (ACP). A protein (in 
prokaryotes) or a domain of a protein (in eu- 
karyotes) that binds activated intermediates 
of fatty acid synthesis via a thioester linkage, 
adipocyte. A triacylglycerol-storage cell found 
in animals. An adipocyte consists of a fat 
droplet surrounded by a thin shell of cytosol in 
which the nucleus and other organelles are 

adipose tissue. Animal tissue composed of 
specialized triacylglycerol-storage cells known 
as adipocytes. 

A-DNA. The conformation of DNA com- 
monly observed when purified DNA is dehy- 
drated. A-DNA is a right-handed double 
helix containing approximately 1 1 base pairs 
per turn. 

aerobic. Occurring in the presence of oxygen, 
affinity chromatography. A chromatographic 
technique used to separate a mixture of pro- 
teins or other macromolecules in solution 
based on specific binding to a ligand that is 
covalently attached to the chromatographic 

affinity labeling. A process by which an en- 
zyme (or other macromolecule) is covalently 
inhibited by a reaction with a molecule that 
specifically interacts with the active site (or 
other binding site) . 

aldoses. A class of monosaccharides in 
which the most oxidized carbon atom, desig- 
nated C-l, is aldehydic. 
allosteric effector. See allosteric modulator, 
allosteric interaction. The modulation of 
activity of a protein that occurs when a mole- 
cule binds to the regulatory site of the protein, 
allosteric modulator. A biomolecule that 
binds to the regulatory site of an allosteric 
protein and thereby modulates its activity. An 
allosteric modulator may be an activator or an 
inhibitor. Also known as an allosteric effector, 
allosteric protein. A protein whose activity is 
modulated by the binding of another molecule, 
allosteric site. See regulatory site, 
allosteric transitions. The changes in con- 
formation of a protein between the active (R) 
state and the inactive (T) state. 
a helix. A common secondary structure of 
proteins, in which the carbonyl oxygen of 
each amino acid residue (residue n) forms a 
hydrogen bond with the amide hydrogen of 
the fourth residue further toward the C-ter- 
minus of the polypeptide chain (residue 
n + 4). In an ideal right-handed a helix, 
equivalent positions recur every 0.54 nm, 
each amino acid residue advances the helix by 
0.15 nm along the long axis of the helix, and 
there are 3.6 amino acid residues per turn, 
ammo acid. An organic acid consisting of an 
a - carbon atom to which an amino group, a 
carboxylate group, a hydrogen atom, and a spe- 
cific side chain (R group) are attached. Amino 
acids are the building blocks of proteins, 
amino acid analysis. A chromatographic 
procedure used for the separation and quan- 
titation of amino acids in solutions such as 
protein hydrolysates, 
amino terminus. See N-terminus. 
aminoacyl site. See A site 

aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. An enzyme 
that catalyzes the activation and attachment 
of a specific amino acid to the 3' end of a cor- 
responding tRNA molecule, 
amphibolic reaction. A metabolic reaction 
that can be both catabolic and anabolic, 
amphipathic. Describes a molecule that has 
both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions, 
amyloplast. Modified chloroplasts that spe- 
cialize in starch synthesis, 
anabolic reaction. A metabolic reaction that 
synthesizes a molecule needed for cell main- 
tenance and growth. 

anaplerotic reaction. A reaction that re- 
plenishes metabolites removed from a central 
metabolic pathway (cf. cataplerotic). 
angstrom (A). A unit of length equal to 
1 X 10 -10 m, or 0.1 nm. 
anion. An ion with an overall negative charge, 
anode. A positively charged electrode. In elec- 
trophoresis, anions move toward the anode, 
anomeric carbon. The most oxidized car- 
bon atom of a cyclized monosaccharide. The 
anomeric carbon has the chemical reactivity 
of a carbonyl group. 

anomers. Isomers of a sugar molecule that 
have different configurations only at the 
anomeric carbon atom, 
antenna pigments. Light- absorbing pig- 
ments associated with the reaction center of a 
photosystem. These pigments may form a 
separate antenna complex or may be bound 
directly to the reaction- center proteins, 
antibiotic. A compound, produced by one 
organism, that is toxic to other organisms. 
Clinically useful antibiotics must be specific 
for pathogens and not affect the human host, 
antibody. A glycoprotein synthesized by cer- 
tain white blood cells as part of the immuno- 
logical defense system. Antibodies specifically 
bind to foreign compounds, called antigens, 
forming antibody- antigen complexes that 
mark the antigen for destruction. Also 
known as an immunoglobulin, 
anticodon. A sequence of three nucleotides 
in the anticodon loop of a tRNA molecule. 
The anticodon binds to the complementary 
codon in mRNA during translation, 
anticodon arm. The stem-and-loop struc- 
ture in a tRNA molecule that contains the 

antigen. A molecule or part of a molecule 
that is specifically bound by an antibody, 
antiport. The cotransport of two different 
species of ions or molecules in opposite direc- 
tions across a membrane by a transport protein. 



antisense strand. In double- stranded DNA 
the antisense strand is the strand that does 
not contain codons. Also called the template 
strand. The opposite strand is called the sense 
strand or the coding strand, 
antisense RNA. An RNA molecule that 
binds to a complementary mRNA molecule, 
forming a double- stranded region that in- 
hibits translation of the mRNA. 
apoprotein. A protein whose cofactor(s) is 
absent. Without the cofactor(s), the apopro- 
tein lacks the biological activity characteristic 
of the corresponding holoprotein. 
apoptosis. The programed death of a cell, 
atomic mass unit. The unit of atomic 
weight equal to l/12th the mass of the 12 C 
isotope of carbon. The mass of the 12 C nu- 
clide is exactly 12 by definition, 
attenuation. A mechanism of regulation of 
gene expression that couples translation and 
transcription. Generally, the translation of a 
short reading frame at the beginning of a 
prokaryotic operon will determine whether 
transcription terminates before the rest of the 
operon is transcribed. 

autophosphorylation. Phosphorylation of a 
protein kinase catalyzed by another molecule 
of the same kinase. 

autosome. A chromosome other than a sex 

autotroph. An organism that can grow and 
reproduce using only inorganic substances 
(such as C0 2 ) as its only source of essential 

backbone. 1 . The repeating N — C a — C 
units connected by peptide bonds in a 
polypeptide chain. 2. The repeating sugar- 
phosphate units connected by phosphodi- 
ester linkages in a nucleic acid, 
bacteriophage. A virus that infects a bacter- 
ial cell. 

base. 1 . A substance that can accept protons. 
A base is converted to its conjugate acid by ad- 
dition of a proton. (The Lewis theory defines 
a base as an electron-pair donor [Lewis 
base].) 2. The substituted pyrimidine or 
purine of a nucleoside or nucleotide. The het- 
erocyclic bases of nucleosides and nucleotides 
can participate in hydrogen bonding, 
base pairing. The interaction between the 
bases of nucleotides in single-stranded nucleic 
acids to form double-stranded molecules, 
such as DNA, or regions of double-stranded 
secondary structure. The most common base 
pairs are formed by hydrogen bonding of 
adenine (A) with thymine (T) or uracil (U) 
and of guanine (G) with cytosine (C). 
B-DNA. The most common conformation 
of DNA and the one proposed by Watson and 
Crick. B-DNA is a right-handed double helix 
with a diameter of 2.37 nm and approximately 
10.4 base pairs per turn. 

P -oxidation pathway. The metabolic path- 
way that degrades fatty acids to acetyl CoA, 
producing NADH and QH 2 and thereby gen- 
erating large amounts of ATR Each round of 

P -oxidation of fatty acids consists of four 
steps: oxidation, hydration, further oxida- 
tion, and thiolysis. 
p pleated sheet. See p sheet. 

P sheet. A common secondary structure of 
proteins that consists of extended polypep- 
tide chains stabilized by hydrogen bonds be- 
tween the carbonyl oxygen of one peptide 
bond and the amide hydrogen of another on 
the same or an adjacent polypeptide chain. 
The hydrogen bonds are nearly perpendicu- 
lar to the extended polypeptide chains, which 
may be either parallel (running in the same 
N- to C-terminal direction) or antiparallel 
(running in opposite directions). 

P strand. An extended polypeptide chain 
within a P sheet secondary structure or hav- 
ing the same conformation as a strand within 
a P sheet. 

P turn. See turn. 

bile. A suspension of bile salts, bile pigments, 
and cholesterol that originates in the liver and 
is stored in the gall bladder. Bile is secreted 
into the small intestine during digestion, 
binding-change mechanism. A proposed 
mechanism for the phosphorylation of ADP 
and release of ATP from FqF! ATP synthase. 
The mechanism proposes three different 
binding- site conformations for ATP syn- 
thase: an open site from which ATP has been 
released, an ATP-bearing tight-binding site 
that is catalytically active, and an ADP and Pj 
loose-binding site that is catalytically inac- 
tive. Inward passage of protons through the 
ATP synthase complex into the mitochondri- 
al matrix causes the open site to become a 
loose site; the loose site, already filled with 
ADP and Pj, to become a tight site; and the 
ATP-bearing site to become an open site, 
bioenergetics. The study of energy changes 
in biological systems, 
biological membrane. See membrane, 
biopolymer. A biological macromolecule in 
which many identical or similar small mole- 
cules are covalently linked to one another to 
form a long chain. Proteins, polysaccharides, 
and nucleic acids are biopolymers. 

Bohr effect. The phenomenon observed when 
exposure to carbon dioxide, which lowers the 
pH inside the cells, causes the oxygen affinity of 
hemoglobin in red blood cells to decrease, 
branch migration. The movement of a 
crossover, or branch point, resulting in fur- 
ther exchange of DNA strands during recom- 

branch site. The point within an intron that 
becomes attached to the 5' end of the intron 
during splicing of mRNA precursors, 
buffer. A solution of an acid and its conju- 
gate base that resists changes in pH. 
buffer capacity. The ability of a solution to 
resist changes in pH. For a given buffer, max- 
imum buffer capacity is achieved at the pH at 
which the concentrations of the weak acid 
and its conjugate base are equal (i.e., when 
pH = pKa). 

C 4 pathway. A pathway for carbon fixation 
in several plant species that minimizes pho- 
torespiration by concentrating C0 2 . In this 
pathway, C0 2 is incorporated into C 4 acids in 
the mesophyll cells, and the C 4 acids are de- 
carboxylated in the bundle sheath cells, re- 
leasing C0 2 for use by the reductive pentose 
phosphate cycle. 

calorie (cal). The amount of energy re- 
quired to raise the temperature of 1 gram of 
water by 1°C (from 14.5°C to 15.5°C). One 
calorie is equal to 4.184 J. 

Calvin cycle. A cycle of reactions that in- 
volve the fixation of carbon dioxide and the 
net production of glyceraldehyde-3-phos- 
phate. Usually associated with photosynthe- 
sis. Also known as the Calvin-Benson cycle, 
the C3 pathway, and the reductive pentose 
phosphate (RPP) cycle. 

Calvin-Benson cycle. See Calvin cycle. 

CAM. See Crassulacean acid metabolism, 
cap. A 7-methylguanosine residue attached 
by a pyrophosphate linkage to the 5' end of a 
eukaryotic mRNA molecule. The cap is added 
posttranscriptionally and is required for effi- 
cient translation. Further covalent modifica- 
tions yield alternative cap structures, 
carbanion. A carbon anion that results from 
the cleavage of a covalent bond between car- 
bon and another atom in which both electrons 
from the bond remain with the carbon atom, 
carbocation. A carbon cation that results 
from the cleavage of a covalent bond between 
carbon and another atom in which the car- 
bon atom loses both electrons from the bond, 
carbohydrate. Loosely defined as a com- 
pound that is a hydrate of carbon in which the 
ratio of C:H:0 is 1:2:1. Carbohydrates include 
monomeric sugars (i.e., monosaccharides) and 
their polymers. Also known as a saccharide, 
carboxyl terminus. See C-terminus. 
carnitine shuttle system. A cyclic pathway 
that shuttles acetyl CoA from the cytosol to 
the mitochondria by formation and trans- 
port of acyl carnitine. 

cascade. Sequential activation of several 
components, resulting in signal amplification, 
catabolic reaction. A metabolic reaction 
that degrades a molecule to provide smaller 
molecular building blocks and energy to an 

catabolite repression. A regulatory mecha- 
nism that results in increased rates of tran- 
scription of many bacterial genes and 
operons when glucose is present. A complex 
between cAMP and cAMP regulatory protein 
(CRP) activates transcription, 
catalytic antibodies. Antibody molecules 
that have been genetically manipulated so that 
they catalyze reactions involving the antigen, 
catalytic center. The polar amino acids in 
the active site of an enzyme that participate 
in chemical changes during catalysis, 
catalytic constant (k cat ). A kinetic constant 
that is a measure of how rapidly an enzyme 
can catalyze a reaction when saturated with its 


substrate(s). The catalytic constant is equal to 
the maximum velocity ( V max ) divided by the 
total concentration of enzyme ([E] tota i), or 
the number of moles of substrate converted 
to product per mole of enzyme active sites per 
second, under saturating conditions. Also 
known as the turnover number, 
catalytic proficiency. The ratio of the rate 
constants for a reaction in the presence of en- 
zyme (k cat /K m ) to the rate constant for the 
chemical reaction in the absence of enzyme, 
cataplerotic reaction. A reaction that re- 
moves intermediates in a pathway, especially 
the citric acid cycle (cf., anaplerotic) . 
cathode. A negatively charged electrode. In 
electrophoresis, cations move toward the 

cation. An ion with an overall positive charge. 
cDNA. See complementary DNA. 

Central Dogma. The concept that the flow 
of information from nucleic acid to protein is 
irreversible. The term is often applied incor- 
rectly to the actual pathway of information 
flow from DNA to RNA to protein, 
ceramide. A molecule that consists of a fatty 
acid linked to the C-2 amino group of sphin- 
gosine by an amide bond. Ceramides are the 
metabolic precursors of all sphingolipids. 
cerebroside. A glycosphingolipid that con- 
tains one monosaccharide residue attached via 
a /3-glycosidic linkage to C-l of a ceramide. 
Cerebrosides are abundant in nerve tissue and 
are found in myelin sheaths, 
channel. An integral membrane protein 
with a central aqueous passage, which allows 
appropriately sized molecules and ions to 
traverse the membrane in either direction. 
Also known as a pore, 
channeling. See metabolite channeling, 
chaotropic agent. A substance that enhances 
the solubility of nonpolar compounds in 
water by disrupting regularities in hydrogen 
bonding among water molecules. Concen- 
trated solutions of chaotropic agents, such as 
urea and guanidinium salts, decrease the hy- 
drophobic effect and are thus effective pro- 
tein denaturants. 

chaperone. A protein that forms complexes 
with newly synthesized polypeptide chains 
and assists in their correct folding into bio- 
logically functional conformations. Chaper- 
ones may also prevent the formation of 
incorrectly folded intermediates, prevent in- 
correct aggregation of unassembled protein 
subunits, assist in translocation of polypep- 
tide chains across membranes, and assist in 
the assembly and disassembly of large multi- 
protein structures. 

charge-charge interaction. A noncovalent 
electrostatic interaction between two charged 

chelate effect. The phenomenon by which the 
constant for binding of a ligand having two or 
more binding sites to a molecule or atom is 
greater than the constant for binding of sepa- 
rate ligands to the same molecule or atom. 

chemiosmotic theory. A theory proposing 
that a proton concentration gradient estab- 
lished during oxidation of substrates pro- 
vides the energy to drive processes such as the 
formation of ATP from ADP and Pj. 
chemoautotroph. An autotroph that derives 
chemical energy by oxidizing inorganic com- 
pounds (cf., photoautotroph), 
chemoheterotroph. Non-photosynthetic 
organism that requires organic molecules as a 
carbon source and derives energy from oxi- 
dizing organic molecules, 
chemotaxis. A mechanism that couples sig- 
nal transduction to flagella movement in 
bacteria causing them to move toward a 
chemical (positive chemotaxis) or away from 
a chemical (negative chemotaxis). 
chiral atom. An atom with asymmetric sub- 
stitution that can exist in two different con- 

chloroplast. A chlorophyll- containing or- 
ganelle in algae and plant cells that is the site 
of photosynthesis. 

chromatin. A DNA-protein complex in the 
nuclei of eukaryotic cells, 
chromatography. A technique used to sepa- 
rate components of a mixture based on their 
partitioning between a mobile phase, which 
can be gas or liquid, and a stationary phase, 
which is a liquid or solid, 
chromosome. A single DNA molecule con- 
taining many genes. An organism may have a 
genome consisting of a single chromosome 
or many. 

chylomicron. A type of plasma lipoprotein 
that transports triacylglycerols, cholesterol, 
and cholesteryl esters from the small intestine 
to the tissues. 

citric acid cycle. A metabolic cycle consist- 
ing of eight enzyme- catalyzed reactions that 
completely oxidizes acetyl units to C0 2 . The 
energy released in the oxidation reactions is 
conserved as reducing power when the coen- 
zymes NAD 1 and ubiquinone (Q) are re- 
duced. Oxidation of one molecule of acetyl 
CoA by the citric acid cycle generates three 
molecules of NADH, one molecule of QH 2 , 
and one molecule of GTP or ATP. Also 
known as the Krebs cycle and the tricar- 
boxylic acid cycle. 

clone. One of the identical copies derived 
from the replication or reproduction of a sin- 
gle molecule, cell, or organism, 
cloning. The generation of many identical 
copies of a molecule, cell, or organism. 
Cloning sometimes refers to the entire 
process of constructing and propagating a re- 
combinant DNA molecule, 
cloning vector. A DNA molecule that carries 
a segment of foreign DNA. A cloning vector 
introduces the foreign DNA into a cell where 
it can be replicated and sometimes expressed, 
coding strand. The strand of DNA within a 
gene whose nucleotide sequence is identical 
to that of the RNA produced by transcription 
(with the replacement of T by U in RNA). 

codon. A sequence of three nucleotide 
residues in mRNA (or DNA) that specifies a 
particular amino acid according to the ge- 
netic code. 

coenzyme. An organic molecule required by 
an enzyme for full activity. Coenzymes can be 
further classified as cosubstrates or prosthetic 

coenzyme A. A large coenyme used in trans- 
ferring acyl groups. 

cofactor. An inorganic ion or organic mole- 
cule required by an apoenzyme to convert it 
to a holoenzyme. There are two types of co- 
factors: essential ions and coenzymes, 
column chromatography. A technique for 
purifying proteins. See affinity chromatog- 
raphy, gel-filtration chromatography, ion- 
exchange chromatography, HPLC, and affinity 

competitive inhibition. Reversible inhibi- 
tion of an enzyme- catalyzed reaction by an 
inhibitor that prevents substrate binding, 
complementary DNA (cDNA). DNA syn- 
thesized from an mRNA template by the ac- 
tion of reverse transcriptase, 
concerted theory of cooperativity and al- 
losteric regulation. A model of the coopera- 
tive binding of ligands to oligomeric 
proteins. According to the concerted theory, 
the change in conformation of a protein due 
to the binding of a substrate or an allosteric 
modulator shifts the equilibrium of the con- 
formation of the protein between T (a low 
substrate- affinity conformation) and R (a 
high substrate-affinity conformation). This 
theory suggests that all subunits of the pro- 
tein have the same conformation, either all T 
or all R. Also known as the symmetry- driven 

condensation. A reaction involving the join- 
ing of two or more molecules accompanied 
by the elimination of water, alcohol, or other 
simple substance. 

configuration. A spatial arrangement of 
atoms that cannot be altered without break- 
ing and re-forming covalent bonds, 
conformation. Any three-dimensional struc- 
ture, or spatial arrangement, of a molecule 
that results from rotation of functional groups 
around single bonds. Because there is free ro- 
tation around single bonds, a molecule can 
potentially assume many conformations, 
conjugate acid. The product resulting from 
the gain of a proton by a base, 
conjugate base. The product resulting from 
the loss of a proton by an acid, 
consensus sequence. The sequence of nu- 
cleotides most commonly found at each posi- 
tion within a region of DNA or RNA. 
cooperativity. 1 . The phenomenon whereby 
the binding of one ligand or substrate mole- 
cule to a protein influences the affinity of the 
protein for additional molecules of the same 
substance. Cooperativity may be positive or 
negative. 2. The phenomenon whereby formation 


of structure in one part of a macromolecule 
promotes the formation of structure in the 
rest of the molecule. 

core particle. See nucleosome core particle, 
corepressor. A ligand that binds to a repres- 
sor of a gene causing it to bind DNA and pre- 
vent transcription. 

Cori cycle. An interorgan metabolic loop that 
recycles carbon and transports energy from 
the liver to the peripheral tissues. Glucose is 
released from the liver and metabolized to 
produce ATP in other tissues. The resulting 
lactate is then returned to the liver for conver- 
sion back to glucose by gluconeogenesis. 
cosubstrate. A coenzyme that is a substrate 
in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. A cosub- 
strate is altered during the course of the reac- 
tion and dissociates from the active site of the 
enzyme. The original form of the cosubstrate 
can be regenerated in a subsequent enzyme- 
catalyzed reaction. 

cotransport. The coupled transport of two 
different species of solutes across a mem- 
brane, in the same direction (symport) or the 
opposite direction (antiport), carried out by 
a transport protein. 

coupled reactions. Two metabolic reactions 
that share a common intermediate, 
covalent catalysis. Catalysis in which one 
substrate, or part of it, forms a covalent bond 
with the catalyst and then is transferred to a 
second substrate. Many enzymatic group- 
transfer reactions proceed by covalent catalysis. 
Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). A 
modified sequence of carbon-assimilation 
reactions used primarily by plants in arid en- 
vironments to reduce water loss during pho- 
tosynthesis. In these reactions, C0 2 is taken 
up at night, resulting in the formation of 
malate. During the day, malate is decarboxy- 
lated, releasing C0 2 for use by the reductive 
pentose phosphate cycle. 

C-terminus. The amino acid residue bearing 
a free carboxyl group at one end of a peptide 
chain. Also known as the carboxyl terminus, 
cyclic electron transport. A modified se- 
quence of electron transport steps in chloro- 
plasts that operates to provide ATP without 
the simultaneous formation of NADPH. 
cytoplasm. The part of a cell enclosed by the 
plasma membrane, excluding the nucleus, 
cytoskeleton. A network of proteins that 
contributes to the structure and organization 
of a eukaryotic cell. 

cytosol. The aqueous portion of the cyto- 
plasm minus the subcellular structures. 

D arm. The stem-and-loop structure in a 
tRNA molecule that contains dihydrouridy- 
late (d) residues. 

dalton. A unit of mass equal to one atomic 
mass unit. 

dark reactions. The photosynthetic reac- 
tions in which NADPH and ATP are used to 
fix C0 2 to carbohydrate. Also known as the 
light-independent reactions. 

degeneracy. When referring to the genetic 
code, degeneracy refers to the fact that several 
different codons specify the same amino acid, 
dehydrogenase. An enzyme that catalyzes 
the removal of hydrogen from a substrate or 
the oxidation of a substrate. Dehydrogenases 
are members of the IUBMB class of enzymes 
known as oxidoreductases. 
denaturation. 1 . A disruption in the native 
conformation of a biological macromolecule 
that results in loss of the biological activity of 
the macromolecule. 2. The complete un- 
winding and separation of complementary 
strands of DNA. 

detergent. An amphipathic molecule consist- 
ing of a hydrophobic portion and a hydrophilic 
end that may be ionic or polar. Detergent mol- 
ecules can aggregate in aqueous media to form 
micelles. Also known as a surfactant, 
dialysis. A procedure in which low-molecu- 
lar- weight solutes in a sample are removed by 
diffusion through a semipermeable barrier 
and replaced by solutes from the surrounding 

diffusion controlled reaction. A reaction that 
occurs with every collision between reactant 
molecules. In enzyme-catalyzed reactions, 
the k CSLt /K m ratio approaches a value of 
10 8 - 10 9 M _1 s _1 . 

diploid. Having two sets of chromosomes or 
two copies of the genome, 
dipole. Two equal but opposite charges, sep- 
arated in space, resulting from the uneven 
distribution of charge within a molecule or a 
chemical bond. 

direct repair. The removal of DNA damage by 
proteins that recognize damaged nucleotides 
and mismatched bases and repair them with- 
out cleaving the DNA or excising the base, 
distributive enzyme. An enzyme that dissoci- 
ates from its growing polymeric product after 
addition of each monomeric unit and must re- 
associate with the polymer for polymerization 
to proceed (c£, progressive enzyme), 
disulfide bond. A covalent linkage formed 
by oxidation of the sulfhydryl groups of two 
cysteine residues. Disulfide bonds are impor- 
tant in stabilizing the three-dimensional 
structures of some proteins, 
domain. A discrete, independent folding 
unit within the tertiary structure of a protein. 
Domains are usually combinations of several 
motifs forming a characteristic fold. 

double helix. A nucleic acid conformation 
in which two antiparallel polynucleotide 
strands wrap around each other to form a 
two- stranded helical structure stabilized 
largely by stacking interactions between adja- 
cent hydrogen-bonded base pairs. 

double-reciprocal plot. A plot of the recip- 
rocal of initial velocity versus the reciprocal 
of substrate concentration for an enzyme- 
catalyzed reaction. The x and y intercepts 
indicate the values of the reciprocals of the 
Michaelis constant and the maximum velocity, 

respectively. A double-reciprocal plot is a lin- 
ear transformation of the Michaelis-Menten 
equation. Also known as a Lineweaver- 
Burk plot. 

E. See reduction potential. 

E or . See standard reduction potential. 

E site. Exit site. The site on a ribosome from 
which a deaminoacylated tRNA is released 
during protein synthesis. 

Edman degradation. A procedure used to 
determine the sequence of amino acid 
residues from a free N-terminus of a 
polypeptide chain. The N - terminal residue is 
chemically modified, cleaved from the chain, 
and identified by chromatographic proce- 
dures, and the rest of the polypeptide is 
recovered. Multiple reaction cycles allow 
identification of the new N-terminal residue 
generated by each cleavage step, 
effector enzyme. A membrane-associated 
protein that produces an intracellular second 
messenger in response to a signal from a 

eicosanoid. An oxygenated derivative of a 
20-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acid. 
Eicosanoids function as short-range messen- 
gers in the regulation of various physiological 

electromotive force (emf). A measure of the 
difference between the reduction potentials 
of the reactions on the two sides of an elec- 
trochemical cell (i.e., the voltage difference 
produced by the reactions) . 
electrolyte. A molecule such as NaCl that 
can dissociated to form ions. 

electron transport. A set of reactions in 
which compounds such as NADH and re- 
duced ubiquinone (QH 2 ) are aerobically oxi- 
dized and ATP is generated from ADP and Pj. 
Membrane- associated electron transport 
consists of two tightly coupled phenomena: 
oxidation of substrates by the respiratory 
electron transport chain, accompanied by the 
translocation of protons across the inner mi- 
tochondrial membrane to generate a proton 
concentration gradient; and formation of 
ATP, driven by the flux of protons into the 
matrix through a channel in ATP synthase. 

electrophile. A positively charged or electron- 
deficient species that is attracted to chemical 
species that are negatively charged or contain 
unshared electron pairs (nucleophiles). 

electrophoresis. A technique used to sepa- 
rate molecules by their migration in an elec- 
tric field, primarily on the basis of their net 

electrospray mass spectrometry. A tech- 
nique in mass spectrometry where the target 
molecule is sprayed into the detector in tiny 

electrostatic interaction. A general term for 
the electronic interaction between particles. 
Electrostatic interactions include charge- 
charge interactions, hydrogen bonds, and van 
der Waals forces. 


elongation factor. A protein that is involved 
in extending the peptide chain during pro- 
tein synthesis. 

enantiomers. Stereoisomers that are non- 
superimposable mirror images, 
endocytosis. The process by which matter is 
engulfed by a plasma membrane and brought 
into the cell within a lipid vesicle derived 
from the membrane. 

endonuclease. An enzyme that catalyzes the 
hydrolysis of phosphodiester linkages at vari- 
ous sites within polynucleotide chains, 
endoplasmic reticulum. A membranous 
network of tubules and sheets continuous 
with the outer nuclear membrane of eukary- 
otic cells. Regions of the endoplasmic reticu- 
lum coated with ribosomes are called the 
rough endoplasmic reticulum; regions hav- 
ing no attached ribosomes are known as the 
smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The endo- 
plasmic reticulum is involved in the sorting 
and transport of certain proteins and in the 
synthesis of lipids. 

endosomes. Smooth vesicles inside the cell 
that are receptacles for endocytosed material, 
energy-rich compound. A compound whose 
hydrolysis occurs with a large negative free- 
energy change (equal to or greater than that 
for ATP — » ADP + PJ. 

enthalpy (H). A thermodynamic state func- 
tion that describes the heat content of a system, 
entropy (S). A thermodynamic state func- 
tion that describes the randomness or disor- 
der of a system. 

enzymatic reaction. A reaction catalyzed by 
a biological catalyst, an enzyme. Enzymatic 
reactions are 10 3 to 10 17 times faster than the 
corresponding uncatalyzed reactions, 
enzyme. A biological catalyst, almost always 
a protein. Some enzymes may require addi- 
tional cofactors for activity. Virtually all bio- 
chemical reactions are catalyzed by specific 

enzyme assay. A method used to analyze the 
activity of a sample of an enzyme. Typically, 
enzymatic activity is measured under selected 
conditions such that the rate of conversion of 
substrate to product is proportional to en- 
zyme concentration. 

enzyme inhibitor. A compound that binds 
to an enzyme and interferes with its activity 
by preventing either the formation of the ES 
complex or its conversion to E + P. 
enzyme-substrate complex (ES). A complex 
formed when substrate molecules bind non- 
covalently within the active site of an 

epimers. Isomers that differ in configuration 
at only one of several chiral centers, 
equilibrium. The state of a system in which 
the rate of conversion of substrate to product 
is equal to the rate of conversion of product 
to substrate. The free-energy change for a re- 
action or system at equilibrium is zero. 

equilibrium constant (K e q ). The ratio of the 
concentrations of products to the concentra- 
tions of reactants at equilibrium. The equi- 
librium constant is related to the standard 
Gibbs free energy change of reaction, 
essential amino acid. An amino acid that 
cannot be synthesized by an animal and must 
be obtained in the diet, 
essential fatty acid. A fatty acid that cannot 
be synthesized by an animal and must be ob- 
tained in the diet. 

essential ion. An ion required as a cofactor 
for the catalytic activity of certain enzymes. 
Some essential ions, called activator ions, are 
reversibly bound to enzymes and often par- 
ticipate in the binding of substrates, whereas 
tightly bound metal ions frequently partici- 
pate directly in catalytic reactions, 
eukaryote. An organism whose cells gener- 
ally possess a nucleus and internal mem- 
branes (cf., prokaryote), 
excision repair. The reversal of DNA dam- 
age by excision- repair endonucleases. Gross 
lesions that alter the structure of the DNA 
helix are repaired by cleavage on each side of 
the lesion and removal of the damaged DNA. 
The resulting single- stranded gap is filled by 
DNA polymerase and sealed by DNA ligase. 
exocytosis. The process by which material 
destined for secretion from a cell is enclosed 
in lipid vesicles that are transported to and 
fuse with the plasma membrane, releasing 
the material into the extracellular space, 
exon. A nucleotide sequence that is present 
in the primary RNA transcript and in the 
mature RNA molecule. The term exon also 
refers to the region of the gene that corre- 
sponds to a sequence present in the mature 
RNA (cf., intron). 

exonuclease. An enzyme that catalyzes the 
sequential hydrolysis of phosphodiester link- 
ages from one end of a polynucleotide chain, 
extrinsic membrane protein. See peripheral 
membrane protein. 

facilitated diffusion. See passive transport, 
facultative anaerobe. An organism that can 
survive in the presence or absence of oxygen, 
fatty acid. A long chain aliphatic hydrocar- 
bon with a single carboxyl group at one end. 
Fatty acids are the simplest type of lipid and 
are components of many more complex 
lipids, including triacylglycerols, glycerophos- 
pholipids, sphingolipids, and waxes, 
feedback inhibition. Inhibition of an en- 
zyme that catalyzes an early step in a meta- 
bolic pathway by an end product of the same 

feed-forward activation. Activation of an 
enzyme in a metabolic pathway by a metabo- 
lite produced earlier in the pathway, 
fermentation. The anaerobic catabolism of 
metabolites for energy production. In alco- 
holic fermentation, pyruvate is converted to 
ethanol and carbon dioxide. 

fibrous proteins. A major class of water-in- 
soluble proteins that associate to form long 
fibers. Many fibrous proteins are physically 
tough and provide mechanical support to in- 
dividual cells or entire organisms, 
first-order reaction. A reaction whose rate 
is directly proportional to the concentration 
of only one reactant. 

Fischer projection. A two-dimensional rep- 
resentation of the three-dimensional struc- 
tures of sugars and related compounds. In a 
Fischer projection, the carbon skeleton is 
drawn vertically, with C- 1 at the top. At a chi- 
ral center, horizontal bonds extend toward 
the viewer and vertical bonds extend away 
from the viewer. 

fluid mosaic model. A model proposed for 
the structure of biological membranes. In 
this model, the membrane is depicted as a dy- 
namic structure in which lipids and mem- 
brane proteins (both integral and peripheral) 
rotate and undergo lateral diffusion, 
fluorescence. A form of luminescence in 
which visible radiation is emitted from a 
molecule as it passes from a higher to a lower 
electronic state. 

flux. The flow of material through a meta- 
bolic pathway. Flux depends on the supply of 
substrates, the removal of products, and the 
catalytic capabilities of the enzymes involved 
in the pathway. 

fold. A combination of secondary structures 
that form the core of a protein domain. Many 
different folds have been characterized, 
frameshift mutation. An alteration in DNA 
caused by the insertion or deletion of a num- 
ber of nucleotides not divisible by three. A 
frameshift mutation changes the reading 
frame of the corresponding mRNA molecule 
and affects translation of all codons down- 
stream of the mutation, 
free energy change. See Gibbs free energy 

free radical. A molecule or atom with an 
unpaired electron. 

furanose. A monosaccharide structure that 
forms a five-membered ring as a result of in- 
tramolecular hemiacetal formation. 

G protein. A protein that binds guanine nu- 

AG. Sec Gibbs free energy change. 

A G ° ' . See standard Gibbs free energy change, 
ganglioside. A glycosphingolipid in which 
oligosaccharide chains containing AT-acetyl- 
neuraminic acid are attached to a ceramide. 
Gangliosides are present on cell surfaces and 
provide cells with distinguishing surface 
markers that may serve in cellular recogni- 
tion and cell-to-cell communication, 
gas chromatography. A chromatographic 
technique used to separate components of a 
mixture based on their partitioning between 
the gas phase and a stationary phase, which 
can be a liquid or solid. 


gel-filtration chromatography. A chromato- 
graphic technique used to separate a mixture 
of proteins or other macromolecules in solu- 
tion based on molecular size, using a matrix of 
porous beads. Also known as molecular- exclu- 
sion chromatography. 

gene. Loosely defined as a segment of DNA 
that is transcribed. In some cases, the term 
gene may also be used to refer to a segment of 
DNA that encodes a functional protein or 
corresponds to a mature RNA molecule, 
genetic code. The correspondence between 
a particular three nucleotide codon and the 
amino acid it specifies. The standard genetic 
code of 64 codons is used by almost all or- 
ganisms. The genetic code is used to translate 
the sequence of nucleotides in mRNA into 

genetic recombination. The exchange or 
transfer of DNA from one molecule of DNA 
to another (cf., homologous recombination), 
genome. One complete set of the genetic in- 
formation in an organism. It may be a single 
chromosome or a set of chromosomes (hap- 
loid). Mitochondria and chloroplasts have 
genomes separate from that in the nucleus of 
eukaryotic cells. 

Gibbs free energy change (AG). A thermo- 
dynamic quantity that defines the equilib- 
rium condition in terms of the changes in 
enthalpy ( H ) and entropy (S) of a system at 
constant pressure. AG = A H — TAS, where 
T is absolute temperature. Free energy is a 
measure of the energy available within a sys- 
tem to do work. 

globular proteins. A major class of proteins, 
many of which are water soluble. Globular 
proteins are compact and roughly spherical, 
containing tightly folded polypeptide chains. 
Typically, globular proteins include indenta- 
tions, or clefts that specifically recognize and 
transiently bind other compounds, 
glucogenic compound. A compound, such 
as an amino acid, that can be used for gluco- 
neogenesis in animals. 

gluconeogenesis. A pathway for synthesis of 
glucose from a noncarbohydrate precursor. 
Gluconeogenesis from pyruvate involves the 
seven near- equilibrium reactions of glycoly- 
sis traversed in the reverse direction. The 
three metabolically irreversible reactions of 
glycolysis are bypassed by four enzymatic re- 
actions that do not occur in glycolysis, 
glucoside. A glycoside where the anomeric 
carbon atom is from glucose. 

glycan. A general term for an oligosaccharide 
or a polysaccharide. A homoglycan is a poly- 
mer of identical monosaccharide residues; a 
heteroglycan is a polymer of different mono- 
saccharide residues. 

glycerophospholipid. A lipid consisting of 
two fatty acyl groups bound to C-l and C-2 of 
glycerol 3 -phosphate and, in most cases, a 
polar substituent attached to the phosphate 
moiety. Glycerophospholipids are major com- 
ponents of biological membranes. 

glycoconjugate. A carbohydrate derivative 
in which one or more carbohydrate chains 
are covalently linked to a peptide chain, pro- 
tein, or lipid. 

glycoforms. Glycoproteins containing iden- 
tical amino acid sequences but different 
oligosaccharide-chain compositions. 

glycogen. A branched homopolymer of glu- 
cose residues joined by a-(l — >4) linkages 
with a-( 1 — > 6) linkages at branch points. 
Glycogen is a storage polysaccharide in ani- 
mals and bacteria. 

glycolysis. A catabolic pathway consisting of 
10 enzyme-catalyzed reactions by which one 
molecule of glucose is converted to two mole- 
cules of pyruvate. In the process, two molecules 
of ATP are formed from ADP + P*, and two 
molecules of NAD 1 are reduced to NADH. 

glycoprotein. A protein that contains cova- 
lently bound carbohydrate residues. 

glycosaminoglycan. An unbranched poly- 
saccharide of repeating disaccharide units. 
One component of the disaccharide is an 
amino sugar; the other component is usually 
a uronic acid. 

glycoside. A molecule containing a carbohy- 
drate in which the hydroxyl group of the 
anomeric carbon has been replaced through 
condensation with an alcohol, an amine, or a 

glycosidic bond. Acetal linkage formed by 
condensation of the anomeric carbon atom 
of a saccharide with a hydroxyl, amino, or 
thiol group of another molecule. The most 
commonly encountered glycosidic bonds are 
formed between the anomeric carbon of one 
sugar and a hydroxyl group of another sugar. 
Nucleosidic bonds are N-linked glycosidic 

glycosphingolipid. A lipid containing 
sphingosine and carbohydrate moieties. 

glycosylation. See protein glycosylation. 

glyoxylate cycle. A variation of the citric 
acid cycle in certain plants, bacteria, and 
yeast that allows net production of glucose 
from acetyl CoA via oxaloacetate. The gly- 
oxylate cycle bypasses the two C0 2 2 produc- 
ing steps of the citric acid cycle. 

glyoxysome. An organelle that contains spe- 
cialized enzymes for the glyoxylate cycle. 

Golgi apparatus. A complex of flattened, 
fluid- filled membranous sacs in eukaryotic 
cells, often found in proximity to the endo- 
plasmic reticulum. The Golgi apparatus is 
involved in the modification, sorting, and 
targeting of proteins. 

granum. A stack of flattened vesicles formed 
from the thylakoid membrane in chloroplasts. 

group transfer potential. See photsphoryl 
group transfer potential. 

group transfer reaction. A reaction in 
which a substituent or functional group is 
transferred from one substrate to another. 

H. See enthalpy. 

hairpin. 1 . A secondary structure adopted by 
single- stranded polynucleotides that arises 
when short regions fold back on themselves 
and hydrogen bonds form between comple- 
mentary bases. Also known as a stem-loop. 
2. A tight turn connecting two consecutive 
/3 strands of a polypeptide, 
haploid. Having one set of chromosomes or 
one copy of the genome (cf., diploid), 
high energy molecule. See energy-rich 

Haworth projection. A representation in 
which a cyclic sugar molecule is depicted as a 
flat ring that is projected perpendicular to the 
plane of the page. Heavy lines represent the 
part of the molecule that extends toward the 

HDL. See high density lipoprotein, 
heat of vaporization. The amount of heat 
required to evaporate 1 gram of a liquid, 
heat shock protein. A protein whose synthe- 
sis is increased in response to stresses such as 
high temperature. Many heat shock proteins 
are chaperones that are also expressed in the 
absence of stress. 

helicase. An enzyme that is involved in un- 
winding DNA. 

hemiacetal. The product formed when an 
alcohol reacts with an aldehyde, 
hemiketal. The product formed when an al- 
cohol reacts with a ketone. 
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. An equa- 
tion that describes the pH of a solution of a 
weak acid or a weak base in terms of the p K a 
and the concentrations of the proton donor 
and proton acceptor forms, 
heterochromatin. Regions of chromatin 
that are highly condensed, 
heterocyclic molecule. A molecule that con- 
tains a ring structure made up of more than 
one type of atom. 

heteroglycan (heteropolysaccharide). A car- 
bohydrate polymer whose residues consist of 
two or more different types of monosaccharide, 
heterotroph. An organism that requires at 
least one organic nutrient, such as glucose, as 
a carbon source. 

high density lipoprotein (HDL). A type of 
plasma lipoprotein that is enriched in protein 
and transports cholesterol and cholesteryl es- 
ters from tissues to the liver, 
high-performance liquid chromatography 
(HPLC). A chromatographic technique used 
to separate components of a mixture by 
dissolving the mixture in a liquid solvent and 
forcing it to flow through a chromatographic 
column under high pressure, 
histones. A class of proteins that bind to 
DNA to form chromatin. The nuclei of eu- 
karyotic cells contain five histones, known as 
HI, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. 

Holliday junction. The region of strand 
crossover resulting from recombination be- 
tween two molecules of homologous double- 
stranded DNA. 


homoglycan (homopolysaccharide). A car- 
bohydrate polymer whose residues consist of 
a single type of monosaccharide, 
homologous. Referring to genes or proteins 
that descend from a common ancestor, 
homologous recombination. Recombination 
between molecules of DNA that have closely 
related sequences (i.e., they are homologous). 
This is the standard form of recombination 
that occurs between chromosomes in eukary- 
otic cells. 

homology. The similarity of genes or pro- 
teins as a result of evolution from a common 

hormone response element. A DNA se- 
quence that binds a transcriptional activator 
consisting of a steroid hormone receptor 

housekeeping genes. Genes that encode 
proteins or RNA molecules that are essential 
for the normal activities of all living cells. 
HPLC. See high-performance liquid chro- 

hydration. A state in which a molecule or 
ion is surrounded by water, 
hydrogen bond. A weak electrostatic interac- 
tion the formed when a hydrogen atom bonded 
covalently to a strongly electronegative atom 
is partially shared by interacting with electron 
pair of another electronegative atom, 
hydrolase. An enzyme that catalyzes the 
hydrolytic cleavage of its substrate(s) (i.e., 

hydropathy. A measure of the hydrophobic- 
ity of amino acid side chains. The more posi- 
tive the hydropathy value, the greater the 

hydrophilic. “Water loving” — describing 

molecules that interact favorably with water, 
hydrophilicity. The degree to which a com- 
pound or functional group interacts with 
water or is preferentially soluble in water, 
hydrophobic. “Water fearing” — describing 
molecules that do not interact favorably with 
water and are much less soluble than hy- 
drophilic molecules. 

hydrophobic effect. The exclusion of hy- 
drophobic groups or molecules by water. The 
hydrophobic effect appears to depend on the 
increase in entropy of solvent water mole- 
cules that are released from an ordered 
arrangement around the hydrophobic group, 
hydrophobic interaction. A weak, noncova- 
lent interaction between nonpolar molecules 
or substituents that results from the strong 
association of water molecules with one an- 
other. Such association leads to the shielding 
or exclusion of nonpolar molecules from an 
aqueous environment. 

hydrophobicity. The degree to which a 
compound or functional group that is solu- 
ble in nonpolar solvents is insoluble or only 
sparingly soluble in water. 

IDL. See intermediate density lipoprotein, 
induced fit. Activation of an enzyme by a 

substrate- initiated conformational change, 
inducer. A ligand that binds to and inactivates 
a repressor thereby increasing the transcription 
of the gene controlled by the repressor, 
inhibition constant (K{). The equilibrium 
constant for the dissociation of an inhibitor 
from an enzyme-inhibitor complex, 
inhibitor. A compound that binds to an en- 
zyme and inhibits its activity 
initial velocity (v 0 )* The rate of conversion 
of substrate to product in the early stages of 
an enzymatic reaction, before appreciable 
product has been formed, 
initiation codon. A codon that specifies the 
initiation site for protein synthesis. The me- 
thionine codon (AUG) is the most common 
initiation codon. 

initiation factor. See translation initiation 

initiator tRNA. The tRNA molecule that is 
used exclusively at initiation codons. The 
initiator tRNA is usually a specific me- 

integral membrane protein. A membrane 
protein that penetrates the hydrophobic core 
of the lipid bilayer and usually spans the bi- 
layer completely Also known as an intrinsic 
membrane protein. 

intercalating agent. A compound contain- 
ing a planar ring structure that can fit be- 
tween the stacked base pairs of DNA. 
Intercalating agents distort the DNA struc- 
ture, partially unwinding the double helix, 
intermediary metabolism. The metabolic 
reactions by which the small molecules of 
cells are interconverted. 
intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL). A 
type of plasma lipoprotein that is formed 
during the breakdown of VLDLs. 
intermediate filament. A structure com- 
posed of different protein subunits, found in 
the cytoplasm of most eukaryotic cells. Inter- 
mediate filaments are components of the cy- 
toskeletal network. 

intron. An internal nucleotide sequence that 
is removed from the primary RNA transcript 
during processing. The term intron also 
refers to the region of the gene that corre- 
sponds to the corresponding RNA intron 
(cf., exon). 

inverted repeat. A sequence of nucleotides 
that is repeated in the opposite orientation 
within the same polynucleotide strand. An 
inverted repeat in double- stranded DNA can 
give rise to a cruciform structure, 
ion pair. An electrostatic interaction between 
ionic groups of opposite charge within the in- 
terior of a macromolecule such as a globular 

ion product for water (1C W ). The product of 
the concentrations of hydronium ions and 
hydroxide ions in an aqueous solution, equal 
to 1.0 X 1(T 14 M 2 . 

ion-exchange chromatography. A chromato- 
graphic technique used to separate a mixture of 

ionic species in solution, using a charged ma- 
trix. In anion-exchange chromatography, a 
positively charged matrix binds negatively 
charged solutes, and in cation-exchange chro- 
matography, a negatively charged matrix binds 
positively charged solutes. The bound species 
can be serially eluted from the matrix by grad- 
ually changing the pH or increasing the salt 
concentration in the solvent, 
ionophore. A compound that facilitates the 
diffusion of ions across bilayers and mem- 
branes by serving as a mobile ion carrier or 
by forming a channel for ion passage, 
irreversible enzyme inhibition. A form of 
enzyme inhibition where the inhibitor binds 
covalently to the enzyme, 
isoacceptor tRNA molecules. Different tRNA 
molecules that bind the same amino acid, 
isoelectric focusing. A modified form of 
electrophoresis that uses buffers to create a 
pH gradient within a polyacrylamide gel. 
Each protein migrates to its isoelectric point 
(pi), that is, the pH in the gradient at which it 
no longer carries a net positive or negative 

isoelectric point (pi). The pH at which a 
zwitterionic molecule does not migrate in an 
electric field because its net charge is zero, 
isoenzymes. See isozymes, 
isomerase. An enzyme that catalyzes an iso- 
merization reaction, a change in geometry or 
structure within one molecule, 
isoprene. A branched, unsaturated five-car- 
bon molecule that forms the basic structural 
unit of all isoprenoids, including the steroids 
and lipid vitamins. 

isoprenoid. A lipid that is structurally related 
to isoprene. 

isozymes. Different proteins from a single 
biological species that catalyze the same reac- 
tion. Also known as isoenzymes, 
junk DNA. Regions of the genome with no 
known function. 

K a . See acid dissociation constant, 
kb. See kilobase pair. 
k cat . See catalytic constant. 

^cat / K m . The second-order rate constant 
for conversion of enzyme and substrate to 
enzyme and product at low substrate con- 
centrations. The ratio of k CdX to iC m , when 
used to compare several substrates, is called 
the specificity constant. 

K eq . See equilibrium constant, 
ketogenesis. The pathway that synthesizes 
ketone bodies from acetyl CoA in the mito- 
chondrial matrix in mammals, 
ketogenic compound. A compound, such as 
an amino acid, that can be degraded to form 
acetyl CoA and can thereby contribute to the 
synthesis of fatty acids or ketone bodies, 
ketone bodies. Small molecules that are 
synthesized in the liver from acetyl CoA. 
During starvation, the ketone bodies 
/3 -hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate become 
major metabolic fuels. 


ketoses. A class of monosaccharides in which 
the most oxidized carbon atom, usually C-2, 
is ketonic. 

Ky See inhibition constant, 
kilobase pair (kb). A unit of length of dou- 
ble-stranded DNA, equivalent to 1000 base 

kinase. An enzyme that catalyzes transfer of 
a phosphoryl group to an acceptor molecule. 
A protein kinase catalyzes the phosphoryla- 
tion of protein substrates. Kinases are also 
known as phosphotransferases, 
kinetic mechanism. A scheme used to de- 
scribe the sequence of steps in a multisub- 
strate enzyme-catalyzed reaction, 
kinetic order. The sum of the exponents in a 
rate equation, which reflects how many mol- 
ecules are reacting in the slowest step of the 
reaction. Also known as reaction order. 

K m . See Michaelis constant. 

Krebs cycle. See citric acid cycle. 

K w . See ion product of water, 
lagging strand. The newly synthesized DNA 
strand formed by discontinuous 5' — > 3' 
polymerization in the direction opposite 
replication fork movement, 
lateral diffusion. The rapid motion of lipid 
or protein molecules within the plane of one 
leaflet of a lipid bilayer. 

LDL. See low density lipoprotein, 
leader peptide. The peptide encoded by a por- 
tion of the leader region of certain regulated 
operons. Synthesis of a leader peptide is the 
basis for regulating transcription of the entire 
operon by the mechanism of attenuation, 
leader region. The sequence of nucleotides 
that lie between the transcription start site 
and the first coding region of an operon. 
leading strand. The newly synthesized DNA 
strand formed by continuous 5' — > 3' poly- 
merization in the same direction as replica- 
tion fork movement, 
leaflet. One layer of a lipid bilayer, 
lectin. A plant protein that binds specific 
saccharides in glycoproteins, 
leucine zipper. A structural motif found in 
DNA-binding proteins and other proteins. 
The zipper is formed when the hydrophobic 
faces (frequently containing leucine residues) 
of two amphipathic a -helices from the same 
or different polypeptide chains interact to 
form a coiled-coil structure. 

LHC. See light-harvesting complex, 
ligand. A molecule, group, or ion that binds 
noncovalently to another molecule or atom, 
ligand-gated ion channel. A membrane ion 
channel that opens or closes in response to 
binding of a specific ligand, 
ligase. An enzyme that catalyzes the joining, 
or ligation, of two substrates. Ligation reac- 
tions require the input of the chemical poten- 
tial energy of a nucleoside triphosphate such 
as ATP. Ligases are commonly referred to as 

light reactions. The photosynthetic reac- 
tions in which protons derived from water 
are used in the chemiosmotic synthesis of 
ATP from ADP + Pj and a hydride ion from 
water reduces to NADPH. Also known as the 
light-dependent reactions, 
light-harvesting complex (LHC). A large 
pigment complex in the thylakoid membrane 
that aids a photosystem in gathering light, 
limit dextrin. A branched oligosaccharide 
derived from a glucose polysaccharide by the 
hydrolytic action of amylase or the phospho- 
rolytic action of glycogen phosphorylase or 
starch phosphorylase. Limit dextrins are re- 
sistant to further degradation catalyzed by 
amylase or phosphorylase. Limit dextrins can 
be further degraded only after hydrolysis of 
the a-(l — » 6) linkages. 

Lineweaver-Burk plot. See double-reciprocal 

linker DNA. The stretch of DNA (approxi- 
mately 54 base pairs) between two adjacent 
nucleosome core particles, 
lipase. An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrol- 
ysis of triacylglycerols. 

lipid. A water- insoluble (or sparingly solu- 
ble) organic compound found in biological 
systems, which can be extracted by using rel- 
atively nonpolar organic solvents, 
lipid bilayer. A double layer of lipids in 
which the hydrophobic tails associate with 
one another in the interior of the bilayer and 
the polar head groups face outward into the 
aqueous environment. Lipid bilayers are the 
structural basis of biological membranes, 
lipid raft. A patch of membrane rich in cho- 
lesterol and sphingolipid. 
lipid vitamin. A polyprenyl compound com- 
posed primarily of a long hydrocarbon chain 
or fused ring. Unlike water-soluble vitamins, 
lipid vitamins can be stored by animals. Lipid 
vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K. 
lipid anchored membrane protein. A mem- 
brane protein that is tethered to a mem- 
brane through covalent linkage to a lipid 

lipopolysaccharide. A macromolecule com- 
posed of lipid A (a disaccharide of phosphory- 
lated glucosamine residues with attached fatty 
acids) and a polysaccharide. Lipopolysaccha- 
rides are found in the outer membrane of 
gram-negative bacteria. These compounds are 
released from bacteria undergoing lysis and 
are toxic to humans and other animals. Also 
known as an endotoxin, 
lipoprotein. A macromolecular assembly of 
lipid and protein molecules with a hydropho- 
bic core and a hydrophilic surface. Lipids are 
transported via lipoproteins, 
liposome. A synthetic vesicle composed of a 
phospholipid bilayer that encloses an aque- 
ous compartment. 

loop. A nonrepetitive polypeptide region 
that connects secondary structures within a 
protein molecule and provides directional 

changes necessary for a globular protein to 
attain its compact shape. Loops contain from 
2 to 16 residues. Short loops of up to 5 
residues are often called turns, 
low density lipoprotein (LDL). A type of 
plasma lipoprotein that is formed during the 
breakdown of IDLs and is enriched in choles- 
terol and cholesteryl esters, 
lumen. The aqueous space enclosed by a bi- 
ological membrane, such as the membrane of 
the endoplasmic reticulum or the thylakoid 

lyase. An enzyme that catalyzes a nonhy- 
drolytic or nonoxidative elimination reaction, 
or lysis, of a substrate, with the generation of a 
double bond. In the reverse direction, a lyase 
catalyzes addition of one substrate to a double 
bond of a second substrate, 
lysophosphoglyceride. An amphipathic 
lipid that is produced when one of the two 
fatty acyl moieties of a glycerophospholipid is 
hydrolytically removed. Low concentrations 
of lysophosphoglycerides are metabolic in- 
termediates, whereas high concentrations 
disrupt membranes, causing cells to lyse, 
lysosome. A specialized digestive organelle 
in eukaryotic cells. Lysosomes contain a vari- 
ety of enzymes that catalyze the breakdown 
of cellular biopolymers, such as proteins, nu- 
cleic acids, and polysaccharides, and the di- 
gestion of large particles, such as some 
bacteria ingested by the cell, 
major groove. The wide groove on the sur- 
face of a DNA double helix created by the 
stacking of base pairs and the resulting twist 
in the sugar-phosphate backbones. 

MALDI. See matrix- assisted laser desorp- 
tion ionization. 

mass action ratio (Q). The ratio of the con- 
centrations of products to the concentrations 
of reactants of a reaction, 
mass spectrometry. A technique that deter- 
mines the mass of a molecule, 
matrix. See mitochondrial matrix, 
matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization 
(MALDI). A technique in mass spectrome- 
try where the target molecule is released from 
a solid matrix by a laser beam, 
maximum velocity ( V max ) • The initial veloc- 
ity of a reaction when the enzyme is saturated 
with substrate, that is, when all the enzyme is 
in the form of an enzyme-substrate complex, 
melting curve. A plot of the change in ab- 
sorbance versus temperature for a DNA mol- 
ecule. The change in absorbance indicates 
unfolding of the double helix, 
melting point (T m ). The midpoint of the 
temperature range in which double-stranded 
DNA is converted to single- stranded DNA or 
a protein is converted from its native form to 
the denatured state. 

membrane. A lipid bilayer containing associ- 
ated proteins that serves to delineate and com- 
partmentalize cells or organelles. Biological 
membranes are also the site of many important 


biochemical processes related to energy trans- 
duction and intracellular signaling. 

membrane-associated electron transport. 

See electron transport. 

membrane potential ( A \jj ) . The charge sep- 
aration across a membrane that results from 
differences in ionic concentrations on the 
two sides of the membrane, 
messenger ribonucleic acid. See mRNA. 
metabolic fuel. A small compound that can 
be catabolized to release energy. In multicellu- 
lar organisms, metabolic fuels may be trans- 
ported between tissues, 
metabolically irreversible reaction. A reac- 
tion in which the value of the mass action 
ratio is two or more orders of magnitude 
smaller than the value of the equilibrium 
constant. The Gibbs free energy change for 
such a reaction is a large negative number; 
thus, the reaction is essentially irreversible, 
metabolism. The sum total of biochemical 
reactions carried out by an organism, 
metabolite. An intermediate in the synthesis 
or degradation of biopolymers and their 
component units. 

metabolite channeling. Transfer of the 
product of one reaction of a multifunctional 
enzyme or a multienzyme complex directly 
to the next active site or enzyme without en- 
tering the bulk solvent. Channeling increases 
the rate of a reaction pathway by decreasing 
the transit time for an intermediate to reach 
the next enzyme and by producing high local 
concentrations of the intermediate, 
metalloenzyme. An enzyme that contains 
one or more firmly bound metal ions. In 
some cases, such metal ions constitute part of 
the active site of the enzyme and are active 
participants in catalysis, 
micelle. An aggregation of amphipathic 
molecules in which the hydrophilic portions 
of the molecules project into the aqueous 
environment and the hydrophobic portions 
associated with one another in the interior of 
the structure to minimize contact with water 

Michaelis constant (K m ). The concentra- 
tion of substrate that results in an initial 
velocity (v 0 ) equal to one-half the maximum 
velocity (V^x) for a given reaction. 
Michaelis-Menten equation. A rate equation 
relating the initial velocity (v 0 ) of an enzy- 
matic reaction to the substrate concentration 
([S]), the maximum velocity (Vm^), and the 
Michaelis constant ( K m ). 
microfilament. See actin filament, 
microtubule. A protein filament composed 
of a and b tubulin heterodimers. Micro- 
tubules are components of the cytoskeletal 
network and can form structures capable of 
directed movement. 

minor groove. The narrow groove on the 
surface of a DNA double helix created by the 
stacking of base pairs and the resulting twist 
in the sugar-phosphate backbones. 

mismatch repair. Restoration of the normal 
nucleotide sequence in a DNA molecule con- 
taining mismatched bases. In mismatch re- 
pair, the correct strand is recognized, a 
portion of the incorrect strand is excised, and 
correctly base-paired, double- stranded DNA 
is synthesized by the actions of DNA poly- 
merase and DNA ligase. 
missense mutation. An alteration in DNA 
that involves the substitution of one nu- 
cleotide for another, resulting in a change in 
the amino acid specified by that codon, 
mitochondrial matrix. The gel-like phase 
enclosed by the inner membrane of the mito- 
chondrion. The mitochondrial matrix con- 
tains many enzymes involved in aerobic 
energy metabolism. 

mitochondrion. An organelle that is the 
main site of oxidative energy metabolism in 
most eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria contain 
an outer and an inner membrane, the latter 
characteristically folded into cristae. 
mixed inhibition. A form of enzyme inhibi- 
tion where both K m and V max are affected, 
molar mass. The weight in grams of one 
mole of a compound, 
molecular chaperone. See chaperone, 
molecular crowding. The decrease in diffu- 
sion rate that occurs when molecules collide 
with each other. 

molecular weight. See relative molecular 

monocistronic mRNA. An mRNA molecule 
that encodes only a single polypeptide. Most 
eukaryotic mRNA molecules are mono- 

monomer. 1 . A small compound that be- 
comes a residue when polymerized with 
other monomers. 2. A single subunit of a 
multisubunit protein. 

monosaccharide. A simple sugar of three or 
more carbon atoms with the empirical for- 
mula (CH 2 0) n . 

monounsaturated fatty acid. An unsaturated 
fatty acid with a single carbon- carbon double 

motif. A combination of secondary structure 
that appears in a number of different proteins. 
Also known as supersecondary structure. 

M r . See relative molecular mass. 
mRNA. A class of RNA molecules that serve 
as templates for protein synthesis. 
mRNA precursor. A class of RNA molecules 
synthesized by eukaryotic RNA polymerase 
II. mRNA precursors are processed posttran- 
scriptionally to produce mature messenger 

mucin. A high-molecular-weight O-linked 
glycoprotein containing as much as 80% car- 
bohydrate by mass. Mucins are extended, 
negatively charged molecules that contribute 
to the viscosity of mucus, the fluid found on 
the surfaces of the gastrointestinal, genitouri- 
nary, and respiratory tracts. 

multienzyme complex. An oligomeric pro- 
tein that catalyzes several metabolic reactions, 
mutagen. An agent that can cause DNA 

mutation. A heritable change in the se- 
quence of nucleotides in DNA that causes a 
permanent alteration of genetic information, 
near-equilibrium reaction. A reaction in 
which the value of the mass action ratio is 
close to the value of the equilibrium constant. 
The Gibbs free energy change for such a reac- 
tion is small; thus, the reaction is reversible. 
Nernst equation. An equation that relates 
the observed change in reduction potential 
( A£) to the change in standard reduction po- 
tential (A E°') of a reaction, 
neutral phospholipids. Glycerophospholipids, 
such as phosphatidyl choline, having no net 

neutral solution. An aqueous solution that 
has a pH value of 7.0. 

nick translation. The process in which DNA 
polymerase binds to a gap between the 3' end 
of a nascent DNA chain and the 5 ' end of the 
next RNA primer, catalyzes hydrolytic re- 
moval of ribonucleotides using 5' — » 3' ex- 
onuclease activity, and replaces them with 
deoxyribonucleotides using 5 ' —> 3 ' poly- 
merase activity. 

nitrogen cycle. The flow of nitrogen from 
N 2 to nitrogen oxides (NOP and NC>P) am- 
monia, nitrogenous biomolecules, and back 
to N 2 . 

nitrogen fixation. The reduction of atmos- 
pheric nitrogen to ammonia. Biological ni- 
trogen fixation occurs in only a few species of 
bacteria and algae. 

N-linked oligosaccharide. An oligosaccha- 
ride chain attached to a protein through co- 
valent bonds to the amide nitrogen atom of 
side chain of asparagine residues. The 
oligosaccharide chains of N-linked glycopro- 
teins contain a core pentasaccharide of two 
N-acetylglucosamine residues and three 
mannose residues. 

NMR spectroscopy. See nuclear magnetic 
resonance spectroscopy. 

noncompetitive inhibition. Inhibition of an 
enzyme-catalyzed reaction by a reversible in- 
hibitor that binds to either the enzyme or the 
enzyme- substrate complex. 

nonessential amino acid. An amino acid 
that an animal can produce in sufficient 
quantity to meet metabolic needs. 

nonhomologous recombination. Recombina- 
tion between unrelated sequences that do not 
share significant sequence similarity. 

nonrepetitive structure. An element of pro- 
tein structure in which consecutive residues 
do not have a single repeating conformation. 

nonsense mutation. An alteration in DNA 
that involves the substitution of one nu- 
cleotide for another, changing a codon that 
specifies an amino acid to a termination 


codon. A nonsense mutation results in pre- 
mature termination of a protein s synthesis. 

N-terminus. The amino acid residue bear- 
ing a free a:-amino group at one end of a pep- 
tide chain. In some proteins, the N-terminus 
is blocked by acylation. The N - terminal 
residue is usually assigned the residue num- 
ber 1. Also known as the amino terminus. 

nuclear envelope. The double membrane 
that surrounds the nucleus and contains pro- 
tein-lined nuclear pore complexes that regu- 
late the import and export of material to and 
from the nucleus. The outer membrane of 
the nuclear envelope is continuous with the 
endoplasmic reticulum; the inner membrane 
is lined with filamentous proteins, constitut- 
ing the nuclear lamina. 

nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 
(NMR spectroscopy). A technique used to 
study the structures of molecules in solution. 
In nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 
the absorption of electromagnetic radiation 
by molecules in magnetic fields of varying 
frequencies is used to determine the spin 
states of certain atomic nuclei. 

nuclease. An enzyme that catalyzes hydroly- 
sis of the phosphodiester linkages of a 
polynucleotide chain. Nucleases can be clas- 
sified as endonucleases and exonucleases. 

nucleic acid. A polymer composed of nu- 
cleotide residues linked in a linear sequence 
by 3' -5' phosphodiester linkages. DNA and 
RNA are nucleic acids composed of deoxyri- 
bonucleotide residues and ribonucleotide 
residues, respectively. 

nucleoid region. The region within a prokary- 
otic cell that contains the chromosome. 

nucleolus. The region of the eukaryotic nu- 
cleus where rRNA transcripts are processed 
and ribosomes are assembled. 

nucleophile. An electron-rich species that is 
negatively charged or contains unshared elec- 
tron pairs and is attracted to chemical species 
that are positively charged or electron-defi- 
cient (electrophiles). 

nucleophilic substitution. A reaction in 
which one nucleophile (e.g., Y®) displaces 
another (e.g.,X®). 

nucleoside. A purine or pyrimidine N- gly- 
coside of ribose or deoxyribose. 
nucleosome. A DNA-protein complex that 
forms the fundamental unit of chromatin. A 
nucleosome consists of a nucleosome core 
particle (approximately 146 base pairs of 
DNA plus a histone octamer), linker DNA 
(approximately 54 base pairs), and histone 
H 1 (which binds the core particle and linker 

nucleosome core particle. A DNA-protein 
complex composed of approximately 146 
base pairs of DNA wrapped around an oc- 
tamer of histones (two each of H2A, H2B, 
H3, and H4). 

nucleotide. The phosphate ester of a nucleo- 
side, consisting of a nitrogenous base linked 

to a pentose phosphate. Nucleotides are the 
monomeric units of nucleic acids, 
nucleus. An organelle that contains the 
principal genetic material of eukaryotic cells 
and functions as the major site of RNA syn- 
thesis and processing. 

obligate aerobe. An organism that requires 
the presence of oxygen for survival, 
obligate anaerobe. An organism that requires 
an oxygen-free environment for survival. 
Okazaki fragments. Relatively short strands 
of DNA that are produced during discontin- 
uous synthesis of the lagging strand of DNA. 
oligomer. A multisubunit molecule whose 
arrangement of subunits always has a defined 
stoichiometry and almost always displays 

oligonucleotide. A polymer of several (up to 
about 20) nucleotide residues linked by phos- 
phodiester bonds. 

oligopeptide. A polymer of several (up to 
about 20) amino acid residues linked by 
peptide bonds. 

oligosaccharide. A polymer of 2 to about 20 
monosaccharide residues linked by glycosidic 

oligosaccharide processing. The enzyme- 
catalyzed addition and removal of saccharide 
residues during the maturation of a glyco- 

O-linked oligosaccharide. An oligosaccha- 
ride attached to a protein through a covalent 
bond to the hydroxyl oxygen atom of a serine 
or threonine residue. 

open reading frame. A stretch of nucleotide 
triplets that contains no termination codons. 
Protein- encoding regions are examples of 
open reading frames. 

operator. A DNA sequence to which a spe- 
cific repressor protein binds, thereby block- 
ing transcription of a gene or operon. 
operon. A bacterial transcriptional unit 
consisting of several different coding regions 
cotranscribed from one promoter. 

ordered sequential reaction. A reaction in 
which both the binding of substrates to an 
enzyme and the release of products from the 
enzyme follow an obligatory order, 
organelle. Any specialized membrane- 
bounded structure within a eukaryotic cell. 
Organelles are uniquely organized to per- 
form specific functions. 

origin of replication. A DNA sequence at 
which replication is initiated. 

osmosis. The movement of solvent mole- 
cules from a less concentrated solution to an 
adjacent, more concentrated solution, 
osmotic pressure. The pressure required to 
prevent the flow of solvent from a less con- 
centrated solution to a more concentrated 

oxidase. An enzyme that catalyzes an oxida- 
tion-reduction reaction in which 0 2 is the 
electron acceptor. Oxidases are members of 

the IUBMB class of enzymes known as oxi- 

oxidation. The loss of electrons from a sub- 
stance through transfer to another substance 
(the oxidizing agent). Oxidations can take 
several forms, including the addition of oxy- 
gen to a compound, the removal of hydrogen 
from a compound to create a double bond, or 
an increase in the valence of a metal ion. 
oxidative phosphorylation. See electron 

oxidizing agent. A substance that accepts 
electrons in an oxidation- reduction reaction 
and thereby becomes reduced, 
oxidoreductase. An enzyme that catalyzes an 
oxidation -reduction reaction. Some oxidore- 
ductases are known as dehydrogenases, oxi- 
dases, peroxidases, oxygenases, or reductases, 
oxygenation. The reversible binding of oxy- 
gen to a macromolecule. 

A P- See protonmotive force. 

PAGE. See polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 
passive transport. The process by which a 
solute specifically binds to a transport pro- 
tein and is transported across a membrane, 
moving with the solute concentration gradi- 
ent. Passive transport occurs without the ex- 
penditure of energy. Also known as facilitated 

Pasteur effect. The slowing of glycolysis in 
the presence of oxygen, 
pathway. A sequence of metabolic reactions, 
pause site. A region of a gene where tran- 
scription slows. Pausing is exaggerated at 
palindromic sequences, where newly synthe- 
sized RNA can form a hairpin structure. 

PCR. See polymerase chain reaction, 
pentose phosphate pathway. A pathway by 
which glucose 6-phosphate is metabolized to 
generate NADPH and ribose 5 -phosphate. In 
the oxidative stage of the pathway, glucose 6- 
phosphate is converted to ribulose 5-phosphate 
and C0 2 rating two molecules of NADPH. In 
the nonoxidative stage, ribulose 5 -phosphate 
can be isomerized to ribose 5 -phosphate or 
converted to intermediates of glycolysis. Also 
known as the hexose monophosphate shunt, 
peptide. Two or more amino acids covalently 
joined in a linear sequence by peptide bonds, 
peptide bond. The covalent secondary 
amide linkage that joins the carbonyl group 
of one amino acid residue to the amino ni- 
trogen of another in peptides and proteins, 
peptide group. The nitrogen and carbon 
atoms involved in a peptide bond and their 
four substituents: the carbonyl oxygen atom, 
the amide hydrogen atom, and the two adja- 
cent a-carbon atoms. 

peptidoglycan. A macromolecule contain- 
ing a heteroglycan chain of alternating N- 
acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic 
acid cross-linked to peptides of varied com- 
position. Peptidoglycans are the major com- 
ponents of the cell walls of many bacteria, 
peptidyl site. See P site. 


peptidyl transferase. The enzymatic activity 
responsible for the formation of a peptide 
bond during protein synthesis. 
peptidyl-tRNA. The tRNA molecule to 
which the growing peptide chain is attached 
during protein synthesis, 
peripheral membrane protein. A membrane 
protein that is weakly bound to the interior or 
exterior surface of a membrane through ionic 
interactions and hydrogen bonding with the 
polar heads of the membrane lipids or with an 
integral membrane protein. Also known as an 
extrinsic membrane protein, 
periplasmic space. The region between the 
plasma membrane and the cell wall in bacteria, 
permeability coefficient. A measure of the 
ability of an ion or small molecule to diffuse 
across a lipid bilayer. 

peroxisome. An organelle in all animal and 
many plant cells that carries out oxidation re- 
actions, some of which produce the toxic 
compound hydrogen peroxide (H 2 0 2 ). Per- 
oxisomes contain the enzyme catalase, which 
catalyzes the breakdown of toxic H 2 0 2 to 
water and 0 2 . 

pH. A logarithmic quantity that indicates 
the acidity of a solution, that is, the concen- 
tration of hydronium ions in solution. pH is 
defined as the negative logarithm of the hy- 
dronium ion concentration. 
pH optimum. In an enzyme-catalyzed re- 
action, the pH at the point of maximum 
catalytic activity, 
phage. See bacteriophage, 
phase-transition temperature (T m ). The 
midpoint of the temperature range in which 
lipids or other macromolecular aggregates 
are converted from a highly ordered phase or 
state (such as a gel) to a less- ordered state 
(such as a liquid crystal). 
c f> (phi). The angle of rotation around the 
bond between the a - carbon and the nitrogen 
of a peptide group. 

phosphagen. A “high energy” phosphate 
storage molecule found in animal muscle 
cells. Phosphagens are phosphoamides and 
have a higher phosphoryl-group-transfer 
potential than ATP. 

phosphatase. An enzyme that catalyzes 
the hydrolytic removal of a phosphoryl 

phosphatidate. A glycerophospholipid that 
consists of two fatty acyl groups esterified to 
C-l and C-2 of glycerol 3-phosphate. Phos- 
phatidates are metabolic intermediates in the 
biosynthesis or breakdown of more complex 

phosphoanhydride. A compound formed 
by condensation of two phosphate groups, 
phosphodiester linkage. A linkage in nucleic 
acids and other molecules in which two alco- 
holic hydroxyl groups are joined through a 
phosphate group. 

phosphoester linkage. The bond by which a 
phosphoryl group is attached to an alcoholic 
or phenolic oxygen. 

phospholipid. A lipid containing a phos- 
phate moiety. 

phosphorolysis. Cleavage of a bond within 
a molecule by group transfer to an oxygen 
atom of phosphate. 

phosphorylase. An enzyme that catalyzes 
the cleavage of its substrate(s) via nucle- 
ophilic attack by inorganic phosphate (Pj) 
(i.e., via phosphorolysis). 
phosphorylation. A reaction involving the 
addition of a phosphoryl group to a molecule, 
phosphoryl group transfer potential. A 
measure of the ability of a compound to 
transfer a phosphoryl group to another com- 
pound. Under standard conditions, group 
transfer potentials have the same values as 
the standard free energies of hydrolysis but 
are opposite in sign. 

photoautotroph. A photosynthetic organ- 
ism that can utilize C0 2 as its main carbon 

photon. A quantum of light energy, 
photophosphorylation. The light-dependent 
formation of ATP from ADP and Pj catalyzed 
by chloroplast ATP synthase, 
photoheterotroph. Photosynthetic organ- 
ism that requires organic molecules as a car- 
bon source. 

photoreactivation. The direct repair of 
damaged DNA by an enzyme that is activated 
by visible light. 

photorespiration. The light-dependent up- 
take of 0 2 and the subsequent metabolism of 
phosphoglycolate that occurs primarily in C 3 
photosynthetic plants. Photorespiration can 
occur because 0 2 competes with C0 2 for 
the active site of ribulose 1,5-fo'sphosphate 
carboxylase-oxygenase, the enzyme that cat- 
alyzes the first step of the reductive pentose 
phosphate cycle. 

photosynthesis. The conversion of light en- 
ergy (photons) to chemical energy in the 
form of ATP and/or NADPH. 
photosystem. A functional unit of the light- 
dependent electron-transfer reactions of 
photosynthesis. Each membrane-embedded 
photosystem contains a reaction center, which 
forms the core of the photosystem, and a pool 
of light- absorbing antenna pigments, 
phototroph. An organism that can convert 
light energy into chemical potential energy 
(i.e., an organism capable of photosynthesis), 
physiological pH. The normal pH of human 
blood, which is 7.4. 
pi. See isoelectric point, 
ping-pong reaction. A reaction in which an 
enzyme binds one substrate and releases a 
product, leaving a substituted enzyme that 
then binds a second substrate and releases a 
second product, thereby restoring the en- 
zyme to its original form, 
pitch. The axial distance for one complete 
turn of a helical structure, 
p K a . A logarithmic value that indicates the 
strength of an acid, p is defined as the 

negative logarithm of the acid dissociation 
constant, K a . 

plasma membrane. The membrane that 
surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell and thus 
defines the perimeter of the cell, 
plasmalogen. A glycerophospholipid that 
has a hydrocarbon chain linked to C-l of 
glycerol 3 -phosphate through a vinyl ether 
linkage. Plasmalogens are found in the cen- 
tral nervous system and in peripheral nerve 
and muscle tissue. 

plasmid. A relatively small, extrachromo- 
somal DNA molecule that is capable of au- 
tonomous replication. Plasmids are usually 
closed, circular, double-stranded DNA 

P:0 ratio. The ratio of molecules of ADP 
phosphorylated to atoms of oxygen reduced 
during oxidative phosphorylation, 
polar. Having uneven distribution of charge. 
A molecule or functional group is polar if its 
center of negative charge does not coincide 
with its center of positive charge, 
poly A tail. A stretch of polyadenylate, up to 
250 nucleotide residues long, that is added to 
the 3' end of a eukaryotic mRNA molecule 
following transcription, 
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). 
A technique used to separate molecules of 
different net charge and/or size based on 
their migration through a highly cross-linked 
gel matrix in an electric field, 
polycistronic mRNA. An mRNA molecule 
that contains multiple coding regions. Many 
prokaryotic mRNA molecules are polycistronic. 
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A 
method for amplifying the amount of DNA in 
a sample and for enriching a particular DNA 
sequence in a population of DNA molecules. 
In the polymerase chain reaction, oligonu- 
cleotides complementary to the ends of the 
desired DNA sequence are used as primers for 
multiple rounds of DNA synthesis, 
polynucleotide. A polymer of many (usually 
more than 20) nucleotide residues linked by 
phosphodiester bonds. 

polypeptide. A polymer of many (usually 
more than 20) amino acid residues linked by 
peptide bonds. 

polyribosome. See polysome, 
polysaccharide. A polymer of many (usually 
more than 20) monosaccharide residues 
linked by glycosidic bonds. Polysaccharide 
chains can be linear or branched, 
polysome. The structure formed by the 
binding of many translation complexes to a 
large mRNA molecule. Also known as a 

polyunsaturated fatty acid. An unsaturated 
fatty acid with two or more carbon-carbon 
double bonds, 
pore. See channel. 

posttranscriptional processing. RNA pro- 
cessing that occurs after transcription is 


posttranslational modification. Covalent 
modification of a protein that occurs after 
synthesis of the polypeptide is complete, 
prenylated protein. A lipid-anchored pro- 
tein that is covalently linked to an isoprenoid 
moiety via the sulfur atom of a cysteine 
residue at the C-terminus of the protein, 
primary structure. The sequence in which 
residues are covalently linked to form a poly- 
meric chain. 

primary transcript. A newly synthesized 
RNA molecule before processing, 
primase. An enzyme in the primosome that 
catalyzes the synthesis of short pieces of RNA 
about 10 residues long. These oligonu- 
cleotides are the primers for synthesis of 
Okazaki fragments. 

primosome. A multiprotein complex, in- 
cluding primase and helicase in E. coli , that 
catalyzes the synthesis of the short RNA 
primers needed for discontinuous DNA syn- 
thesis of the lagging strand, 
processive enzyme. An enzyme that re- 
mains bound to its growing polymeric 
product through many polymerization steps 
(cf., distributive enzyme), 
prochiral atom. An atom with multiple sub- 
stituents, two of which are identical. A 
prochiral atom can become chiral when one 
of the identical substituents is replaced, 
prokaryote. An organism, usually a single 
cell, which contains no nucleus or internal 
membranes (cf., eukaryote), 
promoter. The region of DNA where RNA 
polymerase binds during transcription 

prostaglandin. An eicosanoid that has a cy- 
clopentane ring. Prostaglandins are meta- 
bolic regulators that act in the immediate 
neighborhood of the cells in which they are 

prosthetic group. A coenzyme that is tightly 
bound to an enzyme. A prosthetic group, un- 
like a cosubstrate, remains bound to a spe- 
cific site of the enzyme throughout the 
catalytic cycle of the enzyme, 
protease. An enzyme that catalyzes hydroly- 
sis of peptide bonds. The physiological sub- 
strates of proteases are proteins, 
protein. A biopolymer consisting of one or 
more polypeptide chains. The biological 
function of each protein molecule depends 
not only on the sequence of covalently linked 
amino acid residues, but also on its three- 
dimensional structure (conformation), 
protein coenzyme. A protein that does not 
itself catalyze reactions but is required for the 
action of certain enzymes, 
protein glycosylation. The covalent addition 
of carbohydrate to proteins. In N- glycosyla- 
tion, the carbohydrate is attached to the 
amide group of the side chain of an as- 
paragine residue. In O-glycosylation, the car- 
bohydrate is attached to the hydroxyl group of 
the side chain of a serine or threonine residue. 

protein kinase. See kinase, 
protein phosphatase. See phosphatase, 
proteoglycan. A complex of protein with 
glycosaminoglycan chains covalently bound 
through their anomeric carbon atoms. Up to 
95% of the mass of a proteoglycan may be 

proteomics. The study of all proteins pro- 
duced in a certain cell type, tissue, organ, or 

protonmotive force (A p). The energy 
stored in a proton concentration gradient 
across a membrane. 

proximity effect. The increase in the rate of 
a nonenzymatic or enzymatic reaction attrib- 
utable to high effective concentrations of re- 
actants, which result in more frequent 
formation of transition states, 
pseudo first-order reaction. A multi-reactant 
reaction carried out under conditions where 
the rate depends on the concentration of only 
one reactant. 

pseudogene. A nonexpressed sequence of 
DNA that evolved from a protein-encoding 
gene. Pseudogenes often contain mutations 
in their coding regions and cannot produce 
functional proteins. 

if/ (psi). The angle of rotation around the 
bond between the a-carbon and the carbonyl 
carbon of a peptide group. 

A ifj. See membrane potential. 

P site. Peptidyl site. The site on a ribosome 
that is occupied during protein synthesis by a 
tRNA molecule attached to the growing 
polypeptide chain (peptidyl tRNA). 
purine. A nitrogenous base having a two- 
ring structure in which a pyrimidine is fused 
to imidazole. Adenine and guanine are substi- 
tuted purines found in both DNA and RNA. 
pyranose. A monosaccharide structure that 
forms a six-membered ring as a result of in- 
tramolecular hemiacetal formation, 
pyrimidine. A nitrogenous base having a 
heterocyclic ring that consists of four carbon 
atoms and two nitrogen atoms. Cytosine, 
thymine, and uracil are substituted pyrim- 
idines found in nucleic acids (cytosine in 
DNA and RNA, uracil in RNA, and thymine 
principally in DNA). 

Q. See mass action ratio. 

Q cycle. A cyclic pathway proposed to explain 
the sequence of electron transfers and proton 
movements within Complex III of mitochon- 
dria or the cytochrome bf complex in chloro- 
plasts. The net result of the two steps of the 
Q cycle is oxidation of two molecules of QH 2 
or plastoquinol (PQH 2 ); formation of one 
molecule of QH 2 or PQH 2 ; transfer of two 
electrons; and net translocation of four pro- 
tons across the inner mitochondrial mem- 
brane to the intermembrane space or across 
the thylakoid membrane to the lumen, 
quaternary structure. The organization of 
two or more polypeptide chains within a 
multisubunit protein. 

R state. The more active conformation of an 
allosteric protein; opposite of T state. 
Ramachandran plot. A plot of c versus f val- 
ues for amino acid residues in a polypeptide 
chain. Certain f and c values are characteris- 
tic of different conformations, 
random sequential reaction. A reaction in 
which neither the binding of substrates to an 
enzyme nor the release of products from the 
enzyme follows an obligatory order, 
rate acceleration. The ratio of the rate con- 
stant for a reaction in the presence of enzyme 
(fccat) divided by the rate constant for that re- 
action in the absence of enzyme (k n ). The 
rate acceleration value is a measure of the ef- 
ficiency of an enzyme. 

rate equation. An expression of the observed 
relationship between the velocity of a reaction 
and the concentration of each reactant, 
rate determining step. The slowest step in a 
chemical reaction. The rate determining step 
has the highest activation energy among the 
steps leading to formation of a product from 
the substrate. 

reaction center. A complex of proteins, elec- 
tron transport cofactors, and a special pair 
of chlorophyll molecules that forms the 
core of a photosystem. The reaction center 
is the site of conversion of photochemical 
energy to electrochemical energy during 

reaction mechanism. The step-by-step 
atomic or molecular events that occur during 
chemical reactions, 
reaction order. See kinetic order, 
reaction specificity. The lack of formation 
of wasteful by-products by an enzyme. Reac- 
tion specificity results in essentially 100% 
product yields. 

reactive center. The part of a coenzyme to 
which mobile metabolic groups are attached, 
reading frame. The sequence of nonoverlap- 
ping codons of an mRNA molecule that spec- 
ifies the amino acid sequence. The reading 
frame of an mRNA molecule is determined by 
the position where translation begins; usually 
an AUG codon. 

receptor. A protein that binds a specific 
ligand, such as a hormone, leading to some 
cellular response. 

recombinant DNA. A DNA molecule that 
includes DNA from different sources, 
recombination. See genetic recombination, 
reducing agent. A substance that loses elec- 
trons in an oxidation-reduction reaction and 
thereby becomes oxidized, 
reducing end. The residue containing a free 
anomeric carbon in a polysaccharide. A poly- 
saccharide usually contains no more than 
one reducing end. 

reduction. The gain of electrons by a sub- 
stance through transfer from another sub- 
stance (the reducing agent). Reductions can 
take several forms, including the loss of oxy- 
gen from a compound, the addition of 


hydrogen to a double bond of a compound, 
or a decrease in the valence of a metal ion. 
reduction potential ( E ). A measure of the 
tendency of a substance to reduce other sub- 
stances. The more negative the reduction po- 
tential, the greater the tendency to donate 

regulated enzyme. An enzyme located at a 
critical point within one or more metabolic 
pathways, whose activity may be increased or 
decreased based on metabolic demand. Most 
regulated enzymes are oligomeric, 
regulatory protein. A protein that is in- 
volved in the regulation of gene expression, 
usually at the point of transcription initia- 
tion. Repressors and activators are examples 
of regulatory proteins. 

regulatory site. A ligand-binding site in a 
regulatory enzyme distinct from the active 
site. Allosteric modulators alter enzyme ac- 
tivity by binding to the regulatory site. Also 
known as an allosteric site, 
relative molecular mass (M r ). The mass of a 
molecule relative to l/12th the mass of 12 C. 
There are no units associated with the values 
for relative molecular mass, 
release factor. A protein involved in termi- 
nating protein synthesis, 
renaturation. The restoration of the native 
conformation of a biological macromolecule, 
usually resulting in restoration of biological 

replication. The duplication of double- 
stranded DNA, during which parental strands 
separate and serve as templates for synthesis 
of new strands. Replication is carried out by 
DNA polymerase and associated factors, 
replication fork. The Y-shaped junction 
where double-stranded, template DNA is 
unwound and new DNA strands are synthe- 
sized during replication, 
replisome. A multiprotein complex that in- 
cludes DNA polymerase, primase, helicase, 
single-strand binding protein, and additional 
components. The replisomes, located at each 
of the replication forks, carry out the poly- 
merization reactions of bacterial chromoso- 
mal DNA replication. 

repressor. A regulatory DNA-binding pro- 
tein that prevents transcription by RNA 

residue. A single component within a poly- 
mer. The chemical formula of a residue is 
that of the corresponding monomer minus 
the elements of water. 

resonance energy transfer. A form of exci- 
tation energy transfer between molecules 
that does not involve transfer of an electron, 
respiratory electron transport chain. A 
series of enzyme complexes and associated 
cofactors that are electron carriers, passing 
electrons from reduced coenzymes or 
substrates to molecular oxygen (0 2 )> the 
terminal electron acceptor of aerobic 

restriction endonuclease. An endonuclease 
that catalyzes the hydrolysis of double- strand- 
ed DNA at a specific nucleotide sequence. 
Type I restriction endonucleases catalyze both 
the methylation of host DNA and the cleavage 
of nonmethylated DNA, whereas type II re- 
striction endonucleases catalyze only the 
cleavage of nonmethylated DNA. 
restriction map. A diagram showing the size 
and arrangement of fragments produced 
from a DNA molecule by the action of vari- 
ous restriction endonucleases, 
reverse transcriptase. A type of DNA poly- 
merase that catalyzes the synthesis of a strand 
of DNA from an RNA template, 
reverse turn. See turn, 
ribonucleic acid (RNA). A polymer consist- 
ing of ribonucleotide residues joined by 
3' -5' phosphodiester bonds. The sugar moi- 
ety in RNA is ribose. Genetic information 
contained in DNA is transcribed in the syn- 
thesis of RNA, some of which (mRNA) is 
translated in the synthesis of protein, 
ribonucleoprotein. A complex containing 
both ribonucleic acid and protein, 
ribosome. A large ribonucleoprotein com- 
plex composed of multiple ribosomal RNA 
molecules and proteins. Ribosomes are the 
site of protein synthesis, 
ribozyme. An RNA molecule with enzymatic 

rise. The distance between one residue and 
the next along the axis of a helical macro - 

RNA processing. The reactions that trans- 
form a primary RNA transcript into a ma- 
ture RNA molecule. The three general types 
of RNA processing include the removal of 
RNA nucleotides from primary transcripts, 
the addition of RNA nucleotides not encod- 
ed by the gene, and the covalent modifica- 
tion of bases. 

rRNA. See ribosomal ribonucleic acid. 

S. See Svedberg unit. 

S. Sec entropy. 

salt bridge. See charge- charge interactions, 
salvage pathway. A pathway in which a 
major metabolite, such as a purine or pyrim- 
idine nucleotide, can be synthesized from a 
preformed molecular entity, such as a purine 
or pyrimidine. 

saturated fatty acid. A fatty acid that does 
not contain a carbon-carbon double bond. 
Schiff base. A complex formed by the re- 
versible condensation of a primary amine 
with an aldehyde (to form an aldimine) or a 
ketone (to form a ketimine). 

SDS-PAGE. See sodium dodecyl sulfate-poly- 
acrylamide gel electrophoresis, 
second messenger. A compound that acts 
intracellularly in response to an extracellular 

secondary structure. The regularities in 
local conformations within macromolecules. 

In proteins, secondary structure is main- 
tained by hydrogen bonds between carbonyl 
and amide groups of the backbone. In nucle- 
ic acids, secondary structure is maintained by 
hydrogen bonds and stacking interactions 
between the bases. 

second-order reaction. A reaction whose 
rate depends on the concentrations of two re- 

self-splicing intron. An intron that is ex- 
cised in a reaction mediated by the RNA pre- 
cursor itself. 

sense strand. In double-stranded DNA the 
sense strand is the strand that contains 
codons. Also called the coding strand. The 
opposite strand is called the antisense strand 
or the template strand, 
sequential reaction. An enzymatic reac- 
tion in which all the substrates must be 
bound to the enzyme before any product is 

sequential theory of cooperativity and al- 
losteric regulation. A model of the coopera- 
tive binding of identical ligands to oligomeric 
proteins. According to the simplest form of 
the sequential theory, the binding of a ligand 
may induce a change in the tertiary structure 
of the subunit to which it binds and may 
alter the conformations of neighboring sub- 
units to varying extents. Only one subunit 
conformation has a high affinity for the 
ligand. Also known as the ligand-induced 

Shine-Dalgarno sequence. A purine-rich 
region just upstream of the initiation codon 
in prokaryotic mRNA molecules. The Shine- 
Dalgarno sequence binds to a pyrimidine- 
rich sequence in the ribosomal RNA, thereby 
positioning the ribosome at the initiation 

i t factor. See a subunit. 

c t subunit (sigma subunit). A subunit of 
prokaryotic RNA polymerase, which acts as a 
transcription initiation factor by binding to 
the promoter. Different a subunits are spe- 
cific for different promoters. Also known as a 
a factor. 

signal peptidase. An integral membrane 
protein of the endoplasmic reticulum that 
catalyzes cleavage of the signal peptide of 
proteins translocated to the lumen. 

signal peptide. The N-terminal sequence of 
residues in a newly synthesized polypeptide 
that targets the protein for translocation 
across a membrane. 

signal transduction. The process whereby 
an extracellular signal is converted to an in- 
tracellular signal by the action of a mem- 
brane-associated receptor, a transducer, and 
an effector enzyme. 

signal recognition particle (SRP). A eu- 
karyotic protein-RNA complex that binds a 
newly synthesized peptide as it is extruded 
from the ribosome. The signal-recognition 
particle is involved in anchoring the ribo- 
some to the cytosolic face of the endoplasmic 


reticulum so that protein translocation to the 
lumen can occur. 

single-strand binding protein (SSB). A pro- 
tein that binds tightly to single-stranded 
DNA, preventing the DNA from folding back 
on itself to form double-stranded regions. 

site-directed mutagenesis. An in vitro pro- 
cedure by which one particular nucleotide 
residue in a gene is replaced by another, re- 
sulting in production of an altered protein 

site-specific recombination. An example of 
recombination that occurs at specific sites in 
the genome. 

small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP). 

An RNA-protein complex composed of one 
or two specific snRNA molecules plus a num- 
ber of proteins. snRNPs are involved in splic- 
ing mRNA precursors and in other cellular 

small RNA. A class of RNA molecules. Some 
small RNA molecules have catalytic activity. 
Some small nuclear RNA molecules (snRNA) 
are components of small nuclear ribonucleo- 
proteins (snRNPs). 
snRNA. See small nuclear RNA. 
snRNP. See small nuclear ribonucleoprotein. 
sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel 
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Polyacrylamide 
gel electrophoresis performed in the presence 
of the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate. SDS- 
PAGE allows separation of proteins on the 
basis of size only rather than charge and size, 
solvation. A state in which a molecule or ion 
is surrounded by solvent molecules, 
solvation sphere. The shell of solvent mole- 
cules that surrounds an ion or solute, 
special pair. A specialized pair of chloro- 
phyll molecules in reaction centers that is the 
primary electron donor during the light-de- 
pendent reactions of photosynthesis. 

specific heat. The amount of heat required 
to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a sub- 
stance by 1°C. 

specificity constant. Seek cat /K m . 

sphingolipid. An amphipathic lipid with a 
sphingosine (trans-4-sphingenine) back- 
bone. Sphingolipids, which include sphin- 
gomyelins, cerebrosides, and gangliosides, are 
present in plant and animal membranes and 
are particularly abundant in the tissues of the 
central nervous system. 

sphingomyelin. A sphingolipid that consists 
of phosphocholine attached to the C-l hy- 
droxyl group of a ceramide. Sphingomyelins 
are present in the plasma membranes of most 
mammalian cells and are a major component 
of myelin sheaths. 

splice site. The conserved nucleotide se- 
quence surrounding an exon-intron junction. 
It includes the site where the RNA molecule is 
cleaved during intron excision. 

spliceosome. The large protein-RNA com- 
plex that catalyzes the removal of introns from 

mRNA precursors. The spliceosome is com- 
posed of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins. 
splicing. The process of removing introns 
and joining exons to form a continuous RNA 

SRR See signal recognition particle. 

SSB. See single-strand binding protein, 
stacking interactions. The weak noncovalent 
forces between adjacent bases or base pairs in 
single- stranded or double- stranded nucleic 
acids, respectively. Stacking interactions con- 
tribute to the helical shape of nucleic acids, 
standard Gibbs free energy change (AG°')« 
The free energy change for a reaction under 
biochemical standard state conditions, 
standard reduction potential (E°')« A 
measure of the tendency of a substance to re- 
duce other substances under biochemical 
standard state conditions, 
standard state. A set of reference conditions 
for a chemical reaction. In biochemistry, the 
standard state is defined as a temperature of 
298 K (25°C), a pressure of 1 atmosphere, a 
solute concentration of 1.0 M, and a pH of 7.0. 
starch. A homopolymer of glucose residues 
that is a storage polysaccharide in plants. 
There are two forms of starch: amylose, an 
unbranched polymer of glucose residues 
joined by cr-(1^4) linkages; and amy- 
lopectin, a branched polymer of glucose 
residues joined by a-( 1 — » 4) linkages with 
a-( 1 — > 6) linkages at branch points, 
steady state. A state in which the rate of syn- 
thesis of a compound is equal to its rate of 
utilization or degradation, 
stem-loop. See hairpin, 
stereoisomers. Compounds with the same 
molecular formula but different spatial 
arrangements of their atoms, 
stereospecificity. The ability of an enzyme 
to recognize and act upon only a single 
stereoisomer of a substrate, 
steroid. A lipid containing a fused, four-ring 
isoprenoid structure. 

sterol. A steroid containing a hydroxyl group, 
stomata. Structures on the surface of a leaf 
through which carbon dioxide diffuses di- 
rectly into photosynthetic cells, 
stop codon. See termination codon, 
strand invasion. The exchange of single 
strands of DNA from two nicked molecules 
having homologous nucleotide sequences, 
stroma. The interior of a chloroplast corre- 
sponding to the cytoplasm of the ancestral 

stromal lamellae. Regions of the thylakoid 
membrane that are in contact with the stroma, 
substrate. A reactant in a chemical reaction. 
In enzymatic reactions, substrates are specifi- 
cally acted upon by enzymes, which catalyze 
the conversion of substrates to products, 
substrate cycle. A pair of opposing reactions 
that catalyzes a cycle between two pathway 

substrate level phosphorylation. Phosphory- 
lation of a nucleoside diphosphate by 
transfer of a phosphoryl group from a non- 
nucleotide substrate. 

supercoil. A topological arrangement assumed 
by over- or underwound double-stranded DNA. 
Underwinding gives rise to negative supercoils; 
overwinding produces positive supercoils, 
supersecondary structure. See motif. 
Svedberg unit (S). A unit of 10 -13 second 
used for expressing the sedimentation coeffi- 
cient, a measure of the rate at which a large 
molecule or particle sediments in an ultra- 
centrifuge. Large S values usually indicate 
large masses. 

symport. The cotransport of two different 
species of ions or molecules in the same direc- 
tion across a membrane by a transport protein, 
synonymous codons. Different codons that 
specify the same amino acid, 
synthase. A common name for an enzyme, 
often a transferase, that catalyzes a synthetic 

synthetase. An enzyme that catalyzes the join- 
ing of two substrates and requires the input of 
the chemical potential energy of a nucleoside 
triphosphate. Synthetases are members of the 
IUBMB class of enzymes known as ligases. 

T state. The less active conformation of an 
allosteric protein; opposite of R state. 

TATA box. An A/T-rich DNA sequence 
found within the promoter of both prokary- 
otic and eukaryotic genes, 
template strand. The strand of DNA within 
a gene whose nucleotide sequence is comple- 
mentary to that of the transcribed RNA. Dur- 
ing transcription, RNA polymerase binds to 
and moves along the template strand in the 
3' — » 5' direction, catalyzing the synthesis of 
RNA in the 5' —> 3' direction, 
termination codon. A codon that is recog- 
nized by specific proteins that cause newly 
synthesized peptides to be released from the 
translation machinery thus terminating 
translation. The three termination codons 
(UAG, UAA, and UGA) are also known as 
stop codons. 

termination sequence. A sequence at the 3' 
end of a gene that mediates transcription 

tertiary structure. The compacting of poly- 
meric chains into one or more domains with- 
in a macromolecule. In proteins, tertiary 
structure is stabilized mainly by hydrophobic 
interactions between side chains, 
thermodynamics. The branch of physical 
science that studies transformations of heat 
and energy. 

30 nm fiber. A chromatin structure in which 
nucleosomes are coiled into a solenoid 30 nm 
in diameter. 

— 35 region. A sequence found within the 
promoter of some prokaryotic genes about 
30 to 35 base pairs upstream of the transcrip- 
tion initiation site. 


3 10 helix. A secondary structure of proteins, 
consisting of a helix in which the carbonyl 
oxygen of each amino acid residue (residue 
n) forms a hydrogen bond with the amide hy- 
drogen of the third residue further toward 
the C-terminus of the polypeptide chain 
(residue n + 3). 

thylakoid lamella. See thylakoid membrane, 
thylakoid membrane. A highly folded, con- 
tinuous membrane network suspended in 
the aqueous matrix of the chloroplast. The 
thylakoid membrane is the site of the light- 
dependent reactions of photosynthesis, 
which lead to the formation of NADPH and 
ATP. Also known as the thylakoid lamella. 

T m . See melting point and phase-transition 

topoisomerase. An enzyme that alters the 
supercoiling of a DNA molecule by cleaving a 
phosphodiester linkage in either one or both 
strands, rewinding the DNA, and resealing 
the break. Some topoisomerases are also 
known as DNA gyrases. 
topology. 1 . The arrangement of membrane- 
spanning segments and connecting loops in 
an integral membrane protein. 2. The overall 
morphology of a nucleic acid molecule. 

Ti/fC arm. The stem-and-loop structure in a 
tRNA molecule that contains the sequence 
W C). 

trace element. An element required in very 
small quantities by living organisms. Exam- 
ples include copper, iron, and zinc, 
transaminase. An enzyme that catalyzes the 
transfer of an amino group from an a - amino 
acid to an a-keto acid. Transaminases require 
the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate. They are 
also called aminotransferases, 
transcription. The copying of biological in- 
formation from a double- stranded DNA 
molecule to a single-stranded RNA molecule, 
catalyzed by a transcription complex consist- 
ing of RNA polymerase and associated 

transcription bubble. A short region of 
double- stranded DNA that is unwound by 
RNA polymerase during transcription, 
transcription factor. A protein that binds to 
the promoter region, to RNA polymerase, or 
to both during assembly of the transcription 
initiation complex. Some transcription 
factors remain bound during RNA chain 

transcription initiation complex. The com- 
plex of RNA polymerase and other factors 
that assembles at the promoter at the start of 

transcriptional activator. A regulatory DNA- 
binding protein that enhances the rate of 
transcription by increasing the activity of 
RNA polymerase at specific promoters, 
transducer. The component of a signal- 
transduction pathway that couples receptor- 
ligand binding with generation of a second 
messenger catalyzed by an effector enzyme. 

transfer ribonucleic acid. See tRNA. 
transferase. An enzyme that catalyzes a 
group -transfer reaction. Transferases often 
require a coenzyme. 

transition state. An unstable, high-energy 
arrangement of atoms in which chemical 
bonds are being formed or broken. Transi- 
tion states have structures between those of 
the substrates and the products of a reaction, 
transition-state analog. A compound that 
resembles a transition state. Transition-state 
analogs characteristically bind extremely 
tightly to the active sites of appropriate en- 
zymes and thus act as potent inhibitors, 
transition-state stabilization. The increased 
binding of transition states to enzymes relative 
to the binding of substrates or products. Tran- 
sition-state stabilization lowers the activation 
energy and thus contributes to catalysis, 
translation. The synthesis of a polypeptide 
whose sequence reflects the nucleotide se- 
quence of an mRNA molecule. Amino acids 
are donated by activated tRNA molecules, 
and peptide bond synthesis is catalyzed by 
the translation complex, which includes the 
ribosome and other factors, 
translation complex. The complex of a ri- 
bosome and protein factors that carries out 
the translation of mRNA in vivo, 
translation initiation complex. The complex 
of ribosomal subunits, an mRNA template, an 
initiator tRNA molecule, and initiation factors 
that assembles at the start of protein synthesis, 
translation initiation factor. A protein in- 
volved in the formation of the initiation 
complex at the start of protein synthesis, 
translocation. 1 . The movement of the ri- 
bosome by one codon along an mRNA mole- 
cule. 2. The movement of a polypeptide 
through a membrane. 

transposon. A mobile genetic element that 
jumps between chromosomes or parts of a 
chromosome by taking advantage of recom- 
bination mechanisms. Also known as a trans- 
posable element. 

transverse diffusion. The passage of lipid or 
protein molecules from one leaflet of a lipid 
bilayer to the other leaflet. Unlike lateral dif- 
fusion within one leaflet of a bilayer, trans- 
verse diffusion is extremely slow, 
triacylglycerol. A lipid containing three 
fatty acyl residues esterified to glycerol. Fats 
and oils are mixtures of triacylglycerols. For- 
merly known as a triglyceride, 
tricarboxylic acid cycle. See citric acid cycle, 
triglyceride. See triacylglycerol. 
triose. A three-carbon sugar. 
tRNA. A class of RNA molecules that carry 
activated amino acids to the site of protein 
synthesis for incorporation into growing 
peptide chains. tRNA molecules contain an 
anticodon that recognizes a complementary 
codon in mRNA. 

turn (in proteins). A protein loop of 4-5 
residues that causes a change in the direction 
of a polypeptide chain in a folded protein. 

turnover. The dynamic metabolic steady 
state in which molecules are degraded and re- 
placed by newly synthesized molecules, 
turnover number. See catalytic constant, 
twist. The angle of rotation between adja- 
cent residues within a helical macromolecule, 
type I reaction center. The special pair of 
chlorophyll molecules and associated elec- 
tron transfer chain found in photosystem I. 
type II reaction center. The reaction center 
found in photosystem II. 
uncompetitive inhibition. Inhibition of an 
enzyme-catalyzed reaction by a reversible in- 
hibitor that binds only to the enzyme- sub- 
strate complex, not to the free enzyme, 
uncouplers. See uncoupling agent, 
uncoupling agent. A compound that dis- 
rupts the usual tight coupling between elec- 
tron transport and phosphorylation of ADR 
uniport. The transport of a single type of 
solute across a membrane by a transport 

unsaturated fatty acid. A fatty acid with at 
least one carbon-carbon double bond. An un- 
saturated fatty acid with only one carbon-car- 
bon double bond is called a monounsaturated 
fatty acid. A fatty acid with two or more car- 
bon-carbon double bonds is called a polyun- 
saturated fatty acid. In general, the double 
bonds of unsaturated fatty acids are of the cis 
configuration and are separated from each 
other by methylene ( — CH 2 — ) groups, 
urea cycle. A metabolic cycle consisting of 
four enzyme-catalyzed reactions that con- 
verts nitrogen from ammonia and aspartate 
to urea. Four ATP equivalents are consumed 
during formation of one molecule of urea, 
v. Sec velocity. 
v 0 . See initial velocity. 

vacuole. A fluid-filled organelle in plant 
cells that is a storage site for water, ions, or 

van der Waals force. A weak intermolecular 
force produced between neutral atoms by 
transient electrostatic interactions. Van der 
Waals attraction is strongest when atoms are 
separated by the sum of their van der Waals 
radii; strong van der Waals repulsion pre- 
cludes closer approach, 
van der Waals radius. The effective size of 
an atom. The distance between the nuclei of 
two nonbonded atoms at the point of maxi- 
mal attraction is the sum of their van der 
Waals radii. 

variable arm. The arm of a tRNA molecule 
that is located between the anticodon arm 
and the TiffC arm. The variable arm can range 
in length from about 3 to 21 nucleotides, 
velocity (V). The rate of a chemical reaction, 
expressed as amount of product formed per 
unit time. 

very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). A 

type of plasma lipoprotein that transports 
endogenous triacylglycerols, cholesterol, and 
cholesteryl esters from the liver to the tissues. 


vitamin. An organic micronutrient that 
cannot be synthesized by an animal and must 
be obtained in the diet. Many coenzymes are 
derived from vitamins. 

VLDL. See very low density lipoprotein. 
V nvdX . See maximum velocity, 
wax. A nonpolar ester that consists of a long 
chain monohydroxylic alcohol and a long 
chain fatty acid. 

wobble position. The 5' position of an anti- 
codon, where non-Watson-Crick base pair- 
ing with a nucleotide in mRNA is permitted. 

The wobble position makes it possible for a 
tRNA molecule to recognize more than one 

X-ray crystallography. A technique used to 
determine secondary, tertiary, and quater- 
nary structures of biological macromole- 
cules. In X-ray crystallography, a crystal of 
the macromolecule is bombarded with X 
rays, which are diffracted and then detected 
electronically or on a film. The atomic struc- 
ture is deduced by mathematical analysis of 
the diffraction pattern. 

Z-DNA. A conformation of oligonucleotide 
sequences containing alternating deoxycytidy- 
late and deoxyguanylate residues. Z-DNA is a 
left-handed double helix containing approxi- 
mately 12 base pairs per turn, 
zero-order reaction. A reaction whose rate 
is independent of reactant concentration. 
Z-scheme. A zigzag scheme that illustrates the 
reduction potentials associated with electron 
flow through photosynthetic electron carriers, 
zwitterion. A molecule containing negatively 
and positively charged groups. 

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In this index, the page numbers listed indicate 
tables (with a T added to that page number) and 
figures (with an F added to that page number). 


A-DNA, 585-586F 
ABO blood group, 250-25 IF 
absorption spectrum of DNA, 584-585F 
acceptor stem, 668F 
accessory pigments, 447-448F 
acetaldehyde, lyases catalyzation, 137 
acetaminophen, structure of, 486F 
acetate, gluconeogenesis precursor, 362-363 
acetic acid (CH 3 COOH), 45 
buffer range of, 50F 
dissociation of, 45 
pH and, 45, 47, 50F 
titration of, 47F 
acetyl CoA, 315-316, 387-394 
cholesterol and, 488 
citric acid cycle reactions, 385, 387-394 
isopentenyl diphosphate conversion from, 488 
nucleotidyl group transfer, 315 
oxidation of, 385, 391-394F 
pyruvate, conversion from, 385, 387-391 
thioester hydrolysis, 316 
acetylcholinesterase, 134F 
acid-base catalysis, 168-169 
acid solutions, 42-49F 

base solutions combined with, 47-48 
base solutions dissociated from, 44-45 
dissociation constant, K a , 44-48T 
Henderson-Hasselbach equation for, 46-47 
ionization and, 42 
pH scale for, 43F, 49 
parameter value, p K a , 45-48T 
titration, curves for, 47-48F 
weak, 44-49 

aconitase, citrus cycle reactions, 3 96-3 9 7F 
actin filaments, 23F 
activation energy, G*, 14F, 165F 
activator ions, 196 

active membrane transport, 280-283F 
acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment, 52 1 
acyl, general formula of, 5F 
acyl carrier protein (ACP), 1 1 IF, 204-206F 
acyl CoA transport into mitochondria, 497-498 
adenine (A), 8-9F, 310-31 IT, 551F 
adenosine deaminase, 181-182F 
adenosine 5-monophosphate (AMP), 550-55 IF 
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 8-9F, 198-199F, 

active membrane transport, 282-283F, 435-436 
/7-oxidation, generation from, 498-499 
citric acid cycle reactions, 405-406F 
coenzyme metabolic property, 198-199F 
cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), 

electron transport and, 417-442 
eukaryotic mitochondria and, 2 1 
Gibbs free energy change, AG, 308-312 
hexokinase reactions, 326-327, 328F, 330F 
high energy bond, ~, 3 1 1 
hydrolysis, 308-312 

electrostatic repulsion, 309 
metabolically irreversible changes, 308-312 

resonance stabilization, 310 
solvation effects, 309-310 
metabolic changes, 198-199F, 304, 308-315 
nucleotide metabolic reactions, 55 IF 
nucleotidyl group transfer, 315F 
phosphofruktokinase- 1 (PFK-1) regulation by, 

phosphoryl group transfer, 312-315 

photosynthesis photosystems and, 459-460F 

production of, 314-315F 

reduced coenzyme production of, 405-406F 

structure of, 8-9F 

synthase, 433-435F, 456, 459-460F 

synthesis of, 417-442 

ATP synthase catalysis, 433-435F 
chemiosmotic theory, 420-423 
mitochondria, 418-420F 
mitochondrial membrane transport, 435-436 
NADH shuttle mechanisms in eukaryotes, 

P/O (phosphorylated/ oxygen) ratio, 436 
proton leaks and heat production, 435 
protonmotive force, 421-420F 
superoxide anions, 440-441 
adenylyl cyclase signaling pathway, 287-288F 
adenylyl kinase (pig), 105F 
affinity chromatography, 70 
aggrecan, 245-246 

aggregation from protein folding, 119 
Agre, Peter, 280 
Agrobacterium sp., 528 
alanine (A, Ala), 56, 59F, 64T 
catabolism of, 535 
gluconeogenic precursor, 361 
glucose- alanine cycle, 36 IF 
ionization of, 64-65F 
isomerases catalyzation, 137-138 
nomenclature, 56, 64T 
pyruvate, conversion from, 36 IF 
structure and properties of, 56, 59F 
synthesis of, 521-523F 
titration of, 64-65F 
transferases catalyzation, 136-137 
alcohol groups with side chains, 60-61 
alcohols, 5F 

cyclization of monosaccharides and reactions of, 
230-23 IF 

general formula of, 5F 
solubility in water, 35T 
aldehyde, general formula of, 5F 
aldohexoses, 229F 
aldolase cleavage, 330-332F 
aldopentoses, 229F 
aldoses, 228-234F 

cyclization of, 230-234F 
epimers, 230 

Fischer projections of, 228-230F 
structure of, 228-230F 
aldotetroses, 229F 
aliphatic R groups, 59 
alkaline hydrolysis, 591-592F 
alkaptonuria, 544 
allose, 229F 

allosteric enzymes, 153-158F 

concerted (symmetry) model for, 156-157F 
phosphofructokinase, 154-155F 

properties of, 155-156F 
regulation of enzyme activity using, 153-158 
sequential model for, 157-158F 
allosteric protein interactions, 127-129F 
allosteric regulation of eukaryotic ribonucleotide 
reductase, 56 IT 
allysine residues, 12 IF 
or- carbon atom, 56 
or-globin subunits, 122-123F 
or helix proteins, 94-97F, 98-99 
amphipathic, 95-97A 
P strand and sheet connections, 98-99F 
collagen type III triple helix, 1 19F 
left-handed, 119-120F 
leucine zipper, 96-97 A 
membranes, 270-271F 
protein conformation of, 94-9 7F 
right-handed, 94-95F 
rotation of, 95 
side chains in, 95 
3 10 helix compared to, 96-97F 
a- ketoglutarate, transferases catalyzation, 56 
or-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, citrus 
cycle reactions, 398-399F 
or subunits, RNA transcription, 641-642T 
or- tocopherol (vitamin E), 218F 
or//?barrel, domain fold, 106F 
a ifh tetramer (insulin), 290-29 IF 
altrose, 229F 
amide linkages, 4-5F 
amino acid metabolism, 514-549 
ammonia assimilation, 518-519 
glutamate and glutamine 
incorporation, 518F 
transanimation reactions, 518-519F 
catabolism, 534-542 

alanine, asparagine, aspartate, glutamate, 
and glutamine, 535 

argenine, histidine, and proline, 535-536F 
branched chain amino acids and, 537-539F 
cysteine, 540-54 IF 
glycine and serine, 536-537F 
lysine, 542F 

methionine conversion and, 539-540F 
threonine, 537-538F 
tyrosine, 541-542F 
diseases of, 544 
essential amino acids, 529T 
functions of, 514-515 
nitrogen cycle, 515-517F 
nitrogen fixation, 515 
nitrogenases, 516-517 
nonessential amino acids, 514, 529T 
precursors, 529-532 

glutamate, glutamine, and aspartate, 529 
lignin from phenylalanine, 531-532F 
melanin from tyrosine, 531, 533F 
nitric oxide from arginine, 530-53 IF 
serine and glycine, 529-530F 
protein turnover, 531-533 
renal glutamine metabolism, 547-548 
synthesis of amino acids, 520-529 

alanine, valine, leucine, and isoleucine, 

aspartate and asparagine, 520-52 IF 
citric acid cycle, 520F 


770 INDEX 

amino acid metabolism ( Continued ) 

glutamate, glutamine, arginine, and 
proline, 523F 
histidine, 527F 

lysine, methionmine, and threonine, 520-522F 
phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, 

serine, glycine, and cysteine, 523-525F 
urea cycle, conversion of ammonia to urea, 

amino acids, 6F, 55-84 
a-c arbon atom, 56 
active sites of enzymes, 168T 
catabolism of, 519, 534-542 
catalytic functions of residues, 166-168T 
chromatographic procedure for, 73-74F 
common types of, 58-62 

alcohol groups with side chains, 60-61 
aliphatic R groups, 59 
aromatic R groups, 59-60 
derivatives, 62-63 
hydrophobicity of side chains, 62 
negatively charged R groups, 62 
positively charged R groups, 61-62 
sulfur- containing R groups, 60 
defined, 56 

evolution and ancestors from, 57-58, 79-8 IF 

free-energy change of transfer for, 63T 

glucose precursors, 360-361 

hydrolysis for analysis of, 73-74F 

hydropathy scale, 62T 

ionization of, 63-67 

molecular weight of, 74-75T 

nomenclature, 56-58, 6 IF, 64T 

peptide bonds, 67-68 

pK a values, 168T 

protein composition with, 67-68, 73-74T 
protein purification and analysis, 68-73 
racemization, 58 
residues, 67-68F, 74-75F 
RS system configuration, 6 IF 
sequencing, 68, 74-8 IF 
side chains, 56, 59-62 
site-directed mutagenesis, 167 
structure of, 6F, 56-62F 
abbreviations for, 58-59F 
ball- and- stick model of, 56-5 7F 
mirror-image pairs, 57F 
numbering conventions, 56F 
titration of, 64-65F 
amino sugars, 235-236, 237F 
aminoacyl-tRNA, 670-673 

binding sites, 671-672F, 675F, 677F 
docked at A site, 675, 677F, 680-682F 
elongation factors and docking of, 680-682F 
ribosome binding sites, 675, 677F 
synthetases, 670-673F 

proofreading for errors in, 673 
protein synthesis and, 670-673F 
reaction of, 670-672F 
specificity of, 671-673F 
substrate-binding sites, 677F 
aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide 
(AICAR), 553F 

aminoimidazole ribonucleotide (AIR), 553F 
aminoimidazole succinylocarboxamide 
ribonucleotide (SAICAR), 553F 
ammonia (NH 3 ), 45, 518-519 
assimilation, 518-519 
conversion to urea, 542-547 
dissociation for formation of, 45 
enzyme transfer from glutamate, 558 
glutamate and glutamine incorporation, 518F 
transanimation reactions, 518-519F 
urea cycle, 542-547F 
ammonium ions, general formula of, 5F 
amphibolic pathways, 407-409 

amphibolic reactions, 295 
amphipathic helix, 95-97A 
amphipathic molecules, 36 
amplification, 285 
DNA, 615-616 
signal pathways, 285 
amylase, 242F 
amylopectin, 241-242F 
amyloplasts, 469 
amylose, 24 IF 
Anabaena spherica, 305F 
anabolic (biosynthetic) reactions, 294-295F, 

anaerobic conversion, 339-340F 
Anfinsen, Christian B., 112-113 
angstrom (A), units of, 26 
anionic forms of fatty acids, 258T 
anomeric carbon, 231 
anomers, 23 1 

antenna chlorophylls, 446-447F 
anti conformation of nucleotides, 577-578F 
antibiotic inhibition of protein synthesis, 686 
antibody binding to specific antigens, 129-130F 
anticodon arm, 668-669F 
anticodons, 668-67 IT 
base pairing, 669-670T 
defined, 668 

wobble position of, 670-67 IF 
antigens, antibody binding to, 129- DOF 
antiparallel /? sheets, 97-98F 
antiparallel DNA strands, 581-583 
antiport, membrane transport, 28 IF 
apoptosis, 534 
aquaporin, 280F 
Arabidopsis thalianna , 93 
arabinose, 229F 

L-arabinose-binding protein, 105F 
arginine (R, Arg), 61-62F 
catabolism of, 535-536F 
nitric oxide synthesis from, 530-53 IF 
nomenclature of, 64T 
structure of, 61-62F 
synthesis of, 523F 
urea cycle and, 543F, 545-546F 
arginine kinase, 190-192F 
aromatic R groups, 59-60 
arsenate (arsenic) poisoning, 336 
arsenite (arsenic) poisoning, 336 
ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 209-211 
asparagine (N, Asn), 62F 

acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment, 521 
catabolism of, 535 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 62F 
synthesis of, 520-52 IF 
aspartame, 68F, 240 
aspartate (D, Asp), 62F 
catabolism of, 535 
gluconeogenic precursor, 361 
malate-aspartate shuttle, 348F 
metabolic precursor use, 529 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 62F 
synthesis of, 520-52 IF 
urea cycle and, 543F, 545-546F 
aspirin, structure of, 486F 
association constant, K a , 109-1 10F 
atmospheric pollution, photosynthesis 
and, 457 

ATP, see adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 

ATP synthase, 43 3-43 5F 

binding change mechanism, 434-43 5F 

chloroplasts, 459-460F 

cytochrome complexes, 456 

electron transfer from, 456 

electron transport, complex V, 433-435F 

photosynthesis and, 456, 459-460F 

rotation of molecules, 434-435 
structure of, 433F 
attenuation, 688-689F 

audioradiograph of replicating chromosome, 603F 
autophosphorylation, 290 
autotrophs, 302-303 
Avery, Oswald, 3, 573 

Azotobacter vinelandii nitrogenase , 516-517F 


B-DNA, 582-584F 

bacteria, 246-248. See also Escherichia coli ( E . coli ) 
citric acid cycle and, 411-414 
Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway, 351-352F 
forked pathway, 412-413F 
gloxylate pathway, 41 1-41 2F 
Gram stain for, 247F 
intestinal, 216F 

metabolism and adaptation of, 295-296 
penicillin, 247-248F 
peptidoglycans, 246-248F 
polysaccharide capsules, 247 
Staphylococcus aureus (S. Aureus ), 76, 247-248F 
bacterial DNA, 3, 590 
bacterial enzymes, 364F 
bacterial flagellum, 109F 
bacterial photosystems, 448-458 
coupled, 453-455T 
cytochrome bf complex, 453-455F 
electron transfer in, 449-453 
Gibbs free energy change, AG, 455-457 
green filamentous bacteria, 448, 452F 
internal membranes, 457 
photosystem I (PSI), 448, 450-453F 
photosystem II (PSII), 448-450F 
purple bacteria, 448-450F 
reaction equations, 450T, 452T, 455T 
reduction potentials, 455-457F 
bacterial reaction center (BRC), see photosystems 
bacterial transducers, 285-286 
bacteriophage MS2 capsid protein, 107F 
bacteriorhodopsin, 270-271F, 461 
ball-and-stick models, 56-57F 
amino acids, 56-57F 
DNA, 582-584F 

monosaccharide (chiral) compounds, 228F, 235F 
Barnum, P. T„ 200 
Bascillus stearothermophylus , 402 
Bascillus subtilis, 186 
base composition of DNA, 579T 
base pairing, 604-606, 669-671 
DNA, 604-606 
protein synthesis, 668-67 IF 
Watson-Crick, 668-670F 
wobble positions of anticodon and codon, 

base solutions, 42-43F, 47-48F 
acid titration using, 47-48F 
dissociated from acid solutions, 44-45 
Henderson-Hasselbach equation for, 47-48 
ionization and, 42 
pH scale for, 43F 
Beadle, George, 212, 634 
/^barrel, domain fold, 106F 
/^barrel protein membranes, 271-272F 
p- carotene, 217F, 447F 
/2-globin subunits, 122-123F 
/?helix, domain fold, 106F 
/2-meander motif (structure), 100-101F 
p- oxidation, 494-501 

acyl CoA transport into mitochondria, 497-498 

ATP generation from, 498-499 

fatty acids, 494-501 

lipid metabolism and, 494-501 

odd- chain fatty acids, 499-500 

trifunctional enzymes and, 498 

unsaturated fatty acids, 500-501 

Index 771 

/2-sandwich motif (structure), 100-10 IF 
P strands and sheets, 97-99F 
or helix connections, 98-99F 
antiparallel sheets, 97-98F 
P turns, 99F 

hydrophobic interactions, 98 
loops, 98 

parallel sheets, 97-98F 

pleated sheet, 97-98 

protein conformation of, 97-99F 

residues and, 99F 

reverse turns, 99 

turns, 99F 

pap unit motif (structure), 100F 
bicarbonate production by renal glutamine 
metabolism, 547-548 
bidirectional DNA replication, 602-603F 
bile salts, 505F 

binding. See also oxygen binding; substrates 
aminoacyl-tRNA sites, 671-672F, 

675F, 677F 

cap binding protein (CBP), 679 

change mechanism, ATP synthase, 434-43 5F 

DNA fragments, 609-61 IF 

hormones, 286-288 

protein synthesis, 671-672F, 675F, 

biochemistry, 1-27 
biopolymers, 4-10 
cells, 17-26 

E. coli , 17F, 23-24, 26F 
eukaryotic, 18-23F 
living, 23-26 
prokaryotic, 17-18F 
chemical elements of life, 3-4 

energy, life and, 10-15 
evolution and, 15-17 
macromolecules, 4-10 
lipids, 9 

membranes, 9-10 
nucleic acids, 7-9F 
polysaccharides, 6-7F 
proteins, 6 

multidisciplinary nature of, 26 
special terminology of, 26-27 
20th century science and, 2-3 
units for, 26-27T 

bioenergetics, 11 .See also ATP; metabolism; 

biological functions, 55-56, 119-129 
amino acid metabolism diseases, 544 
antibody binding to specific antigens, 


blood plasma, 33F, 35F, 51-52F 

cancer DCA inhibitors, 408F 

cartilage structure, 245-246F 

coronary heart disease and lipoprotein lipase, 507 

diabetes mellitus (DM), 381, 51 1 

dietary requirements and fatty acids, 261 

genetic defects, 265-266 

gout, 569 

hyperactivity, 359 

intestinal bacteria, 216F 

lactate buildup, 341 

lactose intolerance, 350 

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 569 

gout, 569 

lysosomal storage diseases, 492F 
liver metabolic functions, 344-345F, 


mucin secretions, 252F 

oxygen binding to myoglobin and hemoglobin, 

proteins and, 55-56, 119-129 
scurvy, ascorbic acid and, 209-210 
sweetness receptors, 240 

vitamin deficiency, 198 T, 209-210, 214, 215 
biological membranes, 9, 269-275. 

See also membranes 
biopolymers, see polymers 

biosynthetic (anabolic) pathways, 302-303 
biotin, 21 1-2 12F 

2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate (2,3BPG), 

1.3 Hsphosphoglycerate, 334F 

2.3 Hsphosphoglycerate, 335-337F 
bisubstrate enzyme reactions, 147-148F 
blood, 33F,35F,250-251F 

ABO group, 250-25 IF 

2,3 Hsphosphoglycerate in, 335F 
buffer capacity, 51-52F 
glycolysis reactions, 335 
plasma, 33F, 35F, 51-52F 
properties of, 33F, 35F 
boat conformations, 235F 
Bohr effect, 128F 
Boyer, Herbert, 597 
Boyer, Paul D., 223, 434 
branched chain amino acids, 537-539F 
breast cancer and DNA repair, 630 
Briggs, George E., 141 
Buchanan, John (Jack) M., 551, 554 
Buchner, Eduard, 2, 331 
buffered solutions, 50-52F 
acetic acid, 50F 
blood plasma, 51-52F 
capacity and pK a , 50-52FT 
carbonic acid, 5 IF 
pH and, 50-52F 
preparation of, 50 


C-terminus (carboxyl terminus), 68, 76F 

C 3 pathway, see Calvin cycle 

C 4 pathway, 469-47 IF 

Caenorhabditis elegans , 296 

Cahill, George, 380 

calcium (Ca), 3 

calories (cal), units of, 26 

calorimeter, 13F 

Calvin, Melvin, 462 

Calvin cycle, 443, 461-467F 

carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) fixation, 461-467, 

NADPH reduction, 466-467 
ribulose 1,5-frzsphosphate, 465-466F 
rubisco (rubilose 1,5-frisphosphate 

carboxylase- oxygenase), 462, 464-466F 
stages of, 462F 

oxygenation, 465-466F 
reduction, 466-467 
regeneration, 466-467F 
cancer drug inhibition, synthesis for, 564 
cap binding protein (CBP), 679 
cap formation, mNRA, 658-659F 
capsaicin, 284F 
capsule, polysaccharide, 247 
carbamate adducts, 129F 
carbamoyl phosphate, urea cycle and, 543F, 

carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, 558F 
carbocation, 164 
carbohydrates, 227-255 
defined, 227 
disaccharides, 236-239 

glycosidic bonds in, 236-238F 
structures of, 237-239F 
sugars, 238-239 
glucosides and, 236-239, 24 IF 
nucleosides and, 239, 241F 
glucosides, 236-239, 24 IF 
glycoconjugates, 244-252 
glycoproteins, 248-252F 

peptidoglycans, 246-248F 
proteoglycans, 244-246F 
monosaccharides, 227-236 
aldoses, 228-234F 
ball- and- stick models of, 228F 
chiral compounds, 228-230F 
conformations of, 234-235F 
cyclization of, 230-234 
derivatives of, 235-236F 
epimers, 230 

Fischer projections of, 228-232F 
Haworth projections of, 232-235F 
ketoses, 228-234F 
trioses, 226 

oligosaccharides, 227, 248-252F 
polysaccharides, 227, 240-244 
cellulose, 243F 
chitin, 244F 
glycogen, 240-243F 
heteroglycans, 240 
homoglycans, 240 
starch, 240-242F 
structure of, 240-24 IT 
carbolic acid, general formula of, 5F 
carbon (C), 3 

glycolysis reactions, 333-334F 
carbon dioxide (C0 2 ), lyases catalyzation, 137 
carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) fixation, 461-467 
bacteria compartmentalization, 469 
C 4 pathway, 469-47 IF 
Calvin cycle, 443, 461-467F 
carboxysomes, 469-470F 
crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), 

NADPH reduction, 466-467 
ribulose 1,5-frzsphosphate, 465-466F 
rubisco (rubilose 1,5-frisphosphate 

carboxylase- oxygenase), 462, 464-466F 
carbonic acid, buffer capacity of, 51F 
carbonic anhydrase, 197F 
carbonyl, general formula of, 5F 
carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide 
(CAIR), 553F 

carboxylate, general formula of, 5F 
carboxysomes, 469-470F 
carotenoids, 447-448F 
cartilage structure, 245-246F 
cascade amplification of signal pathways, 285 
catabolic reactions, 295F, 303-304F. See also 
glucose, 325-354 
metabolic pathways, 303-304F 
NADH, 304 
catabolism, 534-542 

alanine, asparagine, aspartate, glutamate, and 
glutamine, 535 

amino acid metabolism and, 534-542 
argenine, histidine, and proline, 535-536F 
branched chain amino acids and, 537-539F 
cysteine, 540-54 IF 
glycine and serine, 536-53 7F 
lysine, 542F 

methionine conversion and, 539-540F 
purine, 565-568 
pyrimidine, 568-570 
threonine, 537-538F 
tyrosine, 541-542F 
catalysis, 166-171, 175-182 
acid-base, 168-169 
amino acid residues and, 166-168T 
catalytic residue frequency distribution, 168T 
chemical modes of, 166-171 
covalent, 169-170F 

diffusion- controlled reactions, 171-175 
enzymatic modes, 175-182 
induced fit, 179-180 
proximity effect, 176-178F 

772 INDEX 

catalysis ( Continued ) 

transition-state stabilization, 176, 180-182F 
weak binding and, 176, 179-179F 
enzyme mechanism of, 166-171, 175-182 
ionizable amino acid residue functions, 

pH effects on enzymatic rates, 170-172F 
p K a values of ionizable amino acids, 168T 
RNA polymerase, 637-638F 
serine proteases and modes of, 185-188 
substrate binding and, 171-172T, 175-182F 
catalysts, 2, 113-114, 134, 136-138 
defined, 134 

denaturation reduction from, 113-114 
hydrolase enzymes, 137 
isomerases enzymes, 137-138 
ligases enzymes, 138 
lyases enzymes, 137 
oxidoreductase enzymes, 136 
protein structures, 113-114 
regulation of enzyme activity, 153-158 
transferases enzymes, 136-137 
catalytic activity, 89 
catalytic constant, k cat , 143-145 
catalytic proficiency, 144-147T 
catalytic triad, 185F 
cellobiose, 237-238, 239F 
cells, 17-26 

cytosols, 23, 26F 
E. coli, 17F, 23-24, 26F 
diffusion in, 34F 
eukaryotic, 18-23F 
living, 23-26 
prokaryotic, 17-18F 
structure of, 17-23 
solubility and concentrations of, 34F 
cellular pathways, 302-304 
cellulose, 243F 
cellulose, 7-8F 

Celsius scale (°C), units of, 26-27 
Central Dogma, 3 
cerebrosides, 265, 266F 
ceremide, 264, 265F 
chain elongation, 603, 679-684 

DNA polymerase replication, 604-606F 
protein synthesis translation, 673-674, 679-684 
aminoacyl-tRNA docking sites for, 680-68 IF 
elongation factors, 680-68 IF 
microcycle steps for, 679-684F 
peptidyl transferase catalysis, 681-682F 
ribosomes and, 673-674 
translocation of ribosome, 682-684F 
RNA polymerase catalyzation, 63 6-63 7F 
chair conformations, 189-190F, 235F 
Chance, Britton, 420 
Changeaux, Jean-Pierre, 157 
channels for (animal) membrane transport, 
chaotropes, 36 

chaotropic agents for denaturation, 111 
chaperones, see molecular chaperones 
Chargaff, Erwin, 579 
charge-charge interactions, 37, 117, 584 
chemiosmotic theory, 420-423 
chemoautotrophs, 303, 439-440 
chemoheterotrophs, 303 
chemotaxis, 284 
chiral atoms, 56-57 
chiral compounds, 228-230F 
chitin, 244F 

Chlamydomonas sp., 458 
chloride (Cl), 3 
chlorophylls, 444-447F 
antenna, 446-447F 
photon (energy) absorption, 445-446 
resonance energy transfer, 446 

special pair, 446-447F 
structure of, 444-445 
chloroplasts, 21-22F, 458-460F 
ATP synthase, 459-460F 
cyanobacteria evolution of, 459 
eukaryotic cell structure and, 20F, 21-22F 
organization of, 459-460F 
photosynthesis and, 22 
structure of, 458-459F 
cholecalciferol (vitamin D), 218-219F 
cholesterol, 266-268 

isoprenoid metabolism and, 490, 493-494F 
level regulation, 493 
lipid bilayers, 277-278F 
lipid metabolism and, 488, 490-494 
membrane fluidity and, 277-278F 
steroids and, 266-268 
synthesis of, 488, 490-494 
chromasomal DNA replication, 602-603 
chromatin, 588-591 

bacterial DNA packaging, 590 
higher levels of, 590 
histones, 588-590F 
nucleosomes and, 588-591 
packing ratio, 588 

RNA eukaryotic transcriptions and, 649 
chromatography, 69-70F, 73-74F 
amino acid analysis, 73-47F 
techniques, 69-70F 
chymotrypsin, 76-77F, 183-188F 
Ciechanover, Aaron, 533 
cis conformation, 9 IF, 93, 258, 259F 
cis/trans isomerization, 93, 104F 
cistine, formulation of, 60F 
citrate synthase, citrus cycle reactions, 385F, 

citric acid cycle, 303-304, 326F, 385-416 
amphibolic pathways, 407-409 
ATP production, 405-406F 
bacteria and, 411-414 
coenzyme reduction, 405-406F 
energy production in, 405T 
enzymatic reactions of, 392 
enzyme reactions, 386, 394-402 
aconitase, 3 96-3 9 7F 

or-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, 

citrate synthase, 394-396F 
conversion of from another, 402F 
fumarase, 401 

isocitrate dehydrogenase, 397-398F 
malate dedrogenase, 401-402 
succinate dehydrogenase complex, 399-40 IF 
succinyl synthetase, 398-400F 
eukaryotic cells and, 385 
evolution of, 412-414 
forked pathways, 413F 
gloxylate pathway, 409-412 
glucose synthesis from, 326F 
glycolytic pathway, 408 
history of, 385-386 
metabolic pathway, 303-304 
oxidation of acetyl CoA, 385, 391-394 
prochiral substrate binding, 397 
pyruvate conversion to acetyl CoA, 385, 387-391 
pyruvate entry into mitochondria, 402-405F 
regulation of, 406-407 
cleavage, 76-77F, 112F, 163-164 
bonds, 112F, 163-164 
carbocation, 164 
enzyme reactions and, 163-164 
free radicals, 164 
hydrolysis, 592F, 594F 
nuclease sites, 592F 

proteins by cyanogen bromide (CNBr), 76-77 F 
RNA, 594F 

Cleland, W. W., 147 
cobalamin (vitamin B 12 ), 215-216F 
codons, 665-670T 
anticodons, 668-67 IF 
base pairing, 669-670T 
defined, 665 
genetic code, 665-668F 
initiation, 667, 675-679F 
mRNA reading frames, 666-667F 
protein synthesis and, 665-684 
RNA translation and, 675-679F 
synonymous, 667 
termination (stop), 667, 682, 684 
translation of in chain elongation, 679-684F 
wobble positions, 670-67 IF 
coenzymes, 196-226, 316-321 

acyl carrier protein (ACP), 204-206F 
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 198-199F, 

ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 209-211 
biotin (vitamin B 7 ), 21 1-21 2F 
citric acid cycle, 405-406F 
cobalamin (vitamin B 12 ), 215-216F 
coenzyme A, 204-206F 
cofactors, 196F 
cosubstrates, 197-199 
cytochromes, 221-222F 
electron transfer for free energy, 319-320 
energy conservation from, 316-320 
flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), 204-205F 
flavin mononucleotide (FMN), 204-205F 
Gibbs free energy change, AG, 317-319 
half-reactions, 317-319T 
inorganic cations, 197 
lipid vitamins, 2 1 7-2 1 9F 
lipoamide, 216-217F 
mechanistic roles, 199T 
metabolic roles of, 198-200T 
metal- activated enzymes, 197 
metalloenzymes, 197 
NADH reactions, 319-320 
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), 
196F, 200-203F 

nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 
(NADP), 200-202F 
nobel prizes for, 223 
nucleotides, 198-199 
oxidation-reduction, 221F, 316-320 
prosthetic groups, 197, 205-206F 
proteins as, 22 1 

pyridoxal phosphate (PDP), 207-209F 
reactive center, 196 
reduced, 316-320, 405-406F 
reduction potential, 317-319T 
riboflavin, 204-205F 
tetrahydro folate, 213-214F 
thiamine diphosphate (TDP), 206-207F 
ubiquinone (coenzyme Q), 2 19-22 IF 
vitamins, 196, 198-199T 
co factors, 196F, 425 
Cohen, Stanley N., 597 
coiled-coil motif (structure), 100F 
collagen, 11 9-12 IF 

covalent (bond) cross links in, 120- 12 IF 
interchain hydrogen bonding in, 120F 
protein structure, study of, 11 9- 12 IF 
residue formation and, 120-12 IF 
Schiff bases, 12 IF 
type III triple helix, 1 19F 
column chromatography, 69-70F 
compartmentation, 304-305 
complementary base pairing, double-helix DNA, 

concanavalin A (Jack bean), 104F 
concerted (symmetry) model for enzyme 
regulation, 156-157F 

Index 773 

configurations versus conformations, 234 
conformational changes from oxygen binding, 

conformations versus configurations, 234 
CorA, magnesium pump, 280-28 IF 
Corey, Robert, 94 

Cori, Gerty and Carl, 369-370, 375 
Cori cycle, 360F 
Cori ester, 369-3 70F 

coronary heart disease and lipoprotein lipase, 507 
cosubstrates, 197-199 
cotranslational modifications, 690-691 
coupled photosystems, 453-455T 
covalent bonds, 37-38F, 120-121F, 392 
citric acid cycle, 392 
collagen protein structure, 120-12 IF 
hydrogen bonds and, 37-38F 
covalent catalysis, 169-170F 
covalent modification, 158F 
crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), 471-472F 
Crick, Francis H. C., 3, 573-574, 601, 635, 

665, 669 

Critical Assessment of Methods to Protein 
Structure Prediction (CASP), 116 
cyanobacteria evolution of chloroplast 
photosystems, 459 
cyanogen bromide (CNBr), 76-77 F 
cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), 

regulatory protein activation of RNA 
transcription, 653-655 
cyclic electronic transfer, 452-453 
cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), 287 
cyclization of monosaccharide, 230-234 
anomeric carbon, 23 1 
anomers, 231 
furanos, 23 IF 

Haworth projections for, 232-234F 
pyranos, 23 IF 
cysteine (C, Cys), 60F 
catabolism of, 540-54 IF 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 60F 
synthesis of, 523-525F 
cysteine desulfurate (IscS) interactions, 11 IF 
cystinuria, 544 

cytidine triphosphate (CTP) synthesis, 


cytochrome bf complex, 453-455F 
cytochrome b 562 , 104F 
cytochrome c, 79-81F, 101F 

protein structure conservation, 10 IF 
sequencing, 79-8 IF 

cytochrome c oxidase (electron transfer 
complex IV), 431-432F 
cytochromes, 221-222F 
cytoplasm, 34F 
cytosine (C), 8 

hydrogen bonding, 38F 
cytoskeleton, 20F, 23 
cytosols, 20F, 23, 26F, 69 IF 


D-amino acids, 57-58F 
D arm, 668-669F 
Dam, Henrik Carl Peter, 223 
dark reactions, 443 
Darwin, Charles, 15 
degenerate genetic code, 667 
degradation, see catabolism 
dehydrogenases enzymes, 136, 203F 
Delbruck, Max, 18 
denaturation, 1 10-1 14F 
chemical, 111-114 
chaotropic agents, 111 
cleavage of bonds, 112F 

detergents, 111-112 
disulfide bonds and bridges, 112F 
double-stranded DNA, 584-585F 
enzyme catalyzation, 113-114 
heating, 11 IF 
melting curve, 584-585F 
proteins, 110-114F 
renaturation and, 112-113F 
deoxy sugars, 235-236F 
deoxyhemoglobin, 123 
deoxymyoglobin, 123 
deoxyribonucleic acid, see DNA 
deoxyribose, 8F, 574F 

deoxythymidylate (dTMP) production, 560-564F 
deoxyuridine monophosphate (dUMP) 
methylation, 560-564F, 
detergents, 36F 

denaturation by, 112 
solubility of, 36F 
diabetes mellitus (DM), 381, 51 1 
lipid metabolism and, 511 
dialysis, 69 

dichloroacetate (DCA), 408F 
Dickerson, Dick, 89 

dideoxynucleotides for DNA sequencing, 616, 618 
dietary lipids, absorption of, 505 
diffusion, 34F, 275-276 
facilitated, 281 
lateral, 275F 

lipids in membranes, 275-276F 
membrane transport and, 281 
solubility and, 34F 
transverse, 275-276F 
diffusion- controlled reactions, 171-175 
energy diagrams for, 174F 
substrate binding speed and, 171-172T 
superoxide dismutase, 175F 
triose phosphate isomerase (TPI), 172-174F 
dihydrofolate, 213F 
dihydroxyacetone, 228F, 23 IF, 236F 
dihydroxyacetone phosphate, 332-333F 
1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol, 218F 
dipeptide, 6F, 68 
diploid cells, 20 
disaccharides, 236-239 
cellobiose, 237-238, 239F 
glucosides and, 236-239, 24 IF 
glycosidic bonds in, 236-238F 
lactose, 238, 239F 
maltose, 237, 239F 
nucleosides and, 239, 24 IF 
reducing and non reducing sugars, 238-239 
structures of, 237-239F 
sucrose, 238, 239F 

discontinuous DNA lagging strand synthesis, 608F 
dissociation constant, K a, 109 
acid solutions, K a , 44-48T 
disulfide bonds and bridges, 1 12F 
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 3, 8-9F, 601-633 
A-DNA, 585-586F 
absorption spectrum of, 584-585F 
amplification of, 615-616 
bacterial, 3, 590 

ball-and-stick model, 582-584F 
base composition of, 579T 
B-DNA, 582-584F, 586F 
chromatin, 588-591 
cloning vectors, 597-598F 
degradation, 373 
discovery of, 3 
double helix, 581-585 
double-stranded, 579-586 
anti-parallel strands, 581-583 
charge-charge interactions, 584 
chemical structure of, 58 IF 
complementary base pairing, 582-583F 

conformations of, 585-586F 
denaturation of, 5 84-5 8 5F 
hydrogen bonds in, 584 
hydrophobic effects, 584 
major and minor grooves in, 582-583F 
phosphodiester linkages (3-5') in, 580-58 IF 
stability from weak forces, 583-585F 
stacking interactions, 582-583F, 585T 
sugar- phosphate backbones of, 
van der Waal forces on, 39 
ultraviolet light absorption, 584-585F 
eukaryotic cells and, 20 
fingerprints, 596-597F 
phosphodiester linkages in, 8-9F 
gene mutation, 322, 447, 469 
histones, 588-590F 
homologous recombination, 626-63 1 
hydrogen bonds in, 37-38F 
hydrolysis of, 593-596F 
EcoRl and, 595-596F 
nucleases and, 593-596F 
restriction endonucleosis and, 593, 595T 
history of, 601-602 
loops for attachment of, 590, 652F 
melting point, T m , 584 
modified nucleotides, 564-565F 
nucleic acid and, 573-574 
pulling to fully extended form, 588F 
recombinant, 597-598F 
repair of damaged, 622-652 
restriction maps, 596 
sequencing of, 616-619F 
single- strand, 588 

space-filling model, 573F, 582-584F 
sticky ends on, 598 
structure of, 8-9F 
supercoiled, 586-587F 
synthesis, 373 
Watson-Crick model, 579 
Z-DNA, 586F 
DNA repair, 622-625 
breast cancer and, 630 
excision, 624-625F 

photodimerization (direct repair), 622-623 
DNA replication, 602-622 
base pairing in, 604-606 
bidirectional, 602-603F 
chromasomal, 602-603 
eukaryotes, 619-622 
forks, 602-603, 606, 608F, 613F 
initiation (origin) of, 615F 
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 615-617F 
polymerases, 603-615 

chain elongation, 604-606F 
interactions, 11 IF 
nucleotide-group-transfer reaction, 


proofreading for error correction, 607 
protein types, 603-604T 
replisome model, 610, 612-615 
semiconservative, 602F 
sequencing, 616-619F 

dideoxynucleotides used for, 616, 618 
parallel DNA by synthesis, 618-619 
Sanger method, 616, 618 
synthesis of polymerases, 607-615 
binding fragments, 609-61 IF 
discontinuous, 608F 
Klenow fragment, 609-61 OF 
lagging strands, 608-609F, 613-614F 
Okazki fragments, 608-61 IF 
phosphodiester linkage, 610, 612F 
RNA primer for, 608-609 
single-strand binding (SSB) protein, 613F 
two strands simultaneously, 607-615 
termination (terminus) of, 615F 

774 INDEX 

dnaA gene encoding, 615 

Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 15 

Doisy, Edward Adelbert, 223 

domains, protein structure and, 101-102, 106F 

Donahue, Jerry, 575 

donepezil hydrochloride, 134F 

double bonds, An, in fatty acids, 258-259 

double helix, 581-585 

anti-parallel strand formation of, 581-583 
B-DNA, 582-584F 

major and minor grooves in, 582-583F 
stability from weak forces, 583-585F 
double membranes, 273F 
double-reciprocal (Fineweaver-Burk) plot, 

double-stranded DNA, 579-586 
anti-parallel strands, 581-583 
charge-charge interactions, 584 
chemical structure of, 58 IF 
complementary base pairing, 582-583F 
conformations of, 585-586F 
denaturation of, 5 84-5 8 5F 
hydrogen bonds in, 584 
hydrophobic effects, 584 
major and minor grooves in, 582-583F 
phosphodiester linkages (3-5') in, 580-58 IF 
stability from weak forces, 583-585F 
stacking interactions, 582-583F, 585T 
van der Waal forces on, 39 
ultraviolet light absorption, 584-585F 
Drosophila melanogaster, 86, 296, 603F 


E site (exit site), 682-684F 
EcoRl, hydrolysis and, 595-596F 
Edidin, Michael A., 276 
Edman, Pehr, 74 

Edman degradation procedure, 74-75F 
effector enzymes, 285 
eicosanoids, 268-269F 
structures of, 268-269F 
synthesis of, 483-486F 
Eijkman, Christiaan, 198, 223 
elastase, 183-185F 
electrochemical cell, 317F 
electrolytes, 32-34 
electromotive force, 317 
electron micrographs, 284, 603F 
electron transfer, 319-320, 455-457 
bacterial photosystems, 449-453 
cyclic, 452-453 
free energy, 319-320 
noncyclic, 452 

photosynthesis, 449-453, 455-457 
Z- scheme, 455-456F 
electron transport, 417-442 

adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis and, 

chemoautotroph energy from, 439-440 
cofactors, 425 

enzyme complexes, 423-435 

complex I (NADH to ubiquinone catalysis), 
426-42 7F 

complex II (succinate:ubiquinone 
oxidoreductase), 427-428F 
complex III (ubiquinol: cytochrome c 
oxidoreductase), 428-430F 
complex IV (cytochrome c oxidase), 

complex V (ATP synthase), 433-435F 
Gibbs free energy change, AG, 423-425T 
NADH shuttle mechanisms in eukaryotes, 

oxidation-reduction reactions, 423-425T 
oxygen uptake in mitochondria, 42 IF 
P/O (phosphorylated/ oxygen) ratio, 436 

photosynthesis compared to, 439 
protonmotive force, 421-420F 
Q-cycle electron pathway, 430 
reduction potentials of oxidation-reduction 
components, 425T 
superoxide atoms, 440-441 
terminal electron acceptors and donors, 

electrophiles, 39-40, 163 
electrospray mass spectrometry, 72 
electrostatic repulsion, 309 
elongation, see chain elongation 
Embden, Gustav, 331 
Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway, 331 
enantiomers, 56 

endo- envelope conformations, 234F 
endocytosis, membrane transport 
and, 283-284F 
endonucleases, defined, 591 
endoplasmic reticulum (ER), 20-2 IF, 69 IF 
endosymbiotic origins, 22 
energy, 10-15 

activation, G*, 14F 
bioenergetics, 1 1 

citric acid cycle, conserved in, 405T 
equilibrium and, 12-15 
flow of, 1 IF 

Gibbs free energy changes, 12-15 
living organisms and, 10-11 
metabolism, 11 

NADH oxidation-reduction, conservation 
from, 316-320 
photosynthesis and, 1 IF 
protein synthesis expense of, 684-685 
reaction rates, 11-12, 14-15 
thermodynamics, 12-13 
energy equation, photon of light, 445, 445 
energy- rich compounds, 310 
enolase reactions, 338 
enolpyruvate, 315F 
enthalpy, H, 12 

enthalpy changes, AH, 12-13, 306 
Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway, 351-352F 
entropy, S, 12 

entropy change, AS, 12-13, 306 
enzyme reactions, 386, 392, 394-402 
aconitase, 3 96-3 9 7F 

er-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, 

citrate synthase, 394-396F 
citric acid cycle, 386, 392, 394-402 
conversion of from another, 402F 
fumarase, 401 

isocitrate dehydrogenase, 397-398F 
malate dedrogenase, 401-402 
succinate dehydrogenase complex, 399-40 IF 
succinyl synthetase, 398-400F 
enzyme-substrate complex (ES), 139-140, 


enzymes, 2, 6-7F, 134-161, 162-195. See also 
coenzymes; substrates 
activation energy lowered by, 165-166F 
allosteric, 153-158F 

concerted (symmetry) model for, 156-157F 
phosphofructokinase, 154-155F 
properties of, 155-156F 
regulation of enzyme activity using, 153-158 
sequential model for, 157-158F 
ammonia transfer from glutamate, 558 
catalytic proficiency of, 144-147T 
catalytic constant, k cat , 143-145 
catalysts, 2, 113-114, 134 
chemical reaction rates and, 15 
cell cytosol behavior of, 23, 26F 
citric acid cycle reactions, 386, 394-402 
classes of, 136-138 

oxidoreductases, 136 
transferases, 136-137, 395 
number system for, 137F 
hydrolases, 137 
lyases, 137 
isomerases, 137-138 
ligases, 138 
co factors, 196F 

conversion of from another, 402F 
covalent modification of, 158F 
defined, 135 

electron transport, 423-435 

complex I (NADH to ubiquinone catalysis), 
426-42 7F 

complex II (succinate:ubiquinone 
oxidoreductase), 427-428F 
complex III (ubiquinol: cytochrome c 
oxidoreductase), 428-430F 
complex IV (cytochrome c oxidase), 

complex V (ATP synthase), 433-435F 
glycolysis, reactions of, 326-327T 
gluconeogenesis regulation, 363-364F 
inhibition, 148-153 
competitive, 149-1 50F 
constant, Ki,148 
irreversible, 152-153F 
noncompetitive, 149-151F 
pharmaceutical uses of, 151-152 
reversible, 148-1 52F 
uncompetitive, 149-1 50F 
inorganic cations and, 197 
kinetic constant, k m , 144-147, 149T 
kinetics and, 23, 138-149 
lock-and-key theory of specificity, 180 
mechanisms of, 147, 162-195 
arginine kinase, 190-192F 
catalysis, 166-182 
cleavage reactions, 163-164 
diffusion- controlled reactions, 171-175 
lysozyme, 189-19 IF 
nucleophilic substitution, 163 
oxidation-reduction reactions, 164 
serine proteases, 183-189F 
transition states, 163, 164-166 
metal- activated, 197 
metabolite channeling, 158-159 
Michaelis-Menton equation for, 140-144 
multienzyme complexes, 158-159 
multifunctional, 158-159 
multisubstrate reactions, 147-148F 
pH and rates of, 170-172F 
properties of, 134-161 
protein structures and, 6-7F, 113-114 
reactions, 134-136F, 138-140F, 147-148 
regulation of, 153-158 
substrate binding and, 171-172T, 175-182F 
epimers, 230 

epinephrine, structure of, 63F, 199F 
equilibrium, 11-15 

acid dissociation constant, K a , 44-48 
association constant, K a , 109-1 10F 
buffered solutions, 51-52 
constant, K eq , 12, 14 
dissociation constant, 109 
energy and, 12-15 

Gibbs free energy change, AG, 12-15, 307-308 
metabolic changes and, 307-308 
near- equilibrium reaction, K eq , 307-308 
protein-protein interactions, 109-110 
rate changes and, 11-12 
erythrose, 229 
erythrulose, 23 IF 

Escherichia coli {E. coli ), 17F, 23-24, 26F, 86F, 

106, 108T 

allosteric enzyme regulation and, 154-155F 

Index 775 

audioradiograph of replicating 
chromosome, 603F 

carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, 558F 
cells, 17F, 23-24, 26F 
chaperonin (GroE), 118-119F 
covalent catalysis, 169-170F 
cytochrome b 562 , 104F 
flavodoxin, 105F 
gloxylate pathway, 411-412 
homologous recombination, 627-630 
L-arabinose-binding protein, 105F 
metabolic network of, 295-296 
oligomeric proteins, 106, 108T 
phosphofructokinase, 154-155F 
ribosome, 665F, 647-675F 
RNA content in, 636T 
structure of, 17F, 104F 
thiol- disulfide oxidoreductase, 105F 
transketolase, 368F 
trp operon, 688-690F 
tryptophan biosynthesis enzyme, 105F 
UDP N-acetylglucosamine acyl 
transference, 104F 
essential amino acids, 529T 
essential ions, 196 
ester linkages, 4-5F 

ethanol, pyruvate metabolism to, 339-340F 
ether, synthesis of, 487F 
eukaryotes, 15-16F 
chromatin and, 649 
DNA replication in, 619-622 
evolution and, 15-16F 
glucose synthesis in, 369-370F 
initiation factors, 677, 679F 
mRNA processing, 656, 658-663 
NADH shuttle mechanisms in, 436-439 
protein synthesis and, 674-677, 679F, 691-692F 
polymerases, 646-648T 
ribosomes, prokaryotic cells compared to, 

RNA transcription, 646-649 
secretory pathways in, 691-692F 
transcription factors, 648-649T 
eukaryotic cells, 18-23F 
citric acid cycle and, 385 
chloroplasts, 21-22F 
compartmentalization, 501-502 
cytoskeleton, 23 
DNA and, 20 

endoplasmic reticulum (ER), 20-2 IF 
Golgi apparatus, 2 IF 
lipid metabolism and, 501-502 
metabolic pathways in, 305F 
mitochondria, 21-22F 
mitosis, 20F 
nucleus of, 20 
organelles, 19-20F 
structure of, 19-20F 
vesicle specialization, 22 
eukaryotic DNA polymerase, 620T 
eukaryotic enzymes, 364F 
eukaryotic (plant) photosystems, 458-461 
ATP synthase, 459-460F 
chloroplasts, 458-460F 
cyanobacteria evolution of, 459 
organization of components, 459-460F 
eukaryotic ribonucleotide reductase, allosteric 
regulation of, 56 IT 
eukaryotic transducers, 285 
evolution, 15-17, 57-58 
amino acids and, 57-58 
bacterial enzymes, 364F 
biochemistry and, 15-17 
common ancestors, 57-58 
cyanobacteria effects on chloroplast 
photosystems, 459 

cytochrome c sequences, 79-8 IF 
endosymbiotic origins, 22 
eukaryotes, 15-16F 
last common ancestor (LCA), 57-58 
metabolic pathways, 301-302 
mitochondria and chloroplasts, 459 
phylogenetic tree representation, 79-80F 
prokaryotes, 15-16F 
protein primary structure, 79-81 
exit site (E site), 682-684F 
exocytosis, membrane transport and, 283-284F 
exons, 660 
exonucleases, 591 
extreme thermophiles, 30F 


facilitated diffusion, membrane transport and, 281 
fat-soluble vitamins, 198 
fatty acids, 9, 257-261 
anionic forms of, 258T 
cis configuration, 258, 259F 
coenzymes and, 215, 221 
dietary requirements and, 261 
double bonds, A n, in, 258-259 
lipid structure of, 258-261 
micromolecular structure of, 9 
nomenclature, 257-258T 
oxidation of, 494-501 

acyl CoA synthase activation, 494 
ATP generation from, 498-499 
/2-oxidation, 494-50 IF 
mitochondria transport, 479-498 
odd- chains, 499-500 
unsaturated, 500-501 
polyunsaturated, 258, 260F 
saturated, 258, 260F 
synthesis of, 475-481, 497F 
activation reactions, 479F 
p - oxidation and, 49 7F 
desaturation, 479-481 
elongation reactions, 477-479F 
extension reactions, 479-481 
initiation reaction, 477F 
trans configuration, 258, 259F 
unsaturated, 258, 260F 
feed-forward activation, 300 
feedback inhibition, 300 
Fenn, John B., 73 
fermentation process, 340F 
fibrous proteins, 86, 1 19-121. See also collagens 
Filmer, David, 157 
fingerprints, 77-79F, 596-597F 

DNA restriction endonucleases, 596-597F 
tryptic, sequencing use of, 77-79F 
Fischer, Edmund (Eddy) H., 375-376 
Fischer, Emil, 2, 3, 180 
Fischer projections, 7F, 228-232F 
aldoses, 228-230F 
ketoses, 230-23 IF 

monosaccharide carbohydrates, 228-232F 
trioses, 228F 

flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), 204-205F 
flavin mononucleotide (FMN), 204-205F 
flavodoxin, 105F 
Flemming, Walter, 585 
fluid mosaic model, 274-275 
fluorescent protein (jellyfish), 104F 
flux in metabolic pathways, 300F 
FMN oxidoreductase (yeast), 105F 
folate (vitamin B 9 ), 213-214F 
folding, 99-103F, 114-119F 
aggregation from, 119 
CASP, 116 

characteristics of, 1 14—1 15F 
charge-charge interactions and, 117 
hydrogen bonding and, 1 15-1 16F 

hydrophobic effect and, 114-115 
molecular chaperones and, 1 17-1 19F 
pathways, 114-115F 

protein stability and, 99-103F, 1 14-1 19F 
tertiary protein structure and, 99-103 
van der Waals interactions and, 117 
forked pathways, 413F 

formamidoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide 
(FAICAR), 553F 

formylglycinamide ribonucleotide (FGAR), 553F 
formylglycinamidine ribonucleotide (FGAM), 553F 
N-formylmethionine, structure of, 62-63F 
fractional saturation, 124-125F 
Franklin, Rosalind, 579 
free-energy change, see Gibbs free energy 
change, AG 
free radicals, 164 

ribonucleotide reduction, 562 
freeze-fracture electron microscopy, 276-277F 
fructose, 23 IF 

conversion to glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate, 

gluconeogenesis regulation, 363-364F 
invertase conversion to, 349 
fructose 1,6 frisphosphate, 332F, 358-359F 
fructose 6-phosphate, 330-33 IF, 358-359F 
gluconeogenesis conversion, 358-359F 
gluconeogenesis regulation, 363-364F 
glycolysis conversion, 330-33 IF 
Frye, L. D., 276 
fuel metabolism, 295 
fumarase, citrus cycle reactions, 401 
fumarate, urea cycle and, 543F, 545-546F 
Funk, Casimir, 198 
furanos, 23 IF, 234 
Furchgott, Robert F., 530 


G proteins, 285-286F, 290 
galactose, 229F 

conversion to glucose 1 -phosphate, 349-350 
galactose mutarotase, 234F 
galactosides, 239, 24 IF 
^aminobutyrate, structure of, 63F 
gamma crystallin (cow), 104F 
Gamow, George, 666 
gangliosides, 265, 266F 
gel-filtration chromatography, 69-70 
gene, defined, 634 
gene mutation, 322, 447, 469 
gene orientation, 639-640F 
gene regulation, 649-651, 685-690 
protein synthesis, 685-690 
attenuation, 688-689F 
globin regulation by heme availability, 

ribosomal assembly in E. coli , 685-687F 
trp operon in E. coli , 688-690F 
RNA transcription and, 649-651 
gene sequences, metabolism and, 295-296 
genetic code, 665-668T 
codons, 665-668T 
degenerate, 667 
history of, 665-667F 
mRNA and, 666-667F 
reading frames, 666-667F 
tRNA and, 666, 668-670F 
genetic defects, sphingolipids and, 265-266 
genetically modified food, 528 
genome, defined, 573 
gibberellins, 270 
Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 12 
Gibbs free energy change, AG, 12-15, 341-342F 
actual, 306, 341-342F 
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 308-312 
electron transport, 423-425T 

776 INDEX 

enthalpy changes, AH, and, 306 
entropy changes, AS, and, 306 
formation of reactants, 308T 
glycolysis reactions, 332, 341-342F 
hydrolysis, 308-312 
mass action ratio, Q, and, 306 
membrane transport and, 278-279 
metabolic reaction direction from, 306-312 
metabolically irreversible reactions, 307, 

near- equilibrium reaction, K eq , 307-308 
oxidation-reduction reactions, 316-320 
photosynthesis photosystems, 455-457 
reduction potential and, 317-319T 
standard, 306, 341-342T 
thermodynamic reactions and, 12-15, 278-279 
globin protein synthesis regulation, 687-688 
globular proteins, 86, 122-129. See also 
hemoglobin; myoglobin 
gloxylate pathway, 409-412 
glucokinase, 344-345F 
glucolfuranose, 233F 
gluconeogenesis, 303, 326F, 355-384 
Cori cycle, 360F 

fructose 1,6 Hsphosphate, 358-359F 
glucose level maintenance (mammals), 379-381 
glucose 6-phosphatase, 359-360 
glucose synthesis by, 326F 
glycogen metabolism, 369-372 
glycogen regulation (mammals), 372-379 
glycogen storage diseases, 381-382 
glycolysis compared to, 356-357F 
hormone regulation of, 376, 378-379F 
metabolic pathway, 303 
pentose phosphate pathway, 364-369 
phosphoenylpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) 
reactions, 358F 
precursors for, 360-363 
acetate, 362-363 
amino acids, 360-361 
glycerol, 360-36 IF 
lactate, 360, 361-362 
propionate, 361-362 
sorbitol, 362 

pyruvate to glucose conversion, 356-360 
pyruvate carcoxylase reaction, 357-358F 
regulation of, 363-364, 376-379F 
L-glucono-gamma-lactone oxidase (GULO), 
210-21 IF 

glucopyranose, 232F, 239F 
glucose, 7-8F, 229-230F, 236F 
cyclization of, 231-234F 
diabetes mellitus (DM) and, 381 
glycolysis, 325-354 
hemeostasis phases, 380F 
liver metabolic functions and, 379-380F 
maintenance of levels in mammals, 379-381 
monosaccharide structures of, 229-230F, 236F 
pyruvate conversion via gluconeogenesis, 

pyruvate conversion via glycolysis, 3 2 8-3 2 9 F, 
solubility of, 34F 
sorbitol conversion, 362G 
starch and, 240-242F 
storage as starch and glycogen, 240-243F 
structure of, 7-8F, 34F 
sugar acids derived from, 238F 
sugar phosphate structures, 236F 
glucose-alanine cycle, 361F 
glucose 1 -phosphate, galactose conversion to, 

glucose 6-phosphatase, 359-360 
glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, 367F 
glucose 6-phosphate isomerase catalysis, 327, 
330-33 IF, 345F 

glucose 6-phosphate, liver metabolic functions 
and, 345F 

glucosides, 236-239, 24 IF 
glucuronate, 238F 

glutamate (E, Glu), structure of, 62F 
ammonia incorporated in, 518F 
catabolism of, 535 

enzyme transfer of ammonia from, 558 
ionization of, 65-66F 
malate-aspartate shuttle, 348F 
metabolic precursor use, 529 
nomenclature, 64T 
phosphorol group transfer, 312-313 
structure of, 62F 
synthesis of, 312-313, 523F 
transferases catalyzation, 136-137 
urea cycle and, 545-546F 
phosphorol group transfer, 312-313F 
glutamine (Q, Gin), structure of, 62F 
ammonia incorporated in, 518F 
catabolism of, 535 
ligases catalyzation, 138 
metabolic precursor use, 529 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 62F 
synthesis of, 312-313, 523F 
glycan, 227 

glyceraldehyde, 228-229F, 236F 
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, 332-334F 
fructose conversion to, 348-349 
shuttle mechanisms in eukaryote, 43 7F 
glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate dehyrogenase, 
333-334, 346-347F 
glycerol, 360-36 IF 
glyoxylate cycle, 361 
gluconeogenesis precursor, 360-36 IF 
oxidation of, 36 IF 
glycerol 3 -phosphate, 9-1 OF 

micromolecular structure of, 9-1 OF 
oxidation of, 36 IF 

glycerol 3 -phosphate dehyrogenase, 36 IF 
glycerophospholipids, 6-1 OF, 262-265 
micromolecular structure of, 9-1 OF 
phosphatidates, 262-264F 
plasmalogens, 263, 265F 
synthesis of, 481-483F 
types of, 263T 

glycinamide ribonucleotide (GAR), 553F 
glycine (G, Gly), 59F, 65-4T 
catabolism of, 536-537F 
metabolic precursor use, 529-530F 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 59F 
synthesis of, 523-524F 
glycine encephalopathy, 544 
glycoconjugates, 244-252 
cartilage structure, 245-246F 
glycoproteins, 248-252F 
glycosaminoglycans, 244-245F 
oligosaccharides, 248-252F 
peptidoglycans, 246-248F 
proteoglycans, 244-246F 
glycogen, 240-243F, 369-382 
cleavage of residues, 371-372F 
degradation of, 371-372F, 373-374F 
glucose level maintenance (mammals), 

glucose storage (animals), 240-243 
hormone regulation of, 376-379 
linkages, 242-243F 

Mendelian Inheritance in Man (MIM) 
numbers, 381-382 
metabolism, 369-372 
molecule, 37 IF 

phosphorolysis reaction, 371-372F 
regulation of (mammals), 372-379, 374F 

storage diseases, 381-382 
synthase reaction, 370-371F 
synthesis of, 369-37 IF 
glycogen phosphorylase, 373-374F 
degradation of, 373-375F 
phosphorylated state (GPa), 375F 
unphosphorylated state (GPb), 347-375F 
glycolysis, 303, 325-354 
aldolase cleavage, 330-332F 
enolase reactions, 338 

Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway, 351-352F 
enzymatic relations of, 326-327T 
fructose conversion to glyceraldehyde 
3-phosphate, 348-349 

galactose conversion to glucose 1 -phosphate, 

Gibbs free energy change, AG, 341-342T 
gluconeogenesis compared to, 356-357F 
glucose catabolism, 325-354 
glucose 6-phosphate isomerase catalysis, 327, 
330-33 1F,345F 
glucose synthesis by, 326F 
glucose to pyruvate conversion by, 328-329F 
glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate dehyrogenase 
catalysis, 333-334 

hexokinase reactions, 326-327, 328F, 330F 
history of, 331 

hormone regulation of, 376, 378-379F 
mannose conversion to fructose 
6-phosphate, 351 
metabolic pathway, 303 
phosphofruktokinase- 1 (PFK-1) 
catalysis, 330 

phosphoglycerate kinase catalysis, 335-336 
phosphoglycerate mutase catalysis, 336-337F 
pyruvate kinase catalysis, 338 
pyruvate metabolic functions, 338-340F 
metabolism to ethanol, 339-340F 
reduction to lactate, 340 
regulation of, 343-347 
hexokinase, 344-345 
hexose transports, 343-344 
metabolic pathway in mammals, 343F 
Pasteur effect for, 347 

phosphofruktokinase- 1 (PFK-1), 345-346F 
pyruvate kinases, 346-347F 
sucrose cleaved to monosaccharines, 348 
triose phosphate isomerase catalysis, 


glycolytic pathway, 408 

glycoproteins, 248-252F. See also oligosaccharides 

glycosaminoglycans, 244-245F 

glycosides, 24 IF 

glycosidic bonds, 236-238F 

glycosphingolipids, 256 

glycosylation of proteins, 694F 

glyoxylate cycle, 361 

Golgi, Camillo, 2 1 

Golgi apparatus, 20-2 IF, 69 IF 

Goodsell, David S., 23, 34 

gout, 569 

Gram, Christian, 247 
Gram stain, 247F 
grana, 458 

Greek key motif (structure), 100-101F 
green filamentous bacteria, photosynthesis in, 
448, 452F 

Greenberg, G. Robert, 551, 552 
group transfer reactions, 163 
growth factors, signal transduction and, 284 
guanine (G), 8, 55 IF 
hydrogen bonding, 38F 
structure of, 55 IF 

guanosine 5'-monophosphate (GMP), 550-551F 
gulose, 229F 
gyrate atrophy, 544 

Index 111 


hairpin formation, RNA transcription, 644F 

hairpin motif (structure), 100F 

Haldane, J. B. S., 141 

half-chair conformation, 189-190F 

half-reactions, 317-319T 

Haloarcula marismortui, 675, 676F 

Halobacterium halobium , 270 

Halobacterium salinarium , 461 

Hanson, Richard, 359 

haploid cells, 20 

Harden, Arthur, 33 1 

Haworth, Sir Walter Norman, 223, 232-234 

Haworth projections, 7-8F, 232-235F 

head growth, 373 

heat shock proteins, 1 17-1 18F 

helical wheel, 95 

Helicobacter pylori, 216F 

3 10 helix, 95 

helix bundle motif (structure), 100F 
helix-loop-helix (helix-turn-helix) 
structure, 100F 
heme,122-126F, 221-222F 

globin protein synthesis regulation, 

prosthetic groups, 122-126F, 221-222F 
absorption spectra, 221-222F 
cytochromes, 221-222F 
hemoglobin (Hg), 122-126F 
myoglobin (Mg), 122-126F 
oxygen binding in, 123-126F 
oxygenation and, 122 
hemeostasis phases in glucose, 380F 
hemiacetal, 232F 
hemiketal, 232F 
hemoglobin (Hb), 122-129F 

allosteric protein interactions, 127-129F 
a- and p - globin subunits of, 122-123F 
embryonic and fetal, 126F 
heme prosthetic group, 122-124F 
oxygen binding, 123-129 
protein structure, study of, 122-129F 
protein synthesis regulation by heme 
availability, 687-688 
tertiary structure of, 122-123F 
Henderson-Hasselbach equation, 46-47, 66 
Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin 
(HPFH), 126 
Hershko, Avram, 533 
heteroglycans, 240 
heterotrophs, 302-303 
hexokinase, glycolysis regulation of, 


hexokinase reactions, 326-327, 328F, 330F 
hexose transports, glycolysis regulation of, 

high- density lipoproteins (HDL), 507-508 
high energy bond, ~, 31 1 
high-performance liquid chromatography 
(HPLC), 69-70F 
histamine, structure of, 63F 
histidine (H, His), 61F 
catabolism of, 535-536F 
ionization of, 65-66F 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 6 IF 
histones, 588-590F 
HIV-1 aspartic protease, 107F 
Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot, 88, 215, 223 
Holliday, Robin, 626 
Holliday junction (model) for DNA 

recombination, 601, 626-627F 
homocysteine, 216F 
homoglycans, 240 
homologous proteins, 79 
homologous recombination, 626-63 1 

E. coli, 627-630 

Holliday junction (model), 626-627F 
repair as, 631 

Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland, 223 
hopotonic cells, 35F 
Hoppe-Seyler, Felix, 573 
hormones, 284-287 

adenylyl cyclase binding, 287-288F 
G protein binding, 286 
gluconeogenesis regulation by, 376, 


glycogen metabolism regulation, 376-377F 
glycolysis regulation by, 376, 378-379F 
lipid metabolism regulation by, 502-504 
multicellular organism receptor 
functions, 284-285 
receptor binding, 287-288F 
signal transduction and, 284-287 
hydrated molecules, 34 

hydrochloric acid (HCL), dissociation of, 44-45 
hydrogen (H), 3, 29F 

polarity of water and, 29F 
hydrogen bonds, 30-32F, 37-38F 
or helix, 94-97F, 98-99F 
P sheets and strands, 97-99F 
collagen, 120F 
covalent bonds and, 37-38F 
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 37-38F, 584 
double helix, 584 
ice, formation of, 30-3 IF 
interchain, 120F 

loops and turns stabilized by, 98-99F 
nucleic acid sites, 575-576F 
orientation of, 30-3 IF 
protein folding and, 115-116F 
protein structures and, 94-99F 
types of, 116T 
water, 30-32F, 37-38F 
hydrolases enzymes, 137 
hydrolysis, 2, 40F, 73-74F 

adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 308-312 
electrostatic repulsion, 309 
metabolically irreversible changes, 308-312 
resonance stabilization, 310 
solvation effects, 309-310 
amino acid analysis and, 73-74F 

chromotagraphic procedure for, 73-74F 
phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) treatment, 73F 
protein compositions, 74T 
arsenate (arsenic) poisoning and, 336 
Gibbs free energy change, AG, 308-312 
nucleic acids, 591-598 
alkaline, 591-592F 
DNA, 593-596F 
EcoRl and, 595-596F 
restriction endonucleosis and, 593, 595T 
ribonuclease A, 592-594 
RNA, 591-594F 
macromolecules, 40F 
proteins, 40 

signal transduction and, 285-289F 
thioesters, 316 
hydronium ions, 41-43 
hydropathy scale, amino acids, 62T 
hydrophilic substances, 32 
hydrophobic effects, double-stranded DNA, 584 
hydrophobic interactions, 39, 98, 114-115 
hydrophobic substances, 35, 123-124F 
hydrophobicity of side chains, 62 
hydroxide ions, 41-43 

hydroxyethylthaimine diphoshate (HETDP), 207F 
hydroxyl, general formula of, 5F 
hydroxylysine residue, 120F 
hydroxyproline residue, 120F 
hyperactivity, 359 

hyperbolic binding curve, 124-126F, 146 

hypertonic cells, 35F 

hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase 
(HGBRT), 107-108F 


ibuprofen, structure of, 486F 
ice, formation of, 30-3 IF 
idose, 229F 
Ignarro, Louis J., 530 
imazodole (C 3 H 4 N 2 ), titration of, 47F 
immunoglobin, 129-130F 
induced-fit enzymes, 179-180 
inhibition, 148-153. See also regulation 
antibiotics for protein synthesis, 686F 
cancer drugs for, 564 
competitive, 149-150F 
constant, K b 148 
dichloroacetate (DCA), 408F 
enzyme behavior and, 148-153 
kinetic constant, k m , effects on, 

144-147, 149T 
irreversible, 152-153F 
noncompetitive, 149-15 IF 
pharmaceutical uses of, 151-152, 408 
phosphorylation, 687-688F 
protein synthesis and, 686-688F 
reversible, 148-1 52F 
uncompetitive, 149-150F 
inhibitors, defined, 148 
initiation codons, 667, 675-679F 
initiation factors, 675, 677-679F 
eukaryotic cells, 677, 679F 
prokaryotic cells, 677-678F 
inorganic cations, 197 
inosinate base pairs, 670F 
inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) synthesis, 

inositol 1,4,5-tnsphosphate (IP 3 ), 287-289F 
inositol-phospholipid signaling pathway, 


insolubility of nonpolar substances, 35-36. 

See also solubility 
insulin, 290-29 IF, 344F 

diabetes mellitus (DM) regulation by, 381 
glycogen metabolism regulation 
by, 376-377F 

glycolysis regulation by, 344F 
receptors, 290-29 IF 

integral (transmember) proteins, 270-272F 
interconversions, pentose phosphate pathway, 

intermediary metabolism, 294 
intermediate- density lipoproteins (IDL), 507 
intermediate filaments, 23 
intermediates, enzyme transition states and, 

International Union of Biochemistry and 

Molecular Biology (IUBMB), 136, 401 
International Union of Pure and Applied 
Chemistry (IUPAC), 257 
interorgan metabolism, 304-305 
intrinsically disordered (unstable) proteins, 

intron/extron gene organization, 660-662F 
introns, 658 
invertase, 349 

ion- exchange chromatography, 69 
ion pairing, 37 
ion product, K, 42-43 
ionic state of side chains, 64-65F 
ionic substances, solubility of, 32-35 
ionization, 41-43, 63-67 
acids, 42 

amino acids, 63-67 
bases, 42 

Henderson-Hasselbach equation for, 66 

778 INDEX 

ionization ( Continued ) 
ion product, K, 42-43 
p K a values and, 63-67 
titration and, 64-65F 
water, 41-43 

iron-sulfur clusters, 197-198F 
irreversible changes, metabolic, 308-312 
irreversible inhibition, 152-153F 
isoacceptor tRNA molecules, 670-671 
isocitrate dehydrogenase, citrus cycle reactions, 

isoleucine (I, lie), 59F, 64T 
nomenclature, 64T 
stereosomers of, 59F 
structure of, 59F 
synthesis of, 521-523F 
isomerases enzymes, 137-138 
isopentenyl diphosphate, cholesterol and, 488, 490 
isoprenoid metabolism, cholesterol synthesis and, 
490, 493-494F 
isoprenoids, 256, 269F 
isotonic cells, 35F 

IUMBM-Nicholson metabolic chart, 504F 


Jacob, Francois, 635 
Johnson, W. A., 386 


Karrer, Paul, 223 
Kelvin scale (K), units of, 26-27 
Kendrew, John C., 2-3, 88-90, 122 
keto group naming convention, 399 
ketohexoses, 23 IF 
ketone, general formula of, 5F 
ketone bodies, 508-510 
lipid metabolism, 508-510 
liver functions and, 509-51 OF 
mitochondria oxidation and, 510 
ketopentoses, 23 IF 
ketoses, 228-234F 

cyclization of, 230-234F 
Fischer projections of, 230-23 IF 
structure of, 228-230F 
Khorana, H. Gobind, 666 
kinases, 158, 301, 314 
ATP catalyzation, 310 

enzyme regulation by covalent modification 
using, 158 

metabolic pathway regulation and, 301 
phosphorol group transfer, 314 
kinetic constant, fc m , 144-147, 149T 
kinetics, 23, 138-149 

catalytic constant, k cat , 143-145 
catalytic proficiency, 144-147T 
chemical reactions, 138-139F 
enzyme properties and, 138-140 
enzyme reactions, 13 9- HOF 
enzyme-substrate complex (ES), 139-140, 

hyperbolic curve and, 146 
kinetic constant, k m , 144-147, 149T 
kinetic mechanisms, 147 
Lineweaver-Burk (double-reciprocal) plot, 

Michaelis-Menton equation, 140-144 
multisubstrate reactions, 147-148F 
ping-pong reactions, 148-149F 
rate (velocity) equations, 138-139, 144-145 
reversible inhibitors and, 148-149T 
sequential reactions, 148-149F 
substrate reactions, 138-147 
Klenow fragment, 609-61 OF 
KNF (sequential) model for enzyme regulation, 

knob-and-stalk mitochondria structure, 433F 

Knowles, Jeremy, 174 
Kornberg, Arthur, 183, 601, 603, 609 
Koshland, Daniel, 157 
Krebs, Edwin G., 375-376 
Krebs, Hans, 385-386, 397 
Krebs cycle, see citric acid cycle 
Kuhn, Richard, 223 


L-amino acids, 57-58F 
lac operon, 651-655 

binding repressor to the operon, 652F 
repressor blocking RNA transcription, 

repressor structure, 652-653F 
cAMP regulatory protein and, 653-655F 
RNA transcription activation, 653-655 
lactate, 360F, 361-362 
buildup, 341 
Cori cycle, 360F 

gluconeogenesis precursor, 360F, 361-362 
oxireductases catalyzation, 136 
pyruvate reduction to, 340 
lactate dehydrogenase, 102F 
Lactobacillus , 340 
lactose, 238, 239F 
lactose intolerance, 350 
lagging DNA strand synthesis, 608-609F, 

Landsteiner, Karl, 250 
lateral diffusion, 275F 
Leloir, Luis F., 223 
Lesch, Michael, 569 
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 569 
leucine (L, Leu), 59F 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 59F 
synthesis of, 521-523F 
leucine zipper, 96-97A 
leukotrienes, 483, 485-486F 
ligases enzymes, 138 
light- gathering pigments, 444-448 
accessory pigments, 447-448F 
chlorophylls, 444-447F 
photons (energy), 445-446 
resonance energy transfer, 446 
special pair, 446-447F 
light reactions, 443 

lignin synthesis from phenylalanine, 531-532F 
limit dextrins, 242 
Lind, James, 209-210 

Lineweaver-Burk (double-reciprocal) plot, 

linkages, 4-5F, 8-9F 

micromolecular structures of, 4-5F, 8-9F 
peptide bonds, 67-68F 
phosphate esters, 4-5F, 8 
phosphoanhydride, 4-5F, 8F 
phosphodiester, 8-9F 
linoleate, 48 IF 

lipid anchored proteins, 272-273F 
lipid metabolism, 475-513 
absorption and, 505-508 
dietary lipids, 505 
bile salts, 505F 

pancreatic lipase action, 505F 
lipoproteins, 505-508F 
serum albumin, 508 
cholesterol, synthesis of, 488, 490-494 
isoprenoid metabolism and, 490, 

level regulation, 493 
steps for, 488, 490 
diabetes and, 511 

eicosanoids synthesis of, 483-486F 
ether, synthesis of, 487F 

fatty acids, synthesis of, 475-481, 49 7F 
activation reactions, 479F 
P~ oxidation and, 49 7F 
desaturation, 479-481 
elongation reactions, 477-479F 
extension reactions, 479-481 
initiation reaction, 477F 
eukaryotic cell compartmentalization, 501-502 
glycerophospholipids, synthesis of, 481-483F 
hormone regulation, 502-504 
IUMBM-Nicholson metabolic chart, 504F 
ketone bodies, 508-510 

liver functions and, 509-51 OF 
mitochondria oxidation and, 510 
oxidation of fatty acids, 494-501 
acyl CoA synthase activation, 494 
ATP generation from, 498-499 
p- oxidation, 494-50 IF 
mitochondria transport, 479-498 
odd- chains, 499-500 
unsaturated, 500-501 
regulation of, 502-504 
sphingolipids, synthesis of, 488-489F 
triacylglycerols, synthesis of, 481-483F 
lipid vitamins, 217-219F 

a - tocopherol (vitamin E), 218F 
cholecalciferol (vitamin D), 218-219F 
phylloquinone (vitamin K), 218-219F 
retinol (vitamin A), 217-218F 
lipids, 9F, 256-293. See also fatty acids; lipid 
metabolism; membranes 
absorption of, 505-508F 
anchored membrane proteins, 272-273F 
bilayers, 9, 10F, 269-270, 277-278F 
biological membranes, 9-1 OF, 269-270 
cholesterol and, 277-278F 
membrane fluidity and, 276-277 
phase transition of, 277F 
defined, 9 

dietary absorption, 505 
diffusion of, 275-276F 
eicosanoids, 268-269F 
fatty acids, 9, 257-261 
glycerophospholipids, 262-263T 
isoprenoids, 256, 269F 
linkages, 4-5F 

macromolecular structure of, 9F 
prostaglandins, 268-269 
raffs, 277 

sphingolipids, 263-266F 
steroids, 9, 266-268F 
structural and functional diversity, 


transverse diffusion, 275-276F 
triacylglycerols, 261-262F 
unusual membrane compositions, 274 
vesicles (liposomes), 270F, 272F 
waxes, 9, 268 

Lipmann, Fritz Albert, 223, 311 
lipoamide, 216-217F 

lipoprotein lipase, coronary heart disease and, 507 
lipoproteins, 505-508F 

liver metabolic functions, 344-345F, 379-380F 
lock-and-key theory of specificity, 180 
loop structures, a helix and p strand and sheet 
connections, 98-99F 
low- density lipoproteins (LDL), 507-508 
lumen, 457-459F 
Luria, Salvatore, 18 
lyases enzymes, 137 
lypoic acid, 216 
lysine (K, Lys), 6 IF 
catabolism, of, 542F 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 61F 
synthesis of, 520-522F 

Index 779 

lysosomal storage diseases, 492F 
lysosomes, eukaryotic cell structure and, 20F, 22 
lysozyme, 6-7, 189-191F 
catalyzation by, 189-16 IF 
cleavage of, 189F 
conformation of, 186-190 
molecular structure, 6-7F 
reaction mechanism, 190-19 IF 
lyxose, 229F 


MacKinnon, Roderick, 280 
MacLeod, Colin, 3, 573 
macromolecules, 4-10 
condensation of, 40-4 IF 
hydrolysis of, 40F 
linkages, 4-5F, 8-9F 
lipids, 9 

membranes, 9-10 
noncovalent interaction in, 37-40F 
nucleic acids, 7-9F 
polysaccharides, 6-7F 
proteins, 6 
structure of, 4-10 
magnesium (Mg), 3 

major and minor grooves in double-stranded 
DNA, 582-583F 
malate-aspartate shuttle, 348F 
malate dedrogenase, citrus cycle reactions, 

malate dehydrogenase, 102F 
MALDI-TOF technique, 72F 
maltose, 237, 239F 

mammals, metabolic pathway in, 343T 
mannose, 229 

conversion to fructose 6-phosphate, 351 
maple syrup urine disease, 544 
mass action ratio, Q, 306 
mass spectrometry, 72F, 77-78F 
matrix- assisted laser deabsorption ionization 
(MALDI), 72 

Matthaei, J. Heinrich, 337, 666 
McCarty, Maclyn, 3, 573 

mechanistic chemistry, 162-164. See also enzymes 
melanin synthesis from tyrosine, 531, 533F 
melting curve, denaturation and, 584-585F 
melting point, T m , 584 
membranes, 9-1 OF, 269-293 
biological, 9, 269-275 
chloroplasts, 458-460F 
cholesterol in, 277-278F 
diffusion of lipids, 275-276F 
double, 273F 

dynamic properties of, 275-277 
fluid mosaic model of, 274-275 
fluidity changes, 276-277 
freeze-fracture electron microscopy, 276-277F 
functions of, 269 
glycerol- 3 phosphate, 9-1 OF 
glycerophospholipids, 9-1 OF 
lipid bilayers, 9, 10F, 269-270, 277-278F 
ampithatic lipids, 270F 
biological membranes, 9-1 OF, 269-270 
cholesterol and, 277-278F 
leaflets (monolayers) of, 270 
membrane fluidity and, 276-277 
phase transition of, 277F 
lipid raffs, 277 

lipid vesicles (liposomes), 270F, 272F 
macromolecular structure of, 9-1 OF 
osmotic pressure and, 34-35 
photosynthesis photosystems, 457-460 
plasma, 457F 

protein synthesis post-translational processing 
and, 691-694 

oligosaccharide chains, 694F 

secretory pathways, 691-692F 
signal peptide, 691-692F 
proteins, classes of, 10F, 270-273F 
or helix, 270-271F 
^barrel, 271-272F 
integral (transmembrane), 270-272F 
lipid anchored, 272-273F 
number and variety of proteins and lipids in, 
peripheral, 272 

secretions, oligosaccharides and, 252F 
signal transduction across, 283-291 
adenylyl cyclase signaling pathway, 


G proteins, 285-286F, 290 
inositol-phospholipid signaling pathway, 

receptor tyrosine kinases, 290-29 IF 
receptors, 283-285 
signal transducers, 285-286 
solubility and, 34-35 
structure of, 10F 
thylakoid, 457-460F 
transport, 277-283 
active, 280-283F 

adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 282-283F 
channels for (animal), 279-280F 
characteristics of, 279T 
constant, K tr , 281-282F 
endocytosis and exocytosis, 283-284F 
Gibbs free energy change, AG, 278-279 
molecular traffic and, 277-278 
passive, 280-282F 
permeability coefficients, 278-279F 
pores for (human), 279-280F 
potential, Ai (/, 279-280F 
proteins, 279-282 
thermodynamics and, 278-279 
menaquinone, 220F 
Mendel, Gregor, 270, 447, 469 
Mendelian Inheritance in Man (MIM) numbers, 

Menten, Maud L., 143 
Meselson, Matthew, 601 
messenger RNA, see mRNA 
metabolic charts, 297F 
metabolic pathways, 297-302 
defined, 297 
evolution of, 301-302 
feedback inhibition, 300 
feed-forward activation, 300 
flux in, 300F 

forms of sequences, 297-298F 

glycolysis, 325-354 

glucogenesis, 354-384 

regulation of, 299-301 

single and multiple steps of, 298-299F 

steady state in, 3 OOF 

metabolic precursors, 360-363, 529-532 
amino acids as, 529-532 
gluconeogenesis, 360-363 
metabolism, 11, 198-200T. See also glycolysis; 
gluconeogenesis; metabolic pathways 
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 198-199F, 

304, 308-315 

allosteric enzyme phenomena, 153-154 
amino acids, 514-549 
amphibolic reactions, 295 
anabolic (biosynthetic) reactions, 294-295F, 

autotrophs, 302-303 
bacteria adaptation and, 295-296 
biosynthetic (anabolic) pathways, 302303 
catabolic reactions, 295F, 303-304F 
cellular pathways, 302-304 
citric acid cycle, 303-304 

cobalamin and, 215-216F 
coenzymes, 198-200T, 316-320 
compartmentation, 304-305 
enzyme regulation and, 153-154 
experimental methods for study of, 321-322 
folate (tetrahyfolate) and, 213-214 
fuel, 295 

gene sequences and, 295-296 
Gibbs free energy change, AG, 306-312, 
glucose, 303 
heterotrophs, 302-303 
hydrolysis, 308-312, 316 
intermediary, 294 
interorgan, 304-305 
irreversible changes, 308-312 
lipids, 475-513 

nucleotide coenzymes and, 198-200 
nucleotides, 550-572 
nucleotidyl group transfer, 315F 
oxidation and, 303-304, 316-321 
phosphoryol group transfer, 312-315 
reaction network of, 294-297 
thioesters, 316 

metabolite channeling, 158-159 
metal-activated enzymes, 197 
metalloenzymes, 197 
methanol, 238F 

methionine (M, Met), 60F, 216F 

catabolism by conversion of, 539-540F 
nomenclature, 64T 
residue, 76 

structure of, 60F, 216F 
synthesis of, 520-522F 
methotrexate, structure of, 550 
methylation, 560-564F 
cycle of reactions, 563F 
deoxyuridine monophosphate (dUMP) 
formation by, 560-564F 
nucleotide metabolism and, 560-564F 
restriction endonucleases catalysis by, 593, 595F 
methylmalonyl CoA, 125-126F 
Meyerhof, Otto, 331 
micelles, 36F 
Michaelis, Leonor, 142 
Michaelis-Menton equation, 140-144 
microheterogeneity, 248 
microtubules, 23 
Miescher, Friedrich, 573 
mirror-image pairs of amino acids, 57F 
Mitchell, Peter, 420 
mitochondria, 21-22F, 418-421F 

active transport across membrane of, 435-436 
acyl CoA transport into, 497-498 
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis and, 
421F, 435-436 
/2-oxidation and, 497-498 
chemiosmotic theory, 420-423 
electron transport and, 435-436 
eukaryotic cell structure and, 20F, 21-22F 
knob- and- stalk structure, 433F 
number of, 418-419 
oxidation from, 2 1 
oxygen uptake in, 42 IF 
photosynthesis and, 22 
protonmotive force, 421-420F 
pyruvate entry into, 402-405F 
structure of, 419-420 
mitochondrial genomes, 432F 
mitosis, 20F 

modified ends, mNRA, 658 
molecular chaperones, 1 17—1 19F 
aggregation prevention by, 1 19 
chaperonin (GroE), 118-119F 
heat shock proteins, 1 17-1 18F 
protein folding assisted by, 1 17-1 19F 

780 INDEX 

molecular weight, 6 

molecular weight, amino acids and, 74-75T 
Monod, Jacques, 157, 635 
monolayers, 36F 
monosaccharides, 227-236 
abbreviations for, 236T 
aldoses, 228-234F 
amino sugars, 235-236, 237F 
ball- and- stick models of, 228F, 235F 
boat conformations, 235F 
chair conformations, 235F 
chiral compounds, 228-230F 
conformations of, 234-235F 
cyclization of, 230-234 
deoxy sugars, 235 
derivatives of, 235-236F 
endo- envelope conformations, 234F 
epimers, 230 

Fischer projections of, 228-232F 
Haworth projections of, 232-235F 
ketoses, 228-234F 
sugar acids, 236, 238F 
sugar alcohols, 236, 237F 
sugar phosphates, 235 
trioses, 226 

twist conformation, 234F 
monosaccharines, sucrose cleaved to, 348 
Morse code, 667F 

motifs (supersecondary structures), 100-101F 
mRNA (messenger RNA), 9, 587, 658-663 
cap formation, 658-659F 
eukaryotic processing, 656, 658-663 
exons, 660 

genetic code and, 666-667F 
intron/extron gene organization, 660-662F 
introns, 658 
modified ends, 658 
polycistronic molecules, 679 
polydenylation of, 658, 660F 
protein synthesis and, 666-667F, 669-67 IF 
reading frames, 666-667F 
spliced precursors, 658-663 
spliceosomes, 662-663F 
tRNA anticodons base-paired with codons 
of, 669-67 IF 

wobble position, 670-671F 
mucin secretions, 252F 
multicellular organisms, metabolic pathways 
in, 305F 

multienzyme complexes, 158-159 
multifunctional enzymes, 158-159 
multistep pathways, 298-299F 
multisubstrate enzyme reactions, 147-148F 
mutagenesis, site- directed, 167, 186 
Mycobacterium tuberculosis , 296 
Mycoplasma pneumoniae (M. pneumoniae), 108F 
myoglobin (Mb), 122-129F 

heme prosthetic group, 122-123F 
oxygen binding, 123-129 
protein structure, study of, 122-129F 
tertiary structure of, 122-123F 


N-linked oligosaccharides, 249-252F 
N-terminus (amino terminus), 68, 74-76F 
NADH (reduced nicotinamide adenine 
dinucleotide), 304, 319-320 
electron transfer from, 319-320, 426-427F 
glycolysis reactions, 334 
metabolic reactions, 304, 319-320 
shuttle mechanisms in eukaryotes, 436-439 
NADPH (reduced nicotinamide adenine 

dinucleotide phosphate) reduction, 

Nagyrapolt, Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi, 223 
near- equilibrium reaction, K eq , 307-308 

negatively charged R groups, 62 
Neisseria gonorrhea pilin, 105F 
Nemethy, George, 157 
Nephila clavipes, 121 
Neurospora crassa, 212, 322 
neurotransmitters, signal transduction and, 284 
neutral solutions, 43 
niacin (vitamin B 3 ), 200-203F 
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), 196F, 

nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 
(NADP), 200-202F 

nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), 200-202F 

Nirenberg, Marshall, 666 

nitric oxide synthesis from arginine, 530-53 IF 

nitrogen (N), 3 

nitrogen cycle, 515-517F 

nitrogen fixation, 515 

nitrogenases, 516-517 

Noby, Jens G., 44 

noncompetitive inhibition, 149-15 IF 
noncovalent interactions, 37-40F 
charge-charge, 37 
hydrogen bonds, 37-38F 
hydrophobic, 39-40F 
ion pairing, 37 
salt bridges, 37F 
van der Waals forces, 38-39F 
noncyclic electronic transfer, 452 
nonessential amino acids, 514, 529T 
nonketotic hyperglycinemia, 544 
nonreducing sugars, 238-239 
nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs 
(NSAIDS), 486F 
norepinephrine, 199F 
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 
spectroscopy, 90, 321 
nucleases, 591-598 

alkaline hydrolysis, 591-592F 
DNA, 595-596F 
EcoRl and, 595-596F 
endonucleases, 591 
nucleic acid hydrolysis, 591-598 
restriction endonucleases, 593, 595-598 
ribonuclease A, 592-594 
RNA, 591-593F 

nucleic acids, 2, 3, 7-9F. See also DNA; 
nucleosides; RNA 
chromatin, 588-59 IF 
cleavage of, 592F, 594F 
defined, 7 

double-stranded DNA, 579-586F 
functions of, 573-574 
history of, 573 

hydrogen bond sites of, 575-576F 
hydrolysis of, 591-598 
alkaline, 591-592F 
DNA, 593-596F 
EcoRl and, 595-596F 
ribonuclease A, 592-594 
RNA, 591-594F 
identification of, 3 
macromolecular structures of, 8-9F 
nucleases of, 591-598 
nucleosides, 575-577F 
nucleosomes, 588-590F 
nucleotides as building blocks, 574-579 
ribose and deoxyribose, 574F 
purines and pyrimidines, 574-575F 
nucleosides, 575-577F 
tautomeric forms, 575-576F 
restriction endonucleases, 593, 595-598 
RNA in cells, 587 
supercoiled DNA, 586-587F 
nucleolus, 20 
nucleophiles, 39-40 

nucleophilic reactions, 39-41 
nucleophilic substitution, 163 
nucleoside triphosphates, 308-309 
nucleosides, 239, 241, 575-577F 
chemical structures of, 575-577F 
glycosides, 239, 24 IF 
nomenclature, 576-578T 
nucleosomes, 588-590F 
nucleotide-group-transfer reaction, 604-605 
nucleotide metabolism, 550-572 

adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP), 550-55 IF 
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) reactions, 55 IF 
allosteric regulation of eukaryotic 
ribonucleotide reductase, 56 IT 
base nomenclature, 552 
cytidine triphosphate (CTP) synthesis, 

deoxythymidylate (dTMP) production, 560-564F 
deoxyuridine monophosphate (dUMP) 
methylation, 560-564F, 

DNA and RNA modification, 564-565F 
functions of, 550 

guanosine 5'-monophosphate (GMP), 

550- 55 IF 

inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) synthesis, 

551- 554F 

5-phosphoribosyl 1 -pyrophosphate (PRPP), 

55 1-552F, 555-556 
purine catabolism, 565-568 
purine nucleotides, synthesis of, 550-554F 
purine salvage, 564-565F 
pyrimidine catabolism, 568-570 
pyrimidine salvage, 564-565 
pyrimidine synthesis, 555-559F 
ribonucleotide and deoxyribonucleotide 
reduction, 560-562F 
salvage pathways, 564-565 
uridylate (UMP) synthesis, 556-557F 
nucleotides, 198-199, 574-579 
anti conformation of, 577-57 8F 
chemical structure of, 574 
co enzyme metabolic roles, 198-199 
double-stranded DNA, 580-58 IF 
nomenclature, 577-578T 
nucleic acid building blocks, 574-579 
nucleosides, 575-577F 
purines and pyrimidines, 574-575F 
ribose and deoxyribose, 574F 
tautomeric forms, 575-576F 
phosphodiester linkages (3-5') joining, 

580-58 IF 

sin conformation of, 577-578F 
nucleotidyl group transfer, 315F 
nucleus, eukaryotic cells, 20 
Nyhan, William, 569 


O-linked oligosaccharides, 249-25 IF 

odd-chain fatty acids, /7-oxidation of, 499-500 

Ogston, Alexander, 397 

Okazaki, Reiji, 608 

Okazki fragments, 608-61 IF 

oligomeric protein, RNA polymerase, 363-637 

oligomers (multisubunits), 103, 106, 108T 

oligonucleotide- directed mutagenesis, 167 

oligopeptide, 68 

oligosaccharides, 227, 248-252F 
ABO blood group, 250-25 IF 
chain structure in post-translational 
processing, 694F 
diversity of chains, 248 
glycosidic subclasses, 249 
membrane secretions and, 252F 
N-linked, 249-252F 
O-linked, 249-25 IF 
synthesis of, 250-251 

Index 781 

Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man 
(OMIM), 126 

organelles, eukaryotic cells, 19-20F 
orotidine 5'-monophosphate (OMP), 550-55 IF 
osmotic pressure, solubility and, 34-35 
oxidation, 21, 164, 385, 391-394 
acetyl CoA, 385, 391-394 
(5- oxidation, 494-50 IF 
citric acid cycle reactions, 385, 391-394 
defined, 164 
fatty acids, 494-501 
glycerol, 36 IF 

mitochondria and, 21, 497-498 
oxidation-reduction reactions, 164, 200-205, 221 
coenzymes, 200-205, 221, 316-320 
electron transfer from, 316-320 
electron transport and, 423-425T 
enzyme mechanism of, 164 
flavin mononucleotide (FMN), 204-205F 
NADH (reduced NAD), 316-320 
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), 

reduction potentials of electron transfer 
components, 425T 
thioredoxin (human), 22 IF 
oxidoreductases enzymes, 136 
oxygen (O), 3, 29F 
sp 3 orbitals, 29F 
polarity of water and, 29F 
oxygen binding, 123-129 
Bohr effect, 128F 

allosteric protein interactions, 127-129F 
carbamate adducts, 129F 
conformational changes from, 124-126F 
fractional saturation, 124-125F 
heme prosthetic group reversibility, 123-124 
hemoglobin (Hb), 123-129F 
hydrophic behavior and, 123-124F 
hyperbolic curve and, 124-126F 
myoglobin (Mb), 123-129F 
oxygenation and, 123 
positive cooperativity, 124 
sigmoidal (S-shaped) curves for, 124-126F 
oxygen uptake in mitochondria, 42 IF 
oxygenation, Calvin cycle of photosynthesis, 

oxyhemoglobin, 123 
oxymyoglobin, 123 


P/O (phosphorylated/ oxygen) ratio, 436 

packing ratio, 588 

pancreatic lipase action, 505F 

papain, pH and ionization of, 170-172F 

parallel jt 3 sheets, 97-98F 

parallel twisted sheet, domain fold, 106F 

Parnas, Jacob, 331 

passive membrane transport, 280-282F 
Pasteur, Louis, 2, 331 

Pasteur effect for glycolysis regulation, 347 
Pauling, Linus, 94 
pause sites, RNA transcription, 644 
Pavlov, Ivan, 183 
penicillin, 247-248F 
pentose phosphate pathway, 364-369 
oxidative stage, 364-366F 
nonoxidative stage, 364-365F, 366-368F 
transketolase catalysis, 368F 
interconversions, 368-369F 
transaldolase catalysis, 368-369F 
pepsin, 183 

peptide bonds, 67-68. See also proteins 
acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of, 73F 
amino acids and, 67-68, 73F 
hydrolysis of, 40F 
peptide groups, 91-93F 

cis conformation, 9 IF, 93 
Ramachandran plots for, 92-93F 
rotation of, 91-92F 
trans conformation, 9 IF, 93 
peptidyl transferase catalysis of, 681-682, 683F 
polypeptide chains from, 91-93F 
protein synthesis and, 681-682, 683F 
residues, 67 

resonance structure of, 9 IF 
sequencing nomenclature, 68 
structure of, 68F 
peptidoglycans, 246-248F 
peptidyl transferase catalysis of peptide bonds, 
681-682, 683F 

peptidylprolyl cis! trans isomerase (human), 104F 

perchlorate (C10 4 ), 36 

periodic table of elements, 4F 

perioxisomes, 20F, 22 

peripheral proteins, 272 

permeability coefficients, 278-279F 

Perutz, Max, 2-3, 88-90, 94 

pH, 43-52 

acid dissociation constant, K a , 44-48T 

acid solutions, 43F 

base solutions, 42-43F 

buffered solutions, 50-52F 

calculation of, 49 

enzymatic rates and, 170-172F 

Henderson-Hasselbach equation for, 46-47 

indicators, 44F 

neutral solutions, 43F 

physiological uses, meter accuracy for, 44 

p K a relation to 45-48T 

scale, 43-44 

titration of acid solutions, 47-48F 
water relations to, 43T 
phase transition of lipid bilayers, 277F 
phenylalanine (F, Phe), 59F 

lignin synthesis from, 531-532F 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 59F 
synthesis of, 524-527F 
phenylanyl-tRNA, 529F 
phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) treatment, 73F 
amino acid treatment, 73F 
Edman reagent for sequencing residues, 74-75F 
phenylthiocarbamoyl (PTC) -amino acid, 73F 
phosphagens, phosphoryl group transfer, 

phosphate 4-5F, 8 
ester linkages, 4-5F, 8 
general formula of, 5F 
hydrolyses catalyzation, 137 
phosphatidates, 262-264F 
formation of, 48 IF 

glycerophospholipid functions of, 262-264F 
structure of, 264F 

phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5- tnsphosphate (PIP3), 
290-29 IF 

phosphatidylinositol 4,5-frzsphosphate (PIP 2 ), 

5-phospho-/^D-ribosylamine (PRA), 553F 
phosphoanhydride linkages, 4-5F 
general structure of, 4-5F 
nucleic acid structures and, 8F 
phosphoarginine, 315F 
phosphocreatine, 315F 
phosphodiester linkages, 8-9F 
DNA synthesis of, 610, 612F 
nucleic acid structures and, 8-9F 
nucleotides joined by (3-5') bonds, 

580-58 IF 

phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), 154F, 315F, 338, 403F 
phosphoenylpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) 
reactions, 358F, 403 
phosphofructokinase, 154-155F 

phosphofruktokinase- 1 (PFK-1), 330 
bacterial enzyme evolution, 364F 
catalysis, 330 

gluconeogenesis regulation, 363-364F 
glycolysis catalysis of, 330 
glycolysis regulation of, 345-346F 
phosphoglycerate kinase catalysis, 335-336 
phosphoglycerate mutase catalysis, 3 36-3 3 7F 
2-phosphoglycolate, 180-18 IF 
5-phosphoribosyl 1 -pyrophosphate (PRPP), 

55 1-553F, 555-556 
phospholipids, 256 
phosphopantetheine, 205-206F 
phosphoric acid (H3PO4), titration of, 48 
phosphorolysis, 371-376 
glycogen reaction, 371-372F 
glycogen regulation, 372-376 
phosphorus (P), 3 
phosphoryl, general formula of, 5F 
phosphoryl group transfer, 312-315 
phosphorylated state (GPa), glycogen phosphory- 
lase, 375F 

phosphorylation, protein synthesis regulation by, 

photoautotrophs, 303 
photodimerization (direct repair), 622-623 
photoheterotrophs, 303 
photons (energy), 445-446 
photosynthesis, 1 IF, 22, 439, 443-474 
atmospheric pollution and, 457 
bacterial photosystems, 448-458 
coupled, 453-455T 
cytochrome bf complex, 453-455F 
Gibbs free energy change, AG, 455-457 
internal membranes, 457 
photosystem I (PSI), 448, 450-453F 
photosystem II (PSII), 448-450F 
reaction equations, 450T, 452T, 455T 
reduction potentials, 455-457F 
biochemical process, 1 IF 
C 4 pathway, 469-47 IF 
Calvin cycle, 443, 461-467F 
carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) fixation, 461-467, 

carboxysomes, 469-470F 
cell structure, 22 

crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), 
dark reactions, 443 
electron transport compared to, 439 
energy flow, 1 IF 

eukaryotic (plant) photosystems, 458-461 
ATP synthase, 459-460F 
chloroplasts, 458-460F 
cyanobacteria evolution of, 459 
organization of components, 459-460F 
functions of, 443-444 
light- gathering pigments, 444-448 
accessory pigments, 447-448F 
chlorophylls, 444-447F 
photons (energy), 445-446 
resonance energy transfer, 446 
special pair, 446-447F 
light reactions, 443 
starch metabolism (plants), 467-469F 
sucrose metabolism (plants), 467-469F 
photosystems, 448-461 
bacterial, 448-458 
coupled, 453-455T 
cytochrome bf complex, 453-455F 
Gibbs free energy change, AG, 455-457 
internal membranes, 457 
photosystem I (PSI), 448, 450-453F 
photosystem II (PSII), 448-450F 
reaction equations, 450T, 452T, 455T 
reduction potentials, 455-457F 

782 INDEX 

photosystems ( Continued ) 
eukaryotic (plant), 458-461 
ATP synthase, 459-460F 
chloroplasts, 458-460F 
cyanobacteria evolution of, 459 
organization of components, 459-460F 
grana, 458 
lumen, 458 
stroma, 458 

thylakoid membranes, 457-460F 
Z- scheme, 455-456F 
phycoerythrin, 447 

phylloquinone (vitamin K), 218-219F 
phylogenetic tree representation, 79-80F 
Physeter catodon oxymyoglobin, 122F 
Pinl protein, 93 

ping-pong enzyme reactions, 148-149F 
p K a , 45-48T, 63-67 

acid dissociation parameter values, 45-48T 
amino acids, ionization of and, 63-67F 
buffer capacity and, 50-52F 
free amino acid values, 66T 
ionizable amino acid values, 168T 
pFl relation to, 45-48T 
titration and, 47-48F, 64-65F 
plasma, lipoproteins in, 508T. See also blood 

plasma membrane, 457F 

plasmalogens, 263, 265F 

plastoquinone, 220F 

pleated J3 sheets, 97-98 

polar substances, solubility of, 32-35 

polarity of water, 29F 

poly A tail, 658 

polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), 70-71 
polydenylation of mNRA, 658, 660F 
polylinker, 597 

polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 615-617F 
polymerases, 603-615, 636-638 

chain elongation, 604-606F, 63 7-63 8F 
DNA replication and, 603-615 
eukaryotic, 620T, 646T 
interactions, 11 IF 

nucleotide-group-transfer reaction, 604-605 
proofreading for error correction, 607 
protein types, 603-604T 
RNA, 636-638 

catalyzation by, 63 7-63 8F 
chain elongation reactions, 637-638F 
conformation changes, 642 
eukaryotic factors, 646-648T 
oligomeric protein, 363-637 
transcription, 642, 646-648T 
synthesis of, 607-615 

binding DNA fragments, 609-61 IF 
discontinuous, 608F 
Klenow fragment, 609-61 OF 
lagging DNA strands, 608-609F, 613-614F 
Okazki fragments, 608-61 IF 
phosphodiester linkage, 610, 612F 
RNA primer for, 608-609 
single-strand binding (SSB) protein, 613F 
two DNA strands simultaneously, 607-615 
polymers, 4-10 

macromolecular structure of, 4-10 
lipids, 9 

membranes, 9-10 
nucleic acids, 7-9F 
proteins, 6 

polysaccharides, 6-7F 
polynucleotide, 7 

polypeptides, 7, 68. See also proteins 
polypeptide chains, 85-87, 91-93F 
P strand and sheet structures, 97-99F 
cotranslational modifications, 690-691 
folding structures for protein stability, 99- 10 IF 

peptide bonds in, 9 IF 
peptide groups in, 91-93F 
post-translational modifications, 690-691 
protein structure from, 85-87 
protein synthesis modifications, 690-69 IF 
polysaccharides, 6-7F. See also carbohydrates 
cellulose, 243F 
chitin, 244F 
glycogen, 240-243F 
heteroglycans, 240 
homoglycans, 240 
lysozyme catalyzation of, 189-190F 
micromolecular structures of, 6-7F 
starch, 240-242F 
structure of, 240-24 IT 
polyunsaturated fatty acids, 258, 260F 
pores for (human) membrane transport, 


positive cooperativity, 124 
positively charged R groups, 61-62 
post-transcriptional RNA modification, 655-657F 
post- translational processing, 689-694 
glycosylation of proteins, 694F 
oligosaccharide chains, 694F 
polypeptide chain modifications, 689-694F 
protein synthesis, 689-694 
secretory pathways, 691-692F 
signal hypothesis, 691-694 
signal peptide, 691-692F 
signal recognition particle (SRP), 691-693F 
potassium (K), 3 

prenylated protein membranes, 272 
primary active membrane transport, 282 
primary protein structure, 67, 79-81. See also 
amino acids 

prochiral substrate binding, 397 
prokaryotes, evolution and, 15-16F 
prokaryotic cells, 17-18F 
E. coli , 17F 

ribosomes, eukaryotic cells compared to, 

structure of, 17-18F 
proline (P, Pro), structure of, 59F 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 59F 
synthesis of, 523F 

promoter recognition, RNA transcription, 641-642 
promoter sequences, RNA transcription, 640-64 IF 
proofreading for DNA replication error 
correction, 607, 674 

propionate, gluconeogenesis presursor, 361-362 
prostaglandins, 268-269 

lipid structure and functions, 268-269 
synthesis of, 483, 485-486F 
prosthetic groups, 122, 197 
biotin (vitamin B 7 ), 211-212F 
coenzyme behavior of, 197 
cytochromes, 221-222F 
defined, 122 

heme, 122-126F, 221-222F 
oxygen binding in, 123-126F 
oxygenation and, 122 
phosphopantetheine, 205-206F 
pyridoxal phosphate (vitamin B 6 ), 207-209F 
proteasome from yeast, 534F 
Protein Data Bank (PDB), 89-90, 1 16 
protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), 113-114 
protein machines, 108-109F 
protein synthesis, 665-696 

aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, 670-673F 

antibiotic inhibition of, 686F 

anticodons, 668-67 IF 

codons, 665-670T, 679-684F 

energy expense of, 684-685 

genetic code, 665-668T 

mRNA (message RNA), 666-667F, 669-67 IF 

post-translational processing, 689-694 
glycosylation of proteins, 694F 
oligosaccharide chains, 694F 
polypeptide chain modifications, 689-694 
secretory pathways, 691-692F 
signal hypothesis, 691-694 
signal peptide, 691-692F 
signal recognition particle (SRP), 691-693F 
regulation of, 685-690 
attenuation, 688-689F 
globin, 687-688F 
heme availability and, 687-688F 
ribosomal assembly in E. coli , 685-687F 
trp operon in E. coli , 688-690F 
ribosomes, 673-68 IF, 685-687 
translation, 673-684 

aminoacyl-tRNA docking sites for, 680-68 IF 
chain elongation, 679-684F 
elongation factors, 680-68 IF 
eukaryotes, initiation in, 679 
initiation of, 675-679F 
microcycle steps for, 679-684 
peptidyl transferase catalysis, 681-682, 683F 
ribosomes, 673-674 
Shine-Delgarno sequence, 677F, 679 
termination of, 684 
translocation of ribosome, 682-684F 
tRNA (transfer RNA), 665-671F, 675-681F 
protein turnover, 531-533 
proteins, 6-7F, 55-133 
a helix, 94-97F, 98-99 
allosteric, 127-129F 
amino acids and, 6F, 55-84 
analytical techniques, 70-74 
chromatography, 73-47F 
mass spectrometry, 72-73F 
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 
(PAGE), 70-7 IF 

antibody binding to specific antigens, 


P strands and sheets, 97-99F 
biological functions of, 55-56, 119-129 
classes of membrane proteins, 10F, 270-273F 
coenzymes, 221 

cytochrome c sequences, 79-8 IF 
denaturation, 110-114F 
diffusion of lipids, 275-276F 
enzymes as, 6-7F 
evolutionary relationships, 79-81 
fibrous, 86, 119-121 

folding and stability of, 99-103F, 1 14-1 19F 
CASP, 116 

characteristics of, 1 14—1 15F 
charge-charge interactions and, 117 
hydrogen bonding and, 1 15-1 16F 
hydrophobic effect and, 114-115 
molecular chaperones and, 1 17-1 19F 
tertiary protein structure and, 99-103 
van der Waals interactions and, 117 
globular, 86, 122-129 
glycosylation of, 694F 
homologous, 79 
hydrolysis of, 40F, 73-74F, 533F 
linkages, 4-5F 

loop and turn structures, 98-99F 
macromolecular structures of, 6-7F 
membranes, 10F, 270-273F 
active transport, 280-283F 
channels for transport (animal), 279-280F 
integral (transmembrane), 270-272F 
lipid anchored, 272-273F 
number and variety of proteins and lipids in, 

passive transport, 280-282F 
peripheral, 272 

pores for transport (human), 279-280F 

Index 783 

oxygen binding to myoglobin and hemoglobin, 

peptide bonds, 40F, 67-68F, 91-93F 
phylogenetic tree representation, 79-80F 
polypeptide chains, 85-87, 91-93F, 99-101F 
primary structure of, 67, 79-81 
protein-protein interactions, 109-1 1 1 
purification techniques, 68-70 
quaternary structure of, 88, 103, 106-109F 
renaturation, 112-113F 
secondary structure of, 87 
sequencing strategies, 74-79 

cleavage by cyanogen bromide (CNBr), 

Edman degradation procedure, 74-75F 
human serum albumin, 78-79F 
mass spectrometry, 77-78F 
structure of, 85-133 

binding of antibodies to antigens, 


collagen, study of, 1 19-12 IF 
conformations of, 91-98, 1 10-1 14 
hemoglobin (Hb), study of, 122-129F 
levels of, 87-88, 99-109 
loops and turns, 98-99F 
methods for determining, 88-90 
myoglobin (Mb), study of, 122-129F 
peptide group, 91-93F 
subunits, 103, 106-109F 
tertiary structure of, 87F, 99-106F 
ubiquitination of, 533F 
UV absorbance of, 60F 
proteoglycans, 244-246F 
proton leaks and heat production from ATP 
synthesis, 435 

protonmotive force, 421-420F 
proximity effect, 176-178F 
psicose, 23 IF 
pterin, 213-214F 
purine, 8-9F, 574-575 
catabolism of, 565-568 
nucleotide structure, 574-575F 
ring structure, 551-552F 
salvage pathways, 564-565F 
synthesis of nucleotides, 550-554F 
nucleotides, 8-9F 

puromycin, protein synthesis and, 686F 
purple bacteria, photosynthesis in, 448-450F 
pyranos, 23 IF, 234 
pyridoxal (vitamin B 6 ), 207-209F 
pyridoxal phosphate (PDP), 207-209F 
pyrimidine, 8-9F, 574-575 
catabolism of, 568-570 
nucleotide structure, 574-575F 
regulation of synthesis, 559 
salvage pathways, 564-565 
synthesis of, 555-559F 
pyrophasphate, hydrolyses catalyzation, 137 
pyrrolysine, structure of, 62-63F 
pyruvate, 136-137, 315F, 338-340F, 387-391F 
acetyl CoA, conversion to, 385, 387-39 IF 
alanine, conversion to, 36 IF 
citric acid cycle reactions, 385, 387-39 IF 
gluconeogenesis conversion of, 356-360 
gluconeogenesis precursor, 361 
gluconeogenesis regulation, 363 
glucose conversion from, 338-340F, 


glycolysis conversion of, 338-340F 
lyases catalyzation, 137 
metabolism to ethanol, 339-340F 
mitochondria, entry into, 402-405F 
oxireductases catalyzation, 136 
oxidation of, 3 3 8-3 3 9F 
polypeptide folding of, 101 
transferases catalyzation, 136-137 

pyruvate carcoxylase reaction, 357-358F 
pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphorylase kinase 
(PDHK), 408F 

pyruvate dehydrogenase structural core, 108F 
pyruvate kinase, 101, 338, 346-347F 
glycolysis catalysis of, 338 
glycolysis regulation of, 346-347F 
reduction to lactate, 340 


Q- cycle electron pathway, 430 
quaternary protein structure, 88, 103, 106-109F 
Escherichia coli (E. coli ) oligomeric 
proteins, 108T 
examples of, 107F 

oligomers (multisubunits), 103, 106, 108T 
protein machines, 108-109F 
subunits, 103, 106-109F 


R group amino acids, see side chains 
R (relaxed) state, 126 
racemization, 58 
Racker, Efriam, 461 
Ramachandran plots, 92-93F 
Ramachandran, G. N., 92, 1 19 
rate (velocity) equations, 138-139, 144-145 
reaction coordinates, 165-166F 
reactions, metabolic network of, 294-297F 
reactive center, 196 
reading frames, 666-667F 
receptors, 283-285 
recombinant DNA, 597-598F 
recombination, see homologous recombination 
reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, 
see NADH 

reducing sugars, 238-239 
reduction, 164. See also oxidation-reduction 
Calvin cycle of photosynthesis, 466-467 
defined, 164 

deoxyribonucleotide, 560-562F 
ribonucleotide, 560-562F 
reduction potential, 317-319T, 425T, 455-457T 
coenzymes, 317-319T 

electron transport oxidation-reduction compo- 
nents, 425T 

photosynthesis, 455-457F 
reductive pentose phosphate cycle, see Calvin cycle 
regeneration, Calvin cycle of photosynthesis, 

regulation, 153-158, 343-347, 363-364. See also 

citric acid cycle, 406-407F 
enzyme activity, 153-158 

allosteric enzymes, 153-158F 
concerted (symmetry) model for, 156-157F 
cooperative binding and, 156F 
covalent modification, 158F 
phosphofructokinase, 154-155F 
sequential (KNF) model for, 157-158F 
sigmoidal (S shaped) curves for, 153F, 156F 
gluconeogenesis, 363-364F 
glycolysis, 343-347 
hexokinase, 344-345 
hexose transports, 343-344 
metabolic pathway in mammals, 343F 
Pasteur effect for, 347 

phosphofruktokinase- 1 (PFK-1), 345-346F 
pyruvate kinases, 346-347F 
hormones for, 502-504 
IUMBM-Nicholson metabolic chart, 504F 
lipid metabolism, 502-504 
protein synthesis, 685-690 
attenuation, 688-689F 
globin, 687-688F 
heme availability and, 687-688F 

ribosomal assembly in E. coli , 685-687F 
trp operon in E. coli , 688-690F 
relative molecular mass, 6 
renal glutamine metabolism, 547-548 
renaturation, 112-113F 
replisome, defined, 603 
replisome model, 610, 612-615 
residues, 5, 67-68F, 74-75F 

amino acids, 67-68F, 74-75F, 166-168T 
(3 strand and sheet turns, 99F 
catalysis and, 166-168T 
catalytic frequency distribution, 168T 
collagen and formation of, 120-12 IF 
Edman degradation procedure for, 74-75F 
glycogen, cleavage of, 371-372F 
ionizable amino acid functions, 166-168T 
macromolecule structure of, 5 
methionine, 76 

peptide bond linkages, 67-68F 
phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) treatment, 

p K a values of ionizable amino acids, 168T 
protein structure and, 120-12 IF 
sequences of, 68, 74-75F 
resonance energy transfer, 446 
resonance stabilization, 310 
respiration process, 340 
restriction endonucleases, 593, 595-598 
defined, 593 
DNA and, 593,595-598 
DNA fingerprints, 596-597F 
hydrolysis and, 593,595 
methylation, 593, 595F 
nucleic acids and, 593, 595-598 
recombinant DNA, 597-598F 
restriction maps, 596 
specificities of, 595T 
types I and II, 593, 595 
restriction maps, 596 
retinol (vitamin A), 217-218F 
retinol-binding protein (pig), 104F 
reverse turns, protein structures, 99 
reversible inhibition, 148-1 52F 
rho- dependent RNA transcription termination, 

Rhodopseudomonas photosystem, 107F 
Rho do spirillum rubrum , 484 
riboflavin, 204-205F 
ribofuranose, 233F 

ribonuclease A (Rnase A), 90F, 1 1 1-1 13F 
denaturation and renaturation 
of, 112-113F 
disulfide bridges in, 1 12F 
heat denaturation of, 1 1 IF 
hydrolysis by, 592-594 
ribonucleic acid, see RNA 
ribopyranose, 233F 
ribose, 7, 229F, 236F, 574F 
cyclization of, 232-233F 
monosaccharide structures of, 229F, 236F 
nucleotide structure, 574F 
sugar phosphate structure, 236F 
ribosomal RNA, see rRNA 
ribosomes, 108F, 673-681F 

aminoacyl-tRNA binding sites in, 675, 677F 
chain elongation and, 673-674, 682-684F 
eukaryotic versus prokaryotic cells, 
interactions, 11 IF 

protein synthesis, 673-68 IF, 685-687 
regulation of protein synthesis, 685-687F 
rRNA composition of, 674-675F 
translocation by one codon, 682-684F 
ribulose, 230-23 IF 
ribulose 1,5-Hsphosphate, 465-466F 
ribulose 5-phosphate conversion, 367F 
right turn structures, 98-99F 

784 INDEX 

RNA (ribonucleic acid), 3, 9, 634-664 
cell content, 587 
classes of, 587 
cleavage, 594F, 655-657F 
discovery of, 3 

eukaryotic mRNA processing, 656, 658-663 
hydrolysis, 591-594 
alkaline, 591-592F 
nucleases and, 591-594 
ribonuclease A, 592-594F 
lac operon, 651-655 

binding repressor to the operon, 652F 
cAMP regulatory protein and, 653-655F 
repressor blocking transcription, 651-652F 
repressor structure, 652-653F 
transcription activation, 653-655 
messenger (mRNA), 9, 587, 656, 658-663 
modified nucleotides, 564-565F 
molecule types, 9 
polymerase, 108F, 11 IF, 636-638 
catalyzation by, 63 8F 
chain elongation reactions, 63 7-63 8F 
interactions, 11 IF 
multisubunit, 108F 
oligomeric protein, 363-637 
post-transcriptional modification of, 655-657 
ribosomal (rRNA) processing, 656-657F 
transfer (tRNA) processing, 655-657F 
ribosomal (rRNA), 9, 587, 656-657F 
small nuclear (sRNA), 662-663F 
stem-loop structures, 587-588F 
synthesis of, see transcription 
transfer (tRNA), 9, 587, 655-657 F 
types of, 635-636 
RNA polymerase, 108F, 1 1 IF 
RNA primer for DNA synthesis, 608-609 
RNA transcription, 639-651 

cAMP regulatory protein activation of, 653-655 
eukaryotes, 646-649 
chromatin and, 649 
polymerase reactions, 646-648T 
transcription factors, 648-649T 
gene regulation, 649-651 
initiation, 639-643 
or subunits, 641-642T 
gene orientation, 639-640F 
polymerase changes in conformation, 642 
process of, 643F 
promoter recognition, 641-642 
promoter sequences, 640-64 IF 
lac repressor blockage of, 651-652F 
termination, 644-645 
hairpin formation, 644F 
pause sites, 644 
rho- dependent, 644-645F 
rofecoxib (Vioxx), structure of, 486F 
Rose, Irwin, 533 

rRNA (ribosomal RNA), 9, 587, 656-657 
cleavage, 656-65 7F 

post-transcriptional modification, 656-657 F 
protein synthesis and, 674-675F 
ribosome composition of, 674-675F 
RS amino acid system configuration, 6 IF 
rubisco (rubilose 1,5-Hsphosphate carboxylase- 
oxygenase), 462, 464-466F 


S-adenosylmethionine, 199F 

saccharides, see carbohydrates; polysaccharides 

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 296F 

salicylates, 486 

Salmonella typhymurium , 514F, 528F 

salt bridges, 37F 

salvage pathways, 564-565 

Sanger method for DNA sequencing, 616, 618 

Sanger, Frederick, 616 

saturated fatty acids, 258, 260F 
Schiff bases, 121F, 208F, 332-333F 
scurvy, ascorbic acid and, 209-210 
seawater, properties of, 33F 
second messengers, 285 

secondary active membrane transport, 282, 283F 
secondary protein structure, 87 
secretory pathways, 691-692F 
selenocysteine, structure of, 62-63F 
semiconservative DNA replication, 602F 
semiquinone anion, 220F 
sequencing, 68, 74-81, 616-619 
amino acid residues, 68, 74-75F 
C-terminus (carboxyl terminus), 68, 76F 
cytochrome c, 79-8 IF 
DNA, 77F, 616-619F 

dideoxynucleotides used for, 616, 618 
parallel strands by synthesis, 618-619 
Sanger method, 616, 618 
Edman degradation procedure for, 74-77F 
evolution relationships and, 79-8 IF 
human serum albumin, 78-79F 
N-terminus (amino terminus), 68, 74-76F 
protein strategies, 76-79F 

cleavage by cyanogen bromide (CNBr), 
76-77 F 

human serum albumin, 78-79F 
mass spectrometry, 77-78F 
tryptic fingerprint, 77-79F 
sequential enzyme reactions, 148-149F 
sequential (KNF) model for enzyme regulation, 

serine (S, Ser), 56-57F, 60-61F 
catabolism of, 536-537F 
metabolic precursor use, 529-530F 
nomenclature, 64T 

RS amino acid system configuration, 6 IF 
structure of, 56-57F, 60-6 IF 
synthesis of, 523-524F 
serine proteases, 183-189F 
catalytic triad, 185F 
catalysis modes for, 185-188 
chymotrypsin, 183-188F 
elastase, 183-185F 
substrate binding, 186-188F 
substrate specificity of, 184-185 
trypsin, 183-185F 

zymogens as inactive enzyme precursors, 

serum albumin (human), 78-79F, 104F, 508 
Shine-Delgarno sequence, 677F, 679 
shuttle mechanisms, 436-439F 
malate-aspartate shuttle, 348F 
NADH in eukaryotes, 436-439F 
shuttle mechanisms in eukaryote, 43 7F 
side chains, 56, 59-62 

alcohol groups with, 60-61 
aliphatic R groups, 59 
a helix proteins, 95 
amino acid structure and, 56, 59 
aromatic R groups, 59-60 
hydrophic effect on, 114-115 
hydrophobicity of amino acids with, 62 
ionic states of, 64-65F 
negatively charged R groups, 62 
positively charged R groups, 61-62 
protein folding and, 115-116 
sulfur- containing R groups, 60 
sigmoidal (S-shaped) curves, 124-126F, 153F, 156F 
signal hypothesis, 691-694 
signal peptide, 691-692F 
signal recognition particle (SRP), 691-693F 
signal transduction, 283-291 

adenylyl cyclase signaling pathway, 287F 

G proteins, 285-286F, 290 

hormones receptors and binding, 284-287 

hydrolysis and, 285-289F 
inositol-phospholipid signaling pathway, 

insulin receptors, 290-29 IF 
membrane cells, 283-291 
pathways, 284-285, 287-289F 
receptor tyrosine kinases, 285, 290-29 IF 
receptors, 283-285 
transducers, 285-286 

sin conformation of nucleotides, 577-578F 

single step pathways, 298-299F 

single-strand binding (SSB) protein, 613F 

single-strand DNA, 588 

site-directed mutagenesis, 167, 186 

small nuclear ribonucleic acid (snRNA), 662-663F 

Smith, Michael, 167 

sn-glycerol 3-phoshphate, 484 

Soderbaum, H. G., 196 

sodium (Na), 3 

sodium chloride (NaCl), 33F, 37 
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 36F 
sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel 
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), 71F 
sodium palmitate, 36 
solubility, 32-36 

amphipathic molecules, 36 
cellular concentrations, 34F 
chaotropes, 36 
detergents, 36F 
diffusion, 34F 
electrolytes, 32-34 
hydrated molecules, 34 
hydrophilic substances, 32 
hydrophobic substances, 35 
ionic and polar substances, 32-35 
nonpolar substances, 35-36 
osmotic pressure, 34-35 
solvated molecules, 34 
surfactants, 36 
water and, 32-36 
solubilization, 36 
solvated molecules, 34 
solvation effects, 309-310 
sorbitol conversion from glucose, 362G 
sorbose, 23 IF 

Sorensen, Soren Peter Lauritz, 44 
sp 3 orbitals, 29F 
space-filling models, 90F 
DNA, 573F, 582-584F 
proteins, 90F 
special pair, 446-447F 
specific heat of water, 3 1 
sphingolipids, 263-266F 
cerebrosides, 265, 266F 
ceremide, 264, 265F 
gangliosides, 265, 266F 
genetic defects and, 265-266 
pathways for formation and degradation 
of, 492F 

sphingomyelins, 264, 265F 
synthesis of, 488-489F 
sphingomyelins, 264, 265F 
spider silk strength, 121 
spindle fibers, 56 

spliced precursors, mNRA, 658-663 
spliceosomes, 662-663F 
squalene, cholesterol and, 488, 490 
stacking interactions, double-stranded DNA, 
582-583F, 585T 
Stahl, Franklin, 601 

Staphylococcus aureus (S. Aureus), 76, 247-248F 
starch, 240-243 
amylase, 242F 
amylose, 24 IF 
amylopectin, 241-242F 
digestion of, 241-242 

Index 785 

glucose storage (plants), 240-243F 
metabolism (plants), 467-469F 
structure of, 240-24 IT 
synthesis of, 467-468F 
starch, 240-243, 467-469 
steady state, metabolic pathways, 300F 
steady-state derivation, 141-142 
stem length mutation, 270 
stem-loop structures in RN, 587-588F 
stereochemical numbering, 484 
stereoisomers, 56, 59F 
stereospecifity, 134-135 
steroids, 9, 266-268F 

cholesterol and, 266-268 
isoprene structure of, 266F 
lipid structures of, 266-267F 
micromolecular structure of, 9 
signal transduction and, 285 
Strandberg, Bror, 89 
Streptococcus pneumoniae , 3 
Streptomyces, potassium channel protein, 107F 
stroma, 458 

substrates, 90F, 134-148, 175-182 

binding properties, 139-140, 176, 178-181F, 

binding sites, 90F, 674F 
binding speed, 171-172T 
diffusion- controlled reactions, 171-172T 
enzymatic catalysis modes and, 175-182 
induced fit, 179-180 
proximity effect, 176-178F 
transition-state stabilization, 176, 

weak binding and, 176, 179— 18 IF 
enzyme kinetics and, 138-148 
enzyme reactions, 134-135, 138-147 
enzyme-substrate complex (ES), 139-140, 

Michaelis-Menton equation for, 140-144 
multisubstrate reactions, 147-148F 
prochiral binding, 397 
rate (velocity) equations for, 138-139F, 

serine proteases and, 186-188F 
specificity of, 184-185 
stereospecifity of, 134-135 
subunits, 103, 106-109F 
succinate dehydrogenase complex, citrus cycle 
reactions, 399-40 IF 

succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (electron 
transfer complex II), 427-428F 
Succinyl Co A, 216F 

catalyzed structure of, 216F 
thioester hydrolysis, 316 
succinyl synthetase, citrus cycle reactions, 
sucralose, 240 
sucrose, 238-239F 

cleaved to monosaccharines, 348 
metabolism (plants), 467-469F 
structure of, 238-239F 
synthesis of, 467-469F 
sugar acids, 236, 238F 
sugar alcohols, 236, 237F 
sugar phosphates, 235 
sugars, 235-236, 238-239 
abbreviations for, 236T 
disaccharides, 238-239 
monosaccharides, 235-236F 
nonreducing, 238-239 
reducing, 238-239 
sulfhydryl, general formula of, 5F 
sulfur (S), 3 

sulfur- containing R groups, 60 
Sumner, James B., 135 
supercoiled DNA, 586-587F 

superoxide anions, 440-441 

superoxide atoms, 440-441 

superoxide dismutase, 175F 

supersecondary structures (motifs), 100-101F 

surfactants, solubility of, 36 

sweetness receptors, 240 

symport, membrane transport, 280-28 IF 

Synechococcus elongatus , 470F 

synonymous codons, 667 

synthase, 395 

ATP catalysis, 43 3-43 5F 
defined, 395 

glycogen reaction, 370-37 IF 
synthesis, 13 

adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 417-442 
amino acids, 520-529 
cancer drug inhibition of, 564 
defined, 13 

DNA, two strands simultaneously, 607-615 
nucleotide metabolism and, 550-559 
proteins, 665-696 
purine nucleotides, 550-554F 
pyrimidine, 555-559F 
synthetase, defined, 395 
Systeme International (SI) units, 26-2 7T 


T (tense) state, 126 

tagatose, 23 IF 

tail growth, 373 

talose, 229F 

Tanaka, Koichi, 73 

Tatum, Edward, 212, 634 

tautomeric forms of nucleic acids, 575-576F 

terminal electron acceptors and donors, 439-440 

termination (stop) codons, 667F, 682, 684 

terpenes, 256 

tertiary protein structure, 87F, 99-106F 
cytochrome c structure conservation, 10 IF 
domains, 101-102, 106F 
examples of, 104-105F 
hemoglobin (Hb), 122-123F 
intrinsically disordered (unstable) proteins, 

motifs (supersecondary structures), 100-101F 
myoglobin (Mb), 122-123F 
polypeptide folding and stability of, 99-10 IF 
protein stability and, 99-103 
supersecondary structures (motifs), 100-101F 
tetrahydro folate, 213-214F 
thermodynamics, 12-15, 278-280 
activation energy, Gf, 14F 
equilibrium constant, K eq , 12, 14 
Gibbs free energy change, AG, 12-15, 


membrane potential, Ai )/, 279-280F 
membrane transport and, 278-280 
reaction rates and, 14-15 
Thermus thermophilius , 675, 676F 
thiamine (vitamin BJ, 206-207F 
thiamine diphosphate (TDP), 206-207F 
thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), 206 
Thiobacillus , 303F 
thiocyanate (SCN), 36 
thioesters, hydrolysis of, 316 
thiol (sulfhydryl), general formula of, 5F 
thiol- disulfide oxidoreductase, 105F 
thioredoxin (human), 105F 

coenzyme oxidation-reduction, 22 IF 
oxidized, 22 IF 
structure of, 105F 
threonine (T, Thr), 58, 60-61F 
catabolism of, 537-538 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 58, 60-6 IF 
synthesis of, 520-522F 

threose, 229 

thylakoid membranes, 457-460F 
thymine (T), 8-9F 
thyroxine, structure of, 63F 
titration, 47-48F 

acetic acid (CH 3 COOH), 47F 
acid solutions, 47-48F 
amino acids, 64-65F 
imazodole (C 3 H 4 N 2 ), 47F 
ionization and, 64-65F 
phosphoric acid (H3PO4), 48 
pK a values from, 45-48T, 64-65F 
T y/C arm, 668-669F 
trans conformation, 9 IF, 93, 258, 259F 
transaldolase catalysis, 368-369F 
transanimation reactions, ammonia assimilation 
and, 518-519F 
transducers, 285-286 
bacterial, 285-286 
eukaryotic, 285 
G proteins, 285-286F 

membrane signal transduction and, 285-286 
transduction, see signal transduction 
transfer RNA, see tRNA 
transferases enzymes, 136-137, 395 
transition-state stabilization, 180-182F 
transition states, 163, 164-166 
activation energy, 165F 
catalyst stabilization for, 164-166 
defined, 163 

enzyme mechanisms and, 164-166 
intermediates and, 165-166F 
nucleophilic substitution, 163 
reaction coordinates, 165-166F 
transketolase catalysis, 368F 
translation, 673-684. See also post-translational 

chain elongation, 679-684F 
aminoacyl-tRNA docking sites 
for, 680-68 IF 

elongation factors, 680-68 IF 
microcycle steps for, 679-684 
peptidyl transferase catalysis, 681-682F 
translocation of ribosome, 682, 684F 
initiation of, 675-679F 
eukaryotes, 679 

initiation factors, 675, 677-679 
ribosomes, 673-674 
Shine-Delgarno sequence, 677F, 679 
tRNA initiator, 675, 677F 
protein synthesis and, 673-684 
ribosomes and, 673-675F, 677F 
aminoacyl-tRNA binding sites 
for, 675, 677F 

eukaryotic versus prokaryotic, 674-675F 
subunit composition of, 674-675F 
Shine-Delgarno sequence, 675F, 679 
termination of, 684 

transmember (integral) proteins, 270-272F 
transport, see electron transport; membranes 
transport constant, K tr , 281-282F 
transverse (flip-flop) diffusion, 275-276F 
triacylglycerols, 261-262F 
digestion of, 262 
structure of, 26 IF 
synthesis of, 481-483F 
Trichodesmium, 515F 
triene, defined, 486 

trifunctional enzymes, /7-oxidation and, 498 
triiodothryonine, structure of, 63F 
triose phosphate isomerase (TPI), 107F, 


catalysis, 332-334F 

diffusion- controlled reactions, 162F, 172-174F 
trioses, 226 
tripeptide, 68 

786 INDEX 

tRNA (transfer RNA), 9, 587, 655-657, 665-671, 

aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, 670-673F 
anticodons, 668-67 IF 
cleavage, 655-656F 
base-pairing, 669-670F 
cloverleaf structure, 668-669F 
genetic code and, 669-670F 
isoacceptor molecules, 670-671 
mRNA codons base-paired with anticodons 
of, 669-670F 

post-transcriptional modification, 655-657F 
protein synthesis and, 665-67 IF, 675-68 IF 
three-dimensional (tertiary) structure of, 
668-669F, 680 

translation initiator, 675-68 IF 
Watson-Crick base pairing, 670F 
wobble position, 670-671F 
trp operon, protein synthesis regulation by, 688-690F 
trypsin, 76-77F, 183-185F 
tryptic fingerprint, sequencing and, 77-79F 
tryptophan (W, Trp), 58-60F 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 58-60F 
synthesis of, 524-52 7F 
tryptophan biosynthesis enzyme, 105F 
turn structures, a helix and strand and sheet 
connections, 99F 
twist conformations, 234F 
type III triple helix, 1 19F 
tyrosine (Y, Tyr), 58-60F 
catabolism of, 541-542F 
melanin synthesis from, 531, 533F 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 58-60F 
synthesis of, 524-527F 


ubiquinol, 220 

ubiquinokcytochrome c oxidoreductase (electron 
transfer complex III), 428-430F 
ubiquinone (coenzyme Q), 2 19-22 IF 
ubiquitin, 533F 

ubiquitination of proteins, 533F 
UDP N-acetylglucosamine acyl transference, 104F 
ultraviolet light absorption in double-stranded 
DNA, 584-585F 

uncompetitive inhibition, 149-1 50F 
uncouplers, 420-42 IF 
uniport, membrane transport, 280, 28 IF 
units for biochemistry, 26-27T 
unphosphorylated state (GPb), glycogen 
phosphorylase, 347-375F 
unsaturated fatty acids, 258, 260F, 500-501 
uracil (U), 8 

urea, structure of, 1 12 
urea cycle, 542-547 

amino acid metabolism and, 542-547 
ancillary reactions to, 547 
carbamoyl phosphate synthesis, 543 F 
conversion of ammonia to urea, 542-547 
reactions of, 543-546F 
uric acid, 566-569F 

uridine diphosphate glucose (UDP-glucose), 
200-20 IF 

uridine triphosphate (UTP), 200-20 IF 
uridylate (UMP) synthesis, 556-557F 
UV absorbance of proteins, 60F 


vacuoles, 20F, 22 
valine (V, Val), 59F 
nomenclature, 64T 
structure of, 59F 
synthesis of, 521-523F 
van der Waals, Johannes Diderik, 38 
van der Waals forces, 38-39F 
van der Waals interactions, 117 
van der Waals radii, 39T 
vaporization of water, 32 
variable arm, 668-669F 
vesicles, 20F, 272F 
eukaryotic cells, 22 
liposomes, 270F, 272F 
specialization, 20F 
vitamins, 196, 198-199T 

ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 209-211 
biotin (vitamin B 7 ), 21 1-21 2F 
cobalamin (vitamin B 12 ), 215-216F 
deficiencies, 198T, 209-210, 214, 215 
fat-soluble, 198 
folate (vitamin B 9 ), 213-214F 
functions of, 197-199T 
history of, 198 
lipid, 21 7-2 19F 

or- tocopherol (vitamin E), 218F 
cholecalciferol (vitamin D), 218-219F 
phylloquinone (vitamin K), 218-219F 
retinol (vitamin A), 217-218F 
niacin (vitamin B 3 ), 200-203F 
pyridoxal (vitamin B 6 ), 207-209F 
sources, 199T 

thiamine (vitamin B^, 206-207F 
water-soluble, 198 
Voss-Andreae, Julian, 127 


Walker, John E., 223 
Warburg, Otto, 386 
warfarin (rat poison), 220F 

water, 28-54 

acid disolution constants, 44-48 
buffered solutions, 50-52 
chemical properties of, 28, 39-52 
concentration of, 41F 
condensation of, 40-4 IF 
hydrogen bonding in, 30-32, 37-38F 
ice, formation of, 30-3 IF 
insolubility of nonpolar substances, 35-36 
ionization of, 41-43T 
noncovalent interactions, 37-40F 
charge-charge, 37 
hydrogen bonds, 37-38F 
hydrophobic, 39-40F 
van der Waals forces, 38-39F 
nucleophilic reactions, 39-41 
pH scale and, 43-44, 49-52 
physical properties of, 28-39 
polarity of, 29F 

solubility of ionic and polar substances, 32-35 
specific heat of, 31 
vaporization of, 32 
water-soluble vitamins, 198 
Watson, James D., 3, 573-574, 575, 601 
Watson-Crick base pairing, 668-670F 
Watson-Crick DNA model, 579, 601 
waxes, lipid structure and functions, 9, 268 
weak substrate binding, 179-179F 
website accuracy, 401 
Wilkins, Maurice, 579 
Williams, Ronald, 420 
Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold, 223 
wobble position, 670-67 IF 
Wohler, Friedrich, 2 
Wyman, Jeffries, 157 


X-ray crystallography, 88-90F 
X-ray diffraction pattern, 88F 
xylose, 229F 
xylulose, 23 IF 


yeast, 105F, 345-347F 

FMN oxidoreductase, 105F 
octamer enzyme, 345-346 
proteasome from, 534F 
pyruvate kinase regulation by, 347F 
Young, William John, 331 


Z-DNA, 586F 

Z- scheme, photosynthesis path, 455-456F 
zwitterions (dipolar ions), 56 
zymogens, 183-184 

Common Abbreviations in Biochemistry 


















E of 









fmnh 2 



















IP 3 


K e q 

K m 




M r 


acyl carrier protein 

adenosine 5 '-diphosphate 

adenosine 5 '-monophosphate (adenylate) 

3 ',5 '-cyclic adenosine monophosphate 

adenosine 5 '-triphosphate 

base pair 

1,3- fcphosphoglycerate 

2,3 - fcphosphoglycerate 

cytidine 5 '-diphosphate 

cytidine 5 '-monophosphate (cytidylate) 

coenzyme A 

cytidine 5 ' -triphosphate 

dihydroxyacetone phosphate 

deoxyribonucleic acid 

complementary DNA 


reduction potential 

standard reduction potential 

elongation factor 

electromotive force 

electron-transferring flavoprotein 

Faraday’s constant 

flavin adenine dinucleotide 

flavin adenine dinucleotide (reduced form) 

fructose 1,6-frzsphosphate 

flavin mononucleotide 

flavin mononucleotide (reduced form) 

fructose 6-phosphate 

actual free-energy change 

standard free-energy change 

guanosine 5 '-diphosphate 

guanosine 5 '-monophosphate (guanylate) 

3 ',5 '-cyclic guanosine monophosphate 

glyceraldehyde 3 -phosphate 

glucose 6-phosphate 

guanosine 5 '-triphosphate 



high density lipoprotein 

hydroxyethylthiamine pyrophosphate 

high-pressure liquid chromatography 

intermediate density lipoprotein 

initiation factor 

eukaryotic initiation factor 

inosine 5 '-monophosphate 

inositol 1,4,5-trzsphosphate 

acid dissociation constant 

catalytic constant 

equilibrium constant 

Michaelis constant 

kilobase pair 

low density lipoprotein 

light-harvesting complex 

relative molecular mass 



















PIP 2 




PQH 2 





QH 2 




















v 0 



nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (reduced form) 
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 
(reduced form) 

nicotinamide mononucleotide 
nucleoside 5 '-diphosphate 
nucleoside 5 '-monophosphate 
nucleoside 5 '-triphosphate 
deoxynucleoside triphosphate 
inorganic phosphate (or orthophosphate) 
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 
polymerase chain reaction 
3 -phosphoglycerate 
isoelectric point 

phosphatidylinositol 4,5-frzsphosphate 

pyridoxal phosphate 

inorganic pyrophosphate 



5-phosphoribosyl 1 -pyrophosphate 

photo system I 

photosystem II 



release factor 

ribonucleic acid 

messenger ribonucleic acid 

ribosomal ribonucleic acid 

small nuclear ribonucleic acid 

transfer ribonucleic acid 


small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 

reductive pentose phosphate 

ribulose 1,5-frzsphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase 


deoxythymidine 5 '-diphosphate 
transcription factor 

deoxythymidine 5 '-monophosphate (thymidylate) 

thiamine pyrophosphate 

deoxythymidine 5 '-triphosphate 

uridine 5 '-diphosphate 

uridine 5 '-monophosphate (uridylate) 

uridine 5 '-triphosphate 


maximum velocity 

initial velocity 

very low density lipoprotein 

xanthosine 5 '-monophosphate 

Abbreviations for amino acids are given on pages 57-62, and those 
for major pyrimidine and purine bases are given on page 575. 

First position 
(5' end) 


Second position 
C A 


Third position 
(3' end) 




















Tr P 

































































One- and three-letter abbreviations for amino acids 






Asparagine or aspartate 




























































Glutamate or glutamine